Editor THURSDAY, 8IPP. 1, 1891. , J. ., , . ENTERED AT THE TOST-OFFICR AT RlDQWAY, PA., A3 SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER. The NebraskaLlcense Law fixing thc-Zee at one thousand dollars wns decided constitutional by the Supreme Court upon the ground that It was an exercise of the police power of the State and not a tax. The law was attacked upon the ground that it was a tax and that the Constitution re quired all taxation to be uniform and equal and based upon an equitable property valuation. Knocking down a man who Hnid lie hoped President Garfield would die and getting fined for it hn proved very profitable investment for Cap tain Charles A. Cook of Brownsville, Ohio. Over f700 has been collected lv penny subscriptions for him- Of tUU, 175 has been invented in a testi monial gold watch, and he will receive the rest in cash and bonds, lie has teen proposed for several offices, but declines to run. The oil wells struck in .Sebastian Hxehu's potato patch, in Tltusville July 16, are still yielding as well a ever, aud with u prospect of continu ing for a year, lltehn pumped 140 barrels of oil from them and then latMed the ground to a firm, which lia taken out ubout 370 barrels. The oil U very fine, auid sells at 20 cents hove the ordinary uiurkel price. The veiie are ouly four feet deep and ure dug wiU shovels. Among the emigrants passing West over the Pennsylvania Railroad oi day lust week was a German fam ily, consisting of the grandfather, graadiuothers and their nine children, is sous and three daughters, all of whom are married, with their families on board the same train. There were ferty grandchildren and eleven gnat graudchildren, the entire relationship voMslsting of ninety-live people. They will aettle in northern Iowa, and will form a colony of their own. Among the men in the party were practical farmers, weavers, shoemakers and butchers. Really," there is no accounting for tastes." An Italian maiden, Anita Corsins by name, whose father is a manufacturer of show-cases in New York, fell in love with one of the Zulus at a Broadway Museum. The adVctiou was returned and the lovers were about to be united, when the atera parent steuped forward. Hut the ceremonies were only delayed, for the lovers sought a Brooklyn preacher and were joined in wedlock. The bride is young and pretty and the fMom a fine specimen of coal-black manhood. How Mr. Mkano proposes to support Mrs. Mkano docs not ap pear. There is good materal in the family for the white-washing art and tbe peanut trade. Williauif port, August 28.-A rather 4aaU'uctive freight wreck occurred on Hue Philadelphia and Ki'ie Ruilroad at Montgomery a few miles east of Wil lianisport 3 15 A.M. to day. The wreck cra belonged to the express freight east and were thrown from the track by the dropping down of tbe brake beam. Sixteen cars loaded with lumber, Hour, grain and mer chandise left the track and were badly mashed. The train was crossing a ttlvert at the time and the bridge was o badly injured thut trains cannot paws oer it before to-morrow. Wreck Wains were at work all day and the track was cleared by 5 o'clock this evening. A siding crosses the same bridge and the trains will use that white the main track is being repaired. Hfone of tbe train men were injured. Chicago, August 27. A special 4aapatnu to the Tunc from East sng tuaw, Mich., yesterday, says: "Tlio erike at Oseoda among the mill cm !eyeM continues. Last night two km ad red men surrounded Potts' Mill u4 otMupelled tbe night crew to quit work. Sheriff 1C in and four deputies m rived thia morning and attempted re pruttot tboM who wished to work tm the O-Mxtda Salt and Lumber Coiu paay's still. While one man was try tag te n Into the mill he was seize ! ad drawn back. The rtherifT and apwties endeavored to protect him ad were pounded with slabs. In re tsrn they fl red three shots into the rowd, but injured no one. At 4 p. in II was quiet, and no attempt was adfl to atop the men in Rock wood ft Co. 'a mill, which was still running." Jsdge McDerinitt, of Mercer, re ently ordered the issuing of an attach seat fnr a witness who as a member of tbe Hslional Guard was then in asmpst Baltsburg. His Honor took occasion to Bay that it was "time the peeple were taught that the war has been ended seventeen years, and thut tbe civil Is above the military power. '' Tlie Phila. Timet commenting uoon tbi" subject says: 'It is not entirely certain but that the learned Judge would assume too much in attempting to take a man out of camp on an at tachment as a witness. The code ex pressly exempts members of the Na tional Guard from jury service, and says that neither officers nor soldiers shall bo aubject to arrest on civil pro cess while going to, remaiuing at or returning from any place where be has been ordered on military duty. It would be interesting to know whether a man .can evade camp duty bjtettlug summoned as a witness, or cai escape attendance at court by jffciug off to camp." Henry A. Parsons, Jr., The J. K. P. Hnll Convention. Mr. Editor: Allow me, through your columns, to express my senti ments regarding the convention of, I was going to sny Democrats, (and on second thought I will leave it stand and write Democrats) which met in the Borough of Rldgway, Tuesday lat, and which placed In nomination a county ticket; and for the parties named thereon, I as one of the un terrlflod am expected to vote, or for ever after hold my peace as a Demo crat. Having nothing better to do the day of tho convention, and as I was Interested In the matter I strolled into the Court House at the appointed time, and prepared to enjoy a feast of reason (the flow of soul could bo had In the neighboring bar rooms.) The convention being culled to order by Deputy Chairman of the County Committee Healy, nominations for temporary chairman of tiie conven tion was in order when Mr. J, K. P. Hall was chosen chairman without a dissenting voice, and betook his H"at. accordingly. After the matter of electing secretaries was disposed of, and the certificates of J. Knox P. Hail, I forget the other name, duly approved the next thing in order was the permanent organization, when Jiunes K, P. Hull was retained as chairman having unanimously voted for himself, and the temporary secre taries made permanent. Ho far so good. Nominations for county Treasurer were then made, and in about live minutes resulted in tho nomination of Mr. WeidenbuM'iier of St. Marys at least that was the name given to the people, but it struck me that James Knox P. Hall was the candidate. And right here, Mr. Edi tor, I would at;U, why w;is it neces sary for us to shout ourselves hoarse, and drink ourselves maudlin last Saturday evening, to help elect t lie delegates from Ridgway Borough when it would have been n great deal cheaper to have stayed at home for as tor as 1 could see James Knox Polk Hall held the convention sonic time ago in St. Marys, and only had the farce of going through an election so as to keep tiie people amused, ami help the landlords. It was hardly necessary for Mr. Alphabet Hall to make the remark he did at the hotel when taking his dinner that "that tiiht was done with thank God." He knew there was no liht. He knew that the delegates elected by tile people, as !ar as they were concerned, might as well have been !-toughton bottles. They never opened their heads except as they were told by J. K. P. Hall. True, they gave Captain Selnening a unanimous call to the Prothonntary's office again, but that they could not help, no thanks for it either, Captain Schooling being a man whom the people would elect anyway. But look how Captain Smith of Spring Creek was knocked down. He beintr a white man could expect no other fate. Mr. Messenger too, who would have made so good a Treasurer, had to stand back. True they gave him the Ass. Judge (a sop to Cerbctw; and he must be thankful, for the great James K. Polk Hall ((JoodnrKs, (rrurtoup, wluit n mime Tu stand Uun the hrrott of I'uinuJ gave it to him, and if lie is u good boy he shall have something better after awhile, next year perhaps. But seriously, Mr. Editor, this so called Democratic convention as far as I could see or judge, was a St. Marys convention engineered and officered by the great James K. P. Hall. (If his name was only as big as his name Elk would be too small for him.) And I will ,-ay further, that as near as can see ever since I have lived in the county of Elk, James K. P. Hall has run the Democracy of the county, and we mitflit as well say no more, but quietly set down and vote for the men placed in nomination by the Bcuziuger and St. Marys crowd. There is no other remedy. Did I say no other remedy? I am mistaken. There is a medicine which will scotch this mischief, and one which will prove, effectual if applied in the right spirit and that is voting for whom we please whether tho great Mtllhooly, A. B. C. Hall, likes it or not. I for one, my fellow Democrats, have got tired of this tiling and will not follow the dictation of any one man, if he is the great Jim Hall, and I would ad vise the people when next they send delegates to the County Democratic Convention, to try and send those who dare rise and say what they were sent there for, and vote as near as they can for the principles of the 'Demo cratic party, and not in the interest of the Elk county '-I'liifurMm." I will vote for whom and how I please, and if Hall runs the convention he can't run me. Yours, truly, Dkmochat. Ridgway, Aug. ."1st, 1881. A Great Enterprise. The Hop Bitters Manufacturing Company is one of Rochester's greatest business enterprises. There Hop Bit ters have reached a sale beyond all precedent, having from their intrinsic value found their way into almost every household in the land. Graphic. It has been decided by the courts that trout streams which are not en closed and improved, and in which trout are not propogated, are public and may be fished in by any one during the legal season, whether the same is leased by a corporation or owned by an individual. The people have a common law right to the fish, as they have to other wild creatures. A party of woodenoppers near Bradford, McKean county, discovered the corpse of a German named Adolph' Hasel wander In the wotds the other day. . It is thought he died of drink. Killed On His Wedding' Tour. Amsterdam, N. Y., August 28. A very sad and painful accident occurred yesterday morning which resulted In the killing of Mr. John V. Hobbs, a young farmer, of about thirty-two years of age, and a resident of Nort h Hampton, New Hampshire. The facts, as far as learned, are these: It appears the unfortunate man was on his wedding tour and was on his way to Niagara Falls, together with his wife. They were seated in a draw ing room car attached to train No. 6, due here at 10:10. When about a mile from the station, Mr. Hobbs, in n state of forget fu I nes, allowed his left arm to rest partially on and out of the win dow. At that Instant a freight train came east, which had a loose, swing ing door that scraped the cars badly and crushed Hobb's arm in a shocking manner. He was Immediately taken from the train on its arrival here, and .amputation was found necessary ,but It was of no avail. The young man sur vived only u lew hour. alter tiie oper ation was performed. The shock has Completely prostrated his wife with grief. List of Jurors Drawn for Oeptam bcr Term, 1881' OUAND JUI5Y. Mlrlincl fehopber, .rr...ahirtvr....TViiy.tnurT. J--- li I'dily miner liiMi.iii-irr. Mil linel Atiiimn lah irer ...lli nzinr-r. .Iiisrpli KrHt:. farnii'r.-.IU'ny.lnyer. Wo!t'ctitur sin i I tilinuri'.l':ii-in'r....l''ox. Wll lljmi IMinuliooit miner .1 . 11. 'In rlc luliuror .S. M. Iliimly Iiiliuri-r. .Jiiiiirs tl. linnlm-r Inbnivr. ..m-iiiunii. ,.i lorlon. ...Iny. .billies M. balnian ..InlMirer Jay. I.alayclle t'ojjji H. W. II. liner John Mit-liHl It. M. I'lillM.-r Willliini .To i li -n .. . (I. I'. .Mi'Ksemjer.sr. Kuixlal MiUIn Murtln lVi rin Annul KnliiHM' .Innn'S Cruwioi'il Anthony (ivii: fanner lay .... fannrr I-ines, lahnivr.. laliori-r,. laborer,. Pinner... tinner... tanner... laborer... Jone M i ilMone. r.UKway. itUlwtiy. ...Hlcl-way. ..spring i 'reck. ...spnim 1 I'eeK ...sprii.K Creek list, Marys. l.-.u.trcr lifk-.ni Anthony 1-inn'f, .ir inix.rt-.-.. .:-(. .M-irys, ,1'iliu it'iilini;-r ..v&jiunkr.St. Murys. .K!M'ih llauiiiin1-' r clerk St. .'.inis, TK.vvr.it.si-; juuoiw. .InniPS !T. IIiht !itlorci'....Henozplti I ii'itr;;' Kmtih'tt lMh(irt'i...rt'hzltinir. Wolf.'iimj Ivui.T i'Mi'iiic-1'....lli nziiiL'i'i-. diaries si-hin-iiler i'.u nu-r. ..Iteiixinaer. ..nen.iner. ..bi-n.ii'er. .lleii.in.-r. Km lis... ubor .!..-. .h Uanl Peter A lull ev Joint P.ille Joseph i 'orhe .laeiih ilinlorore.1. ... Havul llnlloballMll... .1. H. M'ljinilie Jehu I., l.-aiham Ive--.llli:li .Mel iilil ii... tleorne M'('hi-la-y.... Kcil ert Womb-rly laborer, .tiinm .laborer.... I a n r.ini.-er. ... miner benzinuiT. ....far hut. ...Ben .in yor. ,...l;innei'.,..l'o.. .. laborer.. ..l-'nx. ,...eari'nterr'ox. ...liirmei'....t'ox. .... laborer.. ..t-'ox. ...larin.-r Kox. ...laborer... II i-- hi and. ,..,fanner....H itdilund. .... farmer lay. ...farmer. ...Jay. ... laborer lay, ,.. 1'arnier lay. ...mitl: takrJay. ....farmer lay. A. bell KhUell I! I. spaiiirler Miehael Miller Nelson s. Koblnsnn.., deo'tea 11. Holers. J lUtns Weed , Lawrence i: Avery.. .I'liin WeiiU-rl Iian:-! f ilwralii M.'tt Nor. lean farmer lone. farmer loneM. !ia I'istner. ..fanner Jones. 1'it Holla nil laborer lones. K. I. i ami.bell... .. nieivh'nt Ithl -iway. I H-nnH I ( nil I). K. Klme ratnek HI toy John tielber .... John .. favbUoli. K. li. .ban- , -lo-epb llollnian.... ....htborer....KiiUvay, ....moeliatie Kbit: way. . ..bot'l k'prltldiiway. ...la borer... .St. Marys. .... laborer... .Sirliii reel;. ....Imbr mil.:- prla -i Creek. ....labia er... St. Mar.vu. Sheriff's Sales. BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY writs of fieri l'aeias, alias fieri facias, vendi tioni exponas, levari fac as, and testa tum fieri facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk Couutv, tind to me directed, I THOMAS KUI. LI VAN, Hijrh Sherill' of saiil county, do hereby give notice that I will expose, to public sale or outcry at tho Pro thnnotarvV office, in Ridgway, at one o'clock I1 M.. on MONDAY, SEPTEMRER 10, IS1. the following described real estate, to wit : All the right, title, interest, claim or (toman. 1 whatsoever of defendant in, to or not of nil that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the township of Fox, county of Elk and sjtaie of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follmvs: Beginning at the middle of the Hog back road, on the north line of Samuel Wilson's land, a stake on the east side of the road for a corner; thence eat eichly rods to the hemlock, the north east corner of said Wilson's land; thence sou l h seventy rods to a post, t 'he southeast corner of said Wilson's land; thence west about sixty rods along -aid Wilson's south line to the middle of the said Hogback road ; thence north two degreei west along Hie middle of said road thirty-eight rods to a point ; thence north sixteen and o:ie-l:alf degrees west twenty-three rods along the middle of said road to a point; thence north forty-four degrees west along said road fifteen roils to the place of beginning. containing twenty nine and one half acres, more or less, on which there is erected one frame bouse. I(ix2i feel, one and one-half stories high; one triune bam, Mdx.il feet; also a small bearing orchard. Seized and taken in execution us the property of Alexander Fucbs, ut the suit of j. V. Morgester. ALSO. All the right, title, interest, claim or demand whatsoever of de fendant in, to or out of all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying ami being in the town-hip of Fox, county of Elk and State ot Penn sylvania, liouniled and desy-rihed as follows: Beginning ul a stoiie at tbe northwest corner of the Jacob Wilson lot, of which this is a part; thence south one hundred and forty eight rods to a beech ; thence east forty-six rods to a post", tin nee noitli one hundred anil eighteen rods to a post; thence cast eight rods to a post; thence north ten rods to a post on the turnpike; tbenceeast along the turnpikenineti en rods to u post; thence north twenty one rods to a post; thence west seventy-three rods to the place of be ginning, containing forty-three acres, re or less, upon which is erected one two story frame house and one frame barn. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Charles H. Hyatt, at the suit of Stott. Campbell & Alleu. ALSO. All the right, title.interest, claim or demand whatsoever of de fendant in, to or out of all those cer tain lots of land situate, lying and bo ing in the township of Bcnzinger, county of F.Ik and state of Pennsyl vania, according to tbe original map or plan of the settlement of St. Mary's in iiil i-omitv. Iicinir lolNos. tliirlv- two, tiiirlv-thiee, .thirty-four, thirly five, thiity-six, thirty-seven tmd tblrty-iight on Kt Joseph street, each lot being one hundred feet by two hundred feet in size, and bounded on the ea.-t, west, north and south by land of the Benedictine Society, on which is erected a two-story frame bouse, lsx'20 feet, with a kitchen part attached, liixO feet; one stable, iMxiiS feet ; one frame saw mill, U-ix&O fect.on a stream cal'::d Silver creek. Seized and taken into execution as the property of John Roucli. B. Don ahue and James Carroll, at the suit of Frank. A. Leaseli. ALSO. All tho rlcrht. title. Intorest. claim or demand whatsoever of defen dant In, to or out of all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying aim neing In the borouiyn 01 nr, Marys, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at tho north west corner of 'Jot number thirty on the map or plan of the borough of St. Marys; thence east along Centre street fifty-five feet; thence south two hun dred feet at right angles with Centre street; thence west fifty-five feet; thence north two hundred feet to tho place of beginning, containing eleven thousand square feet, on which there Is erected a frame dwelling house, one and one half stories high, 28 feet 8 inches by 29 feet 10 Inches, with frame kitchen attached, 12 feet 8 Inches by U feet 4 inches; one barn, 19 feet by 12 feet 6 Inches; also, a good bearing fruit orchaid and a well of good water. Seized and taken in execution nsthe property of John yebuler, at suit of Anton Sehulcr. ALSO. All tho right, title.interest, claim or demand whatsoever of de fendant in, to or out of all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the township of f-pring Creek, County of Eik and State of Pennsylvania, being all that part of warrant No. 27!2 that lies east of tbe Millstone township line, bounded north by warrant No. 278!); east by warrant No. 45",ti and west by the line between Spring Creek and Millstone townships, containing three bundled and thirty-four acres, more or iei.s, upon which is erected one. log h'.ii.-e and one log barn, each about 1.24 fc.t. Seized and taken in execution as tbe property of George Proems, at tho suit of George A. Rathbun. ALSO. All tbe right title, interest, claim or demand whatsoever of de fendant In, to or out of town lot No. 27f, in tbe village of Wilcox, Elk county, Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by Worrell street, on the east by lot No. 277, on the south by Clarion street, nnd on the west by lot No. 281, being sixty feet east anil west and one hundred and forty feet north and sooth, upon which is erected one two-story frame Jiouse, llix:V. Seized and taken in exeecution as the properth of Isaac Keefcr, ut the suit of W. H. Osterhout. TERMS OF SALE. The followiinr must be strictly com plied when the jiroperty is struck oft': 1. All bids must he paid in full ex cept where the plaint ill' or other lien creditor iieeoiries the purchaser, in which case the. costs on the writs must be paid, as well as all liens prior to that of the purchaser, and a duly cer tified list of liens shall be furnished, including mortgage searches on tiie property sold together with such lien creditor's receipt, for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such por tion thereof ie; he shall ajipear to be entitled to. 2. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock P. M , at which time all property not settled for will again be put up, and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom it. was lir-t struck oil', and who, in ease of dificiency at such re-sale, shall make good the same, and in no instance will the deed be pre sented in court for confirmation unless the bid is actually settled for with the Sheriff as ahove stated. THOMAS .sULLlVAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ofliee.Ridgway.Pa., ) August 20. issi. f See ('union's Digest, Ninth Edition, pag -DO; .smith's Forms, "'SI. Tbe nearest infallible remedy is Rerun a. GET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL DTHEBSI Every Sty la&Prico. G uarnutccd t7neq.ita.lecl FOR OPERATION, VVOFfKiTiilAKSHIF. Inprsrwents tad Coavcaioncos final ia B3 ethers. popular evsarwHitftc. Tor SIe in Trry CVtr mn'i Tanr J-. , Crite !-!!. VEMOR'S PREDICTIONS! Fortnia Month's Weather, prepared expressly for STODDART'-S REVIEW. Sample cojy mailed for 3c. stamp. J. M. Stodd.vkt, Pub., New York, Phlla., or Chicago. n21 t3 OovF.iiNon Sr. Joitx of Kansas says:" In 71 the City of Leavenworth had 20,000 population and about 100 saloons, and she lias clung to the saloons ever since. In LS&1 her popu lation has declined from 20,0o0 to less than 17,010, notwithstanding the fact that she had saloons enough to have given her a population of 100,000, If they are necessary for the prosperity of a city." Fhom the report of the United States Revenue Collectors it uppears that the li.pior trade still flourishes in Kansas notwithstanding the prohib itory liiptor law. The Kansas City Time gives the figures of the July collection as follows: Tax on whisky stamps, Sl.UBiuO; on beer stamps, ?2, 447.70, a total of 3,737.4'J. This Is said to be an excess over the same period last year of $ 700. At tho faiutest pniu Teruna bhould be thought of. THE ELK CO. ADVOCATE DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF THE TEOPLE OF ELK COUNTY. Having an extended circulation it is the best advertising medium. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY. ESTABLISHED in 1850. TERMS, - S2 A YEAR. -:o:-- JOB DEPARTMENT. We print A'ote-heads, Bill-lioads, Letter-heads. Envelopes, Cards, Tags. Cheaper thail the cheapest, and on shortest notice. Call and get prices on Advertising and Job Work. Orders by mail promplij attended to. Address, Henry A. Parsons, Jr. Fddtfivay, Va. PLANTS AND SEEDS PjOsR EVERYBODY Oar Catalogue of choice SEEDS and PLANTS contain the "BEST and CHEAPEST," and our BOOK OF FLOWERS gives prices and descriptions of Designi, Baskets and Loose Cut Flowers for any oocasion, Sent free on application. Harry Chaapcl, Seedsman Florist, Williamsport, Pa. HENRY A. PARSONS, Jr., ACT . PITTSBURGH FEMALE COLLEGE, ASD riTTSniRGH COSSERYATOItT OF MUSIC JUiTOne Hundred Full Music Lessons for Eighteen Dollars.-! Feven dMinct schools. Twenty-four teachers. Attendance past year, 378. Sunerior advantages in Liberal Arts, Music, Drawing and Painting, Elo cution, Modern Languages, Needle Work and Wax Work. Charges lew than any equal school in t lie United States. Twenty-seventh year opens September Otli. Send for new catalogue to REV. I. C. PERSHING, D. D., Pittsburgh, Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTRAY. Came to the premises of Jno Myers, Little Toby, Fox township, Elk Co., Pa., one cow almut nine years old. Tbe owner will please eome forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, or she will be disposed of according to law. Jno. Myehs. Aug. 0, 1881. ESTATE NOTICE. E stato of Joseph F.Grotzinger.lateof jj Benzinger township, Elk c county. Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, uion tbe above named estate All persons In debted to said estate ate requested to make immediate payment, and those having legal claims against the same to present them without delay, in pro per order for settlement. Maku.vuct Ukotzixoer, Sr., ir2ittj Executrix. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing account will tie presented tit the next Orphans' Court lor confirma tion : 1 Final account of Charles Weis, ex ecutor of tiie estate of Francis Rentier, late of St. Marys Borough, ileeeased, will be presented at tbe next Orpheus' Court for continuation. 2. Final account of Joseph Rosen bofer, executor of Anna Dorathea EcUlc late of Si. Marys, Elk Co., de ceasi d . It. Fliml Hcrount of Allifi't fllllfttenrtmlnts-liiitm-or am esinti! or .lnry 11. Ulilelto Into of KUIwi.y Township, l-'.lk County. di.-rraHi'd. I. l- iiiiil ur.x.i'iil (Jf Win. 11. Murray ml niiiilsir;Oir ui.il Kmc line Murray itihiilnis. tritlrix of tlic sMlu of WlHiHiu Murray into oi liui';:tie TunnMiiji. Klk lAmuty, du i-iascJ. Frki. Schcknino, Register. COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF - Unseated Lands In Elk County. In pursuance of an Act of Assembly, papud lliu iiili w,y of Miovli, A. I. IMj, t'lilitleil "An acl to nun-net 1111 iu:t. directing the niodo ot Hillini; uii.M'att'il iitiuU lor taxi. nnU for oilier iu.'ikjl'!--." and tin stvi li HUipleiuunH lliHrelo, liiw county Comic :iiiu.;ti. fit thu L'oiinty of Klk will exii!u ti. ale, by public vendue or outcry, at the .ummbssionera' ollice, in KUluay, fa., mi WEDLNhll.VY.tiLPT. 21ST, IRSt, At. 10 o'clock a.m., tho followli.g tracts of livtid, HUuattfd unit Ui-fCTibed uh follow: UENZINliEH TOWMJIHP. Warrant. Acres. Loin Nos. "sot Kl 3.i.:;4 Waraiitecs and Owners. Jl idyll ay street, 'iaibat htreet. Vine Ml. M. O. Sullivun. 5 FOX TOWNSHIP. 41-90 .7i.hn HrlBus W.Wtllink. Tlioinu Jordan. n-'i IIIUI1LAXD TOWNSHIP. 1"0 8ub. Dlv. No. 11. IIOHTON TOWNSHIP. OwnerH uukuowu. JAY TOWNSHIP. 177H 4 1 Oil ) 4ii's; IMIU "2 Francis .Shldor. 130 Heading St Hurtles. 8PHINO I'UEKK TOWNSHIP. l-VM l From A. W. Irwin. ST. MARYS HOHOUGH. Lot No. 0 F.d. Hyrnes Johu street. Tekus C'lixli. WIC'HAKL WKIUKRT,) W. It. o-snoitllon i, Icom'rs. OKOilGK KKLrtCHKUj Attest W.S. llimro.v, uleik. CumiiilssiiincrK oiliee. ) Uldyway, I'u., Aug. si, "SI. J u27- It STOVE SIGN No. 42 Main St. AFULL LINE BUILD ERS' HARDWARE, STOVES AND House-Furnishing GOODS At POPULAR PRICES. W. S. Service, Ag't. Fi ."rU nLimiti1 greuicbt roiucay, Ilajiiunol nreiCilbed it to 40. GOO iKiticnto. nil r,f vhoni I iti ovcrsd or T'cre iuikii lujpiuvea. f r.RUNA Ciiii io iai:ca iy uvory tuc-the Tonne, tiie jnldiJl-ncff1, tne ol). 1tio bn'pl a -tuuftA Htwiiys ttxiei. wiui in puiu.ut. Ttrl.'aM. a tlio hvstttii of ft 11 Its luiTmrttf 9UHK-S tlio &''ir.ai'h, tcpulal tho 1mm it. un-1 lackstliMecrotior.of tlto liver, Btrennrihensl Pt liltU 1 13 11. d II. IV. I.. -I- n,.n..tl-,... ' hln til, pi; j V.:o ytboxy and treX from the I tolls au(t cams of thd 1 '.y U (rivog twcctai'.d ! refre Jiln? klvoo pWZttBms&&l fsj.e Dimnhlotl, st j ititcli to tllifcst auy Ai ticto of food, jr it book v litca will uuble you toUtt Voui'M'lf. a t .Iraa b. B. II A MAN A CO.. if. Ulcerated and itching limbs. Doctors failed. Peruaa cured rue, Mrii. P. Parsoiu, Nevoburg, Pa. 3 fcl rL2wc8fcs tm 'or each uionl. whi n wolL to piuvcnt blck-B I wsa; whea sl k, to cure, fl oo v-lll I c pnlrt ri ivT acaso it will not ca.ii or l:f lp. KjiJifll i'LRt K K I s t'umiioeeU oi vegciub iu liti o- Mi tlliiuLiii c.irh ou ft nrtt r-Mm-dv In Itsflf. E I A LECTURE TO YOUM MEN. On the Loss of A LECTURE ON THE NATUHB, TKEATJIKNT, AND JRAIMCAL Cure frf Heniintil Wt-ukneMS.or Hrn'riiiatorrhoBa liidticeil by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Einis.sioiis, Impotoncy. Xervous De bility, anil Impediment to Marriage tjene'rally; CoiiHuniption, Epilepsy, and Fits: Mental and Physical In ciipucitv. Ac Uy ROBEKT J. CUL VIC H WELL, M. D., author of th "Groen Uook,"&c The world-renowned author, Jn thl admirable Leeture.clearly proves from liU own experience that the wilful coiiKi'ijuences of Self-Abuse may be eflVctually removed without uangen-UB siii'jilcul operations, bougies, iimtru nientx, rint.r, or cordials; pointing out a nio.lo of cure at once certain and ef fectual, by which every suflerer, no matter what his condition may be, nntv cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. g-r nils Liecture win prove a ooon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envel ope, to one address, on receipt of tlx cents or two postage stamps. We have also a sure cure for Tape Woinu Address. The CULVER WELL MEDICAL Co. 41 Ann St New York, N. Y.; Poet olllce Box, 4586. Note paper and envelopes at tbe Advocate office. PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia & ErieR. R- Dir. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY, June 18, 181, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie Railroad Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. Ninjrara Ex. leaves Phila 9 00 a. m. " " " Renovo..5 40 p. iu. " " " I)riftwood7 00 ' " " " Emporium7 60 " " St.Marys.,8 43 ' " " " Ridgway..fl09 " 41 " nrr. Kane.... 10 06 ekik hail leaves Phila 11 65 p. in " Renovo...-ll 05 a. m. " " Emporium. 1 80p. m. " ' St. Mary's.. 23 p. m. " " Ridgway... 2 46 p-m. " " Kane 3 60 p. m. " arr. at Erie 7 45 p. ni. EASTWARD. Day Express leaves Kane ... 6 00 am. " " " Ridgway 6 66 am. Ht. Marvs 7 17 " " " Emporium8 10 " " " Driftwood 8 67 '" " " " Renovo . . 10 05 ' " " arr. atphila 45 pm. erik mail leaves Erie 11 85 a. m. " " Kane 4 10 p.m. " ' Ridgway ....5 17 p. iu. ' " St. Mary's..-5 60 p. m. " ' Emporium. B 56 p. m. " " Renovo 9 00 p. m. " nrr. at Phila 7 85 a. iu. Dav Express and Niagara Express connect east with L. G. Div. and B.N. Y. and P. R. R. Wm. A. Baldwin. General Bup't. If you r a man X r It toi ar ' ma a of let cned bj tea atraia cf your duttaa avuid i.ilo:mla:itaiid ua Hop Bittars. or lju: Uie.'f.wou:- ter tolling o msui work, to rec to; rjUS DBTTTB &Ai wart, un Hop raffAiifie from ut te If yon are yoonfr and dlncrelioQ or umuiia ried or ainirla, old or oorbealtu or lanKUi&ti aeu, rkl oa Hop ion . ir you nr mr oMug, raff cri a trotm BTtters. .vnoerer you are. whenever yon ftel tii..t y o n r ayBtom aiieda clcanalnT. ten iae or etimuiatlDir. T.lOUAB0 OS nuaUjr Irom torn furm of K d n f vlthouktfn'orieal'atf, - nop Bitter. nopBittr Hae yon fr- fr,'..'a, ..luncy vmniMrvwm. tiraiiil, ulaeaae or the afomocA, L-.-.t. kln.J HO? liver oraervee fl Toe will be cured If youuee Hop Bitter fily weak and owanlrited, iry in It may NEVER FAIL iviyour llf. It has saved nun1 jEW LIVERY tiTALB IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES inform the citizens of Ridgway TO and me puduo generally, that be bturted a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and BuftRles to let upon the most reasonable terms. -He will also do job teaming. . -. btable on Elk street. All ordersleft at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug201371tt baa