Awaa " - THURSDAY, MARCH. 17,181. Gus. Rohde the Popular Barber Still Ahead. LOOK AT HIS PRICES, fchnving with Bay Hum 10 cents Hair Cutting -l rents Shampoo orent Dry Shampoo 10 eents Moustache dying l' cents Shop corner Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. Satisfaction guaranteed every time. Reduction of Prices To Close Cmt Stork at the New York Store. 25 men's suits price $13 marked down to $10. 40 mens suits price $18 marked down to $15. 25 Youths' suits price $10 marked down to $8. 25 Children's suits price $6 marked down to $4.50. 20 Doz. men's underwenr price 90 cents marked down to 5-r cents. 10 Doz. men's underwenr price GO cents marked down to 40 cents 8 Doz. men's scarlet nmlerwe r price $1.75 marked down to$l.nn. 10 Doz. Ladies' American kip shoes $3.00 marked down to $2.2". 10 Doz. Ladies' American kip shoes price $3.25 marked down to $2.50. 10 Doz. Ladies' pbbled gnat shoes price $2.25 marked down to $1.50. Misses' and Children's shoes reduced In same proportion. Brown and bleached muslins re duced two to three cents per yard. 150 pieces plain and fancy ribbons. 50 gross fancy dress buttons. 50 Doz. Ladies'Misses'and childrcns' hose Silk velvet in fancy colors. A full stock of frimres, dec, &c. These goods are now offered at first cost as is our custom at the close of the season to tnnkel-oom for new stock. Cohen Bros. A Bkownsteine. There's a blizzard In the west, Po beware, Don't put on your Rummer vest, No take enre! For when you freeze your nose. And your finger tips and toes. You will want your winter clothes. So beware. The snow talks some of disappear Ing. Get your garden seeds and plant them. Adiourned term of court 29th of this month. The average age of the members of the cabinet is 51 years. Sow vour tomato seeds to-day, as this is St. Patrick's Day in the morn ing. Thebusinesof building promises to be quite lively In Ridgway Borough the coming season. Lumberman have their weather eye out looking for a flood, which is bound to come between now and the first of June. As a purifier of the blood, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has no equal. It wonder fully improves the complexion, and brings to old and young the bloom of health. We publish in this issue extracts from several prominent newspapers, all going to show that Pennsylvania has the best militia organization in the United States. We learn that Hon. Hurry White has secured an order for the survey the Clarion river from the mouth Jliugway during tlie coming season This will be good news for the lum bermen along that stream Clarion Republican. The largest line of samples for gentlemen's i-pring suits you ever saw ore on exhibition at the Merchant Tailoring Establishment of A. Swarly. Boss. Prices are low enough to suit the most economical, and high enough to suit the most fastidious. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Work delivered promptly. List or Letters Remaining in the Ridgway ostoffice. Elk Co., Pa., for the week ending March 14. 1881. Persons applying for letters will please say advertised and give date of list. Briggs, Mrs. Mary; Cone. Wm.; Forsythe. Mrs. Esther; McGcehan.P.; Stewart, Mrs. R. A.; Wheeler, John; Woods, Henry. FOREIGN. Fannin, Jack, Johnson. Micheel; Kelley, Edward. If not called for in thirty days they will be sent to the dead letter office, Washington, D. C. J. H. Haoertv, P. M. Thomas H. Stotesburg wishes to inform the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that he will have on hand a fine lot of choice cabbage and tomato plants, also a fine lot of green house and bedding plants early in the sea eon. Any person wanting their garden done up he will be happy to do so and give every satisfaction. Now is a good time for pruning ap ple trees and he will be glad to do any prnnning and do it in a workmanlike manner. Orders left at J. W. Mor gester'a will receive prompt attention. .New car load flour, feed, meal, buckwheat, Graham, Huxall and everything in that line ut reasonable prices at Morgester's. Dried Lima beans, shaker corn, hominy, dried peas.cracktd wheat &c. at Morgester's, v A new Barrel of the celebrated Buffalo Sauerkraut will be on hand tiveu at Morgwter'a. Personal Iteim. riillo Chrislcr has the mumps. Hon. Itenry Souther was in town last week. H. II Wen a el and Wife have re turned to this Borough. R. V. Klme was very sick last night with lung complaint. Mrs. John Fannin, Sr., is very sick, and not expected to recover. Mrs. M. T. French was home last week for the first time in about five months. Ed. J. Luther our sen lor devil, lus been down with a severe cold for several days past. Dr. Earley is home again after quite an extended absence. His broken limb is rapidly mending. Judge Ross can Just get around and that Is about all, the result of a hard cold and the frosty shadows of old age. A son of Mr. Ben. Stewart, who lives at Grant's tannery, died last Tuesday and was burled to day. The child was about six years of age. Prof. J. D. Risbell will review the life of Alfred the Great at the Reading Circle Saturday night. The circle be gins at 7 o'clock sharp. All are In vited. ' -This Is St. Patrick's Day In the morning. Eight years ago to-day ye editor and his wile were married. As a consequence we have been married eight years. IS I. BaI ley, while rolling leather at O-iterliout's tannery In, the fore finger of his right hand badly bruised on luesday of tills week. Ed. says that It hurt. M. E. Lesser who has been com pelled to stay in the house for three or four d.iys on ucc iu it of a b il cold and sore tli roat is now able to be out, although he finds it necessary to keep his neck bundled up. Capt. Fred. Schoening has been in bed with the erysipelu for several days. His face swelled so that lie could not see. The Captain's condi tion at present is much better, and his speedy recovery is assured. M. T. French is confined to his bed, the result of a h ir.l cold an 1 over exertion digging graves. The above is a good local, hut Mr. French comes into the office just in time to change the sick-a-bed part of the local. Doctor Bordwell has purchased Mrs. Houck's lots opposite the Bogert house and will put up a building -Mx 40 two stories high as soon as possible. Jacob Buttertuss will also put up a buiiding near Doctor Bordwell's the same size. JuJge Gillis.of .Mount Pleasant, Iowa, our readers will be pained to learn is at present very low in health the result of old age and the great shock on his nervous system conse quent on tlie untimely death of his son Charles. W. B. Smith, of Kane, and his big brother Oscar, c une to town Sat urday, and returned Monday. We have not seen Oscar Smith for about eight years, but think he is standing the weather very well for his age. As for the Smith boys here's our baud for ninety-one days. DIED At Laurel Mill. Elk Co, Pa., March 14lh, 11, of spasmodic croup .Harry, in 'iuit son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stickles, uged 7 months and 4 days. I'.eport or the third department of the Hide way Oracled School lor the inuiith ending March 1'), lvd. 19! ,!55 TEACHER. i ; Hi h Fm ma K. Hoss. 29 16 K The liltrlirst class-standing nbtiiined by any pupil in room No. 81x07. '1 he follow Inir are the mimes of pupils be long'ng to said room ho received innrethan 8liprceiit.nt the mouthy examination for class-sninding. "E sun." Grade Muud Miles 92; Mamie Kcheeiilng 91. "K" n rude Nellie Holadny 97 j Frank Wells 91. "G" Grade-John Begley 95; Minnie Sykes 91. II" Grade Ernest Bogart 91. Visitors Misses Jennie Uresh. Julnna Rurllngame.Mllie Aaron, Flora Holuday and Mis. J. K. Johnson. The rcuson that Senator David Davis rides two party horses at one time is douhtlessdue to the fact that 3011 pounds is more load than one party horse can conveniently carry. President Garfield has appointed Henry G. Pearson to be Postmaster at New York. He was horn in 1842, is a native New Yorker, and has been since 1873 assistant to Postmaster James whose place he takes. A great many words of praise, de servedly too, have been written in fa vor of the generally excellent appear ance and good record of the Pennsyl vania militia at the inauguration. New York State has loaded Pennsyl vania with the veriest flattery in making the effort to organize her militia as near like ours as possible. All this Is very well, but from personal observation we wish to bear witness to the fact that a large share of the honor for tlie complete and al most perfect militia system of the Keystone State belongs to Adjutant General W. Lutta, whose knowledge of military mutters Is ex tensive and whose labors in behalf of tlie welfare of the militia are untiring. Look Here. The rndersigned can pure fever sores without pain or use oi the knife My inolto is, "No cure, no pay." I charge according to your means. Those living at a distance can wriie enclosing stamp for postage. All letters promptly answered. Receipts sold to physicians on reas onable terms. Address, N. V. Lent. Ridgway, Elk Co. Pa Residence two miles from Ridgway Um Wwn pike,. Eihiciitl, .ii.ll Matters Person- who desire to be ex amined with a view to become li censed to teach should attend the pub lic inspections. Private examinations are hot legal and a special examina tion can be held only on the written request of at least three directors of the district where the teacher is an applicant. The gentlemen elected to the di rectorship of the schools of Ridgway Borough are already talking over their coming duties. Under the Act of May 8th, 1852, they can form a tem porary organization prior to the first Monday In June and do certain things concerning the school for the new year. The school Interests of Ridgway Borough are in good hands and many improvements are expected. Board window shutters are suggested for the township school buildings. The schools In Morton are very meagerly attended as there is so much sickness among the children. Jones is about the only district In the county that has this winter es caped the ravages of measles, mumps and diphtheria. The schools of Jones are well attended and their success is gratifying. It is reported that two traveling acrobats recently gave exhibitions of their skill in D.igueahonda, Whistle town and Rolfe school houses. These same acrobats evidently lied to get posession of the school buildings and in using them broke holes in the walls and despoiled things generally. It may be well under certain circum stances to open the school houses and allow the people of the immediate neighborhood to use them for other than school pornoses, but great care should be exercised. Let those persons who will form the school board in June next study their duties well and stand 'up zeal ously for educational progress. Vote for Ion x school terms, good wages for teachers and by all means secure well qualified instructors. D' not say any thing Is good enough for the children or that any one can teach our school. the fact is very many people know too little and care too little about the edu cation of the youth. Sumnierschool in general should be discouraged. Very few pnplls can or will attend in July and August There may he occasional instances in which these are necessary. I have lately received from teach ers some very fine manuscript work. done by th" pupils at both monthly and mint examinations Jjet an iihundanne of this work be carried on. The student who can place his thoughts on paper accurately and rap idly possesses an invaluable aid for the successful performance of duties in life. During the month of' February visited forty schools (many of them for the fourth time tills year) ami was accompanied in nearly every instance by school directors. To show that school visitation Is on the increase wish also to say I met at the schools, in all ninety-eight different patrons Geo. R Dixon, The inauguration ceremonies have passed off w itiiout u jar and w ithout aq accident. As a spectacle they were more than usually brilliant, thou simple enough when tlie maguitude of Friday's transfer of power and re sponsibility is considered. The mest significant features of tlie ceremonial were not, however, those of pictur csque effects. The moral suggest! ve il ess of the elevation of tlie Presidency of the United States of a man who has fought his way up from poverty and obscurity was heightened by tlie thoroughly democratic character of the crowd who witnessed his inaugu ration, and by the equally humble origin of many Senatrs and Repre peu tat Ives who occupied prominent places near the new President. In the crowd were former slaves Jostling men who had formerly owned human battels; leading the procession from the Senate Chamber was a man who had writhered under the lash of the overseer's whip, and among tlie newly sworn in Senator of the United States was one who had stood as a page boy on the spot where he took the oath. And, to every mother's heart in tlie Nation, centre of the scene, was the proud, resolute old lady who had toiled and struggled to rear the boy whom she lives to accompany to the White House. New Yoik Times. We have received from tlie Saal field's music Store, 839 Broadway. New York, something in tlie way of a "Ten cent Library of Music," that fairly takes our breath away. It is a publication that this enterprising house bus decided to issue every mouth, (Subscription price, $1.00 a year, single number 10 cts. each,) which is gotten up in the same style and shape as any other music, no mat ter how high priced, and yet contain ing sixteen pages of the most popular music for ten cents, It is certainly astonishing. The first number which lias just come to hand contains Wald, teniel's immensely popular'Tres Jolie Waltzes," the beautiful little ballad, "In the glooming,'' and two oilier pieces. Other numbers contain the popular Racquet Waltz, Miss Thura by's Tickenham Ferry, Boccaccio March, Lardy Dab, whilst the last number issued is said to contain a complete PotMuri of "Tlie Pirates of Penzance," which ordinarily retails Tor fil.u1) alone whilst in this case il contains two other pieces besides. Catalogues free on receiptor ft thre cent stamp by the publishers. Morgesters Ridgway soap 4 bars 14 ozs. each is a bargain and selling I fast at Morgester's. Kerey iiii'l Around lSl. T he hi snow went almost as fast as it came -Good winter, thus far, for those engaged in lumbering. The load that went to church at Centrevllle, dld'nt go to church after all. Four children on Toby have the measles. We hope there will he snnw enough on the 19th for us to go to the neck-tie party. Carrie likes ''stand up collars," but somebody else likes apples. Bruce Harrington has finished his job. G.M.Thompson also finished yes terday. Sis has got the measles, guess she got them Sunday night for her fuce was all red when she come In, so Jim- says, but we say, guess she hung on the gate post. On Wednesday Miss Eliza Taylor and Mr.Henry Trumhul hod the knot tied, we did not have the pleasure of throwing the slipper after them, but wish them good luck and a life of joy and happiness all the same. The Wall has gone but his ghost still remains. The expectations are that he wlll . return in Octo ber. Jack and Jill. Heavy Failure. The Olean Democrat of last week says: Wednesday morning tlie tuil- ureof DeForest Weld, who has some times been denominated tlie "merch ant prince of Western New York," was announced, losome peoplo the failure may have been a surprise, but to tlie more cautious and observant part of tlie business public the crash lias been expected for some time tn fact we have heard it predicted for more than a year past. At the time of tlie failure Weld Was the ostensible owner of stores at Jamestown, Me..d ville, Titusville, Bradford and Warren, and was, to use a vulgar expression, "just spreading himself." The Mead ville and Titusville stores were re cently purchased of W. A. Andrews, who in one way and another has been connected with Weld's enterprises. By tlie aid of a liberal display of prin ter's ink in tlie way of advertising and hand bills, and the running of ex cur-ion trains, and other enterprising devices, Weld has undoubtedly done a very large business, and secured more or less trade from almost every town in western New York. He pretended to sell very cheap, an l in soaie lines did make very low prices, hut il is generally understood that much the larger part of his stock consisted of cheap goods, several degrees removed from first-class. Some newspapers in ill is locality, notably the Olean Time has covered him with fulsome praise, and lauded him to the skies, at times going so far as to advise its own town people to patronize Weld In prefer ence to local merchants, but tlie Dem ocrat has always opposed this idea, and repeatedly told its readers that goods could be purchased as cheap, if not cheaper, at home than of any flash-iii-tlie-pan merchant like Weld. Weld's total liabilities are very large and will probably approach a quarter of a million of dollars. Judgments to the extent of nearly $200,000 were en tered against him on Tuesday, and the squall had just commenced. Of this sum, it is said II. B. Claflin & Co., hold $e",K)0. Meadville, Titusville, Jamestown and Bradford banks are said to be quite heavily involved. Four Meadville banks will lose $ 10,000 each. The Literary Revolution. t'HA.NOK OF BASE. This very remarkable enterprise continues to make such progress as to astonish its friends and astound its enemies. Its greatly increasing pro portions have compelled the removal of its head-quarters from the Tribune liuilding to the large and beautiful building, No. 704 Broadway, which is in tlie very midst of tlie "book dis trict" New York City, and, therefore of the publishing enterprise of tlie nation. This building, though six stories iiHieiglit, 25 feet front and 100 feet deep, is sullicieiit only for the of flees and retail store of tlie Company. Die manufacturing is curried on in several large buildings located in other parts of the city, though it is contem plated concentrating them soon in one immense factory to lie erected. Their list of recent and early forth coming publications are extremely in teresling to all who enjoy what is choic est in literature. The Library Magazine is unique in both form and character and altogether delightful in tlie rich ness of its contents. Of tlie books an nounced, Green's larger ''history of the English People," reduced from $10 toll; Carlyles "History of tlie French Revolution'redueed to 40 cts.; Carlyle's "heroes and hero worship,'' 25 cents, and tlie "Revised New Testu ment," which is promised to be manu factured with rapidity heretofore un heard of, will attract special attention. It is wort li while for every one who has not already seen it, to send and get the illustrated pamphlet, "Book Making, and Type Setting by Steam." which will be sent free upon applica lion. Address the American Book Ex change, 764 Broadway, New York. Maine's Municipal Llectlou. Augusta. March 14. Mayor Veckery Republican was re-elected to-day. At Biddleford Elisha Clark, Republican, elected. At Belfast M P. Woodcock was circled. At Camden the Green- backers elected every town officer ex cept Collector. At iiangor Lys.tnder Stickland, Republican, was elected Mayor. Fresh eggs at MorgesUr'a. Tlie Stirren lend (liirretic.y. . (Philadelphia. Press. The Government has decided against the petition of tlie national banks for the return of the currency deposited by them In the Treasury during the recent Funding Bill agita tion. The total amount deposited af ter the passage of the Funding Bill by the Senate and Its veto by the Presi dent was $18,864,434. Of this, $1,287, 500, on which the security bonds had not been surrendered nor any redemp tions made against the amount de posited, have been returned. So the contraction of the currency by this action of the banks is $17,57B,931. As an offset to this the Treasury first paid out for bonds purchased about $0,500, 000, and yesterday let loose $5,000,000 additional by another purchase. This would leave the net contraction about $8,000,000, but this has consid erably more than made up by the puy ment in advance since the 1st lust, of $7,583,844 arrears of penions. The last payment being scattered In small amounts all over the country would not at once be felt in banking circles. On the first of April there will fall due more than $7 000,000 In terest, so it will be seen there is little possibility of even a temporary con traction of the currency. Of a ier mauent contraction there has never been any danger unless the banks should so elect. It has been within their discretion all along to return their bonds and receive on them the same amount of new circulating notes as they had before. They pieferred, however, to recover their legal-tenders and avoid the delay and trouble of issuing new notes. This course would also have saved the Govern ment the expense of printing new bills but as the bonds had been surrendered and redemption against the amounts deposited had been made, it suited tlie Government better to treat these sur renders as completed transactions which could not lie reconsidered. The banks will doubtless now apply for new notes at once to an amount equal to that which was surrendered. The printing and signing of these notes ought not to involve a very long de lay; some $4,000,000, indeed, are ready to be issued at once- The same bonds will be received again as security and the transient evil effect of the latest, and we trust, the last Democratic ex peri ment at financial legislation will be effectually remedied. General Mahone, the new Senator from Virginia, votes with the Repub licans His action gives the Republi cans control of the Senate. State Notes. Scarlet fever and diphtheria still make many a home desolate through out the state. The car record office of the Phila delphia and Erie railroad will soon be removed from Willianisport to Phila delphia. The Dunkirk house at Bradford burned recently and the boarders made a very narrow escape from suf focation a nd death. The new iron bridge across the Coiiemaugh river, ut Boliver, will cost the counties of Indiana and West moreland jointly about $8,000. Luwience county is unfortunate in her tax collectors. One official is found to be $5,000 in arrears, while another looms up to a totul of $13,- ouo. Mayor Liddell, of Pittsburgh, on account of numerous complaints of citizens, has issued an order forbid ding policemen from smoking while on duty. A large party of striking miners in the Connellsville district made a raid on the houses occupied by Hun garian miners, one of the houses was broken open and the occupant fatally shot. A gas well at Murraysville, lias been purchased by Pittsburgh parties who desire laying a pipeline to con vey the gas to Pittsburgh where it is to be used for illuminating and manu facturing purposes. Mrs. Margaret Kemmerer, of Eas ton, bursted a blood vessel in one of her feet, and there being none but two small children in the house ut the time, bled to death before a physician could be summoned. T. B. Brown, a citizen of Couder sport , became eu raged at his servant girl (colored) because she failed pro perly to prepare his linen for use, and kicked her so brutally that her whole body was a mass of cuts and bruises Mrs. Partington Says don't take any- of the quack rostrums, us they are regimental to the human cistern; but put your trust in Hop Bitters, which will cure general dilapidation, costive habits and all comic diseases. They saved Isaac from a severe ex tact of tripod fever. They are the lie plus unum of medi cines. Boston Ulobe, Two Organs. Regulate first the stomach, second the liver; especially tlie first, so as to perform their functions perfectly and you will remove t least nineteen twentieths of all the ills that man kind is heir to, in this or any other climate. Hop Bitters Is the only thing that will give perfectly healthy natural action to these two organs. Maine Farmer. Choice yellow peuches 20 cents, elioice s Ins. cans tomuloes I2i cents Wins low's green corn 20 cents, Stand ard corn 12J cents, 15 lbs. kilts bright mackeral at $1.0.5 are a bargaiu at Morgester's. Arbucklcs ariosa and Morgester's best coffee 20 cents. Great bargains in Morgan terV- line syrups at ' News itcn.s. I On the afternoon of March lllh a boiler in the PPueulx Boiler Works Buffalo owned by Donaldson & Pat terson, exploded, killing six men in stantly and Injuring several nioro. Minneapolis, Minn., March 14. A despatch from St. Paul to the even ing Journal says: "Governor Pills- bury this morning appointed General' A. J. Edgartoti United States Seuator to succeed Mr. Windoui. The new Senator left for Washington at noon." The Emperor of Russia Is dead since the 13th of March. One bomb was exploded under the Czar's carri age demolishing the back part. A second bomb thrown as tlie Czar was alighting struck close to his feet and exploded, shuttering botli legs. The Emperor expired in a few hours there after. An officer and two Cossacks were also killed. Two persons were concerned in the crime, one was im mediately seized. New York March 12. The num ber of deaths in this city this week will be between 700 and 800. In the corresponding season in previous years it never was over 600. In the past ten weeks the deaths have oc curred ut the rate of 36,712 a year. While diphtheria, scarlet fever, small pox and pneumonia are more prevalr ent than usual, they do not account for these figures, which are very ex traordinary. A large number of fatal maladies have been engendered by filthy streets and foul exhalations. It Is said that the streets never were so dirty as in the past few months. St. Louis, March 11. A despatch to the Republican from' Clarksville. Mo., says: "B. G. Read, Superintend ent of a paper mill at that place, went to the basement of the mill this after noon to oil a shaft journal, when he was caught by a nut on u pulley wheel and carried around tlie shaft a num ber of times. Both his feet were beaten off by striking against tlie floor above. The engineer's attention was attracted by the noise and he shut off the steam On going into the basement he found Read mangled and dead, his body hanging from the shaft. Deceased cunie from Pulaski, N.Y., last June and assisted in organizing the mill company, of which he was a mem ber. Indianapolis, March 14. The vote on the Constitutional Amendment is very linht but they have undoubtedly been carried by considerably larger ma jorities than before. Tlie Republicans have voted solidly for them and many Democrats made judicious selections. The most opposition was manifested to the registration and fee and salary amendments. From tlie rural districts the reports were meagre, but they have probably received almost all the votes cast. Last April the majorities ran from 20,000 to 45.0J0. They proba bly reach 50,000 to tiO.OOO to-day. We learn that there will be quite a stir in drilling the coming spring. Rumor has it that there will be five wells sunk in the neighborhood of Wilcox, one at Ruthbun, and the well at Dagucahonda will be further tested. There is no further develop ment in regard to the Scahonda well neither will there be any until the owners decide to ifivuige. mere is certainly show of oil there, but how much, it is impossible to ascertain. St. Mirys Gazette. I. 0. of 0 F. Ridgway Lodge !G9, I. O. of O. F. meets every Thursday evening. Vis iting members are cordially invited to attend. ofkickks: M. Cohen, N. G ; J. A. Ross, V. G.; R. S. Gross, Sec'y; J. W. Smith, As t Sec'y; H. II. Wensel, Treasurer. 85, OUTFIT ciit free to those who wish to enirmre In tlie most, pleasant and tliinor new. I'anilal not required will furnish you everything, tin a day and upwards is easily nuuie wltnouistayiiixaway from home over iilnht. No risk whatever. Manv new workers wanted at once. Many are inakintf fortunes at the business. Ladles make as much as men, and younn boys and Kills make great pay. No one who Is willing lo work fails to make more money every day than can be made In a week at ordinary employment, ilioso who engage at oncu will tlnd a short road to fortune. Address 11. HALLKTX 6l CO., Portland, Maine, niiiiyl Annual Statement Receipts, expenditures. &c. of Jones township lor the year ending iMUrCll I, 1601. Amount of tax levied SC491 80 Receipts. Tuxes collected 3451 05 Expenditures. Work on road and bills 4956 83 Liabilities. Supervisors orders autstanding.2543 26 Assets. Funds in Treasury 35 17 Due from collectors Ac. 1034 t'2 1009 79 Liabilities over expenditures.. 147)1 47 By order of the A tiditors, A. T. Aldhhh. Town Clerk. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GRAY'S SPECIFIC REMEDY. TRADE MARK Is tspeciallyTRADEMi recommend ed as an un failing cure for Seminal Weak ii ess S pe rinator- n n m . rltfll lllho. iwore iaiung . -;, '. . . . a ft. TVin H ill . IH' fill fy deseases that follow as a scquftiey on Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of vissiou, Premature old age, and many other discuses that lends to insanity. Consumption and u Premature Grave, all ol which us n rule are first caused by deviating from tlie path of nutureand over indulgence. The Specific Medicine is the result of a life study ami many yeurs of experi ence in treating those special deseases. Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or six paekages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by ad dressing. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., No. t Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. luySold in Ridgway by all Druggists, everywhere. Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh.- nia-ly Business Cards. geo. a. ra1hbum. attorney-at-law;. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa: Particular attention given to the examination of titles, also to patents and patent cases. HALL 8. HI'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Mala street, Hidgwoy, Elk Co., Pa. v32t U'. L. WILLIAMS. , , Late of Strattahville), Physician and Surgeon, Kidgwnv, Pa. Oince tn Hall's Brick Building (up stairs) Referenees J. D. Smith, H. L Young, R. Rulofsnn, Strattanville; Major John Kitley, W. W. Green land, Clark n. lias practiced his. profession sccessfully for more tbari ten years. G. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W.cornerof Main and Mill streets Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic!. Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vlnSy J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURO'N,' Has removed his office from Centre street to Main street, Ridgway, Pa., in the second story of tlie new brick, building of John G. Hall, west of the Hyde House. Ollice hours :-1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCIIRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him,! tlie new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to tlie comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct-J0'69 APPLETO N'SAW ERICAN CYCLO PED I A. This admirable work Is now com pletein 16 vols. EachvohiiiiecontainsKlO pages. It makesu complete and well selected library, and no one can afford to dowithout it who would keep well Informed. Price $5 00 in cloth, So.uo in leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address,' W. II. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co.. N. Y., who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C.' K. Judson, general agent. ESTATE NOTICE. R ?state of Albert Rrelnn, late of Benzinger township, Elk county, Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letlers testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, upon the above named estate. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having- legal claims against tlie same to present them without delay, in pro-' per order, for settlement. Axdkew Biu:iiM, Administrator. HKLP Yourself hy making money when n tioldr-n cbnnee is onVred. thereby always. keeiiiiii! poverty Hi in your door. Those who nlwuys lake ndvantaire of the good chances lor making money that are olti-i-eil. Rcnerally become wealthy, while those who do not 1m-. such chances remain in poverty. We, want many men, women, boys, and ulrls to. work lor us rlnlit in llielr own localities. The business will pay more than ten times ordi nary wanes. We furnish an expensive out-, tit and all that you need, free. No one who eniinues falls to make money very rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments, full informa tion anil all that is needed sent free. Ad dress !S1'INSK; ii CO. l'ortlund. Maine. Outfit furnished free, with full In structions for conducting the most roiliable business Unit anyone can engage in. The business Is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain tuat any one can make great profits from the, very start. No one can fail who Is willing to work. Women are as successful as men.' Hoys and Ulrls can earn large sums. Many have niaiUi at the business over .one hundred dollars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are Mir- prised nt the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can en gage tn this business during your spare time at great proilt. You do not have to invest capital In It. V take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should wriie to us at once. All furnished free. Address TRUE tt I :u., Augusta, Maine. n39y 1 E FOR EITHER SEX. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY GIVEN' t: ag Jilts, cbaler 3 or peddlers. To show that our goods will sell on' their merits, we will allow any agent, dealer or peddler to return any part of their first order remaining unsold after W days to us, and will refund money for same. There is no article like it In the United States, and it will sell in nearly every family. Se cure the sale or agency of it at once,' and go to work. Address for terms' WELCOME BURNER MANU FACTURING COMP'Y., Box 1502, PITTSBURGH, PA. AGENTS WANTED! For the complete and . Authentic Record of. tlie Achievements of STAN LEY IN AFRICA The developments by Stanley ill the' Dark Continent, bis remarkable dis-. coveries and wonderful Descent of 2-')0u miles of the Congo River, shoot ing rapids, and cataracts, amidst the most difficult and thrilling situations,' daring adventures with wild beasts, and no less wild Savages has no par n 1 lei in the annals of explorations.' It is more fascinating than romance contains over 700 pages, and striking illustrations. Send for circulars and terms and Be-' cure Territory at once, for this, the . most interest inn and popular book of tlie day. Address, Wm. Flint, Publisher 623 Samson St., Philadelphia, Pa. n47 t4. Ursula M'Inerney. In the By her next friend, J Court of Com- Ann Dukclow,- Jinon Pleus Elk' i vs. I Co. No. 17. Thomas M'Inerney, j Nov. Term, 1881 DIVORCE. To the respondent above named: Take notice, that subpoena mid alias' subpoena having been issued in tlie' above entitled case, and returned "not found in tlie county," you are hereby notified to appear before tlie said' Court, at Ridgway, Pa., on tlie FOURTH MONDAY OF MAY, A." D. 1881, to answer the said libellaut's' complaint. THOMAS SULLIVAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. 1 Ridgway, Pa., Feb. 10,1881. Geo. A, Kaihbun, Attorney for Libellaut. feblO tiw New styles visiting cards Juwt re oeived at this ot3c&