The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 06, 1881, Image 2

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    mm JuiMok
Nearr A. Parian, Jr., - Editor
THURSDAY, JAN. 6, 1881.
Entered at the Post-office at
Ridoway, Pa., as second class
mail matter.
-i L11JL.JI
Alsatian Boquet toilet soap at
Horse Shoe Soda Best in the
world an Morgester's.
Lee & Walker's monthly "Muni
eel Bulletin'' has Just reached us; an
eight page chert four pages of which
re devoted to notices of New Music
and Books and the other four giving
titles, authors, and the melodies of
their most popular publications. The
"Bulletin" is very useful to musical
folks, and will be mailed free to any
address by Lee & Walker, Philadel
phia. List of Letters remaining in the
Bldgway P. O. Elk county Pa. up to
Jan. 8, 1881.
Brocins.Emennd; Oilllc, Mrs. Alice;
Kelly, D.M.; McMatten, Wm.; Philip,
D. R.j Pontzer, Miss Maggie; Pnrdie.
R. M.; Singer, Geo.; Stewart, Wm.:
Weter, L. A.
Bohlin, J. A.; Jeanson, Krlstean, 2;
Sjllberg, Adell, 2.
If not called for in thirty days they
will besent to the dead letter office,
Washington, D. C
J. H. Haoerty, P. M.
W. 8. Luther, of Clearfield county,
was here this week in attendance on
the Teachers' Institute. He addressed
the Institute in a very interesting and
instructive lecture on drawing. Mr.
Luther, by hard work, aided by a
natural gift for drawing, has placed
himself in the front rank of those
whose skill with pen and pencil is
acknowledged on all hands. His work
to be appreciated, must be seen, and
when seen all exclaim, how beautiful,
hew perfect! A master among the
masters of this delicate art, he is withal
a gentleman whom it is a pleasure to
SET down for trial at the January
Term of the Court of Common Pleas
of Elk county commencing on Mon
day, January 24th, 1881.
1. L, Saltonstall et at., Trustees,
vs. J. 8. Hyde et al. No. 64, August
term, 1867.
2 Francis A. Lesch vs John Hoff
man, number 62, November term,
8 B. A. Olmstead vs W. II . Sehram
t el. number 68, Jnuuary term, 187.
4 Elias Mover et al, Ex'r, &c, vs
Hezekiah Mover. Number 3, Sep
tember term, 1879.
5 Frank Pollman vs Morgester &
Jackson. Number 75, September
term, 1879.
6 D. A. Pontius vs Conrad Moyer,
Jr. Number 35, November term,
I Fredericks, Monroe A Company
tsC R. Earley. Number 86, January
term, 1880.
8 E. H. Darrah vs John K. Moore
t al. Number 63, May term 1880.
9 Charles A. Lyon vs F. X. Sorg.
Number 79, May term 1880.
10 R. Ruloson vs G. T. Wheeler.
Number 16, September term, 1880.
II E. W. Maybee vs Powell 4
Kime. Number 81, September term,
12 J. S. Hyde vs Maurice Sherman.
Number 23, November term, 1880.
List of Licenses for Jan. Term, 1881.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following
fiersons have filed their petition for License
n my office, and that they will be presented
to the Court of Quarter (Sessions on Wednes
dy, January 26, 1881, at 2 o'clock P. M,:
h Henry niesti,
it G. L. Winslow.
8. F. X. Sorg.
4. John Collins,
6. John Reagan.
6. James McFarlln,
7. W. II. Bchrnm.
Anthony Schauer,
Joseph F. Windfeider,
Lorenz Vogel,
William Glen,
James Kocun,
Henry Luhr,
John Focbtman.
Cornelius Connelly
James B. McQuono,
George F. Spooler,
Patrick Fahey,
James Maglnnls,
George T. Aaron.
Jacob Krnui,
William Zell.
' 18.
S3. Dr. H. Strtessley.
34. Joseph Wilhelm.
f'That If anv nersnn or rtfrsnns iriinll npor.
lector refuse to Tift his. her, or their License
within FIFTEEN DAVH after the same has
been granted such neelect or refusal shall be
deemed a forfeiture of said Lloense ,
uraon, v. ui, page ih.i.
Sot A Beverage.
"i ney are not a nevertige, but a
medicine, with curative properties of
the highest degree, containing no
poor whiskey or poisonous drugs.
They do not tear down an already de
bilitated spstem, but build it up. One
bottle contains more hops, i. e. more
real hop strength, than a barrel of
ordinary beer. Every druggist in
Rochester sells them, and the physici
ans prescribe them. "Evening Ex
press on Hop Bitters.
Look Here.
The undersigned can cure fever
ores without pain or use of the knife.
My motto is, "No cure, no pay." I
charge according to your means.
Those living at a distance can write
enclosing stamp for postage. All
letters promptly answered.
Receipts sold to physicians on reas
onable terms. Address,
N. V. Lent,
Rldgway, Elk Co. Pa
Residence two miles from Rldgway
athe Warren pike..
Sheriff's Sales.
of fieri facias, alias fieri facins, vendi
tioni exponas, levari facias, and testa
tum fieri facias Issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Elk County, and
to me directed, I THOMAS SULLI
VAN, High Sheriff of said county, do
hereby give notice that I will expose
to public sale or outcry at the Pro
thonotary's office, in Rldgway, at one
o'clock P. M., on
MONDAY, JAN. 24, 1881.
All the right, title, interest, claim
and demand of defendant in, to, and
out of all that tract of laud situate in
the township of Benzinger, in the
county of Elk, and State Jof Pennsyl
vania, bounded and described as fol
lows: Beginning at a post on North
St. Marys road; thence west two
degrees south one hundred and five
perches more or less to the corporation
line; thence south forty-six degrees
east along the corporation line fifty
five perches; thence eaRt two degrees
north seventy perches more or less to
St. Marys road; thence northward
along the St. Marys road forty-five
perches to the place of beginning, con
taining twenty-tlve acres more or less,
and being number fifteen on the man
or plan of the town or settlement of
Mi, Marys.
Excepting all that piece of land be
ginning at the north-west corner of
said John Walker's land and in the
rear line of lots on St. Michael street
and at the south-west corner of a pieoe
of land belonging to Michael Sclilna
beck; thence along the south line of
same and of land owned by Anton
Ben ni tiger north 89J east two hun
dred eighty-two and two-tenths (282.2)
feet; thence south 67i west two hun
dred and twenty and seven-tenths
(220.7) feet to the rear line of lots on
St. Michael street; thence north 43J
west one hundred and thirteen (113)
feet to the place of beginning, contain
ing eleven thousand six hundred and
two 11602 square feet. On which
there is erected a barn 30x40 feet, also
a slaughter house 12x16.
2. All that tract of land situate in
the Borough of St. Mary's, county of
Elk, State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows to wit: Be
ginning at the rear corner building
town lots thirtyand thirty-two; thence
in a straight line with said town lots
and along' Xaverius Bucheit's lot four
hundred and eleven 411 feet more or
less to the line of J. Walker's land;
thence westerly along J. Walker's
land five hundred and seventy-three
(573) feet more or less to the rear line
of town lots on St. Michael street;
thence southeasterly along said line of
town lots on St. Michael street three
hundred and seventy-four feet more
or less to the place of beginning, con
taining one acre and three-quarters of
an acre more or less.
8. Also all that certain town lot or
piece of ground situate in the Borough
of St. Marys aforesaid known as town
lot number fifty-four on St. Marys
street in the map or plan of said
Borough of St. Marys and being one
hundred feet front on said St. Marys
street by two hundred feet deep at right
angles, bounded north by lot number
fifty-six. east by Virgin alley, south by
lot number fifty-two, and west by St.
Marys street. On which there is
erected a house 28x30 feet; barn 30x30
feet, and old house 28x30 with wing
4. Also all that certain piece of land
or part of a town lot in the Borough
of St. Marys aforesaid, known as the
southern part of lot number fifty-six
in the map or plan of St. Marys and
being fifty-seven feet nineinches more
or less in front on St. Marys street by
two hundred feet deep at right angles,
bounded on the north by a portion of
said lot number fifty-six conveyed by
John WaHer to John Walker, Jr., by
deed dated 13th of April, 1875, east by
Virgin alley, south by lot number
fifty-four, and west by St. Marys
street. On which there Is erected a
store house 28x40 feet.
6. All that certain piece of land or
town lot situate in the Borough of St.
Marys aforesaid, known as lot number
ten on Chestnut street according to a
map of lots laid out and surveyed by
Charles Luhr, being eighty feet in
front on Chestuut street by one hun
dred and fifty feet deep at right
angles, bounded north by Mill street;
east by an alley, south by lot number
twelve, and west by Chestnut street,
containing twelve thousand 12,0001
square feet. On which tliere is erected
a house 20x30 feet with addition 17x22
1 stories high, also small stable and
well of water.
6. Also all that certain piece of land
or town lot situate in the Borough of
St. Marys aforesaid, known as lot
number twelve 12 on Chestnut
street according to Charles Luhr's
map of lots in said Borough, being
eighty feet in front on Chestnut street
by one hundred and fifty feet deep at
right angles, bounded north by lot
number ten, east by an alley, south by
lot number fourteen, and west by
Chestnut street, containing twelve
thousand square feet more or less.
7. Also all that certain piece of land
or town lot situate in the Borough of
St. Marys aforesaid, known as lot
number seventeen 17 on Chestnut
street according to Charles Luhr's
map of lots in said Borough, being
one hundred feet in front on Chestnut
street by one hundred and fifty feet
deep at right angles, bounded north by
lot number fifteen, east by Chestnut
street, south by lot number nineteen,
and west by Virgin alley, containing
15,000 square feet more or less.
8. Also all that certain piece of land
or town lot situate in the Borough of
ttt. Mary's aforesaid; know as lot num
ber nineteen on Chestnut street ac
cording to Charles Luhr's map of lots
in said Borough, being one huudred
feet front on Chestuut street by one
hundred and fifty feet deep at right
angles, bounded north by lot number
seventeen, east by Chestnut street,
south by lot number twenty-one, and
west by Virgin alley, containing 15,000
square feet.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Walker & Son, at the suit
of Crouch Bros., & Co., and Wright
& Co.
ALSO all thatcertaln tract, piece or
parcel of ground lying amd being In
the township of Fox, county of Elk
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows: Beginning
at a post the south-west corner of the
lot of land conveyed to Patrick Shel
vey by Norris and others; thence
north by land of said Sbelvey 581 rods
to a beach tree; thence west partly by
land of L. Mohan 128 rods to a
beach; thence south'58 rods to a hem
lock; thence east by land of John
Wonderly 123 rods to the place of
beginning, containing 43 acres and
allowance of 6 per rent, and being part
of tract No. "7i, and conveyed to
Dennis Tourney by Peter O'Hara and
wife by deed dated March 1st, A. D.
1866, and duly recorded in deed book
L. Page 844 In and for the county of
Elk, &c. On which there is about
thirty acres under improvement with
young growing orchard on same on
whicu there u a uewea ig house
about 20x82 and one baru 86x40
feet and a spring of good water.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Dennis Toomey at the suit
of Peter O'Hara.
ALSO all the interest of J. A.
Spangler, defendant, in the following
two tracts, pieces or pnrcels of land:
1. All that certain tenement and farm
buildings and tract or piece of land
situate in Jay township, Elk County,
Pennsylvania, being part of tract of
land number 4S45 described as follows,
to wit: Beginning at a pine about
two perches west of a spring; thence
west fourteen perches to a stake;
thence south one hundred and fifty
three perches to a black oak; thence
east fifty-two (52) perches to a black
oak; thence uorth sixty-seven (67)
perches to the turnpike road; thence
along said road northerly thirty-eight
(38) perches to a stake; thence west
forty-two (42) perches to a chestnut;
thence north twenty-two -22- perches
to the place of beginning.
2. Also another piece of land ad
Joining above described tract, des
cribed as follows, viz: Beginning at
a chestnut stump on tho east side of
turnpike road atoresiiid; thence along
said road ninety-six -90- perches on the
westerly side of said road; thence west
one hundred and thirty-eight -138-Derches:
thence north ten degrees east
forty-three -48- perches. Both of said
tracts contain eighty-three -88- acres
of land more or less. On the above
first piece of ground there is alout ten
acres cleared and improved. and erected
thereon a two stoi frame house
18x30 feet, with kitchen 12x10 feet
one story high, barn 10x30 feet and
other outbuildings. Also about eight
acres cleared on second tract.
Seized and token in execution as the
property of J. A. Spungler at the suit
of Joseph Wilhelm.
ALSO All the right, title, interest,
claim and demand of defendant in
and out of three acres of cleared
ground, situate in the township of
Benzettc, Elk county, on which there
Is a new house two stories high lOxO
feet, also shed about 12x10 feet; a well
of water, &c.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Mark Hatcliftc at the suit
of Joseph Dill.
ALSO that certuin lot, piece or
fiareel of laud situate lying and being
n the village of Ridgway in the
county of Elk, and state of Pennsyl
vania bounded and described as fol
lows to wit: Beginning at a post in
the uorth line of Main street in the
village of Hidgway, the said post be
ing the south-wist corner of lot No. 49
according to John J. Ridgwny's plau
or map of the village of Ridgway ,aud
also the south-west corner of the Oal
lager property; thence north sixty
seven degrees east -N.07 K- three hun
dred and sixty-seven -307-feet to the
"Elk Creek Koiul" or "Depot Street ':
thence following the line of said road
north one degreeo and thirty-live
minutes west -N 1 30' W- four hun
dred and forty-two -442- feet to the
mill race; thence along the line of the
mill race bouUi fifty-eight degrees and
thirty-live minutes west -S &b35' W
three hundred and sixty-nine -369-feet;
thence along suid mill race south
seventy-two degrees and twenty min
utes west -S 7' 20v W-one hundred
and sixty -100- feet to the outside of
an alley extending along said mill race
to opposite aud north of said town lot
No. 4I; thence across said alley and
upon the line between said town lot
No. 49, and the western boundary of
the said Gallagher property south
twenty-three degrees and twenty-five
minutes east -S 23 25v E- three hun
dred and fifty-four -354- feet to the
Elace of beginning, containing one
undred and sixty-one thousand five
huudred and thirty -161,530- square
feet more or less. Being the same
premises which the said Fanny A.
Vilmarth and Fred Wllmarth her
husband, by deed bearing even date
herewitli granted and conveyed to the
said Charles R. Earley in fee. On
which there is erected one two story
frame house 82x 44 feet with wing at
tached 24x44, wash house 18x24 feet,
Ice house 12x10 feet, one burn 32x45
feet, office 18x24 feet and other out
buildings with running water, &a, in
Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Charles R. Eurley at
tne suit or 11. M. none.
ALSO Northern one-half as fol
lows: Beginning at the north-east
corner of premises being described,
saiu corner nei ng tne noun-west, cor
ner of lands of John Gibson, and on
the north line of warrant 4894; thence
alone the west line of said Gibson's
lands south 89 rods to the centre of
creek road; thence north 77 degrees
west 37.7 rode ton peg in the centre of
said roiut; thence soutn aa w west
two rods to the left bank of the mill
race; thence along the bunk of suid
race north 52 degrees west six rods,
north 73 degrees west 4.4 rods, north
841 degrees west seven and four tenths
rods, north seventy-one and one-hulf
decrees west sixteen roils, north
fifty-five and one-half degrees west
six and five-tentliR rods.north seventy
five and one-half degrees west eight
and seven-tenths rods, north fifty-nine
and t dgs. west eleven and six-tenths
rods, north sixty-four and one-half
west seven ana two tenuis rods, norm
seventy-five and one-half degrees west
six rods, norm sixty-seven ana one-
half degrees west twelve rods, nortn
thirty-seven degrees west six rods to a
hemlock stump at the head of the
dam; thence due soutn rorty-tnree
una three-tenths roas to a posi; tuence
west one hundred and forty-sevun and
five-tenths rods to a post on the (west
of the partitioned premises, east
line of P. F. Weed's land; thence by
P. F. Weed's land and lands of B. A.
Weed north eighty-nine and three'
tenths rods to a post on the north line
of warrant number 4894; thence by
said line east twenty six and tight-
tenths rods to the place of Peginning,
containing 130 acres, 2 rods and 28
perches 130 A. 2 R 28 P. more or
less, on which there Is about 40 acres
cleared, a two-story house 20x30 feet
with wing 10x40 leet. one story nigu:
one barn 40x50 feet, and other out
buildings. &.C.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Justice Weed at the suit
or josepu wuueini.
The following must be strictly com
plied when the property is struck on:
1. All bids must be paid in full ex
cept where the plaintiff or other lien
creditor becomes tne purcnaser, iu
which case the costs on the writs must
be paid, as well as all liens prior to
that of the purchaser, and a duly cer
tified list of liens shall be furnished.
including mortguge searches on the
property sold, together with such lien
creditor's receipt for the amount of
the proceeds ot tne sale, or sucu por
tion tnereer as ue appear to do
entitled te.
2. All sales not settled immediately
will be continued until six o'clock P.
M , at which time all property not
. 1 1 .1 .. ...111 n..njn U .til, . I T-. D V I ft
BCLtlCU lUr Will BmU UV U'p nnu
sold at the expense and risk of the
person to whom it was first struck off,
and who, In case of deficiency at such
re-sale, shall make good the same, and
In no instance will the deed be pre
sented in court for confirmation unless
the bid is actually settled for with the
Sheriff as above stated.
Sheriff's Ofllco.ltldgway.Pa., 1
Jan. 8rd, 1880. f
See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition
pag 440; Smith's Forms, 884.
At The Advocate Office.
May be found:
Notepaper, billet note, octavo note,
foolscan. legal ear, letter paper; Invi
tations and notepaper 100 sheets of
paper and 100 envelopes in a box all
for one dollar.
Scrap pictures in endless variety.
Autograph albums, a beautiful lot,
at low figures.
Fancy notepape and envelopes In
handsome boxes-
Silver perforated cardboard.
Black bristol board, and other colors
for cornucopias, and other fancy work.
Shelf paper, the neatest thing out
for pantry shelves, clock shelves, and
all other kind of shelves. This paper
is machine made, and we sell any
quantity from one sheet to 50 gross.
New Year cards. It will poy you to
see our stock,
Shakespeare, Byron, or Scott's
poetical works complete for $1.00, a
beautiful present for a lady frlcud, at
The Advocate office.
Don't forget to cull and see our scrap
Also abeautful line of Christmas
cards just received.
Elk Cosntjr Court Proclamation.
WHEREAS, the Hon. L. D. Wet-
more, President Judge for the Thirty
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius Jones, and George
Ed. Wels, Esquires. Associate Justices
In TCtl? fintintw liuvn loaiior tliulr lil'O.
. u.n v' u II 1. J j II n T , . V . .......
cepts, to me directed, for the time of
holding of the Orphan's Court, Court
of Common Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at
Kidgwav, for the county of Kl k on
1881, being the 24th day of the month,
to continue one week.
Notice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justice of the Peace and Con
stables in and for the county of Elk,
to appear in their own proper persons,
with their records, inquisitions, and
remembrances, to do those tilings
which of their offices and in their be-
hulf appertain to be done, and all wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting
iu behalf of the Common wealth against
any person or persons, are requested to
bo then and mere attending, ana not
to depart at their peril. Jurors are
requested to be punctual In their at
tendance at the appointed time, agree
able to notice.
Given under my hand and seal, at
the Sheriff's office, in Ridgway, the
22d day of December in tho year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
L. U. Ui ri!iit, neriu.
Jam Poles
Middletown X-Cut Saws.
Jeffard's, White's and Manu's Axes.
Tubular and 99 Lanterns.
Diston's X-Cut Saws.
Boy n ton's Lightning Saws.
Corn Popieks.
Coal Hods.
Stove Shovels.
Repairs furnished for any stove.
Ax Handles.
Pick Handles.
lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 42
Main street. n30
Register's Notice.
Notice is hereby giben that the
following account will be presented at
the next term of Orphans' court for
1. Final account of G. W. Wur
zell administrator of Edward Bable
late of St Marys Borough deceased.
Fhed SciitENiNG, Register.
Business Cards.
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., To.
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles, alo to patents
and patent cases.
Office In new brick building, Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v82t
Late of Strattanville), Physician and
Sursreon. Ridcwav. Pa. Office in
Hall's Brick Building (up stairs)-
References J. D. Smith, n. L.
Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanville;
Maior John Kitlev. W. W. Green
land, Clark n. lias practiced his
protession sccessrully lor more man
ten years.
N W. pnrnnrnf Main anil Mill streets
Rlilirwav. Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestio
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or nigut.
Has removed his office from Centre
street to Main street. Rideway, Pa., in
the second story of the new brick
building of John G. Hall, west of the
Hyde House.
Office hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M
W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Rlderwav. Elk county. Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto-
lore so iiueraiiy ueniuwru upu mm,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
atrir attention fn tha nomfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a con tin u-
ance or tne same. .vw o
This admirable work is now com
pletein lvols. Eachvolumecontains800
pages, ii manesa complete aim m
selected library, and no one can
afford to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price 5 00 in cloth,
$6.00 in leather, or 17.00 iu elegant
hair Turfcey. For particulars aaaress,
W. H. Fafrchild. Portville. Catt. Co.,
N. Y., who has been duly appointed
agent for Kin county by U. iv uaspn
general agent..
The Christian at Work.
RELIGIOUS, literary and family
This F-amot Wwkit comprises a rare
combination of R1IkIous, Literary, Rclpntl
flo, Practical and Timely Tuples. It employs
the nRKTTAI.KHT In all departments, and
enters upon Its sixteenth year with Increased
means and facilities and the energy and ex
perience requisite to perforin every pledge
snd obligation to its readers and tho pub
not only belleTes In Working Christians, bat
advocates the rights and seeks to promote
the welfare of all workers In avocations de
signed to elevate the People and advance the
prosperity of the country. It believes In
Progress 'anil improvement Moral, Mental
and Physical and that while the world
moves the people should he advnnclnulu the
right direction. Aiming- to furnish the
It invites an examination of Its contents.and
a comparison of the merits thereof with
thoKo of contemporary Journals. Indeed it
claims that the llcst Is always the Cheapest.
ful Weekly of Twenty lirgo Quarto Paires.
One subscription, one year, In advance ...S3 on
For six months I !)
One subscription. two years, In advance. ....5 00
One subscription with one new subscri
ber, both inadvance.ln one remittance.. .5 00
One subscription witli two new subscri
bers, all three In advanoc, in one re
mittance 7 00
Onesubscrlptlon with three new subscri
bers, ull four In advance. In one remit
tance 8 30
One subscription with four new subscri
bers, all Ave In advance. In one remit
tance 10 00
Any number over five ut the same rate,
lnvarlubly with one remittance.
Subscribe now and pet the low rote. Wo
Rive no premiums, and reserve the right to
withdraw our liberal club rates at any time
after six months.
Hamples sent free upon application.
J. N. HALLOC'kT. Publisher.
216 llroadway, N. Y.
Note paper and envelopes at the
Ask your neighbor to subscribe
for The Advocate only S1.50 a year
when paid in advance,
Xote paper, envelopes, cheap at
The Advocate office.
OUTFIT sent, free to those who wish
to engage in tiie most pleasant and
"profitable business known. Every
thing new. Capital not required. We
will furnish you everything, eliladaynnd
upwards Is easily made withoutstayingnutty
from home over night. No risk whatever.
Many new workers wanted at once. Many
are making fortunes at tiie business. Ludies
make us much as men, and young boys and
girls make great poy. No one who Is willing
to work fails to make more money every day
titan can be miide In a week at ordinary
employment, 'those who engage at once,
will find a short road to fortune. Address
ii. UALLt.1T & CO., Portland, -Maine. n.TUyl
About the handsomest eight-pagn paper
i the country." Philadelphia Timet.
independent! enterprising! trust
Having greatly strengthened its
staff and general equipment, this fa
vorite family journal will enter upon
the year 1881 prepared for the occu
pation or a wider held than ever be
fore. In all that may contribute to
the edification or the entertainment
of the best class of readers, it is ever
Points about the Press-
Editorial Department. The nens of
the best writers are engaged in fearless
discussion or all topics of living inter
ests, political, sociul and general.
The News of the Week. Coyered
not only by associated press dis
patches, but by special correspon
dence from every point of interest,
luri'igu ur uuiuesuu.
Political Phases, Presented in the
most attractive and trustworthy form
by the most brilliant letter-writers of
the day, including staff correspondents
of national reputation.
The Foreign Field. Full and ac
curate cable dispatches fsora special
agents of the Press iu every European
An Agricultural Page. Not a re
hash from the agricultural weeklies,
but fresh and seasonable discussion, un
der the supervision of practical men of
acknowledged authority.
Home and Society. A department
invaluable to women for faithful fash
ion reports and hints to housekeep
The best stories of the day. from ad
vanced sheets, by arrangements with
Hiiiglish publishers.
Poetry, Tales of travels and adven
ture, criticisms of art, literature and
the drama; wit and humor, games and
puzzles, personal intelligence, and
gleanings from every part of the fields
of facts and fiction.
Clinging to all that is good in its re
cord, the Weekly Press means to keep
duce with the march of ideas and
events, and has an opinion on every
subject touching the welfare of the
people. It Is aggressive for the right
but ever courteous; enterprising, but
not sensational. There is nothing in
its pages that would make it unwel
come in any family circle.
terms: $1.25 a year; $1.00 to clubs of
ten or more.
A Splendid Premium.
The Press has made'a peculiarly fav
orable contract by which Is is enabled
to offer, in place of the club offers, a
splendid premum, consisting of the
Library of Universal Knowledge, a
verbatim reprint of the London edl
ton of Chambers' Encyclopaedia, com
plete In fifteen volumes, of more than
(00 pages each; or Shakespeare's com
plete works, ) three volumes, an ac
curate reprint of the famous Globe
Edition, with a copious glossary.
These premiums are offered to friends
sending clubs, as follows:
For club of 10 copies, oae copy free.
For club of 20 copies, Shakespeare's
For club of 20 conies and $3.00 ad
ditional, the Library of Universal
For club of 60 copies, the Library of
Universal Knowledge.
For club of 100 copies, the Daily Press
for oue year and the Library of
Universal Knowledge.
There is no charge for a- sample,
copy. Send a postal card, and get
one by return mail.
The Press, Philadelphia.
"The Philadelphia Press grows con
stantly fresher aud stronger?' N. Y
For fear you may forget we say
onee more don't fail to go In and see
the big stock of new goods at the
Walo torv
The most complete Institution In fh United
States for the thornngh practical education
of young and middle aged men.- Students
admitted at any time.
-For circular giving mil particular ad
dress J. C. 8M.TH, A. M. .
Pittsburgh, Pit
inform the citizens of Rldgway, and
the ntiblic generally, that he has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
BfSyHe will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Tost Office will receive prompt
Cathartic Pills
Combine tiie choicest catltartlc principles
In medicine, in proHrtions neenrately ad
justed to secure activity, certainty, and
uniformity of effect. They are the' result
of years of careful mly and proctictil ex
periment, nttd arc the "most effectual rem
edy yet discovered for discuses, caused ly
derangement of the stomach, liver, uuil
bowels, which require prompt and effectual
treatment. Ayeu's Tri.i.s nre specially ap
plicable to this class of diseases. Tliey act
directly on the digestive and assimilative
processes, and restore reptlar healthy ac
tion. Their extensive use by physicians in
their practice, and by all civilized nations,
is one of the many proofs of their value o-h
a safe, sure, and HTlcctly reliable purgative
liii'ilicinc. llcing compounded of the con
centrated virtues of purely vegetable sul
stanoes, they are positively free from ralo
mel, or any injurious proiHTtiea, and can be
administered to children with perfect safety
Avku's Tit.t.s nre an effectual cure for
Constipation or Costiveness, Indiges
tion, Dyspepsia, l-oss of Appetite,
Foul Stomach nnl Hrertth, Dizxiness,
Hemluche, Loss of Memory, Numbness,
liiliousneis, Janndico, I&euntatUin,
Irruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy,
Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, Colic,
di'ipps, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gout,
Piles, Disorders of the Uvcr, and ull
other diseases resulting from a disordered
state of the digestive, apparatus.
As a Dinner Pill they have no equal.
While gentle In their action, these Fills
are the most thorough anil searching cat bar
tic that, can be employed, and never give
pain iinlasn tho bowels am inflamed, and
then their influence is healing. They stimu
late tho Bjppetttfl and digestive organs: they
operate to purify and enrich the blood, and
impart renewed health and vigor to the
whole system.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer fc Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
Lowell, Man.
The Largest and Best Family
Paper in the World.
Send for
37 Park Row, New York
S-t f Outfit furnished free, with full ln
I I I struct Ions mr conducting the most
J.V profitable business that anyone can
engage lu. The business Is so easy to learn,
and our instructions are so simple and plain
that any one can make great profits from the
very start. No one can fail who is willing to
work. Women are as successml as men.
Boys and Oirls can earn large sums. Many
have made at the business over .one hundred
dollars In a single week. Nothing like It
ever known before. All who engage are sur
prised at the ease and rapidity with which
they are able to make money. You can en
gage in this business during your spare time
at great profit. You do not have to Invest
capital In It. W take all tha risk. Those
who need ready mouey , should write to us at
once. All furnished free. Address TRUE A
CO., Augusta, Maine, n3Syl
Scrap pictures, shelf paper ma
chine made, and note pirper and . en
velopes atT he Advocate office.
ed as an un
failing cure
for Seminal
S pe rmator-
deseaaes that follow as a seouencv on
Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni
versal Lassitude, Pain iu the Back.
Dimness of vission, Premature old
age, and many other diseases that
leads to Insanity. Consumption and
a Premature Grave, all of which as a
rule are first caused by deviating from
the path of natureand over indulgence.
The Specific Medicine is the result of
a life study and many years of experi
ence in treating those special deseases.
Full particulars in our pamphlets,
which we desire to send free by mail
to every one.
The Speciflo Medicine is sold by all
Druggists at $1 per package, or six
packages for $6, or will be sent by
mail on receipt of the money by ad
No. I Mechanics' Block.Detroit, Mich,
S&-Sold in Rldgway by all Droggista,
Harris 4 Ewing, wholesale Agents,
Pittsburgh. nlVly
to agents, dealers or poaawrB.
To show that our go
oodswlll sell on
fheir merits, we will a
allow anr agent
dealer or peddler to retw'n any part or
their first order remaining onsokl
after 60 days to us; and Will refund
money for same. There Is no rtloi
like It in the United States, and It
will sell In nearly every family. Se
cure the sale or agency of R at once,
and go to Work. Address for terms,
Shelf Paper and Scrap Pictures.
At the Advocate office. The shelf
paper Is in many colors; the scrap plo
tures lu endless variety. Also auto
grap albums, fancy note paper, etc.
Call and see us, over Powt 11 A Klme'a
store. Visiting cards, and Christmas
cards, besides Reward of Merit and
other cards. It won't coat you a cent to
call and see our new stoek, just re
ceived. Get your NOTE PAPER, EN
ITING CARDS at The Advocat
office, over Powell fc Ki rue's tar
Ridgway, Ph.
(A MasllelM, at s Drink.)
hops, Btrcnu mandrake,
Am tn Pt-itst aitd Bst MrntPit Qvax
All nieMiof theStomseh, Bowels. Blood,
14rer, Kldnryi.ncl VrlnsrrOrgsna, I1
irnmnuss SleeplessnMssntf eipeeUUf
Feowle Complaints. m(J
81000 IN COLD.
Win K n.M f.lp ft MM thv will not cor erV
help, or for snythlng Impure or Injuxloss
f uaDd In them.
An rowr 4antfi for Hop Bitters snd trf
Utcra before jou sleep. Take othar.
D t . C. Is sn shiolute snd tircststthte cars for
Drunkenness, u of opium, tobacco n
AM ftbtm fold hj wlrvnti
He? BltUrt Mf?. Co., Rochester, N. T.,
Philadelphia A Erie It. R Div.
On and after SUNDAY, November
7, 18H0, the trains on the Philadel
phia & Erie Railroad Division will
run as follows:
Niagara Ex. leaves Phils 9 00 a. m.
" Renovo..6 40 p. aa-
erie MAIL leaves Plii'a 11 65 p. to.
" " Renovo 1106 a.m.
" " Emporium. 1 30 p. m.
" ' St. Mary's..2 23 p. m.
" " Ridgway ... 2 46 p-m.
" ' Kane 3 45 p. a.
" arr. at Erie ..7 45 p. m.
Day Express leaves Renovo 10 05 a. m.
" " arr. at Phila.... 6 5 p.m.
erie mail leaves Erie 11 85 a.m.
" Kane 4 10 p. m.
" Ridgway. ...5 17 p.m.
" Ht. Mary's..5 60 p. m.
" Emporium. ( 65 p. m.
" Renovo......9 00 p. m.
" arr. at Phila 7
Wm. A. Baldwin. General Sup't.
State Normal School,
(Eighth Normal School District.)
A. N. RAUB, A.M.,Ph. D. Principal
This school as ut present constituted
offers the very best facilities for Pro
fetiHional and clawlcal learning.
Buildings spacious, inviting and
commodious, completely heated by
steam, well ventilated and furnished
with a bountiful supply of pure, soft
spring water.
Location healthful and easy of ac
cess Surrounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, efficient, and
alive to their work.
Discipline firm but kind, uniform
and thorough
Expenses moderate.
Fifty cents a week deduction to
those preparing to teach.
Students admitted at any time.
Courses of study prescribed by tke
Stale ; I. Model School. II. Prepara
tory. III. Elementary. IV. Scien
tific. adjunct rot'BSEs:
' I. Academic. II. Commercial. III.
Music. IV Art
The Elementary and Scientific
courses are Professional, and student
graduating therein receive State Diplo
mas, conferring the following corres
ponding degrees: Master of the Ele
ments and Master of the Sciences.
Graduates in the other courses receive
Normal Certificates of their attain
ments signed by the Faculty.
The Professional courses are liberal,
and are in thoroughness not inferior to
those of our best colleges.
The State requires a higher order of
citizenship. Tne times demand it. It
is one of the prime objects of this)
school to help to secure it by furnish
ing intelligent and efficient teacher
for her schools. To thisend, it solicit
young persons of good abilities and
good purposes those who desire to
improve their time and their talents,
as students. To all such it promises
aid In developing their powers and
abundant opportunities for well-paid
labor after leaving school.
For catalogue and terms address the
Principal, or the Secretary of th
StockhoIder's'Trustees. J H Ba.
ton, M D, AH Best, Jacob Brown.
S M Blckford, Samuel Christ, A N
Raub, R G Cook, T. C. Hippie, Esq.,
O. Kentzlng. E. P. McCormfck, Esq..
W. W. Rankin, W. H. Brown.
State Trusteea--Hon A G. Curtin,
Hon William Bigler, Hon, H.Vli
Dieffen bach, Gen Jesse Merrill, J C
C Whaley, 8 Millar McCormlck..
Hon. William Bigler, President,Clear.
field. Pa.
Gen Jesse Merrill, Vice President.
Lock Haven, Pa.
8. Millar McCormlck, Secretary,
Lock Haven, Pa
Thomas Yardley,. Treasurer,, Lock.