The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 03, 1881, Image 2

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Jfeary A. Parson, Jr.,
TIIUhHDA Y.NOV. 3, 1881.
kitxiw.VY, Pa.
of Fayette County.
General Silas M. Hallcy. A man
who from IiIm youth up, has fought
the battle of Republicanism lu a
region where no hope of tieees could
add vigor .and wot to the content, and
with no reward nave the consciousness
tf having served the cause he loved.
A man who has attested his love of
liberty and law, by service on the
field of glory and of blood,' wlio won
bis promotion in the glorious Pennsyl
vania Reserves, from Captain to Bri
gadier, by meritorious service on the
A man who stood In the red hell of
battle at BralnvUle, on the Penin
sula, at Gaines' Mill, Mountain,
Autictanv Fredericksburg, and ti e
tyildcrnem, and who boro witness
with his blood, that be loved his
country well.
STd Hears upon hi erson the rough
scats left by the cruel cannon ball,
and will carry to his grave tho evi
dence of his patriotism and courage.
Ite is able, and Worthy to lead Re
publicans to Victory as he led his regi
ment to war. (Xpccvh of Attorney
General Palmer, in fit-publican State
Republican Couaty Ticket.
Associate Judges,
W. H. Ostkkhout, Hidgwav Boro.
Kkasmus Morky, tienczctte.
AjfEs Penfiei.d, Ridgway Boro.
Hiram Carman, Hpring Creek,
. O. Aldricii, Jones.
J. 8. CHA"5iriKRi,Aiv, Horton.
Turn out next Tuesday and vot
for James Ponficld. He is deserving
of a good vote.
On the authority of the Oil City
Derrick It If stinted that Mr. Wolfe
will get more Democratic thnn Repub
lican votes in Veuango.
The Bradford Era: "Chairman
Cooper docs not make as much noise
as Uncle Joiiri Cet-sna did when he
was' Chairman of the Republican
State Committee, but he is getting In
some good work that will have its
tfTect on the eighth day of Novem
ber." X secret society has been formed
in 8t. Petersburg for the purpose of
combating the Nihilists with their
own weapons. The society is said to
be composed of three hundred per
sojis, divided into groups of five each,
and directed by a central committee,
at the head of which is & man of
princely rank, closely connected with
tlitf throne. The other members be
long chiefly to the nobility and the
official class. They arc animated with
ibtense hatred of Nihilism, and are
determined to use even assassination
tb crusH it.
Chestnut Hill, Pa., November 2.
A party1 of five or six young men left
this place yesterday morning ou a
gunning expedition and had proceeded
as far as Montgomeryville, when one
of tb party, named-Harry Lightcap,
tweuty-two years of age, while In the
act' of picking up a rabbit which he
h'ad shot was accidentally shot
by a companion named Har
ry fycrs, who was but a short
distance from him, the full contents
of the gun entering his leg Just below
the thigh, making a ghastly wound,
from which he died last eveulng,
T-yera was carrying his gun full-
eocked, and it is supposed the trigger
caught in his coat. Both parties are
well known here, Tyers being a mem
ber of the Chestnut Hill cricket club.
au iiannn-nas gone into tlie pro
phesy business. His plan is a trem
endous one... It Is published in the Ill
starred Aurora of Rome, which was
ffettuded at the beginning of last year
as ttut Pope's persona! organ. Accor
ding to Leonardo Aretino, tne name
of the Prophet, the world will begin to
oouie to an end on the 15th of this
month. His prophecy reads like
fireworks programme. On the day
named the sea will overflow the coasts
Second, day: The lowlands will be sub
merged. Third day; All fresh-water
fish will die. Fourth day: All salt
water creatures will perish. Fifth day:
Alt the birds will expire. Sixth day:
AU'tn'e nouses in the world will tum
ble down. Seventh day: All the rocks
burst asunder. Eight dnyr General
earthquake. Ninth day: The moun
tains will collapse. Tenth day: All
bumambeftigs will be 6truck dumb.
Eleventh:' day: Graves will yawn.
Twelfth day:-' A shower of stars.
Thirteenth day: Demise of the c-titiro
human race. Fourteenth dayr.He&ven
and earth" will be consumed by lire.
Fifteenth day: Universal resurrection
and last Judgment. As facetious ad
vertise saya, "Cut this out and- paste
tt in your hat.'
Ventral Silas M. Bailey.
J. K. Craft, Cashier of the Ex
change BADk, Franklin, Pa., con
tribute the following letter to the
Venango Citizen with reference to
Gen. fellas M. Bally, Republican can
didate fur State Treasurer. It is an
eloquent tribute of an Intimate friend,
and Is worthy of repetition:
"Twerrty years ago 1 saw hint start
fron Wayncsburg, Green county,
witb the first company organized In
that couuty for the war; He was then
in the Vigor and strength of early
manhood, full of teal and enthusiasm
for the Union cause. An election for
officers of tue company had been held
and although there were older men in
tho company than Silas M. Bally and
some who were trained to arras, yet so
great was their confidence in his In
telligeneo, discretion and bravery, that
be was chosen as captain, and amidst
the prayers and tears of ths dear ones
left behind be started with his com
mand for camp.. Ou the . organization
of the Pennsylvania Restive Carps he
was placed in the Eighth Regt. and
his history Is closely linked with that
gallant command all through the war
From the time the army of the Poto
mac under ueu. Aicuieuan, leu ine
vicinity of Washington, until the ex
piration of his term of service on the
Peninsula of Virginia, at Antietam,
Fredericksburg, Chancellsville, Get
tysburg, and the series .pt brittle from
that of the Wilderness to Petersburg
General Baily performed his duty
most gallantly aud won by hard and
efficient service promotion to the rank
of Colonel, and after the troops were
mustered out was brevetted' Brigadier
General by President Johnson. He
returned to his home, again resumed
his place in business aud is respected
by all who know him, regardless of
party lines.
General Bally is a bafehelor, and
this brings up in memory a sweet face
which grew sadder and thinner
through the long weary years of the
war, aud a form that became more
fragile, as time passed, until it was at
last laid to rest on the hill side, and
the "Cckste" of earth was trans
planted to tho celestial home in the
skies; and this, perhaps explains why
General Rally never married.
A great many newspapers have seen
fit to find fault with General Bally for
being one of the "SOo"' at Chicago, but
when we take into consideration that
he was elected a delet?te, on that very
issue, nv.d over a man of great ability,
Hon. John If. .Ewing who was a pro
noun ;ed Biaitie man, we see at once
tLat he could not have acted other
wise than he did. He followed Grant
at Chicago as he followed him from
the Wilderness to Petersburg, and he
wan as true to his country and his cou-
scleucQ in tho one case as the other.
The objection Is urged agulnst Gen
eral Bally that he is the crndidate of a
"Ring," but this one thing I believe
to be most emphatically true, that ho
cannot be used by any man or ring'
He is thoroughly honest and straight
forward, and does his own thinking,
IIr has brains enou-rh to Ituow Lis
duty and, rest assured, nothing wiJi
prevent him doing
Sheriff's Sales.
of fieri facias, alias fieri facia, veiwu
t Ion i exponas, levari fuehw, ana tesia
turn fieri faetas Issued out of tho Court
of Common Pleas of Elk County, and
to me directed. I THOMAS KUJl.i-
VAN, High Sheriff of said counvy, no.
hereby give notice that I will expose
to public sale or outcry at the Pro
thonotary's office, lu Ridgway, at one
o'clock P. M., on
the following described real estate, to
wit :
tl the rlirlit. title. Interest, claim or
demand whatsoever of defendant in, to
or out of all that certain piece, parcel
or lot of land situate, lying and being
In the township or f ox, county oi imk
aud State of .Pennsylvania, bounded
and descaibed as follows: Beginning
at a post on the Mllesburg aud Sroeth
nort turnntke. four hundred and ten
and one-half (410J) feet from a post at
the southwest corner of a dwelling
house known as the C. R. Earley
house; thence along said turnpike
south elehtv-nfne decrees (89) east
seventy-five (75) feet to a post; thence
nortn one oegreo 11-) west two iiunn
red t2(Mn feet to rtlaco of heciunlnsr.
contaning thirty-five hundredths acres
of land, and being lot No. 0 on the
plan of lots In the town of Earley,
as laid out by the said C. R. Earley,
unou which there is erectoi one two
story frame house about 24x32 feet,
with shed attached.
Ssied and taken In execution as the
property of J. E. llornlncr, William
Homing, Catharine Miller and Jane
Idrhngs, Heirs or John Morning, ne
ceased, and Elizabeth Earley and C
K. Karley. her husband, and Esther
Emiirh and George Kmlirh. her hus
band, the sad Elizabeth Earley and
Esther Emigh being helrs-at-law of
Johu Horning, deceased, at the suit of
8. 8. Liiicoreana Kuius iucore, ner
modest and unassuming he is as
it. While he is
-, tt:..
as a rocK and urave ns a nuu. ma
whole life Will bear tho closest sent
tiny, aud in view of his fitness and
great service to the country he is en
titled to the vote of every man who
calls himself a Republican
He will be triumphantly elected, I
trust, and in tils election the party
will honor tsen. ior no omccr rver
brought to the discharge of tho duties
of his office, any more purity aua
ability than will Gen. Silas M. Bally.
The Ohio Election Official:
The official vote of the recent eleor
Jon gives Foster, R., 812,732; Brook
waiter, D., 288,42; Ludlow, P., 16.297;
Sentz, G., 6,330. Fo lieutenant Gov
ernor: Rlchacda, 314,100; Johnson,
D 88,26; McVay, P. 18,127; Jen k.
ios.G., a.SttO..
-'Never go from home or on a jour
pey without ft bottle of Rerun in
ywir (HrtebeJ.
Will Mr. Wolfe Withdraw?
Philadelphia l'rens.
The Pre takes this occasion to pro
pose to Mr. Wolfe that he withdraw
from the canvass for State Treasurer,
fold his candidacy up ueiitly in a nap
kin and gently lay it away, and make
hia flirht for Mr. Noble in the most
direct way.
We advance this suggestion the
more confidently because of Mr,
Wolfe's previous good character and
the peculiar kind of contest he Is
waging for reform within the party
He complains that the present admin
istratlon of the Republican party is
not honest, aud he declares that bis
battle is purely for reform. Honesty
is of the essence of reform, and a gen
uiue Reformer can't get aloug with
out it. Nothing which misleads can
be said to be entirely honest, and
when we call Mr. Wolfe'a attention to
the fact that some people are going to
poll Wolfe tickets under the misap
prehension that they will be- voting
fop the Union couuty Rejormer, it is
only giviiiff hint credit for the good
that is in him to say that he will be
glud to seizc ujion our suggestion.
Mr. Wolfe, doubtless, Is as desirous
as anvbudy that the Issues shall be
well and clearly defined. We submit
to hint that nothing that he can do
will so much contribute to that end as
to withdraw in fuvor of Mr. Noble
and, for the remaining-days of the
campaign, stump for Noble directly
Inste.-id of ioimr, for Noble via Wolfe
Mr. Wolfe is most happily Htuated
for a stroke of tbis kind. Of the Hv
candidates ho is the only one whose
nomination is all his own to use as he
may think best. He gave it to him
self, and be can take it away from
himself. Having hauled down. hi
own nan he can run up Mr. ' Noble's,
aud sail no rjuoro under false colors,
The iVtf feels kindly toward Mr,
Wolfe and Mr; Noble, and tiite pro
position the very cream of the milk
of bumao-klndnessr-hv ui their Joiu
Perhaps Mr. Wolfe will explain
before b doses bis stumping tou
just what the Kembb pur-dun has to
do with General Bally and the State
Treasurer. An eulightened peopl
fail to see the connection as yet..
AT,SO. All the rlirht. title, interest
Inlm or demand whatsoever of de-
fpndimt in. to or out of the undivided
one-hnlf of all that certain tract of
land situate lu Snrlnsr Creek town
bin, Elk county, Pennsylvania
nown tne jas i.row warrant, uouii
nVd mm follows, to-wlt: On the cast.
Ronth and west by lands formerly be
longing to Khines & iiiiwortn, ana on
Hip north hv lands known as the Wil
son warrant, containing one hundred
(100) acres, more or less, ana nemg ine
same land conveyed to the said Philip
Ittel bv deed from John unumoeriaiii
nnd I'ltir Chamberlain, truardians
dated 19th November. 1870, recorded
nt Ridirwav in deed book "T," 447, &c
Kei .! anrt laneu in execution as me
ironertv of Philip lttel at the suit of
W. C. Healv.
also.-All ine riant, line, interest,
claim or demand whatsoever or de
fendant in, to or out of all that certain
i)t of land situate in the towusmp oi
tenziiiger, county of Elk and State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described
follows: Jtrcinnintr at the south
east corner of lot of Michael O'Donell
nd north line of Washington street;
thence north alonK east line of said
O'Donell one hundred and forty (140)
feet to an aljey: thence east aloug
south line of said alley fifty (60) feet to
a post; thence south along lauus ot J.
B. Steiley and parallel with west line
of the above described lot one hundred
and forty (14 I) leet to a post on Wasli-
mrlon street: theneo west aioug norm
line of snid6treet fifty (60) feet to the
place of beginning, containing seven
thousand (,uwi square ieti or jaiui,
more or le-s, upon which there is
erected ono frame house about !i0x'4
feet, two (2) stories high, and well of
Seized and taken In execution as the
property of Thomas Rochford at the
suit of Joseph Willielm.
ALSO. All the right, title, interest,
Ciaim er uemanu wnatsoever oi ue-
foudant in. to or out of all thut certain
tract of laud situnte in Rldgway town
ship, Elk county, Pennsylvania,
bounded us ioiiows; iseginniug at a
beech, situate on the west side of the
Kmethport and Milesburg turnpike
road and on the soutn line or warrant
No. 4M9; thence west one hundred
and thirty-four (134) rods to a cucum
ber tree; theneo north one hundred
and fifty-six (160) rods to a post;
theuceeast seventy (iO) rods to a post;
thence south sixty-one (61) rods to a
post; thence southeasterly along the
line of said turnpike to the place of
begi n n i ng. con t ai n I ng eigh ty-si x acres,
more or less, upon winch mere is
erected one two-story frame house
about 80x3 feet, and young growing
orchard and well of water.
Seized and taken iu execution as the
nrnni-rtv of Afaurlce Sherman at the
suit of J. 8 Hyde. .
titled list of liens shall be furnished,
including mortgage searches on the
proiwrty sold, together with such lien
creditor's receipt for the amount of
the proceeds of the sale, or such por
tion thereof as he shall appear to be
enuireu iu.
2. All sales not aottlcd Immediately
will be continued until six o'clock P.
M., at which tl me alt property not
settled for will again be put up, and
sold at the expense and risk of the
person to whom It was first struck off.
and who, In case of deficiency at such
re-sale, shall make good the same, and.
in no Instance will the deed lie pre
sented in court for confirmation unless
the bid Is actually settled for with the
Sheriff as above stated, t-
Sheriff's Office, Ridgway.Pa.,
October 81, 1881. i
See Purdon's Dlircst. Ninth Edition,
pag 440; Smith's Forms, 84.
Elk County Court Proclamation.
WHEREAS, the" Hon. Wm. D.
Brown. President Judge for the Thirty-
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius Jones, and George
Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate Justices
in Elk county, have issued their pre
cepts, to me directed, for the time of
holding of tjie Orphans' Court, Court
of Common Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at
Rldgway, for the county of El k on
13bl, being the 21st day of tho mouth,
to continue one week.
Notice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justice of the Peace and Con
stables in and for the couuty of Elk,
to appear in their own proper persons,
with their record, inquisitions, and
remembrances, to do those things
which of their offices and In their be
half appertain to lie done, and all wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting
in behalf of thcCommonwealth against
any person or psrsons, are requested to
be then aud there attending, and not
to depart at their peril. Jurors are
requested to be punctual in their at
tendance at tho appointed time, ngrcc-
aoie to notice.
Given under mv hand and seal, at
the Sheriff's office. In Rldgway, the
3d day of Nov. in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
Estate Notice.
Estate of Catherine Wilson, late of
Fox township, Elk county, Pa ,
deceased. Notice is hereby given
that letters testamentary have been
granted to the undersigned upon the
above named estate. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, aud those
having legal claims against the same
to present them without delay, in
proper order, for settlement.
P. W. HAYS, Administrator.
Register's Notice.
Notice is hereby iriven that the fol
lowing accounts will be presented at
the next Orphans' Court for confirm
1. Final account of Chas. Wcls. ex
ecutor of the estate of Francis Rentier,
late of St. Mary's borough, Elk
county, Pa., deceased.
2. Filial account of Ignatius Garner,
administrator of the estate of Mathias
Benzinger, latu of Baltimore, Md.,
Fred. Schccnino, Register,
ALSO. All the right, title, Interest,
claim or demand whatsoever of de
fendant in. to or out of all that certain
lot of land situate in the township of
Horton, county of Elk and State of
Pennsvlvauia, bounded ana described
as lotiows: uu tne soutn oy ianas oi
the Noble Coal and Oil Company: on
the east by lands of the Noble Coal
and OH Company; on the north by
lands of Wm. Bromley; on the west
hv lands of uuknown persons, contain
imr seventy-five (75) acres, more or less,
knowu a tne wiiiiam rumen home
Seized and taken In exeoutlon as tho
property of Eliza Phalen at the suit of
Catnariue rnaien.
ALSO. All the right, title, Interest,
claim or demand whatsoever of de
fendant in. to or out of that certain
tract or parcel of land situate In Fox
township. Elk county, Pennsylvania,
beginning at the northwest corner of
warrant 'Jju; tnence soutn eigniy iouj
rods: thence east eighty (0) rods;
thence north (80) rods; thence
west eighty (80) rods to the place of be
ginning, containing iony t-wj acres,
more or less, being part of warrant
ALSO. All that certain parcel or
tract of laud situate, lying and being
lu Fox township, Elk couuty, fenu
sylvania, bounded and described us
follows: Ou the north by warrant
4000: on tho south by warrant 4'J(1: on
the eut bv lauds unknown, and on
tho west bv supposed vacant lands,
i-ontnining ninety 1 00) acres and one
hundred (100) perches, with allowance
or six () per cent, ior roans, c, in
District No. 4, as granted to John
Tudor bv warrant dated 80th Janurry,
A. D. W, upon which Is erected one
two-storv tramo house ikx-j-s ieet, ana
an old loir barn.
Seined and taken In execution as the
nronertv of Peter Hollohaugh at the
suit of John Tudor and bis wife, Eliz
abeth Tudor, now for use of the Over
seers of Poor of the District of Fox,
The following must be strictly com
plied with when the property is struck
1. All bids must be paid in full ex
cept where the plaint Iff or other lien
ereditor becomes the purchaser, iu
which case the costs on the writs must
ha naid. as well as all liens prior to
that of the purqliaser, and a. duly eer-
Hair Vicor.
It Is a most agreeable dressing, which
s r.t once harmless and effectual, for jre-
neiving tho hair. It restores, with tbo
gloss and freshness of youth, failed or gray,
light, and red hair, to a rich brbw n, or deep
black, as may be desired. By Its use thin
hiir is thickened, " and baldness often
though not always cured. It checks falling
of the hair Immediately, and causes a new
growth in all cases where the glands aro
not decayed; whjlo to brasby, weak, or
otherwise- diseased hair, It Imparts vitality
and strength, and readers it pliable.
The Vioon cleanses the scalp, cures anC
prevents the formation of dandruff; and,
by its cooling, stimulating, and looming
properties, it heals most if not all of tho
humors and diseases peculiar to tho seal-,
keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under
which conditions diseases of tho scalp and
hair arc impossible.
As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair,
The Vioon is Incomparable. It is color
less, contains neither oil nor dye, aud will
not soil white cambric. It imparts su
agreeablo and lasting pcrfumo, and as an
article for tho toilet it Is economical and
unsurpassed iu its excellence.
rnsrAiiso T
Dr. J. C. AYER & COT, Lowell, Mass..
Practical and Analytical CbemUta.
Marblo aud slate mantles fur
nished and set by
W. S. Service. Agt.
Note paper and envelopes at the
Advocate office.
If you want set of springs
any sort or slice go to C. Bowers.
The New York KTOBR ivext door
to the post-office, is the place where
new goods are being received every
day. Clothing lu endless variety,
clieay as the oheapest. Boots, shoes,
baU and caps, in varied assortment
Dress goods, and fancy goods, a grand
new display. Dont forget the place,
Probably the largest cattle in
America are uow ou exhibition at th
Frauklin county tair, raised and fat
tened by George Ayrbuit, or rougn
Ueepsie, N. Y.. heaviest weighlujf
4,000 and its mate 8,500 pounds.
For all urlnarv and female com
lainU te Manaliu,
Election Proclamation, I
WII KREAS, Til and by the 13th sec
tion f the Act of General Assem
bly of Pennsylvania, passed July 2,
1859, entitled, "An act relating to the
election ol tho Commonwealth," It is
enjoined on tho sherttf of every county
to give notice of such elections to be
held, and enumerate In such notice
what officers are to lie elected. In
pursuance thereof, I. Thomas Kulltvan,
High Klierlil' of the county of Elk, do
therefore make known and give the
public notice to , the ulecturs of said
couuty of Elk, that a general election
will be held lu said couuty, on
(it being the second Tuesday of the
month) for the purpose of electing the
following officers to wit;
On person for Treasurer of the state
of Pennsylvania.
One person ror treasurer or tne
county of Elk.
one person ior rroiuonoiary. iveieis
AM - .1 15 ttnA rl..fb tf lta
several courts of Elk county.
Three persons for Commissioners or
Elk county, each elector having the
privilege of voilmr for two.
Two persous for Associate Judge of
Elk county.
Three persons for Auditors of Elk
county, each eleotor being privileged
to vote for two.
Aud the tmalified electors of the
county of Elk will hold their elections
in the several districts, as follows:
Bene.ett township, at the house of
Elizabeth Winslow.
Benzinger township, at tho school
house ou Michnel street, near the Elk
creek bridge.
Fox township, at the Centrevlllc
school house.
Highland township, at the house of
Levi Ellithorn.
Horton township at the school
house uear I). C. Oyster's hotel.
Jay township at the house of Alfred
Jones township at the Wilcox Tan
ning and Lumber Co's office.
Millstone township, at the house of
Henry Derr, at barr's dam.
Rldgway township, at the court
Ridirwav boroutrh at the court
Rolfe election district ut Rolfo's
Bprintr Creek township, at the
house of Thomas Irwin.
St. Afni-vtt Tlntviiwh ut. ihfrtwn hull
I also make known the following: I THE
An Act regulatiug the mode of voting
at elections in tne several couuiiew
this Commonwealth, approved
March auth, ibw.
Hkction I. Be it enacted, etc
Thut the oualificd voters of the several
counties of the Commonwealth, at the
general, township, borough and special
elections, are nercoy nervuuer u-
thori.ed aud required to vote, by
tickets printed or written, or partly
written and partly printed, severally
cliissified as follows: One ticket shall
embrace the mimes or all Judges oi
courts voted for, and to bo labeled
outside "J udicary ;" one ticket shall
embrace the names of all tho state 0111-
cers to be voted for, and he labeled
"estate, one ticket snail embrace tne
name orall county ouiceas votea ior,
including the office of Senator and
members of Assembly, if voted for,
and shall be labeled "Couuty," etc.,
and each class shall be deposited in
separate ballot boxes.
I also make known aud give notice
as in and by the 15th section of affore
rniid act, that
livery person except justices oi tne
peace who shall hold any offlco of
appointment of profit or trust under
the government oi tne unueu mines,
or of any city or Incorporated district,
whether a commissioned omcer or
otherwise, a subordinate officer or
agent, who is or shall bo employed
under the legislative, executive or
Judicial departments of this State,
or tho United States, or of any city or
incorporated district, ami also any
member or conirresa or oi tne otaie
Legislature, and ot the select ami
common councils of any city, or com
missioner of any incorporated district,
is by law incapable of holding or ex
ercising at the same time tho office or
nppoiutment of the judge, inspector or
clerk of any election of the Common
wealth, and no inspector, juuge or
any other officer of such election shall
be ciii'ibie to do voted ior.
Also, in the ith section of the act of
assembly entitled "An act relating to
elections and tor otner purposes, - np
proved April 7th, isw, it is enacted
that the 14th section shall be so con
strued as to prevent any militia or
borough officers from serving as J udge.
inspector or clerk, at any general or
special election iu this Common.
Pu rsuan t to the provisions con tin ued
in the 13th section of the act last afore
said, tho return Judges of the afore
said d strict, leaving within twelve
miles of the prothonotary's office or
within tweniy-iour nines, u iiicir resi
dence be in a town, village or city
upon the line of a railroad leading to
the county seat, shall before two o'
clock, post meridian, of the day after
tbe election and all other juagessuau,
before twelve o'clock meridian of the
second day after election, deliver said
return together wun return sucet, to
the prothonotary of the court of com
mon picas of Elk county at Ridgway.
I also make known the following
section of an act approved the 30th
day of January, A. I). J874, entitled
'A further supplement to tbe act reg
ulating elections in this common
8 to. 6. At all elections here
after held under tho laws of tills com
mon wealth, the polls shall be opened
. V , , 1 . - 1 I 1 ... , . .1 1 .
at I o Vlwa A. uuu uiuacu uiu tiutn
H. M.
Sec. 9. All elections by the clti
zeus shall be by ballot: every ballot
shall be numbered In order iu which
it shall be received, and the number
recorded bv the clerks on the list of
voters opposite the name of the elector
from whom received. And any voter
voting twoor more tickets, the several
ticketfso voted shall be numbered
with the number corresponding with
the number to the name ot tne voter.
Auy elector may write his name
unon his ticket or cause the same to
he written thereon.
Given under my hand at Rldgway,
tbe 28th day of Sept., In the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and eighty-oue and of the indepen
dence of the United States tbe one
hundred uud fifth.
Sheriff's Ofkick,
Ridgway, Pa., Sept. 28, 1881.
Having an extended circulation It is
the best advertising medium..
I hereby announce myelf " o
IiHkpendVhlCftfKliJste forthevffie
of County Tiwwiircr of Elk oountj
subject to the decision ot tut Yotr
at the polls next November.
St. Mnrys, Sept. 15, 1881.
TERMS, - m $2 A YBAR.
1..M V ....
Otm-rmirth Column O Yearw......'-K-V
Oiio-elithth Ooluroaona vmr. ".v
One flqunre One Wee IIhmimmmm.-iMHtl- .
One Sqimre Two WekB..... w
une umiHro i nrm w cp. ....... '
I' iviiluiuuBl liiHertlon 60 ceuti a square
acU week.
Ten cent! a line flrt fUierftotf; llvafietitt
Hoe for rnch addition!.; Insertion.
A. ? AMOKS, JR., FrcprUtgr.
Republican Platform.
Jiceolvcd, That the Republican
fiarty of Pennsylvania .s lu the most .
learty accord with the Administra
tion of President Garfield, and, whtte
uniting in the prayers of all pood
people for his speedy recovery, pledgee
continued fealty and the most active
suppport iu the prompt and cuurag
eous correction of all governmental
abuses. As Republicans we are In
favor of any proper and well-consid-crcd
reform, either in the government
of the Nation, the State, municipality
or county, and we court suggestion t
to any or all of these ends, und only
ask that in their advocacy well-estab- .
Ilshed safeguards shall not bo harshly,
supplanted by experiments. The Ad
ministration of President Oarfl'eld lift
set the right example In this direction,
and while firmly adhering to the prin
ciples and better practices of the great
party which called it 5ita existence,
it yet insists upon faithfulness ami
honesty iu every branch of the public
service. That the bulletof an assassin
should not interrupt this work. It
should be pursued while its author
lives, and beyond his life, if thsoutfJU
increasing misfortune it should be
taken away. .
Jlaiolvcd, That the Republican
party lias ever been progressive and
reformatory, and while realizing that
nothing In government Is wholly
right we desire to be always jve
enough "to seek every avenue of ap
proach to the right to the end that alt
our people may enjoy the ever increas
ing blessings ot good government.
Resolved, That President James A.
Garfield, this tender and loving, thU
struggling and suffering, this pure ndt
brave man. now becomes the beloved
of this people and the admired of all
people. v it;uui:r mr ttuiwitin miit
our constituents assurances of deep.
and heartfelt sympathy, ami, keenly
appreciating the value oi such u lire tt
his country, we express the prayerful
hope that lie may soon bo restored to
the discharge of the important duties
for which lie Is remarkably qualified
and from which by a peculiarly infa
mous crime and an undeserved assault
for a conscientious exercise of proper
executive power, lie haa beeu tempo
rarily withdrawn.
fictoleed, That In State an in Na
tion, the Republican party is com
mitted to the course of economical
and honest administration; we de
mand the use of all necessary means
and tho enforcement of all law In
tended to prevent fraud and waste,
and we require a close aud watchful
guardianship over all of the multifa
rious interests committed to the care
of our organ Witt ion.
Resolved, mat in any revision nr
our tarill legislation which may oo
made care shall be taUen to Uisorlmu
nate in favor of our industries, and
thereby promote the causes which are
rapiuly niaKing America a coiiironnic
power in finances, as it already Is an
established leader in political thought.
Jteiolved, That the administration
cf Governor Hoyt merits our warmest
approval. We regard with satisfac
tion the results of a purely Republi
can Administration uuder his leader,
ship, in which all departments have
been faithfully conducted, the credit
of the State raised to the highest
point, and its finances placed upon a
proper basis without increasing tho
burdens of the people.
We print
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aud on shortest notice..
Orders bu mail promplu
attended to.
Go out in the damp air, or sit un
protected in a draught, ana your
throat will feel sore and your head un
comfortable, You baye taken a cold,
which you can remove as promptly as
you received It by using Ay er's Cherry
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good remedies, the very best we know
Of M Peruna, ar.
Henry A. Parsons, Jr.
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