Sallcs Instead of Tears. When shadcrwB hido tho sun away, What- nso to "ih about it ? Kopp up a choTful heart, and fifty, If smiHliino can't he ours to-day, We'll g-'t along without it. If thins 'go wrong, let worrying go; What gool will come of fretting? It mny hp it ii lteitor ho, God jiliiiio it nil, mid must know; So spare your vain regretting. There is a finshiiip that mnligs good The lntk of sun r.Vivc ns, In cheorf'd and happy mood, And heart that will not darkly brood, In smiles of thnso who love ns. Wb cannot help what happens horo, So make the best, my brother, Of whit fato sends from year to year; A smile is better than a tear For us and for each other. union OF THE HAY. A fiery steed The liorso-niiHsli. - Motto for nu editor " Do write." To-tiny is tlie liirtbduy of John Smith. The family Hint uses oleomargarine can justly elaiiii to lie living on the fat of the land. Philadelphia Chronicle. " Fare well, my own," said an indul gent hmlmncl, ns lie provided his wife with the best- that the market afforded. Favorite composers : The organ grinder's TTandel ; the lumbermen's Chopin ; the recruiting sergeant's Liszt. Science is ris'ht on i!s mettle lately. Ve see that fourteen new metals have lieen discovered during the past three years. "One pood turn deserves another," ns the man said when ho turned the organ-grinder out of the front vard. Boston Balkan. It is easier for a needle to go through the eye of a camel than for a cmncl to go through the eye of a needle. Buy a camel and try it, if yon are skeptical. Somf one said to man of the world: "So-aud-ST has been speaking ill of yon." "1 am surprised at that,"' replied the latter, "for 1 never did hint auv ser vice." "A skeptic is one who doubts, but one who examines," and after he has " examined" the business end of n bumble-bee ho doubts no longer. O'ale Cili. Johnny says the worst war hoop he ever heard of was n hickory one his father snatched off a barrel one day when ho was mad at his own dear little son. Sleuheuri lie Herald. FARM, GARDEN A5D HOUSEHOLD The Cabhnge Fir. W, R. Lnzenby, of Cornell ttniver nity, says: Wo kept the lnrvtc of the cabbage butterfly in check by Applying a solution of whale-oil nonp. This proved a better remedy than carbolic ucid, copperas water, nmmonin, cay enne pepper, tobacco water, Scotch snuff, tar Mater Tind several other things that have from time to time been recom mended. Tho method of applying the whale-oil solution was ns follows: Aliar rel of water was placed where it would be convenient, to which the oonp was ndded, nt the rnte of one pound to every eight gallons of water. The soap gradually dissolved, and tho solution was ready for uso after a few days. The longer it stands the more disagreeable it smells, and the more marked are its effects. It w as applied with a common watering pot, which was furnished with a fine rose, just enough of the solution being used to wet the whole surface of the leaves. Three applications were made during the season, care being taken that the last be nt least ten davs or two weeks previous to the time of harvesting tho cabbages. After an experience of three years, . during which time this remedy has been used in a great variety of forms, I can recommend whale-oil soap ns one of tho safest and most etli cient insecticides known. FACTS AND COMMENTS. There are now ten flocks of Angora goats in Texas, vnrving in numbers from 100 to 1,500. The hair of these goats sells higher than tho wool of sheep, the product of an animal is larger. the pelts more valuable, tno tlesti as goort, and they will thrive m tne hilly scrub oak regions of Texas where sheep would starve. They cau live in the open air, without feeding, all the vear round. The last stone of the masonry of tho Brooklyn approach to tho East river bridge was laid February 17. The first eight floor beams of he superstructure were laid the same day. About 400 tons of the 5,000 tons of steel required in the superstructure have been delivered, or enough to construct about one hundred feet on each side of the Brooklyn tower where the work has been begun. The engineers believe that the superstruc ture will be completed hy next fall, and tho bridge opened for travel by January 1, 1SB2. President Harrison's Charge. Many of our readers can recall the gloom cast over the nation by the death of President Harrison. lie was the first president who had died in oflice. His ndiuinisliat ion had endured but "one little month." It, was reported that he had been killed by tho hordes of politicians who beset him day and night, clamoring for offices. His successor, Vice-President Tyler, was unknown to tho country, and there were many fears that the Svhigs would not gather the fruits of their great political victory. Newspapers appeared in mourning lines, churches and public buildiugs were draped with emblems of woe, and clergymen preached funeral discourses. It was a day of great mourning in the nation. The report that the politicians had killed the president had a basis of fact. Their importunities had so overtaxed his physical powers, that he was unable to resist mi attack of pneumonia. He was an early riser, and used to go to market. The spring was cold and stormy, but the president would not wear an overcoat. One morning he was wet by a shower, lrut refused to change his clothes. Pneumonia seized him the next day. Washington life, with its late hours and ravenous oilice-seekers, had enfeeb led the old man accustomed to the simple life and early hours of his plain Ohio home. He became delirious. His broken ex pressions showed that the politicians lia I overburdened him. " My dear madam," he would say, "I did not direct that your husband should be turned out. I did not know it. I tried to prevent it." " It is wrong ! " he exclaimed at an other time. " 1 won't consent; it is un just." " These triplications will thev never cease ?" His last words seemed addressed to his successor. Clearing his throat, he said with distinctness : " Sir, I wish you to understand tho true principles of tho government. I wish them carried out. I ask nothing more." Two theories of political administra tion exhibited themselves in those last words of tho dying president. The broken sentences represent the poli tician's theory, ' To the victor belong the spoils." The distinctly enunciated charge expresses the patriot's idea. When " the true principles of the gov ernment" shall be " carried out," that solemn charge will have borne fruit. Youth's Companion. Fiddle mid Sintr. Years ago, before the contribution was taken up to tho rhythmic time of operatie music or tho churches boasted more of their choirs than of their ministers. there was an earnest, nble expounder of the gospel holding forth in one of the Presliyterian churches of Pittsburg, Pa Ho believed in bimple singing, without the use of instruments, and when, ui'ter a long contest, the younger members of the church introduced a bass viol into the choir, he was deeply disturbed. In the church he said nothing, but night aicer uigm in me directors meetings, and during the daytime on the street. did he labor for the removal of what ho termed "that fiddle," but without suc cess. Each Sunday tho notes of the in strument were heard, to the joy of the uungregnuon and jus own unnovance, At last, finding persuasion useless, he arose one Sunday morning in his pulpit, ana niter tne usual exercises smd: " ow we will fiddle and sing to the glory of God, tho one hundredth hymn." Tlrere was no fiddling in that church for many u, uuy tiuer. The price puid for autographs is ex tremely capricious. At a recent 6ale in tins country George Washington's sold for nvo dollars and a hulf, and his mother's for fifty-four dollars; Koscius ko s brought seven; Lafayette s, seven; Israel rutnani's, six; Jellerson Davis's, one; Alexander Hamilton s, one. But in London the original manuscript of Bofttt's " Guy Mannering " brought two thousand dollars, and a book of Horace waipolea, with his munuscript notes, nearly nine hundred dollars. Knisinx 1'rlrry. This delicious and wholesome vege table is nirra largely used and more thoroughlv appreciated everv vear. and no one who has a garden should fail to raise it. A correspondent of the Xeiv Einjland Parmer gives some instructions for raising it. He snvs: Celerv de mands the very best of land, the best of skill, and more labor than nnv other crop. The laud should have been tilled with some hood crops for at least two veal's previouslv, and if, in these vears, it has boon verv heavily manured, and kept free from woods, it will be in prettv good order. Celery requires heavy man uring to do well, and it is a good plan to plow in coarse manure in the fall as a preparation for the crop; but if the manure must bo applied in spring, it should be worked very fine and mixed thoroughly with tho soil in the rows where the celery is to be grown. It is some times grown as a second crop, after onions, early cabbage, lettuce, potatoes, or greens, i no land is made ready ns early ns possible in April, and when raised with onions, every sixth or seventh row is sown with celery at the same time as the onion seed is sown. As celery seed is very small, it takes a good deal of preparation to make the land fine enough to insure its germination. As weeds of all sorts grow so very much faster than celery, many gardeners prefer to start their celery under a hot bed about April 1. For this purpose very little heat is required, but care must be taken to keep the bed moist, and the best way to do this is to spread over it a piece of old bagging (burlap), which must be removed as soon as the seed begins to sprout. The plants can be taken from this bed and set out in the field in Mav, when tho soil is moist after a rain. If it is required to clear up a piece of lettuce or greens or other early crop in June, and then plor.t celery, the plants will need to be pricked out from the seed bed in May, into a plant bed at about three inches apart, where they can stand till June, or even July, before transplanting to the field. The more celerv is transplanted, how ever, the more likely it is to go to seed, instead ot growing n good stool. I. cierv is planted in rows seven or eight feet apart and one foot between the plants in the row. The old plan of set liiigthe plants in trenches is not prac- nce.i now; the plants are set on level land and need frequent hoeing and hand weeding until the final banking up which is done about two or three weeks before it is wanted for use or market, llius. if wanted for use in September, the weather being warm, the celerv will blanch in ten days alter the last banking. in Jctobor, when the weather is colder. it will take two or three weeks. An nntnrctic exploring expedition was recently organized by the Italian Geo graphical society and has already started upon its hazardous journey, with Lieu tenant Beve in command. There being but little known concerning the antarc tic regions, numerous problems are in store for this expedition to solve, and the ultimate result of their travels will doubtless be nwnited with much anxiety. It is to be hoped that Lieutenant Beve and his companions may lie more suc cessful than have been their few prede cessors in giving to the world a more definite idea of the character of the country in the south pole region. It is surprising to learn that the world's consumption of sugar annually approximates six billion pounds. About one million tons of this is beet root sugar which is produced mainly in France and Germany; some efforts to introduce its culture into this country have not ns vet led to important results. France owes the inauguration of the beet-root industry to Napoleon I., who introduced it as one of the remedies for the evils he had brought upon his ountrv bv vears of ruinous warfare. It gives employment to a large number of peasants, furnishes the government with an immense revenue, and is a peaceful victory of real benefit to France. The Japanese are advancing so rapidlv in the principles of Western civilization that it is hard to keep up with the changes introduced in the Mikado's em pire. Hitherto prejudice has forbidden to women annost everv kind ot work, nit several of the principal manufac turers are now experimenting with female niploves. Ihus iar the result is con sidered favorable. Tho work done bv women compares so well in quality with that done by men that several new cloth factories are about to be built exclu sively for the employment of women. The worst feature of the case is that the women are kept at work twelve hours in the day without intermission ; but in telligent capitalists may bo expected to detect soon the disadvantages of overwork. Hl-eilM'. riuxirs in Gbwy. Slice boiled tur nips and put them, with two ounces of butter, into a stewpan, shaking round till they are browned. Season wish salt, popper, a toaspoonful of sugar and a little mace, Pour over them a quarter ot a pint ot good brown gravy and when quite hot serve them in it. Beets. One of the most satisfactory ways to cook beets is to bake them wnen boned, even it their jackets are leit on, a great deal of the best part of tne iieet is dissolved and so lost; it will of course, take a little longer to bake them than to boil them, but this is no objection; allow from fifteen to twentv minutes more for baking; slice them and heat them as you would if they were ixniea. uno moo wav to serve them is to chop them fine. After thev are cooked season with popper, salt am butter. Bki-.fsteak Stew. Take some finely chopped beef fat or a piece of butter heat it in the stewpan, and sprinkle some Hour in; brown und add wann witer; place in this gravv the steak, which must be a thick cut and in one piece, if possible; add salt, pepper, (whole black, three cloves, a small piece of mace, and a bay-leaf, if it is handy; close up tight i -i - .i mm ici it gentry simmer ior rnree-quar tors oi an Hour, snaking the stew now and then; after that time put in one spoonful of mushroom catsup, or any dark sauce, and allow the stew to sun mer another quarter of an hour. should then be done and be served upon a hot dish, the gravy being poured over it. Boiled Potatoes. Twelve medium sized potatoes, one tablespoonful of salt boiling water to cover; pare the pota toes, and, if old, let them stand in cold water an hour or two to freshen them boil fifteen minutes; then add the salt and boil fifteen minutes longer; pour off every drop of water; take the cover from the saucepan and shake the potatoes in a current of cold air (at cither the door or window); place the saucepan on the back ot the stove and cover it with clean coarse towel until serving time the sooner the potatoes are served the better. This rule will insure perfectly sweet and mealy potatoes if they were good and ripe at first. Mm Partem A ew C ouk Book. The Egyptian government at last be- gins to perceive that us ancient monu- mcnis are or some value, and as a pre liminary step to inclosing the principal our s by ring walls, it lias decided to stiv Hon guards around them. The flame of sorrow burns tip some Learts, while others it purifies. Do you wish success in life ? Make perseverenee your bosom mend, ex perience your elder brother, and hope your guoruian genius. A Battle with Monkey. A correspondent of the Boston Coin-' mercial Bulletin gives the following graphic account of a light with monkeys: A vessel was anchored off Columbo, on the southwestern side of the island; on Sunday tho men asked permission to take the boat and go on shore, and their rpqnest was granted, the captain send ing the second mate with them "to look after things." They pulled around into a little inlet below the city and landed. For a wonder they did not enro nbout visiting the town, but preferred a stroll in tho woods, which upon this morning appeared to be entirely deserted. About a quarter of ft mile from where they left the boat one of the party spied a very young monkey lying at tho foot of a tree. This was too much of a prize for Jack to pass by. Though warned by the second mate not to disturb tho 'infant protege of Darwin, they seized the little fellow and essayed to bear him off in triumph. Hereupon young Jocko emitted a series of yells that caused the forest in the midst of which they were wandering to re-echo for mnnv rods around. H the sailors thought themselves to bo the only occupants of the wood thev were speedily undeceived, for scarcely a moment had elapsed since the utterance of the first cry by their little prisoner before every tree swarmed with indignant members of the monkey tribe. Thev ran along tho branches over the heads of the wanton disturbers of their peace, chattering and screaming and only wait ing an opportunity to wreak summary vengeance upon the kidnapers. An order from the officer to " make for the boat " was promptly obeyed. When the monkeys saw their enemy on a full retreat they formed in a solid body and followed hurriedly in their wake. Sticks, stones, and every available missile was hurled furiously nt the hends of the flying sailors. In vain did they drop their prize, hoping that it might pacify their enraged pursuers. It was not so ; only one dropped out of the ranks, to gather up in its hairy embrace the un offending object of the fray ; while the others rushed on more frantically than ever. Beaching the boat, thoy had not time to jump in, but shoved her off from the shore, clinging to the gunwales, and crawling in only when some distance had been placed between them and their implacable foe ! When they had arrived at a safe place to lay they rested on their oars and curi ously scanned the intimated nrmv on the beach. There appeared to be thou sands of them, running up and down, in wild contusion, nnd hurling stones far out into tho water in the direction of the boat. Nor did the sailors get off "scot free," for there was not one among them but what had received some injury at the hands, or rather paws, of this army of monkeys. St. Louis Republican. It is very rare that the Republican consents to editorially forward tho in terest of advertisers of what are known as patent medicines, as it does not fre quently fall out that we can have posi tive knowledgo of their merits. How ever, we take pleasure in saying of St. Jncobs Oil from individual experiment, that it is a most excellent remedial agent, and as such we can heartily recommend it. ' A largo store in this city contains a de partment, with a sign-board: "All mis takes corrected here." An elderly lady from Scranton walked up to the desk, and handing a pieeo of paper to the young clerk, said: " Sonny, I've made a mistake in that ere ngger wont, ior me thing will not gee. Please keerect it fnr me." " We do not correct the mis takes of other people," said tho clerk, indignant because he was called "Sonny." "Lawsakesl" said tho old lady, surprised ; then she hesitated for a moment, nnd said, shandy. "Oh, I see 1 It takes all yer time to keerect yer own mistakes I All right 1" Philadelphia Sun Oalveston News. The Madison (Wis.) Democrat, in en deavoring to treat tho wounds received by the candidates for tho presidency, wisely prescribes St. Jacobs Oil. Of course we could not expect our worthy contemporary to do otherwise than re commend that famous Old Gorman Kemedy, which " heals all wounds but those of lovo nnd soothes all pains, save those of political disappointment. Somebody has said that care killed a cat. No proof of the deed has ever been furnished to the public, nnd as nobody else has ever been nble to kill a cat, there are people who have their doubts. However, if (. are can furnish satisfactory references, and is disengaged, he can henr of a job by addressing this olhce. Middletown Transcript. The proof of tho valno of nnv artielo is its popular use and the testimony in its favor. Tho sale of l)r. Hull's t'ongh Syrup is immense and tne testimony voluminous. King Louis, of Bnvaria,hns given Wag ner eighty thousand dollars tor a now opera, of which he is to enjoy the first performance alone by himself. " i.ies i ni !.!c r Not so fast, my IVi'-nd ; for if you would sco the strung, healthy, bloomimj men. wmneii and children that have been raised from beds o( sickness, sutl'oriiif,' and almost d'.-uli. by the use of Hop Hitters, you would say "Truth," Riorums truth. ' Sue "Truths," in another ooluiniL There ore about 1,K(I0,000 agricultural laborers in Great Britain and Ireland. Not. n BpTornge. " They ire not a beverage, but s medicine, with cnrativeproTtortiea of the highest degree, containing no poisonous drugs. They do not tfiar down an already debilitated system, but build it np. Ono bottle containing more hops, that is, more real hop strength, than a barrel ol ordinary beer. Every druggist in Tiochestet sells them, mid the physicians prescribe thorn." JiovluHter Evening Krprrt on llop Hitters. It is proposed to start a school in Now York for the purpose of teaching voting men the art or becoming mil iionoires. At least, they are organizing a school for the instruction of plumbers. Borne Sentinel. " Out of Wnrli, and sick with my kidneys for years," wrote Mr. Alexander Ferris, of Chenango Forks, N. Y., recently. Housed Warners bum iMdney and Liver Cure. Now ho says, "I cheerfully recommend it to all persons sulTering in tlie samo way." A French chemist claims to be" able to create thunder-storms at pleasure, each one bavina an area of six square miles. He enn raise n big excitement next picnic season. Syracuse Sunday J iinen. Cnmrrli ! Jdessrs. Ely ltros., druggists, Owego, N. Y.: For tho past three winters I have been afflicted with Catarrh and cold in the head. I applied several remedies without good results. Last winter I used your Cream Halm and found it to accomplisli nil you represented. T. F. McCormiek, Judge Common l'leas, Elizabeth, N. J. August 25, 1880. Messrs. Klv Hros.. druggists. Owego, N. Y.: I havo been 'afflicted with Catarrh for eight- vears; havo tried almost unnumbered remedies without anv relief. Last winter I found more relief in ono bottlo of your Cream Halm than in all tho remedies 1 linvo used put togc tner. Charles A. Cromwell, 27 South Sixth street, Hrooklvn, E. 1)., N. Y. Aug. 17, Ihhii. rriuo, 50 cents. Elv's Cream Halm Co. Owego, N. Y. Will mail it for 00 cents. For DYsr-wsiA, isntoKsmw, depression ol spirits and general debility m their various forms, also as a preventive against fever and ague and other interniittaiit levers, the Fiimio I'liosriion.vrnii Elixih ISahh, made hv Caswell. Hazard A Co.. New York, and s-ild bv all druggists, is tlie best tonic; and for patients recovering from fever or other sickness it iiujj nu vijuui. I M CUM ..'l 'I HI B !' i I IlliiiiiililUiiiUaiillulililliliiiii' r I 1lllllfflffl!lll!l!lilll!iii!!llli, 'i I II'tllliilllliKlUilllillilliilll I P I ! ; n;!!,!n; j lilli;llil!!iicini:ii!!iii!n!ii I u!!!!!!!!l!"!l!liim,l,,,,,,,,,i!iS ll'l!iT!n ra,,il!l!innBl i! I IiiiipI A GOOD FAMILY REMEDY! STRICTLY PURE. GREAT GERMAN REMEDY ron RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, OOTJT, SORENESS or tns CHEST, SORETHROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS Asn SPRAINS, FROSTED FEET EARS, AKD iiiiid'ipii'ip Sl r)!'K 'I I. TOOTH, EAR AND HEADACHE, ALL BTHEB PM1S ACHES. r-i-ials Pt. -TArnns Oil. us s r .-rii-u iti-im-i. f .!Lt:NT. Oil 1 mirj -nii-1 positoa rroof-jf K-rt lrfi.,rAtiiki on tnrtli iii-,r mill l-MCAI-r.' l.ut tl'.e cumiariilm-lv trillttizomlii.v nf " luclaiuu. giBEITIOXS IN rl.LVI S HXM AUr.t. SOLO BY All 0R'.iGG!ST3 A!iO DEALEF.S IH MtOICIKt. A. mSELER & CO. Jiiilthnnn; Mil.. J'. N Y N V ! 25 or 'run: Treatise The Cii-i-nlrst Discovery ofllie Ayrt, For over thirl v.funr vi-nrs UK. TollIAys VKNKTIW 1.1MMI NT hie lieen wuiT;int!-.l to i-iiri- cruui). ('"lie, KprtMiis, li-itrrlK'.'. nti'1 11 s.-nti ri.;en inti ni.-illv. unil s-n-cj l'hri'.-t, l'.iin- i-i tli - I.nnlts. chnmi-- l'liemu.itiMii, Jlil Si. re. I'mii'l--, UM.-lN-H ami Swelling, oxter pally, unil net a hnltli- tins lieen lvturtu-il, nuuiv 1'aiii Uies stating th'-j wonM not 1--without it even it it -a- lo a bottle. Sohl liy ilmi iiiiU at v!i ami .50 -nt. lieput, 4"i Murray Str--l. New York. The first mission station on the west side of Luke Tniinnyikn, Africa, wits re cently established by .Messrs. Cirithtli nnd Huntley, nt Mtown, near the month of the Lukutca river These gentlemen, in communications sent hack from that country, speak of there bcino; a marked dillerence m the habits nnd beliefs of the tribes on the east and west sides of the lake. Those on the west are re ported as great worshipers of images and idols, while on the oust these heathen gods are seldom seen, the in habitants being of n more civilized na ture. The images of the tribes in the former section, which they cull Mkisxi, meaning spirit, are in imitation of the human ligure, and greet the eve of the African traveler nt the entrance of nil villages, while others are to be seen inside. English agricultural interests are said to be at a lower ebb than was ever known before. Farmers are everywhere either throwing up their leases in sheer despair or demanding renewals fur long terms at rates so low that- landlords pre- ler to have the land thrown on their hands rather than consent. One chief cause of this hopelessness is said to be the impossibility of making head against American competition. That there may be other influences at work to aid it may be inferred from a little incident we find related of a late grand battue on Lord Aveland s estate, in winch the Prince of Males participated. Four thousand hend of game were killed by the noble sports men, valued ut 2,250. JJut, according to the estimate of an old farmer, the value of the produce destroyed in rerr ing and feeding the same 'game was ??5d,000. This is not very profitable business for nnybodv concerned. Oldest ( ilv in the World. Damascus is the oldest city in the world. Tyre and Sidon have crumbled on the shore ; llaalbec is a ruin ; Pal myra is buried in a desert ; Xinevch and Babylon have disappeared from the Tigris and the Euphrates. Damascus remains what it was before the days of Abraham a center of trade and travel an island of verdure in the desert ; "a presidential capital," itli martial and sacred associations extending through thirty centuries. It was near Da mascus that Saul of Tarsus saw the light above the darkness of the sun ; the street which is called Strait, in which it was said " he prayed," still runs through the city. Tlie cara van comes and goes as it did a thousand years ago; there is still tlie sheik, tlie ass and the water-wheel; the merchants of the Euphrates still "occupy" these " with the multitude of their wares." The city which Jlohanimed surveyed from a neighboring height, and was afraid to enter, " because it was given to man to have but one paradise, nnd for his part, he was resolved not to have it in this world," is to-day what Julian called the " eye of the east," as it vas, in the time of Isaiah, "the head of Syria." From Damascus came the damson, our blue plums, nnd the delicious apri cot ol rortugal, called ilumasco; dam ask, our beautiful fabric of cotton and silk, with vines and flowers raised up on a smooth, bright ground; the damask rose, introduced into England in the time of Heiirv VI L; the Damascus blade, so famous the world over for its keen edge and wonderful elasticity, the secret of whose manu facture was lost when Tamerlane car ried the artist into Persia ; and that beautiful art of inlaying wood and steel with gold and silver, a kind of mosaic, engraving and sculpture united called damaskeening with which boxes, bu reaus, and swords are ornamented. It is still a city of flowers and bright waters ; the streams of Lebanon and the "silk of gold" still murmur and sparkle in the wilderness of tho Syrian gardens. THE MAKKETS. M KlJm KM m 111 DISEASES. Indira 5,' ( (i M, S dr. 6' 7 'if. M. p 'it 2(1 (it. 22 'it. 21 'ii. (.i (i Ot. 55V. (it, 1 2") (u, 1 23 dt. 21 in l ." 50 di 1(1 1(1 (it 10 li-3 to SKW YOUR. Heef Cattle Mud. Nat. live ut Calves Good to Prime Vials. Slieeji r.ainiis Hoys Live Urt-Hse I, eitv I'lmir 1'.. State, gond to liiiiey 1 5-" Of ti 50 Western, -,'oud to l'anev. 1 i ") dt. 8 (10 Wheat-No. 2 Ited 1 17V' 1 l's No. 1 White 1 M'jln 1 l.Vj live State US Oi. 1 0:1' J liarley Two-rowe l State !'0 dti !t.i Corn ViiKindvd Western II ixed 55! 'Jih 575 Southern Yellow u't t''t, Oats -White State 4(1 (it, Mixed Wc.-tcni 41 (it, Ifuy Medium to I'riine, Tim'y 1 10 dt, Straw I.rniK live. ' r cw t 113 (it, II. iis- State, is:.l 1) dt. I'oik Mens, old. lor i wirt. . . 13 23 Lard- C'itv Steam 10 113 Helmed 10 05 retrol.'-ttni - Crude Iieline 1 Butter State Creatuerv Hairy '. Western lui. Creamery I'.n t'.i y .'. Cheese State Factory Skims Western F:..':,'s--State mid lVun Potatoes State, bid Kailv liose lilflAI.O. Steers--Vxtrn Lambs Western Sheep Western Hnf;s, (lood tnCh"icc Yorkers. Flour C'vGronnd, No. 1 Srin; Wheat No. 1. Hard Diihuh... Corn No. 2 Western Oats Stale Barley Two-rowed State.. .. BOSTON. Heel' -Western Mess Hops- Live Hi (?--City l re-s" d I'ork l'xtia Prime per l.lil... Flour Sriif,' Wheat Patents. Com Mixed nnd Yellow ()at Kxlra White live state , (.Thidetr-irnvlii; ivim'li!s tlie l.un,-s In a What tho Doctors Say! Pit. I'LKTrnr.II. of bexiiiu'tiiii, Mi-ouri. "1 reeoniiin-lnl our 'llnlwnm' In l-n-lt l-i n -e to anv other lnctlirinc lorcou-hs alel" Ml. A. C. JOHNSON, nf All. V.-rn.m, li;.. writes ol nni" wi.ielerliil cure ot Conmnnit ion In his place by lie-use "1 "Allen" I. mill HiiImiim." bit. .1. B. TFI1NKI1. liloiiiiinvilS-. Ala., n ) r.i. -li.-ins lpii-'.au nt twi-ntv-l'iM- i-al-s, ui-in-v: ' 11 the best irc'ui-jtiun fm-.'iiiniui'fi"n in Hie world." l-'tir nil llNcn if itic Tln-unf. l.iunrA nml I'iiIii i-v Oi-uiin-, ii ill lie I'minil n iinil excellent Ui-liii-ilv. AS AN EXPECTORANT iT HAS NO EQUAL ! i IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANY FORM ! j J. N. ( ' n t :i l ii 1 ti;.r :i I iilcx of lli e:iM s, v lilt-li K'l vi-.h IlieSyin p. loin-;, C';mf, mil IMo llcst l"i--:i I nn'H t oi' i-ik'Ii. A 'I'ulilti H'l vl u;t tt 1 1 Hit- iilii-l ii 1I i-ii k ii .-(! I'm- the 1 1 i,t. M l I Ii t li n oi-il 1 inc.-.V !-, ell'i-el in, untl II 1 1 ( I ! ot i- WltC'll ii imisoii. yV 'l':tlU- Willi sin I '.liwrnvlnu' f t He 1 Iiiv-i-i- 'l"''l 1 sit llIltT e;il n !(,- V.-1I ii l.iile for ti'll-liiji- I lie u;je. A vn J uilljle cili - lleoelplw dim val mi t!e Inl'oi'- li't-llon (it mueli oIImt mn I lm. 10 2!" 5 50 5 no 4 75 i; no 5 00 1 2-1 41 37 83 27 'i-i Ft .'10 roKulirlr niafV. from styt. ;i in mi- ecu, i'n- dr. 2 25 dt 3 85 di. (I 25 dn 5 45 dt. ti 25 dt. 5 75 di. 1 22 (it) 41 (it, US (ii 1 00 HARRIS & CO., Proprietors, CINCINNATI. O. lir fnle ly nil 1 ruu trial . ecilil liyMcKASSOS .V KOIIIIINS, New V-'ik. M08E THAN 100 STYLES OF THE MASON & HAMLIN mm .e nutt ha i:V oil '-It ZJ? !3wf -'l, ainl in:; cull prln-i. fMo . YwaViaitw p. Til I'.ABV OlMIAS ! VGi.i'i ' k.llva-laiiti ilHitliililri!!. blk j via if I-una t-'iuaey uaien i"r PRICEi $22. nil-ills bavins I.ik quality ut t'-ne unit pnwi-r, ar:i pifM'-nt i mipais drre ami a qwtrttr e. l.j-i- for the full aits ( In u-n-niiira. alituc-ius, uugj ulJ t-npiil-ir faiT' il ami secular liiu-lo ccncially. , ., MASON - HAMl.lN OilliANS aiccvrt.liity tl;o BFSr IN THIC WoKI.n. liaviim won lni.lll'.r AWAItHS f.-r i-rvoN6TBri n rranioniTT at h KRY ONE of the (illKAT Woltl.lS tXIIlHlTK'NS F.m TIIIBTEEN YFAIlSj Wins the uh ' A Tllf ri- U H Ur-J'lU Whlth Auvc ten ("M'I wirthy ot nn-ti titin'J. iLI-rS'TKATI-.l) CATAI.O'IUFS and mum U5T8, frrr. MASON HAMl.lN oK'iA.N CO.. 1-M TrHiarnt Ft., BOSTON : 4"i E.i-t 1-itli S'- 'I i.lou ftquan-j, NllW YOB K : Ul Waba-li Ave, C 11 ICAOO. m Tit (I i-i--.-( 1 11 tin a 1 il to 11 v nU- II nil (I t t a I or lire w-vi io n l.u,:t ( ONCKKT OIWAN ut 1 VVKNTT fcl 1 LI U Ui Irolll I-i tO OW'u. friXTT MI.I3 at il.l) t. tourv BTTi.Ka at $nn to CLVB KATES: Five Copies Ton Copies - Twenty Copioo Cm Ijiintliocl Copies m-"iwil. SI.OO 1.70 3.O0 IO.O0 Tine - ent ulr.i.i-" Now York Fiowspapcr Union, t lx A. I.") ! Worih SI., X. Y. your AIcIihm OX A POSTAL OA III), lN'ri:i'.i:siiV(i FREE ! ANI WK vn. I. SI'Ml Viif Ol I AM) VAl.l'Alll.K l'AMI'lll.l:! tl I'CK I.AUIK-i ON Pays Wil limit Xlglils. There is nothing that strikes u stranger more, foreililv, if he visits Sweden in June, than tlie alisence of night. At Stockholm, for example, the sun goes down a little before 10 o'clock, p. m. ; but he passes around the earth anil is only just below the north pole a short time; there is a great brightness all night, and such that you can see to read at midnight. There is a mountain at the head of tho Gulf of Bothnia, where, on the twenty first of June, the sun does not go down at all. Travelers go there to see it. A steamboat goes up from Stockholm for the purpose of carrying those who are curious to witness the phenomenon. It only occurs one night. The sun goes down to the horizon, you can see the whole face of it, and in live minutes it begins to rise. At the North Cape, latitude seventy five degrees, the sun does not go down for several weeks. In June it would bo about twenty-live degrees above the horizon at midnight. The changes in those high latitudes, from summer to winter, are so great that we can have no conception of them. In the winter the sun disappears in the south and is not seen for six weeks. Then it just shows its face. Afterward it remains ten, fifteen or twenty minutes, and then descends, and finally it makes almost a circle around the heavens. Animal life accommodates itself to these long days. Birds and animals take thejr accustomed rest at the usual hours. They go to rest whether the sun goes down or not. The hens take to the trees about 7 o'clock r. m., and sit there until the sun is well up in the morning, and the people get into the habit of late rising too. Longfellow tells us of his visit to a village where, although the sun was shining, not a soul was to be seen in the streets. . 9 50 (it, 0 75 cv(', a't j 8 dt 8 .12 50 (;,l:lK) . II 50 (ii. 8 00 . 5S 'if. 00 . 40 dt. 52 . !I5 (ii, 1 (10 C'liurcli Sleepers in Ye Olden Time, A certain good brother, Obadiah Turner, of Lynn, Mass., once kept a journal in which, under dttte " 1040, June ye third," he thus describes the " methods " adopted by u zealous special oflicer in the church ministered unto by the Eev. Samuel Whiting: Allen Brydges hath been chose to wake ye sleepers in meeting, and being much proud of his place, must need have a fox taile fixed to ye top of a long staff, wherewith ho may brush ye faces of them at will havo naps in time of dis course; likewise a sharp thorne where with he may pricke such as may be most sounde. On ye last Lord his day, as ho strutteded about ve meeting house, he did spy Mr. Toinlms sleeping with much comfort, his head being steadied by bein. in ye corner, anil las liana grasp ing ye rail. And soe spying Allen did quickie thrust his staff behind Dame Ballond and give him a grievous pricke upon ye hand, whereupon Mr. Tomlins did spring up much above ye floor and with terrible force strike his hand against ye wall, to ye great wonder of all, cry out in a loud voice, ing, as it seemed, yt a had seized and bit his hand. But on coming to know where he was, ye great scandall he had committed, ho seemed much bashed, but did not ttpeake. And 1 think he will not soon againo go to sleep in meeting. Ye women may sometimes sleep and none know it, by reason of their enor mous bonnets. Mr. Whiting doth pleas antlie say yt from the pulpit he doth seem to be preaching to stacks of straw, with men jotting here and there among them." "Mrs. Brown, I do wish you would try to bring David out a little. Why, do you know, he's so bashful that' I really think if he caught the measles they wouldn't come out." and also, prophanlie he dream-woodehuck The cook is the take sauce from. only man ono will dt, 40 3 dt as i fa si" i . - ra 3-vb 5 ! tl b 'Jii. 7 I W 5 f,5 (il. 3 75 j I 114 di i ii ; 05 H 95 i y si (id 54 m 42 (it, -12 W n-2 dt 3:i ra wf1 jit. 14 a ii1 'a 7': H (ii V.; ni 7 rl l " " " r.i i n '. -Wiihlicrt l'nmlt& I'eluino I'nwuj-he'l " WATF.llTnWN (MASS.) CATTLE MAHKKT. Itoef (.little Jivo w Klin 1 .nml 'B , H.lfe'B rillLADKLPHIA. Flour Pcnn. tfnoil mid !'uuiv., Whi-at No. 2 lU-d liyo State Corn State Yrjlow OatH-Mixod Butter ('lviiimry J'xtra CheoBi? New York Full Cream. Petroleum Crude lU'tined.... ...... If Yuunrtam:Mi' ol bu:;iuc:-s.wi ;ik- encd by t)io strain of your duties avoid Ftimulantsand uue Hop Bitters. If vou nre younpf and diy-Kuoa or dissipa vied it nin'lft, uld or jioorhcaltu ut Uuiu'iii cc-b, ivly ou Hop v hoover you arc, t'bit yi'ur tyslcm jJ or ftiniuliUititr, fv - v itlioutn''' nr.aoiaf 1, ij n i: e nop Ditters. nave ym a Ia- ot i t''i;i'tch, l:'i.rttn, btnntl, t.ver or ucifea i You will lc r-irrd if y-niuse Hop Eittorb Tf you nr aim- v w i; a k nnd )WF'ii'it''iliryi i It may nva v o u r Mfo. ft has caved hundreds. If you ar it man of ) t- t rut oilinij over mill- nifrm won, m n- to u tii-iun nei vo nnd wa'.ttt umj Hop B sufforintf from any In tion ; if you are iimr younKt suiferin from w! uu a bed of sick-Bitters 'iiiousnna aie an nually 1 1- O 111 twtiuo form uf Kidney diseasu that ininlit have lnKiiin)entcd by a niueiy uuoi noptsmors D. I. C. I an alMoltito unit iireoi.-tj'-hk cure for (Ji-unkeiinL'Stt , use of opium, tobacco, ur uarcotic. ! )1dhydn-.p-'fists. Send for Liicuur, hop Birrtua HTQ CO., Rochester, K. T. 4 Toronto. fnt. 1 2''m POP i ii .lit kirvrn liFAIL 285 to m 295 Eighth NKW YOl iERS, IkSHa Avenuo hi.. i POND'S EXTRACT. Sti,ih;i fiifl-niiH'th.ti, rlvttte Itit'l I if, n:,h Catarrh. r,j I'OHtroi nil V'l'7(;f-', tHif, I nana '.lift .tn:tmt 1XYAUWI1LK VOW Fund'H Kxiruet ih tho only thih dihcaso. Cold in kc. Our I'niari-h ( hit (7." fi'iitK), Bircially ro- I'ltred to inert s rlniis vt-i , i-nutaiiiK all tho, iurativ j .rniirrli !-oi lomi'H llxlrari f nurNuriiil Syrhiffo j c.mtf-), inalii-tltlc furir-'1 in raTarrluil iitVoctiuiiH, ' sim l uil-l i-lN-'-livi. ! Suit Tlirottl and l,nniit liiiiMfl IlnniU j and Fun- nvc ("naily Inn- iit'd 1 y I lie Kxlrnct, j I'i'OHfril Ijiottm und Chiihliiiiw are iiroiuptly r ' lifvrd. and iiltnuatch cun il lr. 1'uinrN Kxlrncl. iff" li uii-iii' - tn ii-i- i-i lur ui'inl wit It our dire--I linn-. Jni-i ftn li:tvi!tjj 'SI' S L i liAt. I. Li.lu4 ; all iinitati"iiJ itfm sulotitutt s. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE CELLULOID EYE-GLASSES. Kiprc-wiiting tlie choicr-tst s-lc-cltl TortoiHC-Blic-U and Anilior. The lightest, banclsoiiK-nt, and Htrongt-ht known. Bold by Ontii ittim and iowi-lrra. Ma.ln l.y Kl'EX'CEH OlTlCAt J1 l-'U. CO., la Maiden Lane, Now York. IInirlyeltli-SAFICST an I llh.Sf: ft url Inslallti- liHiusly.proilucinj; the most ii.nurai buuiit-a or it :h k i,r I'.ruun; iIih-ii NijT blAIN tiit. SkF IV mi l t& .-n. Ilv I lllv) I ftUUIlU U jiu-iai ,tlon ami fuvnrita I uncvury weiia-iniliilt-illitl-lelfor Lailyor u.-ntleniuD. S-ilil by Uru t:tU ttii-t up p'ltil I'V lliiir ItrcwTfc ftpot.:W II liimst .S.Y. f. N. Cili! TK.N TON. A St. r A 11 V I, A N l FA Mil S to teli per Arre. i-'l. Hhort wtuti-w, br. t-zy bitiiiiiii-rf., ln-ttlthvcliinuto. Cutuluiinti ir-e. H. P. t UAMUKHS. Kt- mUbiirild. AI.IjEVi Bi-bIu KiiiKl-uri-BNr-rvoui.Iii-l.iiitvi; WtmUnt-t-b ot OL-ui-r.itivt- ltiutiiH. l-ull ilriiKt-ii-tii. UuuillorCir. toAlUu'.l'lutruiui y, 313 lt Avt- .N.y. YflllNR MEN tuaruT-leifrHpliy. Earntiitoi(ig I U U liu HICK a i,ltl,. (i.-,litatc Ktinranhied pay lug otAcc. Add'. uli-ntiui- Uro.. Juuoivilie, is. RFRRY PRITES and Bi-ke'l.' 'luuaii'io yeaV." 9u4 for Frecplrculiir. N. D. ButtouButralo.N.Y. PT5ft'S fiTTTlT!" !'. ,Conamplion" f"alao iTlOU O t U i-VXi tho beat CouiiU MlioUi. od River Valley ! 2,000,000 ACRES HISTORYoftuewORLD i"WTieat Lands St. Paxil, Mimieanolis S- Manitoba R.R.Co - 1 1-ninraMnir lull Mint antlH iitu' Hwoiintfl nt vi-rv ostium of aucitiit and nuxli-rn tiin.H, and itirludinu a j bitttnry o;' tlti-rinc and tall of tin (in ck and Itomnn KniiiireH, t lie lniddl'- n-''f, thf rriiv-adi", 1 lit- tnidal lystf 11, m n-forniatifiu, tLc disco vry and bttk-- i U i:t f Hi ,Yw World. (., rtr. It rontuins H7'l I'm-' historical t-ii'-'ravinj-'w, and U ' the inoKt coinpl' to History of tlm WniM i-v r pnh- 1 liih'-d. Kciitl tor hpt'ciuicii paK and extra trims to ' 4hcuIh. Addn-Hri j National IVlmmiiso Co J'hiladrlj'hia, Vn. ! H1;mV stmi utjii tli rnMrAnTii ! Fiat J:ouiv u nLHLin aiiu tuitiruni to AltOMATJ'! I'lNO-PAI.MtM: MATTIU'SS C(i., Ill 3 Arc h St., I'liihid li-hia : 1 I .i Uaur St., JioMmi. CARD COLLECTORS. i i i if t i iiiiiiik-u- .-v-in in Uli'.i siiinl1 ; b--lH, Jiv, Krn iu.K ( Alio I'u., llux Wii, UiwliUi.M.u-H. Azeuta WtmtL-il. $3 u Bay m.-tde acllinvaur I'l.VI KOK.U I A1ULT i; dM Al.K. Weigh. upto61b. Ht-t .il I "JJ l'ric" '-t- 1-ruHirirl.t Anuti . j Fniit l'.u-Iiii;;( ti. Pouch JJavk. ts, rl n. Ailiilfi A.. Wills A; Co.. Ht..lo..Mi.-li TllVt-r (liill:ii-M m i- K.-i-.- tl... 1...1H.-V t.-v l.f.-iilr ; uik ami i-iiititutuiu. l or parni ulmv appiv to O. A. McKINLAY, j lyiiml C'nniiniKKHiiii-r, M. I'nul, r.linii. I DEFAULTED SECURITIES ! : Ui.l-i--i ul (-upi limi-puv inn Kail. ; roa-l St.h-.s nml Until-, is ml uf lti.inli:it,-,l 'Joun, j 1'ity. intiiit:. uurl ht.iii- Dmiiis, mav lind it 'I ---1 1 1 -1 1 r 1 !o tlli'll- a-iv;l lit :l with il i.-w tili.:lll' ni- litei -i, to uddui- 1'. o. lii x 1 I. Jii-w Votk 1 uv. i MPLOYMENT-fcSS--!!?? . Al" b A LA R Y pcrmonta. All EXPENSES euvancrd. A1. Dromotlr uald. BLOAUt I A in. UU8 Veorice at. 1 luctuuuli. u. A 3IONTIII AKKNTrl WAKTFDI 7,-5 II. -st Si llini; Art ii-l. k in tin- world, a titiiil It- v . J.iy l'l'oUboit.lA-tMii.Mirli. is; (itVV $777 -lot;, t.ts. PETROLEUM JELLY A VI-'. l( ftttd oxti. (I. Hill l'l'i.-. Ail.l,-... 1'. O. l' KI-;iiy,Aiit!il?ta.MaiiK-. qxiiS tree. Ad-tt'o-i t. bwaiu 1; lo Auiitiata.Ma. I Used and approved by tlie leading . CIA3J3 of EUROPE and AmtJCA,in tA The most Valuable I 1 I 1 rf I Family Remedy iW ri t 1 tl I art J tl M m V , w mm Tnp For the Treatment of WOUNDS. BURNS 60EE8, CUTS. CHILBLAINS 8 KIN DISEASES. EHEUMATISM CATABSH, HEMOliiLEOIDS. Etc. Alsa for . CougBf, Cold, bor lfiioat,Wf onp and Dipbueria, etc trTry them. S3 and SO oent lizea of all oar goo da, KB AMD MEDAL AT THE PHILADELPHIA El POM HOY bILVLtt tiLOAL AT TUB rAJLUI ULTUUTIOM. The "Toilet Ajticleafrom pur Vaseline auch aa Pomado Vaseline- Vaseline Cold Cream, vaseline tampnor ioe. Vaseline Toilet Soapa, ar. .apertor la aar nmiur aaa VASELINE CONFECTIONS. An asrreeable form of tak ing Vaseline internal!. 25 CENTS A BOX C0LOAXE & CO..