THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1881. il'if I uium . ii .1 I ULJUULLL I. 0. of 0. F. Kldgway Lodge f00, 1. O. of O. P. meets every Thursday evening. Vis iting members are oordially luvltcd to tend. officers: M. Cohen, N. G-; J. A. Ross, V. G.; R. 8. Gross, Hec'y; J. W. 8mith, As't fctec'y; H. H. Wcnsel, Treasurer. Flowering plants at Morgester's Fine showers Monday and Tues day. The trees In the court yard muke a delightful appearance. Tomato plants for sale at Morges ter's. Also flowering plants.. Leave your orders for house plants, cut flowers, and beddiug plants at The Advocate office. The season for bark peeling is at Its height in this section. Large num bers of men are employed in the woods In this vicinity. Big house-cleaning bee at the Lutheran parsonage first of the week In anticipation of the return of Rev. John Panders and his bride. The Daily Journal, Lock Haven, comes to hand bearing date of Tues day, May 81st, aud enlarged to five columns on the page, and with a new heading of neat design. This sprightly little daily deserves succcs-s and we hope may reap thereof abundantly. Tuesday Henry Dehler's team ran away on Depot Street. In their mad career they knocked several pickets ofT of Dr. Karley's fence near the corner on Depot Street. No one hurt, and the damage to wagon, horses and driver we failed to ascertain. Thursday of each week hereafter until further notice County Treasurer Brunner will be in his otllce at Ridg way for the transaction of business. Parties having business to transact with the County Treasurer will do well to make a note of this fact. The three best drilled companies In the National Guard of Pennsyl vania are offered prizes by citizens of Wilkes-barre. The tirst pii.u is If sou and a gold badge; second $2'0 ; third 1 150. It Is proposed to have the com panies compete for the prizes every year for three years. The 2oth of October next is the time fixed for the drill. They say"Money makes the Mure Go," we once heard it remarked it would start a whole stable full, it will start more Hams, Bacon, Pork, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Kyrup, Beans, Lard, Can ned Tomatoes, Corn, Peaches, Plums, rineaples, and Sardines out of Powell fc Kime's grocery department than any other Grocery store in town. Don't forget that. We beg to inform all our patrons residing from 5 to 25 miles from Uidcr way that we will pay their fares on the railroad besides guaranteeing them a saving of from 6 to 10 per cent, on their purchases if they make them of us. The amount not to be less than ten dollars. NEW YORK STORE, Cohen Uro's & Brownsteine. Company "H" paraded on Deco ration Day, twenty-three members being present for duty. At the time of the parade the weather was fine. ine line oi marcn was irom the ar mory to Capt. Hchojning's grove and biick to their armory. There would liavo been a longer parade but for the fact that Captain Scheming received a telegram from St, Marys to the efl'cct that 1) is mother was dying or about dying which necessitated his absence B.aajsaSjoj t uitiqtrjQ put? ipixufi AV aH" AV'-wqiu v'-mou anot0 SjJOJSOillO -) HUtKITU 1)3U0p puH aa.CuT oomip 30 jpojs .woi s,.uisaSjoj 51J uuSooq pur 'ftwpinoqs'.jaoq poijp'sumq 30 3ioo)g -jok 1" fwiuoq joj jwora paosuiri B,J3; -ttifljopi -ojo 'pa.Tj 's,vo 'iuoo '(uoui o puqSH quaiu p.noq ao;d. When I went to Ridgway the other day, I met old ConkJing on the way, He was dressed up in the best of style And looked so elegant you could see him a mile, I asked him where his fine clothes he Sot, And he laughed so hearty I thought he'd not stop, And when he had finished he calmly replied, Oo to Cohen Bros. & Brownsteine Where for little money you will be as elegantly supplied. Petroleum V. Nasby proposes to 'do" Europe, and will write a series of letters fortho (Toledo, O.) Weekly Made, commencing this month. Ho will undoubtedly give the American publiosome rich reading. The Weekly Blade will be sent to any address three munths for 50 cents, including an elegant largo portriat of D.R.Locke (Nasby). See advertisement iu an other column. List of Letters. Remaining in the Ridgway Post office, Elk county, Ta., up to May 30, 1881. Persons calliug for letters in this list will please Bay advertised and give date. Anderson, Carl August Andrews, John Johnson, R. A. Jadinston, Charles Keetlng, John H. Mlddleton, J. W. Maltlund, T. II. Wkogland, C. A. J. H. Uagektv, P. M. PERSONALITIES. John Cobb, of Forest county, Was here this week, Senator Ross, of York, was In town this week. Mrs. Chas. Holes Is confined to the house by sickness. Mrs. C. H. M'Cauley and children have returned from a recent visit to Olean. Mrs. J. II. Hagerty is at Warren on a visit to friends in that pleasant little city. E. K. G rcsh has moved his furni ture store to the stand recently occu pied by C. Bowers. Jacob Butlerfuss has moved his harness shop into his new building next west of Ilouck's store. Chief Burgess "Powell is having the front yard of his residence on Soutli street neatly terraced. S. A. Rote, of Philadelphia, made a flying visit to Ridgway on Saturday last returning Monday afternoon. At the present writing the wet weather still continues, while the at mosphere grows colder after each succeeding storm. John Youngs, Jr., hurt his hand badly on Tuesday at the Beech Bot tom tannery. The hand was caught under a sole leather roller and terribly lacerated. A. Swart. Ross has moved his tailor shop Into the building recently occupied by Jouob Buttert'uss. Swmzt is having a now front put in the build ing and making other Improvement.'!. Mrs. M. L. Ross, wishes us to re turn her heart felt thanks to all the friends and neighbors who so kindly lent their aid during the recent ill ness, death, and burial of her husband. Dr. S. L. Van Valzai), and wife of Watsontown, Pa., are visiting for a few days at Judge J. K. Whitmore's residence at Eagle Valley. Dr. Yan Valzah was a number of years ago a resident of this place and is well known to many of our old citizens. W. F. Geary, eldest son of W. C. Geary, of .his Borough, left for Iowa on MomUy to try for fortune and fame in the western country. We wish the young man all sueee-s in every undertaking. Of good charac ter and good ability ho will no doubt make his way in the world MARRIAGE. EaiJ.'tilAKT RoTHiiOCX On Thurs day, May 19, 11, at the residence of the bride's father by Rev. Joseph Y. Rot brock. Mr. John B. Kherharl to .Miss Isabella, Rolhrock, all 01 Rcnezetto, Elk County, Pa. Moohr S thwart. At the American Houvc in Brookville, May I7tli,ll. by Rev. T. S. Le;eion, Mr. Joseph Moore, of Millstone, Elk Couhty,'to Miss May X. Stewart, of Eld red township, Jcji'cisou" County. Arrested for Insulting Women. Jersey City, May -!). Chief of police Murphy, of this city, having received numerous complaints lately of young men who stand on the street corners and Insult ladies ns they pass, last evening detailed fifty oiUeers in citi zen's ircss to finest all such persons. They arrested forty and the prisoners were fined by Judge Peloubet flu each. The funeral of the late M. L. Ross took place from his residence 011 Thursday afternoon, May S'ith, lfSSl. Short services were held at the house by Rev. Mr. Carpenter, of Kane. The services were held after the " o'clock train came so that Mrs. M'Cracken and son, who came from Detroit in answer to a telegram, could lie present. The remains were followed to their last resting place by a great number of people. The pull hearers were, P. F. Bogert, D D. Cook, J as. II. Hagerty, Minor Wilcox, Thomas Johnson, and N. T. Cummings, W. II. Schnun drove the team that carried the pall bearers. The court adjourned in honor of the memory of the deceased, and Judges, lawyers, court officers. and many others attended the funeral services. The interment M'a s in the new cemetery, and took place juf t be fore the clock in the court house stee ple struck seven, and as the sinking sun threw thousands of rays of golden light over lull and dale, cemetery and forest tree. Departing from the solemn place with one backward glance at the lust station where forever the mortal remains of our old friend are buried from night, we cannot help but reflect that all, sooner or later, must lay down the scepter of life and be gathered to the narrow cell, where neither the hopes of youth or the mis givings of old ago shall haunt us more. " Resolutions of Respect. At a meeting of the members of the bar of Elk County, held at the Court House in Ridgway, May 20, 1831, the death of Mathew Lowry Ross being reported to the meeting, it was on motion unanimously L'esolvcd, That in the death of Mathew Lowry Ross the bar recog nize that one lias depurted whose familiar presence will he missed from tlie courts of our county. Mciiolvcd, That his long and faith faithful service as Court Crier merits a recognition at our hands, his years of service outnumbering the years of life of some of our members. Jtrsolvcd, That we recognize in the deceased one of more than ordinary Intelligence and strict integrity and whose virtues are worthy of emula tion. Jicsotved, That we tender our heart felt sympathies to the wife, now a widow, mourning the loss of the companion of a long and busy life. JicBolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be presented to the widow and published In the county papers. Gko. A. Rathbun, PiWt, H. M. Powers, f.w'y, I Fatal Explosion. 1 rottsvllle, May 27. Ex-Sheriff Jere miah Reed, Superintendent of the Pottsville Water Company, after a visit to one of the large dams on Boad Mountain to-day walked to New Cas tle Station, where he expected to take the train due shortly after 2 o'clock to return home. While standing near the station, apart from tho waiting crowd, the engine with the train backed down the mountain. Just as the engine passed the point where Reed was standing, and as it was on the point of stopping, its cylinder head blew out, one piece of which struck Reed iu the right side, broke all his ribs, and spun him around, while another piece struck him behind the left ear and crushed in the back of his skull. The shock of the explosion was heard two miles off. None of the other waiting passengers were injured though a' piece of tho eyliudcr-hcad was hurled through the window of a house on the opposite side of the road and the windows in the vicinity were broken. Reed never drew another breath. Another engine was tele graphed for, and Reed's body was brought to Pottsville at 3 o'clock. He was a pioneer of this vicinity, having been the first white male child born here. At the time of his death he w;is 82 years of age. For twenty years past ho was connected with the water-sup ply of Pottsville. Ho was Sheriff of the county from 1?43 to W'J) and lias held other resposible positions. An in:;ue"t was held to-night by Dr.I-'mith, ih Deputy Coroner of PottsviDe, iH'd a verdict of accidental death ! emiereu. Two Polish women, one married and tho other single, were, among the immigrants who arrived at New York recently in a-European steamer. At Ca-tle Garden hotn were found to be suil'.'i jug from small -pox aud were sent to the hospital. On the way to tho hospital their tickets were changed in some manner and the married woman was entered as the single one, aud vice versa. The husband of the tornier went to the hospital frequently to inquire for hU wife, and, although nho died soon altar landing, the an-' thorities, supposing the other was the married woman, gave encouraging re ports of her condition. At last she pronounced ciuvd end the hus band whs sent for, and upon his arrival the mistake was for tiie first time discovered. Of course the hus band whs disconsolate, but toe romance of the thing may wtriko him by aud by ami suggest to him that he marry tho woman who so singularly took the place of his wife. A member of a Pennsylvania banking association, which was not incorporated sold his shares and with drew. He had been conspicuously ad vertised as a director, ami 110 notice was given of his retirement, further than to omit his nvme from the pub lished list of officers. Tnc concern failed. A depositor suM this ex-director for his claim, on the ground thht the deposit wamadein ignorance of his withdrawal, of which notifica tion ought to have been given. The Supreme Court has decided for the plaintiff. Judge Ht'Trelt says : When an ostensible or known mem ber of a copartnership retires there from and wi-lics to shield himself from liability for further debts of the linn, it is m'ctssary that the persona! iioiice of his withdrawal be given to ail who have bad dealing with the firm, and that, notice he given by publication, or otherwise, to all otheis. Before buying your wearing ap parel for the Spring and Summer give us a call for we are sure that we can save you from 5 to 1.5 kv cent, on every dollar's worth of goods you pur chase from us. NEW YORK STORK, Cohen Bros. & Brown teuie. Don't gel the blues, its a bad un stable color, warranted to fade. We don't believe iu these Indigo feelings, if you wi-di to keep clear of them go to Powell & Kime's Mammoth Store Rooms and buy your Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Staple and Fancy Goods, Groceries and Provisions, and we will warrant you will not bo troubled with the blues. Try it. The following items are from the Brookville Jtffw.oiiian: A Terrible Accident. On Thursday evening last, while Israel Clapper, re siding near Eaiericksville, was cut ting on a stump in nis yam, using a doi.ble-bitted axe, his little daughter two years old came up behind him, and being unnoticed by the father, was struck by the axe in swinging it back. The point of the nose was cut olf and a gash cut across the face, cut ting the upper lip clear through. Dr. W. F. Malson was called on who fastened the wound up, and reports that the child will recover, without being much disfigured, as the cut was clean and smooth. At the hour of going to press we are unable to announce, much If any improvement in tho condition of K L. Blood. He still continues to suffer untold pain from his leg, and at times it is thought to be impossible for him to long survive ids pain. Few men iu tills community could have stood so long the terrible sufferings endured by Mr. Blood, and have lived through it as long as he has done. All that can be done by physicians and friends to case his sufferings is being done aud the greatest solicitude in his con dition is manifested by the entire community. Communications. Answer to Enigma No, 3. My whole is found in Deut XXXIII 25. "Astby days so bhall thy strength be." I J, A, L. Court rrocoedinjs. May Term, 1881. Hon. Win. D. Brown, President Judge. Hons. Julius Jones, and Geo. Ed. Weis.'assoclates. Attorneys present Henry flouther. C. B. Curtis, Van Giescn, C. H. M' Cauley, W. W. Ames, R. Lueore, II. M. Powers, W. S. Hamblen, Geo. R. Dixon, Geo. A. Rathbun. sheriff's deeds. Thursday, May 21, 1881, Sheriff Thomas Sullivan, comes Into open court and acknowledges deeds. Same day the acknowledgement of Sheritr's deeds continued to Friday, May 27, 1881, at 2 o'clock P. M. Friday, May 27, 1831. at 2 o'clock P. M. in open court Sheriff 's deeds acknowledged. ATIQUMENT MST. In the matter of the road from Erliard Gahns to Hemlock station, Benzinger township. Exceptions to report of viewers. Compromised. Su perceded by new proceedings. In the matter of the petition for sale of real estate of Isaac Coleman de ceased Argued and C. A, V. Lycoming Fire Ins. Co. vs. Hon. Chas. Luhr. Petitions for stay of exe cution. Continued. Lycoming Fire Insurance Company vs. Joseph A. Hanhauser. Petition to r-tny execution. Continued. C. R. Farley vs. William M'Kay, In equity. Continued. In the matter of the report of view ers to vacate "lid supply a road be tween John Winkiohleek's and James Riley's. Exceptions to r-'port of viewers. Argued and ex ceptions overruled. CIVIL LIST. L. Siiltoiistall f t al. trustees vs. J. S. Hyde et al. Ejectment for warrnnt No. 43-13, f'.'O acres in Fox township. Rathbun for idaintifl'-j Hall & M' Cauley for defendants. Verdict i'or the plaintiffs the laud described in toe writ except so much thereof was deeded by Daniel Kings bury and wife to Isaac Phclp:, and J. It. Hartshorn, by deed date: March Htii, ISO'J recorded iu dec 1 Uook 11. page 4'Ju. Francis A. Lcsch vs. John (luff man Appeal from Justice of tl:u Teace. Lucore for plaiutid'; Jus. K. P. lia'.l for defendant. Verdict lor defend ant. Thomas P. Morritt vs. J. V. Brown Case upon promises, damages fctiotf. Rathbun for plaintiff; Powers for de fendant. Continued by consult. Jordan S. Iseul vs. John Wingart. Ejectment for lJi acres of land in Spring Creek township, liall &, M' Cauley for piaiutilf; Lucora & Ham blen for defendant. Continued by consent. Frank Pollman vs. Morgester & Jackson. Covenant. Noli est factum. Covenant performed. Absque Hoc. J. K. P. Hail for plaiutiif; Rathhun for defendant. Continued by con sent. 1). A. Pontius vs. Conrad Moyer, Jr. Case upon promises damages tiHOU. Lueore ii Hamblen for plaintiff ;Rath bua for defendant. Settled. Fredrick Monroe A Co. vs. C. R. Eailey. Appeal from award. Kline for plaintiff; Hall & M'Caaley for de fendant. Defendant by l is attorney withdraws appearance and plea. The Township of Fox viv John M' Mackin et al. Debt. damages $ihi0. Powers for township ; J. i. P. Hall or M'Mackin et al. Coiitiu.ttd by con sent. R. Rulofson vs. G. T. Wheeler.,o .upon promises damages S5ij0. Rathbun for plaiutiif; Hill & M'- Cuuloy for defendant. Settled. Mary S. M'Uonhay, low Mary Moyer vs. D. A. Pontius. D. S. B. Judgment opened. Ratlibun for plaiutiif; Lucore for defendant. Abuer Burley us. Araul Turlcy. Trespass damages $300. Ames for plaintiff; liall & M'Cau'ey for de fendant. Continued by cuiseut. E. W. Muybce vs. Powell & Kime. Case upon promises damages s3,000 Rathbun for plaintiff j Hull & M'Cau ley for defendants. Verdict For the plaintiff in the sum of three hun dred and six dollars and twenty-six cents. Defendants move for a new trial, reasons fiied, and rtlo to show cause granted. Robert Young et al. vs. Robert Car rier et al No 29 Nov. term, 1330. Tres pass, cutting timber damages Rathbun and Hall & MVauky for plaintiffs ;Jeuks & Sclnaia for def-nd ants. Continued by consent. Robeit Young et id. vs. Robert Car rier et al, No. Si) Nov. term 188) Trespass, cutting timber damages --i,W0. Same attorneys as preceding case. Continued by consent, J. S. Hyde vs. Oilman T. Wheeler. Trespass for cutting timber, etc., Hall & M Cnuley for plaintiff; Rathbun for defendant. Continued by consent Daniel Fuwerct al. vs. C. R. Eailey et al. Ejectment for 1-M acres of land in Ridgway township. Rathbun for plantiilV; Lucore for defendants. M. M. Schultz, trustee vs. Oilman T. Wheeler et al. Replevin value $'i:")0 Hail & M'Cauley for plaintiff; Rath bun for defendant. Continued by consent. M. M. Shultz, trustee, vs. Oilman T. Wheeler tt al. Trespass damages $1,000. Same attorneys as in preced ing case. Continued by consent. The Township of Fox vs. Michael Brehm et rj. Debt damages $200 Powers for Township ; Hall & M'Cau ley for defendants. Ellis Lewis vs. C. R. Sexton. Ap peal from J. P. Ames for plaintiff; Hall & M'Cauley for defendant. Con tinued by consent. Henry Souther vs. Samuel Dickin son, Guardian of Hattle Mayo Willis and Grace Willis, minor heirs of Al bert Willis deceased. Ejectment for undivided i of warrant No. 8782, Highland township Klk county, Pa. Henry Souther for plaintiff; Rathhun for defendant. Verdict For the plaintiff the land described In the writ CRIMINAL MST. Commonwealth vs. August Ander son. Assault and battery to kill. Ver dictDefendant guilty In mnnner and form as he stands Indicted on second count, and not guilty on first count, arraigned and sentenced to pay a fine of $ 100 to the Commonwealth and the cost of prosecution and undergo an imprisonment by separate nnd soll a ry confinement at labor in the Wes tern penitentiary in the county of Allegheny for the period of three years to be commpnted from May 28, 1881. Commonwealth vs. C. A. Sheestcr. Larceny. Verdict Defendant guilty on first count, and not guilty on second count. Defendant arraigned and sen tenced to a fine of $100 and costs, and imprisonment in western penitentary for two years from May 23, 1881. Com. vs. Fred. Kroll. Assault and battery. Nolle proscque granted upon payment of costs. Com. vs. Valentine Neubert. As sault and battery to kill. No! pros. on payment of costs. Com. vs. Hugh M'Gowen. Larceny. Defendant found not guilty, and dis charged from custody. Com. vs. J. R. Flick. Larceny. Nob, proa, on payment of costs. Com. vs. C. M. Weed. Larceny. Nol. pros, on payment of costs. Com. vs. James M'C'loskoy. Selling liquor to minors. Continued to next term. MCEXfsns o::.V- rr:D. Koch & Sou, ta vern, Fox. E. H. Dixon, tavern, Fox. John Vaughan, tavern, Ridgway. f.;aiyer Jackson, tavern, Ridgway. Peter F. Bogert, tavern, Ridgway, John Groi!, tavirn, St. Marys. Jchii Dailey, eating house, Bene detto. Armel Turloy, eating house, Jay. J. N. Brown, eating house,Ridgvpy township. Charles M'Vean, store, St. Marys. L. W. Gilford, store, St. Marys. i.i'j i-:ns :h con tin r r.i. George Spuliler, tavern, Fox. Herman Hirt, raiing house, Fox. Jc.ines M'Oifakey, store, Fox. Bt:gi Biit ier. Among the nets passed finally in the House Inst last week was one pre venting the sale of any article iu Rembbmee of butter in packages un less distinctly and durably marked with the words "imitation butter. The following clause was also in the hill: Every proprietor or manager of a hotel, boarding house or restaurant vlo shall serve, place or cause to be served or placed in parcels on the table or counter for their hoarders or customers any such article or yubstaneo as herein stated shall post, in at leant four conspicuous places in the dining or lunch room of said hotel, boarding house or restaurant, a printed label benring the plainly printed words. "HmMXion butter or cheese, served itc," only in Roman letters, not less than one inch in length, which shall be printed in not less thati two con tinuous straight lines. The Ch icago ln1:r-Ocean tells a story about an absent minded but de vout citizen of that metropolis who went to church last Sabbath carrying owr his arm what he supposed was Ins new spring overcoat, but was hor rified when he got there and for the first time obssrved that he was con- pieuously transporting his new pair of spring pants. The package came homo from the tailor last Saturday night, and the garments were bung over the banisters in the front hall. His wife hurried him so that he was "rattled," and, making a grab, he got hold of the wrong article. He erowd- 1 them under the seat of his pew and whispering to the sexton when the service was over, made arangomocts to call for them Monday morning. -New York, May HO. The police to-night received a dispatch from Black well's island explaining that the rumors ot an attempt at e-cane of prisoners from Blackwcll's island which were current in the city to-day grew out of the fact that at midnight between Saturday and Sunday two workhouse prisoners stole a skjfi' from a canal boat and attempted to cross over to the city in it. The cries of the men were heard at the peniten tiary and the department warden witn a guart boat succeedea in rescu ing one man, but the ether sank and was probably drowned. Proat, $1,200, "To sum it up, six long years of bed ridden sickness, costing ?1'10 per year, $1,200 all of this expense was stopped by three bottles of Hop Bitters, taken by my wife. She has done her own housework for a year since, without the loss of a day, and I want everybody to know it for their benefit." X. E, Farmer. . it--ei Hurrah! Hurrah!! Hurrah!!! For the finest, best, most elegant and reasonable Clothing, Domestics and Fancy, Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, . Umbrellas, Parasols, Trunks, and Valises call at tho New York Store, Coheu Bros. & Browjj- stein. A. Bwartz Boss, Merchant Tailor, over Maginnis' Billiard Hall, has on hand, and Is constantly receiving the latest and newest samples of cloth for spring and summer suits. Prices to suit tho million, Work guaranteed to be as represented and delivered at the time agreed upon. Mackerel in quarter barrel kits and 6lbs. tins o n the cellar floor at Powell & Kime's under the Advocate Building. We will stand by this, y ott can buy more staple and fancy dry goods from Will Messenger and Casper Kline for a five dollar bill than from any other two young men in the town of Ridgway. They can be found at Powell fc Kime's Mammoth store room. 1 White's Cast Steel bark spuds at Powell & Kime's. 1 . . , ,. 1 If you want A No. 1 fanlily flour, No. 1 feed, No. 1 white oats. No. 1 su gar, No. 1 Prunes, No. I Tea, No. 1 roasted and green Coffee, No. 1 Syrup, No. 1 White Fisli and Mackerel and from No. 1 to No. 12 boots . go to tho Grand Central Store of Powell A Kline's. Flowers for house or garden, gor aniums, fuschias, heliotropes, verbenas, roses, or In fact anything in the flower line at The Advocate office. We are agent for one of the cheapest as well as best dealers in the country, vij: Harry Chaapel, Williamsport. All orders left at this office will receive prompt attention. Goods will he de livered in Ridgway at your residence at catal ogue prices. Chicago, May SI. John Griscom after seventy-two hours fasting shows a loss of eleven pounds. He appears to bo in a healthy normal condition. He plays games, visits theatres and when lie feels the need of stimulation he takes a leisurely walk. li i W iu V i-.:.w.iiwi-Cji.. 1 u. EU'1 C3. atCTS RATES. Y vt:,v ,H',I i(V 1. Onp rviona Y:':u- S" One-linif 1. cuian Ywr .' (fiie-fiiiii'l!1 .'-I'runin One Year l-'n.'H) f i.M.j-elKlitti l.V.ttaiM r):io YiMir Vj.&i TV.' K.:l MT A1)V It TISIJ.'O. Olio Square ( 're.' V.'ri'k 1 .00 Oite S(ll:ov 't ,vo Yw-liS ,. t.'l ine f-Uj'iiU'o Three- 'ce!?s -.(,'', K;w!i jeicliltoiml Inr.erlion -V) coats n stautre each week. T.o t. Atj'UTlRINO. Ten rent1' a l;n-- Ttist 1n-evt!nn: rtvecoutn a iini !Vv- t:ir'j i.tllMonn, i tw.-rt iin . HSisiiif A. r.iii.a'wiv.3, JR., I'vspnetor. S95tESSRIA!ldKa Mrs. F. Pollman having moved into the house of Jas. iVnfield near the Catholic church wishes to inform tic Citizen of Ridgway ami vicinity that she is prepared to do in a neat and satisfaeiory jounncr all kinds of plain sewing and dief: making .at reasonr.hle pri.-es. Ad persons having work tn this line ure respectfully invited to give her a call. nlfiml 7.1 SiS. II. CRAYHTOS. In returning (banks for past favors rcspeeM'iiUy begs to inform her friends and '.he public generally that she has ju.-f returned from New York where she purchased a large stock of Milli nery and f.mcv goods of the latest styles, also a nice selection of ladies Skirls, Plain and Fancy hosiery Ladies' and Childrens' Parasols, Hair goods, fancy Chinaware, &c., which she intends to sell as elicit)) its the cheapest. Particular attention givento trimming and iti a style that cannot be surpassed in tins section. All are invited to call and inspect her goods before iiurchasimr elsewhere. nlOmS Just received from Boston a full line of Ladies' Fine Shoes, Sandals and Slippers alao Men'j Calf aud Buff Shoes and Slippers. Be sure to call and examine the goods before p u rc 1 i as i n g c 1 se w h e re. Cohen Bros. & Brownsteine. Note paper and envelopes at this office. STOVE SIGN No. 42 Main St. Peelers' STOVES, Cooking Utensils, Axes, Spuds, &c, &e. NASBY in EUROPE! May 1 Uh, Mr. D. It. Locke, (Rev. Petroleum V. Nasby) will sail for Europe, lor i In: purpose of contribut ing a series of Letters to the Toi.kdo l'LrK. Thesis levters will cover a period of six months, commencing June 1st. They will bo written in Mr. Nasty's ncjiiiiiir vein, and will be as lively Hi lie cm ma'.;c tlifcia. TJ1B TOLBni) WKUKIiY BIiAPB is the Laiyost Political and haniily paper in the United Ktatcs, and iu ad dition to this feature, contains a dozen others, known to una unproved o.Y a majority of the families in every Statu and Territory. terms : For three months, nost-naid ... 50 cts For six months, Sl.OJ NASIiY I'OHTKAIT I'UKE. Everv subscriber to the Rlaui durin;; the publication of Mr. Locke's Letters lor elllicr tliree or six montns will receive, free of charge, a splendid FOUTKAlT ()! Mil. LOCKE, in size ami style similar to the one of President Garfield wtncii we issued last summer. This portrait in the nicture stores would sell for 50 cents, It will not be put upon tho market at all, and can only be had by subscribers to the BLADE. Those desirini? these letters com pleto and the portrait, will do well to send their orders early. We shall print an extra edition, to be able to send oaeK numuers, uui uie supply will doubtless be exnausted lu month. Bend your orders, inimedi ately. Specimen copies of the Blade mailed to auy address on application Hfciid your huoseripuon ac once. Add less, BLADE CO., i Toledo, 0. Business Cards. GEO. A. RAtHSUM. ATTORN EY-AT-L AW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co. P. tlx Particular attention clven to examination of titles, also to paten U and patent cases. HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Mairi street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. T82t V. L. WILLIAMS. " Late of Strattanville), Physician and Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office hi Hall's Brick Building (up-sfairs)-Rofereitces J. D. Smith, H. L. Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanville; Major John Kitloy, W. W. Green land, Clark n. lias practiced his profession sccessfully for more than ten years. G. G. rSSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vln'iy S. BCR?V?LL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN fe SURG'N", Has removed his office from Centre street to Main at root, Ridgway, Pa., in the fecund story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, west of the Hyde House. Cilice hour.5 :1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M ' H13MSE.""' W. II. SCH RAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful lor the patronage hereto- !or so liberally bestowed upon litm, the new imvrietor hopes, by paying trio attention to the con-fort and con venience of guests, to no'rit a continu ance of the same. oeuo'tit) AfllLETiJ NSiV"!3FRJC&K CYCLO- This admirable work is now com plete: n Pi vols. Fnch volume coutainsWJ page's. It maUosa complete and well si ice. en iioravv, mm no one can chord to do without it who would keep well informed. Pri. c 1 3 ou in cloth, fii.eO in leather, or c'7.t)(i in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, W. U. Fuhvliild, l'ortville, Catt. Co., N. Y.. who has been duly appointed atrent lor i-nc county iy u. ii.- Jtitison, geners.l agent. iV-NNBTLVANIA KAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Div. . WINTER TIME TABLE. rn and after SUNDAY, November "!, lsso, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie Railroad Division will run as follows : WESTWARD. Niagara Ex. leaves Phila 9 00 a. m. " " " Renovo..f 10 j). in. EHH-: maii. leaves PhPu 11 05 p. m " " Renovo 11 05 a. ni. " " F.mporiuni.l H0p. m. " ' St. Mary's..a 23 p. m. " " Ridgway....2 4p,m. " " Kane....... ..3 4o p. m. " arr. nt Erie 1 45 p. in. EASTWARD. Day Express leaves Renovo 10 05 a. m. " " air. at Phila.... 0 85 p.m. erik hail leaves Erie 11 35 a.m. " " Kane 4 10 p. m. " ' Kidgwav....o 17 p. iu. ' " St. Mary's..5 50 p. m. " ' Emporium.) 65 p. m. " " Renovo 9 00 p. m. " arr. at Phila 7 05 a. m. Wm. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. i of .v: -,v- ---i . ir.- "iwx! M v.r. r d-.-.:, fi. ..;.a Yv: Tul.t wt.'-k. to res- c I tain 'leiveiioil Ho(3 bii'fC. Hop 8 V you r.cii yo'irtr Riu m potrHrm from any in- f-'l rial cr uny. ; u en a Uwi ot sick ness, ivi oa u o mi" re. Whoever you am, ivMt, 'I he (wands die n- r? ni nutiliy f i' m eomo foi-.n of Udnoy . j-lvfls-a tliiit niijrlit "-vi bwniTMuntwl W ty ft t r.i 1 1 y Uiiv ot tstix h'opBltter tXat yitur i' -'iu iM'da cloml'iu.t'ja (npr or stiavoLa utr, tnlte Hop i ' M 1 J-'ti.s r v r ii j kkO h ft cli'-'-uonnf 'Idhrrtme. ejrcuUr. i it i li may I hop cimss lij f-a co., 1 lireov- .VT .r.rlf.Onl. M THE CHEAT ENGLISH REMEDY OKAY'S SPECIFIC KEMEDY. TRAC3 MASK- Ts especially TRAOEM A Sit, r ccomuicud us an tin- ilinu- cure for Seminal W e a k n e ss -? Ik i' .. '' Spermator- idiOje xdiUng.,,,, ., ,, Aft.fiv TaLintr. diseases that follow as a sequoiiey on .V . i . . 1 1 1 v ( nil o self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Lnl- xcral Ija.-situde, J'ain in tno Jaca, Dimness of vission, Premature old a 'id manv other diseases that lea Is to ln.-aiiifv. CoUiitanpl ion and i Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are tlr?t cuiujed by deviating' trom the ol 'uatiireand overindulgence; The (Specific. Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of experi ence in treating those special descuses. 1' iui nai'ticuiars m our naiupiueiH,' which we desire to send free by mail to every one. Tlie tSiieciiic Medicine is sold by alt Druggists nt il per package, or six packages for $.", or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by addressing. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., No. I Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. 8'.SBold in Ridgway by all Druggists, everywhere. Harris & Ewlng, wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh. nl2-ly ESTATE NOTICE. Instate of John C. Corbe, late of 2i Benzinger township, Eik county. Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby geveri that letters testameutary have been granted to the undersigned, upon the above named estate. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and thoce having legal clainis'agaiust the same , to present the without delay, in pro per order for settlement. nl3 t6 Susan Cobbe, Executrix -, If you have auy work in the lino1 of upholstering send it to Jacob Bof 1 lerfuss' harness shop.' ,