The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 03, 1881, Image 3

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    Sta Stoat.
Gus. Rohde the Popul&r
Barber Still Ahead
Phnvine with Bay Rum I" rtt)
Hair Cutting 1 cents
Fhatnpon IS rent
T)rv Shampoo I" cents
Moustache dyltur U ecMs
Shop corner Main and Mill streets,
Ridgway. Pn.
Satisfaction guaranteed eWryllme.
A breakup may be expelft'ed nt any
Maple sugatwlll be In market
soon ami I n. ' -
Nearly every person you meet has
a hard cold.
V ite pinar. eive'opn, cheap at
The Advocate office.
Co. H. attends the Inmeuratinn
of President Garfield at Washing
ton. Company II. lias gone to Wash,
ingtmi to attend the inauguration of
President GmHtld. Hope they will
have n good time.
The RidgWay Rending Circle will
meet at tile school house next Saturday
evening at 1 o'clock sharp. All are
TEAMS WANTED for bark haul
t tg eitlier ty the eoni or by the day at
the Brookston Tannery, Brookston,
Forest County, Pa.
Shakespeare, Byron, or Scott's
poetical works complete for $1.(10, u
bea tiful present for lady friend, nt
Tin-: A dvoc'atk oflice.
Limber has been delivered on the
ground next Brendel's bakery for a
iew building to be occupied when
completed by Mr. Brcndel.
Notice is hen by given to llie pub
lic thnt I have resigned the business
of cemetery sexton.
March 1, 1S8I. M. T. French.
Tlie official presentation of the
obelisk totlie City of New York by the
United States took place at the Me
tropolitan Museum of Art in the pre
sence of a la rye audience.
March comes in like n lion. Snow
fulls in considerable quantity, the
Weather In cold, wind blowing, and a
generally wintery aspect is over the
face of t lie earth.
Honesty is the. best policy in med
cinens well as in oilier thing. Ayer's
Saraparil!a is a genuine preparation,
an unequalled spring medicine ami
blood puriller, decidedly superior to al!
others in the market Trial proves in.
In the way of correspondence the
postairo on letters mailed by General
Garfield at West Mentor since bis
nomination last June has been $-HM,
equfvalaut to the postage for about 10,
000 letters.
A hard cond famine' has struck
Ridgway or rather stunk the place at
the beginning of cold weuilicr and has
been striking in deeper and deeper ever
since. Every one has borrowed coal
from every neighbor having any to
lend. And nt this writing the town
is out n!' anthracite.
AH persons interested nreeordially
invited to meet at Maginnis' Hull,
Saturday evening. March 5.181. when
H lirancli of the National Land League
will be instituted. Rally. then friend
of liberty witdout regard to creed,
polities, or nationality. The meeting
will begin at 8 o'clock. Remember
the date and come to the meeting.
Stockholder Meeting.
Notice is hereby given to the stock
holders of the Brandy Camp railroad
company, that there will be a meeting
of the stockholder at their ofllce in
Rldsiway, Elk county. Pa. .on Monday
the 14th day of February, ISSl .bet ween
the hours of 11 A. M. ami 5 P. M. for
the purpose of electing a board oT
Directors ami transacting such other
business as may come before them.
(. It. Earley, President.
P. W. Hayes, Secretary.
Pursuant to the above notice the
stockholders of the Brandy Camp
Railroad Company met at the ofllce of
U. R. Earley in the Borough of Ridg
way in the county of Elk on the 14th
day of February, A.D 1 where
upon P. W. Hayes was called to the
chair and G. It. Woodward wn
elected secretary and upon motion of
RufusLueore the-meeting was ad
journed until .Monday, Feb. 21st, at II
o'clock A. M.. at the oflice of C. R.
Earley in said Borough of Ridgway.
Pursuant to notice the stockholders
of the Brandy Camp Railroad com
pany met at the office of C R. E-irley
in the Borough of Ridgway in the
county of Elk on the 21st duv of Feb
ruary at 11 o'clock A. M. whereupon
P. W. Hayes was called to the chair
and G. R. Woodward Was elected
secretary and upon motion of Riifu
Lucor the meeting was adjourned
until Mon l iy Feb. 2 at .1 o clo-k A.
M. nt the offl -e of C. R. Earley in the
Borough of Ridgway.
Pursuant to notice the stockholders
ofthe Brandy Camp railroad com
pany met at the office of C. R. Earley
in the Borough of Rhk'way. In the
poiintv of Elk. on the 27th day of
Feburary. A. 17. ISS1 at 3 o'clock P M.
Whereupon E. E. Williard wan called
to the chair and George Woodward
was elected secretary and uon mm ion
by John M. Schrani the meeting ad
journed lo meet In f he office' of C. R.
Karley in the Bcrouyh of Ridgway.
Elk county, on Monday, March 7th,
1881, at 8 o'clock P. M.
Geo. It. WoorwAhD, Secretary.
Get your bill-heads and note
heads printed at The Advocate of-
Fsrssnal Items.
Mrs. Holes ha9 returned from her
recent visit.
Mrs. W. W Wilbur, o? Warren,
was cal ed here last week on Account
of the serloin Illness of her little sister
May Barrett, who has since died
A child of Mr Mansfield or Beach
Bottom died Jasl week and was burled
on Sunday.
The school nt Dngupuil.nht'e.
Miss Katie O'Connor, teacher, closed
its sessions yesterday.
.las. D. White was on hand and
went to Washington with Company
Clark Stewart's Infant daughter
died last week. The child was a few
days more than a year and a halt
There were, two interments l:t
the new cemetery on Sunday last, viz I
Mr. L I. Powers, and Clark .Stewart's
Ell Perkins' Lecture at the Opera
House, on Friday night was a very
enjoyable affair.
Tal. Cuthbert, of Brookville,spetit
Friday night, las week, at his parents
in this Borough.
Paul Wendt, of Willlamspoi i,
c.mie to Ridgw.-iy last Saturday, and
vl,l hereafter work for A SwaNZ Ross.
He forim-rly was in 'the employ of Mr.
Orrin Bedell, of Snow Shoe.
Centre county, formerly of this place i
in town preparatory lo going to Wash
ington witli Company H.
The funeral ot Mrs. L F. Powers
last. Sunday was attended by a greit
many people. Twenty-two rigs were
in the precession besides a large num
ber n !.t.
Pro1'. J. B. Johnson, and wi.e and
son, of W'l.cox, were in attendance on
the Perkins' lecture Inst Friday bight.
They returned to Wilcox on mail
Mr.- L. F.- Powers desires fo pub
iicly return th. inks to nil those friends
anil acquantances wha so kindly ren
dered assistance during the illness
und death of his wife.
Minnie Aruolil, a mill-girl of Pro
vidence, R I., lately from Lowell,
Mass., diidby self-administered pol
son. She had become infnrutcd with
a married man, and had tried to kil
Notice is hereby given that the
Rev. J. H. Burton will hold services
in the Grace Church on Sunday,
March dlh. is?i, at 11 o'clock A. M..
and 7 o'clock P. M.
H. M. Oktz. Dean.
In Mciiioi-hini of
Mrs. L. M. Pow ts
"I'Vw pain Klie suiroreil,
nor expired with
Her mini was whispered mil with (foil's still
As .mi i"M frleml Is hei-kmied to n fenr-t,
Anil t rented lllten Ions fsiiiltiiir cuest.
tie took her 11 he found, hut full mi her so,
Ah one III hourly rendinesR topi."
Another life has gone, another form
bent by the weight of houorc, years,
has been laid t: rest beneath the ever
irreeii shade of the whispering pines.
On Friday P. M., Mrs. L. F. Power
quietly passed away to the spirit land.
She had been sick fi r a few weeks
only and was confined to her bed for
about ten days be ."ore her death. Born
in lSiili, she had measured up the al
lotted three score and ten with an
added lease of live more years. Forty
eight years of her life she was the
beloved wife of the bereaved husband.
A few years aller their inanhi;;c Mr.
and Mrs. Powet's united with the 'on
trrcgatloital church at their home in
the east and they have kept their
christian lamp trimmed and burning,
and, at I he call of the Bridegroom sin
was ready. The funeral service was
at the resilience of Mrs. Paine, at three
o'clock. P. M , on Sabbath the 27th
of Feli'y 18S1, und was attended by a
larjie number of the friends und
neighbors of the deceased. A friend
remarked to me that, "it was the
largest gathering, at a funeral, that lie
had ever seen in Ridway." Rev. S.
M Clark conducted (he service.
How imlni they sink to rest,
How sweet is I heir repose,
Who, gent y on hroist.
Life's feeble throbbing close.
The storms mid lllsof life
No longer meet th. Iriaize,
To raise wilhin ll strife.
And shadow closing ilnj u.
Kor, llfni upon the I tuck.
They anchored sure inul fast.
And, Willi the while robed Hock,
l-'car not the chilliiiK hiiiKt.
Di iilh's cold and tiirldd flood
Heats 'gainst their safe retreat,
l(c-(. emed Isy Josux' blood,
Their refuge is complete.
And high nlinve the storm,
Ai d, far above the waves,
KhcIi fleeting spirit form
flies swift lo Him who saves.
Triumphant now they sing
With all the saintly throng,
Glory to Christ our king,"
' .ill prulse io Him below.
rtldgwaj , Pa., Keh. 27th, 181. ( E. II.
The largest line of sump'cs for
gentlemen's t-pring suits you ever saw
are on exhibition at the Merchant
Tailoring Establishment of A. Swartz
Ross. Prices arc low chough to suit
the most economical, and high enough
to suit the most fastidious. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Work deliver, d
Brudtmd, Pa., February 14. F.
A. McClnin, un employee of l he Rob
ert's torpedo' emu pai i.y, was this morn
ing driving (thing the highway, fi.
teen miles southeast of this place, in
a sleigh coiiti.iiiiug 2i0 pouuilH nt
nitro-glycerine. when the horses be
came lied and lau against a
iiou iU-r causing an t xphsii n. Mc
tlain was loin to atoms und both
hoists were kiiled, Ti.ere was not g
I race of the sleigh left The youtiu
man's parents ure said to reside al
jeaver Falls, Pa.
Diii't forget to call and se ourtcraji
Mosn for Ilmise Plants.
A corespondent of the Country
Gentleman wriics: A good many kinds
of succulent glowing plants during
their season of rapid growth require
When growing In (wits a great qu-iiitlty
of moisture at the roots This Is the
case with such kinds as carnations.
Iibuvadiaa, heliotropes, geranium and
roses, especially If grown In a house
heated by artificial means, and H
minimum of 60 mantalned. A good
many failure's with Jroses during the
Winter are caused by not supplying
sufficient water to the roots when
growing For years I made this mis
lake myself, but as we were daily
learning the nature and requirements
of p!nnts better, I Und that too much
water cannot lie given roses growing
in a Idyll temperature, having plenty
of healthy foliage, so long lis there is
sufficient porosity in the soil to pre
vent saturation. Dryness at the roots
Is ofien the cause ol mildew on plants
and is also the cause of plants produc
ing Imperl'eet buds. Where plants me
placed in warm rooms, it is a good
plan to cover the surface of the plots,
or If growing in shallow branches,
the surface of the bed, with moss,
which may either lie the green moss
found growing on stumps und stones
ill the moist parts of the woods, or
sphagniiim moss found in -swamps;
this latter Is the kind I generally use,
but the other is the prettiest for house
Br. Tanner LYIipscd.
Mcndville Repub'lean.l
Doctor Tanner's voluntary absti
nence for forty days astonished alike
scientists and the common herd, yet
here. In our Very midst, in the sub
marine divNion of the old reliable
Fourth Ward of Mcndville, a case '
involuntary abstinence has just been
brought to light that renders (he
hitherto astonishing experiences
of Dr. Taniiera mere episode in every
day life.
A day or two since Mr. M. M. Pow
ell, who ri sides on West street just
above high water mark discovered
in an abaiiiloned "ca1 oose" he had
purchased of the R. R. Company the
wonder of the tije.
A little nmre than six week since.
Mr. P. in taking an inventory of his
live poultry, discovered the loss of a
favorite pullet, and the language he
used in expressing his oppimon of the
villainous one who had in the dead
hours of night invaded the fold and
purloined the favorite, was some
thing unpleasant to christian ears.
Every e(!bri lo discover the where
ahoutsof the lost treasure was vain,
and the search was abandoned. A
few days subsequent to the mysteri
ous disappearance the "caboose" was
filled wiih wood, from which at regu
lar intervals, the kitchen stove
has been fed until the amount
two full cords was exhausted. At
this juncture, Mr. P. discovered a
half hiiMUi'l basket lying inverted tin
the floor, said basket having disap
peared about the lime the favorite did,
and lie proceeded lo put it in better
location for future use. and upon lil
ing ii wiiat was hN astonishment to
find Mrs. P.iilcly underneath it, and
more astonishing, showing simis ol
li:'e. The bundle of ruffled feathers
ami but little else was taken into tin
I . ..1 ! . .
House iciiueriy nursed ami lo-ilav Is
strutting about seemingly proud o.
her achieve m-nt, Mr. P. says thai
wnen last seen hclore her captivity
she would have weighed about four
pounds ai'ter mil resuscitation sin
weighed less than one pound.
In pleasant days, the "caboose"
when i nipty bad been occupied bv
the children as a pi ly bouse and one
little girl in a spirit of precocious mis
chief caught the pullet and hid her
under ti e basket ami forgetting it
poor biddy was emtombed as above
The New Bible Quick Time.
The new version of the New Testa
nient, which has been so many years
in course of translation and which is
unquestionably the most important
literary enterprise this century ha
.. I . ! . !... : i ...
seen, is living mmiuii ioi- Willi cur
iosity und anxiety by hundreds of
thousands It is not generally known
that first the edition of oOo.Ojo copies
has already been maiiu act u red in Eng
land, and 100,000 copies are said to be
already in New York City, not one ol
t hem permitted to be sold. tin
awaiting a telegram from thenuthori
ties in England authori.iug their is
sue. The first copies can only be hail
at the extravagant price of $10 per
copy. 1 lie Literary Revolution pro
poses fully to meet the demands which
its army of friends are making upon
it by doing probably the quiekesi
work In book-making which has ever
yet been accomplished. Arrange
ments have been fully made to put
tlie entire licok into type inside of
24 hours from the time a printed copy
of the English edition can be procured
and within three days at Icist 10,01:1
copies will be bound ready for de
livery to await purchasers, ami at
least 5.1KMI copies will lie manufactured
every day thereafter, until the de
mand is met. It will be printed in
large beautiful type, licit' ly and
stromrly bound in cloth, in a volume
of nl ion t inn i ages, and sold at tiie
nominal price of 3) ct nts. A fine
edition in half Russia, ullt lop, will
be sold for fo cents, and one in full
Turkey morocco, ellt edires, for $1.21.
Of course, the (sqiutar demand will be
e iormous. Orders will be filled in
the order in Which thc.V are received
with remittance. American Book
Exchange, New Yojk. '
Note paper and ctfvclopes at the
AhvocAT; ofAc".
British Poets $ UK)
tvb Aoovb wlfat
a volume' at
Mcfvanlllo Appraisement.
The Venders of Foreign and Do
mestic Merchandise, Distillers and
Brtwefs, Brokers. Ac. in Elk eoun'v:
will lake notice that thev are a'p
pridsed and classed by the undersigned
Appraiser of Mercantile and other
Lb eiise tax, for tlie year 1881, as fol
lows, to-wit :
Tersen or Firm. Siai of LIcjms. Clasi X. t.
Miles Dent, retailer 14 7 no
C A. Hasklns. pat medi 3 10 00
W. C. Johnson, retailer 11 15 no
T. J. Shaffer, retailer 9 20 00
FOX township.
F. X. En. retailer 14 7 00
Joseph Koch it Sonrclaller. 11 15 tm
James A. Mohan, retai er 13 l i On
John Mohan, retailer 1 701
H. Strajleyt, retiber 12 12 fid
H. Sirmsslcy, Hqr store l
.1. II. Steel ACo., retailers f) i't 00
f.. I. Taylor ft, Co., retailers 11 Kinn
Mrs John Marsh, retailer 14 7 no
Charles Miller, retailer I 7 0'
Mioipn ilium, retailer 14 7 01
Edward Rrennan, retailer 14 700
Jacob Miller,. retdler 14 701
HOKTON township.
liihn C'liico. retailer 14 7
7 no
v.ii. Hyde & Co., retailers 12
Uroekpo'rt & K ey
stoiie Lumber Co.,retniicrs 10
Brock port & Key
stone Lumber Co.. fiat med. 4
E. H. Dixon. retailer 14
Able t.'icsli retailer 14
20 00
6 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 no
7 00
5 no
7 iki
4tl 00
10 :
7 00
JONES township.
A I . Ahlnch, retailer 14
(4 A.Jacobson, retailer 14
John Afchan. Incut mrktM
.1. C. Malolie; retailer 14
J. C. Malone, 4
Martin Sowers, retailer 14
Wili-ox T.A L. Co., retailers 7
Wilcox T.ifc L. Co.. I -lit hied. 3
Mrs. t .T.Allen, retailer 11
Richard Krciinnn. retailer 14
ninowAY noKouaii and township
L. C. Ilremlel, retailer
7 tin
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
r no
'20 00
7 (in
12 fin
7 00
7 Od
7 00
40 00
10 0 I
7 Oil
111 t)i
7 01
12 oO
15 "0
7 01
20 0 1
1.3 0 1
1.3 00
7 00
7 00
7 Oil
7 00
1-3 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
50 00
6 on
7 00
7 O'l
7 Oil
7 (M
7 CO
7 00
lo 00
(10 00
.3 0(1
7 (i0
7 0i
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 () !
7 (in
7 0'
12 oil
7 ( -0
7 00
7 00
11 01
7 no
in on
20 1 0
.3 00
C. I). C. RoWel's, retailer
It. I. Campbell. retailer
Mrs. CD 'rayston. retailer
Cohen R's&Brown-
-tcin, retailers
D. B. Day, drugs A pat ined.
10. Branch L. Co., retailers
E. K. (fresh. retailer
(frant & llorlon, retailers
(ico.lM turret, retailer
t 'bnrlcs Holes,
W.H.Hvde A Co
rein iter
W. II H vile A Co.-nat ined
(f. (i. Messenger, retailer
(J.fJ.Mcsst.tiger, pat. med.
Mercer Rros., meat mrktll
M'Oloin A M 'Gee-
ban, retailers
J . W . Morgester, ret a i ler
Mrs. P. A. Mead, retailer
W( H. Osti rlmut, retailer
l'owel I A Kline,
CW.Rohe A Co.,
John Ross,
S. A. Reuben.
J.t '.Stn-rlelon,
Frank S Itellc,
I 'll ion Store Co.,
M. Lahinrcux,
Jacob Buttcrfuss,
meat mrktl i
spKixti cukkk township.
Smith. Racers & Co retailers 14
bt.makvs itonoi tiii.
( oryell A Russ retailers 0
Coryell A Russ pat med. 4
John Koehiman, retailer 14
James Blakcly, retailer 14'
C.L.P.iiyer, retailer 14
Philip Fisher, retailer 14
John B. Flutter, meat mrktl4
li. . (iilf.inl,
I . W. (iillbrd.
Hull. Kaul A Co.,
Hall, Katll.ACo.,
( icorge iifliaU,
Mis A. B Kilieen. retailer
John King. 11. eat mrktU
('has. Luhr. retailer 14
Charles A Lion, meat mrkl 14
Mrs.M.A. McNailyretailer 14
Charles McVcan, retaib-r 14
' 'barles MeVean. pat. tiled. 3
I'M ward Mcliiiilc, retailer 14
'li.irles I). Miller, retailer 1 1
Spafl'nrd A Tiorlicy. retailer 12
K X.Soscnhciliier, retailer 14
William Teul. r, retailer 14
Herman F Tculer.rctailcr II
Weis Bros.. retailers bl
Albert Weis. retai er 1 1
Joseph Wilhcllll, retailer ri
.lo.-ejih Wilheliu, retiicr 0
.lo-i jih Wilheliu, pal. med 4
Joseph tllielm, llqr store
(. Weidcnboerncr.relailer 14 7 (!0
I E Weidenl rnreretailer 14 7 0:
Mrs. J. E Weiden-
hocrner, retailer 14 7 00
(eo. Weigel.Jr., retailer 14 7 O'J
; comird Will 111:111, retailer H 7()i
DcForcNt Weld, retailer 14 7 0 1
Alois Loeiller. retailer 14 7 00
Uilli'iril LtitvHHP,
mi at way iMUoicir.
J.S M.i!iiniiis, 3 tables
I'eter Bogart, 1 table
(f. T, Aaron, 3 tables
O.F.Spooler, 2 table
sr. maiivs iiiiittirtjii.
Joseph Schmidt. 1 table
Jin ii'rr Ish i hhc,
Herman Tit rt, brewer
Peter Connors, brewers
sr. maiiys noitoruir.
Charles Luhr, A Cohrewcr 8
William tlies, brewer
H K N '. I X Cl E H 'I o v X S 1 1 1 P,
Peter St r.nib. brewer 8
5 0(1
A ) (HI
o'J 00
40 00
30 (10
1-3 (Hi
1-3 CO
2-3 00
13 1 0
25 00
Tiwrru iiiid Efitinji Iloimr License,
Henry B'csli. tavern 5
(! h Win!ow, tavern 6
Joint Daly, eatinghousj
E. It. 1'iX'Ui, tavern 5
eatiinr hous 5
tavern 5
Armel Turley,
John Collins.
tavern 5
Fredrick Keiiote, tavern
I-rcilrick Keiiote, tavern ,3
lames Met loskcy .eating hous 5
Patrick Fuhy, eating hous 5
Andrew 1 1 mi. eating ImusS
Martin Sowers, tavern 5
M. M. Schuh., tavern 5
hi i way nnnoCfjtt.
(icorge T.Aaron, eatinu hous 5
l'ter Bosftirt, tavern 6
Jackson. tavern 5
James McFarlan t-ivern 5
W ll. Schraiu. tavern fl
John Vaukthan, tavern 6
J. K. M.iginnis. eating hous 5
sr. maiiys nonot'cm.
John CJ roll. tavern 6
William (,ics. tavern 6
Jacnli K raus, cation hous .3
Henry Luhr. tavern 5
A nt bony Schauer.favern &
James Regan, tavern 5
Lorenz Voitcl. . tavern 3
Jos. F.W I ml (elder, tavern 6
William Zi It, eating hous 5
John i-'celilii an. tavern 6
M. Wellendorf tavern fi
Frank X. Sorg. tavern 5
Ormt Mills.
hen kz KTTE TOW NS H I P
Miles Debt. retailer 14
T. J. Slialli r. retailer 14
7 00
7 Of
7 00
7 00
bexziSoek township.
Bened ictineSiM'iety retailer 11
Zenas Webb. retailer 14
JhiKelv retaiUr 14-
kiijovvay township.
Will. Hyde & Co.,retallers 14 7 00
NetibPrt & lews, retailers 14 7 00
Wllliclm ADorulshretailers 14 7 (X)
Take notice, all who are concerned
In tills appriiisiuent, that an appeal
win tie neiu on inezmi uay or April.
181, at the Town Hall, In St. Marys
Borough, between the hours of 9 A
M. and 7 P. M., where you can attend
if you think proper.
James RooaKj Appraiser'.
March l.lfWl. 4t
Where He Stands.
From Mr. Mitchell's letter declining
o lie a candidate for rcuomjnution to
Congress last year we take tlie follow
ing extract :
"I have learned that the public
sendee is u science which, to be ac
quired, must be long and laboriously
studied, and an art Which, to be
acquired, must be long practiced.
Hence, I am sensible of many short
comings. What skill 1 flirty have ac
quired in (ids behalf Is of small
account to me in priva'e life, but It
cannot transfer it to my successor. To
avoid Hits waste in future, so far as
possible, I can only urge t he selection
of a successor worthy of long continu
ance In the public service, with the
hope that he may he retained long
enough to make him moi'ti useful than
any man can be without such experi
ence. Neither local ambition nor
personal preference should be per
mitted to interfere with tlie tenure o:
such a man so long as he remains
faithful and efficient in office. To
make him such he should poscss in
tellectual force, great capacity and
love for work, and physical health and
strength to endure it, good habits,
strict Integrity, manly independence
of opinion and courage of action, in
timate knowledge of the common
people and their wants, and tx luiurly
devotion to thelrscrviee. Such a man
witli a reasonable prospect of continu
ance In office, would be serviceable
front the first, and after some years'
experience would honor his district
and adorn the Nation's history. If.
in addition, lie possessed sufficient
estitte to be free of all anxiety for
current expenses and a competency in
old age he would be better able to de
vote all his energies to his public
duties. Tins salary now paid is suffi
cient, if there could be any reasonable
certainty of tenure without the neces
sity of paying heavy election expenses.
But these, with those necessarily
incident to tiie office and family ex
penses, leave very little of the salary
as a compensation fur time and labor,
and practically nothing for support in
alter life. If truly devoted to his
work, a member of Congress can find
no time for private husiues.
His vacation must be given to
study. lie is never without
work for a rainy day or a
dark night. The vast field of political
science lies ever open before him, and
to suc.H'cd well he must never lire ot
exploring It. Such, at least, is nty
view, and I have acted up n it, be
ginning nt Harrisburg nine years ago.
It is not a paying liusiness, except in
the knowledge acquired. It is how
ever, the ino't iuspiritl.; of all profes
sions, ii' it were free from electioneer
ing an I factious sq-iabbles
within one's own parly. It as not
aurccajile to decide between friends,
knowing that one, witli all his follow
ers.will berate you. or to be blamed for
doing what somebody else does and
for not doing what you cannot do. I
think an alternate member of Con
gress, whose duty it should be to at
tend to all such work ami to take all
blame for it, would be a most desira
b.'e improvement in organic politics.
He Could see to garden-seeds, pensions
and public documents at the same
lime He would soon have enemies
enough, if you ad I applications for
appointments, to keep him in office
for life out of pure spite"
Answer This,
Did you ever know any person to be
ill, without inaction of the stomach,
dver or kidneys, or did you ever know
one who was well when either was
obstructed or inactive; and did you
know or hear of ali.V case of the kind
that Hop Bitters would not cure? Ask
your neighbor this same question.
For fear you may forget we say
once more don't rail to go in and see
I he hi xtock of hew goods at the
Union store.
About 60 bushels good apples at
75 cents per bushel at Morgester's.
Dried apolcs and peaches at Mor
gester's. Apple butter in 5 lb. pails, Plums
in palls, green gages in cans at Mor
gester's. I.itht running. Latott Improved
CCMCSTIC, at prices never heard o
before, at Mrs.W. 8. Services.
Get your note-heads, letter heads
and envelopes ricatfy printed at The
Advocate olflce
Note paper and envelopes at this
Ask your neighbor to subscribe
for The Apvocate only $1.50 a year
when paid in advance,
raH'oriiin npricoNCallVirnla pears
yellow peaches Winslow & Standard
irreen corn at Morjesfcr's.
--Shaktls corn and dried lima hearts
at Morgester's.
Horse brushes, curry eoml s. cir
c! ogles sml blankets call ou J a 00b
Our Laiahivc if dcite I1T S and TlrfWb'S rcntaih
the "BEST and CHEAI EST' and our
give prices and dentripliovs of Designs,
Baskets and Lose Cut Flowers for any occasion
Sent free 011 application.
Harry Chaapcl,
Seedsmaii Florist,
Williamsport, Pa
There came to the premises of Lewis
Boylngton, in Horton township, Elk
county, Pa., about the middle of last
October, a three year old cow having
a line back red sides, and heinir nar-
t tally white. Any person owning i
said cow will please Come forward,
prove property, pity charges ami take
her away or she will be disposed ofj
according to law. I
ti. -..
The elastic plant sprinkler. An"
indispensable article for showering
plants, keeping them in a healthy
condition, and useful in sprinkling
boquets and moistening clo lies Cal
ami see a sample at The Advocate
Scrap pictures, shelf paper ma
chine made, and note paper and en
velopes at T he Advocate office.
Scrap pictures, Authors, pen hold
ers, note paper, envelopes from size 1
to size 14. A large and elegant stock
of fancy note paper in boxes at The
Advocate office. Also shelf paper,
which is neat, ornamental and dura
ble. No trouble to show these goods
even if you do not wish to purchase.
A SsWartz Ross, Merchant Tailor,
Ridgway, over Powell St Kinie's
store has just received a bran new lot
of samples of spring styles of goods.
To be sure it seems thatjthese samples
area little in advance of the season,
but Mr. Ross desires at all times to
kee) fully abreast of tiie times, in
style of goods, styles of make, and
always guarantees perfect fits,
and leave yaur measure now for your
spring suit.
Ci H. Luther is teaching the school
at Dairus Mines and has 03 pupils in
charge. Surely a person of less nerve
than Clarence would quail before such
a task. The building can accommo
date only about half of this number
at onetime and in consequence tlie
school is divided into two sections,
one section attending in the morning
and the other in the afternoon. '1 he
parents should not expect their child
ren to make very rapiu progress under
the circumstances. Th" teacher lias
an truniensely hard and difficult duty
011 hand and he is not shrinking from
I he performance of It but on tlie con
trary is doing everything within his
power to benefit the pupils committed
to bis care. XI r. Luther also teaches
a private night school givng the larger
boys, who are engaged in tlie mines
during tlie day, an opportunity to
learn ninny of tlie practical pa-ts of a
public school education, of which they
would otherwise be denied. This is
an important slept, one that should
have been taken before, one that must
now be beamy endorsed and encour
aged. The writer has frequently
urged with pen and voice the estab
lishment of nights schools for the ed
ucation of those youth of school age
who are compelled to toil during the
day for their daily bread. The direc
tor of Fox have an immediate duty
to perforin in providing increased
school facilities for Dagus Mines. The
question cf establishing a school to be
opened at night shou'd be considered
If there is a stiffi.-ieut number of per
sons of legal age, who cannot attend
upon public instruction id the day
time it becomes the duty ofthe direc
tors to 'make provisions accordingly.
The school law does Hot provide for
day schools or night schools but for
schools, a sufficient number of them
too, tlie time of tl.eir beitiyr held is a
matter that may be fixed by the di
rectors and the directors should lie
tftiided liy the exigencies of the case.
Elk County is fast becoming a mining
County and as in other mining
counties of the state, evening sessions
of public sclnsils system cf our Com
monwealth was framed with-a broad
liberal, spirit ami its designers, en
trusted with a high mission were
moved with a high purpose to place
tlie rudiments of an education within
tlie reach of all classed.
The afteiidttncc upon many schools
has been very meagre this winter on
account of sickness but tlie children
are now starting in again and the
prospects are very good.
Geo. R. Dixon, Supt.
Father is Ottlnjj Well.
My daughters say, "Hov much
liefter father is since he used Hop
Bitters." lie is getting well after his
long suffering from a disease declared
incurable, an ! we are so glad that he
used your Bitters. A lady of Roches
ter, N. T. Utic Herald.
Business Cards.
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., P.
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles, also to paten M
and patent cases.
Oftfcc fn new brick building, Main
street, Ridgwftjr, Elk Co., Pa. v32t
Late of Strattanville), Physician and
Surgeon. Ridgway. Pa. Office in
Hall's Brick Building (up stairs )
References J. I). Smith, II. L.
Young, R. Rtilofson, Strattanville;
Major John KitleV, W. W. Green
land, Clark n. Has practiced his
profession sccessfully for moro than
ten years.
N. W corner of Main and Mill streets.
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
Has remot-ed his ofllce from Centre
street to Maiii street, Ridgway, Ptt., in
the second story of tlie new bficit
building of John G. Hall, west of the
Hvde House.
Office hours :-l to 2 P. M. "to 0 P.M
W. H. SCIIRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon hiniy
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. oc'UO'Utf
PEDIA. This admirable work is now com
pletein lvols. Eachvolumecontains800
pages. It tnakesa complete and well
selected library, and no one can
afford to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price $" no in cloth, in leather, or $7.00 hi elegant
halfTurkcV. For particulars address;
W. II. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co.,
N. Y.. who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K- Judson
general agent.
At The Advccato OITlce.
May be found:
Noteptiper, billet note, octavo note,
foolscap, legal Cap, letter paper; invi
tations and nntcpnpcr bM) sheets of
paper and 100 envelopes in a box all
for one dollar.
Scrap pictures in endless variety.
Autograph albums, a beautiful lot,
at low figures.
Fancy notepape and envelopes in
handsome boxes.
Silver perforated cardboard.
Black bristol board, and other colors
for poriiucOpiuJf.and other fancy work.
Shelf paper, the neatest tiling out
for pantry shelves, clock shelves, and
all other kind of shelves. This paper
; is machine made, and we sell any
quantity from one sheet to 50 gross.
New Year cards. It will pay yotf to
see our stock.
Bargains!! Bargains!!!
NEW&YORK STORE (next door"
post-offlce) Ridgway, Pa.
17.1 men's suits will be sold at the
lowest rates ever before known.
60 Youths' Bojs' and Childrens'
75 Men's and Children's Overcoats.
A big line of buckskin Gloves and
Caps in great variety.
A big lineofunderwearfrom 23 cents
inwards. These iroods will be sold at
the greatest reduction ever known-.
We are oblidge to close out the
above Goods in order to make room for
our spring stock.
Customers coming from a distance
and trading worth Will. have theif
fare paid Uitli ways; those trading $10
worth will have their fare paiu one
All the rest 6f our goods will beo1u
accordingly at a great reduction.
Remember the place. v
Cohen Buos. & BrowssteineI
Jam Poles
Middletown X-Cut Saws.
Jelfard's, White's anil Mann'a AxesV
Tubular and ' Lanterns.
Diston's X-Cut Saws.
Boynion's Lightning Saw's.'
Coal Hods.
Stove Shovels.
Repairs furnished for any stove.
Ax Handles.
rick Handles'.
i lb. Best Polish 10 eta. at Nov i
lUi street-