The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 22, 1881, Image 4

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    'CAi .I.NDAR FR 1882.
Jan. I i ! "i f ) July -f
8 9 10 ilia 13 m; 3 4 5
1516171819:031 ;iom itmiii ,
11 13 14 25 f7 8; 16117 ?'o "
9 3 3i tj Ix ij 16 ; ,8 9
Feb ' f 4:, 3i ..I I
5678 o'lo if ' Au( 11341
1 j n 14:13 16 17 18 6?9 iSm ial 1
19 reiai m ij 14 a5 3 14 i A7 18 19! I
m 7 I . wv falsa 24 25 afi
M,r : - 3L 7S 20 3O31
5 6 7 8 e 10 mStpt ... 1 1
12 13 14.13 if! lttj 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
19 o t.l'24 25 10 11 12 ij 14 13 it!
26l7 I9 30 31 ... 17 18 10 tO I! ll)
Pr- f II 24 j ijie S J9!jo
i 4 3 6 7 8 Oct. I J 4 5 7I
9 10 iti2 13 14 is 9 lolll'li H Ul
16I17 l8;I9 20 21 22i 15 tSliyllS; W 2lj
23 24 25 26 27 8 tg 42'i3i4 V3 s 27 28
30 ... ... ... ... p'30j3l
My ... 1 2V 4 si i Nov. ...I... ... 1334!
789 ion u 15 567 8 9 10 11
4 '5''6:'7i' '9 20 laln'M 15 l6;l'lb:
2l22!23, 24 2J!2f 17 1 to'aojjl!a S51
181193031 1 26:ffl? 29 30 1
June . 2 j De. -.1 1 a
4 3 7 9 mu 3436789
n ia 13 14 ijir 11 io 1, ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6
18I19 ao 21 tvV.44! 17 18 19I20 21 22 23!
2526j27 S,.)3o ...J s 25 a627 8 lg3oj
Ecllp-ca fnr ihr Yenr ISN'J.
Thorp wil! lie two ecHine till vcnr. both of thnmut.
I. A total wilt of the Bun, May 17. Invisible in
the United stutvs.
II. An annular ecliiwe of the lun. November 10.
Invisible 'u America.
III. AtriiHit of Venn, December 0. Visible in
iiir.l'xiVeil States.
Morning Slnr.. I tiTcntnir Stni.
'Venn" mull February SO, Vetnm after Febninrv 20,
titter il. until JVccniber li.
Marx alter Heeembvr 10. iMaiK until December in.
J11 -iter alter Mir :io, until .luiiter until May :to, alter
Septenil-erl. I H..)'tritr 1.
Baturn aituT Miivfl, until Saturn until May 0, afler
Av.uust 18. I Annum 1H.
l'lnnpt llrlulitrftf.
Mereury. Msreh "Jl, July iiu ami 0vember8. tiling
then just 1 e:cre the sun. Also February 0. June 1
and S.'.Teinber vs. FOttina tlien Just alter the iin.
Tciiiis. November 1. Mara, not this year. Jui-itcr,
December la. fcsmirn, Jiovcinber 14.
The Four rrnanna.
Winter becltn Peectnbor 21, 1881, and lasta 89 dn a,
8 bonrs and 4K minute..
8irliut bourn Maivn 20, 1882, and lasts 92 davs, 21
liolu and ii niiuntes.
hummer Inviu . I uuc !1, 1882, and l3ta 93 davn, 2
homs and 2 lmuutes.
Autumn beniii" Kentoniber 22, 1882, and lasts S3
days, 1G hours and 50 miuutea.
Church Dnya nnd Cycle ot Time,
Spptuatresinifc Sunday February r
Bexflnelimi Hliinlay l-Yliru;.j-y VJ
Quiu'ittRrHinia Kuiiilav ....l-'el.rmu-v Hi
Afih- eil n(-.ln I- ebri'H rv :-2
inalraeesim:i Su inlay Fcbrua:-v 2n
liil-l.. lit Sim.tav Maivh IV
I'alm S:inl.iv 1-il 2
'iood Frl.l.iv. Anril 7
Eater Hu-nUy Ai r.l !i
jjon Smidav Am-lI 10
St.V.ui.m Sunday M.iy 1 1
Ai r-n'.iiiu I'ay ! iv 1
Vliit-Snmliiv M iv ri
Trinity tsundsy Juiw 4
rorcii? cin'iBti ii'ne :t
F'irHt. ciuii.iav iu Advent Pecen.bor H
Eastern and Middle States.
Moses Taylor, worth $ 10,000, TOO, is the
richest merchant in the city and Btato of New
The Keely motor stockholders, it their
annual mo. ting in Philadelphia, after an ani
mated dinciittsioti, adapted the report of the
directors that the inventor should, lor the pro
motion of the Btooliholclora, communicate to
tome othor poi son than himself the gecietshe
had cliBciivertd, and take out patents to covir
his invention.
The New York 8tate hoard of health hnr
issued a memorandum in which it gavs tlnv
"this hoard views with great appreheusioi
the widespread smallpox contagion alontj tin
routes of tiavol from the Atlautio to the Pacific
and in numerous inanufu'tunng; towns iu sev
eral Stan.." The board requests immediate
inclination from any point iu the State where
the droad di eaae may bavn broken out.
Tub frigate Coimtitiition, ''Oid Iroiisidus,"
has j use been put out of commission at the
Brooklyn navy jard. She waa built in toton
in 1794 at. a cost of $300,000. She as-is c I in
rt capturing 300 American pailor made prison
ers in Tripoli iu 1801, beat the British frigate
Guorricro in 1S12 and captured during that
war tho Java, the 1'ictou, the Cyane and the
A fire atSti3ior City, Pa., destroyed tho
Straight house, the Atlantic hotel, a millinery
store and four dwolungs, causing a total :o.s
of about $50,000.
'1 wety-one members of the Ninth regiment.
of Boston, Mass., hu,ve been dismissed mis
conduct at Richmond, Va, during the l'orktowu
A nitr. on Broadway, Now York, destroyed a
large building occupied by several firms, and
aused an estimated total loss of $300,000.
Da. Isaao I. Hayes, the Arotio oxplorer and
an ex-tnombor of the Now York legislature,
died a few days ago in New York, aged fifty
nine j ears.
An important insurance case Megargeo
against the Slutual Lifo Insurance company
of New York has just beon decided in Phila
delphia, the jury hriuging in a verdict for
plaintiff iu tho sum of $10,875.13. Iu this case
it was claimed by the company that Megargeo
failed to pay his premium upon the day it was
due, but two days later offered it to the com
pany, which refused to accept it. Megargeo
then began suit to compel tho company to re
store his policy (or $10,000, and pending tho
action he diod. The widow continued tho suit,
and the jury has now awarded hor the full
amount claimed, with interest.
South and West.
John Ellis, his wife and child were drowned
while attempting to cross a creek in California,
Cbdno Tsa Yu, the new Chinese minister to
the United States, accompanied by bis wife,
secretary and suite, numbering fifteen persons,
arrived the other day in San Francisco.
Mrs. Nettie Wheeler, inmate of a disorder"
lv house at Coldwator, Mich., was shot dead by
her husband, who followod up his crimo by
killing himself. Jealousy is the supposed
cause of the double tragedy.
Three cars containing 250,000 cards of Bilk-
worms' eegs, each card having 30,000 eggs, re
cently passed through Cheyenne, Wyoming
Territory, on their way Eastward from Japan,
bound for Italy. The eggs are valued at $250,
000, and wore in charge of four Italian mer
A passenger train on the Bonthern Pacific
railroad was boarded and robbed by despera
does when near El Paso, Tuxas.
A body of men known as tho "Knights of
the Switch," in Harrison county, Ind., took
Philip Borden, a respectable citizen, from his
bed at midnight, and, aftor tying him to a tree,
flayed hiin from the shoulders to the hips witu
hickory switches. They cut large gashes all
over hiB body. Tne whipping was kept up
until their victim fainted, having reoeivei pro
bably fatal Injuries.
Thomas Colemaw, a colored man, was hanged
at Gunnison, OoU, for the murder of Alfred
R, V7. L. Rastm & Co., extensive manufactur
ers of fertilisers in Baltimore, have failed,
owing about $500,000.
Smallpox has gained a foothold In almost
every part of St. Louis.
Ten buildings were burned to the ground at
Knoxville, Iowa.
A band of cowboys took possession of Cald
well, Kan., and in the fight which took place
between them and the citizens Michael
Meagher, marshal of the town, and two cow.
boys were killed. .
Pattom and Mallory, two desperadoes, went
through the mining camp of Independence,
Col., firing their pistols promiscuously, where.
upon the miners turned out in force and rid
dled the two men with bullets.
From Washington.
Hex. FRKnKnicK T. FitKMitorniYSEit, nomina
ted by the rronidont to be secretary of Mate as
successor to Mr. Blains, was born ih. Millatown,
Romorset cvultty, N J., on August 4, 1817. Ho
(9 a nrpbew and was the adoptod son of Theo
dora Frolingliuysnn, cx-pres(dc"t of Rutgers
college IIo was gfaduatod from Rutgers
college ia I80O, and three years later was a 1
tni'.lod to the bar. In 13S1 ha was appointed
attorney gcnernl of Now Jersey, roc dviiii a re
appointment in 1303: On tho dnat h of United
States Senator Wright, In Nnvombef, IMG, Mr.
Frelinahuysen was appolnert to 1 til tho vacancy,
and tho appointment was extended by tho leg
islature to cover the entire term, which ended
in ls)!). tn 1871 he was elected to the United
Slates Senato for a full tbrrt, to ft.icceod A. O.
Cattcll. IIo left the Scnato in 1S77. Since lint
imoho lr.3 devoted himself to his private af
fairs. Mr. Frelinghnyeon's nomination was
promptly and unanimously conliitned by the
Tiir bill reportod by Mr, Logan from
tho Senato committed on military affairs to
provide for placing Gotioral Giant on tho aimy
etired list reads as follows! "That in recog
nition of the eminent public services of Ulysses
Graut, late genoral of tho armv, the Presi
dent be and ho hereby is authorized to nom
inate and, with the advice and consent of tho
Souato, to appoint him to the army, with tho rank
and Krailo of general to bo placed 011 tho retired
1st with pay accordingly. All laws and parts
of laws In conflict herewith sre suspen.lod for
this pnrposo only." The bill passed tho coin
mittee by a party vole of five against three,
Messrs. Logan, Cameron, of Pennsylvania,
llarrison, Sowell and Hawloy in tho attiriua
tivej Messrs. Cpckrcll, Maxoy aud Grover in
the negative, and Hampton absent.
Ma. GEonoE Scoville, the brother-in-law
nnd counsel of Guiteau, delivered a lecturo on
the "Guitcau Case" boforo a small audienco,
although quite a largo number of tiekots were
sold. The locturer complained of the hostility
of the press and the pulpit, said he was satis
fied that the prisoner would not live to boo the
end of tho trial, and expressed the fear that
Guitcau would yet be killed by some desperate
The President nominated J. C. Bancroft
Davis, of Now York, io bo assistant secretary
of BtlltO.
TnE Mississippi river commission, whoso re
port was sent to the Scuate tho other day, esti
mates that the total cost of improvements that
it recommends will bo $33,000,000.
The joint Senato and llonso committee ap
pointed to arrange for memorial ceremonies in
honor of President Garfield invitod ex-Seeretary
Blaine to deliver the eulogy boforo both
branches of Congress in the hall of tho Houso
of Representatives.
Benjamin Hamus BitEwsTcn, of Philadel
phia, nominated by the President to eucccod
Hon. Wayne MacYoagh as attorney-go uoral,
was born in Salem county, N. J , iu 1810, grad
uated from Princeton college in 1831, was ad
mitted to practice law iu Philadelphia in 1833.
and was appointed attornoy-ganiial of Penn-
lvania by Governor G.-ary in 1367, this being
the extent of his public official lifo.
Tur, csfimatos of r.pprjpiiitionsroquirod foi
ho forvico of tho t,overuinent for tho fiscal ycai
nding June 30, 18:3, are as follows:
Objects. 1SS3. 1SS3.
r.exibhtive - $5,021,031 $5,511,793
I- veeii!ie,- l.r.niol 11. IN II
Department of State.. 1.473 995
I'rcas'irv Department 117.019,013
War Dep rtment 45,5 5(1,271
.N.ivv jjcpartment.... T',3il,a'i
Inteiior D-partment. 112 6o3,i'42
u .fiic- Dooa tmont 2.4:3li,2s7
Uci artuent ot Agii-
Hllliru BU3,'.I!S0 312,721
Department of Justice 3,810,020 3,896,22:1
Grand totals.. ,.$310.4G2 507 $29i.202,',22
MYSTEntors packages and letters have been
sent to Mr. Scoville, Guiteau's counsel, caus
ing him some alarm. It turns out that some
body in the far West was playing a practical
joke on an applicant for a postmastcrsbip.
It is stited by the Peruvian mmistor that
ex-Pre-idont Tierola, of Peru, loft that cona-
ry, is believed, for Europe. This leaves
no opposition to the administration of the
Peruvian government by Vice-President Mon
tero, while President Caldorou is retained in
arrest by Chili.
GfiTEAO gavo his viows of his trial to tho
vi'ashington agent of the Associated Press. Tho
a-sassin praised Judge Cox, repeated his often-
leclared assertion that President Garfield's
'removal'' was due to tho Deity, aud asserted
himself as satisfied with his jury and the ay
in which his trial proceeded, A cast of tho
prisoner's head was obtained by thu sculptor,
.Mills, although it was only after some per
suasive Cattery that Guiteau would allow his
heard to be taken off so that the cast could be
Foreign News.
A dispatch from Nice, Franco, announces
tho death of Major-Gcneral John n. Martin
dal", during the war a prominent Federal ofii-
cer aud at ono time attorney-general of New
York. From 1862 to 18C1 General Martindale
was military governor of Washington.
Maccaluso, tho man who threw a revolver at
Signor Depretis, the Italian primo minister, in
the chamber of deputies, )as been sentenced k
a year's imprisonment and a year's interment
in the island of Ischia, with a fine of 200 Iram-s
The conscripts and populace have demol
ished several Jowiah shops at Kaffa, in the
Ciimea, Ruesia.
Seveiial hundred tenant farmers havo
plowed Mr. Taraell's farm in county Wicklow,
Ireland, and performed all the necessary work
A sentry guarding the prison at Mahga,
Spain, noticod an Englishman walking around
the walls, and challenged him five times. The
latter, not understanding the challenge, re
mained silent, whereupon the sentry shot him
Piehola has resigned the presidenoy of Peru,
and left Lima for Europe.
Mr. Goeitel, au Austrian by birth but
naturalized American, bus subscribed $62,509
to tho Vienna theater firo fuud.
A boat containing fourteen persons left Gal
way, Ireland, for the Arran islands. Midway
of the passage a storm was encountered, in
which the boat was sunk and all hands per
ished. FrFTY-FOUB lives are reported to have been
lost by the bursting of dams on a railroad iu
A correct list of the victims of the Ring
theater fire, In Vienna, puts the total number
at 701.
Tub St. Petersburg police have arrested a
largo number of Nihilists one dispatch says
as many as 200 and captured a great quantity
of small bombs, some of which were skillfully
concealed in oranges.
Concerning) the trouble in Ireland dis
patches say that a quantity of arms, ammuni
tion and dynamite was discovered hidden in a
store in Dublin, and four porons were arrested.
The constabulary barracks at Croboy, county
Meatb, have been burned to the ground. The
occupants were asleep at the time of the fire
and barely escaped with their lives. One dis
patch says that in Killarney "the situation is
growing more and more serious, and that iu
certain districts the ordinary administration of
the government has temporarily ceased."
No man knows what a ministering angel his
wife is until be comes horns one day, suffering
with a dreadful cold, and she happens to have
a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in the house.
t)r. Spiffs was called its tba flrsl witness by
Mr. Bcuvillo, o tho twenty-third day. His
ftpeeialty io liervous and mental diseases, bav
ivg pursued his studios in this country and
Vienna. His competitive paper on this subject
obtained a prize in 187 Ho testified that he
examined the prisoner on tho previous uitV.
that ho might speah Intelligently If compelled
to tcntilyi bis decision was that tho pi Isoner was
Insnnoi '"Ouitean's tendency Is toward mental
dnliiHiotlHt the formation of dchiftivo opinions
and morbhl projects, is a moral monstrosity
with imbecility of JuiU'incnt. i I judged him
lnsine before I I ad asknd.him a question," said
tho Witness, " llisoyesaud the expression of
his faco are as well marked for insanity as any I
over saw." Mr. Rer.villo t'.en put a hypothetical
question summarizing incidents in the prisoner's
history, and asking finally if in witness' opinion
the pi iMone.r was iusnnn'wheii he shot the Pres
ident, The doctor thought tho man was prob
ably insane at that time. Mr. David (;e openod
Iho erims-exaniination by asking a definition of
insanity. The doctor declined to formulate a
definition, but pavo an approximate replv. Mr.
Duviilgp mnilo 8O1U0 atiempts to probe Dr.
Hpitzka's professional record and standing with
the intent to throw discredit upon him. This
led to a iinsBaso of wits botween them in which
both suflered to soiuo extont. As lar back as
October 1)1 tho doctor had, he said, a fixod
opinion that Quitean wan insane, founded on his
writings, on his picture and on the published
opinions or various lay people who had seen the
5 trimmer; on this account he declined to testify
iir the prosecution when approached bv Judge
Porter, nnd ho was unwilling to testify on
either sido. "itnoss had examined the pris
oner, representing himself to be a phrenolo
gist, . that the prisoner miijit not know him
and act a part. Dr. Spiizlta thoiiRht Guites i
exhibited tho usual characteristics of insane
people, and narrated tho substauco of his talk
with him. Ho thought the prisoner knew the
ordinary legal eon-equouccs of criminal acts,
but was morbidly egotistical, with a tendency
to dolusivo opinions and morbid projects. For
instance, the prlsonor told him the Amerioan
people would neer see him die a disgraceful
death; that he would go to Europe for three
months and then return and lecture with great
success. Witness thought his act of shooting
to be a morbid project. Guiteau was nuuBU
slly Imistoious, and denounced tho press and
district attorney with great violence. Ke
agioed with the witness Spitalta that he was In
sane Hnd Bhould not be niing for hiB crimo.
Whilo beinif maimolod durniL' recess Guiteau
broke out with: "I am not afraid to go to the
gallows if tho Lord Almighty wishes me to go
thero. 1 expect au act of God that will blow
this court and jury outof that window to protect
me, if necessary. I want to thunder that in the
ears of tho American peoplo." At another time
altera particularly buistoions look from Gui
teau a voice from the most crowded corner of
the court-room exelaiuioil, " Shoot him now I"
The prisoner glanced around in a frightenod
manner, whilo thoro wbb a pood deal of sup
pressed commotion among the spectators. The
deputy marshal endeavored to discover the of
fender, Due was nnsiiecossiui in nis search.
On the twentv-fourth dav the examination of
Dr. Spit.kit as a witness for tho defense was
concluded, and tho prosecution called several
more witnesses in rotmttaL Dr. Spitzka said
he didn't believe Guiteau was shamming in
sanity. Ho told of a remarkable dream tho
prisoner had relate 1 to him, iu which Guiteau
dreamed ho was holding a big recoption in tho
White Houso. Tho pi isoner interrupted the
witness to give ins own iloscriptiouol llio dream,
which occurred about a week provi-ius. Mr.
Corkhiil handed Dr. .Spitzka a slip of paper
on which was penciled an oblong tigiiro
which ho claimed represented tho sliapo of
a humau head. Dr. Spitzka drow a diagram
of the contour of a hoad, alter explain
ing that the irregularity of Guiteau's
head was three tunes that of nn ordinary per
eon. Being asked if ho believed in a God, Dr.
Spitzka object d to answering ''on principle,"
as he termed it, "in a country where civil
and religions liberty are guaranteed." "And
irreligious libeity,"'reniarkcdMr. Davidge; but
this elicited no laughter Ironi t no audience.
Guiteau, who first st -t d a man ha 1 given
him a hat to measure his head, eaul in a seri
ous maimer: "Do ioubeliovein a God, Cork
hill ? I have been digging up your record aud
it stinks worso than an old mackerel, and that
stinks worse than anvthiug else." Dr.
Fordvco Btrker. of Now lork, testified
for the prosecution that thoro is no such
thimr as hereditary insanity, but oid
an hereditary tendency to insanity. Ho
did not believe in moral insanity; that was
lmnlv wickedness. Dr. narker said ne nan
not mado a personal examination of tho pris
oner, and his testimony was uirecteu to the
Bdieral features and indications ot insanity.
with a view of showing that Guiteau's plea of
insanity is unfounded. Judge Cox took part in
the questioning of this witness. Ottitcan
asked him, "Where a man does nn illegal act
Ironi an iiresistiblo pressuro is that sanity or
nsannvr" 1 lie witness reply mac mat iaci
showed liisihi'v pleased tuu prisoner, who re
marked: "Hints uiy case, nr." Jirs. eco-
i!L the uris oier's en'or, asked per
mission to question Dr. uaracr. one
wished to know whethor a person could
he boin insann through malformation of the
brain. Ti e witness reulind that that would
nroduca iiliocv or imbecility, not insanity,
Uwn it develop into lnsaniiv.'" por-isto-i -urs.
Scoville. The doctor milled that a Derson with
a mal 'ornied brain might bo more liable to
insanity, and Mrs. Scovillo thanked linn.
S. vt-ral witnesses who had known Guiteau tes-
tilied iliat they never thought him insane. The
pi isoner contradicted some of their assertions
and became angry over others.
Ihe tirst witness called bv the prosecution on
th" twtnty-filtli day was tho ltev. Dr. John A.
vwtnrou, pasior ot the I'ark Street (.oniireua-
ttonal church, Boston. He knew tho prisoner
in tho years 1878 and 179 iu Boston ; the
prisoner introduced himself to witness ni a
colahorerwithMr. Moodv, and wanted to lec'nre
witu 83' church in answer to Colonel Hub
ert Iiinersoll ; ho saw the prisoner frequently
at tho pniyer-incetiii:;s ami social gatherings of
tho church, and marked him particularly j his
opinion was that Guiteau was in no respect in
sane, Din a very Kiirewtt or cuto man. A Juror
having been granted a brief absenco from th-
loom, tho prisoner entertained tho audience
with declamatory remarks, saying that it
was evident that tho prosecution intended
to prove that he knew ri;Jit from wrong w hen
lie shot tho Picsidiut. lie wished to say that
it made no difference whether ho d:d or nor, as
his free agency was destroyed. He rested his
case on that, not on hcther or not he was in
sane or a lool. Chailes A. Bryant, of the Equi
table Lite Insurance company, next told a
characteristic story illustrating the prisoner's
method ol burrowing money from acquaint
ances and bis real or pretended expectations of
getting the rai ls consulship. This testimony
heinn distasteful to the prisoner, he reviled
the witness industriously. The latter never
thought of Guiteau's being liisaue. When
Henry M. Collier, counselor at law, of New
Yotk city, took tho stand, Guiteau at once
called nut: " You are the man who did that
lltrald business on mo 1 I'll dispose of yon,
sir I" Wilnesss rolatodan instance of Guiteau's
collecting $175 and failing to pay it over. The
evidence proved extremely damaging to
tho prisoner's oft-assorted claim of having ah
wavs lived an nnright. Christian life, and Gui
teau wriggled and expostulated, aud vainly
attempted to explain the transaction. Witness
at one point said : " I informed Juduo Dono.
lino at the time that I considered Guitcau a
thief and a scoundrel." Guiteau broke in ox
citcdlv : "You did not daro say so to me. I
would" have knocked you down." Ouo of the
iurors. who had comiuaiued eaily in the day ol
feeling unwell, here stated to the court that he
could not possibly concentrate his thonghti
upon tho evidence,' feeling as he did, and thf
court was accordingly adjourned.
Guiteau nneneil Iho lrocecdlUl.'S on the twen
ty-sixth day by eulogizing the jury and exhort
ing the court to look aftor their health by
giving them plenty of exercise. Ho announced
lurthcr that he proposed to fire off three or four
other aiioechcs iu tho course of the day. Mr.
Bryan resumed his testimony, and the prisoner
at onco b' gan a series ol interruptions auu vooa
Mr. Scoville to task for his method of conduct
ion the cross-examination. J. M. Jus' ice, an
attorney of Logaimp irt, Ind., was called for
the prosecution and told what he had known
of the prisoner in 1878, remembering him as a
book atreut. trvinir to sell a life of Moody. Tile
nrimmer was creailv ancered bv this teBti-
inonv. and violently repudiated the idea of
ever' liavint? been a book acent. Wit
ness saw no indications of insanity in
tho prisoner's expression; he thought his eye
now had a more suppressed and fearful ex
pression. Guiteau broke out at this, and de
Uyercd a long and loud rhodomontade about
his being iiacked up by the Almighty, otc, and
accusing Colonel Corkhiil of stirriug up the
Amuriean neonln aeaillBt him. The ltev. Dr.
Shippen, of Washington, next testified that the
prisoner came to board at tho same house with
himself, aud he saw nothing remarkable in his
vin,lnct or conversation, nothing that suggested
insanity. Mrs. D'imuire, at one time Guiteau's
wife, next testified that her acquaintance witn
the prisoner began in 1808, while she was
librarian of the Koung Men's Christian associa
tion in (Ihinaco: she was married to the pris
oner on the third of July, 1809. Mr. Booville
objic'.ol to her tetniinuny and she was with
drawn until tho rr tor 1 bT tile churl in prool
of hor divorce conld be iwnt for. Dr. Noble
Young, physician at the jail whore Guiteau has
boon confined, lostlfied that he considered tho
prisoner a norfoctlv Bane man. Guiteau
tad told him that if the Prosidcnt should die
he would be confirmed In bis belief that the
Lord bad Inspired liini. Mrs. Scoville, tho
prisoner's sister, wished to ask the witness a
question of vital importance. Both Mr. Sco
ville and Gilitoaii objected. Mrs. Scoville then
wrote out the question an l handed it to her
husband, but lis , ra ised to put it to the wit
ness. Mm. Heovlllfl was annoyed, and objected
to letting the witness leave tho stand. Joseph
A. lteyuolds. a Chicago lawyer, testitied that m
July last he had throe interviews with Guiteau
In Jail. Ho road his notes of Qiiitvan's conver
sations. In the first interview, on July 14, tho
assassin said that after the American peo-
filo had come over to his side he would
ie discharged. On July 15 he said he expected
his Irit nils whom he had placed in power to
save him from punishment. On July 18 ho
seemed astonished to learn the men on whom
he had counted as his friends condemned bis
act. On July 19 he gave the witness n address
totheputilio, In which he said that If his act uni
ted th Conkling and Blaine elements, he would
ce delighted to hoar ol uarneiii s speeny re
covery, Guiteau frequently interrupted tho
witness, and) while admitting the truth of bis
statements, declared that he had doeeived hiin
in order to obtain Such information. He was
at times very violent. Ho scolded Mr. Scoville
and his sister, and denounced District Attorney
General Reynolds resumed bis testimony on
the morning of the twenty-soventh clay. He
found the crime was purely a private enterprise
on Guiteau's part for patriotio rcaaon9, as
Guiteau said, cattsod by loading the news
papers. Colonel Corkhiil read communications
on the subject of the assasiuation, written in
July, by Mr. Conkling, yenerai tirant and
Senator Logan, and editorials from the Chieigo
Inter-Ocean, all expressing abhorrence oi tne
Iood and the doer ot it. .lira, urant, oi vtasn
inulon. in whoso house Guiteau boarded last
Juno, next told ol her attempts to collect the
amount of the moath's board. She never bus-
pectod that he was Insane. Guiteau compli
mented tho lady, acknowledged the debt aud
berated Mr. Bcoviile for cross-examining her.
si's. Dumnire. Guiteau a divorced wifo, aoain
took tho stand. A few ladies left the room at
this moment, whereupon Guiteau flamed out
against Colonel Corkhiil " for attempting to
Btir up a scandal,1' aud Oilled upon President
Arthur to kick Corkhiil as a personal favor to
himself, "the author of his present greatues."
Mr. Scoville objected to the admission of Mrs.
Dunmire's testimony, she having been tho
prisoner's wife; but tho court ruled that tho
examination might Continue. Colonel Cork
hill asked her vry few questions, and ahe
gave her opinion that Guiteau was sano. Mr.
Scovillo's mothocl of conducting the cross
examination excited Guiteau's wrath, con
tempt and ridicule, which ho freely poured
forth, calling Mr. Scoville a "consummate
jackass," " stupid fool," etd. Dr. F. B. Cor
ing, an oye and ear specialist of Washington,
testified that he examined tho prisoner s
eyes on November 30 and Docember
5 with roforonco to disease of tho
brain: their condition indicated no such dis
ease. Dr. Allen M. Hamilton, of New York, a
specialist in diseases of tho mind and nervous
system, testified that he made three personal
examinations of tho prisoner; found no de
formity but a slightly irregular shape of the
bead Biich as is common. He found no physi
cal signs of congenital insanity or idiocy, iho
doctor thought the prisoner eccentric and ill
tempered; in jail ho was quiet and solf-pos-gessed;
his conduct in court indicated that ho
was playing a part. Witness thought him sane,
able to distinguish between right and wrong,
and to know the consequences of his acts.
Scrvoiis People.
Thore is a form of ntirvonsucss that
leiclsaruan to Bvtpt;ose himself soiion)y
UL when, in reality, ho is more nervous
than nsunl. He flics to a phvsiuiau for
relief, and often ends by persuading
himself into a severe illness. The fact
is, neivons people waste a good deul ol
money, confidence aud worry ou their
netvousut f-s It is porliapf; disagreeable
to very uncomely people that they are
not beautiful ; adnlt intelligent people
of defective education lament tho dis
advantages of tbfrit youth ; persons who
desirei to be religious, and yet are iutel
lectually (skeptical, aro frequently mado
mitratjle by tho conviction that tbey
are incnpablo of acquiring piety. A man
with a Roman nose, lunv us well bewail
his incapacity to cLatige his organ into
Grecian outline as tor nervous peoplo to
lament that they cannot dischai'i
uervoniines from their phymeul orijuni-
aution. It cannot uo exvellcu. It is
thrro to stay. But self-control nnd
self-restraint will do much toward
obviating tho evil, and are more t-fliea-
cious than the attendance of any phy
sician. The New York Clipper lately cited the
se of Cuptnin Jacob Schmidt, of Tomp-
'unsvilie. ftiaten isianii, x. i , who nan
icen a great BuftVrer with rheumatism for
many years, lie useu oi jacous vjii wuu
plemiiu enccessj
riush costumes are among the mo3-
elezant of tho importations, and the
novelty is to trim these with leather-
work in borders nnd in arabesque de
signs. From the Atlanta (Ga.) Sunday Phono
.-mil : The editor of the Pikes County
News bus been cured of rheumatism by St.
Jacobs Oil.
"Yes," veci'eruted a speaker, growing
eloquent, "Eternal vigilance is the
price of liberty I" "Children half
irice," piped a voice, ana the orator sat
down with tears in his eyes.
To Consumiitlvcs.
"Golden Modieaf tiiseoverv" ii a concentra
ted, potent alterative, or blood-cleansing rem
edy, that wins golden opinions from all who
use it lor any humor, from tho common
pimplo, blotch, or eruption, to tho formid iblo
scrolulous swelling, or ulcer. Internal fuver,
soreness and ulceration, yield to its benign in
fluences. Consumption, which is but a scrofu
lous affection of the lungs, may, in its early
stages, bo cured by a iree uso oi tiusuod-given
remedy. Boe article ou consumption and its
treatment lnl artlll. oi tno uomi a Dispensary
Dime Series of pamphlets, cosis two stamps,
postpaid. Address World's Dispensary Medical
Association, UtiO'alo, N. Y.
The youngest of the revivalists are Ben and
Lotta Jovco. who exhort and sing with great
skill, and are moetiug with wonderful success
In Southern JliasiBBippi. They are twins, aged
A Truly Want to Ilnow .
the latest l'ansiau style of drtss ami bonnet; a
new wav to arrange tho hair. Millions are is
ponded for artiticial appliauces w hich only make
conspicuous tho tact that emaciation, nervous
(lebiiilvand female weakneescxi-t. Dr. Pierce's
'Favorite Prescription " is Bold under a posi
tive guarautee. If used as directed, an can uo
dispensed with. It overcomes thoso diteasea
peculiar to females. By drupgists.
Tue man who can govern hit) spirit can
govern himself with iudgment and intelligence.
aud without fear, has the Becret of ail true
What's uved l Hnln-d.
Workingmon will economize by empl-iying
Dr. Pierco's medicines. His "Pleasant Purga
tive rollols" and " Golden Medicul Discovery "
cleanse tho blood and system, tlius prevent im
fever aud other serious dibeases, curing all scruf
u'ous and oilier humors. Hold by diuggists.
Befohe the civil war tho exports of pecan nuts
irom iiu ianola, lexas, wore reported at SluJ,
000; now it is estimated that the amount anuu
ally gathered exoeods (2,000,000 iu value.
iNPiriEHTios. pvspepsia. nervous prostration
and all forms of general debility relieved by
takine; Mf.skmas'b I'hitonied ISr.EF Tonic, the
only preparation of beef containing its entire
nutritious properties. It contains blood-making,
force-generating and lifo-sustaining properties;
is invaluable inallenleeuieuconuiiious, wuoinor
tho result of exhaustion, norvous prostration.
overwork, or aeuto disease, particularly j
resulting from pulmonary complaints. CjtawelL,
Hazard & Co., propriemi b, iwvi aura.
The Bcitnoe of Life, or Belf-Prescrvation, i
medical work for every man young, miiUlio
aged or old. 125 invaluable prescriptions.
bo. ve uaiuukaps I There is lust one wav.
and uo more, Ly which you may be cured use
Cauiiomnk deodorized extract of Detroloum.
It will positively produce new hair; there is no
suoBiuute fcr u.i marvoious natr reuewer.
A Klftnnt ferliimrn Kf ttcnlitl
fs a rcgiilsrly recurring aotiuri ol the bowols.
With the due performance of this function
are united ond digestion, cure and activn cir.
dilation of the blood, and an adequate secro-
tion of healthy bile, which seeks the conduits
design d for it by nature. The performance of
these co-operative functions, insiii ine perma
nent health and vigor, may, if interrupted,
speedily be rendered active and regular with
that finest of modern restoratives of organic
activity and genoral health. Hosteller's Htom
nch Bitters. While it relaxes the bowels effect
ually, it does so without pain, and without
giving rise to the violi n" weakening reaction
always to bo anticipated from a drastio purga
tive,, itio urcncning cucct, associated in tne
minds of many ill-advised poreomi with thor
oughness as its essential, is ruinous to the
stomach and Intestines, organs that are, on the
contrary, invigorated by tho Bitters, which is,
moreover, a superb preventive and remedy for
fover ami sgue, and aprovon speeiflo for rheu
matism, debility and kidney inactivity.
In the new city of Tollman, near Chicago, a
bnmlHonie-lnoklmr roofer, who for more than
ihfeo mouths did work On tho highest building
lth as much skill as the best workmen, was
discovered to be a young woman in disguise;
XVhnt llm tllreelor flnlti.
A Boston reporter, while in the office of the
New York and Boston Despatch Express Com
pany, bad a conversation with Mr. B. F.Larabeo,
one of the directors of the company, who gave
the following personal experience: A littloovcr
a year ago 1 was taken sick. I did not know w hat
llio trouble was. but I continued to crow worso,
and my complaint baflled the skill of my doc
tors. At last my symptoms developed Into
that terrible complaint, Bright's disease, which
has been pronounced incurable by all physi
cians. My sufferings at that time Were un
speakable. I was bloated from head to foot;
my heart paiued me; my pulse wus irregular,
aud 1 was uualile to broailio except iti sUurt,
convulsive gasps. While thus I
learned of Warner's Safe liidney and Liver
Cure, and although I bad been given up to dio
by the prominent physicians of Boston, aud
ti.ey had told my triends 1 could not live a
week, 1 resolved to try this remedy as a last re
eoit. I am rejoiced to Bay it has effected a per
fect cure in my case, aud w ith many of my
friends, who have boc-n afflicted with kidney
troubles, either of long standing or in thoir
acute forms, and who, under my advice, have
used this most woiitmriui remedy."
Si-.cmrrAnvBhACE, of the New York Children's
Aid society, reports that young children of six,
five and even four years are still employed in
city factories.
On Thirty frays' Trial.
The Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will
Bend thoir Electro-Voltaio Belts and othor Elec
tric, Applinnces on trial for thirty days to any
person afflicted with Norvous Dobility, Lost
Vitality, and kindred troubles, gnarauteeing
complete restoration of vigor aud manhood.
Address as nbovo without delay.
P. S. No risk is incurred, as 30 days' trial is
Pon'l n ill Hotitc.
Ask T)riiir?istB for " Itonuh on Rats." It
clears out ruts. unco.
HF.ATTY's PI At"V(IITEf Mftcnlflcent
tm.i'lHv nn-scntsisuiiari rfrait I uianofo- ti-t feur very
l:aiv!.:iie K;.ivl cerniTs. reseweiHl eases threp llntpur.s.
Ite etv s ma'ca e-s ir. n lranu-s. stool, i.ook. cover, oexi-s,
Si'J'i'j.73 t" S'JII? -Mil catalogue nri OB, fsiNi to tloou;
8al t,u-t!en (luaMtileril or ni-ney relnriUe-l, nner one
M'ie sn-ic; I pi-tvlii rinnelfirie.? i-'-) to tve.: ca.a
locne erices Koe t" ys mi: standard pianoforte of i lie uiii-
ns loi-l's.'ile's. tesllly : write lev Ttvuiimnin nsi ni u-s-
tliuenials 1 1 oil 1 1 ' 'i. 10 net JKi. calliciiral.
clueeli. (impel. juiltT. S.'IO upward. Vlstto's wrie nif;
fr, e v-nrllaiieliK etspas-nuetBilllllsiraTeil catalogue iiiou-
ilav r'Iii"ii) li'i-p. Au-i'essor call iun
D AMK.I, I' IIT.4TTY, WaMiiNoros.Niw Jeiisiv.
I1IHV TO Et'l'KK llEAl.Tli.
It la ctraii'-'c ai.y one v.-Ul slider from ilrrnncemTOti
brniiL-ht on by Imnure blood, when m'OVll.l.'S SA11SA
I'Allll.l.A AM)hIll.l.lS(iIA,or l'.I.OOD ANDI.1VKII
SYIU'P will resle-e health to the physical nrranizatl..n.
It Is nstrctistbeniniifyrup, f'-easant to take, and the I'.KSI
III. Old) li IIU'IIIU ever tils. red. cutins Scrofula
Si plil'.it'.c disorders. Weakness of the Kidneys, Frys'pelas.
Malaria, Verl oin disorders. Heb lily, llillous complaint!
and Discuses of the Wood, I.lver, Kidney, stomach
bkiu, etc.
Liter's Carbolic Troche prevent all conta
cious diseases, such as Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever,
Whoopiuc Couuh, and cure Coughs and Colds.
I'k-asaut to tno taste and a Hood disinfectant.
re-rC.iltlo-?fed. Nat livewt.
Calves Hood to rriuio Veals..
I . n. 1 1 1 1 o
Uojs- T.ive
Diesso l, citv
5 (ill
G (il)
Flour- I'.i. State, good to fancy 5 CO 05 00
Vestevn, frood to choice C 05 r6 9 00
Wheat No. 2 lied 1 4U'(& 1 41'
No. 1 Whilo 1 SO 0t 1 30
Kvc l'rinio State 07 & 07
lhii'lev Two-rowed State 80 (j 80.
Com I'mii'ttdedWesteruMixed 08 (Vj 71
Southern Yellow
Oats V lute S-iito
Mixed Western
Hay Mwl. to l'rinio Timothy.
Straw No. 1, llyo
S3 (ft
txa oi
a 85
n 75
& 2J
Ctl8 50
Q01 30
(ai co
Mops Mate, nil,
Pork Mess. new. for export. ..18 25
Lard City Steam 11 25
llelined 11 00
Petroleum Crude ,
nutter Stato Creamery
Western Im. Creamery
Cheese Stalo Factory
Kggs Stato and Pcnn
Potatoes F-arly Rose. state, bbl 2 02
2 87
Steers Good Shippers 5 50 (3 5 75
Liimb-4 Wostem 4 00 5 50
Sheep iVestern 3 75 i 40
Hogs, Uooa to Choice lorkers. . 6 yu (jo b UU
Flour C'vGromid, No. ISpiiug 0 75 64 7 25
W heatNo. 1. Hard Dulutli. . . . 1 55 (si 1 55
Corn-No. 2 Mixed M 6i 08
Oats No 2 Mix. west 4S f4 50
Parley Two-rowed Stato 1)0 fid SO
fieef Extra nlato and family. .14 50 6T115 00
Hog3 Livo (l?i(0 7
Hogs City Dressed 8 di 8'
Pork Lxtra Prime per bbl .... 16 50 di 17 00
1- lour Spring Wheat Patents. . 8 00 OS 8 75
Corn Mixed and 1'ellow 72 (Vfl 75
Oats-r-xtraWhito 5li444 58 1 00 lit 1 00
Wool Washed Comb A Delaine ixM 4(i
Vliwashed " " 80 fij 31
Deef Fxtra quality GOS; 7 50
Shet p Livo w eight 8 f4 5,"I
limbs sy.di 8
Hogs, Northern, dressed 8 (ij 8
Flour Penn. Ex. Family, good 6 50
& 6 50
C4 1 41
dt 08
vtiiear o. 2 lied 1 i'l
five Stato 98
Com Stato Yellow 71 64
Oats Mixed 40
Butter Creamery Extra Pa.. .. 42 (rh
fJlioeso New York Full Cream. l.lVu
Petroleum Cnule G fit
llelined HZdM
?-i I1U1II III II'
nn nil AHlhiim nre nmrJ'aiU to irive im-
nteiiiat relief in Ihe wortt e&eet, fnaurw cunifurt.
aiilnRlnti- aff(C rttrtm vhra: U (itherB fad. A
tiiil riiivinra the- molt c?i)ticnt. Price, 60,;-. find
U I .(Ml of piusula't or )r mill. Muinlo 1 IC I
ftari,p. fin. U Sf'M Il rM S
I I ll-lll-llil-lWilll.1
KlODcit S rAvl I ILLtO.hymail. Slowell AUO.
da I M AGl'N'lH. outfit lrv.3. Aildifru
III 1. O. VlcUrry, AnuiiMiii, .lip,
Jft i Vl!l!;l.;.viT;nh'.- world;' fret,
m0Xjr Atidro4 Idy Mrou-n( Dtdrcdt. Mich.
Y nTllSJ TtTTlF W vou wtmld learn Telotraphy in
1 uwnu nin ffiur inotitliH. and bo certain of a
nittuition, addron V'llpiitino liroa.. Juncuvillp, Win.
A (;FATS W ANTl'.O for tbo Best and Fastt.
h' iini I'it-tonul IjuoLsand ItibK-H. J'rin-s n-dured
.1 i i rrct. otioiua l'iiblithiuu C o rhuad'dphia. l a.
Cfiri a uct Ii in on row u town. 'IVrms and outlit
'q Ire.-. AtM'f H. H.i.Li-n &: Co., Portland, Maine.
TS. pavs for the Star 8 paneled Banner 3 moa,
tUiuu like it. '.Mthypfir. 6 pukpk. ill'd. fieci-
u iih l iw. Add. a. S. Dannkh Hiimditle. II.
3 U
37 (ti
2i (ij
30 0
12 f!i
0 di
3 dj)
8 H
tin ,H 1.I1
No less than 141,000 children recently
presented thetnselvos for the examina
tion for Scriptural prized in the London
Board Schools. Four thousand conies
of the Script.nrOS Wore given OS prl2es.
Tn0 gprvice t,f presentation Wa8 at the
Crystal Talnce, and presided over by the
Bishop of Manchester.
Iodine has beon successfully used in
the treatment of diphthoria.
tlons are
not design
ed to induce
tho public to
attempt the du-
y& liH i"1- surgeon, but.
k renders nr mesc nnires
tn Dossesslon of a means
of treatment flf the minor
fceolrli-nts oeciirrlnirdftliv in
the boutsohoM, Hnd which, while notdnngerous
In themselves, nre exceedingly annoying.
Hums, bruises, sen ds. sutnins. etc.. aro prin
cipal nmoug theso troublesome and annoying
occurences, and demand immediate iremmeni
Willi Iho best means at hand. In tho kitchen,
the i i n iTicr-li nil. t in nursery and t ie B Ittlnir-
room they sro linblo to bnppen, and, Instead of
leer nnd ninrm lit inosipni oi inecuiorninsnen
tlnrer, or bruised or burned firm, or scalded
oi-i'tiep. ntKil nnrlrmtet, mnnner should bo as-
siinifd, nnd lifter washing awny the blood, (if
I'V-ioilivrl I. the lotored parts should lie dressed
Willi that most vnluablo remedy St. jACons
nib. ltsBurtri"lii.-ly null k relief. Its cleansing
nrnneriies. its len.leni-v to oiileklv remove n 1
tuthimmiition, nnd Its wonderful e'lTleney In the
above ns we as in n II muscular nml ot her pains.
such ns rheumatism, neurnlpln, toothache,
headache, stiffness of tho Joints, etc.. thee
rendi r 1st. .lArons tur, pro-eminent ly ine oesi
evternnl rnmedv now br-foro the People: which
claim Is fnlty substnntinted by the strongest
kindnf testii'nonv from nil classes of pooole.
Thn value of hiimnn life Is so supremely impor
tant that miythimr that tends to Its prolonga
tion ih i-nuiiou io ino iniruesi, c.'iisiueiiiiiuii.
f.'hrh'.i Nelson. I'.sn.. nronrictrvr Nelson House,
Toil. Huron, Mich., Buys: "I suffered bo with
rheumatism that my arm withered, and physl
inns could not help mo. 1 was In despair of
in V ll(. when somn nnn nilrisM mo IO try rT.
.IaYoim On,. Ididso.nnd asif by maple, I was
nstaiit l v relieved, and bv the continued use oi
iho Oil entirely cured. 1 thank heaven for
hnvitur u.-i-d ibis wonderful remedy, for U laved
NY St- .11
ARE PAID even- foMiprdiBf.Wcl accident
-r other w iso. A tVvH'Nl "f nnv kind, loss of
fliiKor. toe or rye, lit I'M 'IKK, if TiutlliKlit;
Uiit.tsei of hit ii ft or Yurtt'OHe Vclna K've
,cnstin, UiiJcr new law thouanJs are en
iitl.i l tn nn ltirrnati nt nension. Widows, or
ph;itm Tiv. dfiuinlottt futhprtt or tnotlien of I
s.-i'li nr cot ii' iiMriii, Hcuil B Btamin tur Oopy
l..,e., .,,,,1 tt'.m-rv Anf. Ad.lrc.
P.' II- Flrzjfif rnld &. Co,,n n Awnu,
i.-.i; Mi,iiw In, It i fi r Hi li.Tiikin t!o.
I LralUlO vid.uB, fntliera, mothers ot
ji children, 1 imnsin 1
ctfTititlud. Pen!iirni!tiTeB
j tut If nsnf fli.ri.'r,U'C.f
e -r ni'tiire.Tancr(c tcitii
tVjv.l.Urn on titled to IM'lil-'.ASK nml UOIiM'V.
iff1 UJ I'ATKM'M vrnMiri-tl i r Invent, S-ldivrs
111 I A lfl111' "ri;iTtts inrnr"i, lioiirlitund ld. Suldicn
0' ;'i',n'l li'-'ir-i ni'Uv fr J".'r rights itt 'op- '"'i S
IB . Jitnmits for ' 1 he t'ltii'-n-St-lairr. and P'nai"i
r liny lUtt'iti). 1 h
it m pciirii'ii' ri una
acti i.'itinty laws Ma'iK nnd iiininjoit'ins. We
rnn refer t-i th'ii.nn'ls i f r iii n' m nnd rMctits
Ai-ir" N,w, Fltigernld A Co.i'r.N'sinSj
I MtSTAIl )S, LUCK iH-XfciS, il UalUUglijD, U,
Atlantic & Culf
Coast canal &
Land Co. of Ha.
Issued bO.COO Shares cf $10 each e! par
With l.tnniK nf ,0 mvv fv fitrfi IO Acnrw, fi'on
l.',,.lH nf ,,.'v.s.el , re'-Cv.1. ' "
uri ii p.s-.i iiii-ii tinu tii'siuiii smn., I'liiin-
cli'iiiliui : ll.i fli-nnili, oy, ,
If o .in. I 1 I.I 1:1.
Detailed t-rosjieettis with dcscriptivo maps mailuu
iroo loui'i'iicums.
lory oi i.u'in.i i li.nir, j.uor'iiuio i rc tvu .ct n
I jti 12 no v.Hft. I E l'Ji:.. vnl. I'itiiaHDly S 1 (t..'.i'.V'.
clnttcmil. 'J.ttU-f bnuntl for ctilj .' l 7'-.
MANHATTAN HOOK CO . la W. lull SU. N.Y. I'.O. Pnx 80
for Ciiri-'tmaM, villi illustration, iu
IF.110ltl'rS SHIXTIII.Y .luinini v.
UOrlH, A1i?t. sr 1? I lib ri., Nrw VoiU.
OWiST Stornliliin tlnhit 'nr
jr-'jSrf ?M toatidajk ;s..i.i, en
I gtff'iai f". j.Miii'iinN,i,..-i)iiii.
nrpd In 10
I tuivtl.
'.'buiiou. Uhni,
G0L0 and SILVER MEDALS Awarded
liV Ml:irIinrllK (MlT'tnlllr- M'li;iTlif LxlU'i
(.;tiil N!i nc liml I pnulit ti uno Init--
11 Ml TilK HOIiTDAYS-KlnriitionUt. Annua'
o U, I'.nniirisinK hit nt an I U'M prourlions oi
ni'isi p"pui;ir wnu-rn, i'.i rr. ..,; riiiiii,iiiifi.
lmliil:iv I'diMoii. if'l.lill. N:ifio'lill Scltfiol nt KlmMltio
Orutnrv, HHiainl U1S1 cstimt Ht., 1'hilmV'li'liia.
rptiri-i' Ii.- tlui new ri'inoilv. KA
TAIU'vt. int:uit ri'lii'l;
fi n-c'ly curt i' y-xy-.iui u m ill, .11 cents. Adiinf
( II S. CWNt.N t o., V.a. M x H, i;ronklyn, N. .
l ' AAi'l- Ii .Vl i.irl. (.'noil lvnL't Hi mlv wriilv.
Liul, l'nty ivmK ulvru, to L nnttlM nt
Homo. tn-ii e.ilicd t'-raii'l iii'iivi n-fi irr t'. i.iout1
Ivnitttnu ( 10? Suuih !m., ItuNiou, niiiH.
I'lKiiinirifiohf. nt' llinitli Kli sll't llll 11 tl.
i Catiilt-fJiif! of works, wllh I'lioiiotrrupLic nlpnitbfit
firi'i untsiriiif'M, i'r invinneif, unit on nuj'iicmiou.
r rr.sKYs. iiriiKsuiKKs, cotswolds. uronzf
rJ'Jl liKKVS, l'j-KIN' DUCKS. Ml i i it buahmas.
COM.I1-: DO' IH. V, I'. 1 TTIM K!j 1 ''irUiniil-Mn.
. AVi'tt Fr'iii IoiirrV l-rnvf," and
4'.t othr i'oi ul
all for lie. PA'
n-'N & CO., f.;i lhirplavHt., S. Y.
KNTS alwava wanted for Lfadiiifl
1 l'nimliir Wci-Vm. (tnllit t'ni. Hond for cirt'U
larw. V. It. tSTliVE.Ni ? baMay SL, New Yorli.
Hrud stamp for instmctiona,
rv.NSKIiAKER, S!MPrtN k I'O.,
P.O. Uox G.VaihiuKU)u.U.C.
JL-C ")
tK in !9fl I'enlavat hninn. Sunlpli-H worth t.lfrc CT A WKEK. I l'J a rlav at home easily made. Contlf
y " Aihlres8STiNBos iCo.,l'ortlaud.Maine 91c. outlit free. Add Xuua 4 Co., Augiuita.aiaino.
Improvements New Styles New Catalogue-
WlioaocaMnrt or parlor ortrans have won iiiohkst honors at kvebt oke of the orkat -fonx.D'B rsDns
iuial ExumrnoNK lor voi iiTr.KN years (brim? tho only Anicriciin organs which havo bt'eu found worthy
ot suoh at any), have eMW-ted M-iiK. nnd oitKAi Kit i nACTiCALi.Y vai.uaile imiuovkmknts in thoir Orsani
In the last kaii than in any similar lxriod cinco the firwt introdm-iinn of this in.strum nt by thcin, twenty
ypKin piiup; and are now niTeriiif: cikianh of iiiohkb excellence and Esr..noFi CAr.ctrv; atno popular
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NhV II.LI'STHA i KD t'ATAI Wil'K, M pp.. 4to.ia now ready (October, 18fSl), fully doscril.inw and illus
tratinit inor; than lttl Bt K'H of Oiyann. Thin, with net price., ami circular containing such intonnalioo
Bbowt orj-'iinw coin imiiv. Wiiirn sm
1 t
ustnl tn pvr
titl. Atidn-ss I ASON iV IIAIMN OK i A
Street. 1SLW YOiiK; or 149 Wabash Ave., CiUCAUO.
sSix Valuable Christmas Presents Free to All!
IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT AT NO COST WHATEVER ! r.,.i th. .win. w. rui.i npitadi
blgiit-pRKe, S2-c,uuia Asncuiurhl uud Uom, iiyti eutulcd XUs Jtural iloiae Journal, tt lb, lew r-rloe r vry Cine r
.; It Is o.Bdicraclf Ulii.irntcd, ul Ul
ESi J3a fTTWWi-WiWtm
,5 liMnF M
dofttgn, whloh will be tnnch ad oil rod. 4. Bucltner- Mualcnl Chart. tha ell ef wnitu my one may leara to play upon the
Piano, Of(au or llelodwa to a abort time. 6. i a FerforMtetl Curd lioitrd Motto, for working itb womted or aUk lot
boon mari or other aouvenira. 6. The Mechanical 4raeehoppvr, a new and aoiuaiiig Chrlatniaa toy, which vlll delight the
whole family with it antia. RfraeTulmr, we atsiid all w( itieie va.uaf.iu and useful article! abiuluttlg fi t to all who aeud tfiy ceou
for e rear'a enttarlpiion to Th$ Rural Hvtnt Journal. We biake thu great oder tlinply lo lulruduceour paper and obtain ihoaaeeds
f new iibterlbera. It it one ehaoeela e life-time to get a ery large teturn fur every am all aura o( money. TUlnk ef Ul e leadld
paper a whole year for only any ecola, with al valmMe eud eatful prenluna fret I We Oder ao cheap iraih, but only ertlelei el
geouhit vaiue and uaefuUeM, and a paper eioelled bv none. Allordera tilled Dromotlr. and nerfeat aatiilaetiuA fuarantMiltr bmii
refunded A to oar reitaWtuy we refer to any publisher la New York, likewise to tha Comtuerelal Ageoelea, aa we have been leog In
buaioeaa, era well knowu, end eur repuutloo ii eatabliahcd. If you will enow tbie ailveriiaement and get ap t club ef four, we will
end yea an extra copy wiUtlht pretaiu tree for your trouble, fiend at once fur tbie nnrreoedeoted bargain. Addrete,
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More than One Million Copies Sold !
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orSclf-Pre.ervruion. A Great Medical Trent,
lie an Manhoodi lbs Cause and Cure cifr.i
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rivo. Ihe Tory finest itecl eni,TvlnKB. 125 Invaluable
Proscrlutloni for all acute and chronic dincasca.
VtlriUI TUVVtl LT Bound In beautiful French MiiKlin, embosiwd. full
IVHUn InlOLLri eilL Vrl uuly hj mail. (New edition.)
The Science of Life, or Belf-Prenervatlon, Is the moet eTtraorrllnnry work on PhyslnloiTT ever tiuMlKlicI
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(told aud Jeweled medal awarded tho author of
atowed. JuwcAu!(U Ptouuhman. 1 houaauiU of
leamuft Jouriiaw iiierary, roiitieai. reiiKioua and cieuliuo throuphnut the land. The bi.k ia nuaran.
ted to be a better uieilu al work, In every aeine. than.cau be obtained elaewhero lor double tho price, or the
money will relunded iu tvery uiatanco. " "-. '"o
Thousands of Copies are sent by mall, securely sealed and postpaid, to all parts ef tha
world, every month, upon receipt of price, 81.43.
4 Bolflnch Street, Boston, Moss. ' '
N.B The author may bo oeasultod on aU diseaaes itulrlrif aklll and eipwlence. "
(ThtaerigTBTing wprwenUtH I.nngs In ft healthy itato.)
For C'oiiff1t. Coldft. Ci oiip, nronr1iltUan"1 all
Mi.t uncrtintifl nt llio Tltrmif nnd I.I'VtTS. It
istaufls unrivuK'd and utterly boyratlaU coniixitition.
It ai l roaches so near a snccinc mar runery-nve rent, fro veniiallently cured where tho dlree
!i. '.... n.-o htrietlv roiuiilied with. There Is no chemi
cal or other inirreilicnts to harm tho younu or old.
J. N
HARRIS A CO., Proprietors,
Medical lSleeti-icimt,
105 Ftttton St., nronliltitti
May bo consulted dull v ff - J 1; .V to j p. M.. o-
!Aimi'TK vhw uvrry fm-ir. lit ill'
'"- 7 .. , i fiMf ill
York V NTKK IS lii'O.N VS. WIllTKl 'l' Ytll.'l
SEIATS nesiiirt - astliina or consiinijitioii ny we
"WIIitOSIA"elotliinBj nolo ieei nn
nre tie
cursors of endless iw :-at nosh Is heir to. ear ;no
bsinia " ion ami i'viiiu v.'i "II i
BEWARE OK FHAUDS. Tnpn carmrnls, nfe eh
lh marknt. Tlio " WII.SIIN A " Is BtU.Klcll V. II I
the inetals ou the face.
others are frauds. Bond for pamphlets eonlalntm!
testimonials irora tno nest neopio m
have been cured after nil forma of niedieinu had
lalled. iioteoiirniiiiP'rses:
SO. 4r,.1 I-1 Jj 1 1 J M lil.l'.l, imwaui.,,
NO. r.'.i:. lllltlADWAY, 1
NO. lain llllDAIiWA Y, V NEW YORK.
PnilkrHiclnrr fiill ttrl T1 tl HTCmintS Of eXfTT
onimn of luirn-nt hikI iiiodorn tim'-, am inlndin
a history of tlio rif" ami f:ll of tho Un cli ami Roman
l-'inrircH, the nii'hllo iwc, tho rvusmlcH, ilio fpulal
sHt'in. 1h ivfonimtioii, tho discoviry nml wtflp
llh'lu "I Tltt' iNoW wrm, .'IC., nr. 11 fciiiitun tf
linn hiHun-ical fjirniiu:, aiitl ir tho l-mt ruini'U-tn
Uii-ti ry ot thr vh pv-r i-ulillshcn fc ml lor iin.'ci
mii l'a-i w atii cxtrn tern's to Av'fuln. A't'lr- Ra
.VliOAl4 I t IjIjIMJI-M tU., i Jiniiurii uin, a .
Payne's Automatic Engines.
r-ST-Cl I
n l . r Ji i
Z-1V-. iKBWS
RpIIhIjIp. Duniblo and Eoonnuiiral, irmfumtnh a
hoiM- ijijicw uiih ,4 fuel a nit trticr tutu ant other
hvu'im built, not lifted with an Amount. n- um-on.
Sfii'l lor IimstiMtft'lCiitiilouo "J, tor Int'tnuation x
If von a lau'li hpart' rt
'J rt a-1 ur Srn.scF is s-ronrK
H S'iimin TtiM; Mtl hit SmuiM!.
Tin- 11 .1 Dot to
or x L I'H'K .MoiiKt-y;
'ih. ituthor, K. Ii. Vooio. M. D,
Jiln-:i;ih l c'jitintH irro.
iii initi im. i. ri' ii. co..
11. -x 5S.S, New y.irl-. t'ity.
liloml, mid will coinl-i. Ii'lv rliiitiO 111" Mo-nt ill tll
unliro s-htt-Tii iii t!i'' tnontli--, Av j-prfon who
will t al- our ill t-i'.-h ut;;hl trom 1 tn Uv.pi'kM.nnv ht;
r Kiorc.l l'i Mutiiil hi iilih. if auch a thin l .'i-s!Mt'.
Hold fvcrvwlirr-' - T v it liy nml im- s h tt-r stiitm.
I. .lOHVMlN V CO., Uuotun, .lltifoi.,
roiint-rly Itmnfot't !k'.
J I.
PTO w linkers or k hm rrowtli of bat
U hrvli. or la TIIK kfcN. Silt I.N'iTtlf'N knd
Try (hecrts.1 tfi1Ll1 ditr ishicb ban M.VR YKT Nrf'Y
r.MI.LI. Frn4 O.M.I HI K Ufc I S to I:. J. iU.A
LX'A, Hat IM'.'. Ho ton, Hw. Ucware mf all ItniUnoni.
tl .tylc. Oold, Silver and Kickle. Cli.iu,, &.
icot b. rall or C. O. II. lo be eiamiucd.
Write for C,loiuo to STANIiAttO iilKK.
Any IIvlnu Pel-noil can learn to rlav PlanoorOr
l!niu l!i lnlnuteB. Mimieal talent or invvlo'w
i-rai ticu iihiieoehsury. Ouidu hy nuiil,
Uliinn.K litk.
en.) Send lor cirruurs. . I umans
Bevolvera. Ctulosu, free. Addrc,
Ore,t Wwt OriB Works. Pittihitrrb. l-.
rv one thinkincr ot uurLdiasiiiL'. will bo Kf-nt free (itia
V CO., IM Xrciuont titruut. JiUbXON; 4ti Ktt Uth
V' " fW. lilt if vou'refoli.l ef lots o'
XCtit" KV'-' 4ut Imv the I'lilioriii-on
S v1''' ' l er Maudr I.ant. rns are mil,
.-' 7'L I'm- l'olv. is a pieiure-KUii
. Jf'-i -a I-'oi- i hotnt - it tl h i,iev one
it xm mm
n.lfl HU iDiliucilv kutl uterul rcftdtni
uixtt.r fir crerj member of tho rural kiuu
liolj. Its content tuurao Agrknltur
Horileult nre, Household Ttptc, Ldie' Kdcj
Work, etoiiei, Poetry, Newa, TYU and Ua
roor, Liposuroi ol kiumhuij, ete., etc. It Is
ib eTory respect aenmpleiefftiatit paper, and
every carolT containaMoU aud nog it fit loo
alone worth the tultcritlon price. H itkiag
to otiiaiu IQO.ljOO uew iubwrlber at once, w
mnkethii threat atTcr: I'pon receipt of only
Fifty Cents in potagt$ianpt wawill end
Tho Kural llome Journal (or Out
Year and to evtry subecril-er o will ieod.
Froe and tit voi't, blx Valuuble ana
1'ttcful i'remluma. aa follow; 1. A
llunilaomo Autograph Album, bouud
iti K-attitrtiLe, or iiuiiaiwd Icaiijer, with et
bQiacd desijo on oer a rural and errica
atila book. 1. iold.lluted Flnarcr
i5BW?tr5KI?. s?i 1 l
Itlnff, a plain ring of guod quality of rud
lau, durable, aud auitatila for either lady
or . linllatlon CoruJ
U... Ul. I v.r.,.
, '.' Dniuini ana luvalual.le work. Herald. Tli
the Science of Lite wan fairly won aud won h iir lie.
extract eimllar to the above could lie tuken ii,