IlC fjk&VMlXtt. Henry 1. rarsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, JAN. 13, 1881. Entered at the Post-office at Ridqway, Pa., as second class mail matter. Set tied Srnator&lilp. Philadelphia Press. The Senatorshlps at stake in Cali fornia and Michigan hare been awarded without unnecessary delay and yet In the exercise of wisdom. These western Commonwealths are great In their way, and now and then produce a statesman of remarkable stature, out ine supply does not, as here In the East, exceed the demand, and so the choice of a United States Senator is with them an eay matter. Pennsylvania and New Jersey, how ever, will do well if their choice shall fall upon men as worthy and as able, each in his way, as Miller and Conger, whose election Is assured by the result of caucuses reported yesterday and to day. Omar D. Conger, who is to fill the chair of Zaehary Chandler, now tem porarily filled by Governor Baldwin, ts a man of well-enrned national re putation. His twelve years of service In the House of Representative have been marked by unflagging devotion to the public interests, combined with a zeal in behalf of his party which has made him the most cruel thorn in the side of the opposition. There is something of Zach (.'handler's rug gedness in his character, although he is lacking in some of that glorious old stalwart's good points, and notably in tact In leadership. He has risen, however, to leadership by fearlessness in harassing the flanks of the enemy. No doubt the congratulations that he will receive from his Democratic associates in the House will be sincere for there is nobody whom they dread so much in the guerilla warfare which the minority condition of the Repub lican party in Congress has made necessary for the last six years. "Whether he will be as useful on the floor of the Senate may be questioned, but, without doubt, his elevation to that body was well earned. General John F. Miller, who is to succeed Mr. Booth of California, lias figured little in national politics, but is known to public men in all parts of the country as a man whose usefulness has been limited only by opportunity. An able lawyer, of tine executive capacity and skilled in business affairs, he is also a stalwart Republican-und has an aimy reputation of marked courage and great mental resources. With such a character and record he can hardly fail to lie an acquisition to the Senate. Another Senatorship that seems to await only formal registration of pro nounced public opinion is that of Con necticut. General Joseph R. Hawley awaits this call to come up higher, and In him Connecticut will have a Sena tor of the approved pattern of states manship which was lost to that State with the appearance of Barn urn's money-bag as contestant for honors worn by Buckingham and Foster. His tardy entrance upon a heritage long since his own by right of public services and distinction as the favorite son of the Land of Steady Habits will be a cause of satisfaction all over the land. The assured result of these three Senatorial elections should in spire the Legislature of PennsylTania and.New Jersey to throw aside all petty issues, and address Itself to the selection of Senators who are at least the equal of either Miller, Conger or Hawley in ability. There is a plenty of good Senatoral timber at hand, but there are also many crooked sticks begging to be picked up. The time is ripe for the best men to come to the front. Let them be brought forward Robbers Arrested. Reading, January 9. The Lancas ter county officials yesterday succeeded In capturing two of the five notorious Buzzard brothers, who for years past have been the terror of tho country districts of eastern Pennsylvania. Their names are Abe and Joseph Buzzard, the remaining three being still at large. Two of the other meai bers of the gang, Diller. Clark and Henry Hower, were also captured. The Buzzard brothers are recognized as the leading members of the notori ous "Welsh Mountuin gang,'1 one of the most relentless bauds of plunder ers ever known in the State. All five of the Buzzard brothers live in small cabins in the mountain fastnesses and their comrades live in tho forests ad jacent. Thegang number some thirty and they operate between Reading, Lancaster and Philadelphia, running off cattle, stealing horses, robbing rail road' stations, freight depots and farm bouses. Their boldness this winter bas become alarming. Horses have been stolen to transport plunder, and, after having been driven all night, abandoned, more dead t linn alive, at daylight. School houses and churches have not been spared, and cross roads stores have been rifled of their con tents. A month ago ten of the baud were captured. Seven were sent to the eastern penitentiary and the re mainder were acquitted. The arrests yesterday were regarded as very im portant, and it is believed that the deathblow to this robbing gang is to be dealt very soon. One of the Buzzards who at one time was reported to be the leader of the band, Is now reported ts be aiding the detectives. The pris oners takeu were sent to the Lancas tor Jail. Get your bill-heads and note beads printed- at The Advocate of- Sheriff's Sales. BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY writs of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi tioni exponas, levari fac as, nnd testa tum fieri facias issued out of the Court of Common rieos of Elk County, nnd to me directed, I THOMAS SULLI VAN, High Sheriff of said county, do hereby give notice that I will ex'pose to public SHie or outcry at tho Pro thonotary's office, in Ridgway, at one o'clock P. M., on MONDAY, JAN. 24, 1881. All the right, title, interest, claim ond demand of defendant in, to, and out of all that tract of laud situate in the township of Benzinger, in the county of Elk, and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded nnd described ns fol lows: Beginning nt a post on North St. Marys road; thence west two degrees south one hundred and five perches more or less to the corporal ion line; thence south forty-six degrees east along the corporation line fifty five;, thence east two degrees north seventy perches more or less to St. Marys road; thence northward along the St. Marys rond forty five perches to the place of beginning", con taining twenty-five ncres more or less, snd being number fifteen on the map or plan of the town or settlement of St. Marys. Excepting all that piece of land be ginning at t he north-west corner of said John Walker's land and in the rear line of lots on St. Michael street and at the south-west corner of'a piece of land belonging to Michael Schina beck; thence along the south line of same and of land owned by Anton Benninger north 89jj east two hun dred eighty two and two-tenths (28i.L") feet; thence south west two hun dred and twenty and seven-tenths ('Jl'0.7) feet to the rear line of lots on St. Michael street; thence north 4;U west one hundred and thirteen (113; feet to t lie p ace of beginning, contain ing eleven thousand six hundred and two 1 lOOl'J square feet. On which there is erected a barn 30x40 feet, also a slaughter house 1-xlO. 2. All that tract of land situate in the Borough of St. Mary's, county of Elk, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit: Be ginning at the rear corner building! town lots thirty and thirty-two; thence in ix straight line with said town lots and along Xaverius Bucheit's lot four hundred and eleven 141 11 feet more or less to the line of J. Walker's land; thence westerly along J. Walker's land five hundred and seventy-three 573) feet more or less to the rear line of town lots on St. Michael street; thence southeasterly along said line of town lots on St. Michael street three hundred and seventy-four feet more or less to the place ol beginning, con taining one acre ana three-quuiters ot an acre more or less. 8. Also all thiil certain town lot or piece of ground situate in the Borough of St. Marys aforesaid known as town ot number fifty-four on St. Marys street in the map or plan of said Borough of St. Marys and being one hundred leet front on said M. Marys street by two hundred feet deep at right angles, bounded north by lot number fifty-six, east by lrgm alley, south by lot number fifty-two, and west by St. Marys street On which there is erected a house 2fi..S0 feet; barn 30x3J feet, and old house i&xuO with wing attached. 1. Also all that certain piece of land or part of a town lot in the Borough of St. Marys aforesaid, known as the southern port of lot number fwty-six in the map or plan of St. Marys and being fifty-seven feet nine inches more or less in front on St. Marys street by two hundred feet deep nt right angles, bounded on the nortli by a portion of said lot number fiity-six conveyed by John Walker to John Walker, Jr., by deed dated Kith of April, b1o, east hy Virgin alley, south by lot number fifty-four, and west by St. Marys street. On which there is erected a store house 28x40 feet. 5. All that certain piece of land or town lot situate in the Borough of St. Marys aforesaid, known as lot number ten on Chestnut street according to a map of lots laid out and surveyed by Charles Luhr, being eighty feet in fronton Chestnut street by one hun dred and fifty feet deep at right angles, bounded north by Mill street; east by an alley, south by lot number twelve, and west by Chestnut street, containing twelve thousand lll.t'OOJ square feet. On which there is erected a house 0x30 fctt with addition lTxJ 1. stories high, also small stable and well of water. 0. Also all that certain piece of land or town lot situate in the Borough ot St. Marys a foresaid . known as lot number twelve flL'l on Chestnut street according to Charles Luhr's map of lots in said Borough, being eighty feet in front on Chestnut street bv one hundred and fifty feet deep at right angles, bounded north by lot number ten, east by an nlley, south by- lot number fourteen, anil west by Chestnut street, containing twelve thousand square feet more or less. 7. Also all that certain piece of land or town lot situate in the Borough of St. Marys aloresaid. known as lot number seventeen 1171 on Chestni't street according to Charles Lulu's map of lots in said Borough, being one hundred feet in front on Chestnut street by one hundred and fitly leet deep at right angles, bounded north by lot number fifteen, east by Chestnut street, south by lot number nineteen, and west by Virgin alley, containing lo,O00 square feet more or less. 8. Also all that certain piece of land or town lot situate in t lie Borough of St. Mary's aforesaid; know as lot mini her nineteen on Chestnut street ac cording to Chnrles Luhr's map of lots in said Boiough, being one hundred feet front n t'liesiinit street bv oi hundred nnd fifty feet diep at right angles, bounded north by lot number seventeen, east by Chestnut street south bv lot number twenty-one, am west by Virgin alley, containing 15,D(iO square leet. Seized and taken in execution ns the property of Walker & Son, at thct-uit of Crouch Bros., & Co., and Wright & Co. ALSO all that certain tract, piece or parcel of ground lying amd beinr in the township of Fox, county of EIU antl State of PeiniHylvania, bounded und det-eiibed as follows. 1'eginninif at a popt the south went corner of the lot of land conveyed to Patrick Sliel vey by Norris and others; thence north 'by land of mid Shelvey 58 rods to a beach tree; thence wefct partly by land of L. Mohan li!3J rods to a beach; thence south dJ rods to u hem lock; thence east by land of John Wonderly l.'SJ rods to the place of beginning, containing 43 acres and allowance of 6 per cent, and being part of tract No. 4ii74, and conveyed to Dennis Toomey by Peter O'llam and wife by deed dated March 1st, A. D. 1866, and duly recorded In deed book L. Page 844 in and for the county of Elk, &e. On which there Is about thirty acre under improrement with young growing orchard on same on which there la a. hewed log bouse nbout 20x82 nnd one barn 80x40 feet and a spring of good water. Seized and taken In execution ns the property of Dennis Toomey ntthesuit of Peter O'Hara. ALSO nil the Interest of J. A. Spangler, defendant, In tho following two tracts, pieces or parcels of land: 1. All that certain tenement nnd farm buildings and tract or piece of land situate in Jay township, Elk County, Pennsylvania, being part of tract of land number 4845 described ns follows, to wit: Beginning nt a pine about t wo perches west of a spring; thence west fourteen perches to u stake; thence south one hundred nnd flfiy three perches to a black oak; thence enst fifty-two (52) perches to a black oak; thence north sixty-seven (f7) perches to the turnpike road; thence along said road northerly thirty-eight (38) perches to a stake; thence west fortytwo (42) perches to a chestnut; thence north twenty-two -22- perches to the place of beginning. 2. Also another piece- of land ad joining nbove described tract, des cribed as folio ws, viz: Beginning nt a chestnut stump on the east side of turnpike road aforesaid; thence along said road ninety-six -00- perches on the westerly side of snid rond; thence west one hundred and thirty-eight -13S-perches; I hence north ten degrees east forty-three -43- perches. Both of said tracts contain eighty-three -S3- acres of laud more or less. On the above first piece of ground there is about ten acres cleared and improved, and erected thereon a two story frame house 18x30 feet, with kitchen 12x10 feet one story high, barn 10x30 feet mid other outbuildings. Also about eight ncres cleared on second tract. Seized and taken in execution as the property of J. A. Spangler at tho suit of Joseph Wilhelm. ALSO All the right, title, Interest, claim and demand of defendant in and out of three acres of cleared ground, situate in the township of Benzette, Elk county, on which there is a new house two stories high 10x30 feet, nl-o shed about 12x10 feet; a well of water, fce. Seized niul taken in execution ns the property of Mark Ratclidb at the suit of Joseph Dill. ALSO that certain lot, piece or parcel of laud situate lying und being in the village of Ridgway in the county of Elk, and state of Pennsyl vania bounded and described ns fol lows to wit: Beginning at a post in the north line of Main street in the village of Ridgway, the said post be ing the south-oust corner of lot No. 40 according to John J. Ridgway's pian or map of the village of Uidgway,and also the soul h-wet corner of the Gal lager property; thence north sixty seven degrees east -N.tiT E-three hun dred and sixty-seven -307-feet to the "Elk Creek Road" or "Depot Street"'; thence following the line of said rond north one degrees and thirty-live minutes we.-t -X 1 30' V- four hun dred and forty-two -412- feel to tin; mill race; thence along the line of tin? null lT.ce south liity-i v.l'-t octrees and thirty-live minutes we.-t -S o ' W -three hundred and sixty-nine -309- feet; thence along said nml race south seventy-two degrees and twenty mm utes west -S 72 l!0v W- one hundred and sixty -100-feet to the outside of an alley extending along said mill race to opposite anil noi tn ot said town lot No. -10; thence across said alley and upon the line between said town lot No. 40, anil the wei-tern boundary oi I he said Gallauher property south twenty-three degrees and twenty-five minutes east -S 23 25v E- three hun dred and fifty-four -354-feet to the place of beginning, containing one hundred nnd sixty-one thousand live hundred and thirty -161,530- square feet more or less. Being the same premises which tiic said Fanny A. Wilmarth und Fred Wilmartli her husband, by deed bearing even date herewith granted and conveyed to the said Charles R. Earley in fee. On which there is erected one two story rame house 82x 41 feet with wing at tached 24x44, wash house 18x24 feet. ice liouse 12xH leet, one barn 3-xto feet, ollice 18x24 feet and other out buildings with running water, &c, in liouse. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Charles R. Earley at the suit of 11- M. KoI:e. ALSO Xortln rn one-half m fol lows: ltcgiiiuing at the north-east corner of premises being described, said corner being the noith-west cor ner of lauds of John (Jiliyon, and on the north line of warrant 4'-94; thence along the west line of said Gibson's lands south i'.'X roils to the cetilre ol creels rond; thence north 7. j degrees west 37.7 rode to a peg in the centre of said road; thence south -lo' west two rods to the left bank of the mill race; thence along the bank of said race north ol! degrees west six rods, north 7'J degrees wrft 4.4 rods, north H.J degrees west seven and four tenths rods, north seventy one ami one-half degrees west sixteen rods, north fifty -five and one-half degrees west six'and five-tt ntlis rods, north seventy- five and one-half degrees west eight and seven-tenths rods, north lii'i v-ninc and h ds. west eleven and six-tent lis rods, north sixty-lour and one-half west seven and two tent lis roils, not ill seventy-five and one-half degrees west six roils, north sixty-seven and one- half degrees west twelve rods, north thirty-seven degrees west six rods to a hemioek stutuli at. the head of the dam: thence duo south fori y-three and three-tenths rods to a post: thence wist one hundred and forty-sevan and five-tenths rods to a post on the (west of the partitioned premises, etit line of P. F W ei ll's laud; thence by P. F. Weed's land and lands fit" 15. A. Wcid north eifihtv-nine and three tenths rods to a post on the north line of warrant 'S'JI; thence bv said line east twenty six and leiiths rods to the place of I eginniiig. containing MO acres, 2 rods t.nd lis perches 1.1(1 A - It 21'. more or less, on which there is about 4 acres cleared, a two-story house 'JCx'.O feet with wing lhxiU leet, onestory nigli: one barn 4(i,6u leet, and other out buildings, &c. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Justice. Weed at the suit of Joseph Wilhelm. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com plied when the property is struck till': 1. All bids must be paid in full ex cept where the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, in which case the costs on the writs must be paid, as well as all liens prior to that of the purchaser, and a duly cer tified list of liens shall be furnished, including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such por tion thereof ns he shall appear to be entitled to. 2. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock P. M , at which time all property not settled for will again be put up, and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom It was first struck off. anil who. In case of deficiency at such re-sale, shall make good the same, and in no instance will the deed be pre sented In court for confirmation unless the bid is nctually settled for with the Miertii as above stated. THOMAS SULLIVAN, SherKT. Sheriff's Office, Ridgway, Pa., Jan. 3rd. 1880. I See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition png 440; Smith's Forms, 384. At The AdToeate Office. MAIN STREET, OVER POWELL & KIME'S STORE. May be found: Notepaper, billet note, octavo note, foolscap, legal can. letter paper; invi tations and notepaper loo sheets of paper and 100 envelopes in a box all for one dollar. Scrap pictures in endless variety. Autograph albums, a beautiful lot, at low figures. Fancy notcpape and envelopes In handsome boxes. Silver perforated cardboard. Black bristol board, and other colors for cortiucopias.and other fancy work. Shelf paper, the neatest thing out for pantry shelves, clock shelves, and all other kind of shelves. This paper Is machine made, nnd we sell any quantity from one sheet to CO gross. New Year cards. It will pay you to see our stock, , Shakespeare, Byron, or Scott's poetical works complete for SI. 00, a beat tiful present for a lady friend, at The Advocate ollice. Don't forget to call nnd see our scrap pictures. Also abentitful line of Christmas cards just received. Elk County Court Proclamation. WIIKItEAS, tho Hon. L. D. Wet more, President .Indue for the Thirty seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl vania, and Julius Jones, and George Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate J utices in Elk county, have Issued their pre cepts, to me directed, for the time of holding of the Orphan's Court, Court of Common Picas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at llidgwnv. for the countv of El k on the FOURTH MONDAV IN JAN. ISM, being the 21th day of the month, tocoutinue one wick. Notice a therefore given to the Cor oner, Justice of t lie Peace and Con stables in snd for the county of Elk, to appear in their own proper persons, with their records, inquisitions, and remembrances, to do those things which of their offices and in their be half appertain to b.- done, and nil wit nesses ami other persons prosecuting ir. behalf of the Coinmonwcullhaguiiist any person or persons, arc requested to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual hi their at tendance at the appointed time, agree able to notice. Given under my hand nnd seal, at the Sheriii's ollice, in Ridgway, the 22d day of December in tho ycaroi'our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. D. C OYSTER, Sheriff Jam Polks Middlctown X-Cut Saws. Jellard's, White's and Mann's Axes. Tubular nnd l9 Lauterns. Filks. Diston's X-Cut Saws. Boy n ton's Lightning Saws. Corn Poi-vkks. Coal Hods. Stove Shovels. Repairs furnished for any stove. Ax Handles. Pick Handles. J lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 42 Main street. n39 register's Notice. Notice is hereby giben that the following account will lie presented at the next term of Orphans' court for confirmation: 1. Final account of G. W. Wttr ell aiiitiini.-trator oi j-.iiwaru l.anie late of St Marys Borough deceased. F;:i r Scucr.NiMi, Register. One txjit iieiici' for Many. "I had been sic't and miserable so long and had caused my husband so much ttouble and expense, no one seemed to know what ailed me, that I was completely disheartened and discouraged. In this frame of mind 1 got a bottle of Hop Bitters and I u.ed them unknown tc my family. I soon began to improve and gain so fast that my husband and family thought it strange and uunutural but when I told them what had helped mc they said "Hurrah for Hop Bit ters! long may thev prosper, lor they have happy made mother well and us "The Mothers. Home Jour- HKll Yourself hy ranking money when a poliltn chiinco in f,tr,.i-l tharrliv lwuy keeping fn m your ilcior. wlj'i nlu iivk dike ntlviuitiiL'C ol the stood chnncis mr miikinc money tlmt me oll'.-rcd. cennaily liccnme i i 'ii 1 1 li v u liile I hose who do not im- m,.vi such chiiiices remiiin in uovcriv. We M unt miiny men, women, hoys, nnd Kills to work Lr lis i lj;lit in their own localities. The liusincsH will pay more Ihim leu limesordi miry waives. W e nil nisli nn expensive oul rll nnd nil that yoti need. free. No one who cni.'iiie falls in make mom y ery rapidly. You can devote your whole time lo the work oi-onlv vdiir siiHi-.. n.i iioi.niK. l-'nil inturm:.. lion tiiiii all Hint is needed sent free. Ad dles- S.TINSON' & CO. 1 oitlniid. Maine. HOW LOST. HOW RESTORED! Just MiUUhcd. a new edition of Ir. t'ulverwell's Celebrated Esay on the rarfivat cure of Sot rninlorrhoed or Seminal V.'eekness. Involuntary Scm inn! Losses. Iiiinotency, Mental and 1'hvsical llicnnacit v. Impediments to Marriage, etc.; a'so Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced hy selt- Indulgeiice or isexuat extravagance, The celebrated author, in this ad mirable Essav. clearly demonstrates, from a thiity years' successful pn.ctiec that the alarming consequences oi self-abuse may be radically cured; pointing out a mode ot cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every suflerer, no matter what his condition mav be, may cure himself cheaiilv. iirivateiv and radi- vullu. aa-This Lecture should be in the bunds of every youth and every man in the laud. Hent under seal, in a plain envelope to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers. The CULVER WELL MEDICAL Co. 41 Ann St., New-York, N. Y.; Post Ofllce ioxGSfl.. ALWAYS GET THE BEST I The Christian at Work. A LA ROE QUARTO WEEKL Y RELIOIOfS, LITERARY AND NEWSPAPER. FAMILY EVANGELICAL, NON-SECTARIAN, INDEPENDENT. This Famovk Wepki.t comprise r rnre ritmlilnntlnn of Religious, Literary, Helentl 11c, Practical nnd Timely Topics. It employs the Rest Tai.knt In nil deportments, nnd enters upon lis sixteenth year with Increased menus nml fiicllitles nnd tho energy nnd ex perience reoulslle to perform every pledge nnd obligation to Its render nnd tho pub lic. THE CHRISTIAN A T WORK not only believes In AVorklnn Christinas, hut advocates the rlphtii nnd seeks to promote tho wellnreof nil workers In nvoentlons tie signed to elevnte tho People nnd ndvnnee the prosperity of the country. It believes In l'ro:?res 'niul Improvement Moral. Mentnl nnd" l'hvslenl nml Hint while the world moves the people should be ndvnnclngln the rlcht direction. Aimlni; to furnish tho BEST WEEKLY OF ITS CLASS. It Invites nn examination of Us ronton Knnd, n compai i'-on of the merits thereof with lhoe ol contemporary Journal". Indeed It claims that the Host is always tho cheapest. KOIitf, STYLE AND TERMS. THE CTI KHTI A N AT WOItlv Is bounti ful Weekly of Twenty Lnrco 'Junrt'j Pus;es. OUR TERMS FOR IS 81: One subscription, one ytvir, in advance..." 0(1 l-or six mouths I PU One subscription, two years, in ndvnnee 5 00 One subscription with one new subycrl- ber. boili in advance, In one romittnnre.,.5 00 One subscription with two new subscri - hers, nil tlireo in advance, In one re- mlttnnco 7 00 Onesubvcription with th'-ee new subscri bers, nil four in tuivnncc. in one rcmit- tunce 8&D One subscription with lour new subscri bers, nil live in ndvnnee, In one remit- t u nee 10 TO Any number ,.ver tlve nt the semo rate, Invariably with ono remltinncc. Subscribe now and lm-i the low rate. We Elve no premiums and reserve tile riht to withdraw our liberal club rates ut n .y time after six months. (samples sent free upon npplicatlon. Address J. Jf . IIAI.f.orK. rnb'isher. iilil Lionel Way, N. Y. Note paper and envelopes at the ofllce. Ask your neighbor to subscribe for The Advocate only 51.50 a year when paid in advance, Note paper, envelopes, cheap at Tun Advocate ofllce. 85 OUTFIT 'ht froo to tlinsp who wish In th1 lilt. st. nloiiMtut imhI moll titbit" business known. l-.vcrv. Ill in ft ni'W. ( 'n ) Mnl ncl lvonfr"!. We will furnish ynt 'vcryihinp;. tio ; ) nml n j:vii rtls is r; si I y iiiikIc it hunt st;iy i n: av:t v from home over niht. 'o risk wh:i tv r. Mnny new workers wanied nt once. .i?my tire nmUi'.ifr t'trtunes nt tho bnlmss. I.n Ji ninko s much hk ni'.-n. '.net young boys and clrls nuikc rroitt i:y. No onu who Is willing to work hills to nmUo 1111110 nnmcy every ihty that) ?nn be lnatte in a week it nrti'inniv employ niont. . hosy who cn:;ao nt i-nct win nti't a snort nau t 1 lortune. Audreys II. HALUiTT & CO., Portland, Maine. nW I About tho ha ndsomot eiirht-paT1 natior In the country." l'iilladcliilHii Tmus. THE PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY PRESS: INDEPENDENT! KNTJ'riPRISING! TRt'T- wokthy! Having greatly strengthened its stnirand general equipment, this fa vorite lamiiy journal will enter upon the year bSM p epn ed for tho occu pation of a wider field than ever be fore. In nil Unit may contribute to the edification or the entertainment of the best class of readers, it Is ever foremost. Points about the Press Editorial Department, Tho pens of the best writers arc engaged in fearless discussion of all topics of living inter ests. political, social and general. The News of the Wee'-, Covered not only by associated press dis patches, but by special correspon dence from every point of interest, foreign or domestic. Political Phases, Presented in the most attractive and trustworthy form hy the most brilliant letter-writers of thi! day, including staff correspondents of national reputation. The Foreign Field. Full and ac curate cable dispatches from special agents of the Press in every European capital. An Agricultural Page. ot a re- fro hi the agricultural weeklies, but fresh and seasonable discussion. un der the supervision of practical men of acUnowlctigcu authority. Home anil Society. A department invaluable to women for faithful fash ion reports and hints to housekeep ers. The best stories of the dav, from ad vanced sheets, by arrangements with English publishers. Poetry, Tales of travels and adven Hire, criticisms of art, literature and the drama; wit and humor, games and puzzles, personal intelligence, and gleanings from every part of the fields ot facts uiHl lu-liou. Clinging to all that is good in its re cord, the Weekly Press means to keep dace with the march ot ideas und events, and lias an opinion on every subject touching the welfare of the people. It is aggressive lor the right but ever courteous; enterprising, but not sensational. There is nothing in its pages that would make it unwel come in any family circle. TKKMS: $1.25 a year; $1.00 to clubs of ten or more. A Splendid Premium. The Press has made a peculiarly fav orable contract by which is is enabled to oiler, in plttceiof the club oilers, a splendid j'l'umim, consisting of the Library of Universal Knowledge, a verbatim reprint of the London edi ton of Chambers' Encyclopaedia, com plete in fifteen volumes, of more than TOO ptiyes each; or SbakespcHie's com plete work, 'n three volutins, an ac curate reprint of tho famous (jlobe Kditiin, with a copious glossury. These premiums are offered to friends sending clubs, as follows: For club of 10 copies, one copy free. For club of 20 copies, Shakespeare's Works. For clul) of 20 copies and . ? ad ditional, the Library of Universal Knowledge. For club of 50 copies, the Library of Universal Knowledge. For club of loo copies, the Daily Press for one year and the Library of Universal Knowledge. FORM A CLUR AT ONCEl There is no eharpe for a sample copy, yend a postal card, and get one by return mail. Addiesn, The Pukss, Philadelphia. "Tho Philadelphia Press grows con stantly fresher and stronger." N. Y. Tribune. For fear you may forget we say once more don't fail to go in and see the big stock of new goods at the The mnxt complete Inotltutlnn In the United States fur the thnronifh priicticnl edncntl'.ii of yonnn and ni'ild.e nged men. Students admitted nt. liny time. -Kor clrculnr giving full pnrtlctilnrj ad dress J.C.HM TIT, A.M. Pittsburgh, Fa. jEW LIVERY BTAPLE IN RIDGWAT T DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Illdgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES nnd Butrpic? to let upon the most reasonable terms. JTSyHc will also do job teaminjr. (Stable 011 Elk ntreet. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. AU2-01S7UI is a jr.?9t nsreeaMc dressing, v.lilc'i once Inn;,!' -.s ami ef.'cctual, f r piv- '.s at tho liair. II restores, villi t'.io p,Ui?s nnd fi-csJniots cf youth, failed or fray, li;;iit, iitul red It '.1!', to a rich brmvi, or r,ci ; black, as r.iny be desired. I'y its use llil: hair is thickened, and hairiness ni'icn tir.t!'.:!i not always cnivtl. It. clieiksftiH!:: cf ihe li i i i- iiuaiciliiitcly, and cauws a ncv. grcuvtli in all cases where the r.l.uu!s arc n;t ilernycil; while to bra&hy, weak, c otiierwisft diseased hair, it imparts vita'.'.', ami slreiiui, nml renders it pliable. The Vigou cleanses the sealp, cures ar ' prevents the formal io:i cf ilatuuiuT; v.::.: hy it m co!li:i, s:iinul:Uiii, and Eoeihiv. properties, it licais tivit if not u'l of t huuvi'3 and peculiar to the ..!., keeping It col. clean, .".ml soft, vnCi v. hieh conr.itlo'ir. diseases of tli-j sc..l; an.; li.iii' arc impos&iire. An a Drcssiacf for Ladies' Huir, Tho Vnion is incoit? parable. . It i col v less, contains neither oil nor dye, Mid , '... not soil Y.hi'.o cambric. It hnpuris i;: agreeable and lustinj perfume, and r.i r." article for tho toilet it is economical aim unsurpassed ii. iis excellence. Er. J. C. AYER & CO., Lg?&1L Esx Practical and Analytical Chemists. eoi.n i;r all DrrccTaTa TRY HEW YOEK OBSERVER THIS YE Alt. The Largest anil Best Faiui Paper in the World. Send for Sample Free. Copy XFW YORK OBSERVER, 37 Park Row, New York $10 Outfit furnished free, with full ln Ktriii'tlnnx for coniluctinn the most prolltithle business Unit iiuvono can enuiipe la. '1 lie business i so easy to learn, and uur Instructions lire so slinplu and plain that any one can make tirciU profits from the very Hurt. No one can fail who Ik willing to work. Women tire, as successful us nien. Hoys nnd Girls c:iu earn iai'ite sums. Many have nuide at Ihe business over .one hundred dollars In a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are uir- pi-iseu ai ine ease mm rapuii'.y wmi which they are utile lo make money. Ymi run on- ;ane in this business (lui lni; our spare time ut to'cat profit. You tlo not have to invest capital in it. We lake, all the risk, i ho w ho need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnished free. AUdiens THl'K dc :0 Angustu. Maine, n!lyl Scrap pictures, shelf pner ma chine made, anil note p.Tjier and en velopes arT he Advocate ofllce. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GRAY'S SI ECIFIC REMEDY. TRADE MARK Is especially TRADE IMMtll re coiiimena e.iasnn un- r i in in cure tk-A-fJ v inr ti'iiiiiiiii VVf i a L- n l! wutoro liuiag tmt. y ,, 'llU fter Taking deseasea that follow as a seiiiu-ncy on Self Aliuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain in the Lack. Dimness of vission, Premature old af.e, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity, Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of wliich as a rule are first caused by deviating from the path of natureand overindulgence. The Specific Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of experi ence in treating those special deseases. Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine U sold by all Druggists ut $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by ad dressing. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., No. 1 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. BaT-Sold in Ridgway by all Drugglats, everywhere. Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh.. nl3-ly m , . rlii'ii liiinn- -'-vs- Ayor's . Hair Yigoi on rx-:;7cn:K3 cn.w 1x3 to its ! KAT'J.-.Ai. VITALITY Ai:0 CCL0.1. j 1 E FOR EITHER- SEX. EXCLUSIVE amncKY: GIVEN to ag.nts, dealers or peddlers. To show that our goods will Sell on their merits, we will allow any agent dealer or peddler to return any part of their first order .remaining unsold after fill days to. us, and will refund money for same: There is no article like it In the United (States, and It will sell in nearly every family. Se cure the stile or agency of It at once, nnd go to work. Address for terms, WELCOME BURNER MANU FACTURING COMP'Y., Box 1502, PITTSBURGH, PA. Shelf Taper and Scrap Pictures. At the Advocate ofllce.' The shelf paper Is in many colors; the scrap pic tures In endless variety. Also auto grap albums, fancy note pa.ier, etc. Call and see us, over Pow li & Kime's store. Visiting enrds, ,and Christmas cards, besides Reward of Merit and ofhercards. It; won't costjyou a cent to c ail and see our flew flock, just re ceived. Get your NOTE PAPER, EN VELOPES, and CiniOMO VIS ITING CARDS at The Advocate oJi'icc, over Powell & Kime's etora Ridgway, Ta. , SI HOP BITTERS (A Medicine, not a Prink.) CONTAINS nors, nrciir, niAisDRAKEt DANDELION, ANOTITR PtTiFST AND HPST MlTWALQCALI 1 It Of ALL OTlIfcR ill TTJtK. THEY CURE All nirno of Iticstomnch, PoweH. Blood, LIvit. Kldm'va.nnd t ilimiyOrgani. mef vousuesB, Sli'i'plusnnessniiit especially l ctntuo compiaiuu. CIOOO IN GOLD. Vn hp piid i case they will not cure or lulu, or lor anyuim impure onujwriuua found lu thuin. Arte your rtiuppiPt for Hop Bitternml try the m before you ale up. Take uo other D T. C. Is nn nlisolutcnnd IrrmlRMtilfccnre for Di uakcuueBH, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. Send for CincrLAS All Bbore fold hy dnirrlito. Hp Pltt-M Mr, r-.., Icb,, N. Y.,JtTrMit, Onl, PENNSYLVANIA KAIL ROAD. Philadelphia & Erie It. R- Dir. WINTER TIME TABLE. ryn and after SUNDAY, November l vo, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie Kuilroad Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. Niagara Ex. leaves Phiia 9 00 a. m. " " " Renovo..5 40 p. m. EKin maii. leaves Philu 11 65 p. in. " Renovo 11 05 a. m. " " " St. Mary's..2 23 p. m. " " Kidway... 2 46p- m. " " Kane 35 p. ru. " a rr. at Erie 7 45 p. m. . EASTVyVlRD...... Dav Express leaves Renovo 1Q 05 a. m. ' air. at Phiia.... 6 35 p.m. ERIE mail leaves Erie 11 85 a.m. " " Kane 4 10 p. in. " ' Ridirvay;...5 17 p. m. ' " St. jWnry's..5 f'O p. in. " ' Emporium. t 65 p. m. " " Renovo 9 00 p. m. " arr. at Phila 7 05 a. su. Wm. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. CENTRAL. State Normal School, (Eirhth yormrtt School District.) LOCK IUVEN, CLIXTOX CO., PA. A. N. RAUB, A.M.,Ph. D. Principal. This school as at present constituted cfilrs the very best facilities for Pro fessional and classical learning. P.tiildings spacious, inviting and commodious, completely heated by steam, well ventilated aiid furnished witli a hountilul supply of pure, soft f-pring water jjocation neaitiiitti ana easy or ao- cess Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, efficient, and alive to their work. Discipline firm but kind, uniform und thorough Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction' to those preparing to teach. Stuuents admitted at any time. '"'Courses of study prescribed by the State; I. Model School. II. Prepara tory. III. Elementary. IV. Scien tific. ADJUNCT COUKSKS: I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Music. IV Art Tho Elementary and Scientifio courses arc Professional, and students graduating therein receive State Diplo mas, conferring the following corres ponding decrees: Master of the Ele ments and Master of the 'Sciences. Graduates in the other courses receive Normal Certificates of their attain ments signed by the Faculty. The Professional courses are liberal, and are in thoroughness not inferior to those of our best colleges. The State requires a higher order of citizenship. The times demand it. It is one of the prime objects of thi school to help to secure it by furnish ing intelligent and efficient teachers for her schools. To this end, it solicits young persons ol good abilities and goon purposes those who desire to improve their tioie and their talents, as students. To all such it promises aid in developing their powers and abundant opportunities for well-paid labor alter leaving school. For catalogue and terms address the Principal, or the Secretary of the Hoard HOARD OF TRUSTEES. Block holder's Trustees. J H Bar ton, M D, A H Rest, Jacob Brown, S M Dick ford, Samuel Christ, A N Raub, R G Cook. T. C. Hippie, Esq., G. Kentzing, E. P McCormlck, Esq.. W. W. Rankin, W. H. Brown. State Trustees Hon A O. Curtin, Hon William Bigler, Hon. H. L Diefl'enbach, Geu Jesso Merrill, J C C YVhaley, 8 Millar McCormick. Esq OFFICERS Hon. William Bigler, President,Clear neld, Pa. Gen Jesse Merrill, Vice President, Lock Haven, Pa. S. Miliar McCormick, Secretary, Lock Haven, Pa, Thomas Yardley, .Treasure Look Iltvven, Pa.