The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 08, 1881, Image 3

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THURSDAY, DEC. 8. 1881.
Republican County Committee.
Chairman Jm. H. Hagerty, Ridg
way. '
Ben ezette Jacob English.
BenzlngerJoseph Corbe.
Pox J. J. Taylor.
Highland E. Hovencamp.
Horton--W. P. Eggleston.
Jay J. W. Brown.
Jonjee O. M. Montgomery.
Millstone W. A. Irwin.
Ridgw&y Township Peter Gulnack.
Ridgway Borough J. M. Schram.
Bt Mary's Boro. W. C. Spafford.
Spring Creek O. T. Minor.
A riot among railroad employees
Is said to have taken, place at Kane
last week.
J . P. Marstdn, of Warren, is said
to be very 111, and there is little hope
or his recovery.
William Luther, 17 yesterday,
gave a birthday party at M. S. Kline's
last evening, which is said to have
been a very enjoyable affair by those
who attended.
The Forty-seventh Congress met
In Washinglon on Monday.- Joseph
Warren Kelfer, Rep., of Springfield,
Ohio,' was elected Speaker, and Ed-
Ward. McPherson, of Pennsylvania,
Clerk. The House thus passes again
into Republican control. Let's all re
joice. The temperance meetings at the
M. E. Church continue with . un
abated interest. Hundreds have taken
the pledge in answer to the urgent
appeals of Major Scott. Last Sabbath
evening the church was packed with
the largest audience ever in the
The platform scale in front of
Bchcening's block is now ready and hi
order for weighing all kinds of mer
chandise for the public. Any artlole
from two pounds to 5 tons can be
weighed. The weighing beam is in
Bettelle's hardware store, so that weigh
ing can be done at night or any other
time quickly aud accurately.
Rev. T. S. Negley will preach in
the Presbyterian Chapel on Saturday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Also on Sab
bath morning at 11 o'clock, when the
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
be administered. A service for the
children will be held Sabbath after
noon Rt 8 o'clock. All are cordially
Invited to these services.
The Ladies' Parochial Society
will hold a Fair and Festival In the
building lately occupied by the Union
Store Co., on Dec. 14th, loth, and 10th.
A large number of articles both useful
and ornamental will be for sale. Re
freshments will be served from 6 until
10 o'clock every evening.
By order of the Society,
Mns. G. R. Woodward, Sec'y.
A pontoon bridge has been laid
across the river at Hall's farm by the
Rochester and Pittsburgh R. R. Co.,
at a point opposite a heavy cut on that
road. A large number of teams are
now' at work hauling the dirt across
the river to fill in on Dickinson's flat
where a trestle work has stood for
some time. The work is being pushed
with great energy here as it is along
the entire line of the Rochester and
Pittsburgh, excepting of course be
tween Johnsonburg and Ridgway
where a truce has been declared be
tween the rival companies until April
''The four days musical conven
tion closed on Friday evening with a
grand concert in the Opera House.
Of the solo parts none were received
with so much enthusiasm as those by
Miss Belle McCIintock, and deservedly
o. Miss McCIintock has a remark
ably pure voice and her command of
it is worthy of an prnise. The audi
ence which bad before been impassive
to a not worthy degree was fairly car
ried away with her selection from the
opera. "Lucia de Lammermoor,'1 and
on their emphatic demand the singer
gracefully reappeared, and if possible
increased the enthusiasm by the man
ner in which she sung "Three Fish
ers." A second encore was demanded
and giveu. Erie Herald.
Miss McCIintock will sing at an
elocutionary and musical entertain
ment for the Institute at Ridgway on
Tuesday evening January 8rd, 1882.
Reserved seats at Messenger's drug
store. Two young men who move in the
best Austin society, went on a spree
not long since: After they were un
der way one of them said in an in
ebriated tone of voice.
"Let's bid each other good night,
"Why, you ain't going home, al
ready? It's right in the shank of the
"Of course. Im not going home
now, but after awhile we won't know
each ozzer from a shide of sele-lezther,
sho let's ehay good night, right now
before lt'sh too late."
They embraced.
Mrs. 8. W. Miles, will please ac
cept our thanks for relics, and me
mentoes of the Yorktown Centennial
celebration. A party from this sec
tion viz: Mrs. S. W. Miles, Mr.
and Mrs. Jeremiah Elliott, Mrs. R.
B. Jones, Miss Mary Flick, and
Martin Perrin, Miss Jeanette Davis,
Mrs. Mat Shauley, attended the cele
bratton at Yorktown. in October,
Mrs. Miles, visited friends at Elmira,
and Bingharapton, N. Y., and other
places, returning ou November, 22d.
Among the mementoes is brick aud
plaster from the famous House of
Burgesses, and from Mary and Wil
liams College founded in 1600, a
circle of chinquapins, evergreens from
Yorktown, all of interest from associ
ation with historic grounds. A pleoe
of granite from the Yorktown monu
ment is also among the collection.
Miller. To Mr. and Mrs. Eug. J.
Miller, of the Elk Democrat, a son,
on Wednesday, Nov. 80, 1881.
Cdthbert. To Mr. and Mrs. Talbot
. Cuthbert, a daughter. Friday, Nov.
Horton Rogers. At the . M. E.
Parsonage, Ridgway, Pa., by Rev.
S M. Clark, on Wednesday, Dec.
7, 1881, Mr. Lon. R. Horton, of
Horton township, to Miss Eleanora
E. Rogers, daughter of U. W.
Rogers, of Fox township.
May peace, prosperity, and wealth
be theirs .until Death doth interpose
to break the happy union, which
event we hope may not happen until
both, at the end of life, like ripened
I sheaves, are ready for the harvester.
Reed. On Saturday. Dec. 8d. 1881.
Mrs. Hattie, wife of Dan. Reed, of
typnoid pneumonia.
Deceased was sick but a few days
having attended the funeral of her
mother, on Nov. 25, and done a wash
ing the Monday after. She was
buried on her 29th birthday. The
funeral services were held In the
M. E. Church last Sunday and were
largely attended, the interment taking
place in the new cemetery. A little
daughter about one year old is left
without a mother, and a husband de
prived of an affectionate wife. The
sympathy of the community is with
the friends in their sad affliction.
Women's Christian Temperance Union,
Ridgway, Pa.
Mrs. E. F. Scott organized a Wo
men's Christian Temperance Union
last week with the following officers:
President Mrs. U. G. Messenger.
Vice-Pres. Mrs. Horace Little.
" " Mrs. W.H. Osterhout.
" " Mrs. A. II. Head.
Secretary Miss A. E. McKee.
Treasurer Mrs. J. C. Houk.
Bold Robbery.
Wednesday before Thanksgiving,
Nov. 23, the house of George Foust,
In Horton township was entered In
broad daylight and robbed of $250 in
cash. Mrs. Foust, was bound in the
house, and her son bouud In the barn,
when the house was ransacked. Mr.
Foust was absent from home at the
time. Although efforts have been
made to catch the villain, all have
been without success, and no doubt by
this time he Is far away.
The ladies of tho Women's Chris
tian Temperance Union, of Ridgway
propose to give an entertainment at
Hyde's Opera House, on Wednesday
evening, 14th Inst., consisting of
Solos and Choruses, piano and orches
tra music, German songs, original
songs and choruses, recitations, and an
original poem written for the occasion.
The proceeds of which are to bo paid
to Major Scott as a slight testimonial
of the esteem of the people of Ridg
way for him and his noble wife, and
as an indication to them of a just ap
preciutiou of their assidious and suc
cessful labors for temperance reform in
Ridgway. Major Scott has consented
to give a brief address that evening
which will no doubt contain rich sen
timents that will be pleasing and in
structive. Every effort will be made
on the part of the committee to make
this evening a grand success.
Tickets will be on sale at Hyde's
Store, the Post-otlice, Ridgway Bank,
Messenger's Drug Store, Osterhout's,
Powell & Kime's, and at other places
throughout the town. The ladies so
licit the generous patronage and iir
dulgence of the public, trusting that
in the mutual efforts to please and be
pleased they may be remunerated for
their time and money.
Reserved seats for sale at Hyde's,
price 35 cents.-. Other tickets at places
named, 23 cents.
By order of Committee.
Curious Remarks on the Bible.
Here is something which will prove
of much interest to many; it was
gathered up by a widow lady aged 65
years: "The Bible contains 3,556,489
letters; 810,697 words; 81,172 verses;
1,189 chapters; 66 books. The word
'and occurs 46,227 times; 'Lord, 1854:
'reverend' only once, and that in the
111th Psalm. The 27th verse of the
7th chapter of Ezra contains the
alphabet. The 19th chapter of the 2d
book of Kings and the 37th chapter of
Isaiah are alike. The first man re
corded as buried in a coffin was
Joseph, 50th chapter of Genesis aud
26th verse. Nowhere but in the 1st
chapter of Timothy is the word grand
mother mentioned. Two particularly
fine chapters to read you will find are
the 2d of Joel and the 20th of Acts.
There is no name or word of more
than six syllables in the Holy Bible."
Williamsport O, & B.
The election in Pennsylvania
next year will be for a Governor.
Lieutenant Governor, Secretory of
Internal Affairs, a Justice of the
Supreme Court, 25 State Senators for
four years, 201 Members of assembly
for two years, 27 members of congress,
and important local officers in every
county in the State. The fight for
Governor and other state officers, and
for members of the senate and house.
will be the most hotly contested ever
know in Pennsylvania, both as re
gards the nomination as well as the
election of these officers. The twenty-
five state senators to be elected will
have a vote for United States Senator
in January, 1884. W illiauiFpoit G.
The time of Accommodation west
at Ridgway was changed on Monday
last to 8:48 p. M , from 0:09.
Scrap pictures! scrap pictures!!
scrap pictures!!! a great variety at The
Advocate office.
Our Mon Who Advertise. Give
Them Your Patronage.
Buckwheat Flour a new lot Just
received at the Grand Central, P.
o -
Felt boots on purpose for cold
weather selling at the New York
Store at $1.60 a pair. .
A large stock of overcoats,, all
styles, will be sold at 25 per cent, less
than can be bought anywhere else In
Elk county. As we are expecting a
light winter these goods must be sold.
Don't miss this chance. Come aud
buy your overcoats at the New York
A big line of clothing for men,
boys, and youth, will be sold at aston
ishingly low prices at the New York
Store, post-office block, Ridgway, Pa.
Just received a new stock of lum
bermen's rubbers, going fast at $1.40 a
pair at the New York Store.
The best driving boots, four soles,
full stock sold at $5.00 a pair at the
New York Store.
For the benefit of the holidays
goods will be sold at a reduced price at
the New York Store.
Lumbermen's Flannel, selling fast
ar 4.5 cents a yard at the New York
Go to Morgester's for New Hams,
Bacon, Shoulders, and choice new
Mess Pork.
100 pounds choice Brazil nuts,
100 " " Almonds, Hazle
nuts and English Waluuts at Mor
gester's. o
Go to Morgester's for choice new
Figs, Dates and Sweet Oranges.
8 Bbls. choice fresh Milk, Soda,
and Farmer crackers at Morgester's.
Prime cheese and dairy butter at
Chow chow, Mixed Pickles and
Gherkins in two-gallon pails at Mor
gester's. o
1 Bbl. choice Mince Meat only
12 cents per pound at Morgester's.
White clover honey in small
boxes at Morgester's.
4 boxes choice Layer Figs; 10
boxes choice Layer and Valeiicu
raiolns at Morgester's.
French and Turkfsh prunes and
dried apples choice new goods at
The City of St. Paul, a first-class,
large nw design, wood cook stove,
take a look at it before purchasing a
stove. W. S. Service, Ag't.
A. Swarta Ross, Merchant Tailor,
sign of the red front, Main street,
Ridgway, Pa., has on hand a large
stock of gents' furnishing goods in
connection with his tailoring estab
lishment. He lias a large stock of
samples for winter suitings. Orders
promptly filled and all work guaran
teed to give satisfaction.
Diseased kidneys and costive
bowels are prevalent Ills. Peruiia aud
Maiialiu their cure.
One of the hoiilcrs at Beiggs' Saw
Mill, Keating Summit, exploded last
Friday morning, scalding an old man
named Jerry Black, so that he died a
short time thereafter. Mr. Black was
old and feeble, and was in the habit of
setting on the top of the arch, where
he could see all that was going on, and
be out of the way. At the time of the
explosion the gague showed only 80
jmuiids of steum, but the boiler was
old and rotten. A small break oc
cured, near where 'Mr. Black was
seated, which threw him olf the arch
uml liid IipikI wns liHtlly cut, liy coinitiir
in contact with some old Irons. The
hot steam covered Mr. Black and
upon removing his clothes after being
taken to his home, the skin and por
tions of flesh from the body came off.
He lingered but a few hours after the
accident. Potter Enterprise.
If you are subject to chills, a'cer
tain cure is Peruna. Regulate your
bowels with Manalin.
Thousands Leaving Germany.
Berlin, Dec. 4. The cause of the
debate on emigration in the Reichstag
yesterday was an item in the home
estimates for 18,000 marks, which was
to be used to discourage emigration
from Germany to the United States.
Baron Von Bottisher, Secretary of
State, in reply to a Deputy who la
mented that the emigration statistics
of the present year already reached tho
unprecedented number of 200,000, Inci
dentally slated that the Government
hoped to Introduce the promised billon
the subject early in the spring. A
Liberal Deputy, who said he lived for
a long time in the United States, de
clared that Germans were attracted
thither by the certainty of finding
everything which they vainly asked
from their Government at home.
Don't wory any longer with pain;
take Peruna.
An ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure, uud saves doctor bills
take Peruna.
Gray hair may be made to take on
its youthful color and beauty by the
use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair
Renewer, the best preparation for the
hair known to the science of medicine
and chemistry.
Shelf paper at The Advocate
If you want a set of springs of
Yan sort or size go to C. Bowers.
Chautauqua Co. Butter at the
Grand Central P. & K.
The Supreme Court.
Pittsburg, Nov. 26.-The Supreme
Court adjourned yesterday after mak
ing an order changing the gupreme
Court districts of, the State. The
action was In pursuance of authority
conferred by the act of May 5, 1876,
which empowers the court to change
and transfer any of the counties of the
commonwealth from any of the dis
tricts of said court. ' TLe order trans
fers the following counties from the
Middle to tbe Eastern district; Bed
ford, Blair, Cumberland, Centre Col
umbia, Clinton,' Clearfield,' Cameron,
Elk, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata,
Lancaster, Xycoming, Lebanon,
M lfUin, Montour, McKean, Northura
bcrland, Perry, Potter, Snyder, Tioga,
Sullivan, Uniou, Warren and York.'
The following counties are trans
ferred from the Western to the East
ern district: Armstrong, Butler,
Cambria, Clarion, Crawford, . Erie,
Fayette, Forest, Indiana, Lawrence,
Mercer, and Somerset. By reason of
the said transfer the Western, Middle,
and Eastern districts of the Supreme
Court shall hereafter stand aud be
composed of the following counties,
The Western district-Allegheny,
Beaver, Greene, Jefl'rson, Venango,
Westmoreland and Washington.
The Middle district-Adanis, Dau
phin; and Frauklin. -
The Eastern district Armstrong.
Bucks, Butler, Bedford, Blair, -Brad-,
lord, Jierks, caniorta, cianou, Craw
ford, Carbon, Chester, Cumberland,
Centre, Columbia, Clinton, Clearfield,
Cameron, Delaware, Erie; Elk, Fay
ette, Forest, Fulton, Huntingdon,
Indiana, Juniata, Lawrence, .Lehigh,
Lebanon, Luzetne, Laokawauna, Ly
coming, Lancaster, McKean," Mercer,
Mifflin, Monroe, Montgomery, Mon
tour, Northumberland, .Northampton,
Philadelphia, Perry, Potter, Pike,
Schuylkill, Somerset, Susquehanna,
Snyder, Sullivan,, Tioga, .Union,
Wayne, Wyomidg, Warren, and
The terms of the court iu the dis
tricts are fixed as follows: That of tbe
Western disfrict commences on the
first Monday of October and continues
four weeks.
That of the Middle district com
mences on the twenty-first Monday
following the first Mbnday'of Jan
uary and continues one weettv
And the Eastern district term com
mences on the third Monday of Nov
ember and continues until the com
mencement of the term in: the Middle
district. i .
The rest of the order, which is quite
lengthy, fixes the return day " for the
various counties. The sentiment
among the members of the bar of Al
legheny county respecting the order
is that of emphatic disapproval. The
western district, which hud nineteen
counties, lias been stripped of all but
seven, and the fees of tue Prothono
tary, General Sweitze, will be propor
tionutely reduced.
The attorneys consider the order un
warranted by any existing slate of
atliiir, and altogether unnecessary.
They say it was done , to please the
Philadelphia influence and virtually
makes but one supreme court district
iu the Stale. It is a fact that outside
of Allegheny county the members of
the bar in ' a number of counties iu
the western district were a unit in fa
vor of the change. Justices Gordon,
Trunkey and Sterrett refused to assent
to the order, so it was made by the
otbes four justices in opposition to
their judgment. They opposed it for
the reason thai it would be inconven
ient aud expensive for many suitors
and lawyers to attend - the sessions of
the court in Philadelphia. Many
Pittsburg lawyers are Indignant over
the matter aud talk of applying to I tic
legislature for a remedy such as the
redisiriuting of the Slate by act of
Three New llridge.
Clturtleld lli'imbllcun.
The commissioners have con
tracted for the building of three new
bridges. One across the river near
this borough, in the place of the Good-
fellow bridge, which was blown down
last Fall; a second one across Clear
field creek near the mouth of Potts'
run, on the line between Knox aud
Woodward township, which will be
an open wooden structure, 142 feet
hiiiu, uud will cost 'f,UO. The
abutments and other stone" work are
being put up by local subscriptions,
except probuly :iW, which the county
wil be called upon to pay, making the
total cost to tho county . about $;i,00U.
The third one will be thrown across
Clearfield creek at Calport (Reilly
posloliice), in Beccaria township, and
will be luO feet iu length, to be of
wood, similar to the Potts' run struct
ure, and will cost the 'county about
$1,200. The citizens In the vicinity
of this bridge have agreed to put up
the abutments. lhe'-'''Goodfellow
bridge will be replaced -with an open
iron one 208 feet long, - two spans, and
put up a little below the old Boggs
Fording, to avoid the' two railroud
crossings aud that miserable hill be
tween the old aud uew location en
countered heretofore by1' all the op-
river aud western travel. The Pitta
burgh Bridge Company have the con
tract for putting up this latter struct
ure stoue work and all for $8,856,
The two .wooden brujges' are to be
built by C. S. Palmer & Son, of
Stroudsburg, Pa., who put up that
portion of the market street bridge for
the Shaw estate, which, was blown
down last Fall. We learn that the
contractors will go to work just as soon
as the weather will permit. These
bridges are as absolutely necessary as
a barn is on a good farm. No. toll to
pay or suow to shovel iu to them when
you go through with a loaded sled
Almost Youug Again.
My mother was afflicted a long time
with Neuralgia and a dull, heavy in
active condition of the . whole system;
headache, nervous prostrations, and
was almost helpless. No physicians
or medicines did her aiiy jjood. Three
mouths ago she began to use Hop
Bitters, with such good effect that she
seems and, feels young again, although
over 70 years old. We think there is
no other medicine fit to use in tbe
family." A h'dy in Providence-, R. I.
Journal, ,
, 1eer Slayers."
This is a good- name, and tbe editor
of the Oceola Bevei'le tells all In this
way: "George Kyser and his friend
Winters have proven themselves tbe
deer slayer of the season In those
partsj having killed four of the fleet
footed monarchs of the forest up to the
present time. These old hunters kill
with the rifle altogether, and are
greatly incensed at tbe Jay-hawkers
who hunt with the smooth-bore or
musket, and fire buck-shot. 'A law
should be enacted,' said one of them
to us, the other day, 'to prevent this
mode of bunting, which has now be
come so common.' ' 'These fellows,'
said he, referring to tbe buck-shot
hunters, 'seldom kill a deer; but
wound a powerful number among
them; and we find numbers of dead
ones through the woods that have been
wounded by these fellows' buck-shots,
but got away only to die a lingering
death, of no good to anyone. Then,
if they do kill a deer in this way, it is
so torn up that the one-half of it has
tobe thrown away. I tell you it is
cruelty to dumb animals, and those
guilty of the practice should be ar
rested under that law, if there is no
other, to protect these poor innocent
victims. We seldom kill a deer now
that we don't find either a buck-shot
In it, or that it has been wounded at
one; time by tbem. It is a much
worse practice than hunting with
dogs, and yet there is a law against
that..' We thought there was sound
logic in what he said.'.' ..
One Column Oik Year .....-t8fl.0O
One-half Column One Year................. 46.00
One-fourth Column One Year ,....2o.oO
One-eighth Column Oue Year. ............ .l.i.iJ
One Square One Wee k...m.M.. ..1.00
One Square Two Weeks....... n.mnM.....l.S0
Oue Square Three Weeks...- 2.00
Each additional insertion 60 cents a square
each week.
Ten cents a Hue first Insertion; Ave cents a
line for each additional Insertion.
HENB7 A. f ASSOKS.JB., Proprietor.
Came to the premises of James Ben
nett.Jr., in Horton township, Elk Co.,
Pa., iu the month of October, A. D.
1881, 1 red spring calf. The owner
will please come forward, prove prop
erty and pay charges or it will be dis
posed of according to law.
James Bennett, Jr.
Brockport, Pa., Dec. 5, 1881.
Estate of William Emmett. late of
Fox township. Elk county, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters of
administration, C. T. A., have been
granted to the undersigned upon the
above named estate. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, aud those
haying claims against the same to
present them without delay in nroner
order for settlement.
P. W. Hays,
Administrator C. T. A.
Charter Notice.
Notice is hereby given that an ar
plfcation will be made under the pro
visions oi tue aci oi me uenerai
Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, approved April 29,
1874, entitled "An Act to provide for
the Incorporation and Regulation of
certain corporations' and the several
supplements thereto, for charter of in
tended corporation to be called The
Roberts Lot Tract Mining Com
pany, proposed to be incorporated for
the purpose of the Mining, Quarrying
and preparation ot uoal, limestone,
and Iron Ore. The business of the
said corporation is to be transacted in
JMK county and in adjoining counties,
and its chief olttce is to be at Kane,
McKean Couuty.
Notice is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made under the Act
of Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania entitled, "An Act to
provide for the Incorporation and
Regulation of certain Corporations,"
approved April 20th, A. D. 1874, aud
the acts supplemental thereto, for the
charter of an intended corporation to
be called "The Ridoway Water,
Light, and Heat Company," the
character aud object of which are to
supply the Borough of Ridgway and
its vicinity, in Elk county, Pennsyl
vania, 1st with water.
2nd with light by means of Elec
tricity. 3rd with heat and motive power by
meaus of Steam or Electricity.
And for such purpose to have, pos
sess, and enjoy, all the rights, benefits,
and privileges conferred by said Act
of Assembly and its supplements.
Rufu8 Lucore, Solicitor.
Nov. 30th, 18SI.
Every Style & Price.
Ouaranteed TJnequaletl
Improvements vxl Conveniences fbnni t
no others.
Always Reliable,
For Sal la Every City and Towa
la tb United. Stta.
. And by W. H. HYDE & CO.,
Ridgway, Fa,
Our Catalogue of choice SEEDS and PLANTS contain
the" BEST and CHEAPEST," and our
gives prices and descriptions of Designs,
Baskets and Loose Cut Flowers for any occasion,
Sent free on application. J
Harry Chaapel,
Seedsman Florist,
Williamsport, Pa.
NO. 49 FIFTH AVENUE. , . ... . .
To Impart a PRACTICAL BMSINES3 EDUCATION has. for many years and with great
gneccRS, been the aim of rufT Colleite. .
The faithful student has here facllltlei for inch a training as Will quallfjr him for an Im
mediate entrance upon practical duties In any sphere of lite.
For circulars, address V. DUKF A SON, PITTSBUGH, PA.
WDUFF'S BOOKKEEPING, published by Harper A Bros., printed In colors, 4 pages.
The largest work on the science published. A work for bankers, railroads, business men
and practical accounts. Price &J.0O.
Business Cards.
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles, also to patents
and patent cases.
Office in new brick building, Main
street; Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v82t
Over twenty-five years practice.
Office on Main Street, Ridgway, Pa.,
opposite the Bogert House. Office
hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to 8, P. M.
Late of Ktrattanville), Physician and
Burgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office In
Hall's Brick Building (up stalrs)
References J. D. Smith, H. L.
Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanville;
Major John Kitley, W. V. Green
land, Claricn. Has practiced his
profession sucessfully for more than
ten years.
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of cure
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
thenew proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. oct30'69
PAEDIA. This admirable work Is now com
pleted 16vols. EachvolumecontuinsSOO
pages. It makesa complete and well
selected library, and no one can
afford to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price $5 00 in cloth,
$6.00 in leather, or $7.00 in elegant
hair TurKev. J? or particulars address,
W. H. Fairchlld, Portville, Cntt. Co..
N. Y who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson,
general agent.
Mrs. F. Pollman having moved Into
the house of Jas. Penfleld near the
Catholic church Wishes to inform the
citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that
sue is prepared to ao in a neat and
satisfactory manner all kinds of plain
sewing and reasonable
prices. All persons having work in
this line are respectfully invited to
give her a call. nl5m3
In returning thanks for past favors
respectfully begs to inform her friends
and the public generally that she has
just returned from New York where
she niirrrhmipil n lnrrrn titnnir nf Milli
nery and fancy goods of the latest
stvles. also a nice selection of latieu
Skirts, Plain and Fancy hosiery,
xjuuius unu uniuiren8' rarasola, Jialr
goods, fancy Chinaware, Ac, which
she inteuds to sell as cheap as the
cheapest. Particular attention given to
trimming and in a style that cannot
oe surpassed in mis section. All are
invited to call aud inspect her goods
before purchasing elsewhere. nlOmg
hop bitters:
(A Medicine, not (t DrUk.)
nors, urcriu, mandrake,
Ann T frnn m Hfht Vmri.QvALl.
Tit rr iu, OTHjts birrm.
AH rlefteiof thftRMmf!h, Bowel. Blood,
AJyit, Kidney, unrt L'rlimry Oiyrum, er
YoiwuMB. DHmt-nsiK'fcsuna especially
Wfll be pld f Jr cano thy will rnt com or
help, or lor anything Impure ot lujurtout
touud Id them.
MftjnvT Amptlit for Hon BMeri M try
tUum beora you akep. Take u ihrr.
D T. C. Inn liho!titenn4lrrf1fftlM-r..,. far
DruukouiiM, uo of npluui, ioomcco ud
mii iim, win ry r.m,- ti,
Horn BllUn Mr.. ... K' nur, ti. t..k Tnrato. O.L
By the Rochester & Pittsburgh R. R. Co.
Offl flf. A CROSS TIES to be
ZeJU.UUU cut and delivered
this coming winter along the line of
.I i . . . . , .
meir roau oeiween uraaiord, mo
Kean Co., and Brookville, Jefferson
Co., Pa. Ties to be of Hemlock,
Chestnut, White liurr Oak, or Cherry,
to be cut from live timber smoothly
hewn to be straight, free from rotten
knots and other imperfections. All
ties to be 8 feet long with square ends,
to average 8 inch face, none to be less
than 7 inch face, and 6 inches thick.
Address all proposals to
J. E. Miller,
Superintendent of Construction,
Ridgway, Pa.
On the Loss of
Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea
induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary
Emissions, Impotency, Nervous De
bility, and Impediment to Marriage
generally; Consumption, Epilepsy,
and Fits; Mental and Physical In
capacity. &c By ROBERT J. CUL
VERVVELL, M. D.. author of the
"Green Book,"&c.
The world-renowned author, in this
admirable Lecture.clearly proves from
his own experience that the wiliul
consequences of Self-Abuse may be
effectually removed without dangerous
surgical operations, bougies, instru
ments, rings, or cordials; pointing out
a mode of cure at once certain and ef
fectual, by which every sufferer, no
matter what his condition may be,
may cure himself cheaply, privately
and radically.
SgyThis Lecture will prove a 'boon
to thousands and thousands.
Sent, under seal, in a plain envel
ope, to one address, on receipt of six .
cents or two postage stamps.
41 Ann St. New York, N. Y.J Post
office Box, 450.
Folding cribs, cradles, bedsteads
Mattresses, fec, at Bowers'.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Div
An and after MONDAY. Oct. 3i.
J 18S1, the trains on tbe Philadel
phia & Erie Railroud Division will
run as follows :
Niagara Ex. leaves Phila 8 00 a. rib
" " Renovo..6 45 p. m
" " " Driftwood7 00
" " . " Eniporiuin7 CO "
" " " St.Mnrys..8 40 '
" " " R!dgway.. 0t) "
" " arr. Kane.. ..10 03 "
ERIE mail leaves Phila 11 65 p. m
" " Renovo 1105 a.m.
" " Driftwood. 12
" " Emporium. 1 30 p. m.
" ' St. Mary's..2 20 p. m.
iiuigway....z 3b p- m
" Kane 3 50 p. m
arr. at Erie 7 45 n. Hi.
Day Express leaves Kane ... 6 00 ami
" " " Ridgway 6 50 anu
" " " St. Marys 7 17 "
" ' " Emporium8 10 "
" " Driftwood 8 57 "
" " " Renovo . . 10 05 14
" " arr. atPhifa. . . . 7 05 pm.
ERIK mail leaves Erie 11 35 a. in.
" " Kane 4 10 p, m.
" Ridgway... .5 17 p.m.
' " St. Mary's..5 50 p. m.
" ' Emporium. fi 66 p. m.
Lrmwood..7 p. m,
" Renovo 9 oo p, m.
arr. at Phila 7 00 a. m.
"Erie Mail and Niagara Express
connect with Low Grade Division;
Erie Mail west and Day J!xpress con
nect with B. N. Y. & P. R. R,
General Sup't.
'For rick stomach, bl t? .to, sinking
spells, andnatjalon. rely j.n.Hy on 1e-
"For w:intof apintlCo, dyspepsia, liiUlKca
tSon, and liver cmniilalnt. titkn 1'eiujna; It
never laiis." Kc3uXX
"Those In lltrarv. ftrofeABfnnid or com
mercial pursuits constantly need Pkbbba.
for const iuaUon, AIamalix.1 EESStbW
"For sick bendache, pain In the lieiuU
dlulness, and low spirits, take l'tuuNA."
Kead and study onr book on the Ills of life,
follow lis teachings, and you Kill bo happy.
'tlOOOwill he paid fornny cabe Pkiu na
will not cure or greatly improve.
Ladles, If you wish strength, healtb and
heauty, sweet hivath, cherry lips and rosy
f5ll to vonr nftnn!it rirtiinrlHt fnr nltnttl..
otPKKUNA. TakeUbeforeeachnieal."
'For nervous dehlllty, catarrh of tbe Mad
der, or disease of the kidneys, take Fbkuna,
and be cured.1'
Inform the citizens of Ridgway and
the public generally, that he has
started a Livery stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
ftaTHe will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders Ief
at the Post Omc will receive pro ta o
attention. vwy