THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1881. Gus. Rohde the Popular Barber Still Ahead. LOOK AT HIS PRICES, fshnvlng with Boy Rum 10 rents Hair Cutting 15 cents Shorn iho 15 cents Dry Rlitimpoo in cento Moustache Dying 15 cents Shop corner Main and Mill streets, Ridgwuy, Pa. Satisfaction guaranteed every time. Garden making Is in fashion now. Some rain hist Sunday afternoon ml evening. The township auditors were in session this week. Considerable "dckness In Ridgway borough at present. Borough Ordinances 1, 2, and 8, go Into effect on May 10. Flowering plunts furnished on or ders left at The Advocate office. A pood assortment of mirrors at the Grand Central, Powell A Kime's. Work on the cellar of J. R. Mo ginnis' new hoiwe on South street is veil under way. Powell k Kline's are the head quarters for clothing, hats and Gents boots and shoes. Go to Powell & Kime's for Ham berg edging, Irish crochet trimmings, Bretonne edging and callings. A good time was had by those at tending t he sugar party at the M. E. church on Saturday evening last. Tobacco and Cigars a fine line at Powell & Kime's, they also have a cigar clipper obviating biting off the extra charge for clipping. The public are indebted to Dr. J C. Ayers & Co., not only for their tttundiird medicinal preparations, but ulao for improving the looks of the community by tiieir incomparable Hair Vigor. Al. M-ilhorn and John JBarry are digging a cellar for Mot. Lesser across the creek. They found a large collec tion of Indian relics at least so John firmly avows. We 'haven't teen the relics (?) yet. Services at Presbyterian Chapel, Sunday May 8Ui, morning and even ing at usual hours, by T- S. Neg lcy of East Brady, Pa. Preparatory communion services Friday and Sat urday evenings. That Big Stove Sign is one of the hits of the season. The four-feet let ters may be seen a mile away. The Big Stove Advertisement in tins issue is another evidence of the enterprise of that tiu-maker-inan W. S. Service. Wednesday afternoon, May 11th, Bt the school bouse there will be given an entertainment by the scholars, of the Ridgway Graded Sdiools.on the occasion of the last day of school. A small admission fee of 10 cents will be charged to persons not members of the school. The proceeds to be used for paying the cost of the diplomas for the graduating class. Personal Items. Pat. Mulone lias had his house on Centre Street painted white. William Fannin was out on Tues day for the first time since be had bis leg brokeu. Rev. Mr. Ncgley, Presbyterian, will preach in tiie Chapel next Sun day morning and evening. Dennis Bargoon, of Bay City, Midi., is visit'!! his brother-in-law O. T. Aaron of this Borough. Doctor Earley is having a new fence built around his property at the cor ner of Centre and Broad streets. R. II, Coates and wife of Warsaw, Jefferson county, rt turned home on Monday after a visit t ('apt. Wood ward's at Whistletown. Master Ed. Kime caught a packer 17 inches in length at Dickinson's iam one a ay last week. I'.a. was as happy as a clam at high tide. Samuel Wolcott, D. D., of Cleve land will preach in the school house on Sunday the lrth Inst. Services morning and evening at 11 o'clock A. M. and 7J o'clock P. M. Mr. Butler, editor of the DuBols Courier, paid The Advocate office a flying visit several days ago. We hope this gentleman may have occasion to renew his visit. He will find the latch-string out. Having become agent for Harry Chaapel, Florist, we are prepared to deliver free of expressage and at cata logue prices any orders you may leave with us for flowers, bulbs, etc. Henry A. Pausoxs, Ju. Dr. C R. Earley was fifty-eight years of ageon Sunday May 1, 1S81. A largo dinner party was held at the Doctor's residence on that occasion, which was participated in by many of the members of Grace Church and the Grace Church Sunday School. May the geuial hearted Doctor yet celehrate many anniversaries of his adveut into this wicked world. Last Monday a three-year-old child of Frank Marshal, who lives across the bridge at Eagle Valley, had a narrow escape from Injury. A young man named Akers fired at a duck from a Wluehester rifle, the bell glanced on the water, struck a stone, from which the child had just arisen, and landed in the open door-way of Mr. Marshal's house a few feet from the stone. The man who fired the gun was forty rods from where the ball struck. $606.51 This iuu is just the ruouut Elk county is obliged to pay through the unwarranted blundering of Dis trict Attorney Wurssell. In the Ilau murder case ut Centrevilie the District Attorney took on himself the respon sibility, under cover of a certain act of Assembly which places great power ln( Irresponsible bauds, to engage a private detective to ferret out the perpetrators of the murder at the Ilau brewery last July. The private detective presents his bill for the amount which heads this article The court under the act of Assembly approves the hills for there are three of them, they are certified to the county commissioners who have no discretion in the matter and issue or der to the amount of the bills. From a first glance at the case it seems that this money is lost to the county though tliestupidty or offlciousness of that worthy official the District Attorney. Gentle reader, time presses and space Is limited but in our neit issue we will give as full an account of the story of f '100. 51 as is possible under the circumstances. MA R Rl El). DEUHAcirKit Kos3 On Sundav, Mav 1st, 11, by Rev. J. i-'nder. in the Lutheran church of this place, Mr. Julius LcuiMcher to Miss Johanna Foss, both of Centrevilie, Elk Co., Pa. DIED. M'Cacley In Ridgwav Borough, Wednesday, May 4th. 181. Roy, in fatitfonof James M'Cauley, age.l about 10 months. A ral'tman mimed Christ Frank houser, whose home is near Cur wens ville, and a river policeman, named Decker, got into an altercation about a raft at Lock Haven on Saturday last, which resulted In Frankhouser striking the policeman on the head with a heavy club causing serious in juries. Frankhouser was arrested and is in jailat Lock Haven. It appears that Frankhouser had a raft tied, and the policeman wanted him to move it farther down. This Frankhouser re fusen lo do. The policeman picked up an ax and was about cutting the rope, when the former pic'ted up a piece of a lash-pole and struck Decker on the head and the result may prove fatal. Clearfield R p ublican. If Clarendon has readied the cli max of its greatness it is owing in part to the high price of oil territory in the vicinity, the low price of oil urn! the rates charged for town lots. II iuli prices for properly an 1 a low rice for nil is having its effect. A radical change in this respect may start C'arendnn to booming again, or rather curry the boom along. Opera tions were more active during the winter months than since spring opened. But these things will correct themselves. Property owners some times have to learn some tilings, and those in and about Clarendon are learning. Warren Lttfair. Torpedo shooters will hardly ap predate the e'ulwriite care taken by (he Russian conspirators to ensure the explosion of the bomb that killed the It was a tin cylinder, six indies long and three in diameter, containing about a quart of nitro glycerine. Down tiie centre was a copper tube, filled with Bertholet's salt and anti mony, and through this ran a glass tube, hermetically sealed, containing sulphuric acid. A leaden weight was so placed as to break the gluvt tube when the bomb struck. The flame occasioned by the contact of the sul pliuric add with Bertholet's sa't passed by a small channel lo a cat rldge with a fulminating composition at the hed and gun cotton lielow. The fulminate fired the gun cotton and tiie explosion of the gun cotton ignited the nltro-glyeercne with which the cylinder was charged. All this rigmarole would seem senseless to a moonlighter, who would lie apt to in sist that if there was a quart of nitro glycerine in the bomb that would be enough to throw, ami it would nevd no fulminate to explode it. The mis sic would weigh about four pounds. Bradford Sunday jVcic. For a good assortment of OUss ware go to Powell k Kime.s. List or Letters Not called for in the Ridgway Post Office, Elk county Pa., up to May 2d 1881. Aderson, Gustap Ark, L. Mrs. Amlaw, George Aley, William W. Alylanap, Matheus Bryon, John Mrs. Borchert, Lewis Bailey, H. A. Clark, Austin II. Ericsson, J 8. Eliassnu, J. B. Goran, Joseph Jacosson, Martin Keiman, Mercy Malestrom, A. Morrisson. Corndeon Mullen, Wiam Smith, Gideon Striiones, Mark Taytor, Chipman H. Tbornginii, S. Tagin, Thomas Vansickeo, Dayton L, Winchester, Mrs. Mary Zeru, Prof. FOREIGN iEITERS. Carson, Lewis Erlaiisson, Eliaa Jausson, Krist Yauson, Krist. . Persons calling for the above letters will give date and please say adver tised' , Ut Hagerty, P. M. Convention of Sohool Directors. Tuesday, May 3, 181, the school di rectors of Elk county met lu conven tion at the Court House, pursuant, to previous notice by advertisement in the several county papers, to elect a person to fill the oftlce ofCo'iuty Sup erintendent for the ensuing three years, from the first Monday in June, 1881. Hupt. Dixon called the meeting to order a few minutes past one o'clock, He stated In a few words the object for which the meeting was called, viz: to elect a County Superintendent for three years, and fix his salary. Hon. Charles Luhr, of St. Marys, was elected President of the conven tion. Henry A. Parsons, Jr., of Ridgway Borough, was elected Secretary. A roll call of the Directors of the county was made with the following SCHOOL Dl HECTORS P RES EXT. Benziniter District Geo. J. Frile, John Kukler. Joseph Schauer. F- District John Collins, J. J. Taylor, Smith Parker, William Mi'redcth. Highland District Emmet Hoven camp, Lei Kllithorp, Theodore Van kirk, William Hbeley, Samuel Gardner, IMiert Wonderiy. Hortn District Fie 1 Raywinklc, Joseph 'bmberlain, Wm. Kjglcstou. Jay District A. K. Go.f, James Campbell, E. H. Dixon, Geo. L. Thurston. Jones District A. T. Aldrich, John Pistner, H. Horner, Jacob C. Mef I't rt, Robert Manett. Millstone District Adam Ximnicr- mim, Jmes Aharrah. Ridgway township District G. T. Wheeler. ' Ridgway Borough District Fred. Schoening, Dr. J S. Rordwell, Henry A. Parsons, Jr., W. S. Hamblen, II . M. Powers, E K. Willard. Spring Creek District Perry R. Smith, Edward Rogers. St. Marys Borough District Hon. Charles Luhr, Geo. Krdhier, Leonard WitiMian, Anthony Auman, John B. Forster. Nominations for County Superin tendent being in order Mr. Krellner nominated Geo. R. Dixon of Ridgway. On motion nominations were closed. A ballot was then taken resulting in 88 voles for Mr. Dixon; two votes, Messrs. Wheeler and Rogers, were fiiM for Col. W. W.Amcs.offlt. Marys, Mr. Willard voted for Etnuiit Hoveii camp, of Highland. Mr. D'xon having received the highest number of votes was declared elected county Superintendent for the ensuing three years. The next business being the fl-dtig of the salary, Mr. Gardner moved that it be $l,utiO per annum. Mr. Willard read a list of counties giving number of schools in each anil the salary paid the Superintendent. Mr. Parsons asked the gentleman to answer a question. Mr Willard re fused to be interrogated whereupon Mr. Parsons made a fevv remarks to the effect that extent of teiritory as well as number of schools should be taken into coiif.iderution in determining the salary of Superintendent. Mr. Pistner said he was in fvor of paying f l.OO'l A vote on Mr. Girdner's motion re sulted, 32 for. and Messrs. Taylor, Parker, Miredeth, Thumton, Wheeler, Powers, Willard, Smith, and Rogers,! against. Convention then adjourned nine dir. I. 0. of 0. F. Ridgway Lodge Wi, I. O. of O. F. meet every Thursday evening. Vis iting members are cordially invited to tend. o merits: M. Cohen, X. G ; J. A. Ross, V. G.; R. S. Gross. 5Wy; J. W. Smith, As t Sec y; H. H. We'nsel, Treasurer. Morgester has an ice vault for keeping all kinds of fruit, vegetables, butter egtcs etc. Parties buying the above class of oods will always get a pure fresh article. Choice lemons oranges, bsnanas, cocoanutsand all kinds of foreign fruit in season at Morgester's. A large stock of choice biands of chem ing, smoking and plug tobacco cigars, pipes &c. at Morgester's. Prepared Mustard by tiie quart. Sauerkraut, Mince meat and Pigs' Feet at Morgester's. If you have uuy work In tiie line of upholstering send it to Jacob But terfutw haruees shop. Note paper and envelopes at iTIe Advocate oSIce. Union soap finest quality iu mar kit at Morgester's. Note paper and envelopes at this office. A full line of all kinds of garden seeds, onions sets etc. at Morgester's. A. Swartz Ross, Merchant Tailor, over MagHinis' Billiard Hall, has on hand, and is constantly receiving the latest und newest samples of cloth for spring and summer suits. Prices to suit the million. Work guaranteed to be as represented and delivered ut the time agreed upon. MRS. E. t'RAYSTOX. In returning thanks for past favors respectfully begs to inform her friends and the public generally that she has just returned from New York where she purchased a large stock of Mill! nery and fancy goods of the latest styles, ulso a nice selection of ladies' Skirts, Plain and Fancy hosiery, Ladies' and Childrens' Parasols, Hair goods, fancy Chinaware, &c, which she intends to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Particular attention given to trimming and in a style that cannot be surpassed In this section. All are invited to call and inspect her goods before purcbaalng elsewhere. nI0m6 NEW YORK STORE. COHffiJJ,BR03. & BROWN3TEINB (.Next door East of Post Office.) Tu our Friendi and Patrons: We hereby announce that our Spring Stock of all Goods lu our Hue Is now complete, lately purchased for cash In New York and Boston Em bracing full lines of Dry Goods, Do mestics, Fine Dress Goods, Shawls, Dress and Trimming Silks In great variety of styles ami colors, rull line of trimmings of latest fashionable styles, hosiery, gloves, riblions, buttons, silk and cotton threads, Ac, &c, 4o. Also largest stock of mens' boys' and chil dren's ready made clothing, huts and caps, boots and shoes, underwear and Gent's furnishing good-, piirasols, umbrellas, trunks, valises, and all other goods kept in a first-class dry goods store. If you want the nicest prints in town call at onr New York Store, your choi: in best styles and quali ties for 5 to 7 cents. Big stock -of Bantings alt colors, 12 to 35 cents per yard, also lawns 8 to 16 cents, cassiiners, morine cloths, Mob. Irs Jkiiiestowii alpacas, dress llmnels, sitckiugs, summer eloakiugs, Ladies' walking socks, dolmans. Gost business suits al prices and up, straw hats a large stock at 0 cents and up. Tiie in st fur and felt hats manufac tured are sold at the New York Hioro from 6'J cents to four dollars each. 1 it short our stock is varied and full consisting of everything usually found iu a first class establishment. We have only to say further to all purchasers to please call and Kee our goods before you buy and we will guarantee satisfaction. Cohex, Bito.s. A Bkowxsteixe, New York Store. Branch store at Ludiugtou, Midi. Flowers for house or garden, ger aniums, fuschias.helintropes, verbenas, roses, or lu fad anything iu tiie flower line at The Advocate office. We are aijcnt for one of the cheapest as well as best dealers in the country, viz: Harry Chaapel, Willlamsport. All orders lefi at this office will receive prompt attention. Goods will lie de livered in Ridgway at your residence at catalogue prices. Harness oil and axle greese at Jacob Butterfuss'. Communications. Aiis'.Ter b Knigma Sn. 1. j My, 1, X!, 45, 23, 2),t;,is a prophet Samuel. My, 31,3, 88, 50, 28, 1, Is an Is land -Cyprus. My, 13, IU, 3ii. 35, 41, 28, 1, is a:i apostle Didymus. My. 9. 8. 15, Is, I, 37, 1, a place visited by Paul EphesiH. My. 7, 65, 24, 10, 7, 4:1, :I2, a woman mentioned in the N. T. Tabillia. My, il, 3), 18, 34, 51, 23, M, a precious stone Bdellium. My, 4 1,51, 5 j, 5 j, 12, 51, one of Levi's sons Merari. My, 2 31, 30, 3', is a t irden-E len. My, 4 i, 01. 27, 4. 10, 24. 21, a city of Lycitonia leonium My. 4, 27. 8. 55, 7, 41, the father of Amram Kohatb. My, 22, 40, 7, 42, 39, 31, 40, a city of Syria Antioch. My, al, 32, 50, 7, ID, 55, a resident of Bethany Martha. My, (, 4s, 25, 11, are vowels E-e-e-o. My, 10, 89, 7, a relative of Abraham Lot.' My, 5i, 30, 30, 39, 21, was destroyed for wickedness Sodom. My,50, 1, 7, 45, 8, 00, a noted queen Esther. My, 20, 32, 42, 7, 4'J, a fruit of the spirit Faith. My, 2J, 22, 7, 4f, 22, 2, a prophet Nathan. My, 14, 23, 44, are vowels w-y-w. "Seek ye the Lord while He may lie found, call ye upon Him while He is uear." Isaiah G"';0. Correctly answered by J. S. and K. O.. Ridgway, Pa., and S. A. R. Phila, Pelina. M. Editor: I have noticed for sometime lime past that a number of persons have been in t he habit of col lecting in small company ami regi ments, with guns and fish-poles, anil going just outside the Borough limits to siioot and iisli on Sunday. Will you please call attention to Sec. 17 of the act of Asembly approved June 3, 1878 which reads as follows: "There shall be no hunting, or shoot ing, or fishing on the first day of the week called Sunday; and any person offending against the provisions of tliis section shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollors.'' A word to the wise, etc. Citizen. Wood and Willow ware, tinware, nails, ax handles, axes, brooms and brushes at Morgester's. Estate of Isaac Coleman, Deceased. In the matter of the" petition of C. A. I Orphans' Court llrown for specitic Uf Elk County, performance of con- No.2,sept.T.18S0. I ract. J To John Moyer, Administrator C. T A. of the hist will of Isaac Cole man, deceased, Elmira Deiiisou, Harriet Coleman, Clarissa Weed, Mary Coleman, Sophia Coleman, Lovisa Coleman, Charlotte Taylor, Martha Moyer, Ablgal Coleman and all others interested. TAKE NOTICE that the under signed, Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Elk county to take testimony and make report to tiie matters in controversy in the above entitled ease, will attend ut bis office iu the Borough of Uidgway on Thursday the 19 day of May, 1881, at 9 o'clock A. M. for the puriioses of his appointment when and where you may attend If vou see proper. GEO. A. ItATHBUN, Auditor. Ridgway, April 20tb, 1881. I Blttingr Bull. HIS SPEECH BRFOKR TIIR SIOUX COM MON COUNCIL. (Oil City Denlok.) The following speech of Sitting Bull has been translated and reported by our Indian editor, who Is also whole Hale and retail dealer In deceased lan guages, and general agent for home made Sioux rhetoric and amok-tan ned Indian eloquence. New laid In dian laments with head trimmings. Compiler of novel and desirable styles of war-dances. Indian eloquence furnished to debating clubs and pub lishers of school readers. "Warriors and war-scarred veterans of the frontier. Once more the war path Is over grown with bunch grass, ami the tomahawk slumbers in the wigwam of the red man. Grlm-visaged war has given place to the piping times of peace. The cold and cruel winter is upon us. It lias been upon us for some time. The wail of departed spirits is on the nlaht wind, and the wail of the chilblain answers back from the war rior's eigwam. Children of the forest, we are few. Where once tiie shrtll earhoof tin c!deft:in collected our tribe lihe the leaves of tiie forest, I might now yell till the cows come home without bringing out a quorum. We are f.dtnj a stay before the maroli of the p !e.".cc, and sinking into oblivion like the snowSeke on the bonom of tiie Stinking Water. Warriors, I ;,n the last of a mighty race. We were a race of Chieftains, Alas! ec eill soon begone. The Buil family will soon pa from the face ol the earth. Ole is gone. John is fail ing, and I don't feel very well myself. We are the victims of the paleface, and our Uuds are taken away. A few more suns and the civiliza tion ami valley tan, and hand-made sour mash, an I horse liniment of the paleface wi.l nave done their deadly work. Our squaws and papooses are scat tered to the four winds of heaven, and we are left desolate. Where is Tlie-Daughter-of-llic- Tempest? Where is the Wall-Eyed Maiifen-With-the-Peeled-Nose? YV litre is ictoria Regina Die Gar cia Sitting Bail? fv'liero is KnocK liuecd Chemiloon? Where is Sway back Sue and Meek-Eyed Govern ment Socks? They have sunk beneath the tire water of tiie gogalcd eyed Caucasian. They have succumbed to the de- liriiim triangles, and whn I call them they come not. They do not bear my voice. Their moans are heard upon the still niiht air, and they cry for revenge. Look at the .sail remnant of tiie family of Silling Bull, your chief. One sore-t ed squaw is left alone, lier face is furrowed o're with the famine of iu iiiy wi'ifers, ami her nose is only the ruin of its former great ness. Her moccasins lire worn out, and the soldier pants she wears are t o long for her. She also, is drunk. She is not us drunk as she can get, bui she is hopeful and persevering. bbc lias also learned to lie like a whkc iiin. She is now an easy, extem poraneous When we gather about the camp fire and enact our tin tutored lies iti the gloaming. Lueivtia Borgia Skowhegan Sitting Bull, with the inspiration of six lingers of agency collinv.-iriiish, proceeds to tell the pr xe prevarication, and then the house adjourns, and nothing ca:i be iieard but the inullUd tread of the ageney coin beef going out to get some fresh air. Lucretia Borgia is also becoming slovenly. It is even ing, and yet she lias not donned her evening l resa. Her back hair is un kempt, and her front is unhung. Pretty soon I will take a tamaliawk ai:d bang it for her. She seems des pondent and hopeless. As she leans against the trunk of a mighty oak and scruti hes her back, you can see that her thoughts are far away. Her other suspender is gone, hut she don't care a cold smooth clam. She is think ing of her childhood days by the banks of the Minnehaha. Warriors we stan iu the moccasins of a iniahty nation. We represent the starving remnant of a once powerful Sioux. Our pirogue stands idly on tiie shore. I don't know what a pirogue is, but it stands idly on the shore. When the spring flowers bloom again, and the grass is green upon the plains, we will once more go upon the war-pat h. We will avenge the wrongs of our nation. I have not fully glut ted my vengeance. I have seven or eight more gluts on hand, and we will shout our war-ciy once more, and mutilate some more Anglo Saxons. We will silence the avenging cries of our people. We will spatter the green grass and gray greasewood with the gore of the paleface, and feed the white-livered emigrants to the coyote. We will spread death and desolation everywhere, and fiil the air with gum overshoes und remains. Let us yield up our live dearly while we mush the paleface beyond recognition, and shoot his idred man so full of holes that he will look like a suspension bridge. Warriors there Is our hunting ground. The buffalo, the antelope, the sage hen and the jackass rabbit are ours. Ours to enjoy, ours to per petuate, ours to transmit. The Great Spirit created these animals for the red man, and not for the bilious tour ist, between whose legs the chestnut sunlight penetrates clear up to his collar bone. Then we will ride down on the reg ular army, when he is thinking of soniethiug else, and we will scare him into convulsions, and our medicine men will attend to the convulsions while we sample the supplies. Then we will take some cold 6lieed Indian agent, and some bay rum, and go on picnic. Warriors farewell. Be virtuous and you will bo happy; but you will be lonesome sometimes. Think of what I have said to you about the council lire, and govern yourselves accord ingly. We will not murmur at the celluloid cracker and oust Iron codfish ball, but In the spring we will have veal cutlets for break IHst, and peace commissioner on toast for dinner. The squaw of Sitting Hull shall have a new p!u j hut, and if the weather is severe, she snail have two of them. Warriors farewell. I nnt done. I have spoken. I have nothing more to Sic semper domino. Plumbago ery sipelas, in hoc eureka, sciataca, usu fruct, limberger, go baugli. Bill Nye. NSW ASVSBTISBaSNIS. ELX 03. A3V3CATC I1ATES. VBARI.T AliVKRTISIKO. One Column tint Vesr SW.OO one-Iiiilf Column One Year 4o.u0 Oite-lonrlli Column Une Year 'i.i One-eighth Column fine Ysr li.00 TRANHIKNT AnvKaTisiao. One Square One Week l. One square Two Woeks I.W One Wiium e 'l'liie Week 2.00 Kuril a alitkuial Insertion 5u cents u square eaeli wek. I.OCAI. ADVERTISING. Ten ci'nts n lin first Insertion; Hve cents a line for em h iulllllom,', insc-rllon. ES:ay A. fASSaifS.ja., Proprietor. STOVE SIGN No. 42 Main St. Bark Feelers' Supplies, STOVES, Cooking Utensils, Axes, Spades, &c., &e. GET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHERS 1 Every Style & Price. Guaranteed TJncqualefl FOB OPERATION. ECONOMY. DURACM.ITY end WORKMANSHIP. Improvements and Conveniences founi la no others. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. For Sale in Every City and To la the United Statos. And by . H. t. 1 ic x i'O., Uidiiwav. Pa. N TEW LIVERY STA"LE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNKR WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Lively Stable and will keep tiOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. fiiir-He will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Ollice will receive prompt attention. Au201S7Itl "The Now York Weekly Express" This old-estub ished paper has en tered upon its forty-sixth year of pub lication, with all the evidences and prospects of un enlarged and more than ever successful career. Under the new business management of Mr. I). M. Gazlay. for the past twenty seven years identified witll the news paper and publishing interests of the country, a new impulse seems to have impregnated both the daily ami weekly Ex I'UKSS. Asa family paper the latter is excellent, und will con tinue, us heretofore, to publish the Brooklyn Tabernacle sermons of Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage and other emin ent metropolitan divines. The nom inal price, $1 per annum, ut which Tiie Wkkki.y Exprkss is furnished to subscribers, bhould insure it at a very large and widespread clrculu. tion. Boston Herald. Is it Possible that a remedy made of such common, simple plants as Hops, Buc hu, Man drake, Dandelion, etc., make so ma ly and such marvelous and woi.der ul cures us Hop Bitters do? It mu-t be for when old and young rhh an tioor, Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer and Jditor.all testify to having been oured by them, we must believe and doubt no longer. See another column. Pokt. Business Cards. GEO. A. RA1HBUN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., !?. Particular attention Rlveu to th examination of titles, also to pateUM and patent cases. H ALL4 HP CAU LEY ATTORNEY-AT-L-AW. Office In new brick building, Main street, Ridgwoy, Elk Co., Pa. v82t H". L. WILLIAMS. Late of Strattanville), Physician and Suri:enn, Rid-cWay, Pa. Office In Hail's Brick Building (up stairs) References J. 1). Smith, H. L. Young, R. Rulofsoti, Strattanville J Major John Kitlev, W. W. Green land, (.'huh n. lias practiced ills profession sccessfuily for more than ten years. G. 6. MESSENQER. DRUGOLST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgwav, I'a., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at ult hours, day or iiight. vln;ly J. S. BOnDWELL, U. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, Has removed bis office from Centre street to Main atreet, Ridgway, Pa., in the second story of the new briclt building of John O. Hull, west of the Ilvde Mouse. Odice hours ;-l to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M HYDE HCUSE. W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon hinij the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit u continu ance of the same. oeU0'C9 APPLETS N'SAftRERICA CYCLO PAEDIA. Tills admirable work is now coni pletein 16 vols. EachvolumecoutainsHOO jiages. It makesa complete und well selected library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $' nil iu e'othj Sti.M) In leather, or $7.1)0 iu elegant halfTurkev. Vor particulars address, W. II. Fairchild, Port ville, Catt. Co.j N. Y., who lias been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judsoii, general agent. CAUTION NOTICE. All prisons are hereby cautioned not lo purchu se, or nieddte with the 'o'li. wing des cribi d property now iu the p isscsion of W. 11. Sheely and lee C Sheely as the same belongs to lifi'inl is left in their possession for a toe on vi-One pair red oxen, 6 ye: isolJ, 1 cow red and white, 1 red cow wall crumpled horns. H. (). Elmtiiohiv K tne, Pa , April 1 lib, 18S1. ntt3 Register's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing accounts will lie presented ut the next Orphans' Court for confirma tion: 1. Pinal account of Mary Meyer, ad ministratrix of the estate of Philip Meyer, late of St. Marys, Elk county, 1'a., deceased. 2. Final account of Wm.B Hewitt, ami J. W. Mead, administrator of the estate of Daniel Hewitt late of Jay towns-hip. Elk count v. Pa., deceased. 3. Final account of Fred. Wilhiarth; one of the executors of the estate of Lyman Wilmarth. late of Fox town ship, Elk county. Pa., deceased. Fni:i). Sciiikxino, Register. CAUTION KOTI iE. All persons are hereby cautioned not to purchase, or meddlo with the following described property now in possession of T. S. Kline, as it be longs to me and is left in his possession for a time only : one team gray horses; harness: one lumber wagon; separator und threshing machine. w . Jl. Morton. Brockport, March i!. 1SH1. ESTATE NOTICE. Instate of Casper Oil, late of Ridgway V,,wnship, Elk county Pa., deceased; Noiice is hereby given (hat letteis tes tamentary have been granted to t he undersigned, upon the above named estate. All persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make immedi ate payment , and those having legal claims against t lie same to present tliem w ithout delay, iu proper order for settlement. John Ott, Administrator. ESTATE IJOTIC t. Estate of Matthew McQuone, late of Fox township, Jilk county, Pa.j deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, upon the above nanud estate. All persons In debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having legal claims against the same to present ilieni without delay ill xro per order for settlement. Hexky Lakgay, Administrator'. ESTATE NOTICE. E slate of Joseph Scheider, late of Uidgwaj township, Elk county, Pa., deceased. Noiice is hereby given that letti rs testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, upon the aiiovH named estate. All persons in debted to said estate ure requested to make immediately, pavuiciit, und those having legal claims irgainst the same to present them without delay; in proper order for settlement. JosKru Wixdkike, Executor. Risley's Witch Hazel- Cures Headache, Burns, Sprains". Cuts, Wounds, Rheumatism, Tooth ache. Earache, etc. Warranted equal to any made, ut half price. 0 oz. Bottles 2ocent; Pint Bottles 60 cents; Quarts $1. Have your druggist order, if he' barf not In stock, of CHARLES F. RISLEY & CO., Wholesale Druggists, 04 Cortlaudt St., New York City. n47 4in. NEW REVISION AGENTS WANTED NEW TESTAMENT. As made by the most eminent schol ars of England and America. Half t Ire Price of Corresponding English Edition. Large type, linen super calendered paper, elegant binding. A. separate "Com prehensive History of the Bible and its Translations,'' in cluding a full account of the New Rye vision, given t subscribers. Best chance for agenta ever offered; Send Stamp for particulars at The Henkv Biil Publishing) Cd;j Norwioh, Oouu. ulOtft J