The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 17, 1881, Image 3

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THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1881.
Gus. Rohde the Popular
Barber Still Ahead.
Shaving with Bay Hum 10 cents
Hair Cutting 15 cents
Shampoo 1 cent.
pry Shampoo 10 cents
Moustache dying ..........15 cents
Shop corner Main and Mill streets,
Ridgway, Pa.
Satisfaction guaranteed every time.
Ask your neighbor to subscribe
for The Advocate only $1.50 a year
when paid In advance,
Pure cider vinegar 20 cents a pal
Ion for sale at J. 8. Singleton's. Buy
your vinegar now while it Is cheap.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Rhinea and
family wish to return thanks to many
friends who so kindly assisted them
in their recent bereavment. .
In connection wlih the Borough
election it is proper for us to state that
Mr. Holaday withdrew from the
ticket as candidute for school director;
Mr. McFarlin a candidate for town
council, and Mr. DuBois Gorton as
candidate for auditor.
E!i Perkins will lecture in Hyde's
Opera House on the !2Gth inst.. under
the auspices of a Riujway Lecture
Association for the benefit of a Ridg
way Lecture Course. Should this
lecture be well patronized other cele
brated artists will be employed.
Reserve seat for sale at Hyde's store.
General admission tickets 'at various
places. One laugh each minute is
guaranteed. Perkins stands high as a
A Swartz Ross, Merchant Tailor,
Ridgway, over Powell & Kline's
store has just received a bran new lot
of samples of spring styles of goods.
To be sure il seems that thei-c samples
area little in advance of the season,
but Mr. Ross desires at all times to
keep fully abreast of the times, in
style of goods, styles of make, and
always guaranties perfect tils. Call
and leave yaur measure now lor your
spring suit.
Company II will give a grand
at Hyde's Opera House,
Good Music will be in attendance.
A general invitation is extended to the
ItHixns. Thursday afternoon, Feb.
10, 1S1, Percy, infant daughter of
Geo. Y khitics, of this place, aged
2 years, - mouths, and -H days.
MA It It I El).
Amaciikk-Bhok. Al the residence
of Mr. Christ Amaeher, near Mr.
Gram's tannery, Mr. Poier Amaeher
to Mis Catharine Brok, both oi
Grant's tannery, on Fib. 10th, lfeSl,
by Rev. John .Sander.
Kersey ai d Around.
Feb. 13, 1SSI.
Considerable sickness around. S.
W. Moyer and wife, we are happy to
say, are now around and will soon
start for Wilcox to participate in a re
union of the Brown family where they
expect to meet the Hon. I. B. Brow.i
of Erie, and Hon. J. L. Brown of Elk
county, also Mr. and Mrs. G. R.Allen,
of Syracuse, N . Y.
Mother Nature picked her geese
again after the thaw.
The young man that is slightly
deranged will soon be a fit subject for
Dixuiout as soon as Ida leaves.
The ice is too thin down around
Myers'. It breaks sometimes.
Lemuel still makes ills weekly
visits not to Mecca, but to the house
beside the hill.
Good place to skate in Hewitt's
meadow "but there ain't sich a thuu
deriu sight o' fuu iu't when ye come
to light."
Charlie was somewhat amazed to
find the circumference so great.
Some of our citizens paid a visit
to the mountain railroad and enjoyed
a ride on the "Daylight," viz. Bruce
Harrington and wife, Frank Harring
ton and and well Miss May Hays.
We regret the expected departure
of our esteemed friend Mrs Dunbar
from the Hyde Farm and verily be
lieve that our minister s salary will
foot less at the end of the year.
We hope the neck-tie party will be
a success.
Lowery is he waited on
five girls at the oyster supper and gets
letters from one in Armstrong county.
Co'Supt. while around visiting
schools;visited around tothe little Toby
school last week.
A new kind of marriages found in
the Dictionary for futher information
apply to the Prof.
Jack and Jill.
Instate oi Elizabeth Zemmett Glass,
J late of Benzinger township, Elk
county, Pa.,deceased. Notice is here
by given that letters testamentary
have twen granted to the undersigned
upon th above named estate. All
peisons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make Immediate payment
mid those having legal claims against
the same to present them without de
lay, in proper order, tor seuieuieui.
ADAZ J ESBERGER, 1 Executors
UEO.KCHAUT. executors
The most complete Institution in the United
States for the thorough practical education
of young and middle aged men. Students
admitted at any time.
yFor circular giving fall particulars ad
flresa J. 831 in, A.M.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Note paper, enftfopesv cheap at
February Election.
The following is a list of persons
elected to fill the several offices In
the townships and boroughs of Elk
county t
Chief Bunress Jerome Powell.
Council D.C. Oyster,3 years J C.H.
McCauley, 3 years j V. II. Osterhout,
2 years ; W. H. Hyde, 2 years ; V. H.
Schrnm, 1 year; H. B. Thayer, 1
Shool Directors J. 8. Bordwell, 3
years; H. A. Parsons, Jr., 8 years;
Fred. Schce'ilng, 2 years; E E. Wll
Hard, 2 years; H. M. Pjwers, 1 year;
W. 8. Hamblen, 1 year.
Justice of the Peace J. D. Fuller-
High Constable Geo. R. Wood
Constable B. P. Mercer.
Judge of Election D S. Luther.
Inspectors A. W. Jones, John
Assessor W. C. Healy.
Overseers of the Poor M.E. Lesser,
R. I. Campbell.
Auditors R. V. Kline, 3 years
Hugh McGeehln, 2 years; T. S. Hart
ley, 1 year.
Justice of the Peace J. H.Wllliams
144; James Horlon 141. Two elected
Supervisors W. M. Gardner 50;
H. H. Wilson 55; John P. Decker 01;
Jas. L. Clark 77; O. B. Fitch 37.
School Directors (two elected for
one year and two for three years ) O
B. (irnnt, 3 years 92; Jas. K. Gardner
8 years 143; Henry Shimmelfling 1
year 145; Will Dickinson 1 year 84
Loomis Eggleston 3 years 51; J. K
Whitmore 1 year 59.
Assessor Jas. K. Gardner 141.
Constable Daniel Cauuavail 144.
Treasurer O. B. Grant 144,
Judo of Election For Ridgway,
L. C. Dickinson 113. For Rolfe Dis
trict, V. S. Wheeler 30.
Inspectors For Ridgway, F. C. Ely
4'.'; Frank Marshall It. For Rolfe, J
N. Brown 23; S. S. I'rovin 27.
Auditor J. K. Whitmore 142.
Town Clerk Cant J. Woodward
Note Rolfe election district is a pnrt
of Ridgway township, The district
elects its own election board. For all
other township officers the vote
of Ridgway district and Rolfo dis
trict ure computed together to deter
mine who is entitled to a certificate of
election, ami we have given the total
number each candidate received in
the above report. The return judges
of the two districts meet and are the
proper ones to issue cert ideates.
(The rest of the township officers
elect will be given in our next.)
Stockholders Meeting.
Notice Is hereby iriven to the stock
holders of the Brandy Camp railroad
company, that there will be a meeting
of the stockholders at their oillce in
Ridnway.Elk county. Pa., on Monday
the 14th" da j' of Feoniury.tfiwl, between
the hours of 0 A. M. and 5 P. M. for
the purpose of electing a board of
Directors and transacting such other
business as may come before them.
C. R. Earlky. President.
P. W. Hayks, Secretary.
Pursuant to the above notice the
stockholders of the Brandy Camp
Railroad Company met at the office
of C. R. Eailey in the Borough of
Ridgway in the County of Elk on the
14th day February, A. D. 1881, and
whereupon P. W. Ilayos was called to
the chair and G. R. Woodward was
elected secretary and upon motion of
Rufus Lucore the meeting was ad
journed until Monday, Feb. 2.1st at 11
o'clock A. M , at the office of C. R.
Eurley in said Borough of Ridgway.
Serious Acuidknt. Thursday
afternoon last, Mr. G.W. Chrisman, a
cousin of ex-Sheriff Chrisman, met
witli a very serious accident. He was
in the employ of Mr. Wm. Dickey, of
this place hauling boat gunnels from
Mr. D's lumber tract, in Millstone
township, Elk county, to the Clarion
river, and while crossing a bridge,
erected for the purpose of affording a
passage over a deep ravine and about
twenty feet high, the end of thesixty
tlve foot gunnel he was hauling struck
a sapling with sufficient force to
throw it out of its course and over the
edge of the bridge, upsetting the
sled and throwing Mr. V,., who was
riding on the log, over with il ; and
while falling his right leg was caught
between the guard log of the bridge
and the gunnel, and his mangled
limb being loosened by the team mov
ing on the bridge, he fell from his
swinging jKisition to the ground, a
distance of about sixteen feet. Mr.
Mapes, who was employed " on the
same Job, came to his rescue, and he
was taken to the residence of ti e
Messrs. Moore, and medical aid sum
moned. Dr. Baker, of Sigel.and Drs.
Balmer and W. F. Matson, of Brook
ville, were secured, and upon examin
ation it was found that amputation
was necessary, and the oseratlon was
successfully performed, the limb being
taken off just below the knee. Mr.
Chrisman is a resident of Armstrong
county, bis home being within a few
miles of Rural Village, and he is a
man of uhout fifty-three years of age.
It is regarded as a very narrow escape,
it being remarkable that Mr. C. came
out of such a serious and perilous
situation with his life, and that the
team escaped without injury At last
accounts the unfortunate man was
getting along as well as could be ex
pected. Brookville Republican.
Some nice dried Lima Beans only
10 cents per pound at Morgester.s.
Brooms, Mop sticks and all kinds
of wooden ware at Morester's.
Portland .'split herring, Prime
Mackerel, White Fish and a full line
of No. 1 Halt Fish of all kinds very
cheap at Morgester's.
Forty pounds New Pitted Cherries
at Uovgeater'a
Kldgway Graded School. .
ENDING FEB. 8TH, 1881.
its J"1
2 Sr
1 A
Miss Uabe K. Wlicox,
Miss Agn-s riHrrett,
Mlns Jennie Uresh.
J. D. Ulshell.
This record of attendance, puclunllty, and
deportment, I taken from the report to the
secretary . The average class-standing of each
pupil In ascertained by an examination held
at the end of the month. Parents ore re
quested to examine the report and visit the
B l 0 J
Maggie Flynn ,
Chui'lrs Meeuan ,
Kiln Kinie
John i. Whitmore
Willie Nchram
Willie I.ulher
f'lmncv Wilcox
K tie Mcenan
Fred Ky
Wlllio Meeuan
Craig McCullister
Kittle Whitmore
Gusle Woodward
Kudle l.nnioreux
Annie Kline
i.lzzie Flynn
Adah Mtilitne
.Insie Messenger
I'Mille llorton
Eddie Ijiiymon
John Nichols
Addle Dnrdwcll
I, una Rogers
Ella Wicks
C. O. Jones
Emma Mead
Viola Neill
Hannah Maloney
Mark Khun
Minnie Miles ,
Minnie Kline ,
Holland Cook
Chnrles Scrlbner ,
Jennie Holes ,
Wl!ll Mulone
Eddie Holiday
I,u n Holes ,
Walllo Dill
Warren Irwin ,
(Icorge Mcr'arllu
Charles Geary
liriico Kime
I'liarles Dill
Emma Geary
Edward Piilne
93 111
es: loo;
ft")' IM
Eddie Uevier
Carrie I ummlngs
Alice Neill
Carrie Clark
Miuc.ile Reese
Maud Kime....
May Barrett
Clarice liordwell
Ella Midline
1 cwis Khines
Freston Mercer
liuuene Wll lard
Willie Cunningham...
Joseph May
Josl.. Weher
Sarah May
Clara W illard
Frank Wlckwlre W. SO 90 100
Jerome tiortou
t'hiirlci Williams
Fred Hartley
Frui.k Oyster
(truce 8 !i lbncr
Mary O'Urlan 71: 113; 1W
telle Hurl ley UK) lnoi w
imlsy Klrne I HO m. 100
Alinoilu H..1.P.H.-I I (11 UK) IIS)
Carrie Kly I Ml: 100 100 100' 07
Laura W illiams ' fill IW 100!
Mary Daley SS1 loo, 100!
Ar.tiu McGovern..... KI in t! 1IKJ:
Lulu ( unimnigs 1 10) 100 luOi
Miss Maggie Flynn and Charlie Meenan
linve coinp'.eted the present Senior course
and are pursuing more nd anccd studies.
J. D. Kishki.l. Prlncipul,
Report of I lie Third Depiirlinciit of I he
Uiilyway (Jrinled Schools for the
Month eutiing February 8, 1SS1.
31 19 82 3
The highest class standing obtained
by any pupil in room No. 3 is 9t.
Tlie following are the names of
pupils who obtained more than 00 per
cent, at the monthly examination for
"E r-.iib." Grade Dan. Maloney 01
'F'" Grade Nellie Holiday 08, Lora
Holes 00.
"G"Grade John Bcgley 93, Minnie
Sykes 91.
I1" Grade-Chester Staurt 92.
Truants Martin Cunninghnu,
Albert Gorton, atid Edgar Wlckwlre.
Visitors Mrs Sam. Wilson, Mrs.
Minor Wilcox, Prof. Geo. It. Dixon,
and'MUs Mame G ulnae.
Borough Election.
1 lie nominations of persons to till
the numerous oHiees in the bran new
Borough of Ridgway were n utile In
Magiuuis' Hail on Saturday evening
last under a call made for a meeting
of citizens for that purpose. The
officers were about equally divided be
tween Repub.icans and Democrats.
The meeting was organized by the
election of W. C. Healy, chairman,
Geo. R. Dixon, secretary, Eug. J.
Miller and Henry A. Parsons, Jr.,
To make a long story short the nom
inationu were made, between fifty and
sixty votes being cast, and the nom
inees elected as appears in full else'
where. Several parties were dissatis
fied, made a ticket of their own and
were most iugloriously defeated at the
polls. The result only shows that the
people wanted a people's ticket, and
elected it.
List of Letters
Remaining in the Ridgway postoffice,
Elk Co., Pa., up to February 14, 1881
Burner, Wm.j Brickley, J. D ; Dait,
James; Donelin, Alexander; Henry,
H.; Linn, Mrs. Augusta: Lyons,
Thos ; Martin, J. V.; Raplieel, R.;
Sloytor, Tbos.; Shields, John; Shu
guw, Michael; Smith, Isaac; Stown,
Harry; Wolfe John.
If not called for In thirty days they
will be sent to the dead letter office,
Washington, D. C.
J. H. Haoertv, P. M.
Fresh oranges, lemons, cocoanuts,
dates and flgs at Morgester's-
Waterford Dairy Butter, Cheese,
good No. 1 Plckels 10 cents per dosen
: at Morgester's.
Ridgway Borough Returns.
......... 64
John Kime..,
fPoople'i ticket.
D. C. Oyster. 3 years .;...170
C. H. McCauley." yearn. ...... ;..188
W. II. Osterhout,8 yeare ..............172
W. H. Hyde, 2 years .....174
W. H. Schram, 1 year .121
H. H Tliaver. 1 vear 173
Opposition ticket.
James McFarlin, years 87
John Flynn, 1 year 68
John Flynn, 2 years- 1
J. H. Bordwell, 3 years 171
H. A. Parsons, Jr., 3 years 122
Fred Schcenlng, 2 years 172
E. E. Williard, 2 years 116
H. M. Powers, 1 year 124
W. 8 Hamblen, 1 year 108
Opposition ticket.
Hugh McGeehln, 3 years 67
Chas. Holes, 2 years 69
C. E. Holaday, 1 year 47
N. T. Cummines, 1 year ; CO
J. D. Fullerton 172
Geo. R. Woodward 173
B. P. Mercer, 172
D. b. Luther 173
A. V. Jones 134
Johti Flynn 3
W. C. Healy 113
John NVaimsley 00
M. E. Lesser 172
R I. fTiiiiinlMdl lf4
R. V. Kline, 3 years lis
Hugh McGeehin. 2 years 115
T. . Hartley, 1 year lBi
Opposition ticket.
J. H. Ros, 3 years S3
DuBois Gorton, 1 year 57
Those marked with au run on both tick
tickets. No feci ol u la can be so deep seated,
no sore so stubborn, but that Ayer's
Sarsapnrilla will effect u cure, if cure
be pofsible.
Another barrel of that splendid
Clearlield Cider on tap at Morgester's,
sparkling as Champagne, without the
pain in the moi-niii?.
A full line of No. 1
at Morgester's.
canned goods
Bargains!! BargainsH!
NEW YORK STORE (next door
post-oflice) Ridgway, Pa.
17' men's suits will be sold at the
lowest rates ever before known.
6i Youths lions' aud Childrens'
7o Men's and Children's Overcoats.
A big line of bucksklu Glovetf and
Caps in great variety.
A big line'ifundervearrrom,25 cents
upwards. These goods will be sold at
the greatest reduction ever known.
We are oblhtge to close out the
above Goods in order to make room for
our spring stock.
Customers coming from a distance
and trading $20 worth will have their
fare paid both ways; those trading $10
worth will have their fare. paid one
All the rest of our goods will be sold
accordingly at a great reduction.
Remember the place.
Con ex Bhos, & Brownstkink.
The Juj's Notes.
Mr. A. E. Gofl'is cutting and slid
ing his pine logs.
Col. Spangler traded off his "Lion
horse'' for a five-year-old colt.
We made a slight mistake in our
last items in stating the visit of L.
Bird and his daughter Nellie, to Mt.
Zion. They intended to make the
visit but did not.
The teacher says that Pat thinks
It is very unpleasant to have a gum
boil on his heel and be rou h -locked
down the hill by a gander.
The contending candidates for of
fice in Jay are as follows: For Treas
urer A. W. Gray and Wm. B. Webb,
for Constable LaFayette Copp aud
O. W. Louis, for school directors of
Pike district A E. Goffand S. C. Mo
Clintick.for Spring Run district F. E.
Peters and Robt. Burke, for Town clerk
R.I. Spangler and Jas.Burke.Overseers
of the poor A. I. Spangler, Chris Dill,
E- II. Dixon and Jas. Batentan. The
remaining officers are the same on
each ticket Will give a list of success
ful candidates next time.
There is talk of organizing a liter
ary association at the Pike school
house next Saturday evening. Suc
cess to the movement.
The snow is drifting bad in this
section at the present writing.
Every one seems to have severe
colds, some term it the epizootic.
T?state of Albert Brehm, late of
I j Benzinger township, Elk county,
Pa., dt ceased. Notice is hereby given
that letlers testamentary have been
granted to the undersigned, upon the
above named estate. All persons in
debted to said estate are re quested to
make immediate payment, and those
having- legal claims against the same
to present them without delay, in pro
per order, for settlement
Andrew Brehm, Administrator.
Yourself by making money
I ' when & ffolrir:n (.hmtf.M In
H 11 I I when a golden chance is
I J I J I J ottered. thereby ulws
kppnln? nivert v fn. ill your door. Those w
always lake advantage of the good chances
for muktng money that are offered, generally
become wealthy, while those who do not Im
prove such chunces remain In poverty. We
want many nu n, women, boys, und girls to
work for us right In their own localities. The
business will pay more than ten tlmesoidl
nary wages. We furnish an expensive out
fit und all that you need, free. No one who
engage fulls to make money very rapidly.
You can devote your whole time to the work,
or oniy your spare moments, run lniormu
tion and all that Is needed lent free. Ad
drew STIXSON 4 CO. VorUaod. Maine.
Just published, anew edition of Dr.
Culver well's Celebrated Essay on the
radinul aire of (Spermatorrhoea or
Heminal WeeKness, mvoiuniary nem
Inal Losses, Impotency, Mental and
Physical Incapacity, Impediments to
Marriage, etc.; also Consumption,
Epilepsy and Fits, Induced by self
indulgence or sexual extravagance,
The celebrated author, In this ad
mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates,
from a thirty years' successful practice
that the alarming consequences of
self-abuse may be radically cured;
pointing out a mode of cure at once
simple, certain and efl'eclunl,by means
of which every sufferer, no matter
what his condi tion may be, may cure
himself cheaply, privately and radi
cally. asr-Thls Lecture should be In the
hands of every youth and every man
in the land.
8ent under seal, in a idain envelope
to any address, post-paid, on receipt of
six cents or two postage stamps.
Address thePublisbers.
41 Ann St . New York, N. Y.J .Post
oillce I ox, i-m.
inform the citizens of Ridgwuy, and
the public generally, that he has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
?S"He will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Office will receive prompt
A flTTWrl 1 For the complete and
wrrMmSn V Authentic Record of
WANTED ) the Achievements of
The developments by Stanley iu the
Dark Continent, his remarkable dis
coveries and wonderful Descent of
2")0ii miles of the Congo River, shoot
ing rapids, aud cataracts, amidst the
most difficult aud thrilling situations,
daring adventures with wild beasts,
and no less wild Savages lins no par
allel in the annals of explorations.
It is more fascinating than romance
contains over "00 pages, and striking
Send for circulars and trrms and se
cure Territory at once, for this, the
most interesting and popular book of
the day. Address,
Wm. Fmnt, Publisher.
023 Samson St., Philadelphia, Pa.
n47 14.
Light running, Latoct Improved
DOMESTIC, at prices never heard o
before, at Mrs ,W. S. Service's.
TEAMS WANTED for bark haul
ing either ny the cord or by theday at
the Brookston Tannery, Brookston,
Forest County, Pa.
ts agents, dsalers or peddlers.
To show that our goods will sell on
their merits, we will allow any agent
dealer or peddler to return any part of
their lirst order remaining unsold
ai'ter o0 days to us, and will refund
money for same. There is no article
like it in the United States, and it
will sell in nearly every family. Se
cure tlie sale or agency or It at once,
and go to work. Address tor terms.
N'OTH'E is hereby given that the
Commissioners of Elk count v
will hold a Court of Appeals at their
office, In Ridgway, on
MARCH. 181.
For the purpose of hearing and deter
mining appeals from the assessments.
and revising tlie military enrollment
lor lbsl, which tune and place all per
sons feeling themselves aggrieved by
said assessment or enrollment can at
tend, it they see proper.
JJy Unler oi tlie Hoard.
Attest-W. S. HORTON, Clerk.
Commissioners umee, 1
Feburury 10,
Ursula M'Inerney, 1 In the
By her next fileud, Court of Corn
Ann Dukclow, moil Pleas Elk
vs. Co. No. 17,
Thomas M'Inerney, J Nov.' Term, 1881.
To the respondent above named:
Take noiiee, tiiat subpoena and alias
subpoena having been issued in the
above entitled case, and returned "not
found iu the county,'' you are hereby
notified to appear before the said
Court, at. Ridgway, Pa., tin the
D. 1881, to answer the said libellaut's
Sheriff's Oniee. 1
Ridgwav. Fa.. Feb. 10,1881.
Gko. a, Raihbun, Attorney for
feblO 6v
For fear you may forget we eav
once more don't fail to go in aud see
the big stock of new goods at the
Uuion store.
N.)ts pipjr an 1 euvelopesut
Outfit furnished free, with full in
structions for conducting tlie most
uroniauie uusiness unit anyone can
engage In. The business Is so easy to learn.
and our Instructions ure so slmnle una plain
that any one can make great profits from the
very start. No one can fail who is willing to
work, women ure us successini us men,
Hovs and Girls can earn lurite sums. Many
have made at the business over .one hundred
dollars In a single week. Nothing like It
ever known before. All who euuuue ure sur
prised ut the ease and rapidity with which
tliev are able to make money. Yuu can en-
eaite In thla business durlmi vour snare time
at great jirorll. You do not have to Invest
capital In it. Wa take all th risk. Those
who need ready money, should write to us al
once. All furnished free. Addrasa TRUE
oo., Augusta, .Maine, DSiyl
Our Catalogue of choice SEEDS and PLANTS bontaiti
the "BEST and CHEAPEST;' and out
give prices and descriptions of Designs;
Baskets and Lose Cut Flowers for any occasion;
Sent free bii application:
Harry Chaapel,
Secdsmaii ZEE Florist,
Williamsport, Pa;
Everybody rends Tub Hcjj. In the editions
of this newspaper ihrouKhout the yetir to
come everybody will And:
1. All me woriu s news, so presenien mm
the leader will cet the irreatest amount of
Information with the least unprofitable ex-
ledlture of time and cye-slKht. ihe Sun
one hko discovered the irolden mean be
tween redundant fulness and unsatisfactory
II. .ueh of thnt. sort or news which de
pends less upon its recoKnized Importance
than upon Its Interest, to mankind. From
morning to morning- Tint Sun prints A con
tinued story of the lives of real men and
women, and of tbclr deeds, plans loves. hutes.
and troubles. This story Is more varied and
more Interesting than any romance ll'.ut
was ever devised.
III. Good writing In every column, und
freshness, originality, accuracy.nnd decorum
In the treatment of every subject.
IV. Honest comment. Thk Sun's habit, Is
to spenk out fearlessly ubout men and
V. Kqual candor In dealing with each po
litical party, and equal readiness to com
mend what Is praiseworthy or to rebuke
what is blamuble In Dcmucrut or Republi
can. VI. Absolute Independenee of partisan or
ERnlKallnns. but unwaverinK loyalty to tru
Uemocratle principles. The Sits believes
that the Government which the Constitution
(lives us Is a (rMd one to keep. Its notion of
duly is to resist to lis utmost, power the ef
forts of men In the Republican party to set
up another form of envernmont In place of
that which exists. The year 1S81 and the
years immediately following will probably
decide Ibis supremely Important contest.
Tiik SUN believes that the victory will be
witli the people as against the Kings for Im
perial power.
Our terms arc as follows:
Kor tlie Daily Scn, a four-pase sheet of
twenty-eight columns, Ihe price by mall,
post paid, is .M cents a month, or $0.50 a year;
or. Including tlie Sunday paper, an eight
page sheet or fllly-six columi.s. the price Is
." cents a month, or $7.70 a year, posiuge
The Sunday edition of Tim Sun Is also
furnished separately at SI.20 a year, postage
The price of the Wf.fki.y Son, eight paces,
fifty-six columns, is SI a year, postage paid.
Kor clubs of ten sending tlO we will send an
extra copy free.
au iress t. v . txoi.AM),
Publisher of The Sun, New York City.
Baby Saved.
We are thankful to say that our
baby was permanently cured of a dan
gerous and protracted irregularity of
tlie bowels by the use of Hop Bitters
by its mother, which at the same time
restored her to perfect health and
strength. The parents, Rochester. N.
Y. See another column. Buffalo
ExprcRt. ' '
Guilty of Wrong.
Some people have a fashion of con-,
fusing excellent remedies- Vith the
large mass of "patent medicines,"
and in this they nre guilty of a wrong.
There are some advertised remedies
fully worth all that is asked for them
and one at least we know of Hop
Bitters. The writer has had occasion
to use the Bitters in just such a cli
mate as we have most of the year in
Bay City, and lias always found the.m
to be first-class and reliable, doing all
that is claimed for them. Tribune, ' '.
I.cok Here.
The undcrsiuncd can cure fever
sores without pain or use of the knife.
My motto is, "No cure, no pay. ' I
I in rue according to your means.
Those living at a distance can write
enclosing stamp for postage. ' All
letters promptly unswered.
Receipts sold to physicians on reas
onable terms. Address,
N. V. Lent,
Ridgway, Elk Co, Pa-
itesuience two miles ironi Kniirway
u the Warren pike.
Fairbanks refined lard in teapots,
coffeepots, und stewpaus at Morges- j
ter s.
OUTKIT sent free to those who wish
to engage in the most pleasant and
otltablc business known. l.verv-
tliing new. Capital not required. We
will furnish you everything, sluaduyaud
upwards is easily made withoutstaying uwav
from home over night. No risk whatever.
Many new workers wanted at once. Munv
are making fortunes al the business. Ladies
make as mucn us men. una young boys and
girls make great pay. No one who is willing
to work lulls to make more money every day
man can ne. inline in a wcex at ordinary
employment. hose who engage at once
will find u short road In fortune. Address
II. II.VLLKTT it CO., I'ortland, .iulne. uJityl
London Layer and Valencia Rais
ins, Prunes in Boxes, English Cur
rents, Pared and unparred - Peaches
at Morgester's.
There came tothe premises of Lewis
Boyingtou, in Horton township, Elk
county, Pa., about the middle of lust
October, a three year old cow having
a line back, red sides, and being par
tially white. Any person owning
said cow will please come forward.
prove property, pay charges and take
Her awny or she w ill be . disposed of
according to law.
No More llurtl Times.
If you stop spending so much on
line clothes, rich food and style, buy
good healthy food, cheaper and better
clothing; get more real aud substantial
things of life every way.and especially
stop tlie foolish habit of employing ex
pensive, quack doctors or using bo
niuch of tlie vile humbug medicine
that does you only harm, but put your
trust in that simple, pure remedy, Hop
Bitters; that Cures always at a trifling
cost, and you will see good times and
have good health. Vronicle.
I. 0. of 0. F.
Ridgway Lodge 969, 1, o. of O. F.
meets every Thursday evening. Vis
iting members are cordially invited to
M. Cohen, N. G j J. A. Ross, V. O.;
R. B. Gross. Sec'yj J. W. Saiitb, As't
cu, vvuw, treasure'
Business Cards.
Main street, Kidgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Particular attention given to the.
examination of titles, also to patent
and patent cases.
Office in new brick building, Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t
Late of Strattanvllle), Physician anrf
Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office In.
Hall's Jirick Building (up stairs)
Relerenecs J. 1) Smith, H. L
Young, R. Ruiofson, Strattanville;
Major John Kitley, W.W.Green-,
land, Clnrirn. Has practiced his
profession sccessfully for more than
ten years.
N. W. corner of Main und Mill streets.
Ridgwav, Pa., full assortment of care-,
fully selected Foreign and Domestic,
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at nil hours, day or night.
Has removed ids office from Centra
street to Main ntreet, Ridgway, Pa., in
the second story of the new brick,
building of John G. Hall, west of the
Hyde House.
Oftlce hours:! to 2 P.M. 7 to 9 P.M
W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the pal ronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,',
the new proprietor hopes, by paying,
strict uttention to the comfort and con-,
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of tlie same. oct30'69
This admirable work is now com-,
pletein PJvols. Each volume con tainsBOO
pages. It tnakesa complete and well
selected library, and no one can
afford to do without H who would keep
well informed. Price $ 00 in cloth,;
Sti.oO in leather, or-$7.00 in elegant
half Turkey. For particulars address,
W. II. Fail-child, Portvilie, Catt. Co. "
N. Y.. who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K- Judson,'
general agent.
" State Normal School,-
' FAffhth formal School DMrict.)
A. N. RAUB, A.M., Ph. D. Principal:
This school as at present constituted',
rfl'ers the very best facilities for Pro
fessional and'classical learning. ,
Buildings spacious, inviting and
commodious, completely heated by
steam, well ventilated and furnished'
with a bountiful supply of pure, soft
spring water
Location healthful and easy of ac
cess Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. ,
Teachers experienced, eflicient, aud
alive to their work.
Discipline firm but kind, uniform'
j a nd thorough
Expenses moderate.
Fifty cents a week deduction to
those preparing to tench.
Ktuuents admitted at any time.
Courses of study prescribed by the.
Plate; I. Model Hchool. II Prepara
tory. 111. Elementary. IV. Kcien
I. Academic. II. Commercial. III.'
Music. IV Ait
Tlie Elementary and Scientific
courses are Professional, and students .
graduating therein receive Htate Diplo-.
mas, conferring the following corres-.
ponding degrees: Master of tlie .Ele
ments and Master of theSciences.. ,
Graduates in the other courses receive.
Normal Certificates of their attain
ments signed by the Faculty, .
The Professional courses are liberal,,
and are in thoroughness notiuferiorto
those of our best colleges , .
The Ptute requires a higher order of
citizenship. Tlie times demand it. It,
is one of the prime objects of this
school to help to secure it by furnish
ing intelligent and eflicient teachers
for her schools. To thisend, it solicits'
young persons of good abilities aud'
good purposes those who desire to
improve their time and their talents,
as students. To all such it promises
aid in developing their powers aud
abundant opportunities for well-paid
labor alter leaving school.
For catalogue and terms address the,
Principal, or the Secretary of the
Stockholder's Trustees. J H Bar-'
ton, M D. A H Best, Jacob Brown,
H M Bickford, Samuel Christ, A Si
Kaub, 11 U Coolc. 1. V. Hippie, tsq.,
O. Kentzing, E. P McCormick, Esq ,'
W. w. Rankin, w. n. .Brown.
State Trustees Hon A G. Curtin,'
Hon William Bigler. Hon. H 1
Ditff.-n bach, Gen Jesse Merrill, J C
C Whaley, 8 Millar McCormick, '
iron. William Blgler, Freldent,Clear-"
Held, Pa.
Gen Jesse Merrill, Vice' President,'
Lock Haven, Pa.
8. Millar McCormick, Secretary,
Lock Haven, Pa ..
Thomas , YardJcy, Treasurer, XC4