THURSDAY, OCT.W, 1881. Sotes. Cold nights. Deer hunting Benson. Chestnuts will soon full out. Snow birds will soon be hero. Perunalsln itselfa great physician. Vote for Silos M. Bally the brave soldier find the upright citizen. Vote for Jarues Pen Held for Cunly Treasurer. 27 boxes Ridgway Soap selling at old price at M orgester'si Pearlioe and 1776 Washing Pow der at Monrester's. 10 dozen fine grades of brooms at Morgester's. Thirty-nine pupils from Ridgway township attend tho Borough schools. The leaves are brown and ready to fall. In fact are falling. Let them full. Vote for E. O. Aldrlch for Com missioner. He is a worthy man and will make a good officer. Vote for J. 8. Chamberlain for auditor, and you will help elect a mnn who Is in every respect competeut, Subscribe now for The Advo cate and read your own paper during the long winter evenings. Plank have been hauled to repair street crossings at several points in the Borough. And its about time. Heavy rain storm in this eection Tuesday morning. Our lumbermen are anxiously awaiting welcome every ruin storm. Vote for Erasmus Moyer for Asso ciate Judge, an old citizen and an up right man. See that his name is on your ticket. A tract of fine timber land in Tine township, Indiana county, was sold three years ago for $12,000 and is now valued at $30,000. Vote for Hiram Carman, the ex perienced lumberman and old citizen, for the office of County Commissioner. He would make a good officer. --The "cooler" is well patronized these wet days. One can look out the window any time almost and see Rev. or George "lug in" some one of the "boys." Vote for Osterhout for Associate Judge, whom we all know to be com petent, and would add dignity to the jMxition for which lie has been nomi nated. Vote for James Penfield for County Treas., he deserves the place to which he aspires, and is in every way coin latent. As a soldier and a citizen he lias proved himself worthy and true. A. Swartz Ross, Merchant Tailor, has on hand and is constantly receiv ing the newest, latest and nobbiest samples of clothing for fall and winter wear. Call and see the large display of samples and leuve your orders. The Rebublieau County ticket from first to last is composed of men whom no one can sny a word derog atory to character or fitness for the place. If men of this class were al ways nominated for office there would be uo poor officers. A truce has been declared iu the railroad war, by an agreement that no work is to lie done by cither side for six months, between Ridgway and Johnsouburg, unless tho courts de cide in the meantime that one com pany or the other is entitled to right of way. For the first time since 1SG9 the Republicaus have carried Ohio the year after a Presidential election. Foster 1ms a larger major! ty than he had two years Oo, while the Legisla ture is largely Republican. Iowa, too, has given an overwhelming Re publican majority. It really doesn't look as though "the Republican party was buried iu the grave witli Garfield," does it? Mercer Dispatch. List of Letters. Remaining uncalled for in tho Ridg way post-office up to Oct. 3, 18W: Brcster, F.; Brown, Miss Annie; Bugler, Miss Leny; Borgeson, Bengt.; Brysen, Satia; Bakman, A.; Janson, Miss Jennie; Keck, I. J.; King, E. P.; Masters, Will; Miller Mrs. Hen rietta; Sullivan, Richard; Wester land, J. A. Fokeion Janson, C. A. Chas. E.; Longren, C. L, C A.: Sweuson, Matilda. Johnson, Nybury J. H. Hagekty, P. M. Fresh stock Arbuckles and Mor Hester's best coffee Just received at Morgester's. A Correction. In the issue of The Advocate for .Oct. 6, in giving the list of delegates to the Republican county convention we omitted Fox township alto gether. This was entirely an over sight, and the omission was only called to our attention a few days ago, too late for correction in our last issue. We very much regret that it should hve occurred at ail and especially in the case of the Fox delegates who favored as with several complimen tary votes iu the convention, How ever regret is of no avail now and the test we can do is to give the names of the delegates, viz: Louis I tidings, and II. M. Gross. Both these gentlemen are staunch Republicaus, and the last men whom we would iutentionaily blight. We aro very anxious to have these gentlemen understand that the omission was one that is liable to occur In giving reports of conventions, and was entirely unintentional. In fact we could hardly believe it was so until turning to our flies the evidence was lucre, too plain to be denied. Personalities. Election day comes on November 6th. rhilip Shaffer, of Dagus Miues, was in town yesterday. C. W. Barrett, of Dagus Mines, called at this office last Tuesday. J udge Weis, of St. Marys, was In town yesterday. Miss Norah Mobney is visiting her sister Mrs. II. H. Wensel. Clark Dickinson's house, across the river is ready for the plasterers. Mrs. M. L. Ross goes to Detroit, Mich., to-day on a visit to M'Cracken's folks. Chicf-of-Polloe Woodward now carries a stout club for use in case of emergency. Maginnis has bad the yard about his new house graded. Also a new walk In front of his saloon. Thercmolnsof the late Bernard Wldert were tnkcit to Wilcox yester day afternoon for burial. Mrs. S. A. Olmslead, who has for a long time been sick in the house, enjoyed a pleasant buggy ride on Sun day afternoon. Miss M'Gloin has just returned from New York, and is receiving the finest line of millinery goods erer brought to town. Hon. Jno. O. Hall State Senator from this district will please accept our thanks for a number of reports from several departments of the State of Pennsylvania. A. Swartz Ross turns out a suit of clothes at short notice. Monday at 0 p. m., an order was received for a full suit of clothes, and on the next dry at 1 p. it., they were delivered to the gentleman leaving the order. The many friends of Rev. A. Van Camp, formerly of Ridgway, now of Angola, N. Y., will doubtless be pleased to luarn that ho will preach in the school building next Sabbath, Oct. '23d, at 11 o'clock a. r., and 7J p. M. W. C. Ilcnly has been appointed Street Commissioner for Ridgway Borough vice Jas. II. Hagerty re signed The new officer is pushing needed repairs about the Boro, with great energy. Erasmus Morey, of Bonezette, one of our Republican candidates for As sociate Judge, was in town on Tues day and paid us a friendly visit. Mr Morey is an excellent man and will receive, wo have nn doubt, a large vote iu the county. See to it that the name of Erasmus Morey is on your ticket for Associate Judge. E. K. (iresh has been commis sioned by Governor Hoyt a Justice of the Peace for RiJgway Borough. At the election held last spring . fas. D. Fullcrton was duly elected to the aforesaiil office and regularly commis sioned, but failing to lift his commis sion within thu time fixed by law the place thereby became vacant, where upon Mr. Uresh receive! thu appoint ment. Great praiso is duo Constables Woodward and Mercer for the very efficient manner in which they dis charge the duties of their office.-. No fighting or disorderly conduct is al lowed on our streets, this notwith standing the fact that au unusually large number of men are in town ow ing to railroad developements. Ridg way promises to be a lively place next summer when railroad building will be iu full blast. Therefore, these offi cers should be re-elected next spring as they have given evidence of good stewardship. BIRTHS. Bowehs To Mr. and Mrs. William Bowers, Ridgway township, Oct. i-i, issi, a son. Rles On Saturday, Oct, 15, 1PS1, to Mr. and airs. i. j. es, or this Borough a son. deaths: Houtox At Brockport Elk Co , Pa., Oct. 1st. 1S81, Wade Burton, infant son W. H. and C. S. Morton, aged 1 month and 1 Day. Warner. Near Wilcox, Pa., Mon day, Oct. 17, 1881, Henry Warner, of Brlght's disease of tho kidney's, aged 80 years and eight days. WEIDERT. On Tuesday, Oct. 13.1S81, at the Ridgway house, of typhoid fever, Bernard Weidert aged about 25 years. Deceased was a son of County Com missioner Michael Weidert, of Jones township, but had lived in Ridgway for some time. A young man of good habits and most genial disposition he won the respect and friendship of all with whom lie became acquainted. Sick but a few days his sudden death is a great shock to his near relatives, while ids associates mourn with deep est sympathy the loss of a true friend and a worthy companion. May the snows of winter lightly rest on the turf that covers his cheerful heart now hushed forever. A full line of canned goods at Morgester's. A large stock of canned corn and tomatoes at Morgester's. Beans and Peas at Morgester's. Best refined lard at Morgester's. To all Whom it May Concern : It has been circulated very exten sively through town that my wife has been instrumental in directly causing the death of a certain man who was sent to Mrs. Cunningham's house by the Poor Masters about a week ago. As this is unfounded in fact aud very detrimental to the character of my wife, I hereby challenge any one for the slightest evidence to coroborate this false and infamous slander. A continuance of this calumny will cause me to bring its circulators to tho proper place to show proof for their assertions, aud bear the consequences of the crime of slander. Bernard Mullen. Ridgway, Pa., Oct. IS, lcl. War or 1801 to 185. Tho Grand Army of the Republic, Post No. 210, of St. Marys, will hold a camp fire on Thursday, the 27th of Oct. 1881. Tents will' bo pitched at 1:00 p. m. when the long roll will bo sounded to assemble for hard tack and bean soup, made by an old soldier. Martial music, such as cheered the boys in blue on to victory in many a hard fought battle, will be inter spersed durlug the day. To conclude with a grand dance in the evening at the armory. A ganeral Invitation is cordially extended to all: The pro ceeds of the entertainment are in tended for the purpose of purchasing a large Bible, Hag and other neces saries for the Post. Capt. Woodward, r. Woodward, ) r. Gifford, -Com. t. Krellner. J uapt. Serot, The Democrats want no slobber lug over them because of ullegcd mis fortune on the llth Inst," says the Cin cinnati Enquirer. They nearly always come down stairs tuat way ana are used to it. A member of the New Hamp shire legislature denounced a bill that was under discussion as "treacherous as was the stabbing of Ctesar by Judas in the Roman capital." Uudcr an act of assembly school boards are entitled to the sum of $2 In every case where an arrest 5a made for drunkenness. With the present large number of arrests for this offense the Ridgway Borough school board will soon have a uaudsome balance in band. Mess Beef, Mess Pork, Hams, Shoulder, and Bologna Sausage at Morgester's Dried Sweet Corn, Apple Butter. Jelly in glass milk pitchers at Mor gester's. In our last issue we printed the proceedings of the U. S. Senate, which gave the election of Sentor Bayard as Presidcn pro torn. Last Thursday the Republicaus united on Senator David Davis, when Davis was elected, and Bayard ousted after a short reign of three days. Bowers keeps Hall's Giant Frame extension table at t he West End Store If you want a set of springs o any sort or size go to C. Bowers. The election in Ohio gives the Republicans a United States Senator in place of Mr. Pendleton. Columbus Tyler, of Somerville, Mass., lately died, leaving property to be invested so as to yield a re turn sufficient to insure the payment of S3.50 per year to every Sunday school pupil attending regularly at his chinch. The Democrat who was accus tomed to rail at national banks now fiuds his shout for Noble sticking in his throat. Mr. Noble has long been president of a national bank, and is moreover, up to his neck in corporations. It look's now to the Milwaukee SWif)i7 as though President Arthur is to take the position of the head of the Kcpumican party. Under his leadership, Conkling and Blaine may unite as of old in working for the success of the party as it is, and not as Stalwarts or anti-Stalwarts might desire to have it. The political situation in the Stale is thus summed up by the Seraiiton Republican! "The Dem ocrats are demoralized and disorgan ized, and the Republicans are 'all right up to the prteiit time,' h;!c Mr. Wolfe, who started out to play King Lear, or something equally heavy, finds himself enacting the part of Mrs. Bouncer's 'best boarder' in Box and Cox." Later returns from Ohio place Governor Foster's majority as high as 20,000. The Republicans have also carried both branches of the Legisla ture. This will put an eud to the Democratic scheme of re-gerrymandering the Congressional districts on the plan of four years ago, and will make the re-districting of the State under the new apportionment devolve upon a Republican Legislature. The Temperance people polled nn unu sually large vote, which was so much lost to the Republicans, but the Demo cratic candidate was too far behind to profit by it. Bookwaltcr did not prove a name to coujure with, not withstanding it was associated with a barrel. Old-school Democrats will not vote for any recent pervert from the Republican faith. Democratic Con ventions will learn this fact after a few more defeats. Mr. Bookwaltcr deposited his first Democratic ballot last November when he voted for General Hancock. Even in the Greeley campaign, when so many Re publicans lost their grip on their party, Mr. Bookwaltcr voted for Grant and Wilson. As a Republican his merits, if he had any, were un recognized, but as a Democrat, with an open barrel, his fitness for high executive office was immediately per ceived by the meu who made the nominations. The voters, took a different view of tho case, however, and Bookwaltcr may be expected now to drop quickly und permanently out of sight. Philadelphia iVcss. The best perparation known in market for restoring gray hair to its original color is Hall's Vegetable Hair Renewer. Try it! Nails, axes, handles, and Tinware ut Moivcsier'a. Dagus Props. Rain on Monday evening last. The mines-are running ngi,t and day. We are greatly In need of side walks ut the miues. Wo are greatly In need of a larger school house in this place. W. A. May, mine engineer, Is now at the mines attending to his duties. Prof. C. S. Luther, frcm Toby-up, Is teaching a subscription school at ttfis place. ' John Dowle is erecting several tenement houses on his land on the road leading to Ceutreville. The foundation and framing of the Presbyterian church of Dagus Mines has been commenced. Wanted, a good barber shop at the mines. A splendid opportunity for some sober, quiet barber. Samuel Haney, formerly of St. Marys, is now employed by J. H. Steel & Co., as clerk in their mammoth store. ( John R. Brennan, Boss driver at the Mines, Is lying very ill with typhoid fever at the residence of his sister in this place. Our hunters are beginning to slay the deer. On Saturday last John Dowle killed two, and on the same day Ham. Earlcy killed one. W. H. Smith has been confined to his house for several days with typhoid fever. We understand that he is slowly recovering. Sam. Hamilton thinks he will quit the coal business and go to "tan ning.'1 Reason he has a heavier outlay for leather than for coal. Messrs. Almy, Lusk, Beadle, Smith and Ruddock are busily en gaged worked up the building of the Presbyterian church nt this place. Hard to tell now-a-days a mail bag from a miner's kit of tools, so says a certain gentleman connected with the Dagus road, No allusion to the conductor of course. A liberal reward will bo paid by J H. Steel! & Co., for any informa tion that will lead to the arrest of the party or parties who tore down the drapery in front of the store. Youngest con of A. D. Alden, of this place, died on Sunday night last, and was buried nt Centrevillo on Tuesday nt 8 o'clock. His disease was whooping cough and lung fever. The Dagus Mines Cornet Band re ceived their new uniforms by express lust week, but not being the kind de sired they have been returned, and an entirely different pattern will now be ordered. The band is progressing finely. If it takes one man five minutes to throw a shovelfull of sawdust into a wheel-barrow, how long ought it to take two boys to load the said wheel barrow? Answers may lie handed in through the key-hole at post-office The new Methodist minister preached in the school house on Sab bath evening last to a large audience. In fact the crowd wrs so large that the bouse would not seat them, and many went home on that account. The need of a church is greatly felt iu this vicinity. James Penfield, Republican nomi nee for County Treasurer, was in town on Saturday last. Mr. Penfield is a gentleman in every respect, A man fully competent to attend to tht duties of the office, and we are confident, should he receive a majority of the votes east nt the coming election, will attend to the duties of the ollice to the entire satisfaction of all Turn out, one and all, and cast your vote for James Penfield for County Treasurer. Primrose. Ifisglisteu ttiin Nuiie f ricuun. Editor Herald: I have always voted the Democratic ticket, and it was my intention to support the Hon. Orange Xoble for State Treas urer, but I have become thoroughly disgusted with the men in this city who are conducting Mr. Noble's cam paign. Instead of making an open, manly fight, they have rushed into the middle of the road for mud, and for the last week have been throw ing it with both nanus, touch v campaign I candidly believe will end as it should, in disaster and defeat. I now realize fully that if Noble should carry Erie that it would be a great injury to the Democratic party, as we cannot afford to secure rictory tor the politicians who are trying to drive our best Democrats out of the party. No, Mr. Editor, I will op pose Orange noble iroru this clay on, anu in doing so believe that 1 am doing that gentleman good service, ior it is generally known that if elected he is not competent to act and his subordinates might make him no end of trouble. I am sorry that Mr. Isoble took the nomination sorry that my conscience will not al low me to vote for him, and earn cstly hope that his bad advisers v il receive their just reward an ignoble defeat. Erie, Oct. 17, 1881. J. S. Call at the West End Furnishing Store and see the McCube reclining chair. Marble nud slate mantles .fur nlshed and set by W. S. Service, Agt Wanted A girl to do general housework. Apply ut this office Wuges as good as anywhere. A large stock of blankets and quilts at the New York Store. New goods ever day at the New York Store. Note paper and envelopes at the Advocate office. BOROUGH ORDINANCE, NO. 11. TV ELATIVFi TO NUISANCES l, IN THE BOROUGH OF RIDGWAY. Bo it ordained and enncted by the Town Council of the Borough of Ridgway, and It is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same 1. That If ony person shall cause, suffer, permit or keep any foul vault, cellar, privy or hogsty, or any dead carcass, fish, manure, putrid or offen sive substance, or other nuisance what soever, upon any occupied lot within the limits of said borough, In such place aud manner us to annoy or en danger the health of nny citizen thereof.or shall place nny unwhole some or offensivo substance upon any vacant lot, street, sidewalk or alley in sad borough, the public square thereof, or in the Clarion river, or any creek or brook, or upon nny shore or bank of any ot them, or snail establish or maintain any drain from cellars, kitchens, stables or vaults which shall discharge offensive matter or sub stance into any street or alley, or upon any lot, within the limits of sad Borough, such person shall forfeit and pay a fine of five dollars for every twenty-four hours which such nuis ance or unholesomo or offensive sub stance shall remain unmoved or tin abated after suit is instituted for the first fine or after the Chief burgess or nny Constable or Deputy Constable of said Borough shall have given the offender notice to remove or ubate the same. 2. That if any person or persons, firm or association, owning, keeping or maintaining nny stable, fold or pen in which animals of any kind arc kept or maintained, shall permit any noxious oroffensive smell to be or re main in or about any such stable, fold or pen, to public or private annoyance, such person or persons, firm or asso ciation, shall forfeit and pay a fine of five dollars per day for each day such noxious or offensive smell shall con tinue after notice from the Chief Burgess, High Constable or his deputy, to abate the same. 3. That if any person shall place, or cause to be placed, on any street, side walk or alloy of said Borough, any barrels, boxes, crates, paper, struw, hats, boots, rags, tin cans, or other offensive or friuhtful articles, such person shall forfeit and pay a fine of live dollars lor eucu una every sucn offense. 4. That all complaints for violation of this ordinance may be made to the Chief Burgess, who shall forthwith investigate, and, if necessary, abate the nuisancecomplained of. 5. That all lines or penaltins imposed by this ordinance shall be for the use of the Borough, and shall be sued for and collected in the same manner that flues and penalties of like amount are now by law sued for and collected. This ordinance shall lake effect on and after October loth, A. 1). l&sl. C. II. McCAULEY, President. Attest W. C. Healy, Secretary. Approved this 10th day of Nov., A. D. 1831. J. POWELL, Chief Burgess. CHARTER NOTICE. Notico is hereby given that an ap plication will be made under the Act ot Assemiiiy ot tne uommonweaitn of Pennsylvania entitled, "An Act to provide for tho Incorporation and Regulation of certain corporations" approved April 20, 1874. and the Acts supplemental thereto, for the charter ot an intended corporation to ie cal'ed The New York and Pennsylvania Coal Company the character and object of wnicli is to purchase and lease coal lands, to open mines therein and work the same, to mine, prepare for market, ship, transport aud buy aud sell coal. coke, coal dust and fuel manufactured therefrom, tuid for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy, all the rights, be noli is nnd privileges conferred by t.i , i me n.uu iici, ui ASbuuiuiy anu me sup piemen ts thereto Rk.vd fc Pettit, Solicitors, CIS Walnut St., Philadelphia. Is It Possible. That a remedy made of such com mnn, simple plants as Hops, Buchu, Mandrake. Dandelion, &c, make so many and such marvelous and won derful cures as Hop Bitters do? It must be, for when old and voting, rid and poor, Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer and Editor, all testify to having been cured by them, we must believe nnd doubt no longer. See other column Poxt. XUb ni'ttrett uuU Utt Jicuiciiij ever iiiMlo, Acotmhinfiiic.a flf Kn. Duhi:. W?in tf JiW.".lWKS'l't vr:u' u' toe t.tnd Tier gin mwM KiTlEKt9tbanSlii5ra. To .11 whoM e amplojrmocta rauu. '"("''it; tio matter wliat jM-io UF ,or ey.?;? ra hat tlu iiliJ o- .it I in use Hoi B. f tt-i. I'ca't .MtumilyoutTk'3 ImUf you only feel bad or Blbcrakla,.uu one. It iay savj your 1....U Uarl1 huudroda. soowiuteoallforaoil'e Vey wfjl nr cure or help. Do uot uuiTer L ot U t your frfouda i.ifr.M'hiiL ue and uruo tticm " "OP Kaniembor, Hop PiMere Js no vu;. dT1ir1ftt? drunken iwrtrum, but tu rur - ' i Medicine ever uiado; tho 4fcVAJJIttiK.U& B and tiOrtf" do "O persuu vw wumj should bo mem. KOTICE Is hereby given that there will be a meeting ot the Stockholders or the Pittsburgh and New York Railroad Company, held at its General Ollice, io. 17-3 Wood street, in riiisniurgn Pennsylvania, on the 22D DAY Ol- NOVEMBER. 1RS1. at a o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose- of tak ing into consideration an agreement of merirer and consolidation of said Comnanv with the Kocnester ana Pittsburgh Railroad Com puny, Roches' ter and Charlotte Railroad Company, Buffalo Rochester aud Pittsburgh Railroad Company, Great Valley and Bradford Railroad Company, and Bradford and State Line Railroad Comnanv. entered into by the Board of Directors pursuant to tho statutes in such case made and provided. By order of the Board of Directors, Thomas F. Wentwoutk, Secretary M1W. E. L'KAYSTON. In returning thanks for past favors respectfully begs to inform her friends aud the public generally that she has Just returned from New York where she purchased a large stock of Milli nery and fancy goods of the latest styles, also a nice selection of tadies Skirts, Plain and Fancy hosiery Ladies' aud Childrens' Purusols, Hair goods, lancy tminaware, &c, wnicli she intends to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Particular attention given to trimming and iu a style that cannot be surpassed iu this section. All are in vitcd to call aud inspect her goods before purchasing else where. nlOmg ) niii HinnMiiluwaaaiiraflHti'iieCTriiEipiv?! i M'XOtiiw. .Mm.'-t ty IrUfUs. Bu4L,V5'J 3 r Ciiuillar. Hp B'Ut ftf C., J 5 ni..-rW" sr.L'.-.r.i'.h'.O.'. t,,Jb-l4 PLANTS AND SEEDS F : O : U EVERYBODY. Oar Catalogue of choice SEEDS and PLANTS contdin the "BEST and CHEAPEST," and-our BOOK OF FLO WERS gives prices and descriptions of Designs, Baskets and Loose Cut Flowers for any occasion, Sent free on application. Harry Chaapel, Seedsman Florist. Williamsport, Pa. HENRY A. PARSONS, Jr., ACT . . VO. 4!) FIFTH AVENUKi , , Tnlmnnrt n PRACTICAL HMSINESS EDUCATION 1ms. for many years nnd with grent success, boon tho nlm of Uuirs (.'ollt'ite. The nil in nil Bluunni nns nero laciiuies ior moilinto entrance upon nrnctlcnl duties in nny For elrculnrs, miurcss r. m r v , wjxn, in lanuun, i . ftB-PUKK'S HOOKKFlF.l'INf, published by Harper & Urol., printed In color, 400 pftsre. Tho Inrirest. work on the science published. ,ind practical accounts. Price K3.00. Business Cards. CEO. A. OA1HBUN. ATTORttEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa Particular attention clveu to the examination of titles, also to patents and patent cases. HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllce in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta. v32t J. S. BARDWELL, PHYSICIAN AMD SURQE0H, Over twentv-iive years practice. Oflice on Main Htreet, Ridgway, Pa., opposite the Bogert House. Office hours irom 1 to a ana 7 to s, l'. Hi ll'. L. WILLIAMS. Lnto of Strattanville), Physician and Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office in Hall's Brick Building (up stairs)-Keterc-nces J. D. Sniith, H. D. Young, R. Rnlofson, Strattanville ; Major John Kitley, W. W. Green land, Clark n. lias practiced his profession scccssfully for more than teu years. Q. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vin-iy HYDE HOUSE. V. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new nronnetor hones, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct30'C9 APPLETS N'SAMERSCAH CYCLO PEDIA. This admirable work is now com pleted 16 vols. EnchvoIumecontitinsSOO pages. It makesa complete aud well selected library, nnd no one can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $5 00 in cloth, 6.00 in leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, W. H. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co., N. Y., who lias been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, general agent. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. F. Poll man having moved into the house of Jas. Penfield near the Catholic church wishes to inform the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that she is prepared to do In a neat and satisfactory manner all kinds of plain sewing and dressmaking.nt reasonable prices. All persons having work in this line are respectfully invited to give her a call. nl5m3 The City of St. Paul, a first-class, ake a look at it before purchasing a tove. W. S. Service, Ag't. FHE BEST REFOY for Diseases of tie Throat and Lungs. TtlonnaAa rt ilm nilTmn. i,Y E I$S nnry orsaus ar 80 PrOV Uii-iiv ni. .ui..., vumv safo and reliablo remedy for thorn is invaluable to evory community. Ay Kit's CuEitttY Peo ivttrAt. laHiifkaremedv. Yll nml nn ntlior HO emi- Ji neutly merits the conli- CH ERRY is a scientilio combina . tion of tho medicinal -fSS:i principles and curative jjff!drMgs, chemically unit 4J,'.7i cd, to insure tho great c2'!8t T)O8sibl0 efficiency PECTORAL. ud uuiiomiity of to. H,vvunu. . wiii,.h enables physicians as well as invalids to use it witu cuuliduuce. It is the most ruliublo remedy for diseases of tlio throat and lungs tuut sci ence bus produced. It strikes at the foun dation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt and certain rclicl, and is auapieu iu patients of any ago or eithor sex. Being very palatable, the yonugost children take it without difficulty. Iu the treatment of ordiuary Coughs, Colds, bore Throat, 1 I . 4 1 . .- i. l....mi..k(.ll'a fsoro Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca tarrh, the effects of Aveb's Chebuy Peo tokal are magical, aud multitudes are an. Dually preserved from serious illness by its timely und faithful use. It nuould bo kept at nana in every nousonoiu, ior uw pru. teetiou it affords in sudden attacks. Iu AVhooping-cough and Coiisuinrrtiou there is uo other remedy so etUcttcious, southing, aud helpful. The marvellous cures which Ayer's Ciikkiiy Pectoual has effected all over tho world are a sufficient guaranty that it will continuo to produce the best results. An iiupaitiul trial will convince tho most scepti cal of its wonderful curative powers, as well as of its superiority over all other prepara Y'is for pulmonary complaints. Fmlnnnt iilivnirl:m In all narts of ':he ttuutry, knowing its composu'on, recom- 'Hl AVKlt 8 U1IEUKY l'ECTOKALKinvailUS, nd nre8crlha it in their practice. Tho test .'. half a century has proved its absolute certainty to cure all pulmonary complaints not already beyond the reach of huiuaa aid. cm Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical aud Analytical C'hemliitm Lowell, Mass. tOLD BY tht PBUOUUT1 KYSHYWOlUtB. sucn a iniiiuug ks win mmmy uu iui uu mi- splierc or mo. A worK ror bnnttcrH, muroaas, nusmcss men A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN, On the Loss of A LECTURE OV T'TF. NATURE, TREATMENT, AND RADICAL Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea Induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous De hility, and Impediment to Marriage generally; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical In capacity. &c By ROBERT J. CUE VERWELL, M. D., author of the "Green Book,"&c. The world-renowned author, in this , admirable-Lecturc.elearly proves from his own experience that thfe wilful consequefices of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instru ments, rings, or cordials; pointing out a modo of cure at once certain und ef fectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may euro himself cheaply, privately and radically. CafThis Lecture will prove a boon to thousands ami thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envel ope, to one address, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Wo have also a sure cure for Tape Woint. Address. The CULVERWET.L MEDICAL, do. 41 Ann St. New York, N. Y.; Post office Bos, 450. Folding cribs, cradles, bedsteads Mattresses, &c, nt Bowers'. PENNSYLVANIA EAIL EOAD Philadelphia & ErieR. R- Div; SUMMER TIME TABLE. Q' n and after SUNDAY, June 12, 1881. tlie trains on tho Philadel- ia & Erie Railroad Division will run as follows: WESTWARD". Niagara Ex. leaves Puila 9 00 n. m. " " " Ilenovo..6 40 p. m. " " " I)riftwood7 00 " " " " Emporium7 (50 " " " " St.Marys..8 43 " " " Kidgway.,0 00 " " arr. Kane.... 10 05 " ekik mail leaves Phila 11 55 p. in " " Itenovo 1105 a.m. " " Emporium. 1 30 p m. " St. Mary's..2 23 p. m. jiugway ....i w p- m. " Kane 3 CO p. m. arr. at Erie nJl 45 n. ni; it EASTWARD. Day Express leaves Kane . t . C 00 am. " Ridgway 0 00 am. " " St. Marys 7 17 " " " " Emporiuni8 10 " " ' " Driftwood 8 57 " " " " Itenovo . . 10 05 ' " " arr. at Phila. ... G 45 pm. EME mail leaves Erie 11 35 a. in. " " Kane 4 10 p. m. " ' Ridgway....5 17 p.m. " Renovo......9 00 p. ni. " nrr. at Phila 7 35 r. in. Day Express and Niagara Express connect cast with L. O. Div. and B.N. Y. and P. R. R. Wm. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. I i "ior paa la uso nr.iua, iijtn, biuiuauu, tlhiwiot. r.r r.UuiiMcr lili'lcs. tnlto Pr.- 1lllUNA. M For couch, nsthin. nl"rht f wents. short-1 I W M UlyfkJWk UlVUU4t UI&U M1 QaaHkJV 1 "For clironlc catarrh, l;ron !iill3,plci I I and soro Uuoiitol any lUau I'euuk a. V 9 PKm'Tr 4 la Ihrt niiroR. most nromnt IO efficient mixlklne fcncv. u tonuu."k53afl 1 EruriA 19 ino IMJS& nmiciiaor, purvui 11 "If you can't dl;cp. talio 1'eiuina t If !0 IBwinlr tr TOnrrlpil niM.t'illv. rrm'fc rout. tnKOl3 nfiinm will hr. tmlit liir tho lpnst lmnurltvor k I inon win ha hum lor t no lenst linnuiitv or i mluoroT Ui:;t iiuty Lolouud In I'EUCN A. ' ' tSS3 Bold evory wh(rn. Forparaphlotwrl'o iI If ven ro sick, feel badly, or In any way I l unwell, toko l'l-KOKA mid rcubto-uiu uow-11 N1 EV LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. tttiatiili V I Oil Willi DAN" BCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway and the public generally,, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. J?3y"lle will also do job teaming. Stable ou Elk street. All orders left at the Post Ollice will receive prompt attention. Auj:201871tl R M