THURSDAY, JAN. 27, 1881. Gus. Rohde the Popular Barber Still Ahe&d. LOOK AT HIS PRICES, Shaving with Bay Hum 10 cents Hair Cutting 15 cents Shampoo 1 cent Dry Kliumpoo 10 cents Moustache dying- 15 cents Hliop corner Main and Mill streets, Rldgway, Pa. Satisfaction guaranteed every time. Excellent slelguiug at this writ ing. A large attendance at court this week. Joe. Green is no longer "devil" In the Democrat office, Quite a number of eases of measles and chicken pox, are reported in this section. A full line of choice groceries ol ways in stock at lowest prices at Mor gesterV The recent snow storms in this eection, has broke down Hourly all of the telephoue wares. . , . , The Old" Time , Concert in the Opera House last Tuesday night was a very enjpyuble ull'uir. The public are hereby notified that the post-office at Duguscahonda, Elk county, has been discontinued. The Ridgway Reading Circle will meet next Saturday evening in the basemeut of the .U.E. Church. Every body is invited.. Cojnpany H meeting next Satur day in their new armory, the old Prothonotary's office. Come out boys us a full attendance is desired. When you feel a cough or bronch ial affection creeping on the lungs, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and cure it before it becomes incurable. An address will be delivered in the M. E. Church next Sunday even ing entitled "Notes in Astrouomy, No. 2 Our Next Door Neighbors.' All are invited. The balance of the State appro priation to Company H for 1&S0, lour hundred aud eighty two dollars, has been received aud is now in the hands of the Company Treasurer. The Reading Circle meets in the basement of the M.E. Church each Saturday evening at 7 o'clock sharp, its sessions coiiiiuuiSg one hour. Everybody is invited. . Alfred the Great will be commenced by the L society next Saturday evening. In the case of the Commonwealth vs. Harry English, on a Charge of kill ing Constable Vollmer in April last, nothing has as yet bceJn done although it was expected that'the case would be among the first Reached. ' .Therefore we are unable tbgiveany report in tills issue of the Advocate. In our last issue we stated that a new post-ollice had been established in Elk county called Raught's Mills, in this we were slightly mistaken. The name of the new nlUcc is Raughts aud it is located in Millstone township at Raught's Mills. Persons directing letters should be careful to address Raughts, as that is the name of the office. The Democrat man, in his last is sue, with his usual lightning quick ness, makes an unauthorized lling at " party of sleigh riders and dancers from St. Marys," who visited the Ridg way House oil Tuesday, the lHh inst. The party paid their bills like men, and it would be well for "Skip" to gel at the rock bottom before staiting his flimsy erections. The liceuses brought before the court for January term were ail granted with the exception of that ol Adam Fochtman of St. Mary's which was refused by the court on account of a remonstrance, and that of Win. Zelt, of St. Marys, which was refused on the ground that the bail was in sufficient. The licenses of Patrick Fahey, J as. B. McQuone, aud Geo. F. Spooler were continued until to-day but will no doubt be granted. The senatorial contest at Harris burg has become a "dead lock" which is not likely to be broken in n hurry. Wallace on the Democratic side holds his number of votes with an occasional scattering vote to A.G.Curtin or other Democrats. The lines of the Oliver forces tire equally as, firm, .while the forces of Grow seem--determined to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer. So that as above intimated, there is no danger of a break-up at least not beforethe break-up of winter next sprlug In the case of the Commonwealth vs. Hugh Burns and Patrick McCarty, the tramps who broke into Mr. Nich ols' house on Novemlier 21st, and took the articles of clothing, etc., a Jury was secured last evening and this morning the case was brought before them for trial. Hugh Burns pleaded guilty to burglary, wheu a uolpros was entered by the District Attorney on the other two counts in the indictment. Patrick MoCarty. who pkud "not guilty," was tried for the crime of burglary. There was a debate at the school Louseon Friday afternoon last the sub ject being "Is it Neceessury for a Wo man to be as well Educated as a Man," thedebate was a very interestingaffuir, being opened by a few well chooscn points by Miss Ella Wicks, followed by Mr. Jones with a s)eech of twenty minutes in which he said that a man's brain was more than equal to that of a woman, with other remarks which were well delivered, he being followed by Mr. William Luther with few well cuoosen poiuts. Mr. McAllister then made a few remark, after which the Judges brought In a verdict In favor of Wonian'n Rbjuta. Personal Items, C S. Luther is In town this week. Col. W. W. Ames, of St. Marys, in town this week. Ed. Gray of the Driftwood, Ga telle is in town this week. Eli Perkins will lecture in Ridg way on the 25th of February. Nick. Laumcr. of St. Marys, was In town Tuesday of this week. Ed. Wilson, well known to many of our readers, is in town this week. Chas. Johnson, is out again after several days illness with the measles. Judge Linn, of Willianisport, Is In attendance on court here this week. Fred. Wilmarth ond son, for merly of this place, were in town this week. P. R. Cotter, of Port Allegheny. Is in attendance at court here this week. ' " : i George Wescott, of Portland has a felon on the. middle finger of his right hand. Mis Jennie Grcsh, we are glad to note, Is out again after an illness of Several days. A. E. O'ifF, Martin Clover, of Jay; and Lonlrt Vollmer, of St. Marys nre in town this week. ;"' Mi Ida Ohnsitead U teaching the Whistlctown school for Miss Emma Olmstead who has the measles. Miss B. E. Wilcox's mother, has been sick for several davssolhnt Ml Wilcox has been unable to , teach her school. Cant. .Ta. O. Parrh'ep of Warren, on motion of Judge Souther, was ad mitted to practice in theseveral courts of Elk county. Miss Mary Ctithbcrt, is visiting her parents at this pliw- whpre she will remniii a few days before return ing to Brookville. Tn the case of S. A. Ohnstend v. W. H. Schrnm, et al.. the jury re turned n verdict In favor of the plaintiff, S. A. Olmstead, for f 1008.21. On Tnodnv morning the new Judire, Hor. Wm. D. Brown, mad" his first appearance in Ridirwav' ns President Judge of this Judicial Dis trict. Mr. Heller, Constable at Ludlow. MeKcan Co., who caught the trinins that broke into the house of G. W. Nichols, some time auo. is in attend ance at Court here this week. The first caller at the Advocate office this week was Erasmus Morey, of Benezette. who dropped in to pay us a friendly visit. He caifie over from Benezette on Sunday and re turn! home Monday afternoon. Hon. Win. D. Brown, our new Judge, is win ni nit golden opinions among lawyers, officers and spectators for his urbane manner, prompt de cisions on points of law brought before him during the trial of cases, as well as for the rapid and satisfactory way in which he disposes of the business of the Court. Judge Brown is des tined to be one of the great Judges of the State. Narrow E-capo or Ten Jim. Saturday, Nov. lo, 1S31, at Laurel Mill .-aw mill Isiitie Avery had a team of horses killed under peculiar cir cumstances. Near the mill is a steep side hill on the of the river, along this is a narrow rou I along which the loads of logs are hauled for stocking the saw mill. The teams are driven close to the side of this steep decent, when the chains holding the logs are loosened and they roll with great force and rapidity into the stream below. On the day of the ac cident a young man named Frank Price, a careful and trusted driver, drove Ids team will) a load of logs to the place of unloading. The ice cov ering the road made it quite difficult for the horses to stand, and on this occasion one of the horses slipped, be fore the logs were unloaded, when the driver attempted to hold him up with the rains, which lie failed in ' doing, the horses, load and all, driver ex cepted. wore violently preciputcd down the abrupt declevity,' landing with fatal effect on the ic'3 of the frozen river below. One of the horses was instantly killed the other one sustain ing injuries from which he died in a short time. The mill iii'nds witnessed the accident and. al once rushed to the icscue of tlie team u nil 'for might they knew disabled driver. While these men, ten in number.' vere extracting the horses and hobs from the logs, an other team, following (he one which met the accident, drove along the road above, and the driver all unconscious of the men below, was unloosening the chains, as usual, to allnv the logs to rush in rapid succession to t lie ice beneath. Arrested in the act of loos ening the chain by the screams of a woman, Mrs. Geo. Stic'tles, who lived near, and whose husband was among tlie men at the foot of the hill, the driver paused, and when he ascer tained the cause of the woman's screams, was almost stupefied" with horror on glancing down the hill to discover tlie men there, which by his hand in another instant would have been dashed to pieces by the great logs rolling with the force of a sledge-hammer on their unguarded heads. The driver of the second team supposed that the team ahead had unloaded in tlie usual manner and hud proceeded along the hill, and down the opposite side after another load. We are very glad, indeed to write this Item as a what-might-have-heen, Instead of writ lint that ten men in the vigor of manhood had been hurled from the light of day to the darkness of eternity. Lard in tespotH, coffee ots and tttw pans at M orgeat er'a. -. -. s Our StliiKds. According to the timely notice given, It Is my Intention to now write reports of schools for publication in tlie various newspapers of tlie county. I shall not present the nbsevatinus made during the late fall and early winter visits, but confine myself to the notes taken during the more recent In spections. Benezette, heads the alpha betical list of Districts, and with its schools having just examined them, I will bc(iin these reports. The school held at Dents Run Is the first to be noticed. Lawrence Fee, a Veteran teacher, Is tlie instructor in charge ot It The school is small, as there are only fourteen names on the roll, but the pupils attend very re gularly. Tlie apparatus is eomnienda bleconsistingof Guyot's outline maps, a map of Pennsylvania, a large black hoard and other things necessary. Tlie school house Is handsomely decorated with pictures and mottoes and is evi dently kept clean. Books are uniform and things in general show educa tional thrift Johnson's school, Is next in order and Miss Mary Reeeq is the teaclier. The names of twenty-live pupils ore enrolled mid the average daily attend ance is about twenty-oi'ie'in number. Some of the higher branches are taught and by way of general les-wnns many matters of vital importance, which are not found in the text books, are brought before the pupils. The school room Is attractive and every thing is well cared for. The apparatus is like that of the Dents Run s'-hool. It will pay any teaclier well, who lives within a reasonable distance, to visit the Jnh.isoii school under the present main g 'incut. The Mount Pleasant school is under the guidance of Miss Jennie H.vnian and is attended by about twenty-five pupils. Some of the pupils by sick ness anil other causes have been kept absent for awhile, but the attendance now is good. The apparatus is ample and the school house is in excellent condition. The Benezette graded school Is taught by Mrs. and Mr. Frank Lenig, the former having charge of the pri mary grades and the latter tlie hi,irh school grades. Thirty-nine names are enrolled in the primary depart ment and forty-five in the other.niak ing in tilt an enrollment of eighty four. These sch'iols are under good conirol and deserve a more regular at tendance than they have at present There is an organ in use in tlie princi pal's room and both departments are quite well supplied with maps, charts ami black hoards. The rooms are dec orated, and the spirit of neatness per vades the whole school house. The Medix Run school is taught by Miss Leuora Whiting, Twenty-one names are enrolled. The school house is a model one and its furniture ami apparatus uru good. Miss Whiting is the "right person In the right place : Bi;aoK8rio:M. To Teachers: Te.icli more by way of general lesson. Secure if possible a better attend ance. Give more thorough attention to writing. Preserve the manuscript work of the pupils and exhibit it to visitors. To Directors: Keep the text books uniform. Put patent furniture into tlie school houses us fast as the old desks wear out. To Parents: Send the children to school more regularly. Respectfully, Geo. R. Dixon, Co.. Supt. A Good Okdkk. An exchange says the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has issued an order to passenger con ductors, bi'akcmen and baggage-masters, prohibiting them, under penalty of suspension, IW allowing passengers to l"ide on the platform of passenger curs. The company is determined to break up this dangerous practice, mid it is hoped passenger will cheerfully comply, as it will be seen the train men have now no discretionary power in the mutter. A Goon Thino. An exchange says that the Mayor of Wilkes-Darre called thirty citizens before him on Tuesday of lust week, uud fined them each for ullowmg the snow to remain on the sidewalks. That's a good job, and we have no doubt but what there are openings in every borough to bring about tlie same result. Some citizens in our Borough generally keep the snow and ice nir their pavement, while others seblom give tlie subject any attention. A similar line would perhaps compel them to do their duty in this mutter. List of Letters Remaining in the Ridgwny postoffice, Elk Co., Pa., up to January 24, 1881: Puller Oeo T Mnlroy Annie riseuH.fohn II Meads T I KUIier Mrs SMisnn Potter .lumen K Ilunizlnuer Henry (2) Smith Miss Maggie J Kurr K P ''it Hears N U Morrison It B foreign. Anderson ljirs.Tolin Xleklnson Part lii-vj-'slon Kvru August Knlveson Thou Jhiikiiii Crist Tlmrnlu Thomas If not called for In thirty days they will be sent to tlie dead letter office, Washington, D. C. J. H. Hageiitv, P. M. Not A Beverage. ' They ore net a leverage, but a meiiicine, with curative properties of the highest degree, containing no lMr whiskey or poisonous drugs. They do not tear down uti already de bilitated spsteni, but build it up. One hot tie contains more hops, i. e. more real hop strength, than a barrel of ordinary beer. Every druggist in Rochester sells them, und the physici ans prescribe them " Eveniny Ex res on Hop Bitters. New Case JItecker wheuten grits at Morgeoter's Oil Creek and Jtidgnay It. R. Lotely we have seen In several of our exchanges reference made to the above named railroud, and besides have hud In our mind some curiosity In regard to the same. In 1873 while Doctor Euelcy was In the Legislature he procured the passage of an act In corporating the Oil Creek and Ridg way Railroad which act we give In full below together with a 'further supplement to the said act. From the annual report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs for 187 we find the road is six miles in length, from Oil City to Cranberry mines ; equipped with one locomotive, thirty coal cars, and one caboose, thut live persons, including officers, are em ployed by the company. Also we find the number of miles run by the locomotive to have been 0,001) miles, und that the amount nf-'frcight carried wuh5,4'.)0 tons of 2,000 pounds. The time table of tlie road Is given i ft tlie Official 11. R. Guide for 1877. Lately we have noticed that there Is talk of extending this road to the Jell'erson coal fields. Of course under the charter it will lie necessiry tn have the r.iud built through Ridway Itorough. Furihcr-juformutloii re garding this road -wi-14 from time to time be laid before out'icaders, :. " .. An .Act , . TO INCORPORATE T1IHOII, CRKEK AND niPOWAY UAILlioAP COMPANY. SKCTt"" ' lie P tmctetl by thr .Vii'ic h llnusi: of Rep :i-ive of the Ojmiiwnice-tltii of pun,, bliania in yenrral AM'tuMn mil, tiwi U ii uvi-i.y .... ;l lite witlmrUn of tie Unit Jaim-x s. ....vers, v. W. Itiirr, ll.ivlit I.ittson. Allh-rt Willis, (ienrire Li'klnoti, t ; I 1 1 ti r. I Irwin, .losi pli, Jr., .Iinnm II. Miiyo. William O. MiMrhetl, Julio s. Id-own ami liohert 1'ulres, or any live of llit-ni, their nasoe.HL-s mt assigns, he and they lire Itere hy iiK-orpnrnleil and constituted a hody p.iil lie and eorporate. under the name, my le and tilie of tlie Oil Creek and ICIdsway K:iilroau 'oiiipany. with nil the rights nml privileges, aaii KulaVet to all the ooiailt Inns and resli ie tions. conferred, or imposed, hy an net regu lating railroad companies, approved the aine tte.iln day ot Kehrnary, Anno itotninl one thousand eiht hundred and foi ty-uinc, and the supplements thereto. iSiirrioN 1!. That tin? said ra Promt company Is hereliy authorized to construct n rail road from the I'hiladelphin and Kt ie railroad, at, or near. Uhljjwa.v. in the county ol, lo tlie mouth of i ill creek, in Vcnanuo coun ty, hy (hchest and most praellc.ihle runic, Skci ion 3. 't hat Iho capita! stock of said company shall consist ol six thousand shares. ftltty dollars each ; and It shall he lawful for said company to Issue bonds, not exeeed inif thirty thousand dollars per mile, lor each iin'c of s:-ld road, bearii u interest, not ex ceeding seven per centum acriinnum, and se en, e li.e pa. inelit id' thesame hy niortaifo upon said railroad ; hut no bond shall h.- Is sued for a less sum than one hundred dollars. ,H HI N CKssNA. Speaker of the House of Ucpvcseiitnlives. Ul.DliliK V. i.AWKKNi'K. Speaker of the .Semite. AeMtovFD The twciil.v-fourth day of July, Ann-. Iinmlni one thousand el.:ht hundred and sixty-three. A. U. CUiM'IN. . All Act . SCPPI.FMFNTAHY TO AN ACT INCOH- pouatinii the on, ckkck and ItlDGWAY HAILKO.IP COMPANY. Skction 1. lie it ewictcrl hi Vie Scnttfe anrt If.'ifxr nf Ifrpyxi-rtlafiim nf tlf tyinitiHht't'nalth of J'cnnij.l'jHni't in Ueivr-jl A mhty met, tnil if i'.n iiei'ehjt ca.,cef h tiie ri-f,i.i iiti itj trie sunt-', l'li-a the Oil Creek and Hidhtvay tt dlroad i 'niu 'ii u v. lie and l.hey nre hereby nuthnri.ed 10 construct branches from the route, author ized in their charier, lo connect with any other railroad now, or hereafter to be constructed ; and Hint after tlie nassaue of this act, only seven directors shall be di eted. ilKNUY C. .It H N.-SON, (speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN p. PKNNKY, Sjp..'itker of the sienate. Vo do hereby certify, that the bill. No. 10 -j, entitled "An Aet supplementary to an act lueorpor.itiii4 tlie Oil ..reek and ttldway itaiiroad t:oulmlly,,' waN presented to tlo liovernor, on the secon-i dny of May, Anno liomltii one tliMUsand eiht hundred ami sixty-four, and was not rctui tied, within three days al':r the niceling of Hie Legisla ture, i extra session; wherefore, it his, aureeiibly lo 111-- Constitution of tliU Com monwealth, become n law, In like nuiuuci as 11 it hud beeu sign. (I. A PIN W. I'.KNKDICT, Clerk of the House of Itepreseiitalivcs. CiKU. W. HAMKltsl.y. Clerk of the senate. Hurrisburg, August 19, 1mi. Curiosities in Business. NEW INPUSTUIKS I'NKA KT1II-D II Y Tllli LAST CKNijfS. A Kew York letter contains some fiesh gossip concerning curious busi tless uncarlocd hy the census depu ties. The superintend! ut of tlie Urook I.mi census was much nuzzled some weeks un upon discovering that there was some u.-e mailcof old shoes, which Was not known to tiny of tlie deputies in his employ, ami -could not lie dis covered. J t Wiis found that old bhoi'S were collected in large qiianliticB hy ragpickers and junkmen, und sold fn certain mysterious person, for what purpose no one could ili vine It was well known that Prussian blue Is made of old leal her, hut the persons ctigujrcil in thut business were per. ectly willing to have their works inspected. Alter much iiiipiiry ami investigation, it wus found tout the old shoes were made into Jamaica rum. When 1 1 icy cume from the ragpickers, the good pieces were cutout anil sold to small cobblers lor patching purposes. Tin rest was distilled willi spirits, colored with liurneil siiuar, and sold as Jamai ca rum, and tiie most singular fact about the business is that it is bought, not by saloon ketpcrs, but by drug gists, who pride themselves on the pu rity of llieirarlicles. - Many industries were lound in wbich. though ibe value of the pro I net was .-ousiihrahle, no value was attributed (o tlie raw mate rial. One man w ho made tomato cat sup acknowledged lo making $13,DM worth of catsup every year, hut said Unit ids raw muteriat cost nothing. When pressed lor mi explanation, he said he sent to the factories where to matoes are canned in bijx tubs, into whicli the peedngs utnl trimmings of the touiuloes were tliiowu by the men who prepared them ior cunning. The material he got for the -trouble of car rying it away. He ground it up, lla voreil it and sold it for catsup to the extent ol i3,o'" u year. , r Merchant Tailoring. Best goods in the market, made by competent workmen, tits guaranteed, uud work delivered promptly ut the lime agreed on are uinoug the sound business principles on whicli A. Swurtz Ross is building up a good business in the tailoring line. You will rind his shop on Main street, Ridu way. Pa., over Powell fc Kiine'n store. Remember the place, anil remembering it don't fall to cull, ex amine samples und leave your order for a suit of clothes. Get your bill-head and note- heads printed at The Advocate of fice. Barutoga chips a Moigester's. new article nt Ask your neighbor to mibseribe for Tim Advocate only 1.50 a year wbeu paid in advance - Roivd Matters. To the Hon. the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions it Elk Co., Pa., at January Term, 1HSI : The undersigned, appointed by the Annexed order of said t'ourt to view a road extendin. from a point near the house of Thaler Wiiiulb'ld to the Rldg way and JJroolield 8tate road, near the south md of Rryant A Ktiwcr'a Mill Creek dam, respectfully report as follows : After ilue notice to the land owners ami to the County Commlsioners, as required by l.-iw, we met at tlie up pointeil time; Thaler Wlnglicld, uncut nr lessee of Bryant & Euiver, being present; and being duly sworn, pro ceeded to view the jrrnuml. ami deem lug the said road necessary for a pub lie highway, we have laid out the same, us shown on the annexed plot, according lo the following courses ami il island's, to-wit : Beiiinning at a point in the center of the old road opposite the house oc cupied bv said l'liuler Wiimfield;thence S. 40 Vf. 200 feet to it point in t he cen ter of said old road opposite a birch stump; thence 8. r43 10. crossing the Clarion river on the piers of Bryant & Edwer's dam ties H feet to u point in the center of a private road; thence along the same S. 17 W. Mil feet ; S. tl W. 00 feet ; 8. 3'J E. (ill feet, and 8. 7l E. 124 feet to a point in the center of the said Uid.jwuy and Brookville Stale road; und we "hereby return Hie same us a public road and bridge. The navigation of the Clarion river will not be affected in any maniieriiy rea son of tiie opening of saiii road, tic cause the said bridge has been located on the piers which are already built, and which have been in use many years. These piers and the lands on each side of the river taken for the road are a part of what is known as the Bryant & Euwer property, ami an nexed is u release of all claims for damages arising from the taking of said Hinds and piers. All of w.hicli is respectfully submitted. E. E. NVillaiu), Surveyor. G. G. Mt:s.snNCit:u, I Hll'.AM t'AKMAN, Vltwus' To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Elk Co., Pa., at January Term, ISI : The undersigned, appointed by the annexed order of said Court to view and vacate the public road from Bry ant & Euwer's Mill Creek mid to its connection with the Railway and Sprinir Creek road, respectfully report, as follows : After ten days' notice to the County Commissioners, we proceeded to view saiil road, all the viewers hcimr present ami beinir duly sworn At the time this road was laid out it was the readi est way of netting from the mouth of Mill Creek to Uidgway ami other points, hut since that date the State ro-id has been laid out ami opened along the left- hunk of the Clarion river; viewers have been appointed ami have laid out a road ad bridge crossimr (In Clarion near Mill Creek mill, anil their report on the same is this day laid before yon. By reason of tlie luyinir out of said State" rad the ronil we were appointed to view bus fallen into disuse, uml when said bridire is built the necessity for said road will entirely cease. SVe, there fore, vacate it. E. E. WiLT.Afih, Surveyor. Ii. ti. AlVPSKNClKlt, Hi ISAM C A I! MAN, Viewers. To the Honorable, the Judtres of the Court, of Quarter Session of Elk Coiintv. Pa., at .tunu:iry Term, 1H81, The undersigned, appointed by the antiebed order of said Court to'view, vaeate, clinn'.rc, annul anil supply a part of the Rhbjway ami Krookville Rotul described in said order respect fully report as follows: After ilue notice to the land owners and to the County Commissioners ns required by law we met id the time ap pointed ami htivimr been duly sworn proceeded to view the ground. At the Term of Court, held in Fchruarv. 177. on order issued iippointiuir viewers io vacate anil supply a road from James TCiley's house loilellcn School House, ami their report upon fhesame was laid before said Court and confirmed absolute Sept. "Jo, 187". Accompany iiiL' their report wns a map showinir I lie eiitirp route ami the different points where they made cham;es ami viicatct I portions. J he annexed plot sa copy of part of their map. the blue ami theblack lines showing their work and the rid. Yellow uml irreen show ours. At the point marked ( at the Itruudy Cunip post olllce the road as laid out hy them has been built ami is in ue ami we make no chanure: at the Township line, marked G, the road lias not been chunked to the grounds selected bv them and as it is desirable improvement we adopt their line: at the points marked It. I) and F tiie now road litis not been opened and tit these points we vacate the road as I, u l out by them anil lay it out on t lie ground now in use. At the point marked A we vacate the road as laid out lv I hem and lav it out as follows; lieginnini; in tlie centre of the old road in front of John VYinkleblcck's house, thence (with 4i variation X. l E. lo roils; X. E. 0 rods; X. 18 K. rods; X 7 E. rods; X. 1 E. 0 rods; X 11 V. i rods; X. U V. oil roils; X. W. 3-' rials to a point in tlie centre of thesaiil obi road. The lands taken belong to John Winklebleck who was present ami tn J S Chnuiberlin ami failing to iret releases from them we award them thi .same compensation for damages us was awarded bv the lormer viewers to-wit: To John W mklcblcck Ten Dollars, ami to Joseph S. t hamberlin One Hundred ami Fifty Dollars. At Chestnut hill, marked Eon the map. the ro-iil laid out by tlie -former viewers has been purily opened. It is much lonuer thun the old road ami is on bail ground. We vacate it ami have lanl out the roiu I to the east of the old road as follows: liepitining at a point in the centre of the old rotul opposite a small pine thence (IJ vur) X. 37 V. 2i) feet ; X 27 W. 4IMI fed; X. 13 W. 100 feet; X. 2" W. b '0 feet J X.-t0 W. luo feet; X. GO5 YV. 100 feet j X. 70 W. 2(111 feet; X. b.i W. loo feet ;X. 0 W 100 feet ;X. 11 W.lOil feet. to a point in the center of said old road opposite u small uiupleuud a blazed birch. The land tuketi is unimproved und we award no compensation for damages. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. E WiLi.Aitu, Surveyor. II. H. SnoXS I Viewers To tlie Honorable, the Judges of the t'ourt of Quarter Sessions of Elk Co., Pa , at January Term, 1881. The undersigned appointed hy the annexed order of said court to review u road from Crow Run to the Irwin house in Spring Creek township, res pectfully report us follow:, After ten duya imtice to the county Commissioners, uud having been duly sworn, we proceeded ut the upiaiinled time to review Ihesuld road the courses and distances of which us shown on the annexed plot, are us follows: Beginning ut a point in the center of the roud, suld to bo 2J roils south- cast of the intersection, of Crow Run 'with the Rldgway aud. Spring Creek roud.thence (with 40-variatinn) N; ((0 W.40J feet; N. 4U W; 8tl0 feet; N. 0 W. 200 feet; west 370 feet; N 70 W. SI") feet; 8. 8:)" W. il l feet; 8. 87" W. 1140 feet; 8. 00 W. M feel; 8. 8S W. 28.) feet; 8. 61 W. )0 reel; 8. 18' W. l'K) feet; 8. 1" W 80 feet; S. 26" W.2W 8. fit)' V. 1500 feet; 8. 80J W. 420 feet; 8. 4H W. 920 feet lo a point in the center of the ro-id near bridge over Irwin's mill race we find that a new rotui has been laid out and opened be tween these points by way of Smith it Rogers' tannery ' making the distance somewhat greater but having the ail Vantage nf much easier grades, uud that, by reason of the opening of said new road, this mid bus become use less expensive and burdensome. We therefore vacate it. E. E. Wim.akd, Surveyor, vtV",M-i',',M'. hewers. E.IC. Git Mil, 1 THE SUIT FOd 1881. Everybody r.'udii Tub Wo. I" H'o edition nflliis newspaper throiiliout Hie yeur to come everybody will Uud: . I. All tlie wor.d'H news, so presented that the lender will ct the irreittcst amount of Information with the least unpiolliahle ex pediturc of lime unit pyo-slicht. I UK Hvs lonn ao discovered the Hidden menu bs lwcn redundant funics und unsatisfactory brpvlty. It. .iiueh of thut. sort of news which lie pemls less up in lis recognized Importance than upon Its Interest to mankind, r'roni tool no,).' to morning Tiik sirs print n con tinued story of the Uves of real men nml women, and of their deeds, phum loves, hates, and troubles. This story is more varied and more luteresliuj than any romance thut was ever devised. . . III. Goo it wiltim; In every column, und freshness, originality, nrcnriicy. and decorum In the treatment ofever.t subject. ' ' ' IV. Holiest c-unaicnl.' Tin-: ScVsTinbit Is lo speak out leailriisiy tvbout men and things. V. lv(iml candor In drilling with each po litical party, and opinl readiness lo com mend what is praiseworthy or to tebuke what U blaumblo ill Ileal icrat or Uepubli ean. VI. Absolute Independencenf partisan nr panizaliotis, but nnwnvei in loyally to tru Iieiooertiiic principles. Tin-: si:n heiieves Unit the liovernment which tlie I 'onstitutlon Ifives us Isa yood one lo keep. Its notion of duly is to resist to its utmost power the ef lorts of men in the Republican party to set up another form of government in place ol that which exl-ts. I'lic year tsd and tlie years Immediately following w ill probably decide this supremely important conlcsl. Tils srs believes that the viclrtry will be with the people as iiKalnsl the KIiiks for im perial power. Our terms urn as follows: For the Dally sirs, a four-page sheet of twenty-elnht columns, the price by mall, post paid, is .V cents a month, or i-li.oU a year; or, including tlie Sunday paper, an eight page sheet of tlfly-slx eoluini.s, the price Is u.") cents a month, or i7.7(iu year, posuige paid. The Sunday edition of THE Sus Is also furnished separately ot ii.lio u year, postage paid. The price of the Wfkkt.y Sux, eight pages, fifty-six columns, is il a year, postage paid, b'orcluhs of Hoi sending iU) we will stud un extra copy free. Ad tress I. W. KMOI.lS'n, Publisher of Tiik .sun. New York City. llaby Saved. Weare thankful to say that our baby was permanently cured of a dan gerous ami protracted irregularity of tlie bowels by the use of Hop liittirs by its mother, whicli at the same time restored her to perfect health and strength. The parents, Rochester. X. Y. 8 ce another column. Bull'ulo Erpriax. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ADVOCATE. Look Here. The undersigned can cure fever sores without pain or use of tlie knife My motto is, "rso cure, no pay. t cliuriie according to your means. I' hose living ut a distance can write enclosing stamp for postage. AH letters promptly answered. Receipts sold to physicians on reas onably terms. Address, X. V. Lf.nt. Ridfiwuy, Elk Co. Pa Rcsidenee two miles from Ridgway on the Wurren pike. Fairbanks reliued lard in teapots, cofleepots, and stewpans ut Moles ter's. Ci - Ol'TI-' IT sent free to those who wisli 2 ' 1 to enjiHue In t lie most pleasant anil 'U-'-'nrolilable business known. Kvcr.v lliine new. I'aiiilal not reiiilroil. W'c will l'lirnlsli yon everytlilntf. sill a day nml an wards Is easliy in ana wll limit stiiy I nir nwav from home over ninlit. No risk whatever. Manvnew workers wanti'il at mice, Many are malum: fortunes at Ilia Inisiness, I.uillrs make as niilcli as mull, ami yonn boys ami uirls make ureal pay, No one wlio is willtnit lo work lulls lo niaka more in mey every day than ean tie iiimlu 111 a week at ordinary employment. hose who enifatie nt once will rind a sliort road t-i fortune. Address 11. HALl.KTT it CO., Portland, .Maine. n3Jyl For fear you may once more don't fail to the big stock of new Union store. forget we go in and goods ut y see the EST3AY NOTiCZ. There came to the premises of Lewis Boyington, in Horlou township. Elk county, l'a., about the middle of lust October, a three year old cow having a line buck red sides, and being par tially white. A uyjiersori. owning said cow will please- , come forward, prove projierty, pay charges and take her awny or she will , be disposed of according to law. . .. . Get your note-heads, letter heads and envelopes neutly printed at The Auvocatk ottiee , No scrofula can be so deep seated, no sore so stubborn, but thut Ayer's Sarsupurillu will effect a cure, if cure be possible. Note paper, envelopes, cheap at The Advocate oflleo. Tieo?tpt tiri Mit Knrsilnteil Iutitulio fo ---::vi.g a l.i-in'-t l-'ilucmiuu. I uikliu ihUUcs, i'. Dvrr a bon's, Note paper and envelopes at this office. I. 0. of 0- F. Ridgway Lodge 1. O. of O. F. meets every Thursduy evening. Vis iting members ure cordially invited to uttetid. OFFICERS: M. Cohen, N. G ; J. A. Ros, V. O.; R. 8. Gross. Sec'y; J. V. Smith, A't Sec y; II. II. Wetisel;- Treasurer, Nota payefiinii 'ouvt!lopsafc thtt oftlc. " ' " ' ; : i m'iliViTiiiiniBiiT -'J VJMWt Business Cards. G0. A. BA1H3UN ATTOnNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pal.' Particular attention it! veil to thS examination of titles, also to patent and patent cases; HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORN EY-AT-LAV. Office in iicw brick building, Muir? street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa; vS2t V. L. WILLIAMS, Late of Straftanville), I'hysicitin and 8urfrcon, Rldgway, Pa. Olllce in Hall's IJrlck l'.u'ihling (up stairs)--' References J. I) Smith. II. Lv Young, It. Rulofson, Strnttimville,' Major John Kltle.Yi W. W. Green land, Claricii. Has practiced his profession sccessfully for morn than " ten years. G. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PAKMACEUTlSTy X. V. corner of Main ami Mill streets, Itldgwav, Pit., full assortment of care-' fully selected Foreign and Domestic Driiirs. Prescriptions carefully dls1 pensed at all hours, day or night, vlnOy J. S. BORDtfELL, HI. D. ELF.CTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, Has .removed his olllce from Centre -treet to Main direct Ridgw.v, Pa., in the sccoml sbiry of tlie new brick building of John G. Hull, west of the Hvde House, bfilec hours :-l to 2 P. M. "to 0 P.f HYDE HCUSE. W. H. KC1IRAM, Proprietor, Rldgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to tlie comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. ocMO'69 APPLETO N'SAMER!GAN CYCLO PE&IA. This admirable work is now com-' plctcin 10 vols. EachvohimecontainsSOO. panes. It nitikcsu-complete and well selectetl library, and no one can nflbrd to do without it who would keep well informed. Price " 00 in cloth, So.on in leather, or S7.nn in elegant halfTurkev. For particulars address, W. II. Fuirchild, Portville, Cutt. Co.. X. Y.. who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, general agent. tSentral State Normal School, F.i'hth Xoriit'il School District.) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. X. RAUIi, A.M. .Ph. D. Principal; This school as at ; resent constituted rffers the very best "facilities for Pro fessional and'classieal learning. Ruildinjrs spacious, inviting and commodious, completely heated by steam, well ventilated and furnished witli a bountiful supply of pure, soft sining water Locution heulthful and easy of . ac-" c ess Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, cllicieiit, and alive to their work. Discipline firm but kind, uniform' and thorough Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to' those prepuring to teach. Sim. cuts atlmilted at any time. Courses of study prescribed by the' State; I. Mode! School. II. Prepara tory. 111. Elementary. IV. Scieu tilic. ADJUNCT COCBSES: I. Academic II. Commercial. III. Music. IV Art The Elementary and Scientific courses are Professional, and tdudents graduating I herein receive Stale Diplo mas, conferring the following cor res-' ponding decrees: Muster of the Ele ments and Master of the Sciences. Graduates in the ot iter courses receive Normal Certificates of their attain ments sinned hy the Faculty. The Professional courses ure liberal, ami are in thoroughness not inferior to those of our best colleges. The State requires n higher order of citizenship. The times demand it. It is one of the prime objects of this' school to help to secure it by furnish ing intelligent ami ellicient teachers for herscliools. To thisend. it solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes those who desiro to improve their time uud their talents, as students. To till such it promises uid in developing their powers und ubtimlant opportunities for well-paid labor alter leaving school. For catalogue and terms address the Principal, or the Secretary of the Boa nl 1JOARD OF TRUSTEES. Stockholder's Trustees. J II Rar ton, M D, A II Rest, Jacob Drown, S M lsickforil, Samuel Christ, A N Kaub, It G Cook. T. C. Hippie, Esq., (. Kentziiur. E. P MeCoriniek, Esq-, W. W. ltuhkin, W. II. Drown. State Trustees Hon A G. Curtiil, Hon William Digler, Hon II Lr Diefl'en bach, Gen Jesse Merrill, J C C Whuley, S Millar McCormick, Esq OFFICEHS lion. William Digler, Prcsident.Clear lield, Pu Gen Jesse Merrill, Vice President, Lock Haven, Pa. S. Millar McCormick, Secretary,- Lock Haven, l'a Thomas Yardley, Treasure Lock Haven, Pu PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R R- Dlv.- WINTEtt TIME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY, November" 7, 18K0, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie Railroad Division wilt run as follows: .WESTWARD. Niagara Ex. leaves Phila 9 00 a. m; " " " Renovo..5 40 p. m.- Eitii; hail leaves Phiia II 65 p. in, " " Ilcnovo.....ll ho a. ui. " " Eniporluni.l 30 p. m. " 4 St. Mary'a-2 23 p. ni. jtiugway ... 40 p m. " Kune 3 45 p. rn. arr at Erio 7 45 p. in; ! EASTWARD. Day Express leaves RenovolO 05 a. ru. " arr. at Phila.... 6 85 p.m. ekik mail leaves Erie 11 85 a. in.- Kane 4 in p. ui. Ridyray....5 17 p.m. St. Mary's5 60 p. ni. Emporium. 6 65 n. na.' .1 II I. " Renovo...,..9 00 p. ru; arr, at Phila.........? 05 a. nit BALD'w-'tit'. General' Sap'tv-" tl Wm.