The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 03, 1881, Image 3

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    THURSDAY. . NOV. . 181. .
m. i i... ... .. . - 1 -. 1 -"
Republican Connly Committer.
Chairman Ja. It. Hagerly, Rldg
way. Bcneiette Jacob English. -Ben
zl nger Joseph Corbe.
Fox J. J. Taylor.
Hlghlfiint . Hovencamp, ;
HortwPrW. P. Egglcaton.
Jay J."W. Brown;
Jonw-O. M. Montgomery.
Millstone W. A. Irwin.
Ridgway Township Peter Gulnack.
Rldgway Borough J. M. Scliram.
BL Mary's Boro.W. C. Spafford.
Spring CVek-yQ; Tt Minor.
Notea. " - -
Canntf gooda at Moreester's.
It now looks as though some of
the candidate would not be elected.
A large stock of bed comforters, at
the Grand Central. Powell & Kline's.
The largest line of gents' suspend
era will be found at Powell & Kline's
Grand Central store.
Vote for Panfield for County
Treasurer. He Is a competent man In
every way well fitted for the place.
A large line of clothing, hats und
caps, boot and shoes Just received lit
Powell & Kinie's Grand Ceutral store.
Don't fall to sec them.
A meeting of Co. H will be held
at the Prothodolary's office next Sat
urday evening, Nov 6. A full atten
dance In expected as business of im
portance will bo transacted.
In the opinion of the Efi;ton free
J'rfKB "Rally's election will not prc
Tent the making of a strong fight for
the nomination of an Independent
Gubernatorial candidate next year,''
We were wrong in snyiiig In our
ItiHt !smo that 8. S. Wilxon drove the
team which Went over the dump near
the depot. Another man did the
driving but ti e team went over all tha
Salt for the throat. In these days
when diseases of the throat are
so universally prevalent every family
should have a barrel in the house.
Sold at the Grand Central, by Powell
& Klmc.
There la some tulk of Malting a
lodje here of the order of American
MttohHiiict, Wo "re not acquainted
with the objects of the society but are
informed that it is a beneficial order,
and in no manner connected witli
Fall and "Winter Millinery.
Miss M.,M.-GN in would respectfully
call tlio attention of the ladies of
Rldgway aud vicinity to her new and
elegant assortment of hats and lon
nU, trimmed nud untrimmed. Cull
on Mian M'GIoln and examine thin
art assort riient before making pur
chaser, Utt"nt letters
Remaining in the IMdgway, P. O.,
Klk county, Pu., up to Oct. 81, 18SI:
Uensmore, Abe 5 Wetter, A. E. 2;
Davis, J. V. 2 : Grant, J. C ; Hughey.
William; ilunte;, .Smith; Johnson,
Claus Wm. ; I.yeas, Juni ; Masterson,
Michael; Mannle, AuiiieMlss; Mono
lion, John ; M'Fadden. Pearl ; M' An
dres, William; Oueul, Dcunis
Eby, Mr. ; Morrlsey, Jas.
Lecture on Russia.
On Thursday evening, November
10, 1881, at HyduVJOpera House, Hon
A. G. Curtln will deliver his cele
brated lecture on "Uuxsia." Mr.
Curtln, it will be remembered, was at
one time Minister to Riifsia from the
United States and his lecture h there
fore all the more interesting being the
actual experience of the speaker in
the great couiitry he describes. This
fact together with the greatreputatioii
of the illustrious War Governor as a
public speaker will make our citizens
anxioua to hear the lecture. Without
money and without price, free to all,
the lecturer refusing any compensa
tion whatevever. The people of Elk
county are cordially inyjted to attend.
Huitable music both vocal and Instru
mental wl'l be furnished on the occa
sion of the lecture. Let there be a
grand turnr'out. Doors ojcu at 1 p.
m. Lecture at 8 r. h.
In the opinion of the Wilkesbarre
Jtecord "tho Republicans of Penn
sylvania have not complete J that
manly, united effort for better methods
with the party which inunt be made in
vain before there will beany warrant
for smashing what cannot be repaired.
Tho bludgeon Is the extreme resort.
Fftlrly administered, the organisation
of the Republican party in Penn
sylvania would be very near the per
fection of political machinery. It has
taken a quarter of a century of earnest
effort to build it up."
Friday morning, Nov. 4.
Firt snow storm of the season to
day. Quite a heavy fall of snow in
the forenoon after which the sun
phono brightly.
C. II. Wilson, Greenback candid
ate for County Treasurer was In town
to day, The report that he will with
draw U not tru.
Aa the matter now stand fhero
are four candidates for County treas
urer l the'fleld viz: Weldenboerner,
and Porster, of St. Marys; Wlntlow,
of Benezette; and Pen Held, of Ridg-
-. PB ati
TAYxB'c-At SumoiltClty, McKean
county, Thursday. November 3, 1881,
after an illness of only too weeks,
Mrs, Sarah E. wife of H. H.
Taylor, aged Tl years.
, Thomas Irwin has returned from
Kansas, and Is now at Arthur Irwin's
at Rlchardville, JeflVrson oounty.
Mr. N. T. Cuinmings and famify
have moved frntu Rldgway to Fulton,
Ark. Mrs. Cummin jrs la a daughter
of Mrs. John Taylor of this borough.
McKenn Miner.
F. D. Seager, of Wellsburg, Erie
county, Pa., was in town a day or two
this week. Frank's many friends
here wilt be pained (o hear of .the
death of his wife which rent took
place Ave weeks ago.
, Last Thursday evening a very
pleasant party gathered at the resi
dence, of Dr. C. R. Earley, it being
the rccasion of Mrs. Barley's 66th
birthday. The whole aflalr had been
kept quiet, and was a complete sur
prise to Mrs. Earley. There were a
number of appropriate presents,
amoug which were several gold coins
made expressly to order, viz: two $20
ouo $5, and one $1. The sum being
$56 or m the Doctor says he paid his
wife off In full at the rate of a dollar a
Just received at Powell & Klmc's
Grand Central store a large stock of
new buck gloves and mittens, also a
full line of gents' fancy glove..
Dr. Warner's celebrated Caroline
corset, ot the Grand Central, Powell &
A flue assortment of gents' winter
caps, at Powell & Kinie's.
The Grand Central, Powell &
Kline's, sports the handsomest deliv
ery horse in town. N charge for de
livering goods bought at the Grand
in f 11
Fork, beans, and potatoes at
Employ no more quack doctors
and quack medicines; rely wholly on
Traveling 011 the Atlantic Is much
safer tlmn riding in ti carriage. Twenty
five thousand cabin passengers have
crossed and recrossed within the laiit
six months, without the loss of a
bingio life,
Evoport for month ending October
Y.O, lUei.
a 2
: s
i s
! c
Mil Babo F, Wilcox
Win Affile Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. J. ll.Joltnsou
as I
Summary ............. 202 J 173 00
A written examination Is held at the close
of tdttji Iw.'Utli frum which the averugo chuifi
staudtnc of each uunll la nsevrbiliied. The
hlKhPt obtained by nny pupil for tliu month
In (k; the lowest 41; thu highest general nver
HgoK); the lowest SU.
Allah Miilnue
l.lzili! i'Jyiin ...
Ci It'll 11 1 Johnson ...
UUMsiu WooUwurd
bilutu lluruin
t-'lmney W I leox .. ..
JonIu Musmuiixu." ...
100 IflO; sj
1IN1I lHU.
1CU 1UO,
tii luu
5' 10O.
l'utrlck Holl.uid
"Jl" GRAlE.
Annie Kline .,
.Minnie Ivline.
.Minnie. Miles
Adtlie Biii'dwell
Viuiu Nelll
Kloia Jrwln
Nelly Olinated
Muuk K.m '.
Magirln Rnes
Kininii Genry
Kddie ltevler .
l-.Mlv riolailay .
Clinrlle Geary
Oliaiiie. bill
ijni.i; Ivliite
V.iillie i'Hil
Us'tuWI.ltilu ...........
Warren It win
i t'urc Mci'ar la ti... .......
S':iyne fiukortoii...
Willie Citniijnhara
I'm i-Ir1i tliiDily
Juii-pb Mi.y h
i'rusimi Mercer
0S 63
in 6.S
IW 67
5 HI
100. JiT
lliO. 1W left
S2l W
100 1
loo I
tick I 60
100 i
IjOuih llhine H
Mullie Daly
Maud ICime
Gnrre CljirJf,,,
I'ulHy Kiuie
I.uuia Williams
Kila MaU'Ui'.
Clarice U irciwLl!
ifM', Vuuihan....;.'.
Ilattle Oyster ....,........
Mamie Hcln.enlig......
Ida IvdoiI
ill :n io Scrlb.'ier
Maud MilfH. ..
J.'shlo l0.n.reu
I'.nlie rirtiey..
Mai y O'iirieii
Ida I'ojlniaii
I ittiik Oy ucr.......... ......
Cliarles Lessor ...
Fred, llarl.ey ..
fherlf Wtiilaii
rank WlcUwlre ..,
Jerome Uorlaji.
Da u lei M.'louey.
Minnie fykes
l.otln Moles ,.
fame ook
Nelilo Hole jay
Ali':e 01 lis.od.... M.
Mattie Iwl8 ,
Josle W heeler-...'... .
John Daly .... ..
to 1(W
100 iuu
h: ion!
fji 100;
ICjI 1 7.1
1O0 leoi
loo! JW
!00 93'
life I 1"J
l'K,i 100
.lame Daly ,
Thoinns Daly .....,
John Epler.
Willie RUiues.
Willie aheau......
We hereby tender our thanks tor.ll persons
VhQ aided us lu decorating our school room
aud especially to Mr. Cook, Mr. Jacob
McCauley, Mr. W, 8. Service. Mr. D. H,
Kline, aud Mr. P. Irwlu, for choice houte
plants, und to E. J. Miller lot some beautiful
Promotions Flora Irwin, Warren Irwin,
Carrie Clark, and Ida Koorl.
J. B. Jobxiox, Principal.
That hardware and crockery bill
ju&t received at the Grand Central,
Powell & Kime'a, is unpacked, marked
aud put on the shelves, and they are
Dow ready to furnish their customers
with anything In the hardware and
crockery line, a large assortment of
cross-cut saws, a fine line of carving
knives and forks, silver plated castors,
-i p"i
The True Independent Republican.
ttilladelphla Pftss.l
In Pennsylvania, as in other States,
it has happened, by reason of conflict
ing opinions concerning the adminis
tration of the. pnrty, that the Repub
lican organisation has divided into
two wings' contending for the mastery.
In Pennsylvania these wings have
been known respectively as tho
"Machine," representing the element
In control, and Independent Repub
licans, representing the element which
demands belter methods of party gov
ernment. These designations were well under
stood before a part of the Independent
Republicans kicked out of the traces
and went Into virtual alliance with
the Democracy; since then they have
led to a con fusion of terms and mis
guided some interested observers who
are looking on the campaign ' from
outRide. The niinio Independent Re
publicans meant, and those who bore
it contemplated, a very different thing
from revolt agaAnt the party will as
expressed In convention. The inde
pendent Hag was raised within the
party that the Republican parly
might be elevated to a higher plane
not that the Deuioeratc party might
be elevated to a State office and that
Mug h still flying (is the emblem of the
same high aspiration and honorable
Mr. Wolfe's flag of revolt stands for
quite another thing. His followers
are Independent opposing the Repub
lican party with which they were
lately in affiliation, and aiding the
Democratic party to which they were
recently hostile. They would most
properly bu called Independents puro
and dimple; or they might be jus
tified In taktug 011 the name of
Independent ex-R.cpubl leans. In this
campaign the essential fact would
also be expressed by the term Inde
pendent Associate Democrats. The
real Independent Republicans of
Pennsylvania are not Mr. Wolfe's fol
lowing, which is largely if not mainly
made up of who take no part in
the internal affairs of tho Republican
party, who du not attend primaries
but Hud fault because the primaries do
not rufult to their liking.
The men who went Into the Hur
rlshurjr convention to support the
cause of party reform and chose Wil
liam T. Davie3 of Bradford county
for their standard-bearer represented
so fur as their number could represent,
those Independent Repubilcuid who
believe that reform within the party
is worth striving for, nnd who did
strive for it at the primaries immedi
ately preceding the Convention. The
reform representation in the fionyen
tiou stood for Republicans who
are steadily active fur reform. It was
not the result of a special canvass in
the Interest of reform, which would
have resulted in a controlling Influ
ence. Yet, while the Davie.-) men did
not represent the full force of tho re
form sentiment 'within tho party, uu
analysis of the vote in convention
shows that they directly represented
constituencies pulling 150,00'J Repub
lican votes, more than half the Re
publican vote cast at the most recent
election for State Treasurer.
Standiug for wln,t they did, with
this Fpleudid constituency behind
them, the attitude of those delegates
in' the Convention becomes nn argu
ment in this campaigu. As Repubii
caus they fought their good fight for
victory, and as Republicans they sub
mitted to the majority which defeated
them. When the proposition to make
the nomination unanimous was ad
vanced, tuiol by an Independent, there
was not a diHHcnliug vote. No matter
whose will made General liuily thu
nomiuce of tho iiinjnrity, all the dele
gates united to make him the nomi
nee of the majority, all tho delegates
united to make him the nominee of
the convention. Nyer a nomination
was more binding on the party con
science. Senator Duvles and his
friends so accept it and are supporting
General Baily. Of ull the Independ
ent leaders in that convention Mr.
Laudon of Bradford county is tho
only one who is with Mr. Wolfe in his
unwarranted bolt.
The men who fought forDavles and
reform also fought for the integrity of
tho party. Their position has not
changed. They are coiibisteutly pur
suing the same object, though uuder
changed conditions, und they are not
to he drawn oif to follow a phantom
and bring about a Democratic victory.
List fif Causes.
Set down for trial at the November
Term of the Court of Common Pleus
of Eik County, commencing on Mon
day, November 21st:
1. Frank Pollman vs. Morgestcr &
Jacksou. No. 73, September Term,
2. Tho township of Fox vs. John
M' Mack in etui. No. fill, May Term,
8. Oliven Dodge ya. L. Fegley &
Co. No.2, November Term, 1880.
i. Daniel Ewer et al. vs. C. R.
Earley et al. No. 45, January Term
6. Ellis Jiewis vs. C. R. Sexton.
No. 8, May Term. 1381.
0. W. H. Osterhout vs. Thos. Sul
livan, therifl, &c, et al. No. 23, May
Term, 1881.
7. Joseph Wilhelm vs. Jas. H.
English. No. 72, May Term, 1881.
8. The Benedictine Society vs. C.
R. Earley et al. No. 91, May Term,
9. Oliven Dodge vs. Jacob Smith et
al. No. 100, May Term, 1881.
10. W. H. Senium vs. W. 8.
Service. No. 22, September Term,
Bowers keeps IJall's Giant Frame
extension table at the West End Store
Call attheWebtEnd Furnishing
Store and fee the McCabo reclining
List of iurors.
The following W the list f jurors
drawn for the November term of court
commencing Monday November tlic21.
Benezette Jacob English, Geo. T.
Renlnger Michael Schubert, Drius
Ilanes, George Frlte, August letter
mai. Fox John George, John Haus..
Highland John Eliasou, John Er
icson, Jr.
Horton-Henry . Rced, Htephcn
Fox, James T. Yale. .
Jay Charles Kellogg. '
Jones John Kllnk.
Millstone G. C..T. Huff.'
Rldgway Thomas. M'Mahon, Mi
chael Luby, Miner Wilcox, M. E. Les
ser. St. Mary's John Fochtman, An
thouy Auman, Henry Luhr, Anthony
Benezette D. E. Hewitt, John A.
Benzlnger John B. Geitner, John
Eckert, Jr., Florence Leber, George
Nlsscll, Conrad Friedel..
Fox Michael M'Mackin, Orman
Allen , A ndrew Schri ver, Jos.Rchrl ver,
Marcus Ansinger.Michael Brchm,
David Pontius.
Horton Isaac- Graham, O. A. Sib
ley." . - ; 1
Jay John Wheeler.
Ridgway James H. Ross, John C
Egler, Milton Sleight, George Bllssel,
Maurice Sherman, Page R. Prlndle,
John Wintcrbottom, E. E. Wlllard,
John Young, Sr , W. A. Derby, E,. C.
Ht, Mary's Joseph Kraft, Jr., Peter
Wegemer, John Emmett, Chas. Gar
ner, Charles Luhr, Charles Wels, Jos.
Spring Creek David HofT.
Secretary of the Treasury.
Ex-Governor Morgan having de
clined to accept the Treasury portfolio
after being nominated by the Presi
dent and confirmed by the Senate,
the name of Hon. Charles J . Folger,
of New. York, nnd at present a Jus
tice of the Supreme Court n.f that
State, was sent to'lhe Senate for the
same position, and tne' nomination
was immediately confirmed, that geiii
tleniun having signified his accep
tance. Charles J. Folger, the new
Secretary of the Treasury, was born
in Nantucket, Mass., April 10, 1S18.
He graduated at Geneva with the
highest honors of the class In 1336.
Ao read aw with Mark A. Sibley at
Canaduigtia, N. Y., and was admitted
to practice in the Supreme Court in
183'J. In 1H41 he was appointed Judge
in the Ontario Court of Common
Pleas, but resigned at the end of one
year. Iu 1851 he wus elected by the
Republicans of his district to the
Stuto Senate, aud was re-elected lp
15U-J, '65 and '07. He was a member of
the Constitutional Convention of New
York in 1807. At the close of his
Seuatorhil term In 1S00 ho was apr.
pointed United States sub-Treasurer,
New York city, by Presideirt Grant.
Thij he held till 1879, when he was
elected Judge of tho-Courtof Appeals.
On the death of Chief Justice Church
In May, 1800, Governor Cornell desig
nated Judge Folgervto act as Chief
Justice. He was elected lust fall to
the position for a term of fourteen
yerrs, hut can only serve seven, as by
that time he will have reached the
constitutional limit' of seventy years
of age.
James Deer, says the Lck naven
Journal, is the name of the man who
accidentally shot himself on Friday
about four miles back of Farrands
vlllc. The facts as learned from Cor
oner Mader, are as follows:' Deceased
is a resident of While IJall, twelve
miles batik of MuVicy, He' has been ut
Farrandsville all .summer herding cat
tle for Henry Munroe, a brother of
Archie Munroe, Esq., of Farrands
ville, aud another gentleman whose
name we could not learn. He lived
iuashauty eight miles back in the
mountains, bis dog being his only
companion. Derr and an assistant
were gathering In the cattle on Friday
preparatory to driving them off to
market. The men were walking along
a mad, Derr leading off. Deceased
stumbled at a point in the.road where
a good many stones lay, and his gun,
which he carried by the bane), butt
down, wa discharged.
Denver, Col., November-i Con
siderable excitement has been created
in mining circles here by the publica
tion of the results obtained from work
ing the recently discovered "gold-bearing
lode in the Summit district in this
state. Mining experts and capitalists
Interested in tho "find" claim1 that it
will prove the largest aud most, valu
able gold mine in the Unltod - istaU'.-i.
It is claimed that the result of actual
working for one month, with a fifteen
stamp mill, is $1011,000, and that the
tailing are worth $3U0 per ton. The
assays, It is said, run aa high us $-0,-
000 per ton.
To the Voters of Elk County:
Certain Interested parties are suying
throughout the county that I have
concluded not to fun as an Independ
ent candidate for Treasurer, I there
fore taku this mode- of iuforming my
friends that this statement is) not true,
I did not sepk the nomination of any
convention and I iutend to run re
gardless of their nominations, believ
ing my chanced aro aa good as the
nomiuees they have selected. My
friends can feel assured that no influ
ence from any quarter will cause me
to withdraw. AH I ask is a fair light
and no lies.
John B, Forsteb.
St. Mary's, Nov. 3, 1881.
For kidney aud pelvic difficulties
take Mat)a)in,
Be It ordnlnecl aod enacted by-the
Town Council of the Borough of
Rldgway, and It Is hereby ordained
and enacted by the authority of the
1. That If any person shall cause,
suiter, permit or keep any foul vault,
cellar, Jtflvy or hogsty, or any dead
carcass, fish, manure, putrid or offen
sive substance, or other nuisance what
soever, upon any occupied lot within
th limits of said burough, in such
placftwid manner as to annoy or en
danger the health of any citizen
thereof.or shall place any unwhole
some or offensive substance upon any
vacant lot, street, sidewalk or alley in
sad borough, the public square thereof,
or In the Clarion river, or any creek
or brook, or upon any shore or bank
of any of them, or shall establish or
maintain any drain from cellars,
kitchens, stables or vaults which shall
discharge oflensive matter- or sub
stance into any street or alley, or
upon any lot, within the limits of sad
Borough, such person shall forfeit and
pay a fine of five dollars for every
twenty-four hours which such nuis
ance or unholesome or offensive sub
stance shall remain unmoved or un
abated after suit is instituted for the
first fine or after the Chief burgess or
any Constable or Deputy Constable of
said Borontrh shall have given the
oliendcr notice (a remove or abate the
2. That If any person or persons,
firm or association, owulug, keeping
or maintaining any stable, fold or pen
In which animals of any kind are
kept or maintained, shall permit any
noxious oroft'enslve smell to be or re
main in or about any such stable, fold
or pen, to public or private annoyance,
such person or persons, firm or asso
ciation, shall forfeit and pay a fine of
five dollars per day for eacli day such
noxious or offensive smell bhall con
tinue, after notice fmm the Chief
Burgess, High Constable or his deputy,
to abate the same.
3. That If tiny person shall place, or
cause to be placed, on any street, side
walk or alley of said Borough, any
barrels, boxes, crates, p.iper, straw,
hats, boots, rags, tin cans, or other
offensive or frightful articles, such
person shall forfeit and pay a fine of
five dollars for each and every such
often se.
4. That all compliant for violation
of this ordinance may be made to the
Chief Burgess, who shall forthwith
investigate, and, if necessary, abate
thu nuisance complained of.
5. That all lines or penalties imposed
by this ordinance shall be for the use
of the iiru'oiigh, and shall he sued for
and collected in the same manner that
lines and penalties of like amount are
now by law sued for and collected.
This ordinance alinll take effect on
und after November 1st, A. D. 181.
C. H. MfCAULEY, President.
Attest W. V. Mealy, Secretary.
Apnroved this 1st day of Oct., A.
D. 18S1.
J. POWELL, Chief Burgess.
Not ice Is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made under the Act
of Assembly of the Cominou wealth
of Pennsylvania entitled, "An Act to
provide for the Incorporation and
Regulation of ceriain suppurations"
approved April 20, 1874. and the Acts
supplemental thereto, for the charter
of an intended corporation to be cal'ed
The New York and Pennsylvania Coal
Company the character and object of
which is to purcha,su and lease coal
lauas, to open 'mines therein uml work
the same, to mine, prepare for market,
ship, transport and buy and soil coal,
coke, coal dust and fuel manufactured
therefrom, and for these purposes to
have, possess and enjoy, alt the rights,
benefits aud privileges conferred by
the said Act of Assembly and the sup
piemen ts thereto
Rkad & Pkttit, Solicitors,
618 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
Is It Possible!
That a remedy made of such com
mon, simple plants as Hops, Buchu,
Mandrake, Dandelion, &c, make so
many aiid such marvelous nnd won
derful cures as Hop Bitters do? It
must be, for wlieu old and young, rich
and poor, Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer
and Editor, ull testify to having been
cured by them, we must believe and
doubt 110 longer. Sec other column
M'nrtst iiuii tst Hcuic.ns ver lilo.
A oc HmWnation cf Hops, Buchu, Man
draktoud Dandelion, witn all tun bl and
most c U lira tiTS.rupci tits of all otLer UvtMrs,
mikestbogrtMcsiCiood Purifier, Liver
Rssulntor,ua u.uuiu uusu kuktuic
Ko ill m n es posjlbly lone sxlii whsrs Itop
Bitters sr nsMe TS.ICU s twisci
XI17 civs mvURB airier t9 ti iu ii2.-a-
TosUwhOSS S AP10' UkCU
tTofUielioilsUorVxnssrr kou, or no rs
ADMtorVtouio aadinUd Stimulant.
Bop Bitters ars taraiV"1"' without intox-
j'o matter what your ternff1 or symptoms
s.rwkattlisdiaKoraUuat Uuk Hop Die
ters. Don't wait uiaiijou sic Dull! yos
only f Ml bad or mltorablo.B "w C one.
Mioiyaar jourli.s.lthaab'o'sa auuaroas.
600 wiU be paid for a eY ther lll sol
eure or lielp. Io Dot sufftir roar 'r'ords
suifor.but uss aud wire tlicnll u Hop B
Rewrmber, flop Bitters ts noV". drugged
drarJienBoUi-um.butthePu.'cttJBd Best
Medicine ever wade i tbe tO aUOSW. fim
and orf" aad no person or tamilj
suoulu be wiuioul tQcia.
f). I.O.I' an a'nolutc and 1ireii'IMo cure I
10 1 1 mini in . v. vwaw.. ..jimwu a.iu
nercutiel. AU wlJ by dvusirtrts. Soud .
or Ureular. nop raner his. e.,
D. -v....r V T ii,.t Tnrrnt Opt.
Is hereby given that there will be a
meeiing of the Stockholders of the
Pittsburgh and New York Railroad
Company, held at its General Office,
No. 17o Wood street, In PitUburgh,
Pennsylvania, on the 22D DAY OF
NOVKMKKtt, 18.S1, ut 2 o'clock in
the afternoon, for the purpose of tak
ing into consideration an agreement
of nerger and consolidation of said
Coiupuuy with tho Rochester und
Pittsburgh Railroad Company, Roches
ter and Charlotte Railroad Company,
Bufl'ulo Rochester and Pittsburgh
Railroad Company, Great Valley and
Bradford Railroad Company, and
Bradford and State Line Railroad
Company, entered into by the Board
of Directors pursuant to the statutes
in such case made and provided.
By order of the Board of Directors,
Thomas F. Wextwokyh.
In returning thanks for post favors
respectfully begs to inform tier friends
aud the public generally that she has
just returned from New York where
she purchased a large sfock of Milli
nery and fancy goods of the latest
styles, also' a nice selection of ladies'
Skirts, Plain and Fancy hosiery,
Ladies' and Childrens Parasols, Hair
goods, fancy Chinaware, &c., which
he intends to nell as cheap aa the
cheapest! Particular attention given to
trimming and in a style that cannot
be surpassed in this aection. AH are
Invited to call aud inspect lier goods
Ikfore purchasing elsewhere, h 10m
Our Catalogue of choice &8.$VS and FLAWS wniuin ,
the" BEST and CHEAPEST," and our
gives prices and descriptions of Designs,
Baskets and Loose Cut Flowers for any occasion .
Sent free on application.
Harry Chaapcl i
Seedsman Florist, ;;
Williamsport) PV;
Tolmpurt a FRACTtCAL BMHINE8S EDUCATION hits., for many year and with fre
ttccesH, been the Mm of Duff's Collece.
The fnltlifnl student has here fiieilltls for iineh 11 training its will qualify htm tor an tm
medlnte entrance npon pntetleal duties In any sphere of life.
For clrcttlars. ad-lrcssr. DUKF HON, PITTMUfOlf, I'A.
srniJKK'rt IIOOKKEF.PINO. ptihlished by Harper Bros., printed In colors, ) pages.
Tho largest work on the science published. A work for bankers, railroads, busiaM man
snd prncv101 acooust. Price t.1.00.
Business Cards.
Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles, also to pateuts
and patent cases.
Offloe in new brick building, Main
street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3!2t
Over twenty five ycaw practice.
Office on Main Street, Ridgway, Pn.,
(ipimslte the Bogert House. Office
hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to 8, P. M.
Late of fitrattanvUle), Physician and
Hurgeon, Rldgway, Pa. Office in
Hall's Brick Building (up stairs)
References J. I). Smith, H. L.
Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanville ;
Major John Kltlev, W. W. Green
land, Clark n. Has practiced his
profession secessfuliy for more than
ten years.
N. W. corner of Mala r.nd Mill streets.
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Rldgway, Elk couuty; Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by payiug
strict attention to tne cdmfort and con
venience o.f guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. oct30'(ia
This admirable work is now com
pletein lOvols. Each volume con tainsSOO
pages. It makesa complete and well
selected library, and no. one cun
afford to do without it who would keep
well iu formed. Price 55 00 in cloth,
$(1.00 in leather, or $7.00 in elegant
half Turkey. For particulars address,
V. H. Fairchild, Portville, Cutt. Co..
N. Y., who lias been duly appointed
ageut for Elk county by C. K. Judson,
general agent.
Mrs. F. Pollman having moved into
the house of Jas. Pen field near the
Catholic church wishes to inform the
citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that
she is prepared to do in a neat aiid
satisfactory manner all kinds of plain
sewing and dressmaking, at reasonable
prices. All persons havlu work lin
this line are respectfully invited to
give tier a can. U'Ofna
The City of St, Paul, a flret-clat-s,
large new desigu, wood cook stovo,
take a look at it before purchasing a
stove. W. 8. Service, Ag'J.
TheTest remedy-
Jliseasss of the Throat and Lungs.
Diseases of tbe pulmo
nary organs are so prev.
aleut aud fatal, Uiat
safe and reliable remedy
for tbeut is iuvaluable
to every coiuiounity.
AvFa's CiiF.itkV Vr.o
tokal is sueh a remedy,
and no other so eoii
neatly uieriu tho couti
(lenco ot tho public. It
U a scientitio com bin a
tion of fhe medicinal
prinriptes nitti cumin s
viriflus of thn finest
drills, cUeinleully uuit
ed, to insure the ffreat
ont tiohMililo tffllcieni'V
PECTORAL. uul uahoruilty of re.
K2- -.TFw
pliyslc iaas as well as invahds to use it wiiit
coulidunee. It is the -must reliable remedy
for diseases of the tUrout and luna tliat sci
ence has produced. It Btrikes at the foiin
dutiou of all pulmonary disease, affording
prompt ant) certain relief, and is adapted to
patient of any ago or either sex. Being
very palatuW", tho youngest children take
it without dllllculty. In tho treatment ot
ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore i ll rout.
Bronchitis, Influenza, Clergyman's
Sore Th rout. Asthma, Croup, and Ca
tarrh, thu effects pf Avrit'lt pi:)'.KV 1-K
tohal sro niagieiili and nitillittides are an
nually preserved from serious illnesri by its
timely and fuithfu use. it nlOuld lie kept
at liund iu every hpusehold, for tho pro
tection It affords ti sudden attacks. In
Whooping -cough and Consumption;
there is uo other remedy so eflicoclouj,
soothing, and helpful.
The marvellous cures which Avkr'i
Ciikkuy PacrooAL lias effected all over the
world are a snDlctuiit guaranty that it will
tout 111110 to protluce the beHt results. An
imimriial trial will convince the most scepti
cal of its wonderful curative powers, as well
. ot ill suneriority pver all other prvpaxeV
S. its for pulmonary coin plainly.' '
Knilnent physicians In all parts ot .be
.xuntry, knowing U roniX)HK'.on, reeorn-
end Aveu's Chehkv FEOUiUAi.tQ invalids,
Sud prescrilie it in their practice. The test
half a century ho proved Jti) nbspluta
certainty to pare ari i(iliuonary complai'nta
not already beyond the reach pf jiptiii aid,
Prepared by Qr, J. C. Ayer ft Qo.,
Practical and Analytical fnteiaists,
Lowell) Mat.
On the 105:5 Qf
feminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhaa
iuduced by Self-Abuse, Ipyoluntary
Emissions, Impotency, Nervous De
bility, nnd Impediment to Marriage .
generally; Consumption, Epilepsy,
and Fits Mental and Physical In
capacity. &c By ROBERT J, CUL
VERWELL, M. D., author of tbe
"Green Book,"fcc...
The world-renowned author, in thin
admirable Lecture, clearly proves from
his own experience that the wilful
consequences of Self-Abuse may ba
effectually removed without dangerous,
surgical operations, bougies, inntru-x
ments, ring's, or cordials; pointing out
a modo of cure at (nice certain and ef
fectual, by which every suD'eret, 110,
matter what his condition may hp
may eure himself cheaply, privately
ami radically.
fiSayThis Lecture will prove a boon
to thousands mid thousand.
Sent, uuder seal, in a plain envel
ope, to one mldreH, on receipt of six
cents or two postage stamps. We,
have also a sure eure for Tape W01111.
41 Ann St. New York, N. Y.; Post
office Box, 450.
Folding cribs, cradles, bedsteads.
Mattresses, &c, at Bowers'.
Philadelphia & Eric R. R- Dtv,
fXi aud ftfter SVNDAY, June 12,
J 181, the traius on tho PhiladcN
phla & Erie Railroad Division will
run as follows:
Niagara Ex. leaves Phlla 9 00 a. ni.
" '" " Rcnovo..5 4,0 p. m.
" " " Driftwood7 00 ' '
" " " EniporiumT 60 "
" " " St.Marys..8 43
" " Rldgway.." tia "
' " arr. Kane 10 05 '
ekiu mail leaves Phila 11 65 p. m
" " Reucvo...-li 05 a. m,
" " Emporium.! 80 p. m.
" ' St. Mary's..: 23 p. ml
" " Ridgway....2 4p- m.
" Kne 3 60 p. m
" arr. at Erie 7 45 p. m.
Tso lvrMiAaci lootiao If ia A AA nvi
" " St. Marys 7 17 "
" " " Emporium8 10
" " " Driftwood 8 67 "
" " " Renovo . . 10 05
" " arr. atPhlla. ... 6 45 pm,
ERIK MAIL leaves Erie 11 S3 a.m.
" i Kane..'.'. 4 10 p. m,
" Ridgway....5 17p.m;
' St. Mary'tuS 60 p. m.
' ' 65 p. m.
" Renovo......t) 00 p. m.
" arr. at Phila 7 35a.mi
Day Express and Niagara Express
connect ettst with L- O. Div. and B.N.
Y. and P. R. R.
Wm. A. BALDri$. General Sup't.
Thtn 1ft A tifitr rfttni
ody, orl finally criTiV-1 i
d to the mallei fprofes- U
fmnnflMl nnd lnt rod iicpsd
siuu and the pub) to nt largo by Id. B. Hart-
niau, M, !., or u feuii Ave., i'lttsburff,
Ftvt who hits prflftcrlbed It to over 40,000 pa
tltmts. and I n evory case with the most pnttt-
fyhigstirccH. 09BSHBsHB)BsHni
thrvt of any other reniedy, and la tb oory
medicine needed In almost every disease to
which flenh U heir Kpllcpsy (FalUnff Vlts)
bzng the only excppUon, la this Fx-bi na
should not be nse-1. In Cututtua4ion and
Diseases of the Female Organs ana Kladder,
M ana I. IN' Bhouhl bi'Hiwti with It. I'tuUNA
1 comnonodof nuifly vecntableinCTodlenta.
i tatu out, nccuiiiuiji w iin-inr.-i nuiiKirii
I KTt at reineuy in itaeir,
the active prliulilcs from these Ingred.eiils
and In combining them luto one simple com
pound, which atoncecoiurldes wiih the Vis
nr. n:ia But -cucUuu in extraVtiniM
the Work of restoration commences wlih the
flrst dotte. There Is iot an organ that it will
not reach nor a dlseaso H will not euro. Yot
parttculars send tor a pamphlet,
n a I
inform the pitlzena of pidgvyay and
the public generally, thai lie haa
Hinrtpd tyvery Stable and Jl key)
and Buggies to let upon the mo J
reasonable ternta.
ftttTHe will also dp jpb teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders lft
at tbe Pobt Ottica will receive PrpWt,!
attention. '