The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 16, 1882, Image 4

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Eastern and Middle States.
OF.xr.nM. Elijah Ward, several times oloctoil
to ConRrcBS, died a few clays ago at Iioslyn,
Long Island, ftgod sixty-four year.
The question whethor disosse can be carried
liy ice is being disouseod pro and con in Now
York and other places. Three deaths oausod
by drinking the water of melted ieo out from
a pond in which thoie worn impurities are re
ported upon in a papor road beforo the Connecti
cut Medical society, at Hartford, by Dr. Or
lando Brown,
Tbofessob Swift, of Itooheator, N. Y., has
Just boen awarded the Lelande prize, of Paris,
for distinction In astronomical discovery. The
prize is considered a great honor, Trofcssor
Hall and Alvan CIark,.Jr., being the ou'y two
othor Americans who hare won it. FrofeBsor
Swift has discovered seven comets, and has
won $1,300 in urizes therefor.
U'tt t t . r T? tlnpoTnv .t- Cr Vint Yrtrlr Mm.
mission niorchants,-havY! failed for more than
5500,000. ' "
An eneincer and a conductor were killed
and a firem&ii'was mortally wounded by a col
lision between two freight traius noar IIuul
ingclon, Tn.
A bix-leooed cow is the special attraction at
present in a New York market.
John Mcmiay and John Garchty, employes
of the Iloneadalo fTa.) Gas company, were
found dead in a building of tho company, hav
ing been suffocated by gas.,
Peter Coor-En has just celebrated his ninety
second birthday.
Eleven prisoners escaped by digging a holo
through tho w.vll of tho Mouroo county (N. Y.)
jail at Rochester, but seven of thom wero soon
At Olean, N. Y., three large tanks contain
ing 103,003 barrels of potroloum caught flro
and a great conflagration ensued, tho night
being as bright as day for sovoral miles around.
A human was fatally injured, property
estimated at $100,000 was Mlestroyed, and
about 200 men were thrown tint of employment
by the burning of a piauo-caso' factory iu New
The supreme com t of Vermont has decided
that a mill owner or manufacturer has no rijjht
to dump into tho stream on which his mill may
bo situated sawdust or other wasto to the in
jury of those living utlosv liiu on tho tair.a
South and West.
rr-( -.:
A DisrATcn from Coalfield, Va., states that
shortly after 1 o'clock the other day an explo
sion occurred in tho Grove shaft of tho Slid
lothiau coal pits. A volume of Bmoke, 'cinders,
wool and bark burst from the shaft, which be
came choked up and closed. Intense exoito
incut ensued, as it was known that a large
uuuibor of men wore at work in the pit, which
is over 1,200 feet deep, tho galleries extend'
ing 3,000 feet underground. Several efforts were
made to test the pit and to roach the imprisoned
workmen without success. Peoplo from all
quarters flocked to the scene of tho explosion
Thirty-two men ton whito and twenty-two col
orcd wore entombed in tho mine, and by 2
o'clock all hopo was abandoned, and tho nioi't
harrowing scenes of wailing women and cliil
dren and gricf-strickon men followed. A ma
jority of tho entombed wero marrio3, and
many loavo lng3 families. Most of these had
assembled at the mouth of tho shaft, and tho
scenes wero heartrending in the extreme.
At Tuunclton, Iud., Zack. Whittier, Virgil
Wilson and Nicholas Vaughan wore all killed
whilo attempting burglary at the liquor store
of Thomas Clarke. A confederate named Bon
jamin WDloughby tjiat morning betrayed them,
thereby giving Clarke and othor time to pro'
pare for their reception.
A great religious revival is reported from
Louisville, Ky., among tho noted converts being
General Abe Buford, a well-known turfman
and brother of Tom Buford, who killed Judge
Elliott, of the sunreme court, last year. The
revival meetings are conducted by tho Bov
George O. Barnes, of Eastern K'ntucky, whose
surprising success and wonderful powers of
persuasion and of impressing his own religious
forvor upon his hearers is the uuivorsal theme
of conversation.
Mrs. Iha-wVooklson, of Canton, 111., suffered
from cancer of tho stomach, and aftor going
fifty-one days without food died of starvation,
A UAND-CAit on which wero seven persons was
run into by a construction train on an exten
sion of the Mi-souvi racilic railroad near Waco,
Texas. Major Washburn, ono of tho Lest
known railroad builders in tho country; Mr.
Btoll, manager, and Mr. Painter, foreman ol
track laving, Mrs. Stoll and her littlo boy,
were all killed.
Charley Hiao, a Chihauian, was hanged at
Minnemucca, Nov., for tho murdor of Ah Lick,
a Tellow countryman.
William Miller, the oldest Mason in tho
United States, died a few nights ago at Cald
well, Ohio, aged ninety-eight years. He had
been a Mason for eighty-one years.
A freshet iu Texas caused tho Navasolaand
Brazos rivers to unite and bocomo virtually
ono. Hundreds of cattle wore drowned by
tho overflowing of tho rivers' banks.
The first bookkeeper of tho 1'irnt National
bank of St. Taul, Minn., has been arrested for
embezzling between $20,000 and $30,000.
Jesse Barber (colored) was executed at
Wfimeboro, 8. C, fur tho murder of Mack
Terry (also colored), and Quiriuo Gaitau, a
Mexican, suffered tho doatli penalty at Browns
ville, Texas, for the murder of another Mexi
can. At Chicago Goorgo Boblnson, driver of an
ice wagon, idiot Mary Bacon, a sen-ant girl, in
flicting a mortal wound, and then opening Irs
mouth fired a bullet into his brain and in
stantly fell dead at her foot. The girl hai re
fused to marry Robinson.
Elmeb Harman, agod twenty-three, living at
Newport, Ohio, became enraged because his
uncle, a blind man of eighty years, accused
him of laziness, and seizing a club beat out tho
helpless old man's brains.
Juvenile tragedies: At Keokuk, Iowa, a
twelvo-year old boy, killed another lad with a
club during a quarrel, and at Columbia, S. C.
a colored girl of fourteen drowned herself be
cause she had been beaten severely by her
Deputy Sheriff Jones started out with a
posse to arrest throe outlaws whose headquar
ters were in a log shanty near Crime,, Now
Mexico. Whon the posse reached the hut a
light followed, in which one of the sheriff's
assistants and all three outlaws wero killed,
Jones was fatally and another man seriously
A Chicago dispatch says that Mrs. Scovllle,
sister of the assassin Guit'. au, is strong In the
fonviction of her brother's insanity and bo
licves that bo will ultimatoly escape the gallows.
Grain transactions have been very aotivo in
Chicago rocently. The sales in one day wero
30,000,000 bushels 20,000,000 bushels above
the avorago.
A man named Bivins married an attractive
woman, but after two weeks of matrimonial
life became dissatisfied with bis experience,
walked into tho Haw river in North Carolina
and drownod himself.
Mrs. Garfield, a Cleveland dispatch says,
- declares emphatically as untrue a widely cir
culated report that she bad written a lotter to
President Arthur, asking him to reprieve
From Washington.
Nominations confirmed by the Senate: Wil
liam II. Armstrong, of Pennsylvania, to bo
commissioner of railroads; Fred A. Trillin, of
Nevada, to be governor of Arizona.
Tbk secretary of tho treasury has sent lo tlio
House of Representatives a report from the
controller In response to Represent! Ivo
Buekner's resolution In ragafil to tho
national banks. From July 1 to Penniu
ber 81, 1881, sixty-seven how national banks
were Organized flvo of them in Dakota.
Tho chnrtors of 302 national banks will expire
betweon this timo and tho rxpiiatiou of the
Forty-seventh Congress, March 8, 18MS, and of
those the charters of 2SJ will expire on the
samo day, Fobruary 23, 1893.
The Ilonse committoo on postoftlcos screed
to report favorably the bill establishing postal
savings banks.
Tub Housa committoo on ways and means
agreed to report a bill providing for the ap
pointment of a commission of nino on tariff ro-
In September, 1871, five whalers wore In t!.o
Arctic ocoan, just beginning the work of the
season. About sixty milps further north lay
thirty-two American Whaling vessels shut in
by the ice and abandoned. The crows num
bered 1,200 persons, and they had not sufficient
ftiod or clothing witlj which to pass tho winter
in tho Ico. The thirty- wo masters called. upon
tho out'ido vessels, in the namo of humanity;
to abandon their whaling and take. them to
eoroe civilized port, feeling assured, they said,
that our government would make ample com
pensation for all losses. Tho Whalers carried
the shipwrecked sailors to Honolulu, rscciving
$33 passage monoy for each person from the
government. Tho House committoo on claims
now recommends that $10,000 be paid to tho
owners of each of tho five vessels.
President Arthur has, in a special message
to Congress, transmitted a communication from
Secretarv Kirkwood, iuilosing letters from
Acting Governor Gosper, of Arizona, iu relation
to (ho lawlessness existing in that Territory.
Tho President calls nttootion to the recom
mendation in his annual message at the open
ing of Congress, that the posse comifatus act
be amended or modified so as to permit the tiso
of tho military to assist tho civil authorities in
the Territories to maintain order, and suggests
again that such legislation seems to bo required.
Colonel Seaton, superintendent of tho cen
sus, thinks that it will require from eight to
twelve months to complete tho work of his
bureau. Tho printed reports will ombraeo
about 20,000 pagos.
An affray iu the editorial room of the Wash
ington JVnfioiml lu-pulilican between Claronce
Barton, managing editor, and A. M. Sotcldo,
clerk of a Senate committee and formerly
connected with the papor, resulted in tho seri
ous wounding of both men, soveral thots hv-
ng been fired. There had been a feud between
tho two men, dating back to Soteldo's councc
lion with tho papor, and tho Republican had of
late contained several attacks on Soteldo. Tho
last-named and his brother Charles entered tho
editorial room of the journal and presented a
papor, which they requested Barton to read. In
t. few minutes shots wero heard, and when the
other employes rushed into the room they
found Charles Soteldo struggling with Barton,
who had been shot twice, whilo tho older So
tcldo lay dying on tho floor with a bullet holo
in his neck.
The House committee on the judiciary agreed
to tho general features of Representative Slial-
lenbargor's bill to prohibit polygauiists from
holdiug offices of trust in the United States,
and referrod it to a sub-eommittoo with in
structions to prepare a substitute.
The President has pardoned Evan Rico, who
was sorving out a five years' term of ..imprison
ment iu the New Castle (Del.) jail. Rice was
formerly cashier in tho Wilmington and Brandy
wine bank of Wilmington, and a .defalcation
of $30,000 was discovered against him. nis
sureties mado up $10,000 of the defalcation.
The Houso Bub-committee on Territories has
agreed unanimously upon a bill to provide for
the admission as a State of all that part of Da
kota Territory south of the foity-siiuh parallel.
Congressman Alexander II. Stephens gave
a diunor tho other night to tho Georgia con
cessional delegation, tho occniou buing his
seventieth birthday. Liter in the ovoning ho
held an informal reception and was vi-itel by
many members of Congress anl othr frijnds.
A. M. Soteldo, who died from tho ofTectn of
tho pistol wound received during tho struggle
with Managing Editor Barton in tho oflica of
the RqpulAican, was a nitivo of Venezuela,
thirty-three years old, and well known to Now
York journalism. Tho coroner's autopsy showed
ih it the bullots by which Mr. Sotel lo had boon
killed and which had wounded Mr. Barton
came from tho eame pistol. This fact seems
to establish boyonl a doubt that A. O. Sotclda
shot his brother whilo firing at Mr. Barton.
Tnn Island cf Ceylon Is suffering greatly
from the coffee blight. Tho crop Is worth only
$3,500,000 against an . estimated valuo of
$(1,000,000. ,
John MonrUNb'K houso hear MadotS On
tario, caught lire, nd Mm. Motftntiil wUh ho'r
Mir rhlldii-n -nt binned to death and two
lut'n wt'ro litlnlly Immed.
In Berlin, a sentinel of tho Fusilior guardsi
who rrwnlly llred on a crowd of boys who woro
teasing Mm, killing two of them, baa been di
elared blameless by the authorities; Tho lib
eral press is Iml'inaHt,
A JicW tsrt refuges who has arilvcd In London
from Kief, liusula, pays he rocently Baw a num
ber of Jewish maidens shipped hailed and
flogged IhtnuRh tile towii. Many Jews aro
flcHtift from RutBia to America.
The insurrection in Herzegovina against
Austria Is increasing, The llcrzcgoviunius have
established a provisional government and sixty
block-houses havo been destroyed.
Two terrific explosions weurVed In a colliery
iu the Rhrmd la valley, South Wales. Houses
were ftkr.kori two iriiios 6ff. Six meu lost their
lives, and 2,000 wore thrown out of employ
ment. . A dispatch from Bay LVEspoir, Nowfounr1
land, brings details of a ghastly case of starva
tion, and of a fearful death from exposure to
frost. An old couple named Rogers lived In a
nvitorablo Jiovol at dobling Cove, In tho Bay
d'Epoir. They Were wretchedly poor. Having
been snowed in for weeks thoir provisions
became exhausted. At length tho old man suc
cumbed to cold and hunger. His poor, shiver
ing wifo then crawled out ef h".r dreary -hut and
endoavorcd lo reach the nearest houso, .some
miles distant. She struggled faintly for . her
life across a bleak hi 1 side for two nights and
two days, and when accidentally lound by'
traveler sho bad lain 'down to dio. She lived
only long enough lo gasp out tho terrible story
f her household wreck,
Petitions for woman suffrage were presented
from various States Bnd by Mr. Hoar from
citizens of Massachusetts for civil Bsrvlce re
form. Mr. Hawley also presented one on this
subject, ...Mr. Ingall's resolution declaring
that tho pension arrears law ought not to be
repealed waB discussed without action.... A
bill was iutroducod by Mr. Harrison defining
the powers and jurisdiction of tho Mississippi
commission; authorizing the appropriation of
Jam! and material lor improvements oi tlio
JSlississiiim and Its navigaiilo tributaries, etc.
Mr, CralK", chairman of the conmiitteo on
banking and currency, reported a bill to cuablo
national banking associations to extend their
corporate existence. Jlr. Buciner presented
the minority report which, with tlio report o(
the majority, was referred to the House calen
dar..... Mr. livan lrom ttie committee on ftp-
tropiiations, reported the Iudiau appropriation
11, and it was re'errcd to the committee of
Foreign News.
The insurrection iu Yemen, Arabia, against
the Turks, is gaining ground. The insurgents
ire iu possession of the principal interior
towns, and occupy positions from which they
can only be dislodged by a large force.
I'BOM Newfoundland comes utwa of nine
tniall boats caught off the coast by drift ice
when far fiom shore. Seven of the skiffs
which had not partod company energetically
united their whole forces, and after hours of
terrible struggling jmcceoied in liberatin
tht msc-lvca from their icy bondago. Two boats
were cut off from all retreat anl their crews
mot a melancholy death by cold and starvation.
A loss of $2,400,000 has been incurred by
tho burning of a largo eotton factory at Jarzevo,
The murder is reported of a Jewish family of
six persons near Novidvor, Russia, committed
by a body of peasants without tho smallest
Tue Biitish steamer Cosmo, last reported at
Sebastopol, from Galveston, via Norfolk, has
foundered in tho Black Sea. Ten corpses have
washed aehqre from the vessel near Kilia.
A secret organization has been formed in
Ireland, its object being to provont tho pay
ment of lent and punish those who disobey its
The German ship Lizatto was lest off the
coast of Newfound and. Tho bodies of five of
hor crew were recovered, and it was feared that
all bands bad porished.
From Chinese newspapers news is received
that on January 10 an earthquake occurred iu
the district of Kanchow, by which a large
number of men, women and children were
killed. The earthquake was followed by a
rainstorm, which inundatod part of the coun
try and drowned several persons.
Louis AcnAnn, East India merchant of Lon
don, has failed for $1,000,000.
Bertuold Aukrdach, the celebrated Ger
man novelist, is dead in bis seventy-first year.
Twenty -seven lives wore lost on the steamer
Cosmo, which foundorod in the Black sea.
Three hundred Jewish refugees from Rus
sia have sailed from Liverpool for the United
W. J. Stillmajc, correspondent of the Lon
don Tiiiui. formerly American consul in
Crete, has been murdered by a party of Ar-
nauts in Albania.
Tub governor-general of Canada, in his
speech from the throne at tht opening of the
dominion parliament, congratulated the coun
try on its flourishing condition and feelingly
alluded to the murder of President Garfield.
tho whole.' (It appropriates $4,920,20:1, which
is less than tlio estimates and S...
OOil greater than the amount ni proiirinteu for
the current year. Iho nmui-cr ol agents is
reduced from sixty-Beven to sixty.)
The tariff commission bill waB reported from
tho committee on ways and means by Mr. Kas-
son. and it was referred to tho committoo
tlio whole. He stated that lie would ask for its
consideration at as early a day as tho buaiuesa
nf thn House would permit nrobat'lv within
ono wotk. Mr. Morrisou.etated that the report
submitted liv Jlr. kns-on was not tho uuanl
liions reportof the committee, but as the ma
jority hod presented no reasons whv the bill
should pass, tho minority had not thought it
nccessarv to submit tiieir views. Mr. Randall
iravo notice that lie would, at the proper time,
offer an amendment providing that the
commission shall coiieint of two Senators,
three ifenrosentativcs and four experts.... Ln-
der the call of committees Mr. LaCi-y submitted
a rer-.irt to establish a postal savings uepontory
as a branch of tho postottice uepartment. no
committed The Houso pasi-ed.tlio bill au
thorizing tlio postmaster-general to acijuet mo
claims of postmastors for l.sscs by burglary,
fire or other unavoidable casualty, after limit
ing tho jurisdiction of tlio poBtninster-geiieral
to ciaiius which may anno ii'-reaner or wnicn
have arise", within iho past fittcen years
Tributes ( respect wore paid to ihe memory of
tho lute Repies.-ii'a'ivo M. V. O'Connor, of
South Carolina, by Dibble, Randall, Bosnian,
Maginn.s, Lhutay, iiclizhoovor, Khis, Robin
son, of Ntw York, and Evan.
A petit! m was presented by Mr. Pendleton
signed ly judges of the supremo court, of
nn-vhnma. by tnnnv public otnecrs, ana by
2,500 leading men of all elas-es and profusions
in tho cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburg,
as. ing (hat appointments to subordinate x
fctitivo ottlees, with such exceptions as may bo
expedient, shall bo compoiitivo ex-
uniinanou, and that romovals shall r4ot ncmaiie
on piirtisan ground... .Eulogies upon the ato
R' presei'.tativo O'Conor, of South Carolina,
wero delivered by Messrs. Butler, Bayard,
Jones and Hampton, and appropriate reso
lutions passed. .
The resolution winch was niTercd by Mr.
"Vindom was adopted, calling for tho report ol
the treasury cattle comiiiiHbion on tho lung
uo or contagions pleuro-pneumonia. . , .
Sherman lvuorlcd fiom tho commit
tee on Ihe library the Kenntc bill appr riating
$20,000 lor n etatuo Of Ciiief Juslico Marsludl.
witji amendments authorizing a joint commit
tee ol three members ni me iiouso to contcaet
for and . erect tho statuo on one of tho piiulio
reservations in Washington to be designated
by tlitui.
Bills and resolutions Introduced t By Mr.
Springer, a resolution calling on the President
for information as to the right or authority
under which tho republics of North and South
America woro invited to scud commisniouers
to a ptace congress to be held in Washington
iu November. 1So2...Bv Mr. Crapo. proserin"
inn that tho peualtv for embezzlements of the
funds of national banks shall be iinprUonmeuf
for not less than live and not' more than ttn
years... By Jlr. Van Aornam, to prevent tho
imrouutiiou ui i-umuuiuua ur uucuuuua ur
eases... By Mr. Jiobmsju, resolution uircc'ing
tho attorney-general to conuminieato to iiu
Houso Ids obinion cn several aueationsrelat:u
to tho legality of tlio imprisonment by tno
Britisn government ol American citizens.
On motion of Mr. Harrison tho Senate bill
for the delivery of 130 pi cos of condemned
bronze cannon to the Society of tho Army of
the Cumberland lor a Uainuld statue in Vtasu-
liiL-ion was considered. Tho committee
amendment substituting a provision for the
payment by the secretary of war to tlio kocicty
of $7,500 out of the proceeds of condemned
ordinun o was agreed to, ana me bin as amend
ed passed.
Mr. Hoar presented a protest fiO'ii the
National Woman Suft. age niiiociation of Mas
sachusetts against any law dn-fruuchisijig the
women oi Ltali. unless the men ol that lorn
tory be also diafranchi-ert .. ..Mr. Miller and
Mr. Dawes presented petitions lor a constitu
tional amendment to prohibit any abridgement
of tho suffrage nn account of sex.... Mr. Vance
reported adversely from the naval committeo
nomination having already six representatives
on tho active list from being appointed as
chaplains in the navy, and providing for four
additional chaplains. Judennitcty postponed
A bill was introduced by Mr. Hewitt fixing
the day lor the meeting oi tno electors oi
President and Vice-President, and providing
lor nd regulating the counting oi tne votes
for PrcHident and Yico-Presidcnt, and the deci
sion of questions arising therofrom. Also a
bill to carry into effect the provision of the
(jonstitution respectini; tho election or rrosl-
dent and Vice-President. Roforred....The
Hones further discussed the apportionment
The immediate deficiency appropriation bill
was reported by Jlr. lliscoeK lrom tno com
mittee. It appropriates $1,437,233.29, of which
the most important items are : Publ'c printing,
$100,OJO; Indiau seivice, principally for the
Sioux. (118.U0O: transportation or ooin ana bul
lion, $50, 000; construction of vaults in treasury,
f 75.000: clerical loroe in patent oniee, za,uuu:
clerical force in pension oflioo, $75,000; under
tne usu ooinniiHBiou, m,vuu, tui joiuum.o uo
cartmeut. $100,000: repairs te executive man
sion, $20,000.... The military acadomy appro
priation bill was reported from the committee,
It recommends the appropriation of $318,857,
being $100,717 less than the estimates, and
$3,578 less than last years appropriation,
Tho Lo9 ttf tiio icAttncttf).
The following from Lieutenant
Dannnhower, dated Irkutsk, Siberia, is printed
by the Now York ernMr . .
tie Long s party is between stations iMiieur
fBolinoi ?) and Sintrn.,k mt. ninnsk 7). in a
narrow wilderness eighty miles long, devoid of .-.1 T ..llir,0 i,.
unuunuuua mil KnUie. JCTODIO .
lferald correspondent, volunteered to stand by
the dying seaman, Hans Erickson, and let the
others of De Long's party push south. Tlio now
search builds huts and Bd-s dvet: every inch of
too region, wnie.n is plowed ny "v.y "mi iw
every spring. We visited Notdenskjold's win
tot quarters and found that he was safe beforo
we entered the ice near Herald station. The
general hcaltH Of the crew during tile twenty-
one montus dHrt was excellent, iso scurvy
appeared. We used diatillcd water and bear
and seal meat twice a week. No rum was
eorvod out. Divine service was regularly hold.
We took plonty of exorciso. Everybody hunt
ed. Game was scarce. We got about thirty
boars, 250 seals and six walrus. Nofishorwhalos
were seen. All possible observations w.ere
uiado during the drift, the rcu!t dhowlng d
nortiiwes't course. The ship was keeled over
and lieavily pressed by the lee most of tho
timo. Tho mental strain was heavy on some of
the ship's company. The result of tho diitt for
the first five months was forty miles. There
was a cycloidal movement of the Ico. The drift
during the laBt six months was very rapid.
The poundings were pretty even. They wore
eighteen fathoms near Wrangoll Land, wM.di
woro olten visible scveptv-fve wncs pis-
tarn. Tho nreaiest depth found was
eighty fathoms and the average thirty-five.
The bottom was blue inud. Shrimps
and plenty of aleolocical specimens w-ore
brought up from tho bottom. The sniface
water had a temperature of twenty degree
abovo zero. Tho extremes tif tcmperaturo of
the air ttcve greatest cold, fifty-eight below
zofo, and the greatest heat, forty-four abovo
zero. Tlio first winter tho mean temperature
was thirty-three below zero. Ihe second winter
it was thirty-nine below zoio. Ihe first sum
mer mea n temperature was forty degrees abovo
zero, Tho heaviest gale showed a velocity' of
about fifty miles aff hour. Such gales woro not
frequent. Barometric and thermomotric flu:t
uations were net great. . Thbrb wore disthrb
encet! of the needle cuincidept with theauronrs.'
The winter'B growth of ico was eight foot. The
heaviest ice econ was tweuty-throo rcot. .n-f
ginecr Schock's heavy truss saved the ship on
November 21 from being cinehed. The tele
phono wires wero broken by movement of the
ice. The photographic collection was lost with '
tho ship, lieutenant I'lnpp's Abuu auroi ai oi
seivatiouB were also lost. Tne naturalist'B
notos have been saved.
Jeannetto Island was discovered May 10 in
latitude 70 deg. 47 min. north, longitude 158
deg. 60 min. east. It was Bniall and rocky,
and we did not visit it Henrietta Island was
discovered and vUited on May 24, iu latitude
77 deg. 8 min. north, longitude 157 deg. B? miu.
east. It is an extensive island. Animals aro
scarce and glaciers plenty. Bennett Island
lies in latitude 70 deg. 33 min. north, long. 118
deg. 20 min. east. It is very large, On it we
found many biids, old bonis, drift wood and
coal, but no seal or walrus. Great tidal
action was observed. The coast was bold
and rocky. Tue cape on the south coast was
named Capo Emma. We diiftod back during
the first week ot the retreat twentv-scven miles
more than we could adrauco. Tlia snow was
lineo deep. We had to go thirteen times over
and over tho track, seven times with loads.
Lioiitenant Chipp's boats did better than ours
(Melville's) duriug the afteruoon of Septonibcr
12, the threo boats having got clear of the
ieo oil Seminovsky Island at noon of that day.
About dusk ho was a thousand yards
off our weather quarter and lowered
sail as if rounding to. We lay to for twenty
four hours under a triangular drag. Nothing
was seon of Lieutenant Chipp's boat at day
light. Ho could not get back to the island iu a
northwest galo. Ho was uiuble to carry bU
sharo of provisions. I observed a strong easter
ly, curreut near tho Lena delta. There wero
masses of driftwood between the Siberian
islands. Jack Colo's mind is not wholly alien
ated. Ho has not been violont for twelve days,
but is hrppy and karniloss. Getting home may
restore him.
' AeM tmpurtHe id ttiefll)M '
Produce rheumatism, gout and other distress
ing maladies. It is one of tho bsncficient
tflects of using Hoslettor's Stomach Bitters
ilist these impurities are absorbed from the
vital current and Carried off by the kidneys,
which are rendered more active and efficient
natural pnriflors br this standard depnrsut.
This also results in benefit to the kidneys and
bladder, siuco the activity which the Bittois
produeo is refloated in increased health
(tnd, vigof itl those organs. A sluggish
tehdoney In thoso Is thus overcome, and
roual diecsnos of a dedtructlve arid obstinate
nature prevented. Fever and ague, dyspepsia,
constipation and livtr complaint arb among
Ihe forms of indisposition which this fine
medicine eradicates; . It regulates tho habit of
body, improves tl.o hOaltli, and remodios the
feeling of dofpoudcuey resulting from dys
pepei. '
A letter was mailed rocontly at Ponsacola,
Fla., for Glasgow, b'cotlan.l, upon which $11
post ago ba l to be prepaid.
rrr-lni Ueeillj'i ,
JmooKi.YN, N. V., Juno SI, issl-.
H. H. Waiinku k Co. Srs-I find ps.-pi'ati-n
of the hnrt, shortness of br ath,
yspepsia and pains in the kidneys yield easily
and g accfully to your Salo Kidney and Liver
Cl,rCb J Rmiieut H, Thuhbton.
Threo freo-thinliing professors havo been
dismissed from the Stato university at l,iiiuuju,
The Science of Life, Or Self-rroscrvation, a
medical work for evory innn young, middlo
nged or old. 125 Invaluable prescriptions.
Thousands of porsc ns Who are bald to-day
might havo full hoads of Jihir if they would
only uso Caiipolink, a drodoiizcd extract of
petiolenm, which is Iho only preparation cvor
discovered that will really do this.
IstheHRST 8AT.VE for Cuts. Ilniles, Horns, Ulcers,
SMt rtficum. Tetter. Charred Hands, Chilblains,
r.nms mil nil kin-ln of flkin Kruntions. Fn-cliles and
ninnies, tint HF.NItY'8 CAK11UMC SALVE, as all
others ao crun'crfcts; Irlfc a!) cenfr.
Is the best ltemedy for D. s.ijrunia, BMoukui ss, Ma
larla, IncliKcdtion and Diseases' of tho Wood, Kid
ncys, Liver, S-'kin. etc. .
DENTON'S DALSAJt cures Coughs. Colds, IUion-
matlsm. Kidney Troubles, etc. Can 1o used extcr-intlyMsplsslpn
tVliftil HOUSE iWVilEU fnf itersed and Cattle.
"When Abel was lollowed to the time
the funeral procession oonsls ted only ol
members "o(the first family." Kei
York Herald.
ALLEN'S IJrnin Poni'l-cnrrs Nervous Debtllty ft
Weakness ol Oenei-.mvn urptui, si-bu urui.Hi-..
BeuitlorCirenlnr. AUeu'sl'liiiriucy.l31'lntav..N.y,
50 0i
4s da
85 ftj)
75 (S
20 CO
71 H
.w ' n vi m n n
I The Chut BiooPuaintn
BernftiTSi KcrnfnTnni nnmorv Cancer, Cn''::uS
llumnr, EryshH-UtR, Canker, Halt Hhenm. 1' njplcs,
or Humor fn th laro, Coiijtbs and Lob",
fleers, Hronebitls, Nenralfcta, Pyipeita
Jlhnumntism, l'atns In the Hlil. l-oa-filiation,
(JoHttvenesn, Piles, Dlzzl.
. . , uess, HoailiM-ho, NervousneBS,
in tlio 8torn;h, Kkluoj
Complaints, 1-emnle
Vi'enk news and (leu
crnl Debility.
This rrevarnttnn Is srlentl neatly snd eTiMTlleATly
Jombtne,l. and so stronsly 'on.-entmtert frnni rnnfc..
herbs anl barts, that lis Rood efTeew aro rMllawl
tinmedbUcly after enmmcnetin! to take It. Is
Jin .tim-iwo ef the hitman system for-o tiieh the mit.-
Rk witel of 1 "a hleed It has no
t' wli It has never tailed torffeet a cure, KivltlR tone
at sVrc'.V h to t he system debllitat ed. by tlW, It"
?im.ri"nK to. alt. Many havo been enred by tl
vi!ti! tlm liAvo tried many-othor remodios. It
tan woll ko called
The Great Blood Purifier.
Scrofula, liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,
asai-mt'dy Inr SrrnriiM, Urrr Vnmn aint, l'ti;lP
Ki? A' w'ltt.' ''". and all dlMases ,,f tht
ii,,!, I have never fonn.f lt'l"l- hf" "l.l
gptchitiet 1H, 1ST3.
H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass.
Ve g eti neisSold A Ijru g gists.
nerfertly harmless-, also Menially U " hmZ
thronic lUiomnstlsm. Old Mores, l'ains
lm k and ehest. Hueh a remedy Is Va. lUiJiAO
VKNF.T1AN 1JN1MKNT. .,, . wUhont ltt
I vNo one onro trytiie It will over Tbe wltnoiit ki
DverftiHi pbvsieians nse It. . . m-twA tn1
Thousands of certltleateshavn Vjeen fli"'J
a few aro given belowi 1,IXK) will bo paid II any one
is falso.
Severe Rheumatism.
fltnto fit New Jersey, Terpen eonnty, township ol
aekcnsaeli. ss.: Thomas Johnson, of said tow n-
Fliln, ltelnt! (in y sworn, ntnii iii i" n,,
has been severely at) ietnd with rboiiniattsin for
above a year, and'was so lmd that ho eoiild searcely
i k. biius bent airaosT ooooie, me. "'";"' ;"
hlclodo ativwork. Hanir heard of the. won ler-
fnl cures by Jlr. Tobias' Venetian
as mrtneeil to try It, and auer hmiiiu h
us able lo bo to work a-.-aiu. attor beinir nnab.le to do
anvthliiR for nearly a year. . - T-JUllfiMJ n.
voru to uoioro me, j. a. inuriii.wiiwr, wo..--of
tho l'euco.
Pn. To-ntAw: I wrilo to infTrm rmi that tlifl chlM ot
irinnrf oi niinn wtwoiifffl of crohh. nMcrlioincirfvtFtn
p to tUn liv tlirro iahHlbiift. Oiip,t'niT fttt'-r vour
Vnntinn I.tiiimnitt WiiB ll-tt-d it Wtm out of flitncror. I
h'io vou will imblisli tliiR no tlmf motlirrB mtw
UOW llivy flipunmunii i; luinitiii'n.i.vuiii.inini,
lout arliild by rroiip itoviohs to honmig of your
-iniinpnt. but now novfr nlarnird, a I have
mir nicdifMiic filwuvptin tuo lioiiso. I havo also uaort
iVfor ains, .ore Ihroat. TJ " '
It iuriii jiwio o"w.i( -it..
Wo Lave beard both Pemocrats and Repub
lican! say that there is nothing bolter for a
cough thin Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ; this old
reliable rented; never fails to cure a opugh or
cold at once, and may be obtained at any drug
store for J5 cents a bottle, .
A. Smile or Sftt'sfacllon.
This from the Cleveland (Ohio) Tenny
Fress carries its own micirention t lie-
cently meeting Mr. It.G. KeQer, lrcRtirer
i the L'levelnna tlcraui, our representative
nauired of that eentlcnian, after statins
his mission, if he personally knew anything
bout thepreat Uertuan remedy, hi Jacobs
Oil A finile played across Mr. Kt Iter s
expressive face and his eyes twinkled mer
rily aahe replied id the ailirmative "I will
not refu?e to Btate my e.critnre with it,
end you. may use at as you think best.
Four years ago I sprained one of my
ankles, an accident which, ns. you are
aware, entails much PUiJvr'mB and some
times leaves the limit in a condition to re
mind one frequently of the old hurt. Un
fortunately thU result ensued. 'Whenever
the weather became dump or my system
absorbed the slightest cold my ankle
pained me. T' is went on at intervals for
over three years, and I coma nni ouiain
relief. Last winter I applied the St. Jacobs
Oil and it completely cured inc. I have
not since lelt a return ot the pain
Socoml class In gramma stand tip,"
said tbe school master. " John is a bad
bov." " What does John correspond
with?'' " I know," sell the littlo boy
at the foot of tbe cUss, holding up his
banc. " John amithers, lie corre
sponds with nay sister Susan. Heie'e
a letter just fcitu'mo to carry home to
The Trenton (N J.) Gazette mentions
tbe case of Mr John Wood, with the
Auie;i.:un Potterv Co , that city, who was
cured by St. Jacobs Oil of en nltack ot
rheumatism, which has confined him to his
bed for seventeen wccks lie praises it un
The mr.n who his never tried the
companionship of little children, has
carelessly paseed by the greatest
pleasure of his life, as one passes a pure
flower without plucking it or knowing
its value.
"Throw l'liioleln the nous, I'll Nonn of It."
We do not ftel like blmiiiiiK Macbeth for lliia
expiveeion of diygast. Even nowa lavs moat
ot iho cathartics are great repulsive pills,
enough to "turn one's stomaeli." Had Jlac
beth ever taken Ur, Tierce's " Turgativo Pel
lets" ho would not havo uttered those words
of contempt. By druggists.
Teh phonic communication 300 niijrs under
the sea has proved successful in England. An
American invention increased the power of the
" Golden Medical Discovery " (words rejris
teiol as a trade-mark) cures all humors from
the pimple or eruptkm to great virulent eatiug
A Webster centennial celebration is to bo
held in June on,the farm w:icre ho was b rn, at
t rauKiin,
The "Favorite Prescription ' of Dr. Eieree
cures "fi-malo weakness" and kindred aflec
tions. Bold by druggists. ,
The census for 1881, recently completed,
givoj the population of 1'aiis as 2,225,000,
against 1,983,800 in 187G.
Mknkman's Peptonized bkef tonic, the only
prepaiatiou of beef containing its entire nutn-
i.ousprtifiei tu, li contains blood-making, force
generating vj-d lil'e-suHtainiug properties ; in
valuablo indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous
prostration, and all forms of general dobility;
alto, in ail enf -eblod conditions, whether the
result of oxhauston, nervous prostration, over
work or acute' diucase, particularly if resulting
from puluiouM'" complaints. Oaswell, Hazard
&Co., proprietors. Now York. Brd'l by druggists.
Oo Thti-lv !)'' Trial.
Tiie Voltaic belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will
send their Electro-Voltaio Belts and other Elec
tric Appliance on trial for thirty days to any
parson afllictea with Nervous Dobility, Lost
Vitality, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing
complete reHtoratioL of vigor and manhood.
Address as above without delay.
P. a - No ribk is Inourred, as 30 days' trial la
'' Kkluny Wen. , ,
Wells' Health Kouewer. Absolute cure for
nervous debility, dyspepsia, mental or physical
deoline. (1 at dmgijists. Prepaid by express,
$1.25, 6 fur 5. E. H. Wblls, Jersey City, N. J.
Veoetinb is not a stimulating bitters which
creates a fictitious aoDetite. but a gentle tonio
which assists natuie to restore the stomach to
uwuiuj IWliUU.
rnw Tcmtti
Beef Cattle M,ed. Nat live wt.
dives l'oor to Prime Veals...
llogs lave
Dressed, citv
Flmirl'.T. State, c'ooil to fanev 5 70 (4 8 00
WpHlnvn. i'tiil trt r.hurco fi K0 Oh 8 73
Wheat-No. 2 lied, nw 1 ii) ','6 1
No. 1 Whito, new 1 sV4 1 3'J
Mve State '. 01 ib OS
liiirlev Two-rowed Stite? 00 dA Ot
Corn-t'iKriadedWoteruJIixed G7 f.j 11H
Houtliern el!ow...,
Oats Whilo Mate
Mixod Western
ITay Prime Timothy....,
.Straw No. 1, live...".....,
Hnin Stato. 1SSI
roru .Tiess, new, lor cxi ori...i" i- "in ,
Lard City Steam U 'jM l'J't
liulincd 11 SO e.i'.UWi
Petroleum C'rmlo O''-n
llelined 1(6
Butter Klato Creamery....... 82 (i&
Western Ini. Creamery
Cheese Stato 'Factory
Ezcs State and l'eiiu
Potatoes Early lto-. State, bbl 3 25
Steers Extra G 00
Lambs Western fl .10
Sheep Western 4 30
Horn. Good toChnleo Yorkers. . 7 f 0
Flour C'y Ground, No. 1 SnrUig 0 7S 7 2
Wheat No. l.llaidDuluth.... 167 OH i 57
Coru-No. 2 Mixed M'3 69
Oats No. 2 Mix. West ' 4S (!J 50
Barley Two-rowed Ktato 110 . 1)0
Beof Extra pinto and family. . 14 00 7?,15 00
Hogs Llvo 7 OH V,
llosra Cilv Dressed t0h 8i
Pork Extra l'liuio per bbl....l-r) 00 M15 .10
Hour Spring Wheat Patents.. 1 f0 M 8 87
Corn Mixed mid Yellow 1AY,'ii 75
Oats Extra White 5"i4 57
live State p7 0i 1 00
Wool Washed t'oinb&Delai no 4il,0b 48
Unwashed " " 80 (TJ 01
Beof Extra quality C 75 trj 7 25
Sileop live weight 4'J'i4 6 "'4
Lambs 5' i1,
Hogs, Northern, d. w S'IJ 8
Flour Penn, Ex. Family, -guod. G 37'c5 G -17VJ
neai o. -i jiea an ur, 1 .
The Hr:nr.i wavs: ".I.-. LoOmy' ambition to uo
ooii ihrottjZ '.iti ?-'i-c inermvt Kith A oprtirtwiliy. nntt
tlmyivrtmtHaviatj tlie Mtoa r r: (tfril l.lMMMIUU
lot'!:, into cifcu'nt.on cltry yntr." Messrs. 1). L-cmiROP
& Co.. IlosroN. also nulilish Wins Awake, BaiiY-
lm:. T.rrrLE Folks' ltr.AiiEn. an;l Tim 1'anst. To
vr Boy a:il Girl (cn Wnzl'i: 3e. r;n for satnploa
ol th-so fur pictorial jmsaziues, uroinislng to try
to secure nubw.'.O'lu'r? f'T tnem,.llio punnsiiern win
fead tlwfr n"fO iliiu.'nro! tiAJin ("r" Avtmubs frtr.
lijok-O i!al'i;;ne for II-:no andTuvn I.iiir.iries,,'rtt.
I haw jjinillvf rrtnciNfnrtlipalinvpillwawibvHs
n(- Mi'MiyiOiilf' f CWH ft the w.-rst kind and of toiiR
u.--1. I.. -iN..t. ttli--il. so eti.m-. li ;iv
ruilMnttBeffleaei-, that I will sVl;.,mvu ln;TTI.I-'.S
1 KEE.losi.'llierwlthaVAI.VAllliK'J'ltKAl IKK i.n tins
di:.orj.e tn JOiv pnl'T-lf-F. dive Kxpn-Ks and 1'. (1. Hit
tiro s. lm. T. A. SI.lllTM, lsl 1'i-arl St., New inrk.
Oji 3 50
fij 0 25
OS n m
OS 0 its
7 13
,b; r..v..)i rriiilt dis';w,t lilitl will po.-il-
l.. i.-cnui-a nut nf tfii. liiliirmiithm that
will hit' ni inv Hv.", wt.I fmr Ir. nmil. Ihm't ili-lity a
umin'-rt; rn-v.-nliy i ItT timu dirt'. J. H. .John
hos .V Co.. lluMoii. Ji.iw., ffiiM-rlv Wa:tnr, Maine,
Lvery week S 'ltiT vi. HiintiiiK-raso Wutrhea am
ffiv-ii nw.iy with Tlie lt?tVH' ,;.iiinidiii. Uho
nann a f hn ii-t wut'-h.-s aitj : -J. !? tt''!l '-a-:
wc-.-li. It isthe Ji'-st lioys' P.nicriu Ihe Wond. Pen
6 cents fur a siiir.'!p coin- to
ii ii oiiiv iM iir.Tsiiiv,: ni..
1J I Wiiliiiui St.. N-av Yot-h City,
nil fliKtfi-H tif Tim (i urn iirpiiiii'i'tl hv tlio mont com
fi tvjit ninl t-Jiftlilf l insit'ifilis, wlio Jiuve iiifil mirh
iliH'HHia u sjfoi.'il life PtM'l.-4 J'rtt if'-iit ft 1 "in
ci-HHtiiliy treatc:! by umil. lvu e J-ltfr
utrlctifj rfwftifrtititil. Si'iid doHcrlptiou of fm
tTiiK; or. it not In u"M ni rcmctlirs, arri'l for on
liiiits to Iiilios," w Iiich Kivffi novtl add Inton-n:
!nc infoniKitiniir laiUes only. It will nU-asn yon
Kror. AiMivsh 1 rn. SAHA" f VAX HIUKN
Secretary, 1 fl-J i'ranklin Sir!i't. IJiiilalo, N. V.
kPAT TtIU4 C'iritFD. Putlpfi'Tflftf
risk of failure or exnenso, until cnr
i eftt-rte'l. will a-iiitiss at niTCo for Cir-
culare, DU. WM, HAN13UHB, OeaUoviile, lad.
Cfl 'IfWl s clvc to ii'ivouo who 1 1 mul tin
with Warm th:t Vnn I3eut-. it'
VtiM foul vtl ii will not rnni'iVt1. Tlwv liav
hhm1 tht'livt-soi tli-nmndrt of rUUdivn. Thy nr
niHtlo of l;-otH .in Ail'liviits. Puro and Piifo iorthe
most delirute cluld. ijttlJ at au Bturea. 'j.rc. n nox.
SOI'KKM. tn:nnl in"Hi r.iii.lp to lli lMi-.
ii1U-r nuv iieriuri 10 t tune Id 13
NUTE3. tStPiirt fur rtrrn'urr. ,
TlitB it to rnrftfv lmt I had the rheumatism In my
hip"" 1 onld nr.t walk w.thmit my much, anil alter
nlnB Iir. Tohiai' Ven tiun IJiitiiient a phorl time I
WM i nlirr ly it lievert, ami raniUMy wliovo It a most
cTt:in euro for rh'iinriilsm, 41' I havo tried jnany
thin"" without anv P"od. nii'latter ulnR thiaveue-
liau Ijuunenl lor ouiy a iuw ""!" '.",'!; v'.'rt-
201 Avcuuc 11, Jfuw York.
From Dr. Sweet, tha Famous and
World-.Rejiowjied Bonesstter.
Vnnrn KtvobTOW. It. I.
Tn.l'oniAS-PcnrSii;: .1 liavi-u-i-d our u hml.lo
Vk-o ti n l.rstMKNT ill my iiraetir.- as Imiu-ir iter for
tlie i,at five years, mid ci.n-id.-r it the Urt arlielo I
i"er tvle.l f.."r iMvthiiiir l.n.keu bmies. wound. lmo
wis 1 i'vr 'V, .s,:i"ft,",f,.'i'1j;:;u'a,i;
Hionilim; u n.iire iniuui.
,,aius ttwsta is heir W. . lours trn .
AND tOMHTltl.N rtmi'M"'
i, f,.n.i in nr. Tnlitas' I!"i!i! I.rst-
UET'in pint U-jttUaand Dkiiuv Cosumos 1'uwueiih,
-nrr of Some, of tno I'nmrst ituuunn
llornrs In tne i 01111.
ertify Mint I
r.-nnv. 1),ik .Time VI. Tll'H tfl tn
liave iif.-il ir. ToWa' VssmAK Uohkr l.iNiMt:.vr
met Imiml them t- rive iv r'-i t saiwtaell.m. In tact
tllev wi're u-.i-.l-.' the f.iniint ni Wln.n ruhht it in by
theliuinl iievi-rtlii.i r er luM the Imir el); it Iiuj
more I'l-lli'lratne iiuauties 111411 .my ..yicr H.1..I
Irie.l. wlm h 1 i-ni'l'te i the creht hi-er-t cif it tuc-
K Ml CUril'.i; HJ'raUIK. 1 iie-inuriinu-u, 11 -mi w un .1
DrllY I'uViil 1 are Inane HUN" i:-i ii uiaue i.u:ii
tu nieby 1'r. TI-iuh.
They uru ril-l(tlj- hr.riid.r..H.
Li. llcUAMEI..
Oepot: 42 Murray Street, N. Y.
Noiiavffflie I.ii.iment na-ll'"wders am untnipe
riert'i icv 1,' her. 11 m um ijivo them a triiU you
will never bo .ith-'Ut tUem.
Sold by all Druggists.
Th" T'amita- Ijnimknt if and .10 rmtK,
UonsR tHt ronff. in i-iut bottit: tho 1'i-Hi.i V
llvo State ".. 07 Oi t'7
Cum State Yelluw COVJii ttl'
OaLs Mixod 47 (ij 47
liutter CreanieiT i'.T.tra l'a. '.. 44 0t 4t
Clioosu -New Vor'k l ull Cream. l:iV.'i Yi
l'etrolenni Crude (i Oh 7
Helmed.... IMOi IV.
" Timo Testers and Darden Ucarcrs.
From timo Immemorial tho horso has been
man's boot friend. Hut a few years baek we can
nil rcmeintinr the rnmiiiinuivclv little attention
raid to this most indispensable of nninmla. Wo
say comparatively littlo attention, fur the horso
was as well groomed, nnrl certainly us well fed, a
n nv; and at thoeyreat gatherings infricultural
shows you would n-e tho jirido of tho county
and Stato stables nml liirnia acmblcd. E;it
there was n consiileun'W waul of nobto drausht
hursi's. and as fur sneeders well. 2:40 was tho
great ultimate limit that owners in those days
detired to strive for. Hut ii'iw a 2:40 animal is
esteemed a fair roadster, nnd fine animals only
deserve tho narnj when they can shndc tho first
nmirtnrrif the i tiinl intiiiiti There have been im
mense strides forward I lit he rlt-'ht development of
uorsetlesh In the civilized countries of the world,
as slioiva ly tiro time-records of Uieraeiirs and
tVHT WASTF. Jt'lNfTt .nunt ni.n .1 -1 1.
If Jem want ft nou-i.r:., niwn-t
- v.,lnj vt tira-r rt t 1 .-r Lain
h.l.. er to Tlln'K KN. :T1!.M. I lO:S fti.d
1NV1URATF. Ci. HIR n.n.r. J .n'i 1. liu-ut.n.e. L
T.jlt,. :. .-r.n.,: - i; 1"' NtvrK I tT
IA11FU. S'llo.Nt.T SIX CNTS lo Hi. J. I-ONZA-
Rfi Mtf-rV:uiii ! munb. r. I NT Kit SAT1 ON A K
IN V KSTM KN'J'S trom f. to M 'n KlA'Kf VJ-.I . J'l-Jfl
a'tl r UJ.s f- per l.u.Kiiii:sHCl,st ciJHi; uati:s.
N. iSAi.ISiU KV CO., 50 liltUAD ST.. NKW YOklK.
11. S. A: A. T. Lftcoy, Tiitent finite!
tnrs. WaKliini'tnn. Our val
u.ibli-ll.uul ljnukH."l:iteitK." ami
llmta and Keen ice." neiajrre.
A Ki4 fiifM fur littsi
Will be pout by nmil to anv aiMuwa, poRtpaid, on ro
n;ipt of our dollar. .Aalnw J. A'.oiuo Unteue.
ian lii -ft or. llti L'.r.i- stircut, m. iu;h,
A T.rmlincr T.omlon Pltysl
(inn Kt nMiii(H nu
Otrit ii i'v ork
lor I lit; Cure of
Epileptic Fits.
From Am. Journal ". MM:nnt.
Pr AK Mew-Mle Hate of IjftidnTiUvhoninkosaspn-i-ia!tv
of JlnlleM". hn without doubt tre;iied and
cured more e:e es I hall anv otl .-rlivun; 1 1) -. n-1:in. II h
Kiirri'M him sinil -h l en nstr.r.--hilii.'-. we liuvo lie:n-J
nfwsot over till ' 1 -Hi's' "til.. dllljt uliVi'iHlllllv euroil
liv him. lie inn put .li Iu d on t nis .li-eiiBe,wt.ieh
I,eseiid.witlilliri.ebul1tenl his wolelerlu. elire.l I ea
to nnv f Mib-ivr vrhn niiiv si n ! ilu-ir i xi ress awl ! ost
oittee'adilresa. v n-lvi,e nnv one wis t .:f 11 cur;, to
ddiPMillr. Ab. lefi-role. No. t'u .loliu W., . Y.
Delivered on Trial, FISES! OtS" CHAKGE1
Shuttle Sewing Machine f
LASTS A T.IFK TIME. Vnrrrtntod 5 Venrs.
AGENTS'WANJED in Uncccupicd Territory.
!S35 U 857 IVabHsh Ave., t'liieago.
A i'r;ct euro fr ir ni;iiurfi tlt-bility. S'tii for
cin uliir. 1b. J. KAUlt. tsj'i llroadway, ftnw lork.
"cular A iMreawnta
Mornliliie If abltl Cured tn 10
uOatlun. Oil Hi,
tilt in.-, a annua
HlM AfiKNTM. I ut lit
6 fl D l. (I. VleU. i v.
JfkM ' vlil:-.j artti W t'l Ih world; 1
AUUiv.!. Jul' Hi on.oii, lMrull. Mli ll.
YMIIWR K!FN It you want to l"arnlelei;riiiuyiu
lUUitlu lilDIH . tew niomhs. and l. certain of a
situation, sddro-n Viil.-ntine lll-os., JiineByille, Wis.
(iKNTS VATKI) foi tho Bout and Fastent
.Seliinyl'ielorial Hooks. and llihlin. l'riees ii dueed
Sil is-n-t. National lMilihshiUK Co Philadelphia, l'a.
TTT fTlnTTT'C! CUlocucfrM. Adilrm. Suoii.rS
VV JX A wJAJ1J am.riCMWuaCo.,Piil.liurb,Pt.
ri -ri fftft R7 Kvolvrs. c.i.locu. rrcc. tiar.u.
t3T fiJ i J " Qui WtV- 1'lil.lmrfS. rj.
n iTim ifrAi'KAiiKs; pkaoh baskjRi.
II .-t 1.,,--.i,iIvm I'IIIm IM:Lle. NeW llleri
Jlloort, una will oinpletely i-haiiKc tlie blood in tho
f-ntiro Hvstetn in three months. Anv person wlifl
will tale one pill eneh nlidit from 1 to I 'wei ks m.ij M
rcstor.d to sound henlth, it sueii n thine he jiossilne.
fcohl everywhere or m nl liv m'lit lor H letter pt:iuirf.
I. H. JOII.ON iV .'!., Iilli,t(lll, itlu.n.,
ffiritiprly Itniiifor. .lit-.
I wiiluH. futlii-N, moiliera oi
IcIiilUrcn. 'I'hi-nanndsyeteliltcil. PcniiiinflflTee
3 for lus.'-r nniicr.uic.i-ye it riitur.vurici'ie veiat
ir liny Jllsein1. irinn" nnn i-t in-iiiv roi .nq
...lilivr.p.oitliJ to 1M UKAM'.i.i. i UUI NT.
f t'ATKM'A iirc,irt.'J ler Irivunt- rs. Ji.-lilii-r,
I l.iel wiiriants firii-iirJ. lioulit Mnil &ilii. & .Idlers
I -.nd lnor.iiiloy f-r y.Mtr riKlit. at mice, omnia
.tsinr. fur Ihe ( iuk. n-sMipr ." anil I t-nit'-a
and llniintr law. tlank. mid iii'troctiens. m
fan refer In llinu.iin-is nf 1'eiisii-ners and f'ltrnts. N. W. Fltzeerald 4 Co.frNsinn jc
1'ATKNT A 11 .. l.ii.k llvx J&S, 11 UAlilIlgtCin. 1. O.
i a idii bs A AV.WVIU A- ';. ' Jo
i inn coi.l.Eriousi. a n-inusonie sei ii v ..m.
Kj Uir-o-'--lit stanin. A.'l. IIahhetT. Hnf In
, for
dranclitfaiinoityof tho lininbler.but rciillyrnore
u.-eAil. wiirk-horsi. tunv thiiiL's have consrii red
to sllVetthiii (U-. lrnUa end, chief omonir which
have been tho intelligent cure and consideration
Lestowed niion tlieonlmnl in his every relation
In a word, upon tho breeflins. Ana this has
not failed to include a very rcrious modification
of the old nietliiidsc f treatment, doing away, in
many cases, with the Inhuman and really savage
plans jiurstied in tho crudicution of even idintile
disorder flint nilinents. mid NlltistltlltilltT rational
measures of relief intend. A prominent lacior
of this reform, and one indorsed by owners,
breeders, farmersanil stockmen tin country over,
is bt. Jacobs On., recognized by all who have
used itss an exceptionally good remedy for the
ailments of tho horso nud stock generally, mcet
insr more indications for its tiro and clVectinK far
belter results than any article of a curative or
remedial iintiirecvcr introduced. Fnch bifeders
and liorsemeii as Aristidea W clch, Ksq.,ot tnlcn-hi-im.
near I'hiindeliihhi,: Miko Cioodlu. jm..
Helinont l'ark, l'ti.; Culvin M. driest, fonncrly in
chnr-'e of Mr. ltolu rt lionncr's stock. New York:
and thousands of others throughout the country,
wnocnuKi no named, nro on i no iistot niKiuali-
uuuenaorsersoi inocini-ney ot it. jArnns inu
our own town.
l'reel iTata'oi.Mlesol Cheap M nslr
$DO free. t.l.Va II. ll.-.Ll.Kri C'o..ll.nilnnt,Maina.
rius Hint outfit
(J. ltn-hin. Trie,
liolil, lliiim tes. 'Ihe Vecetul 1 ivntii S.illey
IllteM, olllj harnili ss speeitu s proehmued by science,
relieves! ojirc.eure within lour day ii. lt'x vl, mailed,
(ti-uuine him red seal and NViiulure cil I.. A. I'aius A:
Co., onlv auents, loj w. Hlh s:.. N".Y: Ask Nour ilniK
tfist for tlie. tienuine. W rite lor ti ink andrelerejieiii.
Thin iPthfonlvrnmrlotp anl fully illustratort 'I,if
hUil Trial of (tuition' It cuit.-iin all t.u'tvftimonv
ol tlia fxports un l othi r nuted witnos-s; all tlm
8iri''lies uiudi'by tho cniitiiii'' iissii'-sin in hi tur at
i-HjHm to escni th pullowg hv ffijruiiit; in.uiitv.
Ui wiin of catrhiwnny book. Million of i'opls r
waitiim for thin work. Anutu wantetl.. CircuUra
five. Kxtra t-rin to Adfiitn. Adiln-8
National VmiMhiiiNO Co.. Philailelphia, P.u
for 1 WSJ. with improved
lnKi''t i ahh VdU inlar.
vtc. Hi-nt to riiv aiMrt'Mi
onnHit of twoTlirer-f 'tpiit Siiiiifi. " Addrrsa
t:jlAlflE3 K. HlliKS. 4 N. In lawuru A.-., PiiilA.
Diary Free
t REWAJlDf TCav..fNi
ylUU KiliM-v Ituetec ii-il ctr 1 by ln Kiti.i-b, 'Jtf l'l-
l.llitj. Hlr.f1 or
R4rt fllOn I'ordayBthomft. Ramplc-fl worth fSfroa.
iOIO'RnSTiNKos fcL'
CottfXge'Library-Popular Stories 1 Gent Eacli
5 Knvod by Teljprnph.
4 How Sue Lost Iliiu.
(My Uai W 1 f e and Aunt,
C Hi(mpkn,i Wevonpo.
1 1 hoChomlt' Stoiy.
6 Crincof tiigOf-eaa.
d f.urlth, ttit iioi-wuglaa
H A Terrible Story.
JU Tuo Trappor'H P(
14 Inn tin. 1 .
16 LliderFdU Colon.
i Aavpnt'.riiof aUaubolor
IT ABftrof-rl.lfd.
16 MuriiPiTr'altnlinW.
10 All's WiV.ltlmlKndB Well
10 Chuatnd uf thn i'rlco.
21 I ho I'liinf-r1 fiecrtt.
2t l'lit) Huibatiti k th ioror
iZ A Adv.mturo.
fl lvc Amnng tho UUhct.
bftieno v ucucraiu
IT CiiHKl Frload-i Al-
Z9 a NeiJru..ka Aiieiiturc,
:it Tlioluloof Htatils.BH.
E3 Iikiimond Cut JtaruuuJ.
34 Left till Cilliid iur.
3i A Mubtacl.o, iuid WliaL
uameoi it.
33 Tho V oil of UtftHnT
3a Making 1 1 lint fr thom.
ct i.i oa gua i lie ouar.
if m-tii nnrnA thl naDor anil order at wo will Bond 25 lor F If toon Cflnt'J. or All Of th
r 23 rent4. Wo will not i.H nn ord.-r ir l-n ih-.a 1" IF it K.N Ct.Ni'j. fcuud Ouo or Thttio Cwut i'oiiiho
mv W4livnluiiwouBtiM!a'.a v must ii. ,
4J in:iiriiji!H'J. j
41 V'nJcr tl.o v.'avas,
43 A llrrld Kilrt. .
lt WAS tOO I-dtt).
44 Out Upon tho L1"!.
45 TliOC( MurJ7&?.
4(1 AHtranoilicna.
4T 1 Ali iioum Oulltyl
44 Vstrr:i Irtver s Ptirf,
4Tl.oii.i.Hiir,fi Daush.
ti) Tho 1'icliy Uuufila. int.
o pbove
L. A.
EVlore than One MilllorrCopies Sold !
T AWEKK. iadaytnome emnyniane.uonur
91 C Ouliit trea. AdU Tuu k Co.. AunniU.aUin.
258th, Edition (New). Revised and Enlarged, ,
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bauaied Vltalily. Nervou and riimlcal IloblU
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F.xccsac. oi mature Year. 300 pnuci, Itoyul
Sto. Tho vory finest eteel cnurvicKi. 125 Invaluable
Prescriiitlons tor all . cuto and cbronlo diseases.
tUAlM TUVCrl C liounrt in beoutiful Freni-h Muslin, embosHed, full
KkUII InlutLriC'"- l'ilcooull.J, byniull. iNew edition.)
TH 0.ianrM nf T.ifA: ni Rplf-Prmirrv&tlon. la thft moat pxtraordinarv work nn PhvalnWv n.
Then! is nothing whatnvcr that the married or aiiiRle of eitbur su either rcquiro or wlbL to iui liut
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The bent u'.ediial work ever published. London Lanott. A bimiant and invaluable work. Jfaiulf,. I ho
gold and ieweled uiedui awarded the author of the Science of Life was fairly won and worthily bu-towe&.-SliiiickuH
tt4 I'iouvhmiin. Thousands of extracts similar to the above could lie taken from tha
leadiuR Journals literary, political, reuHious and acientltio throughout tbe land. The book is xuanin
toed tu lie a better medical work, in every sense, than can be ebUinvd lsewbero for deuble the price, or tha
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Tboasaids of Copies are sent by uiall, securely sealed and postpaid, to all part of the
world, every month, upon receipt of price, 91.43.
4 Hulllacb Btreett Uoston, Mass.
V. B. The authoj may bo consulted oo all diseases requlrta- skill and exuerioucs.