tiinmVfcaHbMii Wiu Jl &VMUtt, THURSDAY, APRIL 21. 1981. Gus. Rohde the Popular Barber Still Ahead. LOOK AT HIS PRICES, Fhnvlng wh Bay Rum 10 cents Hair Cutting 15 cents Shorn poo - 15 cunts Pry Snampoo 10 cento Moustache Dying 15 cents Shop corner Main and Mill Btreets, Itldgway, Pa. Satisfaction guaranteed every time. Rainy on Monday. Fresh Eggs at Morgester's. Oil meal for horses at Morgester's. Last Sunday (Easter) was a pleas ant day, Sardines, Lobsters, and Salmon t Morgester's. A car load of feed, meal, flour, Ac, at Morgester's. A full line of choice Canned Goods at Morgester's. Some very nice Comb Honey in mall boxes at Morgester's. Company H meets at their armory each Saturday evening at TJ o'clock sharp. For farm, road, or lumber harness single or double, give Jacob Butter flies a call. The election for County Superin tendent will take place on May 8d, one week from next Tuesday. The Rev. J. A. Hovls, of Centre ville, will preach in the M. K. church next Sabbath evening at 7:30. A benovelent lady of Pittsburg lias given J'20,000 for the erection of an addition to the Aged Women's Home at that pluco. The Reading Circle meets every Monday evening in the school house at half past seven sharp. All are in vited to attend. A desperate attempt was made re cently to liberate a gang of murderers, robbers and thltvts confined In the county prison at Clearfield. There will be a meeting of the Parochial Society at Mrs. George R. Woodward's on Tuesday evening. April 2fitli, at h o'clock. Let there be a full attendance. Eliza Brooks, Secretary. Under the new Judicial Appor tlonment which we give in another column it will be noticed that Elk county is connected with Cameron, Clinton, and Potter, the four counties to be known as the twenty-fifth Ju dicial District. Ash piles, old barrels, dead skunks, and other rubbish In the ftreets will occupy the attention of Ridgway Borough's new council. Then the sidewalks need repairing in a great many places. Let the work of Improvement go-steadily on. Upon inquiry at the engineer's of fice we ascertain that the distance from Alton to Johnsonburg is 28 miles; the distance from Alton to Falls Creek 64 miles. Branch from Brockwayville to Dagns Mines at head of Toby 12 miles. Total length of proposed route 70 miles. Delightful weather makes a person feel likeapruclug up in the matter of wearim annarel. A new suit of clothes is then the next thing in order Then go to A. Swart7. Ross' Merchant Tailoring establishment ovei Maginnis' billiard sa'non. see his new line of samples, and leave an order. A. Swart a Ross, Merchant Tailor, over Maginnis' billiard silonn, has on hand a beautiful line of samples for spring suits. Give him a call. All goods warranted as represented, fits guaranted, and work delivered at the time agreed upon. Leave your orders now. First come first served. The announcement that Miss rauline Scott, of Monongahela City, had taken the $10,000 prize for being the greatest beauty to travel with Forepaugh's show, it seems was incor rect. Miss Pauline declined the offer. Miss Louise Montague a variety ac tress, of New York is declared the winner of the award, Miss McOloin has received and is still receiving a choice line of goods in the millinery line for the spring trade. Miss McGloin's millinery store is at the residence of tier brother, Francis McGloin, I adies will do well to in spect her new and elegant stock of hats, bonnets, ribbons, laces, and all ar ticles kept In-a first-class millinery store, before making their spring purchases. No rose without a thorn. These beautiful spring days that cause the blood to course witli greater activity through the veins, and give to human ity a strong taste of spring fever, are saddened by a strong scent that comes in at our open window from the carcass of that old dead election skunk that lies rotting and stinking In the warm April sunshine. This is a Good Frriday reverie on which day, 1881, April 15, the sun shone hriD-htlv and the skunk gave off ra - perfume delightfully. Stabbing: Affray. Sunday night last at Wilcox, An drew Johnson, a Swede, was stabbed several times in the breast and ab domen with a small knife In the bands of another Swede whose name -we have not learned. The assassin es caped but was captured at Dugusea bonda on Tuesday, taken back to Wilcox, and before Esquire Parsons, -who committed him to jail in default of a bond of $500 which was de manded as security for his appearance at the May term of Court. Constable Cole brought the man down and landed him in the jail at this place yesterday. Personal Items. Mercer Bros, have raised their barn. E. E. Wlllard went to New York yesterday. Jas. Maginnis has set the stakes for his new house. Dr. Bordwell's new building will be raised this week. J. S. Powell, and H. Taylor were in town this week. Jas. Penfleld is slowly recovering from his recent illness. Joel Miller has moved to Zion's hill in the house recently occupied by Mr. Broughton. Jas. Phalen and William McCau ley of Fox township culled at the The Advocate office this week. Doctor Earley is at home. He Is obliged to walk with the aid of crutches, us his broken leg still bothers him. John Barr, of Benezette township, postmaster at Dent's Run, and ex County Commissioner was in town this week. In the notice of the Borough or gauixatiou published in our last fosiie we omitted the fact that O. O. Mes senger had been appointed Borough Treasurer. John Young lias moved into the old school house, and Geo. T. Aaron now occupies t lie house at the west end of Main street, north side, recently vacated by Mr. Young. M. E. Lesser is erecting two bouses for rent on the west line of Uidgway borough, opposite the old school house. One building will be in tne Borough and the other in the township, although the houses will be but a few feet apart. . The windows of Prof. Dixon's residence have been a delightful sight for several weeks past. Geraniums. fuchias, petunias, heliotropes, ver benas, all in full bloom. Mrs, Dixon has we think the finest looking collection of house plants hi Ridgway. Harness oil and Jacob Butterfuss'. axle grcese at MA It MED. Nichols Rtew akt Hal urdav even ing. April 1. 181, at the M. E. Par son aire, by Rev. S M. Clark, Mr. Frank E. Nichols to Miss Mary Stewart, both of R'dgway Borough. May Fortune shower her richest blessing down to make pleasant the future pa h way of our young friends who by this act become enrolled among the great and good, (the edi tors of the several county paper for example). May they live happy and each live to bu married again, and may all their troubles be tittle ones. Dkwire Cbamkr On Mondnv, April 18. lHl.at the Catholic church Rev. Father Meagher, officiutimr. Mr. Michael Dcwire to Miss Llrzie Cramer, both cf Ridgway town ship. DIED. Gardner Monday, April 18, 1381, after an illness of little more than a week, Charles, aged ten years, ton of Melviu Gardner. I f you have any work in the line of upholstering send it to Jacob But terfuss' harness shop. Ridgway Graded School. PRINCIPAL'S RKI'ORT kor thk month ENDING APRIL llTH, 18S1. TEACHERS. Miss Rnhf- E. Wilcox.. MIks Amii-s Hurri'tt Mifis Kiiiina Ho. Miss Jpnnie Uresh .... J. D. Rishell 1 'A Mi OBI lit 45 Tills record of iittendunre, punctuality, and department. Is taken from the report to the Secretary. The average class-standing of each pupil Is ascertained by an examination held at the end of the month. Parents are requested to examine the report nnd visit the reports and visit the school. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Si; : 5 c.5;2s SENIOR GRADE. Magpie Flynn Charles Meenan , Ella Kline John U. W lilt more Willie Luther Chauney Wilcox Katie Meenan Fred Ely Willie M feu nn Craig McAllister "A"GRADE. Kittle Whltmore , Hailie I.amnieux Annie Kilne Lizzie 1 lynn Adah Malone Jole Messenger Emma Callahan .loli n Nichols I. una Rogers Ella Wicks Emma Mead Viola Neill "B" GRADE. Hannah Moloney Minnie Miles Minnie Kline "C" GRADE. Jennie Holes Eddie Holiday ..... Wallie Dill Warren Irwin Ueorge Mcl-'ai 111) Charles Geary Biuee Klme Emma Miry.ma BeHsieScribiicr Eddie Hevler Carrie Cuinmlngs Alice Neill 100 111 inn US W 1 1 H I 1W w 101, I'm loo 9i In; I t mo ion- vn l'K) 100 inn lno' j 61 W0 n I'JO 100 7 lml 100 M 1W 60 100, 100 100 100 OS Bti M US 100 UK w W 100 i 100 no: 100, si loo looj 100, 91 loo! 7t, &"i 100 no; 95, 92 (Ml loo; 9H mi 100 Hi 90 12 "D" GRADE. Cnrrle Clnrk Maggie Reese......... Maud Klme Clarice Kordwell Lewis Rhines Willie Cunningham ... "E" GRADE. Frank Wlckwlre.... Jerome Gorton Fred Hartley Frank Oyster 80 os 91 92: MS 100 92 Grace Korlliner, Mary O'Hi len Belle Hartley. Daisy Klme... es 100 98 94 W 100 M 99 Carrie Ely .... Mary Daley ... Anna McUovern., to Lulu Cummlngs, J. D. RISHSU-, P'iatiif at. Communications. Bcriptural Enigma. I am composed of fifty-six (50) letters. My 1, 82, 43, 28, 20, 47, Is a prophet. My 81, 3fi, 88, 68, 28, 1, Is an Island. My 13, 16,30, 35,43, 28, 1, Is a place visited by St. Paul. My 7, 65, 24, 10, 7, 49, 32, Is a woman mentioned in the New Testament. My 24, 30, 18, 83, 84, 61, 28, 43, is a precious stone. My 41, 54, 63, 65, 12, 61, is one of Levi's sons. My 2, 80, 30, 63. Is a garden. My 4, 31, 27, 40, 16, 28, 21, is a city of Lycaotjla. My 4, 27, 8, 55, 7, 41, Is the father of Am ram. My 22, 40, 7, 42, 89, 81, 49, is a city of Syria. My 21, 32, 56, 7, 19, 65, was a resident of Bethany. My 6, 48, 25, 11, are vowels. My 10, 39, 7, is a relative of Abra ham. My 52 39. 30. 39, 21, was destroyed for wickedness. My 60, 1, 7, 45, 3, 66. is a noted queen. My 26, 22, 42, 7, 49, is a "fruit of the pirit." My 29, 22. 7, 49, 22, 29, Is a prophet. My 14, 23, 44, are vowels. My whole is found in Isaiah. Ridgway, Pa. M. E. IT. Answer will be given next week. DuBois Camp Meeting. There will be a comp meeting held in DuBois, Clearfield county, Pa., June 2nd, to continue one week. The grounds are located within the horo. limits and within twenty min utes ride of the depot of the L. G. D. of the A. V. R. R. Hunks will run from the depot to the grounds. Those desiiingtotcnton thegrounds can have tents furnished them at cost ot rent, the tents will be thoso usually used, rented in the city and the cost will be just what the company charges the association. Those desiring to furnish or build tneir own tents on tne grounds can do so having the use of ground rent free for t lie present year. We are trying to make arrangments to have at least one Bishop of the M. E. church present. Also the great evangelist or "Boy Preacher" Harri son. The singing will lie conducted by the justly celebrated evangelistic singer E. O. Excel I. We arc in the Erie conference on the line of the central Pennsylvania conference and hope to have many of the ministers of the central with us. Any information desire 1 will be cheerfully given by the pastor. Those desiring to secure avail able ground for tents would do well to write immediately and thoe desir ing U rent city tents should let the pastor know at once. Addrra-i H. M. Burns, DuBois, Clearfield county, Pa. April 19, 1831. KERSEY IN THE REAR. Editor Advocate: "Nemo" Is a noble fellow, and as full of fight as a moquito; being much larger it takes a good deal more of it to till him of course. He makes up in majesty for what lie lacks in beauty, ami the rather doubtful squint of his eager eye llnds compensation in the infernal gossip in the columtu of the Demo crat. He is built something like a polly wog his mouth being the biggest part of the establishment, and it opens like a tobacco box all the way around, lie is nil her gruff in his ways, and positive in his disposition, and his politeness is scarcely worth betting on unless yon have a counterfeit bill that you want o lose and cannot gi .'e away. He will never die a natural death; and I think the man who says he will ought to be a newspaper reporter, or a Congressman at least; such talent as his should certainly not be wasted. He lias as good an appe tite for gossip as a bull dog has for meat. If he was analyzed lie would pan out about as follow: 33 pounds of crublietiness, 50 pound of deceit ful ness and about twice as much gass. A cussoucter has always broken before registering the full amount of pure eusftiilucss he contains, and a skillful inventor milit maUea fortune ty utilizing his gas for burning pur poses. He is universally respected but seldom loved; except when lie is converted into a lady's walking stick, in short he is a thunder storm mounted on two legs, uncertain in his movements certain in his conclusions) and rapid in bringing anything to a head. When I rind any more facts lying around loose about him I will gather them up and send them in for publication. (Now Bart shoot your big gun ) Mkno. Wilcox Public School. PBIKCIFAL'S REPOKT FOR THK MONTH SJD INU Al'lllL loth, 1KS1. TEACHER i sis- t !! Julana Rnrllmtame, 1 MisB Jessie AlUilch, 3 Mr. J.U.Johusoii, 3 32, an 37i Summary 113, 0b 90 The highest cliisa-stanillng obtained by any pupil In room No. 8 la 100. The following are the names ot puplU in said room who received more than 90 per cent., at the monthly examination. A"8ENIOK. Laura Warner 100; Amanda I.. Wilcox 98; Mary Kchrelner 87; Martha Groat 95; Fred Aldrisb 93. "D" GRADE. Eva Bchrelner 93. 11" GltADE. George Bchrelner W; Flora Weiningttt. "C" GltADE. Willie Beckwlth 100; Llllle Ernhout 99; Mamie McKcan 07; Otto Kchreiner 97; Hattle Cole 95; Edith Aldrlch 95; Harry Waruer 95; Don E. Wrlybtttt; George Welning 91; Able Houghtallng 93; Cell Miller 111; Ella. White man 91. Harry Warner promoted from Intermedi ate Department, J,B, JOHVSON, FrlMlpaW Elk Creek Steam Saw Mill. Visiting, and, through the kindness of Frank C. Ely, Inspecting on Fri day last the new. steam and water mill of B F. Ely, for the express pur pose of laying the facts In regard to this enterprise before The Advocate readers, and in furtherance of the plan suggested already In these columns to lay before them the main points con nected with the lumbering Interests of the Clarion river In tills vicinity we gleam the following facts. The Ely mill Is situated on Elk creek perhaps half a mile ea9t of the Ridgway Borough limits and about a mile from the confluence of that Btreain with the Clarion river Just above the long iron bridge at the foot of Main Htreet. So that definitely speaking this mill Is not on the Clar ion river, neither Is the lumber floated down that stream. The lumber is f biped from a wl.arflng erected on the P. & E. It. It. which road runs near the mill making the cost of handling the lumber very low, and affords great facilities for rapidly filling orders. The power of the mill is furnished by a 75 II. P. engine made by Strnth ers, Wells & Co. Warren, Pa., pro vided with a Gardner patent gover nor; the mill shaft is ft inches in di ameter, the drive wheel 7 feet. Two 2-flue boilers 44 inches in diameter and twenty feet long, furnish the steam; the fuel used being the saw dust direct from the saw which Josenh De Voir, fireman, was feeding to the flames with a shovel about as fust as he coul I handle it. About 80 pounds of steam to the square inch is cirried when the mill is running. The steam power was put in last fall, being ready to run about the middle of November 18). They also have a Lclller tur bine water wheel of Ci.7 H. P. w;th a 9 foot head The mill can be run with either power, the work of chang ing only requiring fifteen to twenty minutes, time. The circular saw, gang-edger, two cut-off saws, and log Jacker, ami glimmer, comprises the machinery working at present. A latii mill, plainer, and bolter (a ma chine tt cut slabs to a uniform thick ness for lath) will be added during the summer. Louis Ely was attending the gates while Constable Cannavati did the setting of the logs, with the assistance of Lotus tiiul that powerful niece of machinery called a log jacker, which can turn u log with ease that a dozen men with cant-hooks would not be enabled to move. Ten men are kept rushing to remove the 30,003 feet of lumber which the mill turns out in n day, besides a number of men in the yard kept busy assorting and piling the lumber to season for shipment. The lumber is generally well seasoned before being shipped. At the present writing 1,000,(m)0 feet of lumber is piled in the yard whil.e the merry saw is converting logs into hoards and bill stuff at the rate .above named. The property Is owned by It. V. Ely who furnishes the stock, which Ely Bros., F. C. Ely, and Louis Ely, saw, pile, and ship. Ely Bros, are also sawing a large stock of hemlock logs on a contract with W. H. Osterhout. The Ely andOsteihout logsare thrown promiscuously into the stream, and come to the saw first one kind then another, and great care is necessary to keep the lumber separated, by reason of which considerable time is lost each day. Figuring from the number of cords of hark peeled they have o,0(X),0d0 feet of hemlock Block (used in this con nection stock would mean a Niiliicient quantity of logs to give when sawed the number of feet indicated counted at board measure) I'.OOO.OOO feet has been sawed. Besides this they have ciio.inH.1 leet oi pine stocK anil some other kinds as cueumber.ehestnut.ash, cherry, etc. The F.Ik Creek mill will be when fully equipped one of the most com plete in this section, and under the personal supervision of that veteran lumberman Mr B. F. Ely, and with the stirring business capacity of Ely Bros., will turn out Its full quota of lumber. Ayer's Hair Vigor ret-tores the color and stimulates the growth of the hair, prevents it from falling off, and greatly increases its beauty. It has a delicate and lasting perfume, its in gredients are harmless, and for the toilet it is unequalled. Do you want Nails, Glass, Paints and Oils, I'utty, Builders' Hardware, Axes or Spuds, Carpenters' Tools, X Cut saws. House furnishing goods, Stoves. Stove Pipe, Tin Ware, Wooden Ware, Glass Ware, Lamps, Hollow Ware. Powder, Lead, Shot, Fuse, Anything in the Furnishing line made to order or Tin riate, jiiack or Galvanized Iron, or Copper go to No. 42 Main Street, Ridtfway. I have de voted twenty-seven years exclusively to this business and convince all that this is the place to buy goods or get work done. P. S. Estimates furnished on ap plication on Rooting, Heating, Slate mantles, &c. Call in before placing your orders. W. S. Sehvice, Agt. Domestic Sewing Machine Agency. Having become agent for Harry Chaapcl, Florist, we are prepared to deliver free of expressage and at cata logue prices any orders you may leave with us for flawers, bulbs, etc. Hemky A Parsons, J, School Chips. John Nlssel, teacher of the Wind fall school at Bcnzlnger has sent me some very good "Scholars' Work," Thanks. The time Is at hand when every teacher In Elk county Is ex pected to hold written examinations monthly and place specimens of the manuscript on file not only In the school room but also In the office of the county superintendent. .School Director? are Invited to ex amine the "Scholars' Work" that will be on exhibition in the Court room on May 8rd,(the day of the convention. A teachers' examination will be held at Caledonia, Saturday, April 30, beginning at 9 A. M. Have you studied the theory of tenching? J. E. Fopeano, formerly a teacher In Fox township will graduate from the Edinboro Normal School next May. That Is the proper course to pursue, teachers, give yourselves special training for the important du ties you assume. How many from Elk will attend a normal school the next fall term? The public school diplomas arc at hand and the general verdict is that they are both beautiful and appropri ate. The teachers of Itidgway are com plaining that there is no money in the treasury with which to pay school or ders. Where is the tax duplicate? whose duty is it to attend to this mat ter? Ridgway school orders are gen erally cashed on presentation and this should still be the case. The dates for the examinations of pupils in the graduating classes will be announced next week. I am arranging a course of pro fexfiionat reading and study for the teachers of the county. Will you all join the class? Those who are prepar ing to become teachers are also eligi ble. Geo. R. Dixox, Con n ty 8u peri ntenden t. Qas Explosion at Stoneham. (Warren Ledger.) Saturday morning of last week the drillers were working at the No. 4 Hurlzel d Nesmith well, Baltiensper- irer farm. Stoneham district. The boiler was situated about sixty feet from the derrick, but nevertheless, the gus from the well came up with such force as to fill the space between the derrick and engine house, and there was an explosion, which was heard in Warren, six miles away. Andrew Brown and John Rieg were in the derrick, Calvin Brown was outside, and JatiK-s Brown had started for the engine house, when the ex plosion took place, The engine house was demolished, and the air a sheet of flame. James Brown's clothing was on tire, and Calvin ran to him and succeeded in extinguishing the flames, being himself badly burned in the act. Andrew Brown and John Rieg, in the engine house, were on fire. They were drawn from the fiery furnace by the aid of Boon MaGee. The young men were taken tu the house of Mr. MaGee, where they had the best of care. Dr. R. B. Stewart, of Warren, was telephoned to go over, and assisted by Dr. Heath, of Clarendon, their wounds were dressed. But they pre sented a painful appearance, ami many of their acquaintances and friends who looked upon them turned away faint and sick at the dreadful sight. For two or three days it was not expected that James Brown and John Rieg would survive. John Reig being a married man, his wife was soon in attendance, ami he greet ed her in a jocular man tier. At this writing, Thursday, the men are all doing well ami it is expected thai they will re cover. The Browns are brothers and their home Is in Glade. They are en terprising, industrious men, and de servo a better fate, it would seem John Rieg is a good citizen also. The community was shocked at the news, and all sympathized witli them and their relatives. It is a irreat renef to tie able to stale that they are all ap parently in a lair way of recovery l'nis is the first of great accidents that are liable to lake place in tile oil regions; wouid we could say it were the last. Oar Hdilroads. lirook ville JelTursonian.) It now seems to be definitely set tled that Jay Gould'sgreMtContlllelital railroad route from New York to Chi cago will pass through Brookville. araagemeiits are said to be completed by which his cars ar to pass over the Philadelphia and Erie road to Drift wood, and thence over tiie Low Grade to Heilb.ink, where the Allegheny river will be bridged and a new road constructed from Uedbank to Youngs town, Ohio, a distance of seventy-two miles.where connections will be made direct for Chicago. This arrangmcnt will necessitate the laying of a double track on the Low Grade road, which we understand will shortly be com menced. This will not be a heavy job, as all the bridges and tunnels and heavy work was intended for a double track when the road was built The work on the extension of the line from Redbank to Ycungstowu will be commenced at an early day, and pushed forward with all dispatch. Note paper and envelopes at the Advocate office. Col. Wm. C. Brown, founder of the BeUcfonte Republican, and for a number of years thereafter its editor, died at the residence oi his sister, Mrs. Joshua Mitchell, in Milesburg, Cen tre county, Pa., on Friday night, the 1st lust., in the 57th year of his age. He was visiting his sister when he took ill, his home being in Jewell City, Kansas, where he waa publish ing a paper, and from where be took bis departure East t few week's ago, The No-7 Judicial Apportionment WHAT CHANGES WILL BE MADE BY THE PROPOSED LAW. The new judicial apportionment bill which has been reported to the senate With affirmative recommenda tion makes some Important changes. The following are the districts under the new measure: First, Philadelphia; Second, Lan caster; Third, Northampton; Fourth, McKean; Fifth, Allegheny; Sixth, Erie; Seventh, Bucks; Eighth, Nor thumberland; Ninth, Cumberland; Tenth, Westmoreland; Eleventh, Luzerne; Twelfth, Dauphin; Thir teenth Bradford; Fourteenth, Fayette; Fifteenth, Chester; Sixteenth, Bed ford, Sumerset and Fulton; Seven teenth, Tioga; Eighteenth, Forest and .leflerson; Nineteenth, York; Twentieth, Union, Snyder and Juni ata; twenty-first, Schuylkill; twenty second, Wayne and Pike; twenty- third, Berks; twenty-fourth, Blair; twenty fifth, Potter, Cameron, Elk and Clinton, twenty-sixth, Wyoming, Sullivan, Montour and Columbia; twenty-seventh, Washington and Greene; tweuty-eighth, Venango; twenty-ninth, Lycoming, thirtieth, Crawford; thirty-first, Lehigh, thirty eecond, Delaware; thirty-third, Arm strong; thirty-fourth, Susquehanna, thirty-fifth, Mercer; thirty-sixth, Beavcr;thirty -seventh, Warren; thirty- eighth, Montgomery; thirty-ninth Franklin fortieth, Indiana; forty-first, Huntingdon and Perry; forty-second, Adams; forty-third, Monroe; and Car bon; forty-fourth, Lackawanna; forty filth, Butler; forty-sixth, Clearfield; forty-seventh, Cambria; forty-eighth, Lawrence; forty-ninth, Lebanon; fiftieth, Mifllin and Centre; fifty-first, Clarion. Under the bill the following new districts are constituted: The Fourth, Twelfth, Fourteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Twentieth, Twenty fourth, Twenty-fifth.Twenty- seventh, Thirty-sixth, Thirty-seventh Thirty-ninth, Forty-first, Forty-sixth, Forty-seventh, Forty-eighth, Forty- ninth, Fiftieth and Fifty-first, If the bill become a law Dauphin county will elect two judges and Lebanon county a president judge. Nothing has been done toward the reconstruction of the Danville asylum by reason of the failure of the insurance adjusters to conic to a final report. Sixteen thousand acres of coal land in the northern part of McKean county belonging to the Buflalo Coal Company are to be connected with the McKean and Buffalo railroad by a narrow gauge to cost 5f30U,tH0. Flowers for house or garden, ger aniums, fuschias,hclioiropes, verbenas, roses, or in fact anything in the flower line at Tins Advocate otllce. We are agent for one of the cheapest as well as best dealers in the country, viz: Harry Cliaapel, Wiliiamsport. All orders lefi at this office will receive prompt attention. Gootls will be de livered in Ridgway at your residence at catalogue prices. A Cross Baby. Nothing is so conducive to a man's remaining a bachelor as slopping for one night nt the house of a married friend and being kept awake for five or six hours by I lie crying of a cross baby. All cross and crying babies need only Hop Bitters to make them well and smiling. Young men re member this. traveller. Scrap pictures, Authors, pen hold ers, note paper, envelopes from size 1 to size 14. A large and elegant stock of fancy note paper ill boxes at The Advocatk office. Also shelf paper, which is neat, ornamental and dura ble. No trouble to show these goods even if you do not wish to purchase. For bill-heads and note-heads call at the Advocatk office. ESTATE NOTICE. Instate of Joseph Scheider, late of iHidgwny, township, Elk county. Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby .-iven thatleltirs testamentary have bien granted to the undersigned, upon the above named estate. All persons in debted to said I'state are requested to make 'immediately, payment, and those having legal claims against the same to present t hem without delay, iu proper order for settlement. JofSiciMi Wixdfike, Executor. GET TIIE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHERS 1 Every Style & Price. Guaranteed Unequaled FOB OPERATION. ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Xnproremeuts an! Convenleneei fonni la ta ot&en. Always Reliable, POPULAR EVERYWHERE. ! 8al la Every City and Ion U tae UalUd SUtM. And by W. H. HYDE it CO., Ridgway, Pc List of IeMert Remaining lii the ItldgVay postofllcei Elk Co.,' Pa., for the wwk mlinrf April 18. 1881. Broy, Katharine Haste, J. N. Hall, Frank (2) Lainon, J hn Maynass, Mille Morrison. George (2j McCoriniek, R. M. Picke, Alexander Parker, Charles W " Plank, Charles Richard, A. J. Stoneburg. N. T. Stwewart, Corndar (2; Sliwld, John Wisncr, Oscar Wlngar, V. B. (2) , Persons applying for letters will please say advertised. J. H. IlAOERTY, P. M.- Benjamin Bahme, aged twenty- four, the son of a wealthy farmer liv ing nt Roaring Creek, Columbia Co.. was Informed Sunday by his affianced a Miss Long, that she could not marry him. Brooding under tne uisapinnuk-. ment Bahme fatally shot himself through the temple. Business Cards. GEO. A. RA1HBUN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Particular attention- given to tho' examination of titles, also to patent and patent cases.- . HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main1 street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t tt'. L. WILLIAMS. Lnteof Strattanville), Physician ancf Surgeon. Ridgway, Pa. Office lit Hall's Brick Building (up stairs)-' References J. D - Smith, H. L. Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanville Major John Kitley, W. W. Green land, Clark n. Has practiced hir profession sccessfully for more than? ten years. G. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgwav, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic' Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, Has removed his office from Centro Ftrect to Main atreet, Ridgway, Pa., in the second story of the new briclc building of John G. Hall, west of the' lTeip House. Office hours :-l to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M HYDE HOUSE. W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu-" ance of the same. oeMU'tta APPLETO N'SAMERICAN CYCLO PEQIA. This admirable work is now com- pletein lOvols. EachvolumecontainKWKr pages. It makesa complete and well selected library, and no one can allbrd to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $5 DO in cloth, Sli.uO in leather, or 57.00 in elegant halfTurkev. For particulars address, W. II. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co.. N. Y., who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, general agent. Is it Possible that a remedy made of such common',' simple plants as Hops, Buchu, Man drake, Dandelion, etc., make so many' and such marvelous and wonderful' cures as Hop Bitters do? It must be' for when old and young r'ch and poor, Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer and' Editor.all testify to having been cured by thwn, we must believe and doubt no longer. See another column. Post. Register's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing accounts will be presented at the next Orphans' Court for continua tion: 1. Final account of Mary Meyer, ad ministratrix of the estate of Philip' Meyer, late of St. Marys, Elk county, Pa.', deceased. 2. Final account of Wm.B Hewitt, and J. W. Mead, administrator of the estate of Daniel Hewitt late of Jay township. Elk county, Pa., deceased.- Fukd. ScniExiso, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE, By virtue of an order of the' Orphans' Court of Elk county, dated Jan. '-'', 1881, to me directed, I will expose to sale at public vendue or out cry, on the premises, in Highland township, Elk couutv, on the lil'th day of April A.D. 18S1, at 10 o'clock A. M the fol'owing described real es tate of I). Graham, deceased. Situate' in Highland township, Kk county,, being part of tract No. JJ 7Sti and out of t lie north-east corner of the same, be-, ing all that part of said lot north of Levi Kilithorp's and being l'JO rods east and west and 200 rods north amf. south, containing about 1G0 acres of land, subject to a contract made the 4th day of Oct. 1878, between I). Gra ham and It. Underwood, for sale of 25' acres from the north side of said" lands. Terms made known on the day of' sale W. M. Lindsay, Administrator. n5 t3 CAUTION NOTICE. All persons are hereby cautioneif not to purchase, or meddle with the' following described properly now irr M)ssesslon of T. S. Kline, as it be longs to me and is left in his possession' for a time only : one team gray horses;-' harness; one iumber wagon; beparator' and threshing machine. V. If. HOKTON.- ' Brock port,-March 25. 1881. Jj OtTTFfT ent fre to thoso who wish'. JN I to engnut) lu the ninia pleasant and 'tl-''l-rottluble business known.- KVery. thing new. Cupilul not required. We' will furnish you everything. SIO h day ucf upwurds Is eaaily imule wlihuut staying away from home over nllit. No rUk whatever Many new workers wanted nt once. Mmi are musing fortunes at the business. IjntH-1 make as much as ilteu, anil young boys amf girls mnkegreul pay. No one who Is willing" to work falls tu make more money every rfuy than can be mailt) lu a week at ordinary employment. Those who engage at once' will find a short road tu fortune. Addrts H. HA.LLETT A 00. PortW, Uaiai 2vt