Awtatt THURSDAY. DEC. 1. 1881. Republican Conntf Committee. Chairman Jas. H. Hsgerty, Rldg way. Beneeette Jacob English. . Bsniinger Joseph Corbe. Fox J. J. Taylor. Highland E. Ho vet) camp. Horton W. P. Eggleston. Jay J. W. Brown. Jones O. M. Montgomery. Millstone W. A. Irwin. Ridgway Township Peter Gulnack. Bldgway Borough J. M. Schram. Bt. Mary's Boro. W. C. Spafford, Spring Creek O. T. Minor. Is this to be an open winter? We must soon learn to write 1882, Yesterday was warm and pleasant. mow is a good time to trim grape Tines. Eggs are scarce in this market at S3 cents a dozen. Elk County Teachers' Institute January 26 1882. Plow your garden this fall it will work as easy again next spring. Let us have peace and buck wheat cakes with sorgutn for break fast. Ask your neighbor to subscribe for The Advocate. $1.50 a year iu ad vance. The Rochester and Pittsburgh R. R. Co., advertise for 250,000 cross-ties in another column. The squawk of the last buckwheat enko will soon be heard in the laud. Cause a scarcity of buckwheat flour. The number of pupils enrolled in the Rldgway Borough Schools lust month was 230. Bee report in another column. We don't just see wby a woman snouia u Ke ner mirror uctter man a man, for the man will flatter her and the mirror will not. Tuesday was a beautiful day, and the sun shone brightly in seeming dis regard of the overcoat advertisements in our lust week's issue. -rTbe young woman who used to sing so divinely, "Oh, had I the wings oi a uove,' is satisnea with, a chicken leg now. She is married. The Rev. J. M. Thoburn, of War ren, Pa., will occupy the pulpit of the M. E. Church of this place, next Bab bath, Deo. 4th, in exchange with the Pastor. The Elk Democrat will Issue a daily during Institute week. Our citizens should give the enterprise a cordial support both in the way of subscription and advertising. A scarf pin made of a dollar gold piece on which is engraved the initials "H. H. W" was lost Tuesday night either on Mill or Main street. The finder will confer a favor by leaving the same at this office. The Bogert House lunch room Is the place to go for a quiet lunch or a equare meal. Bogert understands running a hotel, and the addition of a lunch room shows that he is wide awake to the wants of his patrons. There are sixty-one trout streams in Pennsylvania that the fish commis sion have stocked with fish, placing from one thousand to six thousand in each stream. By a law, Ashing in waters thus stocked is forbidden until threeyears after such stocking. Clean Up- An exchange well says that persons having cabbages patches in their gardens should look to it that no decayed heads remain, aa it is con sidered to be a fruitful source of diph theria. It would be well to watch the ce.'lars carefully during the coming Winter for all manner of decayed vegetables. A little sanitary regula tion about the house and vicinity will repay our readers in the enjoyment of better health and reduced doctor bills. The debt reduction for the current month will be lurge according to ap pearances at the close of business in wasmngton on Monday. The re ceipts so far have been $26,000,000, and the ordinary disbursements, $14,000, 000. In addition to this the interest payments for the month which have to be substracted amount so far to $3, 700,000. This leaves with the returns of two days to count, something like f 9,000,000 surplus for the month. Mercer Brother s meat market was on fire Saturday evening at about 6 o'clock. The stove pipe was stuck through a hole in the roof and as this condition of things has existed for years tbe only wonder is that the building has not been burned long ago. The bucket brigade was on hand and extinguished the Are with out loss. J. 8. Singleton, the owner of the building, has had a substantial chimney build since the fire, and the stove pipe peeks through the roof no more. This little Incident should prompt our citizens to look at once to the safety of stove pines and flues. It will be a matter of more than common interest to the farmer read ers of The Advocate: to learn that there is iu existence and in full force a statute of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by a knowledge of which many dollars may be saved to them. It is to the effect that any person who shall transplant ou the side of the public highway, on hisown premises, any fruit, shade or forest trees of suitable size, shall be allowed by the supervisor, when the roads run through or adjoin cultivated fields, an abatement on his road tax of one dol lar for every four trees set out. The trees must, however, be set out the year previous before the allowance will be granted, and they must be alive and well protected. This law was enacted May 2, 1879, and deserves the widest publicity. Mm 3 Personalties. v Capt. Fred. Bchcenlng went to Chicago on Tuesday. D. R. Kline has moved Into his new bouse on East street, i Jerry Stewart has moved into his new house across the river. Mrs. Miles has returned and her mother and Mrs. Jones are visiting here. Russel Coates of Warsaw, Jeffer son county, was In town Tuesday and Wednesday. Hattle Oyster has been sick for more than a week with diphtheria. Mrs. Oyster came home In answer to a telegram. Doctor Hartley alone sold 04 tickets to Doctor Earley's lecture, be sides the number sold at other places and the amonnt taken In at the door. Mr. Patterson, tailor, in the em ploy of A. Swartz Ross, has moved Into the house on Centre stree, next Pat Malone's, recently vacated by D, R. Kline. And still they gol We mean the departure of Warren young men from single blessedness to married life) Tbe same old story retold. In another column will be found the marringe notice of Capt. Jas. O. Parmlee and Mies Honor Stevens. The Captain Is a brave man but had to yield to super ior forces. Beveral ladies and gentle' men were present from Warren, bear ing with them a fitting remembrance from "I" Co., N. O. P , in the shape of an elegant sword and belt. His soldier boys were evidently anxious he should be well armed. Warren Mail. MARRIED. Gorton Gkenell. At the resi dence of Du Hois Gorton, Thursday, Nov. 24. 1881, by the Rev. S. M. Clark, Mr. Frank Gorton and Miss Nellie E. Grenell, all of Rldgway, Pa. Corporal Gorton and his fair bride have the best wishes of The Advo cate office, all hands and the Devil, for their future success and prosperity. Frank evidently believes that "it Is not good for man to go it alone" es pecially with a hard winter staring a fellow In the face. Having bravely commenced the battle of life wo hope victory may reward all his striving. DIED. Jones On Wednesday, Nov. 23, 1881, inrs j ones, agea w years. Deceased was mother of A. W. and Justin Jones. Funeral services were held In the Lutheran church on Thanksgiving day, after which the interment took place in the new Cemetery. Blind Mac will irive a concert on Thursday evening of next week. The place tor holding the concert will be announced hereafter. Parochinl Society. At a special meeting of the Ladies' Parochial Society of Grace Church, this place, the following vote of thanks was unanimously adopted: Remembering with deep apprecia tion the medical lecture delivered on the evening of the 21st Inst, by Dr. C. R. Earley, we desire thus publicly to express our sincere gratitude to him for the same, and for the very lucid and pleasing manner in which he pre sented the Important Bubjeet of "Di gestion.'' We desire further to express In the same way, our deeply felt thanks to the County Commissioners, through Mr. Osterhout, who so kindly ex tended to us the grutuitous use of the Court House. Also to Mr. Ben. Dill for valuable services generously ren dered. Also to Doctor Williams, and Messrs. Frank Settelle, and Joseph Meisiuger for the very delightful music so willingly rendered on the occasion. Also to Capt. Fred. Schcen Ing who cheerfully loaned to us for the evening one of his excellent organs. Mr. C. L. Cody, Pres. pro tern. Miss Eliza Brooks, Sec. pro tern. Ilury Me Near the Old Home. The latest Song and Chorus, by Will. L. Thompson. Since the death of President Garfield the sentiment expressed In this beautiful song has beeome universal. The melody is very pretty, and already the piece has become a great favorite. We advise all lovers of popular music to send 35 cents to the publishers and receive a copy by return mail. Published by W. L. Thompson & Co., East Liver pool, Ohio. A Peculiar Accident. Bradford Star. As the O., B. & W. Railway train, which pulls out of this city at 2:20 P. M., was approaching Bell's Camp yesterday it came in contact with a healthy bovine commonly called the cow, knocking her down and cutting off both hind legs about midway be tween tbe gambrel joint and the knee. The unlucky critter lost no time in resuming her former attitude and to mo astonishment of tbe passengers who witnessed the destressing scene she walked up the track in the direct ion of the train as if nothing of import ance had occurred. Her carriage was as gentle as usual though somewhat after the fashion of tho delicate kan garoo. The feet dangled at the end of the shortened limbs, being connected by a portion of the skin that had not been severed by the car wheels. The sight was disgusting In the extreme and some turned from It with restless stomachs. Chautauqua Co. Grand Central P. & K. Butter at the Christmas cards! Christmas cards!! Christmas cards!!.' fifty different styles and prices. The largest display ever seen In Rldgway at The Advocate office. School cards! school cards!! school cards!!! for day or Sunday school 80 varieties all beautiful at The Ad vocate office. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. RLDGWAY BORO. SCHOOLS. Principal's Report for month end In Not. fl4, 1881: I1 la n 9 ii teachers. MlH Bab E. Wllcoi.... MIh Agiie Barrett Mr. and Mr. J. B.Johnson Summary.. SS0 1 189 1 St A written examination U held at the doss of each month from whloh tbe average elan itandlnf of each pupil U ascertained. Tbe blghnVobtaleed by any papll for the month U96; tbe lowest 59; the highest general aver age 99; the lowest 65. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. 0 CP cs "A" GRADE. 9 Adnh Motions, 80 Lizzie Flynn ..... 77 88 Glennl Johnson .... UUBBle Woodward . Eddie Horton .., Jlinm:y Wilcox-.... Josie Messenger .... Patrick Holluud .... Iru Sberninn Willie Scuraru....... Flora Irwin .... ....... "B" GRADE. sck 85 left 69: 67 mi; 71 80 Annie Kline Minnie Kline.... Minnie Miles Addle Burdwell.. Viola iei I Mack Klnie Warreu li wlu... 100; 100 100 loo sck 1U) 90 100; left 98 96 "C" GRADE. Mneete Rees 93! Mltinle Terwllltger.. Kinnitt Ueary.. Kd die Hevler KUdio Holadity 88 85 fit) VI Charlie Geary Charlie Mil 83 left lea 84 85 Bruce Klnie ...... Wallie Dill lieu nle Little George McFarlun Carrie Clark Dwlght Terwilllger.. 91 62 "D" GRADE. Burleigh Bnndy .... Joseph .Muy rrmun .Mercer Louis lililues Molile Duly Maud Kline ........... Carrie Kly Daisy Kilne Laura Williams KliH Malone Clarice Hardwell Kugi. Willurd Id n Knorl sck 94 90 eft! 91 89 82 Kr)i 75 Joseph Weber 81 "E" GRADE. Hattle Oyster Mamie MclKpnlng.... Grat'le Hcribuer Ma ml Miles Jessie Laninreux .... lielle Hartley Mary u'lirlen Ida Pullman Frank oyster Cluirles Lesser Fred. Hartley Charles Williams... Frank Wtekwire... Anna McGovern.... "F" GRADE. Minnie Sykes .. KiO ion NO Rfl 97 Lotte Holes Di 1W W H7 W Carrie Cook 73 luU WU K8 90 Kellie Ht.laUny 1U0 100 tw o 117 Alice Olmsted -..I &i Its.) 97 70 () Jotie Wheeler 100 100 HI (Ki 98 John Daly HI: loo W fc 95 James Daly .. KI 100 HO 6H Hi Thuiuns Daly 71 100 loo 76 Kit John Etrler. Hi V7 00 Jen 63 Willie Khl ne 37 100 Ml 68 Jerome Gorton 93 loo 100 79 1)3 Dituiel Mttloney So 100 Itt Hi 90 Almcda Benedict .... &! loo 100 87 88 John Turuey 65 100 100 79 86 Of those marked left one went to N. Y., another Is learning telegraphy and the others quit on account of a little "onpleus- antness" about the steam. Mrs. W. H. Osterhout, Mrs. D.Cook, Mrs. W. Cuthbert, and Mrs. P. Irwin, will please accept our thanks for the loan of plants and pictures. J. B. Johssom, Principal. Saving the Day. From an exchange we copy the fol lowing, relative to the contest for Sheriff In McKean county, In which, it appears, Col. A. I. Wilcox was suc cessful only by extraordinary efforts to get in the returns and making double-quick time from Kendall to Sinetbport: The laws of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania provide that an election return to be counted, must be sent to the prothonotary's office at the county seat within twenty-four hours from the close of election day. Wednes day evening about nine o'clock it was discovered at Sinetbport, McKean county, that the returns from the borough of Kendall were missing. There was a hasty gathering of Wil cox men, and some hasty figuring was done, involving the startling fact that without the vote of that borough, Sart- well, the opposition candidate, had eleven majority. The telegraph operator was routed out, and a message flashed over to Wilcox. His jubilant townsmen had hardly got over tbe celebration, but when the gravity of the situation be came apparent, they sobered up at once. The fast ponies of Col. Wilcox were bitched up in a twinkling, and tbe returns handed to the driver at ten o'clock. He had just two hours to make twenty miles. "Kill the horses If you want to, but get there ou time," was the Colonel's parting exhortation, as the ponies dashed outj into the night. At ten minutes before twelve the ponies, all foam-flecked and mud-bespattered, rushed up to the court house square at Sinetbport. Tbe driver flung himself out with the returns that were to save Wilcox, and at eight minutes before twelve their receipt was acknowledged by tbe proper officer. It was close work, and the fastest time on record. Scrap pictures! scrap pictures!! scrap pictures!!! a great variety at The Advocate office. Tbe latest and greatest discovery Is Peruna. If you do not feel well take It at once. Tbe City of St Paul, a first-class, large new design, wood cook stove, take a look at it before purchasing a stove. W. S. Service, Ag't. A fine assortment of Albums the Grand Central P. & K's. at BTJBINEB3 LOOAL8. Our Men Who Advertise. Qlvo mv.m Vntir 1mt a, u vu - w vutsyej. Full line of choice syrup and mo ISMVSSIJUVIS0'"" One case Fresh Cookies and Jelly Fingers at Morgesier s. i ,o XXX Soda, Milk, Oyster and Lemon crackers always fresh from bakery at Morgester's. i o Choice FreUoh ' and Turkish Prunes, English , Currants, Citron, Valencia ana London Layer Raisins choice new goods at Morgester's. Choice dried and evaporated ap ples at Morgester's. o A new Invoice of choloe Gun powder and Japan teas at Morgester's. Crate of Chlnaware Just received at Morgester's. o 10 Bbls. oil 160 and 120 lire test Just received at Morgester's. Go to Morgester's for stick candy, mixed candy, candy toys, oranges, lemons, dates, and figs. Large stock and always fresh and new. o Felt boots on purpose for cold weather-belling at the New York Store at $1.60 a pair. A large stock of overcoats,, all styles, will be sold at 25 per ceut. less than can be bought anywhere else In Elk county. As we are expecting a light winter these goods must be sold. Don't miss this chance. Come and buy your overcoats at the New York Store. A big line of clothing for men, boys, and youth, will be sold at aston ishingly low prices at tbe New York Store, post-office block, Bidgway, Pa. Just received a new stock of lum bermen's rubbers, going fast at $1.40 a pair at the New York Store. o The best driving boots, four soles, full stock sold at $5.00 a pair at the New York Store. For the benefit of the holidays goods will be sold at a reduced price at the New York Store. o Lumbermen's Flannel, selling fast ar 45 cents a yard at the New York Store. o Grey, Navy Blue, Bottle Green, and Brown Flannel Suitings at P. & K's Grand Central. o Ladies' Misses', and Children's Cashmere Hose at the Grand Cen tral, Powell & Kime's, Main Street. o Cardinal, Wine, Navy Blue, Bronze Green, Brown and Bluck Satin at the Grand Central. Another invoice of Overcoats at the Grand Central, P. & K. o That Clothing Department at the Grand Central, P. & K's is simply Immense. Anything you may want in that line you can find there, o Boy's overcoats just received at P. & K's Grand Central. o Flour. Feed, Meal, Bran, Pork, Salt and Manilla Rope always In stock at the Grand Central. Potatoes at tbe Grand Central, P. & K's for the small price of $1.20 per bushel. o The Grand Central can't he beat ou Dress Goods. Another in voic) this week. The Philadelphia Weekly Press. By a favorable arrangement with the publishers of The Press we are en abled to send The Philadelphia Week ly Pree and The Advocate for one year for $2.50, all postage paid. A Wise Deacon. "Deacon Wilder, I want you to tell me how you kept yourself and family well tbe past season when all the rest of us have been sick so much, and have bad the doctors visiting us so often." "Bro. Taylor, the answer is very easy. I used Hop Bitters in time; kept my family well and saved the doctor bills. Three dollars' worth of it kept us well and able to work all the time. I'll warrant it has cost you and the neighbors one to two hundred dollars apiece to keep sick the same time." "Deacon, I'll use your medi cine here after." A. Swartz Boss, Merchant Tailor, sign of the red front, Main street, Bidgway, Pa., has. on hand a large stock of gents' furnishing goods in connection with his tailoring estab lishment. He has a large stock of samples for winter suitings. Orders promptly filled and all work guaran teed to give satisfaction. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a really remarkable and time-honored medi cine. It is tbe best remedy known for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Our little Johnny had been given up to die, (Diphtheria) when we gave him Peruna; he Is well. Fulton county, hemmed In as it is on all sides by mountains, is the only county in Pennsylvania without a railroad. But it looks now as if this boon was about to be given its people. The McConnellsburg Democrat notices the advent of Cols. Stewart and Roberts with a corps of engineers Into that borough, for the purpose of making a survey for a railroad through the county, to connect with tbe Baltimore fc Cumberland Valley road at Chambersburg and a new road under construction by W. H. Van derblltfrom Pittsburgh eastward. It is thought that within the next three years Fulton county will be relieved of the reproach so often cast upon it, as the only county In the State with out a railroad. ' Temperance Call. ''Go. bear what I have heard. The sobs of sad despair, As memory's feeling fount hath stlred, And It revealing there . Bare told me what I mlcbt have been, Had I tbe drunkard's late foreseen. see e Qo, bear, and tee, and reel, and know All that my soul baa felt and known, Tben look within tbe Wine-cup's glow; Bee If Its brightness can atone: Think of IU flavor yon would try. . If all proolalmed, 'U drink and die." To those who have listened to the Impassioned utterances of Major Boott as night after night he makes bis ur gent appeal for the promotion of tem perance reform, with arguments based upon and anecdotes drawn from his personal experience and observations; the above lines will convey a vivid word picture of the scenes and senti ments he so forcibly expresses and richly portrays. Attentive audiences have gathered each evening and a deep interest has been manifested by the people In the temperance move ment. Many have taken tbe pledge to abstain from the use of all intoxi cating liquors as a beverage. Tbe Major speaks without notes in clear and forcible language, now in well modulated pleasing tones, and anon, with rallying war cry he wheels his columns into line. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sun day, and Monday evenings the work of recruiting went on. For a few minutes after each lecture secretarys were busily engaged recording the names of the signers. One hundred and sixty-four names were taken up to the close of the Monday evening lecture. Sunday and Monday even ings the church was crowded with those who came to hear and see. Major Scott and his noble and de voted wife have been engaged in this work for about five years. Their field extends from Maine to the Mississippi and as a result of their devotion they can cite the names of over one hun dred thousand who have beeu enlisted under tbe banner of the "Christlau Temperance Union." In the city of Williamsport ten thousand names were inscribed on the rolls. Come out to the M. E. Church any night, every night, hear and see the Major and join the temperance army. C. JE. H. If a train of thirty cars, each car containing one huudred passengers, should fall through a rotten bridge, and another train with as many pas sengers follow it down into the abyss, and every person on board should be crushed to death or drowned, wouldn't there be a seusatlon? Yet that many brakeman are killed annually, and very little is said about it. And this wholesale slaughter of young men is attributable in the main to the murder ous car-couplees now in use devices which are certain to catch a brakeman sooner or later. It is the duty of all State Legislatures to pass laws com pelling tbe introduction of safety coup lers. Until that is done the slaughter will continue, with "nobody to blame" but the poor brakeman himself, who must take his life in his hand and walk into the trap a dozen times a day. Exchange. Tbe Greenbackers of the Forty- seventh Congress, who had about de termined to nominate a candidate for Speaker Independent of either party, have concluded not to do so. It was intended to confer tbe nomination upon Congressman Ladd, of Maine, in the dim hope that be might slip into the Speaker's chair between the can didates of the other parties. The news of J. Hyatt Smith's determined Re publican stand, tbe information that two Missouri Greenbackers, were go ing into tbe Republican caucus, and tbe fact that the Virginia Rcadjusters, upon who they had relied for some help, were pledged to the Republicans, had tbe effect of weakening tbe Green back determination, and it has been announced that no candidate would be nominated. ELK CO. ADVOCATE RATES. YEARLY ADVKBTI81KO. One Column One Year . 80.00 One-half Column One Year...... .45.00 One-fourth Column One Year............. 25.00 One-eighth Column One Year- -..15.00 TRANSI KMT ADVERTISING. One Square One Wee b m ..1.00 One Square Two Wmi , ,,,,,,,, , , i fJt One Square Three Weeks.... .2.00 Each additional Insertion 50 cents a square each week. LOCAL ADVERTISING. Ten oents a line first Insertion; five cento a line for euch additional Insertion. HENSY A. PABSOKS.ja., Proprietor. WANTED By the Rochester A Pittsburgh R. B. Co. OFA AAA CROSS TIES to be j60J9JJJ cut and delivered this coming winter along the line of their road between Bradford, Mc Kean Co., and Brookville, Jefferson Co., Pa. Ties to be of Hemlock, Chestnut, White Burr Oak, or Cherry, to be cut from live timber smoothly hewn to be straight, free from rotten knots and other imperfections. All ties to be 8 feet long with square ends, to average 8 iuch face, none to be less than 7 inch face, and 6 inches thick. Address all proposals to J. E. Miller, Superintendent of Construction, Bidgway, Pa. CHARTER NOTICET Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be made under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled, "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of certain Corporations," approved April 28th, A. I). 1874, and the acts supplemental thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "The Ridoway Water, Light, and Heat Company," the character and object of which are to supply the Borough of Bidgway and iu vicinity, in Elk county, Pennsyl vania, 1st with water. 2nd with light by means of Elec tricity. 8rd with beatand motive power by meaus of Steam or Electricity. And for such purpose to have, pos sess, and enjoy, all the rights, benefits, and privileges conferred by said Act of Assembly and its supplements. Rufits Lucobk, Solicitor. Nov. 30th, 1831. FLASTS A 1TB SEEDS EVERYBODY. Our Catalogue of choice SEEDS and PLANTS contain the "BEST and CHEAPEST," and our BOOK OF FLOWERS gives prices and descriptions of Designs, Baskets and Loose Cut Flowers for any occasion, Sent free on application. Harry Chaapcl, Seedsman Florist, Williamsport, Pa. HENRY A. PARSONS, Jr., AG"I NO. 49 FIFTH AVENUE. To Impart a PRACTICAL UMSINES3 EDUCATION has, tor many years and with great success, been the aim of DufTs College. . , The faithful student has here facilities for euch a training as will qualify him for an im mediate entrance upon practical duties In anysphere of life. For circulars, address r. lHJri' A chjjn, riiiasuuit, ra. .... , .. j.mii i"M (umKKEf:pmn nnbllshed bv Harper 4 Bros., printed In colors. 400 panes. The largest work on tbe soienoe i published. and practical accounts. Price S3.0O. Business Cards. GEO. A. RATH BUN. ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa. Particular attention given to the examination of titles, also to patents and patent cases. HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t J. S. BAROWELL, PHYSICIAN AND SURQE0N, Dtrot tnrnnttr.fltfa t'OD fa nrnArtno Offlne on Main Hrrent. Rldirwav. Pa.. opposite the Bogert House. Office uours irom l to x ana 7 to 8, l. m. W. L. WILLIAMS. Late of Btrattunvllle), Physician and Burgeon, Kidgway, .'a. umce in Hall's Brick Building (up-stalrs)-References J. D. Smith, H. ' L. Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanville ; Major John Kltley, W. W. Green land, Clark u. Has practiced his profession sccessfully for more than ten years. G. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. V. corner of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Druids. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vi nay HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, tli. n ait.. mwi.lofn. Vinnui V. t r mvlnn strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct30'69 APPLETO N'SAMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA. This admirable work is now com- pletein 10 vols. Eachvolumecontains800 pages. It makesa complete and well selected library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep wen iniormeu. -rice $o uu in ciotu, $6.00 in leather, or $7.00 iu elegant hal f Turkey. For particulars address, W. H. FaircbilU. Portville. Catt. Co.. N. Y.. who has been dulv annointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, general agent. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. F. Poll man havfnir moved into the house of Jas. Penfield near the Catholic church wishes to inform the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that she is prepared to do in a neat aud satisfactory manner all kinds of plain sewing ana reasonable prices. Ail persons naving work in this line are respectfully invited to give her a call. nlSmS GET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHERS 1 Every Style & Price. Guarante ed Unequal el FOB OPERATION, ECONOK1Y. DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Improvement! and Conveniences fcunl ! &o ethers. Always Reliable, POPULAR EVERYWHERE. For Sale la Every City sal Tews la the Patted Stt . MRS. E. CEAYSTO.f. In returning thanks for past favors respectfully begs to Inform uer friends and the public generally that she has Just returned from New York where she purchased a large stock of Milli nery and fancy goods of the latest styles, also a nice selection of ladies' Skirts, Plain and Fancy hosiery, Ladies' and Cbildrens' Parasols, Hair goods, fancy Chlnaware, &c., which she intends to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Particular attention given to trimming and In a style that cannot be surpassed in this section. All are Invited to call and inspect her goods before purchasing elsewhere. nlOiug A work for bankers, railroads, business men k LECTURE TO TOUKQ MEH On the Loss of A 1.ECTURH OTf THE NATURE, TREATMENT, AND BADICAT. CUre Of Beminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous De bility, and Impediment to Marriage generally; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical In capacity, Ac. By ROBERT J. CUL VERWELL, M. D., author of the "Green Book,"&c. The world-renowned author. In this admirable Lecture,clearly proves from his own experience that the wilful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instru ments, rings, or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain aud ef fectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. JSfThis Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envel ope, to one address, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address. The CULVERWELL MEDICAL Co. 41 Ann St. New York, N. Y.; Post office Box, 450. Folding cribs, cradles, bedsteads Mattresses, &c, at Bowers'. PENNSYLVANIA BAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. n and after MONDAY, Oct. 31, 1881, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie Railroad Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. Niagara Ex. leaves Phila 8 00 a. m. Kenovo..o 45 p. m. Driftwood7 00 Emporium7 60 " ii it St. Marys.. 8 40 " " " ' Ridgway..9 09 " " " arr. Kane.... 10 05 " ERIE mail leaves Phila 11 6,5 p. m " " Renovo...-ll 05 a. m. " " Driftwood. 12 15 p.m. " " Emporium. 1 30 p. m. " St. Mary's..2 20 p. m. " " Ridgway ....2 36 p-m. " " Kane 3 50 p. m. " arr. at Erie .7 45 p. m. EASTWARD. Day Express leaves Kane ... 6 00 am. Ridgway 6 60 am. t. Marys 7 17 " " Emporium8 10 " Driftwood 8 67 " " Renovo . . 10 05 arr. atPhila. ... 7 05 nm. ERIE hail leaves Erie 11 85 a. m. Kane 4 10 p. m. Ridgway ....5 17 p.m. St. Mary's-5 60 p. m. Emporium.6 66 p. m. DriItwood..7 42 p. m. Renovo. .....9 00 p. m. ii .i i. i ii " arr. at Phila 7 00 a.m. 'Erie Mail and Niagara Express connect with Low Grade Division; Erie Mail west and Day Express con nect with B. N. Y. & P. R. R. ROBERT NEILSON, General Sup't.' L-I is nature's greatest remedy, lit. Haruusn prescribed It to 40.000 Datlent. all at whmn recovered or were tuucu Improved. HffifUJ'TI Peruna can bti taken by every cue the youn, th mlddle-airwlj fo.1li'f'aj Peruna. always agrees i with tffeSleutr Itclcaosus the system of all Its Impurities, tones the stomach, regulates the lieart, un locks the secrettnnsof the liver, strenirthfn. the nerves and invigorates the brain. Pnmi A Is the greatest appetizer, uaT blood, and to the weary and tired from the tolls and cares of the day It gives sweet srnl refreshing Bleep. HVWrKBCTSBKsVSaBI Pkhun a should betaken by every body Ixj- 10 re each meal. When Well, tn nravAnt alplr. ness; whensirk, to cure. iloOO will Iwpald (oraeaseltwlUnotcureornelp. sypMraaw Pjckuna Is coniiioscdof allvoguUuliiio- uivitu,, . u quo m ureal remeuy in iiscir. It Isu'ieaaanttoCo'SuS stomach to digest any article of food, smw For a book which will enable you to treat Sourself, aidros 8. B. HAKTMAK a CO., suonx. Ohio. Alwaysrogulftb) the bowels and pelvic organs with N EW LIVERY STAPLE IN EIDGWAT. DAN3SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway and the public generally, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon tbe most reasonable terms. SKtVHe will also do job teaming. -Stable on Elk street. All orders lef at tbe Post Office will receive prom p attention. Aug201871tl