The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 16, 1882, Image 3

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    THURSDAY. FEB. 16. 1B82.
t L
Ttmi.r auvfrtirino.
On Column Onf Year w.-.tftKbO
One-half Column One Year 4.0Q
One-fourth Unlumu One Ynr ....2i.oO
One-elgHhi Column One Year .16.00
Tft A 1 t l'T A OVF.KTISt NO.
One rVjuare Ono Weelt ................ .(10
UneftquareTwo Week ... I16O
OnaHqunrr Three WVek M..S.OO
bJrnn a.iaiuonni lnHcruuii ou cema a aquar
each week.
tocAf, AtWItntiatxo.
Tan cents a line firm Insertion; Ave cenU ft
line Tor nidi nUilltlrnn: Insertion.
HENS? A. PABSOKS.JB,. Proprietor-.
1 - 1 - 1
Episcopal Social at W. II. Bchrarri't
thin evening. All are invited.
The sidewalk between Centre and
Main Streets 011 Elk needs repairing
The work on Hyde's now Steam
Haw Mill U being rapidly pushed to
We understand there is to be a
tlanre in Hyde's Opera Hall on Well
ington's Birthday.
The Methodist social held at Geo.
Rhine' last Friday evening was well
attended and netted $4.f'0.
For three years my son was sore
(ill over. I'ernna cured him. J.
Jfeuenschwaiidcr, 8. 8. Pittsburg.
The Parochial Society meets on
Thursday at one o'clock, at Mrs. O. T.
NVheeler's, a full attendance is desired.
The Presbyterian soeloal held at
Mrs. Chapin's on Tuesday night was
vell attended and netted 7.18. It was
very enjoyable affair.
Tlie prospects for the successful
ripening of the . Ridgway School
Library Union lecture course are very
filtering. One hwtidrcdj;wid sixty re
nerved seats have been sold.
What Rev. A. VsnCamp snys of
Dr. Willits, "He Is known allover the
United States from California to Maine.
He is a fine speaker. At Chautauqua,
last season, his lecture on "Sunshine"
won the applause of the thousands
who attended that popular resort set k
'nK opportunity for recreation and
Improve the opportunity, go and
hear him."
At a regular Meeting of the Tem
perance Union in the M. 15. Church,
tin Puturdny evening, Major Scott
addressed a large and attentive audi
nice composed largely of his fii rids.
When the invitation was given by the
President, C. I). Osterhouf, as an en
couragement to Major Scott that ull
those who had taken the plediroshould
rise to their feet, nearly the entire
audience arose.
A new disease called "scurvy leg."'
which attacks poultry. Is described by
nn exchange as follows: "It is caused
by a gathering of Infinitesimal paras
ites which comes impreeeptilily at list,
111 the crevices between the edges of
the legs scales, and rapidly increase,
piling upon themselves and apparently
funning grayish-white warts or rought
bunches. There are millions of them
in one hunch. Kerosene oil will des
tmy them and remove the bunches.
Lhpior dealers can not use too much
precaution to whom they sell. They
are oftentimes deceived into selling
liquor to minors 011 the representation
of the youmj men that they are of age.
These young men may not know it.
hut at the lastsessiou of the Legislature
t here was an act passed making it a
misdemeanor, punisl'iablc hy a tine or
imprisonment, for any person under
age attempting to ouy liquor by falsely
representing that they are twenty-one
years old.
William II. Vanderl.ilt says th t
he cannot afford to gamble, smoke r
drink liquor; that such hahits would
unfit him for business, and prevent
his using mind and body In pursuits
that demand hisattentioii. If it Is to
expensive for him with his millions,
should not young men, depending upon
their hands and brains, ignore such
evil habits and practices? There are
young men in Ridgway who should
, consider that these hahits were too ex
pensive, and, like Vandcibilt, refuse
to cultivate them.
For diphtheria tlie following re
Cclpe is furnished from an excellent
source: "A teaspoouful of flour of
sulphur stired in a wine glass of water,
to be used us a gargle. Within ten
minutes, it is said, the patient will be
relieved. Should tho fungus have
grown so that gurgling is precluded,
blow dry sulphur down with a quill or
any small tube. The fungus will con
tract so that the patient can gurgle
Another way is to put the sulphuron
live coals and let thepatient inhale the
fumes. It will kill the fungus. This
is recommended for colds and asthma,
also. Lcwinburg Journal.
On Friday evening, Feb. 17th, Dr.
A. A. Willits will deliver the first lect
ure of the course iu the M. E. Church. 1
On Monday evening Muj. H. C. Dane
will follow with his graphic lecture
'Up the Rhine and over the Alps with
C Knapsack. " The third in the list will
be a lecture entitled, "From the
Blurney Stone to Vesuvius "by Rev.
J. Halsted Carroll, D. D. of Newburgh,
N. Y. He will appear Feb. 28th.
The Hartford Evening Font says of
him "To the power of and the eloquence
of Beecber, Dr. Carroll adds a rhetor
ical culture and finish that places him
fu a lofty and distinctive place In the
lecture field."
The Accommodation! west oo Fri
day eveulng will remain at Kldgway
until after Willits' lecture so that those
who attend from Wilcox and other
points west caii return the same even-
Tickets for sale at P. O. and Hyde's
Store, Reserved seats at Hyde's 15 tore.
J. B. Johnson,
Doctor Earley returned home last
J. 8. Cbaraberlln was In town
Miss Emma Beeman Is visiting In
this place.
John S. Nichols Is now "devil" In
this office
O. B. FHch killed two black bear
Inst Week.
George Bowers, of Wilcox, was In
town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. T.8. Kegley. of Wll
cok, were In town Tuesdayt
--rr. Anderson's office Is 111 Hyde's
Opera House Block upstairs.
Capt. Fred. Schopning visited
Daguscahonda on Tuesday last.
M. S. Kline's new house on Centre
Street is nearly ready for Its occupant.
Anthony and John Schrlner, of
Wilcox were In town on Wednesday
We see our old townsman Judge
Dickinson Is again aide to be on the
F. P. Shaner, Democrat "devil-' Is
recovering from an attack of the scarlet
--Frank Gorton, who has been nick
for three weeks Is again able to be
Mr. B. T. Chnpln and wife, of
Brock way ville, are visiting relations in
this place.
Miss Barrows, of Lock Haven, is
vlsltinghercouslu, Mrs. H. M. Powers
of this place.
E. O. Aldrich returned to Ridg
way Monday, after an absence of about
two weeks.
Rev. S. M. Clark will lecture in
the M. K. Church next Saturday even
ing on temperance.
Chas. Acheiihiel, chief engineerof
the Rochester and Pittsburg R. R. was
in town over Sunday.
Tlie girl with tho auburn tresses
snys he didn't kiss her at the gate but
at the door. How is it, K ?
C. Bowers' nephew, Edwin M.
Kuapp, is learning the undertaking
business at the West End undertaking
Unfits Luc-ore, W. S. Hnmblin
and C. II. McCauley departed for
Philadelphia last week to attend Sup
remo Court.
Clark Dickinson has moved to his
new house on Main street below M. E.
Leaser's new house. Clark keeps a
store in the front of his house and is
doing a good business.
A.C.Craig, of Corsica, Jefferson
Co., wlltopin ii(i a drug store In the
old Union Store building at this plnoe
in about a week. The most of Mr.
Craig's goods are on hand.
MaJ. E. T. Seott and wife have
returned to Riagway to seek quiet and
rest after their severe though highly
successful luborat KaneandSt. Marys.
They are the guests of W. H. Oster
Sowkiih Don a van At Wilenx
Wednesday. Fell. 0th, O. M.
Montgomery, Esq, Mr. Martin
Sowers, Jr. to Miss Anua Douuvun,
both of Wilcox.
Then shall the kingdom of Satiu be
likened to a gruln of tobacco seed;
which, though exceedingly small, be
ing cast into the ground grew, and be
came a great plant, and spread it
leaves rank and hroud, so that, huge
and vile worms formed a habitation
thereon. And it came to puss, iu the
course of time, that the son of man
looked upon it, and thought it beauti
ful to hiok upon, and much to be des
ired to make luds look big and
manly. So they put forth their hands
and did chew thereof. And some it
made sick, and others to vomit most
tilthily. And if father came to pass
that those who chewed it became
weak and unmanly, and said we are
enslaved, and can't cease from chew
ing It. And the mouths of all that
were enslaved, became foul; and they
were seized with a violent spitting;
and tbey did spit, even in ladies par
lors, and in the house of the Lord of
Hosts. And the Saints of the most
High were greutly plagued thereby.
And In the course of time it came also
to pass that others snuffed it; and
they were taken suddenly with fits,
and they did sneeze with a great and
mighty sneeze, insomuch that their
eyes filled with tears, aud they did
look exceedingly silly. And jetotbers
cunningly wrought the leaves thereof
into rolls, and did set tire to one end
thereof, and did suck vehemently at
the other end thereof, aud did look
very grave and calf-like; aud the
smoke of their tormetit ascended
forever aud forever. And the culti
vation thereof became a great and
mighty business in the earth; and the
merchantmen wuxed rich by the com
merce thereof and it came to pass that
the taint of the Most High defiled
themselves therewith; even tlie poor
who could neither buy shoes, nor bread,
nor books for their little ones, spent
their money for It. And the Lord was
greatly displeased therewith, and said;
Wherefore thismust; and why do these
little ones lack for bread and shoes
aud books. Turn now your fields into
corn and wheat; and put this evil
thing far from you; and separate, and
defile uot yourselves auy more; and
I will blew you and cause my face
to shine oh you."
But with one accord they "Ull ex
claimed "We can uot cease from
chewing, snuffing and splttingf-we
are slaves'' Curistlau Secretary,
Note paper and envelopes at the
Apvoca-tf offloe,
Eldred' Sensation.
Eld red, Feb. 11. The Eagle of to
night publishes the following: Con
siderable excitement Was occasioned on
Main Street, Wednesday evenlug, by
a man running down town with a little
boy In lils arms, aud close behind him
a big crowd followed, bended by a
woman who kept up the cry, "He has
stole my child!" Upoh investigation
of the case It was found that the parties
Interested were Mr. and Mrs P.
Algulre. It will be remembered that
about a year ago Algulre left Eldred
very suddenly under a dark cloud, aud
was subsequently brought back by the
Dodd Bros, for whom he had worked.
After settling the difficulty, he took
his boy to Dunkirk, at which place the
lad was left with its grandmother,
Mrs. Algulre The Junior Mrs. A.
then went west to Fredona, where Bhe
found work, and was in the habit of
going ouce a week to see her offspring.
About one week ago she went to
Dunkirk aud getting possession of the
child at once set out for Eldred, her
parents residing In this place.
Algulre returned some time ago and
lias been employed by the Messrs.
Dodd until Tuesday morning last,
when lie left for Dunkirk to see the
boy, who, unknown to him, had been
spirited away and was in Eldred with
his mother. On arriving at the lake
city, and learning that the child was
not there, the father instituted adilll
geut search, whicn brought him to
Eldred, on the 6:14 express. He pro
ceeded at once to the Davidson block,
iu tlie basement of which Mrs. A's.
parents reside, and taking his boy In
his fatherly arms, starting down
street, where we first saw him. A
carriage was in walling, and it was
only the work of a moment for the
father and son to get comfortably
seateil and leave the town at a rapid
pace, going toward the State Line.
The Hlghett IS ridge in thclVorld.
A correspondent of the Philadelphia
Record, in referring to this immense
structure, say: "The Kinzua creek
flows at the bottom of a ravine between
Bradford and Alton, Pa., over three
hundred feet deep and 2,50 feet wide.
This chasm has for years prevented a
ra'.lroad connection between that region
aud Pittsburg. The Erie railroad Is
now spanning the ravine witli a bridge,
to make long-desired connection by ex
tending its Bradford branch to John
sonburg, Pa., which will be tho highest
railroad bridge in the world 303 feet.
This is 6') feet higher than the Niagara
suspension bridge, 1T0 feet higher than
the great bridge across the Ohio at
Cincinnati, 189 feet above high bridge,
New York. 170 feet higher than Enst
river bridge over the Genesee river.
The Klnzuu structure will consume
0,tVi0,0(H) pounds of iron. It will re
quire 80,000 yards of masonry. The
cost will be over $500,000. The
Bradford branch will connect with the
Low tirade division of tlie Allegheny
Valley railroad, mid make a short
through route between New York and
The Oil Fire Loss.
oxk huximtki) and kive thousand
haki:i:i,s hkstkoykd.
Bradford, Pa. February 13. The
feelings of danger from the three burn
ing tanks at Oleau were relieved at 1
o'clock to day. The total amount of oil
destroyed was 105,000 barrels involving
u pecuniary loss of l 15,000. Tlie loss
on the oil will be borne by a general
average assessment on all persons hav
ing the use of the United pipe lines.
The overflows from which the greatest
danger was apprehended occurred at 3
o'clock this morning, but sufficient of
the oil had been drawn off by a can
non bombardment of the burning
tanks so that the overflow did not puss
over theditches and trendies prepared
during the night. A force of three
hundred men was on the ground during
the night and day. The experiment
by the chemical tire extinguisher on
the burning oil could not be made, be
cause of the engines being disabled be
fore the work commenced. The three
tanks are still burning, but the danger
is passed.
The Five Cent Postage Stamps.
Washington, February 8. The new
five cent Garfield postage stamps will
be ready for issuo on March 1. Dark
brown has been selected as tlie color
best calculated to bringout the tineen
graving of the work. The rive cent
stump is almost entirely used for for
eign correspondence, and Third Assis
tant Postmaster Oenerul Hazen believ
ing that a reliable engraving of the
lute president should be used for this
purpose, has succeeded in producing
what is pronounced to be the truest like
ness of Oenerul Gartield and the hand
somest stamp yet Issued by the post
office departnent.
Peter Cooper Scores 91.
New York, Feb. 11. The anniver
sary of the uinety-first birthday of
Peter Cooper was celebrated to-night
by a dinner at his residence, No. 9
Lexington Avenue, given to a select
party of geutlemen friends and the
venerable Thurlow Weed. Mr. Cooper
was in excellent health and spirits.
The most sensible remedy, and the
only safe, sure and permanent cure for
alt deseases of liver, blood aud stomach,
including billious fevers, fever and
ague, dumb ague, Jaundice, dyspepsia,
&c, is Prof. Gullmette's French Liver
Pads, w hich cures by absorption. Ask
your druggistbr this noted cure, aud
take no other, and if be has not got it
or w III uot get it for you, send $1 50 to
French Pad Co., Toledo, O., and they
will send you one post-paid by return
-The City of Sf. Paul, a first-class
large new -design, wood cook stove
ake a look at it before purchasing a
stove, W. 8 Service, Ag't.
The Sew Scientific American Otflces.
We are glad to announce that the
Scientific American came out of the
late fire In New York, like the fabled
Phoenix, with renewed lire. The sub
scription HsU, account books, potent
records, pateht drawings, and corres
pondence were preserved In massive
fire-proof safes. The printing Of the
ScUmfifio American and Supplenicht
was done In another building; CriUSC
quently the typesj plntes, prtftflM,
paper, etc., were unharmed, aud ho
Interruption of business was occasioned.
The new Sclcntlfid A weHdart offices
are located at 261 Broadway, corner
of Warren Street a very central and
excelleut situation. The new build
ing fronts towards the City Hall, the
Court House, and the New Post-oftirje
a magnificent structure, Which cost
eight millions to build. Nearly oppo
site, and a few hundred feet d is taut
from the Scientific American office, Is
the entrance to the great Suspension
Bridge over the East Rivef, between
New York and Brooklyn, which re
quired ten years to construct and
twenty millions of dollars to pay for.
In front, also, of the Scientific Ameri
ca'! is the City Hall Park and Printing
House Square, witli its statUe of Ben
jamin Franklin, and the homes of
eminent editors and newspapers, such
as the New York 'JYibutie, New York
Times, New York Sun, New York
H'orW. New York Herald, Mail, aud
Express, ZcMang, and ot hers.
The new Scientific American offices
are admirably chosen for active busi
ness. Here, in addition to the issuing
of their interesting publications,
Messrs. Munn & Co., aided by trained
cxminers and draughtsmen, prepare
specifications and drawings for Ameri
can and Foreign patents. If any of
our readers should happen to make a
new discovery (we hope every one of
them may do so, and guilt a fortune),
they have only to drop a line to Munn
& Co., 201 Broadway, New Yoik, who
will reply at once, without charge,
standing whether the invention is
probably novel and patentable. A
handbook of instructions, with full
particulars, will also be sent, free.
Messrs. Munn A. Co., have had over
thirty-five year1'', experience iu the
A Verdict Against A Uoiougli.
Easton, Feb. 11. Tn tho spring of
1878 Augusta- Reluhard, of South
Enston, fell Into the Lehigh Canal and
was drowned. His widow sued the
borough of South Easton for damages
because the point where her husband
had fallen wits unprotected. At a
trial last summer a verdict of $3.00;) was
given In her favor She obtulned a
new trial, and It began last Tuesday,
and was concluded this a Iter noon by
a verdict of ?2,200 for plaint I It. The
Borough's counsel moved for a new
One ofthestrungest Incident of the
Vienna theater fire came to light in
the rescateofa young artillery private
after three days and nights of peculiar
sulterl ng. He endevored to escape
from the burning building by a stage
door, but owing to some mishap fell
through-u broken trap into a deep cel
lar. Here the poor fellow remained
for seventy-two hours without sleep or
food, and from the constant pouring of
water into the cellar from tho engines
came near being drowned. His cries
were at last heard by an inspecting
fireman, who took him out of the
water, which was up around his chest.
What Major Scott says of Dr.
Willits: "We have attended his
Church in Philadelphia. Ho is a good
preacher and a polished orator" His
lecture entitled "Sunshine" has been
repeated iu St. Louis and other cities
of the west season after season. Everv
one should hear him on Friday even
ing" It is a golden opportunity. His
"Sunshine" is highly instructive and
umusing. "His very coat tails laugh."
John L. Sullivan, who has Just
defeated Ryan in a prize fight, is
twenty-three years old, a graduate of
the Brimmer School of Boston, and
his mother for many years kept an
apple and orange stand at tlie comer
of Washington and Hollis streets. She
is a very large, finely-built woman,
and the son closely resembles her.
Ex-Treasurer Spinner, who is
now eighty years of age, perfected his
fatuous autograph when he was a
young man, workiug at harnessmak
ing iu Herkimer, N. Y He practiced
writing it hour after hour, and his
former partner says that he had seen
as much as 200 sheets of foolscap cov
ered with the attempts.
Washington, - February 10. The
house committee on banking aud cur
rency to day took up for consideration
the bill Introduced in the house by
Representative .Marsh, of Illinois,
authorizing the taxation by the slates
of the legal tender notes of the United
States. The bill provides "that the
treasury notes of tlie United States,
known as tlie legal tender notes, shall
be liable to state taxation on an equal
ity with good and silver coin during
the time they continue to be redeem
able in coin by the treasury, and no
longer." Mr. Marsh appearsed before
tliecommitteeand presented an exhaus
tive argument in support of the
measure. He thoughtTon general priuic
pies that all property should be liable to
state taxation Several members of
the committee say it Is probable that
the measure will be modified to a
certain extent before It Is reported to
the house.
Senator Henry G. Davis, of West
Virginia, was in early life first a rail
road brakeman and then a conductor.
He started a small private banking es
tablishment at Pleeuont, West Ver-
gin fa, and frou that baa grown the
National bauk of which he Is presi
dent He is new a millionaire.
Price of fresh eggs reduced to 80
cents a dozen at Morgester's.
Those choice gold medal tomatoes
at Morgexter's are selling fast and giv
ing No. 1 satisfaction.
A new car load of flour and feed
just received at Morgester's.
A new Invoice Of XXX, aoda,
oyster and milk crackers at Morges
A laftttt stock of XXX medium
hand picKed beans, selling at 7 cents
a ptnlrict at Morgester's.
o .
A tlW tine of California canned
goods at Morgester's.
Another cask of that Imported
saner kraut just received at Morges
ter's. Wlntergoods will be sold rttlf ni Cost
at TitK N'kw York StfouK, now' Is the
time to go lit for bargains. All other
goods will lid sold at reduced prices in
order to make room fof spring stock
Star and Improved
THfc AljVoc'ATKortk'c1.
Authors at
The Merry Game Of Old Maid at
THE AtmxMTK office.
All In need of light and heavy
hai'ness shoilld give Jacob Butlerfuss
a call.
Hunilili hair goods of every de
scription at Mrs. Jacob Butterfuss'
Main Street, RidgWay, Pa. The
"Saratoga wave", "Perfection," and
"Coquette'1 styles of front hair, are
new aud neat. Give Mrs. Butterfuss a
Quit buying humbug medicines:
Ifyouarenot well, take Peruna. If
costive, Manalln.
New Life for Functions Weakened by
Disease, Debility and Dissipation.
ATOR Is the only specific for iinpo
tency, nervous debility, universal lass
itude, forgetfulness, pain in the back
or sides, no matter how shattered the
system may bo from excesses of any
kind, the Great Oernmn Remedy will
resore the lost function nnd secure
health ami happiness. $1.00 per box,
six boxes for $5.00. Sold by all drug
gists. Sent on receipt of price, postage
paid, by F. J. CHENEY, Toledo,
Ohio, sole agent for the United States.
Circulars and testimonials sent free.
The meeting of tlie stockholders for
the election of Directors of the N. Y.
Ridgway ami Pittsburgh R. R. (Jo.,
has been postponed until Feb. 13, 1SHU,
to be held at the same place and time
a duv as former meeting. By order of
the Board.
L. Rookus, Sec'y.
Thousands of graves are unnuullv
robbed of their victims, lives prolonged",
happiness and heulth restored by the
use of the great
which positively and premanently cures
Inipotency (caused by excesses of any
kind). Seminal weakness, and all dis
eases that follows us a sequence of
Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of
memory, universal lusitude, pain Iu
the buck, dimness of vision, urcmature
old age, and many other diseases that
lead to insanity or consumption and a
premature grave
tsetui ror circulars with testimonials
free by mail. The INVIGOIiATOR
Is sold at $1 per box. or six lsxes for
f-i by ull drugirists, or will he sent free
by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of
price by addressing
J. J. CHKNKY. Druggist.
187 Summit St., TOLEDO, OHIO.
Sole Agent for the United States.
The most wounderful curative rem
edies of the present day, are those that
come from Germany, or at least origi
nate mere, 'l lie most recent prepara
tion placed upon the market in this
country, is the GREAT GERMAN
INVIGOKATOR. which has neve
been known to fail in euriior a sinir r
case of inipotency, spermatorrhea
weuKiiess ami all diseases resutia,
from self-abuse, as nerveous debility,
inability, mental anxiety, languor,
lassitude, depression of spirits and
functional deraugemeutsofthe nervous
system. For sale by druggists, or sent
free by mail on receipt of the paice
$1.00 KoleAgent for the United States
henri for circular. For sule by Chas.
McVean. St. Marys. Pa.
From the Insurance World, Pittsburg.
Pa., Dec. 81, 1881.
The Assessment Mutual Life Associa
tion of Washington, Pa., doeslegitim-
tuate business on the co-ouerative prin
ciple; takes no risksoverOo years; grad
uates its assessments according to the
age of insured; permits no speculation
assessments to parties having no insur
able interest. In each and everv case a
strict medical examination is required
and in fact is a thoroughly legitmate
Co-operative Life Insurance Company
All claims are paid in full its lust
claim being that of John P. Moffat of
M Keesport, Pa.,who died December
2d, 1881, and the claim paid to his
widow, Josephine Moffat, on tlie 13th
of December, for the full amount of
the policy, f 5,000.
For in formation regarding the associ
atlon inquire of J. P. AnoneV, Hyde
nuuw, iviugway rn.
Notice of Appeals.
ATotlfe is berebv elven that the Pom
ll missioners of Elk county will hold
a Court of Appeals at their office, lu
Kldgway, on
For tne purpose of bearing and determ
Ifftmr aDneals from the assessments
and revising the military enrollment
for 1882, at which time and place all
persons feeling themselves aggrieved
uj sttKt assessment or eDrotrmeni can
attend, If they see proper.-
By OMer of the Board.
Attest-W. 8. HORTOtf, Clerfc.
Commissioners' office
February W, 1882.
Business Cards.
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles, also to patents
and putent cases.
Office In new brick building, Math
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t
Over twenty live vears practice.
Office on Main Street, Ridgway, Pa.,
opposite the Bogert Housi-. OlTlcb
hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to 8, P. 31.
Late of Strnttanvllle), Physician and
Surgeoh. Hidgwav, Pa. Office in
Hall's llrick Itu'ilding (up sti.irs)
RefeHi'iiees J. D Smith. H. L.
Yoitlig, n. Rulofson. Strattanville;
Major John Kitley. W. W. Green
land. Clurlt n. Office hours 1 to 2
P. M. and 7 to 8 p. M.
6. 6. Messenger.
N. W. corlierof Maih and Mill streets.
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign nnrl Domestic
Dtulgs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or liight.
W. H. HCITUAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, "Elk rhinity, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upoil him,
the new proprietor llttpc1, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and 'con
venience of guests, to mrlt ti continu
ance of the same. oeMO'Uti
This admirable work is now com
pletein 10 vols. Eachvolumecontainst:'00
pages. It makesa complete and well
selected library, and no one can
afford to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price $i 00 in cloth,
$0.00 in leather, or $7.00 iu elegant
milt Turkey, ror particulars address,
W. H. Fail-child, Portville, Catt. Co..
N. Y.. who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson,
general agent.
Came to the premises of O. A.
Brook way lu Horton township, Elk
county, Pa , in the month of Novem
ber, A. D. 18Hl,two WHITE SHEEP.
The owner will please come forward,
prove property and pay charges, or
they will bo disposed of according to
law. G. A. P.kockway.
Brockport, Pa., Jan. 13, 1x2.
Estate of WlMiam Emmett, late of
Fox township, Elk county, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters of
administration, C. T. A., have been
grunted to the undersigned upon the
above numed estute. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those
having claims aualnst tlie same to
present mem wunout ueiay ill proper
order for settlement.
P. w. Hays,
Administrator C. T. A
The lPunt ud lint Xruiciaa arar llada.
AeclnMnatloa of Hops, Buctu, Mnn
drkio-iJ tanllion,lthiu.oltaa4
moi4ou:at:vc proprtrfi cf all other Litter,
iu!ccitl:eKriot riood Purifier, Liver
It OS U l tor, Kari I??0 I'ftaltb HcitoriEg
Agonl on'tesfaWs'3t',4'Ul'
Bitten tro tVtodva.i.u..lit.faciM'tlicir
Titj gits m u w "lTiI3: ' ti lnI zS"t-
To all whona eaaployi!.rrtr.iu Irrfrularl
TOf UMboveUorX Uiumi J oi-conj, or who ra
aulraan IroiuuV Vonia wi i roi.a Btnauiani,
Uop Bitter. arc inraJ,w WittJOUt intox-
No matter whatyoar foM.ltafr or armptoma
are what the or ntlViunt U urn: Hop Blt
tra. Don't wait imtll you a "' I'll It y
only t col hart or laisoraUe,''" 5 ""! at !:ice.
It may earn your life. It ha J 1 oil tuudreda.
$500 will bf pitd f nr a cS" the r!l not
cure or ho'.p. Po m.t mSw ''rt """' 'riemla
tuBer.but an and unro tlirmtUM Mop lit
Remember. Hop Blttera la noV'1. rJKir'
drunken Boitti'atn. hut tiio Pu
Medicine ever mai'e : Uo "ISfiUOfc
and Hurt" and no rereon or family
ahould be Witlwut t.ieta. e.4
O.t.O.l. fttMril'ito and Irrrt-tlvt!e c
forlrunkeno,efl, Uio ot v:utr. In.'xu'c.:
nareotica. All o! I ov Aruirtt. tend
for Cirrulivr. hp I incr. v.rg, ue,f
Philadelphia & Krie II R- Div.
On and after MONDAY, Oct. ill,
1881. the trains on the Philadel
phia & Krie Ituilroud Division will
run us follows :
Niagara Ex. leaves Phila 8 00 a. m.
Renovo..o 45 p. in.
" " " Drift woodT 00 '
" " " Emporlum7 50 "
" " " St.Murys..8 40 '
" " " lUdgway..8 M "
" " arr. Kane. . ..10 05 "
ekib mail leaves Phila 11 Q5 p. m
" Renwvo 11 05 a. in.
' " Driftwood. 12 15 p.m.
" " Emporium. 1 30 p. m.
" ' Bt, Mary's..2 20 p. m.
" " Ridgway ....2 30 p- ni.
' " Kane 3 60 p. m.
" arr. ut Erie 7 45 p. m.
Day Express leaves Koiu? . .
6 00 am.
50 am.
St. Marys 7 17 "
Emporiums 10 '
Driftwood 8 07 "
Renovo . . 10 05
atPhlla. ... 7 05 ntn.
ekik MAIL leaves Erie 11 35 a.m.
" " Kane 4 10 p. in.
" ' Ridgway. ...5 17 p.m.
" St. Mary's. 60 p. m
" ' Emporium.! 55 p. ir..-
' Drlftwood..7 42 u. m.
" " Renovo 9 00 p.m.
" arr. at Phila 7 00a. ru.
Erie Mail and Niagara Express
connect with Low Grade Division;
Erie Mafl west and Day Express con
nect with B. N. Y. A P. R. R.
General Hujt.
and BOOK . ptf FLOWERS achd
free to ahy address.
Florist and Seedsman', .
. . . Williameport, Pa.
Henkv A. Parsons, Jr., Local agent
Ridgway, p.
JUNE 20, 1881.
Be It ordained hnd enacted by the
Town Cnuncll.of the Borough of Ridg
wHViund It is hereby ordained and en
acted bv t he mil horny of the samev
1. Th'al nil sfiloofis, oars, ami hlnceslrl
Ihe Borough Of Ridgway nt. which in
toxlcatlnir drlhk are sold, shall, bo
closed at lOo'clHcH P. M of each hV;
nnd hd person shall furnish any Intox
icating drink bv sale, gift or otherwise
or hermit the same to be drank on or
within the p-emiet any uch place;
between the hours of 10 b'rjlock P. M
kind 4 O'clock A. M. of flit flay follof
Inujund the ftirnlshlnflr. W eat-h anrt
everv drink bf Ihtoxlcutintf llqifoi or
pcni'illtlng the frame to be Jlrahlt oH
the. preltllsr-s lis uforpsald, alial! cohf
dt it ute sepuhile ofiense. And anv
person who shall neglect or refuse to
cotnply with ahv Provision of this
section shall forfeit hhd pay, for each
and every tiltfcnce, the Hum of tferi
dollars for the iiseof the Borough, td
be recovered iii the same manner that
debts of like amount are by law re
coverahlei i . i
2 That the.rrcond section of said
ordlance No. 7 is herehy amended srf
as to read as follow: That any persfiii
who shall be found Intoxicated uphri
any street, lane, or alley or hlchay,
or any public house or place in said
Borough, shall be fined on view of. or.
oh proof being made before, tht? Chief.
Burgess or any Justice of the Peace, bf
said lioro.not lessthan threedollars nor.
more than five dollurs, for the use of
the said Borough. And If such persoit
Chull neglect or refuse to pay nnd sab
isfy such fine, together With proper
costs, such person shall be committed
to the county Jail or Borough lock-up'
until such line fiiid costs, with all Jail
Or lock-up epenes, shall befillly paid
uiid satisfied, or utitll such persons
shall be dischraged by dlie process of
3. And It shall be the Hiity of any
f'oilstaiile of said Borough to ntrest
any and every person who shall be'
found intoxicated on any street, lane,
alley or highway, of iti any public
house or place, in said Borough, and
th take him or her forthwith before'
the Chief Burgess or any Justice of the
Peace of the Borough, when such
arrest shall lie made in the duylime;
or if such arrest sluill lie fnttde later
than eigiit o'clock in the evening, the
lierson so arrested shall he confined in
the county jail or Borough lock-up
until eight o'clock A. M. of the day
following, and then taken before the'
Chief Burgess or Justice of the Peace'
as aforesaid; and if such Chief Burgess"
or Justice of tlie Peace shall, after due
inquiry ,deem him or her too much in
toxicated to be fully examined, or to
answer on oath correctly, said Chief
Burgess or Justice of the Peace, us the'
case may be, shall cause him or lief. tH
be confined in the county jail or Boi
ough lock-up until he or she becomes'
sober, before a final examination ana
hearing of the case.
4. That it shall be the duty of the;
Chief Burgess or Justice of the Peace"
before whom any fine, costs or charges'
shall be recovered under this" ordl
tiance, to forthwith pay such fine into
the treasury of said Borough, and the
costs or chu'rges to the olllcers entitled
". That the Chief Burgess, Justices
of the Peace and Constables of said
Borough shall be entitled to the same
fees for services under this ordinance
that they are now allowed by law for
similar: services.
7. That all ordinanc6s or parts bf br
diances of this Borough ihccraffistent
herewith are hertbv repealed;
This nrdifitice Shall take. CffVct Off
and after Feb. 20th. 1882. .
C. H. McCAULEY, President
Attest W. C. Heai.V,- Secretary;
Approved Feb.- 6, I8S2;
J. POWELL, Chief Burgess
x. una Dean in mtiatAtit ibr
e .
ni by the public m
ror OTer twenty years, f
nd Is the beat preparation
ever Invented for RESTOR
8 tats
of ITass.
as a
in medi
V a.. II ....
j I" nMunti
food and color to the liai
glands without sluiuIuK the
aktu. It will lncrtiibo tuul
thicken the growth or tTie
hair, prevent its blanchrnj
aud fulltne 60, Mid thus
It cures Itching, Kruj-
tldns and Dandruff. As
dealt able,' giving the hair a
liken aoffnesS which all
adiutre; It keeps the head
dean, sweet and healthy.
will change the beard to a BROWN or
BLACK at discretion. Being In one
preparation It la eaally applied, and
prod noes a permanent Color that will
aot waah off.
rkcpiutn uv
ft. Pi HALL & CO., NASHUA, N. H,
Sold by all Dealers in Madicfn.
Truth and Honor.-
Query: What Is the best family
medicine I if the w6rld to regulate the'
botyeln, purify the bloOd,- remove eos
tlveness and btlionsness,' aid digestion'
aud tone uf the Whole ftystem? Truth
and honor compels us to answer Hop
Bitten being pure, perfect and iiarru
tess. Bee another column'. jWdof
Madt; '
Afe you lo spirited1, "down-Iu-the-mouth,"
and weak In the back
does Walking, lifting of andtngeausrf
pain In the sniall of the back? ifso you
buTe kidney disease, and Prof. Uuil
roettVs French kidney pads will Cure?
Had very of eyes, almost blincr
Peruna cured me. A. Bender, &. gj
Plttoburg, Pa.