The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 29, 1881, Image 4

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News Received of Iho Arctic Exploring
Vessel Jennnettfi.
News has at last been roceivod from tho loriR
missing Arctio oxploriiif vessel Joannotfo,
which Bailed from Han Frnnclsoo for the Arctio
roRiona In July, 1879, and, not having lit-cn
hoard from for two yearn, had boon civon
lip by tho majority of jiroplo as loBt. jUon-ipnaiit-Gpnornl
Anoutcliino, Rovcrnor-Rrnoral
nf Kar-torn Siboria, who has Just arrived at Ht.
Petersburg, has brought tho news that tho
Jeannette litis been discovered, and that nssint
anco has lieen rendored the crow. Ho says
that news reached the government at Jakutlt,
Eastern Siberia, that on September 14 throo
natives of Onions, near Capo Harhay, 14(1 versts
north of Cnpo llikoff, discovered a boat con
la ning eleven men, who said that they be
longed to tho Jeannotto and had undergone
terrihlo snfrbting. On hearing tho news tho
district deputy governor, with a doctor
and mediciuos, was immediately dispatched
to' help the phipwrecked sailors, and was in
structed to bring them to Jakutek. Tho gov
ernor was also instructed to do everything
in his power to rescue tho remainder of tho
crew, 600 rubles being givon him for first
Knginocr Melville, of the jeannotto, lias
telegraphed to the American legation at Ht.
Petersburg that the Jcannetto was surrounded
and crushed by ico on tho 23d rf June, in lati
tude 77 degrees north, longiti 157 degrees
east. The crew left the vessel in threo boats.
About fifty miles from tho mouth of tho Iiena
they were'separated by wiuds and thick togs.
Boat No. 3, commanded ny Knginccr Melvillo,
arrived on tho 2!'th of September at t bo eastern
mouth of tho river Lena, whero it was stopped
bv blocks of ico near tho village of liolenenga,
inhabited by idolators. Boat No. 1 reached
tho snmo spot. Tne occupants of those) boats
say that Lieutenant J)e Long and Dr. Ambler,
with twclvo others, landed at tho northern
month of tho Lena, and that they aro in a
fearful condition, suffering from frostbitten
limbs. A party of the inhabitants of Holenen
pa started immediately for their assistance.
Nothing is known of boat No. 2.
A special supplement of tho St. Petersburg
OJR'inl Uazi'te announced that all' telegrams
liom Engineer Melville, of tho lost Arctic ex
ploring steamer Jcannetto, would bo forwarded
to their destinations as promptly as possible,
and that most energetic monsuros would bo
taken for the discovery of the remainder of tho
crew of the Jeannette and tlioso lolt on tho ico
at the rt outh of tho Lcia river.
Engineer Melvillo forwarded by natives long
dispntches t:i Mr. Beriett, of tho New York
l.'ernlil. For want of fiitids they were forward
ed by post addressed to Genera' Ignatieff. On
October 29 Xindeman and Noras, seamen, who
we're in boat No. 1, joined their comrades and
paid that Lieutenant DoLoiig, Dr. Ambler and
twelvo ( thers hail reached the northern mouth
of tho Lena and were starving. An expedition
was at once sent out to rescue them. The snr
vivois lost everything. Engineer Melville said
money was urgently needed, anil should be
sent by telegraph to Jakutsk. lie urgently
requested that G,(W0 rubles bo transmitted im
mediately to the governor of Jakutsk for tho
return and care of tho shipwrecked men.
Tlio secretary of stato at Washington lias
received the following telegram from tho
charge d'affaires of the United States at Ht.
Secretary nf State, Wasltinqton, T. C:
Jeannette crushed in ice Juno 11, latitude 77
degrees, longitude 157 degrees. Crew em
barked threo boats. Separated by wind and
fog. No. 3, with eleven men, Engineer Mel
villo commanding, reached mouth of Lena
September 19. Sub.'cpiontly No. 1, with Cap
tain Do Long, Dr. Ambler and twelve men
reached Lena in a pitiable condition. Prompt
assistance sen. No. 2 not heard from.
In response to tho above tho following was
transmitted :
lltijTiaan, Charge, St. Petrrfhurg:
Tender hearty thanks of President to all au
thorities or persons who have in any way been
instrumental in assisting unfortunate survivors
from Jeannotto or furnishing information to this
EnrxiNGHUYSEN, Secretary of State.
The Jcannetto, which is named after the sis
ter of James Gordon Bennett, was commanded
by Lieutenant George V. Do Long, ot tho
United States navy, curried eitrlit otiicers and
twenty-three men aud was provisioned for a
three, years' vovage. hue saiieu trom Han
Francisco rn July 3, 1879, and her departuro
was markou by a popular demonstration that
had never been equaled in enthusiasm on
mat coast.
The Trinl of (iiitcnu.
Ou the twenty-eighth day of bis trial Ouitcau
a pi ai ed in court with bis beard off, his face
having been shaven to admit of a cast of his
features I cing taken bv Mills, tho sculptor.
Mr. Hohho, one of the jurymen, had lost his
wite. me district attorney lose, and in ap
firopriato terms referred to the calamity which
lad fallen en tho juror, and said that the
msMi cts ot Humanity required that tho juror
bo allow e l sn opportunity of paying proper
respect to tho memory of his deceased wife.
IIu tiiercforo proposed, with the assent of the
prisoner and Ids counsel, that Mr. Hobbs be
permitted to go home. Mr. Scovillo expressed
ins inn consent to tlio proportion, aud Bug
ceiled that the juror should not even bo incum
bcred by the presence of a bailiff. At the
same time ho asked the court to admonish all
tho jurors not to have any communication ot
conversation with outside persons in regard to
tho caso. Judge Cox said that the bailiffs in
chargo of tho jury wero aware of tho rulo, and
enforced it, and that the jurors themselves
understood it. The prisoner said he bad entire
confidence in tho honor and integrity of the
jurors. Judge Cox repeated his admonition tc
the jurors to bold no communication with anj
per.-on outside in reference to the case. Mr
Bcovi lo stipulated that tho warning should
also apply to tne daily papers, ana mat tne;
should not be read by tho jur.-rs. Ho alsc
intimated that he desired to put some furthei
question to mis. i. nson and airs. Diinmire,
an 1 asked that they bo not allowed to leave th
city. The order permitting Mr. Hobbs to gc
homo was then dulv mado and entered, and
tne court adjourned lor two (lavs.
After the two days' recess proceedings on
Iho twenty-ninth day of the trial wero begun
by tho continuation of tho testimony ot Dr.
Allan McLano ila i.ilton, of New York. The
witness was eioss-exanuned by Mr. beovillo.
and in answer to que-tions he said a man may
be insane trom a medical point ot view, and
yet be able to distinguish perfectly between
right and wrong. Dr. Worcester, of Biston,
who had been caded two or three weeks ago as
an expert for the doli iis", and who was abruptly
disinis.-ed by Mr. Seovill", appeared next as ail
expert for the prosecution. Ho had examined
Guiteau in jail, ami watched him and listened
to Ins utterances in court lor several weeks.
and ho thought tho prisoner was sano. Tho
prisoner meeied at i.ia and asked the. doctor
how mncli he would be paid for that
opinion. Tho distiict attorney asked two
J.'llg questions, embracing tlio
prosecution's view of the case, and the
doctor raid that, assuming the propositions
to be true, he thought Guiteau was
sane wheu he shot the l'resi lent. Guiteau in
terrupted the reading of theso questions with
denials and corrections. Ho inri-tcd that he
was inspired, alleged that District Attorney
Corkhill obtained from him, on July 3, through
ft deception, an interview on the subject,
complained that Cor . bill destroyed his notes of
this interview, in which tho inspiration theory
was stated, and then declare I in court that
Guiteau had never thought of inspiration until
weeks after tho as?as-iinatioa. Ou tho cross
examination of Dr. Worcester it appeared that
he had at first regarded (Juiteau as insane, ami
bad written to Mr. Scovillo asking whether he
could be of use to the pr'souer. Guiteau was
in ft bad temper, and ho abused his coun
sel for the way he conducted the cross
examination until Mr. Kcoville's emo
tion became painfully apparent. Then
Guiteau relented for the moment, but after
ward be again called his counsel " a consum
mate idiot," and quarreled with his sister,
ending tip with tho declaration that it would
had been well for him had all bis relatives
died twenty years ago. Ho said: "If I were
indicted for manslaughter aud Scoville de
fended me I woutd be hanged for nmrdor,"
and "I expect that the Almighty, notwith
standing Booville'H asinine character, will see
that I am protected." The day's proceedings
ended with a brief examination' of Mrs. Duu
mire, Guiteau's divorced wife, who identified
two photographs of him, taken somo years ago,
and denied having said to Mrs. Scovillo any
thing about the prisoner being insane.
Dr. Theodore Dimon, ot Auburn, N. Y., who
was brought to Washington as an expert by Iho
defense, but, like Dr. Worcester, changed his
views after an examination and rbaoi vatioo,
was put on the stand by the prosecution ou the
thirtieth day, and testified that in his opinion
the prisoner was cane. To Colonel Corkhili's
hypothetical questions also bis answers were,
"Sane." He thought Guiteau's conduct in the
court-room not assumed, but the natural out
come of his character. The prisoner's actions
in court were cousibtetit with his nature under
the circumstances. Guiteau asked the witness
whether If the Lord eotild inspire ft man two
thousand yoars ago no could not do it to-day,
and the witness ropBed in tho affirma
tive. D. McLean Shaw, the witness who tosti
fled that Guiteau told him eight or nine years
ago that he would imflato Wilkes Booth, was
recalled by Mr. Soovillr, who asked him if ha
bad not been indicted in New Jersey for per
jury. The witness saarl yes, but tho Jury ac
quitted him. Guiteau again denounced this
witness violently, dooliiring hi story falso.
Guiteau was inclined i- be quarrelsome dur
ing the day, and mado another attack on his
counsel, saying i "You ask foolish ipiOHtlous;
yon have no roiiso at ajl." Ho wanted to read
some nf bis letters in court, mid said ho hail
one from Dr. Spit.ka, who wrote that ho had
received over 200 letter's of congratulation ami
commendation for bin testimony, and only two
anonymous threats ami two letters from luna
tics. " -
Eastern and Middle Stato a.
At Mount Union, Vs., John A. Ingram, a
miner, provliois to going to work, placed a can
of dynamite in bin stovo to dry. Tho paekago
ignited and exploded, tearing the building to
pieces and killing the man, his wifo and four
children. Ono clrjd escaped.
Wenzri, Felix, a Bohemian residont of New
York, killed his wife, who was about to becomo
a mother, and then committed suicide. Tho
man had tho reputation of being an idler and
drunkard, and was continually quarreling with
his wife.
Skatino casualties are becoming numerous.
James Burns, nino years old, and Frederick
Grant, aged twelve, were drowned while skating
at Dover, N. H.; two sons of IJobort Berth lost
their lives by breaking through the ico at
Hidden, Mass., and at Middletown, Conn., all
on tho same day, Bertio and Oswyn Atkins,
aged respectively eight and ten, woro drowned
whilo skating.
Siwnrixv has the excitement produced bv
tho discovery of the defalcation of Baldwin,
cashier of the Newark (N. J.) Mechanics'
National bank abated when Frederick A.
rainier, auditor of city accounts of Newark,
confesses that ho has embezzled at least $125,
(100 of tho city's funds. Pajnier delivered him
self into cus'ody and was taken to jail. Tho
money is said to have been lost in Wall street
Mits. Maiuon L. Dow, Philadelphia's only
female stock broker, has been arrested on the
charge of obtaining money from some of her
contldiug feminino cnvtonicra on false repre
sentations. A onrAT b ast, which bai been iu prepar
ation for nearly a year, was fired the other day
at a limestone quarry near Easton, Pa., and
40,000 tons of rock were dislodged. To accom
plish tliU four tttnnels, each fifty feet long,
were urn into the Hillside aud ten tons of pow
der were used.
Tiif. investigation into the financial condi
tion of Newark i-howed a suqirising stato of
atfaiis. City Treasurer Winans, who acknowl
edged that be accommodated Auditor Palmer
w ith loans of thousands of dollars "in anticipa
tion of warrants,"' was Biispendo.l pending an
investigation of his books. Willia-Ji A. Hall,
the chief clerk in the controller's ollice, was
found to have disappeared. The resignation of
Auditor rainier was accepted at a meeting of
tho common council.
South and West.
FoiR men stoio some cattlo belonging to
a man named Fowler in New Mexico. Fowler,
wiili two hired men, pursued tho thieves and
killed all four.
Bv an accident to a railroad train near
sellville, Mo., three prominent citizens of that
section were killed and two others badly in
jured. State Rc'sATon H. H. Riddlederger was
elected a United States Senator from Virginia,
in place of Senator John W. Johnston, tho in-
oumbent. Mr. riiddleberger, who was elected
by a joint voto of cighty-ono to forty-fivo for
Mr. Johnston, subsequently introduced two
bills in the State senate for the settlement of
the State debt on the Iicadjuster plan.
"Kentucky day" at the Atlanta exposition
was signalized by the presence of the entire
Kentucky legislature and representatives of al
most every prominent newspaper in the State.
t MALt.rox is reported to be spreading rap
idly in all directions throughout Illinois.
A ruiE at Fort Valley, Ga., destroyed a
block of buildings, among them the Byington
hotel, causing an aggrega'e estimated loss ot
From Washington.
DrniNO November there arrived in tho
United States 51,530 omigrauts, against 37,593
in the same month last year.
The Senate unanimously confirmed the nom
ination of Benjamin Karris Brewster as attorney-general
and J. O. Bancroft Davis as assist
ant secretary of state.
Secretary op State FRELiNonuYSEN has
taken possession of his o.'Hce. Ex-Secretary
and Mrs. Blaine gavo a reception to Mr. Fre
linghuysen, which was attended by President
Arthur, the presidout of the Senate, speaker of
tho House, all the members of the cabinet, the
justices of the supreme court, etc
The President nominated Iloraco Gray, chiof
justice of the Massachusetts supreme court, as
successor to the lato Justice Clifford, of the
United Slates supreme court. Tho follow
ing nominations were also mado: Thomas
C. Acton, of New York, to bo assistant
treasurer of tho United States at Now York
city; William Henry Treseot, of South Caro
lina, to be special envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary of the United States
to the republics of Chili, Peru and Bolivia;
George M. Duskin to be attorney of tho United
States for the Southern District of Alabama.
The Senate, in executive session, confirmed
ex-Senator Howe as postmaster-general, Judge
Gray as associate justice of the supremo court
Thomas C. Acton as United States assistant
treasurer at Now York city, and William H.
Treseot as special envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary to the republics of
rem, utuii and isoiivia.
Timothy O. Howe, of Green Bay, Wis., the
new postniastor-general, was born in Liver
more, Me., iu 1816, was admitted to the bar in
1839, served ono term in the Maine legislature
removed to Wisconein in 1845, was elected a
judge of the circuit and supreme courts in
1850, bocame a United States Senator in 1861
md served eighteen years.
Further confirmations by the Senate:
Alonzo J. Edgerton, Chief Justice of Dakota;
Pierre C. Van Wyck, superintendent of the
assay ollice, New York; J. B. Eekfe ldt, assayer
at tho Philadelphia mint.
The chairmen of the leading committees oi
the. House, as appointed by Speaker Keifer,
are: Ways aud Means Mr. Kelley, of reu:i
sjlvania; Bankiug and Currency Mr. Crapo, of
Massachusetts; Appropriations Mr. Hiscock,
of New York; Eleotions Mr. Calkins, of In
diana; Judiciary Mr. Reed, of Maine; Agri
cultureMr. Valentino, of Nebraska; Foreign
Affairs Mr. Williams, of Wisconsin; Publio
Lauds Mr. Pound, of Wisconsin; Commerce
Mr. l'age, of California.
Foreign News.
By an explosion in ft colliery pit at Bolton,
England, about forty lives wer reported lost.
Advices from Algiers, iirica, state that 100
persons were drowned by the bursting of a
dam at Perrcgaux.
Fearkol marine disasters are reported from
St. John's, N. F., Including the loss of several
vest els with their crews.
A dispatch from Cairo, Egypt, says that se
rious troublos have broken out in the Soudan.
A falso prophot with 1,600 followers has totally
annihilated Governor Fashoda's force of 850
Egyptians and killed the governor.
Tun Dublin correspondent of tho London
Time says that "the organization against the
payment of ronts Is becoming still more for
midable. It is regardod as muoh of a crime
to go Into the land oourt as to pay rout. Lists
of persons who liavo served notices and of
those suspected of paying rents aro postod at
Ihn chnpels and at other plaeos whero they are
likely to be seen, and although thn pnlico tear
them down they aro soon posted again."
Hon. IIahnuiai, Hammn, United States min
ister to Spain, presented his credentials to
King Alfom-o, at Madrid.
In an editorial on Guiteau's trial, tho Lon
don Timet says : "Althongh ft murderer and ft
cheat, Guiteau has produood tho most farcical
trial ever hoard of."
Tiik steamer Bath City, from Bristol, Eng
land, bound for Now York, sprang aloak during
heavy weather off Newfoundland and sank.
Tho crow of twonty-BOTon men, including the
captain, took to two boats. Ono of tho boats
capsized and four of tho occupants were
drowned. Tho remaining twonly-threo men
woro exposed to intonso cold, from tho effects
of which the captain and five of tho crew diod.
Tho survivors wero threo days and nights in
the boats in a deplorablo condition, beforo thoy
were rescued by a passing vossol and taken to
Gem-hat, ANotrroniN, governor of Eastern
Siberia, expresses tho opinion that, the ro.
mainderol the crow of tho lost Arctio e xplor
ing steamer Jcannetto have been fallen in
with by natives anil hospitably trcalod.
EsrosiTo, an Italian who was arrested in
New Orleans somo timo ago and extradited
by the Italian government on the chargo ot
having committed murder and brigandage in
Italy, was tried at Palermo and found guilty,
but in consequence of extenuating circum
stances ho has been sentenced to life servitude.
Tho following bills woro Introduced and ro
terred : By Sir. Williams, a bill for the estab
lishment of a bureau of animal industry and U
prevent tho exportation of diseased cattlo aui
spread of infectious diseases among domcstit
animals. By Mr. Sherman, abilltofacilitatotlu
decision of controvcrtoel questions in custom!
lovcnuo cases, amending the laws in relation
to revenue duties. By Mr. Hoar, to fix tin
day for tho meeting of electors fur President
and Vieo-Presideut, to provide for and regulat
tho counting of the votes for tho saro and the
decision of questions arising thereto Com
mittee on privileges and elections.... Tho reso
lutions of Messrs. Beck and Moxloy and tin
bill of Sir. Garland in relation to the presiden
tial succession were taken np and argued bj
Messrs. Jones, of Florida, and Bayard, and
filially the pending resolutions of instruction tx
tho judiciary co umittee to inquire and report
legislation on the subj ct, with tlio bill of Mr.
Garland, wero referred to that committee
Sir. Sillier introduced a bill to prevent the
adulteration of food and drugs.... Sir. llutler
offered a icsolulion, which was adopted, in
structing tho committee on civil service and
retrenchment to inquire into the advisability
and propriety of providing by law for tho com
pensation of United States district attorneys,
assistant district-attorneys, marshals, deputy
marshals, collectors of customs, collectors of
internal revenue, deputy collectors and United
States commissioners by paying them fixed
salaries, to be regulated aud graded as near as
may bo by the services rendered air l respon
sibilities imposed, and that said onimitteo
havo leave to report by bill or otherwise....
The House joint resolution for adjournment to
January 5 was adopted.... Mr. Morgan, of Ala
bama, spolto at length in opposition to the
woman suffrage bill introduced by Sir. noar
....Mr. Blair introduced a bill to protect pen
sion money from attachment and low or
seizure by process of law and the amount of
the same money when invested iu homesteads.
llesolu iions were adopted directing tho sec
retary of tho treasury to furnish to that body
the present rates of duties imposed on Aniori"-
can manufactured goods by France, Germany
and Mexico, and tuo rates oi wages paid opera'
lives in those countries.... Sir. Mitchell iutro.
duced a bill relating to the compensation and
expenses of pension agents. It fixes tho com
pensation of agents at $4,000, allows fifteen
coins lor eacu vouctier prepared and paid, and
makes provision for actual expenses of rent
and fuel. ...Sir. Call spoke in explanation of
his bill lor the protection of Homestead sottlers.
It provides that where a section of public
land under an act of Congress granting
laud to corporations or others has been
mado prior to a homestead entry, but
has not been approved bv tho government
until after such entry, the homestead entry
shad hold good and a patent for tho same bo
issued to the settler upoa the completion of the
period of settlement required bylaw. Whero
tho homestead settler has been elispossessed
his title is to be defended by and at the expense
ot tne L nited Mates and tne patents issued in
violation of law to be canceled. The bill was
referred to the committee on public lands.,
The Garfield memorial resolutions were con
curred in, and the Senate then adjourned over
the holidays.
""io Senate bill crantlncr the frankinor nrivl.
egc to Lucretia B. Garfield was taken trom tht
speaker's table on motion of Mr. McKinlej
and passed. ...Sir. Deustcr, of Wisconsin, wai
sworn in as a member.... Five hundred and
ninety bills and resolutions were introduced
during the day, among them being the follow
ing: By Sir. Siniouton, to abolish duties on
salt, woolen blankets and agricultural linplO'
men's, and to reduce tho duty on all othei
uuuatjio articles te-n per cent , except on dia
momls, golel and silver jowelry, silk or article
of which silk is tho component value, ou which
the duty shall be increased twenty per cent.;
also to repeal tne arrears oi pension act. Bv Sir.
Upson, resolution requesting tho President to
solicit trom tlio British government a list ot the
names of all American citizens under arrest oi
confine 1 in British prisons by authority of said
government, with a statement as to the cause
therefor, and to communicate to the Senate
and House said list aud statement and all
correspondence with that government relating
to any arrest or imprisonment of American
citiz us. By Sir. Hank, a bill for tho pro
tection of tho person of the President of the
united btates. It provides lor ttie punishment
by death of an assault with intent to kill the
President of the United States. If it shah be
shown that the assailant was irresponsible at
the time of the assault he shall bo confined in
an asylum for the lusano tor 1 i to.
Mr. McKinloy, from the Garfield memorial
committee, reported the following resolution,
which was unanimously adopted:
Whereas, i he melancholy event of the vio
lent and tragic death of James A. Garfield, lite
President of the United States, having occurred
during the recess of Congress, and the two
bouses of Congress sharing in tho general grief
and desiring to manifest their sensibility on
the occasion of the publio bereavement;
Jienulceit, That the two houses will assemble
iu tho hall of the House ot Representatives on
a day and hour to be fixed and anuoune'ed by
the joint committee, and that in the presence
of the two houses there assembled, an address
on the life and character of James A. Garfielil,
late President of the United States, bo pro
nounced by the Hon. James G. Blaine; and
that the presidout of the Senate pro tern,
and the speaker of the House of
Kepreseutatives be requested to invite the
President and ex-Presidents of the United
Slates, the heada of the several departments,
the judges of the supreme court, tho represen
tatives of foreign governments, the governors
of the several States, the general of the army,
the admiral of the navy, and such officers as
have received the thanks of Congress.
Jletolved, furtlier, That the President of tho
United States be requested to transmit a copy
of these resolutions to Mrs. Lucretia Garfield,
and to assure her of the profound sympathy of
the two houses of Congrcsj for her deep per
sonal affliction, and their sincere condolence
for the late natiot-al bereavement
The speaker announced the standing com
mittees of the House. Mr. Kobinsou, of New
Y'ork, offered a resolution, which was reforred.
calling on the President for the names of all
persons claiming to be American citizens who
within the past year have been arrested and
imprisoned in Great Britain. The House then
adjourned over the holidays.
Fifty-eight million dollars is the estimate
value of finger rings of this country actually
worn, and still there are people mean enough
to go hacking and coughing because they do
not want to invest 25 cents for ft bottle of Or.
Bull's Cough Syrup.
3 14
20 21
10! it
ailaa 23
28 ... I ... I
... I 9
7 8 9
U I5."6
M 15
21 2223
4 5 e
SO 91 92i23
7 8,9l3o:
II H 13
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6 7
5 6
8 19 to
3 4
10 1
21 i
28' 9
! B
19 to
26 $
15 1
'7 '8
22 23
1 61 7
16,17 18
I2!I3 14 15 i6;I7 18
2223:24 25:
19 20 21. 22
26 2729
1 23 '
4 5 6 7 8'
11 12 131415
l819 2o!2122
95 26,27.28120
I 9 4? I
3 4 5 6
10 1112a 131
14 15
I u u
25 26127
A Judge's ( linrpp, AVIlh Vfintions.
Tho following corner from Georgia,
and its accuracy is vouched for by the
Bli'nogrnphi'r who took it down:
Judge - was r.otrd for! tho way ho
got mixod in his charges to the jury.
On ono occahion a faRo was tried liefote
him tho points of which may be brie fly
Htatcd thus: Smith brought suit against
Jon s upon a jiromiHsory note given for
a homo, Jones' dfjonse wns failure of
consideration, he averring that at the
time 01 me puroimw the horse hail the
glanders, of which he died, and thnt
Smith know it. Smith replied that the
herte did not hava the glanders, but
had the distemper, and that Jones knev
it wheu he bought.
The judge charged the jury: " Gen
tlemen of the jury, pay attention to tlio
charge of the court. You havo already
mado one mistrial of this case because
yon did not pay attention to tho chargo
of tho court, and I don't want you to
do it again. I intend to make it so
clear to you this timo that you cannot
possibly make any mistake. This suit
is npou a note given for a promissory
borne. I hope you understand thnt.
Now, if you find that at tho time of tho
sale Smith had the glanders, and Jono-i
knew it, Jones cannot recover. That is
clear, gentlemen. I will state it again.
If you iind that at the timo of the sale
Jones had tho distemper, and Smith
knew it, then Smith cannot possibly
recover. But, gertleuten, I will state
it a third time, so that you cannot pos
sibly make a lnistalo. Jf at the time
of the sa'o Smith lud the glanelers, and
Jones had tho distemper, and the horse
knew it, then neither Smith, Jones nor
tho horse can recoer. Let tho record
be given to the jury." Hivjier's Maga
zine, Those Happy Days.
An Austin couple, belonging to the
highest circle, thut had not been mar
ried very long, were overheard con
versing a fow evenings ago.
" Georgo, you srem to have grown
cold and indifferent. Do you never
think of those hiippy strolls we used to
take when we were only engaged?"
11 Yes," he snarled, ''I thick of those
happy days beforo we were married
every time you open your potato trap."
Texas Sifting..
When a tenant wishes to hold his
dwelling house for another year he
re-Iuascj it.
A Holyoke, Mas., exchange alludes to
the cure of D. O. Jtidd, Eq U. S. Super
visor of Postal Card Manufactory, who wa
cured by St. Jacobs Oil of rheumatit-m and
neuralgia. Bridgeport (Conn.) Standard.
Wine is now made from oranges in
Southern California. It U said to be
ember-colored, and to taste like dry
oci, witu an orange aroma.
Mr. Geo. Drake, 48 Oak St., Indianapolis,
Ind., euflered terribly with " water" rheu-
tnnticm 1 fa napd At Tflnntm Oil find wna
entirely cured. N. Y. Spirit of the Times.
Shoes to be fashionable must taper
to a rounueet point at the toes.
Kiinlca na I.lff lit atrorers.
The loss of life in India duo to the ravages
of venomous snakes is almost incredible. Vet
Consumption, which is as wily and fatal as the
deadliest Indian reptile, is winding its coils
round thousands of people while the victims
are unconscious of its presence. Dr. R. V.
Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery'1 must be
uxod to cleanso the blood of the scrofulous lm
pin it es, for tubercular consumption is only a
form of scrofulous disease. " Golden Medical
Diacovory" is a sovereign remedy for all forms
of scrofulous disease, or king's-evil, such as
tumors, wuito swelling, lever sores, scroiuious
sore eyes, as well as for other blood and fckin
diseases, iiy druggists.
A ni'TcuMi who s.dd diseased meat was fined
Sim ami tent to the workhouse lor thirty day
in Indianapolis.
Tnltpu flnt nrrtpil.
Dr. It. V. Tikhoe, Bullalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir-
1 nave to thank you tor the great relief re
ceivod from your Kavorite Prescription." Mj
sickness had lasted seven vears. one of whici
I was in bed. After taking one bottle I was
suit) vj ue aoom tne House. itoBpeciiuiiv.
AMANDA K. KNX13, f ulton, Mich,
Moke than 3,000 women are employed in tho
railway olliees of Austria. They "receivo a
salary of if 15 to IU0 a month.
Flla, l ilt, Pits,
successfully treated by World's Dispensary
Medical Association. Address, with stamp fe
pamphlet, Buffalo, N. Y.
Till. tllllllf-l limit. r tli.. I,,irliuli fliatinr.l lia.
ween Dove r and Calais, advances at the rd'e of
a loot nu iiour.
J lie Bcience of Life, or Belf-rreservatton, a
medical work for every man -young, middle
aged or oldj 125 invaluable prescriptions.
On Thirty DmV THm7"
The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will
send their Electro-Voltaic Bi lts and other Elec
tric Appliances on trial for thirty days to any
perron afflicted with Nervous Dobility, Lost
Vitality, aud kindred troubles, guaranteeing
complete restoration of vigor and manhood.
A ild reus as above without delay.
P. 8. -No risk is incurred, as 30 days' trial is
Fctie Coo LivF.n Gil made from selected
livers, on the seashore, by Caswell, Hazaud &
Co., Now York. It is absolutely pure and
sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer
it to all others. Physicians have decided it
superior to any of the other oils in market
If yon are hairless and canDV there is one
way, and no more, bv which von mav be made
car. Ice's and happy use Cabboijne, a deodor
ized extract of petroleum, whioh will positively
wake new hair grow.
William J. CoiiL'hliu. of tjonjorvillo. Mass., layr In
the full of 1876 1 wan taken with bleediuK of the lungs,
followed by a severe coiuiii. I lost my appetite and
flesh, and was confined to my bed. Iu 1877 1 was ad
mitted to the hospital, xhb doctors said I had a hols
In my lima as bit: as a half-dollar. At one time a re
port went around that I ii u rlmd. I mve ud hope.
but a friend told ine of Da. William Hall's Dalsam
fob TUB Lvnus. 1 got ahottlc, when, to my surprise,
I couuueuced to fuel bettor, aud to-day I fuel better
thau for threo years pmil. I write this hoping every
one afflicted with dim med lungs will take Da. Wl
Uah LULL'S Balsah, and m convinced that coif
uui-j-iok cam us cumtD. I cu poaitively say It has
done mvre good than all the other medicines I Lavs
taken uluce my sickness,
A I.I.KN'H Urn In Food-eves Nervous Debility k
VteakuuHi of (ieuerallve llriaai, l--all drutltdiu,
send t or Circular. Allen's fliirmacy, Jia First y.,N. V.
fumble Aches.
Among the sches whioh the unprecedented
career of Hostotter's Stomach Bitters has
proved to be curable are those experiended by
the rheumatic. Testimony of the most con
vincing chsractor establishes the fact that the
atrocious disease, even alter resi-.ting the most
potent remedies of tho pharmacoperia, has suc
cumbed to the action of this beneficent blood
dnpnrent. Add to this fact the important one
that it is safe, and its superiority is very mani
fest. Unfortunately safety cannot be predi
cated of the ordinary drugs used to overcome
rhoumatism, among which are several violent
poisons, and somo of them, as in the case of
arsenio, have a tendency to aggregate in the
system, aud cause death at some nnlooked for
moment A slight over dose of the chiof reme
dy, colchicum, causes spasm of the heart an
death. The Bittern, bosides being a depurent,
remedies dyspepsia, constipation, liver com
plaint and general dobility.
New South Wales, with a population of
oss than H0J.000, has a debt of ?'J0,O(m,HI(l.
Increnae nnd Prcrrnr.
The census Bhows that the proportion of
votors to the population is 1 to 6 74-100. The
proportion of persons troubled with kidney
an 1 liver disorders has been alarmingly in
creasing, but since the almost universal use of
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure these dis
eases sro rapidly diminishing.
Kino Ili-MiiEiiT, of Italy, is selling some of
Ins r alacos in order to pay Ins lather s (loots.
Vkoetise. Too on at surce-s of tho Veor-
tine as a clcan'or and purifier of tho blood is
shown beyom: a doubt by Iho great numb rs
who have taken it, and received immediate
relief, with such remarkablo cures.
NKW YotlK.
neefCntlln-Med. Nat live wt. DtT 10?i
Calves Good to Prime Veals.. 6 (VJ
Sheen 3f' 6;
Lnnilis 6 (fH 7
Hogs I.ivo (i'i W
Plowed, citv 7r'Q 8
Flour 1.x. Slate, giiod to fancy 6 50 f4 8 00
extern, good to elioice l on it) y no
Wheat-No. 2 lied 1 V,r1 1 40i
No. 1 Whito 13S H lmy.
rtyo Prime State 05 H 7
I iiu ley Two-rowed State 82 ((J 85
Corn I'ngradodWesternMixed CO (ii) fit)
Southern Yellow v''0 o
Oats Whito State CO ttt) 63
Mixed Western iVM 40
Ftav Med. to Prime Timothy. 75 ( 85
St i n w No. 1, Itye 70 Oi 80
Hops State, 1HH1 2G Uti 21
Pork Mess, new, for export. ..18 25 HIS 50
Lard City Steam 10 00 fall) HO
lietitie i ii m Mil
Petroleum Crude GJk) Ti
llelined HVM 8''
Dnttor Stato Creamery 83 OH 3(1
jMury ZD no
Western lm. Creaincrv 30 Oh 31!
Factorv 12 OA 30
Cheeso Stato Factory i) H 12 j
Mums a fij) vyt
Western 8''o 11:,4
Eggs State and Penti 30 ftS 31
Potatoes--Furly ltoi-.statc,bhl 2 87 tig 3 12
(Steers Good Shippers 5 30 (74 5 CO
Lambs Western 4 25 On C 00
Sheep-Western 4( 0 0t 5 00
Hogs, Good toClioico Yorkers. . U 00 0C C 10
Flour CvGround, No. 1 Spring G 75 Or, 7 25
Wheat No. l.Hardlinluth.... IOIJ.i) 151
Colli -No. 2 Mixed C 05 OS
Oats-No. 2 Mix. West 4S C'4 50
Parley Two-rowed Stato 90 (ifi l0
Beef Extra plate and family. .11 50 W,15 00
Hogs Live "... G,V'5 7
Hogs City Dressed 8 ja
Pork Extra Prime per bbl. . . .10 00 (a 18 50'
Flour Spring Wheat Patents. . 8 00 04 8 75
Corn Mixed and Yellow 72 ftj 75
Oats Extra Whito 57 Ot 69
live State 1 00 0i 1 00
Wool Washed Comb Delaine iilA0& 40
Unwashed " " 30 31
Beef Extra quality 0 62y, 7 50
Sheep Livo weight 3 fj 5'
Lambs 3 0
Hogs, Northern, dressed 8
Flour renn. Ex. Family, good 6 50 0 50
Wheat No. 2 lied 1 374 1 33
livo Stato 98 ot) 93
Com Stato Yellow GOJrTj 69
Oats Mixed 49 0i 49
Butter Creamery Extra Pa.. ,. 42 ftj 42
Cheese- Now York Full Cream. 13JfQ l:)
Petroleum Crudo G (is 7
Itelined 7-; IV,
Weather Signal Ollice.
Mr. Jeremiah the rural
district, brought a letter of Introduc
tion to the United States Signal Ollk
ccr, and by the latter gentleman was
shown the beautiful scientific instru
ment for measuring and determining
the various changes and conditions
of the weather. I'ointing to the stand
ard thermometer he explained to Mr.
T. tho usesof the heat gnuce, where
uiion Mr. T. anxiou.-ly Inquired if ho
"hadn't nuther un to spare sich a
nlco mercliiiie to sot the weather In
liayln' and harvest time." Histnspoc
lionof the aeroraeteror wind measurer
evoked the expression: "Wouldn't
sho be the racket to run the wind
mill with." The barometer was
one too many for Toadvine, and, look
ing quecrly at the oflieial, as if he
were utterly nonplussed and bank
rupt of words, said: " Friend, did you
ever have the reumatis?" The
abruptness of the question surprised
the oilieer, who replied, "No never."
" What" Evidently recollecting
himself, Mr. T. stopped on the ragged
edge of the threadbare remark, and
said: "I only wauled to know, for if
this trap (pointing to the barometer)
shows the good an bad weather afore
It's time, it would be a bully trap for
people with reumutis; they could
Hank it every time. I'p my country
when folks has It they use St. Jacohs
fiL. an' it'sa powerful argyment ai;in
reumatis it's the upper elorg in the
light every time." with thanks for
the unexpected information, the ofli
eial politely turned Mr. Toadvine
over to the usher to show him to the
street car, while he, looking over his
puper, read: "Mrs. T. A. Gist, No.
VM Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.,
writes: I had inflammatory rheuma
tism very badly. Inone footandankle
it seemed to have taken hold with the
determination to etuy, and the morn
ing I obtained the Sr. Jacobs On. I
could not put my foot dow n to the
floor, even for an instant. I used it
lhat evening for the first lime.and Ilia
next morning for the second time,
and that afternoon put my foot down
for several minutes. On the Sunday
following I could stand up and walk
a few su ps. On Tuesday could wulk
about my room and w ent down stairs
by holding on to the banisters Now
I can walk quite well and Here la
very little pain left. Just thiiilone
boule and a half, and 1 am aim nstfree
from pain! 1 1 is a womVi fill iu diciue.
N Y N U-
TRUTH ft,',
'JIITT. Tfa "ot'I'diI tt4
tiat. martini- ih,A.i
BpanuL 8tf ul tVitar-4 nil fci Mali witti ;t,
Bticnt, nu oi itm. fti.H lock ol bfcif. Mnd eoitu r
riCTOBi tl jnut futurt faiuLwd or tufa, piieholoticail-f '
Afflict rJ, wtb &, Udm and -lac f intcim-, tid
km m otriiui, mods j niuriM I ail nil (ktisBod,
AMftw ttoi. L lUruaN. 10 Nmi'j H. Uttoa, klaa.
7 ANTED SO Girl, fiond wnseat . weIv.
m JfJirhta leiitly wurU tckvriii to lie jiiitile tit
nonio. Wmk callt rl tor aiul d.lmT(d lVe (ilobe
Jiiililliiir Co.. 107 Suulli ItoMou, .11 u-.
777 j
AGENTS. Outfit five. AUiliVH-i
O. lrk(ry Aiikiihih. Mv.
tttOOt'NTH-jlGENTSWANTEO-UO bed Ilrou.uii, ll. lioU. Mich.
ittuatlon, addroHg Valentine ltro., jAue-wvillo, Wia.
A;KNTW 'WANTED for tho "Best anil 1'ante.U
bWltUK iVic tonal Hooka and JJiblufi. 1'rtrra reduced
l lM-rct. Kalioual 1'nblisliiim Co., Hilladelidiia. l'a.
Sfifi week in your own town. Terms and fouttlt
(run. Add'ill.HALl.KnCo..Pnrllaud.Mii,H.
J XtI Sj OrttJ WfA 8m WorHi, r.
S 5 tO S 2 0 I.r.,l' ' home. Baniple. worth M frea.
fcw Adilra-sbfTuaioii Cto..fVi)rtld,iUiu
The largest and finest turquoise in tho
world is In tile crown of the Russian
czar. It was found in tne mines oi Hew
Mexico nearly two centuries ago.
Never be at your place of business
when a pei son wants to borrow money
from you, because if you are out yon
will bo in. Salem Sunbeam,
I Advise All Who Are Suffering
as I Have Suffered to Give
Bobtok, Septembor 9, 1877.
Mn. It. Tt. Sitti'ns-
Hear Sir 1 liavo mirrored with Scrofulous Hiimni
f irm vi n years, and could pet no relie f, 1 have tried
even lliinu In Hie sliatie of herbs, naive, plasters,
etc., but not liluu did ine any k""". 1 w, from mj
knees to nu ankle, one mas ot sores. 1 was advised
liy polic e ottlec r W. 11. Mill to try Vkof.tink. I rnm
Ineneed lat .till v. ISTii. Alter ttlKitlir I lie second bob
tie I beiiiu In .'et relief, and tliu sores to heal np. 1
was finally reduced tonne larire ulcer on my ripht
le .', Hint ran so much nnd looked so had lhat many
aid I niul Inn" in . leu: but, alter I had taken four
teen lv. Vrot TiNE. my leg was all healed up,
and I am nnw R wi ll as ever 1 was in my lite. I enn
Uder Vi on ink the bet cleanser and purifier of the
lilnml. and advise all who uiav be sntTerinc as I have
Mltlcrcd touivo It atrial. HKNUY T. (SMITH.
No. 60 Utlca Street, Boston, Mass.
Si'nnFm.ots Hr-Motw. Tlio VrfiETtfi! has cured
manv cases ot Herolula of live, ten and twenty yearn'
-t....,li..., tvl...r,. tl,r. nitlivnt liim bad manv pbvsieians.
tried manv nf the known remedies; anil, alter trying
the VrorrlNK. the enniinnn remark is: "It acts dit
f reiitlv, works differently, frmii any medicine 1
have ever taken." Vkoktink will cleaubu scrofula
from the system. Try it.
KoMKnviLLEf June 10, 187S,
t in Vil li ur--;it lira"! re I ran rr-comnr-nrl In the
tiioiiout t. rtm tmir Vi'tii' riXK nr. a unrifi'-r nf tlio
iilMttil. Hnvimiin-t with a i -.-ii nl ul injury nl tho hi inn
r.n l K-mti- ihtvo over ruirt- r-n vrarn iifro, my niiKin
l.-.u t-A-,.Hrn ti I'ff.'it lf:il fif till- till If. IlTl'l Vf-rV
i-uintnl. Hy uhIhk Vikiktink I l'm-1 jrrcat relief, a It
civi" ft IiikU'T tui'! tn mn iii-.fKi, miprnvintf inv
V. .... 1 1 1. . tii.Tl I limm t1:.t (ill till- lllinillll Ifttntlv 111 A
(siMTi-ri tiir comlilinn will avail tliciiiHtlvps at onre nf
thi1 must Viilnalilo nni'-fly. V-htm, most reiect-
(U y. " M. M I-IIMi-Mf-M,
Station Azvut, Huiucrvlllo, Mans.
filial aw ft lil.'ul i-iirilifr. II Jariim'nf IU many wnn-
ilt -rl nl rnr.'S, aUT all ntm-r min'iups nau inurn. i
viRitf.l tlm laboratory ihkI nrnvincpd myHoll of its
pfiHihii- ni'-rit. It i tnvpimMl Imm lmrk, roots aiul
licrliM. ciifh nf wliich highly om-ctivo, and tlmy aro
ro!iiiilinh't in tiui'U a uiaiiuur aa iu jiruuiitu uoiuu
filing rou'tc.'
Illustrated lontlily
The Largest in Form, the Lirgest in Circu'at on
And thf b-f t In rvrrythin:.' thai lualii-s a ni:i- ain-'
ilfpiralih'. 1 mor :-t'f M-iiililv M ij.';iiin' r r- ni- a
grand ronitiiM:ttio;i ot titu nt-riaii:i!i'. tli" it-' ii i
and hcuii ii nl. willj 'ttiri-'s. n-s,r s, I'l.t-m-. l.t-hin i.
lainilv in iltt -rs. art cnti'jU' lov. ). pu t
ptc'i-1 1 n'nn iii-. and ut Jn-r art 1i .it un
Sfiitl '1 wi iii v r nts lor a r-i' Um t? .'m;.v. fr '-'d -flrrihe
mix months ou trial, for ON K IMM. LA It.
Th'TC Is no publication jh-Ik ap or n -Mini m tin
world. 1'or cirrulnr nf full parti'-ular1. addn-B
W. .IKNXINiW li;HiiMT.
i7 V.nsl 1 llh Siren, Nnv VoiU.
Iff Vnlumn is i-nniiiH'nrosjvilli N'ov- nr.'i'. 1-1.
Boots Mate West Presents.
lied Line. F.ull Gilt Edes.
And other Books mutable for Chritroa Gilts,
tiend lor Catalogue.
Cheapest Bookstore In the World.
JO lf ent 14th St., Xetv York.
P. O. Box 4. ISO.
'nrttunV I ii fun 1 1 v I'IIIk iiiiiKt iuw iu-n
Pdnnil, and will nunph'ti-ly rhaiiKC the blood in the
out in sntni in thrno tnnnth.H. Anv i-crson who
will takeon-p pill radi ninht Iron 1 to li!wo ksmav be
n-Hton-d to Round health, if such a thinj? be po-8iblf.
bold pvervwhnro nr sent by mail lor 8 letter Pt.fmpe.
I. H. .lOIINStKN A: CO., lioslon, iUaitH.t
formerly Bmmoi'i Mc
Issue ol 50.000 Shares
Atlantic Sl Gulf
Coast Canal Sl
Land Co. of Fla.
Issue ol 50,000 Shares of $10 each at par.
Mtth hotittM of ( Qvrt t for ftu-h IO nhnre. from
choir? iau-iM of' th? "IHsxton purchase.
Ol-'FH KS.-Thlid nml ( lieMiiiui Sim.. IMi ! la
del pliia I ll-l lirniiflwiiy N. ..
Konm Ill-Ill.
retailed prapuctun with di-scriptive maps mailed
fno to applicants.
widowi, fatlicn. motberi oi
Itlitldren. ThinmnndByetentitler!. PftidionifrWen
j mi ium' i nn(it;r,ujp.i'yo or ru(.iiire,Turicnie tdidi
r mif inRrHn, i noiiFanfis (! pem-iniieril and
oldliTl ciititl.! tn IM ItKASK un.l Itai'VTV
f I'ATKM'H rocurvd fT Inventon. holditri
land WiirrunU vrvrttred. hrtiiclitiLnd snld. 8..1ilUi-
l:md heirt ai'l'Ty fur tout riRhti at nnce. Ken d 18
1 heirt ai'i'l forytturriKhtiatf
mni for Tne CititeQ-Soliiier,"
, ltonnty laws hlanka And inatr
1 and pL-nsion
tttiti l
1 thoui
inntmrf inn W
can refer v
Ad'ir.-i N. w. Fitzgerald & Co. Pen hi on St
I'ATKNT AU')I, Ltk boii,6(i,WttiilDgt01., l, 0.
rin'iB in i-i-nMoners nrt i nenti.
m'J' to Hail S-cL lump Tnr tht moat eomplett Caudofru. ol
A NTKII Akcuih evervwnere to sell me beHi
I'uzzh Kim e the "1 5." Just the thinu lor the
Hnllilavs. Ki ml tor circular). Sample, 13 cents.
A (III-: I'l ..I.E CO.. P. O. box a03S, New
Yurli, and 1'. u. Box 'J JSO, Boston, Masa.
A IMtKTTV MAND.-The latent, Iheflnest. anil
J oulj best inftliml cil wliili'liili-the uails. t lutihed
ami ilisculored units niailo l earlv wliito on fint aj1
)ilii'atiiu. Nut teuijiorarv, but iiwtiui;. l-'ive Ihou.
mii'l laili' are now umhk tins nn-thoil, ami no lailv
dl lashi.iu shniilil be v ithout it. t , nstaiil. 11. E,
iji-isi-iuloi-rt. No. l:t Miui-rva St., IinhauaiioliK, Iml.
raorpnine Ilnttltmrvd In 10
t, '.0 AIIIU.V till
il lt. J. Binratsa. laibunoii ln,,,L
1170 A WT:EK. tlJailavatbouieeasllymade7t-:6stly
'- Outlit tree. Add s Thui k Co.. AuKusu,Maisa.
pj m.nnni
titan fttiwjiiS &uvvtt
ImprovementsNew Styles-..NeCaTalogue
liio. ri,in v. wn- n
tuial ..xnaiixioNs' tWiXSii:'. the oreai wobW. -
pi such at c.l, havo elfecteci moke and oheai"h piuiticalT? ? h ,"lvu u,ou rth
IntheLAsrvKARIhauiuauvsiiiiilarivriodsineSthsfill? 'heir Oiyau.
more ihaulim styles olori-ans. this, with net Vr v u.l - ,',i '' ""."osi nliinu ami i
vausKcfiiTally. wliieh will l.eusctul o i'viv one7h?nAV.7, i?:,"':4in' t"),'HK eh luiorim
lilrcs .l ASON A II A l I.I SO IMi A ?il ,W l I"1?'1'"'"!. W'H he seutree uml
EW VOllKiorHU Wabash Ave . CUU-AtHi"-' i6k lri!muu' S"wt. BObrui; ti East
about ov
vniit. Aii
Btrect, NEW
- "' "ii:"".. tins, wnn net crfivj. m,.i .,i....i "ir . mu
More than One Million Copies Soldi
25th Edition (New)
orS.-ir-l'reservalion. A t.reat Medical Trent
1M. on UnuhooUi Ike Cause and Vara ofE.
bnuated Vitality, Nervou. and 1'by.lcal Dt bU.
1171 also aa the Untold Ml.erie. arising from tho
Kxcia.e. ol Mature Vearn. 300 pau.,., Koyal
M o. The very linest steel euRraviu's. laa invaluable
mu.a.... . -niuoniiiopau
KKli iS THYStl F. -,P0,i?i' V.r'K M.,5lin, embossed, full
T - - " -"
" 'I vin u. OJlilUX NIIW
viJJl???. the most extraor,llna.n.t fc... ..." ' . ..
u ViHtiu i iii i , '"e or liuKln of eithur s .uTri iirw.r .... '"'"ioi-'y ever m, nheil.
"d!yira "-k"
i a io he ua-tter iiii ilii al work, iu every sense, than mu iiV.. j 1 . h""l. Ihe bonk is euumii
mouey U1 retuudud iu every Instance. ' """"-" ohtaiued elsewhert. tor double the pricS or tha
wrvr,; i. ... ,.r,. '.f thB
(ThtoragTavlnf; represents tlM Lungs In healthy itle
For Comrbs. Cold.. C'rnnn, nronchllt. and all
other affections of the Tlirmil and I.I Mir, l
stands unrivaled and utterly beyond all compftulou.
H Aipmachi no nrnr a wncclfln that "Tlinpty-flvo
tor ri'iit. arn pormam-ntly rurctl whnrfl Iho diroc
tinns am Btrictly romplied with. Thorr in ttrychrrmi
cal ar other inKrcdienta to hat in tho young ct aid.
J. N. HARRIS dTcO., Proprietors.
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