The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 28, 1881, Image 1

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HENRY A. PARSONS, Jr., Editor and Publisher. NIL, DESPERANDUM. Two Dollars per Annum.
The Low? Journey.
When our weary feet become heavy and weary
On the valleys and mountains of life,
And the road'has grown dusty and dreary,
And we groan in the straggle and strife.
We halt on' the difficult pathway,
We glance hack over valley and'plain,
And sigh with a sorrowful longing
To travel the journey again.
For we know in the past there are pleasures,
And seasons of joy and delight,
While before all is doubting and darkness,
And dread of the gloom and the night;
All bright sunny spots we remember
How little we thought of them thenl
But now we are looking and longing.
To rest in those places again.
But vain of the vainest is sighing,
Our course must be forward and on;
We cannot turn back on the journey,
We cannot enjoy what is gone.
Let us hope, then, as onward we travel
That oasos may brighten the plain,
That our roads be boride the sweet waters,
Though we may not begin it again.
For existence forevor goes upward
From the hill to tho mountaiui tg rise,
On, on, o'er invisible Bummits,
To a land in the limitless skies.
Strive on, then, with courage unshaken
True labor is never in vain
Nor glauoo with regret at the pathway
No mortal can travel agnin.
The Baroness' Jewel Box.
The Baroness Rukavina Eltz was the
most splendid and dashing personage in
the Er valley. Her castle near Sonilyo
was the finest specimen of a great resi
dence in all that shadow of the Ermel
lek, and she, a Roumanian by birth,
and a Hungarian by marriage, seemed
to unite all the brilliant characteristics
of both these picturesque races.
She was a -widow to begin with, and
since the animal, man, has speculated
upon the varieties of the angel, woman,
a widow has been pronounced the most
amiable variety of the species. She
was very beautiful, tall, blue-eyed,
black-haired, piquant, red and white,
with the most scornful little mouth, and
the most delicate profile; her hand and
foot were models, although the latter
was frequently stamped when she was
not pleased. She was in the third
and lust place, as the preachers hay
very rich, and had fallen heiress to two
collections of jewels which were almost
fabulously valuable. . A brilliant crea
ture, the ImronosK. She owned villager
and vineyards, and made a large inconir
every your from her Fale of luster, a
wino of a pule golden hue, which had
as full and peculiar a flavor as she bat'i
herself. Tun baroness sent her wine tc
Vienna, whei e it was considered almost
equal to Tokay. Of course she Lad
suitors, the beautiful, sharp baroness.
They came from Transylvania and Rus
sia, from Roumania and all Hungary,
from Austria and from the German
principalities, and as for the unlucky
wretches about Tuspoki, and the Be liar
settlement, and the country gentlemen
of Erdiozegh, thev knelt and worshiped
in vain an she da lied past them on her
fleet thoroughbred, for she was Diana,
as a huntress, and the queen of the
amazons; also her black horse Tetenyer
.was said to emit fire from his nostrils
when he stopped to breathe.
This grand lady was afraid of nobody,
loved nobody, had no friends save the
nuns at the i'oot of the RezGcbirge and
one old priest who seemed to be deeply
in her confidence. Every year she made
a grand visit somewhere Vienna,
Paris, Koine, London or St. Petersburg.
She spent money like water, niudo
everjbody talk, wonder and admire, and
her splendid jewels were the envy of all
the court ladies.
Yes she was afraid of one man, and
that was her steward, Neusiedler, he
who for years had managed her vast es
tates, her vineyards and her wheat fields,
her fields and fisheries.
Neusiedler was a crouching, cross
eyed, mean-looking man, married to a
bold, black-eyed, large-nosed woman,
who was t wice his size, and who lived
iu the village, near the castle, and who
spent her time envying and hating the
baron ness. Madame 1'asteur, the r rencn
companion, and Matilde, the French
maid, who never left the baroness,
thought that Neusiedler and his wife
had the evil eye, and that they would
Bomo day wilt the baroness. But Ruka
vina Eltz laughed at this fear, and kept
on her course exultant. Still when tne
yearly payday came round, and she had
to look over accounts with Neusiedler,
phe did show what sni never had shown
before fear.
Anions her jewels was a splendid
rope of pearl-colored pearls, the rarest
tiling in the whole world, neither black
nor white, but pearl color, with three
great emerald pendants, each as large
as a small pear. The emperor always
noticed this jewel with a smile and a
compliment when the Baroness Ruka
vina Eltz went to a court ball at Vienna,
lie told her that the empress had noth
ing half as handsome, and it is to be
feared that the emperor spoke also of
the white neck on which the necklace
rested, for Rukavina Eltz was apt to
blush and look magnificently well at
such moments. Then she had great
chains of sapphires as blue as her eyes,
and some big rubies which the baron
had given her (the old baron, twice her
age, who went down into Roumania for
her when she was fifteen); and she had
diamonds, of course every rich lady
has diamonds and a grand boxful of
engraved amethysts and antique gems.
Some, that Cardinal Antonelli gave her
tn Rome, for he, too, had admired the
wild baroness.
Indeed, if the Baroness Rukavina
Eltz had ever written her memoirs what
a story she could have told 1 But the
end of every woman's history is that she
finally falls in love ; and such was the
beginning of the end of the story of
Rukavina Eltz. She went to England
one summer, and there was a young
Lord Ronald Somerset, or a Lord George
Leveson Montague, or a young Lord
Howard Plantagenet (they mix them up
so , these English words, they are not
half so individual' as oar Hungarian
names), who could ride better than she
could. This was a dreadful blow to the
baroness, and she wished herself dead.
But when at dinner the soft-voiced,
handsome, tall yonng Englishman, Sir
Lyster Howard Lyster (that was his
name after all) sat next to her and
talked so well and was so. complimen
tary to her seat, cross-country, . and
noticed the pearl-colored pearls, and
the emeralds, witn his lips, and the neck
with his eyes, Rukavina Eltz forgave
him and began to talk of her home near
Somlyo, and it ended in a large English
party coming to the Er valley, under
the shadow of the Er Mellek, for a long
summer visit. And how they raved
about everything the wine, the horses,
the scenery, the wild, barbaric splendor
of the baroness' housekeeping, and
how they all hated Neusiedler, and his
big, black-browed wife, who were in
vited up to the balls.
There was an English lady, one with
very long teeth, and a very long nose
and very high eyebrows, and they
called her Lady Louisa. She was very
grand and lofty, and Madam Pasteur
heard her say one day :
" Do you know, dear baroness, I think
you are very careless don't you know ?
about those beautiful jewels of yours
do yon know?"
"But who could steal them?" said
the baroness, laughing. " There are
none like them in all Hungary, and no
one would dare to wear them, they are
so rare 1 "
"Ah ! but some of these wild people
of yours I They might swallow your
emeralds, those fierce Croats, the Rou
manians, and then you keep them in
such open closets and boxes." Madam
Pasteur nodded her meek head, too.
She had trembled for the jewels always.
But the baroness and Sir Lyster began
to think of other things than jewels;
there were moonlight rides and walks,
and there were long talks and many
reveries; Lady Louisa went home, they
all went, but Sir Lyster came back.
And then, one evening, Madam Pas
teur said afterward that she saw Neu
siedler come in and bully the baroness,
and she heard him hiss out the words:
"Remember if you marry, you lose
all. Remember the baron's will ! "
And Rukavina Eltz turned pale aud
said, " Bully, traitor, fiend," between
her shut teeth. She went off to Paris,
for one of her long visits, and Neusied
ler squeezed the tenants, and made
every one miserable. The castle was
shut up, and black Tetenyer grew thin
in his stable.
When she came back she looked older
and more sedate. She went often to see
the nuns at the foot of Rez Gebirgo.
She saw the priest also very often, and
Madam Pasteur thonghtshe was growing
devote. But she dressed in her usual
dashing colors (for she was a very Rou
ma'nian at heart) and she wore "one of
those Bcarlet quilted petticoats that the
English ladies wore so much, and very
pretty it looked, with her dark habit
md lier dark dresses looped up over it.
This, with a scarlet feather in her hat,
looked as if the baroness was thinking
of England.
It was a miserable day that, when
Madam Pasteur and Matilde came
screaming down the long corridor.
" The jewels are gone ! cone ! gone 1"
The baroness had the great bell of
the castle rung, and Neusiedler was
sent for at once. She was very pale, for
she loved those pearls and emeralds.
Neusiedler was composed ; every look
was made to say, "I told you so ;" he
had always warned her about the jewels.
" What can be done?" asked tho bar
oness. " Search, whip, imprison all who at
tempt to leave the province," said Neu
siedler, calmly.
" Exeept women I will have no
women whipped," said the baroness.
" I am glad to hear that," said Neu
siedler, laughing his malicious laugh,
" for Madam Neusiedler goes to Vienna
"Ah I" said the baroness, "you know
I could not mean, at any rate, that Mad
am Neusiedler should be disturbed ;
send her in my little carriage with the
three ponies to Erdiozegh."
" Your excellency is very condescend
ing," said Neusiedler, bowing to the
The local police sought everywhere
for the lost jewels, but no trace of them
could be found. The baroness sat in a
sort of stupor, and gazed out of the
" I will go to England I" said she,
hastily, one day. " Neusiedler some
money, and arrange for me to be gone
three months."
" It is well, madam," said the steward.
It was a very roundabout route that
the baroness took for England ! When
Matilde and Madam Pasteur reached the
station at Erdiozegh, they were aston
ished to see the baroness dash into the
ticket office and buy tickets for Vienna,
and when they arrived, all of them at
her fine hotel at Vienna, who should
step out to meet them but Sir Lyster
Howard Lyster I
Nothing but the well known eccen
tricity of the baroness apologized to
Madam Pasteur for what followed.
She commanded two dresses to be
made, and that Madam Pasteur should
go witn her to a masked ball at tne
opera house in Vienna.
" Sir Lyster Howard Lyster will go
with us 1 said she, as a shade passed
over the pale face of her companion.
Oh I that the lady of sixteen quarter
ings should be seen in such a low place I
No, she was not seen I she was masked ;
but that she should even go 1 What a
sacrifice of pride and of decency,
Madam Pasteur thought it, as she saw
the baroness take the arm of one masked
man after the other, and then go into
the supper room with a party who fol
lowed a tall mask in a black domino.
A voice struck on Madam Pasteur's
ear was it that of Madam Neusiedler's?
Was it could it be?
Yes 1 and as she threw back mask and
hood there sparkled on her neck the
pearl-colored pearls, and the emerald
pendants of the lost jewels. Oh, heaven I
" The necklace of the baroness,"
shouted the impulsive, the imprudent
Madam Pasteur.
It nearly spoiled the plot, for Madam
Neusiedler was amongst friends and
confederates. However, the tall Eng
lishman stepped forward, and two Vien
I nese policemen arrested the woman.
She behaved with extraordinary cool
ness, and explained :
"It is indeed the necklace of the
baroness, given by her to my husband
for moneys which he hns advanced to
her. Let her deny it if she dare t I
have her written acknowledgment of
the money, and I have come to Vienna
to sell the necklace where it is well
known." The people gathered around the won
derful necklace, which the chief of
police put in his breast pocket, remov
ing the woman Neusiedler.
The baroness went back to her hotel,
and allowed Madam Pasteur to pass a
wretched night. She would explain
All Vienna was alive when the great
case came on, and not a few ladies were
glad to hear that the Rukavina Eltz
jewels were in pawn that envied neck
lace !
Neusiedler came to his wife's rescue,
and told the story over again. The
evidence against the baroness was damn
ing. She had, according to his story,
lived far, far beyond her income, and
he had supplied her with money from
the money-lenders. She had fabricated
the story of the lost necklace to try and
cheat him, but here were her signatures,
and here was the baron's will, which
she was about to try to disregard. His
will, saying that she would never marry,
or, if she did, that she lost all her vast
" Baroness Rukavina Eltz, what have
you to say to this ? What is your de
fense?" said the prosecuting counsel.
' Only this 1" said the baroness, hold
ing up in her hand the pearl-colored
pearls and tho emerald drops, the real
necklace I On the judge's desk lay a
fac-simile of the famous necklace; the
two ornaments looked exactly alike.
" Let an expert be brought and pay
which is the real necklace and which
the imitation one, made in Paris, and
used by me to lure this wretched and
dishonest thief of a steward on to his
destruction 1" said the baroness, with a
flash of Roumanian fire in her eyes.
It was true! Neusiedler had been
foiled; he had stolen a false necklace,
which the baroness had had made in the
Rue de la Paix. "He has been stealing
from me for years; he has doubtless
forged a false will of the baron, for I
have found the true one !" said Ruka
vina Eltz. "I could not unravel the
net that ho has thrown over me, but for
this happy thought of tempting him to
steal some false jewels. Had he got the
real ones his story would have been pos
sible. Now, I trust justice is convinced
that it is a lie 1"
A dreadful noise followed this speech
of the spirited baroness. Neusiedler had
fallen down in a fit. Never more would
he drink the yellow-tinted ruster;
never more would he return to the joys
of crushing tho peasantry of Somlyo
of cheating tho baroness. The baroness
lipd cheated him at last! Sold! sold!
cold ! with false pearls and emeralds!
It was a very grand wedding, that of
tho baroness to Sir Lyster Howard
Lyster, who though only an English
country gentleman, proved to be richer
than she, and who made her a loving
and a hunting husband.
The emperor gave her away, and she
wore the pearl-colored pearls with the
emerald drops, now become historical.
" Ah I Madame, dear baroness, please
tell me where you have kept the real
jewels all these months '." said the pious
Madam Pasteur, almost kissing the
hem of her mistress' robes.
The baroness was dressed for travel
ing, as her faithtul adherent knelt and
asked this question. She had on the
quilled satin red petticoat; the scarlet
of old i-ngland.
" Was it in the double-locked closet
of the north tower ?"
"Ah, no ! faithful Pasteur, thou
knowest Neusiedler had the key to
that I"
" Was it in the jewel case of thy great
ancestress, the Roumanian princess f
" .No. uuess again 1
" Was it in the convent of the nuns
of Rez Gebirge ?"
" No I Pasteur. I never gave them
anything to keep but my sins !"
" Was it in the baron s strong box in
the cellar?"
" No, my dear Pasteur, no. You have
the hiding place under your linger,
They were quilted into the lining of
this red satin petticoat. 1 owe the idea
to that good Lady Louisa. See her e?"
and gently raising the edge of her
traveling skirt, right over her left foot
the baroness showed Madam Pasteur
a neat little series of pockets, where tho
jewels had been safely hidden in
scarlet prison.
The Age of the Earth.
Richard A. Proctor says that the age
of the earth is placed by some at 500
000,000 years ; and still others of later
time, among them the Duke of Argyll,
places it at 10,000,000 years. None
place it lower than 10,000 000, knowing
what processes have been gone through,
Other planets go through the same pro
cess. The reason that other planets dif
fer so much from the earth is that they
are in a so much earlier or later stage of
existence. The earth must have be
come old. Newton surmised, although
he could give no reason for it, that the
earth would at one time lose all its
water and beoome perfectly dry. Since
then it has been found that Newton was
correct. As the earth keeps cooling it
will become porous, and great cavities
will be formed in the interior which
will take in the water. It is estimated
that this process is now in progress so
far that the water diminishes at about
the rate of the thickness of a sheet of
writing paper a year. At this rate in
9,000,000 years the water will have sunk
a mile, and in 15,000,000 years every
trace of water will have disappeared from
the face of the globe. The nitrogen and
oxygen in the atmosphere are also di
minishing all the time. It is an inap
preciable degree, but the time will come
when the air will be so thin that no
creature we know could breathe it and
live; the time will come when the world
cannot support life. That will be the
period of old age, and then will come
Thirteen hundred sheep, with their
shepherds, were recently overwhelmed
by an avaiance near Bngel, Switzerland,
Sonnets from the Afghanese.
In venturing to publish a few speci
mens of the literature of a remote race,
who have lately attracted the attention
of the whole civilized world, I deem it
necessary to offer a word of explanation,
lest the reader should conclude that
the colloquialisms of Cabool are too
suspiciously like the slang of our own
metropolis. Sir William Leslie, in his
admirable work on the " Social Life and
Manners of the Afghans," says: " Their
poetry is rude and simple, full of collo
quial phrases, and celebrates only the
primitive passions and most familiar
surroundings of their daily life." It
will be observed that this remark is
eminently true, if the following son
nets are faithfully typical of Pushtaneh
literature. In translating, I have been
at some pains to preserve a natural at
mosphere by substituting for the idioms
of the Pushtu language such of our
own colloquialisms as most nearly cor
respond. In no other way could I pre
serve the viva voce tone of ' the originals.
No. 1. TO A MCLE.
A weird phenomenon, oh, mulo. art thonl
One pensive ear inclined toward the west,
The other sou'-sou'-east by a little sou',
i ne acme explicate ui peace ana rest.
But who can tell at what untoward hour
Thy slumbering energy will assert its func
tion. With fervid eloquence and awakening power,
xny nee-naw anu my neeis in wild conjunc
tion? War. havoc, and destruction envy theel
Ool kick the stufling out of time and space 1
Assert thyself, thou child of destiny,
nil nature stands agnast witn frightened
A greater marvel art thou than the wonder
Of Zoub from high Olympus launching thunder.
No. 2. TO A OOAT.
Thou hast a serious aspect, but methinks
Beneath the surface, Billy, I discern
A thoughtful tendency to play high-jinks,
a solemn, waning wickedness supern.
Within the amber circle of thine eye
There lurketh mischief of exsuccous kind
A humor grim, mechanical, and dry;
Lvasive. sulxlulous. and undefined.
I would I understood thee better, Bill.
Beseech thee of thy courtesy explain
Now, doth the flavor "of a poster till
rny utmost need ut old hats art thou ram?
1 pr'ytliee, gnat, vouchsafe some information.
Oh, say 1 Come, uowl Get out! Oh, thunder-
No. 3. TO TAFFY.
Hail, Taffy, new-bom goddess! Thou art come
into tne world emollient and Bereno,
Witli liberal hands dispensing balmy gum,
A syrup-mouthed. uioloHses-visaeed ouecn I
What are thou giving us, oh, gracious one?
iiiou dost assuage our daily cares and toils,
Tis thine to mollify the rasping dun,
Thino to alleviate ilomestic broils:
The lover socks thy aid to win liis joy,
mo statesman looKctn toward tiiee, anu tne
The interviewer, and the drummer-boy,
nno iirummctli wisely, owning tneo lor
The clnm-dispenser toots thy tuneful praise, .
ine jigutuiug-roddist Knowotn au thy ways.
1). S. Prondflt, inHcri'bner.
Toads in the Greenhouse.
A writer in the London Journal gives
some interesting statements respecting
the toad. In the matter of feedincr, he
savs the toad is not very particular.
either as to quality or quantity. Any
thing that creeps or crawls will do for
him woodlice, beetles spiders, slugs,
worms, even snails with their shells are
put out of sight as if by magic, for he
lias a peculiar way of catching his prey.
He watches the moving insects for a
second or two, then suddenly darting
out his tongue whi'e at a distance cf
one or two inches the insect is snatched
up and swallow instantly. One even
ing he gave one a wasp and a humble
bee. . Both were snapped up directlv
they commenced to move, apparently
without causing the toad the slightest
discomfort, though they must have
reached his stomach in a tolerably
active condition. In plant houses,
especially forcing houses, whore insects
increase their numbers so rapidly at all
seasons, the toad's services are especially
valuable; and if a suitable ladder, made
of a narrow board with bits of lath
tacked on it two inches apart, be set in
a corner, slanting from the floor to the
stage, he will climb it, and then be
enabled to make himself still more nse
ful. But perhaps the most remarkable
fact concerning the toad is, that though
he can and does eat a great deal, he can
exist a long time without eating any
thing. Years ago he buried one for a
month in the earth, as an experiment,
and when dug up it was apparently at
well as ever. More recently, havintr
been bothered with myriads of wood-
lice in an early cnoumber house, and
not being able to find toads in Febru
ary, he, later on, when they became
plentiful, buried three in a nine-inch
pot, with a 6late on top, eighteen inches
under ground, that he might have them
handy for the next early forcing season.
But that season he did not require them,
so they remained buried until the fol
lowing one, and were then, on being
taken up, apparently not much worse
for their eighteen months last, thougt
they didn't have any ice water or alco
holic baths.
The Fishermen.
Yesterday forenoon there was a party
of five persons on the wharf waiting to
take the boat for St. Clair Flats, and
each man had fishing tackle and other
preparations for a good time. After
looking the crowd over from his seat on
... . .11 . -
a salt barrel, an oia cynio oi a dock
loafer approached one of the gentlemen
and inquired:
' Gom' a-fishin r
"Yes, sir."
"Expect to catch any?"
"I hope so."
" Goin' to lie about their size?"
Sir !"
" Goin' to lie like blazes about their
size and number?"
" Sir! I am a truthful man."
"Oh, youu are, eh ! Then you'll let
the other follows do the lying and you'll
swear to it 1 I see I see!" Detroit
Free Press.
The way of publishing a work in an
cient Rome was this: The author placed
a copy of it into the hau da of the tran
scribers, o died libran, who wrote out
the required number of copies. These
transcribers, who were equivalent to
modern printers, passed the copies over
to certain artists, called libraraioli, who
ornamented them with fanciful titles.
margins and terminations.
Faint nnHUarlrniNote.
Alcohol, slightly diluted,
mealy bugs, scale and other pests that
infest house plant3.
To cure fowls of the trick of egg-eating
the feeding of clear tallow is recom
mended by a Country Gentleman writer.
It is said, with how much truth we
do not know, that the free use of butter
milk will kill lice on all kinds of stock.
An orchard should never be planted
in a clay soil unless the latter is under
drained, after which it becomes one of
the best soils for apples and pears.
The following is said to be an anti
dote for blight in pear trees: One quart
of slaked lime, one quart of bone phos
phate and one ounce of sulphur,
sprinkled under each tree.
Scatter white powdered hellebore
over the cunants and gooseberries when
damp with rain or dew, or put a handful
in a pail of water and sprinkle bushes
when foliage is dry.
When ensilage is not fed at just the
right time all the work expended upon
it is lost. In addition it must be fed
with the rieht proportion of winter
grain to make it a complete food.
Roup is a sort of catarrh. The nos
trils discharge matter which has a dis
agreeable odor and the breath is thick
and wheezy. It does not hindar the
patient from freely moving about,
Dr. Hexamer, noted as a potato
grower, attributes the- scab in potatoes
to stable manure, and writes that since
he has used commercial fertilizers ex
clusively tho scab has disappeared.
President Barry, of the Western New
York Horticultural society, reports un
favorably as to the policy of growing
crass in fruit orchards. Most other
observers have noticed the same thing
Sugar beets and mangel-wurzel plants
can be transplanted with success. Take
out surplus plants, make a hole with a
dibble iu vacant spots, insert the roots
and press the ground firmly around the
Such poultry feed as will swell much
after eating should be soaked and
swelled before it is fed, and especially
in the case of quite small chickens.
Corn meal freshly wet up has killed
many a chicken.
A Missouri sheep-breeder says that
chamber lye, sprinkled on sheep twice
a week, will not only keep dogs from
killing them, but will insure them
against Buch diseases as rot, scab, ticks,
hoof-au, etc.
Poultry manure will lose in value if
exposed much to the weather. Lime and
wood ashes should also be kept free
from it, as those articles liberate
the ammonia. Road dust, swamp muck
old sawdust, marl and coal are all good
to mix with it.
Tho following is recommended as a
cure for garget iu cows: Eight drops
tincture of aconite 'dropped on a
piece of bread and mixed with tho food
night. Iiioxt morning lour urops
more given in the same manuer will
generally complete the cure.
If you wish success iu raising young
chicks and turkeys do not feed coin-
meal, r or very young chicks give cheap
oatmeal and broken rice, and in two or
three weeks feed cracked corn and
cooked scraps. Young turkeys must
bo fed on bread, thick milk and chopped
dandelion and onion tops.
Hens should not be allowed to dis
turb the setters by laying in their nests.
liroken eggs and a bad hatch will re
sult. If the setting hen cannot be iso
lated in any way, cover her with an
empty coop, basket or box, being care
ful to have her come off every day for
feed, water, exercise and dust bath.
Never have an excess of fruit to ma
ture upon a tree under the impression
that by so doing you can hope to in
crease the yield either in quantity or
quality. An excessive crop is always
secured at the expense of quality, with
loss or value, and not infrequently at
the expense of the health and even ul
tima! ely of the life of the tree.
Loppered milk is considerably better
for calves in hot weather than skim-
milk, being more easily digested. If
they are being reared for dairy purpose
they should not be fed on new milk,
which is too fattening. Oil-meal mixed
with their milk will prevent scouring.
Begin with a tablespoonful daily and
increase it to a pint as the calf grows
When squashes and melons first
break ground give them a dusting of
ash compost, made of equal parts of
silted, unbleached wood ashes and
gypsum or land plaster. This will pro
tect the young plant from the " striped
bug," and its use may be continued
with advantage until the vines get so
strong as not to care for this enemy. As
a top dressing to almost any garden
crop it will be found beneficial.
Flies greatly annoy horses, some be
ing very sensitive and sutler grea'ly
from them. It is said that strong tea
of hickory leaves, put on with a sponge
and renewed daily, win keep away Hies,
A thin cotton sheet win keep them
away, and is often a great comfort to
the horse. Darkening the stable dur
ing the daytime will help keep out the
flies. The cleaner the stables the less
annoyance at the house from the flies.
A London gardener planted a straw
berry bed four feet wide across his ear-
den, on one side of which potatoes were
planted. These were dug up about the
end of June, the ground leveled and
raked smooth, so that the runners es
tablished themselves and found a new
bed. The next season a similar process
was pursued, and thus a movable straw
berry bed w as created. At the end of
three years the original plants were ex
hausted and dug up, though the bed
annually grows wider without renewal
or transplanting.
A correspondent who has made the
drainage of land a great success, write
that when quicksand or unsound ground
occurs drains should be out wider 8Dd
in some cases deeper, with their sods
trampled down along the bottom, be
fore either tiles or stone conduits are in
troduced. Soda thus placed always ad
mit water freely, and the substrata in
consequence very soon become solid. He
recommend sods in preference to clay,
because at the bottom of drain the
ftp'.nent variation of the clav between
a drenched and a dry state are calculated
to disarrange or absorb the materials.
Fruit BiBctnTs. One coffee cup
sugar, one cup butter, one cup raisins
(seedless are best), one egg, three tea-
spoonfuls baking powner: flavor with
vanilla and lemon extract to taste ; the
raisins to be chopped fine. Roll out
and cut thin with a biscuit cutter. Bake
in a dripping pan with a greased paper
in the bottom of tin.
Mock Cream Pie. Roll out the upper
and under crust with a little flour be
tween, bake a delicate brown, split them
as soon as baked, and set them away
until wanted for the table, then fill
them between with a custard made with
one pint of boiling milk thickened with
two eggs, two-thirds cup white sugar,
two tablespoonfuls of flour, salt, season,
and scald together until thickened.
When almost cold fill the pie, and eat
when cold.
Breakfast Roix. Prepare a good
dressing, such as you like for turkey or
duck, take a round steak, pound it, but
not very hard, spread the dressing over
it, sprinkle in a little salt, pepper, and
few bits of butter, lap over the ends
roll the steak up tightly and tie closely
spread two great spoonfuls butter over
the steak after rolling it up, then wash
with a well-beaten egg, put water in the
bakepan, lay in the steak bo as not to
touch the water, and bake as you would
a duck, basting often. A half I our in
a brisk oven will bake. Make a brown
gravy and send to table while hot.
Minced Spinach. Boil the spinach
in salt and water until tender. Drain
in the colander, and chop fine in the
tray. Season well with pepper and
salt. For each quart of the chopped
spinach put two tablespoonfuls of but
ter and one of flour in a frying-pan.
When this has cooked smooth, and be
fore it has become browned add tho
spinach. Stir for five minutes; then
add half a cupful of cream or milk and
stir three minutes longer. Arrange in
a mound on a hot dish. Garnish with
a wreath of slices of hard-boiled eggs
at the base, and finish the top with an
other. Serve hot. Lettuce can be
cooked and served in the same manner.
It must be boiled about twenty minutes
to be tender. From Miss Parloa's New
Cook Book.
Potato and Meat Pie. Cut any kind
of cold roasted meat into very thin
slices ; shake a little pepper and salt
over each slice ; then dip it into a small
plate covered with flour. Place the
slices, in layers, in a small yellow
nappy ; and if a seasoning of onions is
liked, sprinkle a littlo chopped onion
over each layer or use three or four
tablespoonfuls of canned tomatoes in
stead of the onions ; but a very small
quantity of onion will add to the season
ing of the tomato and the meat. Turn
in all the gravy that was left from the
roast meat, or if none remains, put bits
of butter over the top layer of meat,
and pcur iu enough boiling water to
cover tho meat. Put a plate or tin
cover over the dish, and bake for an
hour. While it is cooking, put some
otp.toes into salted boiling hot water,
and boil until a fo'-!; goes easily into
hem (perhaps twenty-five minutes).
Pour off all the water, scatter salt over
the potatoes, and shako the kettle vig
orously while you slowly count one hun
dred. This will make the potatoes very
mealy. Then mash them with a wire
washer or fork, and spread them over
the top of the dish of meat. Put bits
ot butter all over the potatoes and
brown them in a quick oven. This
makes an excellent breukfast or lunch
Bloomlngdalc's Suicide.
The New York correspondent of the
Troy Times says: The reader has no
doubt often heard of attempts at star
vation with a suicidal purpose, but none
has ever succeeded except in the recent
case of the lunatic, John Burns. The
unfortunate man resisted food in every
shape, this being the only way in which
he could accomplish his fatal purpose.
On tho twenty-seventh day of absti
nence ho was successful. Perhaps he
would have held out still longer had he
been in a healthy condition. This oc
curred at Bloomingdale asylum, which
once was a suburb, but is now brought
into convenient access by the elevated
road. I here are several points of in
terest connected with this asylum, one
of which is the refusal to admit Horace
Greeley. The Tribune had published
some unfavorable revelations concerning
the treatment of the patients, which
was made by a reporter who feigned
madness in order to obtain entrance of
the wards. The managers of the insti
tution considered this method dishon
orable, and the public generally did no
credit the reporter's statement. Not
long afterward Greeley became de
ranged and application was made for
his admission, but it was declined.
Hence the unfortunate editor was re
moved to a private retreat, where he
soon expired.
It was not sickness: "When we are
married, Lucy," said the poor man's eon
to the rich man's daughter, "our
honeymoon 3hall be passed abroad. We
will drive in the Rois, promenade the
Prada, gaze down into the blue waters
ot the Adriatic from the Rialto, and en
joy the Neapolitan sunsets, strolling
along the Chiaja " " How delicious,"
she murmured, " but, John, dear, have
you money enough to do all this, for
pa says I musn't expect anything until
he dies." John's countenance uuderwent
such a change that she couldn't help
asking him if he felt sick. " No, dar
ling," he answered, faintly, ''I am not
sick. I was only thinking that perhaps we
had better postpone the marriage until
after the funeral." Brooklyn Eagle.
If you want to get the reputation of
knowintr a heap do as Professor Proctor
does. He guesses what happened three
or four million years ago, and predicts
what is to happen fifteen million years
hence. It is only a few years ainoe he
commenced, and now he can get credit
at any toc&cj.Detroit Free Pre, .
The Park ami the Dawn.
The glow against the western sky.
Has faded into tender gray;
The breezes in their sigh
Betoken soon the end of day.
The shadows creep from vale to hill,
The chill mist sottlca o'er the river;
The things the day brought now are still
Tho birdlings in the night air shiver.
From ont the woodland's darkling glade
Two figures take their silent way;
Across their path has come no shade,
Tho world to them is fair and gay.
The paling light that wraps the earth
Is more to them than bright adorning;
But markB the token of the birth,
The dawning of love's fairest morning.
The fly that walks on oleomargerine
is not the butterfly. Picayune.
Melinda wants to know the exact
length of a lumber ywr d. Philadelphia
It is a mistake o assume that a rose
by any other name would smell as
wheat. Yonkers Gazette.
War history: " What is the greatest
charge on record ?" asked the professor
of history. And the absent-minded
student answered: "Seventeen dollars
for hack hire for self and girl for two
" There goes the celebrated Mr. C.
the lame lawyer," remarked a lady to
her companion as he passed them
the Btreet. " Excuse me, madam,"
he, turning sharply, " you are mistaken
a lame man, not a lame 'awyer."
"Iam wot jing, my darling, for thee,"
he warbled; and yet when the old man
threw up a chamber window and assured
him that " he'd be down in a minute,"
he lost his grip on the melody and went
out of the waiting business.
How is this for a three-year-old? An
old man was passing the house Sunday,
taking exceedingly short steps. The
little one looked at him for several
minutes and then cried out: "Mamma,
don't he walk stingy?" Springfield
Young lady (to her old uncb): "Oh,
uncle, what a shocking thing ! A young
girl was made crazy by a sudden kiss !"
Old uncle: "What did the fool go
crazy for?" Young lady: "What did
she go crazy for? Why for more, I
The Examiner and Chronicle says a
cup of water in the oven while baking
will prevent bread and cakes from burn
ing. Thanks for the information. And
. ten-year-old boy, loose in the cellar,
will prevent apples from spoiling.
About one boy to four barrels of apples, '
Cotton has been used for garments in
India for 3,000 years.
The first knit silk hose made in Eng
land were worn by Queen Elizabeth.
" Hob-nob " is a corruption of the old
Saxon hab-nab, from Habban, to have,
and nabban, not to have.
The stories of Jack the Giant-killer
and Tom Thumb were brought to Eng
land by the earliest Saxon invaders.
Tho divisions of nature into the three
kingdoms, animal, vegetable and min
eral, is i ne of the things we owe to the
much derided alchemists.
The art of iron smelting was known
in England during the time of the Ro
man occupation, and working in steel
was practiced there before the Norman
Hunting humming birds is a favorite
sport in Brazil. The natives arm them
selves with blow guns made of reed,
about fourteen inches long, and take
pellets of cotton. With these they so
stun the little creatures that they fall
an easy prey to their pursuers, and their
beautiful plumage is thus uninjurtd.
It is well known that birds of differ
ent kinds, notably the ostrich, turkeys
and chickens, swallow stones to help
digest their food. Recent researches
show that seals swallow stones of one,
two or three pounds weight, and one in
vestigator, not long ago, found "ten
pounds of tin se boulders in the stom
ach of a sea lion."
A. correspondent of a mathematical
turn of mind has calculated that the
320,000,000 postal cards sold during the
last fiscal year, if connected end to
end, would run a girdle around the
world with enough to spare to make a
showy knot. An order is sometimes re
ceived for as many as 40,000 postal
cards at once.
Novel Device In Smuggling.
A novel device in smuggling has re
cently come to the notice of Colonel
Alexander, the fifth auditor of the treas
ury. Sometime ago a vessel laden with
lumber somewhere in Texas was dis
patched to one of the Mexican ports,
but for some reason she could not
make her destination, and discharged
her cargo upon the beach some sixteen
miles distant. After a time the Amer
ican consul or some one acting for him,
evidently not well informed of the af
fairs of the vessel's owners, sold the
lumber on their account, and sent the
money to the treasury department.
The lumber was sent by its purchas
ers to a sawmill, and the first log was
placed in position to be cnt into boards.
The saw had penetrated only a few
inches when there began to appear upon
its teeth shreds of clothing and finally
it became fast and refused to move
further. Investigation disclosed the
fact that the log had been made hollow
by boring, aud had been filltd with
clothing and other dutiable material,
and then plugged up. The vessel was
seized by the Mexican government, but
being ' wormeaten and worthless was
Gen, Tom, Browpe. says .that "when
the Naval Academy Board unanimioubly
voted the use of tobacco an injurious
habit, which ought not to be- tolerated
among cadets, every member of it had
a cigar in his mouth."