FOU THE LADIES. Vaticinated by Veer Sinter. A correspondent of the Chicago Inter Ocean, rofening to the fascination opera singers in their stnge make-up have for susceptible and silly joung women, and the unpleasant consequences often the result, snys : " It is a fnct, with one or two excep tions, all the best known singers are married men with families, and I do not know one of them who, in private life, could be called handsome ; yet they all, even going or tside the ranks of singers, to that gross fellow Levy to Campanini, red-faced, fat and Willi five children, are inundated with love letters, bon qnets and presents. The men who have the most common sense and the most principle laugh at these epistles and de stroy them a good thing for the writers but there are others, less honorable, who do not hesitate to take advantage in various ways of these pretty little ninnies." The correspondent then cites a num ber of instances, among them the fol lowing : " The seventeen-year old daughter of Dr. W , of this city, fell, or imag ined she did, wildly in love with a mellow-voiced baritone in the Mapleson company. Under an assumed nnme she wrote him gushing and romantic notes, and finally sent her photograph. The face was so lovely that it piqued the singer's curiosity, but it was in vain he pleaded for nn opportunity to see it. Miss W could only enjoy her esca pade as long as she maintained her in cognito. Finally the baritone, noting the name of the photographer, visited his parlor and ascertained his corre spondent's name. Then he wrote to her under her real address, saying ho had identified her, and she could take the choice of having her picture and notes back and giving him ?200 in cash, or he would tell a reporter of the Police Gazette the btory and have the picture published. There is little likelihood such a threat would have been carried out, but the girl was so terribly fright ened that sho sent him all the money she could scrape together, and the rest of the sum in jewelry. " " A case of basso infatuation was that of a daughter of an ex senator, still prominent in Ya?hingtou circles, who used to spend nil her pin money iu buy ing presents and baskets of llowers which she sent Conley. In some mys terious way her father received a hint of it, and the young lady was sent to the Georgia convent, where she was educated lor a couple of years by way of punishment. Castle, though neither so young nor so charming as he once was, still receives loads of gushing epistles which Mrs. Castle demurely twists into cigar-lighters, and Brignoli says: ' I haf teached misself ze Inglis language with these liddle lettres.' In Chicago your correspondent is told there resides a wealthy and charming young married lady who entertain handsomely nnd is well known in so ciety, but who distracts her elderly husband by a mania for making the ac quaintance of every new male singer of noto, and entertaining him with the greatest elegance and expense." Sometimes the giddy things are taught needed lessons by sensible singers, as witness this: " Another case with a better ending wjis that of a young lady whose father is well known on the stock exchange. Sho was violently smitten with Campanini, and used to send him no end of beauti fully written missives, and every night a bouquet of red roses. The letters especially attracted the attention of the tenor, because they were written in smoothly flowing Italian, and evidently by some one who was more romantic than fust or wild. There was little trouble in finding out the fair corre epondent, and Mme. Campanini, who lias a good and lovely soul, sent a note to the young lady and asked her to call, It is needless to say the latter s delight lul delusions were quickly dispelled before the domestic life of the silver toned tenor and the kindly advice of his good wife." Fnxliion Notes. The trains to evening dresses are of moderate length. Brocade silks and satins show mense floral designs. ltn Open Saxton em jroideries come in black and white surah, nun's veiling and cashmere. Surah moire is the name of a raw ma terial designed for dress trimmings and Liong plaid skirt of velvet will be worn with Loun XV. coats and scarf draperies of light-hued brocade. juuy jnciiets ci flarK green caaumero emiromeied in gold or silver, and fastened with small buttons to match, nre imported. Hungarian scarfs of scarlet, green and gold striped surah are draped over jer- , y costumes oi uarK myrtle green, ad miral wue or jut black. Picturesque hats are the great round hats of plush, felt or beaver, larger than any yet worn, with tapering crowns and wreaths oi nodding plumes. ihe new cloaks are extremely long ouu cipuBe gny-coiorea linings or plush, flush cloaks and velvet cloaks, beaded from neck to heel, are among leading Ihe steel beads so popular in em broideries and passementeries last sea. son have disappeared; the fancy is for uwure uuuumg in colors seen in the fabric. Light silk and wool stuff in bright contrasting Btnpes, or in gay tniltejteur designs, are exhibited, which are to make very handsome yet durable dresses for school girls. Square, nautical looking collars of Oriental brocade, or plaided surah, with large bow knotted at the throat in true sailor fashion, are very popular with stylish young girls. Bullion plush, a new fabrio for opera cloaks, has gold or silver threads mixed with its black or white pile. Cloaks made of bullion plush are lined with plain plush of bright color. Children's costumes, are, if possible, more pictures qe and quaint than ever. The popular materials, plush and moiro, enter largely into their composition, as do small figured dainasse silks. Pink toilets are very fashionable, and are stylishly set -off with black silk stockings devoid of embroidery, black satin sandals worked with jet beads, and long black gloves of undressed kid. Favorite materials in millinery are plush and beaver. Moira xihhmw r the favorite ties, while feathers lead off in trimmings. Evening bonnets are made of cream or white plush trimmed with long waving ostrich plumes. Borne human remains of great an tiquity wero discovered soma months ago at Nice. A Faithful Wife . Some years ago there lived in Phil adelphia a thrifty pair. The husband's business was one that his wife could assist in, eo she as in everv way his helpmeet, besides being his house keeper and his savings bank. They were happy and prospering in their own little house the Philadolphian's patent idea of comfort. After a time the man grew ambitions to get a more showy footing. lie took to politics as is the duty of all citizens when this means politics and water. Unfortunately it was politics and whisky in his case the sort of ward politics that is carried on in liquor saloons. He grew to be such an important man in his "com bination " that he could not attend to hisjjbnsiness any more. If this were the story of "Mulhooly" the rest of it would be that, in spite of his empty shop and unfinished orders, he went on getting rich. But X was not a high politician of that kind. He was of the sort that is used not a master in the political trade. His wife, left alone in the Bhop, did her best; but for the very fact that she was alone, that he was never seen, customers began to suspect something. Orders that he had taken went wrong; comolaints wero made of lost goods that had been trusted to him. She had to make them good. Here again the story ought to turn, that she built up the business herself again, and put up her own name as a sole trader. But she wns a poor heart broken woman. She wanted to reclaim him, and not even the business was as important to her as what had become of her husband all the days and nights he had stayed away from her. They wero half starved, but she kept up a decent appearanco still, kept her children clean and herself tidy. One day a strange thing happened. This respectable, neat woman, with her two pretty chil dren, made her appearance in the tavern where this man spent his days. Sho did not mako a scene; she did not come for that. She quietly took her seat there and waited for him. People camo up to her and urged her to go home, saying that this low drinking resort was no place for her and her children. "Wherever the father stays, " she replied, "is the place for his children and for me." Of course he was readv poontogohome. Some men would have been brutal have struck of cursed at her for interference, but this man was only weak, not cowardly. The next dav he went to another place. She followed presently with the bright little children. This was kept up for some weeks. The tavern-keepers grew uneasy. They could not stand tho mute witness of the man's weakness. Tbev conld not complain of her, for the did nothing said nothing only sat and watched. She did not cry or entreat while her husband loungtd up to the bar to drink. She simply sat by, pamed and intent, with the two children kept very close to her, as if she would shut out from their eyes and ears snch talk and such sights. No tavern-keeper could stand it. One after another refused to sell liquor to a man so guarded. Finally it began to tell on him this gentle, faithful watch. He stopped drinking, dropped his "political " associates that had led him to it, and began to turn over a new leaf. He picked up his old business again, but hnaiiy concluded to movo to another place and make a clean start, lie is now prosperous, and his ex perience is not the least part of his gams. This was the way cne woman reformed her husband; with never spoken word she fairly shamed him out of his ruin by letting him see that whatever he sank to there sho and her children were bound to be, and that even iu danger or foulnes she still looked to him to protect them. For better, for worse, sho had married him, and even when he took the worse thcro would she and her children be, It was an appeal to his manhood, and a very uncomfortable appeal to the manhood or all who stood around or who dropped in to drink. Not a crying woman not even a praving one, as any one could seo but by tho mute appeal of her presence there, finally con quering for decency and happiness again. Jlosbv's Narrow Escapes. Mosby would run risks and take chances' which he would not order his men to take. He was in Washington threo dmerent times during the war; m Baltimore four or five times, and in more than a dozen instances he pene tro4rJiUiudiotown he was once cutoff t.y federal cavalry who held tho pike ju uuiu utrecuons. vnen ordered to surrender ho drove his horse over the stone wall and got away through the fields. Three bullets pierced his cloth ing, iiis norse was struck twice, and an overcoat strapped to his saddlo wns clean cut away by bullets. One day while he was eating dinner in the Luray Valley six Union oavalrvnipn wftlltrl in on Lim. Thov did rmfc n dxu him as Mosby, but rightly con jectured that he was a guer rilla. As they attacked him he shot two and dashed through a window and made on with one of their horses, He was once captured in Washington while on a snvincr expedition, bnt feigned drunkenness and made a dash for liberty while on the wav to the urn. vast marsnars omco. At that time he had plenty of proofs on his person to have convicted him as a sov. Near Warrenton he one niffliL rndn with twenty-fonr men full upon a Federal reserve picket of at least a hundred men. Both sides stood staring at each other for a moment and then Mosby called out : " Did any of them mules oom this way?" "Haven't seen any," was the reply, " rinm ilia .mfi-a 41. .... . j Cuss the critters they stampeded on us !" growled the firuerriiln. n ho turn 3d his men and rode away. Some of his men had blue overcoats on, some wore citizens' clothes, and no one could say that they did nit belong to tho Federal wagou trains. Detroit Free Press. Teeth as Producer of Xear-Siehted. ness. Dr. Sexton, a leading otolocist nt New York, thinks he has discovered a connection between near-sierhtedness. mpoired hearinsr and defective tenth the teeth furnish the startinar noinfc fnr the disorder affecting the other two or gans. The fifth pair" of nerves sup plies at once the teeth, the tissue of the nose, those of the eve and ear. th integuments of the frontal and tern poral region, etc. A defective tooth produces irritation of the whole region thus supplied, and in fact often occa sions severe cases of neuralgia. Even when there is no pain felt in a tooth it may yet be the cause of grave disorder in the eye, ear or temple. Dementia, I it is ciaiiueu, is sometimes due to a . tooth having all the appearance of sound ness to the unprofessional eye. Japanese Agriculture. Mr. Thomas B. Van Bnren, consul- general of Japan, in his official report presents us with quite a thorough in sight into Japanese agriculture. Hav ing some 50,000,000 acres of tillable land, but little over one-fourth is under cultivation. Extensive field farming is almost unknown, and agriculture par takes of the character of garden farm ing, the average size of such cultivated patches being not over one-half of an acre in extent, 'lhis land is made to bear both a summer and winter crop, and Mr. Van Buren writes that "the thor oughness of the spade or mattock culti vation and the careful attention to ferti lization produces large returns and pre serves the bearing capacity of the soil better than our superficial plowing and rough fertilization." Cattle being almost nnknown, night soil is tho chief fertilizer of the Japanese farmer. Mr. Van Bnren believes that whenever farm stock are introduced and arti ficial manures are made the result will be a vast increaso in Japanese agricultural products. Rice, as is well known, is the great staple product, bar- ev is next, and wheat Inst, luce plant ing takes up rather more than one-half of all the area under tillage, being about 6,800,000 acres. About forty bushels per acre is the average yield, and the product last year was 205,000, 000 bushels. Barley was produced to the amount of 60,000,000 bushels. It is mado into a coarse flour and eaten mixed with rice. It is largely consumed in the manufacture of sake. The quantity of wheat made was as.UUU.UUU bushels. Winter wheat is the variety used, and the Ground is thoroutrhlv manured with ashes and compost. All the methods of separating the seed are of the crudest character, tho only improvements being those derived from the Dutch in the eighteenth century. With such a sub divided system of asricultnre our American agricultural machinery would be comparatively useless. The quantity of sugar made in Japan from the sor ghurn is fairly large, some 67,000,000 pounds. The process of granulation is still a very primitive one, though tho product is excellent. It seems possible that apparatus of a simple and inex peusivo character, such as we use for sorghum in the United States, might find purchasers in Japan. In 1878 Ja pan grew 95,000,000 pounds of tobacco, Japan makes for European consumption some 60,000 worth of cigars, and ex ports to England and Germany tobacco to the amount of 217,000, where it is used for cigarettes. The chestnut is widely cultivated and used as food, but it is not the chestnut of Europe, but the chincapin of our Middle and South ern States. As to esculent roots and tubers, the variety grown is very large,- though our potato is only cultivated for foreisrn consumption. The yam, or sweet potato, is extensively planted, and forms a considerable portion of the diet of tho poorer classes, being worth about one-fourth of a cent per pound Life in Paris. An American correspondent, writing from Paris, says: I live in a garret, but I live os I please. Eight dollars a week pays all expenses rent,, washing, car tickets and the theater. can here go out with a basket on my arm, buy my dinner, bring it homo and eat it. I can go out in a pair of old slippers and an old coat. This is lux- ury. Some dinners are bought at tho cookshop around the corner cold meats of many sorts, vegetables, and many kinds of salads, cooked turkey, chicken, goose, duck, beef, veal and pork, r if teen minutes" and fifty cents will put half a dozen dishes nnd relishes on my table, including a bottle of wine. The etiquette of the house allows me to ask Mademoiselle Celcstine to dine with me. She sews for a living twelve hours out of the twenty-four; lives in a bit of a room, without fare, from year a end to year s end. Lams fifty cents per day. Has a cough and pain in her side, Comes up the seven pair of stairs at in tho evening, carrying in one hand a few sticks of charcoal and in the other a few stieks of maccaroni, out of which sho develops her dinner. For her my table is a princely feast, and how she does relish her claret I e are com manded to feed the hungry, and 1 am doing it. Who would not rather do so than endure the pains and punishments promised those who do not. It pays to do good, virtuo is its own reward. Celestine is hideous only on Sunday, miP&f toiKftjaislier of" her good looks. Sho swears, too. but onlv in Freneh. Profanity is shorn of much of its liorrnr when uttered in French. Celesfino will, in a few years, die of consuirmtinn nnl her bones help fill up the catacombs and add their mite to the subterranean se pulchral curiosities of Paris. Hard work, poor fare, and a room perma nently without fire will kill her. On oundays she scrubs her den. Its furni ture can bo carted off in a wheelbarrow, A Mysterious Malady, A most unpleasant malady affects everybody wno visits or resides in tho city of Bagdad. It is a sore called a "dateniark, because after it has healed it leaves an indelible mark, about the size and shape of a date. It generally makes its appearance auout the face, lasts a year, and then disappears. Tho cheek of nearly every man and woman in Bagdad shows the inevitable mark. Sometimes it settles upon the noso,and then the disfigurement is great; some times on tho eyelid, when blindness is the result. Strangers are attacked even after a brief residence; but fortunately, if they are adults, the sore is more apt to come on the arm. In every case the attack runs its course for one year. No treatment, no ointment, nor medicine, it is said, has tho slightest effect npon it. Once the sore appearing, the suf ferer knows what to expoct, and may as well resign himself to his fat?. It is incurable. The Paper Product. It is estimated that nearlv 2.000.000.- 000 pounds of paper is produced an nually, one-half of which is used in printing, a sixth for writing, and the remainder is coarse paper tor packing and other purposes. The United States alone produces yearly 100,000 tons of aper, averaging seventeen pounds per ead for its population. The English man eomes next, with about twelve pounds per head; the educated German takes eight pounds, the Frenchman seven pounds, while theItalian,Spaniard and Russian take respectively three pounds, one and one-half pounds and one pound annually, the consumption of paper being roughly in proportion to the education and political activity of the people. We can, without hesitation, say that Dr. Bull's CuDgh byrup has given the beat aatiafaotion. We Lave old au immense amount of it dming tl.e ymt winter. WALLACE, HILTON A C'J., lifutiguta, Look Haven, Fa, ...J. Wonderful Inventive Faculty. The news of t.lm death abroad recently of Hamilton E. Towle recalls the bright career and remarkable achievements of dishngnishrd American civil engineer. Mr. Towle was a passenger on the famous Grent Pnstern during ner mem orable voyage across the Atlantio when she encountered a great storm, wcicn broke her stem-inff appatatus. Her commander and crew could do nothing in the terrible emergency, and sho lay practicallv helpless at the mercy of the waves, in this critical moment Mr. Towlo carefully and with wonderful self-possession examined tue urouen machinery nnd rigged up from the material at hand an apparatus of his own desicning. which proved equal to the urgent needs of the situation. The improvised rudder brought the great vessel snfely in port, and the distinguished American re ceived from the cratofnl passengers, who deeraed their lives to have been saved by him, the gift of a superb gold watch, ornamented with costly jewels, and engraved with a memorial inscrip tion commemorating his historical feat of encineerintr. This timepiece he wore with conscious pride during his lifetime, and he also exhibited at times, ith an equally pardonable egotism, a 'edal presented to him by an English humane societv in recognition of his achievement. The steamship owners, of all who profited bv his knowledge of en gincering, however, wore, it seems, tho only ones to dispute the value of his splendid services, and he was compelled to bring suit to recover tho salvage to which ho was justly entitled. At the time of the terrible shipwreck of the 11-futed Atlantic he delivered a lecture in Cooper Institute, asserting boldly according to his knowledge of naviga tion, that tho disaster was attributable to faulty seamanship. From early boy. hood he displayed a noteworthy inventive faculty, and rigged up all sorts of in genious toy water-wheels and the like. This profuse and surprising supply of clover ideas seemed to grow with his years, and the ingenious conceptions with which his active, mature brain teemed, nnd many of which bore fruit m useful engineering inventions, seemed endless. He designed surveying level, which met a long-felt need; was instrumental in the pence tion of the Towlo bell-register, adopted by the Third avenue surface railway at the advent of iho bell-puncb, nnd was interested in a host of other inventions, of which a machine for type-setting, self-inking letter-stamps, telegraphic instruments, argand burners, patent washing chemicals, theodolites, and weighing scales were but a few. Before his illness ho was head of the Towle Manufacturing company, in Cortlandt street, in this city. The saddest feature of his death is that it is reported to have been due to tho weakening of a brain whoso strength and extensive creative power made hira at times a marvel to his frieuda and associates. Keo York Times. A Remarkable Hermit. About five miles southeast of Pnuld insr. Ind., lives one of the most re markable hermits known. Ho is sup posed to bo an Englishman, although on this point he is not communicative, He is generally known by nnd answers to the name of " Old Batch," but his nnme is Samuel Paten. He is sixty three years of age, very white-haired and patriarchal in appearance. He has not been shaved nor had his hai trimmed in twelve years. Around him are gathered some of the finest specimens of cattle and horses ever seen in any country. Fat, sleek fillies and peutle cows; lnzy porkers and tamo Merinos ran to him whenever he eruercesfrom his house, which is simply a few pieces of bark thrown up against a log. There is no resemblance oi a house to it. but iu this worse than dog kennel "Old Batch" lives both winter and summer. He is not rude and tin lettered, but really a refined and cul tured man, when he chooses to lav off the rude wrapping which ho has thrown about himself. He has traveled exten sively, is a fine linguist, aud conversant with both foreign and domestic politics up to the time of the closing of tho civil war of toe rebellion, since which time he has med tho life of a hermit. In whatever you nre called upon to do, enuetvor to maintain a cairn, col lected and prayerful state of mind, Snlf.roenllnetinn ir nf crpnt, imr.ortnnee. good ior u uwi io wait quietly for the salvation of tho Lord." Ho who is iu what may be called a spiritual hurry, or rather who runs without hav ing evidence of being spiritually sent, makes haste to no purpose. A German complaining of the over shadowing influence of militarism Bee the ettect on ,our children ; if we have handsome, well-made boys they join tho military; if girls, the militaiy join them." Franlfurter Ztitung. Albany (N.Y.) Daily Press andKnickerbockor.) Abandoned. Wo perceive by one of our Massachu setts cxchanges.that Dr. Lorenzo Waite, of Westtield, an eminent phvsician of Berkshire county, strongly indorses St. Jacobs Oil. 'With it he cured a case of Sciatica that resisted all regular pro fessional treatment, and that had in fact been abandoned as incurable. Charles Bell, of Stroudsburer, Pa. has succeeded in making a boat from chemical wood fibor. This is said to be the first of the kind known to have been made. The boat is fourteen feet lonpr. eighteen inches wide, and " rides on the water like a dttisv." La Fayette (Ind.) Sanday Times.l Our city druggists report an immense sale of St. Jacobs Oil. saying the de mand is based upon the popularity of its success. Wherever it has been used, it has proved its value a thousand fold, and receives its best enoomiums from those who have tried it. The orange is the longest lived fruit tree known, and is rerted to have flourished 300 yeaw. Wn Believe That if every one would ues Hop Bittera freely there would be much loso sickness and misery in the world; and people are fast finding this out, wbo'.e families keeping well at a trifling cost by its use. We advise all to try it. U, k A. lioclLester, K. Y. It is estimated that there resids in London, England, not less than 82,000 thieves. To make new hair prow uae Cabboline, a deodorized extract of petroleum. -This natural petroleum hair rcnower, as recently improved, is the only thing that will really produce new hair. It is adoliglitful dressing. Thousands Speak. Vboktinic ia acknowl edged aud recommended by physicians and upothveariea to be the best puiillur and clcansei ul the blood yet discovered, aud tuouaands upealt in its praise who have been restored tu health. we do not often speak of any proprietary medicine, but from what we hare road and heard of Allon'a Lung Balaam, we shall take the liborty or saying to those who are troubled with a cold, cough, or any throat or lung aflfeo tion, that from the testimony affordod, we hare anch confidence In this article, that were we afllictod in that way, we would make a trial ot its virtues. Beware of the fatal conBonuencer of neglecting this timely warning. Now, bo- foro it is too late, use Alton a Imng Balsam, which will cure the disease. Every druggist in the land sella it. iTOtoEsnoii, t8pepsia, nervous prostration and all forms of general debility relieved by taking Mensmah's I'kptosked Bkek Tonio, the only preparation of beef containing its entire nutritions properties. It contains blood-making, forco-gencratmg and lifo-sustaining properties; is invaluable in all enfeebled conditions, whether tho result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork, or acute disease, particularly it resulting trom pulmonary complaint, uaeweu, Hazard & Co., proprietors, Now York. a Treatise upon the Horse and his Diseases. BOOK ot 1UU pages, iwumh " nu. of horses. Postage stamps taken. Sont post paid by New York Newspaper Union, 150 Worth Street, New York. aa-Pocket Scalo, 25c Howard Mf g Co., N. Y. " It on it u on lints." , , roaches, bed-bugs, flies, vermin, insects. 15o. nrsi i rn from DEATH. William J. CouuhUn. of SomervUle, Masn.. savs: In the fnU of 1870 1 was taken with bleeding of the luwn, followed by a aovero cough. I lost rnv appetite and flesh, nnd waa confined to mv bed. In 18"7 I was ad mitted to the hospital. The doctors Baid 1 had a holo In my lunpr as big as a half-dollar. At one time a re port went around that I waa dead. I Rave up hope, bnt a friend told me of Ph. William Hall's Balsam pob the Lusos. I (jot a bottle, when, to my surprise, I commenced to fool bettor, and to-day I feel better than for three years paat. I write this hoping every one afflicted with diseased 1ube will take Da. Wil- liah Hall's Balsam, and be convinced that cox sumption can UK CCBKD. I can positively say it has done more good than all tho other medicines I have taken since my tickness. WAItllANTED FOtt 31 YEAUS ASD JfKVKR FAILED T. nrrtw flrmin. Rnnsmfl. Ttlsrrtimtt. Tlvsentrrv ami Sea Sickness, taken internally, and OOAIIANTKIOI) perfectly liorinleS!i; alo externally, Cuts. NruiM's, rhrnnic l:hiiniRtieni. Old Hores. Pains in the lilnhs. Iwk ami chct. Such a remedy is 1. TOllIAS' VKNKTIAN LISrMKST. I CNnnue once trying It will evor be without it; 2-1 Cents will Tiny Trent ise upon the Horse aud his Diseases. Hook of 10!) pages. Valuable to every owner of horses. Tost age stamps taken, Sent postpaid by NEW YOEK NEWSPAPlifl UXIOS, 150 Worth titroet. New York. THE MARKETS. O NEW YORE. Beef Cattlo Med. Nat.livo wt Calves Good to Trime Veals. Sheep Lambs Hogs Live Dressed, city 9 5 ((J 4 0 !? 8?; Flour Ex. State. Eood to fancy 6 55 ,i a so !$ 9 00 Western, good to choice b 80 Whcat-Xo. 2 lied.. 1 4 (,j 1 4H34' No. 1 Whito Kyc Stnte Hurley Two-rowed State Corn TJngradedWestcrnllixed Southern Yellow Oats Whito Ktato Mixed Western ITay Timothy Straw No. 1, Itvo Hons State. 188) 1 VP.tfsS 1 M 1 05' r-0 1 03 85 (($ 89 65 d 71 T1V.0A 73 53 fUl t 64 4'J dt 1 05 ra 80 Oi 30 Gt'20 00 fell HI 0r.V2 20 45 95 70 22 Pork Mess, new, for export... 19 75 Lard City Steam 11 e7 Helmed 12 20 Petroleum Crude 7 f.o 8 ltefined 7V 'Va Butter Stato Creamery 2G & 37 ' Dairy 2) CO 2S Western 1m. Creamery 21 fs SO Factorv 13 Ci l'J Cheese Stuto Factory 10 f.j 13 Kkiins S dt 9 Western 8 f-j 12 Eggs Stato aud l'enn 25 0$ 1f Potatoes Early Itose.State.bbl 2 59 Qi 2 75 BITFAU). Steers Extra Lambs Western Sheep Western 6 25 OTi C 75 5 25 M 5 75 4 00 0i 4 40 C 50 Oi G 89 Jtogs, unou tounoico lorKers. Flour C'y Ground, No. 1 Spring 6 75 Gj 7 25 Wheat-No. 1. Hard Duluth .... 1 5i)y,(rt 1 CO Corn No. 2 Mixed.., 721' Oats No 2 Mix. West Barley Two-rowed State. BOSTON, 51 Oi 90 Oit 51 90 Beef Extra plato aad family. .14 50 15 00 Hoes Live 7si(. 8 Hogs City Dressed Pork Extra Prime per bbl. . . y,i 9 1G00 ta;16 50 8 75 Oi 9 62V. 82'fO 84 5i OJi 62 Flour Spring Wheat Patents. . Corn Mixed and Vellow Oats-Extra Whito Byo Stnte Wool Washed CombiDolaine 1 15 Oi I 15 41 0i 40 Unwashed " 30 Oi 31 WATEHTOWX (MASS.) CATTLE MARKET. Beef Extra quality C 62 7 25 Slicep Uvo wcigut Lambs Ilogs, Northern , 5 y; 51 0J i) 1'llILADEI.I'IIIA. Flour renn. Ex. Family, fair. 7 50 0 7 50 Wheat Nb. 2 Bed 1 51 Oi 1 51 live Stato 1 00 Oi 1 00 Corn Stato Yellow 740 75 Oats Mixed 48 0i 4S Butter Creamery Extra Pa. .. 35 On 3G Cheese New York Full Cream. 13 Oji 14 Petroleum Crude 6Jj'(S 1 Unfilled 7i'o GRAND STEKl'LIJ CHASE. As if there were not sufficient excitement nt the usual liorse-ruci', these meetings on the turf nearly always close with a grand steeple chase. This kind of race combines all the excitement of the regular race, with the Fuper-aiMod clement of, danger which seems to give further 7.c.'t to the sport. Horses, and good ones at that, often receive severe injuries, which rentier them practi cally useless for long periods. At least this was the state of affairs until owners and breeders of fine stock began to freely use t. Jacobs Oil, the Great German F.cmedy for man and beast. This invalu able article to horsemen has eo grown into favor on account ot its phenomenal tllieary in diseases of domestic animals, especially the horse, that it would be difficult indeed to discover a horsemen iinacrjunintcd with its magical potency. The Philadelphia Easy llmr. in a recent issue says: "But one of the most important developments concerning St. Jacoiis On. is the discoverv that it has properties which are bcneficia"l to the animal as well as to the human cpecies. It has, of late, been in active de mand among livery men nnd others for use on horses suffering from i-praiiis or abra sions. The most prominent instance known of in this connection, is that related by Mr. David Walton, a well-known Friend, who keeps a livery stable at 1245 North Twelfth street. Mr. Walton states that he was boarding a valuable horse belonging to Benjamin McClurg, also a resident of North Twelfth street. A few weeks ago the animal slipped and badly sprained his leg, making him very lame. Mr. Walton used two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil on the animal and found within le.-s than one week, that there was no need for uny more, for the animal wns bs v eil us ever. Ia the ttrae to grapple with dyspepsia. To al low such a remorseless foe to health and oom ... i t.l,. nn(linmit.nd nossession of the etomaoh, Is to surrender needlessly the sest of life, and become a Tommnrj umnyr i un speakable pains and penalties. No malady is more allUClUS VO oupe mill, uimo in no umuiiiu form so obstinatoiy resists mcuicnuun. uui tackled at it Inception with Hostetter's Blomach Bitters, dyspepsia speo.lily vanishes, carrving with It the multifarious symptoms which attond it, and which in their chameleon ohanRos Inspire more erroneous boliefs regard ing tlietr cause man tnose oi any inner uieease. Wind on tne stomacn, noanDuin, waior uranu, pilpitation, pain after eating, a sinking sonsa- tin.i it tna tiie m inn .inn ,n I iRifru u i,ni. these and many other harassing indicia of tho complaint niane a spoeay exu wnen mo great stomacnio is pereisienuy rcenneu iu. xv im proves the appetite, strengthens the nerves, counteracts tho offects of fatigue and expo sure, and is a reliable antidote to the poison of malaria. Over in Marblehead tho men turned out and stoned a dog because he barked at a team, and our correspondent says "the dog was not mad at all." If a Lvnu dog had been stoned in that way he would have been hopping mad. Lynn Bee. f.ndy Beoottfter. Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes with all the cosmot ics of Franco, or beautiflera of the world, while in poor health, aud nothing will give yon such good health, strength and beauty as Hop Bit ters. A trial is certain proof. Bco another co.uran. Bituminous coal is produced in 27 counties in Pennsylvania, and the; esti mate out put of 1881 is over 25,000,000 tons. ACTS y.3 TONIO. Vp't-Hmp nlufi nrn as a moat tiowprrn! nrnl cTfiteful toui:; ini't thin tenturv i must imtlet'.iMy experienced 1) v pcruiiiR rt'covt rin.',' from nu'e tinraen, and by woiut'U wlio have loiiftbfrii nt'iU-teii with ill peculiar to thi-ir fox aloiio. Imari iMv has it b"cn found to inrrase tin? ton. or ;owor ol tin ncrvonn BvMein, by wliich. i:i tuni, nil n(hT port urns of the frimi" are f( relict JmiuMl. and thtMnniii v of thu blond imrmvpd. To nun. womau or child it will Impart Mt?vnpth wliPiistrci::'lh ia Tvantin:-r. It will revitalize the. sys- U'tn of tho poor owr-wor'u-d b'ing whoso life in In-iti'' fi-lrtprt-d nwai' in fMidh-fw rarua and nnxttitiea: it will infip the Htn-nth of iron and tho roMpjite tint of hi alih into tho weak RinowR and bloo-HoRs coimtortUv'p of women crushed bv unnv hardships and oppri-sH"d bv tim d.infi'ri of child-bearinK: it u-ill i'ivr 11-. w Pfn fn thn ii.-illiri nml f!inn..'iatp l child whose appolile in coiif, wIiokp niovcnit-ntrt are feeble and ii'jrvi-hH, r.-id v.hose whole. Bint 'in is one of decay and debilitation. Vfktine im a true tnntc. aud not a rterepmv HtHnniant: the rt'oti mat u im parls to-day is not snct'eedeJ by injury to-morrow. Vegetine. llev. O. T. Walker gays: Providence, It. I., 101 Transit Street. H. Tl. Esn.: 1 f'-.-l bound to exMr.'R with my Pixnature the h!h vaiuo T pliee upon vour Vkokunr. Mv familv have H'-i-d it tor the lasi t'v yearn. In Nervous Debility it is ii:vali!ih!e; ami I rcomnitid it to all who may iieea au uivii;w"-iui, r-.uovuuii;i lonte. O. T. WALK Kit. Formerly Pastor of Eowdoln S'lUava Church, Hot ton Vegetine PURIFIES THE BLOOD. Boston, Macs., Jan. 13, 1877. T- IT TV fiTPvr.vs: Jinn- s,t -I have been nslnrr Veirrtino f-r pome limn with tin-LTIVMeM s;it tela- l ion. Hlld H11 hit! hi V r'poinmeud it as a Kfeat cleans v ami pnniW r of the blOOd. J. JlAA.M'tlhH, rastor of r.;;!eston ij iv,avc M. E. Church Vegetine. i'in:i'A!ti:n ijy H. H. STEVENS, Boston, Mass, I'pffpttue in Solt liu AH JifUfifitxtH. "EVir Crtlrliavn lather. Mother, Wid jwb, A Or tvOIUierS, ('hildreu, etc. Thousands yel entin!. IvnioiiH tor am wound or disease. Jionntj vi t due to thoiis;m.i.-i. lVii'dcmfM onliiied to In e:v:i-?i of IMedon. N'.-w In iilid ile.'ir.iom. Time lituitt"1. Apply at nn.-p. lueioso two btamps for lawn, uianiis ana mi menon.-. V,. II. J HILTON A ro.. llox V. S. Claim ArroitNr.vs. ahiiij;tnn. 1. O MIS? VT-; mmm I'Klt.UM Ml n aw -f -or.- .... II t v Kit Y Miaow to nre,1 fullf l!Ia;rn(1, xplniQed end utgnir rucom- ir.i in " Ar.i?fa A.?r::lrict. " Vow. No.. ist. mm c. rtBteJ fur il. Pfilhtlf, liw i-i j.o'l, weikcd by Uftii, hone oriUarrt Ptjvtr NotIcl I'V fanner In tvury muni j-. UonJ Lueinti for lntr or Kntiiinwr biul very proiiut'le. M-lteg wll ia si lb ot r.)ck (inywherB. Wo vi3t thn nmnci or tt)n tliL ueea wain fc.n.l .!..., f,,r nrlr-r. 1!t unrl toi'tim to AldBtlL r::;s TCI Si;nit:r 0:., S3 B:to Circot, Hew V. 3. A. AROMATIC MILK G&ff A pleasant, s;ccly cure M R'Sa for ril.Ii. Oaci-ark JriSEJ .iKa-four doffs-wlll J Kw cure in every c;isc. l'rlce SuM ttydrutrultsorsctit by mall. Ad- I,. II. HAKIMS, l'limbnrcli, I'd. Fas-Similes of D. S. Treasur AMI NATIONAL HANK ItlM.S. roiit-istiny of nine exact Imital ions ot United States J reaMirv Aotes, an-i nine ot National Hank liills, II in a!!, of various df'iioiiiinritiuiis. As a ram and in Ktitntittieous means f,f th-toeting counterfeit money t :r. invaiu ioic, i'r;rH,4 a pai ii;iLo. , j at I A iihtv v fit., rew vorktJity. r. u. iiox ilu XcntrO'I'llIi-iic uuig hair unuui known. Per inmicntlij tiiaioivtt Piiivrfluoui hair. root and branch, in five viUmie,vntkoutnnn,diictioratton,w injury. Semi 'Jjtamjm f.r partl-ulara. ThbWiuozCukuic.l liKr a ration .o.,w npruee St., mil-le.j'hii S A VP. TITTS! I A uovcr-failiiiK rcn.edi lot ?, ,V-Cj -1J-0' Neuralgia. N rv..u and hick lloaii.-ichc, 'J'ootliaclie, Funichc and all ucrvoiit Kclievcs in w Miuutt-M. Hi nt by mail on leccipt of l.-.eentR in inwt.ii.'o Btainiw. tiv . J. MWrXL, N. lioud ht., IJuitimore. Md. i ' ANTl'.'liAtirnvTrafortno autnentic and complete It'e nf Jaii:8 A. (.iAlil'lJ.Ln. liom childhood to Col. 11. H.tinwell,with introducliou by IIU l.xcclleucy John ll. li'AM, (i.iv. of Mivkb. 'J'ho work is firwt-class.alid llnciy illuhtratcd. Kvcrj body will want book. Address it. li. ltUSSKl.I,. lio."ton. M:is. M A, MIA T TAN DOPE CO , 10 W. 11th Ht,. N.Y. T.O. Box 4P90 I ItU B ri only"' fr-.l, MnKI'INrZ tlw Gr-U h, ) tttl kul Wuahl fr etirifi with t, KKsrV l.rlj 1,1, CtrluT of tjt. vd lock .-f 1, t1 ft C ,MSH T Tfefrfl I finiiHt of vitir fuiuf huili-.nd cr mft, iii!.oioic.tljl ."f; X.4fJ- i TmiTU !H;iti v. rii--of r mi rd ia'. ut uiarr ajt. n'loc AUitu Prut. L Hiri.D. 777 "llOtd. With nun, tint, .ml i.l.r. nf uf Vta.j i.iurv.'l to .11 ti.t i.u.d.J. UdrtM Prbf. L H.niu. 10 Mom'; I'l. Uo.toB, lluj. A YEAH AND EXPKNHFS TO AOFNU. Outat free. Aililrew i. It. Icl.cry, Aiiuu.tu. lc. S AI7F,SIVTT,'J WAMT.I1 to sell Stationery OAldXjOOXi. JIM (i.,,ia on colnmii-sion. Send atainp for terms. 1-HU'X I X IT It. IVJ.. Warren.l'a. t1'4ir4'' MONTH AGENTS VVANT D-00 beat .jlT '"iel!l:l.'ariiclcH in the world; 1 knuiple fret, cW, irLFAddiva. dny, .Detroit. Mica. S-CANVAHSKR bENO YOl'U All ul'aetlirerfi. II.': :RS AND FAIR MEN ti ihi:hs to Sole Mafi Itt 7lll Ave., N.Y. 7J A WEEK. H2 a dav at home easily made. Costly fc Outiit tree. Add'. Tiu k b Co.. AllKusta, Maine. XZJ A Tf TTT'C! ral1".-'"' I": IJJrcM, Bnaaard . AOI LjO Aini-ricin W.tchCo..l'iluburcb,Pi, ffiTrf fevoiver.. rai.uIii.rrn."dma, J ll J.V Ortal Wfl On. Work.. Pllllrt. r. S 5 tO S20 VdRV at home. Hamples worth 1 free. AddriM-sbriKiioN &Oo..PorUand.Maine. A SPR1.VO SCALE THAT CAN Vegetine rl one dollar, drer-s Pit. fiHEAPEST TJ0GKS IM THE TTT0 nil) I ictUii c His- II TuiiM-'s Hhtory uflJSI ui: dt I .turyol LuulHtid. Clfliiilcratuio. I Vne VI rrtt i I ' I'ae IS. no vols. I I itu.o vol. tiHn.tbfMm'ly I f tulalyv VaoiiijoU. 'i.'itj J-ff tuQj for duly iud, I tat. PARKER'S POCkTT SAI PR THESE CUTS ARE FULL PARKER'S PATENT POSTAL AND PACKET SCALES. for tune bu all liruoglut; Stattotmra ana Hardware Dealer. If yon cannot uudou.iu your towoaoud us i.l ceots In postHao alaniDi and we will nA . i. " u'- iiowAiiiRiF-rf. vuT. HaVZ,VSriP'pl IdULUul Kclvluc DO K...0., 1 w-oomp.11 tf.rtnf "J r.?9.?,!.T.Hii 'S'.Ti J V '"lu"" h" i.y .uiulil.l ( U,D( for bub l.l .uO.rti,,. w.t. UroMcMcrlJlu,. lLZ l? "i" CM :riM.r. u.t.r, Ohio, or IMRT IM0B, H....r, li'lSil Bo. JuV "J. Olr" L"'UJ1 ' (ThUTOgravIng represent, tba Lung, In a healthy itate.) A STiHDARD REMEDY IN MANY HOMES. For Cnuilll. Cnlri.. f'rniin. Ttrniirltlll. and all other afTnrtlon. of tlio Tin mil and IilJKIJS, it etandi unrivaled and utterly beyond all comueUtinn. IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES It approaches o near a .pecinc that "Nlnety-flvo" ner cent, are permanently cured where the dlreo. tiunn are strictly complied with. There i no chemi cal or other ingredients to harm the young or old. AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL I IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANT FORM I . N. HARRIS ACO., Proprietors, CINCINNATI, o. FOR SALE BfALL DRUGGISTS. NIKD l'J If you are a nwn It yon are a xt- "if-tv man of let- ened by the strain of your duties avoid stimulants and us te re t oil f n tr ore r m i ' i-niK-t TorU, io ivv .ivn hrnin lint-VP find Hop BiTtere. I if yAu are younff and dijerction or dlsjlpa wato, UbO Hop B- sutTering from any in tion i if you arw mftr- ounp, rjut-niij mi." nv nn a bod ot fiiek roorhe.UUoilencuish Bitters. , Jt Whoever yon ere, whenever you feel tbst yonr eysttm inoutdinus a is nu- form of Kidney ditea thit innJit Inir cr rtiumlRtinff, without fnfoarfcalilifl, a timely tuo of HopBIUers . a u. v n uu Bitters- ITaTO yoa di9 fvjwVi, kidney or urinary com plaint, (Unease of the it-nnacnt botrffa. blood, liver or tieree t You will be cured If ymiUBe Hop D it-tors Ifyou are pim ply vcftk and low spirited, try ltt It may tnveyoiir life. It has I D. I. C. t en shrchitt hop j I anil lrretn- hle euro iur tips of opium. UtU'CUtlL'B. Botd bydntp plts. Bcndlor NEVER Lircuiur. FAIL uop fimrns ra co.. I saved nun cireds. gggppj MANUFACTORY lfl And e Depot, 465 FULTON ST., ni''l BROOKLYN. iiiiSrTaiitTo the Invalids of America. MOT MAnvr.I.OI'S INVENTION' in the Wi)!!I,i) Ilie "Wll.SOMA" .UAUNET1U Jni'A'Vur?Kvi:nY rOIlM OF WSKASE known to man. without nii-diciiie. rhanu-s nfil"'. '"U'?--jn.'l,lH) ri'.liSON.S, unco HK.M'l.KSSJ 1NVA I, IDS. arc now r.'Jok-iu!; In tho Mcssinj;8 of IM VJ'OHKIJ HKAI.TII. , , ..... All check uiul postomre ordern for WIT.SOMA" niitiini-.t1'iii.iclciwillo to WM. WILauN, 43 ITLTON ST., HliooKIA'N. Kond tor ciivuhir". price hstau.l oilier memoranda rerardint-'the WIT.SOMA." ....,... Vc civcfroiii the list oi thousands of WII-SON1A -ati: ute the fnilowinir liKl'ilKSKMATIVE Kr.FKIiKNCFS: Hon. Horatio Kevinour. I'tica, N. V.t Hon. P'ter nojer. Hon. TMirlow Vccl, C'oiiii:in(l(.rc ('. K. Gar ion. (icneral S. (Jmhnm, JiKUr( L?vi Pai-sonn, of V. V. :it v; J. H. Hot (mcrcliant), spruco .St., N. Y.; ). V. Fairiveatlier, tincivlianl I. Kprilec St., X. Y.: K. i. mtiiiu'iii luicrcliaiili, Ki riicc .St., N. Y.: '1 hotuun lull, lm riiMw.n Ave llronklvn; f'oloiiel lizard l:ii';, M K. 4'.lth St., N.Y.: Hon. John Mitchell Urcaa ii il, llrooklyn:MrH. It.'iWyclion Ht..!!'Ulvu. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED ! FOR THE t'nrt'M Coiisuiiipllfni, Cnldf. l-nrtiinnnln. lu Bruucliinl DiUicullifHt Jiruucliil i.. INinl'NcncH, AniIiiiih, I'rnuii, Whooping CihiuIi. mill nil HiHiiNCft l the ltrem hinv (IruHii. It MimllifM nnd hrnlM tin Dlciiittriiu of tho l.mitrB. iiilltilncil nml iiniMoncil Iky III' ilisciiMf. nutl pi'cvcntH tho liiulit nwi-hih ltul tihtnrNH ncroMw tUo client M'hicli iiccnmunny if. ('(HiMiimitiioii in not tin incuralilc innmdy. HAI-I.'IS ItAI.SAH ivill cure you, cvt'ii tlionli prnlcHMHiniil nlil IViIIh. Payne's Automatic Engines. Reliable, Durable and Economical, trill furnish a hort power with H l- fuel awl water than any other Engine built, not lilted with an Automatic Cut-off. Send lor Illustrated CataloKue 'J," for Information l'riceaJi. JVl'AYtiE 4i tioyg. Box Sou, Uurninn. N.Y. Pni'noiin 1'iii'uulive lMllt nuiko New Kit; Hlw)i, aud will coini'lctuly chaiiKe the blood iu the entire tr.r.tem in tlirt months. Any ireon who Aiil tnkf-one pill raoh nipht trom 1 to 12 weeku aifty )q n-4tnrt'il to sound health, if Biirh tl thing he ixw-Hitifr. Sold pvejAwhcrn nr m nt by mail fort h tttrr .tftmi. I. h. Johnson iV Co., iiomon, itiu., 5,000 A rto ii I Witiitot for lAte or It contains the full history of his noblo and eventful If to ami dastardly asa-duution. Millions of lioople waitiujr tor tliisbok. The best chance of your ite to make money. IW ware of " catehlienny " imi tations. This is the only autlientic and lillly illus trated life of our martyred President bend for 'ireulars and extra terms to agents. Addrosa .iiuAL, i'Uii,iMiiti i'liuaoeiphia. Fa. FENCE The Rtroiurest, Oheatwst and most Durable IKE ANDI'IOKKT FKNCK. Patented July, 1HH1. Steel I'osU for Wire or Hoard Fences will ls-st a life. .'line. If you -would save money or desire eurplo incut send for illustrated circular. Address A. TOIH), I'ultncyville, N.Y. YOUNG MEN F y w"ld learn TcleKraphy in .iin.H. . j . tour mouths, and be certain of a situation, aadresgValentinetHros.,Janmlle. Wia? A i','?V8 Kmin I''oodrfurea Xefvousielilityft ii,;! Jk.';?8l;lt"!'icrativeOivans,SI-lldriiKKists, g.fnrCiilr.Allen'sPh1J,ir,,Vv:X.vt AfihJo .WA.VfEli 'or the Best arTd"Fis"te7: iiiSt i si w.l or"l'"0l!aand Hibles. Price reduced Ai wrct.katioual Pjibli.-hipn Co., Philadelphia, Pa, 566 frMetiHni-1.1iri?wn ,ov " Terms and.1 oiitllt B Em Eli! You Want n ' u.,t-ornaun.aiaiiie. BE CAIUUED IN THE POCKET? SIZE ItEPRFSENTATIONs ul.'