The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 10, 1881, Image 2

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    lie Mwttdit.
Henry 1. rarsons, Jr., -
THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1881.
Entered at the Post-office at
Ridgway, Pa., as second class
mail hatter.
Another Explosion.
(Prom The McKenn Miner.)
Saturday morning last preparations
were in progress for torpedoing three
oil wells, situated at Kinzua Junction,
and beloiiKlng to Melvin, Walker
it Howe. Mr. W. W. Bess, an em
ployeenfthe Robert's Torpedo Com-1
pany, and who has been in charge of
their business in that territory, pro
ceeded to the magazine about eight
o'clock in the morning and took there
from seven six-quart cans weighing
in all one hundred and forty pounds.
This amount was to be used in two
wells, and was placed in a barrel of
cold water with a pipe connecting it
with the boiler for heating and reduc
ing the deadly compound to a liquid
state, it being in a congealed condition
when taken from the magazine. The
steam was turned on and Mr. Bess re
paired to the floor of the derrick for
the purpose of cleaning a place tn
All the shells. At this time the well
made a small flow and Mr. Bess pro
posed to run the bailer in to agitate
the well, but one objection was raised
to the venture owing to the amount of
glycerine being in such close prox
imity. There were several gentlemen
standing around eager to see the op
eration performed; among them was
J. O. dishing, store-keeper and post
master at the Junction. Just as Bess
picked up the broom a most tremend
lous explosion occurred, knocking all
the men prostrate upon the floor and
ground, and hurling wood and iron
fragments in every direction. As
soon as the survivors gained theirequi
Hbrium they began searching for the
dead bodies of their companions, and
found lying upon the floor of the der
rick the body of Cushing whose cu
riosity had cost him his life. The
next victim to the terrible disaster
was Lasher, a tool-dresser. His body
was found about three hundred feet dis
tance from the engine house, muti
lated and one leg completely torn off
and the other badly mangled.
Coroner Blair arrived in the after
noon and empaneled a jury and took
the testimony of a few geutlemen, af
ter which the jury rendered a verdict
in accordance with the facts, blam
ing no one.
Mr. Cushing was about thirty-three
years old, and leaves a wife and daugh
ter at Gillmor to mourn the loss of a
fond and loving husband and father.
He was a member of the A.O. U. W.
order, but allowing his dues to run
behind, receives no benefits from that
Bocietv. He is highly spoken of.
Andrew L. Lasher was a resident of
Vanango, Crow ford county, where
llis wife and son still reside. He was
u member of the order of Knights of
Pythias and ulso of the A. O. U. W.
From the latter society his widow will
receive a fund of $2,000.
Risley's Witch Hazel-
Cures Headache, Burns, Sprains.
Cuts, Wounds, Rheumatism, Tooth
ache. Earache, etc. Warranted equal
to any made, at half price.
6oz. Bottles 25 cent; Pint Bottles 50
cents; Quarts SI.
Have your druggist order, if he has
not in stock, of
Wholesale Druggists, C4 Cortlaudt
St., yew York City. n47 4m.
The elastic plant sprinkler. An
Indispensable article lor showering
plants, keeping them in a healthv
condition, and useful in sprinkling
boquets and moistening clothes Cat
and see a sample at The Advocate
Scrap pictures, shelf pipcr ma
chine made, and note puper and en
velopes atT he Advocate office.
Jam Poles.
Middletown X-Cut Saws.
Jeffurd's, White's and Mann's Axes.
Tubular and 99 Lanterns.
Piston's X-Cut Saws.
Boynton's Lightning Saws.
Cobn Poppeks.
Coal Hods.
Stove Shovels.
Repairs furnished for any stove.
Ax Handles.
Pick Handles.
J ib. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 42
Main street. n39
Shelf paper sent by mail to any ad
dress 25 cents for 25 yards. Try a few
yards. Address, The Advocate,
Ridgway, Pa. This paper is machine
made, and we furnish in many eolrs .
Id ordering name the color you wish.
This is a very tasty article for pantry
shelves, clock shelves, library shelves,
cupboard shelves, and In fact bhelves
of ail descriptions.
That splendid organ sold by D. S
Andrus & Co., Williamsport, Pa., for
$75.00 cash with 7 stops, solid wal
nut case and 5 eet 9 inches high, is
Hold now for $80.00 with one more
stop and the grand organ knee swell
additional. Write them. Terms easy
on long time also.
Scrap pictures, Authors, pen hold
ers, note paper, envelopes from size 1
to size 14. A large and elegant stock
of fancy note paper in boxes at The
Advocate office. Also shelf paper,
which is neat, ornamental and dura
ble. No trouble to show these goods
even if you do not wish to purchase.
Horse brushes, curry combs, cir
elngles and blankets call on Jacob
Ecceipts and Expenditures 0 Elk
County for the I car Ending Dec. 81,
To im'l received from nle of county
bond ....... ..
To ntnount received from InxCfl on
13,603 00
tinceiited lands 91,511 40
To ain't received from sule of county
litmln , I.13S74
To Bin t reo'd from tnjc collector ..... ,8I3 07
To nm't reo'd from lnndx redeemed.. 821 80
To am't reo'd from tinted IriiiIs
Tonm'trec'd from Fox townchlp
poor fundx, on nm't dun Dlxinont...
To nm't rec'U from Hemlnper twp
poor funds, on nm't due HlxmonC
Toenail from Elk County Hnnk
Toenail from KHleof nurpiu niHterlnld
To cHh collected on Judgment
To cash on Judgment vs.Lock Haven
920 98
42S 01
91 (17
221 til
DOT 77
To excels of expenditures..
949,810 71
By amount pnld M. Weldert, com
missioner, services 88100
13.V Binount imld
mlxploncr, service 399 00
By nm't nald w. H. Osterhout. com
missioner, services 238 00
By Hinount paid w. B. Hoi ton. com
missioners' clerk 500 00
By nm t pnld Hull .McLanley. com
missioners' counsel 75 00
By nm't pd. constnliles, ofllcers' fees 4J042
Hy nm't pd Justice, officers' fees 5 00
Ify nmnmit pnld district attorney 1200
ny nm i pnm court cner, ai. i,. Hons tum
Hy imi't pnld tlpstntl. H. II. Wensel... 48 00
lly iiiiinunt pnld prothonotnry, &c,... 28 20
By a mount pnm county auditors and
clerk 115 00
By nm't pnld Jnnitnr, linvld Morgan 10 SO
Hy nm't pnld Jmiltor, John Young... 32r 8!1
liy n mount pd. sheriff Com. fee 159 70
By nm't pd. constnliles " " 199 19
By nm't pd. Justice. " " 87 51
By nm't pnld wltin ssc " " 899 53
By nm't pd. assessors for nssesslne... 41152
By nm't pd. nssessor for registering liHlfH
By amount pnld eriind Juror 722 08
By amount pnld traverse Jurors 1,71010
By nmoiint paid Jul I expense 1,392 H2
By amount pnld Uixnioiit Hospital.. 74.108
By nm't pnld l'enn'n. Reform School 49 01
Bv nmount ml western l'enltcntlnrv
for 1K79 73 80
Bv nmount nald (or nubllstitnff elec
tion proclamation ... 10100
By nmount paid l'nr duo shinz audi
tors' settlement 33000
By nmount pd. for uuu Isliing trieu-
ntnl Mntenicnt 121 40
By nmount nald for pubilslilnn ap
peal not lets 3600
Bv nmount mild for miscellaneous
piintliiK and advertising 174 96
By nm't pnld for election expenses.... 683 06
By nmount pnld for roud views and
dnninge 2;0M
By nm t pd. for stationery and pnslg. n8 41
By nm't pd bounties on wolves. Ac... 48 35
By amount paid for fuel nnd lights... 425 89
By nmount pnld for spittoons, Ac 19 60
By nmount pnld for medical exami
nation In Knitlish cast- . 2540
By amount pnld for Stnte tax 953 13
By nmount paid for boarding Jurors
In Kngllsh ense 44 75
By nm't pd forotlielnl stenographer... 9810
By amount pd for reward for Hurry
Kngllsh 1,00 00
By nm't pd for hose for court house 31 13
By nmount pnld for insurance on
court house 173 00
By utn't pd. for appeal expense 8 Wi
By nm t pd. for Institute expenses... 174 ii
By nmount paid foruudltlng protho
notnry' account 9 00
By nmount pnld for lsue book for
commissioners' otlice 17 75
By uni t p d for lniseellaneus ex
penses 17 82
By amount pnld for services of Jury
commissioners 56 30
By amount pnld for Inquests 232 85
By nm't pd. in building court house.. 29.4H96
By county bond redeemed l.unnuo
By Interest paid on county bonds 2,013 00
By refunding orders redeemed 118 5s
By exoneration order redeemed 296 80
By tux nnt costs on Ids sold county.. 29931
By nm't pd. Jones township on ncct.
of Big Level Stnte rond 252 00
By Inns, commission on nm't ree'd... 757 in
By treus. com. ou um't disbursed 967 36
f 19,810 71
Assets and Liabilities of Elk County,
December, 31, 1S80.
To nm't tax on unsented lnnds, sub
ject to com. nnd exoneration 14,549 15
To nmount of tnx clue from collectors
subject to commission and exnn'n.. 103S3 46
To nmount due fr. Benzinger town
ship for support of lunatics nt
lUxmont Hospllnl 49105
Tonmountdue from Kox township
for support of lunatics at Dlxinont
Hospital 125 28
To nmount dun for support of Ellen
Qulnn nt IUxmont Hospital 264 31
To nm't due from Jacob McC'nuley,
ex-trenRurer, for county tux ree'd
and not credited 100 08
To Judgment note against J, L. and
J. E. Bonliam... 41 58
25.055 51
To excess of liabilities .. 21,00000
46,901 51
By county bond outstanding 45,0iOOO
By county orders outstanding 205 66
By nm't due IUxmont Hospital 52060
By State tax due (or 181 71503
By bulunceduo D. C. Oyster for ISsO 429 56
f 16, 961 51
Total cost of court house to Jun. 1,'81 S62.561 66
We, the undersigned, Commlsslonersof Klk
county, do hereby certify that the above and
foregoing Is a correct statement of the re
ceipts and expenditures of Klk county for the
year Ihso, nnd also of the assets and liabilities
of said countv at this date.
W. H. OsTKHHiil T, 5 Co.Com'rs.
Attest W. S. Hoktok. Cleik.
Amounts Received from the
Collectors of Elk County duri
ng 18H0.
Collector. Township, Ycnr.
Nathan Hippie Morton 1S75
Jacob Moyer Fox 1S76
Daniel I'linlen Horton 1KT6
HflirV Ivlfllllll I, Slrf ntr t 'Aftlr I T.l
26 96
75 00
83-3 17
28 02
229 06
83 51
131 ,V)
31 00
162 96
23 75
375 00
459 61
462 43
453 96
252 42
110 53
210 75
89 01
1.175 10
340 25
207 Oil
450 00
208 INI
51 on
225 00
197 5
116 28
1,449 87
137 18
190 27
Michael Olott ..."....Bensinger....ls77
John Mc.Mnekln Fox
. I.s77
Wm. H. Murray Benezette.
Thos. Burehfleld Horton... .
Armel Turley lav
. .178
.. 178
Jas. 8. Champion ...Millstone.
W i TI........ Ul.i
, n, ,.wllln, llt.KH.,
Matthew Shnnley...Siring reek 178
John Barr Benezette.. 179
Frank Wnrniih Benzinger... 179
Joseph F'.mmert Fox 179
Jos. Chamberlain ...Horton 179
Knhrnim Hewitt Jay... 179
Illchnrd Brennnn ...Jones ...1879
A. Zimmerman Millstone 179
W. C. Henly Bidgunv 179
Martin Perrin Springt reekl79
Philip Vol liner St.Mnrys 179
C. K. sexton Benezette 10
Joseph Von ni; ...... lieiizinger.. ,.18ffl
K. B. Hyatt Fox 10
Daniel l'hulen Horton 180
William s. Cole Highland 1S0
Jacobs Miller Jn .... .... 10
Kiehnrd Brennnn ...Jones Ihho
fioitfrev I'nrrott.M... Millstone 180
W. S. Horton.... Hldgwny ls0
Mntthew Slum ley ...Spring! 'reekl0
George Wclgel, Jr.. .St. Marys 1S80
49,299 54
Amount Due from the Several
tors of Elk County, Januarys
Ycnr. Collector. Township.
175. ..Nat ban Hippie. ..Horton
l78...Henry F IselmnnSprlng ( reek....
1878... Win.H. Murray... Benezette
1878... Armel Turley Jnv
l78...Mnthew Shnnlevspring Creek....
l78...Mlehuel Stebeck.St. Marys .
l79....7ohn llmr Benezette
178. ..Joseph F'mmert .Fox
l79...Kph rlnm H ewltt.l n v
179... W.C. Henly.. Khlgwny
1K80...C. It. Sexton Benezette
10... Joseph Young Benzinger ,
lsxo.. F'ng. B.Hyntt Fox
lll...Wm. F. Cole Highland
1880...Dniiiel I'halen.... Horton
1880...Jncoh S. Miller... Jnv
188(1... H iehnrdBrennnn Jones
lKK0...()od(rey I'ttrrollMillstone...........
180... W. H. Horton.... KldgWHy
180 .Mathew ShnnlevSnine Creek
. 139 09
16 Kll
. 12 15
. 80 08
. 14 32
5 82
.. 51 42
. 1142 29
225 65
. 66 35
. 2S1 55
. 675 70
. 404 16
. S.U54
.. 119175
.. 100 40
4H6 78
.. 652 95
1016 53
8-5 37
, 1733 40
. 230 41
,.1095 84
1890... (jeo. Welgle, Jr...Kl. Marys
1033 36
408 82 paid since seltlrment.
f.510 00 paid since nil lenient.
tdOO 00 paid since sell lenient.
Wehael Eruuner, Enq-, Treasurer of
Elk County, in account with said
County for the year endmg January
3, 1881.
To balance due fund nt Inst sett el mt 725 10
To uni t ree d from sale of Co. bonds 13,603 60
To ain't ree'd from lax on unsealed
lands . 21,511 40
To ain't reo'd from sale of Co. lands 1.133 74
To nm't ree'd from tnx collectors....... 9,343 07
To am't ree'd from lands redeemed.- 321 86
To ain't ree'd from seated lands... .... 91 S6
To ain't ree'd from Fox twp. poor
fund 011 amount due Dlxinont 920 98
To am't ree'd from Benzinger twp.
poor funds on am't dus Dlxmont., 428 61
To cash irom Klk County Bank 991 gj
To cash from sale surplus matrlu)s 40 90
To ch collected on Jurijmenu.. 22100
To cub on Judgm'ts v. Lock Haven 210 12
119.511 01
To balance doe treasurer 1,144 60
VW 70
By oom'r rec'pt ftr co. ord's rdmd... 41,953 64
ry couniy oonu reneemen
By Interest pnld on nounty bond.... 2,013 00
By refunding order redeemed 118 51
til. X . i m iiii
rAoiierniifiii orders reueviiicii...... "i
By tnx nnd coats on land sold Co. 299 34
By nm't pnld Jones twp. on account
of Big Level State rond - 252 08
By trens. com. on am't received 757 48
liy treas. com. ou ain't disbursed 967 86
To sunt tax reed from unstd Ids 127 3 23
" amt tax reed from Ids rcdmd i 04
1297 29
23 00
" balance due treasurer
$1321 25
By bnl due trens at Inst petlint 03 79
" bnl due treason school build
ing fund 6 10
" school treas receipts 1200 00
" commission on amt receipted 25 92
" com on amt disbursed 25 38
$1321 25
To amt tax reed from unstd Idli589 35
" amt tax received from seated
lands returned 9 72
$2509 07
By bid due trens at last setlmt 187 70
' school treas receipts 2100 00
" refunding ords redmd 4 0
" exoneration ords red mil 10 68
" tax on Ids sold to county 6 34
" tax tin double assessment 8 77
" com on amt reed CI 98
" com on amt disbursed 42 69
2412 10
186 7
" balance due fund
$2399 t7
To amt tax reed from unstd Ids 324 45
" amt tax reed from etd Ids 1 10
" bal due fund at last setlemt &9 71
$414 20
35(1 no
By school treas receipts
" refunding ords redmd
" exoneration ord: redmd
" tnx on lands sold to eo
tax on double assessments
" com on an it received
" com on amt disbursed
2 10
i ::8
7 08
80S CO
45 07
$414 20
" bl due fund
To bal due fund at last setlemt fl 04
" amt tux reed from unstd Ids 2071 7(1
" amt tax reed from std Ids 20 58
" amt tux reed from Ids redmd 4 14
$21 1 1 o'J
By ohoel trens receipts 1515 (
" exouertion ords redmd 2,1 TO
" tax on Ids sold to county C ,18
" com on unit received " 42 1-'
" com on amt disbursed !S0 ou
1017 30
404 10
$2111 52
" balance due fund
To bal due fund nt lust setlmt 33 76
" amt tux reed from unstd Ids 538 85
" amt tnx reed from std Ids 11 5(1
" amt tax reed from Ids redmd 1 08
$584 25
By exoneration ords redmd 5 4
" amt tax on ids sold to co 1 67
" com an amt received 11 02
'' com on amt disbursed 03
18 00
505 59
$584 25
" balance due fund
To bal due fund at Inst setlmt J02 33
" amt tax reed on unstd Ids 952 48
$1054 81
By school t reus recei pt s 900 00
" com ou amt received 19 05
" com on amount disbursed 18 CO
937 05
llf 76
$1054 Jll
balance due fund
To bal due fund at hwt setlmt 14 57
" amt tax reed from unstd ids 13H9 30
$1353 87
By school treas receipts 1250 00
" refunding ords redeemed 4 Bo
' com on amt received 27 07
" com on amt disbursed 25 09
1300 7B
47 11
$1353 87
" balance due fund
To bal due fund at lust seltmt 15 51
" bal clue school building fund
at last settlement 6 15
" amt tax rtcd from unstd Ids 1472 82
fl491 48
By school treasurer's receipts 1380 00
" amt tax on Ids sold to county JO 03
" com on unit received 29 88
'.coin on amount disbursed 27 80
1447 71
46 T7
$1494 48
" balance due fund
To bal due fund at last seltmt 17 31
''amt tax reed on unstd lands 2783 70
$2801 07
By school treasurer's receipts 2000 00
" refunding orders 13 63
" com on amount received 60 02
" commission on amt disbursed 52 31
2723 00
77 11
" balauce due fund
$2801 07
To bu! due fund at last setlmt 1 88
" amt tax reed, from unstd Ids 1203 07
$1205 35
By school treasurer's receipts 1150 00
" refunding orders 7 12
" com on amount received 24 10
" com on amount disbursed 23 14
1204 30
" balance due fund
1203 85
millstonf: 6CHOOL fund.
To amt tax reed fron unstd Ids 1027 50
" amt tax reed from Ids redmd 23 48
$1060 98
By bal due treas at last setlmt 171
" school treasurer's recepts 1000 00
' commissiou on amt reed . 21 02
20 03
1042 76
8 22
" balance due fund
$1050 98
To unit tnx reed from unstd lands 128 81
" amt tax reed from Ids redmd 2 93
$131 74
By school treasurer's receipts 120 00
" commission ou amount read 2 3
" commission on amt disbrsed 2 40
125 03
6 71
" balance due fund
$131 74
To bal due fund at lust setlmt 37
" amt tax reed from unstd luds 792 29
792 60
3 59
" balanc due treasurer
$.790 25
By school treasurer's receipts 780 00
" refunding orders 35 10
" commission on amt reed 15 85
" commission on amt disbrsed 15 80
$790 24
To bal due fund at last setlmt 3 0(1
" amt tax reed from unstd lnds 4T5 57
" bal due treasurer
By school treasurer's receipt
" refunding orders
" com on amount received
" com on amount disbursed
$480 01
SPRI.NO cheek school fund.
To bal due fund at last setlmt 37 58
" amt tax reed from unstd lnds 1292 19
" amt tax reed from eetd lands 79 98
" amt tax reed from lnds rdmd 6 $3
$1416 68
By school treasurers receipts 1118 60
" amt tax on lauds sold to co 5 TO
" commission on amt received 28 83
' commission on amt dsbrsed 23 62
1233 81
183 37
balance due fund
$1410 08
To bal due fund at last setlmt 7 43
" amt tax rtcd frni unstd lands 40 01
" amt tax reed from sold lands 34 04
By school treasurer's receipts
" amt tnx on lands sold to co
" amt tnx on Innds sold to co
" commission on amt reed
" commission ou amt disbrsd
73 Oil
" balance due fund
15 60
$88 08
To amt tax reed frm unsd lnds 31 85 35
" amt tux reed on lands rdmd IK 12
'!1U A
By bal due treasr at Inst setlmt 40 30
""rond orders redeemed 2414 00
" two treusurer's receipts 60(i no
" commission on amt received 03 9
" com on amount disbursed CI 00
3175 27
ti 20
$3198 47
"bulunce due fund
To amt tux reed frm unstd lnds 2589 35
" amt tax reed trom sctd lauds 9 68
$2599 03
By exoneration ordrs redmd 10 C8
" bnl due trensr at last setlmt 07 8
" roud orders redeemed 1931 ou
" twp treusurer's receipts 851) 00
" refunding orders redeemed 5 oo
" amt tux on lands sold to co 4 (M
" unit tax on Ids doble assesd 8 76
" commission on amt recei veil 51 18
" commission on unit disbrsed 4T 30
247k 00
121 03
$2099 03
" balance due fund
To amt tux reed frm unsetsl lud-589 35
" amt tax reed from seted land 9 18
$2598 72
By exoneration orders redmd
" bal. due trensr ut lust setlmt
" twp treasurer's receipt
" amt tux on lands sold to co
" unit tax ou lnds dubl assed
" refunding ordrs redeemed
" com on amt received
" com on amt disbursed
10 08
2300 00
8 70
1 )
61 00
47 68
2505 10
93 03
" bulance due fund
$2598 73
To amt tax reed from unstd Ids 1802 38
" amt tux reed ftom seted lnds 27 65
" unit tax reed frm Ids redmd 8 60
$1833 63
By bnl due treasi at last setlmt
" bal due on uditii nl rd fund
" roud orders redeemed
" exoneration orders redmd
" com on amt received
" com on unit disbursed
183 60
139 00
25 36
36 87
32 09
1093 07
139 90
$1833 63
" balance due fund
To amt tax reed on uusetd Ids 1C74 47
$1074 47
By bnl due treas at last setlmt 6 39
" roud orders redeemed 1159 00
" twp treasurers receipts 430 00
" refunding orders redeemed 4 00
" com on amount received 83 49
" com ou amount disbursed 31 98
1664 66
9 61
" balance due fund
$1674 47
To amt tax reed from unstd ids 1912 13
1912 13
By bal due treas at last setlmt 111 81
" road orders redeemed 1406 00
" com oa amount received 38 24
" com ob amount disbursed 81 64
1647 69
" balance due fund
204 65
$1912 13
com on amount disbursed
47 23
$40 01
457 00
4 21
9 68
9 22
$88 08
64 42
3 88
1 50
1 77
1 39
To bal due fund at last setlmt
85 24
" amt tax reed from unsctd Ids 1941 51
1070 75
1 07
" balance due treasurer
$1977 82
By road orders redeemed 1522 00
"township treasurer's receipt 864 94
" amt tax on land sold to co 14 03
"' com on amount received 88 83
" com on amount disbursed 88 02
$1977 82
To amt tax reed from unstd Ids 8057 97
" balance due treasurer 1 49
(3059 46
By refunding ordrs redeemed 17 04
" bal due trens at last setlmt i i
" road orders redeemed 2897 00
" twp treasurer's receipts 600 00
" com on amount received 73 10
" com an amt disbursed 09 98
3659 4
To amt tax reed from unstd ids 1173 35
" balance due treusurer 42 72
$1210 07
18 05
10 58
600 00
640 00
23 4
23 88
By bnl due treas ut last setlmt
" bnl due treus on cash fund
" rond orders redeemed
" twp treasurer's receipts
" com on nmount received
" com on amount disbursed
$1216 07
To amt tax reed from unstd Ids 1882 87
$1882 87
By bal due trens at Inst setlemt 42 30
"bal due treusurer on cash fund
at last settlement 35 62
By road orders redeemed 1494 00
" refunding orders redeemed 28 08
" refunding orders redeemed 33 09
"refunding orders Ki (lawny
and Brookville state road 21 79
" com on nmount received 87 (
" com on nmount disNirsed 33 !
1726 13
156 74
' bulance due fund
$1882 87
To bnl due at lust settlement 2 69
' amt tax reed from unstd Ids 1050 48
" amt tux reed from std innds 41 50
" amt tax reed from Ids redmd 6 00
1100 7
By road orders redeemed 808 00
' township treus receipts 175 (X)
" amt tax on Ids sold to eouuty 4 84
" com on amt received 22 on
" com on amount disbursed 19 75
1029 50
71 08
$1100 67
" balauce due fund
To bnl due fund at lust setlemt 27 27
" am tat recsl from misted Ids 70 1 99
" unit tax reed from std lands 23 20
" amt tux reed on Ids redmd 8 00
$755 4
Hy townshiptrensui'er receipts 700 00
"' amt tan on Ids sold to county 2 07
" com on nmount received 15 10
" com on amount disbursed 14 04
731 21
24 25
$755 49
" bnlnnce due fund
To bal due fund at last selemt 28
" amt tat reel trom unstit Ids 88 UJ
" ami tax reed from std lauds 34 08
$72 98
liy borough trens receipts 53 2T
" amt tax on his sold to couniy 4 6t
" com on amount received 1 4i
" com on nmount disbursed 1 14
CO ."1
12 00
bulunce due fund
$72 lit
To lal tine fund at last setlemt 14
" and tut reed from unstd Ids "4 4r!
" amt tnx reed from std lauds 17 34
By borough treasurer's rccpts
" it tn t tux on hinds sold to co
" com on amount received
" com on amount, disbursed
" bulunce due fund
$43 91
To amt tax reed from unstd Ids 1811 73
" unit tux reed from seuted Ids 6 78
$1818 61
By bal due trens nt lust 6etlenit 84 76
" township treusurer's receipts 775 48
" casli pd county on account of
Dixmont as per order of sup
ervisors 428 CI
" refunding orders redeemed 1 40
" exoneration ordrs redeemed 7 48
" amt tnx ou lands sold to co 3 8T
' unit tax ou double ussessmt 6 15
" com ou amount received 36 87
" com on amount disbursed 26 00
137t 12
418 39
$1818 61
bulance due fund
To amt tnx reed fioui unstd Ids 1084 92
" unit tax reed from std Ids 6 34
" amt tux reed from Ids redmd 2 16
$1093 42
By bul due treas at Inst setlmt 8 18
" eush pd co on amt due Dix
mont from Fox township 920 98
" exoneration orders redeemed 11 88
" amt tux on ids sold to co 8 32
" com on amount received 21 86
" com on u mount disbursed 18 78
980 00
113 42
$1093 42
" bulance due fund
To amt tux reed from unstd Ids 422 08
$422 08
By township treas receipts 404 00
" refunding orders redeemed 80
" com on amount received 8 44
" com on amount disbursed 8 09
421 33
" balauce due fund
$422 08
To bal due fund at last setlemt 18 63
" amt Ux reed from unstd Ids 902 28
$M 91
34 7f
3 12
89 45
4 48
$920 01
By township treasurer's recpts 830 00
,f township treasurer's reel pis 18 26
" amt tax on Ids sold to co 0 23
" coin on unit received 18 42
" com on amount disbursed 17 08
889 09
30 92
$920 91
" balance due fund
To bal due fund at last setlemt 160
" amt tax reed from unstd Ids 865 92
$367 68
800 00
7 85
6 05
816 30
61 28
By township treas receipts
" refunding orders redeemed
' com on amount received
" com on amount disbursed
" balance due fund
$307 68
To amt tax reed from unstd Ids
" amt tax reed from std Ids
321 64
7 33
$328 97
By bal due treas at Inst setlmt
" township treasurer's recpts
" coin on amount received
" com on amount disbursed
5 31
250 00
6 57
5 10
200 98
61 99
$328 97
" balance due fund
To amt tax reed from unstd ldsl!04 50
$1104 60
By bal due treas at last setlemt 15 47
" township treus receipts 8D0 00
refunding orders redeemed 13 34
" com on amount received 22 09
" com on amount disbursed 10 47
867 37
237 13
$1104 60
" balance due fund
To bnl due fund at last setlemt 4 85
" amt tax reed from unsted Ids 348 01
" amt tax reed from sted ids 6 92
" amt tax reed from Ids redmd 1 50
$361 28
330 00
1 02
7 22
6 62
844 86
16 42
By township treas receipts
" amt tax on Ids sold to eo
" com on amount received
" com on amount disbursed
" balance due fund
$361 28
To bal due fund at lust setlemt
" amt tax reed from unsted Ids
" amt tax reed from std lands
By overseer's receipts
" amt tax on Ids sold to co
" com on amount received
" com on amount disbursed
89 38
6 71
" balance due fund
$40 09
To amt tax reed from unseated
lunds situate in Jones twp 3415 47
" amt tax reed from unseated
lands situate in Ridgway twp 2944 94
$0300 41
By bal due treasr at last setlmt 187 39
" refndingord rdmd.Jonestwp 17 04
" refnding ord rdmd, Benzinger
township 1 40
" refndingord rdmd.Ridgwny
township 42 12
" bond No 31 rdmd, Ridgway
twp funds 1282 3(1
" iii("est pd on above bond 48 73
" bond No S3 redeemed, Jones
twp fimls 1418 69
" interest paid on ubove bond 113 51
" bond No 34 txlmd, Jones twp
funds 018 00
" interest paid on aliove bond 52 ''()
" boiisl No 4 rdmd, Jones twp
fund 700 00
" interest paid on nbove bond 24 50
" recpt of treus, J. li. Hull 1199 3(1
" com on amount received 127 20
" com on amount disbursed 114 13
$5948 0T
412 34
$0300 41
" bulance due fund
Miehael JJrunncr, Esq., Treasurer of
Elk County, in account with the
Common wealth of J'ennsylvania for
the year ending January 3, 1881.
To bul due at Inst settlement 59 29
" amt cash reed tavern licenses 900 00
' unit cush received for eating
house licenses 180 00
" unit cash reed store licenses 50 00
" amt tax col from retailers of
merchandise 785 60
" amt tux col on billiard tables 140 00
" amt tax collected from brewrs 75 00
" amt tax col from bondholders 125 16
$2614 05
By Slate Treasurer's receipts 2005 49
" amt cash pd printers lor pub
lishing mercantile apprnismt 85 00
" com on amount received 11172
22U2 21
112 74
" balance due Commonwealth
$2314 95
We, the undersigned, auditors of
Elk county, for the year 1881. having
met ut the the commissioners' olllces,
at Ridgway, in said county, on the
first Monday of January, 1881, it being
the third day of the month, for the
purpose of auditing, settling and ad
justing the accounts of the several
county officers, we adjourned to Tues
day, January 4th, 1881, at which time
we proceeded to audit, settle and ad
just the accounts of the several county
ollleei's, and fouud them correct, as
slated iu this our report.
Michael Brunner, Esq., treasurer of
said county, having been duly notified
wus present in person, and presented
liis account. i
After huving carefully examined,
audited and adjusted the accounts of
said Michael Brunner, treasurer, we
found due from him the said treasurer,
to tiie several funds, as is fnlly set
forth in the foregoing report, the sum
of four thoiisuud and nluety-six dol
lars und sixty four ceuts, and duo to
him, theeuid treasurer, from certain
lu uds, as set forth iu the said fore
going report, the sum of one thousand
two hundred end eighteen dollars and
twenty-seven cents, leaving a net bal
ance of two tboueund eight hundred
and seven tv-eiifht dollers and thirty-
eveu ceii it due to the county of Elk
from the said treasurer, and also due
from the euld treasurer to the Com
nion wealth of Pennsylvania the sum of
one hundred and twelve uoiiars ana
eeTentyfour cents, as is fully set
forth in the foregoing report.
In witness whereof, we have here-
20 41
19 54
$46 09
34 59
3 12
to set our hands this 25th day of
January, A. D. 1881.
J.J. TAYLOB, I Co. Auditors.
Attest Thomas J. Burke, Clerk.
The Commissioners of Elk County in
account with said County for fervi
ccs rendered during the year A. XX
Michael Wcidcrt.Esq.
To county orders received 881 00
$381 00
381 00
$381 00
By 127 days' services $3
George Rcuscher, Esq.
To county orders received
899 00
$399 00
399 00
$399 00
258 00
$258 00
258 00
By 133 days' services $3
11'. . Osterhout, Esq.
To county orders received
By 80 days' services $3
$258 00
D. C. Oyster, Lnq.t High Sheriff of
Elk County, in account with said
County tor thcyear ending January
8, 1881.
To co order to bal last setlemt 410 80
" tines und costs collected in
criminal cases 70 C8
"jury fees collected in civil
eases 28 Oo
" orders for boarding prisoners 695 12
" error in last settlement 19 48
" ensh pnid for washiug for
prisoners 82 86
" bulunce due the sheriff 429 60
$1736 30
By bal due at last settlement
''jail account for boarding
" juil uccount for washing for
" serving jurors for May, Sept.
and Nov. terms, 1880, and for
Jan. term, 1881, $1.00
" costs in cases wherein Co. is
" rule in case vs. Ellen Quinn
" two days tilling jury wheel
" fees in criminal euses
" fees on commitments
" drawing four juries in 1880
" pub. election proclamations
410 36
695 12
82 80
400 00
7 60
2 50
5 00
110 42
17 60
4 00
1 00
$'736 80
We, the undersigned,? auditors of
Elk county for the year 1881, having
met at t lie commissioners' office in
Ridgway, in said county, on the first
Monday in January, A. IX 1881, being
the third duy of the month, for the
purpose of auditing, settling and ad
justing the accounts of the several
county officers, we adjourned to
Tuesduy.Jan. 4, A. D. 1881. at which
time we proceeded to uudit, settle and
adjust the accounts of theseveral coun
ty ofllcers, as set forth in this our re
port. Uimiel U uyster, JSsq., high sherilT
of said county, was present in person,
and presented his account.
Alter carefully examining, audit
ing, settling and adjusting his ac
counts, we found them to be correct,
as set forth in the foregoing state
ment. In witness whereof, we have here
unto set our hands the 24th clay of
Januaiy, A. D. 1881.
J.J.TAYLOR, lr. . ...
CHAS. MILLER, Auditors
Attest Thomas J. Burke, Clerk-
The Commissioners of the Kane, Ilidg
way and St. Marys State lload in
account with the Funds of said
lioad from last settlement to the 3L4
day of May, A. D. 1880.
To bal due at last settlement 2847 23
" amt reed from co treas 1199 30
$4040 53
By cash pd J. K. P. Hall for
work done in Benzinger town
ship 1595 84
" unit pd Gen. Thos. L Kane 92 40
" cash pd J. L Brown on bond 304 43
"unit pd V. II. Osterhout ou
bond No 29, Ridgway twp 595 12
" ensh paid on U. D. Messen
ger's orders 47160
" cash pd Ridgway township 112 03
" cush pd Benzinger township 875 65
$4046 63
We, the undersigned, auditors o(
Elk county for the year 1881, buying
met ut the commissioners' oflice, iit
Ridgway, in said county, ou the first
Monthly in January, A. D. 1881, be
iug the third day ot the month, wo
adjourned to Tuesday, Januury 4th
18M, at which time we proceeded
willi the settlement, and do hereby
certify tliut we have carefully ex
amined, audited, settled and adjusted
the accounts of the commissioners of
the Kane, Ridgway and 8jt. Marys
Htute rond, and found them correct, as
set foith in the toregoing report.
In witness whereof, we have herc
unto set our hands the 24th day of
Januury, A. 1). 1881.
Attest Thomas J. Burke, Clerk.
Trademark. Is especiallyTRADE MARK
r ecouimenu
ed as an un
failing cure
for Seminal
W ea k n ess
H pe rmutor-
n f mi. rllPfl lilt no-
ceiore gtl-ya-U(lVillAfter Xakingi
ueseases inai ioiiow as a sequency ou
Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni
versal Lassitude, Pain in the Back,
Dimness of vission, Premature old
age, and many other diseases that
lends to Insanity. Consumption and
a Premature Grave, all of which as a
rule are first cnused by deviating front
the path of natureand over indulgence.
Tlie Specific Medicine is the result of
a life study and many years of expert-,
ence in treating those special deseuses
Full pui'ticulnrs in our pamphlets,
which we desire to send free by mail
to every one.
The Specific Medicine is sold by all
Druggists at $1 per package, or six
packages for $5, or will be sent by
mail on receipt of the money by ad.
No. I Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich.
JoT'Sold iu Ridgway by all Druggist,
every where.
Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents,
Pittsburgh. ul2-ly
Shelf rper and Scrap Pictures.
At the Advocate oflice. The shelf
paper is tn many colors; the scrap pic
tures lu endless variety. Also auto
grap albums, faucy uote paper, etc.
Call and see us, over Powell & Rime's
store. Visiting cards, and Christmas
cards, besides Reward of Merit and
other cards. It won't cost you a cent to
call and ee our new tock. Just r
I eeived.