THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1881. Gus. Rohde the Popular k ' Barber Still Ahead. LOOK AT HIS PRICES, Shnviar with Bay Bum 10 cents Hair Cutting 1 cents SllltltipOO 15 CCIlN Dry Shampoo 10 cent Moustache dying IS cents; Shop coiner Main and Mill streets, Rldgvvuy, Pa. SntiMfuctFbn guaranteed every time. Eli Perkins Friday night. Best Brands Tobacco und cigars at Morgesters. , Don't kick but scream when you laugh at Perkins. , -J.S. Powell.enliveiicd our sanctum with liis presence on Friday of lust week. , , i ..Fasten the buttons on your vest and go to the Perkin's lecture Fri day night. Our correspondents will please bear with us this week. Hereafter we wjll give them more attention. John I. Mitchell of Tioga county, was elected, yesterday United States Senator by the Pennsylvania legisla ture. Mrs. J no. V. Eystcr was in town last week. Mrs D. C Oyster and iUttic,, u,nd Mrs. M.S. Kline went to Erie with her. .' Fresh Eggs, Oranges, Lemons. Cocoanuts, Figs, Dates. Pop Corn. English Walnuts, Peanuts, &c, at Morgester's. 7". ' JJieT). Rmxiw. - Friday Feb. I'.-ISSI, Mertle Belle, d inciter of Geo. V. Kliine aged 4 years, 'J4 months and 2 j days. Having been asked the cost of the new Court House we will rep'y that the total cost up to Jan. I, 18:M, as given in the Auditors' Settlement is $i2,,Vil.(iO , . Eli Perkins, a famous lecturer writer and humorist, of almost world wide reputation will deliver in .Ridgway, Feb. 2.1th, his celebrated lecture, "The Philosophy of Fun and the Perkins Family." ; 'Miss llattie Moore daughter of M V.Moore, formerly of this place, and Miss Matie MeOibney both of Oieau, K Y. are visiting at C. H.McCauley's in this Borough. Miss McUibney is . a sister of Mrs. Mct'auley. Dave Kennedy, who lives at Mill creek, lost two, children last week within a, .few hours of each other. One a boy of about fifteen .mouths, the other a girl about three years of age. Tlie two children were buried in one grave. List of Letters Remaining in the Ridgwuy postofllce, , Elk Co., pa., up to February 21. lsM : Carlson,. John. Ai'rel;.,,Coyiiider, .las.; pumper. 15.;. Johnson, Solomon; Moore, D. E.; MeCanrie. Mrs. A. B.; McDonald, George; MeColgin, V. L.; KoltKIGX. Svenson, P. A. If not called, for in thirty days they .to the dead letter office, "Washington, 1). C. ( J. 11. Haokktv, P. M. Browned in a Spring. Feb. 22nd, 11, Casper OUh. a resi dent of the Swiss settlement above Giant's taiiiiery, fetlju. a spring and was drowned. He was a batchelor, wi,tio.ut,,.paiy . children, and likely under the iiiliucnce of the demoraliz ing compound, viz.: alcohol and water, when death paid him this sudden visit. He was found by a young man who occupied his shanty with him. , , Ten kitts. prime Mackerel direct from packers, in :Gloueester, Mass., at l.'i,3 lor 13 pound kilt. Also White Fish, Siseoes, Portland Hcrings, Cod- flshf Tongues, &e., at Morgester's. i Thirty-live cents for n, ticket to learn about Eli's "uncle Consider " i Yellow Peaches 20 cents, !5 pound cans 'l)imiJtou,s 2. for 23 cents, green gUiige; plums Winslow's Pine tipples in cans, apple butter in small pails and a full line of fancy and staple groceries call and see stock and get prices at Margester's. . Stockholders Meeting , . Not jce, i,s hereby given to the stock holders of tli Braiuly. Camp, railroad company, that .there. w.111 be iu meeting of the stockholder at their omce m Ridgway, Elk county, Pa., on Monday the Uth tlay of February, 1SS1, between the hoyrs of, 9 A.. M.. and 5 P. M., for the purpose of , electing a board of Directors and transacting such other business as m-ty come before them. C. R. Earley, President. , P. W. Hayks, Secretary. , . Pursuant to the above notice the . stockholders of tho Brandy. Camp Railroad Company met at the office of C. R. E.irley in the Borough of Ridsr way iu the county of Elk on. the Uth day of February, A.D. Iff' 1 where upon P, W. Hayes was called to the chair ...and ...G, R. Woodward was elected secretary und upon motion of RufusL.ucorc the .meeting was ad journed uintli Monday, Feb. 21st, at 11 o'clock A..' M.. at the office of C. R. Earley In, said Borough of Uidgwny. Pursuant tq notice the stoekho'der of the Brandy,, Camp Railroad com pany met, at the office of 0 R, Earley In the. Borough of Ridgwuy in the county of, Elk on the 2lst day or Feb ruary at J.1 o'clock A. M. whereu)on P. V. Hayes was called to tlie cludr und G- R. Woodwur I was elected secretary and upon motion of Uufus Lucore tlie meeting was udjourned until Mond.iy Feb. 21 at 3 o.'cJoikuA. M. at the ottice of C. R. Earley In tlkci,, Children admitted to the Petkinss. . . . . I . M ur. . ' Borough of Ridgway February Klecllon. Continued from 'lftt week. BCHEZETTE. Justice of the Peace F. P. McCl. key,61; Thos. Fraiser 68. Assessor John Barr. Supervisors C. R. Sexton, S. A. English.- .. AuditorfFred. For.ler. Constuble .C..R. Sexton. ' Clerk J. V. Hai.scome. .Treusurer W. H. Murray. 1 , J.udga of Election D. A. Stewart. Inspectors Runs Morey, J. N. Rot h rock.,. School Directors Wallace Johnson, Q. T. Rothrork. BENZINSER. Justice of the Peace .Joseph Patton. Assessor John M. Meyri.i .. Supervisors John Glel.ner,Martin Herbstrect, , v.." Auditor George Staffer. Constable Joseph Young. . Clerk J. J. Vollmer. Treasurer Oeorire Selle.- Judgcof Election Philip Young. I nspectors George Kugler, Frank Buchitt. . . School Directors F. A. Erich, Joseph Friesi. . ' FOX. v Justice of tlie Peace P, W. Hays, Assessor AYm. Me.Cauley. Supervisors Andrew Hau, Sr., H. B. Moyer. , Auditor James Lusk. Constable E. B. Hyatt. .Clerk, Alfred Wild'. Treasurer George Brown; Judge of Election John Wolf'ord. Inspector John Koch, James Don-o van. (i 1 School Directors H. Strafssly, Jno. Koch. a HICHLAN3. Assessor E. Lair. Supervisors John H Blakely, W.H. Sheeley. .;, , , , Auditors S. E. Gardner 25 votes; J. B. Clark 2 votes. Constable John Walker. Clerk C. Anderson. Treasurer J. B. Clark. ' -Judge of Election Ed. Gorton. Inspectors of Election Ed. Lair. W. J;. Stubbs. School Directors Herman Gorton 23 votes; S. E. Anderson 17 votes. HORTON. ,; Assessic Willjs Taylpr, ..Supervisors T. J. Taylor, J. Bi: Trumbull. ; Auditor E. W. Ackernian. Constable Thos. Burchtield. Clerk -A S. Horton. Treasurer E D Alden. Judge of Election J. S. Chamber lain. Inspectors Geo. S. Hiiues, Fred. Ray winkle. School Director J. S. Chamber lain, Geo. W. linton. "jay. Assessor R. I. Spangler. Supervisors J. D. McLean, E. L Brookins. Auditor John B. Miller. Constable G. W. Lewis. CL-rk-J. Ai.Bike. TreasuivcTAf.WiviGTuy,. ,. Judgt; if E't'ctiour Martin Clover. Iiir-pectors C. J. Dill, James W. Batymah. r School Directors A. E. Ootr.Robert IJurke., Overseer of Poor James Bateman. JONES. Jnstice of the Peace O. M. Mont gomery. Assessor J. C. IcfTert. Supervisors M. M. Schultz, Geo. Degolia. Auditor John Weidert. Constable A. Cole. Clerk-A. T. Aldrich. Treasurer Martin Sowers. . Judge of Election J. D. Parsons. Inspectors Robert Warner, A. C. Johnsoi). ! School Directors J. B. Wells, G.A .lacobson. Col lector Joseph bi n i MILLSTONE. . Assessor G. C. T. Hoff. , .Supervisors- W. K. Moore, Adaiii Zimmerman. Auditors W. A. Irwin, Harrison Cntz. Constable W B. Ishman. Clerk A. J. Reardcu. Treasurer Joseph Moore. -. ; Judge of Election Isiali Moore. Insjiectors A. J. Rearden, Fred. Zimmerman. . ;, , School Directors S. M. Moore, G.C. T. Hoir, Jas M; Hoff.. - SPHINQ CREEK. Justice of the Peace Les Miller. Assessor H. 1'viflnjan.. .. ,. Supervisors W P. Henry, P. Gen ney. Auditor M. Perriu. ' ('onstable Mat Shan ley. Clerk C. H, Xuitli. ; Treasurer E. M. Rogers. , Judge of Election M. Perriu,. Inspectors James B. Wicks, Win. Don ne. ..,. School Directors J. K. Moore 4:' votes; A Fulmer42 votes; J. II. Secoi 42 votes. Collector M Shanley. ROLFZ. . Judge of Election V. 8. Wheeler. Inspectors J. N. Brown, S, S. Pro vi'i. ,2 j ST. MAHYS BOROUGH. Chief Burgess Joiah Diehl. Council John Krug 172 votes; Jas. Rogan 177 votes. Constable Geo. Heohn. . School Directors Mike Brunuer, Levi Wittiuan. s High Constable Geo Heohn. Assessor John Vollmer. a . r u.. i. ii ... ( AU IIUir JOB. Ol'IIIMII., i .. Overseers of Poor Geo. Weigel, Jlenry Vey. , , . i Judge of Election Joseph Wind felder, Sr. , v v. .- '. , .Inspectors Chas. Garner. Noth Fritz. linre for fifteen cents. Elk Count Schools. I'ORT OF OEO. K. DIXON COUNTY SUPKKINTKNDKNT FOK THE BCHOOL YEAR KNUINO JUMK 1ST 1880. .1 Another school cloned. -Time, with pitiless touch, has sealed the eye lids.of,tbe departed. "School is out, boys,'' were the last words of the dy ing school-master, and they are applicable words here. School is In deed out, but tlie dead past shall not yeb bury Its dead. Suiiw !of Its re miiiiscences must bo revoked from oblivion's shades, and by the "art preservative" preserved. Many of these school experiences .are pleaasnt to recall, while others are unwelcome guests, and present themselves unhid den. Sunshine and shadow closely follow each other, und strangely blend. st;. .it.. A prominent mistake was made in many rural districts by opening tlie schools iu June for a summer session to continue through the hot months. The attendance was very meager, and little interest was manifested. Sum mer schools, in most places, are a fail ure, and should be discouraged. An other mistake, was the employ incut of several young and inexperienced teach ers, holding s cerlillcate of low grade, when .teachers of age, known skill, and professional training, were within reach. The idea seems to be preval ent in some districts, that a low-grade certificate means as niueh as a high grade, and that a license to teach means a competency to teach any school. Directors should look care fully at certificates, and know that li provisional Xo. 1 only represents a fair knowledge of the common branches under the law. If a thorough knowledge is required to teach a school, then let a person hold ing u professional certificate be em ployed. Still another mistake, and a very serious one, was the general lack of writing . books and other writing material among the children. Tue matter Is now receiving special atten tion, and this evil will be reme died. Tlie question bus been asked, why are some of the schools no further ad vanced? To tills thefV- is an answer, unequivocal and sufficient. '1 lie children are taken from the school while very young, and before they can api reciate tlie vulttc-of all cduca-t lion. When will parents fully realize the great duty they owe their'clii!drcn iu that they kIiou!! give them a broad and liberal oduciitHHi?- Who questions that a proper education is the bash ol all prosperity, whet Ivor individual or natioua ? A little learning may be a dangerous thing, but I his is (he only amount some people are willing to give their children. Sulnriv.H of teachers are quite good. Strenuous effort were m tde by a few directors to lower the wages' of the teach ing foeV, but with nueiftest. The fact is. the people are by far too wise to bid for half-paid", hall'-st.irved teachers. A fair compensation is es sential to the employment of ta'ent, liud all salaries should be commensur ate with tlie usefulness of Hie em ployed and tlie responsibility of the position. Who is more useful than a faithful teacher, or whose position is more responsible? Sell-sacrifice is a irood thing, but not very nourising. Beefsteak hioaiis more than water gruel, even witli m teacher. ' TluJ di rectors of Elk believe this;:'and vote teachers good wages. There are only about six counties in the Statu that pay lamer salaries to teachers, on the averatre, thaw, this county. Svh'tnl (erjtm are umoi.g the longest iu the State, and are increasing in this respect. i . Scliaol nail Huhoo-liounrit ore also on tl.e increase. Jones built three school-houses last, yeut'-'arid is now building two more. Horton ami Itidgway each built one, and Ridgway is now building two more. The Ridg way school, has ailicw department, making five iu all. Millstone is al-o erecting a, school house. Renovation ami refurnishing are going on ever where. Many are decorating the sehool-jfrounds, and flower beds are common. " . ; . Svlmol-rnom decoration is pushed to an extent heretofore unknown. Pic tures, plants, flairs, and vases are ar ranged in tastefui ornamentation. lilnvk-butiriln have received speein' ittentioii. intro duced into nearly every school-room i harts mil globes were also pur chased. The Ridirwiiy schools have raised money to buy pbiio-pbical and ehemical apparatus, and the Centre villcschools procured the money, and purchased beautiful pictures and u Mbrry of standard-wnrUs.of reference Dictionaries were -placed by the di rectors in many ttcliools'. " The Hchnol joofis are quite uniform, ind would remain so if .teachers and book agents would' let them alone The schools wei'e visited quite often by directors ami pat runs, and leucher often isited tl ie schools of one an other. Reading irclef professional and literary. wer kept up by teachers. Local institutes ain4 educational meet imrs were held 'in several localities, ami with most salutary icsults. Kagei and large audiences attended the ses sions. The county institute was In Id in Itidgway during the week Includ ing Mienew year holiday. The at tendance was very large and ; mosi salutary work wasl;done. Professors A. X. Raub. Lock Haven, Pennsyl vania, and H. Hi Jones, Erie. Pa, were the chief instructors. Col. J. P. S.-infordaiid Reverend J. B. Youm: were the evening lecturers. Local alent was prominently brought out. I made two hundred visits to schools of about-two hours each, and distri buted thousands of educational tracts and circulars, s. ; st'ooKsrioNS, 1 That the school law he changed so that each schmit board shall be com posed of Ave members. There are so many dead locks-und tie votes thai some change is iiecessary by which tlds may be avoided. 2. That (he school law be changed so (hat none but professionally trained teachers shall be employed. in conclusion, i desire to express my thanks to a'l who have aided me in my feeble efforts to promote the cause of educat ion. A Swartz Ross, Merchant Tailor. Ridgway, over Powell & Kline's store has just received a bran new lot of samples of spring styles of goods To be sure it seems that these samples area little in advance of tlie season but Mr. Ross desires at all times to keep fully abreast of the, times, in style of goods, sfyles of make, and always guurajU.t.ees. correct Hts. Call and leave yaur measure now for your spring suit. Reserved seats at the Perkin's lec ture only 5J cents. Ask your neighltor to subscribe for The Advocate only $1.50 a year when paid iu advance, . A good orchestra will assist Ell Friday nigbt. ti . . Ilcox Public School. PRtNWPAt's nn'om rem vttK month cud- - IHO K8. UtU, 1881. V r 3 TEACHER s r : 7U Minn Julnnn nurlingnme, 1 Miss Jessie Aldrich, 2 Mr. J.B.Jli"n, a Ul m 8) The highest ctnRi-ntnndlng obtained by 4ny pupil In room No. 8 U US. , The following are the names of Imm iiif to mild room who received moi c thiol M0 per cent, ut the motility examination for ulntm-BUindlng. "A" 8EN10R.' Amanda L. Wilcox IK; Mary Soltrelncr 03. "A" GRADE. Lnura Warner 01. "B" GRADE. George Schrelner Di; Willi Sweet 93; Glennl Johnson 94. "C" GRADE. Hnttle Colo 98; Allle Houglitallng 90; John Khuinlgan 91; Edith Aldrich 93; Otto eschrcinerttt; Wille Bockwith 93. , J. B. Johnson, Principal. 'M T : i ;AtIlie Adrocate Office. MAIS BTBEKT, OVER POWELL & Klirii'S Si'OllK. May be found: , Notepaper, billet note, octavo note, foolscap, legal cap, letter paper; invi tations and notepaper bJO .sheets , oi paper und 100 envelopes in a box All for one dollur.ii--'i-' - j Scrap, plcii res in endless variety. Autogruph albums, a beautiful lot, at low figures. Fancy notepape and envelopes In handsome boxes. Silver perforated cardboard. Black bristol board, und olher.colors forvornucoiias,aiid other fancy work. Shelf paper, the neatest thing out for pantry shelves, clock shelves, ami ad other kind of .shelves. This paper is machine made, and we sell any quantity from one sheet to 50 gross. New Year cards. It will pay you to see our stock, . - ., ; Shakespeare, Byron, or Scott' I luetic I works complete for $1.0, beautiful present for a lady friend, ut I'm: Advocate office. PENNSYLVANIA KAIL liOAD Philadelphia & Erie R R- Div. WINTER TIM 13 TABLE. On and after SUNDAY. Novembci 7, I8 i, the-1 rains on the Philadel phia&'E-rie Railroad Division wib run as follows: " WESTWARD...) Niagara Ex. leaves Phiia 9 00 a. in. " Reliovo..o 4' p m Kit 1 1C MAIL leaves l'hiiii U oo p. m " " Renovo.....l I O.j a. in. " " Emporium.l 30 p. m " ' St. Mary's.. 2! p. m " " Ridgway... 2 4-i p-m. " " Kane 3 ' p. iu " arr- at Erie 7 45 p. m. EASTWARD. Day Express leaves lleiioVo 10 05 a. ni. " " arr. at Phila.... 0 i.. m. i;iilK mail leaves Erie 11 35 n. in. " " Kane lo p. m " " i Ridjrwav.....ri .7 p. m ' " St.1 Mury'si-5 50 p. m. " 13mi)ori'um.'i 6 p. m " " Renovo .... .9 00 p. m " ; arr. at Phila 7 05 a. m W.m. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. Bargains! Bargains!! Bargains!!! ATI'tJIE NEW YORK STORE (next dooi post-otllce) Ridgway, Pa. IT') men's suits will be sold at tin lowest rates ever before known. 50 Youths' Bojs' and Childrens' suits. 7-3 Men's and Childreu's Overcoats. A big line of. buckskin Gloves and Alittens. Caps in great variety. A big lineot'iindel'wearfrom 25 ecu t. upwards. These goods will be sold at the greatest reduction ever known. We are oblidge to close out flu above, Goods iu order to make room foi ur spring stock. ., Customers coming from a distanct and trading JiJ worth will have theii fare paid both ways; those trading fl worth will have their fare paid out vay. All the rest of our goods will be sold accordingly at a great reduction. Remember the place. Cohen Bitos, & Buowxstkink. ESTATE NOTISE. Instate of Albert Brehni, lale o i Benxiuger township. Elk county. Pa., demised. Notice is hereby givel. that letlers testamentary have beei. j run ted lo the undersigned, upon tin above naHteii estate; All persons in debted to said estate are r qucsled t make immediate payment uu I thos. oaviug-'legal claims against t lie sam to present I hem without delay, in pro per tinier, for settlement '' AxuitEW Bkehm, Administrator. I T I I ) Yourself hy making nione. H P. 'I I wl'en a golden chitneu i- II I i I t olt'.'ieil. tlicr.-tiy u I ways keeping poverty fi' m your ihnr. Those wim uwilj s lake itdviintiige ol' the giKid chancer lor tnakliig money that are ollV-red. genera. Ij hecoine W4.alihy. while tluttte u-hodo not ini pic.Ve such chances remain la poverty. Vt nnt miiit'yun'n, women, hoys, and girls to work !'. ! us right In their own. lotuliiies. Tin ntisluesK . will pay more than Ion tiuicsorUi nnry wages. e I'm nisli ait' eVpehslve tnii llt and till that you need, free. No one who engages falls to tu.k uinu y very rapidly You can devote your whole time. Jo lite work, or tut ly your spare moments. KitlJ Informa tion tun) all that is needed sent free. Ad drcai. aflNSOX Ji t'O. Portland. Maine. ... w , , . ESTATE NOTICE. Estate oi Elizabeth Zernnielt Glass, late of Benzingep to-wiisliip, Ed; county, Paijdecx'nsed. -Notice is here by given that letters ' testauienlury have been granted to the undersigned unon the1 wove- liuined estate. All pei soils Indebted to said estate are re quested to lutuie' immeoiuie payment and those having legal claims against thesameto present them without de lay, in proper onier, tor settlement. ADA. JKBiir.HUtat, I w GEO. SCii ACT, The moKt complete Institution In the United, Duties lor me uiiiMuigu pructietti etiucttiion of young und ::1Uti,e ugd meu. btudeiiui Hdmitted tttuny ti'ite. -Kor clrculur giving fall, particulars ud drB 3. t'.KM.TH. A.M. .' liiubiiruh. Pa. HOW'LOST. HOW RESTORED! Just published, anew edition of. Dr. Culverwcll's Celebrated Es'y. on tlie radical cure of Spermatorrhea or Seirrtnal Weekness, InvnUinrafy Seni I nut Losses, Impotency, Mental mid IMiysiciil Incopaclty, ImpedimCiltfl to Marriage, etc.; also Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, Induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance, &c. The celebrated author, In this ad mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured; pointing out u mode of cure at once simple, certain and means of which every sufferer, no mutter what hisjctrnditioti'tnliy be,' may eyre himself cheaply, privately and radi-culty.- ": ' ' . '- 8This Lecfure should 'be In (he hands of every youth and cvefy man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address t hePublishers. The CULVERW EL L MEDICAL Co. 41 Ann fc't-, New York, N. Y.J Post office 1 ox. tohO. . ... i .... ... N JEW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and I he .public . generally, that he has started a Lively Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES ind Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. feyile will also' do job teaming. Stable on Elk street ' All orders left 'it the Post Olllcu will receive prompt .mention. AU20lS71tl A fTPM'T ) 'i""r bc complete and vrrrmn f Authentic Record of W ANTED J the Achievements of STANLEY IN AFRICA The developments hy Stanley in the Dark Continent, his remarkable dis coveries ami wonderful Descent or i00 miles of the Congo River, .shoot ing fttpiils, und cataracts, amidst tlie most ilillie'u'tMiml thrilling situations, lal'lirg urNvei'it lire's with"' wild beasts, ind no less wild Savages has no p ir tllel in the annals of explorations. It is more fascinating than romance ontains over 700 pages, und striking idustrations. Send for circulars and terms ami se cure Territory ut once, for this, the most interestiim and popular book ol ihe day. Address, Wm. Km nt, Publisher. 02'i SamstHi St., l'hiladelpliia, I'a. n47 tL -'-4t H v . S - Ligltt, ruuiiing, Lctest Improved 30MESTIC, at prices never heard o before, at Mrs.W. S. Service's. TEAMS WANTED for bark haul ing either ny tlie conl or by theday at tlie Brookston Tannery, Brookston, Forest County, Pa. MPLOYiVifi FOR EITHER SEX. 2XCLUSIVE TEKRITOHY; GIVEN to agants, cbalen or psidlars. To show that our gootls will sell on heir merits, we will uliow any agent lealer or peddler to return any part o heir first order remaining unsold tt'ter till days to us, and will refunn noney for same. There is no articii ike it in the United States, aim ii t ill sell iu nearly every family. Se ure the sale or agency of it at once. in. I go to work. Address for terms. VELCOMH BURN Kit MANU :t: TURING COMP Y., Box 13i2, i'lTTSBURGH, PA. , , . ryOTiCi. Of APPEALS. N'OTICE U hereby given that tin i'tin'iiiiissloiters of Elk county . ill hold a Court of Appeals ut t licit fllce, iu Ritlu wav, on TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, THE 1ST AND 2D DAYS OF MARCH, 181. For the purpose of hearing and de'er iiining appeals from the assessments ml revising the . military eiirollmeii, or 181, which time and place all per sons feeling themselves aggrieved bv laid assessment or enrollment can at end, it tltey see proper. By Order of the Board. Attest -W. S. MORTON, Clerk. Commissioners' Oilice, I I'eltlirary 10, lssi. febl0-3w Ursula M'literney, ) In the lly-her next friend, Court of Com Ann Dukelow, f mm Pleas Elk vs. " ' Co.' No. 17, Thomas M'lncrney , J Nov. Term, 1881. DIVORCE. To the respondent above named: Tuke'lioiice, that subpojua tind alias ublxena lUtvi-ug been issu'eti' iu tin above enl it led case, ami returned "mil ound in the county,'' you are hereby uoiitietl to appear belore the' saii .'ourt, ut Riilgwnv,1 ' Pa., n tin FOl'RTH MONDAY OF MAY, A. i. 18N1, to answer the said libelluiitr eompluint. 11 ' " " 1 THOMAS SULLIVAN, Sheriff". Sheriff 's Otlice. 1 Riilgway, Pa,, Feb. 10,1881. Gi:o. A, RA'tiitiUN, Attorney for Libcllaut. .eblOOw -c- For fear yini tuny forget we say once more tloil t fail to go in und se'e the big Htock of new goods at the Union store. X its p i; jr an I cu velo;)ea t the office. t , - A I i ' Oiltrlf furnished" free, wllh full It- I strticfioiiH lor conduct I ntf the most H- , prorttiible business that Hiiyone can engage .In. The busliios Is ho easy to learn, Httd our lnstrucllonH are mi slmnle and nlaln IVpit uuy one can muke ureal pro Mis front lite very start. No one can fall who Is wllllitie to wori. women, irf) as Muccesslnl as nun. ltoys and Girts call earn lame uums. Ma v ha ve made l t ie htisinesn over .one hundred tlollars In a single week. Nolhluu like It ever known bt-loru. All who engage Hre sur prised ut the eti'se m d rapidity with which they are able to make money. You cun en Kaise In tlili business during onr spure time Bt Kretit prollt. You do not have to Invest capilul In It. w take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to us ut IX)., Augusta, Maine, ah luroiBiieu irevv Aiuresti j kl k a: nayl P'LANTS A F:D:R Our Caiahiie tftlvice Il&cr.d 1 1 S.-A 'jScwiain the "LEST ami CJJZAJE&I," avdtvr BOOK OF FLO WEES g he prices and de&'a iptiuis cf I3csinsjti Baskets and Lose Cut Flowers for .any occasion, , Sent free on application. - Harry 'Cliaapcl, Seedsman EE1 Florist, . Williamspprt, Pa. HENRY A. PARSONS, Jr., AG'T . ; THE SUN. FOE 1881. Everybody r. nds Tue StTN. In the edition of litis newspaper thrott;lioiit lite yeur to come everybody will rind: I. All the world's news, so presented that the tender will tret the iircntest amount of Information with the least unprotittthle ex pediting of time and eye-slifht. hm Hvs Ioiik bbo discovered the Rohlen mean be tween redundant fulness and unsatisfactory brevity. . i II. ip,ch of thnt. sort; of news which de- ,nA.tii luuu imim Itu iwiiir II I r.ft 1 I iunnrini)l,A than upon !tjj lntireft to mankind. Krom tnornlng lo mornltiK 1 UK M.v prints n con tinued stir,v of Hit- lives of real men und women, and of their deeds, plans loves. hates, and troubles. This story Is more varied and more i merest Inu; than any .romance that was ever devised. lit. (oo;l wrltlnit In every column, nnd freshness, originality, nceuraey.nnd decorum In tlie treatment of every subject IV. Honest comment. Tin: sex's hnblt Is to spetiU out I'earlcss'.y about men and things. V. K(ttal candor In dealintr with each po litical parly, and equal readiness to com mend what is praiseworthy or to it-btilie what.lHblatfiablu.4Ji Ueinocrat or Itepubli ctin, ,. ' VI. Absoiule inrlcprndenccttf partisan nr tranizallttns. ot'tt unwavering loyalty- ti tru Democratic principle. 'J'hb.Sitn believes that the tiovcrntnetit which tlie t'onstltulion L'ivcs ustsatfood one to keep. lis notion of duly Is to resist to Its utmost power the. ef-, I'orts of men iu tlie Hcptiblictiu party to set up another form of p.vernnient in place K that which exists. The yenr ISsI and the years Immediately following w ill probably decide Ihls supremely iuip-irtant contest. I uu scn believes that the victory will be w ith the people as against the Mings for Im perial power. ;ur terms are as follows: Kor the Katly Scn, a four-pnee sheet of Iwenty-eiifht columns, the price by mall, post paid, is . cents a mouth, or SH..V) a yea:-; or. Incluilintr the Sunday pit per. an eltrht pace sheet of tillv-slx coluini.s. Hie price Is cents u mouth, or S7.7H a year, positive ptdd. The Sunday edition of Tun Sun Is also I'urnlslied separately at SI. -0 a year, postage paid. The price of the Weekly st'N.elijht paires. Ilfl.v-slx columns. Is si a year, post nee paid, Korclubs of let sendltnj 5J0 we will send an extra copy free. Ail Iress I. W. ESGLAvn. Publlslyjr pf Tiik Ses, New York City. Ruby Saved. We are thankful to say ' that our baby was permanently cured of a dan gerous and protracted irregularity of the bowels by the use of Hop Hitters by its mother, which nt the same time restored her to perfect health and strength. The parents, Rochester. N. V, ... .See another column. IJufl'alo I-'j-pi'tss. Guilty of Wrong. Some people have a fashion of con fusing excellent remedies with the large mass of "patent medicines," ami in this they are guilty of a wrong. There are some advertised remedies fully worth all that Is asked llbr them ami one at least we know of Hop Hitters. Tlie writer has had occasion to use tlie Bitters in just such a cli mate as we have most of the year in Bay City, und. has always found them to be first-classjand reliable, doing all that is claimed for them. Tribune, " ' Look Here. The undersigned can cure fever sores without pain or use ol tlie knife My motto is, "No cure, no pay." I charge according to your means. I' I lose living at u distance can write enclosing stamp for postage. All letters promptly answered. Receipts sold to physicians on reas onable terms. Address, N. V. Li:xt. 5 1 Ridgway, Elk Co. Pa- Resideiice two miles from Ridgway on the Warren pike, ..,..- Fairbanks:' refined ard in teapots,1 collecpots, and stewpuns ut Morges ters. t HTI'1T Rent free to those Who wish to ennnire in the most pleasant and llfvnrolltable business known. Kvery- IhlnK new. Ctipital not leouircd. We will furnish you everything. siiindayHiid upwards is easiy made without staying awa from home over nijjht. .No risk whatever, .'daily new workers wanted tit once. .Many .ire ipHlilug fortunes at the business, I.udics make as much as men, and young boys and iirls make ureal pay. No one who is wIIIIiik to work fails to make more in nicy every day than can be made In a week ut ordinary employ iiient. hose who engage at once will find u short road to fortune. Address il. HALLUX? & CO., rortlttnd, Maine. nUyl i : Loudon Layer and Valencia Rais ins, Prunes I u lioxes. English Cur rents, Pared and im purred Peaches at Morgester's. ' - . ESTHAY NOHSE. There ctiine to the premises of Lewis itoyiiigton, in Horton township, Elk county, Pu., about the middle or last iJciober, a three year old cow haying a line back red sides, and being par tially while. Any person owning said cow will please come forward, prove property, pay charges and take tier awav or she will be disposed of according to law. Xo More II. .i d Tiiiics.r , If you stop spending so., aiiuch on tine clothes, rich food ami style, buy good healthy food, cheaper and better clothing; get more real und substantial tilings of life every way, und especially stop the foolish habit of employing ex pensive, quack doctors or using, so much of tlie vile humbug medicine thut docs you only harm, but put your trust iu thut simple, pure remedy, Hop Bitters; (hat cures always ut a trilling cotit, and you will see good times und haveyood health. Vronivle. I. O.of 0 F. Ridgway Lodge 0(59, I. O. of O. F. meets every Thursday evening;'- Vis iting members are cordially invited to utteud. OFFICERS: 'V M. Cohen, N. G ; J. A. Ross, V. ii.; R. S. Gross, Sec'y; J. W. Smith, As t Sec'y; H. II. Weuscl, Tietwurer. 13 D 'SEEDS Business Cards. : GEO. A. RAYHBVIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LkW.t; : Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa Particular attention given to 'the examination of titles, also to patent and patent cases. ; HALL & MXAULEY ' ATTORXEV-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Cov Pu. v32t li'. L. Willi A MS. Late of Strattiinville), Physician and Surgeon. Hidirwnv, Pa. Ofllce. in Hall's Jlrick liiulding (up stairs ) References J. 1) Smith, .11 L. Young, R. Rulot'son, Strallaiivi'lle; Major John Killey, YY. W. Green land, ChirK n: Has practiced Ids profession sccessfully for more than ten years. Q. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PA R M A (,'E UT 1ST, X'. W. corner of Main anil Mill streets. Riilgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected l'oreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at till hours, day or night. vln"y J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ELECT I C PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, Has removed his office from Centre street to Main t-treet, Itidgway, Pa., in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hull, west of. the Hvde House. Office hours :-l to 2 P. M. 7 to 0 P.M HYDE HCUSE. J-W...H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for thcpalromiye hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon, li'hn, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. octoU'U'J APPLETO tti'SAMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA. ' This fldminVble work is now com plete! tl lb vols. EachvoluniecoiitaiiihHOO pag6s. ' It Inakesa complete and '.veil selected library," and no one , can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $oi) in, S(J."0 in leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For articulurs address, W. H. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co.. X. Y.. who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K Judson, general agent. CENTRAL State Normal School, F.iZflith yorimtl Sdntol Dixtrici.) L0( K HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA- A. N. RAUB, A.M.,Ph D. Principal. This school us at present constituted rll'ers tlie very best facilities for Pro fessional and'cliissical learning. Buildings spacious, inviting and commodious, completely heated by steam, well enlihited and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure., soft spring water Location healthful and easy of ac cess 1 Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, efficient, und alive ltt'their work; Discipline firm but kind, uniform a ml thorough . , Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to those preparing. to teach. Kluoenls admitted at any time. Courses of study prescribed by the Stale; I. Model .School. II Prepara tory. 111. Elementary. IV. Scien tific. ADJUNCT t'otlfSKSf I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Music. IV Art Tlie Elementary and Scientific courses are Professional, und students graduating therein receive SStufe Diplo mas, conier'ritig the fallowing corres ponding degrees': Master of the Ele ments tind Master of tlie. Sciences. Graduates In the othercourses receive Normal Certificates of tl eir attain ments signed by the Faculty. '1'he Professional courses are liberal, an'd are lii thoroughness not inferior to those of our best colleges. .-. 'The' State requires a liiuher order of eitizehship. The times demand it. It isVuieVof tlie prime objects' of this school to help to secure it by ''furnish ing'inteldgeiit ami etlicieiit teachers 'for her schools. Tothiseml, it solicits young persons of good ubilities und good purposes those who desire to improve their time ami ' their talents, us students. To all such' it promises aid in developing their (towers and abundant opportunities for well-paid labor ufter leaving seluiob For catalogue and terms uddress the Principal, or the Secretary of the Board BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Stockholder's Trustees. J H Bar ton, M I), A H Best, Jacob Brown, S M Bickford,. -Samuel Christ, A Kaub, R G Cook T. C. Hippie, Esq., (J. Kenlzing, E. P MeCormick, Esq , W. W. Puiikin, W. H. Brown. State Trusjees Hon A G. Curtin, Hon William Big;er. Hon II ',L Diefleit bucli; Gen Jesse Merrill, J-C U NVhuley,. S Miliar MeCormick, Esq . ' ' ' OFFICKK8 Hon. Willium Biglef, Presldent.Cletjr- Helil, Vu . Genv Jesse Merrill, Vice Presiderjt, . Lock Haven, Pa. 8". Millar MeCormick, . Hecretniy, Lock Have-t, Pa - ''! Tliomtts Yardley, - TreaBurer, LojV: Haveu, Pa