The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 10, 1881, Image 3

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THURSDAY, NOV. 10, 1881.
, Republican County Committee.
Chairman J as. H. Uagerty, Ridg
way. Beneeette Jacob English.
Bensinger Joseph Corbe.
Fox J. J. Taylor.
Highland K H oven cam p.
ttorton W. P. Eggleston.
Jay J. W. Brown.
JonesMJ. M Montgomery.
MlllBtone W. A. Irwin.
Rldgway Township Peter Gulnack.
Rldgway Borough J. M. Schram.
Bt Mary's Boro. W. C. Spafford.
Bprlng Creek O. T. Minor.
' Thanksgiving Ball.
Come one and all, at Muglnnls'
llall. Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa., on
Thursday evening Nov, 24, I8sl. The
public U cordially invited to attend.
Music by Miller's Quadrille Band.
Tickets 60 cents. By order of coni
tnitteg. Choice French and Turkish prunes,
at Morgofiter'a
A fine lot of potatoes $1,20 per
bushel at the Grand Central P. & K.
The stAy-at-homes defeated Pen
field. And it is now too late for re
gret. Millinery goods in great variety
at Miss McGloin's. Call and be con
vinced. Unpeelcd peaches, at Morgester's.
A large stock of gloves and mit
tens, at' Morgester's.
Lumbermen's Flannel 8 oz. for
ale at the New York Store at 45
cents a yard.
Dr. Warner's Celebrated Nursing
Corset for sale at the Grand Central,
Powell and Kime's.
More than 100 voters staid at home
In Ridgway, and Weideuboerner's ma
jority only 52
Mrs. B. F. Fink, nee May Mohney,
of New Bethlehem, sister of Mrs. H.
H. Wensel. was here this week from
Monday till Thursday.
Noby styles, good goods in Hats and
Cips,'for Men and Boys. Styles such
an no other House can show you are
for sale at the New York Store.
Artimcr Davidson, brotherof Dan
iel Davidson, had his arm broken by
being tripped by a skid, while nkid
ding logs on Hull's clearing at Bear
Creek on Monday, Nov. 7th.
Deer are very plentiful thlsseason.
"We are informed by an old friend of
the elder Judge Mei-Renger, that the
Judge has killed several deer near the
Elk Licks on Toby. And is lately be
come quite a Ninirod.
Burdette, having learned that the
Chinese Government is about to build
some railroads, looks forward into the
future and hears the Celestial brake
man cry: "Hoopee! Yang-lze-Kiau
Junction! Tlainee stoppee ten miuuto
eatee and dlinkee!"
You have never seen ifuch a profu
sion of styles, all good, in Gents Fur
uishing Goods as is shown at the popu
lar store of Cohen, Bro. & Brownsteine
and the last, but not leat, the priees.
You cannot resist the temptation to
buy if you see the Neck Ties, Neck
Scarfs, Bows, Gloves, and, in fact, all
the different styles of goods for mens
wear are for fale at the New York
The Philadelphia Weekly Press.
By a favorable arrangement with
the publishers of The Press we are en
abled to send The Philadelphia Week
ly Press and The Advocate for one
year for 2.00, all jiostage paid.
Fresh Crackers, Fresh Groceries,
Fresh Feed and Flour, Fresh Dry
Goods, Fresh Hats & Caps, Fresh
Boot &, Shoes, just received at the
Grand Central.
Tall and Winter Millinery.
Miss M. McGloin would respectfully
call the attention of the ladies of Ridg
way and vicinity to her new and ele
gant assortment of hats and bonnets,
trimmed and untrimmed. Call on
Miss M'Glolu and examiue this large
assortment before making purchases
The election on Tuesday last
passed off very quietly, not more than
a two third vote being uolled, in the
ouuty. The day was pleasant and
warm which would seem to be a good
Indication that a heavy vote would be
polled but the result shows that no
matter Cow' fine the weather it takes
extra effort to get men to the polls in
an off-year.
Baily is elected by from 6,000 to 10
000 majority over Noble.
New York is Democratic, the Demo
crats having also captured the Legis
lature in that State.
Virginia has been carried by the
Mahone re-adjusters and Republicans.
New Jersey is Democratic.
Massachusetts Republican.
And Elk county ..
A large stock of brooins, at Mor
gester's. The official vote in the county is
given in another column.
Penfield made a good run, but
lacked 62 votes of having enough.
The purest, best and cheapest
remedy is that simple compound
Call at the West End Furnishing
Store and see the McCabe reclining
In Ridgway Borough Dr. Hartley
received 16 votes for Coroner; Dr. Wil
liams 14. Ridgway township Wil
liams 81; Hartley 6. William's ma
jority 35.
Now that the unsympathizing fig
ures of the official result are before us,
all before election speculations are re
duced to either realized guesses or un
realized expectation. Warm and beau
tiful as figures may appear on the slips
of paper and old envelopes of the
guessers, there nothing but the solemn
array of stern fact in the carefully adS
Justed tables of the official canvassers.
Yet after this fight the forces of the de
feated hosts have the satisfaction of
knowing that they fought a good fight
in the cause of the right and although
repulsed, the principal remains and
the lesson will do its work. Not one
word has been said against the candi
dates of the opposition as regards per
sonal fitness or personal record. Nor
has the fight been made on personal
Neither has this been a contest be
tween Democrats and Republicans, for
had it been Mr. Welden boomer's ma
jority would have been neck and neck
with that of Noble's. It was not the
Democratic nominee but the manner
of the nomination. A protest from
Democrats who are not owned or con
trolled by any one against the tyranny
of a clique who rule with a high hand.
Or in plain words the votes of the peo
ple against the will of the bosses. All
day long the Independent voter was
ahronrl, nnd the result shows that, in
certain sections of Elk county many
men think for themselves and vote re
gardless of party lash or threats of par
ty overseers. There is a healthy and
wholesome tone in the whole vote and
a warning that the Democratic bosses
and the Republican bosses will do well
to heed. For personally and through
the columns of The Advocate we
shall oppose the little bosses and the
big bosses, no matter what ticket they
espouse nor under what colors they
sail. And right here we will record
the fact that the triumph of one little
boss in the Republican County Con
vention lias wrought a damage which
we contemplute with sadnes3. The
bosses of ail degrees have only their
own interest at stake, and in their
haste to carry a point would ruin par
ty, state, county, and municipality.
Perhaps this may be a little hard, but
we appeal to every candid reader to de
cide if it be not honest. The tide of a
vigorous protest from a long suffering
people will rise higher and higher un
til the last trace of the bosses and their
work shall have been driven from the
face of the earth.
Thecatisfaetion to those who pretend
to run the machine which may be de
rived from a plurality of 52 they are
welcome to. But we can but regret
the fact that at least 150 voter of Ridg
way did not vote at all or almost three
times the number of the plurality re
ceived by the successful candidate.
Victory was within easy reach of the
friends of equal divlsiou of the offices
aud of party resposibilities.but by neg
lecting the effort necessary to get out
the vote we have lost- And a lesson
which we should have know is again
learned at great cost. The secret of
success lies in getting out every voter.
The men who are the victors in the
late struggle realize this fact, and to
that alone they owe their victory.
Our Stock of Ready M.-ide Clothing
is the largest ever placed on sale in
Elk Co. Consisting of Men's, Youths,
Boys end Children's. We annex a
price list of some of our loading goods.
A good, heavy Overcoat at $4.00
worth 50.00.
An all wool Beaver at $8.00 worth
A good stylish Ulster all wool $10.00
worth f 15.00.
Business Suits $5.00 worth $3.00.
Dress Suits $10.00 worth $15.00, &c,
Ac. It will bo worth your while to
look us over before you buy.
Thanking' you for past favors, and
awaiting your further commauds, we
remain, Yours Respt.,
Cohen, Bro. & Brownsteine.
Bogus Certificates.
It is no vile drugged stuff, pretend
ing to be made of wonderful foreigu
roots, barks, tc, and puffed up by
long bogus certificates of pretended
miraculous cures, but a simple, pure,
effective medicine, made of well
known valuable remedies that fur
nishes its own certificates by its cures.
Wo refer to Hop Bitters, the purest
and best of medicines. See another
column. Republican.
A boy named Larner, living in
Franklin connty, had his eye knocked
out by his teacher throwing a stick at
him when he was misbehaving in
The Reading railroad employes at
Cressona and vicinity contributed a
purse of $200 in aid of the family of
James Kern, who was killed on the
road at Pottsville last week.
Corn husks are selling In Philadel
phia at $60 per ton. The demand
comes from manufacturers of husk
A member of the Pittsburg Steel
Casting Company has applied for a
patent on steel making that it is claim
ed will greatly reduce the cost of steel
manufacture by the Bessemer process.
Ladies! we call your attention to
our stock of Dress Goods and Flannels.
Look over the list of prices we place
Prints, 6c to 7o, best.
Fancy dress goods run from 10c to
40c., the best.
Cashmeres, in all colors, from 40c to
In Dress flannel, all colors, will be
sold at corresponding prices.
In Trimmings silks, velvets, ic, we
have largest assortment in the town.
Only to be seen to be appreciated, at
the New York Store.
Inaction of the stomach or lungs,
Peruna cures- But when of the liver,.
or kidneys, Manalln does.
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The Unpaid Militiamen.
Complaints have been made by
members of the National Guard who
took part in the encampments setting
forth that, although they were ob-
ligtsd to forfeit their salaries accruing
from their business, they have not re
ceived any pay from the State for their
time at camp. They are limited by
law to five days' pay, which averages
to a private about 7.o0. Adjutant
Gensral Latta lust night said in re
gard to the matter that "the money
isn't legally due the men until after
the meeting of the Auditing Board,
which consists of the State Treasurer,
Auditor General and myselt. The
meeting, as prescribed by law, occurs
every year on the first Monday in
November, at which time tne pay-rolls
nuuT.e out by the captain of each com
pany are inspected and if found cor
rect are accordingly certified. When
this work is completed the drafts are
ma de payable to the captains of the.
respective companies. The State pro
vides for the use of not more than
$229,000 a year for the support of the
Na tional Guard, out of which the en
campment expenses are paid. There
is plenty of money in the Treasury
for this purpose, and at the prescribed
time everybody will be paid." Gen.
Latta further said that the State
Treasurer had recently remarked to
him that he hoped the rolls would be
handed in promptly by the captains,
as he was anxious get through with
paying the men. So far, however, it
appears that the delay in payments is
due to the company officer, who have
fulled to make out their rolls. Phila.
Washington, November 8. The
argu aient in the Star route cases was
resumed todav. Mr. Brewster, of
Pennsylvania, addressed the court at
lengt.h in support of letting the in
formation stand, making a close legal
argument. He made the same point
made by Mr. Bliss, of New York,
that while it was more desirable to
proceed by an indictment found by
the grand jury, the necessities of the
case rendered the filing of the in for
matiou perfectly proper and legiti
mate. He characterized the ponding
motion as an effort to shirk and sneak
out of observation, an effort made on
the part of the man whose honor was
Impeached by his being charged with
official embezzlement and public rob
bery. You should see the goods at the
New York Store this senson and com
pare prices with other Dealers in tills
County We are in position to place
orders direct with the manufactures,
using all our stock in original pack
ages and paying Cash for the same.
We can save all our customers at least
20 per cent, on all goods bought at our
store. Yours Respt.,
Cohen Bro. & Brownsteine.
Several cases of typhoid fever in
New York have been traced to a to-
roato-cannlng factory. The workmen described as sleeping "fifty in one
room over a table on unchanged straw
on the floor," and as eating the worst
kind of food. The factory Is on Staten
Island, in a marsh, and all the foul re
fuse collects iu a black, stagnant pool
near the stable. Such a story is not
pleasant to read and it is a wonder no
worse result than cases of typhoid
fever has followed such nasty con
ditions. When a person is unwell there
must be inaction of some internal
organ. Peruua exit.
Suspenders at Powell & Kime's
Graud Central In endless variety aud
Salt for the throat in these days
when diseases of the throat are so uni
versally prevalent every family should
have a barrel in the bouse, sold by
P. & K. at the Grand Central.
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The Official Document.
Washington, November 7. The fol
lowing proclamation whs issued foom
the department of state to-day:
By the president of the United
States of America A proclamation:
It lias long beeu the pious custom of
our people, with the closing of the
year, to look back upon the blessings
brought to them in the changing
course of the seasons, and to return
solemn thanks to the All Giving
Source from whom they flow. And
ul though at this period wheu the fal
ling leaf admonishes us that the time
of our sacred duty is at hand, our na
tion still lies in the shadow of a great
bereavement, and the mourning
which has filled our hearts still finds
its sorrowful expression toward the
God before whom we but lately bowed
in grief and supplication. Yet the
couutiess benefits which have show
ered upon us during the past twelve
months cull for our fervent gratitude,
and make it fitting that we should re
joice with thankfulness that the Lord
in His infinite mercy has most sig
nally favored our country and our
people. Peace without and prosperity
within have been vouchsafed to us.
No pestilence has visited our shores.
The abundant privileges of freedom,
which our fathers left us in their wis
dom, are still our increasing heritage.
Aud if, in parts of our vast domain,
some affliction has visited our baea Hi
re n iu their forest homes, yet even
this calamity has been tempered aud
in a munuer sanctified by the gener
ous compassion for the sufferers which
has been called forth throughout our
laud. For ull these things it is meet
that the voice of the nation si a aid. go
up to God in devout homager Where
fore I, Chester A. Arthur, president
of the Uuited States, do recommend
that all the people observe Tiiursduy,
the 24th day of November, lust., as a
day of national thanksgiving nnd
prayer, by ceasing, so far as may be,
from their secular labors aud meeting
in their several places of worship,
there to join in ascribing honor and
praise to Almighty God whose good
ness has beeu so manifold in our his
tory and in our lives, and offering
earnest prayers that His bounties may
continue to us and to our children.
Iu wlthess whereof I have hereunto set
my baud and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington
this fourth day of November, in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and eighty-one, and of the
independence of the Uuited States the
one hundred and sixth. (Signed.)
Chester A. Arthur.
By the president:
James G. Blaine,
Secretary of State.
An ounce of silver Is worth $1.04;
a pound sixteen ounces, $16.80; a ton
(.2.240 pounds,) $37,632; a cubic inch is
wosth 111; a cubie foot, $19,008; a cubic
yard, $313,220. The largest nugget
yet obtained was produced in Ariz
ona, and weighed $19,20j ounces, val
ued at $34,800. The amount of silver
in existence, in the shape of coin,
bullion, watches, jewelry and other
ornaments, is estimated to be $5,300,
000,000, which, if melted into one
mass, could be contained iu a cube of
sixty-flve feet. ,' '
1 . i
Ladles Rubber 45o; Misses Rubbers 85
cts; Lumbermen's Rubbers, solid heel,
$1.40; Arctics $1.50; Men's Rubbers 65c;
Felt Boots, tc., &e , $1X0, and in fact
all grades of Rubbers at less than they
can be bought at any store In Elk Co.
Call and look at the large stock, at the
New York Store.
Under that 60 cent awning in
front of the New Yotk Stoue there
is more goods than inside of some large
stores in town.
WilllamsDort. November 6. The
particulars In regard to a successful
forgery perpetrated in this city came
out yesterday. The forger nas Been t
lonrnlng here at one of the lending
hotels for a month, under the name of
Henry L. Williams, Ontario. He pro
fessed to be a mineralogist) who Was
seeking to purchase some sulphur
lands for a company which he repre
sented. He visited different parts of
the county in company with gentle
men Interested in mineral lands, and
finally professed to have found what
he was In quest of, and proposed to
purchase. After having investigated
titles he wished to obtain money from
a bank here to make a payment on his
purchase, and presented two drafts for
$950 and $480, respectively drawn on
the First National Bank of New York.
One or two banks-where he presented
his drafts declined to cash them. Some
of his newly-found friends here pro
posed to aid him in getting the money
by Indorsing the drafts. This be at
first declined, exhibiting a telegram
apparently from the New York bank
to the effect that his account was good
for the amount of the drafts and more.
After this ho accepted the offer of a
gentleman who boarded at the same
hotel to Indorse the drafts. He then
received from one of the hanks $700 in
cash requesting to have the remainder
placed to his credit. The early part of
the evening following his receipt of the
money he spent enjoying him self play
ing poker. At 11 o'clock he excused
himself, having previously announced
that he had an engagement with a
lady friend at that hour. Shortly be
fore midnight the porter of his hotel
saw him at the depot, and inquired If
he was going away, to which he repll
ed In the negative, and said that be
would be at the hotel In a few minutes.
He has not been seen here since,
though his baggage remains at the
hotel. Despatches were received from
the New York banks saying that the
drafts were forgeries. So completely
had the swindler beguiled those he
met here that for some time after his
departure they confidently expeated
his return. They have now about lost
their faith in the suave stranger.
Powell & Klme are Headquarters
for anything in the Grocery Line.
A large line of Boots and Shoes at
Powell & Kime's Grand Central Store.
If you want to be rated as a man
of wisdom," remarked a clever law
yer to ayoung student, "look wise and
say nothing. If your opinion is
sought even in the simplest matter of
law, do not give it, but assume an air
of wisdom and say you will reserve
your decision.''
Try that Boss Syrup at the Grand
Central. P, & It's.
Dr. Warner's Celebrated Caroline
Corset can be purchased at Powell &
Kime's Grand Central.
The Royal beauties of Eruope owe
muoh of their personal attractiveness
to the influence of Ayer's Hair Vigor,
which keeps the hair fresh and bright.
Bishop-elect Whitehead, of the
diocese of Pittsburg, has accepted the
office, and will consecrated at Pitts
burg, Jan. 2o, 1882.
A seven-year-old Harrisburg lad
showed his playmates how long he
could stand on his head, then at
tempted to raise to his feet again, but
fell over and died of brain fever a few
hours later.
While this is a great year for com
ets, conflagrations, dutds and assass
inations it is becoming a remarkable
year for matrimonial events. Iu
Washington, Pa., and vicinity, last
week, thirty five couples-were uuited
in marriage.
There are thirty-one subscriptions
of $5,030 to the Gartield fund, three of
$tf,500, six of $2,000, and eighty-seven
of $1,000. The smallest subscription
Is Ave cents from a poor colored person,
and the largest, $10,000, from a 1'hil
adelphian. ' CHARTER NOTICE.
Notice is hereby given tiiat an ap
plication will be made under the Act
of Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania entitled, "An Act to
provide for the Incorporation and
Regulation of certain corporations1
approved April 29, 1874, and the Acts
supplemental thereto, for the charter
oi an intenaeu corporation io ue cai.'eu
The New York and Pennsylvania Coal
Company the character and object of
wnicu Is to purchase and lease coal
lands, to open mines therein and work
the same, to mine, prepare for market,
ship, transport and buy and sell coal,
coke, coal dust and fuel manufactured
therefrom, and for these purposes to
nave, possess ana enjoy, all tne riguts,
benefits and privileges conferred by
the said Act or Assembly aud the sup
plements thereto
Read & Pettit, Solicitors,
618 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
In returning thanks for past favors
resnectfullv bees to inform her friends
and the public generally that she has
Just returned from New York where
she purchased a large stocK or Ainu
nery and fancy goods of the latest
styles, also a nice selection of ladies1
Skirts, Pluin and Fancy hosiery.
Ladies' and Childrens' Parasols, Hair
goods, fancy Chinaware, &c, which
she intends to sell as cheap as the
cheapest. Particular attention given to
trimming and in a style that cannot
be surpassed I n this section. All are
invited to call and inspect her goods
before purchasing elsewhere. nlOmg
Fall and Winter Millinery.
Miss M. McGloin would respectfully
call the attention of the ladies of
Ridgway and vicinity to her new and
elegant assortment of hats and bon
nets, trimmed and untrimmed. Call
on Miss M'Glolu and examiue this
large assortment before maklBg pur
Bowers keeps Hall's Giant Frame
extension table at the West End Store
Our Catalogue of choice SEEDS and PLANTS contain
the" BEST and CHEAPEST," and our
gives prices and descriptions of Designs,
Baskets and Loose Cut Flowers for any occasion
Sent free on application.
Harry Chaapel
Seedsman Florist
Williattisport Pa
The faithful student hn here BtclltHns for Men s training id M qualify hlni for sa inJ-
mpdlme entrance noon nrnctleal dutlenln hny uphere of life;
-IJt;FK'8 BOOKKEEPING, publlnhed by
The liriiert work on the Ticlence published.
and practical account. Prloe J3.W.
Wnr n rnnlarR. iwicirens r. 1L' r r mjn, ruionuwn,
Business Cards.
Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles, also to patents
and patent cases.
Office iu new brick building, Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. r82
Over twenty-five years practice.
Office on Main Street, Ridgway, Pa.,
opposite the Bogert House. Office
hours from 1 to 2 aud 7 to 8, P. M.
Late of Strattanville), Physician and
Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office in
Hall's Brick Building (up stalrs)
References J. D. Smith, H. L.
Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanville;
Major John Kitley, W. W. Green
land, Clancn. Mas praciicea nis
profession sccessfully for more than
ten years.
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him.
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. oct30'69
This admirable work Is now com-
pletein lt vols. EachvolumecontainsSOO
pages. It makesa complete and well
selected library, and no one can
afford to do without It who would keep
well informed. Price $5 00 in cloth,
$6.00 in leather, or $7.00 in elegant
mlf Turkey. For particulars address,
W. H. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co.,
N. Y.. who bos been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson,
general agent.
Mrs. F. Pollman having moved into
thehouseof Jas. Penfleld near the
Catholic church wishes to inform the
citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that
she is prepared to do in a neat and
satisfactory manner all kinds of plain
sewing ana dressmaking, at reasonable
prices. All persons naviug work in
this line are respectfully invited to
give her a call. ul5m3
The City of St. Paul, a first-class,
large new design, wood cook stove,
take a look at it before purchasing a
stove. W. S. Service, Ag t.
Is hereby given that there will be a
meeting of the Stockholders of the
Pittsburgh and New York Railroad
Company, held at its General Office,
No. 175 Wood street, in Pittsburgh.
Pennsylvania, on the 22D DAY OV
NOVEMBER, 1881. at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon, for the purpose of tak
ing into consideration an agreement
of merger and consolidation of said
Company with the Rochester and
Pittsburgh Railroad Company.Roches
ter and Charlotte Railroad Company,
Buffalo Rochester and Pittsburgh
Railroad Company, Great Valley and
Bradford Railroad Company, and
Bradford and State Line Railroad
Company, entered into by the Board
of Directors pursuant to the statutes
in such case made and provided.
By order of the Board of Directors,
Thomas F. Wentworth.
lb Pului4 Ui htaicta atur 1U4.
Aacliabtntloa tt Hods. Duehu, Man-
draksaauii banliionl'Ui4UMiutaii
arativ vrvyntmrn or au ouiar ftutun.
LtuinuMiiooa punmr, Liver
U3 u I V tor, and Ufa anil Hualta Mastering
Acaat OS
BadUaaaaaVaaaoactblTloOa- MlM vben fto
Otara art asVaaa ani aud yariact an thatr
Tuj vTiri u rip l tin 4 ul lt?-
To all wfcaaa akmplormanU aaaaa iiravulatl'
atlhakswalar aitoary oraau, or who r
auiraaa ApoMuarV. Ionia ao mua nmnuiaM,
Hop BiHars art iaTalk"- wrUlotlt Intojr-
Ma Hilar whatTotav ttaatittW1 or rnsptomi
ro what kao qlaimi or alVTLBOa h aa. Hop Bit.
tan, boat wait tuna 70a a1 men bat if jvt
oaly foal has or aUaarakt. ,1 at oaoa.
II nay' "O'oda,
$SOOillhapaM(raaala ba will aot
oara or halo. rM m auflar oar triaaula
aultar.kut ilm ana anra lin""6' Mo B
aanialnr. Boa Brttan a aoX.- IM
draakaaaimiam hat taa faraat. a a
MadietMavaraiailaiUw UIUJH
and SOTS aid no panes or tsaallf
aaooia ho aithoat tfeaah MP imii
. I . O . Ii an abaotata aorf IrraUsUbla core 1
ml) haannai, uat of opium, tobaooo aad 1
aarcotloa All aold by di-spruta. Baud 1
fur Cucolar. Baa BMan !. Oa
Kornmter I. T ... rnrHv im
The Grand Central Powell &
Kimett are Headquarters for Blankets,
Bed Com fort res, Cotton Balls, Shirt,
ing and Prints, the best five cent prist
in town.
No one can be healthy with
torpid Hver and c onstlpation. Take
for many year and with grmf
Harper A Bros;, printed in colors, 4OT p(tfjes .
A work for banker, railroads, buslnee. men
On the Loss of
Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea
induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary
Emissions, Impoteney, Nervous De
bility, and Impediment to Marriage'
generally; Consumption; Epilepsy,
and Fits: Mental and Physical In
capacity. Ac By ROBERT J. CUL'
VERWELL, M. D., author of the
"Green Book,"&c
The world-renowned author, in this
admirable Lecture,clearly proves from
his own experience that the wilful
consequences of Self-Abuse may be
effectually removed without dangerous1
surgical operations, bougies, iuslru-'
merits, rings, or cordials; pointing out
a modo of cure at once certain and ef-1
fectual, by which every sufferer,, no!
matter what his condition ruay be
may cure himself cheaply, privately
and radically.
jgyThis Lecture will prove a boorJ
to thousands aud thousands;
Sent, under seal, in a plain envei-.
ope, to one address, on receipt of six
cents or two postage stamps. We
have also a sure cure for Tape Woim.
41 Ann St New York, N4 Y.) Post
office Box, 450.-
Folding cribs, cradles, bedsteads1
Mattresses, &c, at Bowers'.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Div.
On and after SUNDAY, June ISf
1881, the trains on the PhtladeN
phia & Erie Railroad Division will
run as follows:
Niagara Ex. leaves I'hiia 9 00 a. m
" " " Renovo..6 40 p. m
" ' " DriltWOod7Q0 "
" " 14 Emporium 6tf .
" " " St.Marys..8 4
' " " ltidgway..9 0& "
" arr. Kane.. ..10 06
ERIE MAII. leaves PlUla.......ll 65 p. id
' " Renovo...-li 05 a. m.
" " Emporium. 1 80 p. m.-
" ' St. Mary's-2 23 m
" Ridgway ....2 46 p m
" " Kane.......3 60 p. m
" arr. at Erie. ........ -7 45 p. m
Day Express leaves Kane ... 6 00 aro
Kiugway o o am
" St. Marys 7 17 "
" Emporium8 10 "
" Driftwood 8 67 "
Ttunnvn 10 OS .
" " arr. atPhila. . . 6 45 pm
erie mail leaves Erie.... II 85 a. ni
' Kane 4 10 p. m
" Ridgway ....6 17 p. m
" St. Mary's-5 60 p. m
" Emporium. 65 p. m
" Renov0......d 00 p. Ui
" arr. at Phila 7 35 a. ni
Day Express and Niagara Express
connect east with L- G. Div. and B.N
Y. and P. R. R.
Wm. A. Baldwin General Sup'
la nature's ureatubt reluetlv.
Or. ilurtmAti
nresciibed It to 40.000 Kitlet
,tlent, all cf whom
recovered or tvero uitirh lm proved
Picrln A eiin bo fciken by every cue L
young, ino roiauip-nge!. mo i
i old, the bshe
iiad rue motner.
- Peiiuna always agrcua wiin the paileut.
iicransua mo system 01 nu its lmrrunues,
tones tlio stomach, reg-ulaU's too heart, un
locks the secrctluusol tua liver, atrenr-tbens
the nerves and f iivlffor.ltia tho brain. " ""
I'khun A Is tbo greatest anpetlrer. uu.olI
blood, and to the weary and tired from, the I I
tons and cares or tno any it fpyrs jweet sua
for each men I, when well, to prevent slcli
ness; when-sick, tocurc.- 1000 will be paid
(oracaseltwillnotcureor nelp. tSBSSSSSk
PEULKAlSCOllipOKdOf allvCJCUbto lll(jl-J-
lloats; each 0110 a ercat remedy In Itself.
It Is ptaiaant totuo taTic,aud "iuT:'p ute
stomach- to digest any article of food, aaajaaaaa
For a liook which will enable too to treat
yourself, address S. B. HAKTMAM a CO.,
OsuoiiN, Ohio. Alwaytreuulatatha bowels
and pelvic orr-nni with
inform the citizens of Ridgway and
the public generally, that he baa
started a Livery Stable and- will keep
and Buggies to let npoB tt Znesl
reasonable terms
trHe will also do lob teaming.
Stable on EIU street All orders left
at the Post Office wUlrecelvwoit
Aug20I87U$ X