The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 12, 1882, Image 4

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Ai Gnltn was panning throngh the court
room, on liis way to the dock on th thirtr
aixtli day lio raid to Mr. Bcovlllo: " If yon krp
3ulet I will laugh the caoo out of court to
ny," lie then broko out in hie tnunl morn,
ing hnrnnguo, laying: 14 flume of tlio leading
paper- of America consider nio t e greatest
fellow thoy hvo met In gome time. At 8
o'clock lnt niglil I rneoWoit t telpgram which
I will read for the iMliiicatinii of tlio court, the
jury mid tl.o Amoricau iicoplei
"Mr. Charle J. Guitean, Workington, D. O.i
" 'All Boton nvmpatlilzos with you. You
ought to be Frue-idcnt,
" 1 A Host or Admirbhs.'
" I don't know hut two men in America who
want mo hnngod. Ono is Porter, bocaui-o he
cxpecta to not ta.000 for it; tho other
in Corkhill. Corkhill is bookod to be
removed anyway. lie wants to get even
with mn, beonuse ho thinks I am tho man that
did it." Then al'tor a Scriptural reftreuco, tho
asasRin continued: "I rofer my noniiiiation fo
tho presidency to tho ltcymlilican National
convention of 1SS1. I will bo there. I do not
think that this jmy is going into the hanging
business in order to cnahlo Mr. Forter to get
15,000. Tho American pople do not want to
have ino hanged. They might as well try to
hang a man for killing another during tho war
as to hang me. My motive was patriotic,
u .dor Divine pr'ssuro, to save tho nation from
another war. Iiut I am going to discuss that
when we get to t',e J iry." The crosa-oxamiu-aiion
of Dr. Ki-niwtor, of Wisconsin, who
thought Ouitea.i was .ano, was oouc'.udod, and
Dr. John P. Or.iy, of Utioa, medical supo in
ttndent of tho New York Htato Lunatic asylum,
was then ocllod as the last witness lor the pros
ecution. Ho was also of the opinion that
Quitoau was sane. There was, during the day,
a tilt botnotiii oounsel on the quo-tion it
hastening tho end of tho trial. Mr. Bco
ville (aid ho would probably loquire
all of next week to present his testi
money in surroMittal. lie also wanted to in
troduce somo in-w wilcossos, and would ask
the court to allow him to do go on the ground
of nowly-diaeavercd evidence. The counsel
for the prosecution faid tlicy would resist any
attempt to reopen tnocaso. air. ncoviiie conv
plained that it was unfair for the prosecution to
trv to uniry mo ca-i; uiuiig ui um singe. no
mid he bad snout a mouth and a half endeavor
ing not merely to save tho prisoner's li e. but to
trv the- cae so tliat it would not lw a disgrace
to the jurisprudence of this counry, and ho ob
jected to its being brought to an uiisoemly end.
The question of allowing the jurors to separate
during Now Year's was diBCusnod. but Judge
Cox was hardly prepared to take the responsi
bility ot sucn a step, ino to: email put an end
to tho discussion by announcing that the jurors
did not want to fopai'ite until tuo trial closed.
On Iho thirly-BCventh day Dr. Gray, of the
Utica Asvlum for tlie Insane, resinned urn losti
monv. It was frenuentlv objected to by Mr.
Sooviilc. and continually interrupted bv
Guitean, who couliadicted assertions of the
witnti-s iu rot-aid to the prisoner's ntterances,
Tho witness became confused and said he did
not know whoro was, whereupon, Guitean
remarked, "We'll havo to t-oud a small boy
to iind von." Dr. Gray declared tns ivwitive
conviction that Guitean was sano. and ha t not
been insane, and that ho was playing a p irt in
court. Mr. t-'cot illo tried to havo iho testimony
stricken out, on tho ground that it. was baed
upon a belief that Ouituau was King. The
cum overruled tho objection, and Guitean re
marked that the question of jurisdiction was
going to soldo tho trial. In reply to the
hypothetical questions of the prosecution the
witness stated that, iu his opinion, tho prisoner
was sane at tho ttnio of the shooting. While
tho questions vcru being real tho prisoner
continually iutcrrupted with such expressions
as "raise," " That's false," "Absolutely
false." " Tho substratum of that question is
false," "Ono word in ton is true, tho rest
false.." Whilo waiting for the counsel for the
prosecution to enter after recoss tho piiBoner
exclaimed : " I have nothing else to do, so 1
might as well write my autographs for any
body that wants them without money, without
price. If I could get t5CI0 for tlioin 1 wouldu't
take it. There is no money iu that busiuofs
for me never has been, and 1 don't want that
there should." Nothing of importance to the
defense was developed by tho crosu-oianiiii-ation
of witness.
Guitoau made his opening speech on the
thirty-eighth day as follows: "I had a very,
lfapp'y Now Year's yesterday, and hopo every
body' ilso did. I had lots of visitors, high
tonJd, middle-toned and low-toned. That
takes them all in, I bclicvo. They expressed
their opinions Ireely, and nine of them want
mo hung. They all, without dissent, expressed
tho opinion that I shall bo acquitted." Dr.
Grav's cross-examination by tho defense was
concluded. Witness said that he did not be
hove in any of tho so-called moral insanities.
Kleptomania, ho said, is theft, dypsomania is
drunkenness, and pyromauia is incendiarism,
When Dr. Gray left the stand tho district
attorney announced that tho testimony tor the
government was concluded. Dr. 8. P. Dowker
of Kansas City, tostilied for tho defense that
Mrs. Duiimiie, the assassin's divorced wife,
told him, after the shooting of the President,
that when she obtained her divorco from
Guitean she feared he might bo mentally
deiiinged. This was in contradiction of
a portion of Mrs. Dnnniirc's testimony at
tho trial a few woeks ago. Gnitoau's
brother was called to testify concerning the
letter the prisoner recently wrote to Don Cam
eron asking for money, but tho prosecution
objtu'tod, and admitted that Guitean wrote and
sent tho letter, and so tho witness was dis
missed. Mr. Scovillo wished to havo tho testi
mony of Clark Mills, tho scnlptor who look a
cast of Gmtoau's head, bnt it u ruled out by
the court. Mr. Scovillo wanted to c.11 some
witnesses whom tho proseontion had nubrrfrtiacil
ami not usod, and, pending his preparation of
an ufliilavit to show what he wished to prove by
new witnesses, tho court adjourned. Guitean
was unusually quiet, and busied himself writing
his name on cards handed np to him in the
dock. He started to read a letter, which he
paid was from a friend of General Gartield,
showing the drift of public opinion on his case.
Judge Cox sternly ordered him to keep quiet,
and the marshal directed his men to stop him,
but Guitean succeeded in informing tho jury
that, according to the letter, tha harsh feeling
was all towut.1 the doctors now.
The proceedings of the court on the thirty
ninth day were preceded by a remark from the
prisoner to tho effect that it was his usual rim
to make a speech, but that he had promised
tho marshal ho wouidnot do so, and lie would
try to keep quiet, Mr. Kcovillo theu read an
afiidavit to t'lo court in wipitort of a motion
for leavo to introduce additional evidence. The
afliduvit states that since the caso forth; de
feneo was closed on Decenilier 13 ho had
learned of tho existence of certain witn;tses
uiateiiul for the detense on the subject of in
sanity. They are U.K. Bragdcn, Marshal Green,
Jumes Franks, Thomas liathbono, Katie
Collins, George W. MeElfresh, M. A. Austin,
Edward Austin and Dr. Andrew McFaiiurid.
By four of these witnesses he expected to prove
that in the month of June they frequently ob
strved tho singular and strange conduct of the
prisoner, and were then convincod of his in
tanity, sud 'freely commented on the fact
among thimselves. He expected to prove by
lUihbone and Frooks that they had an inter
view with the prisoner in tho jail on the second
or third of Julv, and that he then said that, he
had boon forced to do the act by an inspiration
fimn God. He expected to prove by
McLlfrcsh and M. A. Austin that they
rode with the prisoner to the jail on
the second of July, and that all his actions
and words were indicative of an insane
man. He expected to prove by Dr. McFarlaud,
for thirty-seven years superintendent of the
insane asylum at Jacksonville, III., that be
knew Lnther W. Gniteau, tho prisoner's father,
and had an opportunity for scientific observa
tion of his mental condition in 1S&L and that
he then came to the conclusion that Lnther W.
Guitean was insane on the subject of religion ;
also, that from the circumstances and facts do
wdoped in evidence in the case thus far Dr.
McFarland is of opinion that the prisoner is
bow insane. The affidavit further states that
the affiant was misled by the prosecution giv
ing the nam of iloElfresh as one
of its witnesses and then Dot calling
him ; otherwise be would hare been
called for the defense. The court
decided against the application in general, per
mitting, however, the defense to attempt to
show that, on the day of shooting President
Garfield, the assassin had claimed to be in
spired of God. J. J. Brooks, chief of tbe
aeorat service of the treasury department, was
called for this purpose, but be swore that Gui
tean had not made such claim to bim. A
letter written by the assassin's father iu 1675,
in whiob be pronounced bis ron a fit subject
for a lunatio asylum, was read. Tbe defense
was then declared closed. The law points of
ths government were submitted to the court
and an adjournment was bad for three days to
enable the defense to prepare its law points.
' The king of Denmark ii truly l paternal mon
arch. Finding that during tbe recent severs
weather the royal foot guards were Buffering
greatly from colds and coughs, this good old
gentleman ordored ft supply of Dr. Dull's Cough
iyrup for them, and now tbe sentries are happy.
Eastern and Middle States.
A srx-DAT go-as-you-please pedestrian con
test in New York endod with tho success of
Patrick FilzgoraM, who covered 582 miles, thus
defeating tho host provioas score, 878 miles,
made by Vint last May. Norcmao came in
second, with 605 miles; Horty third, with 650
miles; Krohne fourth, with 609 miles, and La-
oouse fifth, wHh 601 miles. Tho prizes were
1,600 and silver trophy for first man, f800
for second, MOO for third, $200 for fourth mid
$100 for fifth.
The failures throughout tho United States in
1881 are reported by R. O. Dun A Co.'s Now
York Mercantile agency as numbering 5,682,
with liabilities amounting to 31,155,932. They
ray in their circular: "As to the proportion of
failuros to those engaged in business, our sta
tistics show that in 1876 the failures wore 1 iu
evory 63 persons; in 1877, 1 In 78; in 1878, 1 in
64; in 1879, 1 in 105; in 1880, 1 iu 158; while in
1831 the proportion was 1 iu 110. Tho advan
tage in favor of tlie yoar just closed over the
average of years is therefore very marked."
A few mornings ago firo broke out in the
boarding-houso of Garrett Abols, nt liichbiag,
N. Y. Mr. Abois, agod seventy, carriod his
sick aud iufirin wife out of tho house and
laid her in her night clothes in tho enow.
Three of his children, aged roepoctivcly thir
teen, twolve and ten, two girls and tno boy,
were burned to death. All of tho ten boarders
escaped in their night clothes, but tlnrcc were
fatally burnod.
Last year 6,929 vossels arrived at Nfcw Yorit
from foreign ports, of wliloh 1,953 were steam
ships, 08 ships, 2,350 barks, 883 'rigs and
1,335 schooners. Of tho steamships 1,270
were British, 206 German and 193 iiuorioan.
Of the sailing vessels of all classes 1,041 were
American, 1,059 British, 019 Norwrgian, 399
Italian and 309 German. In 1880 7.JB17 vessels
arrive 1 from foreign ports, of which 1,895 wcro
Tue record of arrests by the Now York city
polico in 1881 ehoB, in round numbers, 69,500.
Of this total about 50,800 prisoners ere men.
There were 38,G09 deaths and 20,130 births in
the city during last yoar.
Fotn passenger cars wore precipitated down
sn embankment near Kemicbeo, JIa., and
catching fire wcro entirely consumed. Two
men were killed outright and about fifty-four
more were injured, several fatally.
Anoi;lo Coknktto, a convict at tho 8ing Bing
(N. Y.) priou, crept behind Daniel Cash,
another convict, and inflicted a. stab which
caused death in twenty minutes. A short time
ago Onofirio Mangano, another Italian couvict,
killed a coloro l piisoncr named 1'Uliams, and
at Mangauo's trial Cash was the principal wit
ness for the prosecution and Co.metto for the
The animal auction sale of fews in Mr.
Hotelier's Plymouth church, Brooklyn, brought
135,492, tho first choice going for $U25.
The total number of disasters to steamships
in 1B81 is put by a New York paper at 198, of
which fifteen wero American aud 111 British
At the opening of tho New York legislature
no organization was effected in eitlter branch.
Although the Democrats havo a eBytfit majority
in both houses, tho refusal of tho Tammany
members to go into the Democratio caucus and
to vote for the officers nominated in that cau
cus prevented organization and caused a dead.,
Boston is to havo a statue of the late Fieel
dont Garfiold.
The Massachusetts and Connecticut legis
latures aro in session.
FnoFKKHon Jons W. Diiat-eh, 51. D LL. D.,
tho noted scientist aud author, diod tho other
moniiug at his home in Hastiugs-on-tho-Hudfon,
ngol soventy years.
Driu. so 1881 nearly 2,500 buildings wore
erected in New York city, at a total coet of f!7,
700,000. Among tho edifices wero six churches,
six schools, eight hotels and thirty public
J. Winsi.ov Jokks & Co., a packing firm of
Portland, Mc, havo failod for tlH2,000. The
firm owned fifteen coin and five lobster fac
tories in Maine, and fourteen lobster and
stlniou factories iu the provinces.
The Massachusetts State debt, as shown by
Governor Long's annual message, is $32,399,
As additional deficit of $250,000 has been
discovered in tho accounts of tho recently ens.
pended Pacific National bank, of Boston.
Ex-Postmasteu-Geneual James has assumed
the duties of his new position as president of
the Lincoln National bank of New York.
The Bchooncr Cara Loo arrived at Figoon
Cove, near Rockport, Masj., bringing five men
alive and two dead, picked up adrift in an open
boat. Thoy are the crew of tho schooner Bird,
of Itocklaud, Mc., bound for Boston with plas
ter. The vessel sank, and tiio men, eight iu
number, took to a boat and were picked up
forty milos from Oapa Aun. On the death of
the second mate, who was the last to expire.
tho five survivors cut his throat and sustained
lifo by sucking the still warm blood from hi
Two Mormon missionaries are reported to bo
making numerous converts iupoitions of Wost-
eni Feuusylvaniu.
Mabtin Kankowpky, who murdered Mina
Muller ou the 3d of May, 1881, in somo woods
near Hoboken, N. J., was hanged in the jail at
Jersey City, N. J. He mot his death without
fear or bravado, and with a declaration of his
innocence at the very moment when be was
litted oft' his feet by the rope. Kaukowsky mar-
r'ed his victim and then murdered and robbed
her. Ho leaves a wife and two children. On
tho same day of Kankowsky's execution Josoph
Abbott was hanged at Elmira, N. Y., for kill
ing George Reed, a fellow-convict In the Now
York State reformatory, in April, 1880.
South and West.
I)fiiiN 1S81 flirty-six homicides and eighty'
t o suicides we- committed in St Louis.
GornuEE EvtsEL, a prominent young lawyer
of Milwaukee, Wis., embezzled, forged, and
tb'u ubscouded,
Miis. Csuz, living at Florence, Los Angeles
couuty, Gil., was delivered ft few days since of
ix perfectly-formed female children.
William H. Ebb was banged at St Louis for
the murder of bis wife. On the same day, at
Charleston, S. C, Gabriel White (colored)
suffered death on the gallows for murdering
another colored man.
Between thirty and forty medical students
at Keokuk, Iowa, bare been strioken down with
smallpox, eangbt from ft subject in tbe dissecting-room
that bad died of tbe dread disease.
Smal pox also prevails in about forty different
pltoce in Illinois.
Last winter the Dakota legislature organized
a sew county called Douglass, toting npon
affidavits as to its population and property
which aro now shown to be false. Tbe county
has but forty voters, and its taxable property
is only about $13,000; bat ft few of its enter
prising citizens, after electing themselves to
the county offices, bare issued $290,000 in
bonds sud sent them to New York for a
Colonel L. M, Bell, a prominent planter
who lived near Hamburg, Ark., is said to have
so brutally beaten and abused bis wife an in.
telligent and refined lady, that she died the
other day. Her ornel death so exoited the
neighborhood that a orowd the noxt night took
Bell Irom bis boms and hanged bim to a tree.
Tns Ohio legislature met, organized and re
ceived the annual message of Governor Foster.
CotoKKT. William B. Oamkboh was inaugu
rated at Ilichmond, fts gorernoT ofVlrgluia,
in a quiet manner.
Wuilk ft KnighU of rythias festival was In
progross at Shanervillo, Ohio, the floor gave
way and the entire company, numbering throe
hundred, fell with it to tho floor below. A
etove containing burning coal fell also and sot
fire to the building. Four women and ono boy
perished In the flames and two other persons
wero crushod to death by falling timbers. The
citizens by horolo efforts extinguished tho lire,
but not until one hundred persons had been
burned or otherwise injured.
Tint Atlanta exposition closed after ft sno
tessful cxistenco of three months.
W. E. GnAUAM, who killed, robbed Mid
burned Philip Eglcy, at Venango, Kansas, on
tho night of December 23, was hanged by a
crowd in front of tho court-house the othor
Ix M issourl ft child eevon years old, having
quarreled with ft playmate aged five, obtainod
ii rovolvor aud shot his little adversary, killing
him instantly.
While attempting to escape from jail at
Graham, Texas, threo brothers uamod Mc
Donald, charged with murder, wore shot and
killed, as was also ft deputy sheriff. Tho Mc
Donalds first killed the deputy sheriff and
then broke out of Jail and took another deputy
sheriff along in their flight, compelling him to
act as ft shield between them and their pur
Bticrs. Theu a pitched battle took place be
tween pursuers and pursued, during which the
McDonalds were all killed and throe othor men
were wounded.
The boiler in a taw-mill near Wiuamac,
Ind., exploded, killing John Hlem, fatally in
juring Daniel Drit and severely injuring a
bird m an.
Samuel Becklf.t died at Flint, Mich,, a few
days ago, at the age of 109.
Clement C. Ci.av, formerly United States
Senator from Alabama, diod at his resideuco
near Kniitsvide, Ala., agel sixty-three years.
Tue Maryland legislature mot at Annapolis
nd organized by the election of George II.
Williams as president of tho senate, and
Keilholtz speaker of the houso.
A number of men assembled iu a store at
Wostport, La., quarreled about a horso race ;
revolvers wero drawn, and in tho general fight
which followod throe men wore killo.l outright,
a fourth was mortally wounded and two othors
were slightly hnrt.
At Oskaloosa, Iowa, throe boys-John Thil.
lips, son of the mayor, Gorald Joyce and John
Stcdman wore shooting with rifles, using tho
sido ot ft wooden building containing 500 kegs
of powder as a torgot, when a terrible explo.
sion occurred. Tho throe boys woro instantly
killed, and their bodios, frightfully mangled
and bnmed, wcro hurled from fifty to two hun
dred yards away. Nearly all the plate-glass
windows in the vicinity were broken by the
concussion, and many lion see in tho southern
part of tho city wero badly damaged. Many
persons wero injurod by the falling glass and
debris. The shock of tho explosion was felt at
Monroe, a distanco of thirty milos.
The prisoners in the jail at Hillsboro, N. C,
overpowerod tho jailer and eight of thorn made
their escape.
DcitiNO the funoral of the pastor of the
Salem Evangelical church, at Qnincy, 111., a
pauic was created by tho giving way of a rail
ing, and in the rush which followed for the
doors about forty persons woro injured, some
eo severely that recovory is doubtful.
At Catlottsburg, Ky., threo mon chargod
with the recent atrocious murder of tho Gib
bons children and Mies Thomas, wcro put on
board a steamboat for conveyance to Mays
villc, the justices fearing that they would be
lynched. A crowd obtaiuod another steamer
and pursued the BhcrilTs party until they
heard that militia wero coming, when they
gave up tho pursuit.
Ai'Acue Indians attacked a mine in Arizona
and murdered six mon.
Thuee inmates of tho Mason county (111.)
pooiuouso porished in tho fire which consnmod
that institution.
Five men wero hanged the othor day threo
in Missouri and two in Louisiana. At St
Louis, Joseph M. Kotovsky aud Charles Elln
tho first white and tho other colored were
hanged, Kotovsky for murdering a pl ot ty ser
Vftut girl who hod rejocted his advauoos, and
Ellis for killing Mack Sanders, a patron of his
gambling house. At Marshall, Mo., John A.
Phelps was legally stranglod for tho murder ol
Elijah Keyton, a wealthy farmer, aud at Frank
in, La., Sterling Bn and Terence Achillo, both
colored, mot their death ou tho gallows for
killing D. Larmand, a wealthy citizen..
From Washington.
About 2,000 persons attended President
Arthur's first official reception at the White
House. Iu doference to tho mourning lit.
prevails in omci.u lauas lor tueueain ot i'rosi.
diint Garfield tho reception was conducted as
simply as possible.
Ckowds of aii.ious and morbid sightseers
congregated rouud the jail at W isliingtou on
New Year's day. The doors wcro thrown open
and about three hundred visitors men, women
and children were ushered in Guittau's cell
iu relays. Greetings wero exchanged, and the
atsassiu's autograph was in great demand, and
was given to whoever asked for it Vo such
privileges woro accorded to the other prisoners,
with the exception of Captain Ilowgato, who
was permitted to leave fie jail and visit his
TnE debt statement for December shows the
decrease of tho public debt during the mouth
of Decomber, 1881, to be $12,793,023 56 ; cash
in tho treasury, $253,377,980.76 ; gold certifl
Cttles, $3,188,120 ; silver certificates, $08,075,
230 ; certificates of deposit outstanding,
$9,590,000; refunding certificates, $575,250;
logal tenders outstanding, $316,681,010 ; frac
tional currency, $7,075,920.92 ; decrease since
June 80, 1881, $75,107,094.89.
Tub following is a statement of the coinage
executed at the mints during December :
Gold ,
Total coinage.. 9.258,601 $12,697,702.50
The total net decrease in the national debt
during the calendar year 1881 was $133,690,-
Tbe offioial reports of the Qniteau trial make
1,775 printed pages, and with the arguments
the fnll report of tbe trial will make a volume
of over 2,000 pages. The cost to tbe govern
ment for this item alone will be about $5,000.
Some interresting correspondence bas been
made publio concerning the case of General
Fitz John' Porter, who in January, 1863, was
tried by court marshal and sentenced " to be
cashiered and forever disqualified from holding
any office of trust or profit under the govern
ment of the United States." In 1878 a board
of army officers made a thorough examination
in General Porter's case, and reported to tbe
President that General Porter was guiltless of
tbe charges preferred against bim in 1863, and
that the findings and sentence of the court
marshal should be set aside and the accused
offioer be restored to his rank in the army
The correspondence now made publio is a letter
from General Forter to President Arthur, re
questing that '.ctlon be taken in
bis case; also a letter from General
, Grant to the President in whioh the general
says: " At the request of General Fits John
Porter, I bar recently reviewed bis trial and
(he testimony furnished before the Bchofield
court of inquiry held in 1879, giving lo the
subject three full days of careful reading and
consideration, and much thought in tho inter
vening time. Tho reading of the wholo of this
rcoard has thoroughly convinoed me that for
those ninotoen years I have been doing a gal
hut and effiolont soldior a very groat injustice
in thought and somotimos ki speech. I foel
it incumbent upon me now to do whatovor lies
in my power to remove from him and from his
family the stain npon hlsgotd name." General
Gi ant then asks the President to give General
Porter's caso early consideration. Another
loiter is published trom Genoral Terry to Gen
eral Forter. In this letter Terry says ho
wronged Porter for many years and asks for
pardon. Tho chargo upon which General Por
ter was triod in 1863 was for neglecting to go
to Gouoral Pope's assistance, at tho lecond bat
tle of Bull Hun.
Mn. 800VILLE is reported to havt accepted
an offer of $1,000 for Gnitoau's body, the money
to be paid at once and tho buyer asstming the
chances of tho atsastiu's execution.
Tue President has transmitted to tin Senate
letters from Postmaster-General James and
Mr. Georgo Bliss, of counsel in the stir route
casos, accompanying a report of rostoflico In
spectors Tidball and Shullcross. This roport
shows an extended combination for defrauding
the government by means of worthless bonds,
and that its members have boon able to imposo
on tho postoflioe department such bonds to tho
amount of $8,000,000 or 10.000,000.
Foreign News
Twelvk Jews were killed at tlie recent anti-
Jewish riots iu Warsaw.
Two Mormon missionaries who attempted to
conduct services in one jf the suburbs of Lon
don were mobbed.
Two sisters named Croighan have been shot
near Mullingar, Ireland, ty an nnknown assas
sin, who entered thoir molicr's farmhouse early
in tho morning, and after greeting the family,
drew a revolver and fircd,kiUing one sister and
fatally wounding the othct.
The Grand Society of Railways, of Rnssis,
has becomo insolvont, and a misappropriation
of $20,000,000 of government money has boon
discovered in oounootim with the society s
Mn. Dawson has bien inaugurated lord
mayor of Dublin. The retiring lord mayor, in
consequence of his refusil to convene a spocial
mooting of the corporaion to confer the frco-
dom of the city on Mcssri Parnell and Dillon,
did not receive tho usval voto of thanks and
was hissed in the street ly a crowd.
William HAimisoN Ainbwohth, the well
known English novelist, dead in bis sovonty
tevonth year. 1
A Londox paper declares that tho Irish land
court will consnmo tvo years in adjusting
rents In Ireland.
A New Y'obk papor'i correspondence from
tho Isihmus of Panama livinta a dismal picture
of tho condition of affiirs among the unfor
tunates whi arc employ! in tho construction
of the canal. Soveral o! tho medical staff and
most of tho engineers aul laborers havo been
seized with yellow fever, which is unusually
prevalent on the Istheus this Boason, and
tho Cunal company, it is said, docs not
even take tho troublo of giving the dead
Accent burial.
Mr. E.G. Gnrtman, tbe buiness manager
of the Evening Disputr-h, ol York, Ph., was
cured of neuralgia by hree applications ot
Rt. Jacobs Oil. Boston (Mass.) Saturday
Evening Express.
A profpsMODul "spotter," n noun
employed by a rail res d company to hunt
up lost cars, says tint not only do the
roads keep each other's cars and use
them for local business without paying,
but in many cafes tliey are actually
stolen. To purloin a cr it must bo sent
to tho repair hhon and chanced so as to
become unrecognizable. This requires
me connivance) of several porsoLs.
sometimes including tho "fpntter" oi
tho road owning tbe car, and finnlly a
sale is made to the company owning the
siiops, ana proceeds aro divided.
A Maryland exchnige refers to Mr. Thos.
G. Forward, of I$elnjr, that Slate, who was
cured by St. Jacobs' Oil of rheumatism
Iloches Icr (N.Y ) Sunday Morning Tribune.
Impatienso drit, b tho
than ago or sorrow
blood sooner
"Heroine Soiml nml Well."
Hatciiku's 8TAT10S, Oa., M u ch 27, 1R76.
It. V. FinicR, M. D.: Dear Sir My wire, wee
Had been ill for over Uo years, and had iried
many other medicines, became sound and well
ny using your "tavonte Prescription." M
niece was also cured by Us use, after scveial
puysieians jial tailed to do her any good.
Yours truly, Thomas J." Metuvix.
The total number of land-owners in Ireland
is (18,758, of whom 36,111 aro the possessors of
leas than ono acre each, or only about 9,000
acres a:i torn.
Young men, and midillo aged ones, Buffering
irom nervous debility ami kindred weakness) a
send three stamps for Pari VII of Dime Series
Books. Address Wohld's I'isplnsaby Mimi
cal Association, Kuffn'o, N. Y.
A KQiiAiiu mile of land iu England, cultivated
highly, gives employment to fifty people, iu
tue ro jortion ot twenty-tivo men and twenty,
five women and boj.
Sick and bilious headache, and all derange
ments of stomach aid bo el, cur d by Dr.
Pierce's "Pellets" or anti-bilious granules.
25 cents a vial. No (heap boxes to allow waste
01 virtues, jjy nmeifiMa.
Dakikl WEDSTiiii'f friends iu Washington ore
startiug a movement for tho erection of a statue
to lum iu that city.
T .Imago says Oen. 41:31 clnrt red tho first
ill insurance oomiiaiiv. Twelve yearo' expori.
enca proves that "Holiday Offer, 1000," in
another ojlunin, iiirects to tlie next beat one,
iMiiotHTioN, UYHi-EiTiiA, nervous ltiostiation
and all tonus of general debility relieved by
taking Mkxkmak'h Pkiionized Uillv Tonic, tho
only preparation of beef containing its entire
lum inous pi'operuos, Jicouiaius oioo(i-maning,
foi'tv-geuerutuig and life-sustnining properties;
is invaluable iu all enlccblod conditions, whether
ihe result of exhaustion, nervous prostration.
overwork, or acute, disease, particularly if
resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell,
Hazard t Co., proprietor's, New York.
The Science of Life, or Self-Preservation, a
medical work for evory man young, middlo
aged or old. 125 invaluablo prescriptions.
From observing theeffects, of petroleum upon
tne neans 01 operatives at tue wells came the
enrewu t'ltteuuignor a great discovery, cahbo
line, a deodorizod extract of potr ileum. Tuit
is the only article that will produce uew hair.
On Thirty Day' Trliil.
The Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will
send their Electro- Voltaio Bills and other Eleo
trio Appliances on trial for thirty days to anj
person afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost
Vitality, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing
complete restoration or vigor ana mannooa.
Address as above without delay.
P. R -No risk is incurred, as 30 days' trial ii
Veoetini is now acknowledged by our bfst
pb sioians to be the only sure and safe remedy
for all diseases arioing from impure blood, suoh
as acrolui una scroiulous humors.
Wtlltaui J. CotiKUlin, of 8 .mervlUe. Mau , myt Iu ttas
tall of 1876 1 wan taktu with bleidisg or ihe ldgi fol
lowed hjr a trvrr cough. I lest my irpttlt and flh,
ind wa connot-ii to my bed. In 177 1 wit admitted to
tlie Uosjxtal. The doctor! mid I bad a bole In my luug is
bin at t balf-dotlar. At one time a report went around
tliat I iu dead. I guve up bone, but a friend told me of
I got a bottle, when to my turprlM, I commenced to feel
oetier, ana to-day I feel better thn for three yearn pant,
I write tblt bop'.ni every one arUlcted with Dlwiibed
Langtwlll Uki bK. WILLIAM HALL'S BALSAM, and
be convinced tint CONSUMPTION CAN BEOL'BKD,
can potitlvely u; It bat done more flood thin all tbe
ttlier medldnet I have taken alnce my ickni-u.
ALI.lN'lBlJrBly Fooil-curee Nervous Debility tl
nvaknees of Geueratlvo Uriwu, Sl-all drunKiste.
Kn rtnnn itint sVtPnre tins rnnferreil
ITss been franeht ith BreaU'r blessincs than
that which has accrued to the inhabitants ol
malaria ridden portions of the United Btatei
and the tropics from the use of Hostettert
Stomach Bitters. The expedience of many yean
has but to cloarly demonstrated the inoth.
ciency of quinine and othor drags to effectually
com bnt tho progress of Intermittent., oongos
tivo and bilious remittent fivers, while on the
other hand it has boon no less clearly shown
that the nse of the Bitters, a medicine con
genial to the frailest Constitution, and derived
from purely botanic sources, affords a reliable
safeguard againxt malarial diseases, and arrestt
It when developed, for disorders of tin
stomach, liver and bowel, for genoial doi Hit;
and renal b activity, it is also a most etliciont
remedy. Anixtite and sleep are improved hi
it, it expt Is rheumatic humors from the blood
and enriches a ciicida iou impoveiished I'J
Tns telegraph was flrtt exhibited in New
York fortv-four years ago. At tho presont
time the Western Union operates 350,000 miles
of wire iu the United HtitteB.
Warner's Pnfe Kidney unit Liver Cnre.
The new five-cent Garfield postage stamp is
pronounced liy tho po.-tal officers the handsom
est over issued.
NEW vonK.
Beef Cattlo-Med. Nat live wt. 10
Calves Poor to Prime Veals... 0 &
Bheop 4 5
Lambs 6 (iC
Hogs Uvo 6 f(f
Dressed, city 8?i'ii
Flour Ex. Htate, good to fancy 6 CO (i 8 00
Wostuin, good to choice C 05 f j it 00
WheatNo. 2 ltud 1 i'ilA'i 1 43
No. 1 White 1 WVii 1 41
Bye State 2 Cii 03
Barloy Two-rowed State 80 ("a 81)
Corn-UngradcdWosteriiMixed 68,V II1,
Southern Yellow 9l,'j0 71 V
Oats White Htato 62J,rJ 64
Mixed Western 4U &
Hay Frimo Timothy 0 r,4 100
Straw No. 1, Hve 70 59 75
Hops Htate, 1831 2 M 28
Pork Mess, now, for export. ..17 112'17 75
Lard City Steam 11 15 (if 11 15
iteiniou 11 iiytcii iy.
Petroleum Crude liJJ'tf
ltefined W,ft
Butter State Creamory 84 Uti
Dairy 20
ostcrn Im. Creamorv 2D hi
Factory 12 fti
Chocso Htate Factory !t
hkiius 8 U9
Western ','.'&
Eggs State and Fcnn 2H (i
Potatoes--Larly lton,Stnte,bbl 2 Si
Qi 3 12
Kloors Extra 6 20 6 40
Lambs Western 5 (13 (ii 6 00
Bhocp Western 4 30 0i 5 30
Hogs, Uood to Ulimce. loi kors.. Ii 0 Q'. u VJ
Flour C'y Ortmnd, No. 1 Spring 6 75 0C 7 23
Wheat No. 1. Hard Duluth. ... 1 53 Qt 1 55
Corn No. 2 Mixed My,rt$ Wt
Oats No. 2 Mix. West 4s do 5i
Barley Two-rowed 8tnto 90 U0
Beef Extra platoaud family.. 14 50 13 00
Hogs Live Cr,) 7
Hrgs City Dressed 8 fl X
Fork Extra Friino per bid.... 16 00 fiplG 50
Flour Spring Whont Patents. . 8 00 dr. 8 73
Corn Mixed and Yellow 72 ft?. 75
Oat Extra White 57 it 5!)
Hvo State 1 00 r) 1 00
Wool Washed (V.inbADeluino 4t''ia 40
Unwashed " " 80 ftj 81
Beef Extra quality (i iiiVM 7 50
Bheop Live weight !! (itt b
l.ambs o'tt
Hogs, Northern, dressed 1lAlS 8
Flour ronn. Ex. Family, good C 39 C 3S
Wheat No. 2 lieu I vyxut 1 41':
ltvo State 7 VC 7
Corn Stato Yellow 6'J!f C'J'
Outs Mixed 60 tfj 5 1
Butter Creamery Extra Fa. .. 40 ut 40
Cheeso New York Full Cream. 13'i'4C 1:1',
retrolumn Crude ti ut) 7
ltetinod 7XSS Vi
Tony Kew York, who Is now
iety ntuib-'m-e
Union, is re
linfr diameter
1 jKTforliier of
1 lie writer nf
Mr. I'astor re
mil liiiuusite
eiilieiMiiniiM. iiiK belurellKi
publie. Uur-
inir our eon-
verNition 1 in-
liiireJ na to
bin )liysiel
health, and
lied that It wins
nt. lie riniloe-illyi--everv
or enlils,
iv complaints of
haraeler never
eliiin limp, us lie
indouta remedy
null mum) in;
fllTeetlon. I nVeil wlint the remedy
-viii nml ho reidied,"bT.JAiorisuil
ilr. riisturNUil that he considered the
(Irent tierninii lieincdy nil cxeelleiit
preparation for tlio cure or relief of
rheumatism, nnd that it was the only
thlnrr tifed among proft-ssional people for Unit
dislresKiiigCoiuiilaiirt. lletiaik txitllesof it with
him whenever ho went trnveiiiiR, and would
not he without it, and knevy that It was very popu
lar with a liiiniljerof memix-in of liisown coin
puny. The ton-going, from the Brooklyn (N. V.)
Jjinfc, rerulla to our liiiml nil Item wherein tlio
editor of the Cairo (III.) Keening Hun, in paying a
tribute to the enterprise of the .St. Loula lifi-liti-jmlch,
nml expressing his norrow at the loss by
tire which the hitter pna-rHU.-tnincd,pnya: "The
wholo office was knocked into ten Ihousnnd
piec es all except the fcT. Jacoiis On. adverlise
nicnt, which was mercifully preserved." The
'losing remarks in tho ntjovcand the lollowine
incident nre a true Index of the unexampled
popularity the Great German Kemedy enjoy
cvi-rywuere! At n, . i-ouis tneaire rejenuy
w hilst tho piny was in proirress, one of the ludy
performcru met with a painful mishap, which
quite disabled her. The hero of the piece, equal
to the vincrgeni'V, cnllel out to one of the ushers
to "bring a Isitile of Kr. J.moiw Oil nuiekly."
ThethiiiHlering applause throuehout the entire
houe w hich promptly followed this hnppy PUg
pestion was nn unmistakable proof ol the tact
thut the audience, " hnd Ken there themselves,
as tlie expression pocs, mid experienced Ihe ben
efits of thiswondcrful or Icle.
Mr. Charles A. Whitney, advertising agent of
Tnrk Garden, l'rovVleiica, K. I., writes: "lor
three years 1 had Inflammatory rheumatism in
my right hlpaud knee. I employed ninny noted
phynieiuna, and rricd numerous remcdiea for tho
ailment, bnt found nothing to heln me until I
used the Great German Kemedy, fT. Ja-obs OiI-
Which u
iheureuincatonce, lau now entirely wen.
"K T K tJ T"
AIIOUUA V OFFER. ?H00InrftDcefttK.U0.
wraK 91 4 OO rT 91 OOO, annually. m .
4drwMUmiALLIFK LWo Bkawmotok.JT J.
m-,aaaa ---k-kfnrlRS with improved
LllnrV pT rGGlntfrt Table. Clcnftar.
J 1 B etc. Hem to any adlrcs
OD wfipt of two Thrf-Ii Klnnipp., Addrch
CUAKI-LS . HIHEK, 48 N. I'wareAv.ll'hila.
-An affnt
in every town
rv town t biiv old
oooka. Noranital neednd.
ScncUor circular, f. . HAKFER, T Murray St., N.Y.
YhllKlft lUirfd U yon wonld learn TlFrarby in
lUUnU men jonr months, and b onrtafn of a
situation, address Vaicmtiiio Bros., Janwvlile. Wb,
Mornhln HablafTaMl .n in
tnuoduys. NuXNay till t'urr4,
I)K. J. HTKr-UKNH. Lebuoun llhlii.
til AOfNTS. Outflt free. Addrem
III P. O. Vlchery. Augu.tH. Me.
ft i wlllnanlclf,Tn iho world: 1 nrtluplr frts.
njrtj AddriM Jar rtremaon. helndf. Mich.
" A CtN'Tei'Wi? tot the Bent and Taste!.
i txilline Pictorial Jloolia and Biblea. Price reducAd
33 i erct. N at iopal PiihllKlnrm Co., Philadelphia. Pa.
fl TTTVf GJ B"1"a- f.l.Ugu. tn. AdAma,
JT J XT! jj er.M Wnt. na Wortl. rtlUiirt. ra.
HRR ww'1' l,L.'"J' ""T town. Term and M nntBt
fl-co. Arli irHAl.l.lTr;Co.,Portland.Malne.
CD HIT PRPT I 8d for Sample Co"py of Green'
rltUI I r nC tJ VruljtJruwer, Hochontt-r, N.y.
170 A WKF.K. 119 a davat homeeaally made. Coatly
' Outfil tit. Add a Xnui 4 Oo., Aua-uata,Malu.
wiiu 111s iiiuuiiiiiiie v
5jL tion milking a tour of
fpr cognized us the le
Kt JV vueuli.t und vnrle
m ff X. 1,10 t'n'ted t-tute
ffiiliOLjl this article me
dJcnilyj end f
If m
WANTEI Acent. everywhere to aell tha best
Puzzle iine the "1 5." Just the tulcg for 111
BolMa-B. Sf-nn for circular. 6ample, 15 cents.
C,E Pl.yy.I.E CO.. V. O. Box ijOaS, Now
Vorii, and P. O. Box 'iitWl, Doton. Mann.
Splitting- a (Jreenhnck.
A sharp operator in Colorado Springs,
Col., has tttcceeded in splitting a dollar
Rrernbark and passinj both patta at
the banks. Tbe trick was discovered
and this, the first case known of snob
an operation, reported to tho treasury
There are 50,000 children in Chioago
debarred from attending school for lack
of accommodations.
Sciatioa Rheumatism, Kidney
ItrrtjtKdon, Iowa, November 11, 1E78.
iff. It.
It. SrK.VENH !
Ponr Sir Aliout the let of Novomlwr, 1875, 1 w
attiu'krd with wlint in, termed fchiftw IthtuimiUtm,
comiiirtic-hi); In the hip Joint and cxti'iidliuf to uiy
ankliK, which nt timm wita very pullilul. tunning
Liim-ucK hikI vrcvciittug eh-ep lit uluht, mid at
liineK preventing me trom hihor of any kind. After
apl'lyinu ilittirent riniediis of nlmoNt pviry kind
ri..itioiii.rnl4,il. I ronlil uvt no ri'lii-f. I then rjtm-
ineuceil llNlrnt your VKOKTISK ilhnut the lHt ol March
Inst, aud huve continued to Hue it until the pr.-w.ut
time. Now 1 tliivo no nvlnt'tonn uf the rhellliiHtlHin
lelt, In fart 1 think imei'lt entirely vurnt. Mi life
Ih Hixty-tivc yi-art. I thtTfore lake t-'nvit ph-AHtire
In lf'coinmi'ii'dini. It to nil who may be utllieted with
thi terrible difetiHe.
1 linve hecil troubled with KMnev Cvnwlalnt for
several venrs, B n e liiliiun the V iirnxi: I am com
pletelv cured of the Kidney Complaint. To any per
ion tutP-riiiK a I ImvV. vvei-v dropol this Rood 1111-Ui
clue it more valuable than ltd wehtht In Kold.
Yuure truly.
1 know this man to bs a truthful, reliuble man.
lmiKKuit, Main street.
lias IS"ot Its Equal
Selma. Ala., It.vy 12, 1872.
H P. Rtvvfvh
I tuku &.T(nt ploMirp !p roconmnnidltif: your Vfge
Tink. 1 lum h en ufli riiur a hmn tune with tlio
l.mtt litue; try tun v.wvy binrt vt inciliriiie thut 1
could pet, but lump Ffi jiH'd to do mo n; nood. until
1 tried vour LTfiit VrKTiTK r.-itii-dy. I had nwd it
only nuliort tiiiu lit'forc I diHcovt n'd n Rrrot rhntiKc
in ui ht'tilth fur llic Imtti'T. I don't rmifidur ttuit
jonr iUHdirim hn itn criual. for the dtwi'iiMw which
oli iiroiHw tn cuit. ctnu'i'iitlly tin diwiwo tlmt 1
Wu Wn alTwti'd with. JOHN THOMAS.
Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists.
i Bflff B B ff A3 B B 9
HIcclicu.1 IClecii-ioinn,
40S Fulton fit., Ilvonlt'yn,
Mav be rnnmilleil .blip- from in A. M. to " P. M.. rY-er
qi cl.Mim "Till: Wl l.fOM " viAtJNETlC
;A H M KN'I'K lllciiri- r cry fm hi l U.
cne. no lualli-r ot how loli stalebtii;. UNK llt'N
ll(hl) TllOI SAXIi l-niKK in llronkp n ami New
York. IS l l-IIN IS. l'liOIKl T Yortt-Sl:l,Vl-.H
ai'iiinsl aslhnta or consumption by wi-arili:
" I I.MIM A " . lolhint'. fold 1. -i t are the pre
cursors ol --ndti-s.! ills that it.-h is 1 1 . i r tp. Wear the
I ltl I A " solen ,ind av.tid snrli diini:er.
1IKXYAHK OK FIIAt'HS. Pol-ub callnentK an' on
the market. The Y 1 1, SON I A r is Btn. hied with
metallic evelcts. k'.iom ilo: the III) tills on the laee. All
oiheisare tenuis. Kend lor puiiiphlels cinitaiuiiii;
teslimoiiiiils Irom tin- best, ceoi-le in America who
have been eur d alter all ioium ot medicine had
tailed. Note our mhltvmeK :
Kt. 4i-.r. rri.ToN KTItKKT. 1IKOOKLYX.
Ml. (i'.tt ItliD.MIWAY. 1
So. 17 l-.liOADWAY. rKKWVOltK.
Ml. Still 'I'll licit AVK .)
j;ii uriii siiii.i:T. iiikhiki.y.n. k. i.
Th ft t it Ih (lie nrknmvlctlpptl .mtUrln the Tttulfin
a ljn-t that riinuut U' ilihiitcd. Mimy imitate it!
None i I ill The Jjrtiv't. AniHMi. thr l,xhUtt
Itimiiini;, t lie nnwt llcimtiltil Mnl-witk, ami ih vviir
rnntiMl tu 1i iii:ilt! ol tlio Ix-st niiitt-iinl. to ilo linv
itixl till kimlh il wurk, to lit foiuplt tu in !wry riitrt.
Hi OHtltvuy ii ml 1 It Ii St.. Ntw VorU.
DiKTtiiiUTiNH C)-K:rK: CltirnL-n. St. Jnu-H. Kin
us C.t , hi'tniit, M ilwunkw, l.t-lminml, him Inn
cisto, L'lt-vt'lHiLtl M.u-k Llt'oi, Cincinnati M'-k itnw
Delivered on Trial, OFCnAHGli!
Shuttlc Sewing Machine !
LASTS A UFH T1MK. YYurratiled 5 Ycnrs.
AGENTS WANTED in Unoccupied Territory,
x.j5 & 2.i7 YViibuKU Avft., Clncu;n.
uni, fmthrTi, mothvra . o
' liililnn. Tlmiiiianils yrt cntitlcl. Feniiloiii KWcn
l loi"f fin trtT.H'f. rye -r rui'tiire.TMrifot; trim
r hiiv JMt'itat. i iioiimni -r iifiiitifiMr ana
F ... . i.-TK t-iitit tr-i to I M Kr.AM'. knit IHir.NTY
I I'iTKNTS itrorurr.l for In vt nt..m. i.hlii-n
iuhI Iti'iiutf Itawn Maiik.i and instruction. Wt
titmi lor i lie niit'n-MiMKT." and l'niifia
n rt'ler tlioiiun'in-f rctminnrri tnl Clffntu,
A .Mn-n U. W. Fltzgcrnld A Co Prnkion a
1'ATKST Att'vi,
, Hit k. iiuxtae, uti lug two. if. U
PfirnniK' liiii:iillv 11 tl mukn Nr-W lllfh
ltlonl. Hint will mitii'lt'tch" cliance th Mood iu tho
rutin M'-ntem in thviM ir.onthK. Anv rnon wlio
will tii lif one liilj Htrli nit-lit from 1 to 12 work mav lw
n ctnri'n to fnniHi in-altli. I! nurri a tninL' ?m- iHinif,
8old fvcrvwhciv or iritt l.y nuiil lor 8 ltttT tiunt,
I, f. .MM I IV tU.) (iOHKIlIf lUUHft!
fni in rly ltitnutr
i II K A 4 tY'n I' I A (KOUTI -Mttnikeiil
j iin.uw! jtM-xt ins: Hii;r t j:!nttu inntiroTic hut very
i:iili'iinu Hiuil'l cori't'iri, rcst-wtdil c in s imvti will
lie iM 's ma' n. 'cjv in n i.nii.cs ttttol, tuiok. rover, lt-s
f:iti;uuii iiiu-tiiiti'i'il or mum-y rlntnUsl. ntttr one
5 friii im.; I iti ivlit Iuuti'lnrii', r.S to iuta
iottie iirift-s .Mnt toSil:sl;ilulnnl Mrtimfor let of iliPiml-
vrrse as tlioiiwiTulK ti-btlfy; write l r ininiiniolti lint of tr-
liiiioni.iiR. iii-iiltv'" i iH.lhi'i l)K A StoiUif-(ritl,
Miurtii. cnuiif i. luirior, j.iu uiiwhui. vicilio-tt we fnm
free nirrliiyc iiu-cthimsH'iiftii; iiiiislr.itt-d catalogue UioU-
riay eihiioii) t'vvv A-ltr-ss cr call ittMm
II AN I Ii L FjHEA TT V, WAsummun, Kiw Jkhskt.
TOIIVt.1 K WI'flTl. Ih.--m'i nt .4
ilW I rl ff.f" fte(, KAH1INK lit. itl
ft nan 1. 1.
lidcl-l. ef'I't it t,
puit'Ht of fun
jirr-lirttii, wild rtm
-r hkir, rnl ft i
and nr if, Michomti
ami 4tr,t ff mra' ns, kii4
Ut Vtut. L- Kcmnci, lo MotU'j Ihxtoa, Nw!
l7y3r-x03xr"T fail
LfU to imid 3-c(- iUmp fr tin rnol cwnplete CaiJ(gm of
LoVkii' nucm. laruest vaisili y.
? ANTKD AOC'Irl. finoA wnKPm pay wi'okly.
1 l.tirt'tt Hifiitiy wurk tftvt-i), tn lo mailt- at
homo, WfiiU l iilli il forand tl' livrrrd IV r. liole
Ktiiflinv Mi 7 Son Hi M.. liunlon. iMikm.
,M ii fit t in Two thousand cans nor dav. Write fr
ch-cular. Voln-'v JUrk'-r, 'JMForo St., I'ortlund. M:
I of f.'rneral debility and nervous i-rot-l
ration, ltenudv th' result ol my own
i'xi"TifiK'o. AddrcsM with Htamp, II.
' t'. if iinriiiit wnn(r itara-uLvii.
CRIa COfl r'-rdavnthomf. KamploK worth V free.
J IU fJ Addrt h.HTiNKuK Co Portland. Maine.
Enclose one threo-ocnt stamp
will return you by mull twelve amor-tod elegant chromo
cards, or a set of 5 Kilt ' Margtiorite " cards. I could not
afford to pit you theso elcfrant cards were It not that I
will expect you to read tbe document I shall enoloee with
them. Should you wish both sets enclose two three-cent
stamps. Address
W. Jenkings Demoiuest,
More than One Million Copies Sold!
258th Edition (New). Revised and Enlarged.
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lae on Manhoodi the Omuae and Cure of Ki.
haualed Vltallly, Kervoua and Phralcal DcblU
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what in fully f?iplniuoii.
in" uem meaicai worit ever puoiiBnca. tvwiwn w
pold and jeweled modal award 1 tbe author of
towed. Juaarh.uMftt Plan a km an. I'hntiHinnii nf
loadinj? Journal literary, politicul, rliKioun and acientino throughout tha land
toed to be a bettor medical work, in every aeoae, than cu bo obtained claewhar tor
money will ruf iudod iu every iuatauco.
Thouaanda of Copica are sent by mall, seenrely sealed and poatpaid, lo all part of tb
world, every montht upoa reoolpt of price, SI. 45
4 Bulduch Street. Beataa, Maaa.
K. B. Xhe author majr be eenaulted on alt dliicaaai rartulilBa aUU hai aaparUoi
tThlsenuravlnii reprewnts the Longi In hoaltliyitate.)
FnrCon-i, CnM., Crnnp, rtronrhtlt.nnd all
other affeetiouli of the Tlironl ami 1,1 N;rt, It
tauds unrivaled and utterly beyonil all computtttou.
It aiiroftclinB po nftr ft rooine that
....e .m lu.r urn 11 oti 1 1 v enfud wl
red whrre tlie din
Uoiu arv utrictlv ronirlit d with. Utcrv 1m no I'lteinl
cl or uthcr lnrt dieutB to harm tho i ounji ir old,
J. N. HARRIS &TcO., Proprietors,
$2,000 REWARD 1
Will be palit on the ennvlrtlon of any iwi-son eonnter
feituiK lr. Tobiaa' Venetian I.tnlmeut.
Venetian Liniment
ITnx ctven universal entlKfnrtlon ptnee It ha." been In
tnAnrert into the l'llite.1 titatea. Att.r b.-inK
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Tbousanfls ol Physicians RecommenS It
A nn external ri'mcily in of
Cbr.mir Hliemnatllil. Ilea-lnehn. TonthHrlin,
uuito Hires, Cut", IlniieeK, Spmllia. I'M
l'aiiw iu the I.lmtiK, ll.u k an.l Micst,
I'Ulll'h-R, Uh't ln'. FwliU-B,
Btiffi'iieil JciiiitM mid
Taken Internally tn c.vo of Ds-neritory, T!lttrriaa,
bea Mckn'M, imoiora, i ronji, nuw, t rituii'i.
and Sick Headache, im Kontlilni; and
penntratine nnalities are iiiiino
diatelv felt. It Is perfect
ly Innocent to take
Warranted for 33 Years and Never
To rtirp Cmnri, PpaHtni. Dinrrliora, Dym-nuiir ana
Ki'H hicKtii'PH, tftKrn niirriuiiiy, imn ii'iahiim-.u
l(Tf'-tlv lianiU-w. nlMi, I'lti-i-niilly, C'iiIh. r.riiiM-H,
t'linmic lUii-niimtlHiii, M Kupk. I'iiIiik In tlio
IJtul, llnrk AllHl I.IH'HT. Dlll-U u i-i-im-uy 10 wr. w
biim' Vfiii'tittll I.iliiiii-'ii. , ,
No nni- on tryliur it will bo without it; over (UK)
riivFiii.-itiP uko it. . ,
iIioiixihkI of icHiflrntiw harn Wn rooclvoil, anil
a ft-w an; Rlvi-n below; H.IKKI will bo faiil if any oue
il fltUlO. nr.,,.n-,(.i
RtalA of Ni-w Jirnny, Ili-rir'-n comity, town)ili ol
Htvkeniivk. w.: TIioiiih1 JiiIiiihdii, ni huhi town
Kliip, Ix-iiifc' ililly nwoni. ilnth ili pone mul any, that he
IlllH IM'ftl W-VI-H-iy ttuiiruiii iiiL-ui.....,, ....
above a year, tlmt he ronlil w areoly
wulk, iK-'iiu; lK-iit aliiKwt ilmllilt-, unci whk uttialy un
able to ln anv work, llavluir lii-unl nt the won li r
ful cunn inaile by Dr. ToIhrk' Ven-tiiin Liiilini-iit. hi
wiw linluofil lo try it, ami utter llKiiiK it u Khort tinin
niik- lo bo to work ;il'.-iiii. alter bt'lni; nniilile to ilo
anvthiiwr for neurly uyc-ur. T. -JUHNSON.
Kworn to uelorc me. j. uiuntunuf r, um.-u im
the Teaeo.
Tin. Tnittit I wxite to inform yon that the child nf
a MeMdnf inine wim cnn-il ol eroiir, alter benin Riven
ill" to lte bv three iihvKieiuim. One liour alter your
Veoetiun Ijiniment wim uki-i! it was nut oi ihuu'i-r. I
hope yOU Will I-UnilHI lllll ko mill iiKHiiiiv limy
know (hey havo a remedy lor this terrible complaint.
1 loKt a chllil bv croup prcvimm to heiirlnt; ot vour
Liniment, but now never f- el alanneil, an I havo
vonrincillcine aiway. in me iiohki.-. i meiMiiMi
it for pulim, sore throat, etc., ami always found it to
euro. JKItKMlAII t.AHl.'Y,
17 North Sloore street, Nuw York.
From Engineer O. D. Taylor, &i.:
Xrvr YrniK. December 20, 1H79.
I flndbv CTlrleili ethat Dr. Tobill"' Venetlllll l.illi;
mi nt beat" the world. I have siitlercd the pain ot
broken rilw, and it was the onlv thins that relieved
me. Ho if entitle. 1 to the thaiiki nl nil Kutlerelii.
O. D. TAYLOll, ol TAYl.Olt ,V CO.,
UnukeiK, 11 Wull atrcet.
From B. Lawn nee, Kq., of the firm of n. T.
Lawrence, 10 Maiden Lane, luiHU-tini,' Htulioni rK
NKW Youx. AiiuukI 7. 1H7!I.
Knr lnanv yeurs I have lined Dr. TobinK' Veii'-fiiin
Liniment tor varioiiK aitnientu, ami alw ayK loimd n -liel.
A Khort time iik'o I hit-1 n w-vere attack ol liini
Impo: at liri-t 1 (juve It no altention. but the pain in
crenwd ko 1 tried your liniment. Two aiiplicij.
tloim entirelv cunMl lue. I would not be wnthnut it
fur ten time 11. LAWliJ-.Mll-..
A food, rcliablo Horsie T.lnliucut and Condition
Ruch are to be found in Dr. Tobias' Horse Liniment,
in pint iKiltli. and Derby Condition Powdcrx.
(' rtilical. have been received tinm Colonel II.
Mi-Daniel, owui-r of KprioKholt, Dr. Ylldeu, and over
l.iMKI other hoineluell.
Ko pav if the Liniment nnd l'owiler are not. onpn
rior to nnv oth'-r. If you once nive thcin a trial you
will never be without them.
Tlie Fiuuilv Liniment i" 53 eentv and Ml cents; tho
Ilnrw-, '.Ml ceuU iu buttles; the Derby l-owders ill
eeutK uJioil.
H 1ST0 R Y " tub WORLD
Fnilirariiif; fnll and dnthfiitic nccoiiiita of cvor
nation of aiirit-nt and modern titm-H. and including
a hixtorv l the rit-t and tall ot tin tiivek and lJmn.m
Knil'irM, tin- middle ajjew, tlio rniHidt-s, Hit- lt'iid.d
HVrti-ni. tlu ri'lnnnati"u, tin; discovi-ry and n-ttlr.
incut ot I lie New M'tirld- i-tc, 'tr. it rontiiiiiH ii7 i
lint- hiotoriral f nvravins, ntid is the nui: I ociiH'lt te
History ol the WorM -vtr )-iillixhed. Ht-nd lur h't-ci-lin-ii
pfi'T and 4'Xtra ti-i nm to At-nt. Addn-fs
KAXIUNAL 1'UliLlSJIING CO., rhiladili-hia, Ta.
f'Oidtivtdy jr'vrnt this tcrnhlr dinirM', and will powi.
ivi-lyruiT nine rancn out of t-n. Intt-nnatioii that
will nave many livos, wnt irT In mail. I'n't dflnv
niomi nt. J'i't TMirion in ht-tter tli;ni run-. I. tS. .ImrK
6ow k Co., Boston, Mass., loruu rly Banpor, Main-.
.11 .tjlva, tiolH.Silier &Di Mckle, Cli.iu., kz.
,.nt br mall or O. O. 11. tn he .s.niiuud.
'vKJ Write tor C.'.lotil. to STAMAlil AUE1U
icik watch Co., ym bu ki h. i-a.
v Ilr. lII.I.I.M.r, llllinel
with Tour address, and I
17 East Hth Bt, New York. M
Inline, . i
moat extraordinary work on Phyaioloev ever nnhllnhnrl
can either roauiro or wlh to know hut
l neaiin. lurnufo Uloht.
ilimble work..-ernlrl. The
Thouaandnpfextractaaimilar to the above JoulrtV tiw",; .'m
the book la
double the price, or 9