The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 29, 1881, Image 2

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qirnrs 'A.rrsoni, Jr.,
THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, i881.
KtnowAV, Pa., as bkconu 'Class
:maii mattkk.
of Fayttte'County.
General Silos M. Bailey. A man
. who from his youth up, has fought
the battlo of Republicanism In a
'region where no hope of success could V
add vigor ana zeal to the contest, and
with no reward save the consciousness
f having sofved the cnuselie loved.
A man who has attested his love of
liberty and law. by service on tli
field of glory and of blood, who won ;
ills promotion in the glorious Pennsyl
vania Reserves, from Captain to Bri
gadier, by meritorious service on the
Alnnn who stood in the red'hen of
battle at Drainville, on the Penin
sula, at Gaines' Mill, Mountain
Antietatn, Fredericksburg, and the'
Wilderness, and who bore witness
With bis 'blood, fuitt he loved his
country well.
He bears upon his person the rough
scars left by the cruel cannon ball,
nd will cnry ito bis grave the evi
dence 'oT'h'is patriotism and corn-age.
He is able, and worthy to lead Re
publicans to Victory as lie led his regl
hxtfit to war. (Speech of Attorney
General Palmer, in Reptiblican State
Republican Primaries wi County
Th Republican electors of Elk
County are requested to meet in their
respective election districts at the place
of holding their last election, on SAT
URDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1881, at 7
o'clock P. M. for the purpose of choos
ing the usual number of delegates to
which the district may be entitled, to
attend the County Convention for the
nomination of County officers to be
held at the Court House in Ridgway,
t 3 o'clock P. M.
The manner of choosing said dere
gates will be that heretofore recom
mended. It is very important that
ach distric t send Uh full number of
delegates to which it is entitled that
the Convention may fully represent
the party interests In the county.
W. W, AMES, Cliairman
St. Marys, Sept, 21, 1881.
Republican County Committee
Benezette Jacob English, James
Thomas, Luther Lucore.
Betizinger J. F. Corbe, George
Eddy, David Pincheon.
Fox-U. W. Rogers, HollisSidelin
ger, James R. Green.
Horton James Maloy, G. "W,
Clinton, R. S. Mcintosh.
Highland H. O. Ellithorp, I, C.
EfJetewm, R. Underwood.
Jones-Irvin Shultz, J. Tambini,
August Jacobson.
Jay Justus Weed, C. L. Thurston,
A. E. Goff.
Millstone Harry Cats, Wm Irwin.
v. w. uonanue.
Ridgway J. M. Scliram, H. H
Weusei, William Johnson.
)irtng Creek William Doaue, O
T. Miller, H. Carman,
St. Marys-W. C. Spaflbrd, f
Six years of constant and most ex
cruciating pain from terrible sores all
over my body, pronounced cancer and
Incurable by all exceDt Dr. Hrf
After I was reduced to the faintest ebb
of existence Peruna saved mv life nnd
cared me. I am entirely well aud
doing my house work. I had paid
the beet and the worst physicians over
Mrs. Milo Ingrain, Allegh
uey City, Pa.
. I hereby announra mvlf
" . mo
Independent Candidate for the office
of County Treasurer of Elk county
isubject to the decision of the voters
- A i 1 - 11 . -K
ui uie pous next JVovember.
John Forster.
St. Marys, Sept. 15, 1881.
One Column Oik Year ttotnn
One-half Column On e,Z'ZLZZ'.'Z' UO
One-fourtb Column One YearZZ, . . Jsoo
Oue-elghth Column One Y'ZZZZZZZ.M
wuq niiumo uuv Wee IC i aa
One (-Square Three Weeks "". oj
eIh weekI'UOUBl lnHort,on 50 n a"iq'uare
li It fofJh"!?.?1' """"! Ave cent a
SairaY. A. PARSON, JR., Proprietor.
In returning thanks for past favors
respectfully begs to inform her friends
aud the public generally that she has
just returned from New York where
ehe purchased a large stock of Milli
nery and fancy goods of the latest
styles, also a nice selection of ladies'
Skirts, Plain and Fancy hosiery,
Ladies' and Childrens' Parasols, Hair
goods, fancy Chinaware, Ac, which
she intends to sell as cheap as the
cheapest. Particular attention given to
trimming and in a style that cannot
be surpassed in this section. All are
invited to call aud Inspect her goods
before purchasing elsewhere, nI0m6
The stomach's greatest friend Is
-Buckham's Dye for the whiskers
is an elegit ut, safe and reliable article,
cheap, and- convenient for use; will
ol rub off. '1 ry It!
Scenes Immediately Preoedlng'fefce
Washington, Sept. 23.-Ttie "re
mains of tne late 'Presfdeiit'GarfieRl
were taken fmu'-Woshlngton on the
jountey'to their ftnal resting place In
Cleveland tuls "afternoon. The day'
tfns'been ' memorable. "Thfc 'funeral
Services over' the dead President have
been performed, and were witnessed
by his successor and two ex-Presldunts.
The fait tributes of the people of the
Nation at the capital Have been paid
to their ruler. A new order of
things has been smoothly established,-
and only a mass of black Cloth swing
ing over the fro tits 'of -the .public
buildings niul private 'dwellings of
the city remains to Indicate the loss
which the country has suffered. Mrs.
Garfield did not attend the funeral.
She felt unable to endure the strain.
She has been adverse to public dem
onstrations over the body of her
husband from the first. She desired
as much .privacy as. possible, and had
she yielded to her own desires the
body would have been unostenta
tiously taken from Long Branch to
Cleveland and interred-as speedily as
possible. This morning for the first
time she sunv the remains of her hus
band lying iu dtate. ,
At 11:30 A. M. a small procession
entered the rotunda from the Senate
wing. Sergeant-at-orms Bright was
in advance. He was followed by Mrs.
Garfleld, leaning upon the arm of
General Swaim; Harry Garfleld, sua-1
taining Mollie Garfleld, and Lulu
Rockwell, ColoHel and Mrs. Rock
well, and Attorney General Mac
Veagh and Mrs. Swaim. Mrs.
Garfleld was attired in deep mourning.
Entering the rotunda she threw aside
her veil. What trim spired for the
next twenty-five minutes, what
words Were uttered by the bereaved
wife over the body of him who could
never more reply, what tears were
shed -or -words of comfort spoken,
none but those in the rotunda could
tell. The meeting was a sacred one
After 'the party had left the Capitol
for the residence of the Attorney
General the coffin was again closed
and arrangements for the funeral ser
vices made.
The floral offerings were magnifi
cent. The foot of the coltin faced the
east door, where the persons having
tickets of admission were to enter.
Oil the pavement about ten feet from
the coftiu lay a small liut beautifully-
dvsigned Maltese cross, the tribute of
Columbia Commandery of Knights
Templar, of which the President was
a member. Next iu order toward the
coffin was a beautiful floral piece rep
resenting the gates ajar. Behind the
"Gates" was a thick band of white
roses with a cress In the centre, and
still neater the colrln a broken column,
upon which a white dove with wings
distended reposed. Against the foot
of the coffin reposed the wreath of
Marshal Neil roses, presented by
Queen Victoria. Later this wreath
was laid uj'on the head of the coffin.
The two branches Of puim which
were laid upou the casket before it
left Long Branch occupied the same
position. On the floor at the head of
the catufulque lstood a broken column
of roses higher than tiie one at the
foot of the coffin, and surmounted; as
the other was, by a white dove. Two
beautiful baskets of flowers stood by
the side of tins column. Cut roses
buds were scattered alongside Of the
catafalque. A draped dais, upon
which stood a small walnut table
covered witii crape, had been built at
the head fo? the use of the officiating
At 1:45 P. M. the sound of solemn
music was heard without aird the
Columbia Commandery rf Knights
marched Into the rotunda. They
were in full uniform, wearing crape
upon the arm. Four of the Knights
at the head of the column bore an
immense Maltese cross of roses, which
was placed at the head of the coffin.
The Knights formed a circle around
the catafttlque, bowed their heads, and
for a moment eugaged in silent
prayer. They then slowly marched
out of the building by the door
through which they had entered
Three members of the Chi'fierfe lega
tion, in full uniform, came in soon
afterward, and occasionally represen
tatives of other legutions entered,
singly or by couples, and took seats in
the front row of chairs in the north
east section. At 2:10 the general pub
lio having tickets of admission was
allowed to enter. Twelve hundred
tickets in all were issued, and at least
fifteen hundred people witnessed the
ceremonies. The last six rows of
chairs around the rotunda were de
voted to the public One row next
was assigned the correspondents.
Among those who- cume fn at this
time were Governor Hoy t atirf staff of
Pennsylvania, the representatives of
Philadelphia City Councils, Delegates
from the Boards of Aldermen of New
York and Boston, ex-Secretary of
War Ramsey, and many ex-Congressmen.
After the' lapse of possibly ten
minutes Justices Matthews, Harlan
and ex-Juatlce Strong of the Supremo
Court entered and took seats on one
of the sofas facing the catafalque.
There was a little bustle and the fa
miliar faces of Colonel Corbin with
Mi's. Corbin, Dr. Boy n ton, Private
Secretary Brown, Executive Clerks
Pttiden, Young, Henley, Morton aud
others, and the' messengers of the
White House, with' their5 families ap
peared! The attendants were attired
In mourning and their faces clearly
showed the sorrow which they felt.
They occupied the sofa on the south
suit of the catafalque. The members
of the foreign legations had all arrived
by this time and their showy uni
forms outrivaled those of the officers
of the army and navy, who were
seated In the middle of the east sec
tions. The ladies and gentlemen of
the Philharmonic Society entered and
stood near the coffin on the south side
of the catafalque. At 2:00 the Mem
bers oMhe House of Representatives
entered from the south door. They
formed In a double line and marched
over to the rotunda. Scrgeantait
arras Thompson and Clerk Adams led
the procession. Kasson of Iowa and
Tucker of Virginia were next, fol
lowed fby ex-Speakers Randall and
General Banks. There were about
seventy members in line, and they
took the front -seats on the south
sections. Five mih'utes later there
was a momentary hum of mingled
curiosity and excitement, and the
crowd instantaneously arose to Its!
feet. President Arthur, the Cabinet,
and Senators Were entering. Door-'
keeper Bassett, who was in a similar
procession When the funeral of Presi
dent Lincoln -took place, 'Walked by;
the side of Scrgeant-at-arms Bright.
Following were President Arthur and
Secretary Blaine, ex-President Grant
and ex-President Hayes, Secretary
Wlndomand Secretary 'HUnt, Secre
tary Lincoln, Secretary Kirkwood,
and Postmaster General James. Mrs.,
Blaine, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Lincoln, and
Mrs. Windom accompanied their hus
bands and took seats on the left of the
north aisle. The President and mem
bers of the Cabinet occupied the sofus
'tin'the right of the head of the coffiir.
The Senators occupied chairs directly
iu the 'rear. As soon as the procession
hud entered the audience resumed
their seats.
Precisely at 8 o'clock the religious
services began. The ceremonies were
opened with the hymn, "Asleep in
Jesus'' beautifully rendered by the
Volunteer choir. -Rev. Dr. Rankin
then ascended the raised platform at
the head of the catafalque and Tcad
in a clear, distinct voice the following
Scriptural selection:
The Lord relgneth. The floods
da ve lifted uptlfer voice. The Lord
on high Is mightier than the voice of
many waters. Clouds and darkness
are round about Him; Vlghteousuess
and judgment arc the habitation of
His throne. By Him kings reign and
princes ftecree justice. He ehangeth
the time and the seasons.- He re
moveth kings and setteth up kings.
For there is no power but of God.
The powers that be are ordained of
God. Whosoever, therefore, resisteth
t he power resisteth the ordinance of
God, a'tid they that resist shall receive
to themselves damnation. Cease ye
from man. whose breath is in his nos
trils; for wherein is he to be accounted
of? For behold, the Lord, the Lord
of hosts, doth take away from Jerusa
lem and Judea the mighty man, the
muti of war, the honorable man, and
the counselor, and the eloquent orator.
There is no man that hath power over
the Sphlt to retain the Spirit; neither
hath lie power iu the day of (Until;
and there is no discharge iu that war.
Then shall he bo at rest with kings
and counselors of the earth, which
built desolate places for themselves.
The clods f the valley shall lie sweet
unto Mm, -ana every man shall draw
after him as there are innumerable
before him. There the wicked cease
from troubling, and there the weary
be at rest. Then answered Jesus unto
them '.'Verily, verily, I say unto"
you, he that .henfeth my Word aiid be
lieveth on Him that seilt me hath
everlasting life, and shall not come
into condemnation, but hath passed
from death unto life. Unto him
that overcometii will I grant to sit
with me on hi Throne; even as I also
overcome aiid sit down with my
Father on His Throne. Blessed are
they that do His commandments, that
they have right to the Tree of Life,
and may enter' lri thrOtlgU the gates
into the City, and they shall see His
face and His name shall be in their
foreheads." Aud He went a little
further and fell on His face and
frayed, sajfng, "0 my Father! if it
be possible let this cup pass from tne.
Nevertheless, not as 1 will but as Thou
wilt:". It became Him for whom are
all things and by whom are ail tilings,
in bringing, many souls to glory, to
make the Captain of their salvation
perfect through suffering. The disci
ple is not above his Master nor the
servant above his Lord. It is enough
for the disciple that he be as his Mas
ter and the servatit as his Lord. Let
not your hearts be troubled; ye be
lieve in God, believe also in me, I will
not leave you comfortless; I will come
to you. Leave thy fatherless children;
I will preserve them alive. And let
thy widow trust in me." And it came
to pass when they oame to Beth!6hehi
that all the city Was moved about
them,- nd they said, Is this Naomi?
and she said unto them, "Call hie not
Naomi. Call me Mara; for the Lord
huth dealt very bitterly with me. I
went out full and the Lord bath
brought me home again empty."
"For a small moment have I forsaken
thee; but with gieat mercies will I
gather thee. I hid my face from thee
for a' moment? but with everlasting
kindness will I have mercy on- thee."
saith the Lord, the Redeemer. And
Jacob died and was gathered uuto his
people, aud Joseph went up to bury
his father, aha there Went up with
them both chariots and horsemen,
and it Was a very great company.
Amr when the' inhabitants of the
lands saw the mourning they said,
This is a grievous warning to thee.
Aud they did unto him according as he
had commanded them. For they car
ried him into the land of Canaan and
buried him in the field of Macphelab,
which Abraham bought for a posses
sion as a burying place. Aud I heard
a voice from heaven say lug unto me,
Write, blessed are the dead which die
In the Lord from henceforth;- yea,
saith the Spirit, that they muy rest
frorii their labors and their works do
follow theme I Would not have you
be igborant concerning which are
asleep, that ye sorrow not even as
others Which have no hope. For i f
we believe that Jesus" died arid rose
again, even so them also that Sleep in
Jesus will God bring with Him.
Wherefore, comfort one another With
these Words: "Faithful is he that
ealleth you, who also will do it. The
Jjora gave, tne Lord natu taken away.
Blessed Be the name of- the Lord."
Rev, Dr. Isaac Errett then offered
pray er. He spoke in a clear but low
tone of voice, and with much evidence
of deep feeling, but owing to the fact
that some confusion ensued through
the neglect of the Committee on Ar
rangement to provhle seats for the
choir, many of his utterauces were
The reverend gentleman In conclu
sion, paid an eloquent and touching
tribute to Mrs. Garfleld, referring to
the noble and Christian spirit which
she had exhibited In the hour Of sor
row and tribulation, and exhorting
her to look to God in the days of her
affliction. He Invoked the Divine
blessing on the fatherless children,
that the sons Should, under the bene
diction of God, grow up to a noble
manhood, and that the bereaved
daughter might rise into a true, a
glorious womanhood, and' live to be
the comfort of her widowed mother.
He appealed to God to have pity ou
the dear old mother over the moun
tains Waiting for the dead body of her
darling son, now that she was old and
As the closing words of the prayer
died away the Rev. F. D. Power of
the Vermont-avenue Christian Church
of Which President Garfleld was a
member, delivered a feellug address.
He spoke in a clear voice, and was
distinctly heard In every portion of
the hall. He said:,
The cloud so long pending over the
nation has at last burst upon our
heads. We sit half crushed umld the
ruin it has wrought. A million mil
lion prayers and hopes and tears, as
far us human wisdom sees, were vain.
Our loved one 1ms passed from us.
But there Is relief. We look away
from the body. We forget for a time
the things that tire seen. We re
member With joy his faitli in the Son
of God. vhose Gospel he sometimes
himself preached, and which he
always truly loved. And we see light
and blue skies through the cloud
structure and beauty Instead of ruin;
glory, honor, immortality, spiritual
and eternal life in the place of decay
and death. The chief glory of this
man. as we think of him now, was
his dloipleship in the school of Christ.
His attainments as scholar and states
men will bo the theme of our orators
and historians, and they must be
worthy men to speak his praise
worthily. But It is as a Christian
that we love to think of him now. It
was this which made his life to man
an invaluable boon, his deatli to us an
unspeakable loss, his eternity to liim
celf an inheritance incorruptible, uu
deflled, aiid that fadetli not away.
He was no sectarian. His religion
was as broad as the religion of Christ.
He was a simple Christian bound by
no sectarian ties and wholly in fellow
ship with all pure spirits. He was a
Christologist rather than a theologist.
He had great reverence for the family
and relations. His example as son,
husband and father is a glory to the
nation. He had a most kindly nature.
His power over human hearts was
deep and strong. He won men to
him. He hud no enemies. The hand
thnt struck him was not the hand of
an enemy, but the enemy of the posi
tion, the enemy of the country, the
enemy of God. He sought to do
right, ma it ward and Godward. He
was a grander man than we knew.
He wrought even in his pain a better
work for the nution than we can now
estimate. He fell at the height of his
achievements, not from any fault of
Ills, but we muy in some sense rever
ently apply to him the words spoken
of his aeur Lord: 'Ho was wounded
for our transgressions; He was bruised
for our iniquities; the chastisement of
our peace was upon Him." As the
nations remember the Maccdonias as
Alexander tho Great, and the Grecian
as Aristldes the Just, may not the son
of America be known us Garfleld the
Good. Our President rests; he hud
Joy irt the glory Of work, and he loved
to talk of the leisure that did not
come to him. Now lie has it. This
is the clay, precious because of the
service it rendered. He is a freed
spirit; absent from the body he is
present Willi the Lord. On the
heights whence came his help he
finds repose. What rest bus been his
these four days? The brave spirit
Which cried in its body 'I am tired"
is whete the wicked cease from troub
ling and the weary are at rest. The
patient soul which groaned under the
burden of the suffering flesh "O! this
pain!" Is now In a world without
pain. Spring conies, the flowers
bloom, the buds put forth, the birds
sing. Autumn rolls round, the birds
have loug since hushed their voices,
the flowers faded and fallen away, the
forest foliage assumes a sickly, dying
hue; so earthly things pass away, and
what is true remains with God. The
pageant moves; the splendor of arms
und the banners glitterln thesunlight;
the music Of instruments and of ora
tory swells upon the air; the cheers
and praises of men resound. But the
spring and summer pass by, and the
autumn sees a nution of sad eyes and
heavy hearts, and what is true re
mains of God. "The eternal God is
our refugo, and underueuth are the
everlasting arms.".
At the conclusion of Dr. Power's
address Rev. J. G. Butler offered
prayer. , .
This closed the ceremonies and the
assemblage, with bowed heads and
reverent mien, arose' as the basket con
taining the remains of President Gar
fleld was slowly borne from the build
ing in which he had gained so muuy
laurels and triumphs.
On the way to' Cleveland the
funeral train was received by thous
ands of people along the lirte with
sad hearts aud bowed heads. In the
places through which the train
passed bells" were tolled and national
salutes fired. Aud in every manner
the mosl profound respect was paid
the remains of the beloved dead.
There were 60,000 people around
Euclid Avenue When the train ar
rived. Every head was uncovered.
The military and templars presented
arms, and hardly a sound was heard.
The guard of honor, consisting of the
first officers of the United States
Army and Navy In full Uniform,
alighted ahd formed1 a doubfb rank at
the side Of the second coach. With
out delay the military bearers lifted
the casket containing the dead and
carried it Oil their shoulders' to the
hearse,- tne tiaud' playing a' dirge.
Then' came' the Cabinet officers and
theh wives and other Government
officers. The ladies were in' deep
mourning. Following came Dr. and
Mrs. Boy n ton, and then Mrs. Garfleld
leaning on the arm of her son Harry,
accompanied by Secretary Blaine.
Miss JfTollIe Garfleld and the other
members of the family followed and
went direct to their carriages In wait
ing. The Senators and Representa
tives that were on the funeral train
marched In pairs, and the guards of
honor, beaded by Generals Hancock,
Sherman and Rogers, brought up the
reur. The procession was headed by
a triple platoon of police, but there
was no trouble in keeping the avenue
clear. The wide walks and parking,
the extensive lawns and commodious
residences fully accommodated even
the immense crowds that had
assembled. Nearly all the residences
were handsomely draped in black,
and white flags were flatieted with
sombre fringes and portraits of the
dead President were universully dis
played. Secretary Blaine, Gen Grant
and Gen. Hancock attracted a great
deal of attention. During the entire
march on the avenue the bells of the
city tolled In rythnt. It was nearly
un hour after the train arrived that
the head of the procession reached the
public square and approached the
Cleveland, Sep.2ft. The-body of the
late President Garfleld has been carried
to the grave with so great a funeral
display and attended by such a multi
tude of mourners as must ever make
the event memorable. It is certainly
the chief day in Cleveland's history,
as it is also the saddest. Garfleld was
regarded with great admlrution and
affection in northern Ohio, and his
body has been followed to the tomb to
day by sincere mourners. Over 800,
000 persons have taken part in this
demonstration. Fully 00,000 people
were In the procession. The rest were
spectators. They lined Euclid avenue.
Erie and Superior streets for over five
miles between the public square and
the cemetery. The curbs and walks
were literally impassable. In vacant
lots stands and tiers of seats had been
built, and these were filled. Balcon
ies, windows, housetops, ail held
spectators of the great pugeant.
The Last Resting Place.'
The knoll where the body of the
president was buried is the most choice
site in the cemetery, and it is said the
trustees had been offered $10,000 for it.
In the future it will be the Mecca of
many a pilgrimage. By its natural
features and by the arrangements of
the driveways, it is isolated from the
adjoining lots, butjustueross the drive
ways by which it is reached may be
seen, on another eminence, aline of
beautiful and costly memorials, and
a large tomb of Ohio sandstone bear
ing the nume Vitus. Upou some of
these memorials the genius of the
sculptor has been powerfully displayed
Among the most beautiful are those
of the Garreton, Ely, Ranney, Hurl
but, Chamberlain and Perkins fami
lies. In these the sculptor has given
form to beautiful conceptions in mar
ble and granite. Upon the knoll
which is nearest to that selected for
the Gufleld tomb there stands a lofty
granite pillar surmounted by anangel,
and just beyond this, which beurs the
name of Wude, a massive, plain col
umn of polished black granite attracts
the eye. Two little boys were kneel
iug over a mound this afternoon near
the tall pillar carefully arranging
flowers and running vines in the sod
which covered the body of one who
had loved them. Below, by the side
of the driveway which skirts the base
of the knoll, stunds a beautiful marble
mausoleum. Not far from the entrance
of the cemetery is the tomb where the
dead may be temporarily placed.
Workmen erected a canopy before it.
The building is of Ohio sand stone, a
modification of the Gothic, twenty
seven feet square, and surmounted by
a minaret. Woodbine creeps over its
walls. Here the body of the late pres
ident was deposited, to remain uutil
the permanent burial shall take place.
It is understood to be the desire of Mrs.
Garfield that the ceremonies attend
ing the placing of the body in Its
final resting-place, on the top of the
little hill beyond the artificial lake,
shall be strictly private. It has been
suggested that the public tomb be
guarded during the interval by the
surviving veterans of the late pres
ident's old regiment, the Forty-second
Ohio volunteers.
A Sketch of the Cemetery.
Lake View cemetery embraces 800
acres on the south side of Euclid
avenue, just beyond the east limit of
Cleveland, five miles from the busi
ness centre of the city. The grounds
are owned by an incorporated asso
ciation of Cleveland, gentlemen of
wealth and refinement, incorporated
under the law Which requires "all
gains or profits from the sale of lots or
otherwise to be appropriated to per
petual adornment of the cemetery."
The laud was purchased ten years ago
and laid out by landscape designers
and engineers selected for eminence
In their professions: Wooded hills,
grassy vales, secluded nooks, windiug
drives, sinuous walkd, running brooks,
and quiet lakes are the conspicuous
landmarks. The association adopted
a plan different from any other ceme
tery, and expressed" tersely in the
original prospectus In the following
language! 'A feellug is growing iu
the public- mind that burials should be
made where the quiet repose' of the
dead may be assured forever.' The
human heart clings to the grave of its
departed hopes, and seeks consolation
in reariug monuments and emblems
of beauty oVer the remains of its de
parted loved ones. This can be fitly
done,' not iu the tumultuous din of
cities, but amid the quiet "verdure,
under the broad and cheerful light of
heaven,- Where the harmonious and
ever changing face of nature reminds
m by Its resuscitating Influence that
to die Is to live again." With this
sentiment prompting the plans, the
cemetery has become in beauty and
tasteful adornment the rival of the
most celebrated cemeteries In the
world, and the air of retired and rest
ful loveliness, f an inexpressible
nearness tb nature and withdrawal
from the world, Is not found elsewhere.
The great object of the association was
to provide a resting place for the de
parted, free from the gloom of the
tomb, and from which should be ban
ished everything ttaggestive of aw ful
ness in death. No fence, either iron
or wood, no coping or curbing of
brick or stone, no hedge, wooden
trellis, posts and chains, or anything
to make an inclosure, is permitted.
Head and footboards are prohibited,
headstones not allowed to exceed
fourteen inches in height. Thus the
cemetery rather resembles a vast well
kept park, with stately shafts and
modest or ornate vaults in lieu of
statuary and structures. President
Garfield loved to stroll in this ceme
tery. It was his ideal of a final
earth iy resting place.
Description of the Vault.
The public vault in which the re
mains will lie until their final Inter
ment Is a chupol-like structure of Berea
sandstone, gray and yellow in color
and Gothic in design. It has a square
tower aboue sixty feet in height and a
narrow doorway at t he base, guarded bj
iron bars, and on the inside a door of
solid iron. The interior Is twenty
seven feet square and almost devoid of
decoration, save a few withered flow
ers. It has stone shelves on three of
Its walls for the resting place of the
dead. The vault fronts on the main
avenue of the cemetery, and immedi
ately in front of it there Is an artificial
lake surrounded by bright colored
flowers. It is the abode of several
white swans, who move slowly to and
fro over its bright waters. This is the
only spot in the cemetery where the
trustees seem to have expended private
meuns liberally. The lots of many
wealthy families lie round about, and
as the burying ground is compara
tively new all the monuments are so,
and many of them are elaborate and
costly in design. The land rises
gradually to the crest of the cemetery
where General Garfleld Is to be
Cleveland, Ohio, September 2".
The pavillion in the public square of
this city, in which the mortal re
mains of General Garfleld laid in state,
still stands just us when the body was
raised from the imposing catafalque in
its centre and born to its loug home.
Near it stunds the magnificent funeral
car upon which the last and journey
was taken, and both have been the ob
ject of almost as much mournful in
terest to-day as on yesterday. Thous
ands have filed into the Park, looked
upon the picture of the lamented Pres
ident which still hangs above the spot
from which ills body was so recently
removed and at the mourning drapery
and decorations which are still left as
they were when the Imposing funeral
ceremouics took place. A squad of
poliece was this morning substituted
for the soldiers und the people were
permited to puss throult the structure
all day and evening. It is estimated
that many thousand people who failed
to pass the remains visited the pavil
ion to-day. it will be left standing
some days yet and open to the inspect
ion of all who care to look uon the
spot prepared to honor the memory of
the great man now resting forever In
the beautiful city of the dead by the
lake. While this evidence of the sad
dest event ever transpiring in the
country is left, many of the mourn
ing decorations on dwellings and busi
ness houses are beiug taken down by
the owners or dlstroyed by the wind.
There Is much still left, however, to
remind one of the sorrow in the
hearts of the people, and will be for
some days to come.
Lake View Cemetery, where the re
mains now lie, has witnessed to-day
an unusual scene. From early morn
lug until dark people were there, com
ing away with some little relics from
the burial place. The vault where he
lies and the spot where he is to be
Anally burled have been points attract
ing all tills mass of visitors, and in the
vicinity Of the two places, now sacred
to all Americans, the trees and shrub
bery have been literally striped of
their branches, and even the pebbles
on the graveled walks about both have
been gathered by the thousands and
carried away by the throng who have
visited the home of the dead. To-day
a twig, a gravelstone, a bit of crape
from the decorations, or any other
memento of a visit to his final home
has been to many thousand people
sufficient reWard for any amount of
trouble and fourteen miles of travel by
carriage, street car or even foot-traveling.
If Toa ar man 9
1 1t Too are a
' man of let-
QM of tho ktraiu or
your tlutiM nfolfl
ftt' rn t oi llu m avsf n 1 1 1
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tore Train ueiT-and
BTliniUKlllS lllfl
Hop Bitters.
If jott art jorxng and
d Iteration or diulpa
lied or final, old or
poor health or UnpuUh
&M9H, tiily oa Hop
I Waato, bmi Hop Be
nfferliur from any In
tiou i if you ar mar-
I youug humor in t; from
Elug on a bod ol aick-
Bltter. ,
TliouMndt dJ an
nually from aouio
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diaea that rairrht
have boen pre t-utcd
whenever ion ftwl
Uia .your, system
fceeda cleanaluir. Um-
tar or stluiuiatiutf,
Without fa uxi'oatijef,
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or urinary com-
platnt, disee.
Of the ftomafKl
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Toa will be1
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Hop Blttero
If you are lim
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life. It has
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O rati a.
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Mbeflttr, I.
I" '
JiTuwtito, Ori:
Republican Platform.
Entolved, That the Republican
party of Pennsylvania ts In the most
hearty accord with the Administra
tion of PresldefetlGarfield, and, -while
uniting hi the. 'prayers of ail good
people for hhpGeily recovery, pledges
nilnii..fl tvAXbi and the most active
suppport In the prompt and courag
eous correction of all governmental
abuses. As Republicans we ate in
favor of any proper ana weii-consia-ered
reform, either In the government
of the Nation, the State, municipality
or county, and we court suggestions
to any or all of these eWffs, aud only
ask that In their advocacy well-established
safeguards shall not be harshly
supplanted by experiments'- The Ad
ministration of President Garfield has
set the right example In thisdirectiotr,
and while firmly adhering to the prin
ciples and better practices of the great
party whicli called it into existence.
It yet insists upon faithfulness and
honesty in every branch of tho public
service. That the bullet of an assassih
should not interrupt tills work. Jt
should be pursued while its author
lives, and lieyond his life, if through
Increasing misfortune it should he
taken away.
Resolved, That the Republican
party has ever been progressive and
reformatory, and while realizing thut
nothing in government is wholly
right we desire to lie ujwuys brave
enough to seek every nvefr'tfe'of ap
proach to the right to the end that a'l
our ueople may enjoy the ever increas
ing blessings of good government
ReHolvcd, That President James A.
Garfleld, this tender and loving, this
struggling and suffering, this pure aiTtf
brave man. now becomes the lielovp.l
of this people and the admired of all
people. We tender for ourselves and
our constituents assurances of deep
and heartfelt sympathy, and, keenly
appreciating the value of such a life to
his country, we express the prayerful
hope that he may soon be restored to
the discharge of tiie important duties
for which he is remarkably qualified
and from which by a peculiarly infa
mous crime and an undeserved assault
for a conscientious exercise of projier
executive power, he has been tempo
rarily withdrawn.
Resolved, That in State as in Na
tion, the Republican party is com
mitted to the course of economical
and honest administration; we de
mand the use of all necessary means
and the enforcement of all laws in
tended to prevent fraud and waste,
and we require a close and watchful
guardianship over all of the multifa
rious interests committed to the cure
of our organization.
Resolved, That in any revision of
our tarltr legislation which may be
made cure shall he taken to discrimi
nate in favor of our industries, am!
thereby promote the causes which are
rapidly making America a controiing
power in finances, as it already is an
established leader in political thought;
Rctolvcd, That the administration
of Governor Hoyt merits our wiirmt st
approval. We regard with satisf'nc'
tion the results of a purely Republi
can Administration under his leader
ship, in which all departments havo
been faithfully conducted, the credit
of the State raised to the highest
point, and its ii nances placed upon it
proper basis without increasing Un
burdens of the people.
"I hrfve represented for many years
a District in Congress whose oppro
bution I greatly desired, but though it
may seem, perhaps, a little egotistical
to say it, I yet desire still more tiie ap
probation of one person, and bis nam
was Garfleld. He is the only man I
am compelled to sleep with, and vu
with, und live with, and die with, and
iri could not have his approbation I
should hove had bad company."
James A. Garfleld before the Ohio
Senate, 1881.
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