THURSDAY, FER. a, IPM. r1 1" j i ii i Gus. Rohde the Popular .Barber Still Ahead. tOQK AT HIS PRICES, phnvlng with liny Hum 10 cents 'air Cutting ., cents ihtripon ..: .. ...1j W11N I)ry Shampoo '. 1" wiit jMoiistuehe'dyinsr J5 wilts Shop ciiriiit Main mul Mill streets, Jtldgway, I'n. Satisfaction pprirnnteed every time. Mincemeat ut Morgestcr's. Whips In great vnriety, new ptock, just received at Rutturtuss.' Get your bill-heads and note "heads printed at The Advocatk of fice. For light nnd liouvy road, funning nd lumlier harness, and light single ftnd double harness j;lvc Jaeiib Rutter ft call. The Ridgway Reading Circle will liicct ntlhe school house next Saturday evening nt 7 o'clock ttnrj, All are invited. ' A Suede near Tort Allegheny was run over by u train ; l;!s anus and legs were cut oil", his body cut it two, nnd hi heart severed lie died. The thermometer this morning at "Postmaster 1 Jngei ly's residence on Ziou'ft Hill Flood u loiiows: at o o'clock below zero; from 7 to H o'clock below ; Ml o'clock below. Kli Perkins, a famous lecturer, writer and humorist, f almost world wide reputation will de.ivcr in Itidgway, Kelt. HI tit. his celebrated lecture, "The I'liilosophy of Fun and the Perkins Family." The Senatorial muddle at Harris liurg still continues without any pros pect of immediate settlement. Front lay to day ballots are taken witli al most unvarying result, while the legislators are wasting the people's time. Khincs' billiard hall is now occu pied by ico. T. Aaron, who runs in connection with hi- billiard tatties an eating saloon (lie bar of u iiich u at uli limes supplied with wine and l eer. ilso best brands of tob-iccos and cigars Always on hand. Oy-ters served at the. old btund (ii;o. T. A.Vito.v. Yesterday morning, Wednesday, February 1, ISM, was in this section itt least the eoh!c.-t day if this rcmaik ubly cold winter. At 0 o'clock the thermometer stood at from 2'' to below zero. During the night previous many persons were uwakciivd ly loud noises, as of t lie firing of volleys of artille y, which made the house quake. Many believing tl .at the house roofs were falling (Some even getting up and watching the rest of tlie uight. Jam 1'tu.r.s Middletowil X-Cut Saws. Jcd'ard's, White's and Mann's Axes. Tubular nnd 'J'-i Lanterns. Films. Diston's X-Cnt Saws. Roynton's Lightning Snws. ClUIN PolTllW. Coal llodb. .Stove Shove'.. Repairs fumis-hed fov nny istove. Ax Handi.ks. Pick Handles. I ll. Rest Polish 10 ets. at No. 42 Main rtrert. nS! stockholders .Meeting Xotice U hereby uiven to the stock holders of the Uraudy Camp railroad company, that (here will be a niectiiii; !' t lie stockholders at their oftiee in Kidiivvay.IOlU county. l'a., on Mnnd ty the Ittli'd iv of l-'eburarv.lsst between t lie hours of !i A. M. and " 1 M. for t he pnrHise of electing a board ot Directors ami transacting hiieh oilier liusilicss as may come before them. C. It. Eaui.kv. I'le-ident. P. W. Hayks, Seeretarv. t A Ilevenig.-. "They are not a hevcrege, but u medicine, with curative properties of the highest dtjjrce, containing no jioor whiskey or poii-oiious drugs. '1'hey do not tear down an already de bilitated spsteui, but build it iij . One bottle contains more hops, . r more real hop strength, than u barrel ol ordinary beer- Every druggist in ilochester sells tlieni, and the physici ans riseribe them." Jkcnuiy Kx ftrci Iloji liitlers. Tne following notice of interest to our reader bud been posted in tin? Vorough; liorouglt lvlfctioli Notice is hereby given, that an Election will bo held Ht the old rrotinmotary's oillce in the IJoroUgh of KidgWaViOii Tuesday. Feb. lj, 1881, being the third Tlii-mlny' ;f tlie month, for the election of the follow ing officers for the tiiid Horough of Itidgway: One person for Chief Hui'fress. Six persons for Town Council: Two for one year: two for two years: two for three yeai'a. One person foi1 Justice of tlie Peace. Bix persons for Hi hool Directors: Two for one year; two for two year; two for three years. One person for High Con-table. One person for Horough Cohstuble. Three persona for AuditeTsI One for one year; one for two years; one lor three years. One person fof Assessor. One person for Judge of Election. Two persous fur inspectors of elect Ion. Tvtfo person for Overseers of the Poor. II. II. WenseL, Appointed By the court to give this tiotive. One barrel good cranberries fiftb Ut at Uttattet'f 10 pors;nt Items, , John Shechan cut his foot badly with nn nx while cutting logs ou Monday last. , . Henry Largny Is acting us turnkey at the jail during the absence of Lieut. Hortnn. The end of n sixteen-foot honrd took a notion to explore one of Hnrry Head's eyes the other day. It is thought the Iward will recover. It Is plain to see that Miller of the I)c)))ovra(, is a great friend of Coin puny H. And that he everlastingly loves the Captain is common gossip. Supt. Dixon in last week's AliVo C'ATK declined to refer to i-t fujl's work in the school line. Why not give us a few items J'ro'U lust fall's campaign, George? Geo. T. Aaron l:;is moved his rat lug saloon into lib i lies' billiard hall where in connection tlierewith ln conducts a billiard saloon. He also bus on hand pretzels, bologna sausuge, etc., together with birch beer etc. .Sheriff Sullivan and Deputy Hortou went to Allegheny City on Monday having i:i charge Hiuih Hums and Patrick McCartcy the to trump Hcntenced to terms hi the peni tentiary, us also u boy Consigned to the house of rc.'uge. Joel Taylor made US his usual yearly cull yesterday. This gentle man lias la ken Tiik AnvocAiii for many years, and jironiplly as the ytr II... i . . . iiMis njouiiu pays us a visit and pa.vs up for a year in advance. May his shadow never grow less, Mrs. Lueorc sends us tin egg pro duced by one of her In ns which is remarkable in the fact that it is flat on two sides. All hough we have seen many eggs never jet have we noticed a ilat one. The patent has been applied for, and the egg Is on exhibition at the Auvocatk office. Hon. A. G. Curt in writes Supt. Dixon, in response to a request made by the citizens of Uidgwuy that he will be here soon and deliver a lecture on "Russia." Tills lectu'e will be de livered free, the dale to be fixed hereafter, after which a meeting of the citizens will be Ik Id to make the neces-ary ul laiigemviits for a proper reception lo the Kx-Goveruor. List of Kellers ffeii.ainiug in the Kidgway post office, l-.Ik Co., l'a., up to J.-tnuary 31 lssl : Ami! 'Vso!i,:-;l!,-ioNl II-il..s. Nellie .Mm-f.v. Mary a k, r. Miss Aiinlo J!lf"st'l, iio. IslllllMIOI. AllllltU' :iiUi.-r, .Mr. 11. If not ealletl for in thirty dsys they wilt In. -.ail (.. !... ,l..,..l t..ii I - - ... .iv av. lv,l VI "lllll, V.'ashili!toli, D. C. -I. H. H AfiKKTV. V. M. Saratoga Morgestcr's, (,'liips a new thin-j shell' paper si nt by mail to any ad dress 'J'j cents for 21 yards. . Try a few yards. Address, Tun A nvocATK, Itidgway, l'a. This paper is machine made, and we furnish in many co lis. In ordering ns ne the color you wish. This is a very tasty nrtii le lor pKiitry shelves, clock shelves, library shelves, cupboard shelves, and in fact shelves ofall descriptions. Hor:e brushes, curry oomb-s. cir einglfs and blankets call on Ji.jli liutterfu.s. Scrp pictures, Autliors. pen hold ers, note pnjH-r, envi'lopcs from size 1 to size M. A large slid elegant stock of fancy note paper in boxes at Tin: Altv.WATH c.fiice. Also shelf paper, which is neat, ornamental find dura ble. o trouble to show these coods even if you do not wish to purchase. Xo scrofula can be so deep seated, no sore so stubborn, but that .yer's Sarsnparilla will be found helpful. It will eil'ect a cure, if cure be msr.iblc. Horseshoe Soda nt Morgestcr's. best in market The Choice or nmilis A very elegant little volume witli do above title, by Charles F. li'.ch nrdson, is just issued by the American Poo"; Kxchange, Tribune Duilding, New York, at the very low price of 2-" cents; also a cheap paper edition t Hie normal cost of five rents. It will delight all who love a good book, vnd in Its wise suggestion n IM he greatly helpful lo all who want help in choos ing the best books. In "Its various chapter It treals of The motive of funding, The Heading Habit. What Honks to -llcnd, The I5ct Time to Iteiul, how niucli to read, remember ing what one rends, the Use of note bnoks. the cilltl vu( ion of taste, poetfj-, the art of skipping, the Use of trans lation, how to read periodicals, rend ing aloud and reading clubs, hat books to own, tlie . use of public libraries, tlie true service of reading The volume is remarkably rich in fitrlkilnr quotations from the world's most famous autliors and thinkers, from Aristotle in Emerson, including such names as Addison, Durns, Cato, Carlyle, Disraeli, Feneloil. Gibbon, Hugo, Keats, Lamb. Locke, Luilter, Milton, Petrarch, Kurskin, Shakes peare nnd Thoreau. ltlsu real liter ary treasure house. Wollen Socks Morgestcr's. and mittens at Th!t splenitt I organ sold by D. 8 AndriH & Co.. Willinmsfcirt, l'a., for STo.Od cash with 7 stops, all hi Wal nut f Use and 5 'eel !1J Inelifs liigli, is sold now for $k).(mi vltli olie more Mfip and the grand organ knee sWcll iliiditioiial. Write them. .Terllis easy tin long time also. For harness oil, fixto greest?, nnd harness soup call ou Jacob DuttCrfbss. . i. i ii --Some new styles l'id'is G.iiks bets at Morgestcr's. 1Xew fuse fine Valencia' Orunges' yjHggSiSyj Wl illa iiiiiiii;miiI,i: iiiiiji Court rrseeidiiiy. Present, lion. Win. D. IJrown, Pri-si.jent Judge. A-soelate Hun. Geo. Ed. WeWstid lion -Julius Junes. 4'tui'lf i-:nt list. Chao. IJ.Earley vs.Willlani MeKny. Continued. Mary 8. McQnuliay now Mnry Noyer v. II. A, Pontius. Continud. Coinmoiiwealtl) vs. Harry English Taxing the Difls. bill of co.Ua. Con tjnued. John Uarr vs. P.adcliff & Lewis. J.-K. P. Hail for plalU'titF; W. W Ames for deft. Argued and Judgment granted. E. Saltonstall et ul. trustees, vs. J.S Hyju et al. EJeetinent fir warrant No. 4:S4.'i, 9'.Kl acres in Fox township, Continued by consent. Francis A. Lesch vs. John Hoffman. Continued. S A. Olmstetul vs. W. IJ. Schrani and W. S. Service. Lucore ,i Hamb len for lai,itill ;H;d tt McCauley and Hatlibuu for Service. Verdict for ll:uitljrfr n:;s.i:i. El Ins Mo.ver et al. vs. Hese:':i Moy-r. (,'ontinucd by con nt! ; Simon i IJomig vs. Lrii.z Vo;'l et !. Defeudaiil answers pormitted to lie f.led. Ill the matter' of the License of Andrew Hau. Jtule to show u why license should not be revoked. 1 ii the matter of the citation of Fred Wilmarth one of the electors of Ly man Wihni.rlh deceased. Attachment awarded unless account is filed by the tir.-t day of May term next. In the matter of the petition of Charles A. IJrown for performance of contract. Juie to show ca-ise granted Frank Pollmaii vs. Morgestcr's A Jackson. Continued by consent. D A. Pontius vs. Conrud ioyer. Continued by innw nt. Fredericks. .Von roe fc (,'. vs (!. U. Farley. Continued at the cit of defeud4it. K. H. nrrah vs John K. Ittmrv et al. Com in tied. Clufi. A. Lyon vs. F. X. 8irg. (ron 1 1 n mil. E. W. Maybee vs. Powell A Kime. 1 i ii ul by consent. J. S Hyde vs. Maurice Shi'lliian. Mall & McCauley for plaiutitl'; llamb b'll for defelidaut. Verdict lor the plaintid'iu the sum ol'i'.tiiJ.Ts, pavahle in three iitalmetits ai follows; one .lue Nov. -2, is;;; one due Nov. IS, Sand the other due Nov. 'J4, 1 ?s7t. I'll I. M IN A I, l.lsT.. Com. vs Hurry Eugli;ii Del't. ehaive with the killing ol CoiiMRhle Vollmcr. N'eriliet of not guilt v. Com. vs. Harry English 'Forgery. Verdict of guilty. Sentence deferred Coin. vs. Joseph Stai r Assault slut haiicrv. Vcadiclof guiltv. Sentenced to Kly line and costs "and .10 lavs ;n county j-iil. Com. . Huali nuriis ami Pstriek MitV.itey. Tramps. Not fc true bill and county to pay (he costs. fom. vs. Siephen Hen'ry.' Dclt.sent to I usaiieasy lum. Com. vs. William Dennett. Threats to kil Deft ordered to enter Into bis own ivcngiiixauco in the sum oi tloo. conditioned to keep the peace toward J is.Dt nnett an.l all goad citzeiis of tlie common wcali Ii loronc jear. Com. vs. Charles Hra'uch. I.arcfnv. Delt. sentenced to house of refuge. ' Com. vs, II ii eh Itorus and Patrick McCailey. Hi gli Durns pleadsguiliv lotlielirsi con in. in me indictment, and i:o( jiijm. as to the other two eou ii pat McCartcy found guiltv as to the tirst and second emits of 'the indictment. Hugh Hums sentenced to the Vi'se."i Pe teniiary with a line of Slui) tl,, eost. ior thrio years nod three .monlli Pat M.-Caru y was scntei. i. (.. p.v n tine o!"io.oo it it i i to imprisonment in the a ileteiitMiy for t wo . year.-, unit ttiree eaieudar monilis. At Tile .iviii .te ?Hce. xaix sti:i-:i:t, ovi:it I'hwki.i, A ki :!;' stohk. May be found: Notep.ipcr. Lillet noie, octavo note, tool-cap, le.-sl ip, letter napei; invi tations and uotcpupcr b") sheets oi' p:t-r and :ki envelopes in a Utx all ior one doiiiir. Scrap pictures in endkss vsriety. Autiviapli albums, a bisuilil'ul lot, at low ligtircs. Fancy notfpiipe and envelopes in handsome boxes. Silver perforated cardboard. Ulack liristol board, and other colors for cnniucopiim.ttiid other fancy work. Shelf paper, the liOatest thing out for pantry shelves, clock shelves, and ail other kind of shelves. This paper is machine made, and we sell any quantity from one sheet to gross. New VearcHrds. It will pay you to see our stK-k, Shakcsjieare, Dyron, or Stirtt's piK'tical works complvte for !., , iH in tilul present fra lady friend, at The Advocate oriiee. Don't forget to call and see otir scrap picttiifii. Also s U-autful line of Christmss can's just t feci veil. Truth and Ilortctr. WUcry: hat is the host family medicine in (lie world to regulate the bowels, purify the blood, remove cos tivent'Msaud biliousness, aid digestion and lone up the vhole system? Truth and honor compels us lo answer, Hop Hitters; U'higpure. perfect and harm less. Sen another lolumu. Toledo Made. Dried Limii Desns and Komiliy at Morgestcr's. -Ask your neighbor to subscribe for The Advocate only $1.50 a year when paid in advance, Fine London Layer Itaisins at Morgestcr's. Xitepipsraiii euwdxj'ii t the olHce. Fresh Case tiflpxlurs Wheaten Grits at Morgesfer's. For fear j ou fiuiy forget we sav onceu.oretloa tfuiltogo In and see U'e, y)H "toik of new good at the lMui-alliiiiHl Xntcs. Teachers should not fail to close the school terms with careful examina tion! of all the pupils In their respec tive studies. Some specimen's of the e;iiuinalioii paper.'! should always be sent to the County Hiiperlntendeiit to be put on exhibition by Jilui lit ids o&Jce ami the remuinder of schnlars work should be neatly tiled at the Schoolrooms for Inspection by visitors. The material useil in connection with these final examination should be uniform throughout the county and Us follows: '". 1. Acme examination paper, letter size, in half sheets,, with suitable headings. 2 Diuding pins, or fasteners, 3. Suitable coA'crs or 'binders to preserve tlio iiinnusci'lpt and prepare U for exhibition. ' Tlils.'mnterial is specially prc)iired under my direction to secure uui forniity, to avoid confusion and save .expense. This material will also be ifiven out to teanher bynn?';with fuH directions us to its use. Teacliers are reiues(ed to Inforni me at.ojice as to the amount of examination aperaiid fasteners and covers they will respect ively need for the'cloatng of the preiit I. rm of choo. (hsd work Is iKpcc!nl from gvery school in the souiity. Geo it. lixox, . Co. fjupt. l(.'Hicel(e Xuln. , JurlaTtf Jouvs retnrned from court Sstu niay. Mrs. J. Fink who hss been ill for some time i not improving much. Simon ltomi says he is unable to manu'.ctuie birch and ginger beer rspidly eiiou-b to supply the demand. Dr. Smith, of Driftwood, is hav ing eoniiierable ractice in this i!tce and vicinity. Jerry Cayton received quite a serious cut on the knee di-a!,!ina, him. His wile is also ill but improving. The Literary Society, which was organized after the holidays is fretting akniav finely. Its new president, J. p, Eberhart is the "r!g!it man In the rigid place.'1 Another entertainment is contemplated. Rev. R. E. Kelly, or the M. K. dcnomiiiiition, cloed Ids nictUp;'s H.'.er a litiie more thu a two week's eilbrt. On the following Sunday Ue reccivJ the folloy. iecr ten per.ons into ihe church: Lluid and IJifh Vii;!o. J it. Els:;irt, W. lct wilder, (. ii.f k, Martin and Milton Stliroll, hell Rot brock, Jennie Miller and Dell Lupolc. Rev. J. J. Pearcc, Presiding Fh!er of the Willii.nispfirt district, held quarterly meetinand preached here on Wedncsdy etcniug. His ti at was "Search tlie Scriptures." Tliis will probably be his last seimon in this pluce aj bis term exjiires in the spring. Rciiczette, iVb. 1st. IPS1. I In' inii-t complete institution in tin- I'n! ted r-lati's lor tin- I'liorninih j ictit-11- jt I eil n-o t .-ri r ymimr him! ta'ilil e neil men. SitoilLiils ailniilteil nt nny time. S-Knr ciiculu'r givlnu' full I'rtleiilnr hiI iress J.i'.SJI I'll, A. M. l'Hlsljtir-ti, I'n. ESTATE NOTICE. T'tafe oi Elizabetli emmelt Glass. j late of Deiizinger township. Elk couniv. l'a. .deceased. Notice is here by given that letters testamentary have been irrantcd to tlie umersi)fiiei upon tlie above named estate. All poisons Indebted to said estate are re qui'stiil lo meke immediate pnyirfnt and lliose liaving legal clainu niraiust tbt'saineto ireent them without de lav, in nrooer order, for sctlb nient. JDAZ JESDKRGKIt,) Vv.,(r flEO.SCHAUT, Executors E1TATC 2T3?C. "Vtatc of Albert Itrelim. late of ' Denzinger township. Elk county. !., (lieiiiMd. Nit ice is hen I v riven that l.'flers testiirne'itarv have t.ien irn nted to the utulcrsined, upon the above named estate. All ptTNoim in debtf d to said estate tire npicstcd to ninKe immediate payment, mi l those having- letral claims against tha aame to present them without delay, In pro per order, tor settlenu nt. AxnitKW JlUKit.M, Admit. i-tralor. T nil paelf lit- filnaltiv m.,n..i- t I when n folfli-ii i.iti,iin i. I J 1 I I fttli'i'.'fl.. tliereliv- alti'iiv. keotitnir Miverty fn m yftnr ihmr, 'I'linsi' who nlwayt i take uilvai liiL'c ol Ihe (Iimii! rliiinees for inaklni; money Unit nre ollereil. ni'ni' liefoitif enlihy. wlillf tlnwn who ilo not Ini. sei'h elitinees t-Htiuiiu in mverl,v. We waul maiiy men. women. Iiovs. mul clrls to work Us rlitlil In Iheii-own loi-allties. Tlie OnslocsM will liny iiinie tliiin lea tiini-Kotili-nary wnaes. i Inriii-h nn oxeiisiv unl nt Slut nil IIihi you m-eil. free. Nooin-W lni eiltaiL'ea lulls to miike money very mplillv. Vou enli ileo!a ymir w lmlv lllns to the work, T only your spare moments. Knit Infonmi timi iimi Mil that is necili'it neiil free. Aii ilresk KJ INsiON ft til. Portland. Mullie. A . Cut fit furiiislic.l free, with full li.- vl pro.'lliilile liusiiiesx that anyone eali eni;aire in. The luisinc Is so eauy t., lenrn anil em- ItiKtruetloiiK nre so simple anil plain tiiat any oii"toi mnketo-eat en. am in.ui tlie very start. 'ioiieeaii lull who l Milling (J w..rk. Woiot-n are ns sueeesNt'iil iik Ineii. l!o ami lili ls eali earn laruu suiiih. Maiiv luive maile el tlie tiuiuu over .one liumlreil tlollars in li Klimlu week. Nothliin like It ever known lieloie. All w!u etiuac me nr. priseil ut tlieensH in U rapiillty W illi whiih lliey are utile to make money. Yell can en (.'iiue in IIiIk lmsiiiei.s iliniiis: onr spare time at meat pr.ilil. I.hi ilo mil have p, in vol eapilal in it. We take all the risk. '1 lioi-e w no nevn reauy money, f umini write In us al onee. All lurnislii-il tree. AuUiL-bH TUl'J'l & t'U., Augusta, Maine, u.liiji EIWPlOYiViEMT FOR EITHER SEX. EXCLUSIVE TERKIT01.Y GIVEN tj aj3iit3, dealers ur peddlars. . To show that our goods w ill sell on their tnerits, We will allow any agent dealer or peddler to return any part ot their first rdcr reinultilhg unsold ulter do days to us, and will refund money for same. There is no article like il in the. United States, ami it will sell in -nearly every family. Se cure the sale or agency of it at once, and go to work. Address for terms. WELCOME BURNER MANU FACTURING COMP'V., Box 100' PITTSDUitGU, KV. 1 s HOW LOST. HOW RESTORED! Just niiblished. a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's Cf lebrnltxi Essay on the rudival ; of Sleriuatorrha or Seminal Week n ess, Involuntary Sem inal Losses, I in potency; Mental and Physical Incapacity, IiiipnllmcntR to Marriage, etc.; also Consumption, f.piicpsy ana l' its, luuucea ny seif Indulgenco or sexual extravagance, The celebrated author, In this ad mirable Essay, clearly' demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful prHcticu that the alarming consequences of selt-ubuse may lie radically cured; IsAntilig out a'liiode of cure nt once simple, certain and means of which every sufferer, . n matter what ids condition may be, niay cure hinsclf cheaply,, privately ami ( cully. XyThis Lecture should be in the bauds of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in n plain envelope to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two Hstage stamps. Address t In J'ublislii rs. The CUL VER W ELL M EDIfA L Co. 41 Ann St , New York, N. V.; Post oillee I ox. 4-. TEW LIVER Y'STAVLK 12 RIDG WAY . DAN PCD IDNF.R WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and Hie public generally, tluit he has started iv Livery Stable and will keep tiOOD KTOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Duggies to let upon the nmt reasonable terms. ftA-He will ulso do job teaming. Stable on Elk street All i.U-rs left at the Post Olllce will receive prompt attention. Aiiii'JOlSTltl AGENTS 1 For the complete nnd Authentic Record of VV tiJN JL I tlie Acliicvemeiits of STANLEY IN AFRICA Tlie developments by Stanley in tlie Dark Continent, his remarkable dis coveries and wonderful Descent of -''o:i miles of the Concii River, shoot ing rapids, ami cataracts, amidst the most iliilieuU end thrilling situations, daring adventures willi wild beasts, and no less wild Savages has no par allel In the annals of explorations. It is more fascinating than romance contains over Too pages, and striking iilustrjtious. Seiu for circulars and ti rms and se cure Territory ut once, for, this, tlie most iuterestinu and popuhir book of (lie day. Address, W.m. Flint, Publisher. fotf Samson St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ii4" t4. Llahf running, Latest Improved OtAC?iS, at prices never heard o hufore, at Mrs.W. S. Service's. TEAMS WANTED for bark haul ing either ny the cord or by theday at the DrookMon Ttiiiniry, Drookston, Forest County, Pa. Ayor's Hair Vigor, 'C.I r.ESTOF.INS GRAY IIAift TO ITS IMTUoM. VITALITY AtCD COLOH. Ir is a nut astveablo clrensin., vliich 's nt once liafiiili ss ami effectual, f r pre terring the hair It restores, villi t'.io glos and frcttiiu as of j ou'.U, fiuleil or prr.y, li;,'lit, nail n d Iiair, tn a rich brown, or dec) Mac'.-, as may be desired. By its me thin Itsir it thieka:ied, ami bulihiess often though not s!v. avs Hired. It checks falling of 111 li:ir immediately, mid causes a new growth in sit wises where the (damls uru lint ilecy.d; while to brnshy, weak, or oiWa-Vj 1eacil hair, it Imparts vital'tv atid liiaiith, and renders it pliable. The Visou floui ai s the scalp, cures tmi prevent tl:e foniiatiini of dniulrufi; end, by i:c cooling, stiiiuduting, and sootliii:; )iojieith, it hciils most if not all of tin humors ami diseases peculiar to the lerily, ki.iin it cool,, elran, and soft, umlit .hieh conditions ditenscs of the scalp ami hair am impossible. Ac a Dressing for Ladie3' Kcir, The Viuon is iueoroparablo. It is roloi les, eontains neither oil nor dye, and vlil not soil v.liite cambric. Ii i'iip::rls mi a-reeablo and lusting perfume, and es vn ailicie for the tnikt it U cconumic.1 en 1 unsiirpan-d in i.s cxci.-IIl'ucj. rr.i:rAi:c3 cr Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., tall, Mass.. rractlaal and Aimlytlnal Clieinikt. FOT.n TV ALT. TiT:rflfilr.T3 rVERVWIIERB n Tba li'artkt ud Uvt arar MaUa, AcclaWHatloa ol Hopt, Buehu, Mis draklai Uandlion, witli ai w bei aa4 moieurativtrpt.i'Oia af all other aaura. nii!:aatlaram Biooa rurlflar, Liver R3Utatortaail Ufa and Uaali tuttwnut m.Zi yiniiai'a Ma limn As aoailblj lon aM wtaara no B.ttara ara aiVadtaa vaiuu uwi pariact an tuair innuSiiai iaa Aif (in Mu ut rigor to t U tft t nd liAm. To all wboaa aBPto,owBla cauia Irretralart arofllialMiwaUarX anaanr orfnt. or bo ra. Hjv laturt m ib.iVui1jU' without Intox loatins. iaiaaU4vaatyourtavUaa7t ar trmpioma ra what taa AiaaaM or ailw&aal ! uaa Hop Si a an. Dou t wall vuilU you ra aloii but If yoa aalr'aclbatf ar Biiiaretila , "ai at oaoa. Itnaaava jaorlila.itbaiil'Avsd fcuudraUa. tSOOraibapalil(oraealaa Th.y arU 1 aot auraorbelp. Uo ao auaarlai jam iriauHa uHar.but uaa and aoja lbanXB Hop B Ramambar. flaa filttati it toV ifumt druukau awn rum. but ua Cu .tlav1 a ' boat Madiclna aar uiada i tba "UTaUUS. a1Ua and sor" and no paraea ar laaoll aaoaid ba wiuwui wen. n I It l,u abaolnta aad 1 1 1 1 1 forPrunkaauaw. uaa of oplun, lubaaaa I aanwtica. w auiu u' (uiaauia. aa oa Circular. aea lwi Si. 0a y SI ci limit liiilinlnir. lU.-t goods In the inarki t, intide by com pt tilil woihiiidi fits Kiiaraiiteed, and wink (Ulivind pion ptly at the time agreed nn are Among the sound business principles on which A. Swarfs ItoKH la building up a fcood business In tb ' 'inriux ttuc. You will find his shop ul. n street, itidgway, Pa., over Powell & Klino's atore. Itenieniber tlie place, and remembering it don't fail to cull, ex amine ttamplcs and leave your order for n suit of clothes. THE SUIT FOR 1881. F.veryWIy rnnlsTtiK Kvx. In the edition lit Hi l iwWKpiipcr tliroiiiiliulit the year lo I'liinu pvcrylMaly will find: I. All thu worul'a news, so iri'sentct Hint, tlie leniler will icet tin, irrpiilesl Hln.nint of information wit Ii tlie least, iiiipiollliible ex peilitiuii or lime Hint eye-Kiulit. 'I iik HI M Ions niro UlM'overeil tlie trolilc it mi-ail lie- lAveen rcdumlioil tulneHu and unsatisfactory brevity. If. y.ueli of Hint, sort of news wliloli de pends Icsh upon lis recognized Importmive IIihii open iiH Interest tn niiinkind. From moriilnx lo morning Tun Hu.s prima a con tinued story of Ihe lives l real men and women, nnd of their deeds, pin im loves. hates, nnd trouble. Till story Is more varied nnd more Interesting than nny rotiiimc-e that was ever dpvlsed. HI. Hood wrltlnir In every column, nnd frcsiinesd, orinlmilily, neeaniey.iind decorum in the treatment ol'every subject. IV. Honest comment.. Tiik kis's Intuit U to speak out fearlessly ubout men mid things. V, l'(iinl cundnr In dentine Willi each po litical parly, nnd equal readiness to eom mend what Is tiiiseworlhy or to tehiiku what Is blaiiiable in Demacrnl or ltcpubll ean. Vf. Absolute Independence of partisan nr L'aliiziilliins. but unwaverlnif loyalty lotru liemoeratie principles. Tiik si s believes that the (ioveriinient which the I'onstltutlon dives us Is a mind one lo keep. Its notion of duly Is to resist to lis utmost power the ef forts of nu n In Hie Republican party to set up another form of covet nmcnt In place ol thai which exists. The yeur lssi nnd Hie years immediately followlnu will probably decide ibis supremely important coniest. 'I'iik. si-n believes Hint the vlctnry will be with the iii'ople us anaiiibl the llliiKS for Im perial power. i ur terms are as follows: l or the liaily ht'x, u four-imtre sheet of Iwcnly-eitht columns, the price bv mall, post paid. Is .V, cents it mouth, or ft.-VJT a vein ; or, lucliidlmi the Sunday paper, nil eiuht pace sheet ot lilly-slx colnnii.s. the price Is iij cents ti month, or t7.7n year, posmste paid. ihe Handiiy edition of TlIK SfN Is also funiished separately nt SI.1S1 u year, postneu paid. Tlie price nftho Wkkki.v Sus.eialil panes. Iltly-six columns, Is S a year, postage l aid. I'orclubsof ten scndiimtlu we will send en extra copy free. Ail Iress I. y. ENOI.ANI), rubllsherof Tiikhu.n, New York City. I'nby Saved. Weare thankful to say that our baby was permanently cured of a dan gerous and protracted Irregularity of the bowels by the use of Hop liitters by its mother, which at the same time restored her to perfect health and strength. Tlie jiuivnts, Rochester. X. V. Kee another column. Uull'alo SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ADVOCATE. Look Here. The undersigned can cure fever sores without pain or use of the knife My motto is, "No cure, no pay." I charge according to your means Those living at a distance can wriic enclosing stamp for postage. All letters proni pt I v answered. Receipts sold to physicians on reas onable terms. Address, X. V. I.KXT. Ridgway. Elk Co. Pa Hesidence two miles from Ridgway ou I lie Warren pike. Fairbanks n lined lard in teapots, cofI'eesits, and stewpans at Morges tcr's. O ,T 1 U "1 l-'i I' sent free to those who wish Jn 1 to e imimc In Ihe most pleasant mul ' "p rolllable business known. Kverv tliini; new. Capilal not reijiiired. 'e will furnish you everythlmr. sin a day nnd upwards Is easily made without stayin;awnv from home over 1 1 1 1 1 1 . No risk w hatever. Many new workers wanted nt once. Mnnv ire mak he; fortunes al the business. Ladle's make as much as men, ami yomm hoys nnd .iris make incut pay. No one who Is willing to work falls to make more mnticy every dav than can be made in ti week lit ordinary employment. hose who euaue at once v ill Hurt u short road t i loitiine. Address it. HAI.I.KTl' A: I'll., l'ort'.nnd, jlainc. ii.l;iyi Forty juiid New Pitted Cherries .it Morgestcr's, ESTRAY NOTICE. There ctime to the premises of Lewis Royingtou, in Hortou township. Elk county, l'a.. about tlie middle of hid October, a three year old cow having a line buck red sides, and being par tially while. Any person owning said cow will please come forward, prove property, pay charge nnd take her away or she will be disposed oi according to law. Get your note-heads, letter heads and envelope neatly printi-d ut Tin-: Auvocait: iV.lce No scrofula can be so deep seated, no sore so stubborn, but that Ayer's Sarsnparilla. will eit'ect n cure, If cure be possible. Note paper, enveloped, htap ut The Atwocatk ollice. TheoMmt anil haat anpnlnlad lutttutia fbtf enijunirg a L Kducation, 1 f. crr SON, , l'.UWorja, ffjj ! Note paper and envelopes ut thin ! office. I. 0. of 0 F. I Ridgwny Lodge '', I. O. of O. F. meets every Thursday evening. Vis , itiug niciiibers ure cordiully Invited to uiieuu. Ol'rlCKHS: M. Cohen, N. O J J. A. Ross, V. C; It. S. (ji'oss. Hec'v: J. W. Smith. As t , .-ec'y; H, li. Wenscl, Treasurer. Get your NOTE PAPER, N VELOPES, and C.IIROMO VIS ITING CARDS ut Tub Advocate o!fiw3, over PoWwlt & Kimo's store fIJ TV.;. Businoss Cards. OEO. A. nAHBUN ATTO It N K V-ATdiAW. Main, P.idgwny, Elk Co., P.' Particular uttontloti given lo S examination of tlllefi, also to patontu and patent cases. HALL V WcAuLeY ATTOltK KY-AT-L A W. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgwny, 101k Co.; Pu. vS2t W. L. WJLLI.Ui. Late of Rtratlanville), Physiclnii and .Surgeon, Hidgway, Pa. Oillce In Hall's itrick ituildiiig (up stairs) Heferences J. I) Smith, II. L. . Young, H. Ilulofson, Htrattanville ; Major John Kltlcy, . W. O recti laud, t'lnrh n. lias practiced Ida lirofession Kcuesafully for moro than ten yeura. Q. . RIESSENOER. DItUOGI.ST & PAltMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Kidgwav, Pa., full assortment of care-, fully selected Foreign nnd Domestic, llrugs. l'reseriptions carefully dis pensed at uli hours, day or night' vlny J. S. B3 RQ WELL, (1. D. ELKCTIC PIIYSICIAX & SUKO'IT; Has removed his oflli'e from Centra street to Main afreet, Hblyway, Pa.. In the second story of the new brick building of Jolni O. Hall, west of the Hyde House. Ollice hours :-l to 2 P. M. 7to 0 P.M HYDE HCUSE. W. II. SCH HAM, Pi-oprietor,' Ridgway, E1U county, Pa. Thankful for (lie pal ronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, tlie new proprietor hopes, by paying; strict attention to tlie comfort uud con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of tlie same. oetiO'GSJ APPLETO N'SAMERECAH CYCLO PAEDIA. This admirable work is now com-, pletein lCvols. KaehvoluniecontainsPOO pages. It niakesa complete and well selected library, and no one can. nfl'ord to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $" Ot) in cloth, SO.oil in leather, or $7.00 in decant half Turkey. For nartieulurs address,' V. H. Fuirc.hild, portville, t'att. Co., X. Y., who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. li.- Judson," general agent. CENTRAL State Normal School, (Kifftdh Sovutfil School. DUiru t.) LOCK IIAVEX, CL1NT0.N.C0., PA. A. N. 11AUB, A.M., I'll. D. Principal: This school as at present constituted rfl'ers the very best facilities for Pro fessional and classical learning. ; iSuibliiigs spacious, inviting and' commodious, completely heated by steam, well ventilated and fuini-dicd with a bountiful supply of pure, soft spring water. Locution healthful and easy of ac cess Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. . Teachers experienced, cilieicnt, and ttlivc to their work. Discipline linn but kind, uniform and I horough Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to those preparing to leach. Stiiueiils admitted at any time.' Course of study p rose ii bed by the. State; I. Model School. 11 Prepara tory, ill. lMemeiuary. 1. Scien tific. APJi NCT counties: I. Academic. II. Commercial. III.' Music. IV Art Tlie Elementary and Scientific courses are rroiessional, and studeliU graduating therein receive State Diplo mas, conferring the following corres ponding degrees: Master of the Ele ments and Master of tlieScicnces. tsraduatcs in the other courses receive Normal Certificates of l heir attain ments signed by tlie Faculty. The Professional courses are liberal,', and are in thoroughness not inferior to those of our best colleges. The Stale reiiiires a higher order of citizenship. The times demand it. It is one of tlie prime objects of this school to help to seellie it by furnish ing inleldgelit and cilieicnt teachers for herschools. To tliiscml, it solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes those who desire to improve their time and their talents,' as students. To all such it promises aid in developing their powers and abundant opportunities for well-paid labor alter leaving school. For catalogue and terms address tho. Principal, or tlie Secretary of the Hoard HOARD OF TRUSTEES. Stockholder's Trustees. J H Har-" ton, M D, A II Host, Jacob Rrown, S M Hickford, Samuel Christ, A N Uaub, it U Cook, T. C. Hippie, Esq.,' J. Ki, E. P McCoriuick, Esq ,' W. W. Rankin, V. II. Hrown. State Trustees Hon A O. Cnrtin',' Hon William Higler, Hon- H 1 Diefleiibach, Hen Jesse Merrill, J C C Whaley, K Millar McCoriuick,' Esq OI'KHKltS Hon. William Higler, Prcsidcnt.Clear field. Ph Gen Jesse Merrill, Vico Pisideiit, Lock Haven, Pa. S. Millar McCoriuick, Secretary,' Lock Haven, l'a Tli as Vardley, Treasurer, Lock Haven, l'a PENNSYLVANIA KAIL 110AD Philadelphia &. EricR R- Div WINTER TIME TAHLE. On and after SUNDAY. Novenibe 7, lssu, the trains on the l'liiladcl-" pliia & Erie Railroad Division will run ns follows:' WESTWARD. Niagara Ex. haves I'hiia 0 On a. in " " Rcnovo..5 40 p. ni. Eitin MAH. loaves l'hi a 11 f.! p. ni. " " Renovo 11 l5 a. in." " " Eiiiiiorluiii.l 0p. in. " St. Mary's..,Jp p. in. " Ridgway... Slop- in. " " Kane 3 o p. in.' " urr at Erie 7 45 p. in. EASTWARD. . Day Express leaves ReiiovolO 05 a. m." " arr. at Phila.... 6 Wp.m. Kit IK fcAlL leaves Erie 11 35 u. in.' '.' Kane 4 pi p. ui.' Ridgv,ay..:.o 17 p.m. J rft. Mury's-5 Ut p. in EuiporiuUI.0 6.1 Jji.V . ' Renovo..... 9 iKnr. in." HIT. ut Phll'a .7 h6 a. in