f-.'-f- ' -' - THURSDAY, MARCH. 21,1881. Gus. Rohde the Popular Barber Still Ahead. LOOK AT HIS PRICES, fehavimr with Bay ltl'u 10 rents iiair tuning Shampoo ,u ' . oi1Jh.iUUi Ill lUitltta , .-. lry miniu s ...... Moustache dying .-V;"15 wuu Shop corner Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. Satisfaction guaranteed every time. - .slight fall of snow on Monday. It will noon lie time to make ma ple sugar. Four liars Morgester's Ridgway soap for 23 cents, The lunibinien in this section are rafting nml running their lumber to market. Oat meal toilet soup three rakes ill ft box for the small sum of 10 rent per box it Morgester's. Congregational Sunday school at the school bom each livtt!i. com mencing precisely at 12:15 P. M. Mereer Bros, are pushing the work o'i their dwelling lioijie on Con tre street on one of the ('has. Mat thews'' lots. . . 1 Rev. Edgar P Salmon, a Congre gational inlnister.of Auburn Theologl cal Seminary, X. Y., will preach next Sabbat ti. 27 tl Pint., morning nd even ing, at the school house. IIurs of service 11 o'clock A. M.. and " o'clock P.M. All are invited. The nun lrr of Abilities (CI. inn men) in this country is 105.71". and North American Indian 65. -'.!. "In dians not taxed." that is. Indians in tribal relations under the care of the Government, are not Included in the above The Chinaman lias already got ahead of the Indian. The following Is taken from Webster's dictionary to illustrate the fact that the old man Webster didn't know bow to use the word quite: 'The same action may be aimed nt different ends, and arise from quite contrary principles." The following highly interesting item we take from last week's Oazrtte: We are under ohliga'ions to Hon. .1. It. Brown for apolitical map of the State. It is very valuable for refer ence. For man it bus no equal. For beast it Is not excelled. What? Ken dall's Spavin Cure. See their adver tisement. The Democrat say? that H. S. Brockway, superintendent of schools in Forest county take unh irgo. That is bad for Brockway, to take such stuff. Why don't he take salts, pills, or other phy-ic of a milder nature Umbargo is not ftt fur any one.except Ing the e lltor of the Democrat to take and we believe lie take magnesia in stead. The following and annexed very lucid and able paragraph ex plains Itself as being one of the most unintelligible pieces of writing thai has appeared this century. It is taken from the St. Marys Oaztttr: Our county is fast becoming a mining county anil in other mining counties of the State, evening sessions of public schools system of our common wealth was framed with a broad, liberal spirit and Its designer-, intrusted witii a high mission were moved with a hiuh purose to place the rudiments of education within the reach of all classes The editor of the Democrat feels grieved because we "studiously avoided the mention of Gen. Han cock's name," etc., in our descrip tion of the trip to Washington. We did not 'studiously avoid," etc.. but even if we hul there is no particular harm done. Hundreds of other men were there, many as great as the late defeated Democratic candidate for the Presidency, whose names we did not mention at till. Besides the gentle man most talked of at the time of the inauguration was not Hancock at all liut Jus. A. Garfield and he was Inau gurated too. Then. Mr Editor, of the Democrat, why harp on Hancock. Or, are you, as during the past four years, sorry you are unable to say "his fraudulency?" Mtny thing worry the mind of the amiable editor of the Dcmwrat He is greatly troubled and scarcely sleeps at night because Senator Cam eron and Mitchell keep right on at tending to their public b'Hiness not withstanding the slurs and threat make against them by the aforesaid editor. Js'ow he has it again that Cameron and Quay have : quarreled. Then he remarks, "But, thank G.hI. he has been relngntedin the shades .of private life," Tills lie says of Presi dent Hayes. That the word rctatattd (italics are our) is a goo I word no one doubts, that it is a new word is equally plain as Webster fails to record the word at all. The cares of running the government must rest heavily on the mind of the editor of the Demo crat. And to conclude we hope the friends of the distinguished gentle men whom the little editor takes oc casion to abuse will not allow I hem to read the great Democrat as it might turn out disastrously. Then they might exert their influence to cut dowu the circulation (?) of the Demo crat in Washington, and that would turn out disastriously for the Demo crat. There is a way. however, to compromise all these difficulties, and we move that it be done, viz: When ever these gentlemen, Senators, Rep resentatives, etc , have a meeting that Miller be consulted, then will all lie lovely and the goose, thai same old goose, hang high. The motion Is carried, and notice is given that here after the astute, (as the boy said when he ate the beans) ediWt sUail W eon- alt4, . . Personal lb tin. Levi Ellithorp was in town yes terday. Vint. Ros9, of York, in town this week. Monday was the first day of spring. Ed. May bee, of Kane, was In town this week. J.ihn Cobb, of Forest county, was In Uidgway Borough on Tuesday. W. II. Hyde is ubsent from the Borough on business in Philadelphia. Postmaster McVcan, of St. Marys borough, paid Ridgway a visit tills week. It. I.Campbell is rapidly recover ing from a recent tussle witii the measles. James Ross returned home from a trip to Philadelphia an.l York on Monday. Commissary Sergeant S. S. Wil: son Is confined to the house, being quite seriously ill. James McFarlhi has bought of John Cobli the o acre-lot lying be tween Dickinson's orchard and Doctor Bordwel's farm. Colonel Lynch, the Chilian Pre fect of t'nl no, has been removed for in olent conduct toward Captain Gillis of the United States ship Lacka wanna. J. C. Nichols, or, Olean. N. Y., brother or our "devil," Is visiting his parents in this Borough, where he will stay (or two or three weeks before his return home. Recently Ed. Grant. Postmaster Hagerty, and mintherliu'e girl, fell off the steps at the rear of the Court House, since which time our worthy county commissioner have hsd an iron railing placed at this dangerous point. The rail ng is the work of M E. Lesser. W. J. Colegrove, now of Smeth port. McKeiin county, hut formerly of Colegrove, McKcaii county, w.is in Uidgway Borough this week, on busi ness in connection with the Ridgway lots for which lie is agent. Nearly ah tlie original Ridgway lot. have been taken. Mr. Colegrove Is one of the Commissioners of McKcan county and likewise a gentleman whom hi many friend in this Borough are al ways glad to welcome. MUtlllEI) QfKH.KV McMixx At the Beech wood parsonage, Rockdale Mills Pm., March l"th. 181, by R.-v. W H. Filson. Mr. Win. G. (juiglev. ; Ridgway. Pa. to Mis Mary' M Minii, of Bccchwoods, Pa. New Counterfeit Notes. Look out for a new counterfeit five dollar note It is an imitation or the United States note series of 187-5, letter D, small figure 14 under said letter; John Allison, register; A. H. Wyman treasurer. It is printed on localized fibre paper, which is but little inferior to the genuine, although somewhat thicker The note is nearly one-half an inch shorter than the genuine, but, a far a examined, it i a fac simile.ex cept that in the genuine, near the treasurer's signature and in circular form, is printed in red character., "Series of 1173;" also, near I he geo metrical lathe denominational counter containing the larger figure -5. In the upper right hand corner of the face of the note, in red colors, are the figures "1S75." Neither of these imprints appear on the counterfeit note, although subsequent issues, !t I thought may show the counterfeiters to have supplied these delects. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair re newer is no new preparation for tl-e public to experiment with; its success is unparalleled for restoring gray hair to its natural color, promoting its growth, and producing new hair on bald beads. ' Communications. Toby. March 23, IKS I. The neck-tie party at the Grange Hall in Centreville, last Saturday eveninir, for the benefit of Elder Hoover, was a success. The supper was well appreciated. But Miller's oysters lay a little heavy on the stomachs of few Toby Eplcu en. A Su-ijsckibkh. - A commission '-Je lunatico in quirendo" ought to be appointed to ascertain why the Lutherans have cut down all the beautiful shade trees which stood on their church property. Perhaps it would let some lijiht in on their affairs if they would take the roof off from their church. Dkak Parsons: Knowing you are desirous of tret ting the freshen I news, I send you the fo. lowing gleaned from the local col umn of the Democrat of last week: Spring fever prevails to an alarm ing extent at Molester's. The very lutest thing in slang is, "I should grin from ear to car" for anything in Canned Goods, cheap or fancy, at Morgester's. We agree with an exchange in saying tbut It is the duty of every lady to look h you are troubled with a lame back, wear a Day's Kidney Pad. For sale by G. G. Messenger, Ridgway, Pa. A car load of Arbuckle's garbage, and Morgester's Ki-een Buckwheat and boneless Cherry Pectoral for side near Biendel'sBakerv. W. A. Titus, 62 Ashland avenue, Toledo, Ohio suys: "My wife is now as strong as ever,'' (Poor gal! I won der who she was and what was the matter with her, anyway it is comfort ing to leurn she was cured by using the "Excelsior Kidney Pad.") These interesting locals are fur nished at the low rale of Two Dollars per auuutu Yours truly, BKOOZEB.' Wilcox I nblic School. principal's rki'oht roa thk month eio- INU MAHCII lOlll, 1SSI. i -I2S 5 TEACHER 3 2 .,.? Til Vl?S, 41 1 a on 48 i m Mis Julnnii Rurllniinme, Mis Jessln AMi lull. Mr. .J.H..I"lis.m Minimm-y. Thp highest, cliiss-standlng obtained by any pupil In room No. 8 In 1K). 'I he following urn the names of pupils be Inng'ng to said room who received morcilian 11 percent., in. the mouthy examination for ClllSS-&taUdillg. "A" Senior Amanda L. Wilcox 0'; Mary Schrrlner . "A"Ornde Jennie Parsons 97. "B" Hrmlo Willie Sweet, IV; Rennle Mur phy 93; George Schrlenorft'JjGleiiiil Johnson M. "C" Orsde-Wlllle Pcckwlth OS; AHIe Houxhtnllnggt; Celln Miller !; Mile Ernhout 93. J. R. Jomso. Principal, Sherman to the Gunrd. WHAT THE HKAI OF THE REOUI.AK ARM'.' THINK OP OL'lt 8OI.0IKKS. Adjutant General Lutta ma le the -oPowiug letter public last week Wednesday: Headquarters Army of the United Slates, Washington, D. C, March 14, 131. Major Genenl J. V. Ha rt ran ft Xatio ml Guard of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia General : I have the honor to acknowledge receipts of the consolidated report of the division oi the National Guard which bore ho conspicuous a part, under your com mand, in the inauguration ceremon ies of March 4, in the city of Wash ington and to compliment you both on the organ izat ion and strength of the division and the perfect order they displayed throughout That the state o-' Pennsylvania could put Into Washington a full di vMon of fine, well organized and well commanded brigades, aggregating ". Vl'l well armed, well clothed and well instructed oillccrs and men, in a sin gle day, without accident or confusion was to me n matter of surprise and oi infinite sati''action, I congratulate your state and you. the commanding general, for the skid which produced (his lesull. and 1 beg toaddmy own proieisional admira tion o: the btaring and orderly beha.--or of your entire command on inau guration day I watched them clo.-ely a they passe I me in review on Mas sachusetts avenue, and I have no hesi tation in saying that, a finer bmly of men was never seen by me. I have no d'i-iht that the knowledge of the existence of such a Isidy oi men subject to the call of yourgvei mir.aiid under your order, will a id h.rgely to a sense of security for life and pros peily in the great common wealth ol Peiinsy ivani.i. With sentiments of great respect, your iriend and erv.nit. (Signed) W. T. Shbrmax, General. Samuel l.'lii0'toii. ai old and highly re-pecte.l citiicn of V.iley Korge, Pa , was murdered by a burg lar, on the morning of March IS About 8 o'clock in the moniiii,' Mrs. t'lugston was awakened troni a deep -lumber by a heavy current of air passing through the room, and re membering tiiat the door had been carefully closed when they retired felt intuitively that something was wrong Arousing her husband tl.ey discovered that the door was wide open. Mr.Clugston arose to lo.ik at the clock and close the door but be had taken but a few steps be lore he stumbled upon the form of a burglar crouehing near the bed. Finding himself discovered the burglar as sumed an upright position when the two men at om-e engaged in deadly combat. Mr. ClugMoii called to her 2i- year-old son to get up when ihehurg lar.as he eon. u not release himself from tiie old gentleman, drew a revolver and fired inlliciiug a mortal wound on his antagonist. At this juncture '.lie son grappled with the burglar and a ter a desperate struggle succeeded in disarming him, and endeavored to make the villain his prisoner, but the muiderer slipped adroitly from I is grsp and with one leap cleared the pirloraiidboun ledo.it of the. win dow, which he had left open, and dashed down the lane like a grey hound, leaving Ills 'vest, undercoat and overcoat in (lie bands of youn! Clugston. The latter bounded after (lie villain, but alter eha.-iiig him for over ( lie hundred yards gave up tin (diase mid returned to the cottage. In u few minute thereafter the old gen tleman died. The murdered limn was about "2 year of age an I c.i iu to Valley Fore ab nit four years ago to engage in the uiaiiu'actiire of paper. The greatest excitement was raised on account of the murder. At lat ac counts the murderer was still at large. Killed and Euried by Lightning. A strange story comes from Florence, S. C. As James Best was crossing a field "li his farm yesterday he was in stantly killed by a stroke of lightninif, which tcre up the ground where lie had stood, and ouih'd niiii from sUlit. Mr. Best was seen just bei'ore the fatal stroke and his disappearance produced great consternation among l he persons w ho were watching him from their windows. and several ran out to fathom I lie mystery. They found a large hide, surrounded by heas of dirt, but not a vestige of Mr. Best. After two hours' bard work with shovel bis dead body wag found at lite IhiI toin of the hole. The case is producing a sort of religious terror among the ignorant and superstitious countrymen, and 1 1 iey look upon it as an omen of some terrible calamity. For all kinds of canned goods go to Morgester's. Sauerkraut, pickles, wbiteflsh, mackeral, codfish and every thing in the fish lineal Morgester's. Note paper, envelopes, cheap at The Advocate office' - Educational Notes. State Superintendent J. P. Wick ersbain will coon be succeeded In office by Elnathsn E. Higbee, D. D ol Mercersburg, Pa. It is said of Dr. Hlgbee that "he Is not only a thor oiighly competent scholar but a great master of the art of teaching and in the popular sense." Dr. Wlckcrsham has made an excellent record and his faithfulness will be a matter of refer ence for years to come. A school teacher in Berks county has whipped oS pupils and had rights with 17 father since November 1. During the holidays he breaks colts and hunts wolves. There is one school In Elk where that man could doubtless make lii.-t mark. Think he would have his hands full without hunting wolves or breaking colts. In terview him directors. It Is reported that Mrs. and Mr. Frank Lenlg, late teachers in the graded school at Benczutte will soon emigrate to Missouri. I am sorry to hear this f.ir they are excellent teach ers and In their departure from our rank we will sustain a heavy loss. The directors of Bu ie.-tte will find it no easy tik to gt teachers to rill the vacancies thus, c.iusud. A not her goo I teacher Miss Eliza Taylor, of Brandy Camp, recently hade farewell to the school house and and embarked on the sea of mat rimony. Bon voyage. President Garfield Is called "the school-master President." In his in augural ad Ire. he give prominent space to the educational Interests of the Nation. He spoke out of the heart of the people when he uttered those solemn words of warning against the terrible revelations of the census concerning national illiteracy. Our little paragraph in the Advo cate on night school among our miners has been copied into several newspapers of the common wealth. "PliiIo7.iHjtit" and "program" are said to lie new word. Miss Lizzie Mlllin, of - Spring Creek, left on Mond iy afternoon to attend the Nor.ual School at Lock Haven. A very select and literary society known as " The Ilouuil Table" meets nulitly, except on Sun. lay night, in Uidgway, to discuss the weighty ques tions that concern the world. The I ist country talked about and explored was Patagonia. Geo. R. Dixon. The EidreJ liutjlc is responsible for the following: L i-t Saturday night while all was tiuiet, burg ars i in -ted an entrance into tiie ollice o. J. Trcinain & Co., coal dealers of this place, and were success. 'ul in carrying ofl' the money which had Ik'cu Ictt in the safe. Ex imi iation of the sale shows that the knob which worked the combination wis broken oil' by means of a large hammer, wli.'ii a punch was used for forcing in I he sum,! slia t which work the inner m.i chincry. This left a hole, thro u'h tiie door into the lock, tiirougii w.iicli a quantity of p-iwdur wa run. The fuse was then placed in position, the match applied mid an explosion wa the result. The lock wa so badly damaged flint it wa n trouble to open the door. We cm imagine witii wnat eaycr looks the niiiht hawks searched for the Valuables, and we can a. so imagine with what a look of ut er dis appointment and disgust they must have returned c-.ich other's gaze when they discovered that the salt-contained twt nly two cents. D.m says lie would have loaned them a quarter und saved Iheui J he trouble, ha 1 they told him wind tlx y were intend! i. to do. Reduction of Prices To Close Out S toe's at the New York Store. 25 men's suits price (13 marked down to (10. 40 mens suits price $18 marked down to $15. 25 Youths' suits price $10 marked down to S. 2' Children's suits price $ marked down to $1.50 20 Doz. men's underwear price 99 cents marked down to 5" cents. 10 Doz men's underwear price (0 cents marked dow.i to -10 cents 8 Doz. men's scarlet underwear price 1.V" marked down to $1 .('. 10 Doz Ladies' American kid shoes J'l.Od marked down to f2.2". 10 Doz Ladies' American kid shoes price $3.25 marked down to $2.50, 10 Doz. Ladies' pebble I irnat shoes price $2.25 marked down to $1.50. Misses' and Cliildren'sslioes reduced in same proportion Brown and bletchel mudiiM re duced two to three cent peryar I. 15(1 pieces plain and fancy ribbon. 50 gross fancy dress button'. 50 Doz. Ludies'Misses'and children' hose Silk velvets in fancy colors. A full Stock Of flillL'CS, &c, &c. These goods are now offered ut first cost a is our custom at the close of the sea sen to make rnrm for new stock. COHEN BlIOS. & BliOWNSTKIXIC. Jam Polks. Mlddletown X-Cut Raws. Jelliird's, White's and Mann's Axes. Tubular and U Lanterns. Files. Diston's X Cut Saws. Boyntoii's Lightning Saws. CoHN Pol'PUHS. Coal II im Is. Stove Shovels. Repairs furnished for any stove. Ax Handles. Pick Handles. i lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 42 Main street. n39 For good milk am soda crackers. and lemon ginger snaps call at Mor- genera.- i Morgan's Fatel THtlRf-OW VKED MARES EXPLANA TIONS HEOARDINO A DIRAI'PEAK ANCK HALF A CENTUHY AGO. -(Special Dlsputch to the Chicago Tribune.) Philadelphia, Pa., March 6. Thurlow Weed was asked by a special correspondent of the Prcnn yes terday concerning the recent murder of a son of Judge Jame Gillis of tills State, In Mount Pleasant, Iowa, last week, presumably on the account of the death of Morgan during the anti Masonic excitement- "I wii sorry to hear of the trouble Judge Gillis is having in bis old age,"said Mr. Weed. "I knew him very well, and he was a very worthy man as were all thne en gaged In the prosecution of Morgan. It became a political Issue, without any intention on the part of the anti Masons, and the latter became a strong party. Judge Gillis was not tried for the niurder.hut for abducting Morgan. The facts in the case were these; Morgan was a drunken stone mason and a member of the Order of Free masons. Witii the help of a country printer be printed an expose of the first three degrees of Masonry, and was about ex posing the Royal Arch Degree when the Masons determined to put a stop to it. Morgan had come to me I was In the newspaper business in Roches ter at the time to print his book, but he wanted me to 'take an oath of secrecy before I began the work, and I would not do so. Tiie Masons had Morgan arrested on a trumped-up charge of petit larceny and lodged in jail. They then made arrangmclits to carry him oil'. A party of them in cluding Gillis, Nicholas, G. Chces borough (whose daughter called on me not half an hour ago) and James W li it i ley and other, went to the jail, and after considerable parleying with the jailor's wife, they prevailed upon her to give Morgan up. The idea of the masons was simply to get Morgan away fro. ii the bad company he was in, in which case I he Masons believed he would give up his design of ex los ing the secrets of the order They pro posed to buy him a farm in Canada and turn him from Ids evil ways gen erally. The plan was now changed to provide for Morgan by sending him away from civilizition in the employ of the Northwestern Fur Company. There were several meetings of the Lodge and Chapter at Niagara on the subject, but many Masons re I used to have anything to do with the scheme. Then the m.ttit-r became imperative Something had (o be done, and at once. 'It was found to be dangerous to re cede or go on. Alter M-irgan had nee 1 1 a prisoner in the magazine lor three or four days there was a larje meeting of Masons to install an ell iMmpment in a Canadian town close by Prominent men were present in cluiliiiLi members of the New York Legislature, mi l the eveuinf cmhd witii a grand supper, at which excited speeches were made by several promi nent member of tiie order in Ihec ise of Morgan. At last the chaplain was called upon for a toast, and he gave the following, "The enemies of our Order may they find a grave six feel deep, six feet long and six feet dut Kast and West.' Tin contained a hid. leu signilicance.alld Colonel King who ws nt the table called four gen tlemen outside and a carriage lieinu called Ihey were driven to Fort Ni agara, where they arrived at 4 o'clock in the morning. Morgan was called up, and was told t.iut they hail made arrangements for Ids welfare bought him a farm, etc. He went with them and they took a hoar, and rowed out four miles into Lake Ontario. Here 1 1 icy wound a rope loaded with sink ers a round -Morgan and threw him overboard. A man at the fort whom I afterwards looked up in a moment, saw the boat leave with six men and return with but live. Of course all ihese facts w re denied and the world said that the committee that investi gated the matter were politicians and were moved by Interests other than those of discover! n . the trulli. "Just as I was leaving Chicago, at the close of the proceedings of the con vention which nominated Mr. Lin coln, I was mortilicd and even dis gusted at the defeat of Mr. Seward, and wassending my burgage to the depot. C'd. John Whit-iey one of five men who look Morgan out in the boat came to me and said, ''I wanted to swear to what I told you alsiut the Moi'jtin matter, und if you survive me I want you to publish it." I promised to write out the statement, which con tained substantially the fact I have given you, and intended to do so, but the campaign came on, the war broke out, I was sent to Euros- by Mr. Lin coin. and neglected it While in Lou don I wrote to Whitney, asking him to go to E. B. Williams and let him write the statement. When I got back home that letter was returned to me from the dead letter ollice, and Whitney had died a week before it should have reached him I was al ways sorry that I did not write out the statement in Chicago. Honor Bnrcroft, aged 13, lies at the (stiiit of death at the bouse of bis pirciilson Kennedy street. Wednes day be was playinu marbles on Ken nedy si red. A boy aged alsiut 12 whose name I said to be Jim Mills, came a'ong und es-ayed to steal the marbles in the ring. A quarrel en sued, which came to a tragic close, by the act ion of the strange boy, who picked up a piece of brick and threw it violently at the Imivs. The missile struck Barcmft above one of the .ears, fracturing the skull. The lad was taken home. He was delirious all night, and it Is said the doctors have given up all 1ioh-b of his recovery The boy who threw the brick is fetill I at large". iirauiorci Mar.' Cutting Affray. (Renovo Record. On Monday afternoon last, a bloody cutting affray occurred between a bricklayer named Win. Hubbard, and Frank Harvey, proprietor of the Ex change Hotel and Constable Shelly. Hubbard lias been a boarder at the Exchange for some months. For several days past he lias shown a feel ing of dissatisfaction about a lawsuit over which Mr. Harvey bad no con trol, brought by a relative of the latter against a friend of Hubbard. Some sharp words passed between them, when Hubbard left the house. After he had gone out, Mr. Harvey made tip bis mind from Hubbard's remarks, that he intended to leave bis house without paj Ing his board bill, and immediately got out, an attachment to secure his claim. Hubbard shortly afterwards returned and asked Mr. Harvey for t lie key of bis room, which was refused, unless, he would agree to pay his board bill. Angry words fol lowed. While the wrangle was going on between them, Constable Shelly happened in. Finally, Mr. Harvey ordered Hubbard to leave the hotel. Hubbard passed out the bar-room door, opened his knife and immedi ately re-entered the room, and made a drive at Mr. Harvey with bis knife. Constable Shelly interferred to get possession of the knife, and stop the affray, when Hubbard plunged the knife at him, stabbing him below the eye. cutting a long gash, and causing him to bleed profusely. A desperate struggle ensued before the knife could be taken from Hubbard. He was then placed under arrest and taken be fore Squire John Smith, andin de fault oi' $ 500 bail wa sent to jail. Mr Harvey's hands were cut slightly in several places. Annual Statement- Receipts, expenditures, Ac, of Jones townhip for the yeir ending March 7. 1881. Amount of tux levied $3-10180 Receipts. Taxes collected 3451 05 Expenditures. Work on road and bills 4a56 83 Liabilities. Supervisors order autstaliding.2513 Assets. Fund in Treasurv 35 17 Due from collectors ic..10:JI C2 Kifi!) 7!) Liabilities over cxi-cuditurcs 147K 47 By order of I he Auditors, A. T. Alokicii. Town Clerk. T AY TOWNSHIP FINANCIAL l STATEMENT. Win. B Hewitt and Justus Weed supervisor for the fiscal year ending March Ttli, ISSI. UK hi r. To ain't of road duplicate 890 05 l o check for ordinary repairs on roads 851 04 To check for new bridge at Caledonia 8,S0 00 $2, 022 59 C'HEDIT. By new bridge 889 00 By labor and material Turn ished on road 1,73'i 71 By exonerations 5 85 $2,022 59 UEHIT. Overseer of the Poor to checks on Treasurer $233 50 CKED1T. By p'd for support of poor.. .. 19J 37 By p'd for services, of over seers 43 13 $233 50 DEBIT. Township Treasurer to road fund. To amount received 1,2-0 oo ChEUIT. Bv am'l disbursed 1,208 22 By percentage on amount dis- iitirscd -10 mM By bal. in Treasurer 11 5H $1,250 00 DEI1IT. Treasurer to poor fund. To amount received 5i,uu 0 C'KKDIT. Bv amount disbursed 398 24 liy pen By bal. By percentage on ain't disbursed...!) ' in Treasury. ....otW ill $1,004 i0 Examined and approved March 17, 1S81 W. P. Li ce, ) (; J. Dill, Auditors. J. B. Miller J J Scrap pictures, Airthoi-s, pen hold ers, note paper, envelopes from size 1 to size 14. A large and elegant stock of fancy nole paper in boxc at The Vdvocate ollice. Also shelf paper, which Is neat, ornamental and dura ble. No trouble to show Ihese good even if you do not wisli to purchase. Scrap pictures, shelf paper ma chine made, ami note paper and en velopes at The Advocate office. Shakespeare, Byron, or Scott's jHietical works complete for Sl.lio, a hea' ti ful present for a lady frhnd, at Hi k A uvoca rk office. Ask your neighbor to subscribe for Tirfc Advocate only $'..50 a year when paid in advance, Two Organs. Regulate rirst the stomach, second the liver; especially the first, so as to perform their functions perfectly nml you will remove at least nineteen twentieths ot all the ills that man kind is licir to, ill tli in or any other c iniate. Hop Bitters is the only thing that will give perfectly healthy natural action to these two organs. Maine Farmer. Thomas II. Slotcsburg wishes to Inform the citizens of Itidgwuy and vicinity that lie will have on hand u line lot of choice cabbage and tomato plants, nKo a fine lot of green bouse and bedding plants curly in the sea son. Any person wanting their garden done up he will be happy to do so and give every satisfaction. Sow is h (sihhI time for pruning ap ple trees und be will be glad to do any prnnning und do it in a workmanlike manner. Orders left at J. V. Mor gebter's will recbive prompt attention Busiriess Cafds. awaLj.wJM 1 ' ' jr 1 r OEO. A. ItAIHBUM. attorney-At-LaW. Wain street, Ridgway," Elk Co., Pai1 Particular attention glton to the examination of tit lea, also to' patent and patent cases.' HALL & (M'CAULEY , ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Office In new brick building, Main' street, Ridgway, Elk Co.; Pa. t2( H. L. WILLIAM A Lnt'eof Strattanvllle), Physician ari(f Surgeon, Uidgway, Pp. Office ,lii Hall's Brick Building (up s(aifs)-' Rcfercnces J. I Smith,, .It. L.; Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanvillc? Major John Kltley, W. W. Green land, Clarirn. Has practiced his profession sccessfully for more than ten years. t G. Q. RUtnlCR. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. V. corner of Main and Mill streets Ridgway, Pa., full. assortment of care-' fully selected Foreign' and Domestic) Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day of night vlnSy J. S. B0REMELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N Has removed his office from Centra street to Main utrert, RidgWay. Pa.. In. the second story of the new brick, building of John G. Hall, west of tha Hyde House. OlHce hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.MJ" HYOE HOUSE. W. H. SCH RAM, Proprietor; Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto- fore so liberally bestowed upon him tiie new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con- venience of guests, to merit n continu ance of the same. oct30'69 APPLETO M'SAHEftlCAN YCLO PJEIA. This admirable work is now com-', plctein Pi vols. EachvolumecontainsHOO. pages. It makesa complete and well selected librarv, and no one cant a lib rd to do without it who would keep' well informed. Price $5 on in c'oth, $0."0 In leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address,' W. H. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co.. N. Y., who has been duly appointed' agent for Elk county by C." K Judson," general agent. ESTATE NOTICE. Instate of Albert Brchm, late of I i Benzingcr township, Elk county," Pa., deciascii. Notice is hereby given' that letters testamentary have been ranted to the undersigned, upon the above mimed estate. All persons in-' debted to said estate are requested to' make immediate payment, an I those having- legal claims against the same to present lliem without delay, ill pro-' per order, for settlement Andiikw Bkeii.m, Administrator. I I I I I Yourself liy making money H M I when a tioldbii chance Is I 1 I I i ' nil'.-reil. thereby always, keepinu poverty fi-i.ni yonr iloor. Those who always Inko tulvaiitaue of the kohU chances' tor making liiouey that are otlVreil. Keneruily, become wealthy, while those who (to not Im-, pi'r.vc shell chances remain ill poverty. Wo, want many men, women, boys, and Klrls to. work l'--r as right in their own locHlitlcH, The business will pay more tlmu leu tlmesordl utiry w'hkpb; e furnish an expensive out lit and all that yon need, free. No one who eiiKwceH falls to in ike iiion-y very rapidly. Von can di-votc your whole lime to the work,' or oiny yonr spare moments, h ull Informa tion and all Hint Is needed Kent free. Ail-' di-eK.-siTIN.SoN i CO. I'oi tland. Maine. A Outfit furnished free, with full In-' I Rti'uctions lor conducting the most 'v 1 ' profitable business t hat anyone can enirinre In. The business Is so ensy to learn, and our insti iictiiHis are so simple and plain Hint any one can make great profits from the very start. No one can fall who is willing to work. Women arc as successful as men. Boys mid Uirls can earn large sums. Mniy. have made ut the business over .one hundred dollars in a simile week. Notliltitl like It ever known before. All who engage are sur prised at the rase H' d rapidity Willi which they are able to make money. You can en-, uage in thin business during your spare lime ill great profit. You do not have to Invest, capllal In it. W take all the risk. 'I hose who need ready money, should write to us At once. All furnished free. Addiess Tltl'K A CO., Augusta, Maine, - n39yl' EMPLOytWHT FOR EITHER SEX. EXCLUSIVE TERSIT3S7 GIVEN to d 3 ilen or psadlarii. To show that our goods will sell oh' their merits, we will allow tiny agent, denier or peddler to return any part of their first order remaining unsold after 'ill days to us, and will refund money for same. There is no article' like it in the United States, ano it will sell in nearly every family Se-' cure tiie s ile or agency of it at once,' and go to work. Address for terms, WELCOME BIT It NEK MAXU FACTUIUNU COMP Y., Box lbw, PITTSBUKUH, PA. AGENTS WAtfTEDJii For t lie complete and:. Authentic Kecord of. the Achievements of STANLEY IN AFRICA- The developments by Stanley In the' Dark Continent, his remarkable' dis-. eoverics and wonderful Descent of 'J-')Uo miles of tiie t'ongo Kiver, shoot- ing rapids, ami cataracts, amidst the most ililllcu.l and thrilling situations,' daring adventures with wild beasts, and no less wild Savages has no' par allel in tiie annals of exploratious. It is more fascinating than romance contains over 70U pages, und striking illustrations. Send for circulars aiid terms and se-' cure Territory at once, for this, the', most intercNtiuu and popular book of the day. Address, Wm. Flint, Publisher1 -Samson St.. Philadelphia Pa. ri47 t4. Ursula M'Inerney, ) . In the . By her next friend, I Court of Coin- -Ann Dukclow, man Pleas Elk vs. I Co. No. 17. Thomas M'Inerney , j Nov. Terui,1881 DiVOKCE. To the respondent above named:' Take notice, that subpoena and alias subpoauu having been issued in' .the' above entitled case; alio returned' "not' found lu tiie county,1' you are hereby notified to appear before the said' Conn, at Uidgway, Pa., on; the' FOURTH MONDAY OF MAY, A D. 181, to answer the said llbelUut W complaint THOMAS SULLIVAJf, Sheriff, Sheriff's Ollice, I Ridgway, Pa., Feb. 10,1881. f Ueo. A, IUtubun, Attorney foif" Libellaut. febl0 6w New styles visiting cards just r- , ceived at thU otttoe;