THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1881. Gus. Rohde the Popular Barber Still Ahead. LOOK AT HIS PRICES, Shaving with Bay Rum 10 cents Hair Cutting 1-5 cents Shampoo 16 cents Dry Shnnipoo 10 cents Moustache dying 15 cents Shop corner Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. Satisfaction guaranteed every time. For bill-heads and note-beads call at the Advocate office. Good Mackerel $1.05 per 15 lbs. kitts at Morgester's. Election next Tuesday in Ridg. way Borough as well as the other borough and townships in Elk county. The Ridgway Reading Circle will meet at the school house next Saturday evening at 7 o'clock sharp. All arc Invited. Everybody Is predicting an early spring. That's nil right too, but no one need to wait long now to see the kindof a spring we will have. The appearance of things now seem to Indicate that the back-bone of winter is at lust about broken. We are having forthepast three or four days much thawing, and signs of break-up. Among the little items of personal comfort and economy are Ayer's Pills. They are the ready remedy which de Beats many disorders, if taken In sea son, and should be kept in every family. An act Is now before the Legisla ture which provides for an annual en campment of the National Guard for one week, and also provides for the payment of.the troops for the week Instead of one day as now done. Roads in some parts of Chester county at the present time are in an unsafe condition, us the water, during the recent thaw, came down from the high ground and washed across the roads, making gutters from twelve to eighteen inches deep. Company H will go to Washing ton to attend the innuituration of President Garfield. Those members f the Company who desire to partici pate should hand their names to the Captain. Transportation will be furn ished by the State. Freight traffic on the line of the Pennsylvania railroad continues brisk mid for the purpose of expediting the transportation of coal, oil, etc., the schedule time for running trains has been changed so as to permit of much greater rapidity between the dill'ertnt points on the mud. Down at Millstone hint week Tues day the citizens were going to town ship election. Whether tin election board was actually organized or not we are not informed but that a num ber of citizens went to township elec tion a week ahead of time is a stand ing joke. While two little girls wirj coast ing at Bridgport, Montgomery county, last week, as their sled approached the railroad they saw a train approaching and were unable to cheek their sleds. Both threw tliemselvesofFand escaped unhurt while the sled ran on the truck and was struck und crushed by the engine. A Clarion county farmer on going to church recently took u roll of money containing 140 and plac.-d it in it fold in his purse. The next morning he looked for it but found it missing; lie then went to the sled iu which he had ridden to church ; the cows had eaten the straw out and in one corner he found his money chewed to a pulp. List of Letters Remaining in the Ridgway postoftlce, Elk Co., Pa., up to February 7, 1881 : A ver. Cluirles N.'ely. C. B. Cook, Howard X. Nilmn.Suen CnrtU'riKlit, C. Y. Gue Moilimore JoilllROll, AllKUtt McMutten, Win. McKinziu, Kct. Nysreii. s, O'lJoniilil. Michael ftliurp, Hovey Stettzer. Wm., Mrs. Hcnrirttii If not called for in thirty days they will be sent to the dead letter office, Washington, D. C. J. H. Hagkiitv, P. M. The Era report for January, for the whole field gives 2'23 wells cotn pletert, yielding 5,447 barrels on the last day of the month. A half dozen dusters. Decrease of 81 wells. For the Bradford district it shows; 200 wells finished, producing 5,203 barrels on the month's lust day. Four Wry holes. Decrease of 92 wells and 2,202 barrels. The report in the Herald, World and Derrick differ from the above in figures no one report being correct but all agree in figuring out Bradford'e decline. Now is a good time to think ubou t your plants and seeds for use the com ing season. A new catalogue will be issued by Harry Chaapel, of William sport, in a few days. All orders for plants or seeds left at the Advocate office will receive prompt attention. We will be ready to furnish all who desire them Mr. ChaapePs catalogue as soon as issued. All orders for plants or seeds will be filled by us at Catalogue prices, and delivered free to any person iu this vicinity. All kinds of flowering plants are kept constantly on hand by Mr. Chaapel. Any in quiries will be theeefully answered personally or by mail by application at the Advocate office. For light and heavy road, farming and lumber harness, and Hght single And double harness give Jacob Butter a call. Best assortment of fine grades of eyrups in town at Morgester's. Home knit, all wool socks aod mltteniat Morgester's. Personal Items, Miss Ida Olmstead has the meas les. Miss Sadie Cuthbert is now sick with the mumps. E. Cowan, editor of the Warren Mail was in town thi9 week. The school at Boot Jack, Miss Rhoda Wilcox teacher, closed yester day. Edward Derby has been confined to his house by sickness for a week or so past. Mrs. Thomas Johnson has been very sick for several days past. We learn that she is now slowly recover Ing. William. Morey, of Warsaw, Jefferson county, was in town on Saturday. He says he is going to Washington with the boys. Thomas Carlyle, the greatest es sayest of the world died in London on the morning of Feburary 5, 1881, aged eighty-six years. The appointment of Jas. II. Hag erty, by President Hayes,to be post master at Ridgway, has been approved by the Senate. W. H Hyde, we are informed, will build a fine residence at the cor ner of Main and East streets during the coming season. On the pike in the Gardner neigh borhood nearly all the people are sick, so that scarely enough renain well for nurses. Ed. J. Luther, an employee of the Advocate office is unable to be out of the house by reason of illness. He seems to be threatened with measles. Doctor Fullcrton, dentist is again at home prepared as usual to extract teeth without pain (to him) and to do otlitr work in his line that lie may be favored with. Ell Perkins, a famous lecturer writer and humorist, of almost world wide reputation will deliver in Ridgway, Feb. 2oth, his celebrated lecture, "The Philosophy of Fun and the Perkins Family." Judge Andrews, and Jim George have just returned from making an estimate of timber for the Bryant heirs The land on which this timber is standing lies in Polk, Eldred, Heath and Warsaw townships, Jefferson Co. The land embraces about 3500 acres on which it is estimated there is yet standing upwards of 50,000,000 feet of the finest pine timber that ever stood up to be estimated. Several trees were measured that were from 23 feet to 23 feet 4 inches in circumfernce. Abdominal Dropsy. Shrewsberry, Pa., February 8 The most remarkable case of abdominal dropsy that has ever been recorded terminated in the death of the patient at this place last night. The ease was that of Mrs. Mary .fane Moody, widow of the late Dr. James If. Moody anil daughter nf tho late Robert File, de claimed, of this place. All the parties were prominent members of the M E churcli, therefore widely known among the ministry of that church. The deceased was attended by Drs. J. and K. H. Gerry, ofthis place, ipwur Is of fourteen years tor this disease, the re sult of a change of life. She was tap ped 107 times, (i.Ot'O pounds, or 8&5 gal lons of water were taken from her. about sixty gollons per year. Her age was sixty one years. Feb. 3, ISNl at Wiliiamsport, C itherine (.'. Miller, at the age of 20 years and 5 months, and George Smith at the age of 2'- years, 0 months and 27 days, paused from this life dangling ut the end of a rope. This man and woman were executed for the murder of the husband of Mrs. Miller mere than a year ago. The execution passed oft'quletly being witnessed by about l.Vt persons. Stockholders Meeting. Notice is hereby given to the stock holders of the Brandy Camp railroad company, that there will lie a meeting of the stockholders at their office in Ridgway, Elk county, Pa., on Monday the 14th day of Feburary. 18M between t lie hours of 0 A. M. and 5 P. M. for the purpose of electing a board of Directors and transacting such other business as may come before them. ('. R. President. P. W. Hayks, Secretary. A. Swnrtz Ross, Merchant Tailor, Ridgway, over Powell & Kime's store lias just received a bran new lot of samples of spring styles of goods. To be sure it seems that these samples area little in advance of the season, but Mr. Ross desires at all times to keep fully abreast of the times, in style of goods, styles of make, and always guarantees perfect fits. Call and leave yaur measure now for your spring suit. Guilty of Wrong. Some people have a fashion of con fusing excellent remedies with the large mass of "patent medicines," and In this they are guilty of a wrong. There are some advertised remedies fully worth all that is asked for them and one at least we know of Hop Bitters. The writer has had occasion to use the Bitters in just such a cli mate as we have most of the year in Bay City, and has always found them to be first-class and reliable, doing all that is claimed for them. Tribune, Apple Butter, quince and Plum Butter and Honey in small boxes at M o rgester's. Codfish tongues a new thing at Morgester's. Waterford Dairy butter and good cheese at Morgester's. Whips in great variety, new stock , just received at Butterfuss.' Get your bill-heads and note heads priuted at The Advocate of fice. For harness oil, axle greese, and harness soap call on Jacob Butterfuss. Regulating the Collection of Taxes. The following act which we publish In full explains itself. It was read by Mr. Hall in place in the Senate Jau. 18, 1881, and reported favorable from the Judiciary, Local, committee, Jan. 28, 1881: AN ACT. REGULATING THE COLLECTION OP TAX US IN THE SEVERAL BOROUGHS AND TOWNSHIPS OP THIS COMMON WEALTH. Section 1. lie it enacted by the Senate and Home of Pepresentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met and it it hereby enacted by the authority rf the same. That the qualified electors of each borough and township in this Commonwealth, shall, on the third Tuesday of February, next and on the third Tuesday of February of every year thereafter elect an officer to be styled collector of taxes, whose term of office shall commence on the first Mondy of April, next, alter his election and shall continue one year. Sec. 2. The courts of quarter ses ison, shall have power to fill by ap pointment all vacancies iu the said office within their respective counties, and for that purpose may appoint any suitable in habitant of thecounty for col lector of taxes for any township or borough in said county. Sue." 8, The col lector of taxes shall before he enters upon the duties of his office take and subscribe his oath of office and file the same In the office of the court of quarter sessions of ihe peace of the proper county and shall also enter into a bond to tlic Common wealth in double the probable amount of taxes thut shall come into his hands with ut least two sufficient sureties, said bond to be approved by the said court of quarter sessions of the peace and filed in the office of the clerk thereof and the condition of the said bond shall be that the collector of taxes shall well and truly collect and pay over or account for according to law tin! wholeumountof taxes charged and assessed in the duplicates which shall be delivered to him. Sec. 4. The several county, borough, township school nnd other authorities now empowered and which may here after be empowered to levy taxis upon and within the several boroughs and townships of this Commonwealth shall on or before the first day of Au gust of eaeli year after the first elec tion of collector of taxes, underfills act, issue their respective duplicates of taxes assessed to the collector of taxes of their respective boroughs and town ships ith their warrants attached di recting him to collect the same but road tax can be woiked out the same us heretofore. Provided, The same are worked before the first day of Augu.-t of the proper year under the direction of the proper officers in which ruse the taxes so worked out shall be omitted from the duplicate issued to the collector of taxes. Sec. 5. The collector of taxes shall have all the power for the collection of said taxes during his term of office heretofore vested in collectors of county taxes under existing laws. Sec. 0. The collector of taxes shall provide an appropriate book the cost of which shall be allowed to him iu the settlement of his accounts in which lie shall enter in alphabetical order the names of all persons charged with tuxes in the duplicates aforesaid and showing the amount of such tax charged against each person which book shall he at all times open to the inspection of each taxpayer and shall be delivered by tlie collector of tuxes at the expiration of his term to his successor in office. Skc. 7. All persons who shall on or before the first day of October make payment of any tuxes charged against the. n in said duplicates for the then current year shall be entitled to a de duction of five per centum from the amount t hereof. Sec. H. The collector of taxes shall collect the taxes charged in said dupli cates and pay over the same to the respective treasurers entitled thereto alter deducting his commission for the collection of the same which is hereby lixed at two per centum on all taxes paid him prior to the first day of Oct tolier us aforesaid, and at 'five per centum on all taxes afterwards col lected. Sec. 0. The accounts of the colli c tor ol taxes shall be settled by the township m liters or borough auditors as the case may lie of the proper town ship or borough who shall state a sep erute account for each district tax col lected by him. Sec. io. Taxes charged upon un seated lands shall not be collected by the collectorsof taxes but shall be certi fied and returned by the several au thorities levying the same to the county commissioners to be collected as heretofore. Sec. 11. So much of all acts hereto fore passed us is inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed, but this act shall not apply to any taxes the collection of which is regulated bv a local law. The Jay's Notes. Misses Vi and Mary Gotr were both ill the fore part of lust week. -Mr. Walker, of Mason Hill, preached at the Pike school house Sunday, Jan 30th. It is reported thut Miss Effie Gard ner has the measles, The snow fell to the depth of about one foot, and drifted the roads full, last week, The teacher of the pike school wus over to Spring Run on Saturday last. The theniometer stood at twenty five below zero at Caledonia on Wed nesday and Thursday of last week. Wonder if D. C. Irwin advocates the waring of cotton hose since he froze his feet going to his school. Mr. Li and Miss Nellie Bird of Penfield, visited the S- S. at Mt. Zion lust Sunday. Mrs. Shultz had a stroke of the palsy last Thursday, Dr. E. T. Will iums is attending her. Poor George has been badly ef fected every since he had the diphth eria. Mr. Schriver went to St. Marys to procure a coffin for his daugiiter, who died with the diphtheria, but instead of getting the coffin he got drunk. When will such outrages cease. Mr. Mercer, of Caledonia, buried a small child at Mt. Zion cemetry on Friday of last week. The coon surely could Bee bis shadow Feb. 2nd. Look out for six weeks more winter. T E Le Phone. A few more pair of jrloves selling at cost ut Morgester's. Bargains! Bargains!! BargainslII at the NEW YORK STORE (next door post-office) Ridgway, Pa. 175 men's suits will be sold at the lowest rates ever before known. 250 Youths' Bojs' and Chlldrens' suits. 75 Men's and Children's Overcoats. A big line of buckskin Gloves and Mittens. Caps in great variety. A big lineof underwear from 25 cents upwards. These goods will be sold at the greatest reduction eyer known. We are oblidge io close out the above Goods in order to make room for our spring stock. Customers coaling from a distance and trading $20 worth will have their fare paid both ways; those trading $10 worth will have their fare paid one way. All the rest of our goods will be sold accordingly at a great reduction. Remember the place. Cohen Bros, & Brownsteine. Tlic must complotn Institution In the United States for tlie tlinroiiKli pmctlml eiliiontlnii of young nnd ni'ildie aged men. Mtudcnts admitted ntnny tf mo. ififf-For circular givlns full purtlculnrs ad dress J.U.8M.TH, A.M. Pittsburgh, Pn. ESTATE NOTICE. Testate ol'Eli.abeth 'Zemmett Glass, J late of Benzlnger township. Elk countv, Pa. .deceased. Notice is here by given that letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned upon the above named estate. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment and those having legal claims aVainsf tlie same to present them without de lav, in proper order, for settlement. A DAZ J FSB E PIG ER, v GEO. SCII AUT, Executors ESTATE NOTICC. restate of Albert Brehm, late of 1j Benzingor township, Elk county. Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been grunted to the undersigned, upon tlie above named estate. AH persons in debted to said estate nre requested to make immediate payment, and those having- legal claims against th same to present them without delay, in pro per order, for settlement. Andrew Breiim, Administrator. TTTI J" "I " Yourself by making money fl H; I , I when a goldtn elinnci! ' 1 3 I J I J I offered, thereby always keeping poverty In m your door. Those who h! ays lake mlvnntnge of the good chances Cor milking money Tiint are olt'tTed. generally become wealthy, while those who do not im prove Riich chances reninin in poverty. We want ninny men, womon. boys, and girls to work for us right in their own localities. The business will pay more tlnin ten timesordi nary wages. W c furnish an expensive out fit and till that you need, free. No our who engages fails to nnike money very rupldlv. You can devote your whole time to ihework, or only your spare moments. Kail Informa tion and ell thut is needed sent free. Ad dress IS J INSU.N & CO. Portland, Muine. (? 1 ( Ontflt, furnished free, with full In- I i I struct ions for conducting the most W I ' profitable business Unit anyone, can engage In. The business is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain that any one call make great profits from tlie very start. No one can fall who Is willing to work. Women arc as sueeus6l'ul as men. Hoys and (iirls can earn large sums. Many have iniide at tlie business over .one hundred dollars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage arc sur prised at the ease ai d rapidity "with which tliey are able to make money. You can en gage in this business during your spare time at great profit. Yon do not have to Invest capital In it. We take nil the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to u at once. All furnished free. Address TI'.t'K ,v i 'O., Augusta, Maine, ii.TOy 1 FOR EITHER SEX. EXCLUSIVE TESRIT3BY GIVEN to agants, dealers cr pesdlsrs. To show thut our g( ods will sell on their merits, we will al, ow any agent dealer or peddler to return any p u t of their first order remaining tins-. Id alter tXl days to us, and will refund money for same. There is no article like it in tlie United States, and it will sell in nearly every family. Se cure the sale or agency of it at once, and no to work. Address for terms, WELCOME BUI INK It MANU FACTURING COMP'Y., Box 1602, PITTSBURGH, PA. NOTICE OF APPEALS. "V'OTICE is hereby given that the 11 Commissioners of Elk county will hold a Court of Appeals at their office, In Ridgway, on TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, THE 1ST AND 2D DAYS OF MARCH, 181. For the purpose of hearing and deter mining appeals from the assessments, and revising the military enrollment for 1881, which time and place all per sons feeling themselves aggrieved by said assessment or enrollment can at tend, if they nee proper. - Bv Order of the Board. Attest-W. S. HORTON, Clerk. Commissioners utuce, Feburary 10, 1881. feb!0-3w Ursula M'Inerney, ) In the By her next friend, Court of Coin Ann Dukelow, fiuon Pleas Elk vs. I Co. No. 17, Thomas M'Inerney, J Nov. Term,1881. DIVORCE. To the respondent above named: Take notice, that subpoena and alias subpoena having been issued iu tlie above entitled case, and returned "not found in the county,'' you are hereby notified to appear before the sa d Court, at Ridgway, Pa., m the FOURTH MONDAY OF MAY, A. D. 1881, to answer the said libelhtiits complaint. THOMAS SULLIVAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 1 Ridgway, Pa., Feb. 10,1881. Geo. a, Rathbun, Attorney for Libellaut. feb 10 6w For fear you may forget we say once more don't fail to go in and see the big stock of new goods at the Union store. Nota p.vpar anl euvelopesat office. the Ask your neighbor to subscribe for The Advocate only $1.50 a year when paid in advance. Some nice dried Lima Beans only 10 cents per pound at Morgester.s. HOW LOST. HOW RESTORED! Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weekncss, Involuntary Sem inal Losses Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, Induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance, &c. The celebrated author, in this ad mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may he, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. CaV-Thls Lecture should bo in the hands of every youth nnd every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address t hcPublishers. The CULVER WELL MEDICAL Co. 41 Ann St , New York, N. Y.; Tost office I ox, 4580. N EW LIVERY STA"LE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform tlie citizens of Ridgway, and tlie public generally, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. Bf-fif-He will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug-J01S71tl A frPTTT 1 F(r H,e complete and mT?m!nn Authentic Record of W AlN TED J the Achievements of STAN LEY IN AFRICA The developments by Stanley in the Dark Continent, his remarkable dis coveries and wonderful Descent of 2r)0o miles of the Congo River, shoot ing rapids, and cataracts, amidst the most difficult und thrilling situations, during adventures with- wild beasts, nnd no le.-s wild Savages lias no par allel in the annals of explorations. It is more fascinating than romance contains over 700 pages, and striking illustrations. Send for circulars and terms and se cure Territory at once, for this, tlie most interesting and popular book of the day. Address, Wm, Flint, Publisher. 623 Samson St., Philadelphia, Pa. n47 U. Light running, Latost Improved DOMESTIC, at prices never heard o before," at Mrs .W. S. Service's, TEAMS WANTED for bark haul ing either oy the cord or by thedny at the Brookatou Tannery, Brookston, Forest County, Pa. ,TEGETABlV v Sialyl REN tWtJfj H been in constant W by the public Jlfl tor over twenty years, . 5 J and Is the best preparation ever Invented for RESTOR ING OKAY HAIR TO ITS The State YOUTHFUL color and audi LIFE. Olicmfat of Mas?. and leading endorse and it as a great triumph in medi cine. It anppllea the natural food and color to tho Iianr (lands without staining tr skin. It will Increase and thicken the growth of t?o hair, prevent Its blanching nd falling off, and thua AVERT BALDNESS, It cures Itching, Erup tions and Dandruff. At HAIR DRESSING It Is very desirable, giving the hair silken softness which all admire. It keeps the head clean, sweet and healthy. WHISKERS will change the beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being In one preparation it is easily applied, and produces a permanent color that will not wash off. PREPARED BY R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N, H. Sold by ill Dtalsri Is Msdicln HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drink.) CONTAINS HOPS, BI'CIIVi MANDRAKE DANDELION, A KB TB Pl'UFHT AND HrT MuniCALQUALI tiLt UfiU OlUlStt ltiTimu. THEY OTJIilS AH Dfneasciof theStofimch, BoweU, Flood, jllvr, Kl'iin'V. and UrliturytJtKans. Ner vouUttsW. bieepieiiimcMiiiiiu especially jjeiualu Compluiuu. 8IOOO IN COLD. Will he pnld ur eme they will not cure or ueip, or 1 or n i inn impure or injurious Aikyotir d.ueelit fur U"rt Blttrrs t-r Uiuiu tiufore yuu slttp. 'lake uu uiuir. D I. C- 1i ftii ArsohHeftrulirrrlsHriWir for Uruiikeuueiji, u in I'lum, iuuu;u uua riareolkn. Bind ros ClBCrLAB. JlJl aUrv l'. St i'rE.iti. HpBIU4ft a!i. Co.,R4'iut3r. V. .,. Tvtmx, Ost. I I No More Hard Times. If you stop spending o much on fine clothes, rich food and style, buy good healthy food, cheaper and better clothing; get nioro real and substantial things of life every way.and especially stop the foolish habit of employing ex pensive, quack doctors or using so much of tlie vile humbug medicine that does you only harm, but put your trust In that simple, pure remedy, Hop Bitters; that cures always at a trilling cost, and you will see good times and have good health. Cronicle. THE SUN FOU 1881. Kveryboilv rends The Sl'Jf. In the edltiom of tills iiPNvspnpor throughout the year U come everybody will find: I. All Hie world's news, so presented thut the lender will prut tliH Krentest amount o Informntlon with the least unpiodtnlile ex ped it 11 re of time nnd eye-slcht. Ihk Kit; long iiro discovered the itolilen inenn be tween redundant fulnetss and unsatisfactory brevity. II. Mneh of that sort of news which de pends less upon its recognised Importance than iipim its Interest to mankind. From morning to morning The Sun prints a con tinued story of the lives of real men nnd women, an of their deeds, plans loves, hates, nnd troubles. This story Is more varied nnd more Interesting than uny romance that was ever devised. III. Oood writing In every column, nnd freshness, orlglnnlily, accuracy, nnd decorum In the treatment of every subject. IV. Honest comment. The Sun's habit Is to speak out fearlessly ubout men and things. V. Kqutil candor In dealing with each po litical party, nnd equal readiness to coin mend what is praiseworthy or to rebuke whut Is bluninblo lu Democrat or Republi can, VI. Absolute Independence of pnrtlsnn or ganizations, but unwavering loyally to tru Pemocrntic principles. The Sun believes that the Government which tho Constitution gives us Isn good one to keep. Its notion of duty Is to resist to its utmost power tho ef forts of men in the ltepubllcan party to set up another form of government In place of that which exists. Tho year lsxi and tile years Immediately following will probably decide this supremely important contest. Tub Kun believes that tlie victory will be with the people as against the Kings for im perial power. Our terms are as follows: For the Dally Ki'N, a four-page sheet of twenly-oit'lit columns, the price by mull, post paid. Is OS cents n mouth, or !0.i0 n year; or. Including the Sunday paper, an elglit pngo sheet of llfty-slx columns, the price Is ti.j cents a month, or $7.70 a year, postage pnld. The Sunday edition of Tub sun Is also furnished separately 1111.20 a year, postage paid. The price nftlie Weekly Sujc, eight pages, fifty-six columns, Is St ayear, postage paid. For clubs of ten sending 410 we will send un extra copy free. Address I. W. Kncji.and, Publisher of Thk Sun, New York City. Baby Saved. We are thankful to say that our baby was permanently cured of a dan gerous nnd protracted Irregularity of the bowels by the use of Hop Bitters by its mother, which at the siime time restored her to perfect health and strength. The parents, Rochester, X. Y. See another column. JUitliilo Express. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ADVOCATE. Look Here. The undersigned can cure fever sores without pain or use ol' the knife. My motto is, "No cure, no pay." I charge according to your means. Those living at a distance can write enclosing stamp for postage. All letters promptly iinswered. Receipts sold to physicians on reas onable terms. Address, N. V. Lent. Ridgway, Elk Co. Pa Residence two miles from Ridgway on the Warren pike. Fairbanks retlned lard in teanots. coffeepots, and stewpans at Merges- ter s. ('I' OUTFIT sent free to those who wish ;') to engage in the most pleasant nnd n J P routauie business Known. Kvery thing new. Capilal not renulrcd. We will furnish you everything, tin a da v nnd upwards is easily made without staying awav from home over night. No risk whatever, Many new workers wanted at once. Mnnv are making fortunes at the business. Ladles make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is willing 10 work falls to make more money every day than can be made in a week at ordinary employment. hose who engage at once will linda short road to fortune. Address 11. 11 ALL I-11 & CO., Portland, Maine. nWlyl Forty pounds New Pitted Cherries at Morgester's. ESTRAY NOTICE. There came to the premises of Lewis Boyington, in Horton township. Elk county, Pa., about the middle of last October, a three vear old cow liavintr a line back, red sides, and being par tially white. Any person owning suid cow will please come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her awny or she will be disposed of according to law. Get your note-heads, letter heads and envelopes neatly printed at The Advocaws oilice No scrofula can be so deep seated, no sore so stubborn, but that Ayer's Sarsaparilla will efTect a cure, if cure be possible. Note paper, envelopes, cheap at The Advocate office. The oldest and best appointed Inititotle M hUmii-s a l).iinut. Education. Xot cuuukff aUOiew, I". JVFV A SONS, - ftnelnugh, U Note paper and envelopes at this office. I. 0. of 0. F. Ridgway Lodge 000, 1. O. of O. F. meets every Thursday evening. Vis iting members are cordially Invited to attend. officers: M. Cohen, N. G ; J. A. Ross, V. O.; R. 8. Gross, Sec'y; J. V. Smith, As't Sec'y; H. H. Weusel, Treasurer. Get your NOTE PAPER, EN VELOPES, and CIIROMO VIS ITING CARDS at The Advocate office, over Powell $ Kime's store Ridgway, Pa, Business Cards. GEO. A. RA1H0UN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Tft. Tartlnular nttention given to th examination of titles, also to pateiita and patent cases. HALL & M'CAUlVy " ATTORNEY-A.T-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta. v32t W. L. WILLIAMS. Late of Strattanville), Physician and Surgeon, -Ridgway, I'a. Office la Hall's Brick Building (up slairsj Referenees J. I) Smith, II. L, Young, R. Riilol'snn, Strattanville j Major John Kitloy, W. W. Green land, Cluriftl. Has practiced hi profession eccessfully for more than ten years. G. 9, MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. YV. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestlo Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y J. S. BOROWELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, Has removed his nfilee from Centre street to Main ntreet, Ridgway, Pa., in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, west of the Hvde House. Oflice hours :-l to 2P. M. 7to 9 P.M HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to tlie comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct30'69 APPLETON'SAMERICAN CYCLO-. PEDIA. This admirable work is now com- pletein 10 vols. EachvolumecontainsSOO pages, it mauesa complete ana wen selected library, and no one can allbrd to do without it who would keep well informed. Price f o no in clotli, $0.'O in leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, W. 11. Fairclilld, 1'ortviiie, l att. to., N. Y.. who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K- Judson, general agent. CENTRAL, State Normal School, Eighth Normal School District.) LOCK IIAVEX, CL1XT0S.10., PA. A. X. RAUR, A.M., I'h I"). Principal, This school a at present constituted rfl'ers the very best facilities for Pro fessional and classical learning. Buildimrs spacious, inviting and commodious, completely heated by steam, well ventilated and furnished with a boubtitul supply ot pure, sole spring water. location neaitiiitu una easy 01 bc- c ess Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, efficient, and alive to their work. Discipline firm but kind, uniform a, nd thorough Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to those preparing to teach. Stuueiils admitted at any time. Courses of study prescribed by the State ; 1. Model School. II Prepara tory. III. Elementary. IV. Scien tific. AI'Jl'XCT courses: I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Music. IV Art Tlie Elementary and Scientific courses are Professional, and students graduating therein receive State Diplo mas, conferring tlie following corres ponding degrees: Master of the Ele ments nnd Master of the Sciences. Graduates in the other courses receive Normal Certificates of their attain ments signed by the Faculty. The Professional courses are liberal, and are in thoroughness not inferior to those of our best, colleges. The State requires a higher order of citizenship. Tlie times demand it. It is one of the prime objects of this school to help to secure it by furnish ing intelligent and efficient teachers for herscbools. To thisend, it solicits young persons of good abilities anri good purposes those who desire to improve their time and their talents, as students. To all such it promises aid in developing their powers and abundant opportunities for well-paid labor after leaving school For catalogue and terms address tho Principal, or the Secretary of the Board BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Stockholder's Trustees. J H Bar ton, M D, A H Best, Jacob Brown, S M Bickford, Samuel Christ, A N Raub, R G Cook, T. C. Hippie, Esq., (i. Kentzing, E. P McCorniick, Esq., W. W. Hankin, W. II . Brown. State Trustees Hon A G. Curtin, Hon William Bigler, Hon. II L Dietfen bach, Gen Jesse Merrill, J C C Whaley, S Millar MeCormlck, Esq officers Hon. William Bigler, President.Clear. field, Pa Gen Jesse Merrill, Vice President, Lock Haven, Pa. S. Millar MeCormlck, Secretary, Lock Haven, Pa Thomas Yardley, Treasurer, Locli Haven, Pa PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R R- Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY, November 7, 1880, the l rains on the Philadel. phia & Erie Railroad Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. Niagara Ex. leaves Phila 9 00 a. m. " " Renovo..5 40 p. m, erie mail leaves Phila 11 55 p. in " " Renovo 11 05 a. m, " " Emporium. 1 80 p. m. " St. Mary'a..2 23 p. m. " Ridgway... 2 4Qp- m. " " Kane 8 5 p. ru. " arr- at Erie 7 45 p, pi, EASTWARD. Day Express leaves Renovo 10 05 a. ra. ,r " arr. at Phila.... 0 R5 p.m. erie mail leaves Erie 11 85 a. m. " Kane 4 10 p. m. " " Rldgway....5 17 " St. Mary'8..5 50 p. m. " Emporium." 65 p. nj. " Renovo 9 00 p, qj, " arr. at Phila 7 05 a. w.