The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 18, 1881, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, ADO. 18, 1881.
i. o. or o. f.
Rldgway Lodge SW, I. O. or O. F.
meets every Thursday 'venitijf. vis
iting members are cordially invited to
, officers:
John A. It08StN. O ; Ij. A. Brcndel,
V. O.; Sen'y John An
derson, Ass't 8co'y;If. II. Weuscl,
.On Column One Year.... ...JS0.00
One-half Column On.- enr 45.00
no-fourth Column One Year , r, on
One-elgbth Column One Year 'lSOQ
One Bqiinre On Wwk.....MV. . t yi
One Square Two WckB iS
One8quareThrfieWwk am
eCweek.'tl0nftl ,n" cents a ""iiVs
T.. . LoCA1- AOVRIlTlta.
nirj0nta "."e UrRt tnnprilnii; rive coct A
"'JSZSZ1 J'lltion.., Insertion.
SBSa? A. PAB30KS.JB.. Proprietor.
The hot dog-day weather will soon
Iks over.
Don't forget It. The Union Store
Is the place to get brains.
Call attheWeht End FuriilHliing
Store and see tire MeCabo reclining
New sidewalks are rapidly taking
place of the old ones on South
The Congregational Sunday School
Will have a picnic nt Sehoeiiing's grove
hext Wedi.esdny.
"Whenever you are sick and the
doctor tries thin and then that, stop
fooling and take I'enina."
Rowers keeps Hall's Giant Frame
fXtension table at the West End Store
the best table in tlw market.
Jacob Do M's Hams, McOrea .& J.
iDeorlius Hams, Boneless Hams and
Shoulders a large stock at Molester's.
There will be services at the M. E.
..hurch next .Sunday morning and
evening, conducted by Uev. S. M.
The City of St. Fan I, a first-clncs.
large new design, wood cook Move,
take u look at it before purchasing a
alove. -V. 8. Service, Agt.
The account of Co. II's trip to
Siltsburg, which should have sp
jieared in this issue, is unavoidably
vrnwded out, owing to the late hour in
bc week on which we arrived.
A recently born baby in I'luin
township has wings like those of a
dove, and is a sound, healthy, lively
Infant. The wings are covered will)
fine down. Of c-ouYse, the baby is a
The JctTcrson County .Virlculinnil
Society and Driving Park Asocial ion
will hold a great fair at lirook viilo
rtpieinlit r U 'tii to i'i.l, Uiai, We ac
knowledge the receipt of tiic prem.lim
The baby elephant, bom in Phila
delphia, March U, Weighed '-'13 pounds
t birth, and within the year trained
V'JO pounds on mi exclusive milk diet.
It now weighs tior. far hum l.imO
A young man of lit has married hi
iiint, aged KS, in Huti'iln, and Judjie
Lewis, of the Municipal Court, who
lierformed the ceremony, td!s a com
plainant that there is 110 law of the
tttate forbidding it.
The latest bulletins from the bed
side of the wounded President are of a
slrcidediy more favorable color. Hopes
tire ut present entertained of his ulti
mate recovery. Guitenu, the assassin
endeavored to kill his jailor recently.
The Democrat of Elk County
"will meet at the place of hording the
Jast general election in their respective
Townships on Saturday, Aug. 27, 18SI,
for the purpose of choosing delegates
to a county convention to be held in
Ridgway on Tuesday, Aug. UO, 1881.
There were 6'J7 deaths In Chicago
last week, or 75 in excess or the highest
number of deaths ever recorded in that
'lty before. The rate is 52 and a frac
tion per thousand against a normal
Tate of 18. The terrible mortality is
attributed to the Intense heat.
Soldiering at Camp Vincent was
more like business than anything we
Iiavcseen lu seven years' membership
f the National Guard. No ornamen
tation of company streets was allowed,
and everything wore a decidedly mili
tary aspect. In time no doubt play
soldiering will come to be a good deal
like business.
The editor of Tiik Apvocatu ns
Well as almost the entire force were In
attendance on the annual encamp
ment of the Second Brigade, N. G. P,
at Baltsburg, commencing Aug. 10.
Owing to the fact that the company
did uot reach homo until Wednesday
ftftcruoon the paper is unavoidably
The New Comet.
New York, August Pi. William
It. Brooks, of the Red Horse Observa
tory, Phelps, X. V., announces, under
date of August 15, that Schaelberles'
Comet, which, at the time of discovery,
and for some time after, was only visi
ble in the morning northeastern sky,
can now be seen in the evening low
down In the north northwest. Good
Observations were obtained by me last
vvenlng and the evening previous, be
fore moon-rlse. The iiccleus U bright,
large and very diffused; tho tull nar
row and straight, aud pointing to
wards Polaris. Although it will be
nearest the sun and earth about the
10th lost, it may develop unusual
brilliancy after its perihelion passage
aud should be attentively Watched.
The weather Is hot but the rush at
the Uuto'n Store still continue. Goods
down to cost.
tnaM Egg, Choice Dairy Butter
ftl ways on hand at M'.rget(:r
Mrs. II. V. Talbot wa9 lu Rldg
way last week on a visit.
Hon, Alfred Short, of Northeast.
Is In town this week.
Senator W. J. McKnight, of
Brookv'.lle, was in town on Sunday.
District Attorney Wurzell has re
turned to St. Mary's from Iris tvlp to
Mrs. Juo. W. Eyster and Miss
Nellie Cronnln of Erie iire visiting
friends In Itidgway.
Prof. J, B. Johnson has moved to
Rldgway, and occupies the neat littlv
white house at tho rear of It. I. Camp
bell's store.
Miss Florence Ostcthout, of Itidg
way, la visiting Misses Josle and Ma
belle Marstou Bert LInscott, of Cor
ry, la also at Mrs. Mirstou's Warren
Mr. If. A. Parsons, tho Front
street shoemaker, Is busy these days
attending to the wants of his many
customers .Xorth Platte (Keb.) Tele
graph. J. P. Curtis and wife have gone to
Erie, where they W ill reside perma
nently. John takes charge of a farm
near that city owned by his uuclo,
Hon. Henry Souther.
A. SwartX Ross has discontinued
the tobacco business in order to make
room for an extensive and varied stock
of goods for the fall and winter trade.
Gentlemen intending to get new suits
will do well to await the arrival of
this new and extensive stock.
List uf Letters.
Remaining in the Ridgwuy Posl
oflice, Elk county, Pa., up to Aug. 8,
Anderson, J. V.
Hogardus, Frank
Corbelt, Miss M. C.
Dufy, Michavl
Dugan, John
Haslcr, S.
Taylor, Will,
Welch, Delbert
Welch, A. 1),
Welch, A W.
Whitenian, Eugene
Wheeler, John II.
White, Geo.
ft TO ALU. 13, 1S31.
Horn, tirifilth
llughey, Win.
Hoey, Samuel II.
Maze, Charles
McKee, D. O.
Miller, Miss Amy
Smith. Oscar A.
Stewart, Mrs. Susan
Hedisi, John )
McKillop, Henry
'1 onanist, Anders
J. II. HaokkTY, P. M.
All kinds of choice f.-ro eerie" t
Morsehler't chop and promptly de
livered ires any wiiere iu the Borough.
A shin canal across the peninsula
of Mmyluiid and Delaware, sliorteiiing
the distance by water from Baltimore
to the Atlantic, is an old project, but
now is to he speedily carried out, the
necessary J,0oiV'0'j lutving been
Referring to the case of Samuel
Miller, the old man who was recently
murdered, as it Is alleged, in Lycoiii'
ing county for the insurance which
had been placed on his life 111 some of
the npeculalivu companies, the Pitts
burg Ttti-rjraph says: "The strong arm
of the law must be stretched forth and
this crime against society suppressed.
When the gentlemen of the Legisla
ture who defeated the bill against spec
ulative li!e insurance read the latest
story of the late of an old man, they
will wish that their sklrta were clearer
of it."
Portland, Me., August lo. Charles
Boynton, a river driver and mill hand,
aged thirty-two, has lately resided in
Saco with his wife. Two days ago
she went to her mother's at Bar Mills
He followed, and this morning going
10 ner room demanded If she would
ever live with himaguiu. She replied.
"No " He then fired a revolver at and
missed her. She sprung from the
second story window to tho groubd
unnuit. Hersister, Mrs. Waterhouse,
entered the room and was twice II red
at by Uoynton. one ball passing
through tiie palm of her hand ,the
other entering her breast. He then
shot himself through the pit of the
etoniach and expired instantly. Mrs.
Waterhouse will probably die.
The Clearfield Republican says:
A correspondent informs us of a ter
rible accident that occurred on Friday
afternoon, the 2fUh u't., at Hic
ham of Mr. Isaiah NefT, in Chest
township. Mr. Nolen and Win-Thu-tin,
of Ferguson township, were
threshing wheat with a Separator.
It being fenmethiug new in that neigh
borhood, u large number of people,
inclu.iing women and children, us
"cmbled to see it operate. While Mrs.
Franklin Pierce was In the act of cros
sing over the large tumbling shaft,
which was revolving at a high late of
speed, her clothes caught and she Was
tuken around three times before the
machinery could be stopped. She had
a child in her arms, which she threw
from her unhurt. Mrs. Pierce was
picked up In a frightful condition,
being badly bruised and wounded.
She was divested of nearly all her
clothing. She Is still living and con
sclous, and there are somo hopes that
she will survive. Mr. Isaiah Ntf!"
was sent to New Washington, three
miles distant, for Dr. Ash D. Bennett,
who attended to her Injuries. The
friends and neighbors tender their
heartfelt sympathy, and hope anxious
ly for the recovery of tho suffering
woman. This should serve as another
warning for people to bo very pan ful
while about maohint-ryi
IJ rock port Doings.
Haying Is over.
A flue shower last Sunday.
Dances are now the order of the
There Is a grand opealng here for
a billiard hall.
Daniel Nulfa barber shop Is again
in.full blast, excepting the time he Is
on Bogn.
Rev. II. M. Burns, of Dubois,
preached to a full house last Sunday
L. S. Short now runs a meat
There are several kleptomaniacs Id
this vicinity.
Our old friend C. H. Short Is again
lu our midst. He goes home summer
times, particularly last summer, till
harvesting was done with here.
The great strife among the hoys
now is to see who will get the most
An old citizen of this place went
to church last Sabbath evening for the
tirsltimo iu twenty years. He says a
change of pasture makes fat calves.
The population is still 011 the In
crease. Last Saturday a boy w as horn
t Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, and 011 Sun
day night a son came to the residence
of Then. Fox, and a few night ago a
son lo Mr. and Mrs. Alono Myers.
A young sport from Brock way
ville hired a horse aud buirgy last Sun
day for the purpose of riding ills girl
out, but when he got as far as Brock
port a wheel broke down aud they had
to ride back a foot. Misfortunes never
We are all subjected lo many in
evitable calamities, but of all they
seem to fall the heaviest on Sylvest -r,
who slipped away from his compan
ions lo go to a dance on Boga Run,
where by agreement he came iu con
tact with an old chum. He gets them
in one corner and gives them a raking
for not living up 0 their promise, and
then had to pay twenty five coots for
scratching the floor. He in Pickwick
ian style took her home at once. At
this stage of tile proceeding we will
pull down the blind.
There is a lot of young vagabonds
here who go about nights breaking
into buildings aud destroying what
ever conies in their way. A few nights
go they broke lii'ty panes of glass in a
house of . I no. RinchnulV,
Broekport would enjoy life so
much more if they could tackle a free
lunch counter five times a day.
Vale talks strong of soon giving
more tongue, since lie gets iu so many
skirmishes lately. Bi:i.zi:ni;n.
Broekport, Aug. 9, 1531.
Piopor Place for Pootusro Statute.
An indignant head clerk in the Bal
timore post ollh'tf wants the newspa
pers to convey to the public his em
phatic protest against the latest popu
lar mania confined as yet to senti
mental w filers of billet-doux namely,
the sticking of postage, upon,
unusual and out of the way parts of
envelopes. There U, it seems, a "posl
age code" of Jlirtatiou, and euiih posi
tion of a stamp exprensc soui" partic
ular sentiment. Now, tho law allows
the stamp to be put 011 the envelope
anywhere the senior may please. But
ils position is a uj.'.tter of importance
to the cancelling clel'ks. "As long,''
says the Baltimore ollicial, "'as the
stamps are iu the orthodox place, the
upper right-hand corner, they can
work away like bees, and gel through
ipiickly, because the motion from the
stamp to the ink pad is a continuous
one; bulju-'t as soon us they have to
hunt ar mud over the letter lo find
where the stamp is watered, why, they
can't get along near bo fast. Please
hint through your paper that every
lelter that comes here not stamped
witli a single stump on the right hand
upper coiner we use to make paper
chickens of."
Thanks from Saitsburg Citizens.
Prior lo dismissal after dress parade,
Monday eveniug, the following order
was read before Hie Brigade. As it in
cludes the liiauks of ttie citizens ol
SalUburg, we append it as an evidence
that men can wear blue clothes aud
still hu gen tie iien, aud also us a mark
of the esteem iu which the National
Guard is coming to be held:
Headquarters Second Brigade. Na
tional Ijniard of Pennsylvania, Camp
Vincent, August 2-i, ISal. General
Older No. 7. Extract.
1. 1 lie tour 01 uuiy at Camp Vin
cent on the part of the e'Jverui organ
izations composing the Second Bri
gade, will eud to-morrow, Tuesday, me
hitii lust., ul Uiu several times men
tioned in special orders No. to, for
their embai'iiulloii respectively. Tne
tunc lor moving the several com
mands by ruli is lUllioad or l'uiludet
pnia time.
II 1 lie Brigade Commander desires
to expiens ills salisiuciioii wim uR.
general good order lual prevuj,e, j
Cuinp, and the soidicriy conduct iiie
KieuL majority ot ihe meuuier4 ()f the
gu 'Id. ite ia also autuonzed l,y tIL.
citizens of Sailsburg lo return their
tlutUKs lor the general deportment and
gentlemanly bearing. '1 ne tew exeep
ccpiious lo this general commendation
makes more empnuiic I lit1 praise ac
corded lo tuoe wiiu have conducted
lueniaei vea us soldiers aud gentlemen.
By order of
Brig. Gen. Jas. A. Bkavkk.
D. S. Kixleu, Ass'l Adj't Gen.
lluuuted Me.
A workingiiiaii says: "Debt, poverty
and suffering buunted me lor years,
caused by u sick family and lare bins
for doctoring, which did 110 good. I
was completely discouraged, uutil one
A eur ago, by the advice of iny paslor,
I procured Hop Bitters and com
menced their use, and in one mouth
we were all well, aud none of us have
beeu sick u day siuce; and I want to
say to all poor uieu, you can keep
your families well a year with' Hop
Bitters for less than one doctor's' visit
wtl) cot.'' Christian Advocate:
Free Scholarship I" U'O Slate College.
The Executive -Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the Pennsylvania
State College have determined to es
tablish 11 fly free scholarships In the In
stitution one for each Senatorial dis
trict In the State. All tuition in the
college Is already free. These scholar
ships, In addition to the tuition, will
entitle the holders thereof to exemp
tion from tho payment of other college
charges, for incidentals, room rent,
fuel and use of furuitmren ..-
It Is believed that this can be done
without adding materially to the ex
penses of the institution, whilst its
bcnellU w HI be enlarged to the extent
of these scholarships.
The conditions are that the scholar,
after a competitive examination of the
studies required for admission, receive
the Hppointmcut from the Senator of
his district, and that said scholar be nt
least fifteen years of age, of good char
acter, and fully prepared for admission
to the freshman class. The student so
appointed slmil be entitled to the ben
efits of his scholarship for the four
years of his college course, provided
that his conduct and class-standing be
satisfactory to the faculty. So soon as
a vacancy occ.irs, from any cause, the
Senator of the district shail linye au
thority to till the scholarship by a new
appointment, under similar condi
tions. The subjects for examination fur the
year 1881-2 are, for all applicants, the
common English branches, physical
geography, higher algebra (to quad
ratics), geometry (4 books), and United
States history. The special require
ments of applicants for admission to
the scientific course will be (he ele
ments of natural philosophy; the spe
cial requirements made of classical
students are Ciesiir (8 books), Cicero's
Orations (!), and Xciiophon's Ana
basis. A student whose qualifications
fall in some respects below the stan
dard, but are In others so much above
that standard as to give a reasonable
hope that lie will make up his deficien
cies, may he admitted on probation.
Should no one present himself who is
entitled to enter as a freshman, a well
qualitied applicant for higher class
standing may be admitted.
Senator Hall has appointed Messrs
George R. Dixon, of itidgway; J. B.
Johnson, of Wilcox; N. II. Scheiick,
of Driftwood; J. E. Hiiliard, of Clar
ingtou, and A. J. Davis, of Clarion, as
the examining committee for this Sen
atorial district, to meet at RidgWay on
Tuesday, the kl day of August, A. I).
1881, when and where all candidates
for the scholarship are in vited to pre
nent themselves for examination. E h
Tha Clown and the Judgo Daa
Rioo iu Tidiouto.
The show wiilelt travel under the
name of Dan Bice's Show Was iu Tidi
oute a sho.t lime since. It had been
twenty live years since the illustrious
iJtlll bllil Itl'il.'II 11 KIloW t'l tll't lOA'll.
Then he was ill a prosperous condition-
He had hinds, money, horses,
sacred catl'c, and a reputation equaled
by few men on earth. Oil thai occa
sion the pavilion was filled. Dan was
in his happiest, niood. But an acci
dent happened One of the seats ave
way and struck in its fall the limb of
Mrs. Judge Connolly, and broke it
Rice employed and paid the'fidioute
physicians for their services. He told
Mr. Connolly to go to Gir.ird and pick
out the best horse from his stables.
Mr. Connolly mow Judge) iH'ir po'.;e
of legal damage, neither did Rice.
Tiie hitler was not pclsoluilly to blame
for the accident: but lie regretted it
and showed ti willingness to pay.
Judge Connolly took his order, went
to Girard, picked out his hoie. The
limb got well in a Miort time, and the
lady is still living. On Rice's last
visit to Tidioute he remembered the
accident. He loofeid up Judge Con
nolly, gave him tickets to his show;
he was invited to dinner, which invi
tatiou he accepted. He ate and talked
several hours, told of his conversion
to temperance, told till about Murphy,
and all about Moody and Sankey and
the mechanical methods to bring about
repentance, of the money they make,
how they buy up influence as they no
into a new town, and how they man
age to gobble up the profits from the
sale of their song books, and how Dan
got left by them. Their income, he
avers, is very large, tihd these two per
auibulaliugshowmeii arc more wealthy
than many persons suspect. Their
methods were such that Dan Rice, the
circus. man aud ('lown could not toler
ate them, and took up Ihe purs'uit'of a
clown iu preference to being a Moody
and Sankey saint. Iu the evening he
put on the mottled suit, entered the
ring, aud made a speech which pleased
his auditors. He told, lu conversation
with Judge Connolly, how he hap
pened to withdraw from the canvas
several years ago, when he was a can
didate for Congress. In conclusion lie
told Judge Connolly that he was t lie
most singular person he ever met in
bin travels, us he was the first and only
person whose family got injured by
attending his show, who did not
threaten or tlid not in fact sue to re
cover damages. The Judge thought
there wus 110 use in talking sue to so
generous a man, and the consequence
is they are good friends, though oiie a
clown the otUer a judge. Warren
Pcruna cured my daughter's sore
eyes alter oculists had failed. C. F.
.ehreader, Allegheny City.
What the ladies say ubout the
Vapor Siove:
It bakes better than the Cook Stove.
I would not have believed it possi
ble to do ouch au Ironing aud not heat
up tho house.
I can start a (ire in one minute.
It I As portable as a sewing ma
chine. W. K. Srhviw, Agt.
Tlie Wonderful Nation.
AOKS,,nlU LI 1:3.
Vow Verachm Exchangct.
John Jacob Viler died at Mans
field, O., last week, aged 101 years.
Bellefontaiue, O., has a colored
boy 16 years old who weighs 225
Mrs. Susanna Shaffer, colored, liv
ing near Cattiagena, Ohio, Is over lui
years old.
Iu Boone County, Indiana, the
wolf bounty upon full-grown wolves
has been raised from $10 to $15.
A Canton, 111., butcher found In a
cow's puUhch he butchered last week
a few m ils, screws, and emblematic
pin of tiie G. A Rv
Mr. Henry Oatlin Of Clinch
County, On., killed a buck the other
day weighing 1P0 pounds and having
eight points to each fthtlci
A willow tree in Bristol, N. II.,
measures 22 feet 8 inches In circum
ferauceoiie fool from the groutid and
is 18 feet u Inches nine feet from
the ground.
Officer W. H. Gtlffith, while Ash
ing a day or two ago at Green's mill
pond, Ga., killed a black bear on
Tuesday iu tho Ocmitlue, Ga., killed
a rattlesnake measuring U feet in
length ami about 10 Indies circumfer
ence, which sported 10 rattles and a
Messrs. Sani Arnold and James
Jones killed a black bear on Tuesday
iu the Ocmulgee, Ga., swamps. Tne
animal weighed about four hundred
pounds. When discovered he was en
joying a fe.,st of green corn.
Nick Overmier of Situ Diego, Cal.,
says that the jack rabbits and the decl
are eating up all the orchards iu his
neighborhood. Old velvety horn
bucks just pass up into au apple tree
and clean out the whole tiling apples
aud limbs.
On Mr. Reid's island, in the Chat
tahoochee River, there is a volunteer
watermelon vine having a radius of
twenty-five feet, making a diameter
of fifty feet. This, being multiplied
by a.Ul'J, gives a circumference of
lfwi'ei t. Its size at the l'oot is about
that o: a man's una.
A lady was gelling dinner in Amer
icus, and while she Was busy at the
stove heard something fall oil the
kitchen iioor behind her. Turning
her head, she was horrified to sec a
large raUicsuake laying on the floor.
His snake-ship crawled out and dis
appeared under the kitchen.
The Meriwether (.Georgia) Nimrod,
Henry R. Harris, caught a veritable
wildcat last Saturday. The monster
cat weighed twenty-seven pounds,
measured three ieet eight locoes iu
iciiglh, and iiad tusks three-fourths of
an inch lo.ig. Our colored town
butcher. Viiii Jossy, who saw num
erous wildcats iu his youm aud claims
to be authority in matters relating to
ttie ,viidi.,t tnUu, ot.j o tl, ,,'tm
about twelve years oid.
Ail engineer on tho Macon and
Brunswick Railroad approaching a
wood-track whrrc he had t stop,
noticed tin ox running after the train.
Stopping to take wood, the ox came
up to the lender, and reoiaiiiu.i slaud
ing very ciose tacroto. The engineer
said lo the fireman:"! guess that ox
wants water; give him some out 01
thy lank.'' The fireman being afraid
of him, the engineer drew from the
tank a bucket finl, and the ox eagerly
gulped it down, bucket alter bucket,
mail he had emptied a large "Rail
road'' bucket three times, when he step
ped off a lew paces, turned round anil
bowed his head as much to say,
"Thaiik you, siii"
Williamsport, Aug. 12. Samuel
Miller, u ho was arreste'd last week on
the serious charge of poisoning his
father, in order to obtain insurance
money was discharged from custody
10 .day. The matter was give.i con
siderable publicity through Philadel
phia and other papers. It was no
dount an effort on the part of a spec
ulative insurance' company to evade
paying insurance.
Estate of Joseph F.Grotzinger.late 01
.ti-ii.inger township, EiK county.
l"u., deceased. Notice is hereby given
that letters tes'.amelitary have been
granted to the undersigned, upon tne
above named estate All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to
uiuue immediate payment, ami those
Having legal claim.-, against tne same
to present tiiem without delay, iu pro
per order lor settlement.
Maugakkt Gkotzixouk, Sk.,
n-Gi'j Executrix.
Notice is hereby given tliat the fol
lowing accounts will be presented at
the next Orphans' Court for continua
tion :
1 Final account of Charles Weis, ex
eeutor of tne estate of Ft'uiicis Rentier,
late 01 St. Marys Borough, deceased,
will be presented at the next Orpheus'
Conn for eoiilirinaiiou.
2. Filial account of Joseph Rosen
holer, executor of Aiiuu Dorathea
Kckie late of St. Marys, Eik Co., de
ceased. Frku. ScmKMxa, Register.
Valuable Property Fur Sale.
The Union Store building, located
on Main Street, Ridgway, Pa., is now
ottered for sale. The lot Is 22x200 feet
and located in the most central busi
ness portion of tho tnwu.- There is
creeled on the lot a main building
22x00 feet two stories high with au ad
dition 10x10. Also erected on the
premises a barn . 20x40. Runulng
water iu both lower aud upper stories
of tho building. For terms, etc. In
quire at the Union Store. . Th store
will be sold separately or with the
stock of goods It now contains.
A choice barrel Turkish Prums
now good Just teelved at Morges-ttr's.
Quiok Suioide.
Geo. t. Smith, of Buffalo, ylslted
the electric light generator Sunday
evening and began to re&ch for the
copper, strips which gather the cur
rent. He wa ordered away, but re
turned and said lie was going to stop
the machine; while the. superinten
tendent was busy he seized the two
strips, one with each hand, establish
ing a circuit through his body, and
dropped dead instantly.
Only a little gasp was heard as the
man fell his hands still grasping the
strips. Mr. Chaffee and, others who
rushed to his assistance found it Im
possible to remove his clenched lists
from the wire until the machine had
been stopped aud the current cut oil'.
It was seen at once that he was quite
dead. It was a lightning death aud a
painless one.
Authorizing Courts to Continue
Their Terms.
The Governor has approved a bill of
the above nature, which provides that
the Courts of Common Pleas, the
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Geii
era! Jail Delivery, and tne Courts of
Quarter Sessions of the IV-ace of the
several counties of this Common wealth
may at any term or session continue
one or more weeks iu addition to those
already provided by lav, and for such
additional week or weeks to Issue ve
uires for jurors as required for the reg
ular terms or sessions, and may also,
if necessary in the opinion of the
courts, continue any of said courts (the
regular terms or sessions inclusive)
during the next succeeding week or
weeks, and detain the general panel of
jurors Iu attendance without toe issu
ing of a new venire for the said addi
tional week or weeks, and enforce the
attendance of parties and witnesses
during such continued term or sessions
by all proper orders and process.
Providence ,H. 1., August 0. The
dwelling of Dr. William H. Bo wen,
in Sciluate, was burned last night,
with nearly all its contents. Dr.
Boweu Is absent. The family were
aroU!d iu time to save their lives.
After the house had been burned
down fire broke out iu the doctor's
barn, near by. H"lp being at hand
the flames were extiuguis'.icd, when
it was found that the lire was caused
Uy an incendiary machine operated
by clockwork. D uibtloss a similar
apparatti'i w;n used to bum the house.
Loss 011 the house, $:?,0.)J. Dr. Boweu
nits been very active iu enforcing the
law .tg.ii'ist liquor selling, and lias
before suffered in come q lence. There
is great excitement in tiie town.
It you want a set
tiny sort or ei.t; go lo C.
of springs
! lowers.
No. 42 Main St.
W. 5. Service, Ag't.
inform the citizens of Ridgway, an
the public generally, that he ha
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
fcnirHe will also do job teaming.
Stable on Eik street. All orders left
at the l'ost Office will receive prompt
pniUirtM nTM hit r rtuecU iu tho r.iocllcii fprofes
ft ;i-j-i tut' 1 iiiu iiuiiu nil MgQ iy D. II.
isad, M. 1 of &17 Peun Avo..
fa., wholrjipiescrlb.d it lo over )iC00r.i
ttentf, and In every rnsr.wltlifVo most
ijin'jBiu-ion. Lfi'ltUi'IifT-TH"
IlirlTeot llliun IliORV&lLuiafiiTir'v un!
that cf anr oilier rumi. u unrt Ia thA nntv
Iin'-' uocilvd in ln'os. every il.-caso to
which fl: sli In heir rmlciisv rKnl'.:i. vitsi
I Mil? tiie only exc-nUon. In this i'r.!.f..
If'lOUlCl not 1)9 llSJ'l. Ill C DStlli-'lMI R l'l
! J Wil'lIU I'tllUXA
1 18 1'Omiioscil of tvir. Iv v..- - it.-lilf, Inn-.-illo-ifii.
Ietwlt one, i-.cco.-illiiir to nr-illcM authnrn,
jr-itr-Miieily lu lt:,olf. EeaKWf'KjjW
1 nr. Hrnnnn in s n i j.-(ii u in prrriii-r n.-
thr.cUv prlnoliil'H frrra t'lcaa Irrrrrdlonlal
ana In combining ihcr.i I :ito 0:10 Fhni lo com-
uiui'.d, vhlrli .toiirierinr !dos T. ltli tho Vis f
Mkuicat:'IX N atcpa In every dlscoEo, and I
the work vf 11 ceuincucrsv 1 thel
urst aopc. -J :iero i.ocan orprn t:ir 1 it v. 1
nut rcacu nor u ci ifwatas 11 v.-i 1 not euro.
jMmcuL'ra bc-iki lor a l'.inipiiu.t. ESift
A. Swartz Ross,. Merchaht Tailor,
sign of the red lront, has on
hand, and is constantly receiving the
latewt and newest samples of cloth for
spring aud summer suits, . .Prices to
suit tho million, Work Kuaraiiteed to
he as represented and delivered at the
time agreed upon.
Came to the premises of Jno Myers,
Little Toby, Fox township, Elk Co...
ra., one cow anouc nine years old.
The owner , will please come forward,
prove property, pay charges jiud take
her away, or she will be it is nosed of
accordlng to law.
Jno. Myers.
Aug- u, JtiSJ
Business Cards.
, . . j. ....... . , - -j
Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., PA.
Particular attention glveu to th
examination of. titles, also to patent
aud pateut cases.
. Office In new brick building, Main
street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa. v82t
W. L. WILLIAMS. , , . ;
Late of StrattanvMIe), Physician and
Surgeon, Rldgway, Pa. Office in
Hall's Brick Building (up stairs)-,
References J. D. Smith, H.. It.
Young, R. Rnlofson, Struttan ville;
Major John Kitley, W. W. Green
land, Clark 11. lias practiced . hia
profession sccessfully for more than
ten years.
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Rldgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestio
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed nt all hours, day or night.
Has renioved his office from Centre
ctrcet to Main street, Ridgway, Pa., In
the Second story of the new .brick
building of John G. HAll, west of the
Hvdo House. . i
Office hours :-l lo 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M
W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. . ...
Thankful for the patronage heretor
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of tho same. oct-50'09
This admirable, work is now .com
pletein 16 vols. EaclivoUilhecbntains800
pages. It makesa complete and well
selected library, and no one can
afford to dowilhout it who would keep
well informed. Price $5 00 in cloth; in leather, or -$7.00 In elegant
half Turkey. For particulars address,
W. H. Fairchild, Poltville, Catt. Co.,
N. Y., who has been diily.nppointed
agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson,
general agent.
Mrs. F. Poll man having moved into
the house of Jas. Pcnfield near the
Catholic church wishes to inform tlio
citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that
she is prepared to do iu a neat and
satisfactory manner all kinds of plain
sewing anil reasonable
prices. All persons having work In
this line are respectfully invited to
give her a call. nloni3
In returning thanks for past favors
respectfully begs to inform her friends
ami the public generally that she has.
just returned from New York- where
bhe purchased u large stock of Milli
nery and fancy goods of the latest
styles, also a nice selection of ladies'
Skirts, Plain nild Fancy hosiery!
Ladies' and Childrens' Parasols, Hair
fancy Cliinaware, &c, which
she intends to sell ds cheap as the
cheapest. Particular attention given to
trimming and iu a style that r.unnt
be surpassed i 11 this section. All itfe
invited to call and inspect her goods
before purchasing elsewhere. nlOmO
Vigor j
It Is a most ngroe.iblc dressing, which,
's itt once harmless and effectual, for pro
tcrving the hair, It restores, with the
(tloss ami frailness of youth, failed or gray,
light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep
black, as may be desired. By its use thin
hair is thickened, and baldness ,ofteu
though not always cured. . It checks falling
61 the hair immediately, and. causes a new.
growth in all cases where the glands arc
not decayed ; while to brushy, weak, or
otherwise disused hair, it imparts vitality
aud strength, and renders it pliable.
The Vioon cleanses the scalp, cures nnc
prevents the formation of dandruff; and,
by lis cooling, stimulating, and soothing
properties, it heals most if not all of tho
humors and diseases peculiar to the ecajp,
keeping It cool, clean, and soft, under
which conditions diseases of U14 scalp and'
hair are impossible.
A3 a Dressing for Ladies Hair,'
Tho Vioon is incomparable. It is color
less, entitling neither oil nor dye, nd will
not soil w kite cambric. . It. Imparts an
agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an
article for the toilet it is economical and
unsurpassed iu ils excellence.
ftl'lMU BY
Dr. J.C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.f
Practical aud Analytical Chtinlatf.
eoi.n rv all rnucaisT3 EVEitrwHEUS.
For tnls Month's Weather, prepared
expressly for.
Sample copy mailed for 3c. tampt- .
J. M. SronpART, tub., New York,
Phila., or Chicago. n21 13
Camp chairs, cunvasscots.lounges,
wood and marble top tables at the
West End.
Marbh aud slate mantlss
nished and set by , . .
W 8. Service, Agt.
A. SwarU Ross, Merchant Tailor1,'
sign of the red front, makes nobby
suits. Fltsg'uarautevcV