THE FARM AK1 HOUSEHOLD.- Vcitnln-Proof I'oHltrrl Honwa, -j If it were not for the countless tiiou . Binds if lice, niites and other parasites, at well M the rata and weasels, which require the constant care and attention of the poultry breeder to avert lnnaon. the breeding of poultry would be acorn paretively easy task, although it would uen be less profitable, for the lary breeders could raise and market almost as many eggs and fowls as could thoso who are able and willing to give the birds that care and attention which they bow must have to insnre-profii. .Many ate the ways and means devisod to circumvent these pasts of the ponl tryman; some being effectual, provided they are persisted in, while others ut terly fail to accomplish the much desired object. When these pests, thoso insect . enemies of nrmH.rv. nnna train nnunii. sion of house and fowls alike, it is a work of time and patience to dislodge them entirely, and far more trouble than to use measures at first to prevent them coming, for prevention is far better and far cheaper than cure in this caRO. When the breeder can afford it it is a Rood plan to have the poultry-house lathed and plastered smoothly on the inside, and then frequent applications of whitewash will servo generally to keep them from cominsf to stay, for the smooth surface of the walls offers no crevices for their lodgment. Such a house, too, is warm and comfortable in winter and cool in summer. When the expense deters breeders from adopting the above plan, it is a good and cheap substitute to line the entire side of the house with tarred paper, which is manufactured especially for building purposes, and can be had and put on cheaply. This ehould be treated to frequent coatings of tar, whioh is very distasteful to vermin and very healthy for the fowls. As far as preventing tho appearance of lice and mites, this tarred paper or " felting" is ahead of anything else we know of at present, whilo it has the advantage of being cheap and readily applied by any one. It gives a smooth finish to the iutevior of the houses, though many object to tho dark color as well as to tho smell of the tar. lie that as it may, its great usefulness should overcome such trifling objections to those of a practical turn of mind. We would here remark that old and foul nests and nesting boxes are regular hot beds of lice nnd vermin, and no careful breeder will permit such evi dences of slothfulness and neglect to find room about his premises, but will condemn them to tho flames. Poultry Monthly. ni'rriiliia nml FciMlhiff. It is not my intention in this article to point out any particular breeds of cattle for the above purpose', but I shall leave every one to judge what is best for his own present or future circumstances. We all know that certain cows excel in that quality of milk which turns out the finest cheese; others iu that which pro duces superior butter; then their are Bteers which fatten on the least food and at the earliest as?o, yielding the choicest of beef; or if kept on for the yoke, making the most powerful and active of working oxen. Specimens of nativo cattlo as well as grades of what is called tho "improved breeds" abound on our continent from one end to the other, which can be obtained at moder ate prices to fulfill all requirements in a highly profitable manner. Yet in order to select the choicest-bf these, one must we well aoquamtcu with animal struc ture in general, and those points in par ticular which indicate a great milking or butter cow, a quick fattening steer, and a good working ox. If the farmer wishes to breed for himself, then ho must obtain such fe males as are adapted for this purpose, and cross these with males from fami lies excelling in the same qualities. He may then count upon a majority of tneir stoeK meeting ins expectations on obtaining full growth. In order, how ever, to insure this, particular attention uiust be given to the feed of his ani mals. This should not only be of a paiataDio and nutritious quality, but every one must have as much dailv as it will eat up clem and thoroughly digest. 11 ot gooct constitution, proper ly sheltered and watered, there will bo a rapid growth, and a profitable dairy, beef and labor product follow. Some are so unwise as to think if thev have a good breed or selection of animals that is enough, and they need pay little attention to their food ; still, the latter is just as important ns the former. If only enough is given to keep a creature in mere store order, small profit can be realized from it, whilo if all is fed after this which it can consume and will digest, then the additional aliment turns entirely to profit. From this an adage may be drawn scant food and no gain; abundant food, aud a great one. In addition to the foregoing, it must be reoollected that the manure from animals thus extra kept is much richer in elements of fertility than that dropped from thoso less bountifully fed, and this increased value is often sufficient to pay for the labor bostjwed in taking care of tne stock-. :i uen tuero is the great pleas ure of beholding one's herd in prime health and condition, and exhibiting to ail mends caning to see the animals composing it. There are cheap ele mentary books published on the subject ot cattle feeding, treating of the differ ent varieties of food, their nutritive values, and the rations required for the uest production of milk, cheese, butter, beef and work. Every farmer ought to possess one or tliese, make himself per feet master of the contents, and then fol low its rules as his daily guide. The result to him would be additional ecorto my in the breeding, raising and keeping of his cattle, and additional gain in the products drawn from them. By careless ness and ignorance in tne above matters. millions of dollars annually are lost to our farmers throughout the country. Considering this, let us all, henceforth seek for a reform. A. IS. Allen. Increasing the Fertility oi I'aaturc-. We make the following extraot from a paper on this subject by J. B. Lanes, of liothamsted, St. Albans, England : If land has been impoverished by the sale of hay, and hay is to be Fold, dung is the cheapest manure to apply ; but if land so impoverished is intended for the future to produce milk, meat or other animal products, potash is sure to be wanting, and the best manure to ap ply will be either 200 pounds of sul phate or muriate of potash or three times that quantity of kanit salts and, in addition to whichever of these sub stances is selected, 200 pounds of super phosphate of lime and from sixty to eighty pounds of nitrate of soda. If, however,, the land has been impov erished merely by feeding stock then the exhaustion will be more likely due to the absence of nitrogen and phos phate, and fertility must be restored by i an application' of these substances as mannfe. T mentioned in a previous part of my paper that quantity rather than quality was the object to be attained whon hay wa4 the crop grown 5 but when ianimal . products are produced from grass the quality of the grass is of Very great importance; " - J . Quality of pasture is dependent Upon the food in the soil. In land under grass there is a constant struggle going on between the various plants which constitute what wo call a pasture. Upon my experimental ground the pasture contained about fifty different species of plants when the experiments were commenced, and upon the unmanured ground these have been subject to but littlo change; but it is far otherwise upon the variously manured portions. If the food is abundant acd good, the good grasses drive away all the weeds and bad grasses, and the ultimate re sult is a very simple herbage, consist ing of not more than from fifteen to eighteen of the best species. The con stant mowing, although It enables ns to establish a great doal of valuable in formation respecting growth, is, at the same time, most destructive to the finer sorts of herbage; it cannot be expected, for instance, that much white clover will be found among grasses standing three feet high and yielding 7,000 pounds of hay to the acre; with liberal manuring, therefore, thtre must be close feeding, and tho coarse but highly nutritious cocksfoot and foxtail must not be allowed to smother the clover and trefoil. Having once started a permanent pasture by means of a Judicious mixture of artificial manures the question arises whether it is more economical to keep up the fertility by a fresh application of artificial manures or by the manure obtained by feeding stock upon the land with food grown in other locali ties. It is not easy to decide this point. I am myself incliued to think that the Intter prooess is the most economi cal, aud in the conversion of arable, into pasture land upon which opera tion I havo been engaged for ten years 1 Lave trusted to the fertilizing prop erties of the manure from cotton cake to enable me to accumulate the stock of fertility which, being exhausted by ages of arablo culture, had to be re placed before tho land could again be come a pasture. When hay, which is the produce of arablo land, is grown for sale, it is by no means certain that the increase, obtained by the application of artificial manures, would repay the cost of the operatiou. Nitrate of soda at the rate of 100 pounds per acre, applied iu tho spring about a month before the crop began to grow actively, would probably give a considerable increase to a crop of tim othy, but I cannot venture to give an opinion as to what would bo "the pe cuniary result of the transaction. Sun light is cheaper than all artificial sources of light, and natural fertility is cheaper than any artificial compound. Iu the absence of sunlight we have re course to purchased light, and as the natural fertility is exhausted from our soils wo are driven to use fertility de rived from other sources. It is the ob ject of science to investigate and explain tho laws which regulate the growth of plants rather than to enter upon tho question of economy. In tho present paper I have endeavored to unite to a certain extent science with practice, in the hope that the farmers of the United Stutes who take the trouble to road what I have Baid may add something to their present stock of knowledge. Heciprs. Molasses Ginokrbkead. Two cup fuls of good molasses, a cupful of sour milk, half a cupful of butter, a tea spoonful each of ginger and soda, flour to roll. Boll thin and bake in a quick oven. Spoxge Cake. Tho weight of ten eggs in sugar, the weight of six eggs in flour; boat eggs separately and stir (not beat) the flour in lastly. The great secret of having nico, light .spongo cake is not to beat tho flour in, but stir quickly aud get into the stove as quick ly as possible. Sponge Gingeubkead. Take one cup of sngur, one cup of sour milk, one small teaspoonful of soda, one cup of molasses, four eggs, the whites and yolks beaten separately, one cap of butter, ono tablespoon ful of ginger, one cup of raisins, four cups of flour. In place of sour milk and soda you may nso sweet milk and baking powder. Arr-LE Trifle Scald as many apples as, when pulped, will cover the dish you design to use to the depth of two or three inches. Before you placo them iu 1 ho dish add to them the rind cf half a lemon, grated fine, and sugar to tate. Mix half a pint of milk, half a pint of cream, and the yolk of an egg; scald it over the fire, keeping it stirring, and do not let it boil: ftilil n lirtln tmrrov finrl let it stand till cold, then lay it over tne nppies, and Cnish with the cream whip. Liver .and Bacon. Two pounds of can s liver, inrce-qnarters of a pound of Rtrenked Imenn. nro nr.inr, nine t lomon, pepper, salt and a tablespoonful of flour. Wash tho liver, wipe dry and cut into pieces an inch wide and three inches long. Cut the bacon into thin biripa tmu iry; iaue out and keep hot whi e the liver is frviiirr lliniu dm onion, pepper, salt, and dredgo the 1 : : 1, j - ... , . m uuur uuu itj wiiu mo onion 10 the bacon fat. When done take out and arrange the bacon and liver upon a platter. Strain the fat and return to the pan with a cupful of lint water. Thicken with the spoonful of flour, aud when it boils up strain in the lemon juico. Pour at once over the liver and servo. Stewed Tomatoes. Take fine ripe tomatoes and pour over them boiling water, in order to loosen the skins. Slip off the skins and lay the tomatoes in a dish with a little salt and pepper scattered over them. Set them on tho stove and let them cook slowly about fifteen minutes. Then take them off and turn them. Add a little more but ter, and dredge over them a little flour. Pour over them a scant cup of milk to make gravy; set them back on the stove to scald about ten minutes. A Llff Iudluu, Donald McKay, chief of the Warm Spring Indians, is visiting in Columbus, Ohio. He weighs 200 pounds and is forty-five years of age. He bears upon his body eighteen wounds received in various Indian buttles while in the em ploy of the government. He speaks English, German, French and Spanish, and eight Indian tongues. He was a scout for Grant in 1855, and ho was a second lieutenant for George B. Mo Clellan when the latter was a captain, exploiing Oregon and Washington Ter ritories. He has acted as interpreter in every Indian treaty made West of the Rocky mountains. t Now and Note, for TVemea. At the elections in Kentucky recently, Mrs. Minerva Brashears was ctaofen clerk of Letcher county, nnd Mrs. Emma Smith clerk of Xnnrel county. They were the widows of clerks who had died in office. The Women's Silk Culture associa tion of the United States is taking steps toward establishing a Filature in Phila delphia, for the reeling of silk from the cocoon, believing that enough silk co coons will be raised in the country to sustain it. The number of voung women who receive university degrees in France is said to be increasing yearly. The fac ulty of Caen has just confeired for the first time upon a woman a diploma of lotters and rhetoric. Of 7,552 who ap plied f-.r teacher's certificates last year, 6,031 received them. Grace GreenWood f Mrs. Limuncott) writes from London to a friend in Phil adelphia that she is an invalid, suffering severely and very frequently from attacks of acute bronchitis. Theasthma which she hoped to get rid of by going abroad still oppresses her, though in a less violent form than at home. She says she can bear pain, prostration, danger, everything, bettor than inabil ity to write in her old way; that grieves her. Should she decide to return home she will come next month. ! Fnxlilon Kotm. Mahogany color is revived. Kilt skirts aro in vogue again. Every variety of basque is worn. Bolts are becoming to stout women. Moire basques are the first choice of fashion. Black will be the standard choice for street garments during tho winter, says the Ba tar. Shirred bonnets of black satin, with next to no tiimming, are said to be among the coming novelties. New polka basques hp very slightly in front and have a pointed opening at the throat finished with a 6hawl shaped collar of some striped stuff. Warsaw beaver is the name of a row material for hats introduced by a Now York milliner. It has a long, glossy pile, and conies in all colors. Tho now trimming for woolen dresses is neither striped nor plaited, but is a lace pattern worked in' bilk on a woolen ground. It is used for flounces. Ostrich tips curled slightly forward are ranged iu rows just above the brim of many of the new bonnets, and con stitute almost their solo trimming. Silver jewelry, buckles and buttons aro very much a la mode and show very effectively over the dark dresses of the fall season. Silver chatelaines with a multiplicity of brelogues in the shape of animals, insects, tiny rifles, mallets, ar rows and oars are again in favor. As an evidence ol the gold mania in millinery is shown a priucesse bonnet of black satin, covered with a lattice work of perforated gilt spangles, and trimmed with an Alsacian bow and strings of black velvet, edged with gold lace and fastened with gilt buckles. Among the rich color blendings pre sented in this fall's goods, there are several distinct effects that aro very expressive. There is golden brown and dull red; it is surprising what an ar tistic color richness is given by the as sociation of these two positive dyes, aud there is much that is renlly nnvf-1 in tho green mixtures called by some Flor entine bronze shades. Tho blues com bined with pinks, and the creamy tints placed on a dark or brilliant ground, produce a very striking picture of artis tic goods. Fashion in feet dressing favors much that is fanciful, and especially is this noticeable in the freshly -imported hosiery. Tho designs are of all sizes and the color is neat. Home of the pat terns run the entire length of the stockings. ' Such exquisite colorings and rich blendings of shades, the whole isbeau'.ifully finished, showing genuine fine art effects. Insteps ure ono mass of blossoming beauties, dainty little pofeie3 aud tiny buds nestling among miniature foliage, richly wrought in silk embroidery. There are silk hose showing avarioty of designs running in a 'glow of coloring over tho insteps and around the stockings to the gartered tops. A Praje- Wheel. It was not till we had traveled to the north of India, and had penetrated far into the mighty mountain ranges of the Himalayas, approaching tho borders of Chinese Tartary, says a writer in Scrib tier, that we observed men twirling lit tlo brass cylinders as they climbed tho narrow, precipitous trades by which we wound along tlinse dizzy heights. What theco tojs were, we could not at first make out, till it was explained to us that the cylinders not only had sacred words embossed on the outsido, but that tho same mystic sentence was writ ten again and egain, perhaps many thousands of times, on strips of.cloth or paper, which were wound around a spindk, the end of which formed the handle of the little machine. From the center haugs a small lump of metal, which whirls around aud gives the necessary impetus, so that the little prayer-mill twirls with the slightest ex. ertion, und goes on grinding any given number of meritorious acts of homage to Buddha, a tiny bell marking each revolution, to remind the worshiper if ho is unconsciously turning too fast. Of course, his mind ought to be all the time absorbed in meditation on the in finite perfections of Buddha, but as too much must not be expected from a busy workingman, it suffices if he repeat aloud at the beginning and end of his devotions, and between whiles continue to twirl slowly. Helped the President. While the workmen were laying the track for the accommodation of the President's train at Long Branch a small boy named Willie Scott asked oce of the laborers to " please let him drive one spike into that rail." The brawny man comprehended the little lad's de sire and immediately handed him the hammer, saying : "I'm afraid, my little boy, it's rather a heavy job for you ; but go ahead and try." The little lad grasped the hammer shortly, and when the laborer had placed the spiko for him he began his work. It took many hard blows from his little arm, but with the assistance of the laborer, who struck every alternate blow, the spike was finally driven homo, and the little fel ow came over to his father with a proud, look on his face, saying : " Well, 1 have done something for the President, Haven't J, pa ?" Tt is rennrfnil tliat. fViom iu OS ir9 Presbyterians in New Zealand. Th( Fecdln? of Infanta. ' Diet for flrgt three months. " What the right food for a young infant f The only aner j mik. Nature tells ts so, and cLemMry attd physiology ex; plain how u enpblkd all the eletnfehts of nourishment the human body heeds. Milk is got from various sources, bni mother's milk is to be infinitely pre ferred for a young babe to all other kinds, and provided that the mother is moderately strong it should be the only food given until the first teeth are be ing cut, or until the infant is at least three or four months old. . For the first month the infant should be put to the breast every two hours, and after this the interval should be inoreased by a quarter of an hour every week, until at length he has it about every four hours. It is important that the baby be fed regularly, and the habit of some moth ers giving him Ihe bosom every time he cries cannot be too strongly condemned. He cries, not because he is hungry, but because he is in pain; his stomach has been overloaded; and to soothe his suf fering by offering him the breast is as absurd as trying to extinguish a fire by pouring oil upon it. A better plan is to let him go without a meal, put him into ft warm bath, and give hip a little cold water if thirsty. - Diet for a Iwby from three to six months old. When the Infant is three or foul- months old. and occasionally before then, artificial food may be necessary. If a good wet-burse Cannot bA found, cow's milk, condensed milk, goal's milk, ass's milk, etc., are given; but as the two first are more easily ob tained, they are mostly employed. Cow's milk should be pure and fresh, and taken from one cow, if possible. Mixed with sugar and water and a pinch of salt, and given through a clean feeding-bottle, it is a valuable addition to the mother's milk. It should be pre pared thus: Dissolve a lump ot two of white sugat and a small pinoh of suit iu a pint of warm water, and add to this a pint of fresh, unboiled milk. This food is to be-given night and morning, but not oftener when the baby is be ing suckled as well. If the above food disagrees, as it sometimes Will, omit the sugar or change the proportions to two parts of water and one of milk. If the milk purgo violently or cause offen sive motions, boil it or put one or two tablespoonfuls of limewater into each bottle of food. In the case of delicate infants, if you can get it, add a table Rpoonful of cream to each pint of milk. When good cow's milk cannot be ob tained, condensed milk becomes a valu able substitute. Diet for a baby over six months. Whon the infant is six or seven months old farinaceous food may be given; that is when he begins to cut his teeth, for until that period it isunadvisable to give him any farinaceous food. It will only prove injurious, because, as Dr. W. Roberts shows, the fermeut in tho salivia or spittle, which digests starchy matters euectively, does not exist in sufficient quantity'until the infant is tlx or seven months old. The following are useful foods, any one of which tho mother can Eafely adopt : 1. Boil the crumb of bread two hours in water, taking care it does not burn : then add a lamp of sugar, a piuch of alt, and pour a little new milk on it while boiling hot. 2. Cut thin slices of bread into a basin, cover the bread with cold water, place in nn oven to bake ; when sufficiently baked take it out, beat tlie bread up with a fork, slightly sweeten and pour on milk. 3. Baked flour. Bake some biscuit flour in a slow oven until it is of a light lawn color; reduce it with a rolling pin to a fine powder, and keep it in a tin ready for uso. Two tablespoonfuls to half a pint of milk boiled and sweet ened. 4. Boil a teanpoonful of pow dered barley (ground in a coffee mill) with a little salt iu half a pint of water for fifteen minutes ; strain, mix- with half as much boiled milk, and add a lump of sugar. 5. Scotch oatmeal. Prepare in the samo way as flour. This food is especially useful for regulating the bowels when they have a tendency to become constipated. 0. Uocoa ee etnee, cocoa powder or cocoa nibs. Dis solve a teaspoonful of cither of tho two tirst in half a pint of toiling milk and water (equal parts!; of the nibs take cno ounce, and boil it iu a pint and a half of wator for five hours, strain and add new milk and sugar. Cocoa makes an excellent food for thin and wasted infants, who take it greedily, and soon improve in liealtn. These foods are to be given lukewarm through a nursing bottle, which, with the mouthpiece, should be kept in a bowl of water when not in uso. In hot weather te-t the food with a small strip 01 bluo litmus paper, wliieli can be ob tained at any chemist's shop. If the bluo paper turns red, either make a fresh mess, or add a small pinch of baiang soda to the food. Diet for an infant over a year old. When the child is fifteen to eighteen mouths old, broths, tho yolk of egg. bread and gravy, or well-mashed potato aud gravy, may bo given onco a day. If allowed much sooner they are likely to cause flatulence and sickness, and even griping and diairhea. When he is two years old small pieces of meat cut fine may be introduced in Ms diet. Weaning: When the baby is nine or ten months old he ought to bo weaned. The way the mother can do this is by gradually giving him moro artificial food, and lets and less of the breast, nn til at length he has it only at night, aud finally not at all. If tho mother's presence cause him to cry for it, she should sleep iu another room, or go irom home for a few days. N here the i ifant is delicate, weaning may be post poned till he is twelve months old, but to suckle him beyond that period is in jurious uom to motner ana cniia. Lhrnlopher Elliot, M. I). Everybody rfght. ' fmliaiiapolis (Indiana) Farmer. When everv one savs a " thing is so, 'it must be so." On this point Mr. A. H. Lyman, druggist, Manistee, Michigan, writes : Every ono who tries St. Jacobs Oil Bays that it is tho best remedy ever usd for rheumatism. Mr. White, a us'.omor, after having employed every known specifio for rheumatism, was cured by St. Jacobs Oil. The distilled juico of the cocoa tree forms the well-known arrak. Barnard lUantiluctiiring Couijmnj, Fall itiver iMass.) Daily Htrald. Mr. Isaao L. nart, superintendent, No. 3 Ashton street, says : I have used that superior remedy, St. Jacobs Oil, in a severe case of rheumatism in my arm, rnd its effect was wonderful, having bauiuhed, after a thorough trial, all pain, leaving my arm as well as ever. The wise man looks for happiness be yond the narrow ken of personal in-ter-jst. A TOtina fripnrl of mine wu anrtA nf an In. Mttftble thlrrt forllqnor, tht bd (W prostrated liili aVutrim that hi was un&htA in Ah Unmt. ikks. He Wat entirely ftir&l hjr tbi flag of Hop uutcrs. it auarea an iiiat wimili ttilrbl, took away IhH niipetlto for liqntfr. nutle hia tiervmi steadyarid hebaa rtrflafnod a aebtftod atoady man for more Mian two years, stid has 110 de sire to retnrti to his enps, and I know of I number 01 oiuora mat nave been ournd ol drinking by it. From a Leading It, R. Official, A ragged tramp, who was trying to Bell jewelry on the streets of Chicago, was arrested because the articles offered wore ot real value, and it was surmised that they had been stolen. The pris oner proved to be a girl in disguise, and the jewelry was her own. ' Thl.tVtn Should take Warner'a ttafe Kidney and LlrCl Omw Mayor King, of Philadelphia, says, T rlnnrtl Jfltetld in remove a siftele man from ike force, big of littlej white orblack, if he does hid diity." Good for Mayor King. Inland's Sturlovant House. N. T. American and European plans. New annex. B'dway an i 28ih St. Popular prices. All improvements. Itoioertion, vsrpsi, nervous prostration nnd nil fmnu of prncrnl debility relieved by tnkir.g Mkxmmas'b I'&ftoxizkd Bkkf Tonic, the only preparation of lionf containing its entire liutiilioiiH pi'tipnrtio?, It eolitrtitis blood-niakinfr, forco-Kiueratjiig and Jlfu-Nustftlning properties'; is invalntrlilc in ulj tin" ebltidcoflilitittilst whethei tho losnlt of exliauMion. ne'rvdufl WoStration. overwork, . or Route rtisoano, pitr'ticitiarly il resulting irom pulmonary complaint uaswoll, Hazard A Va., mprigtorH, New York. Imagine for a moment tlie tllougarlds vtprn thousands of bottles of Cariioije iinniialh sold, and tin fact that, not a single complaint hns leen received from all theso thousands, nnd you may havo somo idea of its good qualities. HEXItY'S CATtROLTC SALVE In the BUST SALVE for Cuts, UrnUos, Sores, fleet. Salt Rheum, Tetter, I'liniirert Hand?, Clitl!lulm. Corns aud all klrtd of Skill KroWlnns, Fiwkks auil rimiih-Si (let HENRY'S OAllBOLtlJ SAtiYK, ns a'.; others are crittutetfeitai PHce 2 ceittn, nn. cinKfiB xvgenATJi nlVrfcUH In tho best' Remedy fur D;sro', Hta, milotifUess, Ma laria, IncllRanttOn and Diseases of I tie. lllood, Kid nojn, I,ivcr; Skirt, ete: DENTON'S DAIjSAM cures; delik Rheu matism, Hldndy '.Troubles; etc. Call bi! fis'td exter nally ns a ilnntef. rsjRED HORSE foWDER for Horses and Cattle. WA Kit ANTED F(Hl Si YEA KM AXD SEVER FAILED To CURE Croup, flpams, Plarrhoa. Pysenterv an-1 Sea Hii'kllf-ss. tiik-u internally, au.l OUAItANTI.KU I'crleetly liarnilc-n; alo exterually. CuIh, nriilf-e", l.'hronir Itiieiunati'in, Obi Sore. Palm in the tiuilw, lmi k ami chest. Hw-li a remedy is I)n. TOlllAS' VKXCTIAN LINIMENT. I fc"N'o one once trvinit it ever be without it: over fiu'J liNiclatin um? it. 23 i'rntk nil! tiUf a, Tl-enilsn Hnnn the Horse and his PipeaPofl; hook ot I'm pupcS. Valuabl'? to every owner o'f borne. ldtrto stariiin taken. Sent postpaid by NEW YORK NEWSr-ATER UNION, 130 Worth Street, New York. THE MAltKETS, NEW YOIIK. BeerCatlle Med. Nat. live wt. 9 (H) Calves Oooi to l'riino Veals.. 8 fid Sheen . 4 Cj Lnmiis , . .i . . ......... i , 8 44 Hogs Live. ..,,.......... 6!54 Dressed, citv. ....... ; ; Bftj Flour Ex. Hlato, zom to fancy 0 CO r 7 Western, ri,0'1 to choice 0 70 (i) 8 Wheat No. 2 lied 1 40'8 1 No. 1 White 1 48.V9 1 Rye-Rtato 1 01 1 Uai ley Two-rowed Stato 85 ii Coin ViitfradedWcsternMixed 04 (f4 Southern Yellow Tiy,'$ Oats Whito State 61 (f Mixed Western 42 (j Har Prime Timothv C3 (id Straw No. 1, live CO 6S Hops Stato, 1S81 20 0i l'ork Moss, new, lor cxport...lB 75 C20 Lard-City Steam.. 11 40 ftnl2 HoUneJ 12 50 12 Petroleum Crude 7 0l ltcflnod 8J((j Butter State Creamery...,,,, 9'J 06 Dairy.... ,.,,! 25 ih Western Ini. Creamery 21 (J Factory Id & Cheese State Factory 9 0 Shims 4 a Western 8 (i Eggs Stato and Peun 21 'a PotatoesEarly Roo,Stute,bbl 2 60 (is 3 BUFFALO. Steers Extra 6 25 0 0 Lambs Western 8 00 5 Sheep Western 4 70 0i 5 Hogs, Good to Choice Yorkers,, tt 03 0i 0 Flour (,"y Ground, No. 1 Spring 0 73 0i 7 Wheat No. 1. Hard Duluth.... 144 Oil Com No. 2 Mixed 10 (0i Oats No 2 Mix. Went 45 Oi liarley Two-lowed Stato 80 BOSTON. Beef Extra platp and family. .14 60 07,1 Hors Livo IMOi Hogs City Dressed 8!4ii Pork Extra Primo per bbl..,.15 00 OilH Flour Spring Wheat Patents.. 8 "0 Oi 8 Cum Mixed and yellow,.,,,. 71 oi Oats Extra Whito..,. 82 0i live State 1 10 Oi 1 W'ool Washed CoinbiDelaine 42 0i Unwashed " " 2J 0i WATEUTOW2C (MASS.) CATTLE UAnKl.T. Beef Cattlo Livo weight 4 Sheen , 4 Oi Lambs 8 0i Hogs, Northern Wsi rinLADELPHTA. Flour renn. Ex. Family, fair. 7 23 7 Wheat No. 2 ltcd ." 140 Oil livo Stato 1 10 0i 1 Corn State Yellow 11l0A Oats Mixed 38 0i Butter Creamery, Extra Pa... 85 ftj Cheese New York Fidl Cream. HV.Oi Petroleum Crudo 00J lietiuod 7vj 14 y, &k 7. 7 9 73 00 17 ay, 07 8'.) 57 41 93 70 23 40 50 iy, 85 28 20 18 n i" u" 22 50 75 50 00 83 25 ii 7o,V 43 00 00 V-i M 50 75 77 60 15 41 30 y 46 10 M 88 30 12 Vegetine. Female Weaknesses. "So better winedy in the whole materia medlea hat yet beeu comixnindcd for the relief and cure oi Ftimile Cornpliniid, of the ordinary kind, than Vkgkt(NK. It hoc ma to act in thene caseawith un wonted certainty, and never faiht to Rive a new and healthful tone to tho female oiyan, to remove re laxed d'-bflity and unhealthy Becrutiona, and restore a healthful vior and elasticity. One of tho most common of thcao complaiutH is Leacorrhoea or Whiten, which are brought on either by the presence of Scrofula in the 8stero, or by Home affection of the womb, or even by general debility. For all thee complaint a, aud when danger begins to threaten woman at tho turn of life, Veoetih can bo cora luemlcd without qualification. The great prevalence of thoso dfHorden, and their cure by Vkuetine, has amply shown that the sure alleviating ageut remains not yet to bo discovered, but ia already known, and is a favorite with American ladies. Too long baa it been tho custom to prescribe nauseating and unccr tuiu remedies iu plaoe of what is pleasant, etlicacioiis aud cheap. Try VaaBTTKE, and do not doubt Its Kwei to carry you safely through danger aud diaease. A Splendid Medicine Heart and Kid ney Disease, Female Weakness. QmnoBViTXK, 111., July 35, 1878. If. It. Rtevzvb, Bwton Dear Bir: I was afflicted with lhnrt aud Kuiney bieane, and other J-eiiuiU Wiulm'ti, aud doctored with several phyhiciaus and ri4't-ivcd uo beut-nt until I tried your Vluktimc, aud alter takiug two bottle 1 was completely cured, aud have been a healthy womau ever nines, although i uiii iu uiy iHtiu j ear, i u iieitnuy recoiumeuu il a aHplemlid meilieiue to all attlictud as I have beei and I bleos the day that it fell into mv hsud. MRS. MAUU UOiiSON. Vegetine. rBEPAKED BY II. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Veqetine is Sold by All Druggists. 5tn C9fl per day at hunt. Haiiiiea worth free. tu AddretubiihwiH JUV-FLrtJuuil. Maine. lusruan Co.UUhurgti, fa. GUNS H.volYdrs, r.i.logu. lro. A&lrM, SmlWHtOw VTorkN. PilUborrh. r. 70 A WEEK. iJ2adaythomeMllymde.r,fjy t yijtnt tree. aa s lavf t vv, Augu.i,aiin.. An Obstrnrtton Fntnl t Health. ' -Health must sutler anrloualy if to bowels are even Partially obstructed. A free and regnlar ett thrdugh the natural chsnnsl, of the debri of the system, is essontiU to Its well being. This efl'ete matter being duty thrown off, bilious e"retiori and digestion go on unin terruptedly, but U it i not, the bile ia diverted into tlie stomncii ana tne moou, anu nvaaenes. 1 ;i ; ft .... 1 ...... A UHliHirncaB, u;bi,uuii, noiutuuvq au-, guiiciri ill health etiaies. But it is a very easy matter to prevent those eonsnquenoea. A course of Hostcttor's Stomach Bitters, thfl lead big aperi ent and tonlo of the day, will ovorAMn'd ood Btijntion, whether temporary o ehronio, and render mo uaoit oi nouy rsgu'at ana vigorous. It does not gripe like an ordinary tharlio. nor convulse ana woiken tho bowels. On ths contrary, it invigorates them, and moreover imparts tone and regularity to the stomach and liver, . The Bteamer Cuzoo, of the Orient Line, bas arrived at Plymouth, England, from Ann trali a, with an experimental shipment of fifty tons of meat in good condition. We e l,tlm KanlUn, , Fo tcfl Vft'ara tfiv wile Wrts confined to her bed nftlt eneh complication cf ittlritits that no doctor c'oul L tell what was the Hliiltof or euro her, nutf I used up S (ma!! fortune in humbug stuff, fcix. months ado 1 srtw United States ling with Hop birtersen ft, ifnc! 1 thought 1 would bo a fool ouco moro. I ti led if, but my folly proved to bo wisdnm. Two bottles cured her. Hho is now as well and strong a! any man's wife, and it cost mo only W" dollars. Bo yo likewise foolish. 11. W., lMroH, Mich. A very omall boy can get outside of a very large watermelon in a very small space of time J bnt it takes a very large doctor to harmonize the two. Rochester Dent Oct ah s.-rm 'Jl fVnts Will Tirff, , ... a Treatise upon the Horse ami his Ulseases. Book of 100 pages. Valuablo to every owner of horses. Postage stamps taken. Sent post paid by New York NoWftpor Union, 150 Worth Street,' New York. File nnd Mes-mltoo. 15c. box -lio igh on liats" keeps a house free f.o n llies, bed-b ig., roaches, rats, mice, cto. VFAiurwr, Tho great fmccese of the Veob tine as a cleanser and pnriiler of tho blood is Bhown beyond a doubt by the great numbers who have' talicn it, Binl received immediate relief, with Btich remarkable cured. k STANDARD REMEDY IN MANY HOMES. Tnr C'nuiri'p. Colli., (Vnilp, ltronrlitlUnrltl nil othir iitl'i-ticms ,il tlin Til ,iin i mid 1,1 N(;s, it gland nuriv.iii-1 ninl ultcHy bejcidttllciiuiiietitiou. IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES It api'maolioR po noar a specific that " Nf noty-flvo " lr t-,int. un- lt-'niianiMitlv i.ured where tlin iliroc tiuuK are htr;-tlv c xiiplii-d with. 'JSiei-o is pelemi. eal or othrr i-it-p-ilii-uis to humi tlie yuiuiK or tAil AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL! IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANY FORM ! . N. HARRIS A CO., Proprietors, CINCINNATI, O. FOR SALE ByTlL DRUGGISTS. Cyclopedia War. TheL'ivAl liilirnrv of ('iiiii'f-Rl U.totvlpctir now miiii'lctt-ii, 1hiv tyi ediiion, l:f.ilv 4o.'H t'd'ifM in tiver il.iwrtmcnt of human knnwlnl n-Umt 4n i Ti'i lit. liiniiT tliun ('bitmln'i-K' Knrv.i'lni'P din. M pt cent. ltiryT than Ai'i'lrtou'. ht n nt. larger thnu .Joliiifcun'n. at a iu'tc fraction ot thcii cost. I'lturn l.iri.o Octavo Vnlunis, i.f-nrlv pane". I't'ini i;'ic in inin nmicu, i i .i in nun nu- !JOt in full library Hlitij', luarbU-U etfctK, S -t-4-i:il tcnnn to rlnlm, $10,000 REWARD 1; Hid Auirust. H.'ini fj;iick tor h.iv;!ii- hiic ill! llii-ulnf M AMKUICAN li'HlK I'.XCllANliK luus ji. Ai.iiks, Manayf, 'nil llrrat-lwHv, Ni' Yort- Fac-SImiles ol U. S. Treasury . TIU . A I, M.lSY IMI.I.F. Conisli!i(? ot nine eviti-l ImitiLl Iihir nf lTnit,.r1 Minted Trciwurv Kiiti-H, imil iiiiin of National Itauk Hills, 18 ill all, of vnriouR (leiiouiiniitinnn. Ana and In. "tiintaiieonx means of di t-ctini! counti-iffit inouey iimv urn limilualil", I'ru-e. H2 a imi-kau'o. 1.. A. .11 A YIIKW & I'M., New York City. 1". O. Box VIM. A(iiiTS wanted 1.1 ril II1P lilt) OI I Full ami ftrcumto necoiint to tlatp. Hfrwl portrait. Wv) llliiKtratiM.. 'frrtH Mural. Outfit 50c, Atbln-ss C. It. Hindu, II (V i'Mt 'i.) (treat J. men HI,, N. Y. CI Y WHY WASTE MONFT1 man nf old. vl A If you t( ft mnu,uc!.. 0.i( PTCi-hiiikm or crj'h t tr mi UM W t9 r 10 Tlll:K.N. bl'liKStil IIKN d INVIOflATK.'.itllMft aniirl.rr..n'l I- l.imit-ii?-r.1. TrLrcat btiknt-b h,ereiT l.:ch . NKVKlt Yl.T FAILED. Hf.,dOM.V KIL'f-NTS t, Hr. J. iOZv Lfcvi, UuX l'U',1, IliOlvfl, lUa. ltrt nf all luiiUUldW. MANItATTAN BOOK CO . 10 W. lull St.. N.Y. P.O. Doi M0 1. 1i PornnnN wanting Kni)lovnieiit in Mercantile on or. if at a oMHtanoe, hiMh-m M ith Ktiiniii, MANHA'I'I'AX AOKXUY, fj-ij . ii(im-p( xioi.uH. uinci'H, oil mraiiierK, inc., (-all Y.Oity. Photograph of 5 Children at One Birth Bent to any adilre.i on mcelpt of 50 rputn. A. M. l-ltASl-Ilt, Xnw OliKuvr. X. S. SALESMEN VA NTl;i) to !1 Stationery siamp for tiTinn. l'ligiNIX l'UD. CO., Warren, l'a CJ "3 "ff A VKAH ASI KXPK.NSKS TO f f f AOKNTS. UnlCt live. A.ldr.8 I 1 I 1'. . Vlcl.. ry. Auuil-lii, Me. (xCJOt "!PNTM--aGETS WANTEO-00 be.t il i Ti 'itiaillelc.T.illicwurlil; 1 sample H 'iW.WW A.lihi. Ji,y Uronaon, Mkli. B A lB A M m m i (TIj I, enyrnvtns represents tho I.uns in a tiealtuy state.) jj flHEA.PE.ST llOOKS H THE mOAlQ I 11 ncmhu lllj. II T.iin. -a lllt.,.y of ISI ,,,i I t"Tf' "nulau'l- fni-. Liieraluio I Pc, II Jl n;f.t II PHl3iiif,V(il-. I I r.':n- vi.l h;iii.ibOiucly II rt'u'-.t clotb:oul. -.' J-f l, juni. tor uulj -Mn. II ,. Dr. ltrETTAL'It'S TIEADACirR P1XT.S euro most wonderfully In a very short tiioo both tilCIk and MiltVOW HKAJACHi: and Mhilo cctinff on the nervous nystein, clenuao llio etoniaoh of ccc&s of bile, produciug a regular bcultby nctioa oi' tho bowels. A full Izo box of tlieno vnluablo PELI-S, trlth full Olrectlons for a com. ploto cure, i-iailoU to any en receipt of nine three-cent postaste Uunpa. To.- talo by nil druu'i;ist. at 83c. tiolo I'roprietorn, . BKOWU CUEMXCAI, COMl'AJfY, UalUmoro, Md. ETROLEUi soars. iM Used and approved by tho leading rHYStfSJErrj I i ',13 CIAKS of EUEOPE and AIQlBICAafli XJ 1 gs&W Tho most ValuabloH I I I vW-. h rami v riemoav ini" 11 a mtf' t b, - 1 . ti tr .u- M i mk I LrVI .11 l ,-jjm s .h r - . m .frAjz ifi ti k it isnr 14 El A IT S irfV . 6IS DISEASES, EHiOMAXISM. CATABSH. HEMOEUHOIDS. Ete. Aliu tZ . congnf. uoiai, core laioauvTono rTrj tnern. SS and DO cent tizei CUXO BED At, AT TUB PUILADtXPHIA v"""' I "La" a JLVEB BKOAI. AT TUB rAIUs) fcXTOiT10J. fjiOIHAfB N.Y. ' Tiin GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOB RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, SORENESS or inn ; CHEST, littimtflill atttmnmmwffl ! I Ubwuuuuiu ;i '. Hi t il I 1 tit" . - I, ': ' Mtl iBiJ i 111 ! II jtmnnmuitimm. ui I inn tiimiiiu. vmn.mimwmu' iitg SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SPRAINS, FROSTED FEET EARS, 33TJXl.TsrEl TOOTH, EAR 1TTD HEAPACHt, ALL OTHER PAINS No Frfrnmtlon on e.rtn equals r,T. vti. n" gtftft. ,nm.F, mv.AP l-'xternul Honiedy. A lrtalntail but tho oomfmroHrolT initio ouiia.v of Siil-int. nnd ovjrj on. onllng With fn!oca i,ar -liooji nnd positive frov. tt . iuoluuu. DiKECTIOM IU ELEYEft l40Vni. SOLO BY All OnUQQISTS 0 KAKRS I UUICiMt. A. VOGELER & CCl. Jiallimorc, Zlii.i V. 5. At S3 ...... . IA .neuicinc!, not s. i'"u-; nors, ni cnc, msnnXitE, ja:demo.v, And Tim Pinr.- an j'w MmriQfAl. TIKH OF A LL OT1IKK 2VT rKtf. THEY CTJltiV All LiffrJ'Pf OT tnemnmncn, iwwn., i-muu, c; Uvor, Kliln, y-an,l lniry Orpinis, er- M vouanuBH, rf"'ili-J'nrrnnnti especially 1 email! fcomphtinw. i.3 VS V W Vt w mm m VIM he rl'l for a "r, "iot win nr rre or Ii.'Id, ur for n:r. tlilMlinpurc or injurru foii!lrtlit;m. Afkyonr (triTlut for ilnp TOttrTssniJ.trT ilK'in heforo yuit eii-ep. Tnliti uo utkoi-.. 1) I. O. tfl an nl.V)Iutenn;l irri'stiillMernro for H llrtiakeunotil, ne ot oi'ium, tobaeto uiiil. M nuil-Murs. F7I Bexd Kon'.A-nr VSSXBmSSi All l.v. .r.l.'. .v .lr i,t. f3 Hop tmwrt ii-U. II- '!;. N. Y..AT.-r,-t;.nV P-l to- M WMesals Depot, ; 4GI FULTCN ST., BROOKLYN. i 1MJ Important to tlie Iiivaliils of America. ThO VOST MAlt VJ.OVA INVKN tl'lV ill th.t Vi'!;I.l) i Hi" "WiI.riOMA" .HAONKTIt- Tii'Vuiv :'i'w':r:y ronv ov msi- isb i,-iiort io man, nilliont ineili.-im', rlnmui 'f .t.m w riif lion. -.tiii.iMMi I'KUSti.NS. one;; Ill.I.l'l.l-hS IM A MUM, an' now n joii il-K ill tlin likwillt;. ot 111. 6TOKK1) HKAI.TH. , . ,, ,..,T . All elli-eilK ami postoflieo 01-rt-rR for " ".QI A ' nit. ii-ii -I liomarti'.ii utile to .il. WILnON.JM I'lll.TiiN sT.,ii!iiOKl,YS. s.-iiil lof rtiviiMpi. pvit-e list an l otuer iiiemoniOil nuai-iUiiitilie SVIIilXIA." ,,..,....... We Kiv- 111 Mil ." lit-lt O-l tiluHKaUlWOI l ILSOJ.I A patielilK tin' toi:iMinir rf , . ,. JiKl'l;l-.SKMATlVK HI'.ITJIT'KCI.K: IRn. ll.i-ati., s, vini.iir, I'l.ia. A..: lion. Viter t'ooi ,-r. Hon. Tliiirlmv NV. iil, t'oimnmlor'' '. K. Ha, (ii-ilcra! S. (iniliuiii.'.i r.iiu, ; S. Y. I'ilvi .1. II. II, "t (men limit). N riu-o St., N. .; O. V. F.iri-.iilif r. lui- n-liantl. Sj-riifo St.. V T-: it. Stimsoii Imi-n-liiitit'i, Mi-rur K N. .; jliotMvj Hill, 1HI Clinton Ave.. Jlr.k-lil-ti: ('.iloii.-l llavai.l i l.nii.fil K. l.nli Kt.,N.Y. lioii.-loliiiMil.-lii lllir.-Kt. ii-. i l. n,.ii hn-.Mi-w. li. 1 )l.ii.:i'..:, V,-koit tit.,H kl, 5,000 Agent V.-.itifl for l.ifo n" , Tt coiitainn tbft full hlntory of bis nnblo ami pfdffu tiro and iir-flivnlh a: nasi-i:i;itiiMi. Millioi:- oi .! an waiting iur tbi-bonk. Tin; best cbanccof life tn nmhc moTp Ji. warr .if " raicbpcnny " im. tHtionw. Tiiif iMtliMnulv li'.iHicTitfc iiml iuliv illu--tr.itd l!lo nf n!ir nrirtyrcit I ri-viilt iit tinl lr imilarH nn 1 cxtm tcrnm to ii'.'Mils. Ait-lvw HI IflUH 1 1 1 1 1 1 I'liriAnJ 1'n i-u iilitit I'l lllnnil. ili:i1 will I'litni l'-tcU- cL:Mil: tiu: I,!,tl ill thu Ni'W Jtlci tntiro K'Ktcin in tlm-c itonti.K. ,iu- (iT.'n bo will lake mo pill i-acli tiislu irom 1 to 1 4 iav J-a restored In Knmul hcalt n, il Mich a t hint,' be f-Bibl. S'lbl 4'Vi-rvwhi'P' it Kent by mail Mr h letter kUui5 I. S. JOHNS V CO., llunl on, Jhtiik; iroSTYillill In thPRtoek of the llnverT.un,I A- Iinpinvi'inont Co.: t'l-olilMiinni'-uuc; in tlivi.l.-n.l.s ovt-rlou iti-rr-'iii In oil month-': alisolnti-ly Kit.-: no pei-r-onil linhUity: rt.-al only iu ei-1au-: iliviiletnls Ivi.l r,-uii-lurlr. Hetei- to am- ot the banks or lnii!i"(-s' m-n of Dcnvi-r. Any niniilier ol wliatv. at 'l'l.N l01.I.Hi eaeli, iient hv mail on reeeii.t of the nmiiev. i:ir. freo. A.hlr.wH Areliin tj. Visk, I'ri-s t; .M. H. Smith. Sec'y; A. II. Bids, 'iron., 4"-4 I .a rim. rSJNjleliv.r.Oil YnillUR MFW If yon wn:il.l loarn Tilivra-.ihv iu I UUIYU mtm i.niriiiimtlis. ami he cenaiii of is ul, nn, inn nl.lm.D ' .. 1. .1 T . .. , ..... i I I. . I. KEN'S lll-llhl ri,iul-niv:i.i-rvi,iilli hil-tj-.V-NV.-akii.-KKiii Ui'irTativ-urr.-u:i', SI--nlllniL-j 'ic. Semi li.rlU-illar. Aiien lM-ir.ti-tr.'.:H.I l-'irl av..N.Y. i '"(TJEXTH WANTKIt Inf the lii-nt and l iiMH -t- 1 Selling l'irtol-lill II. 1, il.'K 1111(1 Jlihlr. l'l-ie, s r.-,ilH-ei 3:1 l.Tot. National l'nhli.shiui; Co., rhil.,,lel-,iliia, I'd. lfifi it wwk in v,nr own town. Term-' ami o-itnt v froi'. A.W. H.llAi.t.KiTfcOo..l'ortlaii,l.Iaiiii-. F( l I U a ilay ttilil n W.'fe. tell. Huston". M.i-vi JELLY AiticlejMfroia cur .' Tuellns cucb u Pomada Vaaelina- Fortius Treatment ofl Vaseline Cold Cream, . WUUHD8. BURNS Vaseline tamplior lea, Vaeelina Toilet Boapt chtxil Aiwg' wwjwtylttiiyiiBlUr nssi, 4 An iirreeable form of tak ing Vaaeline internally. HI npww, . t, n ana Bipntneria. etc of all our good, I I in I ilf nnniii!inins j!j III ! 1 mar! Si - WAmmmIwuuwlljtH mm iiimuuuu' mi" ' n ten i Uh. IliilB m mm wrm 3 fllilfllflf f 11 IH.trt . p gg .