FACTS AXD COMMEMS. The extensive cultivation cf floweis for pprfnmoi y pnrpo-es is Rbont to le started in California. In Europe it is very remnnerntivo, a good crop of laven der yielding $1,G00. The United States commissioner ot pensions says that there are 180,000 cases on file iu his office waiting pre limiuary information as to Bervice from the war department, and that the num ber is increasing at the rate of 100 a day. An extreme drought i3 the oavse of great auxiety among the population of the-flistrict of Orenbnrg, in Kussia. The crops have failed for three successive years, and the danger that is now im pending seems to stifle all hope. The people form processions, with images of the saints, and march about the fields. A dry west wind is blowing without intermission, and not a cloud appears in the sky. This is accom panied by an unusual high temperature. As if this was not bad enough, the em bryo of a locust that last year caused wide devastation in some places has been found in largo numbers about the fields. They seem to have a very summary way of vindicating an author's rights in China. According to Dr. J. M. Magowan there is no special provision in the penal code on the subject of literary property, which is placed on the same fooling as any other possession. A per son printing and selling the works of an author, without his permission, is liable to a punishment of 100 blows and three years' dep jr'ation. If ho has stopped short at, printing, and has not beitn to rpII, the penalty is fifty blows, together with the forfeiture of the books and blocks from which they are printed. The riRlits of an author descend iu per petuity to his heirs and assigns. FOR TIIE LADIES. The Prettiest Bride In England. Frances Evelyn Mnynnrd, the young heiress who hns'just been married to Lord Brooke.eldest son of the Earl of Warwick is one of the most boautiful women in England, and as generous as she is beautiful. The wedding was the grand est that London has seen for many seasons, and was honored by the pres ence of the Prince and Triucess of Wales, and several other members of the royal family, Trinee Leopold acting as best man. The bride's dress was an improvement on the nsnal livery white satin and orange blossoms, the front being covered with old point and droop ing iringes of orango blossoms. The veil was also of old point. Her only jewel consisted of a single row of ex quiMte pearls. The bridemnids wore twelve in number. Their Gainsborough dresses were of white moire, the India muslin fichus being fastened on the bosom with large bunches of Marshal Nicl roses, the bouquets also consisting of the same flowers. The Gainsbor ough hats were made of similar material to that in the fichus. The favors were particularly pretty, consisting of daisies, orango blossoms and maidenhair. The bride's traveling dress was of velvet, of a perfect shade of brown, the bonnet and enpo being of the same tint in bro caded guv.jo. The queen's present was a cashmere shawl. The Prince and Princess of Wales gave a gold bracelet with a clasp of magnificent sapphires and diamonds. It was purchased at St. Petersburg. There were several hun dred presents, including some splendid jewelry and valuable plate. Lady Brooke's pet name is " Daisy," and her husband Rave her a wedding present of a diamond collar with pendant daisies. In Kansas the prohibitory law forbids the sale of intoxicating liquors, and provides that "all liquors or mixtures thereof by whatever name called that will produce iutoxicatiou shall be con sidered and held to be intoxicating liquors within the meanibg of this act." A druggist was indicted nnder the law for selling bay rum, tincture of gentian compound snd other mixtures. The court decided that these articles were within the act so far that a special per mit was necessary to authorize their sale. But the act vests the power to grant such permits in the judge of the probate court; and Judge Crozier holds that such rn extension of the jurisdic tion of that court is unconstitutional. A Liberal toward Will be Given Indians Killln Cattle. To the woman who, upon trying on a One of the most novel and interesting new bonnet, never mentioned that her features of ration day at the Los Pinos hair wasn't fixed. agency, in Colorado, is the killing of the To the writer for the press who never cattle by the Indians preparatory to the said that his contribution was dashed distribution of their carcasses. A recent off. visitor at the agency thus describes the To the person, age or sex immaterial, scene: After the rations of flour, sugar who, when relating an accident of which and coffee had been issued, the entire lie or she was a witness, did not lay par- assembly of Indians repaired to the eor- ticular stress upon what " I did" or "I ral. Six fat cattle were there. The said." ' Indians mounted the corral fence. They To the young man who doesn't think had their Winchester rifles and their the girls are all dying after him. long-barreled revolvers. The squaws To the young woman who wouldn't sharpened the scalping-knives on stones, choose an ice cream to a substantial Some had small axes. When each had meal. chosen his position on the fence, all was To the same young woman who never ready for the slaughter. The cattle be- retired to the cupboard, upon reaohing came nearly frantio at the sight of the home, for "just a bite." Indians on the fenco. They ran wild To the woman over thirty wno never anout the corral for some moments. The crop reports of the department of agriculture are discouraging. With the best possible weather from now to harvest time the wheat yield will fall considerably short of that of last year. The acreage sown to spring wheat fell off to eighty-six per cent, of that of 1880, by reason, no doubt, of the low prices of last fall and winter, and the winter wheat yield is likely to bo seri ously reduced by weevil in the West and cold weather iu California. An in crease of one per cent, in the area cul tivated to cotton is reported, but this is likely to be more than counterbal anced by the poor condition of the crop. The Ne"v York Tribune says that speculators wno are calculating on prolongation of the conditions which made the past year one of such great prosperitv, must revise their estimates in one respect, for our export trade in grain and cotton will show a marked decline. CJny Summer DrenneM. Red abounds in summer toilets, and is shown iu all materials. A French costume, just imported for Nowport, is of cross-barred batiste, in two or three shades of red, trimmed with deep plait ings and draperies edged with black Breton lace. Another dress for yaeht- ng, or the mountains, or seasnore, is a ark garnet wool os heavy as flannel, et as fine os camel's hair; this is made ith a hunting jacket and overskirt and as many rows of soutache braid of the same shade for trimming. Largo bows and sashes of dark red satin ribbon are used with white costumes of various fabrics, such as nun's veiling, dotted muslin and cream-white batiste. Very -irettv toilets of white wool have Span ish lace plaitings and draperies of satin surah in stripes of most brilliant hues, or else in pale fado colors. Mauve, or pink, or lemon-colored Surah dresses have two deep flounces of white open embroidery around the skirt; above this is a draped short overskirt and a shirred round waist. A polka-dotted surah of dull red shades has pink satin ribbon bows and facings of pink on the great ruche that heads the gathered tiounce which is scalloped on the edges. The loveliest white nun's veiling dress, with pale blue embroidered dots on it, has border stripes of blue, and is edged with Hussian lace. A pale blue satin surah has large balls of darker blue, with a shading of golden brown on the edge of each ball; this has loops of golden brown surah covering the iront breadth, with alternate blue and brown plai tings at the foot. Speaking of the coming cotton expo sition at Atlanta, the Detroit tVee Press says, editorially : There is interesting evidence of the advancement which the South is making in the determination to hold an "International Cotton Expo sition" at Atlanta, Georgia, beginning on the fifth of October and remaining open until the end of December. Al though the exposition, being the first world's fair ever held in the South, naturally derives its title from the staple which forms the nucleus of the widest range of Southern industry, the pros. pectus shows that it is not by any means to be limited to cotton or to the indue tries connected therewith. The sched- nle of articles, whereof exhibition is in vited, covers a wido range, classified in six departments, forty -one groups and two hundred and twenty-two classes, The buildiugs now in process of erec tion are on an ample scale, the principal pne being a model cotton mill. The Smith cannot fail to profit largely by an enterprise which will show so mtv more satisfactorily and conclusively than mere statement what she is really cajja me oi and actually doing. Referring to the large number of cases of deaths bv lightning this season the ew Yirk 11 wild sayi : "The scientists will probably find souk- plaunble explanation of the violence of these electric disturbances. They will talk learnedly of possible troubles with in the earths own crust, of sun spot and rxeddli some comets ; but none of these things can quiet the apprehen bions that have bepn roused in nervous minds by electricity's many recent va garics. The best way to abato such fears is to note that most of the casual ties, fatal and otherwise, befell people who were transgressing the ordinary precautions to be observed during severe thunder-storms. Two boys, who were killed, had taken refuge nnder a solitary tree. Home of the men who were injured were under an isola ted clump of trees. Most of the others were handling metallie tools or utensils, and one, who was on the water, proba bly attracted tne lightning with th long oyster tongs which he held. Light' ning's delight in metal is well known, and so is its partiality for elevations like church spires, flagstaffs, lone trees and houses that are not near any other omects above the ground level. Pru dence dictates that all such elevations should be given wide berth in a thun der-storm, even at the risk of a soak ing. Prudence also protests against the handling of metallio tools out of doors while the storm is attending to DUbiness. One of Cnpld's Capers. In the town of Warren, Waushara county, lives a man named Hyke, who advertised for a wife. A lady in Michi gan wrote him that she would come to Wisconsin and marry him if be would send her the expenses of the trip. He forwarded 815. The woman arrived in Berlin and proceeded thence on foot for the borne of ber soon-to-be bnsband, She happened to make inquiry in Hyke' neighborhood of a man whom be was plowing for. The woman was taken into the house and Hyke sent for, and he took her to the nearest justice of the peace, wno tied the knot. -Jdaduon Wit.) Journal, Fashion Fnnclee. Parasols covered with Japanese crape are worn with gowns of Japanese crape. The parasols with knots on the top and at the end of the handle have been revived. Cut silk flowers with bead hearts are substituted for muslin and cambric blossoms. Little girls' kilt-plaited gowns have rows of buttons down every sixth or seventh plait. The red shaded feathers seem to find favor more rapidly than thobe of any other color. Cheap Japanese hats are again worn this summer, but they are extravagantly trimmed. Olive and tea rose is one of the most exquisite of color combinations for even ing wear. Arrasene is knitted into pretty hoods or evening wear. It is as soft and tie coming as chenille. Pink linen undergarments trimmed with black lace are fresh enormities in Parisian underwear. Whlfo Spanish lace scarfs, or muslin scarfs will i border3 of Aurillac lace, are worn in full dress. The lily of the valley effect in chenille fringe is produced by pressing the strands at regular intervals. The most fashionable size in Japanese panels is four and a half feet long and five and a half inches wide. Batiste printed with bouquets'of small ttowers is new and exceedingly pretty for summer gowns. Instead of a border some parasjls have a band of bright plaid or bright color about half way up the gores. Printed cambric dresses for morning and sateen for afternoon is laid down as the rule for summer dressing. The silk mull used for kerchiefs and collarettes this season is striped, and is even more becoming than the plain, Ties for traveling dress are about four and one-half inches wide, and ar made of mixed silk resembling the granite ribbons. A wreath of flowers worn around the crown of a bonnet, and then carried t'own to the front of the dress, is ex- ceedingly pretty. The mantles bordered with stiff deep plaitings, like those on the lower edges of skirts, are uglier than any other out side wrap. The handkerchiefs to be carried with brown suits have their edges button hole-stitched in brown, with inner bor dors in colors. Brides' mothers now wear white plumed bonnets when ttey attend their daughters to the altar, and look as gay as the bridemaids. The little silver-headed scarf-pins are replaced by those headed with stone when worn witn the ntue linen collars in English shapes. The Granny bonnet, worn by children in the summer, is of foulard instead of velvet or beaver. Its trimming is only a bow and strings. Some of the shaded ribbons have lace, like borders on their lighter edges, When made np into bows white lace is sewed on the dark edge. had an offer, To the storekeeper who never said, 'As it is you, I will call it so and to," and then charged double price. To the schoolboy who does not at all times look upon the schoolmaster as his mortal foe. To the young lady graduate who would not rather have a white satin dress than high class honors at the graduation exercises. To the married man who never con sidered the possibilities of a second marriage. To the married woman who does not sometimes wonder how she ever came to say "Yes." To the clergyman who doesn't feel just a little proud of the tears he calls up at a funeral. To the man who never inquired "Is this hot ?nouoh for you?" or "Is this cold enough for yon ?" To the butcher who weighs bis meat without the bones. To the man who ever exchanged um brellas and went off with a worse one than he left behind. To the man who never said it rained just because he didn't take his umbrella with him. To the small boy who never whistled. To the small boy who never sighed to be a hunter, an Indian fighter or a pirate. To the doctor who has the hardihood tD tell a wealthy patient that nothing ails him. To the undertaker who hears of death with feelings of nnmingled grief. To tho boy of eighteen who doesn't know more than his parents, To tho Sunday-school that has not experienced a spnsmodic growth just before Christmas or tho picnic season. To the housekeeper who hasn't said there was plenty moro in the cupboard when pressing the last slice of cake on her company. To the amateur farmer who never drew the long bow when dilating upon his agricultural achievements. To the widow who does not like to have her mourning becoming. To the druggist who does not make a profit of one hundred per cent, on every thing he sells. To the drug clerk wno has grown rich enough to retire. To the man, woman or child who isn't tired and sick of the dull weather of this present year of grace 1881. Boston lranscript. " Hero Formality." Inquiry was yesterday made for Mr. Vanderbilt at the offices in the Union depot by a man who seemed to have slept all night under a stairway and breakfasted upon nothing. When told that the railway king lived in New York he asked for the vice-president of the Central road. The vice-president being out of town, he asked for the general manager. This officer was also absent, and the stranger continued: 'Perhaps the assistant superintend ent could see to the business. Is he in?" ' No, sir ; he won't be in until to morrow." " Could I see the general ticket agent?" " His office is uptown ?" The man walked to and fro in an ab sent manner for a minute and then asked: Would it do any good for me to ask you for a pass to Chicago ?" " lo, sir." " Or half way there?" " No, sir." "Is there the least possible chance for me to get a pass ?" "iso, sir. " Would I stand any show to beat a conductor ?" "Not a show ?" "How would the top of a freight train work ?" " You'd be put off at once, "Well, it's all right. My style of riding is always on the trucks anyhow, and I only called up here out of mere formality, riease give my respects to all the officials, and say that I deeply regret their absence. Ira-la ! Ten minutes later he was inspecting the running gear of the coaches on the Pacific express, and if he didn't make the trip last night it was not his fault. Detroit Free Press. When they became quiet the "selector," as he is called, chose the Indian for the first shot. A rifle was aimed, the word given to Are, and a steer dropped. This was a beautiful shot at a hundred yards distance. It killed tho Bteer almost in stantly. The second shot was made by a young Indian, apparently not more than eighteen years of age. It was made with a United States ormy pattern OlH's revolver. The distance was about sixty yards. It brought down the steer by a shot over the left eye. Tho other four shots were perfect. At the last shot, so soon ns the sixth steer had dropped, men and squaws rushed pell-mell into the corral. They began skinning the cattle while yet kicking. The novelty of the sight was amusing. Within twenty minutes these Indians had these six steers " butchered " if butchering it may be called and portions selected lashed upon their ponies. In a separate corral two cattle were likewise killed for the chiefs. Chepita, Ouray's widow, gets a hindquarter from this lot, in honor of her deceased bnsband. "There is something very good in your paper to-day," remarked a chap last week to a daily reporter. "Eh, do you think so? what was it?" whs the gratified response. " tiere it is;" aud the fellow drew from his pocket a copy of the paper wrapped about a savory ham sandwich. Newark N. J.) Cull. iKDinEsnoN, ttspepsia, norvous prostration and nil farms of ponernl debility rrliovcd by taking Mensman's Peptoxized Beef Tonic, the only proration of beef containing Its entire nutritious propnrtips. It contains blood-maliing, forco-cenprating and lifo-sustaining properties; is invaluable in all enfeebled condition, whether the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork, or acute disease, particularly if resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Ilnzard Co., proprietors, New York. Impure Bloob. In morbid condition of th blood are manv diseases; such as salt rhoum, ring-worm, boils, carbuncles, sores, ulcers, and pimples. In this condition of tho blood try the Veoetine, and cure these affections. As a blood-puriiior it has no equal. Its effects are wonderful. " Rough on Rnta." Ask Druggists lor it. it clears out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, flies, vermin, insects. 15o. ljot it 03 nnileistocHl once fi r all that CAnno line, a deodorized extract of petroleum, will poitivelv re'toro hair to bald heads, and there is no other preparation under tho face of the Bun that caa acoinpli-ih this work. WAKIIAM'EI) FOa 31 YEARS AXD NEVER FAILED To CTTRE Croup. Spasm", Dlarrhfea, Pysenterv and Sea Sickness, tnkeu IntornHllv, and GUARANTEED IK-rfectlv hrtrmlocH; alno externally, Cut, limbo's Chronic IihcunmtiHm, Old Sores, Pains in the limlw, buck ami chest. Such a remedy it Va. T01ilA3' VENETIAN LINIMENT. Itf'Nooneoucetr.unpit will ever be without It; over 600 physicians use it. . Married in Haste. An Iowa justice was sent for in a great hurry by a young man who was at work in a neighboring field, and on ar riving at the designated place found him sitting on a log in a grove. By his side was a young woman with torn and draggled dress, hair down her back, without a bonnet and almost breathless. The judge began to palaver about the romance of the situation, when the young woman exclaimed: "Hurry up, 'squire, father's coming 1" " Rush it, judge 1" said the young man. The judge, looking up the road, saw a party riding furiously down upon tnem. a? great expedition the justice got the young people married " in as few words as the law allows," and'finished just as the riders came up. There was a fend between the young woman's family and her bridegroom's people, and she had already run away once, but was caught and taken home. She staid until the day of attaining her majority and took the first chance to escape. 23 tents will Buy a Trentlse upon the Home and his Disease. Book of 1UO lXM?ca. Valuable to every owner of horses. Postage stamps taken. Sent postpaid by NEW YORK NEWSPAPER UNION, 1 50 Worth Street, New York. Veg etine FOR- Cancers aiii Cancerous The Doctor's Certificate. It 15 .AD IT. 111., Jan. 14, 1878. Wnrklnrmen. Bofors yon begin your heavy itrrinir wort after a winter of relaxation your ijstom needs cleansing and strengthening to prevent an attack of Agno, Bilious or Spring Fever, or some other Kpring sickness that will nnfit yon for a season's work. Yon will save time, much sickness and great exponso if yon will nse one bottlo of Hop hitter in your lamity this month. Don't wait. Bee otlier column. The domes of all the great Russian churches are plated with gold a quarter of an inch thick. The new Uhurch of the Savior, just dedicated in Moscow, has a coat which cost $15,000,000, and the Isaac Cathedral in St. Petersburg represents three times that amount. Although these churches offer to the starving peasantry such fine chances to plunder they are never touched. Tondlr Always Kept a Coffln In his bouse. Had he lived now he would have kopt Warner's Hsfe Kidney and Tiiver Cure. ' It's a useless waste of money to go to Europe for pleasure," says a level headed exchange. And, besides, it's a miserable long, sloppy walk for an edi tor. Middletovn Transcript. PERRY DAVIS' med by tho strain or V"iJ til r..t lllltieS ftVtltll stimulant1 and use Hot) Bitters. If you fire your.sr find t-l..A ns r.imrlrt. Oitl Or poor health ur lanu;uih (.it voiip p vat cm iU'ed'cLtisUii?. toil luff o" ptinmliitinp, without iH'ox.'oitinj, t ft k o HOp Bltter&c Hire ymipvs- i;r!Tii:a:'v. !! f.'nini, Cifiwe nf til t 'vaiach, fm nit, f'foorf, i.tcr or ticma Yon V.-UI !r r-'roil if you .? tiup Bitters Tf roii'.ro.Vm-i Fry "w u a ti andpiij jWKPi!'ili'tl,try it t it in a v u oaveyour I ifo. it nas nltiht work, to rtv to' v. brain nerve nnti wa-vw, use Hop B pufferlng from fmy In tion i if you nn-Minr- tunff, uuiirnnp nom !x on ft bed of wick- Bitters. moiisnnns aie an nually from Borne Jifjr u cr Kidney V' J have bpii prCTiiil'i! . A l... o t ininlv 11U1 tit 7:lA HopBlttors Is on absolute nnil in-Hifti-I.K cure f r dnmkvnitp i .ttso of opium, tobacco or uurouticj. Sold by drill-tris-U Send for circular. uop ErrntRs 1 M'Fa co.f Roehetttr, H. T A Tfiff'titn. O.t. 1 1 HOP NEVER FAIL fm t-Yll BEf IE Trout fishermen should regard it as duty to kill every watersnake seen along the streams, for they are said to destroy more tront than all tne rest oi their ene mies combined. A Tllnt to the I.rnn. The cauee of lcantice, when there is no positive disease which rroduces it, is d im perfect assimilation of the food. The wcinht of tho hody undoubtedly bears a marked rela tion to, and increases proportionately to its height, when it is properly nourished with llesh-malviiig blood. Henco, when we see a tall person with "slab" Bides and hollow cheeks we have a right to infer that his blood is thin and watery and his constitution deli ck' e. Hostettkb's Stomach IIittebs is pecu liarly serviceable to thin, delicate people, since it strengthens the digestive and assimilative organs, ana is consequently a poweinu aux iliary in tho blood manufacturing processes, which in a state of health ought to be, and are, thorouL'hlv performed. An increase of muscle. as well as fat, is a result of using this sovereign anti-dyspeptic, appetizing and generally cor rective cordial. It appears, says Dr. C. O. Cecil, that some wholesale dealers in the north of Russia havo each season to dispose of more than half a million of bad eggs laid by hens. These eggs he divides into seven classes, according to the stage of decomposition. From some of them he proposes to extract the so-called egg oil, 'which may bo used in the manufacture of soaps, and ne also sug gests that eggs unfit for human food may be found of advantage in making artificial manures. AnfrLirv, Washington Co. SIR. 11. 11. bTEVENK Deiir fr Tlili to certify that t hnfl been miUor iiiK I'roui a Rof.H Caucer on my riiztit bn'tint, wiiirh Ifrew wry rutadlv. ami all my Inemlf hat) );ivrn tne up to die, when 1 liranl of your rm'.li.-lnc. L(;ktine, rppoTmnt'iuled lor ilan-'cr and rancorous Hunum. I commrnrecl to take it. an'l norm l"uul nmtelt li.'pin niiiK to feel tif'ltrr i liiy ht-alth and npiritM both h.-lt the brniKU innuimre whU'h it exrrted. and a ft-w months from tho time I coimnrm-cd tho uso of the Yi-otilKE the Cancer came out almost bodilv. CAKItlK DkFOIIUKKT. I errtify that I am perpolially nc'iuuintedwith Mrs. Pel'orreat, and I coiuudr her ono of unr very boat wuuiiiU. Db. B. H. I'OWLiiliH. WHY WILL YE SUFFER! THE PRICELESS VEGETINE. Cancel Ovivecl. Washington, D. C, Jan. 6, Dn. II . n. Stevenr The groat f ympathy I hnve for ottiprs who aro suf. ff-ct i n Irom t'anc-r ftficl Cancerous Humors imiri'rni'9 mo that it is my nari i duty to writ; ymi, ahli'Mi-ih a Btr.intxf-r to me. Fit tvo Incg ycai I HuiU-n-d ami uilini t1 the mct p.iintul tormfiilM, from fi ('anoT cf the Urvast. ly cape deiVd the ( fforts of tho bwt uluBtfiaiis. I triort mauy remcdit n, when au'ciitie- jmiu iu the oflico with my huab.uitl advised liim to try your iTi'vlrw Veukiim; be lirounht hnm a bottle. IU-foro Inking li:i!f of the firm Untie I slept well nishut. I continued taking the Vkokttni:, citin- Bvtry ciay ; iiavt maen eiinci'u ooiiu'h, aiiu a:u vcrfeetly enrol : not a vstit-i of my dica'-e h it. 1 wisu evorv ouo could know what a truod mo.lifiua Card Collectors! 1st. Buy seven bars DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP of your Grocer. 2d. Ask him to give you a bill of it. 8d. Mail us his bill and your full address. 4th. We will mail YOU FREE seven beautiful cards, in eix col ors and gold, representing Shak speare's " Seven Ages of Man." A SAFE AND CURE REMEDY FOK Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Promne Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Sprains Bruises, Burns AND Scalds, m $ ((iypTootliacliiJ VVgV AND Headache. ,k by ai t. nnr;i:i; N Y K U -J mm "iiiMiA" syn Triumpnant s i&fi Tlio T'nwnliill of M"tn11io p-StJ Hell" wi'l UnItiTiis nuil tM Dawrr numiiK iniTcirom. rve. In (uk every day ; it is tor Biirh disease. Your name will never be to ifolti'U. M iy (iod ever bless, guide aud protuct you, lit tho carucat daily pray-r of Mi;s. E. SKIYINGTOV, No. 830 Seventh Street, Kurtkcait,Yahliiustoii, D. C. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. I. L.GRA6IN&G0., 116 South Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 7? A WEEK. f): ariar at home easily mnite. Coetly ' ontiit tree. Add'B Xuue & Co.. Aux'ujit::,M;uiii). iftlfl Pfr day at home. Sitmpli s worth f.'i free. Tlio "WTI.KONIA" MAO. NKTKl GAItMK.NTS arc ttl-3 marvel ol tin- wiiriil. . oy are iluinMnur.ilitisJ the B.-ieiiUts anil I'liy- e an". ani making I'IJ'' '"r Si,..' ii L-'l'V- n a in Miti:i ami Tii i if r Tiiol m people have dem inslrate.l an.l can testil v hat fl..: c.ito ealiliiitbeivhere the "WILSON! A " MV..NM 10 CI.OT1IINO Is worn; ami this without the l.arhiir.m. Blitiiiuateil custom of mvaHowinft pnisnnnua ilrnt!. Th.'v urn the downfall of ipiai li nmtniin". anil will help i-verv piivHeinn lo heroine an Inmost man ; anil (if ilniKS are to he um-.l at all) will eoinpel i-v-rv l'hy sirian to write his presi-M tiim in plain lMinlisIi. so that the people mav know what (hey an nun;, rny sieiaus of theoouutrv wiio wouM consult (heir own hesl luli-r.-sls siu.uM nuil," lh.mi-lv aeiiimintml with the " W1LSON1A." Then will they liewinie a hlessinutothe rao", iliili-eil. inaRiiuieli as that while thev are armeil with rn potent a remedy a? the iiian netln elot liiiiu (he p.-.ipl'i wmil l feel sale in their hands, anil not las now) he eoie-.tiuitlv ehaniriiis their will cure every form "I disi ase known lo man. Send for cireiila rotitainiiw priec .ii-t. testimonials and other i-itori-stina nieiaoiaiula of tho aU-eouiiilerinj! JJ.'li-M'Vi'K DltFAKi: AND KEN P FfiT VOTr LAl'.H l O't A HMI I.l. OI' THIS WONKKKrTI. IX Vl.XI'lON. MOM-.VolMir.U I.UtKMAIilil'AVAIII.K TO VOL WILSON, 'Hi.! I'l'LlON SI ., Itltooklji 0 PER GENT. INTEREST, SUES, EVERY Ml Payable Quarterly. Fiftli Dividend Anpst 1, 1881. lly Tostnl Ordrr. Clirrlt. or C'nfli, mid I'rob. nhly from v!0 Iu 5 idilress Stinhun A- Co..l'urt land, Maine. WISE W0KDS. Tho difference between being perfect and constantly trying to bo bo, is the difference between an angel in heaven and a good man on earth. Manv men claim to be firm in their principles, when really they are only ob stinate in tneii pejuuices. It ever is the marked propensity of reckless and aspiring minds to look into the stretch of dark futurity. Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without in tegrity is dangerous and dreadful. The generality of men expend the early part of their lives in contributing to render the latter part miserable. There are peculiar ways in men which discover what they are through the most subtle feints and close disguises. 3 , We are sowing seeds of truth or error, of dishonesty or integrity, every day we live and everywhere we go, that will take root in somebody's life. Good nature extracts sweetness from everything with which it comes in con tact, as the bee extracts honey from every flower which it visits. A cock, having found a pearl, said that a grain of corn would be of moro value to him. You should collect together in a pile all the earthly riohes, as the man yon would ask for his pearl, that is to say, the beautiful. Selfishness, though refined, is still but selfishness, and refinement ought never to interfere with doing good in the world as it exists. It is not desir able to appeal early to this feeling, or perhaps ever directly to cultivate it. Man too easily cheats himself with taking repentance for reformation, reso lutions for actions, blossoms for fruits, as on the naked twig of the fig-tree fruit 'sprouts forth which are only the fleshy rinds of the blossoms, The Tidy Ilonspwlfe. The careful, tiity hmisowiie, when sho is giving her house its spring cleaning, should bear in mind that the cletr inmates of her house are. more precious than houses, and that their systems need cleansing hy purifying the blood, iTgulatiui; tho stomach and bowels to prevent and cure the diseases arising from spring malaria and miasma, and slic should know that there is lKilhin-r that will do it so perfectly and surely as Hop IitTTcns, the purest aud best ol all medicines. Hoe other column. Mayor Grace, of New Tork, was once employed as a waiter in one of the city restaurants. Ee did his work gracefully. THE MARKETS. stw vons. Beef Cattle-Med. Nat. live wt. 9?4 10y, Calves Poor to I'rime Veals. . 74 Shocp 4,V$ 5 Lambs CVi 1 Hogs Live 5Vi 6 Pressed, city 1'i Hour Ex. State, good to fancy 5 10 C 50 Western, cood to fancy. 510 (y) 8 00 Wheat No. 2 ed 1 26tf(i 1 27 No. 1 Whit 1 25.' s 1 ii rtve State 105 119 Barlev Two-rowed Statu 60 66 W) Corn UiiLTadedWestern Mixed 61 (ii 57 Southern Yellow Oats White State Mixed Western Hav Medium to Prime, Tira'y Straw Long live, per cwt 1 15 Hops State, 1880 12 Pork Moss, old, for export.. .16 00 Lard City Steam 10 85 Kenned 11 20 Petroleum Crude 6Vato Kenned 8k (ft Butter State Creamery, sew.. 18 21 Pairy ". 12 10 Western Im. Creamery 14 65 17 Factory 10 16 Cheese State Factory, hew... T 10 Skims . 2 ( by. Western 6 0y, Eggs State and Penn 193 20 Potatoes State, bbl Early Kos 2 00 2 25 BUFFALO. Steers Extra 6 00 6 25 Lambs Western 5 00 5 50 Sheep Western 4 80 6i 5 00 nogs, uoou to Choice loruers. , on vu o :iu tlour- Wheat No. Corn No. 2 Mixed. Outs Stato Barley Two-rowed State .... BOSTON. Beef Western Mens Hogs Live Hogs City Pressed Pork Extra, Prime per bbl . . . Flour Spring Wheat Patent. Corn Mixed and I'eJiow Oat s-Kxira White. A REMAMKABLE Hi .ii. 40 85 G3M r Ivl dj 43 1 Oil' at 1 20 cm 23 6il6 00 (f. 10 90 rfcii 20 V4 -C'v Ground, No. 1 Spruig 5 50 6 00 -No.l.HardDuluth.... 1 25 125 61 87 00 61 60 10 50 .3 Rye State 120 Wool Washed Comb4Dlain 40 Unwashed " " 29 WATEBTOWM (MASS.) CATTLE MARKET, ,10 00 . 6'4 . x ,13 00 13 60 , 7 00 6j 8 00 , 61 tiyt ou va 03 I 25 42 80 Beef Cattle Pressed weight. Sheep . Lambs Bogs . . PHUJJUXVHIA. Flour Fenn. goo3 and fancy.. VYfceat-No. 2 lied Rye State Corn State Yellow Oats Mixed Butter Creamery Extra Cheese New York Full Cream. Petroleu ra Oude . 6V.G 8 C 0 0 8 5 25 5 60 1 24 1 26 95 95 84 43 22 10 6 -jiruae vv Penned..... 8V0I 64 A3 10 7 8U The LoMon Galvanic Generator. Extract from a London Medical JournrvI.J "A Front revolution in medical vraetiee ha roiid tliP)ut;hout Knliind. It haw tv din covered tint most n inarkiiMu cures attend the application of a newly invented niiuia turv Galvanic Generator to diseaHed arU of the bodv. Lxp' rieuee has shown th:it it acts imnu'diiitelv upon tint blood, w-rvua and eecr!ti.piiH, irotiiieinti more rtdit f in a lew liourn than medieine has given iu weeks and month. No bhoek (r unpleahunt feeling attemlK its use. It can bo worn day or niht, intTter:ie' in no way with the drcus or oct'u I'ution oi daily lile." A Faultless, Gentle Laxative. Your familv Physician, if consulted, will assure ou that it is bin daily custom to ai'plj electrieity in cases ot Constipation and itt attending evils, torn ioiir time the j-rotes-siou has been aware ot the remarkable i fleet f of i:i ctricitv in Medical treatment, but the lar:e size of all ICleetric Applianees and their liifjucoHt have rendered it iinpossibte to place thin imtural remedy within the reach ot all. So doubt iiiiinv i)eoi'will bo RtoniHhed tn lenrn tlint elertriritv is one of the nifiMt effective Ijaxativfs kno.vn. While atinp rinieklv. it in at t)ie mur time tierfectiv harmless, ditferim; raoic illy in this respect irom the PiIIh and catintrucs commonly ooui. The latter otten afford temporary relief, but leavo the individual worse alter each attack, nml if tiLkeii hiibiUialh seriously deranue the internal omaus, aa any rt'Kular I'luclitioncr will allirm. Tee Lonflon Galvanic Generator r'TTTTC Iniliirrstlon, Constipation. Torplil I-Jvrr. Itiliniinr-.s. Mnlnrin, Hmk V IVlliO Sluiiiiiili. NrrviM..ui-M. I'nlil in llie Hmii. Klifiniinliiiin, nr., rte. All wiio nre tmubli-J with tlmaliove iiami'd nr ninnliir uiliui-utb will laid nuiiii-iliutn rcluf in this womli rfnl iliwovory, wliirh is bo eny, lUt auU porulilc that it occaKioiw no mcouvcuiencc, whilst ilfc r. nioilial I'tris-t iii fiitimlv marvi'lr.ii-i. ..... . . ,r . Tho nliovo ut Hilling tin- Knrt tr-iie. II ! Worn tuapendcd from the eok, next lo Hie ilmly, by n oril or liililiim. ... . . ,,, .i. j, . . For iialu at our couuti r anil also hs all nportalile drnpKiFts. or we will 'end ttarm direct, post l aid. un rKci ipt of the irici. Kull ilirtciioiis aut-onipany each Oiuerator. Every mail hnuK niost KratifvinK l'-ttrrs from those uiiii; llii-m. ... , . , . ,, , ,. . ,, I'riee SI. (1(1. All di-nler lire ninliorled to refund W prloo If It fnil to relieve .. r. n .. i.l.. ......I . Iili.ik ...tiil.'.l I ! nil ii milieii I i.m. CArTlON.-'lhe i.-rcat uni-eeM ol tin- Louilou (iulvaiiictii-nenitor Iikk canned themarliet tobefilled u-iti. m i, ...! u-.M.tlil,.Ku iniilMtionu. It von Hri'ei.t Hiiv " llattorieH." " PailH " or " Mbilalfl." thitikini' tli'-ra tn lie the (ii-uerator. ou will bo impoHod miou. lieineinbcr ita name aud toe that the worth f II L'WInn Il.'t, nt t r.Tirlf m " a rf Kt HTlt Will 111j.it! eill'tl lllll l.Miu.i, a1 . x. iiuiii u. ate duauway, uw u mn rijiUL THK I'AI.t. MALI. K1.KCTIIIC ASSOC to nell the Loudon Galvanic Gi'ln-ratur in America. PER OEriT. WILL IIE PAID, AS THE COMPANY EXPECT TO MAKE IT. No Such Permanent Invetmcnt la Now Kil. icil tluit will Pny its Much naj UiIh SlocU. Shares only SS5 Each. tND FOll ao-PA; uooii J ILLt'PTIlATED TO (Mil GLOBE COMPANY, 131 Devonshire Street, BOSTOM, MA.SS. Payne's Automatic Engines. The Cyclopaedia War. Th( month of Jul. Wl. wiiut'Btes the completion of the largest ond most Important literary work thU Mutitrv ami Hie conturv have seen. It is the Library of Universal Knowledge, large t e edition, in IS laib'e octavo VDlumcs. containing 10 percent more it in iter than Appleton's C'yciopiPdia, at lens thau oue-urtb U cost, and 2u per cent more than Johnson'B Cyelopeedia, t a little more thau one-fourth itHcost. Cl.ainherVa KneyeJopPPdia. which forms the imaiaof the Library of Universal Knowledge (the last London edftinn of lu being reprinted verbatim aa a portion of iu contents), is the luborious product of the ripest UritUh and European scholarship, it nat if: -4v w uevciupeu uinniKuo veuiury m cmii-ui making; tti various editions having been W ILfLUI W many umes revihea, m successive years, recoir- nUud bv those eon ne tout to iudice. as a at the very front of areat autf relations or Knowledge. nu ueiier nuameu inuu any oiner t ycio- need la for popular use. It contains such full ond important information as the ordinary reader, or t no till it lias come to be universally recog- stanaing careful stuiu nt, U likely to seek, upon about 8A,uiJ0 subjj-cts In Reliable, Durable and Economical, wttl fitrnixh a hortc poicur u ttft H fa .fuel and witer than any other Ewjlne built, not tittt d with an Automatic Cut-oil". Bond for JlliiPti' itod Catulouuo "J." for lniorznatit'iAc l'noos. Ji. W. 1'aynk & so.sb, Box w;o, Corniug. N.Y. i LL who J .AhthniH UNTIL CURED. ,n troublrd with Ten!neflfl, Catarrh ('(iiimuutinn. U iv Fever. Uroiu hitis. Conoid, Col. Is, Nervotiuet-H, I-o?.b nt S'o p, Neural tin, lleadai'lie, InHeH ol ti.f Liver and Kidneva, 1 teptm aud AtVeetioii' of the Lung? and Air I'iws ages, of un matter how lung sianding. tdionld try Dr. .HUH IK'S Oxy-llydi OL'cunU'd Air. AU dlscasei treat tMi, Send for pamphlet williliotuereferencea, and quea tioiiw to answir. No chit iv tor consultation by mail or in ircrson. 1' itieiitK treated equally well at a du taucc. Dr. J. D. .11 DOE k CO., 71) Heaeh St.. Boston, Mass. xij0? diction Anv.&ss DICTIOiJAHY. New Edition of "WrSCTES, has 118.000 Vords, 2000 EiiEravings, 46G0 "E' W0KI: and Mcaniiiffs, Biographical Dictionary of over QIQQ Hamcs. Tuhllnhcd livC.HC. WERRIAM. Snringfield. Mam. i.i-v tlt'n.irtinciit or huiiiHn knnwlfdeii. OlinniljL TB n KiiryuliiiiKtlla, howevur, it a lun-lgn jiroducilou, edited anil iniiilisheu for a rureiKii market, una mill. I iir.i li .yni.it..il tn fflvn as iiiuih nM bm proniitience to Amevk-un tonics an Amer. li-iin reailirs mVlit desire. To BUl.ply IhOf I flG lh,i-se and other d t flcl i-nclcs a larBe cornil or AnierJean eilltors ana wniers uuvo - - - - - .7 ....m. ....v, tnr.les, covei Iuk the entire field of human knowled(t. hrlnftlnu the whole uumlier ot titles under one alpha betlenl HrnuiKeiiient 10 about 40,ijuu. 'Urns the worlds thoiouijlily Amerli-iiulied. and the Library of tnlver Knowledge beL-omes at onoe the latest aud most complete Ijicyclopttdla iu the Held, at a mere fraction cf thc.co.tof anys l.nllar work whicb . ha. 'Procededl". .vi Pwj Ut (ne 13 VOIUmeS. COUllieie, ll. elirt uiu .,. inB( ai..v. uOWV( rlCS frjil.iO. In half Kussia. tint top. fS.SO. In full library sheep, marbled edaes, $J5 00. Tho sunerlmlve Talua and Importance of this great Encyclopedia lies especially In the fact that nil bront'ht uuhln the reaoh of every one who aspire after knowledge and culture. It Is realty a library of universal kuowhdke. It brings al!l eral education easily within the reach even of every plowTxiy of the country f 6 VO 1 U 1 1 0 ti and apprentice bjiv of the oty. Every farmer and every meefianlo in the land -WrHIi owes it to himself and to h s children that such a Cyclopaedia shall henceforward form a part of the outfit of Ids home. To.tlie prof egslona! man, and every person ol intellhtence In every walk of life, a Cyclopredia Is a necessity. COUniC meOIUanU HH.hu y iuuil.iin. m.u im.c hi u.i. , . 1. ,1, ao ...w ....... un.. uiwi. m proht of nearly two million dollars on their Cyclopfedla) from the sale of their higb-prlced publications, are Sot pleased thut their monopolies are broken and their power overthrown. Of course the book unenw and booksellers who have been used to golliug from 40 to CO per cent conimlHslon for Belling these lilKh-prlced iioohh amuu. .v. .rn iiraKu hi b.-ii ...c .iiiim y ui i! u I venmi Knowledge on 15 per cent commission, though those who are not short-stchtetl discover that their own Interests, after all. are identical with the Interests of Hi people, and their real prollts, in the end, ore Increased, by the luiruensa Bales which result rrom meeting tne peopie-s wains. 1110 inajoiuy 01 uooKseucro. nowever, are neuer )leused to sraiufur tnan to ten tma ana our numerous omcr ainiiuur.. aim lueunipai aoiy low-prieea puoiica ions. But the Literary Revolution ha always looked to the people. In whoBe Interest It 1. for ltt patronage. ana 11 has never looicea in vain, a our more iuuu one imiuou EYE-GLASSES. lUiprrsciitintr the choicest selected Tortoise- Mull mid Ainber. The lightest, hanilomest. and ulrtiiitf.-st liiiown. SuM bv Outicians ainl iewr-l-m. Made by Sl'ENCLlt OlTICAl M'F'G. CO., 1 -i Maiden Lano, Nosy York. B AGENTS WAMED TOR IBLE REVISION i ne L m and cm rti-rsi ::.nir.it d e .iuou ui Uu i.e yied New 'fit.in:ent. Milli.LS ol ie.'.le are wh. !..'.( f'-rit. Do mt be iie;-.;wd t.v tit-, r!.. an John -ub-pin n ii itif-ri'.r i-ilitioii. S:-e. ili.-it the eonv yon buy rojiiairiH 1 .jii fine fiijiraviiiyn oiiHteel und wood. Aeiiih r. coiuiiirf innn.'y fceltui thib edition, bend lor ciieiil-o-B. A'ldrehs National I'L bLuiNo Co., Philadelphia, Ta. To Club Agents. j leased to tJatuter than to tell tiita aud our numerous other standard and Incomparably low-pi Iced publiea fpie, 10 wiiubt) luiurbsui u ut ior lit pair volumes printed latit rear (this year being increased to proba tive Cvo IoijohJU directly from tu. aud by uulUos with your nelghbort and friends you can secure club rates M follows : . . , , , . A dlHCOUDt oi 10 per oeni win Da nnowen 10 any one oraenng n one Time vnree or more Bei or me CyclopeedU i aud a discount ol 15 per cent wlU be allowed to auy on orderlug nv or mora auu a( oua tw- .... . , ... a a h. arMViAi inniiMntAnt r a nnr inmai ana nairani so so to won vrommiv ana wrorrmmtv. eaca qoiok ia can for the dissemination of universal know lea ir. we propose K Oisu'iouta f iu,mu ui special prf what lia c nil urns as follow, In addition to (ho regular discouut to dubs Ac AAA PAnronrl tobedlstrlrjutertoqnallyamonttha llrrtBOOelube(fTitwhoaendiiseluba ij )JJJ XiOTTCll A of not l&At than five subscribws, after June lfiiu and before beptem Ann T?Avrnrr1 In addition to the first $000 to be distributed among the lOOdub apntg J UUU iVCnUil U who.during the same time, send us the largett nvmlntr of tubaertbtra, not ess than twenty In number, the amount to be distributed tiroportlouately to the whole number of sut acrl eis which each of the 100 club amenta may send us. ... . ... . I'he names of the subscribers muht In every case be forwarded to na. The first as.otio namea will ne nis tributed asspecllled as rapidly as the orders are received, and the remaining aft.OOOwlll he distributed promptly on Sept. 1st. Tne names or tne persons receiving these rewards will oe priniea. wuu mo tnnum rec lived by each, and the list sent to all the club agents entering Into competition for them. Hubjeriber nuiit be actual purchaser for individual use, to eutltia the club agent to the rewards under this offer, am no booksellers or ageuts who buy to sell again. . . . . a. persons desiring to ralbe clubs may send to ns at once for sample roiumes, If they aesire, in tne Yjinous me in library sheep. Orders for the ltv to manufacture, beu kin Inn nm li o'Uur of their rect-ipt by us. 'or the volume In hall Kuia. sprinkiwl t- will he filled bv US wllh the Utmost aoture, DegUuiing not latur than Jul 10th, orders belua fliled in the atalAi n tilmllnff nuvlfiiv II POtlll fur t hM vnliima In ninth ed ee, and $U'a for tne volume In library sheep. Orders for the full sets will be MUed by us wilh the utinofcl prrmbtiieiit. within our auiuiy to manuia Bpeelmen pases of the "Library of TTnlveraal Knowledge will be sent free opon request rt jUtyieJ letter, or by express. Fractions of 1-00 may be sent in postace-s tamps. sues or tne Liorary or universal Knowledge" win ne sent rme upon mun.. T aloiia nf iiirlnniA lit. nt at and i rri niihllcAtlmi with iriin (nMiihi anil II hi fit rated bailllitllet deSCrlblna iMoK-maKinK ana (yue-eeiiing oy iim, win i kd. upon eppucaiioa. neuii-j uj wu wv".i wuwa I AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, JOHN B. ALDEN, IUkae. ........ 704 Broadway, New York. OR LQ tutldt- ten tin 41 1 U jit CHEAPEST TlopXINTHE 111 riil EiikIbdJ. II Iti.K. Lltfrature. I IVe L'J l'ne Wnio voU. I IuiiiOVkI. lidnil.oruely If dotli;oul) a.lH) Uiuuii lor duly bil ru. I I MANH1THN BOOK CO . H W. lh Bt., N.Y. P.O. Box iitO. w a.ij rim. B.nut. i.m vtH Bp..u. B... WiuM will hr 3i ceal. wlu .... Iwlh Ml.i. at ll r.d iMk uf t.kt, MuJ . Ow.KX'l VI cti'.i M jout fuiui. Iiu.I..di1 ur ..fa. tti.ehv'.oic.llf 1 ..t. t .uiuii. Ufntj t.iunihJ u. .11 r.o. ..n.al. iww riu. L. IHWII, iu I0U I 11. IMrM, Mm.. nTUdTflVO 0. B)nTn CO., Bot. im. WaehinB r h Pi U I U Pi U ton. U. c, iiroaecuta Ni-Rlocted and i-"" - " "H;.t'-tert fllaima. Suuil imslafe'e. I.I.ES'H Bralp Food-curei Norvonn Debility 4 Wf'EiliiieifWOlOiriiirativpOivaiiB, SlHlldriiKtnnt. Bend iiirCircular. AUun'tl'liarmaoy.aia llrat av.,N1Y. ACJENTH WANTEI for the Boat and Futeat buliluir Hrtor.ul bonkaund lliblt-s. Priri4 reduced 8vl f r ct. Katk.nnl l'ulilikiij Co., f hlladBliiliia, Pa. YnilNfS M FN Learn TolBgraphy. Earn MO to loo I UU11U HltH a niontb. Orailuatex nuarunli ed paying ofitcoa. Add'i Valbutlne Brna.. JamiivilleWia. iP.K week in your own town. Terrru and R ontnt 00 Ii-mi. Add,U.HiixKT-riCo..l'ortlnd,Mame. MILLIONS OF V , PLANTS! m& Jabtiuue r.uu ana fe- by exnrehs. Lsrjfer quantities at still low. er rates, bend fur f rM Aclrculars. Addreas, 1. r. Tllltnabaec iAriua nabaec Co.s'e, 1