The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 19, 1881, Image 2

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Henry At Pnrsoni, Jr., -
IlinowAY, Pa., as second class
M Alii MATTElt.
Bradford to Ricliburg-.
(Jlriulfor.l Km.)
W. V. Brown, E-iq., returned from
Harrlsburg Saturday, having secured
a charter for the Bradford, Kichhiirg
& Cuba railroad, which is designed to
give this city direct communication
with the new oil Held. The incorpora
tors of the entorprlwe are J. J. Carter.
F. E. Boden. W. V. Brown, V. C.
Warner, U. L. Roberts, John A. Reed.
A. I. Wilcox, T. J. Powers and O A.
Egbert. The road will Htart at Uew
City and run direct to Eldred, thence
go to Ceres by one of two routes, either
along Borden Brook or up the Os
wayo. The former will probably be
selected if the gradients do not prove
too steep. Following the latter line,
the road runs as far as Ceres township
and thence by way of Kings Run to
the village of Ceres and to the Slate
line. Thence the route to Riehburir
has not been fully determined on, but
'will be ere long. New York State
parties have interested tin unci ves in
that end of the line and will push it
through. The di.-tnnce from hew to
the State line is about twenty miles
and the line passes through a country
much more favorably for railroad pur
poses than that about Bradford and
the portion in New York traverses a
line agricultural district. It is impos
sible at tills early day to give fulh r de
tails of the scenic as the general plan
may be modified in a measuic. En
gineers are already at work between
Eldred and Ceres and ground was
broken yeterday at the former place.
Fifty men are grariingnnri more will
be put on as soon as the choice be
tween the Borden and Oswayo routis
have been determined on. On the -"th
instant a charter was granted to other
projectors for the Eldred & Wellsvi.le
A day or two ago in New York
City, while a 15-year-old youth, found
of the bloodthirsty border drama
and adicted to reading the flush
weeklies, was showing a group of ad
miring comrades how a certain noted
scout ami actor slays the red men on
the stage, if not off it, he accidentally
plunged a penknife into tlie breast of
a 6-year-old boy, killing him instantly.
Yesterday, in this city, the Coroner's
investigation in the case of the young
woman the bride of a day who
committed suicide by jumping from
the Girard-avenue Bridge showed that
the woman, while suffering from des
pondency, had no motive for suicide.
The theory was then propounded and
accepted that she was impelled to t!i
deed by the pictures with which all
the dead walls near the bridge are
placarded, representing a young
woman jumping from tlie Brooklyn
Bridge, the pictures being advertise
ments of one of the sensational '"story
papers." Tt has often been suggested
that there is us much need for m society
for tlie suppression of pernicious liter
ature as there is for one of which
Anthony J-t'omst'ick is the efiieient
agent, and these two cases coming so
close together may help enforce the
suggestion. Phi la. Press.
List of Jurors.
Drawn for May term, 1HS1.
Jlenzinger Simon Bremh l.Baptbte
Bauer, Anthony Goetz, Valentine
Neibert, J r.
Fox Peter Pulitzer, Sr., Morti
more Keeley, George V. Connor,
Silas W. Moyer, Andrew Cross, Jr.,
Joseph Dollinyor.
Horlon A. B Sparks, A. 1). Aldin,
GeorgeS. Ilinies, Fred Burchficld.
lay George L Thurston, James A.
Burke, Morris Flanders.
Jones A. C. Johnson.
Ridgway Samuel S. Wilson, T. B.
Johnson, W. VV. Matiison.
Spring Creek Roderick Weseott.
St. Murys Frank Geyer, Matthews
traviiuki: jtrohs.
Benzinger John Gahn, Martin
Diepold. Andrew Glass, Nicholas
Dewalri. to Joseph Entz, Newton
Johnson, Henry Blesh.
Fox John V. Mover, Talbot
Thompson, Joseph Emnie'tt, John B.
Jones, W. A. Arthurs.
Horton Harvey Parsons.
Jones Enos Itoetier. Frank Miller,
Millstone Thomas Slylioll".
Ridgway John Gilloiilv, A. Swart
Ross, Virgil S. Wheeler, C 1) C.liow
ers, John Kohler, Edward Bowers,
Jerome Powell, John A. Bankston,
Howard Gorton, Francis McGloin.
Charles Matthews, Peter C.Kommerer.
Spring Creek Newman Crabtree,
L. L. Miller, Forbus Keister.
St. Mary Joseph indi'clder, Sr..
Herman Tegler, Matt.
Hays, John
Jato'i, Peter St rubel.
I nodbt it;." ' r? lf:y v. iri'i-.-owr-i,
I yo:.r !i.i.; r t' .J y j 1 ...., ij v-u ;
i.i.: rt'.J Xj s 1.
-o ? nil c miff Tina f-ot?
ri-ul or hlnp :. li ' ,:1 .- f ' ' f
1 1 : 'i-i--nc f.9 on- t
-i . . m...i:y 1 1 1-1.1 t.u.o i
t r. -,u a KWrtoy
.U.ti.f. --- t : 1 - ..- t I f 11 r r. .ni
nctis tltwir.r, 1,3:1.
Wiliiout.Vo?r.V..(f'iiat 1-- 1 17 U I ...c y i .1 cf I
ct ill '' Jiurt,
( ).v.'i, blood.
it 1 vi" uriic" tv
! T-ill toe Vrin'K i'-" ''-Vwr f.
If TO"
dratf. k L ). i; ..(n f
Every Style & Price.
Griiaraulcccl TJnequaled
InproTemeLta and Conveniences found in
no ethers.
Assays OsEBabBs-
For Salo iu JOcry City and Town
la the UnitoJ Statas.
And by Y. H. 11YDH & CO.,
Kidirwav, Pa.
tn form the citizens ot' ui i.. ..-. . ,: :'
the public generally, that be has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Rustics to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
fOP-He will nlso do job teamincr.
Stable on Klk street. All orders left
at the Post OUlce will receive prompt
The Township of
In the Courts of
Common Pleas
vs. J.
Tlie Uorouh of 1 No. 3 May term
Ridgwav. I lsi.
Tn pursuance of an order of the
Court of Common Pleas of Elk county,
made iu the above entitled case on the
20thdayof April instant, notice is
hereby Viven to all per-ons having
claims against the townsliip of Kidjr
way irior to the erection of tlie Ror
ouyh of Riilt; way, to iresent the same
witli the proofs thereof to the under
sisrned appointed by said order to re
ceive proofs and ascertain the indebt
n ess of said townsliip. at the olllce of
I all & McCaulcy in the liorouuli of
Ridrwav, on or before the loth day
of August. ISM, mid that all persons
not preseniin'.r their claims on or be
fore the said day shall be forever de
barred from enforcing the collection
of the same.
M. S. Kline, Examiner.
Ridgway, Pa., April Tt, l&sl.
'lltr Ct.mntuiiirralth of PrtWfjjt
ranln tn the Shi riff of nciid County
Wiikkkas. Sarah S. Encore and
It u I'll Lucore her husband on the SSnth
day of May iu tlie year of our Lord
one thousand cijrht hundred ami
seventy-eight, obtained a judgment
in our County Court of Common Pleas
of Eik County aforesaid, before our
Judge at Ridgway, against J. E.
Horning, Executor" of the last Will
and T( stamcnt of John Horning, late
of Elk County, dectased, for a certain
debt or sum of twelve hundred dol
lars, as also six and -l-i-lno dollars,
which to tlie said Plaintills were ad
judged for their costs and charges
'which I hey sustained by occasion of
the detention of that debt.
Anil, whereas, the said John Horn
ing died sci.-ul of real ettale in the
said County of Elk.
And, whereas, the said Plaintills
have given us to understand that tlie
said judgment remains wholly un
paid and unsatisfied, and have be
sought us to provide for ihem a proper
And we being w iliing that what is
just in tliis behalf should lie done, do
according to I lie form of the Act of
Assembly in such eases made and pro
vided. Command you 1 1 at you make
known to .1. E. Horning, William
Horning Catherine Mi. ler, and Jane
Ridings, heirs of John Horning de
ceased, and Elizabeth Farley and C.
R. Farley her huslmnd, Esther
Emigh and George Finish her hus
band, (the Haiti Elizabeth EarU y ami
Esther Emiuh hcinir luirsui tin. x'u
John Horning i'-'t;.-cl , i ' a -, 1 1 1 . - i
and appear before nor .liH'c ..
way, at our Com.:,, . ,,j(., i,
Pleas tlu re to he h'eid for suid Couul y,
on the 4th Monday of May next, to
show cause, if any thing thVy have to
know or say, w hy the said judgment
so recovered against tlie said J E.
Horning, Executor, fcc., of the said
John Horning deceased, shall not
be levied and paid out of the said real
estate of which the suid John Horn
ing died seised as aforesaid" And
have you then and there this writ.
W itness the Honorable W. D. Rrown
President Judge of our said Court at
Ridgway the 28th day of January
in the year of our Lord one thoiiM-
1 ..t..l.. l...r.-l....l I . ! I -
nun iiui, 1111111111-11 iu i ii eigniy-one
Seal. Prothouotary.
Thomas Sullivan, Sherifl.
Flowers for house or garden, ger
alliums, fusehias.hcliol ropes, veibenas,
roses, or In fact anything in the flower
line at The Advocate office. We
are agent for one of the cheapest as
well us best dealers iu the country, viz:
Harry Chaapel, Williamsport. All
orders lefi at this office will receive
prompt uttention. Goods will be de
livered in Ridgway at your residence
at catalogue prices.
List of Licenses for May Term, ISSl.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
following persons have filed their
petitions for License in my office, and
that, thev will be presented to the
Court of Quarter Sessions on Wednes
day. January 20, IHSl, . at 2 o'clock
1. Joseph Koch ifc Son.
2. Geo Spooler-
JAV. r
3. E. II. Dixon.
hipoway nonoixm.
I. John Vaughan,
6. Salver Jackson,
(I. Peter F liogert.
7. John Grol.
P. John Dally.
! Herman Hirt.
10. Armel Turley.
II. J. N. Rrown.
12. James McClosky,
13. L. W. Gilford.
1 b ('has. MeVcan.
That if any person or person shall
neglect or refuse to lift his, her, or
their License within FIFTEEN
DA YS after the fame has been granted
such neglect or reluual shall be
deemed a forfeiture of said License
Pnrdon. V 2d, page Hl-I.
Fit EI). SCHCEN INU, Clerk, Q. S.
Sheriff's Sales.
of lieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi
tioni exponas, levari lac as, and te.-ta-tuni
lleri facias isstnd out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Elk Countv, and
to me directed, I THOMAS SULLI
VAN, High Sliei ill' of said county, do
hereby give notice Hint I will expose
to public side or outcry at tlie l'ro
thouotarv's office, in Ridgway, at one
o'clock P. M., on
MONDAY, MAY. 23, 1881.
All the right, tide, Interest, claim
and demand of defendant in, to, and
out of all that tract of land situate iu
tlie township of iUnzinger, in tlie
county of Elk. and State of Pennsyl
vania", bounded and described as lol
lows: lieginning at a post on North
l. Marys road; thence west two de
grees south one hundred am! live perch
es, more or less to the corporation
line: thence south forty-six degrees
east along the corporation line fifty
four perches; thence east two degrees
north seventy perches, more or less, to
St. Marys road; thence noithward
along the St. Marys road; forty-live
perches to the place of beginning, con
taining twenty-live acres. more or less,
and being numbered fifteen on the
map or plan of the town or settlement
ofM. Marys.
Excepting all that piece of land be
jrioniotrat the northwest corner of
said John Walker's bind and iu the
rear line of lots on f-t. Michael street
and at the southwest coiner of a piece
of land belonging to Michael Shina
beek; thence along the south line of
same and of land owned by Anton
Bcnninger north cighty-nme and
three-fourths degrees east two hundred
eighty-two and two-tenths feel; thence
south sixty-seen and seven-eights de
grees west two hundred and twen y
and seven-tenths feet to the real" line
of lots on St. Michael street; thence
north forty three an. I one-half deurecs
westoiu hundred and thirteen feel to
tlie place of beginning, containing
eleven thousand six hundred and two
square feet. On which there is erect
ed a barn HOx-tn feet, also a slaughter
house 12xl(i feet.
-'. Ah that tract of land situate in
the borough of St. Marys, county of
Elk, state of Pennsylvania, hounded
and described as fol.iiws, to-wit: Hc
ginning at the rear corner of building
town lots thirty and thirty-two;
thence in a straight line wilii said
town lots and along Xavcrius Hue
lick's lot four hundred and eleven feet,
more or lcs, to the line of J. Walker's
land; thence we-tcriy along J. Walk
er's land live hundred and seventy
three feet, more or iess. to the rear line
of town lots on St-. Michael street;
thence southeasterly along said line of
town lots on St. Michael street three
hundred ami seventy-four feet more
or less, to place of beginning, contain
ing one acre and liilee-cp'iai tela of an
acre, more or less.
H. Also, all (hat certain town lot or
piece of ground siluau- iu the borough
of St. Marys aforesaid, known as town
lot number (bty b ur on St. Marys
street in the aiap or plan of said bor
ough of St. Marys anil being one
hundred feel front on said St. Marys
slice' by two hundred feet dtep at
light angles, bounded north by lot
number liity-six, ea-t by Virgin alley,
south by lot number lifty two, ami
west by St. Marys street," on which
tlieieis erected a lioie 2SxOO feet;
barn ;J()x:io feet, and old house 2Nxu
feet, with wing attached.
4. Also, all that i" .Main piece of land
or part of a tow n lot io the borough of
St. Marys aforesaid, known as the
soul hel n part of lot ti'imber liity-six
in the map or plan of St. Marys and
being tiny-seven feet nine "inches,
more or less, in front on St. Marys
street by two -hundred feet deep at
right angles, bounded on the north
by a portion of raid lot number liity
six conveyed by John W alker to Jolin
Walker, Jr., by deed dated lath ot
April, 173; cast by Virgin ulley; south
by lot number Hliy-four, and west by
St.Maryb tiseet. on which there is
erected a store house 2vlu leet.
j. All that certain piece of land or
i own lot situate in the borough of
St. Marys aforesaid, known as lot
number ten on Ciicstnut street, ac
cording to a map of lots laid out and
surveyed by Charles Luhr, being
eighty leet in front on Cln stout street
by one hundred ami liily le t deep at
right angles, bounded north by Mili
street; cast by an al icy; south by lot
number twelve, ami west by Chestnut
street, containing twelve thousand
(12,000) square feet, on which there is
erected u house 23x30 feet, with addi
tion 17x23, I J stories high; also small
stable and well of water.
(. Also, all that certain piece of land
or town lot situate iu the borough of
St. Marys aforesaid, known as lot
numberlwelve (12) on Chestnut street
according to Charlts Lulu 's map of
lots iu said borough, being eighty
in front on Chestnut street by one
hundred and eighty feet deep at right
angles, bounded 'north by lot number
ten; east by an alley; south by kit
number fourteen, ami west by Chest
nut street, containing twelve thous
and square feet more or less.
7. Also, all that certain pieeeof land
or town lot situate in tlie borough of
St Marys aforesaid, known as lot num
ber seventeen (17) on Chestnut street,
according toCharlesLuhr'smapof lots
iu said borough, being one hundred feet
in front on Ciicstnut street by one
hundred ami flfty feet deep at right
angles, bounded north by lot number
fifteen; wist by Chestnut street, south
by lot number nineteen, and west by I
Vl,.-!., ..It .-!..!.,.. itl'lAitn II.aiio.
Hlll niicj, COO Nil II INK Ill.Vtll
ami so on re feet more or less.
8. Also, all that certain pleceof land or
town lot situate in the borough ot St..
Marys aforesaid, known as lot number
nineteen on Chestnut street h coord -iiU
to Charles Luhr's map of lots in
said borough being one hundred feet
front on I'hestuot street by one hun
dred and fifty feet deep at right angles
bounded north by lot number seven
teen; eat by Chestnut street; south by
lot. number'twenty-one, and west by
Virgin alley, containing fifteen thous
and I I5,00(j square feet.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Walker & Son, at the suit
of Crouch Pros. & Co., and Wright &
ALSO. All that certain tract, piece
or parcel of ground lying and being In
the township of Fox", county of Elk,
and state of Pennsylvania, bounded
ami described as follows: Reginning
at a po:it the sou t!i west corner of the
lot of land conveyed to ratriek Shcl
vey by Norris and others; thence
north by land of said Shelvey lifty
eight ami one-half roils to a beach tree;
thence west partly by land of L. Mo
han one hundred and twenty-three
and one-half rods to ii beech; thence
south tifty-eighi and one-half rods to a
hemlock; thence east b" land of John
Wonderlv one hundred and twenty
three ami one-ball' rods to the place of
bei.'i lining, containing forty-three acres
and allowance of six per cent., ami be
ing part of tract No. 4371, and con
veyed to Dennis Toomv by Peter
O'Hara and wife by deed dated March
1st, A. I). ltlti, ami duly recorded iu
deed book L, page 344, 'in and for the
county of Elk, e., on which there is
about thirty acres under improvement
with young growing orchard on same,
on which there is a hewed log house
about 20x30 and one burn HfSx-lO feet
and a spring ot good water.
Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Dennis Toomey, at the
suit of Peter O'Hara.
ALSO All the interest of J. A.
Spangh r, defendant, in the following
two tracts, pieces or parcels of land:
1. All that certain tenememt and
farm buildings and tracts or piece of
land situate in Jay townsliip, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, being part of
tract of land No. 4M3, described as fol
lows, to-wit: lieginning at a pine
about two perches west of a spring;
thence west fourteen perches to a
stake; thence south one hundred and
li fly-three perches to a black oak;
thence east fifty-two perches to
a black oak ;' thence north
sixty seven perches to the turn
pike road; thence along said
road northerly thirty-eight perches
to a stake; thence west fifty
two perches to a chestnut," thence
north twenty-two perches to the place
of beginning
2. Also another piece of land ad
joining above described tract, des
cribed as follows, viz. Regi lining at a
chestnut stump on the cast side of the
turnpike road aforesaid: thence along
said road ninety-six perches on the
westerly side of'said road; thence west
one hundred and thirty-eight perches;
thence north ten degrees east forty
three perches. Roth of said tracts con-laiuseility-ihree
acres of land, more
or less.
On the above first piece of ground
there are about ten acres cleared and
improved, and erected theieoti a two
story frame bouse, 18x30 feet, wbh
kitchen 12xl(i feet, one story high,
barn 10x3ii feet, and other outbuild
ings. On the above second tract
there are about eight acres cleared.
Seized and taken in execution, as the
property of J A. Spangler, at the
suit of Joseph Wilhelm.
ALSO. All that certain tract, piece
or parcel of ground lying and being
in the township of Jay, county of.
Elk, and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded ami described as follows:
Reginning at the northeast croiicr of
premises being described, said corner
being the north west corner of landsol
John Gibson, and on the north line
of warrant 4W4 ; thence along the
west line of said Gibson's lands south
eighty-nine and one-half rods to the
centre of creek road; thence north
seventy-seven and one-half degreis
west tliii ty-seven and seven-tenths
rods to a peg iu the centre of said
road; thence south fii'ty-lwo degrees
forty minutes west two rods to the h It
bank of the mill race; thence along1
the bank of said race north fltty-two
degrees west six rods, north seventy
three degrees west four and four
tcnths rods, north cihty-lour and
one-half degrees west seven and two
tenth rods, north seven and one-half
degrees we-t sixteen rods, north fbty
live and one-half degrees west six and
live-tenths ' rods, north- seventy-live
and one-half degrees west eight and
sevei'-tcnths rods, north tifty-nine and
one-half degrees west eleven and six
tenths rods, north sixty-four and one
half degrees west seven ami two
tenths rods, north seventy-live and
one-half degrees wist six rods, north
sixty-seven and one-hall degrees we.-t
twelve rods, north thiriy-seveii de
grees west six rods, to a hemlock
simu)i at the head of the dam ; thence
due south forty three and threc-ti nibs
rods to a post ; thence west one bun
tired and forty-seven and tlve-tenlbs
rods to a post on the (west ot the
partitioned premises) east line of P. F.
Weed's land; thence by P. F. Weed's
lands ami lauds of R. A. Weed north
eighly-iiine and three-tenths rods to a
ost on the uoth line of warrant No.
4!)4; thelice by said line east two
hundred ami sixty-eight rods to the
place of beginning, containing one
hundred and thirty-six acres,! wo roods
and twenty-eight perchcs.ntore or less,
oo which there is about forty aeies
cleared, a two story house 20x30 feet,
with wing Kix4(l feet, one story high;
one barn 40x-jO feet, ana other out
buildings, &c.
Seized and taken in execution as tlie
property of Justus Weed, at the suit
of Joseph Wilhelm.
ALSO. All the right, title, Interest.
claim and demand of de'cmlant in, to
and out ol all that certain tract ot
land situate iu tlie township of Ren
i.eite, Elk county, Pa., bounded and
described us follows., to-wit: Regin
ning at tlie northwest corner of lands
belonging to John Rarr; thence ulong
joiiu iiarr a road north sixty nine de
grees east one hundred and ninetv
leet to a post; thence along said John
P.arr's laud south forty-three degrees
and thirty minutes east six hundred
and thirty eight feet to a post; thence
along the right of way of the Alle
gheny alley railroad wnith forty-six
degn es and thirty minutes west one
hundred and liinety leet to a pobt;
thence north along lauds of Finley,
Young & Co. forty-three and one half
degrees west seven hundred and
seventeen feet, more er less, to the
place of beginning, containing three
and one-half acres, more or less,
on which there is erected one two
story frame house 10x30 feci, fched
12x10 feet, well of water, &c.
Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Murk Ratclill", at the
suit of Joseph Dill.
ALSO. A tract of land situate in
Millstone township, in Elk county,
Pennsylvania, patented to Nicholas
Riddle on the fourth day of May, A.
D. IKb"), upon warrant numbered" 4120,
in the name of Samuel Wallace, con
taining nine hundred acres, more or
less, being the same premises. Inter
alia, which Edward Clark, by Indent-
urn dated tlie twenty-tilth day or
April, A. I). ISl-)3, recorded at Marion,
in Forest county, in deed book No. 1.
page 80S. granted and conveyed unto
Alexander M 'Andrew, Samuel Wann,
Alexander M'Heiiry ami Edward W.
Warren, as tenants in common.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Alexander M'Andrew
and Samuel Wann, at the suit of
Mary S. Stockwell, executrix of the
estate of William H. Stockwell, tie
ceased. ALSO All that certain piece of
land situate in Fox township, Elk Co.,
Pa., bounded and described as fol
lows: Reuinning at a post at the
southwest corner of laud conveyed to
Peter Qnigly; thence south 10!' rods to
a white piin; thence east 77 rods to a
post; thence north by land conveyed
to Nicholas Collins 10!) rods to a post;
thence west by land of Peter Quigly
77 rods to the place of beginning, con
taining CO acres ami allowance, and
being part of Warrant No. 4081.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Win. Leahy, at the suit of
Joseph Wilhehn.
ALSO All that ceotain piece of
land situate In Fox township. Elk
county, Pa., hounded and described
as follows: Reginning at a post at
tlie southwest, corner of tlie lot of bind
conveyed to Joseph Pantzer by Little
& Souther; thence south 127 rods to o
post; thence east HO rods to a beech
tree; thence north 127 rods to a post;
thence west 110 rods to the place of
beginning, containing 82 acres and
03 perdu-, more or less. and taken in execution as the
property of George Ariz, at the suit of
Joseph 'Wilhelm.
ALSO-A1I that certain town lot
situate iu JSteriey's addition to the
borough of St. Marys county of Elk,
State of Pennsylvania, beginning
at a post on Washington and Fourth
street, thence easterly along north line
of Washington street 50 feet to a post;
thence northerly along lot of J. R.
Sterley 140 feet to a post on an alley,
thence west along said alley 50 feet to
a post on Fourth street; thence South
erly along east line of Fourth
Street and parallel with east line ol
said described lot 110 feet to a post cor
ner, place of beginning, containing
J, (Kit) square feet more or less.on which
fin re is erected a two story frame
dwelling house 18 feet. 2 inches by 28
leet, with a two story frame wing at
tached 10 feet 5 inch'cs iy IS feet 2 in
ches, barn l'l feel 2 inches by 12 feet 0
incites, and spring of good water.
Seized and taken in execution us the
property of Harry Williams at the
suit of J. R. Sterlev.
The following must be strictly com
plied when the property is struck oil:
1. All bids must he paid iu full ex
cept where the plaint ill' or other lieu
creditor becomes the purchaser, in
which ease the costs on the writs must
be paid, as well as all liens prior to
that of the purchaser, and a duly cer
tified list of liens shall be furnished,
including mortgage searches on the
property sold together with such lien
creditor's receipt Tor tlie amount of
the proceeds of the sale, or such por
tion thereof as he shall appear to be
entitled to.
2. All sales not settled Immediately
will be continued until six o'clock P.
M , at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up. and
sold at the expen-e and risk of the
person to whom it was first struck off.
and who, in case of deficiency at such
re-sale, shad make good the same, and
in no instance will the deed be pre
sented in court for continuation unless
Hie bid is actually settled for with the
Sheriff as above stated.
Sheriff's Office. Ridgway, Pa.,
April. 2. 181. t
See Pin-don's Digest, Ninth Edition,
pag 440; Smith's Forms, 384.
(M-V... .'Ill
Cathartic Pills
C'oml.iat! the choicest r.nbarfio principle?
i.l lneilii iia', hi proportions accurately nil
jiiMtol tn secure activity, certainty," nei.
uniformity of effect. They lire 1 lie resuli
of years of careful stia'y and practical ex
pciiuieiit, and are tint e o.'t effectual rem
eily jet ilisiovcred nr ilinensi-s. ciiese.l lij
ilcr.ia -eiaeut of the stei.-m Ii, liver, aicl
i'l.wc'.s, wlii. h require ate! efl'eclua!
treatment. Ayku'h I'ii i are specially ap
plicable lo this cla:! of diseases. Tliey in I
directly on (lie difcKlive anil asinilulive
processes, and Kstnn; rciutar limlitiy nc
tioa. Their extensive use l.y physicians in
their practice, nn.l hv nil civilized nations.
is one of the v proofs of vutar i
IV proo!:
u sate, sure, mcl l.i-ifci-tly reliable pavgalivp
liiciii. inc. ltcmg cenipMiiucti'u ot tlie con
centrated virtues of purely vecetalile snli
H'anccH, ihey are positively free from calo
mel, or any iniurii.iiH properties, and can l.e
adiniliist, red to children wtli perfect safety
Avr.n's T"i i.t.B are an effectual onro fur
Constipation or Cosllvcaess, Itidlpes
tion, lyseiisia. Loss of Appetite,
l oul Stoinaeli and liieatli, T)iz.inrsu,
Headache, Loss of Memory, Numbness.
iMlioiisuc&j, Jaundice, nheiiinatiKiii,
tioua and Skin Diseases, Dropsy,
Tumors, onus, Neuralgia, Colic.
Gripes, DiiiriliuMi, Dysentery, Gout.
I'iles, Disorders of tlie Liver, and ul!
oilier diseases resulting from a disordered
state of the. digestive apparatus.
As a Dinner Pill they Imve no equal.
Whllo entld in tlielr action, these Pti.i.s
nre tin. most llioroic.'li uud Hoareliiug cathar
tic that can bo employed, and never give
pain unless tha bowels are intlaiticd, and
then their intlaonco is healing. They stiina
lat til" anpetitrt and digestive organs; lliey
operate to purity and enrich tli blood, and
impart renewed health and vigor to the
whole system.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical unit Analytical ChemlntN,
Lowell, Mast.
Before you bo.-flu your heavy spring
work after a winter of relaxation,
your systsin needs cleansing and
Btrengthenini; to prevent an attack of
Ague, Bilious or Spring Fever, or
some other Spring sickness that will
unfit you for a season's work. You
will save time, much sickness aud
great expense if you will use one bot
tle of Hop Bitters hi your family this
month. Don't wait. Burlington
Our Catalogue of choice SEEDS and PLANTS contain
the "BEST and CHEAPEST," and our
give prices and descriptions of Designs,
Baskets and Lose Cat Flowers for any occasion,
Sent free on application.
Harry Cliaapcl9
Seedsman Florist,
Williamsport, Pa.
ed as an un- f.t
failing cure
for Seminal
W ea k n ess
S pe rmalor-
-.1 T
Lj.orc lalnngtlin , After Taking
diseases that follow as a sequelicv on
Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni
versal Lassitude. Pain in the Hack,
Dimness of vission, Premature old
age, and many other diseases that
leads to 1 nsanily. Consumption and
a Premature Grave, all of which as a
rule are lirst caused by deviating from
the path of natureand'over indulgence.
The Specific Medicine Is tlie result of
a life study and many years of experi
ence in treating those special descases.
Full particulars in our pamphlets,
which we desire to send free by mail
to every one.
The Specific Medicine is sold by all
Drimtrists at Si per package, or six
nackaires for $". or will be sent 1
mail on receipt of the money by
T 1 1 E G R AY MED I (.'IN E CO . ,
No. I Mechanics' Rlock, Detroit, Mich.
TaSrSobl in Ridgway by ail Druggists,
Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents,
Pittsburgh. nl2-ly
List of causes set down for trial at
'lie May term of court commencing
the Fourth Monday of May, being the
23d day of the month.
1. E. Silltonstall et al. Trustees, vs
J. S. 11 vdu ft al. No. 01 Auu.-t Teini
2. FraneN A. Loach vs. John I toll
man. No. (id November Term, 1874.
3. Thomas P. Merritt vs. J. W.
Rrown, No. V2S, May Term, lt7.
4. Jordan S. Neei vs. John Win
gart. No. '-"i. September Term, 1 fST.-s.
6. Frank I'oilnian vs. Morgester A
Jacksoii. No. 76 September Term,
0. I). A. Pontius vs. Conrad Moyer
Jr. No. Ho, November Term, 1 S7i.
7. Fredericks, Monroe Jk Co. vs.
C. It. Eariey. No. ;it, January Term
8. The Townsliip of Fox vs. John
M'Mackiu et al. No. Si. Mav Term,
. R Itulofson vs. G. T. Wheeler,
No. Vi, September Term, IsSO.
10. Mary S. M'Conhay, now Mary
Mover vs D. A. Pontius No. 1 May
Term, lfrSn.
11. Abner Hurley, vr. Armel Turley
No. 8" May Term, lsiti).
12. E Yv". May bee vs. I'owcll &
Kinie, No. 81, September Term 1880.
Pi. Robert Young et. al. vs. George
Carrier et al. No. '.i, November Tirin
14. Robert Young et al. vs. George
Carrier et til. No. 30 November Term,
15. J. S. Hyde vs. Oilman T.
Wheeler, No. 3'3, November Term,
1 v.
1. Daniel Euwer et al. vs. C. R.
Eariey et al. No. lo January Term
17. M. M. Schultz, Trustee, vs. Oil
man T. V heeler et al. No. OH Janu
arv Term 181.
18. M. M. Sehultz Trustee vs Oil
man T. Wheeler et nl. No. Gil Janu
ary Term 1881.
PJ. The Township of Fox vs. Mich
ael Hrchm et al. No. SI, January Term
'Jo. Ellis Lewis vs. C. It. Sexton,
No. 3 May Term 1881.
21. Henry Souther vs. Samuel
Dickinson, guardian, &e. No, 37 May
Term 1881.
Eik ('minty Court Proclamation.
WHEREAS, the Hon. Win. D.
Rrown. President J urine for the Thirty
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius Jones, ami George
Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate J u.-tices
in Eik county, have issued their pre
cepts, to me directed, for the time of
holding of the Orphan' Court, Court
of Common Picas, General Quarter
Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at
Uirigwav. lor the coiiniv of El k on
1881, being the 23th day of the month,
to continue one week.
Notice is there. ore given to the Cor
oner, Justice of the Peaee and Con
stables in and for the county of Elk,
lo appear in their own proper persons,
with their records, inquisitions, and
remembrances, io do those tilings
which of their offices and iu their be
half appertain to ht. done, and all wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting
i behalf of the Common weal th against
any person or persons, are requested to
be then and there attending, ami not
to depart at their peril. Jurors are
requested to be punctual in their at
tendance at the appointed time, agree
able to notice.
Given under my hand and seal, at
the Slieriil 's office, ill Ridgway, tlie
zsuoiiyor April in mo year ol our
Lord one thousand eight hundred aud
Ursula M'Inerney, "1 . In the
By her next friend, I Court of Com
'Ann Dukclow, rmon Pleas Eik
vs. Co. No. 17,
Thomas M'lneriiey, j Nov. Term, 1881.
To the respondent above named:
Take notice, that subpeena and alias
subpoena having been issued in the
above entitled case, ami returned "not
lound in the county,'' you are hereby
uoiilied to appear before the said
Court, at Khlgway, Pa., on the
D. lfKl, to answer the said libelluiit's
Sheriff's Office,
Ridgway, Pa., Feb. 10,1881.
Uko. A, R.vjhuun, Attorney for
feblO 6w
On the Loss of
Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea
induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary
Emissions, Impotency. Nervous De
bility, and Impediment to Marriage
generally; Colisupiption. Epilepsy,
and Fits; Mental nud Physical In
copaeity. &c Ry RORERT J. CUL-
v kkwI'.IjIj, m. d.. author of tn
"Green Rook,"&c.
The world-renowned author, in tills
admirable Lecture.clcurly proves from
his own experience that -the wilful
consequences of Self-Abuse may be
efli etua I ly removed without dangerous
surgical operations, bougies, .instru
ment's rings, or cordials; pointing out
u mode of cure at once certain and at
feet ua I, by which every suH'erer, no
matter what his condition may be,
may cure himself cheaply, privately
ami radically.
te"This Lecture will prove a boon
to thousands and thousands.
Sent, under seal, in a plain envel
ope, to one address, on receipt of fix
cents or two postage stamps. We
have also a sure cure for Tape Woim.
41 Ann St. New York, N. Y.: Poet
olllce Rox, 4ob0.
oninelfhy making monry
lien u k'olili n chnnco I
ottered. thereby nlwnvn vonrtlonr. Tho, who
always lake advantage if the good chances
for money tlmt are ollercil, Konernlly
hecnnie ailhy, while those who do not Im such chances remain In poverty. We
want many men, women, boys, nnd nirlK to
work fur as rii.'ht In llietrown localltim. Tho
business will pay more than ten tiinesordl
niny waite. W e furnish an expensive out
tit anil all that von need, free. No one wild
etiKinp'N fails to make mote y very rapidly.
You can devote your w hole time to the work
or only your spare moments. Knit informa
tion and all ttial is needed nenl free. Ad
dress (STINSON A CO. l'ortlund. Maine.
Get your XOTE PAI'EK, EN
ITING CARDS at The Advocate
office, over Powell & Kitue'a store
Ridgway, Pa.
Philadelphia & ErieR. It- Dlv.
On and after SUNDAY. November
7, 1880, the trains on the Philadel
phia & Erie Railroad Division will
run as follows :
Niagara Ex. leaves Phila 9 00 a. m.
" " " Renovo..5 40 p. nj.
KKiu mail leaves Phila 11 65 p. m
" " Renovo H 03 a. in,
" " Emporium. 1 Hop. m.
' St. Mary's".i 23 p. in.
" " Ridgway... 2 4ip-ni.
" " Kane 3 45 p. ni.
" arr. at Erie 7 45 p. iu.
Day Express leaves Renovo 10 05 a. m
" " arr. at Phila.... 0 85 p. ni
kkie mai J. leaves Erie 11 H5 a. m
" Kane 4 10 p. m,
" "' Ridgway. ...5 17 p. m"
' " St. Mary'n..5 50 p. in.
" ' Emporium.) 55 p. m
" " Renovo 9 00 p. ui'
" arr. at Phila 7 05 a. iu.
Wm. A. Baldwin. G ntral Sup't.
of Albert Brehni. late
I a Ueny.inger townsliip. Elk countv.
l'a., deceased. Notice is hereby given
that letters testamentary have been
granted to the undersigned, upon the
above named estate. All persons in
debted to stiid estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those
having-legal clalms'against the same
to present l hem without delay, in pro
per order, for settlement
Asdkew Bhkhm, Administrator.
Kxtiite of Isaac Coleinau, Deceased.
In the matter of tlie 1
petition of C. A. (Orphans' Court
Brown for specific Vof Elk County,
perlormauce of con- j No.2,sept.T.18ljO.
i raet. J
To John Moyer, Administrator C.
T. A. of tlie last will of Isaac Cole
man, deceased, Elmira Deilison,
Harriet Coleman, Clarissa Weed,
.Mary Coleman, Sophia Coleman,
Lovisa Coleman, Charlotte Taylor,
Martha Moyer, Abigal Coleman and
all others interested.
TAKE NOTICE that the under
signed, Auditor appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Elk county to
tawe testimony and make report to
tlie matters in controversy iu the
above entitled case, will atteiid at his
olliee in tlie Borough of Ridgway on
Thursday the 10 day or May, 1881, at
9 o'clock A. M. for the purposes of his
appointment when and where you
may attend if you see proper.
CEO. A. RATH BUN. Auditor.
Ridgway, April 120th, 1881.
As made by the most emineut schol
ars of England and America. Half
the Price of Corresponding English
Edition. Large type, linen super
calendered paper, elegant binding A
separate "Comprelitnslve History of
the Bible and its Translations, In
cluding a full account of the New Re
vision, giveu to subscribers.
Best chance for agents ever offered.
Send Stamp for particulars at once.
Tho Hknky Bill PcuueniNo Cf
Norwich, Conn. olOv