Tin: nf: pay, jui.y as. ist. I. 0. of 0. F. Itidgway IjwIkc WIO, I. O. of O. F. tricots every Thursday evening, Vis iting members are cordially invited to tend. OFFICKIW John A. Ilowt, N. U : L. A. Hrendol, V. J.; J. W. Hmitli, 8ee'y; John An demon, Ant Sec'y; H. II. Wensel, Treasure. ELK CO. ADVOCATE RATES. VKAKI.V AllVF.RTIHfSO. One Column One Year line-hnlf Oilumn Oni- Your One-fourth Column One Yeur Dnu-clKl't" Column One Yi-nr TKASMKNt AIIVEttTISIMQ. On Kq'iinrc One Work Kftie Simro Two WVrkR Onn Hunurp Three Wwkn .S8H.IK) ...4i.H0 ..'J.".m ..15.1m ..l.wi ...1 ..VI !. r.non iiiuuunnui Insertion 50 cents iv mitmro eneli week. 1.0TAT, AnVKItTIHlNO. Ten eents a line first inxertion; flve cents n llnefrir eneli ncMittunii! Insi-rtinn. EENB7 A. PARSONS, Jtt.. Proprietor. What the Indies say about the Vapor Stove: It bakes butter than t lie Cook Stove. T would not have believed it possi ble to do such an I rolling UIH )(,t )ie:it up the house. My meals ure served hot and the kitel'.en is as cool as the purlor. I can start a flee in one minute. When done with the lire it is ex tinguished instantly. No offensive smell, and flies do not bother. No dust nor ushus. It Is as portable as a sewing ina hiue. W. S. SKitvicr, A"t. Folding eribs, erndles, bedsteads. Mtittresses, &e., at Jiowers'. If you want a set of springs o any sort or size go to C. Bowers. For potatoes, cabbage, green corn, tomatoes, encumbers, cooking and eating apples go to Morgester's. Oil the 2d of July The Largest Itetail was very busy, 8 clerks and 2 dogs, didn t take in onu-linlf as much as the Xew York Store with two good Nalcsuicu. Cows are commencing to run the ht reels again heedless alike of the Borough ordinance, and the Pound Master's vigilance. These venture Home quadrupeds will conic to grief .some line day. Frank Pol I man was hurt yester day while employed as axeman on the line of the Pittsburgh and Xew York Kailrnad. A tree which another man was cutting Hew back across the butt dealing him a stunning blow. He will be about in a few days. All persons having any claim against the township of Ridgway must present the same to the under signed on or before Aug. !", or be forever debarred. See notice clue where in this issue. M. S. Ki.ixk. iCxainiiier. M. 15. Lesscr's new tenement house across the river nearly in front of Ihe old school house, and just wesl of the Borough line is all enclosed, and 'will soon be ready for the painters. The other house which is a few feet further cast and just inside the Boru. line is painted and will soon be ready for occupancy. Philip Shirk will move in as soon as the house is ready. List of Letters. Remaining in the Ridgway Post office, Klk county, Pa., up to July --3, 11. Anderson, Mr.; Boyle. J. 15.; Burns, Harry; Bromley, Miss Johanua; Fowler, M. X.; Froburg, L.; (Jear lieart, W. 15.; Green lield, Harry; Jregory Barger; Ilicks, John; Miller, Thos. F.; Xcwlon, B. B.; Boy, Charles X., Shatter, A. B. .1. H. IlAflKKTY, P. M. Injunction Dissolved. The ease of the Xew York, Lake Krie and Western Coal and Railroad Company for an injunction against the PittsDurgli ami Xew York ltail road Company was argued on Monday last before Hon. Win. D. Brown at Warren. The injunction was dis solved by the court and a rule to show cause granted why a perpetual in junction should not be made against the Plaintiffs in this ease. The news that the injunction had been dissolved reached Ridgway about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and in a few minutes thereafter the gangs of graders were again busily at work. A large force of workmen will be at once put on the line of road between Ridgway and Johnsouburg, and the grading pushed with vigor. Child Run Over. Tuesday morning ubout 8 o'clock. Rosa Titus, a boy between 7 and H years old, was run over and seriously injured, about opposite the old school house. His mother Mrs. William Titus, who belongs in Ellenville, Ulster Co., X. Y., baa been for several weeks visiting her father Case Stewart who lives in the old school house. Michael O'Connor, Jr. was driving along with a load of sand, and had stopped to take on a boy who was going to ride to the tannery, and on Marling did not notice that ltosa was hanging on the side of the wagon. As the wagon was turning to leave the plank road In the direction of M. . Leaser's new tenement houses, the boy fell and the hind wheel of the heavily loaded wagon passed over his breast. Fortuuately he fell at the outer edge of the plunk road in a hollow, and was not ground to powder as he would have been had he fallen on the plank. Dr. Hartley was called and said no bones were broken. Hopes are en tertained of his recovery. The prac tice of jumping on wagons while in motion is a very Lad one and parents should see to it that their children stop the dangerous habit. PERSONALITIES. O. W. Nichols has a new horse. . Mrs. Jackson Is slowly improving John Simons and his mule make a team. M 15. Ross returned to Bidgway on Friday last. Ex-SherlfF Hays, of Fox, was in town this week. Joseph Houghtallng, of Wilcox, won in town on Monday. C. W. Barrett, of Dagus Mines, was in this plaee on Sunday. Jus. II. Mayo, of Rolfe, was in Itidgway Borough on Tuesday. Miss Laura Warner, of Wilcox, Is visiting friends in this Borough. J. H. Barrows und wife of Cam eron, are visiting at H. M. Powers'. P.. T. Chapln, wife and child, of Brock way ville, have been in town for a few days. Miss Ida Wilcox and Miss Oildcu, of Wilcox, were visiting in Itidgway tills week. Mrs. W. C. Henly, and daughter Mattie, returned from the eat last Friday afternoon. Borough Dad Thayer sports a new looking hat since he engaged in the railroad business. Miss Kvie Porter, of Philadelphia, is visiting Miss Mattie Healy of this place and will stay until .September. Clyde is very anxious to know when she is going to return. And whether her big sister lias heard from her or not. Doctor Hartley lost one of his black horses last Friday. The Doctor was ottered $175 for the horse a few days since. James Black and wife, of Brook ville, are visiting relatives in this Borough. Mrs. Black is a sister of Mrs. D. S. Luther. f!eo. Wescott commenced on Tues day, July 2(i, 181; to be initiated into the mysteries of the "art preservative of all arts" in the Advucatu office. Jerry Stewart will commence work on his new house in a week or so. The cellar is now dug and stoned. The site is next east of M. E. Le.-ser's new tenement houses across the Clarion river. L. M. Wilcox, a former employee of this office, is now in Xew Mexico. The Las Vegas Daily Optin has the name of our former "devil" at its mast head as city editor. A -photograph just received by bis father, Minor Wilcox, of this place, shows him to be a young man of over six feet, well built, and with a mous tache, while lie holds in bis hand paper and pencil as though in the act of writing. We were glad io hear from Merl, and also pleased to hear of Ids continued prosperity. liirtlu Mkexa x. Friday, July 22, 18S1, to .Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Median a daughter. One case new canned peas at Mor- gester's. Choice mackerel by the pound, kitt or half barrel at Morgcster's. Salt by the barrel, sack, box or pound at Morgcster's. Xew sidewalk across the river bo tween t lie iron bridge and the bridge across Dickinson's race. All kinds of commercial printing neatly done at this office. (Jive us a call for bill-heads, note-heads, cards, lags, envelopes, etc. A lady's rubber water-proof was lot at the Company II picnic on July 4th. The Under will please re turn the same to this office. Lost A blue silk handkerchief with white border, between South and Main streets. The tinder will please leave the handkerchief at Ibis office. The lower floor of Hyde's grist mill fell on Saturday night, precipitat ing a car load of corn into the water beneath the mill. Fortunately no one was hurt. The extent of the damage will be but a small amount. The stakes have been set for J. K. Gardner's new house between the M.15. Church and D. S. Luther's place. G. W. Nichols has the contract for building the house the size of which will be, main part 22x24 twenty feet high, with an addition Kixl'i, Work will be commenced on the house at once. If you have a big account to audit take it to the book-keeper at the Largest Retail. He is pretty good in figures, and will figure any account from five to teu eents, but look out for the mistakes. Tlio reason why the New York Store is so neat and clean is that the clerks when not busy sell ing goods ure cleaning up the store. At the Largest Retail when the clerks are not busy instead of cleaning up the store they Jay back on their oars in the corners and eat crackers and cheese. The first thing you discover on going to tli" Largest Retail is a big dog, but no clerks. They are too busy mow ing away crackers and cheese to wait on customers. For bargains go to the New York Store. Sudden Death. N. V. Lent, a one-armed soldier, died suddenly Saturday night at the residence of George W. Gardner. He was found dead ou Monday morn ing by Mrs. Gardner. On Saturday deceased was about town and seemed to be In usual good health. He was in Thk Advocatk office on Saturday afternoon and hud two packs of visit ing cards printed for his two little nieces, daughters of O. W. Gurduer. He lost his arm in the service of his country and drew a pension from the government. At the age of 62 years, 3 months aud 7 days, he dropped asleep to wake no more forever. The funeral took place on Wednesday morning. The Man Who Waim't Killed by a Catamount. The Minor of last week contained the account of the killing of L. Pal miter in the wilds of Hamilton town ship, HiIh county, by a catamount, on the 2Hth of June last. Other pa pers have copied the article from our cotemporary and the Bradford Era of Tuesday has shown commendable (?) eutcrprise by going into the details of the a flair aud giving a lenghty and blood curdling account of the encoun ter between Mr. l'almlter and the catamount; and tells of the finding of the dead man's body by his brother. We don't know how the Era and Miner gained their information but we have positive proof that Mr. Palmiter is not dead, but still living in Hamilton township and expresses in readiness to fight, all the catamounts that McKean county can scare up. It is true he killed what he called a lynx a few weeks ago, while watching a deer lick and the animal made a spring at li f 111 but by the means of his trusty rifle and unerring aim the ani mal dropped dead at his feet witli a ball through its brain. He didn't re ceive a scratch. The party who gave our eotemporarics the information published by them either had a very lively information or was desirious of gelling up an exciting sensution. McKean Comity Democrat. ' New York, J uly 25, 1 88 1 . Dear Editok: While visiting Bidgway the other day 1 slopped be fore what looked a liltle like a dry goods and grocery store, next door to the watchmaker. When I went inside 1 found it wait intended to be a store, but concluded that the windows hadn't seen water since they were washed by the big flood of ISISI. The clerks looked worse than the windows, covered with buckwheat, beans, and molasses. I am certain that I was in the (fraud Buckwheat, instead of in a dry goods store. I saw three clerks, hut they made about one and a half. I went down to the post office and found a real dry goods store next door, and it looked more like a city store than any other in town. I advise all my friends to buy their dry goods, and clothing, at the dry goods store in the post-office block, where everything looks neat and clean, kept in first-class style, and where every one is waited on by gen tlemanly and experienced salesmen. Good bye, T. G., New York. Judge Pearson at Harrisburg on Tuesday last filed his opinion in the legislature mandamus case. This case is an application for a writ of man damus upon State Treasurer Butler, to compel him to pay to members of the legislature ten dollars per day for the extra fifty days of service at the last session of t he legislature, the applica tion being made under authority of a special act passed at that session. Last winter Attorney General Palmer rendered an opinion that the portion of the act of May 11, 1874, which pro vides for an extra per diem compen sation violates the constitution, which provides simply for a salary. A test case was made by members of the legislature in the case of Representa tive Charles S. Wolfe. A committee was appointed to take charge of the case and money raised to pay expen ses. The opinion of Judge Pearson sustains the Attorney General. The next step will be to carry the case to the Supreme Court. Lessens to Girl Graduates. An Ohio paper says that a young lady who graduated in a calico dress a few years ago is now married to u rail road superintendent who has an in come of half a million a year. This may be taken as a basis for the regu lation of graduating dresses hereafter. Had she worn alpaca slio might have done even belter, and caught the general manager of the road. On the other hand, hud she bloomed forth in white Swiss she might have captured the president of the concern with his untold millions, while had she worn silk, with point lace aud diamonds, she might have scooped in the conductor of n passenger train, aud had onyx staircases and alabaster stairs to her house, and cut the wives of the officers of the road as society altogether too thin for her style. The thing ought to be a lesson to girl graduates aud a sharp warning to patronize their tailors liberally. Brook lin Eagle. A force of one hundred and fifty men is now at work on the steamer Tallapoosa, which Secretary Hunt has ordered fitted up for the President. It will be ready in about four weeks and will be provided with a swinging bunk so arranged that the President will feel but slightly the motion of the vessel. Trips will be made between Washington and Norfolk at first until it be deemed best to venture on a sea voyage to Long Branch. Groceries and provisions, hats, cups, and notions at the Union Store. No remedy has been found for Fever and Ague which proves so uni formly successful us Ayer'a Ague (Hire. Goods cheap aud of good quality at the Union Store. Call aud see the new line of dress goods. A. SwarU Ross, Merchant Tailor, sign of the red front, makes nobby suits. Fits guaranteed. The New Y'ork Store is not afraid to put their goods out on s the front where everybody can see their prices, because they are marked so low. The other stores ure afraid to do so for fear their big prices will drive away cus tomers. If you want to buy anything in the dry goods line usually kept in a first-class dry goods store, call at the New York Store, Post-office Block, Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. Slate Notes. Robins destroyed the cherry crop in the Juniata valley. Milton Is to have a ten thousand dollar Catholic church. Tobacco looks very promising in the Eastern counties. It will cost $10,000 to repair the St. Clair street bridge, Pittsburg. Swedish farm hands are becoming very popular in Blair county. Of ten cases of sunstroke In Pitts burg last week, four proved fatal. A Johnstown' physician says that flies help to spread the smallpox. A number of arfesan wells are be ing bored In Woshington county. Derringer Is the name of a new coal region town in Luzerne county. Grasshoppers are destroying the oats crop in portions of Berks county. The corner stone of a new Odd Fellows' hull to be erected at Rctiovo was laid last week. An old man named Dauserof Titus ville, last week forged a check lor o00 against his son. The miners of Schuylkill county complain that they cannot make victuals and clothes. The oleomargarine factories of Phil adelphia are running to their fullest capacity now. Forty per cent, of the school tax of Pennsylvania is paid by people who have no children. The premium list of the Pennsyl vania state agricultural fair tills year will amount to $j,U00. Charley Garrett, the defaulting clerk of the Schuylkill county com missioners, has absconded. Alfred H. Moore has $7.),0(10 in vested in dogs at Moorticld Kennel, Montgomery county. There will be a larger plant of to bacco in Clinton county this season than any year previous. It takes $!50,(K)J men and boys to do the work of the Philadelphia' and Reading railroad company. It is estimated that Pennsylvania buys annually in Kentucky $3011,000 worth of trotting horses. 1 leister Clymer is one of the largest land owners in Berks county, uiul raises large crops of tobacco. General Beaver, of Bellefonte, is the recognized champion of Sunday schools in Central Pennsylvania. The law against common scolds is frequently enforced. A case occurred In Greeiishurg lust week. A bear cub, belonging to a Green county family, is raising a litter of squirrels and seems to enjoy their antics. All attempts to close the restaur ants and liquor saloons of Philadel phia on Sunday has been a failure up to this time. Waller shoemaker, of Ashley, at tempted to jump on a moving train near Wilkesbarrc, and had one of his legs cut off John Burn, of Pittsburg, was In stantly killed at Pittsburg by a man running against him while running a foot race. A Pittsburg man left a pint of brandy where his little son found and drank' it, and from the effects of which lie died. A female undertaker thrives in Philadelphia. Gradually all profes sions and means of making a living are opening up to women. A "crank"' was found wandering about Altoona the other day with a double-barrelled shot gun. He was looking for General Grant. The directors of the poor of Ches ter countv brought suit against T. S. Long, of West Chester, for violent abuse of a boy in Ids employ. The output of coal from the Clearfield district last week was nearly 52,00') tons, Bit increase of M, 000 tons over the same period last year. There is a demand for harvest hands in the northern and western counties, and tramps ure hurrying from that part of the State to the east A tract of one thousand acres has been purchased near Summit, Car bon county, by Philadelphia capi talists, and is being explored for coal. Mrs. Keiser, of Lancaster county, found her husband hanging in the barn the other day with u wagon line around his neck. It was u case of suicide. Mrs. Margaret Clark, of Phoenix ville. aired K7 years, fell down a pair of stairs on Saturday morning, receiving injuries sufficient to cause lier ilcath. In the western part of the State many people who own picnic grounds will not rent them unless the parties contract not to take liquor to the lo cality. A petition is being circulated for the removal of the South Bethlehem school hoard because they have not published uu annual report, as re puired by law. Enos Baker, of EUguiont, Dela ware county, discovered a turtle on his farm a few days ago, upon the shell of which his father's name und the date 1800 were engraved. The new game aud fish laws ure not regarded with favor by farmers ami others, and efforts will be made to repeal or amend them at the next meeting of the legislature. In the oil country two men some times engage in a sham fight near a toll bridge, und when the keeper rushes out to part them a confederate slips in and makes off with the toll box. The insane asylum at Xorristown now has between CoO and 700 inmates. An additional building for the dan gerous patients is about to be erected, and the grounds are being laid out and ornamented with trees and flowers. Had barber's itch ribly. Doctors failed, it. for years, ter Peruua cured My son had a terrible skin dis ease of head and face. Peruna cured him. Mrs.E. Yetter, Pittsburg. Don't forget it. The Union Store Is the place to get bargains. Dry Goods and notious ut cost at the Union Store., Excellent cellery plants ou sale at Morgester's after June 20. The weather is hot but the rush at the Union Store still continues. Goods down to cost. A. Swurtz Ross, Merchunt Tailor, sign of the red rrout, has ou hand, and is constantly receiving the latest aud newest samples of cloth for spring and summer suits. Prices to suit the million, Work guaranteed to he us represented ant delivered at the time agrecu upon. State Notes. An iron bed manufactory is to be started soon In Erie. Hay has been selling at Conne- autvllle at flve dollars per ton. Adam Zuhrr we. drowned while working on the dam at Willlamsport, recently. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company Is about to erect a new freight depot at Pittston. Philip Storer, of Centre county killed three rattlesnakes last week. The one had nine, another fifteen aud the third nineteen rattles. A corps of engineers employed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Is engaged In locating the line of a new road from rhoenix ville to Frazer's station, ou the Pennsylvania rail road. Titusville has a mocking bird that can so exactly Imitate a policeman's whistle that the police have been made game of several times on hear ing it, mistaking it for one of their number. A driver boy by the name of Smith In coming out the Xo. 5 slope at York town, near llazleton, recently, was caught by the falling timbers aud coal, as the old workings caved in, anil was instantly killed. Mary Clevenstine, aged 15, of Lorberry Junction, Schuylkill county, while returning from Pine-grove, where she hail gone to draw the pay of members of her family who worked in the mines, was struck by a locomotive nod thrown as high as the smokestack. She was unconscious when found, but was only slightly hurt. The basket in which she car ried the pay, amounting to $100.2t, contained a number of plates, only one of which was broken. Carbondale, Pa., July 25. Evan Reese, eighteen years of age, went up to the topmost portion of the new breaker of the Colliery Company in this city to-day, and was standing on the upper screening when a compan ion named Lawle arrived. The latter told Reese to cMiie down or he would pull out the iron bolt holding the screencing wheel which makes thirty revolutions a minute when in motion. Reese refused to come down. The bolt was thereupon withdrawn and the screen turned so rapidly that it tli row Reese fifty feet. He struck his He struck his head first upon a large rocn neiow and ins brains were knocked out and his whole body disfigured. Call at the West End Furnishing Store and see the McCabe reclining chair. THE ELK CO. ADVOCATE THE OLDEST PAPER IX THE COUNTY. ESTABLISHED in ISoO. Having an extended circulation it is the best advertising medium. DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF ELK COUNTY. TERMS, - $2 A YEAR. -:o:- JOB DEPARTMENT. We print A'ote-heculs, BiU-heuds, Letter-heads. Envelopes, Cards, Tags. Cheaper than the cheapest, and on shortest notice. Call and get prices on Advertising and Job Work. Orders hy mail prom-ply attended to. Address, Henry A. Parsoiis, Jr. ivay, Pa. Vaiuable Properly lor Sale. The Union Store building, located on Main Street, Ridgway, Pa., is how offered for sale. The lot Is 22x200 feet and located In the most central busi ness' portion of the town. There Is erected on the lot main building 22x80 feet two stories high with rin ad dition 16x40. Alw erected on the premises a barn 20x40. Running water in both lower arid tipper stories of the building. F6r terms, etc., in quire at the Union Store. The store will be sold separately or with the stock of goods it now contains. I was given up to die from a dis ease of my limbs. 1 took Peruna and it cured me. J. Irwin, Hope, Pa. Peruna should bd used til all skin diseases. STOVE SIGN No. 42 Main St. MU"LL. VAPOll STOVE, ason's Fruit Jars, u Jars. THE BEST REMEDY FOR Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. - , Diseases of tbe pulmo- E TtS nary organs are so pre v. uieiit ituu mini, luui u safe ami reliable remedy for tluaii is iuvuluable to every community. Avkii's CllKUKV l'l'.O to HAL is such a remedy, und no other so elm. nitntlv merits the conli deuce of the public. It is a seieutiliu combina tion of tlio medicinal principles and curativo virtues of tUe finest aj; tirngs, ciiuiiiicuny iiuu- . t II !. If'i'd, to insure the grcat j'st immmHiIo cilii'ioiirv FI-I . KIkAIL. and uiiiiorimty of re sults, which enables physicians as well as invalids to ush it with coiiliiluiice. It is the most reliable remedy for diseases of the throat and lmi;;s that sci ence lias produced. It strikes at the foun dation of nil pulmonary discuses, alTording prompt mid certain relief, and is adapted to patients of any ao or cither sex. Being very palatable, the youngest children take it without, difficulty. In the treatment of ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Kranciillis, Influenza, Clergyman's Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, anil Ca tarrh, tha cITuets of A villi's Ciikhhv Pec toral are magical, and multitudes are an nually preserved from serious illness by its timely and faithful use. It should lie kept at hand in every household, for the pro tection it alTords in sudden attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there is no other remedy so cfiicacious, soothing, and helpful. Tim marvellous cures which Aveii's Ciir.ituv Pm'Toii.w. lms effected all over the. w in I.I are a sullicicut puarauty that it will continue to produce the liest results. An impartial trial will convince tie; most, scepti cal of Its wonderful curative powers, as well rs ot its superiority over all other prepaiue 'ens for pulmonary complaints. Eminent physicians in all parts of '.ho 'i,untry, knowing its composition, reeoin v nd Avkii's CiiKititv I'l'.eroitALto invalids, Mid prescribe it in their practice. The test half a century bus proved its absolute certainty to cure nil pulmonary complaints not ulreudy beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., I'lactleal and Analytical Chemists. Lowell, Mass. OLD BY ALL DlUIUUISTi IVIHYWBIU. EV L1VK11Y 8TAULE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES 1 inform the citizens of Ridgway, an the public generally, that lie ha started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES arid Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. tHe will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Oltlce will receive prompt attention-. Autr20l871tl HOUSEHOLD WORDS. 'Tor alrk tomnrh. tmd tisto. slntclnn spells, ,l't''ll'li"S. "Vorwjntot umieUto. flvsuerula. IiiiIIkus- tlon, und liver roinplrdnt. Like rr.Rrw a: It "Those In llturary, vrolesgiunul or com mercial ru,8uU! constantly need Pehuna. tor coustliiutton, Mamalim." gfigiMkMtt 'For sick headache, pln In tlio bead, dliiluess, tiud low spirits, tiikel'EBUKA." toad and study our book on the Ills of life, follow Its teat uiutrs, and you will be happy. -slum will Im tuld fur aur cnae I'kui'NA bl will not cursor greatly lwuiovu. ' tatmaBa Ladles. If you wish strength, neaita ana lol heuuly. swoet breath, cliorry Hiw and row Win tn vnur nearest druirelst for a bottle tiof I'laiUNA. 'Xjkelt beluiocacbmcal." Vnr nArvonsdeblllhr. rAtnrrh of the bbvl- bl der, or dleiise of tka kidueya, Ulio fiiu.N A, Id anu uvcuruu. - HELP YourHclf by niaktn mone when a go ul en chance U i-ti1itrAfl I hrhv uIwiivm keeping poverty frcin your dour. . TUuho who always take ttUvunU6 of Uie good ohance are making moucy mm are oik-i cu, genurauy ht-ftmia weiil i hv. while tin me who do not im prcvuHuuh chuuovH remain In poverty. We want many men, women, boy a, and hU'Ih to work fur uh rluht In thulr own loualitluM. The buHincHH will pay more than fen ttineitordl- uary wattes, we fuiuUh an expemdve out- lit aud all that you uted, free. No one wit engage fell to make money very rapidly Yon can devote your whole time to the. work or only your Ppare moment. Full inform a lion and all that In needed HenL frue, ure 8TINHON & C. Portland. Maine. Ad X Business' Cards. geo. a. rathbun. attoun'EY-a'MjAw Mala street, Kidgway, Elk Co., Pa' Particular attention given to tttf examination of titles, alt-o to pit und patent eases. HAUL & MXAUILEY ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. . . . Office In new brick building', Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Tfllt ill L. WILLIAMS. Lo'te of Strot'tan ville), Physician and Surgeon,. Itidgway, Pa. Office In Hall's Brick Building (ujvstnirs) Hefereiiees .1. ). Sliiith, H. L, Young, H. ltuiol'sohj .Stra'tnhvillo; Major John Kitley, W. . Green land, Ulnricn. Has practiced hid profession Bceessfully for more thart teil years. G. G. MESSENGER. nnuaoisr & paumaueutIst; W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Kidgway, Pa., full a-ssortiiient of cure fully selected Foreign und Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed tit all hours, 'day or bight. vlnSy J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURO'N; Has removed bis ofllee from Centra1 f.treetto Muiu etrcct, Ridgway, Ta.. ill the second story of the new brick buildiilg of John Ki. Hull, west of the Hvde House. Office hours :-l to 2 P. M. 7to 9 P.M HYDE HOUSE. V. II. SCIl RAM, Proprietor; Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed Upon hlni, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. bct30'(i9 APPLETO N'SAMERSCAN CYCLO PAEDIA. This admirable work is now coni pletcin 1(3 vols. EachvoluinecontaiiisSOO pages. It niakesa complete and well selected library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well Informed. Price $o 0(1 in cloth, $6.00 in leather, or $7.( in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, V. H. Faircbild, Portville, Catt. Co.. N. Y., who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, general agent. DRESSMAKING Mrs. F. Tollman having moved into the house of Jus. Pcnileld near the Catholic church wishes to inform the citizens of Ridgwuy and vicinity that she 5s prepared to do in a neat and satisfactory maimer all kinds of plain sewing and dressniuking,at reasonable prices. All persons having work in this lino are respectfully invited to give her a call. nlSni3 ESTATE NOTICE. Instate of John C. Corbe, late of li Henzinger township, Elk county; Pa., deceuscd. Notice is hereby geverl that letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, upon the above named estate. All persons In debted to said estate are requested tci make immediate payment, una tnose having legal claims against the same to present the without delay, in pro per order for settlement, n 13 ttJ Si'sax Cojimc, Executrix; MRS. E. CIMYSTOX. In returning thanks for past favors1 respectfully begs to inform her frieuds and the public generally that she has just returned from New York where she purchased a large stock of Milli nery and fancy goods of the latest styles, also a nice selection of ladies' Skirts, Plain and Fancy hosiery, Ladies' and Cliildrens' Parasols, Hair goods, fancy Chinaware, &c, which; she intends to sell as cheap us the cheapest. Particular attention given to trimming and in a style that cannot be surpassed in this section. All are invited to call und inspect her goods' before purchasing elsewhere. nlOuiff Having become agent for Harry Chaapel, Florist, we are prepared to' deliver free of expressage and at cata logue prices any orders you may leave with us for flowers, bulbs, etc. Hknky A. Paksons, Jr. Bowers keeps Hall's Giant Frame' extension table at the West End Store" the best table in the market. If you are a mm rf f i t lit wilL- 7 If you art a ' man of li-t- enctl by th nv:pin of vrv.-r dut.vsf avoid ti-rMoil'Ui' orermii. nii.i.t work, to rv- eii:.inla:'tsand uita Hop fcltters- J waw, um Hep B . I mtTorin from any In If you are younr nd Iwjrtiion or uiisip t-n-il or iinirle. old or I tioa , if yon aru nmr- ouDfr, BUtTcrym .from oorbeMtU or lantruUu aeas, iviy oa h O Whoever TOO are. whooeviir yU feel that year lyiteiB ace da clcaiulDi;, too itters. ThouMadi die aa- tforin of Kidney disteaae tlmt imrl.t bare bwn prtsveuj:! by a timely utv pf Buutlvd oni aoiua IDT or mi in u i an n fr, mUhoiitlntoxiaUiufj, a it e nop Bitter. ngpariun Rare yoa dye- D U O. . vr urtnartt com plaint, dlneaiK of tbe stomach, oirWi, blood. litW or nerve t Ton will be In an jitoolut. and . IrreKlftla bte c u r 0 fur hop dnwkerifi.ss.' iUMof opium. cured if ynuuee Hop Bitters uarcwucs. ( r Sold by drug-irt.-'lv fcndXgr If Ton are trim- ply weak and fowip'ritvd, try it i It may a ava vou r NEVER iFAIL liruuiur. BOP ITTIaa 'PS CO.. Ufa. It hast saved nun iMkwter, I. T. d red a. Toronto, (law Womau'8 Wisdom. "She iiirjists that it in more impor tant that her family shall" be kept In full health', than that she should have all the fashionable' dresses and styles of the times. She therefore sees to it that each' member of her family is supplied with' enough'. Hop Bitters, at the first appearance of any symptoms of ill health, to prevent a lit of sickness with its attendant ex pense, care and anxiety: All women should exercise their wisdom' in this' way. New Haven Palladium. ' YENNOR' S PREDICTIONS! For tnis Mouth's Weather, prepared! expressly for 8TODD ART'S REVIEW.' Sample copy mailed or 3c, stamp. J. M. 8todu'.vbi Ptrb.y NeW York,; Fhilu., or" Chicago'; n2l t3? Camp chairs, canvass coU.lounges,' wood aud marble top tables lit lb' , West Knd