nenrj A Parsons, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, JAN. 27, 1881. ENTEKED AT THE roST-OFFlCE AT RlDOWAY, PA., A3 SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER. GenkhaIi Grant Is wild to smoke n. hundred clears In two weeks He Iuim URi'd the snme lira ml of imported ci gars for ton years Tliey cost $'.'2.50 n hundred. Colonel Bolt 'ingei-poll pny $50 lor h box and uses from live to ten cigars a day. General Bntler pnys HO nnd sometimes $2 for h box. Senator Mntt Carpenter, who nearly killed himself by nmoklnir, lias been reduced to three clears u day. There are come gratifying points about the public debt statement just issued. Itshowp tliut the tig): regale amount of the nnlional inilcltedneH, incluiling both principal and in I crest, is $2, 1 21, 48), 475.40. This in about 42 apiece lor every man, woman and child In the United States. The high est point ever reached by our public debt whm in 18(30, the year after the close of the war of the rebellion, when it stood at f 2, 773,230,1 73.n9. The de crease since that time is $(i51.754,0!)8. 29, or nearly 24 per cent., which is a very fair showing. In 18535, during the second term of Andrew Jackson, the debt was expressed liv the fewest figures, being only $37,613.03. The debt ou January 1, 1791, was S'75,4(i8. 476.52. At the beginning of 1810 it was $127,334,933.74, a larger sum titan at any period in the history of the country previous to the recent war. How Hie Forests Disappear. LUMBER OPERATIONS IX BLAIR, CAM BRIA. CLEARFIELD AND INDIANA COUNTIES. A correspondent of the fnrrolltown yew ban been at some pains to nscertnin the amount of timber, square nail round, now being put Into the 8usnelmnim river and tributaries In Blulr, Oiiiibi ln, Clearfield and Indiana counties. The following Is a state ment of the number of feet, though there may be some small contracts that have not come under his notice: John Ardcll 4,000,000 Joseph Van Ormer S.uuo.ouo Weaver & Belts 2.aOU,(iOU Flynn Bros 2.5-jWWO C. & V. Howard -t.nyij.iiou Emery, Barnetl ik Co B,5mVJ0 Ashberry Lee -liiu.nxi Brown, tal ly dc Co S.OUO.nut) T. B. Weed B.oyo.tmu Irvln & Hopkins Ji.uw.uiw 1'ayne &Co 1M.hhi.iwi liodiied; Co us.lXKi.iitw McCombie & (jrny 4.r0.0i"i Win. O'Harra 2..VSJ.oin ISuiuuel Hartzuil 3. W. McUi-e 'jii,iiiM Joseph Gray 2,iikj,iih) ii. K. lMtts l.o'JO.IM) Benjamin Hupfer Sw.iwl Win. Miilitilli'.v 4yl,i.M) Hubert .MuliiiUt-y fiuo.imo Michael Levy ii'KJ.iJiHi Francis Mitlmtliy T.-t"? .t.K . W. Jose I.TW.iiih) James Mctiee lw,im Irwin Bros 5.i.ii,ii Bard & Cassldy 8,iiii,ihki Dots fc ( o O.'HSI.OOft James Chupmun 3.uki.i Aaron I'lUcliin 5,o Martin Kiitiull'. 'J.i.u.iJ John Linii.v, Mr T.u id.i'UU Vincent Tompkins Aamn F tcliin and others will put in on Cush Creek, Jndlann county 10,000.000 Total., ..loj.OUO.OOU V Inter. - Indications on every hand nssure us In no uncertain manner that Winter has inaugurated a reign of ice and snow of a magnitude unheard of in many years in this section of the country. Each day snow falls in greater or less quantities, generally greater mitil the face of nature is covered with a mantle of snow any where from eighteen indies to two feet in depth. The hauling of'bark, wood and lumber, that lias been extent with the advantages of good sleighing and just about the right quantity of snow dur ing the first part of the season, is now interfered with by the great depth of snow in the woods, which brings business almost to a standstill. The woods about town are bending al most to breaking with their weight of snow; which hangs in festooned beauty, aud when gilded by the tun's declining rays or tinted with the moon's pale beams, are an object of beauty mid gruudure, which some painter might try in vain to portray on canvass ; no picture can ever be made that will bring to the mind the thrill of delight to lovers of the beautiful that are awakened by the sublime spectacle of the evergreen hemlocks and pines that stand thickly studding the hills about our beautiful Borough garlanded with their bright wreaths of beautiful snow. This winter is one long to be remembered both for the great number of terribly cold days, as well as the great amount of snow and long continued good sleighing. Even in the memories of the "Oldest inhabitant'1 this winter is ttot excelled in the particulars above named, and we much doubt if in that same mind it bus ever been equalled. Lumberiug operations have been pushed to an unheard of extent, em ployment is given at fair rates to many, everybody is busy aud all are happy on account of the. excellent winter and liberal allowance of the beautiful snow. Steel Rail Productfau Last Tear. The Iron Age say that the increase in the production of steel rails last year is extinmted at about 25 per cent., or, In round numbers, feoO.omi net tons. The output at the various mills is like ly to be aliout as follows: Eduar Thompson. UO.OOil; Cambria, lmi.iKMi; North Chicapo, f5,0IO; Juliet, 8"(mi Bethlehem, fco.OOO; Pennsylvania, 9", 000; Kcranton, 7J,0(K; Troy. 70,(Hi; Cleveland, 00,000; Union, 6,(i0() ; Vul can, 40,000, It should le stated, how ever, that the production during the last six months is much the greatest, some of the mills having been entirely closed during the early portion of the year. The above estimate is believed to understate the output rather than otherwise, in which ease a production of over a million and a quarter net tons can be made iu 1881 it necessary. 120 and 150 fire test oil is the poorest Morgester keeps A few more pair gloves left at Morgester's, selling at cost. Morgestef's Ridgway Soap Is a bftrgaio 4 cake for 2.S cents. . Nnsby. MR. NA9BV MAKES SUNDRY .AND DIVERS ACKNOWLKDOMENTS, Con fed lit X Roads, I Wich isln the State uv Kentucky January i, Some time since some friends In Illi noy sent me a shirt, lieinbutslx In ches in length from the collar to the eend uv the tall, it wuxn't uv any great yootility considered en a shirt. Ez n token uv remembrance it wuz a perfect tlnng, but considered in t lie lite uv aslilrt for were, or lor pownin for likker (which Is the yoose I hev git'crally put my shirt to), it wuz a failyoor. J don't keer about lievln shirts pre sentid to me. Ez a rool I don't wear em, and when I go into Republican conimomiitics wher sick sooperllooitics are considered nessnry. I kin borrer em otl'uv cluzo lines any time utter twelve nt nite. Hut likker, that is another thing. People in the visinity uv the Cross Roads do leeve titer shirts out all nlte, so a supply is alluz attainable. Rut I never knowed a man In this visinuity to every leeve a burl uv whisky out fiver ni'te, and cqiisekently that hez to lie prokkoored otherwise. A few days after receevin that shirt I got u little box by mail, with the fol lowing letter: Ottumwa, Iowa, December 10. Petroleum V. Xuxby: . I have been . a constant reader of your letters for some time, and as you stand greately In need of a Jug of whisky, I take this opportunity of sending you h jugful for Christinas. Hoping it will reach you safe, I sub crihe myself, M. C. Carlos. This wuz a holler mockery. It wuz a lug aud wuz actilly filled with whisky, b'lttliejtig itself wuzn't big ger than a thimlile, and the HUker it contained woodcut hev made u drink for Tom Thumb. I drank it. how ever, but the only efl'eck wuz lo nrowse a slumLerin appetite, and make me insane for more, wich wuz wloked, ez Rascom positively refoozes tn give any credit watever, and I hevn't seen a dollar since I wuz votin for Hancock in injeany. Rut it merciful Providence interfered ez it ulliiz does. The very next day I rcseeved the folleriu letter: Canmi, III., Dec. 23d, 1881. To ficv. Petroleum V Xuby, C'on- federole X Poo flu, A ..." Estki.mkd FniKNii: We, a few of your admiring Incmls here in Egypt, have read with much pleasure anil fully endorse the observation made by you on receiving a shirt or what pur ported to be a shirt, from some of your friends up at Kininundv. From 'des cription we arc led to believe that if tnis particular garment, or what pur ports to lie a garment, Had licen before Tom Hood when he sung "the sonir of the shirt' he would have cut his tune to short meter We desire to furnish nmore material token of our regard to you for your dislininiished services in ' behalf of our time honored, buttle scarred old party. i nerc is nothing mean norsmaiinbout us. We think we know where to touch a tender, sympathetic chord in the Democratic heart. We send no siipeilluous articles of food or clothing. Ours is a more substantial oli'ering ; something more in liaiinoii) with Democrat hi ideas, more congenial to Democratic ta-tes, mote palatable and toothsome to Democratic epicures, mid something which the average Demo crat can always ''roll as a sweet morsiil under his tongue." In other words, accompanying this we send you u quantity of us uood whisky us tiny body need wnntT We do not stop to inquire whether this liquor is better or best ; we acknowledge no such dis tinctions; all liquor is good to a Democrat. This is Fisher's standard article; it is such as Democrats use here, and v e trust it will compare fa vorably willi Rascom's favorite brands. We part with il somewhat reluctant I v, but we arc consoled by the thought that you will do umple justice to it. We send this us our "Christniasgit't'' to you, i he greatest Democratic lender anil chieftain of the age ami with it lie wish that you may have a merry, jolly old time. Your admiring friends, Frank J. Fostkr.W. H. Johnson, II. E. (,'KA.MHU, Gko. Y estckoft, A. Van Tuvl, J no Wiioui', H. J. W. Fisher. Accompanyiu this was a mile keg. Oh how eagerly I opened it. I cood not wait for a hammer, but I tore it open with my hands. Enclosed with in wuz a jug, a two gallon jug. Then came a sickeuin tlmt. Wuz this the work uvsuni Ablishen feends? Wuz this jug Hi led with water? Wuz it n gaslly joke? Nervin myself and feel' in the worst, I pulled the cork. Hal lelrogy ! It wuz whisky, and the best I hev soot lied my bowels with for many a day. I am liviu on the likker, but it is about out Wood that that jug wuz like the Widder Cruse's oil, inexhaustible. IStil II Is ever thus. The pleasant things of this life is ev anescent A jug of likker is like frost a lore the sun, but a bile stops with you u mouth.. It was Inrchinic that it came in u iialc keg. Hed the Corners knowd the contents uv the ktg it wood never hev rt celled me. Seiice Rascom hez dun uwuy with the credit system a gallon jug of likker is sullicieut lo prodoose a riot. Foliciiu this comes this letter: PllELi's, N..Y.. Dec. 26, 1880. P. V. Mashy Dear ISir: I have m the honor (it living in Illinois, but 1 am one of your 'ev York admirers. My beli My sympathies are aroused in your nut, and us you are expecting a "nale keu" with a iuir in it. I take pleasure in sending you the keg, but it contains Jfuril Cider whisky not being in my line. If a Democrat hud manufactured it, however, it might have been "Apple Jack ;" but as I am a Republican Rcchabite, it is "Apple Jelly." I trust you will accept it, nnd find il so "comforting" and appetizing that you will begin the New Year u Kechubite. Hoping to hear from you soon, I re main, Yours truly, V. L. Hioelow. The keg contained a large cun uv some kind uv a compound called "ap ple jelly." the yoose uv wich I don't know. I took it over to Rascom's tind traded it for a quart of MS nno whisky, and Mrs. Rascom yoosed it on tier ta ble. She sex it is a delightful thing to hev iu the house, ami she hez never quit talking about it. I didn't dare tell her it come from a Noo York Yan kee, for she woodent huv yoosed it, and she s poses to-day it wuz made in Kentucky. It don t make any dirl ruise. I got tlte quurt and so it wuz u v some yoose. I am willin to take most anything. If I can't yoose it mvself, I kin trade it to Rascom for wut i kin yoose, and so I git a benefit. Rut the jelly man must not for a moment supose that I kin yoose cider in that sliupe. It might hev tasted well when I was a tender boy, but my stumick hez past thet sort of tiling long ago. How ever, ez it wuz convertible into whis ky, J thank him jist the same. JNly address Instill at tile Cross Roads. rETUOLEUM V . JNA6BY, (Tollable.) The New West. Philadelphia Pnsj.) The population of the eight organ ized Territories foots up 003,033. Under the present ratio of Congressional rep resciitalion 1131, 425) two of these Ter litories, Dakota and Utah, would be eligible foradmission as Slates. Should the rutin be increased, as contemplated by the Cox bill, to 101,018, there is no lerrilory which yet comes tin to the stunduid. The Congressional rutin of Hppoi'llontnuit bus not ulways been Ihe test in judging the Illness of a petit inning 'lYrritorv to assume the dignity of Statehood, but as a general rule the application of a Territory whose population would not entitle It to one Congressman under the ratio lias not been favorably received. In consequence each decade makes admis sion more difficult to Ihe extent of requiring a greater population than wouid formerly sullice. Since the last census but one State, Colorado, lias, been admitted to the Union, though nearly' every other pre vious deende shows ati addition of three or tour. At t lie present time thcie are bills pending for the admis sion of Dakota. Washington. Utah und New; Mexico. These Territories are all in a thriving condition und rap Idly increasing ,in population The present Congress will hardly consider Ihcir applications now, and by the time they are taken up by the next Congress' the populations of one or two of (hem tit leost will probably have so far advanced as to warrant their ad mission. The applications of Wash ington and Dakotu are coupled with proposed chamres in their boundaries, which, in their future healings, are highly important, in the case of Washington it is proposed to increase its area by adding to it thai portion of Idaho directly east of it. Dakota it is proposed to divide in half. It is even urged in some quarters t lint it be divi ded into three. Such a division is, in deed, necessary if the average size of the older Stales is lo regulate the pro portions of (lie States to lie admitted iu the extreme West. This would be the correct rule if the rapacities and pros pects of these proposed States nre on u pur with their sisters, but not other wise. Between the 100th meridian and the Sierra Nevada Mountains is u vast re iflon characterized by insulllcicnt rain fall. Its former appellation of "C rent American Desert" was not without u certain degree of appropriateness. It is capable of supporting a very consid erable, but not u dense population. Agriculture can only thrive on the limited urea which will admit of irri gation. While much of the land is invaluable for grazing purposes and Ihe most barren regions seem to con tain an inexhaustible supply of min eral wealth, no well-advised person anticipates tliat this section will ever contain anywhere near the same aver age population as the corrcspom in States east of the Missouri. It is, therefore, a reasonable precaution against further gro.-s Inequalities of representation for Congress to insist that the Slates proposed from this section sha.l have u considerable greater area than the more favorably situated States of the East. Washington, the smallest of the or ganizt d Territorit s, has a population of 7,0U0. The desired addition from Idaho would increase tins a little and make its area about 8O.000 square miles or very nearly the size of Kansas As the situation of t he Territory is ex ceptionally favorable for lis acquiring ultimately a dense population this is probably siillicicntly large, (hough il the Rocky Mountains were made its eastern boundary, giving u portion of Molilalia, us well as the northern part of Idaho, the new state would still be smaller than Colorado or Nevada and litt le if any larger than Oregon. Da kota is u vast region over three limes the urea of Pennsylvania Its fertile wheat lands east of the Missouri in sure that portion of t he Territory a large population. A short distance west of the river the region of scanty rains and necessarily sparse popula tion begins. Ry dividing I his western third between Montana ami Wyom ing there will be enough le;t to make a Slate the size of Colorado, which will contain the hulk of Ihe present population of the Territory, which is 13-,180. To divide Dakota into three pints is to condemn it to a Territorial condition lor many years to come and then give us three leeble states with six Senators instead one stiong State with aju.-t allotment of two. New Mexico has a population of 11sj.4-:o, hut this is so largely made up of Mexicans and hali'-bieed Indians unfit to t-xercie the right of sufirage that the admission of this Territory is not desirable until the infusion ol new b.ood by imniiy ration shall materially change the character of its people. Utah lias the largest population ofauv of the proposed Slates, it being 14a.- ;f"u. 1 111- iiii mini ijuiriiiiii nnuiil stand iu the way of the consideration of its petition lor admission to the Union even If ils population were twice as large. Congress may not see its way to tsu 111 11 111 1 ily suppress poly gamy. It will hardly, however, lie willing to perpetuate it by. throwing around it the shield of States' Riyliu, The (iropcr disposition of this Terri tory is to cede it to Nevada, under such conditions as will insure the anti Mormon clemeiits ihe useendency in die Stale thus enlarged. Nevada would then have an urea somewhat less than Texas and a population o! 2o0,0tHi, which would make it lead both Delaware und Colorado instead of being, us now, a -discredited unci dU'crcditahle pocket borough of 62,000 inhabitants and with little prospect of improving its condition. At The Idrccale GAlce. main street, over powell t kime's stoke. May be found: Notcpuner, billet note, octavo note, foolscap, legal cap, letter paper; invi tations und uotepuptr b sheets of paper and 100 envelopes in a box all for one dollar. Scrap pictures in endless variety. Autograph albums, a beuutiful lot, ut low figures. Fancy notepupe and envelopes iu handsome boxes. Silver perforated cardboard. Rluck bristol board, and other colors for corn ucopius, nnd other fancy work. Shelf paper, the neatest thing out for pantry shelves, clock shelves, ami all other kind of shelves. This paper is machine made, and we sell any quantity from one sheet to 50 gross. New Year cards. It will puy you (o see our stock, Shakespeare, Byron, or Scott's poetical works complete for $1.00, a beartiful present for a lady friend, at The Advocate office. Don't forget to call and see our scrap pictures. Also abeautful lino of Christmas cards just received. j 1 ... 1 1 PciinsjlTanla titles. POPULATION OF CITIES AND BIO TOWNS OF THE STATE. The following table gives the population of the cities nnd hnrcinulm of llto Htntn having over 5,000 lnhnblinntN. The towim g.-lmnilly hove shown n Htendy but mil Innrvi'llnin growth. Wilkes-1) m- hits grown llm fiislrst of the Id tow im of 1K70, biiirrnHlng nonrly I.VI per rent. In ten yenrs. Briidrnnl, of ihmiisc, Iiiir developed from nlttiosl mulling In tin present proportions, a few of the siniilliT cities have lande hut slight Iihmpiii, Idle nt least three, Cnrllsle, Hiinvllb I Lin k Un veil, have di'cllnrd In popnliilliin neioly or quite 25 p-r cent. In the deeiidi', M Ivllln's Inrreiise Is slightly sliovo I hit n vein mi In. ciM being ti early 25 per mini., whllo thn Stiiiu at large Inoreuscd at a nitci of 21 per cent. rhllndrlphlR SIB.ftSI MoKopvpnrt R.2I2 Pittsburgh . 1 i.. I NIIIIIIIOKIII H.INI . 7S.IM Hiinvllle 7.7IHI . 4S.siH I o (module 7,711 . 4H;V) fluxion 7.I7J . Sl.7'12 Plymouth 7,:IIM 27.7 W Oil my 7,.'l- . M 7it Miihnmiy 7.ISI . 21.1W West I iieb-r 7 .IIIH . 111.71H Huwlloii O.WlTi Allegheny , Huriinlou tending Hnrrisburg Eric ijincKsler Wllk. s-Httire.. Altoonn WllllHtiisport.. Alien town , Chester York I'nttsvillv Norrlstowit Kiistou ishi-nnnilonh ... Bradford Tltusvllle Meiidvllle Lebanon New Cantle Johnstown Columbia lSjniK'hiiiiilnrsbii ig 11,7 PI ls.'OOT I'hot-tilxvllle ll.ilsl 14.1HMI tiiinhiir ...II.M.'I 13.1H0 Carlisle 13.:! Ashlnii-! n.0H Kingston , U.vr'i Loi-k Ibivcit ... 10.14.S'Tiniiiiiuii , 9.1!i7.-ihnion P.OI0 l'oltstown S,MW Ciirrv 8.77S, Bristol .SJirHethlchem 8.3S0 Beaver Kails.., 8,aii Franklin , II.L'IJII li.ll.VJ "i,s7K 5.S-I3 fi.7 .'Mis I n,:m fi.277 .r,-7.'l .i.l!U 5.PH .5,010 THE BOOKOF. THE AGE. THE PROHLkM L1F15 1IEUK AND OF HUMAN HlillEAl'TEU. "BY WILFOBD." This book has unquestionably re ceived, from Ihe press aud the clergy, stronger praise u,,y other book ever published, and Is universally ad mitted to be the only work iu exis tence which absolutely' demonstrates a personal Ood and the iininortalily of the soul by science ubuie, without the aid of the Wide, utterly annihilat ing the theories of Darwin, Huxley, Tyndull, llelmhol'.z and others of the evolution of man from the lower uni niulsund his extinction ut death. No better proof of the extraordinary char acter of tliis work can be asked than the following extracts from the relig ious tress a mere specimen of hun dreds equally enthusiastic: "This.lsjthe book of the age, and the unknown author need aspire to no greater literary immortality than the production or this work will give him, and thousands of the best educated minds that have been utpallcd by the philosophical teachings of moilern scientists will rise up and call him blessed" Methodist Protestant, Baltimore, Mil. "We can truly say that wc arc at the oiiuinidity, thorough ness, ami, marvellous ability of the tiuthorof this work." New Coven ant, Chicago. "It is i nUrely out. of the ordinary line of scientific und philosophical bonks, and abounds in orgiiineiits of a most startling character." Herald and Presbyterian, Citin. "Although strictly scientific, its out aim is the demonstration of a personal (iod and a hercufler for humanity. It is 1111 exhaust less mine of christian truth, it is the literary thief il'neuvre ofthe age. All ministers and lay members should read It. It is ail armory full of the Almighty for the pulling down of strongholds. It is worth its weight in diamonds." Urcthreu at Work. "The author (a man of acknowl edged genius nnd confessedly the brightest scientific star of modern times) hassiartled Ihe religious world into transports of joy and praise. No re'ligo-scientilic work has received both from the secular and religious press such willing and unqualified iiruise us the Problem of Human Life, t is the death blow of atheistic science.'' American Christian He view, Cinn., O. "We most cordially concede to the Problem of i 1111111111' Life the well earned title ti e book of the age Doubtless the (iod of Providence bus raised up the authorto meet the wants of the church in the time of need.'' Dominion Churchman, Toronto. 'Without doubt it is the most start ling book of the century. I would rat her have the honor of writing such a book than to be President of the United Slates " Wutch Tower. It is a large royal octavo of 52" pa ges, richly boiinil in cloth, anil con tains excellent likeness of six of the grandest scientists of the age. It will be sent postpaid for $2: Agents wanted in every county, to whom ex cellent terms will be offered Address all orders, SCHELL & CO., Gen. Agents, No. 19 University Place, New York. Truth nio! Honor. Query: Whut is the best family medicine in the world to regulate the bowels, purify the blood, remove eos tivenessund biliousness, aid digestion and tone up the whole system? Truth and honor compels us to answer, Hop Hitters; being pure, perfect and harm less. See another column. Toledo IJtadc. , ', Eislev's Witch Hazel Cures Headache, Bums, Sprains Cuts. Wounds, Rheumatism, Tooth ache. Earache, etc. Warranted equal to any made, at half price. 6 oz. Pottles 25 cent: Pint Bottles 50 cents: Ouarls SI. Have your druggist order, if he has nor in stocK. or CHARLES F. RISLEY & CO., Wholesale Druggists, 64 Cortlundt St.. New York Citv. n47 4m. A ftFTTTC! ) For the complete and t;rrC;S V Authentic Record ol W iiJN ILiU ) the Achievements of STANLEY IN AFRICA The developments by Stanley in the Dark Continent, his remarkable dis coveries und wonderful Descent of 2 jOO miles of the Congo River, shoot ing rtipids, und cuturucts, amidst the most difficult und thrilling situations, during udventures with wild beusts, and no less wild Suvages has no par allel in the annuls of explorations. It is more I'uscinuiiug than romance contains over "uu pages, und striking illustrations. .Send for circulars and terms and se cure Territory at once, for this, the most interesting aud popular book of the day. Address, Wm. Flint, Publisher. 623 Samson St., Philadelphia, Pa. u47 t4. No scrofula can be so deep seated, no sore so stubborn, but that Ayer's l'arsaparilla will be found helpful. It . 1,1 . . .. . ,. will effect a cure, If cure be possible. ItegMcr'rt Sot lee, NOTICR Is hereby glben that the followlitg account will be presented at the next term of Orphan' court for confirmation: 1. Final account of O. W. Wur Xell it I lit 1 11 l-l rut or of Edward liable late of S Marys Borough deceased. FliKI) Scihknino, Register. Light running, Latest Improved DOMESTIC, lit prices never heard o IsMfore, at Mrs.W. H. Service's. TEAMS WANTED for bark hinil-t lug either by Hid cord or by tlto l ty a the Brookston Tannery, Brookslon, Forest County, Pa. I! HI J' Yourself hy milking money when a goldi n idiitnec Is offered, thereby itlwnys kernlnu novertv fri m your door. Those who nlWHys bike iid'vHiitnge of the good ehnnce Tor im.kli g money Hint nre oll'ered, generally become wenllhy. while those who do not lui sueh ehmiees reuiitlii in poverty. Wi wiinl. tniiiiv men, women, hoys, and girls lo work f.r us rlnht In their own localities. The business will imy more thiin ten tlmesordl miry wiiges. we furnish Rn expensive out lit unit till thst you need, free. No one who engage fulls to imiko mom y very rapidly. You run devote your w hole time to the work, 'r only your spare moments. Full Infonnn I Ion ii ml nil tlinl Is needed sent free. Ad dress iSTINHON i CO. Portland. Maine. The elastic plant sprinkler. An Indispensable article for showering plants, keeping them in a healthy condition, and useful in sprinkling bonnets and moistening clo'bes Cal and see a sample at The Advocate ofiiec. - "3" HOW LOST, HO? RESTORED! Just published, a new edition of Dr. CulverwelPs Celebrated Esny tin tin i-tire. of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weekness, Involuntary Sem inal Losses, Iinpi tency, Mciitul and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also Consumption. Epilepsy und Fits, induced by self Indulgence or sexual extravagance, &e. The celebrated author, In this ad mirable Essay, cli al ly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practici that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured: pointing out a mode of cure at onci simple, certain and effect mil, by mean, of which every sufferer, 110 matter what his condition may be, may cun himself cheaply, privately and mdi Cdlh. Ci""This Lecture should be in tin hands ol every youth and every man In the land. Sent under seal, in 11 plain envelope to any aililrcss, post-paid, on receipt o; six cents or two postage stamps. Address the Ptiblhlit is. The CULVEU W ELL M EDICAL Co. 41 Ann St , New York, N. Y.; Posi ofllce 1 ox, 4oS(i. That splendid rrgan sold hy D. f Andrus & Co., Williams-port, Pa., foi 75.oi) cash Willi 7 stops, solid wul nut case and 5 'ect 11 inches high. l sold now for JMii.Ou with one mor stop and the grand organ knee swel additional. Write them Terms easj on long time also. Scrap pictures, Authors-, pen hold ers, note paper, envelopes from size 1 to size 14. A large and elegant stock of fancy note paper in boxes ut Tm: Advocate office. Also shelf paper, which is neat, ornamental und dura ble. No trouble to show these good even if you do not wish to purchase. N EW LIVERY STAPLE IN MDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generallv. that he lias started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. fiiyHe will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Ofllce will receive prompt attention. AUL'J01871tl Shelf papc r sent by moil to any ad dress 25 cents for 25 yards. Try a few yards. Address, Tun Advocate Ridgway, Pa. This paper is machine made, and we furnish in many colors. In ordering name the color you wish. This is a very tasty article for pantry shelves, clock shelves, library shelves cupboard shelves, and iu fact shelves of all descriptions. SI' 1 Outfit furnished free, with full li.- HtriH-tlous for conducting the most prolitablu buslin-hs Unit anyone can engage in. The business Is so e;isy to ieurn, mid 'Ur instructions nre so simple und pinbi ihnt tiny one can tuuku great proUu from the very start. No one can lull who Is w illing lo work. Women are us successful as men. Hoys and (ill-Is call earn lurge bums. Many have made at the business over .one hundred dollars In a simile week. Nothing like H ever known before. All who engage are sur prised at the ease hi d rupidi'.y with which llu y are Hide to make money. You can en gage In this business during our spare lime ut great proiit. You do not have to invesl capital In It. Wu lake all the risk. Those who need ready money . should write to us at once. All furnlshtil free. Addie TKl'K 4 1:0., Augustu, Maine, u'JUyl Slitlf Paper and Scrap Pictures. At the Advocate office. The shelf paper is in many colors; the scrap pic tures in endless variety. Also auto grap albums, fancy note paper, etc. Cull and see us, over Powell & Kime's store. Visiting curds, and Chrit-tmas cards, besides Reward of Merit and other cards. It won't cost you a cent t call and ee our new stock, just re ceived. The most complete Institution In the United states lor thu thorough pracllcul education of young and in'dd.e aged men. Isludcuu admitted at any time. - -( or circular giving full particulars ad dress J. C.HM.TH, A.M. fltwburgli, Pa. Get your NOTE PAPER, EN VELOPES, and CIIROMO VIS ITING CARDS at The Advocate office, over Powell & Kime's store Ridgway, Pa. (M?tt The Literary l,'!l!, wenwT flnr I-i Jnminrr. 1!T9. riv Uli.TllI if;S O'll"" "f "- Sllmll Vvlllliie. At invsrnl. It llUlVi IU J i(-a vi, nmt- of Muiirt.uit ImjoIih. V fr flHlvcrinT 1 1 pm-rtfwt- ovrr f..n r honk aT. f0 ,..rt x yuv.tir uiiuinI i r On romtmr t"Ti Month nt li'Mtt 2,000,000 nd pmlubly 3.00O, COO v.i.l Ik ivp.iml. 1U! mntt -m!rrTiil uw hJfh tho " it v.ihition"" has AcliifveU be attributed to iu h-odUiff )iinir tch mn i I 1 it'illtli mily iKmkri of 1 en! merit. H. Wimt I worth rv dinfr U wMth prrwrrfnrr-nlt hrrfc nr twfrt'TAtM rfrrtipV bomvt. . III. Wur( ou the bo- is of th j pre eat coni ut making boo, whciit voi-y ntuth K-m Uiun It pw year I V. rioftk h w rmnmonly hron rnmldorrd lumrlrn t In ft frri rrrib1ifi tliry otirM to comUU-n-d nrl llvmnt II tx ct wiil imy txtt bnnk-i y tH tniilinn if urirr. hit it!:i'fi (i v. 1; Lin tut lr r-nch. , M . , V. T iiifikn SI 1 in I A ffliuit U httr limn V innk i'lon'v, ami HM nnk:i fn'd nt a t of fl rarTI phx f-tftt nf mity lfv0, v lillt 1.w'.kn h.n.1;s nt a rullt of I'ccitt cwli ffivo a pi-OLl at $10,000 t Wid it I uwi Hc.ur a wtjU im mors uroiit to M.-11 t,tu Htuliuti. TIIJItvVTY OF Largs Tyna Edition. Iti-rv n'l-r to I'luf'blnt thfl tfnt. l'rlnt'-fl TTil'h,JmirTTr,n..?.f1 M(ir one bound In Dlti'Cti .Iritfiiit nftur o rutiiiMcrt nf nlxiitt WX) injr m " vit. - 1111111 Aitpii'ioM it, nml vi ptr f 'lit niort; mnii rf'timmm r-svy Juniiin'T 10, IKSI.ntnl fitlict roli'mri w II follow f BJ-.tut two oarli lunntli.tlil tha i'itlm vt-kfcnmu.btOfl. l'i It ', tt of ll vo.uims, in cloth, g 0.00 1 In half KumtltMt top, 822.80. teeomuibUxfc Gliambers s A' ft portion of fhc1 1.dtrarv f tnlrrr-al K'nowlodr". wo two Clin.ncr'' Tu-pliMdia oparntlr, wlthottt t!i2 Aim t K-aii labittinnn, roni, Ii t- l:i I) vunnm lftitio. 1 tliin stlc II U pi ii;til t urn r.''wi-ktii-tvpr I'lutrn mnCo fi'.Kti rciy i-'i-ttr tiiKijrtw :l ty, l'ru- , A ;;no ffhtln-i, ciotli. .50 Aldi;n ntittcii (ll:;rr. Icavirr papur, widsi r.mrffiiiit ball kiukio, tfiit top, 918. In till stylo it U now couipictt- and being deliveid to purUiUMr. What is the Verdict? Anybody rnn afford to own a cyclopedia now. Vm, KflcnviMc, H. T. . . . V.'t can only iriw-at our ht-nrty cotti in iidftUnn r f a tn-humo which places In the hands of the people the neat litcmtitt n,t a Micn-W liominnl in ir- T urhr, lUistnn. 1h-j of chi up mid fmod Ikk Ih I onou more with us, and tho American Rnok Excnanffo merits the praise for It. .;.il, ;ti Hntiwtrr, I'mlHuS tl'fllf, I'tfin. H;w Mimr rii-ii lolotiw bit yo'i ft (loal fortune which you n-o rprnTln In piiWWiinp iookf for I hp people nt poniltm) ttrftT4f If wj, i adniiievur lu.-to Lut won't Uic citl-iiiio pu. lisinrH I.- ylad when it imoiic f il. K.Cutra ln5, Itioidulph. N. Y. , M tlr ci' rate. any man mny, and crcrr rinn rhonld. h.avp n. Uhmry. -7i Altian.-, rMfcfttto, !. . . In dofii-x won -uim in buolc-IuuL.iiK. A v lil pun wxq t rod i:imi-y. . W proiouiMe them the lMt 1 ooks for tiie numiy tl.ut, evi r cmni; to nvr potlci. Tit U lem-n, V.K-Uy. '.' . , It lia iimttiT of w ,in!cr how kucI. bouiutiit linn bindiuj wiiagoud paper and firwii type, can be offered at auch a prii-e. 7A Siunti.iriL f liicng.t, I I. ' A . It Ih a mystery I irh w.) w i.l not atmp t'1 CTplftln how the Ameri-an r.oik Kxelinnr' can r fTord to publNrt iich ien:a: KiiMV chiap 'H of I D'.her i:h;i;-hvn n.ay lie 1m !ir.t t t. hmti nt tin ri. hi t -n Icur ns tho K p'lbll 4u-m n Look at ouo-tvtilli tho coat ai v. liicii it U oirercd ciscwhert', nicun. cnmiot liiiii them. ynmiMMiitvlHe, Ky. . ... j , V. ha vu bfi. t iio ptven renroi: notices of this work, because we bel.cvo we arc doing a faror to our It entire y oMi'i1. -ntf crv,rn t tt nno of the extn'ii-lvr cilitiom. -..itoa i.uju.t- t' our ivusium W k:iow of no puUi atU-n -t recent t!atc thr.t Ccserres no larpe a Share of public encouragement as tnl one. 8-4itH iv MmhirU, . n'-hinplon, I. C. . 'inc Amevicnn Hook Krfhnr.pR Is dulnc tv very remarkable work in tho reproduction of standard books at '! Vliarnct'-r of Ihii imirvuiou ly low work U too well known to need much Uftbontflon of Its mcrita, 7. ere;4tl'ltt.-.liu:vh. . , . i if w.'ll printed nnd hound. The r form H ntlv more er nrenl- rt thrn tho tinul onwfrldy quarto or octr.v . anil their p. kv in rh. np Irt-yond nil pn-c-drist in li.iuir-i.iuhiiiir.-'oi.i. . Cii;ol. Uolunibu. Ob. p. ... It hit: tu rn pivr.;ri.l wii.ii tho (fi-ent.-t dilit.'ene and hkill. nml the lilfiary ki'i'ps vbhh have been lavished itnon it nmliofl It- (un?er aitlcli-4 pltiiMtnt a wi II a t.mroi rhly inMnietive and t.u-twmthy i-tul;t. Ptlui-ff t'"iutn have h-i'ii )nirtil. nnd v p.-cml.- In the wltntitic, liiir"ftp)i enl. and historfi-al nrticle. everthinif la rou-lit up to th vci v I:ii(v-t (jit-. ChaniiM m",Ui iuet, u t.ic cbtaint,thu moi.t compi;tu,aud In ail svumui tin.- Ut-t cue eioike.h!i.-falir lav .Yiy'.t tiin ili:ia:i. .tt It ha - Rie i ni ireat pleasmv t.) ii'iHinnenn your noHe entemrlfo thrnnfnont Vlnnnla. Tonr names win have tort.-iud with tlioMj 4.1' Ik.wnid. Cjbikn, NiKhtiugak-, iioric, Fuilou, ui.J i.Ui.11, ij .loimera of tbu niuc-Uv-iith e. Mlnry. It. N. tlAltRCTT, Kkhmoii , n. The bo.:i nre received. I am wi ll ptcased with them. Tour company 13 worth more ti the common neopio t'tn the I'i'ftboiiy I-tnd. It mnn me n l -oo; to lot;!; ut ynir cuuuojfuc. You miktvc the prabH-i of ail c!ok ol the ;hmi1) Z. I. WAtssKH, Vndkin CoUrpN North ('ai-olijio. of liI.-Hin-t on the man who nteit i.rlntini;, thnurajitN more for htm who nw trat Invention for the h -fit! ic ol' hi k.lkiv-countrvimn. '1 he b oI;h v hit h 1 Imm- mti ie .! fiuiu you uro woudtuiul twluuitM lor tbe tuucy. . U. CjXsJj, I'tkaWr Cviieatioiiai CliunU, V. hitewator, V.'id. Standard Histsry. Meftiilny's"Enplnnd'ro:uced from 7.50 liiei'e iiiiin in.uu 10 ivui.ui n 1 Kntrland." IJiilxot'1 "France." Sletize.'rt " iiiiiiy 1 cars' v, ur,- ieasy a " u inus 01 me oriu, - preparing. t'pm"7 iow m price. One bonk by enrh of the preat ftuthori who have won clnslo fame life I ' too fhort to rend all their vork, but vci rund of in- h. Kxtr.t cloth bound, Intpe tyje, SO to Ml cftitt eai-h. Rcntt's IvhiiIhi -. " tliclffiirt'4 "roinii'i-ncl.! ' F.lioi'.t ' llnninTn ' lluhvt r'M ' Pimineii " Kiiio.1iv'n "II viwitia." nbei-j"- ' L'artla." lln-OieH'ti " llnnb Irvine' " Knlckcrboi ker.' OrvnnU-'j" " lion mnlxnte. It utro'fl "Ies Mteera bies," Thaekeniy- ' NcwtDinpn," Cooper " ilohbnnf," I Baffe'a " (iil I tin, Onethe'M Wllhehn MekttT," Klch t r'st "Titnn." ! Rtid'H " C'Hlnni'," Miu'dnnaldN A'pc Korbus," Muiock'M " JoUii llal.fux," Uionte's "Jane Kyi-e," iortrviiciU's " Father and Son," Ueadc'a " Love Mo Little." ,Us. Twcnty-eht standard books reduced ifllf l... or" I ..i-.v... Miii-nuLtv. CiltlMiii. Slmlri nnrA. Iiirw tvnt. vol.. fLfA Milton. (0 eenti " ni.iA," J cvuii Uomur'a " xj-jujy enWj "LiC4it CenU I m. r!imSorti r!vcIonadir of F.nttlHi I ITPrnTiirn ('t')ri.ti s.aenumv'H " F-ay.t" f em V.J.I.Q tof " Mwli in i .nies." le v.. is., from 5.oO L.KWI Ua f , (j Cp if; V roitfeai f.l " Lhriilcles " U0111 ftOU to il.Ui; "lho Koiau" from $iU& to 3t cenU; "American ratriuUaa," W ueiiU. Fin'h lturt'4, a: 41 etievY " Anlilin Nttt'it," " Robinson Crusoe.' Tftunynn's" rflffrlm's I' iii-im," ' Vi 1 'i.(li'V' " Munelia :ispu an.l UnUlmr'a Travels " 'ecil' Nutnrnl History," .SilVRlll'R riuueed from to l.0A bto.-icj aiiJ Da.Uad, ceuU, "Karl in tauter Laud," iKi centa. wm 1 wmiwa rll!Mt ..s To'ineN Orest ' Ilible Cono-flanof, (Snurccon ravi Cruden's I chfTd'n ptav compared with ;PrPin"'A i rid c I frj 1 u (iHi-ien i.if.' tt Christ.'' rxm to &u oenu, iOI lUwiJi Kitdi'i " CyclvpjeJia," Iiuai :0.i to sj.oO mith " Uitlo L ictiuiiaiy," lroin 3.u0to&0oeuti "Jjuhu!is W'Oii.," i1.00. Tkto lal Ilaitly I'xlcon." 1 '.'.luit-at! n,17 ccnti. " ITea'th by Hxci-clse." 40 cents. RVoftftlfflnniio ilealtli f.r," itu (Junior Fara iV fw itnt-. " Saying- ' aulhor- 111 jSCClluilEDUS- of biMi-rowffrMtw I'uirurV L-uut-." Luuvcu fioiti D.iiiy olan Old lawyer iiiiwvuiimiiwwmwi n . I ! 8co!t- "Tho Alt of lirai'lifv'tip Ei. hurt -an ih. me Grounds." reduced from $1. i'flSl'TiTfll I Psllr" t 1 te-TPO. v ue o( t!u 1,n- st book ever puMiMh d in th.s country. JVeeher nay : U 'UM U I 111 I ' Ultluwi jlt.;u ;a ct;lt r u(,k lli-tt en 11 compnrv tth It lor the want of fnimnfin pcupk." Ceo. Win. Curtis iys . " Is so 1 uil ol good t-m tuid Una fee mm tliut it bhouid bo in cvtry niUugo Ubrary." ovolution Pamphlets. OnlvhooV of fie nlff!t"t e'fis nm n-iSM-h I hvii.ftnH the p IceHare mwhyondi-omparbvm with the eheapeAl Look ever b.-fo v T tiht .trite a:d de i oiiatratu Umim trullu. we bt"d thu following book, ail coibpitAa kjnl iinabriiU'.i'I.po-ii pii 1. nt tin- prieui ii.iiii"1 : .Vo.M'il ty's " Ut' or F:- d"rii'k th (ir -at." Former oHre. 1 '!?. Prcv'er type, price S cetite. I a ;vltV " l.if- tf IW.-.-t ii ini-." Korr.ier prh e. Iija- brevier t-; pi h i- aeeii-a. I..i.' i - f Uv K iwin A. riold. Konm r prieu, I.M. I;eitiitif:l pinnt. br.A b r type, price It eenta. Vh Hm-m-V " Mail r.. sv( Chri.-t." K ri.K r p;i. e. 00. V- nut. fin luevb r type, pi ice 3 . oiitd. " Miirv ohhh .,f h-o m L le," by liiiftrtini'. Fount 1 pi ire, tl i. Bu-vier typ, 1 . ire Setbta. Ve-ir of Wake b I.l.' Uv 0ht ;o,.Ujiiith. Bivvit-r iype, bi niitifnl print, pi leu b i-tiita. B .iiy.ia'rt " liiiAJfi-i'-H Pro-i's." Uon; fcoia type, n aduu U'duiitm print, fciru-e ict'iit4. pewriptive catrtlfiyie s-nt free on recp;et. leinitb lhDk dial;, luui.ty older, rtifUiUred letter, or by expraaa. ': uwLwiia ol ohu Ool-ar may bo iit-lit iil p A'au titmp.i. Ati' t c w AraSlCA B(3r, EXCHANGE, rOIIX U. AT.DEN', Trilmiic Building, New York. AGETICIES: K II. 1.. HfL-tinr": VbMa ina-.tit 11. liiKiii. Mi uni t i-r A. :,. ; i'hifiiq i Abb 11 ." t iu-(i k-k. Hnt't t-n-vt , l a ton . j:i Mtiitlit r tow in the Rutin. Look Cathartic Pills ('(iinl.iiifi tho rlioirpst rntliarlin princlplos i;i tiicilit iui;, in ii'ni(ii-;iniit arriunti-ly nd-iif-til to Ki'iimi nrtiv'ty, ce-i'iiiiity,' anil iiiiilmnrv ,f ctVci-t. They nrn tlm' result nf yenrs of riucdil stiuly anil luactiral cx licrinifiit. nml are the "must t-ITi-ctiuil reni 'l.v yet ilisi overnl for ilisiasen, euiiseil l,v ili-r:iii'.;eiii:nt nf the stoinarli, liver, unit I nwels, wlili-li reciiiire roni).t aiitl rfiecliiiil treatnieiit. Avku'n I'm is nre it-cinlly to this rlitNH of (iiseasi-H. They act ilireetly mi the ilijiestive ami nssiiniliilive iroerssi's, mill rcstoru ri-Kiilnr liealiliy oc 'ioii. Their extensive tixe hy liliysieia'ns In their priu-tiec, anil liy all civilizeil nntioiiH, is one of thu many proofs of their value an a safe, sure, tint) h rfei-ily relialih: purgative liieilieine. lieiii coiiipo'iniiled of Ihe roil-iv-iitruteil riruien fif purely re;etahlo suit Ktaiiets, they are positively freo from t-alo-uiel. or any injurious properties, ami ran he ailinitiisu-reil to tliiilrn with jicrfutt suft-ty. Avkh'h Pim.s nre an rffeetttal rurn for Consliputiou or (oslivotiess, liull-res-tion, liMpepsi:k, Loss of Appetite, K011I Stuiiiiu-li fiixl Itrealh, Diz.iiiesn, llpttilaciic, Loss of Memory, Muitiliness, iiilioiisness, Janndiro, Klioimialisiu, Ki-ui tious ril Skin Itienses, Oi opsy, Tiiinoi-, Worms, Neiualla, f'olie, Cil-lpes, Diai i Ima, . Itynentery, Cioitt, "lies. Disorders oC the Liver, and all oilier diseases rrshlting front a disordered slate of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner 1111 thej; have no equal. Whilo (jentln in (heir action, these Pili.s irn tint most thorough and searching cailiar t ii? that can lie employed, and never give -lain unless the hoirels fire inrlained, and ihpu their inliueiice is healing. They Htimu 'ate the appetite and digestive organs; they tperale to purify and enrich tho blood, anil inpart renewed health and vigor to the whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BV ALL IlRCnll9TS ETHnTWHIBI. FOR EITflER SEX. EXCLUSIVE TEEEITOHY GIVEN ta agaats, doaler3 or psddhrs. To t-liow llmt our pood will eell on thtir merits, we will allow tiny ugeni tleuler or eddUr to return any jturt ol tlieir flitit order remuiiiin unsold alter f'-0 tlayg to us, anil will refund money for mine. There is no ailiule like it hi I he United tStuten, ami il will teil in nearly every family. Se cure the Hale or agency of it at nae, nnd (to In work. Address for teinu, WELCOME BURNER MANU FACTURING C'OMP'Y., Box 1502, PITTSBURGH. VK. Scrap pictures, shelf paper ma chine made, and note paver aud en velope. atT he-Advocate offleo. levolisteoiii mn...vm..t1t 1.. -...l t.0 hunt Ik. mill now iiin fnriimc thm lA nm triittnn of rhninbrm'ii F.nfvc1p" ii'niMiwuii in.wni t.i tit phi ,v AmerViin Mtniil in? wnmw olphubf'tlrui nnanKi mciit, ittIi flhittratlomt A" i i hcIi i - tnuv w inniCH. invlt'f tvnt mi MiinoHnr miner, anu it win I'oniain. cnmiiiitr, nliont 10 ier tnm mora ncyclo D8SClia. sfl ( ftVTrt l y piary v lio rrnll y want n frood rir-yrl prUn. Ut nre unable to prt oa i.uiusa.4- vi yur ivwiura arc tulxci i jcih Ioi 11, and ox)n!HBtl.uniiH.lvti highly aiu fc Books. to Jl.Sii Gibbon's "Home from to f5M: Orote'e wicirni. inior.v. 91.01; noiTiMiicii ioujf, wivni "(iennany." Cni'lyle'it "French Revolution." Scuiiler'a Fiction. ri cost from f 4fl.P0 to f .70; amonff ether work reins l-iiiiut'Iiiif. lln-hcU-t. Km Huh. llutawh l.ul.lU An.oMl of iukt," lino iditiou, ceuU; IIwiiuuim'm, GO flante. SO cent n: Vlnrlt. SO crnt;i llomer' Poetry. Liternt'ire." reduced from 9.0fl to M OO. Tnlnefrom 10 0 lelphla. U ary .o. . Cinclnimti. Hcbert Clarke ft Co. t A Co. : t vi U'ini llirnuiii, i iui k or . iuh ii nnjwn, t ; Sn Fi n ii 1. Cuiniiiigliuin, Curtlsa tft Wilcb, bfc, Utr, only oiir 111 a pntue. 'Us 'fcl'uftf.t null lut lleilic.ue ever Hail. Acc,aMrjitfm of Hops, Buehu, Man I rn!iVm taJ Lt-jndoliorl. with ail Ui bent and raii&o aaJ Ltunclolion, "fh l' B.-tcluiit;, LrtiAitw ot all othr BltUra, ciuei liieereai.J Blood Purifier, Liver f,,u a i tor, and uroaud iluUtit Kcawruc Kodljes6,apIWTl'""f l" "h'raHop Iluraar u."i oUu tailea uuvl Iocl ar. vutirationfl. Sior bIti u Jitft T!gortfftti lgsl ai lnflns. -r.tLkM .amDloTDitcUcausio Irrerulart Toftaebol.orraty oran or who re- Udp Bittara an uiTlVu".hOUt IntOX' Icatins. No matter what your f ellnpr, or symptoms ar. wbat tlio diaeaae or all ,uwnt Ii uie Hop JJl( tora Don't wait uulU jou.lS i aioic out lr jroa onlr f.ol bad or niiwrabl.,1 " ' iem at one. ltuia7u.jr3urlir.ItuaalTa kundroda. S300 iU be paid for a ea1 they will not oure ur belli. Do not aufter 4',t 'mr 'rionda auifer.but uao and urse tbamk"UM Hop M Remember, Hop Bitters la noVJUo. drugtn4 di-unkcn nouti-um. but tha POi-cat n 0 Best Uediclne ever mado ; tha "IKTaUDaW. PBUBIB and on" and no person ar tamlly aboiud ba wituout mem. n abaol-ite and foi brunkenneai, uu ot opium, tobaoco and narcotics, aii aoiti ur arugfnsts. s for Circular. Bop Bitters Bf. Ca., Rochertcr.W T Toronto, n-t. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GRAY'S SPECIFIC REMEDY. Traoe mark Is especially TRADE MARK. j.. recommend cd as mi un IttiliiiK cure fir Seminal Weak n ess S pe rnuitor-i rliiM Ttvii-wt- Before Taiing 5 tenc v und all After Taking. '. deseaseg that follitw an a seijuciicv ou Self AliiiHt-; ti Losh of Memory, Uni- vt-iMu AjiiMKiiuue. rum in ine tsucK. -Dimness 06 vision, Prcmuture old' ii'o, and many other (lisoases that it'iiilM to insanity. Consumntion and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are tlrst cnuned liy ilevlatinn trom the pa Hi of natureand overindulgence. The Specific Medicine is the lesult of u life Ktudy and many years of experi ence in treating those special deseases. Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to tend free by mail to every one. The Specifio Medicine is sold by all DruprtCists at $1 per package, or six package for $0, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by adT d retain g. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., No. 1 Mechanics' Block, Detroit. Mich. BQTSold in Ridgwuy by all Druggists, everywhere. Harris & Jawing, wholesale Agent, Pittsburgh. itlMy Jam Poles Middletown X-Cut Sawg. Jcffard's, White's and Mann'i Axes. Tubular and 09 Lanterns. Files. Dittton's X-Cut Saws. Boynton's Lightning Sawe. Cokn Poppkks. Coal Hods. Stove Shovels. Repairs furnished for any stove. Ax Handles. Pick Handles. 1 lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. Main street. n39 One barrel . good cranberrle cents a rtiiart at Morgestef1 10