The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 03, 1881, Image 2

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Uenrr A. Tarsons, Jr., -
Entered at the Post-ofkick at
Ridgway, Pa., ab second ci-ass
mail matter.
Elk County Dusters.
Elk county, unlike Its sister county
of Forest, on the side of It next to the
setting sun, 1s to some extent, to dread
winning; that is to nny, making n
living for Itself. The hind, which
originally wits hf M In Inrge tracts by
lumber companies, with the dimippcar
ance of the valuable timber, has been
cut up Into small holdings. A few of
the fronteer townships Hre as yet
wrapped pretty much in solitude and
timber, but some portions of the in
terior present, in a limited way, a
Garden of E ten aspect tpiite in con
trast to its "backwoods" locality. The
topography of the country is broken
like MeKean county. Its hills tire
bold, bluff, and, when denuded of
timber, remarkah'e bald. The highest
peaks contain coal, and the mountain
brooks ar alive with trout. The
county, in a word, is famous for its
tanneries, its dry holes, and for Its
unique political complexion. Among
its tanneries Is the largest leather
manufacturing establishment in the
world, to wit, The Schullz Tannery,
Wilcox. Its dry holes are the driest
in the land, while Its Democrats are
the demoeratest anywhere.
Elk county 1ms long hud aspirations
of the oil character. Away buck in
the times Just prior to the lute "on
pleasantness," n fever of speculation
swept over the county. Thousands of
acres were taken up which subse
quently leverted to their owners
undrilled, During the war and im
mediately succeeding that event, a
number of oil producing enterprises
took shape. Several companies were
organized, and some of them proceeded
to business in a business like manner
Operations in those curly times were
confined to valleys and adjacent to
large streams, under the then existing
belief that oil flowed in regular sub
lerraneun channels, like rivers do on
the surface. According to this theory,
the valley of the Clarion River, being
the largest stream in the county, was
very popular as well sites.
In 1804 George Dickinson, a victim
to the prevailing oil fever of the times,
built a rig and drilled a well on his
lands in the western suburb i-f Ridg-
way. The labor was prosecuted hy
water power. He worried the hole
along and in a year or so hud punched
the opening down 8:H). At Mo he
struck gas. The enterprise soon after
this was abandoned. Later, work whs
resumed by Mr. Hugeriy, of Ridgway,
under whose direction the well was
sunk to- n deph of 9U0 feet. No oil
being found, the sponge was thrown
up mid the weir abandoned lor good.
About the same year General Stew
art and others drilled u shallow hole
on Elk Creek one mile west of Dngus
enhomla. This venture u'sn graduated
at 9'Kr feet. No oil was found. The
same parties drilled another well, two
and a half miles west of Duguscahonda.
Thi one died early likewise. In 1-S T4
Brookvillc putties secured' a lease
the mouth ot Millstone township, on
which, a well was (lulled. 1 am
without rulioble data concerning it.
The log, ir any was kepr, is very im
perfect. A driller who did service on
the well states that 100 feet of sund
was found, aud a fdiowiug of oil oh
tnincd. The showing of oil is all
right That part has been corroborated
by competent witnerses. The- same
authority stales that the well was
drilled 2,000 feet and then abandoned
without testing. In this connection
people living hard by the well say that
the mill men in all that country side
get their supplies of crude oil from
this well. The oil which they ue
for both illuminating and lubricating
purposes is obkii ned by dipping from
the conductor hole. Millstone town
ship is in the extreme southwestern
portion, of the county. Millstone
Creek is n tributary of the Clarion
River. This one was the lirst
deep well drilled in tlie county, and
the only one in some fifteen te.ts that
is accredited with oil. In the three
years following the completion of the
Millstone well, the drill was given a
rest in this county.
f The next wihUmt venture to disturb
the afternoon siestas.of the owls was
that of the late lamented John Wal
lace, now in Heaven. Tills venture
is located on warrant 8,2'jI, Ridgway
-township, two miles northeast of Wil
cox. The drill was started in April.
1878,and stopped June 2fi,bHving regis
tered 1,7(10 feet. No oil was discovered.
The sands were found regular, but
there was not very much or it. The
drillers say they thought they could the presence of oil in the sand
puinpings. Only a suspicion of it and
nothing more. The drill stopped W
feet below the occau line.
Aliout the same time the P. C. L. &
P. Co. built a rig on warrant 3,257.
Jones township, about one mile east of
Wallace well.. The drill was started
April 1, and stopped in the bottom or
the hole ut 1.002 fed; elevation above Invfl 1.595 feet. The well was
cased at 380 feet: salt water was found
at 250 feet. Little or no Hands were
found fifty-one feet of sund is re
ported between 1.70G uml 1,750 feet.
The lop of this sand Is 200 feet below
ocean level. The land upon which
this well was diiile l Is owned by the
Wilcox Lumber aud Tunning Com
pany. Next in order of development comes
the well of Reuh Boughton and
then o warrant 2151, Jones town
Mp, about four uillea wst and one
and one-half tulles north of the Wal-1
lace well. The oi of thU well Is not
obtainable. Mr. M. M. Schultz, of
VVIIcox.says, In his opinion, the well
was not drilled deep enough for oil.
He thinks It stopped at 1,700 feet. No
oil was found as far as they had gone,
First and second sai.d was found "O.
K." as Col. SehuitiS expresses it. but
the third was "non est." Mr. Schult.
suspicions are no doubt ill founded.
Houghton is a good careful operator,
and one not easily deceived in sands.
It is not like a go d operator to "swap
horses in the middle of the stream.
Hut, in the event that matters are sub
stantially as Mr. Sehultj sus)ect8
them to be, Mr. Houghton is still on
the safe side. A certain saving cluuse
in the lease relating to depressed
prices for oil prevents the Instrument
working for forfeiture.
In the following year F. H. Clem-
inger, of Bradford, Colonel Hunt, of
Sawyer and others, took up some
lands in the northeastern part of
Highland township. They made a
location on warrant 3788; land of
Jones Bros., first well whs drilled
2,000 feet. The Bradford stratus
came in perfect regularity, according
to Mr. Clemliiger; 00 feet of third sand
is. reported. Eight to ten feet of It
was sufficiently open and porous to
bear oil, but perfectly dry. "The sands
resemble sands in appearance,
being a coffee -brown. A tremendous
gas lead was o, -n A 4 ) quart shot
was exploded in the hole, which bad
no effect than to increase the gas.
La-it 'Milliliter another rig wus built 53
rods sou 111 west of No- 2. The lease
hold and property m.-untime pusMiug
Into the control of Roy & Archer, who
drilled No. 2. This one was finished
six weeks ago, or, more properly, was
believed to be Unit lied about that
time. It was (hilled iniothe sand, at
all events. Sund was struck at 2,000
fleet. It is supposed to lie from 60 to
tiO feet in thic.itiiess. It Inn got no
gas to speak of, and the impression
prevails in Kane that the sand show
ing is an improvement on No. 1 sund.
No. 2 bus riot been shot. More than
that, there is a person in Kane willing
to risk his "ulfred duvy" that there is
nothing there to shoot. The improved
prospects are mere conjuctiire of the
part of the inhabitants. The terms of
their contract with the landlords re
quire them to sturt another well in
Jonathan vnton drilled a well on
the East Branch of the Clarion river,
at Joliusonburg, warrant 3,-8,i; land oi
E. W. Rolfc. The mouth of this well
N 1.441 feet above ocean level. The
hole wus drilled 2,3"0 feet. The per
sinleiit oil siiuds were found in their
propel-order. Third sand was struck
1.W0 feet It was yo feet in thiekiics
but contained no oil. Gas was found
in both the lower sands. The top ot
the third sand is 21! rect below the
ocean level. No oil sands are repotted
below the third strata. A gas jet of
about two-boiler power which, like
the sacred tires is kept constantly
burning and lightens up the gloom for
Johnson burners. Watson, after the
failure of the Joliusonburg venture
moved 4 miles south and located an-
other well on warrant 4,8(j0: land of
Hvde. No. 2 1 located on the rout It-
east corner of the warir.nt and about
1 J miles cast of a north and south line
running from No. 1 to No. 2. Well
mouth above ocean level, 1,44. leet.
The drill wus started during lust sum
mer, and st.i ped on Saturday Int. I liv
ing concluded its missii n, but without
bringing joy to the luarts of the dur
ing cxperin entH ists. Tl.rce well tie
lined oil sands were found, but some
of them were so slender as to require
the service of a microscope to aid tie
teet'uui. Third sand was found at
1.1100 fi et, being of a precise depth as
that found at Johnsonbiirg. But it ws
only a few feet in thickness utid wholly
destitute of oil, drilling was continued
to the depth of 2,2'J0 feet No gas was
discovered anywhere in the ho'e, and
no salt water to speak of. Mon lay
the casing was drawn, and the hole
abandoned. This is the thirl dry
hole that Mr. Watson has drilled in
this section of country, the lirst one
being on the Hebron lands, McKcuu
Five miles southwest of Watson's
Whistletown venture Seth mid Mar
cus (lutings drilled a well on warrant
4:3'.i4 Daintseahoudu on Elk creek and
on lands of Col. Bates, Sheldon aud
others. This well was drilled to a
depth of 1905 feet. Three regular oil
sands were found, third sand being
discovered ut Kl feet. Hillings re
ports 55 feet of tltir 1 s ut l an I slight
indications of oil. It was shot with
twenty-two quarts of glycerine.but the
shock failed to have effect, either for
good or evil. The venture wus aban
doned witltout any further test being
made. The mouth of this well is
ulsiut 1473 feet aJiove lli-j oe.-an level.
The third sand according to those
figures un-K-rlies-the ocean level 2oJ.
feet. No gas.
Huliugs moved two miles east ami
located another well ut Bcabonda, on
warrant 4,40ts, owned us above. Well
mouth above the ocean level, 1,510
feet. Drilling was begun on or about
November 17 and stopped Feburury 1
when the well wus resirted to be
1,815 feer. Mr.. Hilling says he not
u better showing here than in No. 1
at Dugtis'. He reports oil and gas in
the second sand gas enough to furn
ish fuel for Imller. Second sand was
found at 1 400 feet-40 feel in thickness
The third sund wus struck at 1.7:0
feet, 60 feet in thickness. Mr. Hill
ings says he thought he could delect
the yrwsenee of oil in the sand pump
lugs. He says the a-. nd is a grayish
dark or cotn-e color. The third sand
in tills well Is 851 feet below the tide,
und 48 feet lower than the same sand
horizon at the Dugiiscahoudu well,
two miles to westward. Mr. Hullngs
gays lie noticed a chauge In the strata
from the mountain sand tu the bottom
of the well. The well has not been
shot. Mr. llulinsri thinks It Is quite
probably that he will drill an addi
tional fifty feet. He thinks that a
well, if drilled a mile or two south of
Hcahnudii would no d ubt strl'ie it
rich. This well is located on the
line of the P. A IS. R. R., three miles
westof St. Marys ft-id seven and n
half miles cast of Rldgway.the eupltol
of the county.
Green Bros., of Warren, drilled two
we'ls north of St. Marys about two
years ago, the first one being in the
centre of warrant 4,084. Drilled 1,200
feet, no oil no gas. The second weli
was located about three miles north of
St. Marys, oh the Williamsport road,
and on warrant 4,104. This well is
not unlike Its contemporary in its
results. Both were dry. both found
sand, and both. It is believed, got u
little gas. Mr. Hilling thinks they
are not deep enough to catch the third
sund rock. These wells are nor'.li ami
east of Iluli'igs' wells, and, if deep
enough, certainly cook the goose ot
Renzingcr township, us likewise are
the Watson wells, add also that ol
Grant & Morton, on warrant 4,807, one
mile westof Ridjwuy Borough. ThU
well was drilled 1.800 feet, got sand
but no oil. A 40-ouart shot was ex
ploded in it which did not seem to
amend mutters. A well, I understand,
wus drilled in Benezette township.
With the exceptions of the important
fact that It is dry, no other informa
tion is at blind.
Tills article covers all the wells
drilled in E'k county up to this date,
with the single exception of the Pratt
& Huliock well, Millstone township.
Not shut down ut 1,000 feet and pre
sumably dry. Sixteen hundred feet
at that point is certainly deep enough
to intercept the third sand If any ex
ists there. The list of dusters include
10, und all that have ever been drilled
in the county a sufficient depth for
011. They are widely scattered and
condemn a large scope of territory
The third sands in all wells of which
records arc obtainable, were found at a
singularly uniform depth, and almost
a uniform dtpth of seam. The
Whistletown well being the further
most west of the eastern series of wells
getting least sand; while Huliugs' No
2 at Scuhonda on the eust side got the
greatest depth. The prospects for oil
in paying quantities in Elk county ate
of the bluest possible sort.
The Colli iiromiscd ('iiiiditinte.
Jolni I.Mitehel.1 who ha heen elect
ed to the United .States Senate hy the
lYiiiisylvniiia iA'gisltiture, was Imrn at
Mi'i-hell's Cret k, Tiogn eounty, and is
now in his 44th year. He worUeil
upon a l"n rm und attended the public
schools until lie attained ti e aire ol
IS, when lie entered the Lewisliuijj
Seminary, in Union County, where he
was the classmate of Riiri'eiilallv.
Charles 8. Woll'e. He graduated
about 1858 and read law with Hun. V.
E. , Smith of Tioga, after which he
was admitted to the haroi" that county.
During the Civil War he enlUted in
Colonel liayue'x Regiment, the 13(th
I'eniisylvaniii Volunteers, and was
promoted to the rank of Captain.
Upon his return home he located at
Wellshoro, Tioga county, nnd resumed
the practice of law, which lie has con
tinued successfully since. In the
year 18bK lie was elected District At
torney of the county, and at the ex
piration of hi.- term of office in 171
was elected to the Pennsylvania House
of Kcpresciital ives, where lie took a
leading part in leislatii n and served
continuously until 1870. For several
sessions he was Chairman of the
Judiciary Committee, and was re
carded as the leader on the Republican
side of the House. In 1870. witl.out
his seeking, he received the unani
mous nomination of his putty in the
Sixteenth Di.-trict for Congress and
was elected hy a handsome majority.
lie was le-ck-ctcd in 1878, aud during
the summer of lW ,e wrote hn
friends a lt-ttcr declining to lie a can
ilutouLMiin. His present term expircs
on till' 4th of !nr h, when he will hi
promoted from ih' House to the Sen-
iita of the United States. Mr. Mitch
has always bct ii a close student. Hi.
reading lias heen varied and extensive.
He stands well as a lawyer, and is a
logicitl, forcible tiMi eloquent speaker.
He is about live fiet elevin inches in
height, weighs two hundred pounds,
and has a tine personal presence.
John I. Mitchell is anout live feet
eleven Inches hih and rather stout
His face is round full and alwayi
wears an expression of good nature
lie wears cinn whiskers, which ar
light in color, has a handsome mouth
aud he will he known as one of the
good-looking Senators. He is a fair
speaker, und though he would not be
called an orator lie always speaks lo
the point. At times, us on one occasion
when he had u wordy encounter wit)
Speaker I'atterson when a member ol
the Legislature, lie shows that he has
great force of t xpiessioo. Among his
friends Mr. Mitchell is not regarded as
a liaid worker, indeed, lie is said to
im line rather to indolence. He has
the of running his builds
through his hair, which gives bis head
h bushy a p tiiraiit e He has kept
entirely uloof fiom the present Sena
torial contest, mid has hardiy been
considered a dark horse, having been
in Hnrrisburg but twice tUls winter,
lie wus supposed to be u supporter ol
General Reaver, and, it is said, en
deavored to secure the representatives
of his county to that gentleman ulsiui
ten days ago, but he wus not success
ful. Go to Molester's for bargains in
all kinds of groceries nolhlng hut first
class goods Bold at this establishment.
Rislev's Witch Hazel
Cures Headache, Burns, Sprains
Cuts. Wounds, Rheumatism, Tooth,
ache. Earache, He. Warranted equal
to any made, at hnlf price.
Oor.. Mottles 25 cent; Pint. Bottles 60
cents; Quarts 1.
Have your druggist order, If he has
not In stock, of
Wholesale Druggists, 04 Cortlaudt
St., New York City. ti47 4m.
I 4r If Too ero a ranaV-i7y 1' To" f"
Jr of Lu.-Jic-3lt7cfck- x'jeig mr.n nt KV MLi,
II ened by t::eaira:n of J3 tcrato.UEKorermiiT J
Q yo'-r lut:ci ftToii rS toiKl-t woi k, to ret- I
H Hep titter. BIwmM, turn hop .
If roil ere ronnv tnf PJ anfferlnff from nr In-
i9crf.l.on or i.imlu J tioa i t yoj ro ror
ric4 or flag!. or I J Toumr, sullcrliur from
poor health ,' Unu-ulth H inff on bo4 of tiok
era, rol M Hop 9 Bitters.
Whorr TO" ro, 7S 1 hou4f !
whenever TOO f i clffSll i r "m
that yonf tjf.c-.a I'tfiJj form of K Id nay
-odl tlcnnsln,t3n-.S5:"' roifrl.t
n f 1 h.m lien nwrntpil
w(tf,nutflnv.l(Hl., hulJt h A ltlUlT UM Of
!: Hop jfit&ts. HopBlttr
TTftre Ttm ify-
o r i( Wiwir com iKi,'
p'atntt ClaeaftO: .
d. i. e.
Is n absolute
una lrreiiih:i
'blft ru r for
drunkcnneii ,
lis? of opium,
tobacco, or
I narcotics.
I Eoldbydrajr
I-,: Moor!,
I.iwornervei f
Tea -rill be
e':rcd if yoituee
nop Bitters
If yon are f'm J
elT weak end
1 jwi-i rite d, try i
It I It may
aor cnroi
rro co.,
f nre four
life. It has
r.vrd hun-
A Toronto, Out.
Diseases of tbc Throat anil Lungs.
Diseases of the pulmo
iinry oruns are so prev
alent anil fatal, that a
safe and reliable remedy
fur tlieia is invaluable
to every voinuiunity.
Avru's UllEKKV i'l'.C
TiniAL i.s ttiitli a remeily,
mill no other so emi
nently merits the eonti-(leni-o
ot the public. It
is a scleiitillc coinhina
tion ot the rueiliiiiml
prinelples and curative
virtues ol tiie tlnest
ilrnjs, unit.
eil, to insure the K
to Insure the in-eat-
:Wi Q onssililn eiflielenev
I I-1 . 1 )R4I.. u:nl uniformity of re.
-j ---
salts, which enublcs
physicians as well ns invalids to nun it. with
cunllileni'o. It. is the must reliable remeily
for diseases of llm throat nnd lung that sci
ence hid proiiiieeil. It strikes at the foun
dation of all pulmonary diseases, alTordinj
prompt anil certain relief, and is adapted to
patients of any ao or cither sex. Dcing
very palatable, the youngest, children take
it without dilliciiity. In the treatment of
ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore 'III rout,
Bronchitis, I, Clergyman'
Sore Tiiroat, Asthma, Croup, ami Ca
tarrh, the e.fects of AvRti's Cm.ltitv Pl.C
toiiai. or.i ni'igiral, ami inultitude.H are an
nually preserved from serious illness by its
timely and faithful use. It should be Kept
at hand in every limiMi'lio'd, for the pro
tection it affords in midden attacks. In
WlioopiiiK-eoti":i and Coiisuinp,oil
there is no othvr remedy so ellicacious,
soothing, and helpful.
The marvellous cures which Aveu's
CitKKitv 1'RcroitAi. has effected all ovirtlio
world ant f. suliiciuiit guurunty that it will
ronlinic! to prmliaa the best results. An
impartial trial will convinee the most scepti
cal of its wonderful curative powers, as well
as of its superiority over all other prepiHa
Vu for pulmonary complaints.
Imminent physicians in all parts of .ho
ixunrry, knowing its coniposa"on, recom-
.nd Avku's Cur.aitv Pr.cToiiAi. to invalids,
Vid prescriho it. in their practice. The test
.'. halt a century lias proved its absolute
certainty to cure all pulmonary complaints
not already beyond the reach of human aid.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical and Analytical CheinUU,
Low:i, Mass.
State Normal School,
F.itjlitli Xormul tivioof DixtrM.)
. N RAUI1, A.M., Hi D. Principtxl.
This school as at present constituted
flcrs the very best facilities for J'ro
issioua.l and classical learnimr.
l'.uililins spin-ions, inviting and
'ommodious, completely lieated b
team, well ventilated and fuinisheo
with a lion i tiful supply of pure, so.l
pnnir water
Location healthful and easy of ac
Surrounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teacher experienced, cllicicnt, and
ilive to their work.
Discipline linn but kind, uniform
i ml thorough
Expenses moderate.
Fifty cents a week deduction t
i hose jircparing to teach.
St ui.cnis admitted at any time.
Courses of study prescribed by tin
Staie; 1. Iloilel School. II Prepara
tory. III. Elementary. IV. Scicn
I. Academic. II. Commercial. Ill,
Music. IV Art
The Elementary and Soientifh
courses are Professional, and sttnletit
raduuting rliercin receive State Diplo
mas, conleri liur the tollowini; coi res
noudiuir ilcurees: Muster of the Kit-
nietitsaiid Master of the Sciences
(iraduates in the other courses receive
Normal Certificates ot their attain
inents sit-ncd lv the Faculty.
The Professional courses are liberal.
ami are in thoroughness not inferior to
those ot our best colleges.
The State require a hiulicr order o
citisw hship. The times demand it. Ii
is one of the prime objects of this
school to help to secure it by furnish
inn hit-el.igcul and cHlcieiit teuchers
or hcrschiMils. To thistnd. it solicit"
young persons of good abilities and
good, purioses those who desire to
improve their time and their talents
as student. To all such it promises
aid in developing their powers and
abundant opportunities for well-paid
labor alter leaving school
For catalogue and terms address the
Principal, or the Secretary of the
I ion t il
Stockholder's Trustees. J II Har
ton. M D. a 11 Ho-t. Jacob llrown
S M Ifickford, Samuel Christ, A N
i'ailb. H O Cisik T. C. Ilipjile. Ks..
fi. Id nlniiiL'. E P McCormick, Esq ,
V. V. Kaiikin, V. H. Drown.
Stste Trustee Hon A (i. Curl in.
Hon William Dig er. Hon. H L
Diefrciibach, Gen Jesse Merrill, J C
C Whuley, & Millar McCormick,
Hon. William lligler, President, Clear
field. Pa
Gen Jesse Merrill, Vice President,
.Lock Haven. Pa.
.?. Millar McCormick,. Secretary.
Lock Havet. Pa
Thomas Yardley, Treasurer, Lock
In en. Pa
For bill-heads and note-beads cull
at the Advocate office.
L O. of O K.
Ridgway Lodge !6! I. O. of O. F.
meets every Thursday evening. Vis
liiug memiiers ure cordially invited lo
M. Cohen, N. O J J. A. Ross, V. O.;
fl. H. Oross. fWy; J. W. Smith, As t
Sec y; H. H. Wensel, Treasurer.
fit, - OUTFIT sent fre to t.hone who wlali
rtsr. t eiiKMKe In "ie ni"Hl plmisHiit, nml
'W'profltablo business known. Kvcry
thing new. Cn)IUil nut recinlred. We
will furnish yon everything, tfiu n ly unit
iipwiinls Is eHt y miule without nbtyliiK hwh
nun home over night. No risk whatever,
ilimy new workers wanted nt once. Many
re innklng rortutie Hi the business. Lnlh'
iihIib hs much us men, nnd young hoys nmJ
.Iris nmke grent py. No one who Is wllllnv
ut work fulls to make more money every day
I him cm ii be iniule In a week et ordlnHi y
employment. 'I hose who engnice t onee
will And n short rond t-i fiirtuiie. Address
II. HALLETT 4 CO., Portland, Mnlne. n-'rivl
l?stnte of Albert Brehm, late of
Vs Benziugcr township, Elk county.
Pa., decuiMd. Notice Is hereby given
that letters testamentary have heen
granted to the undersigned, upon the
above mimed estate. All persons in
debted to sslil estate are r quested t
make immediate payment, an i tliosi
having- legal claims against t lie same
to present them without delay, In pro
per order, for settlement.
Andkew Rkkiim, Administrator.
) Yourself by making money
otl'erpd thereby iiiwnv
keeping poverty firm your door. Those who
always lake adva -bige of the good chances
lor making money that n re uttered, genera ly
become wealthy, while those who do not lot such ehmiccs remain In poverty. We
wiuil many men, women, boys, and girls to
work f. r lit right In their own localities. The
business will pay more than leu liiiiesordi
nary wages. We Inrtilsb an expensive out
Ill ami all 1 but you need, free. Nooucwho
en .aues rails to make money very rapidly.
Y-ai ciin devote your whole time lo the work,
or only your i.p.tru liioiiicnM. 1 nil tiilorlne
llon anrl all Hint Is neeileil Hem Tree. All
dress rtilNSi iN it r. Purlin ml. .Maine.
Out fit. fnriiMierl free, with bill Ii.
I; struetlous for caidne.Mug the most
iirulltiilile liiinlni ss Hint, anyone can
eilKiige In. J be lHill,e ) e...y lo learn,
anil our IliMt rnellons nr. e, elinplf linrl plalli
Ibal. any one ean innlce preM t.r.pfltM from tin
very start.. No one l uti full who Is willing t
work. Women are e,,e..efnl as mcli
Hoys anil Wlrl. ran earn lurt'e eurriM Mm
liave uiiiileal the over .one hundred
dollars III a -ho'le , . lj , .Nollilug like It
ever Unov. n before. Ai: bo engage are mr.
prised at llm ease 10 ii ... ll'.y w ith which
they are nice lo make i ey. y. u ran en-
'.'line In tills taislnesH ilui liiK your spare lime
at great, profit. You do nol have to Invesi
eapital In it. Wu lake all tb risk, t hose
who need ready money, should wrlle to us at
once. All furnished free. Addiess Tl!''1'' A
i) Auguslu, Maine, n.19yl
t) ags x3, daalers or paidhrs.
To show that our goods will sell on
their merits, we will allow any agent
ncaier or peiiuier lo return any part ot
their first order remaining unsold
.liter I'.U days to us, and wl',1 refund
money lor same. There is no article
ike it in the United States, ami it
will sell iti nearly every family. Se
cure the sale or agency of it ut once,
mil co to work. Address for terms,
V ''i Uls I N(i COMP Y., Dox 13(r
A (tPTT ) r,,r ",p complete and
trr a ??rmr Antl.cutie Record or
W AWTED j the Achievements of
The developments hy Stanley in the
Dark Continent, his remarkable dis
coveries ami wonderful Descent of
l-0u miles of the Congo River, shoot-
n ir rapuls. i,iki ataraels, amidst the
..osl ililHcti t Mini tlirillimr situations,
lariug adventures with wild beasts,
mil no less wild Savages has no
llcl in the annals of explorations.
t i more fascinatiug than romance
ontains over (00 pages, and striking
Send for circulars and terms nnd se
cure Territory ut once, for this, the
i lost interesting and opular book of
he day. Address,
Wu-Flint, Publishet.
02-1 Samson St., Philadelphia. Pa.
n47 t4.
VOT ICE is hereby given
Commissioners of E.k county
.vill hold a Court of Appeals at their
ttlce. Iti Itiduwav, on
For the purpose of hearing and de'er
1 1 1 i 1 1 i nvr Hjipeals from the assessmeiits,
.iiid revising the military enrollment
or 181, which time and' place ail per
sons feeling themselves aggrieved by
ai(l. assessment or enrollment can ut-
cnd. it they sec proper.
Dv Order of the Roard.
Attest-W. S. HORTON.CIerk.
Commissioners' Ollice, I
Feburary lo, Issl. feblO 3w
Ursula M'lnernev. 1 In the
Dy her next fiiend. I Court of Coni-
Ann Dukelow. 1-nioir Pleas Elk
vs. Co. No. 17,
riiomas M'lnerne.v, j Nov. Term, 1881
!'o the re-nmmleiit alaivc named:
Take iwrtiVe. that sui'pojna and alias
-uhlHTua having been issued in the
.ilMive entitled cane. niK. returned "nol
ound in the county,'' you are hereby
ml Hied to it linear before the said
"ourt, at Ridgwav. Pa., or the
D. 181. to answer the said libellant s
Sherill'sOrtice, )
tidgway. Pa.. Fell. 10,1881
!eo. A, Rathbux, Attorney for
eh 10 Cw
late of lit-lixillger tiiwiiHliiir. E'k
. tin'.V.'Biineil. Notice Is here
.iy given that letters tititameiitary
.'ave beu granted to tli wodcivigiieii
ipun the almve named estate. All
i'imhih iinlebfed to wild exlafe are re-
.'l ure to make immediate payment
.nd those linviiii; lej.Mil claiiiiK ayniiiHl
tiie Hiin.e lo piet-t lil Hum will h ml di
ny. in proiier order, lor tetili ment.
(iKO.r-tllAUT. JtxuutorH
Fairlmiiks reflned lard in (cupola,
eolleepots ami Ktewpam at M org en
I er's.
litaik Here.
The umleri-lniied eun cure fever
Horea without pain or use o' the kuite
My mono itr. "No pay." 1
ehiirne ueeordiiiK '"'' meann.
Thor.e living at a distuitee ean write
tllclosillH rltllllip for pltxtUKr. All
lettew ifroniitly auswertHi.
Reeeipetcteold to phyMieiant. tut jena
oi:ublo lenuiav Addrve,.
N. V. Lent.
HMjjway, Elk C. Pa
Rpftideuee two mi lea from Ridgway
ou tho Warren pike.-
The Literary
n wtm rrrry Any. In Jftnnarr, 17, " Th
rnlfnn or one unmii Tit-iuine. At Pmipnt, lt
t: voltitTHn of rtiinflrd bookn. H mrtm
tnr dfllnPtT tn ntirfhati-r orvr f Wk m 4mt. To mi (htf pnpnlnr itcnmnd 1." .iJLfiil
iimnthJ Im ltt JlVOOO.OOO end prol-M, ,OO0.060 W "-""r1',, rMwtob n?
tarn whli-h the ll.-irolullon" hn. echirred Is, doubUeee, w Iw tttrllmted to lu teeOlno; principle, ertwen n
I riibll.h only honki of reel merit, , .
II. Whet I. worth re ,dlnR U woith prreerrlnir ell boolte lire neMIV end rtrwiGiT onnl, weeej
III. Work on tho l"l ol tho preMnt ooet ot uiakint Itooke, whicau Tei niuclt Kee OieJi It '"
".. t i ..i . w. . i. . . ii,.. i,t to he coneldered neceert-
tlee, end
v T
. flii'J tliw ni ee wl" ,rt,y ff"il bonke . y the million If urlPvuBrp phici-il wltlilnlmir ri'ech. . -Hveei
'V. T'. meke St end r. friend ti ltti-r limn to meke Siony, end Ill0 biwka eolri nl I''" .f f'?. 1 nioi!
(It of only IO"0. hile l.Hl.m iKinke eold ot prolll of 1 cent Cecil giro s prollt of i(MHKl m "
.Mitt nf nniv einio.
plueeure oa woU a more proilt tu aell tne million.
I.,.. TiittM Crl!!nt ., rhelm,retnt of the lent ft1l tendon r.lltlon of Chemh'r.'i rn'Ti-I'VT
LdlEK I Vila tUlTlDii. "a' lth.eonloM nddltlon. lelmut lplnii l,y Amerli-en edlton. I the "hole
Lit I ft l I 1UU bumwu. cmHn.'lt omler one elnhebetlool .n.m.i lth enrh I lu.trBtlone ea erf
Here-wiry lo elunneie ine lexx. f-r,nwa ii-om nrw electrutym p
bound In flfen elrKent o.-tTO yoltiniea of ebout ett paffi lerh. It
then Appleton'a. end W percent morp tlien Johnaoii'n Cyclopndtae, and. thoiiirh In ell rc'upecti! tmpoi-lent to th
.nnHl i-amilnw tl I. fr eiimrlor to either of them, lie tout, 1. I,iit e, r ,t..i. . vin.. I to VII. er
riedy January 10. IMI, nnd other volume; w II follow, ehont two eeh inuntli, tla ti,o entire work la completed.
rYto', act ot It To.unwa, In cloth, 1 0.00 f I" Huaaia, da top, 822.60.
epoHlon of the MhmrT of VnlTcrsal Knowtodce. we leene Chinhere'ii P.nryelnpnidln aererntelT.
u Arau eddttioiie, rom (lo In lo oluint I0iik. In tliie yiv it w printed r urn m.-w t-lot-ti-utvpo IMee made
n ry c ?"r t-'p... nlltion. cloth. .60 K-'J rltT'' "":r- h"ler repur, wide
the Amt tii
f .tm va.r f nr n'inn.11
fiitUTiiu.), halt i:uu, ffi't tvp, 9 I 3
lu tiu tyie it in now
Vhnt is the Verdict 7 m
lUrrnlim. Mt nnniftml lirli-X-r.aiWfr. t'"-. .... ... Am.rMM, k IWelxmnv nirlt tU raiM for
'JVm' fotnnc
noiiiiiml priori l If o, 1 aAbuirc jruur Uelw. lu von't tin
Thr tiay or i'hcat aim Kuti hu-h wiw "
t ih'e ratVVnn'jr roen mey. end crrr;' w"' itiouht. luivo a lihrnvy. .OKei
In iloiinr won em In hook innk. i;ir. A fi "..' ill p",r. hx f n cood l.uru.
' ""tt'tX o!:?"?! Zti:!Wrtws,rcr ,:.! Rood trt-. .. I o(Ter.d at ntct.
AllUUMlntm tho Amefe. PfX'VSJ
, .,.. l.--,(v fli. -an w-fl of Ihm-L titer v::t r.;fV L:- i irh:;' 'It :wt at tnr: , tii.t ; n irng
rLI lir'pubUdre H ! . Jik A infruTnti. the 'c!S l . l..c:i It is ct.-i-ed l,ecM.crcr ,ne-m eonnot hurt them.-Cr
AereW, l.ui ivillo. K. , . ,. , .... .. t,y ... ei- . f, tm onw
Wo h.tve
rceil' rs in so doiiii;.
i li'V.'tolo.'e pivrn ueneroiie noi.-o:i o n,,
n.rul'l. Itlrn. L.h'.o.
lti.llr..- yo.: tl.:B.,, tl,o,xo,.,. t tiered l.y r.ary 'wno
rtn or tht" cTii!!-.'''' "itit.r., y .net baiiiu.r u ur uvuvi . -- - - -
V' ':l''"j!-m Otto K-M tVlm Itrcenrh ef pr.Wc .nconrent M thla
S,"'!ir..lA.;eV,'.oK;"l,Vr.Ki H m 7 mnr:.:, work In tlm -e; ro!uction of rtan.lent book. U
-"'iTmt4, low work U too well
Tht'',' .'I? li minted end tvmnd. Ther form Ii T
11 ln ht-i.n iirriiiii'i'd with the e.'.-Ml.t diliKi-lH-e and
I'non It .i-.nkc H lolifor e-.tii lia piiusiint o.-. will tlo.rouhly liiMrui-iivo n 111 'J"'"'"' ".ervihlnii ie
JTi s Imvo lll tl..itt. ,l.1lid le-riaU.- in tlir srl. nl ir..-. -aph u...l ''I'l' ,fd In la ..JrTlne'-nt up t.i Iti vi r; lu'..- t dale. ( :l.mli.'r!"'ii,iu lact,ialiic. lauiiei.t,lU!Un.tiiiiicU',uliu lulu binwauie Muet
WW! y-r roh.o c,,trrH,e. tVro.ThontTiin!e Yon Jm. JHU
here to ...i,l with tho e "f ttoward, VMcn. NnfU.i.Kelc, leoi.e, 1 Uln, i.u..oii, tJ .iltani.eia of the utua-
utnW r, SLTOSl ESS the I, aijodv Pnud. It ma-.H me i.-c. (roo-i to look i t .ur cimlvgu .: tao ol ell ciaa.
o. Hi'- 1-e.M'l . 11. H'rkb, Vft'lkiii Ci'lUv", North ( arohua. u .
i ho'.-ii or I.I. ..iiirf- on the men who minted prinlir ;. thf,nand more t-r Mm who neee t'at ln-n V Ion roe
l,ele neV o' Ii- fi-M.m-coinitryiiH-ti. H.eb oks v.h(, h 1 I... rm:.e:..fl'kW)oMmtenrfeellettaa lot U
i..ouey. o. U. Cu.NkUMu, 1'iUir t,'uiirrch'atluiuii, li.Uswucr, ih.
,. Kaeinliy'a ' Endend " ro lueed from IT )
K:t W ! ireee from t.0 lo IJ.0O; ltoliina
lilOlwII ! oKiirlond."tJiilof. "Vraii.e." Henie.'e
........f. v ...-'".. . .. n ..Wlh. W..rl.l o
ll..:i i,.n our, iii--j "
B tttee of tile World,"
t.e' "Tlt:,i.." IeSll'"(Mrliin..." Mecdonnld'i " A'.'C
itiiifrtt'.'ili a retner ena Don, imw, a ..v j w.i.v.
0,. Vook !.r enoh of the oreat euthor. who tiao won clMwIc Jin-llfe I' too "hort o r. a.t all ttielr
vork..l.i:t yo i ij'i iciv'l.n.of .ai h. l.itm loth Iwund. laire tyi'. W l.. 'f'.Vi,
" Iv-eiilloe,'- i,f.K'-ii-i -..'opprfrneta, win ,,ou,vr. ........ . .-. . ,." , v.',i,,..' "l
t!l..-. i:ar.l, MI.i1tlie'. "H.i(!liy.1' Irvintf'e " Kniiert'k.r. t .;;en e'e
,'ev." TlriekOray " " .keweomea," i ooper n - .noni'-one. i,c pk-'I. '"..::'. : .. :
C: l... Twenty-ehTht Mnmlanl hoo mineen n row irrm J ."': TV . " CTiiu i-IT
CRrSnilV. xhaJ" uf eriie, Macauiay, Ciuboli, Ijlilklllin.-, Ul.k..ut, binluia, I IkUucta. Liddell, Arnold,
IliUSpen..' Ii t'viS. S to!... l.l; Milton, to rent.; firMe. cent! Virvi'.. ! jenjK tT"m'r,5 Dnftf rV
- lllAd,"ao ceiWii H Jiuer'. -ti)M,;" M cut.., "i-nat ol A..V luio ,d.Uo:i. cciiln; a, M f IJg Jf,
. riumier.'."nyclord!a nf r".nittl.h t.tlerafire." reduect from JO nn to tl W). Talnefrom Jioie)
I tOrnt'li'f tSwTcTitl, yTL.Uy - !:;" cm .-.l.-o t Slk... - M.l..Vn lmlc: " n.e jol... from S.N
LllkIUlulb. , 4 re..; -rolait'rt "(Jhroniel'.-a" liMin'..0uio'.l.Uli "Itic Koiiui' from .76 lo SOcenter
f,.h w.e-.. r.t 4-e.-..ei"i. Arabtiil Wit'.?" Unblnwm ft o. t-ntv " V " ''try"m, fliuonila
1' .,.-re .." .Vv,-. I nile.." M.iti- .1 e i l ('.l ver'i. 1 l;cP ' - i ceil Nuturel 111. t' rjr. ' ilUlBhllCe
rLdicid from fj .i.H b-.oi.c. uili 15a.lJ., W CUIU, " Kurl In V.i.u lud," oil coma. UMI WlillWe
R. . Yo'inffN Greet ' Mi'ile Cooeo -.lnneo" (SptirRonii reye Cnulen'e la ehlld'n ptay eompered with
,'l,fi'f1,,5 ! r.-u e-l f"'-" l,i:i) I ' .'Jt Ocluic'e t.'.f t l I'lisl." trolo .'.l to fa) cento
kil.jjltJuJ. K,r.V'. "i.'yolodia.'! liotu iu.oj to 2.00 Kmlth'a " Uiolo i icliunair." Iroui,cenU
lin.irl .fn I'-el,.!,: ,. i LJ ,-entH.
" Jt-e:ihur. 1 iVo' us, yl.&J.
.. ... . . . .... - . n'A IMo.f ..f t ,ti. 17 eeo..
' Hi"i!th f'J ' '.''.." " i" " 'iire ol' l'.ira.y-H,"
Dsautifiil licmes.
Ceo. Wm. Curtl.iinye . ' Ie aof ullof good eettMi
OnlTbool-, of the Mk.Iio.-t d pobll.hct by in. end tlw. f. Ice- arc Jem ""JSJ iu'wiSSl
k- cor l. fo e l4ii .-d. To iliiniivtc nd dcnon.trt IHcae Irulli., we eend llic following doom, hi oou.ww
ndunal.rtrti 'l.p'.t pni I. nt tl,-' rrk-ve H-ined ;
r-lR.-e-il'iv " I.To oi r.-cierieK in.' r nrmrr ,m ut. , ... . --
I'arlylc'e-I.ifoor lt"b-t nuns." Kurnier price, l.t. jile bi TOP . b
I.iirli ..fAlv" r.y Arnold. Konncr pri.-e,
Ti...-;. ll.itrh..-" f chrM." K. rmi-r pi ii
- M..rv Qm . ii ..f Hco V 1. fc," by Ijunnitlnc. Koiim
Vi or of Wi.kelleld." Ilv ollvur (iolilMi.lth. Iln
ii .... il.j., io.' I-rorirco. " liouimoi. tviw. li
Ii.wriptlve rntnlotfiio ont free on reque. K. bj
Frucliviia ol one tlollar limy bo ih-iic in p ..acre innmiM.
JOITN R. ALDEN. Manaoeh. Trllmne IiuildiiiR. New York.
A rtTCMTtTf C . tlo.ton. H. L. Hertlnewi rhltedel.ihle. Iiry 'lo. .Cincinnati. Kobert larke ft Co. t
AGErJCIIiS: Ii,.lmna,-,ll.. nowen.StertCo.i Cleveland Inrliam. Clark 4 to. w:
Kaair It C ('bb-eiro. Alden Cliedwlck, tt Slet. rtnti Sen ,. tui.ningluun, CurtUa t Wclob, tt.
Loutmvb. 1 maou 6 Co. I lu unaller town, the lending booketlUr, wily one In place.
in form tlie eitizens of Riil,tway, ml
Hi iiiililir irenerallv. that lie has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Ruptries to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
tHe will also do job teaniir.
Stable on Elk t.tret. All orders left
at the Post Office will receive prompt
,) eal (lie
The mnft complete Institution In Hit Called
Stinted for Hit tliorouuh irai'll. Hl ediifKtl..n
of youiiK Hint iniilil e amttii mua. ridxleau
oil m 1 1 led at uny time.
r-Kor circular elvloit full partlctilHrn nir
dreu J. C. HM TU. A.M.
niUDurgn, i n.
Just published, a new edition of Dr.
Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the
radical viire of Sja-riiiatorrliODii or
Seminal W eekness, I n voluntary rsein
inal Losses, Impotency, Mtiitat ami
Physical Incapacity, Impediments to
Marriage, etc.; aiso Consumption.
Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self
Indulgence or sexual extravagance,
The celebrated author, In 'his ad
mirable Esmiv. clearly demonstrate.
from a thirty years' mccessiul praclletr
1 1 nit the alarnr-ing consequences o,"
self-abuse may be radically cured;
pointing out a mode of cure at once
eimple, certain and effectual, by mean
of which every sntl'crer, no matter
what his condition may lie, may cure
himself cheaply, privately ami radi
ctiHfl. BfciirThivi Ixeture should be in the
hands ol every youth and every mat
in the land.
Sent u ii 1 1' r seal, in a plain envelope
to any address, post-paid, on receipt o:
six cents or two Mistage stamps.
AddrifS lhePiihlihns.
41 Ann St New York-, N. V,; Post
office I ox. 4580 '
Got your NOTE PAPER,
ITING CARDS at The Advocate
office, over Powell & Kime's store
Ridgway, Pa,
i ,) i, if I I 111 J.
.tr ftTolntlnnM wm Inanimnitwf by the pnbtl
cmpUiTmpiit to abut IW haniU. 6"!' n,'w V." ' , ' .' iVI
m plntw. hri'vlrr t.viie. on eunerlor paper, ejia
111 oo'ntnln. ronii.ti.te. ehont 10 per cl'n,'n?,r,
cumiJitU' ami! living delivema to vntvlMMtT
to., e-r rrcndlns In miMI; l.uo tu 1imi. ii. i tiuu
hiniTlifKiyM fur (lie people at
hva it i oik t-Il; F. Coho
t .?,' ffficf, r'licotro, V.
Iiiuiiuunco toem we utit
. ... m.-.. - - - --
wn T "J- " " .V' '""
known to need mnch .lnboretlon of 1U n.crlt..-rJ
con. cove.,. nt tn. It.. in.n.1 nwrtdj diiarto r
-.f.t, ('
mill, au.i nit i''',I,'"'" '".""V .J,',.T.,'l7" k":,.,.,z
to H Sli Libbiin f ''on;' rro.
Ancient lIlKturjr," fl.TSi Mono
'(l.m.ei.y." I ailvle'a "fri-neh
ne..,u,rtticr. enilA IV low ill Hlil:0.
' from W.M t-. fM.M: firote'e
lll.TIMill N " lloine," l.i.ill .
h Kcrolutiun," ScblUer'a
pmarin(, equally low In prli o.
" nith.
forlna," aiuta. a oimi muw
Ja.ue Cyre,M
T'ra'f h by rierol..'.' 4(1 .Tlitf.
I ""l . '.' SnJ:"lCi'. 'f f"M"r
beorf-. "ine An or ic:ir.ii? - ntj reioNroon i . -' v----
to S1O0. I ne ol the l:m 't I ...W ever puldlelu .1 In thij cou.rf, y Pi'Ll
Tfieio H " olli'T book tlial cell cmiiimiT with it 'or tl wenta of common.
end line ficllup; lbt a anouiu ue ui cit m
ei..,. rie.l
,rice rente,
e llcen.a.
l.Hi. nniiililtii pniir. on-... r v
c, l.0. Ikam.i.ii w 'i":.
r priw. tl lb. nirvvr type. I lice
lei- ivpr.X. aiittful print, price 6 iiilU.
adcd : beautiful print, price ti ccuta.
bniik dmf I, money order, regtstcred letter, orbreipreee.
URAl'S MK11U LiailLf.
TRADE MARK Is espeeiallyTRADrjMARtC.
Ttf'A "octminienu
i Ji, ed us an un
lis'P failimr eure
lor SSeniinal
Weak n ess
Kne rniiitor-
tjoiore iaione '...i iftpr TaVln .
e m . . rticit lltlllfl-
(lescaHt'S that follow as a te(Uo ney on
Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni
versal LusmrU'. Pain in tlie Raek,
Dimness of virision, Premature old
ae, and many other diseases that
leads to Insanity. Consumption and
a Premature O rave, all ol which as a
rule are lirst caused by deviating from
the pnth ot'iifitureaiid over indulgence.
The Speeille Medicine is tlie result of
a life study and many years of experi
ence in I renting those special desiaseK.
Full particulars in our pamphlets,
which we desire to setvd free by mail
to every one.
The Specific Medicine is mild by all
Druggists at 1 per package, or six
packages for $5, or will be sent by
mail or receipt of tlie money by ad
No. 1 Mechanics' Jtlock, Detroit, Mich.
&&rHol(l in Uiilgwuy by all Druggists,
Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents,
Pittsburgh. ul-My
Shrlf Paper nnd Scrap Pictures.
At th AbVocATE office. The shelf
paper is Ih many colors; the scfap pic
tures in endless variety. Also auto
grap albums, fancy note paper, etc.
Call and see us, over Powell &, Kime's
store. Visiting curds, und Christine
cards, besides Reward of Merit and
other cards. It won't cost you a cent to
cail and tee our new mock, just re
Philacte'.phia & Erie R It- Div.
'n and after SUNDAY, November
7, I8i, tlie trains on the Philadel
phia & Erie Railroad Divi&lou will
run as follows :
Niagara Ex- lea vis Phila 9 00 a. m.
Renovo..5 40 p. m.
ekik mail leaves PhiUi 11 65 p. m
" " Reiiovoill 05 a. ni,
" " Euiporiom.l win. ui.
" St. Mary's-H 23 p. m,
" " Ridgway... 2 40 p-in,
" Kane a i.
" arr at Erie 7 45 p. ui.
Day Express leaves ReiiovolO 05 a. m.
" ai r. at PUila.... 85 p. in.
EBIE MAIL leaves Erie.;...... 11 as a. m
nuiiH m lit ii in
Ridgway. ...6 .7 p.m.
St. Mtry'B..5 5u p. m.
Eiiiporiuni.ti 65 p. m,
Renovo..... 9 00 p, nj.
arr. at Phila.M 7 05 a. ai.
Wu. A. Baldwjm. General Say tv