The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 28, 1881, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, APRIL Ut, ivi. j
Gub. Hohde the Popular
Barber Still Ahead.
Shaving with Ray Rum 10 cents
Hair Cutting 1.5 cents
Shompoo 1 3 cents
Dry Shampoo 10 cento
Moustache Dying 1") cents
Shop corner Main mul Mill street,
Ridgway, Pa.
Satisfaction guaranteed every time.
A sinatl jack-knit'o has been left
ut tills office. The. owner can have
the same by applying for It.
J. W. Morgestcr lias planted sev
crai trees in front of, ami put a stone
foundation under Ills dwelling house
on South street.
Drop in ut Powell & Kline's
M guild Central Store, and see tlicir
new stock and elegant display of goods
for the spring and summer trade.
On Saturday evening, April 30, a
maple, sugar party will be held in the
basement of the M. E. church. All
ure cordially invited to attend.
Parties wanting maple shudo trees
pet out this spring can have them sup
plied and carefully set out bv apply
ing in peron or by postal to
IIk.xky Makvix, Ridgway, Pa.
J. W. Morgestcr has improved and
enlarged his store, and has received
ti full line of choice groceries which
will be sold as low as goods
can lie sold. Jive him a call and in
xpect stock and get prices.
J. II. Steell it Co., Dagus Mines,
Pa., will pay 90 cents per bushel (cash
or trade) for 300 bushels of potatoes if
delivered at their store, within ten
days from date.
April liS, 1881.
J. C. Singleton lias made a great
improvement in the property recently
purchased by him on the corner of
Main and Court streets. Anew front
extending to the street line, new sid
ing on the meat market ut the rear of
bis store, and both buildings arc now
being painted white which will add
still more to the improvement. Jerry
is an enterprising citizen and deserves
R. V. Kime, of Powell & Kimc,
Grand Central Store, Ridgway, lias
j n-t returned from the cast where he
purchased a large ami varied stock,
now arriving, consisting of dress
goods, hats, caps, boots, shoes, gro
ceries, etc., etc. Prices are sure to suit.
Don't fail to give the Grand Central a
cull before making pun-liases.
trouble to show goods. More particu
lars Ue.t week.
List of Letters
Remaining in the Ridgway postoflice,
Klk Co., Pa., for the week ending
April -Jj, 1SS1.
Carrean, Joseph
Johnson, J. C.
Lane, ieo. J.
Lard, Luther S.
Pelton, Wm. A
Wilson, Geo. M.
Yatiansson, Seher.
Johnson, James C.
Persons applying for letters will
please say advertised.
J. H. Hahkhtv, 1'. M.
Tlie Uarrisburg Patriot of last
Friday morning contained the follow
ing. The warning applies to all lo
calities where the dangerous habit is
practiced of jumping on the cars while
in motion:
Yesterday afternoon about 1 o'clock
James Dougherty aged about fourteen
years, with several companions at
tempted to board some moving freight
cars near the Pennsylvania railroad
crossing at Second street. Dougherty
lost his footing and fell witli his legs
under the cars and both the limbs
were badly crushed by the passing
wheels. He was taken to the hos
pital and hitter in the day one of his
legs was amputated by the hospital
surgeon between the knee and hip.
The other leg will have to be amputat
ed between the knee and ankle, but
up to u lute hour last night, lie was to
weak to undergo t lie operation, al
though he begged to have it performed.
Rut little hopes ure entertained of bis
recovery. He resided with his parents
corner of Second street ami Meadow
Lane. This is another terrible warn
ing to boys. Some steps ought to be
taken to 'prevent litis dangerous prac
piee of jumping on moving trains. If
every offender caught was arrested
and committed to the lockup, it might
have a good effect.
School Items.
It is well known to man,- of our
citi.ens, that a prescribed eurse of
study is in use in our schools, that
the course includes the common
branches in detail and that those who
complete the same, on examination,
receive diplomas us testimonials of
graduation. Each examining com
mittee will be composed of three
competent persons. The pupils of
Fox district will be examined at Cen
treville on Wednesday and Thursday
the 4th and 5th of May, or Ridgwuy
district at Ridgway Friday and St
urday the f'th and 7th of May; of
Jones district at Wilcox, Tuesday and
Wednesday the 17th and 18th of May.
The classes of '81 arc doing hard work
mul the elassea of '82 and '8.1 are al-
reudy In line. Teachers are expected
to give special notice of graduating
Ouroldfrlend.county superintend
ent Schenck, of Cameron county has
recently paid us a visit. He Is a can
didate for re-election. Not Prof.
Hchenck's candidate but the peoples'
candidate, and the people will elect
him to his present position as often as
lie will agree to serve. He is the right
man In the right place.
What about next Tuesday? Do
you all wish me a pleasant journey?
Thanks. May everything be done for
ihe best.
Geo. R. Dixon,
County Superintendent.
I'rouecdlngs In Council.
P'i -g -.ant to adjournment, Lb.
P.oro'igh f'.'U'.'ll met, tbu Co"r!
Ho""? nf P. M r Vo'-.V.y April
Present C. H. McCaulcy, Presi
dent, W. II, tSuliram, ll. 8. Thayer,
W. H. Hydennd W. II. Osterhout.
Minutes of last preceding meeting
were read ami approved,
Mr. Thayer, of committee on Coun
cil room, books and stationery, re
ported progress.
On motion, It was ordered that the
Street Commissioner be required to
file a bond with the President of the
Council in the sum of two thousand
dollars, with two suUlcicnt sureties,
such bond to be approved by the
Chief Rurgcss, before entering upon
his official duties.
High Constable Geo. It. Woodward
filed his official bond, in accordance
with the requirements .of resolution
of council adopted April 4, 1881.
Mr. Thayer, of the ordinance com
mittee, submitted a draft of certain
ordinances, pending the consideration
of which Council adjourned to 7 P.
M. same day.
Council met, us per adjournment, at
7 P. M. April 18th.
Present C. H. McCaulcy,- J I. S.
Thayer and W. II. Osterhout.
There not being a quorum present,
an adjournment was had until April
10 at 0 P. M.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council
met at 2 P. M. April 10th.
Present C. H. McCaulcy, W. 11.
Osterhout, H. S. Thayer, W. H.
The minutes of the two preceding
meetings were read and approved.
Ordinances Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (which
will be found in our advertising col
umns) were considered, amended and
On motion, Mr. Thayer was up
pointed a committee to confer with
some competent practical surveyor
and report at next meeting of Council,
with view of having the boundaries of
the Rorougli of Ridgway ascertained,
defined and marked; ulso, the several
roads, streets, lanes, alleys, Ac,
On Hon, it was ordered that Hall
& McCaulcy be appointed general cor
poration counsel lor the current year,
ut a salary of fifteen dollars.
On motion, the committee on streets
and bridges was authorized to direct
the Strct-t Commissioner to make all
present necessary repairs upon the
streets of the Rorougli.
On motion, the committee on ordin
ances was authorized to make a writ
ten or printed contract witli the pub
lishers of the Klk JJeiitocrot and Klk
A Ij voc atk to do the regular printing
required by tlte council for the
current year, viz: ordinances,
hand-bills, notices of appeals, t!cc.,
ut a stipulated sum of $23 each.
On motion, it was resolved that
when council adjourn it be to meet at
2 P. M. April 2oth.
On mortoii, it was resolved that the
following lie adopted as rule 1'.',
Moneys disbursed by the Treasurer
shall be upon orders drawn by the
president and attested by the secretary
of the Council.
On motion, Council adjourned to 2
P. M. April 20.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council
met at 2 P. M. April UOtli.
Present-C. II. McCaulcy, W. II.
Osterhoul, II. S. Thayer, W. II.
Schram and D. C. Ovstcr.
Minutes of last meeting were read
and approved.
Mr. Thayer, committee appointed to
confer with a competent surveyor,
witli view a to secure his acceptance of
theollice of Rorougli suiveyor, re
ported that he had consulted witli
Mr. K. K. Willard, who was willing
to perforin the work required for a
compensation of five dollars per day
The report was accepted and the com
mittee discharged.
On motion, it was resolved that E.
E. Willard be employed by Council
to mark the boundaries of the Rorougli
of Ridgway, as required by the act of
Asembly, with the understanding
that he lie appointed Rorougli Sur
veyor under ordinance No :i, when
said ordinance shall become u law.
On motion, it was ordered that hc
committee on ordinances be '
! n draft on ordinance regulating
ll.- dining at large of horses, cattle,
mules, swine, Ac, within the Bm
ough limits, and report same at next
meeting t Council.
Adjourned to meet Monday, Mav
', at !) A. M.
-A. Stc .rf, ff
On - . i ;..'.' Vi
13. -' .,wof this p
' I . , F a iik
ugh Vst week,
icti., '.ii-".g I101112 i.;i i i.o
.loli ii Nichols, of this Rorougli
had u bad accident happen him on
Friday of last week, by falling and
dislocating his leg at the knee. At
present writting he is improving.
Attention is this week again called
to the elegant stock of millinery goods
displayed by Miss McUloin at the res
hk iice of her brother on Main street.
Ladies will do well to call on Miss
McUloin before making their pur
chases for spring wear.
A. Swartz Ross, Merchant Tailor,
over iaginnis' Billiard Hall, has on
hand, and Is con slantly receiving the
lutest and newest samples of cloth for
spring and summer suits. Prices to
suit the million, Work guaranteed to
be as represented and delivered at the
time agreed upon.
00 cents per bushel (cash or trade)
will be paid for 300 bushel Potatoes, at
the Dagua Mines store, if delivered
within ten days from date.
J. H. Ktkkli, & Co.
April 28, 181,
"icripiural Enigma.
I am composed of fifty -six (50)
My 1, 1J2, 43, 28, 20, 47, is a prophet.
My 81, 85, 88, 50, 28, 1, Is on Island.
My 13, 10,30, 85, p, 2U, 1, an apostle.
, 38, 15, 18, 1, 37, 1, Is a place
visited by St. Paul.
My 7, 65, 24, 10, 7, 49, 82, is a woman
mentioned in the New Testament.
My 21, 30, 18, 33, 34, 51, 28, 43, is a
precious stone.
My 43, 54, 5(t, 55, 12, 51, is one of
Levi's sons.
My 2, 30, 30, 53, is a garden.
My 4(1, 81, 27, 40, 10, 28, 21, is a city
of Lycaonia. ,
My 4, 27, 8, 55, 7, 41, Is the father of
My 22, 10, 7, 42, Sit, 81, 4'.), Is a city
of Syria.
My 21, 82, 50, 7, P-, 55, was a resident
of Rcthany.
My 0, 48, 25, 11, are vowels.
My lo, !', 7, is a relative of Abra
ham. My 52 30, 80. 89, 21, was destroyed
for wickedness.
My 00, 1, 7, 45, 3, 50. is a noted
My 20, 22, 42, 7, 4!', is a "fruit of the
My 29, 22, 7, 40, 22, 29, is a prophet.
My 14, 23, 44, are vowels.
My whole Is found in Isaiah.
Ridgway, Pa. M. E. II.
Note We republish t lie above this
week owing to an error in the lust
issue. Answer next week.
mo Column ih Year
uno-lnill' Coiiunti niii' Yvur
unc-Iourt h Column (Hhi Vcur
uiie-cltflitb Column One Wiir ,
T It A NS I K N T A I V K UT 1 S I N ( J .
... K
... I'l.lNr
..... 1 -.HI
(Inn Square. One Week
Hie Sijiiiire Two Wee Us
)ne Square Three Wet Us
Kncli it'Klitlomtl Insertion "'
t'urh week.
I ..vt
ll t s li s.ii;iiv
Ten rents a line tlrsl Insertion; live rent
Hue for c;ch mlittlloniti insertion.
HZHRY A. PARS0U3,Ja.. Proprietor.
In returning thanks for past favors
respectfully begs to inform her friends
and the public generally thai she lias
just returned from New York where
she purchased a large slock oT Milli
nery and fancy goods of the latest
styles, also a nice selection of ladies'
Skirls, Plain and Fancy hosiery,
Ladies' mid Children' Parasols, Hair
goods, fancy Chinaware, iV-c, which
she intends to sell as cheap as the
cheapest. Part ieular attenl ion given to
trimming and in a style that cannot
be surpassed in this section. All are
invited to call and inspect her goods
before purchasing elsewhere, nlOmO
All persons are hereby cautioned
not to purchase, or meddle with the
following described property now in
the possession of V. 11. S'hecly and
Peter C Sheely as the same belongs to
me and is left in their possession for a
time only: One pair red oxen, (i
years old; 1 cow red and white, 1 red
cow with crumpled horns.
H. (). Kij.itiioisi'.
Kane, Pa , April 14th, lHsl. n'.iia
Convention of School Directors
to elect County Superintendent.
To the School iJiixvtofH of Klk County:
( I knti.k.m i:x: In pursuance of the
forty third section of the act of 8th
May, 183), you are hereby notified to
meet in convention, nt the court house
in Ridgway on the lirst. Tuesdav in
May, A. I) IKSl, being the 3rd day of
the mouth, at 1 o'clock in thenftcrunnu
and select, viva vo'-r, by a majority of
the whole number of directors present,
one person of literary ami scientific
acquirements, and of skill ami experi
ence in the art of leaching, as county
superintendent, for the three succeed
ing years; determine the amount of
compensation for the same; and certify
the result to the State Superintendent,
at Uarrisburg, as required by the
thirty-niuili and fortieth sections of
said act.
(ii:o. R. Dixon,
Co. Supt. of Klk county.
April lltli, 18sl.
Do you want
Paints ami Oil-.,
Ruilders' Hardw.-i:
Axes or Kpud.
Carpeii'' i' -,
X y'iit s.i-v-
House furniM; -mn
Stove '!;. -.
: Mass
Hollow Ware,
Pe v ler, Lead, Shot, Fuse,
Anything in the Furnishing line
made lo onler of Tin Plate, Rlaek or
Oiilvanized Iron, or Copper go to No.
42 Main Street, Ridgway. I have de
voted twenty-seven years exclusively
to this business and convince alt that
this is the place to buy goods or get
work done.
P. S- Estimates furnished on ap
plication on Rooting, Heating, Slate
mantles, &c. Call in before placing
your orders.
W. S. Skhvu'K, Agt.
Domestic Sewing Machine Ageucy.
Evaporated peaches, pitted cher
ries and all kinds of dried and can
ned goods at Morgester's.
For farm, road, or lumber harne ss
single or double, give Jacob Rutter
fuss a call.
Choice firaliam Flour and Rolled
meal at Morgester's.
Those who Buffer from an en
feebled and disordered state of the
system, should take Ayer's Harsapar
illa and cleanse the blood. Purge out
the lurking distemper that under
mines the health, and constitutional
vigor will return.
Re it ordained and enacted by the
Chief Rurgess anil Town Council of
the Rorougli of Ridgway, and it is
hereby ordained andeniictcd by the au
thority of the same, 1. That the regu
larstated meetings of said Council shall
be held In the Council Chamber in
said Rorougli, on the 1st Monday of
each month at 9 o'clock A. M., o'r as
soon thereafter as a quorum shall lie
present unless otherwise ordered by
resolution of a preceding meeting.
2. That the Chief Rurgcss, or Presi
dent of said Council shall, on receiv
ing a written or printed request
signed by a majority of the members
of the Council, call a special meeting,
written or printed notices whereof,
signed by the Rurgess or President of
Council, shall be served personally
upon every member of the Council lir
left at his usual place of abode with
an adult member of his fatnilv at least
two hours previous to t lie time upeci
lied for every such special meeting.
Proviilrd, that on every act or resolu
tion of audi special meeting the yeas
and nays shall be taken ami recorded,
and no'net or resolution of any such
special meeting shall be valid ' unless
voted for by nt least four members of
the Council.
It. That the notices of any special
meeting, as provided Tor in tlie second
section of this ordinance, shall be
served by the High Constable of the
i.orough, or such other person as the
Chief Rurgess or President of the
Council may direct, and it shall be
tlie duty of the person serving the
same to make return to the President
of the Council, on oath, of the time
and muuiicr of service thereof prior to
the time of such special meeting.
Tliis ordinance to take effect bu and
after Mav 1. 11.
C. II. MrCAl'LKY, President.
Atthst. W. C. lliiAl.v, Sec v.
Approved Ibis Ii day of April. A.
1). 1SSI.
.1. POWKLL, Chief Rurgess.
Re it ordained ami enacted by (he
Chief Rurgcss and Town Council of
the Ro roue 1 1 of Ridgway, and it is
hereby oi'ibdiied ali i enacted by the
authority of the same, I. That all side
walks now opened or appropriated to
public use aluiig the streets of the
Rorotiirh of Ridgway be ami the same
arc hereby required to lie constructed,
repai red, put anil kept, in rxd order,
in such manner ami of such materials
as hereinafter directed, and the several
owners of properly fronting on said
si reels, upon liol ice as hereinafter di
rected, are hereby required lo con
st rtiel , repai r, put and keep in good
order, as the case may be, the side
walks in front of t heir respect ivc prop
erties in accordance with I he provis
ions of I bis ordinance, under the pen
allies hereinafter provided.
2. That all plank sidewalks shall be,
on all si reels iii !-do I iter's in Id i! ion. on
I'.road SI reel, icilh of Ibe race bridge,
on South SI reel and Itidgwav and
Rrookville Slate Itonl west of I'.ll;
street, and on all streets west of the
(Marion River, lour feet in width, and
on all other streets in said Rorougli
live feel in width, 'rinu'lrd. That in
front of buildings on Main Street
they may be, by and witli tlie consent
of the Counsel, sixteen feet in width.
Tlie said plank sidewalk to have an
inclination of one-fourth of an Inch to
tlie foot, toward the street. The plank
shall not be less than one and one
half indies in thickness and shall be
laid crosswise and well spiked unon
three sound sawed stringers, which
shall be not less than three by live
inches, said stringers to lie so laid as
to break joints, and at every joint of
tlie two outside lilies of stringers they
shall be attached together by having a
coupling board one inch thick and
three feet long and width same as
the stringers, well spiked to each end
on the inxitli: of each of said outside
lines of stringers t he said stringers to
be placed upon stone or timber founda
tions, or supports, at a distance of
every live and one-third feet, sullleient
to keep each line of stringers of a
That le.ick or stone pavements
may be laid, by any property holders
who so prefer, in such manner a-; the
Chief Rurgess and Council may by
special ordinance hereafter enact.
4. That all sidewalks shall be laid
in accordance with the grade and on
the line given by the Rorougli Sur
veyor, and shall be constructed by the
owners respectively of the ground
adjacent or fronting Ihereon within
thirty days after notice so to do from
the Chief Rurgcss or Council, and no
sidewalk shall be deemed lo be a com
pliance with this ordinance until ex
amined and approved by the commit
tee on sidewalks, and such approval by
said committee reported to the Coun
cil and entered of record on the jour
nal. o. That the owners of corner lots,
wneii required to build sidewalks,
shall extend their respective sidewalks
to t he outside of the sidewalk forming
a mlit angle with tlie sidewalk being
if. That each and every owner of
any ground adjoining any sidewalk
required to be constructed, who shall
neglect to comply with all or any of
the provisions of this ordinance, or
neglect to construct the required side
walk within thirty days, after notice
as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay for
the use of said Rorougli fitly cents per
foot, running measure, for each and
every foot of such sidewalk such per
son shall neglect to construct, and the
Council may, after such neglect,
cause the required sidewalk to be
constructed and file a lieu for (lie
amount of tlie cost thereof, together
with twenty per cent, advance there
on, and proceed to collect according to
7. That the occupant or tenant of
any lot, or part of a lot, in front of
which any sidewalk shall be required
as aforesaid, when the owner or
owners thereof do not reside in said
Rorougli is hereby authorized and
required to construct sucli sidewalk
and deduct the cost of the same from
any rcut the said occupant or tenant
may at any time owe tlie owner or
owners, or otherwise collect the ex
penses thereof from tlie owner as
money laid out and expended for his
or her use.
8 That the owner or owners, ten
ant, occupant or agent of any lot or
lots, or other quantities of hind, situ
ated in said Rorougli, are hereby re
quired to repair and put in good order
any sidewalk in front of such lot or
lots, or other quantities of land,
within tcu days after notice shall have
been given by the Chief Rurgess or
Council that repairs are required,
when the expenses of such repairs
shall, in the opinion of tlie sidewalk
committee, exceed three dollars, and
within three days after such notice
when the expense would be less than
three dollars.
. That whenever any occupant or
tenant shall be required to repair as
aforesaid, be, she or they shali have
the right to reenvt'f from the owner of
owners of the land as aforesaid, the
expense of such repairs us shall be re
quired by the Rurgess and Council.
10. That in case of failure of said
owner or owners, occupant or tenant
(no owner residing in said Rorougli)
to comply witli the requirements of
the 8th section of this ordinance, the
Council arc hereby authorized and
empowered to put any such sidewalk
In good order and repair, after notice
given as required in said Hf'i section,
and shall have power, In nddition to
the fine imposed by the 11th section
hereof, to recover the entire expense
of making such repairs from the
owner or owners, occupier or tenant,
in any manner authorized by law.
11. That the owner or owners,
tenant or occupiers, in case no owner
shall reside in said Rorougli, neglecting
or refusing to comply withjtho require
ments of the eighth section of this
ordinance, shall forfeit and pay for the
use or said Rorougli me sum of live
dollars for every ten days he, she or
they shall neglect or refuse to comply
with tlie requirements of said eighth
section until the sai'l sidewalk shall
have been put in repair by the
12. That the owner or owners of any
lot, lots, or parts of lots, in said
Rorougli shall, at his, her or their
expense, within twenty nays alter no
tice I rom Chief Rurgess or council,
alter and change, by raising or lower
ing, anv sidewalk in trout of Ins, tier
or their respective lot or lots, or part
of lot. to any grade that may at any
time be fixed bv or umicrtucmrcciinii
of the Chief Rurgcss and Council.
Pi That any person refusing or
neglecting to comply with the re
quirements ot tin; twemn section oi
this ordinance shall forfeit and pay
for the use of the Rorougli the sum of
live dollars for every ten days that he,
she or thev shall so refuse or neglect
to comply with the requirements of
the said twelfth section.
14. That all erections or obstructions
whatsoever, unless authorized by
special resolution of the Chief Rurgess
and CouncM, upon any street or side
walk in said Roiough, are hereby de
clared common nuisances, ami all
persons are hereby prohibited from
placing, or causing to be placed, main
taining, or keeping upon any part of
any open street, any merchandise,
wagon, sled, carriage, trees, timber,
lumber, shingles, firewood, brick,
stone, straw, hav, shavings, manure,
ashes, or any other article, thing or
obstruction whatsoever, to remain
thereon more than twelve hours.under
a penalty of six dollars, which sum
an v person offending in the premises
shall forfeit and pay for the use of the
Rorougli tor every sucli oltense. J'ro
vitli it, t hat wagon and carriage makers
and blacksmiths mav be allowed to
keep wagons and carriages in front of
their respective shops and premises for
a reasonable time, while actually at
work linbliing or repairing the same.
I'foritli l, also, that any person about
to erect n building in said Rorougli
may, on application to the Chief
Rurircssand Council, have special per
mission in writing, signed by the
Rurgess ami attested by the Secretary
of t ' n 1 1 i-i 1 , tn occupy with ids building
mail-rial, for a limited time thereon,
a portion of the adjoining sidewalk
and street particularly described in
such ) oiniit, always leaving sufficient
room for wagons, carriages and foot
passengers to pass and repass along
said street and sidewalk.
)"i. If any person shall willfully, in
any manner or by any means, obstruct
the carriage way ot any open street
in said Rorougli, so as not lo leave
room for wagons and carriages to
freely and conveniently pass and re
pass, or obstruct any sidewalk so as
not to leave room for foot passengers
to freely and conveniently pass and
repass, such persons shall forfeit and
pay for the use of the Rorougli a fin
of ten dollars for every such 'offense.
P. That the owners or occupiers of
any kit or quantity of land in said
Rorougli may plant and maintain
trees for ornament or shade in 'rout of
tiieir respective premises, w i: u tre s
shall be pianted on the outer edge oi
the sidewalk; anil all trees now grow
ing along or near the sidewalks in
said Rorougli shall be allowed to re
main in the place they now arc. J'ro-i-idril,
that the Council shall have the
right to remove any sucli tree or trees
when they may deem it neeessarv.
17. Any person who shall, without
authority from the Chief Rurgess and
Council, cut down, or otl.e -wise will
fully or negligently inji: e or destroy
any trie, or hieli any horse, mare,
n.ule, or cattle of any kind to any tiee
growing upon any street of the' Ror
ougli shall forfeit and pay for the use
of the Rorougli a line of ten dollars
for every such offense.
IS. That till notices required under
this ordinance shall be served by the
High Constable, or such other person
as the Chief Rurgess or President of
Rounci! may direct, and it shall he
the duty of the person sciving the
same to make return of the time and
manner ol service thereof, on oi ill
to the Sccicta.y of the Council,
wi'hiu two days'after such service.
This ordinance to take effect on ami
after Mav Hi, lK-il.
C. H. McCAl'LEY, President.
Attest W. C. Hkai.Y, Scc'y.
Approved this 2'illi dav of April, A.
I). ls.
J. POWKLL. Chief Rurges.
Re it ordained and enacted by
the Chief Rurgess and Town Council
of the Rorougli of Ridgway, and it is
hereby ordained and enacted by the
authority of the same, That lor the
purpose of ascertaining and marking
the boundaries of the Rorougli of
Ridgway and the several roads.streets,
lanes, alleys, courts, common sewers,
sidewalks and pavements therein, as
well as for the better regulating tlie
same, the office of Rorougli Surveyor
is hereby created.
2. That the Town Council shall ap
point one competent person, being a
practical surveyor, to be called the
Rorougli Surveyor, to till said office
from the date of his appointment un
til tlie lirst Monday of April, 18t2,
unless sooner removed, and shall
annually thereafter, and whenever
any vacancy may occur in said office,
appoint one such person to fill said
office of Rorougli Surveyor.
3. It shall be the duty of such
Rorougli Surveyor: 1. Alter having
given due notice to the Supervisors of
tne Mownsiiip or untgway to deter
mine and mark the boundaries of said
Rorougli. 2. To survey, ascertain and
mark tlie boundaries of all streets,
roads, lanes, alleys, and courts, now
opened or laid out in said Rorougli,
and make a draft, or plan, of the
same with every explanation necessary
to a full understanding thereof. 3.
To direct and superintend the
grading of all sidewalks and pave
ments in said Rorough, regulate the
foundations ot all buildings about to
be erected adjoining any street, and
perform such other duties as tlie
Chief Rurgess and Council may from
time to time impose. 4. Unou the an-
plication of any person about to erect
any building adjoining any street, tV
within one foot thereof, to ascertain
tlie exact line of said street in front
of such building, and oversee tlie
placing of the foundation wall of such
building next to said street, and give
sucli directions as will enable the per
son erectingsucli building tn have sucli
foundation wall raised corectly Upon
the lino of such street, or such dis
tance therefrom as he shall think
proper, for which services the said
Rorougli Surveyor shall be entitled to
demand ami receive from tlie person
erecting sucli building the sum of two
dollars and fifty cents. ". To give to
any person who shall have erected the
foundation of any building under his
direction, and in conformity thereto,
a certificate of the same, provided he
he requested so to do within one week
after such foundation shall have been
raised, which ccrlillcate shall be suffi
cient evidence of tlie facts therein
4. That in ease of tlie absence of the
Rorougli Surveyor, or his inability to
attend to the duties aforesaid, the
said application shall be made to the
Rurgess, who is hereby authorized to
supply the vacancy by special appoint
ment. o. If any person appointed Rorougli
Surveyor shall neglect or refuse to
perform theduties prescribed in articles
four and five or in either of them, !n
section three of this ordinance, he
shall forfeit and pay for (he use of the
Rorougli a fine of ten dollars for every
such offense, to be recovered before
any Justice of the Peace of tlie
Rorougli in the same manner that
debts of like amount are by law re
coverable. l. If any person shall erect, or cause
to he erected, the foundation of any
building within one foot of any street
in said liorough, without having lirst.
made application as aforesaid and had
tlie exact line of the street In front
of such building ascertained, such per
son shall forfeit ami pay, for tlie use
of the Rorougli, a flue of ten dollars
for every such offense.
7. The Council shall have the right
to remove, for cause, any officer ap
pointed under this ordinance, at any
lime at their pleasure.
This ordinance to take effect on and
after May Hi, 1881.
C. H. MrCAlTLEY, President.
Attkst. W. C., Sec'y.
Approved his 2iitli day of April, A.
D. 1,SM.
J. POWKLL, Chief Rurgess.
Flowers for house or garden, ger
aniums, fuschias.hcliotropes, verbenas,
roses, or in fact anything in the flower
Uncut Tun Advocati-: office. We
are agent for one of the cheapest as
well as best dealers in the country, viz:
Harry Chaapcl, Williamsport. All
orders left at this office will receive
prompt attention, floods will be de
livered in Ridgway at your residence
at catalogue prices.
Scrap picl tires, Authors, pen hold
ers, note paper, envelopes from size 1
to size 14. A large and elegant stock
of fancy note paper in boxes nt Tim
Ahvocatk otl cc. Also shelf paper,
which is neat, ornamental and dura
ble. No trouble to show these goods
even if you do not wish to purchase.
For bill-heads and note-heads
at the AnvofATK office.
Maine News.
Hop Hitters, which arc advertised
in our columns, are a sure cure for
ague, biliousness and kidney com
plaints, those who use them say they
cannot be too highly recommended
Those afflicted should give them a fair
trial, and will become thereby enthu
siastic in the praise of their curative
qualities. Portland Argux.
Every Style & Price.
Gr-uaraiiteecl Unequaled
Improvements and Conveniences found In
BO ethers.
Always Reliable,
For Sale in Every City and Town
in the United States.
And by W. H. HYDE & CO..
Itidgwav. Pa.
Having become agent for Harry
Chaapcl, Florist, we are prepared to
deliver free of expressage and at cata
logue prices any orders you may leave
with us for rlowcrs, bulbs, etc.
Hkxuv A. Paksonr, J a.
I. 0. of O F.
Ridgway Lodge !!, I. O. of O. F.
meets everv Thursday evening. Vis
iting members are cordially invited to
M. Cohen, N. G ; J. A. Ross, V. !.;
R. H. dross, Sec'y; J. W. Hmitli, As't
8cc'y; II. H. Wenwl, Treasurer.
Prepared mustard by the ijuart tit
Note paper and envelopes at the
Advocate office.
If you have any work in the Hue
of upholstering send it to Jacob Rut
lerfuss' harness shop.
Harness oil and
Jacob Rutteifus',
axle grecse at
Business Cards.
Main street, Ilidgway Elk Co.,
Particular attention elven to
examination of titles,
and patent cases.
also to
paten W
Office lu new brick building, Main
street, Ridgwny, Elk Co., Pa. v32t
Late of Strattanville), Physician and
Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office lif
Hall's Rrick Ru'ilding (up stairs)-'
References .1. 1). Smith, H. L
Young, R. Rulofsoii, Strattanville i
Major John Kitley, W. W. Green-'
laud, Clark n. lias practiced hirf
profession sccessfully for more thait
ten years.
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of cure-'
fully selected Foreign and Domestic'
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis-'
pctiscd at all hours, day or night.
Has removed his office' from Centre
etrcet to Main street, Ridgway, Pa., lU
the second story of the new brick
building of John (. Hall, west of the"
Hyde House.
Office hours:! to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M
W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor-,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for (he patronage hereto'
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
tlie new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and coik
venience of guests, to merit a continu'
mice of the same. ocWO'tiO
PAEDIA. This admirable work is now com-'
pletein Pi vols. Kachvolunieiontains800
pages. 11 makesa complc.e a. id well
selected library, rod. no one cair
afford to do witiio'-t ) who would keep
well informed. P he $j U0 in cloth,
Sli.uu in leather, or si.btl in elegant
half Turkey. For- iiciluis address,
W. II. Fail-child, . oviville, Catt. Co.,
N. Y.. who has been duly appointed
agent i'or Elk county by C. K. Judson,
gcueral agent.
Is it Possible
that a remedy made of such common,
simple plants as Hops, Ruchu, Man'
drake, Dandelion, etc., make so many
and such marvelous and wonderful
cures as Hop Rittcrs do'.' It must be
for when old and young r'ch and
poor, Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer ami
Editor,all testify to having been cured
by them, we must believe and doubt
no longer. See another column. Poor
Register's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the foN
lowing accounts will be presented at
tlie next Orphans' Court for conflriiiu'
1. Final account of Mary Meyer, ad'
mlnistratrix of the estate of Philip
Meyer, late of St. Marys, Elk county,
I'll., deceased.
2. Final account of Wm.R Hewitt.
and J. W. Mead, administrator of tlie
estate of Daniel Hewitt late of .lav
township, Klk county, Pa., deceased.
8. Final account of Fred. Wilmarth,
one of tlie executors of the estate of
Lyman Wilmarth. late of Fox town'
ship, Elk county, Pa., deceased.
1KKI). SciKKXIXtt, Register.
All persons arc hereby cautioned
not to purchase, or meddle with the
following described property now iir
possession of T. S. Kline, as it be
longs to me ami is left in his possession1
for a time only : one team gray horses;'
harness; one lumber wagon; separator
and threshing machine.
W. II. Hoinnx,'
Rrockport, March 2", l.Sl.
Instate of Casper Ott.late of Ridgway
2j:ownship,Elk county Pa., deceased
Notice is hereby given that Icttets tes
tamentary have been granted to the
undersigned, upon the above named
estate. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immedi
ate payment, ami those having legal
claims against the same to present
them without delay, in proper order
for settlement.
Joiix Ott, Administrator.
Instate of Matthew Mctjuone, late of
'jFox township, Elk county, Pa.r
deceased. Notice is hereby given
that letters testamentary have been
granted to the umlersiL'iied, upon the
above named estate. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to
make Immediate payment,- and those
having legal claims against tlie same
to present them without delay in pros
per order for settlMK'ivt
JlKMtY IjARciav, Administrator.
Estate of Joseph Scheider, late of
Itidgwav township, Elk county,
Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given
that letters testamentary have been
granted to the undersigned, upon tlie
ahovp named estate. All persons in
debte I to said estate are requested to immediately, payment, and
those having legal claims against the
same to present them without delay,.
in proper order lor settlement
JosKi'it Wixdi-'IKK, Executor.
Eisley's Witch Hazel-
Cures Headache, Rurns, Sprains.
Cuts. Wounds. Rheumatism, lootli'
ache. Earache, etc. Warranted equal
to any made, at half price.
6oz. Rottles 2-j cent; Pint Dottles 5U
cents; Quarts $1.
Have your druggist order, it lie nuv
not in stock, of
Wholesale Druggists, 04 Cortlandt
St., New York City. n47 4'm.
As" made by the most eminent schol
ars of England and America. Half
tlie Price of Corresponding EnglisW
Edition. Large type, linen super-
calendered paper, elegant binding. A
separate "Comprehensive History of
the P.ible and its Translations'' in
eluding a full account of the New Re
vision, given to subscribers.
Rest chance for agents ever offered J
Send Stamp for particulars at once.
Tlie Hknky Bill Pi ulishixu C(
INoi-wii'li 1!iiiiii iilo.