The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 31, 1881, Image 2

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llrnrr A. Parsons, Jr., -
htnmvAY, Pa., as bkcuxd class
mail matter.
The Washington correspondent of
the Hartford Time nys: "If Bliilne
Is not allowed to take n ret lie will be
dead in the next nix month. Every
one Ih talking nlout the wonderful
change that Is notloentile In liim.
Ilia elustle step and general Hpringi
nes Ih gone, and he Is now a hpiit
nhouldered, overworked and tired-out
General Benjamin Lincoln wn
the first Secretary of War. He whs
apHiinted in 1781. The Inst Secretary
of War is Robert . Lincoln, appointed
in 1881 Just one hundred years dif
ference between the dales of ap
pointment. A picture of the first
Secretary hnuga upon the walls of the
department, and a pic ture of the pres
ent will be ylwed alongside it. There
is no relationship between the two.
Washington S(ar.
The War Department at Wnsh
lias for several days been a rendizvous
for a large portion of the colored popu
lation of the District and surrounding
country. In addition to the regular
number of office-seeker Secretary
Lincoln has one hundred colored
people who want to shake hands with
him to one who visits the other mem
bers of the Cabinet for that purpose.
They simply want to meet the son of
the man who issued the Emancipation
proclamation. All grades, from the
city swell to the "contraband" frm
"Old Virginity," make a Mecca of the
War Department. Mr. Lincoln re
ceives them all and gratifies them not
only with a hand-grip, but with a few
cheerful words of greeting. Some
times in the case of an old-fashioned
colored man or woman he will talk
for some little time with them.
An exchange sensibly remarks:
In all towns where a newspaper is
published, everybody who does a
business should advertise in it, even if
it is nothing more than a card statimr
the name and the business be is en
gaged in. It helps to sustain n paper
and lets the people at a distance
know that the town is full of
buisness people who take a pride
in their town, if not in the sentiment
of the paper. No matter how small
the business, an advertisement will
extend it. Show us a person who is a
constant advertiser in his local town or
county paper, and we will point to
you a man of public enterprise and
spirit, and a town made up of such
material will never bu outstripped by
neigiioor rivals, iieti nt capital in
vest in it and help build it up. Do
you ever think how u new town Is
built? Never without a well-tilled
Cheyenne, Wy., March 23
George Purrott, alias "Big Nose
George," one of the Elk mountain
murderers, and an infamous road
agent, who is sentenced to bu banged
on April 2, attempted to break jail
last evening at Ilawlimrs. He man
aged to get (lie shuckels nil", with
which lie attacked Jailer Runklin
when he entered the corridor to lock
the prisoners in tln-ir cells for the
night. The jailer's wife, hearing the
conflict, had the presence of mind to
lock the outside door, locking the
Jailer in with the prisoner. An alarm
was then raised, and a number of
citizens hastened to the jail, released
the jailer, and secured the prisoner.
He will be double ironed and strictly
guarded until the day of his execution.
A later dispatch to the Cheyene
Leader states thut "Big Nose George"
was taken out of jail by a party of
masked men at ten o'clock hist night
and carried to a telegraph pole oppo
site the railroad machine shops, when
a rope was inrown over the cross arm
of the pole. George was tlun made
to climb up a ladder, when a rope was
placed around his neck and the ladder
pulled out from under him. His last
words were: "I will jump off', boys,
and break my neck."
Only one Democratic newspaper,
sn far as we have seen, ventures to
commend the Hon. Ben Hill for his
late-great eflbrt in discovering Mahnnc.
That one speaks of it as a "very adroit
speech," by which Mabone "very un
wisely permitted himself to be drawn
out." We confess it had not occurred
to us before in precisely that light; but
if Hill's object really was to draw
Mahone nut, there's no doubt that lie
succeeded beyond his fondest hopes
"If them's bees," said George, "we'll
get lots o honey." "Yes," said
Thomas, "but let's find out about
'em by going 'round 'em kinder as
though we was minding our own
business and didn't care what they
was. Then we won't get stung " "Oh,
shop' said Benny, "let's find out now.
"Who's afraid? 'and Minuting "Hullo
there! What be ye? What ye doln'
there?" he plumped a stone into the
liest. That night while Benny lay
with his eyes swollen sn that he could
not see, and ids head all wrapped up in
bandages, the boys talked it over,
agreed thut It wan not the kind of nest
they could expect to get honey out of
anyway, but if it had been it was no
way to begin with firing stones at
IL And one little fellow said : "Wil ,
it was Benny after all that found nut
what it was." To which George and
Thomas responded with an air of dis
gust: "Yes, any darned fool could
have done thut and got a swelled bead
for it." Tribune. '
New styles visUiog cfirds Just re
jclv-ed at thja c&P
Heroic I)iath.
Pittsburg, Marcli 20. About hulf-
Imsttwn o'clock yesterday" afternoon
I oh ii Sullivan and his brother Mich
ael were nt work on the track, near
Demmler Station. John Sullivan was
me section boss of the sub-division
between McKeesMirt and Port Perry,
and he had made a tout along the
track to see If everything was in pro
per condition. He found h rail thai
was not quite straight; so he and his
brother took a heavy trackman's crow
bar and lifted the rail up to straighten
While they were busily at work the
afternoon accom modal Ion train bound
east wilh a heavy load of passengers
came along. There was a curve just
below the place where the nicii were
working and thev did not see the
triiu until it was almost upon them.
They took in the sitii-ition at a glance.
The rail which they had been fixing
was lilted up and "the huge crowbar
was wedged in such a position that
the train would certainly lie thrown
from the track miles the bar was re
moved. On one side of the tract was a
hill and on the oilier a steep bank run
ning down to the river, so li the train
wns thrown from the track while un
der full headway of steam there would
undoubtedly be an appalling loss oi
The men seized the bar and began
frantically to pull and twist it about.
The engineer ot the train saw them,
but could not stop. He says that tile
efforts to free the crowbar and lower
the rail were frantic and like the
working of madmen, ami they seemed
to forget their own (lunger. The Imr
was loosened and Ibe rail lowtnd just
as the train reached it, but the men
who l.ud done so nobly paid clearly for
their dining. The engiiiestruck them
and killed John imtantiy, and man
gled Michael 8o frightfully l hat lie
died in a short time. The men were
married and leave families.
A Young Man Charged with being
Clugston's Slayer.
Norhiptown, March 25. Plnker
lon detectives, under charge of Super
iiiteudant Linden, Inive been bard at
work on n clue here which they hope
w. I lead to the solution of the Clug
stoli tragedy. Last night Captain
Hodenbaugh, Chief of the Norristown
police force, arrested two brothers in
this place named Frank and William
McGnhey on suspicion of hioing com
mitted the murder. The arrest was
made at the instance of the Pinkerton
Detective Agency this morning.
Frank was discharged from custody. as
the officers were convinced be I. ad
no connection with the crime. Wil
liam, the elder brother, is still in
custody, and Ihe authorities believe
Unit evidence can be produced at tin
hearing in-mm-row afternoon which
will warrant iiis being held on tie
charge of having committed the miir
der. An eflbrt will be made to provi
that he committed the Malvern rob
hery to supply himself with clothiiij
to escape detect ion. Win n arrested
he wore a cheap shoddy ulstcretK
coat, evidently new, and under it i
dark sack coat, also of cheap material,
which looked like a recent purchase
His hat had a stiff brim ami soil
crown, and bis shoes were ordinary
congress gaiters. The prisoner's pa
renls live in Norristown, but he has
been traveling about the country tor
ihe past past t hive months ostensibly
as a carriage painter, and within Hu
las! two weeks he has been seen in
West Chester and Uerwind in Chestei
County. The arrest was made with
the greatest secrecy, and the Wardt n
of the Norristown Jail was kept in
ignorance of the charge against the
prisoners until the morning, which
nearly proved a blunder, lor he wa
a'-oui to release them when Captain
Uodeubaugh informed him of tin
serious nature of the charge. Mc
(ihahey refused to make any other
statements than a sweeping denial
of any knowledge of the mui
t'et He declared he hail not been out
of Xorristown for a week before the
murder was committed, although
several witnesses will testify at tlx
hearing to having seen liini in both
West Chester and Uerwind. lli
cbaracter is not odiously bad in Nor-rist-wn.
If Pinkertou's men are
success ill in bringing inr.vard the
testimony at the hearing they say
they possess some start. ing develop
ment may be looked fo,. ihe Aic
Gahey family removed from Tredylfrin
Township, Chester County. t this
place five years ayo. Mr-EcGahey is
a farm laborer ".Monk" Wa'ikcr
says the McGnhey boys were at his
cigar store on the evening preceding
the murder and that he saw them as
late as 12 o'clock that nlgnt: "There
is not surlleh nt evidence to hold
William," says George W. Bush, the
prisoner's eoun-el, "uud, alter a hear
ing, lie mubt be released."
A Great Flood in Nebraska.
C'iiic.i;i,.M iroU 27- A sp.-cial to the
Inter-Ocean from Om iha, Neb., nays.
" The Piatte Valley, about seventy- five
miles wvst of this pi ace is tile scene of
the most dUistcrou-i 11 o I experienced
in the history of the Union Pacific
Railroad. The Platte is a broad and
shallow stream which easily overflows
its banks. All its tributaries are
now pouring vast volumes of water
and ice into it, and it has become a
ru.shing fiood and fears are entertained
of lot.s of life. When news of the
fiood was received at the headquarters
here warding was telegraphed to the
towns belov on the Platte. People
took refuge on the roofs of houses.
Barns and fences were carried away
and all the stock drowned. TheSoU.UUO
wagon bridge at Columbus was
washed away. The flood reached
Schuyler at li last night and was a rag
ing torrent at North Bend at 9. The
telegraph p.des at all these points are
down, shutting off communication so
that it is impossible to state the loss of
property or whether any lives have
been lost
A Fatal Game of "Qhost."
MuiiUtee (Mich. Time
Last Thursday the children at Pub
lic School No. 3, near Carson's Ran.
proposed to play ghost, and selected
Annie SIcible, a little girt about
eleven years of age, as their victim.
Without the knowledge of Annie
they posted one of their number in
the pine, enveloped in a sheet. To
this place they led the unsuspecting
little girl, and at a given signal the
sheeted figure made its appearance.
The children who were in the plot ran
and halloed "Ghost!" and with them
ran little Annie, believing she had
r-een a real' ghost. She reached the
school room door, fell insensible and
died the same day '
Romano In Real Life.
A romance In real life Is (he Inlk of
the gossips in a neighboring town of
the city of Pittsburg. Seven years
ago a young mini named George
Arthur Brebb landed in New York
from Liverpool. He was the son of
thesupciintcndciit of one of Loudon's
public llhrarlc, who was hIso a large
stockholder in the Queen' Theatre.
London. At home young Brebb had
lived a fast life, which brought nlmut
a quariel between him and his father
and he determined to emigrate. In
New York Brebb fell In with fast
friends nud soon his small sum ot
money was exhausted Having no
trade, Brebb started out with ft gang
of tramps and for five years roamed
from Suite to State dlrtv and ragged.
In April. 1.S7C, l.e wns with dirty com
panions hanging about Cadiz Harrison
county, Ohio. One Sunday John H.
Fair, a small farmer and coal operator,
with his family was out walking, and
as Ibe roads were muddy they took
the i n i1 road I rack After walking
someilistiinee they came upon young
Brebb and bis gamr huddled around
a fire. Mr. Fair got into conversation
with the men and Mrs. Fair noticed
by Krebb's siccch that be was a native
of her own country. Mr. and Mis.
Fair asked Brebb to cut loose from his
conip mions and stay with them.
This Brchb agreed to do, and next day
be was put to work. Shortly after
Belil became one of the Fair house
hold a widowed sister, of Mrs. Fair
came over from England to make her
home wilh the Fairs. Hie was told
Ihe story of Brebb and Brebb nnd
Mrs. Twecdle soon grew to be very
warm friends. Friendship in time
ripened into love, and ere many
months passed bv Mrs. Tweedie con
sented to marry iirchh, although she
knew nothing as to who be res 1 y
was and only knew of bis Ibe in this
country from his own account Itc
was a redeemed tramp and tiiat was
all. The ceremony was performed in
December of that year, after which
matters went along as usuul for sev
eral mouths. Filial y. Brebb con
cluded he would write home and let
bis people know of his whtreahouts
and situation. After a lapse of a short
time he received an answer, stating
that Ills father had died two years nuo.
and that in his will he had left bis
wayward son 1),(hh). Brebb then
disclosed bis identity to bis wife and
relatives and soon alter left with his
wite tor London, where, from a letter
received this week, they arrived in
hie time and had immediate! v re
cced tile inheritance, of about $iu,
0J. ?!
Has been In constant
bm by the publlo
for over twenty years,
and U the beat preparation
ever Invented for RESTOR
of Ifastt.
at a
in medi
cino. LIFE.
It supplies the natural
food and color to the hair
(lands without staining the
kin. It will Increaie anal
thicken the growth of the
hair, prevent It blanching
and fulling off, and thus
It cure Itching, Erup
tion! and Dandruff. A a
desirable, giving the hair a
liken softness which all
admire. It keep the head
clean, tweet and healthy.
will change the beard to a BKOWTC or
BLACK at discretion. Being In one
preparation it le easily applied, and
produce! permanent color that will
not wash off.
Said by ill Oulen In Kadicinew
inform the citizens of WidKway, and
1he public generally, that lie bus
tarted a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the moat
reasonable terms.
J-yHe will also do job reaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Tost Ottlce will receive prompt
OUTFIT sent free to those who -lh
l 1.11 Pflt!!l!fl III till. IIWIKL DlPllfcMlit Hlld
b'tvurnniiiuie oumiil-.s Known, r.verr-
thi lift new. CiiIIhI not rwiulrod. We
will fnrnlxh you everything. lt) h ly nnd
upwards U easily iniiile without tii inu iiwut
from home over night. No risk whuiever.
Many new workers wanted at once. Many
are liiaklnic fortunes at the basinets. I.udl.
make us much as mull, and youiiK hoys and
KirlK make great pay. No one who Is wllllnu
to work falls to make more nmney every day
than can be inailu In a week at ordinary
employment, 'lliose who encore at nine
will H nil a fchort rood to fortune. Address
It. HALLETT A CO.. Portland. Muine. iiitfyl
Prepared Mustard by the quart.
Sauerkraut, Mince meat and PlgV
Feet nt Morgester'a.
Codfish by box or pound, Mack
erel by kitt or pound, and Portland
Split Herring, &c, at Morgester'a.
Dried Lima Beaue; Evajiorated
Shaker Corn, Hominy, Evaporated
and Pried Apples at Morgester'a.
Sa. Kis
mm? h
i x2x II
Mercantile Appraisement.
The venders of Foreign and Do
mestic Merchandise, Distillers and
Brewer, Brokers, Ac, in Elk coun'y,
will take notice that they are ap
praised and classed by the undersigned
Appraiser or Mercantile and other
License tax, for the year 1881, as fol
lows, to-wlt:
Person or Firm. Kind of Llesnsa. Class. Tax.
Miles Dent, retailer 14
C. A. Haskins, put. med. 3
W. C. Johnson, retailer 11
T. J. Shaffer, retailer 9
15 00
25 00
15 00
10 00
7 0(1
12 60
25 00
15 (Kl
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 on
12 5.1
F. X. Enz, retailer
Joseph Koch Son retailer
James A. Mohan, retailer
John Mohan, retailer
II. Striussley, retailer
II. St ra'ssley, 1 jqr t0re
ri. oiwi v;o., fetal U-M
J.J. Taylor & Co., retailers
Mrs John Marsh, retailer
Charles Miller, retailer
Adolph Tiinm, retailer
Edward Krcunan, retailer
Jacob Miller, retailer
HoriToN township.
John Co nen, retailer
W.H. Hyde A Co., retailers
Brock tort A Key
stone Lumber Co., retailers
Brock port & Key
stone Lumber Co.. put med.
E. II. Dixon. retailer
AbleGresh retailer
10 20 On
6 00
7 00
7 00
7 ll
7 no
A T. A Id rich.
( A.Jacobson,
Jobn Meban,
J. C. Malone,
J. C. Malone,
Mul l in lowers.
meat InrMU
pat. med.
7 00
fi m
7 On
40 00
10 (HI
7 0.1
7 00
rt-l niter
Wilcox T.& I,. (',. retailers
Wilcox T.A L.Co..pat md.
Mrs. f.T. Allen, retailer
Richard Hren nan. retailer
Ij. C. Bivndel. retailer 14
7 00
7 )
7 On
7 00
10 00
5 00
20 00
7 no
C. 1). C. Bowers, retailer 14
R. I.Campbell. retailer 14
Mrs. C.D I'ruyston.reiailer 14
Cohen 15'sABrown-
"lein. retailers 13
D. B. Day, drugs Apat med. 4
E. Brunch L. Co., retailers M
E K. (ircsh, retailer 14
Grant A Horton, retaib-rs 12
Meo.P.Garrtt, retailer 14
T.S. Hartley, retailer 14
fharles Holes, retailer 14
W.H. Hyde A Co , retai er4 7
W.H Hyde A Co.,pat.m-d. 8
O. G. Messenger, retailer 14
O.G. Messenger, pat.iued 3
Mercer Bros.. lueatmrktU
M'GIoin A M'Oce-
ban, retailers 12
J.W.Morgpster, reiailer II
Mrs P. A. Mead, retailer 14
W. H. Ost, rhont, retailer 10
Powell A Kline, retailers 11
CW.Kohe A Co., retailers II
12 5"
7 00
7 00
7 00
40 (x
10 0,1
1o no
7 0j
12 50
1.) 1-0
7 0
20 0
15 0
15 Oi
Jobn ilws,
4 A.Kellben,
"rank Seitelle,
.'nion Store C'.,
. liiimoreiix,
!.-icob Butlerl'uss,
meat mrktlt 7
7 no
7 on
7 "i
15 no
7 ii
7 0"
50 On
'mith.HagersAi'o retailers 14
KT.MAKYS Konoroir.
"oryell A Buss retailers
'oryell A Russ pat Hied.
6 0-
John Pocbtinnii, retailer
7 on
.lames Blakely,
i '.L. Haver,
Miili. Fisher,
lobn B. Forster,
7 ir
7 on
7 IX
meat nirktll
Ii. W. Gilford, retailer 14
' . W. Gifford, put. med. 8
lull, Kaul A Co., releilers 5
lall, Haul, et Co., put. med. 4
eorge Igmitz, retailer 14
lissA.B Kilken, rt-uiler 14
lohn Krug. ii. est mrklM
('has. Luhr. rclei tr 14
'buries A Linn, meatmrktM
Irs.M.A. McXallyretailer 14
'barles McVean, retailer 14
barles McVeim, pat. med. 3
id ward Mo Bride, retailer 14
'iiarleH 1. Miller, retailer 14
pufford A Tierney, retai 'er J2
.' X.Sosenbeiiiier, retailer 14
Viliiam Tegler, retailer 14
lerman F Tegler,retailer 14
.Veis Bros., retailers 13
lhert Weis. retailer 14
osepb Wilhelm, retailer 13
ioseph Wilhelm, reiailer 10
ioseph Wilhelui, pat. med 4
7 (!
10 (!)
00 on
5 U
7 i
7 I
7 -7
7 01..
7 (
10 IK
7 0
12 V
7 H'
7 no
7 '
10 (Hi
7 U
10 w
20 l (I
5 00
iosepii liiieliu, lir store M
I. U'eiileiii.oerner.retailer 14 7 0li
' E Weidenboernreretailer 14 7 0'
Urs. J. E. Weiden-
lioemer, retailer 14 7 fu
: ieo. Weiirel.Jr., retailer 14 7 i
eonard iilnian, retailer 14 7 0
DeForest Weld, retai ier 14 7 (
iois Loeffler, retailer 14 7 oi
MU'utrd LifeiiKf,
f.S Maginnis, 3 tattles 50 ('.
Vter Bojtart, 1 table 30 on
. T, Aaron, 3 tables 60 0"
vii.F.Spooler, a table 40 0(
sr. m Aitys iiohoi'oh.
Joseph .Schmidt, I taide 30 (X
Jirevirr Lirttmr.
vox township.
Herman Hirt, brewer 15 0(:
Peter Connors, brewers 15 00
ST. MA11Y8 BOHot'OU.
Charles Luhr.A Cobrewer 8 25 (
William Gies. brewer 15 10
Peter Straub. brewer 8 25 Or
Tavern and Eating Jloime License.
Henry Blesh, tavern 5
G. L. Winslow, tavern 6
John Daly, eating bous5
E. II. Pixon, tavern 6
('.Connelly, eating bous 5
Arniel Tui ley, tavern 6
John Collins, tavern 5
Fredrick Kenote. tavern 5
James McCloskey, eating hous5
Patrick Fahy, eating lions 6
Andrew Ilau. eating lious5
Martin Sowers, tavern 5
M. M. hultz, tavt rn 5
George T. Aaron, eating lious 5
Peter Bogai t, tavern 6
8. Jackson, tavern 5
James McFarlan, tavern 6
W.H. Heliram, tavein 6
John Vauglian, tavern 6
J. 8. Maginiiis, eating liousO
JohnGroll, tuvern 5
William Gies, tavern 6
J ii cab K raus, eating hous 5
Henry Luhr. tavern 5
Anthony tn-hauer, tavern 6
James Uogan, tavern 6
L.orcu Vogel. tavern 6
Jos.F.Windl'elder, tavirn 6
William Zelt, eating hous 5
John Foclitman, tavt in 6
M. Wellendorf tavern 5
Frank X. Korg, tavern 6
Qrht Mills.
Miles Dent, retailer 14
T. J. Shatter, retailer 14
Beuedictiut Society retailer H
Zcnas Webb. retaiTer 14
Jobn Kocn, retailer 14
7 00
7 Ot
7 00
W.H.IIydeA Co., retailers 14 7 00
ST. marys Borough.
Neubert A Lewis, retailers 14 7 00
Wilhelm ADornisliretallers 14 7 00
Take notice, all who are concerned
In this appraisment, that an appeal
will be held on the 2nd day of April.
1881, at the Town Hall, in St Marys
Borough, lietween the hours of 9 A
M. and 7 P. M., where you can attend
if you think proper.
jam ks lvouAN, Appraiser.
March 1,1881. t4
Mrs. rartlnirton Kays
don't take any of the quack rostrums,
as they are regimental to the human
cistern; but put your trust in Hop
Bitters, which will cure general
dilapidation, costive habits and all
comic diseases. They saved Isaac
from a severe extact of tripod fever.
They are the ne plug unuin ot medi
cines. Boston Otobe,
Shelf Paper And Scrap Pictures.
At the Auvocatk oftlce. The shelf
paper is in many colors; the scrap pic
tures in endless variety. Also auto
Krap albums, fancy note paper, etc.
Call and see us, over Powell A Kime's
store. Visiting cards, and Christmas
cards, besides Reward of Merit and
otbercards. It won't cost you a cent t
call and see our new ntk, Just re
eel vcd.
Rislev's Witch Hazel
Cures Headache, Bin ns, Sprains
Cuts. Wounds, Rheumatism, Tooth
ache. Earache, eic. Warranted equal
to any inude, at half price.
Ooz. Bottles 25 cent; Pint Bottles 6
cents; Quarts l.
Have your druggist order, if he has
not in stuck, of
Wholesale Druggists, ) t'urtlandt
St., New York City. ii47 4m.
Look Here.
The undersigned can cure fevei
sores without pain or use o' Ibe kniie.
My motto is. "No cure, no pay.'' I
charge according to your means.
Those living at a distance can wriu
enclosing stamp tor postage. Ah
letters promptly answered.
Receipts sold to physicians on reas
onable li fins. Address,
N. V. Lent.
Ridfcuy. Co. Pa
Resilience two miles irom Itidgwny
li the Warren pike.
Note pat er and envt lopes at thb
State Normal School,
F.iyhth it mat School D'mtrict )
LOCK M.v KX, CLIXi'O.S 10., 1M
A. N. RAUS. A.M. .Ph. I). J'rinrin'
Thi-schsl as at present con-tit ute-
tiers the very best mcilitics tor Pro
essional and classical learning.
Buildings spacious, inviting ami
commodious, completely bMled t.
.-team, well ventilated and futnisbei
with a iMxnitiful supply of pure, soil
piing water
Location healthful arid eay of
Surrounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experience. I, e.1;eitfit, am.'
alive to their work.
Discipline firm but kind, uniform
.i ml thorough
Expenses moderate.
Fifty cents a week di!uction l,
hose preparing to teach.
Sltna nls admitted n any time.
Cour-es o-' si udy prescribed by tin
-taie; 1. lb del .School, il Plepun.
(ory III. Elementary. IV. Scicii
adjunct rontPics:
I. A emit niic. 1!. Commercial. III.
Music. IV Art
The Elementary and Scientilii
.nurses are Proiessional, and student
graduating therein receive Slate li pin
mas, conferring the following coires
ponding degrees: Master oi the Kle
menis nnd Master of the Sciences
( iraduates in the othercourses rwcivi
Normal Certificates of their attain
nicnts signed by the Faculty.
The Professional courses are libera.
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. hose of our best colleges.
The Stale i-eiiiires a liiulicr order o
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or iierscbiHiis. Totbisiml. it solicit
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nood purposes those who desire l
improve their time ami their talents
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aid in developing their powers ui
abundant opportunities for well-paid
labor alter leaving school
For catalogue nnd trims address tin
Principal, or the Secretary of tin
Stock holder's Trustees. J H Bar
ion. M D, A II Best, Jacob Brown
S M Bickrord, Samuel Christ, A N
r'aub, R G Cook T. C. Hipiile. Escj..
G. Ki nlzing. 10 P MeCormick, Esq ,
W. W. Rankin, W. H. Brown.
State Trustees Hon A G. Ctirtin.
Hon William Big er. Hon II L
Dietlenl itch, Gen Jesse Merrill, J C
C Whaley, 8 Millar MeCormick,
Hon. William Bhjler, f resident, Clear
field, Pa
Gen Jesse Merrill, Vice President.
Lock Haven, Pa.
S. Millar MeCormick, Secretary,
Lock Haven, Pa
Thomas Yardley, Treasurer, Lock
Haven, Pa
(A MciilcluB, not a Diiuk.)
Dor, ni"c::r, jiandraki,
Axvtbii TrursT icd Pkt VrmrALJuu.
ll-k or ALL li l i t..
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ucli, ur fur anyuiiL'K ui'ijum ur iujui iuut
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ft SlJ
V '!.-..!- urn W(
won rwy rtrr. Ii Jnnunrr. 1ST9.
innn ur one MmiU Tiniinn', At titvnem,
,'olmmn di ffiiiii'litnl Lxmiks. It
f-tr 'l'-Hvppi?i t ttn-f li i-.'-i'! nvrr H iim nt hnoi.- n
i.tonthfi nt h tift 2fCO,00 3 nnd nrolMbly 3,000,000 dhim v.i.1 be rcii't1'- 1 n mml W'jnU rfiil iuc
c4 illicit tim " Kt'Ytiimttm" h oohii vfU iflfduuutlwtiti.ui Ixi attributed tJ ii knditiff priucipli-a, which are :
1 rutilih only bonk of ivtil merit.
II, H'lmt it worth re (iliiir in worth prpwrvfnp nil hoofc fiif!y nnd ptronrr'j' bonnrl.
III. n & on tlio ba.-ia ut tlio pru .uixl cuot ut i.iakiiitf boui;, v. htii vt jf kiucl. Uo-, bm;i It wm ft few years
TV. TifiV ifve Crtinmonlv hfon conidorrrt imirlri i In ft fir rrpnbllc tVry nuplit lo ronajJvrrd mrri
(ki, aimI i'aj tutu vh wbl t.ny ri" In -k i y tut' mil lion If idk'tji ait I'lnn-d v )i j in t;n ir rt..". 'i.
V. T- ttiitku $1 mut n fi-it it I H bi-tu-r ttm:i to mnkr -n v, pm1 Jir' book sto'tt t a i rvtt ot P wrb r'v m
pmfH tuonty vico, l,'HXi.kio Imok. Hi d nt a rul.t iC 1 ccul ciu:u g;vu a prut ot ud tt Li ur
(.it.'UtfUl'u u v tli a uuiD pruiU to bell te nulliuu.
LaisaTyji Editixt. s;,:
A Yc'mtlm vnrlnf ff
!-v In cbi iMftte the text, rrinled fm n m-w (
Ifi'iJi.I in Hbrii clejrtiiit (.itnvo vohitnc-ot nlwitit Wnt .n;n s m-h. Ir ill ctit:i(n. roinp.t t. immujI 1 per rent inoi l
than Anpletoit'H. ftii'l 'M H-r e-nt mop? th.iu Ji tinnu', ( eio.:pflia.". mi l. though in nil repertH hiipiMinnt to t! a ttiukr It ih fftr M'lK-rlor to eitlier of then, iu co-t i. hut n iinition ofLiilr t rk-e. oiu.iie 1. to II. ro
f .-y Jrimai-y 10, ISM. on4 ether vr.himc w 11 folli.w, nbort two rtu U nmntli, tt.l tho entlro work t truuipltUd.
I rk'-, h.-t ut 16 vu utiles, ia cloth, & I tt.OO; iu hull Unsbia, t;i.l top.
Sfesmfeers s
A n port nn of the library of Vnircmil )rnnlcdr', v-i I.Hnr f li.-i . iliers's ncrt'liLudhi wiflvat,Iy, without
. Aim l.i,ii.l mliiitloiis, i -i:n, i t o j i lj wltimiH l$m In lli.a 1; i im pi inted I ulu m-w i lret li t pe 1 latra nim'
t i viT.v t"ir;n-"il tv; I'rii-o, Acinu eilitfon, el.tili. S'.COl Mdu idltl'-ii (ibiei. bifivf-r paptr, wii
.:i.a .j, i;.:t liu-.u, i;;U tup $ i. in Uim style i; L- iiuw cumpkie cad btuitf UtJivered lu yurcunv:.
What is the Verdict?
ilv e n niT"d to own a pyclopirdln now. Vr,
-...i t.ii.y i Wpi mnny 1 1 a
.rr. it. ir ;ti u ne-n iy noniiitni in iee. rtt r, n-isii n.
ih '- . r ivit-rtpaiid I o 1: ! oiitu inwi itU u , find the Annrltan Tot-k ExcliAJtire rneHtn Uie prU fr
..- ,''.-;.. tt:ii4,r, Piiildiltlif t. 1 Villi.
Ii.- - -o!- iie.j .citit tve left y a e. :n"nl f'W'.m vhi: li y-u frtVni t sn ini!li-hi:vr l-e..kH for the ronl at
' ir-d pvicet ! I r mil 1 uda.iiv yui tu.ic. l-.t vt-n't l;tu c.U-.-ik- t u .. i.v;al c lunU iuuuc I ll. K. Con
S, iwM M h. K. Y.
Aiiii- r.i'.et any V:nn inry. nnd every man should. b;t(- n libra? v. 77 .!;..-, f Vk'ne-c, Iil.
In.!., it w,m ei fn ii'joU-i.i.ik.i.rf. A few icl.a. ..i i .:'i I r.- r. i.-od 1 '..t-ury. ' prviiuuiiw them the W4
. .-. I.,-r I!t t:iu:K-y that v to t -r rui ice. 7h i;,i.:t.- i, r- t- ,
!t ( 9 !..i:i"i of li'iw riuch IjMuji, m lli tn binding w.'.li yuod i..i;.r: und (yood ty-', ean bo ottvn d at rvcik
. ' ne .VftBiiio-i. Chicago, l.l.
It is a my lci-y v. lik-h v.i.l net attempt-1 1 oxnlnln hov t)io A inert nn J'.-n.k K:;ehfsnpe ran riroi-d t publlf
i"b : rema. i:a .f eheap t-frt H of Imi k . t :llier y :.n '.:.i I i ftitx t ut tin : . b'.:t o ''li;? ns l1
i -ire p.ibll-hei a ..owl; at Oiie-Unt.i l!io Cwttt a; whk-.i it i.i c Kiel v.M-wiiere, tncers cauiiot i.urt tbwnu i'nn;, :.otii on.-, Uy.
: Ii:ivo li!Tvt-ii';f-e pfvrn (ren'-roin i f this wor'.;, tn-euilMJ wp lcliee .-e a:e d-ln a farur to tmr
'P HMH i V ll"lllrf.jrf(.f. VIM ;l, K-l. 'i.
li 'ti' in.- y iml-le. uicK tuer:i't.H' c ::(""t I t tnany who
t tin e len-ivj t, .ii. v iiuu i.ui'.'K,' ci uLrnwi-Juiw mui ii j i t. i.r a, unu iiux-MttueiiiM-ivt-ii ui
.. it : ll Titnn. t '.h bliiiiti ill. I'i n'l.
V Uini. - if ii'i p".' li nii..u of recent date tiiat Cvrvva icj ai-horo of public enrouravenivtit u thin one.
( 4, n, -U, . v. blnirton. I. t
'Ihe lb.. !: Kxei.i'i:;;. li dtiiii; a Vc;y rti:iorl.ftb.u oik In t!.o it-; rodut-tii.n of tMidanl bvoks at
- -pipy 1"W p t. -.-. - I.-.n;t. p. -t.. .
I ii.- etiartH-u-r uf tiiU tiubi'vuluu. ly low work is too well Luowu to peed ir.ifh tlf4lratlcn of I'.s izerits. Ttt
'.. I'iii-ili'iiv'i.
Jii.-.v Mi-.- d p-Iiit'"l nnd bound. The r form ti nVv more corr-id- nt than tin tinnl ttnwieluy quarto e
i:r , and tln-ir pi uv m t U p bt-yond i I pr eeileiit in buu ,-u.u..i'.. .' ( 7 ilu;.;'iit-. oi'.-:
It ha- btvn pi-i'i..ired with ifreiiti-t d liu't m-e and nt ti-ij bit-rtiry j.'.necs hi -Ii huve;n Iavhe4
.n j; iu!;4'i ;t h;. ;!.' U'lielen p.etu-i:it tt.- well ic tntu'oiihly ii; .1 r:;cl Ive and 1 1 u-twii; ll;y Muuii ;. Notldlttf
a in lia.t b.t-n i-n.ltteit, nnd v ticiall . in th ri4 n' ili.-. 1 i v'tnpi en I, niul hitiri nt a - fi'-b-. eviryth'mr (m
. t li; - I. .h V l,v ; lt(-l (Lite, t llUlllbl t (',1U lai I, IH t.'.U cLl.q CM., lb.' UJCi t I'Oliipk lv, Ut:d ill Uil ;-WtMrM Ulv
. t !ii.e(iil..S..'.(r .iv Vi'.. ti:i''i!in.xti. !..
It i.x ln? 1 en t-eat pii-iv-inf t- nuieiinerd ymr noh' rntrrri" t''roii(bfitt Yliplida. Tour nime tt
vu t'l sin in 1 wiiii Iho-i: f liownd, i.'iitU 1:. liU.i-c, ti iv.u, ui.d 1. 0.-:1, k. i. toi'liivia ot luu
th c ntu.-v.-li. S. ou;i.Tr, Ki him 11 , a.
. Ii.: h 1 :i 11 hfd. 1 a 11 wt 11 jtlea d with them. Yo'ir e-Tnn"y to wcrrh rro-e ti the ewiwrn pt.i
II WtltjAv I-' old. It et u- I'.-t:, ;'ou-. t. l 1.. y.u- C.;ku.. YcU uw.rv Utw pr.iw.- vi U ciuM
1- . ltd Vaksi:h, :"U v Nurth nruia a.
j -1 4..1.I . (.f I.J.- -,biu'-i on the Jm invented j-nntsnir. tlieiKar.?- -vto f r 1 i whn iwr t" t invent I .11 fr-r
" iu..t of Ii. t P-jw-eyunt .yitit 11. J he b ok.- v lot h 1 h;;u i. ct 1 li,iu ) vU Ulc tat,iidi'ila lr t-U
.... j. li, Cc...jL:.Vb, I V tur CViijrtatioUMl Cbuii, Ytlitlivutvi, V. in.
Standard Books-
MrMHy's " Knjtland iv need from
(iri'i-e " 6i.(K) to f.'.OO;
"Thiity Yearn' V.ur
y iivl'W'n. (i;o'l " r nine', iienxe
L'fty " li tiiv ol lac .ui
'rolt by
h f-f tin pi-
d ft-itho" win have won chf-J- iai:it HtV K too nhort to 1- ad all their
i o" h. lAtra eloih tmciid, Iflrpe tyjt.-, HO to N cf-lltt laeh. hrou'a
:i"rfl lil." tiiot' " P.oinoia." lst;lv.-ers"t'otiiiie:i " JP:esi.- Viviui.ia."
UII rtlt'l r
1. Mi:-rhe " lit-t y." lr. imr'- " iCinekerU- lifi." (' nintt,i " l-ii -t-:. ' lift. 's IUmtiv
it NiMV-o:in-." t'oonei-'d " Mohl nii." L- Siun'fi" U'ir." liM4 hf " Wiliu-lir. V.pi-ttT." Iti.-h-
1 n- Mac i K "K e, nine,- .ipicionaio. - , '-c
-tivill ' " iatcrund Sun," Ueadc'j "ivo Mo Litlh
!.., TwoutT ibt .tandM Iwiks i-flueed
tnrjau ci Liu'iyii.-, ikicaui..y, ttu.-wu,
6i-i,;r--p' fii'o, Inn?" t."i', 3 vo!:t., I.Wt; Y!!toit, 0 rc:t
fili i'cr-'p'-fii'o, tnri
" J!i:.;l," CtllUi
I ;rsv4.iv Chambers'!!
TlycIopo?dla of Emrlfr-h
t-iL'leiot '; J:ac.v.i:jy .i " i'Sfi;..' I 0:11 r ...( I .'I.J; "MoiU'nt la.-ie ," tlvo Vt.R. fivm ttM6
I 1 i'l er .1 : KiOid.'u c'i " Ciiruiilclua" Iroin ii.W 10 Ll.U): "llm Ku.iai" frotu ft.Ti to sc tu nu.
" Auitik'an I'uCawU 1.1," vveetiu.
' tf V'n'rttrt, it Mwuo'v'i " Arabian Kijr' t",'
1 otire '. " .ltf i l a v. " mncnu i - l an l li.:;iivc ."n ini"ei-. ' - 1 eeir .- ornrnf m ierj
ivLJvtd from it.M. hii't uul iUu, cvntj, " Ua.l inCui..!- Ljuu," tocctits.
Youiiff'-i Ttnnt ' Bible roiKNi-dan
-s 1 1, rcil c 1 1 r 1 w-'X't 11 .v
-' Kitto'-t "rvoUfikeditt. fio;u 4U.vJ
Tl-to HI Ia-idy Iz-xU-o-." s". !:iiitnt! m-.!7 o-titr
' iiiMlltl 1'.
Ciiiii ui i'ai'i vsh."
of Sirrontfiu.-. 1'upurV
M tuiitV Lcuvi-4 fiuui l.ary
G...4.'.S.A f BfOtl'H "TheAttof r.e:uTtity ux Kni)i:rhan Hint C round .M reUic-a o
'rttiiH ! r rTl?S l- 8.1.00. reofthu ilmsi huiV; e.-t-rptiulnh. d in thi. cuniHy. Hewbi
jUUUIkli I v 1 1 uwi .xhe:o U 1.0 vilu r boek tl.:it rn:i eo-nivjiv with It lor the wuntu of e
Tlii-:n i 1.0 nl hi r
pi'opi." tico. Vm Cuitlawiyj
kusyj ; " I do lull oi jod -(.-nso
FT) a I 9 b!?!-
Ivdol'ulloi'ud -ciiso
Oi?vb-3ot. of tho hirvfcet e'-'i an onb'bhe I Ktim,
t"ii, , fvt'- . Ti e 14 iilt.:. I-' hlii t '.-.Ut.l.trittV n um. , -M wh; i.un wvtm,
ifij utirb'-;-; .-: 'i.p'wt-pv; i. at t'i' tfie-( 1 -i -l .
Jl;wnui tv " Ufe ..r F '.d rlvk the Ur-.v." Fori-if-r Trice. ! Pre' tT t i""' S ctt-U.
f . -.vV- " I if of tt.ii t i 1 ui.' Ko m-r .ri.-. 1. V U:.- l-e iyr, r Sin-n. .
l.U:. A.-?. " Is r...viu Ai ''d. l'i riiier pi si..Vi. iutii. 1 ...A. I tyi-. p:',ite.
T....... Hi.(-l-e-V ' ;nil.n. s.-f ft i-t.' Y rim r p- In, i ..vO. 1 M-i'lui i'" '-"pt p:iee ceu.
!' r: '.: it .-f V'- V ! ft-,' " I uoirn in. Koi iiitV .' e. ...i. Lie ,e; i; j . :.-t iuUi V-ii.-rl- Id." iv Ol (;,ld-mith. hn vi.r ,;... i.i-ti: v! pm. pnoe iei-ul.
I. ..0 " !,.!i-:-.!n':i Pror-.' llo .t,.B tyj-, Uu.'lft : I".t:lui p :nl. l-nci- 6 oi-nU
vnntiin eauib.ipue fept free on ivtp -t. it Ly I di Aft, ir.oo"y oidi r. nt'tsttred loiter, or by cTpfw.
ci v'i.- v.ha:- may Lw i,ei.t in ; ti t.zv t;iplp. -iu; i-v i
a a it a r a
VS ii S B H. J A r3 11 U
i:rj n. at.dkx.
' f r?trr P TT ronton. V. I,. M.iftinr: Pklladelph'n, I.emy :,. ; i'ir.i ii r tl. Iobit ( iiu-kw & f.o. ;
Y'i 1 ii'J l.MKpn''lls. How 1 n. Si-Wfcj 1 o. ; f "i ic IiikI ( iui fc i Co. Tled., t(t'.. a,
&. i :; i 'll''tojf't AIJ ll t"' t i.i.dwh k. 4 Kl; tc t-treet ; MU KbJ l 1. t't.l .L:i)TLuat, Curtlt Wi ici , ti4
l.; . 1 too.i i.o,; i.i hjiudlw Uiwtu tLo U-MMibtf Luu.:linr. oujy uv.:t 111 a urn :.
On the Loss of
Se'iiiiinl W'i'iilUK'rtsor SKTiii!ilniTliaii
iiidiu.'oil by Hflt'-Alinsi', Iiivnluinury
ICoiififtioiiM, Iiiipntciu-y. Jservoux
hiliiy, niul 1 111 .- i 1 1 too t lo Mun-i.-ie
uiiieriillv: Ciiisiiiinli"ii, Knili'iy,
niul nt,.; .Meiitnl nun riiysicni 111-
iiiiiit-ity. &.C. isy nuiii.ui j. t uii
VKltWKLli, M, L.. uullmr 01
"Uri-t'ii Uoot," An.
wiii l.l-ii iiowiied aullior. in thU
ible Leclui-e.c-liai ly i roves froni
nirtowii expeiieiii'e limt hip aiui
foiiseijueui eH ot t,eii-Aiiuse may ue
effectually removed wiihout OHiigeroua
. .
iiiruli-iil oiei-iitioiin, bougies, in.siru
iiients, rinys, or eoi'diulei; iointing out
u 1110.I0 of t-ure at once certain ami ei
.'eetutil, by which every BUtt'erer, 110
iiiatti-r what his condition may be,
may cure himself cheaply, privately
.4 in I radically.
StrThid Lecture will prove a boom
to ihoiinambi and HioubuiiiU.
Sent, under wal, in u plain envel
ope, to one addreHU, on receipt of nix
cent or two postage KtampH. We
have aUo u sure cure for Tape Wot 111.
41 Ann tit. New York, N. Y.; Post
oftlce 1 ox, 43bU.
"fi;i,ii.)jMil jijl.)j4a tu
Light runnlug. Latest Improved
DOMESTIC, at prices never heard
before, ut Mrs ,V. 8. Bervice'8.
Get vour note-heads, Utter head capita' m it. w take uit ih rmk. iiute
. ul... A.. .....i.l.l u .ll.. Ill M.llL
ana envelopes neaiiy prmifu-in
, . a. m
Advocate otflc
f Lltprnrr jifTniutfon" lnnienirntf
it list, (Uhint"l otnl rt i rcpuiiitioii. i'liiiii-i i-oti,iariy
emitlovti.t-iit U ftln-i.t m J hnmln. (,ih1 iiuw l-m iiu-iiitlia
i!ht. 't tin el ihi ixipu!ttr iUmn!l !nr 1 1n- 'itiiirir lv.i K
the 1nt (IW T.nnton edition of Clmml rs T.wy
'I I y tlTu pu!:U-
Wlt!i vopiouH mlrfitiniH (iil'oilt ww tuii'i'M l - J Miiericnn -nitirs ; me wnnio
i in (I iimk-f rm ftltth .hi tlciil ii. innui-Mii'iit. wklt K'nii illuM ratifn at u-9
i(i;:r.tviip rtfilrw. 1 rt vb'l' typ'. t-n fiitieru.r nr'".
i-'iienvjlie, V. Y.
kumiu v,i.u ,i p:atv?
In the handj of the peonle th Uxt
v?". war.t a d -ieyi;l rtw!ri, but ai-e unable t f
to fl V-t OiUmjiiV
" ltotne" fi-eta jpri M P-
"Am lent lii-tory
'lltiailV. 1 Cftllvle'ft " I'lfiieli It voluUim t( Hehiilur1
ri 4 k ioi'iin on " k Mt.o," d
lU," prepm inif, t 'juaiiy low ui pn- .
t oiiAri, ;uwtK a Jona imutix, liii-uiv i-yrw, '
Pi r.t from prt ro to fs. 70; n'mff pOi'.t wr.rW t rrm
i-ii.t..iyic,,, 1 luUicb, judt-ti, AiiiokU
'; Tant. ?) eent": Yirpil, "1 rvnt-: Homer'-i
ie f i-otn f 10 P$
from to ll
Ti to SC Ut lU.
ritpraT'irt',rrdurM fiom gfl.flO t- tfy, Tnlnefi-otn Hot
'Tvoblnon Cniiioe," riinynn" Pfijrrin'
(Snuiw"ii ys Ci ndenN Is rhlM 1t eompared wt
; Ii-imc 1 11 1 :inn, 1.0111 b.i 10 witpi
to buikli'M "E.ulu u-Uoiiary fi-om iS.twto &Q etuUi
" WenHh by Yxrreit:" tHrcMx fe!l "nn
Lj i-t nt. "bnviiii: I v auUiui'
uuui uld l-awyr
ebtr nays
hori: t) -it i nn eo-nivjiv wilh it lor tin wuittn of eoliniion
ui.d bnu lutuii tlitd it bhwtdu baii-.A,ry vide IXbnjj.'
ui.d Una lutuii tlitit it bhwtau u
r n l ?krf
an tM 9 1rr ar low bt yniil wi.niriwn with tr eheet
3 -j r t ;i e r .9
i K, i. W ri Ka &i 9
Tribune Iuiiliii', Xew "Vorlc.
J,, recoiiiiiieiiu
Aed lis nil un
' i' J fniliiiK t-ure
jtf'tfcf lor .St'iniiutl
4sNjv' Wt'UkllCbH
MrVt?! K ne riiiiitiir-.
v. m , . rllf'M lllllUW
W3 3 !i
leiore iaion?,..,, i. TVln.
f, UIIII UI. ' .... ." '
lUvC'UHS Unit Co 1()W UH H Bl'(jUv III-V I'll
SSell" Aliiwe; hm Loss of Mi-niiry, Unl
vi'tsal LiiHsituile. I'uin in tlie Buck.
DiiiinebM of vision, Pri-inalure old
utie. niul niuny other ilisousia that
I I.... I. .. .. . . ; .1
the insanity, voiibuiiiiiiiou auu
I a Premature Gruve, all of which as a
I l-lllt. i.l'O Hrl OiiiiuuiI I ... jlu.'lt.t i 111. frnm
i ,lle patli of iiutureanil over iiululKHioe.
, The .Speeirte Meitieine is tlie result of
i;lH H,.,.i ,,,,,1 , ,,.u, ,.i.
. . - V V w HIH4 IIIHIl.T J V4 I'l
el.e , ,reHtinjr th(, s,,ec.itt Uew-UBeH.
Ful, ... tir-n l. i-M In Air i,Hn.t.lli.iH.
which we deulre to bend free by
to every one.
Tlie Specific Medicine in sold by all
DruggiHU at $1 per package, or nix
packages for $5, or will be neiit by
mail on receipt of the money by
N. I Mecliatii-H Block, Detroit, Mich.
jUSrSolil In liidgway by all Druggists.
. everywhere.
I Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents,
riiusuurjjti. niz-ix
Outfit furnlfthed free, with full ln-
trui tlom for oinduotltig tlie mod
Droilluble buaiiifiw that uuyune una
uiiKiiKe In. The uUKliiemi U no huhv lo lettrn.
himI ..ur liixtruuli.iiiH are o ulinple und plain
that any ouu uuu inuka ureal piultu from ilia
vary Hurt. No ouu can fall wuo Is willing to
w.irk. Wommi are h KuoutiKitfiil a men.
iu-H hdU Uirlii can earu Ihiku tum, Mai jr
liavt miuleat the bUkluesa over .mm bunilred
dolliii. In a ul iixle eek. Nothing like It
ever known before. All u bo engage are ur.
prUed al the eae a-l raplill'.y wllb which
they are ulile to nmke money. u uau en
tjiige In till biilne during your par lime
ut great profit. You do uot have to Invent
laa once, aii mrn'Liied free. Aud.e-- tn' '.
woo neuu reaov iiione . suouiu uv ... ... w..
ll . .
ijo.,au6uu. staiue,.