The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 19, 1881, Image 4

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Tasteur states that at a farm near
SpdHs cattle which had died of rat-bun-cnlar
fever twelve years ago were buried
at a certain spot within a walled gar
den. Some specimens of the soil were
after that lapse of time lixiviated and
concentrated, and some guinea pigs in
ocnlated with the matter thus obtained
died oon afterward, developing all of
the well-marked symptoms of carbuncle.
Seven sheep were allow-d to pass n few
hours a day at the place whpi-o the dis
eased animals were interred, and the re
sult of this pxwriment waR that two of
the sheep died of fever in pboUt sin
weeks. The vitality of the germs of
this disease is remarkable.
On Angn8t25, 180, during a thunder
storm in broad daylight, M. Trecul saw.
as he states in a paper read before the
French Academy of Science on March
28, a very brilliant elongated bod.v,
about thirty-eigh to forty centimeters
long by twenty-five centimeters broad,
with conical ends, pass from one pari
of a dark cloud to another and before
disappearing and dividing above the
houses a small part of its substance fell,
as if influenced by eravity, and devel
oped a path of a luminous nature mark
ed on the sides with ronnd protuber
ances of a reddish color. The author
adds that in other thunder-storms he
has repeatedly noticed a feeble light,
band-like in shape, lighting up the
width of the street in whole or in part.
The Mekarski air engiuo (3 about to
Ie introduced for street railroads in
England. It can be used in combina
tion with a car or separately. This
locomotive weighs about 7.5 tons, and
consists of cylindrical steel reservoirs
that are charged with air at a pressure
of 450 pounds to the square inch before
starting, a special regulating apparatus,
and ordinary cylinders and driving gear.
The air passes through a reservoir of
hot water and steam to the regulator,
nnd thence to the cylinders. The heat
thus imparted to the air increases its
volume and prevents the freezing of
moisture in the exhaust passages.
When this engine is working there is
no noise, and there is the further and
obvious advantage of an absence of
smoke. This type of motor has been
in successful operation iu Nantes for
about two years.
It was discovered a few years ago that
trees decreased somewhat in girth dur
ing the winter season. It was supposed
before that, their liquors freezing, as
other liquors do, they should rather ex
pand than shrink. Nature, however, is
not ordered after the wisdom of men.
Water expands in proportion as it rises
above the freezing point, and it also
expands when it goes below. So long
before it was proved by the carefully
conducted observations of Dr. Hayes,
in the Arctic regions, the laundress
knew that the colder the weather the
more the linen dried, that low tem
perature as well as high temperature
favored evaporation. Trees evaporate
trom their branches in winter, and thus
the colder the weather the more they
shrink. Some new facts in this class
have recently been addod by two Ger
man scientists, Kravs and iCiiiser. Trees
not only vary their diameters from win
ter to summer, but also from day to
day. They are larger from noon to
twilight next morning, smaller from
twilight till noon. Although not so
stated, this is also, no doubt, due to
evaporation, which is probably greater
in the morning growth than' at any
other time. The demand for moisture
shrinks the vessels and lessensthe girth.
The Caterpillar mid the Fly.
A corpulent caterpillar is stuffing his
lurreii or velvet doublet, w ith the juicy
pulp of a young and tender oak leaf.
His thoughts at all events his sensa
tions-are completely centered in the
business which he ha in hand more
properly in mouth; und he dreams as
little ol approaching dunger as an al
derman at a city least imbibing the
green fat of turtle, while a sparkling
chandelier hangs, perhaps suspended by
an all but severed chain, over his de
voted head. No chandelier, indeed, but
destruction in a living form as bril
liant, hangs suspended over the un
conscious glutton of the oak leaf. An
ichneumon fly, poised in the air above
lnm, nor iridescent whirs and black
Bhining body glittering in the sun, is
tearfully vibrating her tail like piercer,
with intent to plunge it into the fleshy
back of her well-fed victim. She stoops
ner weapon enters is withdrawn, and
leaves behind it, in the wound, a germ
of nascent torture a thousand times
more dreadful than a drop of deadly
poison a tiny egg deposited within the
warm onhce pierced for its recent'on.
In a few hours this egg becomes a
gnawing worm, which thrives and fat
tens on the juices, leaving carefully un
touched the vital organs of the helpless
gormandizer thus compelled to foster
it. Its growth completed the parasite
emerges, and then, in completion of its
murderous part, spins a silken thread,
with which it proceeds to bind the
nearly exhausted body of its supporter
(as Gulliver by Lilliputian cords) to the
surface of the oak leaf. Thus manacled,
the shrunken remnant of the once
plump crawler exists yet a few miser
able days, while the young ichneumon,
having inclosed itself v?ithin a shroud
of silk, undergoes its transformations,
and finally emerges into a perfect life,
a sparking fly, like its parent, close be
side the then dead body of the creature
by which it had been nourished to ma
turity. " Episodes of Insect Life."
Entertain charity, and seek peace with
all men.
Inclination and interest determine
the will.
Love, faith and patience the three
essentials to a happy life.
None are more hopelessly enslaved
than those who falsely believe they are
A falsehood has no legs, and cannot
stand; but it has wings, and can fly far
and wide.
Man believes himself always greater
than he is, and is esteemed less than
he is worth.
Never show that you suspect, nor ac
cuse till you have found that your sus
picion was well founded.
Every person has two educations one
Which he receives from others, and
one more important which he gives
The nice arrangement and prop?r ap
propriation of time is a science almost as
valuable as any of the seven, and as im
portant to acquire.
A gentleman in Montreal who offered
the city $20,000 as a permanent bread
fund for the poor, without respect to
creedor nationality, had much diilicultv
in getting his generous gift accepted,
some of the aldermen contending that
the city council is not appointed to ad
minister a land for charitable pu"oses.
The tiilvertie.
Trofessor Iroctor closes his lecture
on "The Star Depths" with the follow
ing quotation from Jeen Paul Frieder
ich ltichter:
God called up a man into the vesti
bule of heaven, saying "Come thou
hither and see the glory of My house."
And to the servants that stood around
His throne He said: "Take h'm and
nndress him from the robe's of flesh,
cleanse his vision and put new breath
into Im's nostrils; only touch not with
any change his human heart the heart
that, weeps and trembles." It was done,
and with a mighty utifjc-l for his guide,
the man stood ready for his infinite
voyage; and from the terraces of heaven,
without sound or farewell, at once they
wheeled into endless space. Some
times, with solemn flight of ongel wing,
they fled through poharns of darkness,
through wildernesses of death that
divided the worlds of life; sometimes
they swept along frontiers that were
qnickening under prophetic motion.
Then from a distance that is 'counted
only in heaven, light dawned for a time
through a sleepy film ; by unutterable
pace the light swept to them, they, by
unutterable pace, to the light. In a
moment the rushing of planets was
upon them ; iu a moment the blazing
of suns was around them. Then came
eternities of twilight that revealed, but
were not revealed. On the right hand
and the left towered mighty constella
tions, that by self-repetitions and an
swers from afar ; that by couuter posi
tions built up trinmphal gates, whose
architraves, whose archways horizon
tal, upright rested, rose, at altitude
by spans that seemed ghostly from in
rinitude. Without measure wero the
architraves, past number were the arch
ways, beyond memory the gates. With
in were stairs that scaled the eternities
below ; above was below below was
above to the man stripped of gravitating
body depth was swallowed up in height
unsurmountablc, height was swallowed
up in depth unfathomable. Suddenly,
as they thus rode from infinite to in
finitesuddenly, as they thus tilted
over abysmal worlds a mighty cry
arose, that systems more mysterious,
that constellations more glorious, that
worlds more billowy, other heights and
other depths, were coming, were nearly,
were at hand !
Then the man sighed and stopped,
shuddered nnd wept. His overburdened
heart uttered itself in tears, and he
said: "Angel, I will go no further.
For the spirit of man aeheth with this
infinity. Insufferable is the glory of
the universe. Let me lie down in the
grave and hido myself from the perse
cution of the infinite; for end there is
none. And from all the listening stars
that shono around issued a choral
voice: "The man speaks truly; end
there is none, that even yet we have
heard ot. lumx there is none 1 ihe
angel solemnly demanded: "Is there
indeed no end, and is this the sorrow
that kills you?" But no voice answered,
that ho may answer himself. Then the
angel throws up his glorious hands
toward the heaven of heavens, saying:
"End there is none in the universe of
God. Lo 1 also there was no beginning."
Hellcloiin ivs nml Notre
The Congregational church at Ver
million, Dak., lost its house of worship,
with all its furniture, by the recent
Seventy years ago the first Christian
baptism of a Hindoo took place. There
are now in India, Burman and Ceylon"
500,000 native Christians.
A new uptown Methodist church is
projected in New York. It is proposed
to commence work when 8200,000 has
been raised, of w hich 150,000 has al
ready been subscribed.
According to the present programme
prepared fortho Methodist (Ecumenical
conference, to be held in London in
September next, Bishop Simpson is to
preach the opening sermon.
Some one has counted up the Sunday
school conventions, institutes and
assemblies held in this country during
1880. They numbered 5,220, an aver
age of over 100 a week. But the coun
try is large, and these gatherings were
held in many widely-separated places.
The Fifth Avenue Baptist church,
of New York, needed repair and em
bellishment. Dr. Aimitago told his
people of this need, and the conse
quence was an immediate response by
solid men, who subscribed S2'.t,000. The
church will now be one of the most
beautiful in the city.
New churches are being organized on
the Western mission fields of the Bap
tist home mission society at the rate of
out for each week. In five years there
will be from 250 to 300 churches added
to our force. These, in addition to the
750 houseless churches now in the West
will give at least 1,000 churches requir
ing attention from the society, either
to build or to support pastors for a
time. Examiner.
A religious paper in London speaks
of the great annoyance which some min
isters suffer while preaching, from the
thoughtlessness of restless and fidgety
persons, who pull their watches fiom
their pockets or turn around to look at
the church clock. This paper says that
there ought to bo a law that whoever
takes out his watch or looks at the clock
during sermon should be condemned to
hit out the monotonous reading of one
of the longest "sermons of one of the
dryest sixteenth century divines.
The Monkey and the Crab,
A careless assistant to a fishmonger,
with a basket of crabs on his arm, took
it into his head while pasbing the mon
key's house in the Jardin des Plantes,
Paris, the other day, that it would be
amusing to give a crab to one of the
monkeys whioh held out its "hand"
through the wires of the cage. The
animal, we are told, looked at it curiously,
then raised it to his mouth. The crab,
hitherto ineit, now recovered its self-
possession, and took hold of the mon
key's nose between his large claws
The other, with a piercing cry, rushed
to the roof of the building, clinging to a
cord. It continued to maintain its
hold, the monkey frantically endeavor
ing to tear it away. Weary of the strug
gle he suspended himself to a bar by
the tail, hoping thus to throw off his
enemy, the other apes sitting on the
ground, looking on with astonishment
at the strange spectacle. Suddenly the
poor animal became motionless. He
was, as an eye-witness suggests, think'
ing, and his reflections, we are told,
were of a melancholy character, as they
ended in suicide. He let go the bar to
which he had been suspended, and fall
ing head foremost was killed instantly,
his nose still in the claws of Lis perse-
c itor.
The fellow who was much struck by a
young lady wanted to return a kiss for
the blow. Lowell Wizen.
A Rank Feast In India.
Squatting 5n the center of various
piles of delicacies sits the vender. And
curious are these sweets. Milky cronm
and coarse brown sugar are their chief
ingredients. No attempt is made at
decoration. In fact, the native would
not appreciate anything which savored
of delicacy. His coofrel'y is always
strong. Horrid garlic, greasy ghi or
clarified butter condiments at which
the European would sicken are the
choicest of their culinary efforts. The
quantity cf sweets a strong man con
sumes borders on the marvelous. The
reasoi. is of easy account. A Hindoo,
by his religion, la-forbidden to eat meat,
and the most nourishing food they can
obtain is saccharine matter. A sweet
meat called " jelabi" is in high esteem.
This is made in imitation of a hollow
coil of rope and.filled with treacle. A
mouthful to a tender stomach is pro
vocative of cholera or biliousness for at
least a month. But the English school
boy has been known to compete with
he Hindo in snch gastronomic feats;
for one boy has been known at a sitting
to eat twelve solid pounds. The doctors
Erophesied of him immediate death, but
o smiled sickly and thought a glass of
milk would set him all right.
In all great native feasts confection
ery takes an important place. First, as
the guests arrange themselves, is
handed round in a silver tray the attar,
a scent procured from the rose. This
is rubbed into the clothes of the guests.
Then follow the pan and betel. This
is the nut of the areca pounded, and
with lime inclosed in large, green, suc
culent leaves. It is nn appetizer, and
eaten just in the same manner as
European would drink just before din
ner sherry and bitters. The taste Is acid,
but withal pleasant, and the lime
brightly reddens the lips. This is
greatly odmired by the native. Then
follow rice, sugar and milk, and pound
upon pound of the Coarsest lollypops.
Not a word is spoken during the feast.
Each man is bent upon his meal, and
those who wish to highly honor thoir
guest tie around their stomach before
sitting down a tender thread. When
this breaks the gentleman thinks
ho has satisfied his appetite. As when
in olden times in Enropo a lady thought
she paid a compliment to her host wheu
she said she had been so drunk as to
forget how she reached home, so a na
tive of a certain caste thinks he is cour
teous when he says the repast was so
good as to cause severe indigestion. It
is not an uncommon thing alter a grand
feast for at least two or three people to
die of over-gorging ; and then another
feast has to be given, at which, proba
bly, some more die. Thus is death's
sickle not permitted to rust. A sweet
meat shop is a fieqnented place in it
only by the younger members of tho
community, but by the sage and hoary.
But nothing can bo bought without
wrangling. Though a man may buy a
pound of the self-same article for ten
years running, he would each time try
to reduce the price, and the seller,
knowing this peculiarity, invariably asks
double the real price. Calif orni an.
Amphibious Venice.
Water is the Venetian's native ele
ment. In the quaint gloom of twilight
the canals of Venice are alive with her
male population, men and boys, and
very many little maidens, too, ill cloth
hg leaves, sporting in the waters like so
many dark-skinned Polynesians. They
dive, they gambol, they shout, they
splash, they make the old walls and
slimy waters merry with their cries and
laughter, while their nude, white bodies
come out against them ia shiny, drip
ping relief, like so many figures of a
lar-away primitive world, where inno
cence still rules supreme. Mothers sit
knee-deep in water on their house-steps,
either holding their six months' old
babies, while they kick and splash and
coo delightedly on their own account at
finding themselves thus earlv in lite in
their native element, or else they let the
older ones loose, with ropes around their
waists, securely fastened either to them.
selves or the door-ring, to bo hauled
quickly in iu case of emergency. To
aid them still further in their nautical
exploits, these infants are supplied with
breast-boards on which to float until
they learn to swim, which feat is soon
accomplished, for thev take as easily to
tho water as othei children do to green
sward. Indeed, at this time of day it
requires some extra skill on the part of
tho gondolier to pick his way through
the swimming, floating, plunging
population, as thick in spots as shoals
of mackerel in their season, screaming
and hustling one another in the brine as
vigorously as if sporting on shore.
Where there is so much rollicking
nakedness about, stalwart models of
men as nude, saving llieir waist-cloths,
as the classical gods, and iiitle girls and
boys ragless, or next to it, ut first blush
on encountering them in these watery
streets of a largo city in broad daylight,
the stranger is startled; but soon gets
accustomed to this novel phase of
Venetian life. Salt water is a great
Orisflii ofthe Word "Dim."
The word "dun" is not entirely un
familiar to the ordinary orth American
ear. it is not a word of sweet sound or
delightful associations. It generally
means that a man is undone. Tho coarse
and persistent demand for filthy lucre
at a time alien wo have hunted through
every pocket we possess in the vain
hope of finding oven the smallest coin
that was ever deposited in a contribu
tion-box is not exactly like a refrain of
music. It may, however, be sadly in
teresting to know the origin of the
word. There is a momentary glow of
satisfaction in the sight of the maker's
name on the saw with which the but
geon amputates your leg. We do not
aigue that it is a satisfaction that lasts
very long, or that it is very prof und in
its character, but still there is the
merest shadow of a shadow of interest,
not to put the matter in an exaggerated
way, in the knowledge that tho atom
mentioned saw is of good Sheffield
make, and not one of those cheap in
struments in which a high civilization
sometimes deals. In the reign of Henry
Mil. a famous bailiff, named Joe Dun,
lived in the town of Lincoln. He was
extremely dexterous in extorting money
from unwilling pockets. Wheu he was
invited to "call again" he always
accepted the cheerful invitation. In
deed, his habits were so profligate and
he was so careless of the courtesies of
life that he was apt to call even when
no genial invitation had been extended.
He was never much farther away thau a
creditor's shadow. When a man refusad
to pay a bill, therefore, some one was
sure to ask: "Why don't you Dun
him?" Hence the awful word which
has followed the impecunious even unto
this day, and the associations of which
not even the lapse of time can mellow
V,7. 17 1 J
j.iew i urn iiaram.
Pennsylvania has olio newspapers
eighty-seven ol wnicn are dailies.
A Dcsperilo'g Escape.
A communicatin from Santa Fe,
New Mexico, says Full particulars of
the escape of Wjliara Bonney, alias
"Billy the Kid," fum the jail of Lincoln
county have reaaed here. The Kid
was in charge of lib Alinger and J. W.
Bell, deputy shniffs, cool and brave
men. It seems, bwever, that by docile
behavior the prisoer put them off their
guard. On the (yening of the day in
question Alingerhad gone to supper,
leaving lieu to watch the prisoner.
Bell was sitting ;in the floor talking,
when the Kid, wh was heavily shackled
and handcuffed, wproached him pleas
antly and sudden!' jumped at him with
the swiftness of awildcnt, hitting mm
on the head and fracturing his skull.
He then snatchcdBell s pistol and shot
him in the bren. Bell ran down the
steps and fell at tie foot a corpse The
Kul kicked open tho door, procured a
hatchet and knotted off his shackles.
He also broke 0en tho door of the
armory and tookposscssion of several
-nns and pistols. Bob Almger, hearing
the shot, left his tipper and ran toward
the jail. When entering a small gate
leading through tie jail fence, the Kid,
who was upstairs. Bhot him with a gun
loaded with buQtshot, killing him in
stantly. Tho tolvn of Lincoln seemed
terror-stricken, and nobody thought of
opposing the SLd. He stole a horse
and rode off, armed with four revolvers
and a Winchester rifle. He has ex.
pressed a determination to kill Governor
Lew allace, who failed to pardon him,
and who, bv a curious coincidence,
signed the Kid's de" at oni
Fe on the sama "y ue escaped ai
Suhstitiifrs for Kissing.
Some rude nces have strange sub
stitutes forkissitg. Of a Mongol father,
traveler writes, " lie smeued lrom
time to time the head of his youngest
son, a niaik cf paternal tenderness
usual among tie Mongols instead of
embracing." In the Philippine islands,
we are told, "the sense of smell is de
veloped to so cieat a degree that they
are able, by smelling at the pocket
handkerchiefs, to tell to which persons
tuey belong; ard lovers, at parting, ex
hange pieces of linen they may be
wearing, and during their separation
inhale the odor of the beloved being.
Among the Citacong-hill people, again,
it is said, " the manner of kissing is pe
culiar. Instead of pressing lip to lip,
they place the nose and mouth upon the
cheek and inhale the breath strongly."
Their form of scech is not "Give me a
iss, but "Smell me. In tho same
way, according to another traveler,
' thi Burmese do not kiss each other
in the Western fashion, but apply the
lips and nose to tho cheek nnd make a
strong inhalation." Moreover, " the
Samoans salute by juxtaposition ol
noses, accompanied not by a rub but a
hearty snioj." There is Scriptural pre
cedent for such custous. When blind
Isaac was in doubt whether the son
who came to hini was Jacob or not,
ho smelled tho smell of his raiment,
and blessed him."
Springfiel I (Mass.) Republican.
Edgar T. Page, Esq., druggist, writes
us from Chicopeo Falls that Mr. Albert
Guentber, nndcr Wild's hotel, has used
that remarkable remedy, St. Jacobs Oil,
tor a severe case of rlieninattsm nml it
cured him, as if bv magic. ' Ho tilsn
used it with great success among his
horses in cases of sprains, sores, etc.,
and it cures every time.
A Queer Way of Building Houses.
There are in the world many queer
ways of making houses, and one of the
queerest is found in tlie city ol 1'alem-
bang, in Sumatra. Thi town extends
for three or four miles on both sides of
a rather wide river, and both shores are
lined with houses. I irst comes a row
built upon piles which are driven into
the bottom ot the river, ana outsnie ol
that another row resting on great bam
boo rafts, which are held by cables of
rattan to the piles of the next houses.
Of course these ra'ts rise and fall with
the tide, and the doors open upon the
water, so that thoy are reached by boats.
Tlie thresholds are not more than a foot
above water, and ouo steps directly
from a boat into a house. One can buy
anything there is for sale in this town
without getting out of his boat. Hie
people are Malays, and it is said that
they never bniltl a house on ilry laud if
they can find water to set it in, and
never go anywhere on foot if they can
reach the place in a boat.
Des Moines Iutva Stato licjjl-ter.
We notice tlie following in an ex
change: Mr. G. B. Hnvcrer, foreman
N. Y. & N. II. S. B. Co., suffered for
eight days with terrible pain in the
back, almost to distraction, until he
heard of and used St. Jacobs Oil, one
bottle of which cured him completely.
The amount of fish annually con
sumed in New l'ork city aggregates
nearly 31,000,000 pounds, of which cod
comprises about 6,000,000 pounds, blue
nsh neariy 5.00H.OOO and macKerel
- yon -
Cancers anJ Cancerous Humors.
The Doctor's Certificate
insAr ix.
Ashlft, Wash i UK tou Co., 111., Jan. 14, 1h78.
Mr. IT. It. Ki kvknh:
In hi' sir Tliia iw in ccrlifv (hat I lial been miffVr.
iiiK from a lt-wn t'anrrr on inv ri'lit bn-uBt, which
ln v very r.ividlv, umi all niytni inl lmlpv-u me
U tn (lit;, when I hi iini of your iiu tlirim, kuktine,
ri'i'initnii-iHltMl litr t 'uni-i-r iiihI ('itliriTitUH IluitinrH. I
rniiitiieiiciMl to tuki' it. itinl ooii louml mH lt licju.
nititf lo feel bitter; my In alth ami hiritK buh Mt
thf beiii tfn iiiriiii-nru winch it ex rt l. and a b w
Mouth lrom the time 1 i-oimiit in vil tho mm; u! tho
tut-xiNK tho Cum-er came out it:ni"st tnim-.
( AliltlK m i'OKKKKT.
T certify that I am ioioiially aeqnaiutett with Mrs.
DoFurrest, ami 1 coiibiiler hi r one of our vt rv besL
WOUiCU. Vll. 11. l OWbl.KiS.
Cancer Cured.
Washington, D. C Jan. 6. 1H81.
rn h n. Rtkvkvk?
'I'll., ir.-at avmiu.thv T hve for others who are suf.
fereih lrom Cancer itiKU'uiu-eroUM lliiinorN imirenMeg
inn that it inuiy suered ilulv to write you, ultlioiiKh a
niraiuier to me. fur two lomj M are I sullereil umi
eiiuurril the most jtuiutHi rn'iueui, iiom a iaiiee
of the llreat. .My citfco (li li. d Hie ellorU ot the tea
ohvuii ialiii. I trte.l uiauv n nn 'liiii, when a l!i -utli
luau iu tlieotliee with my hur-haiid &lvii.-tl hini to
try your i netl. hh VnoLiiNt; he or-'imiit iinme
bottle, lll lure Inkilli! half "f the firxt bottle I le
w.-ll uinhm. I com mil. rt iuKuik tne a.i.iui!, kuiu-
llit! uverv day ; have taken eli-'lilei u uoltli K. uml am
U iw lierfeotl rlireil ; hot a vestiue ol luy illKi-ure left.
1 wihh everv one could know what a wood medicine
it i for audi dii an-H. Your name will never be lor.
Kottcu. May Ooit ever blewi, liuule and protect you,
u. the earnest duli, oray er ol
No. 830 Seventh Street. Northeast, Wahiuntou, D. 0,
Spring- IIelicine.
leivtlne Hvll by all lfVlita,
There is no reason to doubt that Hat-
tie Mosely was buried alive at Youngs-
town. Ohio, it was lound that she had
turned over in her coffin and torn her
rJhroud in a violent struggle.
Th OrcnlPiit Itlc.alntr.
A alninln mini liarmlnan 4lial m.vnM
every time, ami prevents disease by keeping
tno blond pure, stomach regular, kidneys and
liver active, is tno KreatPM oiefwinir ever con
ferred upon man. Hup Bitters iB tlmt remedy,
and Its proprietors are bcinff blessed by tlioii
snnds who have been savod and cured by it.
Will you try it? Hco other column,
Two physicians and surgeons of Lon
don, England, are supposed to receive
about $100,000 per year each 'in fees.
BEsrrrn fro pf.ath.
William J. CoiiKtiltn, of Soinervllle, Mara., saj-s: In
Ihe full of 1870 1 wai taken with blcedlns ol the lung,
followed .by a severe conch. I lost my ai.petito anil
fli'h. anil was confined to my bed. In 1877 I was ad
mitted to the hospital. The doctors said Iliad a hole
in my limp as biff as a half-dollar. At one time a re-
.,Tt went around that 1 was ileail. 1 pave in lioiio.
hut a friend told mo of Db. William Hall's Balsam
Fon the Lcnos. I trot ahottlo, when, to my surprise,
I commenced to feel better, and to-day I feel better
than for three yenra past. I write this uonlne; cyery
one alliic tod with disicd lunss will take Dn. Wil
liam Hall's Balsam, and be convinced that cos
si'MiTios can be crnED. I can positively say it haa
done more pood than all tho other medicines 1 have
t.iken since my sickness.
For over thlrtv-fonr yenrs
has been warranted to cure Croup, ('olio, Spasms,
i:irrhea nnd IMienlery, tulii-n internally, and Sore
Throat, Pains in the l.tmhi, Chronic lliieiunatiHni,
Old S iv, Viiiiph-s, Ilotrtii-s ami Swellinns, exter
num. a;ul not a oonie nus neen M'lnriieii, manv iimi
llf, a' KlHliii-r Ih.'v would not be without it even it' it
was tin a bottle. Mold liv drnL'i'itB at -25 and SO
cents. Depot, 4-2 Hurray Hi -vet. Ni" York.
fcoef Cattle Med. Nat. live wt. 10 dn
Calves Poor to Prime Veals. , 4f(S
Sheep (y,0D
Lnnilis 7 Ut,
Hogs Live Gir'.i
DiPMwd. city 75;'4
Flour J-.x. State, good to tancy 4 ho
Western, nood to fancy. 4 95
Wheat No. 2 Hod 1 20
No. 1 White.-. 1 25
Rye State 1 0!)
Hurley Tv o-rotvod State 80
Corn rngradedWoHtcni Jlixed 5b'
Southern Yellow 61
dlt 6 50
Mj 8 00
(ft 1 27
(l 1 25Ji
H 1 If
04 62
Oata White State 5'2r,
Mixed Western ia
Hay Medium to Prime, Tim'y I'O
Straw Long live, per cwt 1 10
Hop State, lHi) 12
l'ork Moss, old, for export ... lfi 00
Lard City Steam 11 00
f'O 1 211
W 1 15
f,i. 23
dilli 0.)
(I l no
Oi 11 20
Kelined 11 20
Petroleum Crude (tY.dh
lielined 8 f'j
Butter State Creamery, Jicie.. 20 (it
Dairy 1:1 ftj 18
Western Im. Creamery 16 fit 21
Factory 13 fid 15
Cheeso Stato Factory, nt'e... 11 Q$ 12
Skims . 3 di H1,
Western 5 H 12
Eggs State and lVim H fni 13
Potatoes State, bbl Karly ltoso 2 50 r0 2 00
Steers Extra 6 20
Lambs Western 6 25
Sheep Western 6 35
Hogs, Good toChoice Yorkers. . 6 20
(?? 6 5')
dj 7 00
OC 6 40
dO 0 25
(it, 5 75
r.a 1 21
Flour C'v Ground, No. 1 Spring 5 25
Wheat No. 1. Hard Duluth. .
1 L
Com No. 2 Mixed 'l'i'Ji
Oats Stato 31
Dai-ley Two-rowed State Ut) di
p.eef Western Mess 10 00
10 50
Hogs-Live 6 (t. 14
Hogs City llressed i di H1,
Fork Extra mine per iit)l....l ou M il uu
Flour Sluing Vheutl'atentH.. 7 0U dc 8 00
Corn Mixed and Yellow til fji 03
Oats Extra White 52 da 51
live State 1 23 (n) 1 2o
Wool Washed Comb. Delaine 4:1 ft, 45
Unwashed " " 30 dj, 31
Beef Cattle Dressed v tight .
0 dji
8 dj
Flour renn. good and fancy. ,
Wheat-No. 2 lied
5 10 dTi 5 GO
1 2 1 23
1 O'i do 1 (M
live State
Corn State Yellow
Oats Mixed
411 dt
an do
13 di
8 (si
Hotter I 'reamer.' Extra
.'ln.-ese New York l ull Cream.
irolcuin Crude
(Thispn-'ravlns represents the Luna in a healthy state.)
What the Doctors Say!
Pit. I'LKTCIIIMt, of Iximion, Missouri, hujr: "1
reromiut nd our ItaUiim in i-rolereuce to any
other medicine loreonuh and colds."
T)Tl. A. C. JOHN'SON. nt Mf. Verimn. 111., write ot
Home wondcrliil run- of 'oiiniiiiiuI ion in hut placo
by the uw ol "A lion's laniu Jfulnuiii"
rn. J.
B. TURN EH, Ulountfiville, Ala., a nractirlnR
'hM-iaii of twt nty-tivi
'rv,arutiuu for Consumption in tho world.'
-an. wnteH; it in
For nil l)irnet ol' the Tlirnnt, T.iincn nnrt
I'liiiiioiuiry o run hh, it mil oeioiinu u inotti
excellent itoiiiedy.
J. N.
HARRIS & CO., Proprietors,
Tfor Sale by nil 1 r iijiiit.
Sohl by Mi'KASKON k ItolilllSS. New Yi rk.
Having pained anon
vi.ililc I reputa
tion, displariiitf all
nthcr pn-parutions iu
tho viciiiitv oi dinrov-
ry, ix, uu ftK lin-rits
itli'iH, n-riiLjni.i il tut a
wumhrtul r-in tidy
wht-n-vt r known. A
fair trial will muvinee
the iuoht kkt-ptirul of
itr enraiivu iowt rM. U
cffiHitually cleanst
tho naal paKtaKf of
uMI ARRH,Cul-uiLir AH
Catarrhal virut. raiiK-
HiL' heultliv Hem hniia
allay iiithmiumtinu
.tud irritation, pro
tccts the nifinbrauul
piv; -
liniii'H of tho h-ad
ooiiiplrtiiy lift)! tu.-Mor.
aii'l rehturt-H the Ht'UHc ol
il'ulii utlditlniiB.! coImh.
tatcauilrtineU. li inn-lal niultt. ar' n uh?. d hva I w
apt'lit atiniiH. A thorough tn alun lit an dir- (m1 will
curt 1 atarrli. A a houfti-iinlil r tor oold iu
he. ta it u uuenUiUi d. lUellaim in taa to uhc
ok rccable.
SuU by drugRista at 50 cents. On receipt of
5U ceuU will mail a package, bend for circular.
Owego, N. Y.'
At Wholesale in New York, Philadelphia. Syra
cuse, Boaton, Chicago and other citiea.
TDIITu is Mi'imr
ifll Ml
(tiiiib erf aaJ Wim4 fll tut maU i H.
kt-Hl.C CuW Ji, .nil 4 tlr. Mud a tJ.iBKH T,
HctD ut j m fmwra Lub4td or !. naicholojiMUj1
StMlirttti, aaw, tiwi and plM f aiBi. aud
aM 4 rtiji. Mouaf rflurncJ W all aoi aiiiBad,
Addtaai rioC L Haruata, lu Moai ft. IMm, Maw.
a Alao &ALARV permutlt. All EXPENSES
Bdv.uuid. V kiiK promptly .ld. SLOAN
A Co. aud timin. mt. t luclnpull. ...
4QQQ yoarto AKenl". and eiiieiuea. S(i Outfit
VUVJ free, Addrcj F. bwmu it Co., AuKum,Ma.
tCR i week tn your own town. Term. nd outfit
00 fIeB. AUJ'. 11. HALLtxr k Cu..Purtlud,Mlue.
9H L'broiuo Cards Intcst style, with name, 10c.. post,
fiaid. Moo. I. Ittwil k Ou.. Kaiusaii Ututu. Couutyl.N.Y.
79 A WKKK. fl'Jadavat home easily made. Costly
' Outiit Iree. Add s Thus k Co., Auatuata.Maiu.
bal am
I Vi--i Ls a
Tictor Out Illm Vr.
"It it possible that Mr. Godfrey la tip and at
Work, and cured bv aosimple a ronicdy ?"
" I assure vou It is true that ho la entirely
cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters, and
only ten days ago his doctors gavo him np and
said bo must die!"
"Well-a-davl If that is so, I will go this
minute and gi't some for my poor Goorgo. I
know hops aro good."
Queen Victoria's gold and silver plate,
which is kept at Windsor, is said to be
worth $15,000,000. When the Queen
entertained the late Ozar shortly after
the marriago of his daughter to the Duke
of Edinburgh, gold plate to the value of
810.000.000 was used. The custodian
ship of the ' gold-pantry at Windsor is
considered an ofilce of great trust.
" Now, I Ho Most Vnlipsltnttnaly ATrr,
As an old practitioner, that Wahnfr's Haft,
Kionet Axn Livkr CrnR Is among tho most
valuable discoveries of the nineteenth century.
I cannot say too much in its lichalf.
Signed "J. II. CoxNr.i.LJ, M. t).
"l'ittHbarg, fa., April 0, 1830.",
In Los Angeles county, California,
tluro are 100,000 orange, lemon and
lime trees in bearing, and the crop is
expected to be worth $000,000 this
Ixmnxsriox, nYsrr.psiA, nervous prostration
and all forms of general debility relieved by
taking Munsmas'h l'F.i'ToNizun Hicf.f Tonic, the
onlv preparation of beef containing its entiro
nutritions properties. It contains blood-making,
force-generating and life-sustaining properties)
is invaluable in nil enfeebled conditions, whether
tlie result of exhaustion, nervous prostration,
overwork, or acnto disease, particularly il
King from pulmonary complaints, vasweii,
ard & Co., proprietors, New York.
ScnoiTt.irs Humors. The Vegctilie lias
cured many cases of Scrofula of five, ten and
twenty yours' standing, where tho patient has
ha 1 inatiy physicians, tried many ofthe known
remedies'; atid, after trying the Vogetinc, tho
common remark is, " It'acts differently, works
dilVcrcntly, from any medicine I have ever
taken." Vcgctine will cleanse Scrofula from
tho sy.-tem. Try it.
If vou arc hairless and cappy there is one wav,
and no more, by which you may be made care
less and liamiv uso Carhoi.ine, a deodorized
extract of petroleum, which will positively make
new hair grow.
Card Collectors!
1st. Buy seven bars DOBBINS'
ELECTRIC SOAP of your Grocer
2d. Ask him to give you a bill
of it.
3d. Mail us his bill and your
full address.
4lh. We will mail YOU FREE
seven beautiful cards, in six col
ors and gold, representing Shak
speare's " Seven Ages of Man."
116 South Fourth Street,
Mnratilay'i Tllstfry 01
CiiifiHii'if iura limn
v.'M , i-loth, gilt, ouJt
Cl'iimbcrs' En eye lope.
nmtt mm-'B- K-s2
IIIIEV paRM. I.iimnnnrar.
IIIBiX.v' "9- frni"r prlra
UUI1U t .0.00. f.-r only flu.
tna. iu mrpo vo vol-
Shfikotujonrc' Conipltto Works.
liamtfcomely Lou ml In cl"tb,
black itinj LMld, onlv " rent.
r.;hic' IltMury ot Kiigllsli Liter-
Rinro. l n.iuupnnip iiiiio vo-uiue,
Cio:h, only i ce nts.
Other brwks cqinilly lot.
Futt ttr-eri)4-i tatu.-jue Frtt.
P. O. Rnx 45et. 18 Went 14th St.
Kmlraointr lull and ai.tlifi.tir atvountR of rvery
nation of atirirnt and nu'd.-ni titiu'w, and iui'lndin n
history uf t hi-rise mid ot tho (trerk and Itonmn
Etni-uvH, tho iniddlf.uj.'1'H, tho rrtisiuloH, tho ft-mlul
hxMi'in. tho rvlnrniiilioii, tho diwovury ttud Buttlo
niont of tlie New World, otc, otc.
It eontiiitiH Wi't, line- liistt irioul rnirravinjrR, nnd is
tho most pnmi li'to IliHtory ot tho World bvit inl
lisht'd. head tor specimen patfen and extra terms to
AtfentH. Ad'lnsii
National ITiimkiuno Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Ilcjirescntiiif; the choicest m-lectcil Tortoise
Shell nnd Amlic.r. The. lightest, hniulnoni08t,
anil HtrougoMt known. KoM lv Oiitieiaim and
icw.lii-H. Mndo liv Sl'KXCKlt OPTICAL
MT'O. CO.. 1 : Jlni'den Lane, New York.
HE POET'S CORXEIl-A weekly. Vfl-raK
tui!n-r. "Muzenpa." " Priwoner ol liiillnn," and
4H nlluT lun-nis cuiiipl.'to In nnt iitiliilier. Kenton
receipt of ."J ccuta. iillii-e -Hi Vesey hit., New York.
(') I) Siileninen WunK-il to Bell our flmt-claM
a liiKt-nellinii'l-'ooils ou colnlniHHion. A th-uilid
ehuuei; to make money. Hentl Htainp lor terms and iar-tirukil-a
at ouee. l'boeliix riteam l'ub. Co.,'arreu, V.
A TI.EVS llinln Food-
I'lirea Nervous Debility k
Send forClroular. Allen's Pharmacy,1;)) :i Kintt av.,N. Y.
J I'ilKlinsH ol (ientTrttlV'
.lln..l..B 1.1 I (ill llt-lltM.iwtH.
7.1 lleKt Ki'lliutf ArtieleH in the world, a
Bami'iewe. jay iirouaon.Lieiroii.iuieu.
i V ht-Uiuir Pietorial l(oob and lliblin. Priees redneed
3:1 er et. National Piililishilut Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
IJENTS WANTED for tlie neat and Fastest
1 I A It Y I, A N I) FA It M K. ST to ner Acre,
Khort wintero, breezy Kiiiilluers, healthy climate.
CataloKlle free. U. P. CH AMHKltS, peiliTalsbnivMd.
YflllNR MCW Learn Teleuraiihy. Earn 4H to 1(K)
I UUIIU 111 I-II a ,uc,uti. UraduateJi nuaraliteed
I'aynip oinces. auii a aiein uie u roH jancHviiie, im
R tn 9fl per day at home. Samples worth t.1 free.
J IU J.U Address briNsoM i Co.,Portlaud,Maiue.
fiinoethtt mliu tion of Ir. Khennan's tonus thou
huimIh art crowding uioii him for troatinont, i,'lally
throwing away thfirKripiur. irksome, diHpiritinit ana
lifo-puiiiNhinp' triiKst-H. Hut tn atment for this afflic
tion inakfH tho patient oomfortablo and sate iu the
porlornian-'e of ev rv kind of xcix'lne or lalor. It i
a Krand tiling, und tho- who uro mpturi'd and do not
provide tlii'iiiHi-lvi-s with it must enduro the dantTH
of that pn-ciiriouH aiHirtion ;unl the utn of tniHHeti all
through lid;. TlioiiNitu l-i ot thorns ruivd uive the mtnt
ti.ittfriuK ti-HtiiiioiiiuN of gratitude to lir. Klwrniau.
Ho in tho author and inventor of hi popular system:
ho impart hiH nnt-ri-t to no ohm; it in applirable to all
rlaHHcs and casi-ti, and, un h r his reduced rate, with
In tho reach of alinoMt every ono,
1'atieiitn rau reeeivo treatnient and leave forhomA
the. Hitiui. day. Jtr. rjheruiuu'H Book ou ltutituro give
coiivineiuif proofs lrom proft'HHional ijentlem-jn and
otln-rdot hi Hueestul tit-atuiout. It is illustrated
with iihototrrai'h i-it ttir,- of bad rauH Ix-fum un.i
tho I a'l'Teiiro, and is ent to those who send lo conts.
I Prmehtal offloe. J.'d Umadwav, N. Y. llraneh ollico.
I 4:t Alilk wtreet, Boston. la: s in New YorkMonday,
Tuehdav, Saturday,
In U or ton Wednesday, Thurn
a ay auu rnuay.
U Pi
Used and approved by the leading PHYSI
The most Valuable
B .W" V f 4tjVsV i 1 1
nil Jm ii
I ' Ft I
tone as, voioa, oorw laroaLVTonv and Dinhttin. ...
mm iij uioiu. tut sua vv a
.i i in
General Bodily Pains,
No rreearotlrm on earth eqnl St. Jiens Oil i Arr.
BrRK. siMl-i.ic aud CHEP Fiwrual Remedy. A trial entail!
Im the comparatively trillin outlay of WCNt. and ovjry
one eufferliig with .aincaa have choapand punitive prouf of
Iti claims. dihECTIOM) 1.1 ELETES tiNUCMIIIS.
Itnltimnvf, Mil.. V. S. A.
The lPurest and llcst Jledirine eter Jlauo.
Acolmbinntlon of Hops, Buchu, Man
draklo and Dandelion, with all tne bc?'a"l
mnVteVurative properties of all other Bitters,
makosVtherreatert Blood Purifier, Liver
Sea J An tor, and l.lfoand Health Ueiturma-
Airtmt nnl
No disease A an possibly lomr eilst where Tlop
mntnTm.ntKrnuoe lrreirulftri
loon liiiuw v wi
trofthebQWclsor urinary orpan. or o re
quire an Anpt'tlzerl
Tonic and mild stimulant,
Hop Bitten are lnrn
. uauio.witnoul iruox-
No nmiter what your feW'Wnir8 op "Tmptoma
are what tho disease or aUWeat Is uso Hop Bit
ters. Don't wait until you nm1 pIck out f
onlyfeelbad or mi:erable.lU90t!l,'' 0"
It may nave your uacl r 1 hundrtUs.
$500 wi" be paid for a cal14 thoy will not
cure or help. Do not suffer or 't
uffer,butU!eandurfe themtouse HOP B
Ilemember, Hop Bittern In noJ1'6' drupKt-d
drunken nostrum, but the Purostfcv n d "Pt
Medicine over made ; the "ISVALIIIfa FRIEND
and HOPE" and no person or family
nhoulu be witnout incin.
n irv nn aMolnte and irresistible curt-
furlininkeniu'Ha.uo of opium, tolwren ami I
n.iivntii'!. AllBobl by OnunrNts. Send,
for Cirrulnr, Hop HHlfrt sirjt. uo,,
REBUILT ! $200 TO $220 A YEAR !
Vort Kdunrd f'nllruinin I-iitilittP, with
mtpcrb i-v I ni liiultiiii;;:, Jk iim -i iin siciim, win
ij'n rvpli'llinrr 1-, i Mirii'i 11 i inirrntuT nun
iicht n. Mutlihf'l rnti ivi' inr huUi-w ; (VUh-uo
for protectuHj
l.rt l-Mwurtl, N.Y.
Stitdn?i ii'Unnmntion,
Acute aful (. ftronic.
n'trol all lrwrrfiiiffes,
I'voh w anl Mucoitit.
I'oiiii N rAi i
I'oihI'n K.xtrnrt In tho only
iH rtif-ejtsn, Colrt Id
Our ( niarrh
Cure (TA ceutN), Hpt'ctully lire
parcl to tr.oot serious rn'j, rnut;iiii all tho currtHre
110,11 riii'sof lNiiat'H Kxtrnrt t our Nannl Syringe
i''iou1s), iuv.iluablo for uso in catarrhal aflVctioust
Issinii lcn:nl cfleotivo.
Sort Throat aul Juiirx. Clitippr. ITnndi
nnrl Irnre aro Rroully hr-nnJitcil by tho Kxtrart.
FrowU'tl IJuibn and (itHlilntim arr promptly re
lievoil. jinl ultimiitctv rurt'il bv I'oihI'n Kxtrnrt.
f If" Il ih uusiiii h us,, nil- !" url ii-li h w it h Din (lifer
tiojf. Insist un h:t in;r I'uND'h i:Til ACT. Kelitte
.ill imiiutii'iiH au'.l -nlisiii.iii .-i.
Payne's Automatic Engines
IliiiilaiiliiMiUiiiliiilin'Wii'' I! I
tin Hirllf I
wwmw MM
i J lIii.nllllLMiiJI
I I i wuiuuuiiiiiuiir J I
I llliii.H........iiilll l I
IP ill' m,'iul 1
J j(Dih'iiiiniiii''!
yr jp tQi 1 . "J 'izpA
Jin. I-.. Km-- n.
Itelialile, Pnralile and Economical, irlll furnln ii
Iwrw fjinn r with lt-J'tti t uml uiltrr tlimt tutu irther
l-.iiijiue Imilt, not lilted wilh an Automatic t'lit-olf.
Send lor Ilne-t rated '.italii.riic "J," lor ililorniulinn k
Prices. 11. W. Pavxk .Suxs, lloxjdlo, CorniUK, JsV.
I Ml II SALE- -Fruit Farm-UO Acres; ,(K) Trees, Apple and uniill fniils; New House, nine
Moms, l'lali-iila-is (Swilz. ri: Hum, 44xil: Ktone Cid.-r
House, Juxlill, witll tw.i e.-llal-s: Land ill Meadow au-l
Wheat. '4 mile li-.uu t;ilv of HI. fhallts, Mo., IM
niiles lrom St. Louis, t'ost over offered on
time at a liaritain. Dr. Oco. 11. Joliu-.teii. Kt.rlinrles,
Mo or Maj. John B. Mellon, W8 L'heslliut Street,
St. Louis, Mo.
VI V KIIS. (iitillK Arylllliellls and Sp. e. h. s he.
fori- Courts and Jiiri.-s hv many oi the n.!-t ;n:ii'-nt
Auierieail, liuuiish. and Ilinll Lawyers. A ureal ti'-ok
of l.e.;al Klollfltee and Aiyiililfllt. Pill'lil:'-d hy
HAKLK. VOD11H1S k ro X. w Vork. Send lor dc-
scriptive cir-lllars. Mailed Iree.
lloiliinsf nnd Mf rthant
Tailor Mm'f,
Iu tlie hest lliisiie s Town 111 Ohio. Work fl li lids
iu Tailor shop Ktis-k wilt iuvoice about K'7.000.
niau. Adi
jowu lias population ot i.oii.i. j rare eiiaui-e lor in
. KINKKAl). Ii
IH. J. A. KHKHMAN: Pear Kir I am happy to in.
form you that I am entirely cured of in:- luroflrrotal
rupture. It ia one year ago to-day that 1 received
your treatment. I nave tented tho eure by uoing
without the appliance. My buaiuebs is that of a loco
motive engineer.
Mv rupture, as you will recall to your mind, waa
similar lo Mr. Jordan' in your pamphlet oi illustra
tions. I was mpturod in tho year while In the army.
I havo tried sprint? and elastic trusses with great dis.
comtort aud injury, my rupture alwas growing
worse. Finding I must get some relief or give up my
business, I determined to try yon as a lat resort, and
I nuiHt say that I tound your treatment a complete
success. Mv improvement and cunt have, conHider
ing my terrible condition, wurpriHed my friends aa
well as myself. During j our treatment i have worked
hurd iii mv l.iitiiiieHH. cnioviiiLf both safetv and com
fort, anil have not lost a day's work. My general
health has also improved. 1 will take pleasure in
recommending the atllieted to you w henever I have
an opitortuuity. You may publish this letter fur the
ben'-nt of humanity.
Al U'l'ilVNH iu 2l ast 44th Pt. With neat wishoa, I
rem .iu ours, rospecttully. WKSLfc.Y PUUXU'S.
Aew lor uiiy, ucLooer zo, i&su.
Axucieaarom pars)
no such M
Vor the1
Pomade Taaelina.
Treatment nil
Vaseline Cold Cream,
aseim tampnor los.
Vaseline Toilet Boapa,
f--1'T i-j- r'-"ir
Aa atrreeable form of t&a
lug Vaseline internally. '
CUTS. itv.'
nzea or ail OU foods.
sv.r i ii t
sbk iiw w I bus" an
I M ,s I Vweli