The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 07, 1881, Image 2
mut Mwmtt. Henry A. Targon, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1881. Entkiikd at the Post-office at Uidqway, Pa., as skconu class mail hatter. EDITORIAL NOTES. CURRENT TOPICS. After tlie death of the Inte Gen eral Upton a letter was found resign ing His position as commander of the Fourth artillery. The theory is ad vanced that the resignation was made with a view to getting relief from work and also to allow more time for the revision of his. luetics. It U said tiiat the rush of Ameri can people to Washington in the ca pacity of office-seekers is. unprece dented In the history of the country. It is getting to be a lingering death to hold any high office controlling patron age. As the apple tree borers kill the apple tree so do borers after office dry up and finally kill the dlspeusor of patronage. Flora T. Wagstaff has recently been admitted to the Kansas bar. This is a good tiling for Flora, but heaven pity o jury when interviewed by a woman lawyer, especially if she possesses bulf the gift of gab sup posed to be Inherited by her sisters generally. Our honorable servants at Harris burg, the General Assembly, are considerably exercised because Attor ney General Palmer has given it as his decision that they cannot draw more than $1,000 salary no mutter how long they remuin iu sessiou. An attempt Is being made to pass a law giving the Honorable Senators and Members pay at the rate of $10 a day for litty days additional. No doubt the time w.ould then be short enough to trans Met the business absolutely necessary to be done. Great is the Pennsylva nia legislature. They have expelled a newspaper correspondent, and now if they get the extra $500 and adjourn, the exclamation well done will rise spontaneously from the lips of their admiring constituency. In France men- who applaud the assassination of the Czar are lined anil imprisoned. In this country idiots of that class are allowed full vent and none seem to care. William H. Vunderbilt tho riolx-st man in New York has presented that city with an obelisk at a cost of $200, 000. Aud yet hundreds of people are starving almost under the shadow of the giant monolith. Aud the streets of the great city are so filthy that even the obelkk has to hold its nose. Statistics seem to prove that the ecntre of population is now located within n few miles of the city limits of Cincinnati. And now Cincinnati proposes to anne x a few miles of terri tory so that she can claim to be the centre of population. Little Senator Mahonc, of Virgin ia, only weighs about one hundred pounds. Yet his vote is just as heavy as that of David Davis who tips the beam at 300. The excellent financial manage ment of the inauguration festivities, lias resulted in paying back every dollar subscribed and leaving a bal ance of $1,899.04 remaining in the treasurer's hands. Tim total of sub scriptions was, according to the re port, $13,48T.7', and the receipts from the ball and other sources was? 25,578, 25. Of this sum of S39.00C, there was expended on tho ball, etc.; $10,0'S2.17; on street decorations, $8,042.82; on Illuminations, $3,881 .no; and for post age, traveling expenses, etc., 2,221.30, making a total of $23,078 61. The affair was conducted by business men on business principles and as a conse quence no waste wss had and every dollar accounted for by a proper voucher. President Garfield does not deem it necessary to convene an extra ses sion of Congress. This- decision will put the question at rest. Polygamy will soon be a thing of the past, only to be referred, to along with the crime of slavery as a dark epof on the fair escutcheon of our country's history. President Garfield is quoted ns saying to a Western Sen ator: "Senator, as a personal fuvor to me I want you to take up and cham pion this Mormon question iu the Senate. We must stampout polygamy. I want this to be one of the distin guished features of my administra tion." This is only In accordance with the sentiments expressed in his Inaugural address. The people will uphold the President's hands in this holy crusade against un unholy evil. Oscar Thomas Gilbert Moiterde Lafayette, Senator of France- and grandson of General Lafayette, is dead. He was to have been one of the French Commissioners at the York town celebration. "Old Abe" the famous war eagle of the 8th Wisconsin Volunteer In fantry, Is dead. The bird was carried at the head of th& regiment through out the war, never receiving a scratch. Bincelhewarlt baa had a room In the basement of the Wisconsin Capi tol, aud received the best of care. It was at the Centennial exhibition at PhiUdclphb- It is now said that there is little doubt that the late General Upton took his life while In a fit of somnambulism. His sister used to rise in her sleep, and at one time came near to throwing herself out of the window. The General used to sleep with loaded pistols under his pillow, and though often remonstrated with, in view of the fact that somnambulism was a family trait, to discontinue the habit, he laughingly said there was no danger, and dung to his old army practice. A Minnesota family lost six chil dren last week by diphtheria. On Monday the youngest child died; Tuesday another died, and on Wed nesday a third, Thursday two more were taken, and on Friday the oldest child a lady of thirty breuthed her last. The fret at Harrisburg over the salary question still continues. Sena tor Norris' bill fixing the salory of members of the Legislature at $1,500 was reported favorably In the Senate on Friday last, which hud the effect of brightening up the grave faces of the Senators. This proposition makes it possible for members to draw $-"00 for one day's pay, as under the con stitution they are entitled (of 1,000 and the bill makes it $1,500. The commit tee which prepared the bill hud before it a proposition that the members re main in session 150 days for the nmount named, but if was not favor ably considered. The Governor's assurances have no doubt led to the preparation of this relief measure, but it is feared the Attorney General may decide that the bill cannot be made to apply constitutionally to the present Legislature. At a land league meeting at Cough, County Kilkenny, Ireland, April 3d, a telegram was read from the Brttlugliuderiu branch league about the affray there the day before, stating that the police had fired on the people without provocation and that two men were killed, two were dying and three were wounded. General Grant and party consist ing of Mrs. Grant, U. S. Grout, Jr., and wife, Kenor Romers, ex-Mexican Minister, Mr. Davidson, General Grant's secretary, Mrs Allen, Miss Sharp and ex-Senator J. B. Chaffee, of Colorado, sailed for Vera Cruz Mon day morning on the steamor Whit ney. Judge Elwell, of Bloomsburg, rendered a decision in the William sport bond ease last Saturday. The rule for the attachment against the Treasurer and Councils of the City to show pause why an attachment for contempt should not issue against them for failing to-obey the order of the court, was made absolute. None of the respondents wiil be arrested who shall within ten days file at Bloomsburg n bond in the penal sum of $1,000 for their appearance on the 6th of May to uuswer to the Court. Andrew D. White, Envoy Extra ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Berlin, Germany, has resigned. The American Almanac, edited by Ainsworth II. Spolford, Congres sional Librarian, gives the official vote for President as follows : "For Garfleld,4,442,950; for Hancock, 4,442, 035; for Weaver, 300,80"; Garfield's plurality, 913." One hundred and fifty ladies of Greeley, Colorado, invaded a Primary Convention, and insisted on participat ing in the proceedings. The question "Shall the women vote?" was carried in the affirmative by the ladies them selves. Their candidates, however, were ut the last moment defeated, mid they therefore have bolted and put up an independent ticket. Congressman Townshend of Illi nois, like Senator Gorluun of Mary laud, used to be a page in the House of Representatives. The Kansas amendment to the constitution prohibiting the manufac ture and sale of intoxicating drink, goes into effect on Mav 1st. Many friends of the measure are fearful lest the very stringency of the law may de feat its power for good. A les rigorous enactment as a starter no doubt would have been a better arrangement. In Philadelphia the nuisance of distributing "dodgers" on the public highways is said to be almost beyond endurance. Promenaders on princi pal streets have tbeso advertisements thrust into their hands or face, only to cast them to the sidewalk to help- the accumulation of dirt and litter. The Philadelphlims should advertise iu their local papers and then would the nuisance cease. Take Ridgway for example. Notice how our merchants advertise and keep up their local papers. Russia is at present under a reign of terror of the worst description. Soldier and peasants, editors and merchants are banded together to. protect themselves from un known and unseen assailants of the public peace; and yet they have no assurance but tliut the very men they are guarding against are among themselves. Nihilism raises its head aud strikes a death dealing blow, and no one knows from whence it came nor from whence comes the next blow. A little less tyranny on the part of the Government, and a great deal more education of the masses may in time solve- the great politlcul problem witli which Russia has to deal, and bring peace to the in habitants of that distracted couutry. Cotikling Is kicking against the nomination of Judge Robinson for Collector of New York. "His Superfluous Highness," Is the title that Ex-Vice President Wheeler suggests for Vice President of the United States. The Greenback party of Pennsyl vania has Issued a call for a State Convention to be held at Pottsvllle In June. The National debt was decreased $0,192,819 during the month of March. Reduction since last June $08,407,701. An Athens (Greece) newspaper gives the following as President Gar field's cabinet: "Secretary of State, Rlanne; Treasury, Nin; Navy, Keint; Interior, Verkovod; Postmaster Gen eral, Reamcs; Attorney General, Hac vragli; War Secretary, Lincoln." The handsomest women in Amer ica, it is said, lives In Pittsburg, and is to get the $10,030 prize. Pittsburg no doubt is full of handsome women but no one would ever mistrust it from the amount of coal diut on their faces. There has been only two cabinet officers younger than Robert Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton, who was only 33 when appointed by Washington Secretary of the Treasury, and Henry Knox, the first Secretary of War under the Constitution, who was 87. Hon. Alvin Bronson was born May 19, 1783. He died at Oswego, N. Y., on Saturday. He served iu the Stafe Senate in 1822 and 1829. Iu 1812 he hud charge of Government stores at Oswego, and to prevent their cap ture by the British, threw them into the river, for which he was confined in prison. Lord Beaconsfield is about at the point of death. His death will be re gretted throughout thecizilized world. His' success over the greatest diffi culty will for centuries stimulate young men of all countries. Grt your note-heads, letter head and envelopes neatly printed ut Tim Advocati: office For hill-heads aud note-heads call at the AtivocATi; office. Ourrie, the Murderer, Killed. A despatch to United States Mar shal Kerns of Pliiln. announces that. James (,'nrric, the murderer of Porter the actor, ha been killed ut Los Ve gas, New Mexico. Carrie's life has been that of a desperado since the close of the war. in which lie served with credit. During his employment on a railroad in Kansas he run an excur sion train lrom Leavenworth down to Lawrence, and he stepped into a sa loon in Lawrence. Here lie was sur rounded by n gang of enemies, and a desperate affray ensued. Carrie fought with the ferocity of a tiger and vanquished the whole party. Then cutting loo.-e a horse that was hitched at the curb he mounted the steed and galloped to the outskirts of the town where his engine awaited him. Here he concealed himself iu the bushes to evadu the mob of rowdies who were on his track, and remained until his fireman returnd to town and fathered up the excursionists. As the train came back Currie mounted his iron horse again and snapped his lingers iu t he faces of his pui'suel's. Some time afterwards he had a quur rel at Junction Ciiy witli a man con cerning n woman, which resulted in his shooting and killing his antagon ist. Subsequent to this ho Killed an other man in an affray. This ended his career in Kansas," and givim; up rnilioadiiig, lie joined the regular army as u scout. He served on ninny expeditions with General (Ulster. Finally he drifted Into T"xus. where Sam Buss and his band of train rob hers were having full swing To a great degree the capture and destruc tion of these men were due to the shrewdness and exertions of the man who afterwards murdered Porter in so brutal and cowardly a manner, and would have shot a woman except foi her piteous appeals for mercy. The story of the murder of Bciijaiiian F Porter and the wounding of Maurice Barryniore at Marshall, Texas, on the 20th of March, lsW, has been told so often that a detailed repetition at this time is not needed. Alter various delays Currie was brought to trial on the 10th of June, 18f0, and the evi dence incriminating bint was as di rect as possible. Among other wit nesses, Mr. Barryniore testified, as well us Miss Ellen Cummins, the lady who was the unhappy cause of the affray, mid who narrowly escaped death herself at the desperado's huiids. Miss Cummins, on returning to New York from Texas after the trial stated thut the issue of the atrocious farce was never for un instant in doubt. She was treated Willi the tc.mtiest of courtesy aud browbeaten on the witness-stand us if she, and not the buily murderer, were the real criminal. The counsel for the prose cution and defense fraternized amica bly anil smoked, as did everybody else during the proceedings, and outside the court-room she was made to feel very unmistakably that she hud not ut all increased her popularity by uid ing the base endeavor to rid the free uiHlvnlightenvdSlate of one of its most prominent and high-spirited citizens. The verdict in this case lias become as notorious as the crime; on toe l'.'lh of June Currie was lound "not guilty," on the ground of in finity. In the following summer Currie was described by a correspond ent of the New Orleans J'icayttne ns a "changed man, utterly unlike the Currie of former days, and determined to lead not only a good but useful life." In this he failed, the despatch to Marshal Kerns saying: "Currie, it appears, was ou a drunken spree and threatened to kill several jienple. Among tho persons threatened was the bartender of a saloon, who iu self defense, shot the Texan murderer, the ball entering his forehead aud coming out at the back of his heud. A party of railroad bonds, friends of the dead man, attempted to lynch t'je bartender but the SheritT succeeded in getting him to jail. A Coroner s inquest wus held and the jury ut once returned a verdict of shooting iu self-defense. The bartender was held, as futhcr trouble Is expected.' EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public, generally, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. (grBi will nlso do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Auc201871tt Animal Statement. Receipts, expenditures, &c, of Jones township for the ye ar ending March 7, 181. Amount of tax levied $349180 Receints. UTaxes collected 3451 05 Expenditures. Work on road and bills 4950 83 Liabilities. Supervisors orders aiitstanding.2o43 20 Assets. Funds in Treasury 3- 17 Due from collectors &C..1034 62 1009 79 Liabilities over expenditures 1473 47 By order of the Auditors, A. T. Ai.ukicii. Town Clerk. ESTATE NOTICE. T?stute of Albert Brchm. late of Pi Benzinger township, Elk county, Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, upon the above named estate. AH persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, aud those having- legal claims against the same to present them without delay, in pro per order, for settlement. Andhkw lliiiiiiM, Administrator. HELi ) Yourself by making money U-ln.ti rrnlHr.M nlinnno !s nfli'i-pil t.hpri'hv ulwnVH keening poverty fr m vnnnlnnr. 'Those who itlwn.vs tukc ndvuntai!' of tlie good chances for liiuk ltin money tlml are ottered, generally become wealthy, wlille those who do not Im- Mieh chances remnin In poverty. Wo want many men, women, boys, and girl to work for us right in their own localities. The business will pay more than ten tlinesordi nary wanes. e furnish an expensive out fit and all that you need, free. No one who engages fails to nmke money very rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare momenta. Full informa tion and all that is needed sent. free. Ad dress is'J'INKON A- t:o. Portland. Maine. GET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTBERS! Every Style & Price. Guaranteed TJnequ. tiled. FOR OPERATION. DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Improvements and Conveniences fonni in B9 others. AlhsysBffS BeBaabEe. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. For Sale iu Every City and Towa in tlie United States. And by W. II. HYDE & CO., Riduwuv. Pa. fHMtU OEOETABie TRENEWE V Has been In constant r un uy ins puouo. ur over twenty years, and 1 the best preparation ever Invented for HKSTOlt INO Gil AY UAIR TO ITS YOUTQFIX COLOR AND The Gtata Assajer anJ Ghemfet of Mass. and leading endorse and it as a (p-eat triumph in medi cine. LIFE. It aappllea the natural food aud color to tho liaut gland without (taiulng trie kin. It will Increase and thicken the growth of tha hair, prevent it. blanchnia ud fulling off, and thua AVEUT BALDXES3. It cures Itching, Erup tion, and Dandruff. At IIAIIt DRESSING it It very de.irable, giving the hair a silken softness which all admire. It keeps the head clean, sweet and healthy. CWNCHAHS DV WHISKERS will change the heard to BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being In one preparation It Is easily applied, and produces a permanent color that frill not wash off. Plitl AlitD BY R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, K. H. , Said ty til Deilen Id liullju mam w.mi J x II ;.H.' iS -3: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTATE NOTICE. J lstte of Casper Ott.late of Ridgway township, Elk county Pa. .deceased, otice is hereby given that h'ttets tes tamentary have been grunted to the undersigned, upon the ubove named estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having legal claims against the same to present them without delay, in proper order for settlement. John Ott, Administrator. EST AT EN OT I C E. Instate of Matthew McQuone, late of jFox township, Elk county, Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testnmentary have been m..(o,1 in tlin iiniteraluiipd. UliOll the above named estate. All persons in ... . . -it .......... ...1 ti-i neotctl to sain esiuio tue n.-4ucnicii . make immediate payment, ami those having legal cluims against the same to present them without delay in pro per order for settlement. Hknry Laiway, Administrator, UW'Eil'TS ANDEXPEXPnTItKSOF FOX TOWNSHIP KOK THIS YEAR ENDIXU MARCH 24TI1, 1SS1. I'OOll FUND RECEIPTS. A mount JlecHvcd. From .Ins. Emmcrt, collector, 170 5S2W From Kugeuo Hyatt' collector, I SHU 2D9.4S il033,l: POOK POXI) EX I'KN DITCHES. Amount Paid. J. J. Tiiylor fc (,'o. merchandise nnd (iroeerle 175,(11 Jns.Kocli Ron for imlse. uml (troeerlcs 11,17 J. J, Tnylor lor nervines lis Justice 5,2') H. M. Powers far ut1 y fees iiml eost pd... IW.75 fj.W.Moluin keeplm; Mury Uilnb lltl.iKJ C. Hrmulinlller keeping liollluer . 2".M John I'rist keeping DolllnKer. H2,.jll M. nielesherncr keeping Tuilor 2,0 M. llrelim keeping Put. Knliey 3.),7 Thos. Omorrow keeping Put Knliey fl'i.OO D. I), llvntt, keeping Mrs. Kltncr H7..19 A.Kocli.bimrdliiK moving Mrs. Peters 11. 5 For stove, wooii.c mil. etc.. Mrs. Gibson. Wi.Hl ForcnreArtz & finally uurinststokness. Ki.'i't Expense laklnK Mrs.Uore to Dlxinout.. ut.KO " tukliiK M.spluii to Dlxmont An.l'l Discounting ord's No. 499 Hinl W4 1 S,:15 J.A.K .iid fSupl. nt Dlxmont Tor H.Splun (H,!t Expense tuklng K.A Kinx to Warren... 51.S7 l.j!jilays service ns overseer 81,00 U.W.Hogcrs lys service us overseer Di.iw Dr. sti-nessley, uiedlcul atteuilence iuor 10,tl2 Dr.WillianiH, " ' ft 3,-,,o0 liS,4(l Excess of Expenditures a'ln,:itt ROAD FUND RECEIPT. Am't collected on seined lunds 1SS0. ... 1118,5-1 Am't ree'd fr'm Eugene Hyatt col. ,140 1W.07 Ain't ree'd in Co. (.'ommUsloners ord's KuO.Oll am ,20 ROAD FL'ND EXPENDITURES. Tuxes worked on ronds 1091.(15 Tuxes imid In money 23,M P'd f.W.Kogeis service us Supervisor, lst.iio P'd U.W. Rogers team work J,2." P'd U. W. Rogers muterinl furnlKUcd 17,45 P'd A. Koch, service us supervisor Hii.OU ' A. Koch, team work -ti.oj " work done by hire.! men Kw.iJO Town elerk lor services WI.0U Town clerk writing statement 1,iK) II. A. Parsons, printing statement... 12,0-1 (i.e. Hrandon. printing stmt 1 J . I X ( for blacUsmitlilng 11.50'mito.tinildliit,' new road 575,00 ft'W2,7.T 441,53 Excess of expenditures HOAll FL'NU ASSETS. AtHtttlHf tlC From J.McMakiii col. for 1877 Eugene Hyatt col. extra roud " I'm-cnted lands l-wi mad " Unseated lauds Is.! extra road.... " Seated lands, E. Hyatt roud tax.. " M.llrelnn, seluit. of lS-iO 070,71 IMtvH II l,!i" Ust.Ul , l.U.iW , i:so.w.) ROAD FUND LIABILITIES. A mount u Outstanding orders Outstanding Judgment" P.W,50 liS7,Ul 2JH.50 173S,UU Assets In excess POOR Kl'Xll ASSETS. A mount due From Eugene Hyatt col. 1S0 " unseated lands, 790,01 17ts,42 25u5,.32 POOH FUND LIABILITIES. Amount o Outstanding orders 1004,13 Outstanding judgments 172,31 ai70,4t Assets In Excess 4,su We.the underslKUi-d.uudltors of Fox Tow n ship, certify tbat the above nnd foregolni; is a true statement of the several funds of Fox Township fur the yeur eutiing March 24th, lK-Sl. PAN 1 FX I 'ORBE, ) J A MEM 1,1'SK, i. Auditors 1'. W. Ha VS. J A i.fhed Wii.dt: Clerk. Mrs. Partington Sayn don't take any of the quack rostrums, as they arc regimental to the human cistern; but put your trust in Hop Riders, which will cure general dilapidation, costive habits and all comic diseases. They saved Istmc from a severe extact of tripod fever. They are the nr. plus xunun of medi cines. Roslon Olubc, Shelf Paper and Scrap Pictures. At tlie Advocate office. The shelf poiier is in many colors; the scrap pic tures in endless variety. Also auto- tirap albums, fancy note paper, etc. Call and see us, over Powell & K line's store. Visiting curds, and Christmas curds, besides Reward of Merit and other cards. It won't cost you a cent t; call ami see our new stock, just re ceived. Look Here. The undersigned can cure fever sores without pain or use of tlie knife. My motto is, "o cure, no pay. ehurge according to your means. 1 hose living at a distance can write enclosing stamp for postage. All letters promptly answered. Receipt sola to physicians on reas oituble terms. Address, N. V. Lent, Ridnrwuv. Elk Co. Pa Residence two miles from RidR'wav on the Warren pike. Note paper aud envelopes at this office. X tu p ijur un I office. envelopasat th e Light running, Latest Improve d DOMESTI C, at prices never heard o before, at Mrs ,W. S. Service's. (A Medicine, not a Driuk.) CO-.JTilNS nors, Erc:zr, iandsake, . AxDTnr. rt iivst ash UK-rr VrrirALQOAU. nt. or .ILL OTUJ.U l'lV-ILl. THEY' OTJI.I13 AH W'fftfMpf IhPPttMTh. Powelt. r!fod, J-ivt-r. Ki'Ui'j?,;':ii ti ::.u:rtJ"i;un. Jcjw Yuusiuta, Mi-i'i'li rwii-srirtiift especially $1000 in COLD. Will be a case tlify will rot cmr or help, ur fur aiiviiifi'i: Ir.uiuru ur tujunuut l.wuu iu Uicju, Affcyour t.nptrht for JTr.p IHtfrnftnA try lb em ucfuro you fKv.. V;;Lu uibcr D T. C. ! an iit4)iP.feon"MrrtiIi1Mrrc(re for IiruukeuuckH, u&v rt iuui, iwUsucu aud lisrcwiic. CfcXD TO ClliCLXAa, All m9 f rfM W d--r'.rt. PLANTS AND SEEDS F : O : R EVERYBODY Our Catalogue of choice SEEDS and PLANTS contain the "BEST and CHEAPEST," and our BOOK OF FLO WERS . give prices and descriptions of Designs, Baskets and Lose Cut Flowers for any occasion, Sent freeZon application. Harry Clmapel, Seedsman Florist, Williamsporl, Pa. HENRY A. PARSONS, Jr., ACT . PENNSYLVANIA BAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie It. It- Div. WINTElt TIME TABLE. O?,' n and after SUNDAY, November 18S0, the (raiiift on the Philadel phia & Eric Railroad Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. Niagara Ex. leaves Phila 9 00 n. in. ' Renovo..5 40 p. m. Erie maii. leaves Phila 11 55 p. in " " Penovo 11 05 a.m. " M Emporium.! SO p. m. " ' hit. Mary's..2 23 p. m. " " Kidsvay....2 40p- in. " " Kane 3 -5 p. m. " arr. nt Erie 7 45 p. ni. EASTWARD. Day Express leaves Renovo 10 03 a. m. " air. at Phila.... 6 35 p.m. ERIE maii. leaves Erie 11 35 a. in. " " Kane 4 10 p. m. " Ridjrwav..5 17 p.m. ' " Ht. Mary's..5 f0 p. m. " ' 65 p. m. " Renovo U 00 p. m. " nrr. at Phila 7 05 a. m. Wm. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN On the Loss of A MX'TIIHE ON THE NATOtIO, TUIOATMENT, AND RADICAL pure of Hcminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emission, Impoteiiey, Nervous De bility, and Impediment to Marriage generally; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Phvsienl In ennneity. &c-llv ROBERT J. (JUL- VEUWELL, M. D.. author of the '(J recti Root," Ac. l lio world-renowned author, in this admirable liectui'c.elcai'ly proves from his own experience that the willul consequences oi belt-Abuse may be efl'eet ua Uy removed without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instru ments, rums, or cordials; pointinir out a inodo of t-ure at once certain and ef fectual, by which every sullerer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radieallv. ttSThis Lecture will prove ti boom to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envel ope, to one address, on receipt of tlx cents or two postage stamps. We have also u sure cure for Tape Woim. Address. The CULVERWELL MEDICAL Co. 41 Ann St. New York, N. Y.; Post office iox, 458G. JAY TOWNSHIP FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Win. 15. Hewitt and Justus Weed supervisors for the liscal year ending March ith, 1S1. puniT. To am't of road duplicate 8'jp 65 To cheek for ordinary repaiis on roads Pol 'J 4 To check for new bridge at Caledonia .8S0 CO $2, 022 5'J ,....8W) 00 CKED1T. 15v new bridge.... Rv labor and material furn ished on road .1,730 74 5 8o Uy exonerations 2,022 59 DEIUT. Overseers of the Poor to checks on '1 reasurer t'KKDIT. $233 50 Ryp'd for support of poor.. .. 190 37 43 13 liy p'd lor services oi over seers $233 60 DEBIT. Township Treasurer to road fund. To amount received CfAKDlT. Ry ain't disbursed Ry percentage on amount dis bursed Ry bal. in Treasurer 1,2".0 00 1,208 22 30 20 11 58 $1,250 00 DF.BIT. Treasurer to poor fund. To amount received Jl,001 50 CKEDIT. Ry amount disbursed 308 24 By percentage on ain't disbursed ...9 95 Ry bal. in Treasury 616 31 i 1,004 50 Examined and approved March 17, 18M. W. P. Luce, ' C. J. Dill, J. R. Miller. . Auditors. Ursula M'lnerney Rv her next frlem v. 1 In the id, Court of Com Ann Dukelow. hnon Pleas I vs. I Co. No. 17, Thomas M'lnerney, j Nov. Term,1881 DIVORCE. To the respondent above named: Take notice, that subpoena and alias subpoena having been issued in tlie above eutitled (ue. and returned "not found in Die county,1' you are hereby uotilicd to appear before tlie paid Court, at Ridgway, Pa., on tlie FOURTH MONDAY OF MAY. A 1). 1881, to answer the said libellaut's complaint. THOMAS SULLIVAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ridirwav. Pa.. Feb. 10.1881. Geo. A. Rathbun. Attorney Lihellaut. feblO Ow Scran pictures, Authors, pen hold ers, note paper, envelopes from size 1 to size 14. A large and elegant stock of fancy note paper in boxes at Thk Advocate office. Also Bhelf paper, which is neat, ornamental and dura ble. No trouble to show these good even If you do not wish to purchase CENTRAL State Normal School, (Eighth JS'ormal School D'ntrict.) LOCK HATES, CLINTON CO., 9k. A. N. RAUB, A.M.,Ph.D. Principal. This gehnn! as at present constituted r tiers tlie very best facilities ftr Pro fessional aiid'classieal learning. Ruildings spacious, inviting and commodious, completely heated by steam, well ventilated mid furnished with a bountiful supply of pure, toft spring water Location healthful and easy f ec cess Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, efficient, and alive to their work. Discipline firm but kind, uniform and thorough Expenses moderate. Fifty cents ft week deduction te those preparing to teach. Students admitted at any time. Courses of study prescribed by th State ; I. Model School. II. Prepara tory. III. Elementary. IV. Scien tific. ADJUNCT COURSKS: I. Academic. II. Commercial. 111. Music. IV Art The Elementary and Scientific courses are Professional, and students graduating therein receive State Diplo mas, conlcrring tne lonowing corres ponding degrees: Master of the Ele ments und Master of the Sciences. Graduates in the other courses receive Normal Certificates of their attain ments signed by tlie Faculty. Tho Professional courses are liberal, and are in thoroughness not inferior to those of our best colleges. The State requires a higher order of citizenship. Tlie times demand it. It is one of the prime objects of this school to help to secure it by furnish ing intelligent and efficient teacher for her schools. To this end, it solicits young persons of good abilities anrt good purposes those who desire to improve their time and their talents, as students. To all such it promise aid in developing their powers and abundant opportunities for well-paid labor alter leaving school. For catalogue and trnuw address the Principal, or tlie Secretary of th Board ROARD OF TRUSTEES. Stockholder's Trustees. J H Bar ton, M D, A H Rest, Jacob Browir, S M Rickford, Samuel Christ, A N Kaub, R U Cook. T. C. Hippie, Esq., ii. Kenlzing, E. P. McCormick, Esq., W. W. Rankin, W. H. Brown. Stide Trustees Hon A G. Curtin, Hon William Rigler, Hon. H. L Dieflenbach, Gen Jesse Merrill, J C C Whaley, S Millar McCormick, Esq officers Hon. William Rigler, resident.CIear- lield, Pa. Gen Jesse Merrill, Vice President, Lock Haven, Pa. S. Millar McCormick, Secretary, Lock Haven, Pa. Thomas Yardley, Treasurer, Lock Haven, Pa . THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GRAY'S SPECIFIC REMEDY. Trade mark Is especially TRADEMARK fj.'m re commeua eu un an un failing cure for Seminal Weak n ess S i) e rmator-, Euiore Taking t uml 'un After Takiag. diseases that follow as a sequency ou Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain lu the Back. Dimness of vission, Premature old age, ami many otuer diseases ma leads to Insanity. Consumption una a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are hrst caused by deviating trom the patli of natureaud overindulgence. The Specilic Medicine is tlie result ot u life study and many yea re of experi ence in treating lliose special ueseases. Full particulars in our pampuiettt. which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Sped tic Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or six. packages for j, or will be Mult by mail 011 receipt of tlie money by ad dressing. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. i No. 1 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. Cirsoid iu Ridgway by all Druggists, everywhere. Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agent. Pittsburgh. nl2-ly $10 Outfit furnished free, with full In structions for conducting the mml nronuble bunlneiiis Mutt anyone can engage In. The biieim-ss W ho eiiay to letiru. nnd uur iiiHtruc-Hoiis are bo simple and pluin mat any one cuu make tireut nroniH rora in very start. No one can fil who is willing to IF worn, women are as suurawBim as men. Hoys and Girls can eurn lurt;e sums. Many have made at tlie buinss over .one hunitr4 dollars in n single week;, Nothing like It ever known bc-lore. Ali who engage are sur l.rUedat theeiihe and rupidl'.y willi which Uiry are able to make money. You can eu guge Iu this business during your spare tiin at great prolil. You do not have to Invest capital In it. We take all the risk. Those wlin need readv money, should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address THUE A IX)., Augusta, Maluo, Udyl Risley's Witch .Hazel Cures Headache, Bums, Sprains. Cuts, Wounds, Rheumatism, Tooth ache Earache, etc. Warranted equal to any made, at half price. 6 nz. Bottles 25 cent; Pint Bottle- 50 cents; Quarts $1. Have your druggist order, if be bas not in stock, of CHARLES F. IUSLEY & CO., Wholesale Druggists, t! Cortlandt St., New York City. n47 4w. Prepared Mustard by the quart. Sauerkraut, Minc meat aud Pli! for Feet at MorgesU-r'fe,