The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 29, 1881, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, DEC. 2. 1881.
Heiitihtloaii Comify Pom mil top.
t'hairman Jas. II. llagerty, Rtdg
Vv. Renezette Jacob English.
Renaingcr Joseph Corbe.
Fox .1. J. Taylor.
Highland E. Hovehcamp.
Jlortnn W. P. Eggleston.
Jay J. V. Brown.
Jones ). M. Montgomery.
Millstone YV. A. Irwin.
Hidgway Township Peter (lulnack.
Ridgwav Borough J. M. Schram.
St. Mary's Boro. W. C. Spallord.
Spring Creek () T. Minor.
"Monday wasn rr.iny day.
The bridge across the Clarion at
the heavy cut on Hall's farm, on the
line nfllre Rochester & Pittsburgh
'railroad, was washed atvay again last
veck. Twenty or thirty teams are
thrown out of employment until the
ridgecanbe rebuilt, which will be
tlonc as Monn ns the weather will per
mit. With good weather the cut will
lie completed in a wc-k or two more.
A famous lady, Miss Rebecca Hates,
ulicd at Scituate, Mass., on Wednesday
last, aged r8 years. jliss lialcs and her
vrnfiii Abbie were the heroines in the
British "scare" in 1812, when the two
girls, hidden behind rocks on the beach,
vith life and drum sounded the roll call
si ml put to llight several boat loads of
1 mops from a British man-of-war who
vere about to mal.e ' landing. Miss
Hates' cousin Abbie is still living and
is 80 years of age.
Between fifty and sixty Italians
fresh from sunny Italy, passed last
flight in town while on their way to
Elk county to work on the extension
y(f the N. V. L. K. '.- W. It. It. They
)iuddled together sheep on the
tloor in F. (). Wright's livery stable
where they were allowed to remain
until this morning when each one
vas supplied with a loaf of dry bread
Mid they started on their journey
through the rain anil mini, some
Vfdingund some walking. It was a
)iliful sight to see old men with one
loot on the edge of the grave start oft'
trudging through the mud with noth
S'rig but dry bread to sii.-lain them. ,
McKcan Miner.
A horrible accident occurred at
IWlrobe, Westmoreland county, on
Wednesday evening, Dec. 14. In the
morninu; of that day a daughter of
Mr. .1. R. Bell, Clerk of the West
moreland Courts, was married lo a
young man named Karns. The bride
d groom visited Johnstown during
lie day and returned to Latrohcnn
I he evening way passenger, intend
ing to allcnd an "ini'air" at the
groom's home. The pair had just
alighted from the cars when u train
came along, and the bride of the
looming was run over by the locomo
tive and cars. Her remains were
frightfully mangled. Death was
ill most instantaneous.
Resolution of Respect
At a special meeting of the Irish
National Land League. (Rob'-rt
Kmmctt Branch) h-'ld at the Clarion
Hotel on Thursday evening, the Kith
day of December, ls I, the following
resolutions were adopted:
JtcHOlvcd, That ill the death of our
President we recognize the loss of one
whose services in the society were
Jlmurrd, That h's many good (plan
ties of mind and heart are worthy of
praise, while the community suiters in
his death the loss of a public spirited
citizen of high education and great
.skill in his profession.
'ctiotvcrt. That we tender our henrl
felt sympathies to the family now
mourning the loss of of tl kind hus
band and father.
John Fj.yxn, Vice President.
John Vai ohax, Secretary.
Committee John Flynn, John
Vaughan, Fred. Behcet) ing, George
T. Aaron.
Vn Menioiifliu of T. S. Hartley, 31. I).,
Who died at his residence in Kidg way,
Pa., on Thursday, the Uh of Decem
ber, 1881, at 10:20 i. m. A brief illness,
. sudden death, at the age of 42 years-
The following resolution! were pre
pared and adopted as the sentiment of
the brethren of Elk Lodge No. 37!, in
memory of their deceased brother,
whose sudden mid untimely death is
deplored by all :
Whkhkas, It has pleased the Su
preme Architect of theuniverse to call
off from labor our departed brother;
Whereas, As members of a com
mon brotherhood, it becomcth us to
mourn and, as brothers, to extend our
deepest sympathies to the bereaved and
stricken family of our brother; there
fore, be it
Resolved, That we, as MaRons linked
together by a sacred band of fellow
ship; while we recognize the Supreme
power of the Great Master, and bow
in submission to his chastening rod, do
hereby express our sincere regrets that
our brother was thus, so (suddenly,
taken from our midst; and further do
extend the Warmest sympathy of our
hearts to his bereaved wife and chil
drr:i and their immediate and near
friends, assuring them of our prayers
and hopes that the widow's God and
the Father of the fatherless should ever
be to them a sure guide and an ever
present counselor.
Resolved, That our Lodge room be
suitably draped, and that copies of
these resolutions be published in each
of the county papers, and that several
fcopiesof the papers containing the pub
lication be presented to the family of
the deceased.
Walter 8. Service, )
B.F.Ely, VCom.
C; I'3. HoLA DA V, J
J It. rialrd, of Petrolia, has been
In town since Saturday.
Ed. Maybee lias moved from
Wilcox, to Hidgwny, and occupies the
mill house.
Services in the School house
Sunday morning and evening, by
Rev. A. VnnCamp.
Miss Ella Moore, find Cecelia
Moore, of Luthersburg, Clearfield Co.
are here visiting the Barretts and
Luthcrs their relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Farley Stout, of
Lock Haven, were here last week vis
iting their daughters, Miss Frank and
ii rs. a. owanz noss. Mr. Stout re
turned on Monday, and Mrs. Stout will
remain a few days longer.
Frank Van Orsdall, who has been
employed nl the depot here for the past
year and a half, has been appointed as
agent 'to take charge of the station at
Sterling. Mr. Wilson, the former
agent nt that place, has taken charge
of the St. Mary's office. Driftwood
Mr John Cobb, vormerly of Presi
dent, and one of our prominent lum
bermen, is now extensively engaged
In making barrel staves at Frewsburg,
N. V., and is likelj to ship upwards
of '100 car loads of bolts from Eagle
Hock to his mills at Frewsburg.
Tlonesta Itanowcd.
Col. J. P. Angney is here in the In of the A-K-csMiient Mutual Life
Association of Washington, Pa. This
company has been in existance for
two years and up to this time have
made but one assessmen t and that to
pay a loss raused by an accident. It
is the aim of this company to pay all
denth losses with the admission fees
and annual dues an "wsrssment is
only made when these funds are ex
hausted. .James P. Molliit, late of
McKecsport, holding a policy in the
company lor i.,()(Nt, died on Dec. 2.
with diphtheria, and the amount for
which he was insured was promptly
paid bis wife on Dec. 12, without any
assessments. 1 he above fact should
he sufficient to convince our citizens
ot the reliability of the company.
Judge Jeremiah Elliott, of Spring
Creak has carried 5,Jik in this com
pany io'.' a year, ami has paid nothing
since liccoiiiinjr a member. Isaac
A very, also carries a policy of So.inmi
in this company.
Hoi.ks On Thursday, Dec. l2, lsl,
to Mr. and Mrs. (,'iias. Holes a sou.
McA i.i.isi l it On Wednesday, Dec
-'-'. 11, Mrs. Lucy E. wile of
Banks McA Mister, of Brandv Camp,
Horton tnwn-diip, Elk Co.,' aged 17
years, III months and -'."i days.
Week of Prayer.
According to a custom of several
years past the first week of January,
l.ifi2, will be observed by the most of
the Protestant churches as a season of
prayer. The following themes for
dill'erent services of the week have
been promulgated by the World's
Evangelical Alliance:
Sunday, Jan. 1 Subject for dis
course. Renewed Consecration,
Monday, Jan. 2 Thanksgiving for
blessings, temporal and spiritual,
for the past year, and prayer lor their
Tuesday, Jan. A Humiliation and
confession on account of individual,
social and national sins.
Wednesday, Jan. 4 Prayer for the
blessing of (iod on His church and
His work.
Thursday, Jan. ." Paaycr for the
young and all agencies for Christian
Friday, Jan. li -Prayer for the un
iversal prevalence of peace and right
eousness. Saturday, Jan. 7 Prayer for Chris
tian missions, the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit and the conversion of the
What Major E. T. .Scott, the Public
.speaker, says of Miss .H'Cliutock's
ItuxiWAV, Dec. 17, 1SS1.
Prof. Geo. R. lnxosJJcar Sir:
I admire your judgment, and congrat
ulate the music-loving public in secur
ing that gifted songstress, Miss Belle
M'Clintock, to charm the listuers dur
ing the session of the teachers' insti
tute. Having heard her wonderful
voice and the rare power she exercises
both in church and conceit singing,
ami for several seasons witnessed the
sway she held over the multitude nt
the Chautauqua, assembly, I can bear
testimony to her excellence. To all
of us who have occupied a place on the
rostrum in the vast amphitheatre at
Chautauqua, suiving to win the
Chautauqua salute, can understand
what tiut implies. I cannot soon for
get the lust time I heard Miss M'
Clintock. It was at Chautauqua last
August. Her voice, pure, sweet, sym
pathetic, musical as a bird's, ascending
the higher notes with case, with per
fect control, and withal the sou in all
of her singing, is it any wonder that
her voice, vibrating over the breathless
mass, that as the last note died away
in hushed silence of admiration, the
"salute" the Chautauqua lillies"
ten thousand white handkerchiefs
fluttered, us a beautiful token of ap
preciation, and the complete mastery
with which she held thut immense
audience spellbound.
I hope none will miss the rare op
portunity of hearing Miss M'Clintock
sing. Siuccrely yours.
E. T. Scott.
The Sterling Hun tannery manu
factures sole leather to the amount of
2,000,000 pounds per year, worth $500,
000. To do this it takes 60,000 hides,
which are hauled one and one-half
miles from the railroad to the tannery,
Mr. B. F. Sherwood, who resides at
Utica, N. Y., is the owner; Mr. Milo
Bull is the superintendent, and Mr.
D. R. Nelson is the bookkeeper.
McKean Miner.
ChrlstiiiRH In Kidgwuy.
For several days Immediately pre
ceding Christmas in the year of grace
1881, despite the muddy condition of
the streets, the moisture In the atmos
phere, and the generally "green Christ
inas'' aspect of the surroundings, the
streets of Hidgwny were filled with
people hurrying to andfro with Christ
mas presents. Dealers In goods of the
season were well patronized, and espe
cially on Friday and Saturday when
the stores were running to tlreir fullest
capacity with the aid of extra clerks.
Individuals, full of Christmas "conso
lation," wandered Bbout the streets,
enjoying themselves, while ever and
anon Constable Woodward would
"take in" some weary "pilgrim."
About as lively a Christ mas ns wo have
seen in many a year. There was a
slight fall 'of snow on Saturday. Sun
day, Christ maa ''lay, was bright and
beautifully clear Monday, the day
after, was rainy and disagreeable;
Tuesday, Wednesday and to-day even
mote so. Monday was celebrated as
the legal holiday, the banks and schools
all being closed on thalday. Saturday
night the several churches had Christ
inas trees, with exercises and sinking.
Lighted up il large tree, loaded Willi
many pretty presents, as well us useful
and oriiamculal tor the children.
Presents from the classes to Ibeir sev
eral teachers. There were also many
presents calculated to provoke mil Ih at,
the expense of the recipients, as lor in
stance "our old batclielors Frank Set-
telle and Geo. Smith" received a huge
package which on being opened before
the crowded house revealed thiinhle,
needles, pins and thread, scissors and
spectacles, all very useful articles in the
workbox of an unmarried gentleman.
W. H. Osterhuut received a beautiful
present of a little go-cart and a ni ma
ture pair ol mules, while Mrs. Oyster
received a unique remembrance in
the shape of a second-hand 'inc tooth
comb and a scrubbing brush. These
little packages, by way of a joke, udded
to the entertainment of the evening.
The audience dispersed well pleased
with the tree and the fiuit II bore.
A large tree leaded with presents.
On cither side were illuminated mot
toes in large letters of colored tissue
paper, "Merry Christmas," "Glory to
God on Hia-h." The exercises con
sisted of singing, dialogue! and recita
tions by the children. .Master Cam I
M'Afee doing some very creditable
singing. An address was delivered by
the pastor, after which the tree was
lighted, and the presents, consisting of
candy, dolls, picture books, cups and
saucers, and other useful and orna
mental presents fur the children, were
iii.u'i: !n kcii CEi'iscoi'AL.)
The church was handsomely fes
tooned with evergreens over windows,
doors and chancd rail. A roodscrciic,
tastefully dec. rated with evergreens,
was erected at the chancel front. The
usual exercises for the Christmas sea
son, were observed, un address wan de
livered by the Hector, alur which Ihc
tree was lighted up with hundreds of
tiny candles, until the church was
aldaze with glory, while occasionally
the burning hemlock, frightened the
timorous by its crackling as it came in
contact with the lights. The Cue
were always quickly extinguished
without doing any particular harm.
Many presents grew on the Grace
church tree, among the notable ones
being an elegant gold headed cane to
Dr. W. L. Williams and J. A. Mei
singer, and elegant presents to Miss
Kate and Jennie Givsh, of the choir,
from the hands of Dr. C. It. Eurley.
There were many presents for the
children, as well as for papa and mama
and all the rest of the folks.
At the chapel, a tree full of choice
fruit, singing by the choir, a warning
from Prof Dixon that there was no
danger if the hemlock caught lire, a
lighting of the candles, and distribu
tion of the presents. Books grew on
this tree by the Muck. M. S. Kline
was the first lucky one, after
which came James Pcnlicld, Mrs. H.
H. Wensel, Miss A. E. McKee, Miss
May Olmstcad, Horace Little and Miss
Ithoda Wilcox. Frank Stewart, a lit
tle chap of a few yearn, marched up
like a major and took his present as his
name was called, and every one seemed
to have bn remembered. Oranges
were there for every child, and happi
ness beamed from the eyes of old and
young, the occasion being one long
to be remembered.
Many families hud private trees in
addition to the Sunday school trees.
And all together, wo are of the opin
ion thut old Santa Claus did the
"square thing" by the boys and girls
of Hidgwuy this time if he never does
again. The old way of hanging up tbo
stocking has gone out of fashion and
the Christmas tree has come into vogue
almost universally. No mutter wheth
er slocking or tree, the little ones, and
for that matter the older ones, will al
ways welcome the ad vent of the merry
Christmas season. May the memory
of the merry old Christmas tree never
grow dim.
The current news of the week,
sketches of prominent Penusylvaniuns,
an agricultural puge, a puzzle corner,
a review of the fashions, selected mut
ter of interest are some of the features
of The Philadelphia Weekly
Press. $1,2.5 a year. Send for a speci
men copy, or join the club at your
postollice, and get it for $1 a year.
Boston held her municipal election
lust week, and that uniformly Demo
cratic city elected a Bepublican may
or, giving him alsiut 500 majority. A
majority of the other municipal offi
cers arc also Republican.
For piles, constipation and a torpid
liver, never fail to take Manalin.
Our Men "$Tho Advertise. Give
mem i our Patronage.
Fresh ginger simps, Jelly fingers
and assorted cooKtcs, at Morgester's.
Flour, Men, meal, pork, beans.
pork, beef, shoulder and a full stock of
staple groceries and provisions, at
Morgester s.
You can always find a full stock of
choice candy, oiunges, lemons and figs,
at Morgester s. i
A large st ick' of choice canned
goodsall No. 1 iuulity, nt Morgester's.
Oranges, lemons, dates, figs, &c ,
at Morgester's. j
California Lima beans, dried shak
er corn, oatmeal, dried yrcen peas and
choice mince nifat, at Morgester's.
Morgester nukes a specially of best
quality milk, soila, oyster and lemon
Do all your trading at the New
York Store, and save money,.
A lug stock of fine shirts the
very best at' from "' cts. to $1,25
will be sold nt the New York Stork.
Cohen liiio.s. it Hrownstkine.
All goods w ll lie sold at n big re
duction during the holidays at the
New York Store.
Just received a large stock of silk
handkerchiefs mid neck wear at the
New York Stork. For the benefit
of the holiday those goods will be
sold ft cost.
Ciiokn I! wis. & HltoW.VSTEIXE.
N ew York Stork.
At Hyde's Opera House, imi Monday
evening, Jan. 2d, 1x2. Good muic
in attendance. A cordial invitation
is extended to all.
By ohper of Com mittee.
Autograph Albums at The
Vim 'ATE office.
Protect yourself against losses on
live stock, liy insuring in the
Mutual live stork Protective Associ
ation of North America.
Clyde Kmi:, Itidgway, li.,
Agent for Elk County.
The largest stock of scrap pictures
in town ut The Advocate lllce.
Star and Improved Authors nt
The ADVocATEoPdce.
The Merry Game of
The Advocate office.
Old Maid at
"All Aboard forSumlsr Lands.'
"A Book of Tales.'' "Little Pink
liools," and "Baby's Christmas liox."
all delightful honks for the little ones
nt The Advocate ollice.
Farmers, Lumbermen and owners
of Horses and Cattle, now is the time
to insure your Stock in the Mutual
Live Stock Protective Association of
North America. For circulars giv
ing full particular, call on or addicss.
CLYDE Kime, Hidgwny, l a.,
Agent for Elk County.
The City of St. Paul, a first-class,
large new design, wood cook stove,
take a look at it before purchasing a
stove. W. S. Service, Ag I.
A. Sw.irlz Boss, Merchr.nt Tailor,
sicu of the red front. Main street,
HiiUw.i.v, Pa., bus on hand a large
stock of gents' furnishing goods in
connection with his tailoring estab
lishment.' IK' has a large stock of
samples for winter suitings. Orders
promptly filled and all work guaran
teed to give satisfaction.
A Crave Woman.
In one of the Mississippi towns, not
very far from Memphis, on the line of
the Mississippi and Tennessee railroad
a little lady, jiged sixteen years, shot
and severely wounded an impudent
white tramp who attempted to enter
the house after being ordered not to do
so. The lady, who is small, but game,
and a crack shot with a pistol, was the
only white person in the house when
the burly tramp approached. "We
have nothing for you; you needn't
come in !" she said to the tramp. "But
I will come in," he answered. "You
had better not, or you will get what
you don't want," quietly responded the
lady, ns she laid down her knitting,
picked a six-shooter from her woik
basket and approached the door. "Von
go back in your room, or I'll pitch you
out of the window," exclaimed the
ruffianly tramp, its lie walked inside
the door. Hang ! went the pistol, and
the tramp staggered buck on the porch,
shot through the arm and breast. She
raised the pistol again, but the trump
fled. A neighbor rushed around the
house and asked 'the little lady, who
was sitting down and engaged in knit
ting, witli her pistol in her basket,
"What's the matter?" She exclaimed,
"He's gone!" He then asked, "Did
you shoot him?" "Yes," she replied,
"and if he kept on coming, I would be
shooting until now." The trump was
bleeding profusely, and It was With
difficulty that the ijow of blood could
be stopped. He left the town a sadder
and wiser man, having been taught a
lesson in manners that he will not soon
forget. The game little woman Is
worth her weight in geld dollars.
A World of (Touch
One of the most popular medicines
now before the American public, is
Hop Bitters. op see It everywhere.
People take (t with good eu'eet. It
builds them up. It is not as pleasunt
to the tuste as some other Bitters as it
is not a whiskey drink. It is more
like the old fashioned boneset tea
that has done njworld of good. If you
don't feel just right try Hop Bitters.
A'tmta News.
The quieting, rest-procuring qual
ities, as well as the far-reaching and
powerful curative effects of Ayer'a
Cherry Pectoral, render it the very
best remedy known for lung diseases.
A Sharper Captured In IIiiiTaIo,
" Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 24. A party
giving the name of Claude L. Strong
operating under the name of the Hub
her Type Company, of Buffalo, has
been arrested, charged with conspiring
to defraud through the medium of the
United States Mall. His mode of
operations was to advertise to sell
what he called a solargrnph watch for
the sum of one dollar, and then not
shipping the goods after receiving the
money. Strong's mail frequently ran
as high as 100 betters dally, anil he
waii'rcft to become his own bondsman
for $1,500, but Commissioner Scroggs
would not allow him to do so. as it was
feared he 'would Jump his boil. He Is
ubout 30 years of age, find has been in
this kind of business for eight years.
An Idiotic Performance.
Jefferhonville, Ind., Dec 2.
Last night John M'Clellami went to
his house and in order to amuse his
wife and children fired oil' a lot of
shooting crackers. Not sutisfied with
this, he procured a pound of (siwder
and put il into three ale bottles and
fastened them up tightly. After he
had inserted a fuse into each bottle he
attempted to fire them ofl' in his yard.
He was unsuccessful in this attempt,
and taking the unities Into the house
set them upon a table at which his
wife and a little girl named Berry
were sitting. Mrs. M'Clelland wished
to lire of!' u cracker, and In order to
get a light removed the chimney from
a coal oil lamp which stood on the ta
ble. The cracker went oil' and caused
the lump to explode. The burning oil
was comuiunicutul to the powder in
the bottles, and all three went oil' with
terrible efi'eet, scattering glass all over
the room. The oil set lire to the house
and to the clothing of Mr. and Mrs.
M'Clelland and Miss Berry. Mr. M'
Clelland succeeded in extinguishing
the lire, not, however, until he had
been severely burned. His wife was
also dangerously burned about the
head and luce, her clothing being
burned from her body. Miss Berry
was probably fatally injured by glass
triking her in the side. She also re
ceived several other cuts and burns.
Secretary Blaine, Judge Jere
Black, Walt Whitman, Jelleron
Davis, Hubert Toombs, General Joe
Johnston and other public men equally
famous, were among the contributors of
The Philadelphia Weekly Press,
during the last year. The Press en
gages Hie pens of many of the ablest
writers in the country. It is sent
to any address for one year, with a
splendid map of Pennsylvania, for
We Ifu I'll from the Bradford
Owrctc on the '-''Hli two men named
Wiihelui and Keefer were hunting in
the mountain near Salisbury, Somer
set County. Both were calling tur
keys and neither knew that the other
was in iho woods. Wilhelm gave the
usual note oil his caller" and Keefer
thinking it whs a turkey, replied.
Whilheim, deceived ny the reply,
answered it, ami so the men uncon
sciously drew together. As Wilhelm
in I van ced he suddenly caught sight of
a moving object partially concealed
by a tree. He took deliberate uiui
with bis rifle and fired, but what was
his horror to sec Keefer stagger from
behind the tree and fall to the ground
dead. The unfortunate man was shot
directly through the heart. Let this
serve as a warning to those men who
arc overly "anxious for a shot.'
There are some men who blu.e away
upon the slightest suspicion, without
any investigation as to what the ob
ject at which they direct their fire
may te, and when men of this kind
are in the wood: there is no safety for
anybody else within a half dozen
elk co. Advocate rates.
One Column Dm Year sil(i0
Oni'-liiill Column ( in,. Year J.'iini
ontMiiuitli Column tine Year ..'.'.i.i'iii
One-eight li Column One Yi'iir l.'i.OO
ri A Ssl K VTA
OiieSiiiiaie One Week no
one Siiinri' Two Wvi-ka l.ho
One HiUiiiv Thri'i" Wi Hts no
Knfh a '(lltlmiiil Insert iuli M cents a auiiiire
eat'li week.
Ton cents a line llrsi . luseriloii; five cents n
line lor eiieli nil lilinnn! Insertion.
a2:T2Y A. Fa.RSCXS.JS.. Proprietor.
Notice is hereby that t he following
accounts will be presented at the next
term of Orphans' Court for confirma
tion: 1. First partial account of Hezekiuh
Horton, Guardian of minor heirs of
Clark A. Wilcox, late of Horton
township, Elk county, deceased.
2. Panic! account of Mrs C. V.
Wilcox, Administratrix of the estate
of Clark A. Wilcox, late of Horton
township, Elk county, deceased.
I-'reii. SciKE.viNC), Hegister.
Klk fotiiilf Court Proclamation.
WHKHKAS, the Hon. Win. D.
Brown, President Judge for the Thirty
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius Jones, and George
Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate Justices
in Elk county, have issued their pre
cepts, to me directed, for the time of
holding of the Orphans' Court, Court
of Common Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at
itidgway, for the county of El lion
182, being the L'.'lrd day of the month,
tocontinue one week.
Notice is therefore given to the Cor
oner. Justice of the Peace and Con
stables in and for the county of Elk,
to appear In their own pi'oier persons,
with their records. Inquisitions, and
remembrances, to do those things
which of their offices and in their be
half appertain to be done, and ull wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting
in behalf of the Common wealth against
any person or persons, are requested to
be then and there attending, and not
to depart at their peril. Jurors are
requested to be punctual in their at
tendance at the appointed time, agree
able to notice.
Given under my hand and seal, at
the Sheriff's office, in Hidgway, the
80th day of Dec. in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
flo Whipster or Suckling Next Year.
riillmlelphla Rocoi'rt1,
The Democrats of Pennsylvania do
not luck excellent timber from which
to choose a candidate for Governor. If
they should nominate Jeremiah S.
Black, Winiani A. Wallace, Samuel J,
Handall, Henry P. Koss, James .ft.
Ludlow, George .A. Jeuks, Charles ft.
Buckalew, Jehn O. llall.S. P. Wol
verton, Willium Mutchlcr or John TL
Orvls, Iheofttcc, In case the candidate
were elected, would be filled by a man
worthy to sit in tlie executive chair of
the second State In the Union. The
Governorship need not go n-begglng.
A strong man h heeded. No acci
dental whipster or political suckling
should be permitted to shove aside
veterans like the gentlemen we have
named, who have earned their spurs,
and who would dignify any station to
which the choice of the people might
assign them.
The postollice at Sun bury, North
umberland county, was entered by
robbers last Monday night, and the
safe blown open. The concussion
broke every pane of glass in 'the
building. The robbers took about
$300 in money and stumps, and four
registered letters in fa1isit. The rob
bers were seen in the building at 1
o'clock in the morning. Several
pistol shots were tired through the
windows at them hut they made good
their escape by the back door. The
explosion took place while a heavy
freight train was passing near so as to
conceal the sound.
The War Heminiseeiiees in The
Philadelphia Weekly Press are
full of inCjiOst, not only to the young
men who have grown to man's estate
since the war, but to old soldiers, on
either side. To the latter, reading these
thrilling stories is like "shouldering
their crutch and fighting their battles
Business Cards.
Main street, Hidgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Particular attention giveu to the
examination of titles, also to paten to
and patent cases.
Milt, & M'CAULEY
Ollice in new brick building, Main
street, Hidgway, Elk Co., Pa. v31!t
Over twentv-live years practice.
Ollice on Main Street, Ridgwav, Pa.,
opposite the Bogert House. Office
hours Iron i l to 2 ami 7 to S, r. .11.
Late of Sfraltanvtlle), Physician and
Mirgeon, Kiugway, rn. Ollice tu
Hail's Brick Building (up-stairM-Refercnccs
J. D. Smith, II. L.
Young, R. Rulofson, Strattan ville ;
Major John Kitlev, W. W. Green
land, Clui it n. lias practiced his
profession sccessfully for more than
ten years.
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Hidgway, l'a., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign liird Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Itidgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort'and'eon
veiiience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. oct-iO'iiU
P&OIA. This admirable work is now com-
plttcln Pi vols. EaehvolunieeontainsWO
pages. It mukesa complete and well
selected library, and no one can
afford to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price $" on in cloth,
5(5.00 in leather, or 87.(1(1 in elegant
half Turkey. Eor particulars address,
W. II. Fail-child, Portvillo, Catt. Co..
N. Y., who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson,
general agent.
Mrs. F. Pullman having moved into
the house of Jus. Penfleld near the
Catholic church wishes to inform the
citizens of Hidgway and vicinity that
she is prepared to do 111 a nea't and
satisfactory manner all kinds of plain
sewing and dressmaking, at reasonable
prices. All persons having work (in
this line are respectfully invited to
give her a call. ulOniH
In returning thanks for past favors
respectfully begs to inform her friends
and the public generally that she has
just returned from New York where
she purchased a large stock of Milli
nery and fancy goods of the latest
styles, also a nice selection of ladies'
Skirts, Plain- and Funcy hosiery,
Ladies' and Children' Parasols, Hair
goods, fancy Chinawure, Ac, which
she Intends to sell as cheap as the
cheapest. Particular attention given to
trimming and in a style that cannot
be surpassed in this wction. All ure
Invited to call and Inspect her poods
ln-fore purchasing elsewhere. nlOmg
113 WATF.n sr.. NEW vonK.
Are purer, better, stronger, and longer
known in the market than any other article
of the kind. Are always sure and reliable,
and never fail to insure the best results
in cookery. Ask your grocer for it and
give it a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no pay.
By the Kocliesler & Pittsburgh K. ft. C6.
i)Xf AAA CHOSS TIES to bje
ZUJ9)V) fut. and delivered
this coming winter along the line of
their road between Hrudford, Mc
Kent) Co., mid Hrookville, Jefferson
Co., Pa. Tics to be of Hemlock,
Chestnut, White Burr Oak, or Cherry,
to be cut from live tliler smoothly
newn-r-to be straight, ffco from rotten
knots and other imperfections. All
ties to be 8 feet long with square ends.,
to Kverage 8 inch face,, ilohij to ress
than V Inch fate, hnd 0 Inches thick.
Address all proposals to
J. E. Miller,
Superintendent of Construction,
Hidgway, Pa.
On the Loss of
-A - 'f.wnjftK n'i tiVk NAtft'REv
Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhea
induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary
Emissions, nivvwy, Nervous .. De
bility, and Impediment to Marriage
generally; Consumption, Epilepsy,
and Fits'; Mental and Physical in
capacity, &c Ily IU)HERT,J..,CVk
VERWELL, M. I)., author oi the
"Green Hook,"&c.
The world-renowned author, in this
admirable Lex'tury,clearly proves from
his own experience Hint the VJltWl
consequences of Self-Abuse may be
effectually removed without dangerous
surgical operations, bougies, instru
ments, r.loflrs. or cardials; pointing 'out
a inotlo of cure at once certain and ef
fectual, by which every sufferer, no
mutter wfiat his condition may lie,
may cure himself cheaply, -privately
ami radically. ' rt
MTThis Lecture will prove a Iswil
to thousands and thousands.
Sent, under seal, l.ii, u ilin envel
ope, to one nail ress, oil receipt of six
cents or two postage stamps.
41 Ann St. New York, N. Y.; Post
ollice Hox, 4"0.
Folding cribs, cradb's, bedsteads
Mattresses, &c, at lloweis'.
Philadelphia & Erie R. H- Div'.
On and after MONDAY, Oct. 31',
18Hl,.ths tmitnj 'ollthe Philadel
phia & Erie Railroad Division will
run as follows: ,
Niagara Ex. leaven Pbila 8 00 a. Yi
" " Renovo..5 45 p. m'.
' Drift wood? 00 "
" " " Emporium" fill "
" " " St.Marys.,8 40 "
" Hidgway ...8 48 V
". " arr. Kane. . . .10 Ou '
KKll: MAIL leaves Phila 11 65 p. in
" " Renovo 1105u. in.
" " Driftwood. 12 15 p.m.
" " Emporium. 1 flop. m.
" ' St. Mary's..2 :() p. in.
" " Hidgway .... '2 HO p- m.
" " Kane a 5o p. m.
" arr. at Erie 7 45 p. m',
Day Express leaves Kane . . . fi 00 am.
Ridgwav 56 am.
" " " St. Marys 7 17 't
" " EmporiuiuH 10 "
Driftwood 8 o7 "
',' Kenovo
' arr. at Phi la. .
Kit ik mail leaves Erie
.10 05 '
. 7 05 pin ,
11 35 11. m.
" " Kane.
iu p. m.
" '' Hidgway. ...5 17 p.m.
St. Mary's..o ro p. m.
" ' Emporium. 05 p. m.
" " Driftwood. .7 42 p. m.
" " Henovi 0 00 p. ni,
" arr. nt Phila ,...7 00 a. m.
Erie Mail and Niagaiu Express
connect with Low tirade Division;
Erie Mail west and Day Express con
nect with It. N. Y. & P. H. H.
General Sup'tl
iwsa uay Ef-ia roETtt
Kfc-isa tm m m via
Ihln Is it iir romcily, originally com-TKMinili''laiMUiili"dun'iltotlioiuc(llcafiir(ifo3-
siuii nun oio immii! nt lingo liy s. H. llnrt-
t ... ' . him y.. i luwiurff,
"Sin., WhOlrispiVHTllicsl It toOUT 40,1.0 i-
ii lug Km-ri-M,.
that of any other rcineily, ami Is the only 11
moilli'ineiiecdi il In almost every cllseapn li'M
wlil. li Hcsh Is heir rpllepsy (Falling Kltsjlrl
Ik-Ihk tlio only exception. In this Yv.vx Jil I I
sliouhl not lift nwil. In Constipation hml kJ
I llGitrK'nu r.f tin, l.'iiii i1a t..A....B nt.. .1 .. .... 113
MANAMN-Rlimilil liociwu with It. I'kuu:jAs
in ,-uuititiscu in inin:iy viigiH.1010 increments.
Dr. Ilai-timm nas en ceciit-Tlu uxtruuUuW
tin! 1 ai-llve iiilnrliilcs from these lngiudlenls
ami In eomsliiinn iliom Intodnnrlnniln rn:n.
lKjlllld. Wlllrh at onrof-oiiwiueri with tlm Vir I
Mkmcatiux N atlt.iUu every discasi-, and I
the work of re-.tonuion commences with the I
first dohu. Tliero Is i.ot an organ that It will I
not reaehnorartlfciisoitwllliiotcuro. Foil
parneuiars nenn lor a jwmpnlet. ISjati
S. 11. IIANTMA.N X CO.. OslAlTon
The Philadelphia Weekly Press.
By a favorahle arrangement witli
the publishers of The Press we are eii
ahledtoscnd The JVtilndctphla Week
ly Prctts and Tun Advocate for one
year for W.iiO, all postage paid.
The house and two lots, occupied hy
the suhsenher, on South utree't.
Hidgway, Pa., are ottered for sale;
Call on or address.
Ciiahlks Mead, Hidgway, Pa.
Christinas card :! Christmas cards!!
Christinas cards!!! fifty (liilerent styles
and prices. The largest display ever!
seen in Hidgway at The Advocate'
H i l 67 " Q k' EJ
md Bugglea to let Upou the triost
reasonable tei nis.
ayHe will also do job, teaming f
Stable on Elk street. All order's Jcf
t the Post Ottlce will receive umln
attention. J" ---'J'