The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 09, 1882, Image 4

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The Flnmp PwerplnT Thrnneh n friMrd-d
ItnuliirKii Ruililiiwln Xtw VitrU-Thrilllna
fcrnr nml Incident!.
At 10 o'clock In the mnrnlnpt the lurgo five
glory 1willing on l!olman street., extending
from Park row to Nassau street, Now York,
was discovored to be'on tire, and in about teu
niiuutcs the wholo ctrnctnro was in flump,
Tho building was commonly known as tho
. IKorM buiMinp, ajiart of it having been occn
j'id until rpcontly by that iiowtmier. It was
.ld and iieeuli'irly oonptiiietod, having a lnrga
well in tlio center, tip which tho flumes rushed
vithfenrlnl ripidi'y, cuttiiiR off rusnvof tho
tenants from cucapo by tho stairs. Tho story
of this fire one of tho most disastrous that
has visitod tho metropolis in many years is
told as follows: About livo minutes after tho
Mnoko was first observed tho flames shot itp
Iroui tho bascmont through an elovator way at
tho Nassau street door, spreading in every one
uf tho live etories, reaching tho top in an in
stant, blazing right through the rojf, and
mingling luridly with the column of smoko.
To mo.-t of the 150 to 175 persons In the
many others which occupied the struc
ture, the fire itself gave the only warn
ing, l'cw heard any outcry. Flamos
crackling at tho doors wore in some instances
tho first sound of the danger; and instant,
deadly divngor it m for tho hallways and
Htairways were filled with firo bofore two
th.rds of tho inmates could escape through
1 hora. The rest cot out by the widows or not
at all. Tlo fire had other ways of rising and
pro idini; than by tho pine boardod elevator,
though that would have licou Biifilcieut by it
sell' to distribute tho flumes quickly. Iu tho
center of tho building was a hngo well, roach
iug fiorn the second story to tho roof, and hav
ing windows opening into tho adjoining rooms.
In this the fire roared as in a cliiuincy with a
niigiity draught, kindling tho woodwork of tho
windows and shivering the glass. Tho large
square oponings made by Iho well in two of
tiie floors were railed around with wooden bal
ustrades and formod galleries from
which ofticos oponed, and all this space was
speodily ablaze. Those who escaped with
out hindrance did so in the wild
rush down the small row of stair
ways into Tark row. They were men, women
and boys. Aluiiy of them woro bareheaded and
without ovcrcoatB or wraps, so hasty was their
lliglit. A few carried books anil bundles,
caught up ou the instant. There wore tiuiilar
stairs leading down to Nassau street, but along
side tliot-o was tho elevator, and egress was im
wtsib!e by them ithin two minutis after tho
tire Ruined a headway. It is said that there
weto 100 poisons in the building, and that
nearly, or quite, fifty wero still insido when no
further hope of escaping by doors and stairs
remained. These imperiled persons wero
sratiored on all the floors above tho lower one.
They were chiefiv the editors, publishers.
clerks and printera of tho SeimHJic
Anvriran, tho Obfeirer, the Sc-otliah
American, tho Retailer, the Tiff, Ficll and
urai, ana inompson s Jiann Anie JUporltr,
H. M. rctUiiifjill A Co., theraino Brothers, and
several patint solicitors also had employes
there. Tho World establishment had lately
been removed, an l twelve carpenters wero al
tering the vacated rooms for other occupancy.
The adventures of tho imprisonod fifty were
vat ied in their degrees of peril, from a com
paratively easy climb down a ladder all the way
to uoi rune neatn.
A fallen horso or a ear off tho track will
cause a crowd in Fark row. It may be realized,
there'ora, that the spectacle of a five-storv
building all ablaze Lnlf a block of te 1 flame
reaching solidly to a height of 150 feet, aud
topped wi'h 200 feet moie of dense smoke
drew a ninlt itnda which filled rriutiu:,' Honse
sq'iaro. Tho heat drove everybody "out oi
asau and Eeekmsn street?, but on tho Tark
row side tliore was plenty of available space,
and its earlior occupants w ere horrified by what
they saw.
After the first outpour of panic-stricken per
sona from tho doorwav on l'ark row came sev
eral stragglers, singed by the flames which bad
touched them as they stumbled down the stairs,
choked by tho smoke and wild with terror.
Then n big blaze burst out, and the spectators
know that no more could come ont alivo at that
point. A general cry of Bjmpathy and alarm
arose as the figures of men and women appeared
tit tho windows of tho fourth aud fifth stories.
1'iremen had arrived, an alarm at 10:15 having
been promptly respoudod to, but their longost
ladders only rescued well up to the third story.
A citl faintod at eight of these eeomingiv
tloomod prisoners, and exclamations of pity
wero couched m the strongest forms. From
the third story it was easy to climb down the
ladders, and many did so, with tho assistance
of the firemen. But there were not ladders
enough for all who were on that floor oven, be
cause the fire was already in tlio rooms, catch
ing in the n I'S of paper witli which nearly all
the newspaper offices were incumbered, and
tho utmost hast, was jequisito to escape burn
" iug or suffocation.
Two men throw np a window of the Obfercer
office, and climbed ont on the narrow sill. A
red glare behind them, with a black back
ground of smoke, showed how hotly they were
tmrsucd. They were the I!ev. Dr. 8. lremeus
I 'rune, editor or tlio UMerser, aniltiio Jiev. Dr.
Htoddatt. A wide signboard sorved as a guard
for them, and they tvlijed along behind it until
thev got to the Time building adjoining,
here they entered a window. At the same
time Edward L. 0. Brace, ot tho Twf, Field
and Farm, climbed from a window ot his of
fice, in the next story above, and by moans of
a nanny signboard roaeheu Thompson s adver
tising agency in the Times building, but not
without a burned hand and face. A cheer went
up from the crowd.
But tho choeriuK was onlv for an Instant. It
was silenced by a horrifying sight Mrs. Ellen
Bnll, colored, the Janitress of five offices in the
building, ag&d about fifty years, came to a
third-story window and called loudly for help.
Some men held a large sheet for her and she
jumped, but mining tho shoot, fell with terri
ble force on the sidewalk, Klio was raised and
taken at once to tho Chambers street hospital,
where she died in about an hour.
Itichaid H. Davy, printer, a natiro of Eng
land, forty yewrj old, was seen on the roof
running wildly tin and down and calling loudly
f-r"HoIp ! help!" Suddenly he was seen to
slip and fall. On bis way he struck against
the telegraph wires and was badly hurt. l!o
boundiug fiora the wires he fell to tho sidewalk
with a crash, breaking his leg and injuring
Limnclf badly In the face. He was taken to
ttio Chambers Btroet hospital, whore lie uiea.
While these seoneB wero being enacted by
tho firemen in Nassau street similar ones were
going on in l'ark row. Hook and Ladder Com
. pauy No. 10 was stationed there, and tlio
daring and bravery of private John J. Iloni
commanded tho admiration of the spectators.
Ho ran up the ladder in Park row, near tho
Iloekmau etreet oornor, and reacuot two men
and one woman. To do this he had to
bo Biippliod with another ladder ten feet
long, wmcQ was fieia Dy one oi Ms com
panions on the first ladder. After that
Horn placet the uylunr against a room
on tho same floor near the 1'imee building. Two
facej bad been seen to disappear from tlio win
dow, lie could see nothing when tho window
was reached, as the room, which was nearly
fifty feet square, was thick with smoke. Inside
ho heard groans, lie jumped through tho win
dow and iii a minuto aftoiward reappeared
with a man in bis arms. Tho man was found
almost nnconsoious. lvinj on the floor. Horn
went into the room twice afterward, and each
time he found a man almost lifeless from sol lo
cation . As he descended with his last man the
crowd chtcrod lustily.
Another of tho rescuers of Hook end Laddoi
No. 10 waa Johu E. Nolan, who had charge of a
ladder on tho l'ark row Bide. Ho had a ladder
that reached to the third story, and from there
lio passed out two women. On the floor above
in the windows were others who wero crying
piteous!' for help. Nolan wound his legs in an
astonishing way in the rungs of the ladder and
Ciicd out: "Jump into my aims; it's your
only ohrnice." Tlicro wero two women in a wiu
, dow directly above, and tho crowd shouted to
then to lep, and one, after a moment's hesita
tion, did so, end was caught eafely in Nolan's
aims. A cheor rose up from tho crowd as the
girl was carried, fainting, down the ladder by
iinothor fireman. The other woman, encou
raged by tho result "f her companion's risky
leap, poised ou tho window-sill to leap uls-j.
Nolan held out his aims roady to catch her,
and she jumped, but from dizziness or ner
vousness, it is thought, missed her footing and
Ve.l. A shout of horror went up from tho
crowd. The woman was not killod, however,
lor she fell into an awning and was but slightly
As the fire burned ont the beams between the
walls and story after story of the building fell
in, the walls began to tot tor. The first to go
was that on the Nassau street side, as it wag
here that tho flames were fiercest. Then that on
lVckuian street leaned in and finally Ml. The
fal itig of this wail was fortunate in this re
spool, because before it foil the boat in Beek
ljian street wag so great that the firemen
could not work. The full of this wall en
Killed tho men to carry in their hose aud throw
water upon the walls of Kelly's and the Mail's
olt uflice. Tho lire-wall between the burnt
building and tho Times was kept cool by the
water fiotn the water tower, which was working
in Nassau street, and that from the combina
tion nuzzlo supplied by Engine No. 27, tho
most powerful steamer on tho ground, playing
f:om tho l'ark row side. It ronuiiod lour mou
to ninnago tho combination nozzle.
Tho pavements wero littered with tlio re
mains of burnt ladders. Tho spectators and
iho men on duty around the fire were obliged
to covet their laces with handkerchiofs to pro
tect them from the heat. An arlist sketching
the firo found it necessary to wrap his hand
kerchief around the hand holding his sketch
ing pad. Tho Kelly building on Beokmnn
street was threatened, as was tho monster
Morse building on Nassau street. Tlio fact
that they wire ilrepvoof was a 1 that
saved them from destruction, Tho au
thorities of tho postoflico opp Bite had
all of tho iron shutters drawn
down in order to prevent tho sparks, in enso
the heat broko tho glass, from coming into tho
Aliont 12 o'clock the last of the walls fell,
and it was soon seen that tho fire wns finally
under control. Threo porsnns wero known to
have been killed. Eight wero injured ami ti n
or twelve were reported missing. '1 he pecu
niary damago was put at $1,0U0,UU0.
Eastern and Middle States. L. Baldwin, thodcfault'iigeashior of
tho Mechanics' National bank, of Newark, N.
J., was sentenced to confinement at hard labor
iu tho State prison fir fifteen years.
Mn, Hiram Miller, father of United Rtates
Senator Warner Miller, was killod on a stroot
crossing by a locomotive at Utica, N. Y.
A haby elephant tho second over born In
this country was born the other day at Bridge
port, Conn. Its weight at birth was 100 pounds;
height two tnl a half feot aud length thref
Mayor Grace presided and 'William ST.
Evarts and other prominent citizens particb
pitted in a public meeting held in New York to
express sympathy with tho persecuted Jew
of Kasiia. On tho samo evening a meeting of
a similar character was held in Loudon and
presided over by tho lord mayor.
Arriai a deadlock of five weoks in tho
Now York legislature Charles E. Patterson, of
Troy, was chosen speaker of tho house. This
result is understood to havo been attained
atler a conference between tho regular Porno
era's and tho Tiimmany members, the Utter
agreeing to vote with tho former if all the
Democratic caucus noininoos for olliccrs of the
house except Mr. 1'attorson bo withdrawn.
A msi'ATt it from Lieutenant Daneuhower, nt
Irk'.it-k, Siberia, to the Now York lliraln
states that ha has discovered records of tho
Jeannetto commander, Do Long, which show
(kit three natives found him and his compan
ions in October last and took them to a settle
ment. Lieutenant Daneuhower began tho
search for them five days later. They have
been traced to a wilderness, and every effort ii
s'ill being made to find them.
The American Agricultural association, com
prised of delegates from tho various agricul
tural societies of tho country, met iu a throo
davs' convention iu New York. Presi
dent Spragne in his opening address, said the
question before tli .'ia vai how could they ele
vate their calling, insreiso the products of the
land am", make farming profitable and attrac
tive to young men? Many questions of interest
to farmers were read.
A Boston dispatch says that tho brig S. P.
Brown, from Now York for Newbiuyport,
Mass., rnnnued by five or six men, has bocn
given up for lost.
Tue baby elephant born at Bridgeport, Conn.,
has been insured for $300,000, Mr. Baruum
paying f 1,000 a week premium for ouo yiar.
A hue at Buffalo, N. Y., destroyed the com
mercial elevator and other property, causing an
ogsregate estimated damage of $175,0?0.
I'on the past year tho cost of buildings
erected in New York city was $13,301,390, aj
against J20,115,383 tho preceding year.
Ok tho first day of the search amid tho ruins
of tha Park row firo in New York three bodies
were recovered those of the foreman, assistant
foreman and a compositor of tho Obtervtt
A tire in the business heart of Jorsey City,
N. J., destroyed a barrel factory anil eight
other buildings, causing an estimated damage
exceeding 5200,000.
One of the heaviest snow storms seen in l'cw
York for many years visited that city nnd
vicinity the other day and caused much dis
cern Many trains were blockaded for
hours by hugo snowdrifts. In portions of Near
England aud tho Middlo Statea country roads
were rendered entirely impassable by the enow.
Several marine dis;.ste s were reported.
Line tenant Giles B. Hareoh and Master
V. H. S'cheutzc, of the United Etates navy, ap
pointed by Secretary Hunt to fceareh for Lieu
ttnansnt Chipp and tho other men lost aftoj
tho wreck of tho Arctic exploring vessel .lean
nette, started tin oilier day in nn ocean
steamer from New York ou their long journey
to Irkutsk, Siberia.
South and West.
In an accident on tho Union Paciflo railroad,
near Fort Steele, V. T., three men were killed
and fonr others wounded, and by the c )l!ision
on the Scioto Valley railroad, at Hanging Uock,
Ohio, two men were killed and five fatally in
jured. Owing to tho prevalence of smallpox in a
malignant form in Brunswick county, Va., the
churches and school-bou-os wero closod and a
county hospital was established.
Tukee young ladies two of thorn eistors
wcro drowned whilo attempting to cross the
i-hmindoah river in Buckingham county, Va.
A dispatcii frtmi Coalfield, Va., stab s that
shortly alter 1 o'clock tho other day an explo
sion occurred in tho Grove shaft of the Mid
lo' hiuu coal pits. A volume of emoko.'cindors,
wood and bark buret from tho shaft, which bo
Citme choked up and closod. Intense excito
mcnt ensued, as it was known that a largo
number of men were at work in tho pit, which
is over 1,200 feet deep, the galleries extend
ing 8,000 feet underground. Several effoita woro
made to test the pit and to reach the imprisoned
workmen without success. Teoplo from all
quarters flocked to the scene of tho explosion.
Thirty-two men ton wbito and twenty-two col
ored wero entombed la tho miuo, and by 2
o'clock all hopo was abandoned, and the most
harrowing scenes of wailing women sud chil
dren and grief-stricken men followed. A ma
jority of the entombed wero married, and
many leave la'gi iauiilies. Host of theso bad
assembled et the mouth of tho shaft, and tho
scenos wore heartrending in the c-xtromo.
Nelson Pecker, with bis wifo and boy, was
crossing Crooked hlto, in Barry county, Mich.,
in a cutter, when it broko through tho ice and
all threo were drowned.
A Texas sheriff, accompanied by a doputy
and three other men, attompted to arrest two
Mexicans noar Brownsville, but beforo he could
do so lo-jt three of his force, and had to kill one
of tho men ho was after.
D. C. White was' hanged at Canton, Texas,
for the minder of Gco'go Conquest, a young
Englishman, robbery being the motive for the
From Washington.
I'ob the purpose of facilitating tho with
drawal of mutilated coin from circulation the
superintendents of coinage mints have been
authorized by the secretary of the treasury to
purchase mutilated United States silver coins,
c standard fineness, iu sums of throe dollar
and upward, without melting and assay, pay
ing at the rate of one dollsr per ounce of stand
ard silver contained.
Seot.etahy Humt lia telegraphed toLieuten-
nnt Danenhower and party to return to the
United States and to Engineer Melville to oon
tinue the search for Lieutenant De Long.
Tna annual report of the commissioner oi
patonts shows that tho total receipts of the
oflloo during tho pst year wera 853,CG3.89
nnd tho expenditure 1005,173.23. During the
year there wero issied 17,(120 patents and
designs, as against 1C,5S4 fir tho year ending
December 31. 1S80.
The commissioner of pensions, in reply to a
House resolution calling fo r information as to
vhat amount would bo w piircd annually to
pay pensions during the nejt twenty-five years,
stiiuatos the amounts wh) jii will be required
for tho twenty-five years, ending with 1900 at
Dunio January the publio debt was de
creased $12,978,830.30. Tlio docrease of tho,
debt since June 30, l;i81 tho end of tho
last fiscal year is 8H,08 5,931.2i The cash in
tho treasury is $210,n25,48.60. Tho total re
ceipts last month were J 33, 4-11, 137, against
$29,473,070 iu January, 18W, and the total ex
penditures were $12,800,000; against tl3,600,
000 in January of last year.
Mn. Scotille Is reported, to have considered
favorably rlio offer of soma speculator for the
pui chase of Guiteau's body for exhibition pur
poses. Last mouth the various Ukiitod States mints
coined 1,193,0(0 gold pieces worth $3,001,000,
2,300,000 silver dollars, aud 6,893,000 minor
coius worth $37,800, being a itotal of 9,385,010
pieces worth $10,419,100.
A Washington paper publishes a report of an
interview with the assassin in which lie in
dulges in tho usual amount of blasphemy and
bravado. Tho rcportor adds: ' Ho is begin
ning to show much nervousness and irritability.
He is suffering from a severe iiold, which has
inflamed his eyes. One of tho jail officials who
lias observed the prisoner closejy, Baid ho
would not bo surprised if Guitoau did
not livo to be hung, as his health
appeared to bo failing rapidly." Tho assas
sin'a attention being called to tho reported
nrrangemont made by Mr. Seoville with a
Philadelphia firm to oxhibit 3iis body, Gniteati
said: "I won't havo anybody meddling with my
body. This thing lias been done without my
consent. I don't want my relatives to make
any money out of It. Seoville had no business
to do it. I intend to will my body to some in
stitution, but I will bavo ubo for it myself for
a long time."
GnTEAU has issued an address denouncing
tho course of tho newspapers in bis case, ad
vertising bn photographs and autographs and
condemning the scheme for pulting his body on
Ma. Blaine h3 written on open lotter to
President Arthur protesting against tho rovoca.
tion of the invitation to tho North and South
American ropublios to attend an Amorican
Congress "for tho purpose of agreeing on such
basis of arbitration for uitornationul troubles as
would remove all possibility of war on tho
Wostcrn Hemisphere."
The congressional library now numbers
420,002 volumes, as against 330,733 volumes
one year ago. The accessions during 1881 em
braced 23,301 volumes and 12,831 pnmphlets.
The Jefferson school building, ono of tho
finest education tl structures in Washington,
has been destroyed by firo. It accommodated
1,000 pupils and wis valued at $135,000.
Secretary Hunt has tolegraphed to Liou
tennnt Danenhower, at Irkutsk, Siberia, that
owing to tho condition of his health tho order
to remain aud continue tho search for the
Jeannetto survivors is rovoked, and he is com
manded to return homo with tho other in
valids. Foreign Hews.
By tho bursting of a reservoir at Calais.
France, a school-houso and two other buildingt
wero overwhelmed and destroyed, few of the
inmates osoaping. Twenty-seven bodies wcr
token out of the ruins.
The following is tho now French cabinot: M
do Froyeinet, prosident of th6 council and
minister of foreign affairs; M. Jules Porry,
minister of publio instruction; M. Goblet,
minister of tho interior and of worship; M.
Humbert, minister of justice; M. Leon Soy,
minister of finance; M. Varroy, minister oi
publio works; General Billot, minister of war,
Admiral Jaureguilxrry, minister of marine;
M. iiraru, minister oi commorco; M. Cochery
mini.-ster of posts anel telegraphs. '
The Union Generale, a Parisian banking
concern doing an immense business, has sus
pended. A eiuon of torror prevails at Cabul, Afghan
istan, where 1,100 persons are imprisoned for
political offonses.
A St. Petersbctkj dispatch says that Engi
neer Melville will form fivo separato parties to
search for Commander Da Long, of tho lost
An extraordinarily large number of sccrot so
cieties have been discovered in Ireland. The
arrest under the land act aro constant and nu
merous. Lieutenant Danenhower, of the Jeannotte
i-xptdition, has arrived at Irkutsk. Ho tele
graphs that Lieutenant Do Long's party has
been traced to a definitive loca'ity on the west
bend of tho Lena. Tlio Jeannette entered iho
ice near Herald island on September 6, 1879,
diifte-d to the northwest during twenty-one
months aud Batik on Juno 12. Tho retreat
over the ico was then made to the New Siberian
islands, and thence in boats to the delta of
the Lena. '
Heavy reductions in rent aro being made by
tho Irith land commissioners.
The French troops operating in Southern
Algoria marched eighty miles in threo days,
captured 10,000 sheep and C.000 camels and
killod ninety tribesmen.
A Frencu frigate has been ordered to Guate
mala, Central America, to demand satisfaction,
$2,000 indemnity and tho imprisonment of tho
assailants for a recent assault on the secretary
of the French legation
The president and manager of the broken
Union Generale Banking company, Paris, have
been arrosled.
Nearly orory inhabitant of one townland of
Longh Mask, Ireland, has been arrosted ou
suspicion of complicity in the murder of the
proctss-sorvor, Mr. Huddy, and his nephew,
whose bodies wore found in the lake.
George Slosson, of New York, defeateel M.
Vignaux, of France, in a billiard match at
Paris, tho game being the "Champion's gamo,"
for 3,000 points, and occupying five nights in
the playing. At the end of tho match Slosson
had 3,000 points to 2.553 for his thitherto invin
cible opponent. A tremendous crowd nit
nossed the match.
The steamer 13. B. AVard, Jr., collided with
the Swedish bark nourik, from Rouen, Franco,
bound for Pensacola, Fla. The collision oc
curred in the Gulf of Mexico, and tho bark
sank in a few minutes, carrying down six men
f)f the ten on board.
An iron chess-bcarii provide! vith
magnetic chussmen is a Berlin- novelty.
Tho Km all magnet ecccfalcel in the
figures causo theia to adhero to the
iron board aud retain their place in
spito of considerable sbooks, sach for
instance as received on sLipboard or
on railway trains.
After all the arguments about cheapaesi and
quality it appears that Dr. Buli'i Cough Syrup
is the best remedy for tho cure of Coughs and
Colds ever offered to tho pnblio. Trie price is
only 25 cents a bottle and every druggist in the
land tells and recommends it,
A eommnninti,-,v, to1 from Collector
Itoboi tsou, of the New York custom honse, rela
tive to eoarch warrants for the discovery of
smuggled goods,,,, x. bill was introduced to
provide for a water routo to fsoilitato Iranspor
tation between Lake Michigan and Lake Erie.
....The Sherman refunding bill was further
Petitions wore presonted by Mr. Miller from
tho Emigration association of San Francisco,
urging the early passage of an act to carry into
effect the Chinese einigraiiou treaty. By Mr.
Hoar from the officers of the Woman Suffrage
HBsooi!iti n, of Missouri, protesting against!n. f..- -1 .1;.. r l.J..
leytpmi mil inr loo uncOUfimo"" uinw hiiuiijbo-
ment of women in Utah and pra ing for the ex
titnation of polygamy Mr. Harris, from the
cominitteo on epidemio diseases, reported fa-
voraniy, who amendments, ine Din lor me uis
tribution of pure vaocino vims to the people
....The House concurrent resolution fixing
February 27 an the day for tho Garfield me
morial services nas concurred in.
Mr. Tellor, from the committee on pensions,
reported an original bill a a substitute for the
ono on the subject, granting to Lucretia B.
Garfield, Sarah Childress Polk and Julia Gard
nor Tyler, widows of ex-Picsidontfi, lifo i en
BionB of $3,000 per voar from September 19,
1881 that of Mrs. Tyler to be iu lien of tho
pension heretofore granted her. Placed on tho
cab ndar Mr. 1 oar reported from the oom-
inittco on privileges and oleotions the Bonato
bill fixing tlio day for tho meeting of electors
of President and Vice-President, providing
for and regulating the countiug ol the votes for
Prosident aud Vice-President, and the decision
of questions arising I hereon, no said tho bill
was identical with the one reported by Mr.
Edmunds from tho judiciary cominitteo and
passed by the Senate in 1878. Ordered to be
printed. . . .On motion of Mr. Logan the Senate
bill for the distiibution by the national board
of health of pure vaoeiuo virus to the people
was taken by unanimous nsenf. Tho com
mittee amendments wero adopted and tho bill
was passed ... .Tbe Sherman threo per oent.
funding bill was passed as amended by a vote
of 733 yeas to 18 nays.
Bills were lntrodnoed to prevtnt the unlaw
ful occupation of the p'tblic lands; to regulate
railroad fares; for tho importation fro of dnty
of iron ore frora Canada; proposing a constitu
tional amendment making a person holding
tho offiM of President ineligible for ra-elootion,
providing that at the end of his term of
office the Trosidont shall receive a pension
of $6,000 per annum, and declaring cabi
net officers ineligible for election to tho
presidency for thn farm following that
during which they held such offiee; defining
ine powers and duties of the Mississippi river
commission; removing the duty upon news-
nnl..lnnl .--I ;. In nhila.l
he Yellowstone National park; to extond tho
postal money oreior system; tor ine atimiBsion
of Arizona and Idaho into the Union as States
....Thoro wero reported the consular and dip
lomatic armronriation bill and a bill to rogn-
lnto, limit and suspend tho emigration of
Chinese laborors. The first-named appropri
ates $1,198,580, being $12,420 less than the
amount appropriated last year, and $116,525
less man tno estimates.
Mr. Mc.Kinley offered a resolution setting
apart Monday, February 27, 1832, for tho
memorial services upon tho Jatn President
James A. Oarflold. Adopted .... Mr. Burrows
presented the petition of citizens of Michigan
for tho Hiippressiou of polvgamy. Heferrod
....air. mn lntrouncfd a Dill reducing tno
postago on letters and sealed packages to two
cents for half an ounce or under; fonr cent
for over half an ounce end under two ounces;
and for each additional two o.mces or fraction
thereof two conts. lieferred.
Tho Ameer's Helliod of Execution.
A dripcription comes from Cabul by
way of India of the manner in wnioli
the ameer caused the, late minister of
war to be exterminated. The latter
niiide glowing promises of future devo
tion, but his sovereign would not listen
to them for a moment, but condemned
him to instant death. Thereupon the
piisoncr Mas bound hand and foot, con
ducted to that part of the yard in which
the elephants' fetalis open and Inid upon
the ground. At the tame moment one
of the stall doors was unfastened and
out stepped a gigantic elephant. The
ponderous executioner, evidently un
derstanding what wan expected of him
maele no delay, but advaucing through
the conrlyard placed his fore feet upon
t,he prof.tra'e body of tho culprit and
forthwith began to trend hiui cnt of
existence. A few eeconda later noth
ing Yas left of tho miserable Daud
Khan except an unrecognizable mass of
llesb. and numerous mourning wives
and relatives.
A Nocturnal Ilamh'e and what Tame of It.
Koine genius we suspect liim to belong to
the jovial order oi liumnriily lias said:
" The day to drone and dream, the night to
learn and ramble." We tlo not propose to
dispute this worthy's view of the matter, but
present herewith the experience of a Phila
delphia journalist, Mr. William II Ctin
uington, 1712 North Twentieth street, one
of whose nocturnal rambles he thus refers to,
beginning his narration rather peculiarly,
however : '.' I am not a rheumatic, and have
been troubled very little with bodily psins.
Lust Tuesday morning I experienced a very
annoying stiffness of the neck, which grew
worse as the day wore on. Toward evening
it became very severe, nnd I could scarcely
turn my head in any direction. Arriving
home ut tea time it was with difficulty that
1 could entr my meal. My wife wanted to
rub my neck "with St. Jacobs Oil, but I re
fused, saying 1 thought the affliction would
soon pass away. Tea over, against the
remonstrances of my family, 1 leit home to
ramble toward the new Chestnut Street
Opera IIoiiFe, aboufr two and a hnlf miles
from my residence. 1 started in the midst
of a heavy snow storm, and remained at the
theater until tho close of the performance,
although I could feel my neck getting worse
and becoming very painful. Leaving the
play the trouble came to reach home. The
storm continued ; t lie car in which I was
became blocked in nearly every square, a
cold current of air swept through the car.
and I did not reach my home until toward
2 A. m., by which lime my neck had become
absolutely rigid Then I consented to the
use of Su Jacobs, Oil, which rcy wife ap
plied two or three times before 1 arose. I
continued its use that day and by evening
I was free irom pain, and the next morning
I amused myself by twisting my neck in any
direction that suited me, and not a vestige
of stiffness remained." iloston Herald,
On tho first day of Jaunary, 1801, the
initial day of the nineteenth century,
Ireland paf ed into incorporating union
with Great Britain.
In a Cincinnati daily we notice that Mr
Tim Glerson, ex member of the Council
from the Fourth Ward ol that city, says he
suffered terribly from rheumatism all last
winter and spring. He tried all kinds eij
liniments anel medicines without any bene
fit until lie used St. Jacobs OJ, the first ap
plication of which insured a full night's re
pose, and iU subsequent use entirely cured
turn. It is a great remedy. Akron (Ohio)
More than thirty of the mining com
p.uicB in Colorado make total absti
nence a condition of employment.
On Thirty Days' Trial.
The Voltato Belt Co., MarshaU, Mich., will
Bend their Electro-Voltoio Belts and othor Elec
tric Appliances on trial for thirty days to any
person aUHcted with Nervous Debility, Loat
Vitality, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing
complote restoration of vigor and manhood.
Aeldress as abovn without delay.
P. 8. No risk is incurred, as 80 days' trial is
" Rough on Bnta."
The thing desired found at last. Ask druggists
for Hough on Bats. It clears out rats, mice,
roaches, flie, bedbugs. 15o. boxes.
Let it be understood once for all that Cajibo
like, a deodorized extract of petroleum, will
positively restore hair to bald heads, and there
u uo othor prepuratiou under the face of the
sun that can accomplish this work. -
Lord Bvmn, hi referenco to a beautiful lady,
wrote to a frienel "Lady has been dan
gerously ill, but now she is drmqtrously well
again." American bolles, when attacked by
any of the ills that flesh is heir to, may be kept
A Ji'nor, and avoid being killed by taking Dr. R.
V. Pierce's "Favoii'e Prescription," which
bmishes feminine weakness, and restores tho
bloom of health. By all druggists.
TnE cattlo showing for Texas is no small
item. Ihe 1881 count oalls lor 4,464,000 head.
The estimated value oi theso is about $10,
000,000. " First a cough carried me off,
And then a coffin thoy carried me off inr
Ibis will not be your epitaph if yon take your and rr It V Piciw't "Onldflll MnttlCfl
Discovery" in time. It is specifio for weak
JUHg, Spitting OI uioon, Illglll-sweawt, auuuw
early stagce of consnmp Ion. By all druggista.
Anoirr rne-fifth of the entire population of
50,000 of Paterson, N. J., consist of girls who
are employed lu the different mills.
Tlirwtt, Bmnehlnl. nml Lang DUene
A specialty. Koud two stamps for largo treatise
giving self treatment. Address World's Dis
rumunv Medical Association, Buffalo, N. If.
' In 1870 thn colored population of West Vir
ginia was 17,980, and in 1880 it was 25,886,
showing an inoreaso in the ten years of 7,000.
The BcUnc of Life, or Belf-Preaoryatton.
medical work for evcrv man young, middle
aged or old. 125 Invaluable prescriptions.
Pure cod-ltvrk oil, from selected livers, on
the seashoro, by Caso)l, Hazard & Co., N. Y.
AUiOlutely pure and sweet. Patients who have
once taken it prefer it to all otbors. Physicians
declare it superior to all other oils.
Chawed hands, moc, pimples and rough skin
cured by using Juniper Tar Boap, made by Cas
well, Uzard & Co., New York.
William J. ejonghlln, of Bomervllls. Mas . nays: In the
fall of 1870 I waft taken with Bi-EEMKa or mK lungs ful.
lowed by a mere coeh. I lost my appetite and flesh,
and was conliacd to my bed. In 1877 I wm admitted tc
the hospital. The doctors said 1 had a hole In my lung at
bltf as a half-dollar. At one time a report went around
that I was dead. I gnveup hope, but a friend told me ot
I irot a bottle, when to my surprise, I commenced to feej
better, and to-day I feel better than for three years past.
I write this hoping every one oltllcted with Diseased
l.unfts will take DK. WILLIAM Tl ALL'S IIA I.SA M, and
be convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN UK Ct'KKD. I
can positively say It has done more good than all tli
other medicines I have taken since my sickness.
ALLEN'S Urn In Food-cures Nervous Debility &
Weakness of etvnemtive elivans, ft J nil druKKists.
Bend lor Circular. Allan's Pharmacy, 31b First av.,23. Y.
Beef Cattle -Mod. Nut livo wt. 0
Calves l"oor to Prime Veals... f'sS
Lamlw 7j&0
Hogs Live, 7 fij
lirossed, citv 8fiJ
Flour Ex. State, good to fancy 5 60 (?4 8
Western, good to choico 6 90 (ia 8
Wheat Ko. 2 lied. uw U1 $ 1
No. 1 Whito, now 1 41 1
Ttyo Shito !.") ra
Ilarloy Two-rowod Rtato 0 ft
Corn Ungraded WestoruMixod 67'jj
riouthern Yellow 71)'8
Cats White State 48 fi
Mixed Western 40
Kay Prime Timothy 85 (tl)
Straw No. 1, It vo..." 80
Hops Rtate, 1881 26 (Tj
Pork Mess, new, for export. ..18 25 G?,18
Lard City Steam 11 UYiLU
Jtelined 11 U) fyiU
Petroleum Crude Gty
Butter State Creamery AO (y)
Dairy 20
Wcatorn Iui. Creamery 27 Co)
Factory .". 13 fii
Cheese St ato Factory 9 fij
Skims 8 fifl
Weston 1) (ib
Ej,'gs State and I'cnn 2S hi)
Potatoes Karly Hose. State, bbl 8 25 3
Pteers Etra C 25 (J 6
Lambs Western 4 75 (4 6
Sheep Western 415 0i 5
Hojk, Gond to Choice Yorkers.. 6 1)5 () 7
FlenrC'yOromid, No. 1 Spring 6 75 di 7
Wheat No. 1. Hard Uiiluth. . . . 167 (id 1
Corn No. 2 Mixed r... tW''i
Oiils No 2 Mix. West 48 f,j)
Barley Two-rowed State 00 r
7 V.
Beef Extra plate and family. .11 00 (fgl5
jiogs j ,ive l'i(t
Hors City Dressed 8(9
Pork Extra Prime periibl.. . .15 00 (-15
Hour Spring Wheat Patents.. 7 50 find
Corn Mixed and Yellow 73Vrj
Oats Extra Whito 5 'AOt)
live State 1 00 M, 1
Wool Washed Cotnb&Dclaino 4i;j
Unwashed " " 3d' r3
Beef Extra quality 6 75 fi 7
Sheep Livo wight 4 fiji
Lambs . 5;4
Hogs, Northern, d. w 8 6$
Flour renn. Ex. Familv, good 6 50 ii 6
Wheat No. 2 lied 1 12 (fo 1
live State 07 rtV)
Corn Stato Yellow CllV'is'j
Onti Mixed ill' rrj
Butter Creamery Extra Fa. .. 42 (if.
Cheese New York Full Cream. lUJa
Petroleum Crude li rrj
lieiined 1i'h
A Surprised Locomotive
Swearing Engineer,
The people along the lino of
" M rami ny irnm 1 rnmu ay Lnnilliie,
iS J-tt- to "c liiiaiul towns were sur-
prised and amused nt a recent
p35'5k occurrence. Sl many strange
i'c.' thing's, however, are constantly
f't? preseutlnir themselves to tlieat-
J?.7W telltiiill of the l,omlp nmv-n-rinva
tlint genuine surprises ure few
Indeed. This was Hie exception.
Wo lmvA r.'twl f.f tlir. "i,.iinl
.-.A Shin on a luiintf-d fieem,.' ntul
iy witnessed the "poetry of motion,"
M as shown in niinei'ntr. Lnl. luul
W ffi never hesrd of decorative art
'iJ'&Jk lu rapid flight on a inllwnv
train until this time. People
Y ooservea, wnn wine-eyed wnu
f der, the locomotive and ten-
uer auu run irnm 01 cars mov
ing through the country,
adorned ou every available
spot with the mflKleal words
'St. Jacobs Oii.P' It looked
f;nrt;eouJf full display of color
s allowed to mean nnvibing
these times, lllockcri midline,
ji ine impu
dence of the
advertisin g
man be tho
inensur 1 n g
c t a H a r.r
.9 It InnlKii
funny to Fee
the train
and engine,
with these
parti -colored
matic wrap
pings; and
at a conve
nient op
portunity our corres
pondent iu
quired of
the conduc
tor what It
all meant?
"Why, It means that my wholo train locks like a
traveling memigerip," said tho conductor. "I
laid up my train nt Tramway, ns usual, and, dur
ing the hours of 'balmy sleep,' I suppose smno
of those advertising wretches backed up their
'kit' and posted it from front to rear. I don't
know wby they did it; but there stands the
elonjratcd, red and yellow facts starlns you in
the fnee. and Just as prominent as a rabbit's ears I
It's hard luck stranger, but I guess it's allriuht."
tialveslon (JTet.) Daily Journal.
TX A WEEK, fly a dav at home easily um'ln. (loHilf
I fc OutAt uue. Add'tl'iiUS 4 Co.. Aui.'uatit,aUiu
Ailments that Hpcm Trinina;
Are often but the prelude to a complication of
obstinate maladies. Among the former are a
fit of Indigestion, loss of appetite, bilinnsness
and inactivity of the bowels. It Is highly un
safe to disregard any of those symptoms of bod
ily doranRcment. They should be attended to
at onoe, ere tiiey oocome enronio, ana involve
the Ronoral health. Tho above complaints may
be easily subdued with Hostcttor s Stomach
Bittors. Rheumatism Mil fover and ague, both
maladies for whioh tho abovo is a reliable spe
cific, yield most readily to it in their incipiency. testimony as 10 us pievunnveeiiieacy, anu
fortifying intluonco upon thn system, Is partio
nlarly satisfactory and conclusive. Norvons
ailments are amonr the maladies for which
prompt relief is ubtoinod by the use of this
sterling mo lieino.
Tiidde aro in England and Wales 10.000
w-nnen who are classed as habitnal drunkards.
The number of ruon iu the same category is
""Most Hnllsfhrlnry."
Niiwnriito, N. Y., May 27, 1881.
II. H. WAnxF.n & Co. : Sirs I have derived the
mot satisfactory results from the use of your
Safe Kidney ard Liver Cure. A, O. Surra.
It is estimated that ninety por cent, of the
grain moved o the Atlautio seaboard is for ex
port. Vstimut-"Tho life of all flesh is the blood
thoroof." And no 01m ran porwbly be healthy
when tho blood is diseased. Vkqftime is com
posed of subs' anccs identical with healthy
blood, and when taken into the system fir the
cure of discao it is absorbed, and replaces the
deficiency which caused the disease.
Savfl ft IJo;t nn ihvpirian, "hn no rqnal as ft blood
inirifi'-r. Hearing nt ti many wonderful cure after
nil otbPT rvTnMlifs had tiiilrd, I vlsitt-d the Labora
tory, nn;l emvinced mvnolf of it tf'iimn merit. It
i i-nmd Irom barks, roots and herbs, v&eh of
uIiMi is iiifrhly flVctivi', find thoy urn compounded
in such a manner as to produce aHtonisliiuK rusulta."
Is the great Blood Turilier.
Will cure the worst rase'of Sorofula.
la recommended by physicians nud ajmthecarlea.
idol by physicians aud aiotl
some marveloue cures iu case
Has effected some marvelous cures iu capm of Cancer.
Cures the worst case ol Canker.
rst ease" of Canker.
Will eradicate Rait RUcum from the system
U'.'iSCrw riinples aad.Humnrs from the face.
Is the went remedy fur General Debility.
In nek -.iowlerled by ull clashes of people to be the
bt (t t.ud iu jjt reliable bUmd purifit r iu the world.
riser AitED by
H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass.
Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists.
Tho VongivantioiiaUst, ono of our leading papers,
.15 s :
"D. LothroiJ & Go's Magazines
for Young People aro not only
pure end educational fn the hoot
sense, but they are the MOST
POPULAR in the language."
T.'iey consist nf
Wide" Awake, $2. GO a year.
Babyland, BO cents a year, t ittle
Folks' Hoador, 75 cents a year,
Tho Pansy (weekly), 50 cents s
year. Send subscriptions to D.
LOTHRO P & CO., 32 Franklin St.,
Boston. Samples of the above
Magazines sent postpaid on re
ceipt of tivo 3c. stamps. Terms
and circulars to agonts if desired.
"Just let me show you"
Worth Cost a.c.
Hy Hie author of
"Plain Home Tai'k" ami "Medical
I'mmmo.n Kr;."
J PAIiKS r,r A.lvkv nliout Imlly
I -1 ' Iln',.ls. nu.l Hi-i-ipt-s for (uro of
('(iIimiv 11 Aiiim iils; h va untile Hc'k of
lii-li-n i:n- Inr i v. i.v Mmlly. Only -JS cts.
'I In- lliihil-l k (i-til itusrliaiili-rHoii lly-
tU ur lur nil p- us.ins. ('olnmuli "f-ris.- ou
imii. 11 1 ; lp. HyuicriicCiliritlvc Mi :isurp,
Ki:;;i I Wi.nli Kti-.wdi;:. Hints on llulUlntf,
1 11 lIl!;u, 1 l.o Sii-k, 011 Kint-rupnrti-a, t.-
I I tii-1 v. illi R.-ITM' nf the Pr.VHti- l-'oniiu:ip
( I lir, i-'oi.ik. nml odu-r nliveicianii of hluli
ri ii. ti .nml li ri-i purint fond for IiiViiM.lH
lie Alit.NlS HA.WSl).
Murray Hill Bock Publishing Co.,
I:'0Kast 2-;tu Stukf.t, N'e-v Yoltlt ClTT.
ASTI1.M A. :' 1,r,y
ntuhatf relief in (tin Wi'iti c?ie-, fiifctnei comftrt
1 atiln lf ftp ; fftpc h c it ft wli'Tft all r-ttiHtti 1a., A
i?iii foin'r'iirn Jt t'tnt o.Wfi't'iiI. Pi 'co, ftlf . nnd
i i... li ciiimlr uilil T i k.14
PAT TILL 't'Kf I. Pu(r-rr of
I NhshI ami i'.ionliil CATARRH dn-
t siring a sure, periuautrut cure, Withouf
risK ol iftiiure or exrenso, unui a ran
is ptTt-ctoi. will ad'lri-BS at once for Cii
cular, DR. WM. HANGCHB, CentrevlUe, toU
i oiitiiii'H Hji.f'iulitl itt.!W and ctimnlclf Novels. Soiid
C vi'uu for siinii.l.- liumlr. I Vl'KU NATIONAL
MCU'S TO., Uit una ai t -kmuu St.. Now York.
A Sum t'lin for Fit
Will bo dent by imu! to urn ftd-beH, )Ktpaid, on re
cvivt of iin (loll n-. Ailiit''MK J. Alonzn Greene,
luflian Doctor, bl(i Pine Street, Kt. Louip, Mo.
A i-rlVct curt) for premature tU-bility, Stjurt for
p-irruliir. 1)R. J. KAliK, hiVZ Uroinlyay, New York.
R. B. A. P. Larey, Patent Solici
tors. WoMliiiifzlnn. 1). (I. OiirvnU
I Uiibh'Iiiintl H;kn, "Pat ont and
Hints mid UotripPB," xentfrre.
Stnri lit hufHlnr-. Oreat rhanre to milco money.
$lutn l-1p.r (I tv without capital. Particulars
fn'. s M HiLK.V : Vox ;16. Southlunton, Ct.
nnrnlilnn Ilnlilt (nwl In 10
lo 50 Nnnavlilll'nr.
1H. J. Si fca'Hii.Ns, LeLiHnoii. uliki.
7 7 7 k
AOKNTS. Oulflt Irop. AddnH
l. , Irwi-ry. A Piruwtn. 111,'.
t-iiiiiK an i n-b in inr wuriu: isainiw' n f.
Aililrem .Jny Rrtinaon. Ilrln1t. Aflrti.
Ynillf! M FN It you wai t to li-nrutolrirmpliyin
luunu men a lew months, and lie ci-rtain of a
ejtuatlon, a-.Ulroi Vnlontum Jin., JannirUifsWUi.
AtiEXTS WANTED "for thn" BeRt an3 Vasti rt.
h.;liiuii Pirtoriul Hoolis anil Billion. Priop roclacod
ft! lrct. Kationul PuliUnLiiiK t'o., Phlladi-li'liia.t'a.
TT A mnTTT?C Catalnfuerree. XHAnu, Bttodu4
mcrictn Wiuti Co.,Itltaburgti,Pa(
HovolTora. Cttilogit free. Adilrtia,
Wf-FL flun Wnrkii. IMlttwrEli. Pa.
C C C a week In your own tovn7TorinH ant f5 nut fit
lreo. AiliVa 11. Hallktt A.-Oo..Pfirllan(l.Maino.
Improved Finnic AorcCnrrtswillti-Uany i-oivoii's
n. n l.., ..,.,1 .1 if Wir.-i-v ru.i,.i...,-;n V V
l-'roo! Cutiil'uruPKol riioniiMusir. C. Ilrelim, Ei-le.Vai
Ch in C9fl lirrrtny nt boinc. Barnnlca worth M fron".
vw w Addresii BnstoH &i.,l,urtlaud,Malu.
ore than Onellillion Copies Sold !
258th Edition (New)
orSelf-PreaaTTatlon. A Great Medical Treat,
lae an Manboedi the Came and Core of Ex.
banated Vltallu, Mervoae and l'liralcml Debil
ity! ulaoon the Untold MUerlea a riling tromtha
Excee e M attire Years. 300 paces, Roral
Sro. The Terr flncet iteel encraTliiKi. 122 lnraluble
I'reacrlptlona for all
f?Wf)M TUVQCIC Bouml In beamlfnl French MuaUn, emboaaed, full
-.WUil ll.Idt.Lri cut. l'rlce ouly 81.23. by mull. (Kew ediUon.1
, Tie Rdcnc nf Ufff, or elf-Preservation, U the noat extraorillnarr work on P).vlolf.u-T vnr Hlui.v. i
Thr-n- i.-. n-.f hlnn wbtovc-r that the man-led or alniils of either i-x can either tmiinoTV&;
.bt is fully ,-xi.Uined. In abort, the book ia invaluable to ell who wish for eood h.alih r.,"0,;'.".1
"I I'.i- l. .'it ili'Iii-:iI u-.irlr hvap rtiihl.HliA1 nn dftn I tinrjit A tf
i- .M and j--iv. le.l modal awarded the author of the Science I LlfS waa fairly wov Tand wowhiu w
fof....ftii.liiMiu rioughman. Iouaauda of cxtracta similar totheabove "could hi t-vTn Yt .
.-rliwt lounmla lit-rary. nollticaL teliidous and soiontine ,v,- if-a u! Jr"m
t. f-.l 1. 1 t,n a b.-ttT medical work, in
lauuoy will roluuuud iu every inatonce. ....m.!. . ...
. .. -.., -m.., nun postpaid, le all parts or the
vTorltl, every month, upen receiptor price, 91.33.
4 Balltnch Street, Boston, Dlnss. '
. (J. B. The tattiot may a eoainlted oa si (Uteejoi reatriaf akUi tai experlaaos.
Harmless to the most Delicate t
Br Its faithful om COXSP1WPTIOJJ him been
CURED when other Remedies and rnysi
clans have failed to effect a cure.
flnnntr. VT. Vs.,
Writes 11s that his wife hart PnuwrWAiij Co isnw J
TroK, and pronounced nJVinV ijl
slclan. when the use of Allen's If P"''! W:
TinF.i,i cm heb. Ho writes . that ho anrl m
110 1
talion thphalcam and bopii enrod; lie thinks all
aflliotcil should Rlvp it a trial. ,i,i,
)b. IHKRitniTit, DcntiBt of Clnrlnnntf, was thoitRHt
to he In tho Labt 8tae8 of Oossumwioh, and "
aftpr the formula was ohoii him. Wo have hm lot.
for that It at once cured hl euueh. and that ho M
able to resume his practice. ,.,.
. A. OllAHAH W.i "I '-"
2ancnvlllo, Ohio, w-rltos ns of tlio euro of Ai-vhiM
I-reenmn, a well-known ritiz.-n, who had keen
afflirtod with jmoNciinis in its worst form lot
twelve years. The J.unK naisaui cuiuu ......
has many others, oi llnuNcuiTix.
All Ulsenses of the TllltO AT, I.VNOS nnd
0. B. Mabtik. Dnierrlnt at Oakly, Kr writes that
the ladles think there Is no ri-in'-tly equal toLuiitf
Balftain for Croup and Wlinopiiiii I'uiigh.
Mothers will And It a sale mid sum remedy to Elva
Uielr children whtui otllictcd with Crimp.
It Is harmless to the most delicate child !
It contains no Opium in any lorm I
neeommeniled by l'lirRlelnns. Minister and
Kui -. In fact by everybody who has given it a
good trial.
It Never Fiilln to Hiinir Keller. As nn Ex.
peel ol nut it has nn E inl I
iVIecticMl Electrician,)
" 40!i Fulton St., Hvoo1iv
Mar he consulted dnilv from in A. M. to8 V. M-.f-es
. "THE VJI.SMA" .AlNfcf.l
iiAIJillENTS will riir every fiiiiii ot i;
riiM-i no nialtfrof how lonu stniiilinr. OM-. ,!u.
DliKU THOl'HAND ( VMV.n i in l-r;il'nii;,V
York. VINTKH IS l:l'ON fH. l'liOTDI T Mil It
Pl'I.VES acatust osUmia nr consumption by v.i-nnim
" V1 1.WI.N I A " elothimr. fold fi-et lire the t;ri flesh Ik ln-lr to. Venrth
" W II.SOM A " soles .mil a void sneli dntiKW. .
HKWAREOK FHAi nS. Horns earnients nrc en
he market. The " I I.MIXI A " is stiildod Bit i
n-.etollie eyelets, shov. ii:g the in ln!s on the t.K-e. All
-tlietsare lniniK Sen, I lor ninriilets eontainir.K
teKtlnmuials mmi the best people in America who
I. ive hteu cured after all tonus oi lia-diciiie hail
Oied. Nole our itildl-. 'Ses:
NO. '.'Mill TII HID AVE.. I
KHiil'l'HKi'liKlCT.llliOtllil.YNl-:. V.
Mr. P. F. PeiTCHABD, nl!n:..t'i!l. !. C, r.-rt.ilitly pntiUH
to jjruni lUolm-Uun on m-rr-'inl ol . j;.if-lr.-. w t'-ii ",.lii:r. HU
innn i'i)witi-n. anil un-rleii U cvi-rytliinir iilli- lil'n !
lirinic imk.u1 i n.-ily beltl(,in--iil i'l 111 i-l.vU o( cliirii?. 'I 'i-i fi for
olliin(i-n ,-;i.i..iiUpiiIv MM.wMle llio ii.;n-lin.T rpqni- illyilmwl
vrrnihmi'lt-l ! lin t hi.l p:ivtnrnt. Ai d the riitVn Ir.wa i.m
so vrrv liliei li tl;:it S p-i. hi 1.. (fivrn lot Any kinil ( f u ivnuml, ill
litr,'. r 4l.-,l,il;iv, e.M T . I.v rr mIit-.v'.m:. Ar,l
H .JiO-il-1 1 kni'w'ii l- ev.rv (-i-e thut M r. 1 riwl'anl luivki. w)ti
I:iirt.iiicsf.,nn-linrh i.lli-.t (Ulni n. li-iv, Wun uii.ld.lUilly atwl
tiei;tii.'.-nlly vr,,,,i'u,wl '-y iiii'OMp-t-t'ltt i.u.irm ft clarly. All
n:i !i c;l.. Mil tikvoial-ly Mtk-.l. Hi ni.t urcJuinida l-.r ulm
te u-04iro tli, nlliM-i.Ti'-tf il n -t.-ii.iiu tlnim nrt.rnntro vliaii on, r
Jucliuii. 'I'liirieftre ll.on.Hhit. i I'ju.t Hi. J in-riti-rii-ii-t rl-tim. f-rei-n
1. , nc Hint wr riJ.-i U-i di!rii lu live J-tirs til t "Mi." H.-l,Uey
wa. C r-iin'.M.lep, r, ail t-f v- lmiti iin.lil n !" n ami nv ,.
i,ly lo Mr. I'.U.-lmnl ar..l kiimv ll.e iloul.iu ai;.aliln;ri: i f lin ing
(eHdHu.rr.y.nad.rattlie C.-i-i'l. in-re 1-d can ami wlllv,
Bwrlit-iw hi. p.-rsotmlalt''!.l!"Ti. He nrUiei nuchargj fur fcilvic
Hi. ad-liet, li Mix SJ, VYul,ht:ton, 1'. C.
Payne's Automatic Engines.
Tivlinhlo, PurnMe nnd, irtu nrnhh rt
hoi M' jnni'cr with M ie J'tel nwi t't-tii tnif uffi-'t
.'fine t-ttilt, wtt litti-U wiih Hit Auionmliu (!itl-iif.
Send inr IliuhtrafuJ tliitiilouo ".I," ur iatoniiiit jm 6s
Vvireti. B. W. Payk &, llox Hu" c'-ir;iiun'( N.V.
il ilSii
riirnmiM Viiritn! i v Pill vmkv. N.w Itf.i
Ulnod. uiifl will roijiiJcti'lv rlninuo tho lilnort in tli"
oniirM s; 8icm iu Xhrco moiirlts, Anv jici-hoii wh-
will 1:ik nijtj pill cadi uiulit irnm l to 12 woi'ls ni.iv s.t
rt stoivil to Kf hi nd hcaltli, 'f unci, a tiling he jMi-HihU1.
Sulci rvcrvwlirro or Prj't ly in 'ill inr fi li'ttnr KJanii's.
1. H. .IOIINSON xSc (i) UoM(Mi, Mum.,
n I ttOtUaO wluowu, frtthera, motfavra oi
l chiMren. Tlniusnnfisri'tcititlc!. Ien1ns tTl
1 Inr 1"3 "f finftiT.UK'.fyti or rupinrcvuriCoat- veina
i.'ri" ( t,tiii,.fl to l4'liKA'.n ntiH IlirTr
i lutiil wiirratits i'rofir-t(,.l'iniclitari(l 'ild, Si-lilirn
-.:.! hcirn ai'Ljy f"r rights :tt nn .. St-nd 8
.tHni3 for ' Tilt! i t iT., ii-S. M nnd lYnsinn
ard JUi-tmty laws Idanka aiid hitrucrinnn. Vg
rn refi-r t i tlmiivnn.'i nf Vr,si..n-r!i nnd (Mfpntfl,
AMrvm N. W. PitigerafU & Co-I'fnsjon &
I'ATKST Att'jfl, Lock. tioxbbi.WuaJimgt-jQ.D. 0
Tlifi is tlio only romiilcfp and fully illustrator! "Life
aud Trial ot fiiiitonti. It. i mtaTiiH all thotrstimony
ut tJu; fx;Tts nud other ijt'd wjlnc-os; all tho
upr.hi-s ni'idohy tiie cunniuh' ussu'-wiu in hit irrcnt
I'fl'ortM to oHV!i-o tho rhIIowh 1" ffijriiinc inpanitv.
iowar! til Ciiti'liiir-nny houltH. Afillions ot pooplo arn
wailing frir thin work. AfriilM uniiludt Ci rculurs
Uvftt Kxtra t'-rniK to Aprnts. Addrnss
National Pltluhhino Co., VUiladolplila, Pa.
Kvcry work Solid Silver Huutiuj.r-oaso Watches ara
pivt'n away villi Tlio ltv ;itini))iini. Tho
imin.'B ot thoso who yot wat-ho8 aro imbLifciiicid eai;b
week. It iBthelWtst lioya' l'a.iuriuthoWurld. BcuJ
6 cents tor a fiiimi'lc onity to
lltt VV i 1 1 iu iii Ht., N hv VorU (liy.
.niiiim min weru' Hl'fti.lea UT wnuuds or dtifri,
mi of r fifiHror toe. j.ilui. di(irrim.'i rupture, lou
I 'lifht. Ion of hearing, hunrt nnd In tig disrate,
!if!UinfitRin. t ni.v otlir iHsotm tr hurt hv auxl-
tent or vtlirrwUD. pies yon a inslon. W.dooa,
:uiiuru mincri. niotnerit. nrntBrs anl niKri rt
mitlwlto pPiisHirn. Pcniiinmiroflurdwhftredlj.
barge U Nut. Ncn dlwlinrpps ol.fnf ottd, Nt?w ltwa
:ive increase of f ruin frt l0 Ui $7 J.O0 j?r monlh..
'cmtlonii for b.iMIt dishonorably disPtmrRed or"
hnncd with (Jeiurtiuu. Abanoonko k Kwkctid el&icQK a cia1ty. Advice KHKK. Ad'ri
witto lunipj B. . i'ritctiari, U'abiugtoo, li. 0.
lwitiwly rruvent thin terrible discano, aud will iioat
livlycure uiue caaes out of Wu. luformatiou that
will save mauy liven, sent free hy mail. Uou't dday a
monntut. Vruvt ution is better than cure, I. H. John
bun k Co., Hoston, Mat-s.. formerly Uauor, Maine.
Brnlab f(t ml Witird will for ') ccnU itb a,
teirhl. eoinr tf y, and lock of Lnlr, Mini a jRHIk T
ri' Trii uf yniit fuiur hut-band or wife. rucliotoEietOtj
prtfllfltrd, with mat, limt and itae of mt(tB7, and
0t of marrtaM. Minrv rattmtvd lu all ol atiihil.
Addrtsi Vtot. L kartiaas, 10 MaaX'j VI. Btnton, At aw.
for 1 SSO, with improved
InLore.nTultle, Calendar,
etc. Sent to anv addresa
etc. Hctit to anv adiresj
onroooipf. of two Thrit?-f'eii KtuinpH. Addrt-ns
CHARLES K. HIUDS, 4H ST. Delaware Ave., Phila
Ql AAA We will ptve to anyopa who i tmnbled
t I IM HI with Worms that Van !pnMn'i
h orm C ou rtn Iouh will not remove, 'llioy havo
caved thelivesof thouauds of .children. Thev ara
made of ftoots and 1'lants. Suro and afo lor the
luont delicate cbilii frold at all ntor:H. a box.
"1 fvoi'ee4 clicnply. without publicity, for deer
1 tion, non-suiUHirt, intemi'orance, Circulara for
Btnmi'. Couuwloritaifiwni, Wi iro:idwa", Now York.
Revised and Enlarged.
acute and chronio dlaeases.
dp Klihomtli n it tno tiont moiiu-ino ...
m. C. I)mo. Mrrehant of ''""'"'KAS'nmt
writon, April i, 18H1, that lie watitJi n t"J K""w 'h
tha I.t'so Baiam hah Ctmri) 11m Mirriir n or UJ-iUMi-ritiN,
aftnr tho i.hvnirian had Biv "
. .liJ i ..... tr,i,nv 110 nor oafio. uav
ill I1
ever, mdm. be obUlaed iVrtOttgfti