r A. Honrjr A. PnrsotiV, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, FEW. 24, 1881 ENTERKD AT T1IK PoST-OFFlCE AT Ridoway, Pa., as second class mail matter. Cures Heotlache, Burns, 8prains. 'Clits, Wounds, Khetinintism, Tooth- nclie. Earache, etc. Warranted equal .. l . . .. i. i . t lu nii uutue, tu nun uicv, 6 ob. Bottles 25 cent; Pint Hot t lis 00 cents; Quarts $1. Have your druggist order', if he has not In stock, of CHARLES F. UF8LEY & CO., Wholesale Druggists, 64 Cortlandt St., New York .City. n47 4m. The elastic plant sprinkler. An' indispensable article for showering plants, keeping them in a healthy condition, ' and' tisefnl in sprinkling bncmeis arid moistening clo'hes Cal fmd see a sample at Tjie Advocate ofllce. I , --rcrap pictures, such jmper nui' chine made, and note paper' and en vclopes utT HE Advoc ate office. Jam Poles Middletown' X-Cut Saws. Jeffard's, 'White's and Mann'ft'Axes. 'Tubular and 00 Lanterns. ' Files. Diston's X-Cut Saws. Boynton's Lightning Saws. . Corn Pofpers. Coal Hods. Stove Sliovels. Repairs furnished for any stoves. Ax Handles. Pick Handles. i lb. Rest Polish 10 ctu. at JIo. .42 Main street. " n39 --Mi'elf paper sent by liiall (o'aVi'y ad- dress 25 cents for 23 yards. Try n few yards. Address, The Advocate, Ridgway, Pa. This' paper is mnehine made, and we furnish in many col rs. In ordering name the'cVilor u wish. This is a very tasty article for pantry shelves, clock shelves, library shelves, cupboard shelves, and in fact shelves or' all tles-criptions. That splendid rrgan sold lv D. 8 Andrus & Co.. Williamsport, Pa., for id.U cash with i stops, solid wal nut ease and 5 cct 9J inches high, is sold now tor $80.00 with one more stop and the grand organ knee swell additional. Write them. Terms easy on long timealso. Scrap pieturcs'.'Atithors, pen hold ers, note paper, envelopes from size 1 to'size 14. A lnrgv'and elegant stock of fancy note' paper in boxes at' 'Tin-: Advocate oflice. Also shelf paper, which is neat, ornamental and dura ble. No trouble to show these floods even if you do not wish to purchase, Horse brushes, i urry combs, cir cingles and blank eta cull on Jacob Butterfuss. fci rnmpn'inil " 'r'vfi of v-;'UMnr uti.nli in t.i.un.i'. dh'W h i,. v. il'n t. lytli'lt uf uoUisli uiiil iritii.ull (tnv. ri'ii! Mm fnttiti.ii;. i,'imi--!.-iiiisi!i. ami !;li-snst;.iuii "lenient-. It is tin min-st. wili-st, jiihI , every v:iv llii- rtin;t i-ffiM-tmil i.lti-nilivr nn-i! rfnu k'lii'.vti or a'.ti i " H, i , ' tn tin- pill .lie. Tl "ir!ii '' nf ukmI'm iif -4;iiil i 'i' inis'ry lini never proilimil so V :i'l i r. . ' i -1 1 rcim-ilv. in fi so potent to rttrlf t- V ! '-" . n-Miiliii trnjn -;iijie 1;N)mK 'It ,-!Ti'S Ni-i-i.rnhi, all jiirsrio'f'.iiii'.is discuses. Krys'iifl.t". I.'osr or tit. Anthony'-) Fire. Pinipli-t at;-I'lice-sriiiiH. I'ti .inlri, i-tc', . Roil-' V'timor, Tetter, llniunr. S: t KIk-miii Si'nl:l-liea-l, Kin;orm. I'lrei-'-., rp r'llin. Female Weal' nosses mill lrpeu liiritlfs, J;i ii nd lee. AOo'Iohh of tlx I iviM-. 1) v ,'CT-;n, Iviiiiieiation, uiii .le'iornl I) at'i'.i'.y. ' Yy il ?v. !.:v i ,,i'itt:r" "tviliti 1 iir'- 'it' 'If lti rri!i Ti 'r-. vl;ii i '!l;lll,nltti !ll I lonil. HI'! rllllHc ill-rilllU-icviir mi, I il".'iiv. It Htiimilni- H mul I'lilivenn :t1iH i-t'l If kin iti,tt t'twrttr nml itflri'WIlii Jt r.'"rr! nml pr'crvi ih hiiii. r tlilililr: ai:v tii- nnil vi rni'tirfi''U!?liinit tlie w'mli' svsh'in. No nilTi rn froin iiliy iliKcnsi' wliirli aris 's from ii!iinrii v i' the I'UxmI neeil li'spriir. who will irive Avhii' Sah.M'ahii.i.a li fair trial. Hi'niein'.irr, lliu eiuliiT the triii!, the s.iiMili'T t'.n' cur-. Its r'"l;v n f f'iinistic.1 to plivnicinnn I'Veryrt'ii'Tu: unit nn'v, r"i'ifiiiziii!; us supe rior iii:ilitii.'S, a liiiinist t it in tin ir pr:ii'tice. n r."0f v,url.- fortv vcrrn Avr.ii'i Sahsai'A- jtn.i.A Ii.ih ljr-Ni iil,-lv iiho'I. imil ii now jhim. RlK:i"H IIP! roiltllll'!!'- ff rMHIIHIW Of piollO w io liavi- i'xni i u'm-"ii noni'llti irum us mar VflloiH ciirativn virtui:. Prtp-Td bv Dr J C. A"r ti Co., rMCt.";Hl Mini Anlvlr-1 4'hciil-t, . Lowe I, Mass. h i imi matTii ircnrwuiKt. If yoa tu-o a iiicu rt 1. 1- tiT toiun;: overp,:U mi't uik, t'i res tu u T-a.il i.c- vr fmd your ilut.ri ii'o.a juulanti and u Nop e.ners. Jf you r youn nd n:d ,er ttBSfle. lU er ouriuAlili o.-Unuli c;t, tl OB HOP Whoeror yoor. r vbtuvrr Jon I'd n ua your iytm I wuw, umi hop B. inffertn; from eny In tiuu . ii u. ur. mar- roanjr. fulierini,' Irouk i. IT iu U4 ut ILouuiaiaii u. Bii.lly I I 1-1.1 ftolu form. of KliinOr disi'& tat vi ?. t havo l-ii nm r.ic d Irf fr tl.mtii'.uiff, Wllhoul (i aiicMiu, tTiiiciy 11.41 OK HopHlttara HOP Kltttli. D. I. O. ! an rVohrta r'ui-:iiarfV ot li itomaey HOP -and iirtuui... Iilsrurc l.r dntnknuii4it, u-e tit o.b:.i, tobliu, Cyf (fiartiHua. l rmi, ii"..i To will ba ruredi'yui'UM Hop Bitter If nm rt rm- r,wi-lrll.a.t.-yj ; NEVER FAIL ill H y ay our; Ufa. ft ha1 rtp ivun-l dro: i p eo.. pars ap arm a ACDITORS' RETTLEMEST. Itenciptu an1 Expenditure of Elk mnfufor the 1 car Ending lice. 81, 1880. BKCEirTa. To nm't re!l ved from anle of county lionda 18.6M 00 To nmoiint received from taxes on untenltMl IhiiiIh 31,61140 To nm't receiver!! from nle of I'ouiity IhiiiIn.. ....... ..j,., I.1.'W74 To nm't reeVI Troin tux eollectora t,3WII7 Tonm't j-ei''rt TiVim liitulx redeemed.. Ml HO To nm't Wft from ai'iiteil IhihIs 81 SB To ntu't Teo'ft front Kox townBlil prWif fiiiidii, hn nni't due DlMiiont... 92008 To nm't ree d from llcnr.intri-r t "plMir funds, nn niii't due IHxmont... 42S01 Toensh from Elk t'oimtv Itimk Old 7 Tocnsli fmm iileofRUrplua mnterliils 40 W To chuIi r-ollected on Judmnenta 22100 To cifaU'iiii Judgment vs.l.oik Haven 210 12 4S,SlKltl HM7 77 TO excess of expenditures $40,81(1 71 KXPENrilTt'RKS. fly nmottnt pnld M. Weideil, com- tnissloner. servlei-s 38100 Ily HiiiiMint nil Id (1-o.lteuscher.com- i inlvslniMT. services w 399 of liy inn t pnld w. ii. (isterhout, com- miBsioiipr, servirTTS.;.- Zfxs UO By nmoiiiil piilrlV. St. Ilortun, com- nilsplonqrs' 'clerk. .v.v.. f Ily nm't iriild Hull A Met huley. cotn- 600 00 fntsVJ oners' rrmnsel ..... 75 00 Ily nfn't pd. eoliHti.liles, i fllcers' fees 410 42 Ily iAr)'f 'pit Jiisttceai mtlleem' fees Sou Hy liiuoVtit pnld' dlslrlei nttornev 12X00 Ily nin't.'pitvd eonrl erler, M. I,. Hoss 72,V Ily nm't 'pnld tlpslnlT. H. H. Wensel... 4011 Ity Mirount pnld prothonotni'v, Ac..., 228 20 Ily firoiiiit pnld comity iiuditors nnd rlerk US 00 Ily nm't pnld Innltor. 1 nvld .Moricnn 40.tO liy inn t pnld innltor. .lolin Yoiing... . a'i8 Ily li mount pd. slierifr Com. fees ' l-"if 70 Hy nm't pil. cinislulilis ' ' Isni 111 Ily nm't pd. Justine". . " " S7 5I Ily nm't pnld u ltni sses " " KWiVI Ity nm't d. nsvessors for nsscsslnit... 411.12 liy nm't pd. iihscnsois for registering Iimi r4 Ily innoiint pnld Kt'iinct jurors 722 IIS Ily nmotint pnld t i'ii verse lurors 1. 740 III liy iiniount pnld lull expenses 1,392 02 Hy niiiouiit pnlil iHxin, ml Hospitnl.. 7 I.I us Hy nm't pnld IVnn'n. ' Itpfnr'in Seliool 40I Hy nmount pd western TVnltcntiiiry for IS7M 73 80 riv nmount pnld filr pIlljIfshliiK elec tion piticlniiiiitlon 10100 Ily nn-iimnl pulil fur publishing audi tors" settlement 33000 Ily Amount pd. for piibilsliiiiB trlen- nlnl t-'ttiiient....i 121 DO Hy nmoinil 'pi'3 for publishing up. pen I notices..; 36 00 Hy nmount pnld for mlscellnticous i. pilntliiir nnd ml vcrllslng 174 i6 Hy Mn't pnld for election expenses.... 6tl3 00 Ily nmount pnld fur rond views und diiinni.'i'B...; 210 50 Hy nm't pd. fur Ktiilloncry nnd postg. 5H 41 Hy nm't pd bounties on wolves. Ac.... 4S.13 Ily niiiouiit pnld Dir luel mul lights... 42S Ml riv in ii ii t jinid for splttiHins, Ac 10 00 Hy nmount inlid for medicul exiiml- n ii I i, hi in Knirli-h -ns 2-iOn T?y ilnihuiit Vbt for Stnle tux 9i3 43 liy nmount pnld for bonrdliiK Jurors in Kngllsh ense 44 7-'i Hy itiii't'pd furotllciiil stenournpher... 98 10 Hy iiniliiint pd lor rewurd lor Jinny Knultsl 1,00000 Hy nin't pd for hose for court house 31 13 liy niiiouiit pnid for Insurunce on court house 173 00 Hy Uni t pd. foriippcnl expenses J Jul .W Hy nm't pd. lor Institute expenses... 'I74l7 By nmount pnld foriiuditlngprotho- notiiry's nccount 9 00 By nmount pnid for Issue book for commissioners' otllce 17 73 Hy nm't p d for liilscelltiiicus x- . penscs 1 17 f2 By nmount pnld for services of Jury commissioners 50.10 By niiiouiit pnld 'forlnquests 2SS.5 By ain't p.i.'lh bull, line court housi;.. i2.ll4!)rl Hy county timid redeemed l,iHMI0 Hy Interest pnld on county bonds 2.013 00 Hy rclumlliiK orders redeemed... IIS 5S By exonerut ion orders redeemed 200W By tnX nnd costs on Ids sold county.. 2119 31 By nm't Jul. Jo: s township ou'ncct. of Big Level State rond ,.. 252 Oil By trms. commission on nm't ree'd... 7-"7 4il By trtlus. com. on uni t disbursed !" :ki 1!I,S16 71 Attets'anil Liabilities of Elk County. - December, 3, 1880. To nm't firx bh rnVsen.tca Innds, sub Je;t li com. nnd e.Vilnirnlion 14,549 15 To nmonntoffnx due from eollecti.rs subject In commission nnd exon'u.. ;i0383 4t! To niiiouiit due Ir. Beiixinger town ship for support of lunatics ut I'lxmoiit Hospital 49105 Tonmountdue Irum Fox township tor support of lunatics at liixniont llosplinl 125 28 To nmount due for suppnrt of Kllcn guinn ut 1 i Miloii t Hospital 204 31 Tonm't due from Jacob Mct'nnliv, cx-trensurer. for county tax ree d nnd not credit, d 100(8 To Judgment note ngiiinslj. L. and J. E. Bonluun... 4168 25,!i55 51 21,000110 To excess of liabilities.. ' ' $46,tMl ol MAIULITIES. PV connly bond outstanding ;i;:i .; 45.000 00 By county olclers outstniidlng... " 2M00 By nm't due lilxinonl Hospital 52000 By Mete lux due lor ls 7150.1 By balance due 1). C. Oyster for 1880 425150 i40, tsil 51 Total cost of court hnnse to Jan. 1,'8I 862,561 60 We. the undersigned, ConinilsislonersofKlk county, do hereby certify Hint tlie nliove and foreuoing is a corrcvt sl'ateiiient of lle re ceipts' and ex pcndl lures of Klk count v for the year ism), and also of the assets' and liabilities of said county nt this date. . Mil I1AKI, WKIKERT.) , W. H. I isTKHIlMl'T, T 5 Co.Com'rs. ,.' flKOBGK UKI SCHKR.) Attest Vf. ti. HoliroN. Clerk. Amount Jfccrivrd from 'the Several Co? efor of Elk County during 1880. Collector. Township, Year. Co.Tax. Nullum Hippie llorton 1S75 Satm .Incob Mnyer Kox lS7t) 20 90 Dnnlel 1'linlen llorton 1H76 on 81 Henry FMsi'lmiin SprlnirCreekls79 75 On Miclinet lilott Bentnger....ls77 333 17 John McMaekln Kox 1S77 2S tr "Win. II.. Murray Benezette... .1S78 229 00 Thnf. Burchtteld Horlon Is78 Kt51 Arinel Tnrley Jay 1K78 131 50 ,1ns. .H. Champloii ...Millslone... .1ST 8 3100 W. S. Hoi ton ........ Itiilgwny Is78 16290 Mntlhew Shanli'y ...Spring! reekls78 2375 John Barr Henezette.. 1879 S7500 Frank Wnriiith Ilcnzlngcr ... 1K79 80150 Joseph Knimert Fox 1S79 459 01 Jos. t'hiinibcrlnin ...llorton 1S79 402 43 Kphrnim Hewitt Iny..... IS70 453 Oil Blchnrd Biennnn ...Jones 1879 2'i2 42 A. .inimeruinn Millstone Is79 1 10 5:4 W. ('. Henly llldguav 1879 21075 Martin 1'errln Sprlng(rcekls79 K90I Philip Vullliier.. St. Marys Is79 1,175 10 ('. K. Sexton Henc.elte ISM) 840 25 Joseph Young... ... Ben.inger....ss0 207 On K. II. Hyatt Kox IssO 45000 Pnnlel IMiiilen Hortou IssO 20x00 William H. Cole Highland InSO 51 On Jacob K. Miller Iny.... ls0 22500 Itichnrd Brennnii ...Jones IssO 197 5s Uo frey 1'arroll Millstone 1;0 141128 W. S. llorton.. ltldgwny IssO 1,449 S7 Matthew Shauley ...SpriugCreeklKKO 1:47 IK Georje Wt'lgel, jK..pil.Maryii 1880 190 27 tV,209 61 Amount "Due, from the' 'Several Collec tor of Elk l)unty. Januarys,- 1881. Year. Collector. r Township. '; lS75...Nathan Hippie . llorton ; ls70...11enrv KlselinniiSprlng Creek.... lS7S...Vin.H..M uiTny...Beni-i!ette S78...Thos.Biirchricld..llorton , ls78...Arinel Turley lay ; 1S78. .. J ns.s.Clinmpion.. Millslone ls78...Mathew KlianleySpring (,'reek.. lK7S...Mchael Klebeck.St. Marys 1879.. .John Bair Benezette Is'll. Joseph Em inert. .Kox 'lK79...Kpluiaiii HewltUav IS79...W.C. Henly........ Hi.lgttnv ISS0...C. K. Sexton Benezette , I8sn... Joseph Young Benzinger ISsO.Fiie. H.Hyatl Fox 1kk0...Wiii.,K. l ole Highland I8s0...r)niilel l'tinlcn.... llorton lsso...Jai'ob K. Miller.. .Jay l8sii...Uli-liiirdBrnimiu.loni-H lsso...nodlrcy I'lirrott-Millslone I8SU...W. K. Horton... ltldgwny.. lSN0...Mnthcw Klinnli splng Crerk 1880...Ueo. Wdero, Jr...bl. Maty Tax , 139 69 .10 so , 121.: . 80.08 1 14 82 . 5 82 51 42 1142 2H 225 (i.5 . 60 35 I'll 55 075 70 401 HI S3I -M 1194 75 HI0 40 4' i0 052 95 1010 53 !BS7 17: 40 230 41 Jl"95 31 HUsl3t . 40S 82 pnld since (ettlrment . f VOOOpnld sine scltlcniei I ' ioouoO paid since settlement Ait fial JSrvntur'. Esr., Trcamircr of EUt Coviitg, in ttccouiit with said County for the yedr ending Janurry 3, U81. COl'KTV FtrNIl, To bnl. duo fnrd lit lust settlement 725 10 I'o ani l ree'd fioin sale of 16. iomls 13,003 00 TA iim't rec'd ft'onl tax' oil uiiscaled lands ..........i...v..: 21.511 40 To ain't ree'd rrom sale hf Co. hinds 1.133 74 To ain't r;'d frmn tax colctor S,3l3 07 To am't ree'd from lands ledci med... 8.i To nm't ree'd from seated lands.. ...... 91 80 To ain'l ree'd fiom I-ox twp. poor funds oi amoui t due liixniont 92098 To nm't ree'd fn-m I'enxlnger twp. poor funds on am't dim Dixmunt... 428 61 To cash from Klk County I 'jink ' ,l)l 87 To audi fron sale tvriflua materiuU, 40 90 -T--oukti eoltootvd on Juilgmtrata... 221 00 To oah on judgm'ti vi. Lock Haven 210 12 119.541 04 To balance .due ireasurer........ -.. 1,114 on 150.088 70 By com'rrer'pf thr'Crt. ord'i rdnid... 4,flV 04 By county bond rodi-emetl - 1,000 00 Ily Interest pnld on nolinly bond 2,01:4 00 By refunding orders redeemed lis 58 By exoneration ordem redeemed 290 0(1 By tax nnd costs on binds sold Co. 299 81 By iwn't pnld Joiles twp. on account or Big Level Hlnte rond 252 00 By trens. com. on am't received 757 48 Hy trcas. coin, on ain't disbursed 907 30 00,08.8 70 SCHOOL FUNDS. ' VBENEZKTTK school fund. To Hint tax reed from unstd Ids 1273 23 " anittax reed lrom Ids redind 4 04 12'-I7 '2d 23 00 balance due treasurer $1321 23 Kyjbal due treas atj.last setlnit 63 79 " bal due treason school build- inn fund 6 16 " seliool treas receipts 1200 00 ' coniniission on unit received 25 92 " com on unit disbursed 2o 38 $1321 25 BKXZlWKK SCHOOL FUND. To anit tax reed from uiietd ids 2589 35 " anit tax received from seated lands returned 9 72 i: $2o!M) 07 I$v bal due treas at last setlnit 187 70 ' school treas receipts 2100 00 " refunding ords redind 4 90 " exoneratio'ii ords redind 10 08 " tax ou Ids sold to County 5 34 " tax on double nssessmeut 8 77 " com on amt reed fl 9H ' com on amt disbursed 42 59 .241210 186 97 $2599 07 " balarlcc due fund pBKNZINOER SCHOOL BUlLDlNtl FUND. To anit tax reed from unstd Ids 824 45 " unit tax reed from setd Ids .. . ,1 10 " bal due fund ut lust sctlemt '88 71 414 2 Ily school treas receipts 15o 00 " refundinix ords redmd 2 10 " exoneration ords redmd 1 33 " tax ou lands sold to eo 07 " tax on double nsscHinients 90 " eom on ain't nVeivcd '! b 5 " com on amt disbursed 7 08 3C.S 59 ' 45 67 $414 20 " bal due fund FOX SCHOOL Fl'XD. To bal due fund at last set U nit V 04 " unit tax reed from unstd Ids 2071 7(1 " unit tax ri'Cd'f'rojif sld els 29 58 " ami tax reed from Ids reilmd 4 14 $21 1 1 52 1515 HO 23 "(i 6 3 42 22 30 00 1617 30 494 10 $21 IT 62 By ,schol tresis receipts " exoneration ords redmd " tux ou Ids sold to county " eom on amt received 1 '' com ou unit disbursed baluncclue fund FOX SCHOOL BCILD1XO FUND. To bal due fund nt hist setlnit 33 76 " unit tax reed from unstd ids 5:18 85 " unit tax ivcd from std ids 11 5ft " umt tux reed from Ids redmd 1 08 $584 25 By exoneration ords redmd 5 S4 " aint tax on Ids sold to co 1 67 " com an amt received 11 02 ' com on umt disbursed 03 18 Ofi 565 59 $584 25 ' balaile'R'due'fund HIGHLAND SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund ut lastsillmt 102 33 " umt tax reed on unstd Ids 952 48 $1054 81 By school treas receipts 000 00 " corn on amt received 19 05 " com on amount disbursed 18 (0 937 05 nr 76 $1034 H " balance due fund HOUTON SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund ut- Iut st Unit 14 57 " amt tax reed from uirstrt Ids 1339 30 ' $1353 87 1250 00 By school trt-a's t-eceii)t8 refundiiiK trds redeemed 4 6ti ' com on umt received 27 07 " com on amt disbursed 25 09 1300 7B 47 11 $1353 87 " balance due fund JAY SCHOOL FUND. To bal dtlie fund at, last seltmt 15 51 ' bal due seliool building fund at lust settlement 6 15 " amt tax feed from unstd Jldsl472 82 f 1491 48 By pchool treasurer's receipts 1380 00 " unit tax on Ids sold lo county 10 03 " com on amt received 29 88 '.colli on nmount disbursed 27 80 1447 71 46 77 $1494 48 " balance due fund JONES SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last seltmt 17 31 "amt tax iced ou unstd lands 2783 70 S2801 07 By school treasurer's receipts 2000 00 "' refunding orders 15 63 ' com on amount received 66 02 coiuniiofcion on unit disbursed 52 31 2723 90 " balance due fund 77 11 $2801 07 JONKB SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To bnl due luud ut last set lint 1 38 " umt tax rccd.from unstd Ids 1203 97 $1205 35 By M-hiK)! frea'sttrcVa 'receipts 1150.00 " refunding orders 7 12 " com on amount received 24 10 " com on amount disbursed 23 14 1204 30 99 '" bulunce due fuiid 1205 35 MILLSTONK SCHOOL FUND. To amt tux reed fro-ii Aiiistd Ids 1027 50 " unit tax reed from Ids redmd 'ii 4a J106Q 98 By bal due treas at' ifist tlmt 1 71 " school treasurer's rccepts 1000 00 4' comnilbbion on wut reed "2102 20 03 1042 70 '8 22 $1050 98 MILLSTONE 8CHOOL BUILDINO FUND. Toamttax reed from unstd lands 128 81' " anit tax reed froln Ids redind 2 93 "$131 74 By's'chiriol'trpnsurcr's receipts 120 00 " com mission on amount reod 2 "3 " commission on amt disbrscd 2 40 125 03 6 71 balance, due fund $131 74 RlDaVAV'SCHdoLFlJND. To bal due fund ut itist set lint .. 87 " amt tax reed' 'front unstd liids" 792 29 792 66 8 59 " balance due treasurer $796 25 By school treasurer's receipts 730 00 " refunding orders 85 10 " commission on amt reed ,r .15 85 " coinriiission ofi'umt disbrscd" 15 30 $790 25 KIDOWAY SCIHK)L BUILIUNO FUND. To bal due fund at last setlutt 8 06 "' amt tux reed from un.itd I lids 475 67 479 23 78 " bal due tretisurer $J(KJ1 By school treasurer's receipt 457 00 " refunding orders 4 21 " com on amount received 9 68 " com on amouut disbursed 9 22 '': $480 01 SI'ItINO CHEEK SCHOOL F'UND. To bal due fund at last setlnit 37 58 " anit tax reed from unstd lrids'1202 19 " anit tax reed from setd hinds 79 98 " unit tax reed from luds'rdmd 6 S3 $1416 68 By school treasurer! receipts 11 IB 00 " amt tax on lands sold to co ... -. 5 70 " commission on amt received'' 28 83 ' commission on amt ds'brsed' 23 02 1233 31 183 37 " balance due fund $1410 08 ST. MARYS SCIippLFUND. To bnl due fund at last sellmt 7 43 " unit tax recti frm" unstd lauds 40 0 " unit tax reed froiil'setd hinds 34 64 $88 08 By school treasurer's ree'ejpts : 64 42 "anil tux on lands sold to co 3;88 " amt tax on laiuls sojd to co 1 50. " eommission on unit refd 1 77 " cummissioii ou ami disbrsd 1 89 73 oil 15 60 $88 OS " balance due fund BOA I) FUNDS. BENEZETTE HOAD FI ND. , To anit lux recti frm tnisd 'Ilids315 35 " ami tax reed on lauds rdmd 13 12 $3198 47 By bal due treasr at last sctlmi 40 .'in '' road orile- redeemed 2444 00 " twp treasurer's receipts 60i0(i " commissHin on unit iceeived Ii3 97 " com on amount disbursed l'l no 3175 27 22 20 53198 47 'balance due fund BENZINCiEH HOAD FUND. To anit tux reed fun un-td ltuls 2"! 35 " onit tux reed iroilr setd lands 9 68 f 2599 03 io an By exoneration ordrs redmd " bal due treasr at last sennit " road oniers redeemed v tin 07 68 1931 00 3-jil 01) 5 On 4 4 8 70 " tu p treasurer's receipts " ictundiug orders redeemed " ami lux ou lauds sold to eo " amt tux on Ids doble assesd ' coiumissiou on unit received' "commission on unit disbVsed ' 51 V8 47 3U 247K 00 121 03 " balance due fund $2599 03 BENifNUEK ADDITIONAL BOAD FUND. To ailitlux reed frm unsetd lnd'.589 35 " ailtt tux recti from setid land 9 38 $2598 72 By exoneration orders redtnd "' bal. due treusr at Inst selimt " iwp treasurer's receipt " umt tax ou lauds sold to co " anil tux ou inds ilulil asscd " refunding ordrs redeemed " com on unit received " com ou umt disbursed 10 08 79 28 2800 00 i- 5a4 e 8 70 : 1 4i 51 00 47 08 25(15 10 93 03 S'251'8 73 " balance due ftlnd FOX BOAD FUND. To amt tax reed from unstd Ids 1802 3s " amt tux reed flom seled lnds 27 65 " umt tux reed frm Ids redmd 8 On 1833 63 By bal due treas at last set f nit " bal due on uditiciil rd lund " road orders redeemed "exoneration orders redmd " com ou umt received ' coiii oil unit disbursed ''' 19 95 183 60 139C 0(1 25 36 Kb 67 32 09 1093 07 139 90 "$1833 63 " balaueii'tliie fund HOUTON KOAD FUND. - To unit tax reed on unsetd Ida 1074 47 " $1074 47 By bal due treas at last setlmt C 39 " load orders redeemed . 1159 (K) " twp treasurers receipts 43" '00 " refunding nrjli rs leileeriied 4 00 " com on niiiouiit received 33 49 " com ou aiiioiint disbursetl 31 W 1664 86 9 61 $1074 47 " balance due fuixl HIGHLAND BOAD FUND.. To anit tux reed from unstd Ids 1912 1.1 $7912 13 By bal due treas lit last setllnt. 111 81 road orders n decmed 14io no " com on umoilnt received 88 24 " com on amount disbursed 81 54 1647 60 204 65 $1912 18 " balauce due fund JAV ho AD FUND, Torbal dud fund at last setlmt 35' 24 com ou amount disbursed bafaticij due fund " amt tax reed from "uiisl;ttl Ids 1941 51 1976 75 1 07 ' balance due treasurer ' $1977 82 By road orders redeemed. '., ;1522 00 1 "township treasurer's receipt', '. 304 94 " anit tux on lantl softl fo co 14 03 ' com on amount received 88 83 " com on amount disbursed 88 02 $1977 82 JONES BOAD FUND. To anit tax reed from iiiis'td Ids 305" 97 " balance due treusurer ' 1 49 $36.59 40 By refunding ordrs retWemed 17 04 " bal due treus at last setlmt 2 28 " road orders redeemed 2897 00 " twp treasurer's receipts 60" 00 " com on amount received 73 10 " coin an unit disbursed 69 98 $3059 4ft MILLSTONE IMlyjh FUND. ., To amt tax reed fronru'nstd Ids 1173 35 " balance due treasurer 42 72 $1216 07 Bv bal due trens at last setlmt 18 05 " bnl "hie I reus on cash fund "'road orders redeemed " tjvp treasurer's receipts " com tin amount reejyed ' coin on amount disbursed 10 58 500 on 640 0(1 23 40 23 88 $1216 07 . PIDOWAV UO.p FUND. To alnt tax reed from unstd Ids 1882 87 $1882 87 lSy tml due treas at Ins sctlemt 42 30 ''lull due treasurer on cash fund at Inst settlement 35 52 py road orders redeet'ii,ed 1494 00 "' refunding orders rt'dcenied 28 08 " refunding orders redeemed 33 69 refunding orders .llidg way and Brookvilie stafe road ' 2179 " eom on amount reeejved 37.05 " com on amount dbl ured S3 lu '.'1720 M 150 74 ' balance due fund $1882 87 SntlNO CltEEK BOAD FUND. To bul due nt last st)ttlenieiif 2 09 " unit tax reed from uhslfl fd10io 48 " anittax reed from std lands ' 41 5(1 " unit tax reed from Ids redind li 00 II no 6 By road orders redeemed , 8118 00 ''township.lreas receipts " -175 00 " anit ttix on Ids so,ld lo cotinty 4 84 " com on anit, received . 22 hi com on amount Uisuurseu in 10 1029 59 71 08 "' balance due fund $1100 07 Sl'BINW CHEEK ADDITIONAL BOAD FUND. To bal due fund at last sctlemt 27 27 " umt tax reed from minted Ids "nl 99 " unit tax reed from std lands , 23 2c " unit tii reed on Ids rei'tnid. 3 00 $7.15 4S By townshiptreasurer receipts 700(81 " amt tax on Ids sold to county 2 07 " com on amount received 13 10 " com on niiiouiit disbursetl 14 04 731 21 " bulunce due fund 24 25 $755 40 ST. MARYS BOAD FUND. To bat due fmidat hist seleint 28 " amt tax reed from unstd Ids 38 02 " unit lax1 l'ec'd Troili std" ' lands 34 OS $72 98 Hy borough trcas receipts ' 03 27 "amt tax on Ids sold to county 4 51 " com on amount received 1 4! " com 0:1 amount disbursed 1 14 (.(I.". 12 00 $72 91 " balance due fund ST. MAI1Y8 COIH'OKATION FUND. To bal due fund at lu-t sctlemt 14 ' unit' tax recti from unstd Ids 2tl It " anit tux reed I rum std lands 17 34 $M9I By bi'irough treasurer's' fee its 34 71 " unit tax on lands sold to co 3 12 "'com on amount received, 88 " com' on uniount, disbursed 74 39 45 4 46 " balance due'fli nd $43 91 TOOK KUXD. BENZINGEIt I'Otllt FUND. To amt lax reed from unstd Ids 1811 73 '""unit'tax reed from seated Ids 6 78 1 $1818 51 By bal due treas ot fast sctlemt 84 70 " township I reasurer's receipts 775 48 ' cash pd county on uccovint of Dixinoiit as per order of Mip .' eryisors , .. 428 CI ' refunding orders redeemed 1 4u '" exonerut ion ordt s redeeui,ed 7 48 " unit tax on hinds sold Jo. eo 3 87 ' unit tax on double ussessmt 6 15 " com on umouut received 30 37 " com oii'umouut disbursed 26 00 1370 12 " balance (lue fund 4 18 39 $1818 51 ,. FOC BOOK FUND. To amt tax recti Horn unstd Ids 1084 92 " unit tax reed from std Ids 0 84 " umt lux reed lrom Ids redmd . 2 10 $1093 4i By bal due treaa at last sellmt " casli pd co on unit due Dix niont lrom Fox lownsldp " exoneration idcrs redi tmed " unit tax on his sold loco " coin on nmount reteived " com on amount disbursed 8 la 920 98 1) 88 3 32 21 8(1 18 78 980 00 113 42 ' bulancc due fund '$1093 42 HOItToW POOR FUND. . To amt tax reed' from unstd his 422 08 $422 08 404 (Ml 80 8 44 8 09 421 33 75 - w l By township treas rccclpjts. "' refunding orders rcdcyihed " com 011 amount received " com 011 amouut disbursed. " balauce due fund $422 08 JAY POOR FUND. To bal due fund ut last el lenit 18 03 ' tttiit tux recti ironi uiistd Ids 902 28 ' $920 91 By township treasurer's recpts 830 00 "' tow nsliip treasurer's recipts 18 -.6 " umt tax on Ids sold to co (1 23 " com on unit received 1 18 42 " com on amount disbursed ' 17 08 889 99 30 92 $920 91 " bulunce due fund JONES Point FUND. To bnl due fund at last set I en it 1 00 " unit tax reed from uiistd Ids 365 92 $307 58 By township treas receipts 800 00 " refunding orders redeemed 2 90 ' com on amount received 7 35 " com on amouut disbursed 0 05 316 30 61 28 $307 68 " balance due fund MILLSTONE POOR Ft ND: To unit tux reed from uiistd Ids 321 C4 " amt tax reed from std Ids 7 31 $328 97 531 230 00 By bal due treas at last setlnit ," township ! reasurer's recpts " com 011 amount received " com ou amount disbursed , 6 57 5 10 200 98 01 99 $32o 97 ,l balance due fund HIDOWAY POOR FUND. To amt tux reed from unsld Ids 1104 50 $1104 6(1 By hat, due treas at last petlcnit 15 47 8J0 OU township trea receipts " rcl'tituling nr lei's redeemed ".(mil on .amount received " com tin aVuouiit disbursed 13 34. 2.' 09 16 47 807 237 "" bahinee due fund $1104 50 SPHIXO CREEK POOH FUND. To bnl due fund at last sctlt nit 4 S3 " umt lax reed from misted ids 348 til " amt tax reed from sled Id 6 92 " unit tax reed from Ids redmd 1 5n $301 28 330 0(1 1 (12 . 7 22 0 02 By township treas receipts " amt tax ou Ids sold to eo " com on amount received " com on amount disbursed 844 80 16 42 $301 28 " balance due fund ST., MARYS POOR FUND. To. bal due lutnl nl last setleint , " amt tax reed from misted Ids " amt lux reed front sltl lands 14 20 41 19 51 $10 till 34 5! I 3 12 92 By overseer's receipts " unit tax on Ids sold to co " com on amount receivwl " com on amount disbursed 89 : 0 ''' balance due fund $10 1'9 8TATK BOAD FUNDS. KANE, HIDOWAY AND ST. MARYS STATE ROAD FUND To unit tax reed from unseated- lands siluute in Jones Iwp 3415 47 " unit tax reed from unseated lands situate in ltidgway twp 2941 94 $0300 41 setlnit 187 39 By bal title treasr at last " ret'iidiiig on I nliiid.Jonesi wp . V. yefUf Jing ord idnid.Bcnssinjsor liiwiiMiip . .. 1 -. , . ,. " rel'iMling ord rdnid, ltidgway township " bond No 81 rdnid, Bidgsray 17 04 1 40 42 12 twp lunds t 1282 30 ' " interest pd on aljpve bond 48 73 " bonil 'Ni 83 redeemed, Jones twp funds 1418 89 " interest paid on above bond 113 51 " bond No 34 rdmd, Jones twp funds (118 90 ' interest 'paid on above biiid 52 '0 " bond No 4 rdmd, Jones iwp I II IMIH " interest paid on above bond 00 00 2i 5(1 1139 30 127 0 114 18 reept ot treas, ,1. ti. Hall com on amount received com on amount di.-Aiurscd $5948 07 412 34 $0300 41 " balance due fund Michael Jirunncr, Eqq., Trcaxiivcr of Elk County, in account with the ( iniinionwcalth t.f J'ciinxylcaiiia for the year ending January 3, 1881. To luil due ut last settlement 59 29 " unit cash reed tavern licenses 9oo 00 " amt cash received for eating house licenses 180 0(1 " amt cash reed store licenses 50 00 " unit lax fill from retailers of inei'chaiitlise 785 50 " amt tax col on billiard tables 140 00 " unit tux collected from brew is 75 00 " umt tax col from bondholders 125 10 $2314 95 By State Treasurer's receipts 2U05 49 " amt ca-Ji pit prinicrxl(nr,i.iuh- , lislji.ng iiercantile appruismt 85 (Ml " com on uiitouut received 1 1 1 72 . . . , 2202 21 " balunce'due Comiiioiiweulth "1 12 74 $2314 95 Ve. the undersigned, auditors of Elk county, for t.tic year 18s,i, having met at the the cop'imlssinners' olliees,' at' Bijlgway, in,,sai.d county, 011 the Hist Monday of .Juiiuury, 1881, it being the third (lav. of the month, for the purpose pf auditing, settling and ad justing the accounts of tlie several count v officers, we udiourned to Toes- ,ilay,.J i'.imry 4th, 181, ut which time we pioeeetleil to uuilit, set He und ad just the accounts o" the several county olliceis, and found tlicni correct, us slated in this our report. Michael Bruuner Kvq., tireasurer of said county, huving been duly notified was present in person, und presented his uccouut. Alter huvlng carefully examined, audited und udjustcd tlie uccotints ot said Michael Bruuner, treasurer, we found due from him the said, treasurer, lo the several funds, us, is fully set forth in tlie foregoing rejMU't, the sum ot four thousand anil ninety-six did luis und sixty four cents, and due to him, the said treasurer, from certain Kinds, as set forth, in the said fore going report, the Mini of one thousand two hundred and eighteen dollars nml tweniy-seven cents, having a net bul unce 01 two thousand eight hundred und seventy-eight dollars and thirty- seven ceo 1 due to the county ot Klk from Ihe said treasurer, and also due from the said treusurer to the Com nion wealth of Pi nnsylvaniu Ihesuni of one hundred anil twelve dollars umi seventy-four cents, as is fully set forth in tlie foregoing report. In witness whereof, wo have tero- to set oilr'Jiajnis this 25tli day o January, Ai -iv 18-81. J. J. TAYLOK, v Auditor CHAH.MIIiLKR, Auditors. Attest Thomas J. Burke, Clerk. The Comnnssioncrso' lkU County in account with said County for servi ces rendered during the year A. D. 1880. . .1 Michael Vcidcrt, Esq. To county orders received . 88100 $361 00 381 00 By 127 days' services $3 $381 00 George Rcmchcr, Esq, To county orders received 899 00 $399 00 By 133 days' services t $3 399 00 $399 00 258 00 $258 00 258 00 Br If. Oxtcrhout, Esq. 1 o con n ty orders 1 eel 1 ved By 80 days' services $3 . - . $258 00 A C Oyster, Esq., W,,h Sheriff of Ell; l aunty, in a iuuiit with said County jor the year endim January I ti co order to bal " fines and costs criminal casus last sctlemt collected in 410 36 70 08 28 On 095 12 19 48 "jury lues .collected in civil cases , . . '" orders'for hoardrhg'pHsoncrs " error in last settlement " cash paid for wasbimr fop , pri-oiiers . - .. R. " balance due (he sheriff ' 429 60 $17o0 30 By bal due at last settlement 410 30 ' j.-iil account for bniiiditi,; prisoners e?3 12 ' jail account for washing fur prisoners 82 to " serving jurors for May, Sept. and Nov. terms,. 1.S8D, i'iimI for,, Jan. term,. 81, "(ii .$1.00 '400(H) " cirts in cases wherein Co. is p!'M" 7 00 " rule in case vs. Kllcn Qiilnn 2 oil " two days lilting jury wiicel . 5 00 " fees in ciiuiiuul cases 1 10 42 " ties 011 coiiiuii.tmeiils 17 50 " drawing lour juries in 1880 4 no " pub. election proclaiiiiitions 1 Oil $'786 80 e, the undersisnutl. auilitors of lilk t ity fur tlie year 18M, having; met at the . coniuii.-sioiiers' olllce in ltidgway, n'i said county, on the lirst .Monday in Jiiiuiary, A.D. lt-81, being the third day 01 the month, for ihe purpose of uuditiiig, seitling and ud justinu the - accounts ot the sevvrul eiiimly olliceis, wc ud,iurned to .1 uesday.Jaii. 4, A. 1), lSM at wli'u-U lime we proceeded to audit.scltle and adju-t Iheuecoiilitsoi theseveral coun ty otlleei's, as set forth in t Ids our re port. Daniel C Oyster, Kstj., hi;:h slicrilf 01 sain couniy, whs prcM iit in ami presented his account. person, Alter e:,ie:ully examining, audit ing, settling and inljii.-tjng hU .. counts, we found them to l,c correct asset forth in the foregoing state ment. In. wilness w hereof, we have here unto set our hands tlie 21th dav of Jaiiuai v, A. 1) 1(-8I. J-J, i A VI. OU, , ,. t:iIA.S. MILL Kit, 1 Co' Ainlitors Attest Thomas J. Burke, Clerk- The Cuiiitiiissiuncrsuf the h'anc, J.'idq. way and St. .hart State Eood 'in a ceo 11 nt with tlie Eiiitdn of mtid Jload frmn fust settlement to the 31 t day of May, A. 1). IhSd. To bal due at last sett lenient 2847 23 " mill reed ironi co treas H'Vj ;;o $4040 53 By casli pd .1. K. I. Hall for ,work done in Beiiziiigertown- "P . 1595 34 "unit pd Gen. Thos. L Knn.. 92 40 304 43 695 12 471 Ot) 112 03 875 55 " casli pd .1. L Blown mi bond " amt pd W. 11. O.-terhout on bond,No 29, liidgwuv twp " cash paid on Ci. D." 'Messen ger's orders " cash (id ltidgway township " casli pd Bcuziiiger lowiisliip S 4040 63 We, tlie tiiidi rsigned, innliti rs of Klk, cou 11 ty oi (lie year 1881. having met til the commissioners' i.llice, in Uitlgway, in said county, on tlie lirst Monday in January, A. D. J8-SI, be ing t lie third tlav ol liic liionth w adjourned lo Tuesday, Jaiiu-rv 4tli. 11-81, at which time we proceeded Willi the settlement, and do hereby cci;ti:y that, we have carefully ex amined, tuidiud, settled ami adjusted tlie accounts of the commissioners of the Kane, Kidgway anil St. Marvs Mate road, and found llieni correct, as set foith in the foregoing report. In witness wlieieof, wc have here unto set our hands the 24tli day of Januurv, A. 1). Issl. J- J. TAYI.Olt, .. . ... CM AS. M1LLKH, Co' Al"hlrs. Attest Thomas J. Burke, Clerk. T1IK filtKAT KNtiLISM BKMKDY GKAV'S Sl'tdHC BlMLBY. TRADE MARK Is specially TRADE MK. recommend sr4:'l.."s,ul fX ' '.""'"r .'UIV W v 11 k n iHsi iv If rnmtor- -n mt men I m no- vts 1 xsr tore g ,,...,,, After TakW. deceases that follow us u setpjeucy ou Self Abuse; us Ihiss of Memory, L'ni versal Lassitutle, Bain in tlie Back, .Dimness of vission, 1'remature old age., and many other , diseases that leads to J nsauity. Consumption ufid a Breiiiature (jrave, till ot wliieli- us a rule are first t-iuised hy ileviating from the 1 ath ot iiatureaud'ovci' indulgence. The .Specirli-'jMedicine is tlie result. of a life study. and many years of experi ence in treating those special tleseases. Full, parlic.ulals in our pamphlets, which, we.desire to send free by niail to every oiie. , Tlie Kpeeitlc Medicine Is sold by alt Druggists ut $1 per jMiekage, or six packages for $5, or will be' sent "liy mail on receipt of the money by addressing. HI K Git AY MEDICINE i '0., No. 1 Mechanics' Block, Detniit, Allch. s2rSold in ltidgway by all Druggists, everywhere. Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents. Pittsburgh. nl2-ly Shelf Paper nnd $ernp JMetures." At the A DvifATK olfiice.' Tlie siitlf paper is in many colors; the scrap pic tures in endless variety. Also auto grnpulbums, funcy note paper, etc. Cull und see us, over Powell & Kline's store. Visiting curds, und Christujas cards, besides Bewurd of Merit nnd other curds. It won't cost you a cent' to cull and see our new slock; Juirr celved.