'...? f4 VEX. Cr1 fa Henry A. ramms, Jr., - l'.tlilor THURSDAY, FEU. 8, 1881. E.VTKKF.D AT THK PoST-OIFHi: AT RlDOWAY, P B ttXOM) (Lass ItAll, MATTKK. Vick'b Fi-hat Gctim:. Tlii work In before t;, ami thne who send 10 cents to'JKK9 Vit k, Rochester, N, Yi, rbr 1t ?.ill U disappointed. Instead of getting cheap thing, as the price woild seem to Indicate, they will receive very handsome work of 112 page, and p!Th.?XiIJtit rations notehnp. but elegont Illustrations, on the very bit rP cn-N-nderod paper, ml wt 1C trt the whole, n bountiful Colored Piute thot is worth twice the price of thi book. Definite. Ft1hM of tee T.'oihl. Creasy ettrtmtly Interesting vol ume narrating the history of the fif teen decisive battle of the world, th few battles of which a contrary event would have Essentially varhtl the dran of the world in till it mh eqiictit Acem. is highly ctecina I ty II Traders of history. It has a long time been on Harper's list s one n; their staftrtiird boi ls, at the price of 1.50, Now it I issued in very lkandsome clotli-boitnd volume, by the American Hook Exchange, New York, at the Hernial prove of So eeuis It font m one of their Acme I.lhrarv of History, which include! Mac-mlay's jLiiglund, J1.25 (reduced from H 50,) Gibbon ' Home J-2.IM (reduced from 9.00). ItoUin'a Ancient History, $1.7-.; Froisaurt's Chronica'., it. 50, nnd to which list will soon be added, at equally low price, (i rote's (i recce, Greeu's (larger) England, Moinmscn's Tlome, Mussou tiuizd'a Trance. CarlyleV French Revolutions, Schil ler' Thirty Years' War, and others. Catalogue of the standard low-priced books of the Literary Revolution will be sent on application to the Ameri can llook Exchange, Tribune Uuild ing, New York. THE BOOK OF THE AGE. THE PKOIJLKM HEE HERE AND OF III MAX HEREaETER. "i;v wir.Kr.MD." This hook has uiiijiiesltoniibly re ceived, from the press ami the cfcrgy, at rotifer praise than any other book vcr puhiisht d. and is universally ad mitted to he the only woi k in' exis tence which absolutely demoiistiales a personal (iod and the immortality of the soul iiy science ul'itie, w ithout the uid ol tlic Rihle, utti r!y aiiniliilal ing the theories r.i' DuiV'in, Huxlev, Tyndall, Heluihol'. and others ot the evolution o! man from the lower ani mals and bis extinction iit tleatii. No better proof of t lie extraordinary char acter of tlrs work can he uskerl than the following extracts from the relig ious press a mere specimen of hun dreds equally enthusiastic:. '"This Is the book of the live, and the unknown author need aspire to no greater literary immortality than the production of this work wil'lgivc him, and thousands of the best cducatid Jninds that have hi on appalled hy the philosophical teachings of modem pcicntlst will ri.-e up and call him blessed" Mcthoiiist Prutcslaut, Ualtiniore, Mil. "We can truly Fay that we are amazed at the originality, thorough ness, ami niurvellous anility ol the nutliorof this work." New Coven-i lint, Chicago. "It is entirely rait of the ordinary; Hue of scientific ami phi o.-op, jei',1 books, audaliounds in arguments of u most startling character." .Herald and Presbyterian, Cinn. "Although strictly scientific, its one aim is the demonstration of a personal tjr.il and u berealler for humanity. It is an exhaustless mine of christian truth. It is the literaiy chief if'tn tint: of the age. All niin'isti rs and lay lneubcrs sliould read it. Jt is ail armory full of the Almighty for the pulling down of strongholds. It is worth Its weight in diamonds." Brethren at Work. 'The author (a man of acknowl edged genius ami confessedly the brightest scientific: star of modern times) has si art led the religious world Into transports of joy and praise. No leligo-sciciitific Work bus received both from the secular and religious press such willing and uiitpialilied 1 .raise aw the Problem of Human Idle, t is the death blow of atheistic science.'' American Christian Re view, Cinn., O. "We most cordially concede to the Problem of Human Life the well earned title the book of the age Doubtless the (iod of Providence lias raised up the author to meet the wants of the church in the time of need.'' Dominion Churchman, Toronto. "Without doubt it is the most start ling book of the century. I would rather have (he honor ol writing such a book than to la' President of the United States." Watch 'lower. It is a large royal octavo of 52 pa get, richly bound in cloth, and con tains excellent likeness oft.it of the grainiest scientists of the age. It will be sent postpaid for 2: Agents wan teti in every county, to whom ex cellent terms will be oilcrcd Address All orders, SCHELL & CO., Gen. Agents, JTo. 19 University Place, New York. Rislev's Witch Hazel Cures Headache, Hums, Sprains. Cuts, Wounds, Rheumatism, Tooth, ache. Earache, etc. Warranted equal to any made, at half price. oz. Rottlos ffi cent; Pint Dottles 00 cents; (juarts $1. Have your druggist order, if lie has )ut in stock, of CIIAREES F. RISLEY & CO., Wholesale Druggists, 04 Cortlaudt trt., New York City. Ji47 4m. The elastic plant sprinkler. An Jiidis-nsahle article lor showering plant, keeping them in u healthy condition, and useful in sprinkling boqueO uml moistening doilies. Cal an4 see a sample ut Tjik Advocate Mice. Scrap pictures, shelf paper ma chine made, and note -paper and en- licccijil anrf L'rpcnditurcn of JClk County for the l'cur Ending live. SI, rritiPT. To nm't received liimi nle of connly honiln 13.0X1 00 To iininunt rcrelveit frmn luxe OH lititentnl lnml 91.511 To nm't rrci-lved froiii suje orr-tuinty liuiiln t.lWTI To uni t rr'-l (rxin tux mllrtrlor ,Hi:K7 loion t t.-r'l fmni lioiclf roli-i-MH-tl.. a.'l sil T o iiTn't n r (I fi i-rn c nlvU Imuls til ml J O M!M t ISO (I fl'tllll KiiK OiWIIH iiii'Tlnnl, mi inii'l itup i.lxinniit,,. 9'J)8 To nri.'l ix'J fr,iii. ltentlnvr-r tvs (iiMir luiirts, mi iiiii'i dm- DlMiiiiiit... -12X01 To curti I'lcitn K'k t innil v linnk Will m'i Tocnsli from hhIimiI urplm iinilvrlalir 4ii TochsIi cnlhclcil n jifilmiiiMits tl yi To cash mi Jaunim nl vs.l.ock llavi-n 'Jill Vi 4H,S1S 1)4 To excess of cxpcnUituri-fi.... S-IB.SW 7i KXPrstllTCltKfl. Uy ninnnnt pnlil M. Wi-iilt-rt. cam- mfstioncr. Rcrvlrcn Iiy iiiiinuiii nlil liPii.l.t-iisrlKr.i'oiii- ihIhsIoiut, M-rvIri'!- .. l'v nu t I'HliI Y. H. listt-i liiillt, Mia inlf-loni-r, sprvU-ps , Iiy iitnoiint (Milil W . .-. 11 i Ion. c-.iiii- ti.tss,,ii-v' ,-li-ik Ilv ntii'i inil Hull A Mol inilcy, torn- IllisslOIU'lll' Clilll!'l , Hy Hin t I'd. roitnlili-s. IUci-ih' iVc l-y lifn'l -d JnslU'- m, ir.ccrs' fm-s., Ity ii ivinii ii t e'lid district nlto.iit-y..,,, I'.v nm't ymti mart, crip,-, M. IH U-uu Hymn'! iilil tl liitl. II, II. Vm.M'l.., Iiy si lai, ill 11 1 paid )rollioiiiiliiiy, :c,.., l- iiinoiint i'H hi vcuniy auditors anil tli-i , l'y kiii'i iilil ji-l ituv. i uviir Mui'ijau I'.y i in t find jiiiilii.i-. Ji-lui Voiuitf,,, i j iiinotiiit i. sin-iiti' r'otn. ti tv l-y ru't J d. iollstiil,ii'4 ll it.it l .1. just Ices. " " lly ain't ihid itn. r " ' i;y iiiii'i td. iis.-cswirn for nsscliitf ... iiy I'ln l l. msscskim for i-i-ulsiering lly iniioiHit tl!d ui-iiikI Jurors ... Iiy nitioiint i-ittil Irnvci-si- jurorw. Uy tllnoltllt oaid jail txppllt l- iiuii-unl pai-l bixni-'iil Hospital.. Iy uiu't p.iid 1'i-iiirn. Itct'ortii school Js lunounl ltd western I'ciiiLoiiliiiiy lor l;n lly amount mil lor i.iiiiilsliinu elec tion proclamation l-y amount paid r -r iilillsliinx audi tors' si-ttii mi-lit.... lly Hiiiount i-1 . tor ptibilsliinu. Irii-n-uiiil lalcmi-iil, l'v miiouul paid lor pul-liloim tip peal nonces Iiy amount paid for niisi-ellaia-ouii j'i liiliiit and ndverl IsIiik 1! nm't paid lor eiieiioncxpi-nses.... Iiy amount paid for rondtiews nnd ilHiiiaKes lly ami ptl. foi stationery ami poster, lly ain't i-tl liotmln-s on volvcs.,c.... ll amount paid for met and Hunts. ., In- amount paid lor spittoons, &c ... Iiy amount paid lor lu'-dicio cxnmt- Uatl--ll in I'jl-tsll eas u lly iiiioiu'-t paid lor Nlate lax li aiuount paid for uonrdiiiH Juiom in l-.ny ish easi- Ity am t ptl forotlieial sii-iaurapher... Iiy nmoiiMt pii Vr reward lor llany J-Inulisti Iiy urn t p i lot hose for e. tut liousu l-y amount paid for tiisuiauct' on court iiiiusi- Iiy alu'l pd. I'orappeal eX-enses Ii nm't j.d. lor ii.siliute .pciin-s... l-y aiuount paid lor audit in.: pimlio- l.otal 's aeei-unl lly amount paid lor isue tiool; for l-oliiln issioiiei s' i.tiiee lly i in'! i 'd lor iiiiM-eiu.ni its ex penses li aiiionni .n;d for sei te s . jui y uoiiiiinssioiiers I!y i it i-.ii it t aid lor Imiuesis Iiy It in I p-i . in l-il I til l Hi; e -III t house.. l- eoumy l-oti-i r, ,a-, mi ,. l.y inteiol paid on e, uitt v i.omls l.y I etumlili oldet s tenet iueil l.y eM.nelat i-in onleis leuei Ineii l.y tax itn-. costs on UIsmmI county.. 1 y i tit 1 ptl. Jo. i s tow nsliip on i-ei-t. of 1 . 1 ' l.evel State road I'.y I r. as. cinimission on ain't ree'd... hy ti'eas, cum, on iiiii'i disbursed 831 00 W (? 2"iS0!i 5(iooo 7,"i m 4lli 12 A ll J'Js an -,1 .'ill -s an iJ. lit 11.-. mi II I. "Ml ns sit I . VI 711 inn pi S7.- m .vi -in urn "-I tw 1.7 III in 1,. a.' 74 1 IH 411 Ul 73.l a) ou l'JI MOD 171 III! liM Itt 2:UI Hi .Is II 4 :ii 4S sh Ul o.l tl I 4.1 4 ; 75 1-S 111 i.i on it M V Ti (M VI 17lu7 Olj 17 To 17,'i rr, .'in Ifli! s-t L.l. 'I'illi l, itia !. '. iKl I Is i'H L"tf, rrfi 2." Oil 7-m iti tnii" 9 V"ll71 lct' f l.hitiihliiH of f'k County. lh w.mbi , oi18ti0. ASSETS. To nil. 't In nn unsi atetl lands, sult Jeel to coin, and exoneralion 11,510 1") To iniiouul oftiix due from eiileeterir suli.leet to colli mission anil exon 'i... lOWSrii To a mou nt din-fr. lii-iiinuer luwn shlp fur siiiport of lliiiiilli-s itt lilxniont Hospital 491 05 Toamoiuit due from l-'ox ttiwuship for support of lunatic nt Wxiiiont llosplial 125 28 To amount due for support of -:1W-1I 1,'uliui at I'lMiioitt Hospital iil31 To nm't due from .laenli Mt-i 'iniit y, ex IieiiMirer. foreouiily lax reed ninl not credit- d IK) (W To jndiriiiect note aaiitst J. I., ami J. K. luiiliaiu..... .. 41 fi.t-.Vi 51 ... ai.tmiliiO To cxct'fs of liabilities f lti,"Ul it I.I.MllI.ITtrS. Iiy cniinty lioml oiitstaiiilini; l.ytiivtoo I'.v eiiunty i-iileis ouistiimlici: ill." (Vi 1'y i iu'i di e 1-iMitoiii Hospital 5ni'.ii lly S tali li ill e lor Isso 7!5li. Iiy biiliu.ee due 1). t". oyster for ISsii 4J0 5H t-Jli. IHil 51 Total cost of court hrtise to Jan, 1,'1 S0'.',5til l-ll V'c. tlio iindersi--iH-iI, I'mniiilssinucrsof I'lk county, do herelty eeitil'y Unit thi'aliovi- unit foreiroim: is a eoricet stati-uu-nt of lli- ri ce I ( .Is and c.xpcudil ui'es of I'.lk county for tin year lssn, and also of I lie assets mid liabilities of said cocitlv at this date. Mil IIAI-.I. V l-inriiT.) W. II. osTl ltllol'T. C'o.Coiil'rs. i;i'.ui:iiK i!i:t srnr-:H.S Attest AV. S. lIoirroN. I'lcrk. Amount !ki Iritt front the Scvrrnl Cotx torv of l'JI; County duriiiy 18U. 1 V-llf-i-tor. T Nnl 1 an I : ip-filr .Ilteoli Moj el luniiel I'halel Hi my i:is.inau J'it-liael tllott .lolill Me.Miieklll Win. II. Murrnv Tints. I'urclitield .N rmel Turley .las. S. 1 luiiiiplon ... W. K. Ilorlon ....... Mnlll.ew slntitley.. .lot-it I(arr Frank Wai'iiiili Joseph l- vnfmrl .los. 1 'hitintti'i'liiin ... ownship. Year, I'oiti c s:5 I ox s7H Holloll 17I SprlnL-1 'reck I-7H I'.en.iiiger....is77 I-'ox 1.-77 r.cncx.-ttc... .174 Iloiton 174 Jay I7S Millstone... .17 Itld-.-wiiv I.-7S .SprillLl Hekl-7S It in, lie. IS7H lit lizliiKfr ... s7H r'o.'i'ax. Till HI lit 1 11 IWsl 7 5 nn u-'I'l 17 'JS lh. :.i u. S .I 51 I'll ."HI .11 HI iii-: wi i.'-'l 75 .'175 nn Wis 51 4V.I 111 4112 1". 4.V1 mi L'5'J 4'. nn vi 210 75 50 HI 1.175 in Hill IS, yn7 ml 4.'llil 2liS Kl 51 on i' .'5 no 107 5 I'U'JX l.llii S7 1 17 is 100 i7 .1 ox .IS7 lll-l till ....is;a .. I.-7II I7 .... l"!l i:ptiraun Hi itt.. .Jay .Jones Millstone. ItiiluKiiv .. i-lciiarii tireiimin ... A , .illtlllellllilll V. i'. 11 wily Mn i t in I'cnii Philip VelllUCI' r. K. Sexton Joseph Vouim...M... is: SpriiiL'l rcckls7M t.Mnry Is71t Itclicelte Is.-O l'eczih;el'....ssil I-.. 11. 11 van Itanlel 1 haleli , .l ox I -si) Hoi Ion 1-so 1 1 iirli In ml nii WilliaUl S. I'nle .laeolis .Miller... ..lay I-Sll liiehal'd llrelinall .. liu Ircv I'nrroll W. S. Hoi Ion Matthew Shanley .. rjeoiKC Wcie!, Jr.. .Jones Issti .Mtlistone is-ii .nidi-way Issu .SprliiL'i'rccklssO .Sit.Muryu lsj,0 tO.MKl 51 Amount Ihirfiom the Several torn of Kit; County, January, Cor ii, 18N-1 Tax. Year. Cnlleclor. Township. ls75...Nat ban II ipde...loi lor. Is7ii...ll em v I- isclinanspi inj; I leek.. Is7s... Viii.il.!!' unity.. I.cne.cite,: ls7S...Tho.l'inelificld. Ilorlon I7s... At luel Turley lay 174 ...Ins. s.l 'luirnjWili..M illslone 1-74... Mathcw slianleysprintr Creek.. s7'...Miciii-l Ktelicck.si. Mar 1 7U ...1 1 il . 1 1 Minr I:ein itle Is70....1oseih I'jnmri'l Kox l7!i...Ki In lain Hi wilt.lm s70... .r. llraly lii'di-'Wity Issll...! '. Ii. Sexioli I'.t lil i tle lssn... Joseph You nn Henri nt;cr issii.. I in.'. Ii. Hyatt Kox lssii...Wiii. I olc Hltliland , lssn. ..1 inn lei I'liii lea. ...Ilorlon lssii...JacoliS. Miller... Jay ISSii. itii'ltariltlreniia 11. limes Issu. .. iod Ircy i'alloll.Miilsloiii-.. ...... 1SSU...W. S. Ilorlon... lthlvwny lSSU...Mtliew Khiinli-yspinti t'reek.... lb0...Cico. Willie, Jr...ht. Mary ... J:t! tiit 10 sit ... 12 1 sn lis ... 1 1 :r: 5 S2 .... 51 42 ... 1112 20 225 li'i IH :f, ... C5I 55 ... Ii7."i 711 . 4n III . ts.ll 5 . 1 IWI 75 .. lm 10 41 7s ,. 0.V2 05 lUlli .VI . :a :17 . 17.H40 . tft0 4l . ;loo5 ai tlU&JiW I0 82 pnld lnoc kpttlcmrnt. lm paid since selllclticiit. Jjoo 00 jtuld since seltlelnclit, Michael Jlminicr, Khj., Trcmurtr of J'lk County, in account with naiil County for the year ending Jcntuarii 3, ISM. COCKTV 'UN1. To lmliiiire due fund at last scttclmt 72.1 10 To ain't ree'd from sale ol Co. hoiids Pl.OtJlio To uni t ree'd from tux on unseal i d lands 21,511 411 To Ulii'l icc'd from suit' of Co. luuiU 1. I'll 71 To nm't ree'd Iron, tuc collsctoi tt,:u.1ll7 To nm't ree'd from lands redeemed... 321 sti To ain't rccd Iro.n KentcU lands VIM To itin'l rcc d lioiii Fox twp. pisir fundi uu auiiiiint due Ilxmoi.t (I2fi94 Jl'n Hin'l ree'd l'roia JlKiizflislir twp. poor funds on ain't dtit. Itlxmont... . 42K 111 'o'csli from F:ik County Hank .J (wl H7 To Cnsli from sule fcurplllg fnnteriula 40WH TV aul WillttV-Jt UL Judtf niiiiH... ' toll Uw To amh oil Judui U v. Lock llnvcu To buUnce due Uouret...,.... Hy cntii'f Tp'p fnrro. nH1 Mi?ul. iWI 12 lU.itlOl lltlKI .7I,USN 70 ni,rti'i l.ijjo VI" a,t'H if an M (HI , vnuiii fninii r-'4'iet ,.... Ilv lnlci,l pnl J 1141 Mi)ili) bond",,.., Iiy M-lumni-ji oi'dcrii ri--.i:inii"tl ....,,,.. lly eiioiicrHlvni tiriler41N.-dccii.e1l Iiy tai and 1-im.ih 011 lands sold Co. Iiy 11111 t 1111I1I Jonct wi. oi ticeomit. of lllv bevel Siiti! i-oud ,...,... Uy Irfim. pom. on ipu I rw lved Hy trel(P, vultt, Mi) tiM l dls'iiHi svd---- 2)200 7 57 4 .4 mr? ;i . RCIIOOL 1-UND3. JlKNFiCICTT SC001, ri'XD, T Milt tax reed from nnstd Ids 1278 2o " unit tn, lovel Ironi Ids redind al 04 127 2!) 211 !() buiHiic cl 119 Ireniurer fULl 2-- lly bill rhie trena lit last setlmt 03 70 " lial due I H as 011 school build UiH fund 0 1G " school treas receipts 12Voo commission oil unit received 2-". S2 " euin 011 unit disbursed 'i- .'IS Wl 2 ri'.vzixiiKit HciinoL 1 rxu, To unit tax rrcd from tilisld blsij8(aS " anil tax received from scolcd lands returned 0 74 . 6'21' l! 7 lly bal !ue treiw at but scUitit 17 7o school treas rceeiut ltHikMi 4 Wi 10 as f. :; 8 :- ol '.. 4i tV-i ' rr fntidlnir ords redind cxoneriition ords redind tax on Ids sold ta county tax 011 doulilc HssesHiiieut, com on unit reed com on unit disbursed ba'tnee t'u': fund j.2-j!;r iii:xzixriKit siMi'.i.r. iii ir.Dixi rr.i. To unit tax rwl from untd Ids ill " " unit tax reed from vtd ids 1 hi " bid due fund at last sctleint f 71 5-' t . ; lly school trots t-pecipts H'10 tl " leluiUMOif ords ivdiml - ! " exiii. 11 orils redind 1 ; " tax 011 Ian Is "-ilil to co (" " lax on dot.. '.Ic .sses'.liielitH '. " com on unit received (.3 " coin on unit disbursed 7 S ol f i t i.j ; $414 20 " b.l due fund fox sriioor, rrxii. To b1 due I'tind at l-t set ! nit 0 01 " Hint t.ii' reed fioiu unstd Ids 2i-71 7H " unit tux r cd from std .its ' 2', -'.s " aint tax reed from Us ivilrnil 4 14 f 21 1 ! vj I'll-". 2.1 t; li'i 4 i I'.l) tin i'y "hf' trs receipts " exoin i ion i Is re bud " Ia on ol- sold to county " n.m on ami t -i i veil " com ou unit disbursed 1H17 4'.:! Lalanee due fund 52111 52 FOX SCHOOL, Hl'IMlINH FfXI). To bal due fund at lust setlmt S3 7(1 " nmt tax reed Ifoin unstd ids frik85 " ami tax reed from std Itts It St. " aint tax rccd from Ids red mil 1 On 2.", 5l 1 : 11 f2 (-; Hy ( veneration ords reditu! " unit tax mi his old to co " ci in an Mitt received ' com ou unit ditliuiiscd is fiii'i :,: balance due fund OH : rnriiii-AXi) scmii.i. Ff.vi.. To bal due Hind at last set Imt 102 .13 aint tux rccd on unstd Ids !io2 IS io-:. si I'.l (V, 18 10 Uy school treas receipts ' com on and received " com on amount disbursed Si-'i" n.'i 1 It 711 " balance due fund 10o liriisTO.N sr k'dfli. 1'l K'n. To bal due fund at setlmt 14 -r7 " unit tax reed from utistd Ids 1 :i: 30 ei.ivt 2"0 4 i 27 07 25 U9 Uy school treas receipts " rci'uii'lintr ords redeemed ' r'olil on unit received " com on nmt disbursed 130 . 47 1 1 iSiioas; " bait lice due futul JAY SCJIOOJ, rt'M). To l-al due fend at 11 sellmt 1-51 " bal due wiii-ol tnildinjr fund at last selthment fi 15 " unit tax rccd from unstd hH72 2 " tli'lt 4S school in usurer's receipts iswi oo Uy unit ti ou los solil to county ;o:s " com on unit received ', com ou amount disbursed 27 i 1447 71 4HT7 S 1404 48 " balance due fund joxi:s Hciiool. Ki'M). To bal due fund at last wit nit 1""1 "unit lax reed on unstd lands 27s3 70 S'JSlU 07 Uy school treasurer1!! receipts " lefiiiidiinr orders 20KHI 15 03 fill 02 com ou aiuount received " couimisbion on amt uisbuiaed 62 31 2723 00 " balance due fund 77 11 tiiSOl 07 joxrs Rritor.x, rii'ii.nrNo FfXD. To bal rlue fund at lst sellliit 1 38 " amt tax reed, from unstd Ids 1203 117 11205 35 Uy whool trenstirer'u receipts " refunditiK orders " corn on amount received " com on amount tllsbursed 1150 (X) 7 12 2 lo 23 14 1204 36 tQ " buhuice duo fund 1205 30 MIU.KTONK 8C'Jlf)f)L t-'UNT). To aint tax reed froui unstd Ids 1027 " unit tai reed from Ids redind 23 1050 Iiy bal due treiis tit last eetlmt 1 71 ." sr liool treasurer's recti ds 1000 " cowuiiasioii "on amt' racA 2102 21)03 104'i 70 H-21 balanoo d,u.p fiiucj tW30 w Hil.lTOr-'H HOIlOot- RVil.DlKU -L'NU. To ami tax fyorj froyi unstd land 12 Si " !, tax ryd;t'ioil rednul 2 3 5i;ii 74 lly sehtittl titea.suiHiii receipts 1 20 on ' ebminikishMl on ainotutt rryd 2 !l " commission on Ulut tiislilteed 2 40 12 j 03 U 71 " lMilom Ulifrfimd ?131 74 BlfflW.VY MC'lUlOIi Ft'.ND. 'i'n bil due fund lit lust setlmt 37 " Ultit tax iwJ i'ruia Wlistd lnds 792 211 ? i2 m 3 59 " buiikiu due lrwKurvr 7W 2-'t 7:10 K :i."i in l- K", 15 i Hy school trt iiii'tir' iveelpts " refimdinir orders " coiiiiojii!ii o;i tuot reed " (.'"itimWinu un aint disbrtd tTM 2 nrnowAY wruooi, nt'ir.Dixn Ft:sn. To ( ! due fund t lur setlmt m " unit tax reed Horn uiisld tutls 4T5 S7 47 ) '7 Tii-i ti 4-j" i"'i 4 6.4 !) -2. bal iu tiMsnrer iiy school treavnirerV receipt " reliiiin r d'-rs V com on Hiiiount received " coin on amount, dishursctl f4.i.t Ol srrtiNct crtRKii sciroor. Ft'n. To bl due fund t last setlnit "7 of " aint lux rccd tfoni unstd lnds 1-".U l'J " unit tax N-ed from sctd lands 7'J !'H " nmt tax reed from lnd; rtlind U f i iiits My school trcanirers receipts ll " it.. .I ! on nis .old lo en A 7 i " coiiiini ion it juiii tvcd 2 ' commission on amt risbrsed L'S f.2 " baliMice due fund 1,1 1 7 $i.:t5 w ST. MARYS SCHoor. rt'SD. To 1 t due llllld ul sctillll " aii.t it, reed fi in uirstd Kinds " unit tax reed I'uim scut lauds 7 43 4"t ei Uy school treasurer's receipts " iint tax on uuiis Mild to eo " unit ta: on lands mi to co " coinriii.-s.on on unit reed " cominis.siou on i.inl disbrsd I ;t i 1 .Mi 1 77 1 balance due fund K Oii nOAl) KI NDS. lIK.N'KZIiTI 1IOAI) H'SD. To amt lax reed inn unsd Inils 31 8.1 35 " amt tax reed on lands rrltnd M 12 :jis47 Uy bal due treasr at last setlmt Mi 30 " road onlei redeemed -. 24 uo " tup treasurer's receipts " coiiiiuission on unit received " com on umou.it disbursed Cl no 317.) 27 2 jfaina 47 "balxnco due fund llF.V.lXGKK KoI. FI'M. To nil ti n iced fun unstd inils 3"80 3" " unit tuA rccd Uom tctd li.inis ti Hi f J.".!l!l 03 Id oh 07 18 r.Mi ou 0.rU (! 0 Uy exoneration ordrs redind ""liul due treasr at last scl.uit " road oruers redeemed " lvp Ireasurer's receipts " leluniiiiit; orders reitcemed " unit lax ou lands sold to co " amt tux on Ids iloblc .-ses-d " coiiiiuission on amt neeived " comiuibsiuii on nmt ilisbraed -1 h () 51 4T ;.u 247 0J 121 Osi ' balance due fund J2-VJtf tJ llKXiiXtiFK AJ.Hl l liiXAI. HOAD Fl'M.. i'ounit tub reed frm unet lnd-5n ' uint ta. lecd ironi sited land ' 11 IfcUo'rfS. ?2 llf 68 Uy exoneration orders redtnd " hal. due IreiiM'Ht last sr,imt " twp ircusuier's receipt " amt lax on imikIs sold lo eo " ami tax on lmis dultl assi d " rcliiiidini; ordrs irikeiiied " com on amt rceeiid " com on amt disbursed 211011 51 ( 70 1 - 51 M. 47t.8 25115 b) H3 tiii 4-2518 K " balance due fund I'oX ItoAl) FI ND. "o unit tax reed from unstd ids IW2 unit t.x reed Horn sr iul Inns una tux rccd frm ids rnlnid 27 05 Slt-33 03 By bal due treas at last setlmt ""bal due on diti nl rd Hind " load ordeis reileeined " exoneralion oii'cim redind " com on anil recelvt d " com on unit titsburs.cd 1 !io l . 01 b.it i t) 2- Xlj 32 0'.' 10U3 1.7 " balance due fund 130 1.10 1833 03 ironTojt ltt.AD rt'.'tn. To unit tax rccd on unsetd Ids 1C74 47 $1074 7 Uy bal due treas at last setlmt " road order redeemed " twp treasurers receipts " refunding orrler redeenied " com on Hiiiount received " cum ou amount dibbursed 0 30 cW till uiiiuuiit, disbiiTKcd ll-'iOOO 4J0 00 4 00 S3 49 81 !i 10C4 80 U 61 " balance due fund (f 1074 j11c.11r.ANi iioaIj fl!M)i To autt tux reed from unstd ids 1012 1912 Ity bal due treas at last aetlmt 111 road order redeemed 14: 38 1 H47 04 $1912 1 com on amount received ' coin on amount disbursed 50 48 balance due fund i'8 oo JAY ROAD Vl'Xi), To bul-ilue fund at lust seUiot amt tax rucxi lruiu yiuetd Idu 1J41 61 1WTU 75 107 iY77 82 1522 00 Sut 1M 1 i 03 Z H3 lid 02 1U7 W " balance dgp treimurfir By road order redeenied "towiittldH treasurer's receipt " amt lax on land sold lo eo "' com ou umotiut received " com ou umguut diabuccil JO.MK.8 KoAll PLNt. To mt tux reed from uuatd Ids 3'57 07 balance due tremjilivv 1 40 fiittfll 40 17 04 'J 2H 2K3f (W GO 00 T3 10 C 08 t1C5 49 Uy refunding ordrs redeemed ""bal due treas at lust setlmt ' road (iidcra reileeined " twp ircasiirer's receints " com on amount received " com till unit diubni'sed MII.t.STaaK IJIAAD rL'.Nt) To unit tax reed from unstd Ids 1171 35 bulunve dun tfeuMmT 42 U $1210 07 18 05 10 5 Uy 11 ltU' teens ,t hst Hctlmt " bid due treas on cash fund " road orders rtxleemed " tw t reH.n rcr's. receipts . " com on aniotint received " com ou amount tlisbliraed 500 t.l C l!) 00 23 23 $1216 07 ltll.OWfY IIOAD KL'XII. To mil tn.. recti from unstd Ids 1 82 87 $18J 87 Uy bal due treus ut last netlemt 42 30 "bal due treasurer on c?ti Aind at last wttleineiit 35 r-J Uy road orders retleemed 14'-' (H rellindilii; orders red coned in ( 33 tii " refunding orders leilt eined " reftiudit. orders Kirlnway and lit'ookvilie state toad " com on amount received " com on amount dis' urscd 21 70 37 i". 33 1 172H I S 150 74 bitltmH' due fund f 1882 sinix chi:i:k itoAi fi'.nu. To 1.I due t l -t sclVlenieut 2 C) " amt ts recil from iiusttl hts 10-VJ 4i " unit t;i rei-it lfoin sftl lands 4150 " amt tax recti from Ids redind 0 0-1 11 of) 7 Ky rond orders redeemed 808 ' to nship treas receipts 175 to " amt tax on Ids sold to county 4 Y " com ou amt received 22 " coin on amount disbursed 10 75 lti'JM -' 71 On gl loo t7 balance due fund SPUING C'KF.KK AHDt Tf()fAL ItoAl) FL'K. To bal due fund tit last setlemt " amt tat nt-4 from misted Ids " aint lax rccd ironi std lands " nit tax reed on Ids redind 27 27 7a )1 tin 23 Si 3 On $755 44 Uy. township treasurer receipts " unit t.. on Ids sol to county " com nn amount received " com on amount disbursed 700 tn 2 07 15 l!f 14 04 731 2 24 25 " bnlanct due fund $755 ST. MAHYS Itt) AT) Fl"NI. To )! due Hind ut hist selemt " hint ti reel from unstd Ids " amt lux reed irom t-td lands 28 18 02 a 4 1 Hy boroujih treas receipts " amt lax on Ids sold to county " com ou amount reieived " torn ou amount disbursed :..i :t 4 M i ; l t.o . e 12 i.o 72 !, " baluttt due fund ST. MAKVS COItroV ATIt.N I VSii. lo I jt d.n- liiii l t Ut setlemt 14 Uliit li t lcd fTom unstd ids it amt tax rccd irom std lands . 17 $;i oi 71 3 12 '. U'.t 45 4 -,, VI Uy boron h trtasurer's recpts " nu t . $ on Inlnis sold lo co " com on amount ieiived " coin on amount disbursed " balance due fund 1'OOH KUND. iii:x.t.(i k I'oon Ft'xn. I'iuii.I tkA recit from unstd Ids 1811 73 " ti m I tax. rccd from sealed Ids 6 78 $1M8 51 Wr bal due trrasat hist setlemt '1 70 '"towinbiii ireasurer's receipt "75 48 " cash pi cotinly on Recount of lii.Miiont as per order of pup ervisors " refundiiiir orders redeemed " e'xoueiatitin oixlrs redeemed " unit tax riti lands so hi to eo ' unit tux on double a.-se-nit " trim on amount received " com ou iiinotiiit disbursed 428 Cl 1 4d 8 7 48 3 ti feu ti t.j ;.'. i7 21 i 137- 12 " bit' nee due fund 44.1 -J'.i $1818 51 Fox Poo it FtM). To unit tux rceil Horn uimtd Ids 1084 92 " and lax recti from std Ids 0 34 " unit lax rccd 110111 his redmd 2 10 $1093 42 Hy bal due treas at lust sellmt "' cusli pd co on unit due Dix liiont irom Fox townsliip " i xoiit rulion orders redienied " unit tux 011 ids sold toco 3 92) 1) 8 21 18 980 113 " coin on mount received " com ou umount disbursed " balance due fund $1003 ilom t.N POOlt Fl'XD. To amt tux reed Irom tiusid ids 422 47 13 $422 404 8 8 "Ttl fly towtinhip trctts receipts " rolulirlitt orrier redtenltd " enni on uiount received " com 011 uruouut ditbursed 13 81 on 24 64 69 55 13 " balance due fund. $422 . JAV POOK FU"4). To bal due fund tit last setlemt 18 " amt tux reed 'win yustd Ids 902 f 9-41 5gi lly towimbin treasurer's recpts 830 1)0 ' township treasurer's recinU 18 id " ftmt tux on Uin mild to co 0 23 " com ou amt received 18 42 " cotu uu amount UisbufsoJ, 17 U8 tssil 90 30 92 $920 01 " balance due fun4 JON K8 roolt FUND, To bill due fund ut last setlemt 100 " amt lux rccd from unstd kin 305 92 S3'i7 M 800 00 2 Sid 7 35 0 05 Hy township trens rocelpts "'refuudinu orders redeemed ooiu on umount received " com ou aiuount disbursed 310 3o 61 28 "$307 58 " halaucq dge fund Mfl.bSToxE poor vvy p: To amt tax reed from unstd Ida " aint tax, reed from std Ids. 321 G4 7 33 S323 07 By bal due trens at last setlmt " township treasurer's rocpts " com on amount received " com on ttliiouul tiisbursd 5 31 250 00 C 57 5 10 200 98 01 99 $32t 97 " balance due fund RIDOWAV POOK Kl"XI. To amt tax reed from unstd ldsll04 50 $1104 50 By bal due treas at last setlemt 15 47 townshin treas receipts 8'JO 00 13 34 2 J 09 16 47 " refunding orders redeemed " com on umount received " com on amount disbursed 8C7 37 237 13 $1104 50 " balunee duo fund SPUING CKF.KK POOR Ft' SD, To bal due fund at last setlemt 4 85 " unit tax reed from misted Ids 348 01 " unit tux reed from sled Ids 0 92 " amt tax reed from Ids redind 1 50 $301 28 330 00 1 02 7 22 C 02 844 80 1 42 $301 28 Hy township treas receipts " unit tux on Ids sold to co " coin on amount received " coin on amount disbursed " balance due fund ST. MARYS POOR FUND. To bal due lund ai. last setlemt ' amt tax reed from un-tcd Ids " unit tux reed from std lands 14 21 41 19 54 $40 09 34 59 3 12 92 75 Hy overseer's receipts " amt tal on Ids sold to co " coin on umount received " com 011 amount disbursed 39 C " balance due fund $10.09 STATE ROAD FUNDS- KANE, ltiliOWAY AXI ST. MAHYS STATK Itr.AI. FUND To amt tax reed from unseated lands situate in Jones twp 8415 47 " unit tax rccd from unseated lands siluute in Uidgway twp 2944 94 $0300 41 Hy lial due treasr at last setlmt 187 39 " refmliligord rdmd. Jones twp 17 04 " rcfiid i rig ord rdmd.Ucn.inger township 1 40 " refudingord rdmd, Ridgway tow. hip 42 12 " bond No 31 rdmd, Ridg'.iy twp uiids 12!1 30 " lot st k) on idsive bond 4 73 " 1,011.1 No 33 rcth .ned, Jones twt. iiids 1418 89 liitCest iKkiil on iiikiv lioml I I i O I Cl 9.) 52 00 700 0(1 " I101. I No 31 r.liiiit, Joniu tp funds '' inU rs-t p:. it I on alM.vc bond " Inn 0 No 4 Mmd, Jones twp fiiu' " int. i-.t paid on als.ve Is.ud " recpt of I ten, J. ti. Hall " mm on amount received " com on umount disbursed 21 50 llo: 30 127 .- 114 13 $5'-i48 1.7 412 34 $0300 41 " balance due fund Michael Urunner. J:'')., Treasurer of Jitk County, in account with the, CoDimonwcuth of J't unfytVania for tht ycur ending January 3, 1881. To bal due at last settlement 59 29 unit cash rccd tavern licenses Ouu 00 unit cash received for eating bouse licenses 180 00 " amt cash reed store licenses 50 00 " unit lux col from retaiiers of lnerchundisc 785 50 " amt tax col on billiard tables 140 00 " amt tax collected from brewrs 75 00 " unit tux col Irom boudhuldcrs 125 10 . . $;1195 Hy Plate Treasurer's receipts 2jo5 49 ' amt cash pd printers lor ptil- lishing mercantile appraismt W 00 " com on amount received 111 72 2Jo2 21 " balance due Common ealth . 1 12 74 $814 95 We. the undersigned, auditors of Elk county, for the .tear 18SI, having met at the I lie coiniiiisMoncrs' olllccs, at Uidgway, in said county, on the Hist Monday of January, lK8l.it being me third day of the month, lor the purpose of auditing, settling itnd ad justing the ticeotnits of tiie several couniv olllcefs. wii adjourned to Tues la 98 8S 32 80 78 00 42 day, Juiiliaiy 4th, 18M, at w bich time we pHieeiileil to atitl't, settle und ad just the uccou'its o: Hie several county OlUcelS, UIIO ouul tneiu euiieci., slated in lids our report. Michael Urunner Pi ip, treasurer or said county, having been duly nnll.hd was prtiseul in person, und presented his uocotiiit. Alter having Carefully examined, audited und adjusted the uccounu ol 42 said Michael iiruuner, treusurer, we found due from him the said treasurer, to the several funds, as is fnily set forth in the foregoing report, the sum or lour thou. ud und ninety-six dol lars and miy totjr cents, and due to linn, the ..!(! treasurer, front certain mud, as et forth In the aid tore going report, tb sum of one thousand tuo huiired 411(1 eighteen dollars und ixtniy-fceven cents, leaving nei bul anceoi t&o thouaiud eight hundred and oveuty-etght doiitrs und thirty- mrsn oor.iA ilil to the COUIltV of Ellt 08 08 no 8J 44 09 83 Vi frosn tha said tRiurer, ud lso due rmn t aihl treaaurer to the Com OS monwealth of Pennsylvania the sum 63 28 til oti hundred inl twelve, uonurs eentyfour tents, us is fully fortu in the foregoing report. In wiUei'"wb.;'eoi w Uav -w to set pur bands thbt January, A. L. 1S8V Attest TljroiU J, UwrU. Votk. The Commifnionert of JjMs Cwnfy 4n uccowd with, t unty far Herri- ;e reriUcrcd tluvinO tttG UrVr 4" 1880. " Aficlittvl MMvrt To couniy uj'ders lytieiveil 681 W By 127 diys servken Is W Qeornc HcutQher, Esq. To county orders iccuivetl Hy 133 days' aervlw $9 W. If. Qstcrhavt, To county orders received $258 OU lly 80 dnyiT services ($ $3 258 0Q S358 00 D. C. Oyntar, I:q., High Sheriff of Elk County, in account with taal County, tor theycur ending January 3, 1881. To co order to bal last setlemt 410 80 " fines and costs collected in criminal eases TOPS "jury fee collected in civil eases 28 On ' orders for boarding prisoners C95 1'4 " error in last settlement 19 4(1 " cash paid for washing pri-oners " balance duo the sheriff for 82 sa 429 5(1 $1730 30 Hy bal due at lust settlement 410 34 "jail account tor uoaruing prisoners 095 12 "Jail account for washing for prisoners 82 80 " serving jurors for May,f&pt. and Nov. terms, 1880, and lor Jan. term, 1881, $1.00 400 00 " costs in cases wherein Co. is pl'ir 7 00 " rule in case vs. Ellen Quinn 2 60 " two days tilling jury witeel 6 00 " fees in criminal cases 1 10 42 " fees ou commitments 17 60 " drawing lour juries in 1880 4 00 " pub. election proclamations 1 00 $'730 30 We, the undersigned, auditors of Elk county for the year 1881, having met at the commissioners' oltice in Uidgwuy, in said county, 011 the til's t .Monday in January, A. 1). 1881, being the third day or the month, tor the purpose of uuditiug, settling and ad justing the acco, nits of the several county o.llocis, we adiourned lo Tuesilay.Jan. 4, A. 1). I8f'l. at wliich lime we proceedel to niulit, settle and adjust tlienccouiitsol tlieseverul coun ty olliccrs, us set forth in this our re port. Jjaniei 1; uyster, J'.sip, nigii siiernr of said county, was present in person, and presented his account. Alter carefully examining, audit ing, settling and adjusting his ac counts, we found them to be correct, us set forth in the foregoing stalc "meiit. In witness whereof, we have here unto set our hands the 24th day of Januaiy, A. I). 1881. J.J.TAYiiOK, A,,,t CI1AS. MILLER, Auditors Attest Thomas J. Uuiuce, Clerk- 3Si 09 eQPOQ f 399 00 g99 OQ voq 25H 00 The Conimissioners of the Kane, Itidg way and Ut. Marys State Jioud in account with the J'uutts of mid lload from last xct(em:itt to the 81.-4 day of May, A. U. 1880. To Itul due at last settlement 2847 23 " aint reed irom co treas 1109 30 $1010 53 Uy cash pd J. IC. V. Hall for work done in ileniiiger town ship "1595 34 " unit pd (Jen. Tims. Ij Ka.ie 92 40 " eusli pd J. L lirowu 11 lioud 304 43 "amt ptl W. 11. O-terhoiii on bond No 29, Uidgwuy twp 095 12. " cash paid mi (j. 1). "iMesseii- gci's orders 471 00 " cash js.l Uidgway township 112 03 " cash jui Uenxinger town.-hip 8i5 55 $Jn40 63 We, the undersigned, milliters of Elk county tin; 1 be year IKsi. having met at (be commissioners' cilice, in Hidgway, in said county, on the lirst Monday in January, A. 1). 1S81, Ic ing (lie third day of (lie mouth, wo adjourned to Tuesday, Junu'iry 4tU, Ibsl, at Which lime we proceeded with tlic seUleuieiit, and do hereby ceiti y that we have carefully ex amined, audited, settled and ititj'ustcd the accounts of the commissioner.) of the Kane, Uidgway and ft. Mai). .State road, und found iheui correct, us set loith in the lorcgoing report. In witness whereof, we havehert unto set our hands the 24tu day of January, A. I). 1881. J. J. TAYLOR, .,, ...... . CHA.S. iMll.l.ER, tLo- Auditors. Atiest Tiio.m s J. HuiiKt:. Clerk. THE GREAT ENOLIiSlI REMEDY (tiltAV'S M'Eflf'lC REMEDY. TRADE MARK Is especially TRADE r e coiiitiicml ed us un tin lulling cure fr Seminal AY e a k 0 ts pe rniator-. iC'SAftM.?k, Utiton iwmgt(,lu.y After Taking. a , . . I'll,.,, iiiniri- deseases Unit follow as 11 setticiiev oil Hell' Abuse; as Ijoss of Memory, (.Jul versa I Lassituilc. 1'ai'i in the Hack. Dimness of vissiou, l'remalure ola age, und many oilier diseases that leads to I nsatiity. Consumption and a Premature (iravc, all ol wliich us a rule are first caused by deviating from the path t.t'iiatureaiitl overindulgence. 1 lie C-pccilic Medicine is the result of u life study and many years of expert- dice !u treating those special tteseases, Full particulars in our pamphlets, wliich we desire to send free by mail to every one. The fepecifie Medicine Is sold by all Druggists at $1 per put'lifge, or six packages for $5, or will be hent by until on receipt of the niPiifoy by h.i dressing. ua THE OKAY MEDICIMECO., No. 1 Mechanics' Hlock, Detroit, Mich, js-jrsiftld ill Ridgwuy by all Druggists. evrywiiCre. Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agent. Pitt.burgh. ul2-ly slirlf t ier aud HctiY Pictures. At the Advocatk oflice. The shelf' paer is in muny colors; the ecriip pic-" turc8 in endless variefy. Also auto grap albums, fancy note paper, etc Cull and see us, oVer Powell & Kime's store. Visiting cards, and ChristmaB of cards, bebldes Reward of Merit and una set 1is - other cards. It won't cost you a cent to call aud see our n-v tlock, jnt t eivedi - ... . , ,