fk&wtntt THURSDAY. FEB. 2, 1882. . - Potatoes are n scarce conimodityln 'this Borough at present. ' Snow Jles on the ground hero now at Uie'depth often . Inches Sleighing .1 very good . '( ' , ' V ' C6tne to Mrs, Chhplu'B, for Pres. fcyteiiati Social, ori Friday evening Febuary 8d 1882,, ! The auiHtarsy Settlement takes tip gob9Ti&re-of ourpace 1ri this issue, but wie: hope will be of good interest to our readers.. . . '". Prof. Guilmette, thr Inventor or the French kidney pad and bearing his name, was one of the moat noted medi tfcl men ofhladny In France. Its cures xt kidney diseases are most marvelous, nd are said to be permnnont. '. The Oil well at Giants' Mill com menced to flow on Tuesday of Inst Week of its wii accord. Since which time It has spouted more or less. Sev eral barrels of oil have been saved. Inhere is some excitement h'ire over the prospect for a new oil field. Owing to unavoidable delays in jispYeparatlons to ship his 'household 'goods, Rev. A. VanCamp wrote to Lis irlcnds'that M'O would come on Satur 'dAy, 'All his -appointment and return n -Mouday to Angola. . This Bcenied "to be ah unnecessary expense so. he Vaa telegraphed not to come till he bad completed his arrangements and came on Vlth his family. He will jjreach next Sunday morning and evening . There is no use In drugging your self to death, and buying all the vile medicines for internal use when you 'cn be cured of fever and ague, dumb ague, billions disorders, jaundice, dys- j giepsla, as well as all disorders and ail ments of the liver, blood and r totnaeh, 1y wearing one of Prof. Guillteett's French Liver Pad-, which is a -sure cure every time. If your druggist does not keep the pad. send St. 50 iu a letter to French Pad Co., Toledo, O., and and It will be sent you by return Wail It is the only that Is guar anteed to cure. Beware of counterfeit. Company 11 Elect ion. At an election for office of Co. II held Friday, Jan. 27, by C'apt. Jus. O. Paruilee of Warren. First Lieut. W. 8. Horton was elected Captain on second ballol, hy 22 vote.i against 16 cast for Henry A. Parsons, Jr. On tlie flrst ballot for Captain 39 vote were cast and only 3S men present this ne cessitating a second ballot. For first Lieut. Geo. It. Woodward received 34 votes having no opposition. For ijeeond Licoteuant Sgt. Joseph Bailey received 24 votes, II. H. Wilson, 10. The teachers of the liidgway Bor uugh schools havo organized them selves into a lecture committee known as the Ridgway School Library Union and have arranged a lecture course for the purpose of raising funds, with Which tv procure a library or books o! reference for the school. The con rue will consist of at least four lectures, the first of which will be given by Dr. A.-A. Witlits of Philadelphia subject; "Sunshine'' Or the secret of a happy llfa, the Doctor is first class ranking with Goiigh, Beeuhcr. TahnadgO etc , We guarantee satisfaction Ho is styled the most pleasing Icctuivr iu America. Evansvillc, Ind , December 17, ISS), You ask how I like Dr. Willits' lecture bu "Sunshine'' and I unhesitatingly roply, tliat I was uoiuscd, edified ami d.iligbtcd. It was the most captivat ing,' thrilltngly interesting lecture I heard. A. B. Miller, Pastor Bapti.-t Church. On Monday evening, Felt. iUth, Mai. H. C Dane will uive his cele brated lecture "Up the Rhine and over the Alps with a Knapsack. The MaJ. is one of the most effective plat form orator of our day. He speaks . without a fe'dfap of note yet his descrip tion glow with brilliant sentences that fairly flow from his lips. "His Vivid Imagination, inborn curiosity, natural intelligence, native wit, love of the beautiful, descriptive powers, long, varied and ricli experience-, will qualify him for the lecture Held. His audience, at Music Hull were captivated last night by his lecture on "Up thp Rhine,' etc., ami he held thenl spellbound by his elo quence for an hour and u half." Homing Frew, Pittston, Peun. For further particulars see circulars and papers next week. Babk Wilcox, Treasurer, Aonks Barrett, President, J. B. Johnson, Manager. Ouiteau is to die, and the reason why is because Ross The Tailor has just purchased and expects to receive this week the Largest and Finest as sortment of Cloths and Cussiineres ever before brought to town, and Is going to Bell them at such low prices that it may cause many sane people to die. SuiU from $1 upwards; pants i upwards. Ail persons wishing to purchase a nobby spring suit will find it to their interest to call aiid examine bis elegant stock before purchasing else where. I also expect in a few days to fill my establishment with a splendid line of Gents' Furnishing Goods; con sisting of all the latest styles of Neck wear, Collars, Cufts, Shirts, Hosiery, ' Suspsnders, Silk Handkerchiefs. Scorf Pins, Cuff Buttons, Ac." which I shall ell at prices to defy competition. Those wishing to purchase woolen goods consisting of shirts, stockings, tnitts, gloves, jackets, and working banU at a very small profit can do so by calling at my place as 1 must close 4heni nut to make room for my exten sive stncK. Kemmnoer me piaceine lied, White and Blue from opposite ihe Court House. Ai SwABTZ Bobs, ProVrJetor.- Personal. Jack K Barrett was in town Wednesday. C. 8. Luther, of Dagus Mines, was in town Tuesday. J. W. Eyster, and wife of Eric, were fn town yesterday attending the funeral of Mrs. L. Luther. Martin H. Luther, of Luthors burg, attended his mother's funeral at this place on Wednesday, Rev. A. VanCamp will fircach In the school b'onse next Snbhnth morn ing and evening at 11 a. t. and 7 r. M. Rev. A. VanCamp has been In vited to lecture 'before the temperance union fin Saturday evening at the M. E. Church. Charlie Nichols, or the Port Alle gheny Reporter, was In town last Fri day to attend the Company H election. Charlie looliS well and we think from that he is used well by the Port Al legheuyltes. BIRTH. Ross To Mr. and Mrs. A. Hwnrlz Ross, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 1S82, a daughter. marriages" MessenoeiT .Ely. At rhcM. E. Par sonage, by Rev. S. M. Clark, on Thursday, Feb. 2,1. 18?2, Mr. Wm. O. Messenger to Miss Jennie A.' Ely, both of Ridgway. Kklts Wicks. At the M. E. Par sonage, by Rev. S. M. Chirk, Thurs day. Feb 2d. 1S&2, Mr O.G.Kelts of Kane, to Miss Ella Wicks, of this place. This double wedding wss a surprise party to everybody although the sur face indications hud looked in that direction for some time past. In the language of the immortal Rip Van Winkle, "May they live long and prosper.'' DEATH. Vattokan On Sunday Jan. L'ftth, 13S2. ut the Clarion Hotel. Katie Agnes, daughter of John and Mary Vatighan, aged 5 years 4 months and 8 days. pear Kutlo hn left us to meet hor reward Whore her sonl en.loyp bllns In slrlit of the Mny provhlenee comfort Hie iMi'cnts lioreit Of the prlile urihfl household too pure to be left. Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Luther. At this place Jan. 31, 18S2, Mrs. EliKabeth Luther the oldest perr on in the Borough, if not in the county, died j ut the advanced age of 8S years, 4 j months and 1G days, having been born I at Milesburg, Centre county, Sept. 11. litM. ft no was ft wmu.ii) ol rcinarit able constitution having never been sick a day in lier Hie until four years ago, since which lime she has been confined to her bed, sutl'ering al. times great pain, but bearing it all with he roic fortitude. In lt)l Elizibetn Hoover moved with licr parint.i to Clearfield county. In 11- at the age of 19 years she was married to Liblieus Lutiier, and lived there un! il February, 1S45 when they moved to Ridgway, he being the founder of Luihcrsuurj in t hat county. Their union was blessed with eleven children five' boys and six girls. Otbis number six only are living viz; Martin 11- Luther, Lulhcrshur, . S. Lutl'.er. J. C. Ltuher, Mr-. P. T. Brooks, Mrs. Jahe Barrett, Ridgway, and Mrs. Patterson, Cheyenne, Wyom ing Territory. In 18(i0 her husband died, the writer of this well reinember ingtlie time as he tolled the old Court House bell as the solemn cortege on a beautiful summer day s owly moved from residence to the old eeuii-tery where he was laid away. He was a man well known and much respected in the place having held several h val offices and was postmaster herediuinn t lie war. Her memory was very re tentive and she was enabled to read without the aid of glasses up to within a short time before her I'.ealh. The funeral took place Wuh.csday after noon from Grace Church, and was largely attended. Snow covered the ground with a mantle of white, on the day of the burial, emblematic alike of the winter of her life who lay there dead, and of the purity of her days which shall entitle her to a robe of spotless white before the throne of God on high. May the clods of the hillside rest lightly on the folded han ds and the quiet breast of one who lias lived so long and well on the face of His footstool. Blackwell's Durham tobacco i 50 cents per pound, the old price, i Morg ester's. PKNN8YLV A N FaiTauT K O A U Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY, Oct. Jl. 18H1, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie Railroad Divit-ion will run as follows: WESTWARD. Niagara EX. leitves Phila 8 00 a. ni. " " " Renovo.,5 4"j p. in. " " Driftwoori7nn ' " " " Emiorium7 -Ml " " " " St.Marys..-lo " " " " Ridgway. .8 4S " " " arr. Kane limi " URIU MAIL leaves Phiia 11 p. in " " Renovo 11 '5a. In. " " Driftwood. 12 lop.m. " " Emporiiini.l !iji, i. " St. Mary's.. an p. m. " " Ridgway... '2 yii p-in. " " Kane 8 60 p. ni. " arr. at Erie 7 i-i p. in. EASTWARD. Day Express leaves Kane . . . n 00 am. " " Ridgway 6 58 am. " " " Ht. Marys 7 17 ' " " , " Emporiumfi 10 " " " " Driftwood 8 .'.7, " " " " Reimvo . . 10 0" " " arr. atpliila. ... 7 tio pin. KlilB MAIL leaves Erie 11 H.1 a. in. " " Kane 4 1jip. m. mugwtiy....o r( p. m. " St. Mar,Y'fl..5 5ti p. m Emporium.) fi5 p. n.. T) rift wood.. 7 4' t. m it " Renovo .1) Oo p. m. ." arr. at Phila 7 oo a. m. Erie Mail and Niagara Express connect with Low Grade Division; Eri Mall west ami Day Express con nect witb B. N. Y. & P. R. R. ROBERT NEILSON, General Sup t. Prom A Child. Editor op the Advocate: Sin: The immorfal Schiller says: "Wo Alios lletit knnn Carl nllcln nlcht hnRsen" of which the translation is literally, "Where all nicn love, Charles can alone not hate.;'' Where a multitude of well-reputed literati crowd the col umns of our weeklies, with produc tions of their stupendously profound genius, the undersigned begs leave to announce, with nil due humility, that he has no dec ire to stand idly by while they are h'tivirg the frtn 'to themselves. The thought' ol becoming involved 1 it n controversy is not a facinating one, particularly if the possibility of being array ifigi nst the opinions of parties endeared by the tie of friendship and fraternity guises. What, however, may 'ordinarily be distasteful, can under circumstances assume a Hape not only destroying its rcpulslvencss but, li'deed, adtiptiug it to our sup posed, sincere' supposed, most refined, tastes and rendering it a source of en chantment to the soul. Many times exterior forces, arising from a peculi arity of certain conditions, bringing their influence to bear upon us, dictate actions, which would never have been prompted by any motive, self created Not . docmiug it necessary to describe the force bearing upoi tills particular cac, it exists nevertheless, ami may prove at the proper time how strangely we ave drawn into doiiiR what we mostly desire to avoid. Now that "we arc in for it," there breaks upon us the ravishing bliss given birth to by the assurance that we are surrounded by, and not deemed tin-j worthy of, those Titans of deep thought, those men of thrillinjj in tellect, those creatures of gigantic mind, whoso generously are advanc ing an illimitable number of golden opinions concerning anything but our late Teachers' Institute, (Rcquicnwtt in paoc) those men who possess to an enormous degree the faculty of mak ing much ado 'bout nothing; those men who, for the purpose of im mortalizing thoiv precious little selves, of course, under pretence of benefit ing their leilow-townsuicn In par ticular, and all humanity in general, by indulging in violent persona) i attacks, instead of dispassionately meeting the question at issue. The feeling that it, U our privilege to nttfni.'t adding an item is so irresis tible that, 1 1 jct!.li awaro of our limited knowledge a;)', our pretentious be most humble, we are hWayed into availing ourselves of it. How strange, how wondmusjy strange, it seems to us commonplace mortals that, although under the vaat canopy of luavcn, in any country, clinic and land, .as far as the glorious sun sheds his rays and th's mii-l Ijpams of the ivioon wake in bis trail, wher ever the niarvi lottsly L'autiful stcUa spheres twinkle f.miiiug!y upon mor tals in sub'inie, overpowering gran dure, as they revolve in their orbits seldom men can be found who, in an animated discussion, will give their entire attention to facts instead of pilile-sly la.-'titg away at each other, how "tranie, we say, that such a de plorable conduct should be resorted to by a host of .-s-ies gracing the lloro. of Kid;: way, Eik County, Pa. "A Worn in'' having assorted the right of any free born American citizen, by pubicly expressing an opinion in the most becoming and lady-like manner, provokes the Wrath of a self-styled "Man'' (?) who proems to an amusement-loving public, in your last issue, an exceedingly rich document, in which he gives vent to his just indig nation at the preposterous presump tion of having bicn held "Institutes" in Elk county before the telephone era. What a magnificent punster this excellently great "Man" is, to be sure! Alas! that even lie should be human enough to ire, for listen. In his glo nous harangue he mamiests a great degree of surprise that all 'crunks" are not confined to Washington. Has the great philosopher become entirely oblivious of his own valuable exis tence that ho should ignore the fact of there being one more "crank" iicsides the parlies lie eo daintily handles without the city limits of the National capital? Is such an extent of unself ishness, Innocence and modesty possible in this era of railways, tele graphs and telephones? On the whole the "Man's" ingen iously written article is a valuable scrap of literature, inasmuch as one can read it from last to first, from the bottom upwards, commence iu the centre, peruse it srfvs-xag-wise or stand all the words not containing over ten or eleven Fyllnblcs on their head and obtain as much inf'irmation as wlym recited from top to bottom. Things have come to a lamentable pas, in deed, if every person appearing in public discii.-sion is to be subjected to a treatment which bestows upon him such stu passingly beautiful apellutions as "crank" and "croak." Why n vile a man for having ex pressed sincere opinions, strong convictions? It may appear ''Mau-ly" so to do, certainly, but not teutle, uot clu i.-tiitn. The "Director" whose article was printed simultaneously with thut of "A Woman" remains lint!'--Hn bed. Why? For considera tions which ml"ht turn the "crank so as to opelate ill-a-trously upon the deep-laid plans of "A Man." Why exhaust all that carefully dictionary searcht d execration . vocabulary on ))t?Whynot bombard both parties with his annihilating missiles? Why leave the "Director" unmolested, while the entire supply of. venom is hissed at the person hiding behind I?) the tauzy dres4 of a woman? iSeenis to me tlie imagination of the very 'un sophisticated "Mail" lias led him into a grave error, that of supposing the "Woman" appeared behind ber gauzy dress. (A noyel etyltThf donning gar ments.) O ancta implicitaa. If the "Mau" despises the custom of writing over a fictitious name, we will at any time lie ready to state the real, provided he do likewise, until then we shall bo obliged to "ensconce our selves," in order to complete the family, "behind the gauzy dresses" of A Child. Ridgway, Jan. 81, 1882. BUSINESS LOCALS. A fresh stock of confectionery at least once In 20 or 80 days at Morges tci's. Dried Shakier Corn and oat "meal at Morgestet'4. . . r . .- Choice California canned goods, citron, English currants, French prunes and best London layer raisins at Morgcstec's. Five barrels choice yellow Danver onions selling at $2,00 a bushel at Morgester's. o Choice dried beef snusnge at Morgester's. and bologna Ten new Cheese, extra fine just received at Morgester's. o Jacob Buttcrfiiss has just received a large new stock of whips of all kinds. Those in 'need of whips should call and see his new stock. My daughter's defective vision was much improved by Perunft. James Cook, Bakerstown, Pa. You can get as good teas for the money at Morgester's as at any place in the Borough of Ridgway. o The celebrated National yeast cake sold at Morgester's are always fresh and new. I had Chronic Catarrah badly. I took Peruna. Iam very much better. J. Williams, Medway, Pa. Star and Improved Authors at Tiik Advocatjj office, i o'- -'' - The Merry Came of Old Maid at The Advocate office. o Peruna had a remarkable good ef fect on my daughter's Paralysis. W. E, Duncan, Sewickly. ' o All in need of '!ght and heavy harness should give Jacob Butterfuss a call. The City of St. Paul, a first-class, large new design, wood cook stove, take a look nt it before purchasing a blove. W. S. Skkvick, Ag't. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN On the Loss of A T.1XTCKE ON THE NATL'ItK, TREATMENT, AXD KADICAL cure. Ol Semi mi I Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea induced by Keif-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Inipotency, Nervous De bility, and Impediment to Marriage generally; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits: Mental and Physical In cnp.'ieitv. &e. By ROBERT J. ClJL VERWELL, M. D.. author of the "Green Book,"&c. The world-renowned author. In this admirable Lecture.clearly proves from his own experience that the wiltui consequences of Keif-Abuse may be efiectiKilly removed without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instru ments, riiias. or cordials: pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and ef fectual, by which every suflerer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately ami radically. ft'S-This Lecture-will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Kent, under seal, in a plain envel ope, to one address, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address. The CULVERWELL MEDICAL Co. 41 Ann Kt. New York, N. Y.; Post office Box. 400. ROBBED. Thousands of graves are annually robbed of t hei r vict i ins, II ves prolon get! , happiness and health restored by the use of the great GERMAN INViaORATCR which positively and prcmaiiently cures Inipotency (Caused by excesses of any kind), Keminal weakness, and all dis eases that follows as a sequence of Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, Ions of lneiuorv. universal lasitude, pain iu tlie back, dimness of vision, premature old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or consumption and a premature grave Kend for circulars with testimonials freebv mail. The IN VIGO BATOR is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes for So by all druggists, or will bo 'sent free by mail, securely sealed, on receipt ot price bv addressing F. J. CHENEY, Druggist, 187 Summit St., TOLEDO, OHIO. Kole Agent for the United States. Tlie most wounderl'ul curative rein edies of the present day, are those that como from Germany, or at least orlgt nate there. The most recent prepara tion placed upon the market In this country, Is the GREAT GERMAN INV1GOUATOK. wblch has never been known to fail in curing a single case of inipotency, spermatorrhoea, weakness and all diseases resulting from selt-abuse, as nerveous debility, inability, menial anxiety, languor, lassitude, depression ot spirits ami functional derangements of the nervous system. For sine by druggists, or sent Iree by man on receipt ol tlie price jl.OO toleAgcnt for the United States. Send for circular. For sale by Chas McVeun, St. Marys, Pa. PLANTS and SEEDS -roR-EVERYBODY O u r I L L US T R A TE D C A T A LOG U E and BOOK OF FLOWERS send free to any address. 11AUUY CIIAAPEL . Florist and Keedsnian, Williamvnort. Pa, Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Local agent Kldgway, fa, STOVE SIGN 'No. 42 Main St. AFULL LINE GUILD ERS' . HARDWARE,1 STOVES AND House-Furnishing GOODS At POPULAR PRICES. W. S. Service, Ag't. N EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. K5?"He will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders lef at the Post Office will receive promp attention. AU220187JM Business Cards. GEO. A. RA1HBUN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Particular attention given to the examination of titles, also to patent and patent cases. HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32f J. S. BAROWELL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Over twenty-five years practice. Office on Main Street, Ridgway. Pa.. opposite the Bogert House. Office hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to 8, P. 31. II'. L. WILLIAMS. Late of Strattanvilie), Physician and Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office in Hall's Brick Building (up stairs)- References J. I). Smith, H. L. Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanvilie; Major John Kitley, W. W. Green land, Clarirn. Office hours 1 to 2 P. M. and 7 to 8 P. M. G. ti. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. J'rescnptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night vi nay HYDE HOUSE. W. H. KCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for tho patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, bv paving strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of tlie same. oet10'69 APPLETO N'SAMERIGAN CYCLO PAEDIA. This admirable work is now com- plctein 10 vols. EachvolumecontainsHOO pages. It makesa comolcte and well selected library, and no one can illbrd to do without it who would keen well informed. Price S5 00 in -loth. $0.00 in leather, or $7.00 in decant half Turkey. For particulars address. W. II. Fairehild. Portville. Catt. Co.. X. Y., who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, general agent. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. F. Pollmah having moved into the house of Jas. Pcnfield near the Catholic church wishes to inform the citizens of Rldgwny and vicinity that she is prepared to do in a neat and satisfactory manner all kinds of plain sewing ami (ii reasonable prices. All persons having work in this line are respectfully invited to give her a call. nl5m3 EftTRAY. Came to the premises of G. A. Brockway in Horton township, Elk county, Pa , in the month of Novem ber, A 1). 18S1, two WHITE SHEEP. The owner will please come forward, prove property anil pay cbarces. or they will be disposed of according to law. U. A. UKOCKWAV. Broekport, Pa., Jan. 13, 182. ESTATE NOTICE. Estate of Williani Emhiett, iate of Fox township, Elk county, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration, C. T. A., have been granted to the undersigned upon the above named estate. All persons In debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those haying claims against the same to present them without delay In proper order for settlement. P. W. Hays, Administrator C. T. A. Notice of Appeals. "Vfotlee Is hereby given that theCom 1A missioners of Elk county will hold Court of Appeals at their office, iu Ridgway, on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, THE I7TH AND 1HTH DA YK OF FEBRUARY, 18S2. For the purposeof hearing and determ ining appeals from the assessments, and revising the military enrollment for 18H2, at which time and place all persons feeling themselves aggrieved by said assessment or enrollment cau attend, if they see proper. Bv Order of tlie Board. Attest-W. S. HORTON, Clerk. Commissioners' oitice) February 20, 1882. Autograph Albums vocate office. 'at The Ad Note paper and envelopes at tbe Advocate office.' THE ELK CO. ADVOCATE frEVOTED TO THE INTEREST 'OF THE PEOPLE OF ELK COUNTY. Having ah extended circulation it is the foest advertising medium. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE lCOUNTY ESTABLISHED in I860. TERMS, - - $2 A YEAR. -:o:- JOB DEPARTMENT. We' print Note-heads, Bill-headX. Letter-heads. Envelopes, Cards, Tags Cheaper than the cheapest, and on shortest notice. Orders by mail) promvly attended to. Address, Henr1 A. Parsons, Jr. Ridgway Pa. Cause and Effect. The main cause of nervousness Is indigestion, and that is caused by weakness of the stomach. No one can have sound nerves and good health without using Hop Bitters to strength en the stomach, purify the blood, aiid keep the liver and kidneys active, to carry oft all the poisonous and waste matter of the system. Bee oilier col umn. Advance. Marble and slate mantles fur nished anil set by W. R. Bervick. Agt. I was miserable with Chronic Catarrh. Peruna is. rny remedy and no other. Win. Boyd, Pittsburg. Morgester has In stock all the leadiug brands of plug, fine cut, and smoking tobacco all sold at jobbing prices lu quantity. The Pal riot. A Pennsylvania Newftpft"per f of thi General Public. The DAILY PATRIOT Is the onfy morning newspaper published at trie . State Capital. , . . . . The DAILY PATRIOT make a ApecT alitv of Pennsylvania news. . . - . ,, The DAILY PATRIOT publish: the Associated Press news and specials from all points. , ; .' , ..,,.!, . The DAILY PATRIOT giveb special attention to grain and produce tnnrkets. , ... The DAILY TATRIOT opposes mon opoly, bossism ai?d centralisation of political jnnver. . Terms: $3.00 per nnnnm.pfrfofVy in ad vance, or $7.00 per annum if notT paid in advance. For any period lefw than one year hf proportionate rates.. The WEEKLY PATRIOT is a large eight page paper, devoted to liter ature, agriculture, science, manufac tures, news, market, etc.. During 1882 eaoh .mimtier will contain au illustration of some prominent twin or event. This Is an attractive fea ture which cannot fail to please. Terms: SI. 00 per annum, invariably in advance. . One copy, 'tit tho WEEKLY PATRIOT and one copy of the Philadelphi Weekly finiefl will lie sent one year for $2.00 each in advance.thus giving the tw6 papers for the subscription price, of the latter. Onecopy of the WEEKY PATRIOT and one copy of the Cottage Hearth, an excellent . monthly magazine, . published at Boston at $1.00 per annum, will be sent one vear for $1.70 ceah in ad vance. &cnd in your subscription at once Address PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO.. , Harrtsburg, Pa. GIVEN AWAY! A SPLENDID DICTIONARY. -TO-r Every Yearly Subscriber TO THE PITTSBURGH Weekly Telegrapli Just issued, contaning over 60,00(1 words and phrases, abbreviations, use ful facts and tables, foreign words and pljrases, list of niytliolegtcal aiid clas sical names, Scripture proper names, the United States census of 1880, &c: also, over 200 illustrative engravings; handsomely bound iu (doth. The WEEKLY TELEGRAPH for one year, including tlie above Diction ary, postage prepaid, $1. '25. Subscrip tion received by all postmasters. Kend for a sample copy. CLUBBING RATES. The Wceltley Telegraph and the Elk County, Advocate for $2.75. All the subscriptions payable in advance. AGENTS WANTED for the ouby fine large Steel Portrait of GARFIELD; t Engraved in Line and .Stipple frorti a photograph approved by Mrs. Gar field as a correct likeness. A beauti ful work of art. No competition. Size 18x24. Send- for circulars and extra terms. The Henry Bill Publish ing Co., Norwich, Conn., THE BEST REMEDY FOR Discasss cl the Tiiroat and Lungi; Ji, . Disease of the puliho- d k ixo nary orgaim ure so prev. uiciii aim latai, mat a h:u auU rulialilu remedy for them is iu valuable to every community. AVPR'S CllEKttV lEO I .tiuial Is such a remedy. 7 d no other so etui- 'J v menu the conli '? U-f therublie. 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