Idilor THURSDAY. DEC. 2t, isso. Enti-ium at tmk Posr-t i kh r at R IK! WAY. Pa.. 48 SKOXD (I.ASS MAIL II ATI Kit. TsN'tf j t.p r i'. ml t nvc'ci , in large or n;t1l crtiirit'rx it Tim; An- VOOATK nfliec. Oil' nlld si e our s!np before purchasing !! Chksthk A. Auriii'it I-to he the seventh Vice President elected from the Statu of Now Yir!. Ills predecessors miviv A iron llarr. George Clinton, Daniel 1). Tompkiu, Mnrtin Van Bureii, Milhir.l Fillmore and Williun A. Wheeler. According to the statement of p very knowing Cnngrewsmun to a Tribune reporter, President Lincoln lived f jO,(K)o;it of a salary of ', on I for ftkur yenri; Johmou Haved J'i 1,1 00, Grant saved sri'.WH, he having re ceived fr-'V'iu) si year the lir.-t four years of Ids term and t'lil.n'l ysr lie lust four years; wj die Hayes has got along comfortably on $li, year aud will there lore rave about I f ,(: Censm Cull-.Hi:i No. 2J ,rives 1 1 1 population oi twenty-nine coontit., in Peiiusy I vuiihi which foot tip l.iilljf'g us staiinst 1, '.150,78 ) in LSTd guin of over a quarter of a million in tvn jrM, in less thun half the State. Elk county lias 12,ik against .S,4S in 1S70. Warren county has 27jsl against W' 7 in 170. Oitiit-ron county has S,10! against 4 -,7X Clar loti couuty lias 40,3. '(( iiginst 'Jrt,fi3, Forest county has f.'IP.j a against 0iO. 1 he census returns nrc cimin in about as fust us the election returns from Texas, aud in cither case a snail, and a lame snail at that, would be an appropriate inesscn nr. Tub total abstainer' argument that even the beasts will not drink alcoholic, fluids is often met by adverse facts. In Grass Valley, Cal., a. I the hogs on n ranch went on a spive t -gather. The contents of wine cask ran out into u poo!, a id they found the bveri,'e gO:-l. I'd - tuv.ui it y: " wvro frisky and full of play, others b'lligeretit and 8W;v.rgeriu.. umuiid hunting up ti.hts; some wan lenn.t around iu an im becile wav, walking in corkscrew style ami tumbling over the least oh stru ctlciii tii. it lay in their path, whi'e several o: the iainer lings that had mana red to net in the hcavet loads, were incapable of motion." Mt:.U'ilf.3, December IK- A special fro n Tupelo, Missis.-i'iiii. f.-ivi-s the following tu-c-it 1 1 1 n'" a most horrih'e cr. .:c committed in M- nrno county, M i d.ipi: Sitiir'iy flight two men givi:i: ll.i'ii.iiiic o, .Milb-r prevailed on Mr. Drown Ui dding t" allow them to sleep in his house o cr'nighf. About li o'clock the neighbors bund flames issuing from Hie bo;i.-e. and it was soon des' roved. S.-aivli in fi. riius revealed the chai n d lvm-dns of Mr. Ti'-e two strange m-11 wc.o then p ,r ued an I m e of them b, i.ig K..'addill;;,liis wi can I lit t le tl iiczht. r captured, told a st"iy io llic cif ct that lie an I in. a.v .iip'iiv chinric formed ;iln- iimi'y, sci'ir.-. .1 twenty sevt n dollars in money, a watch aud come ciothimj, tired the bouse ami fled. His captors thin deunniucd that he should be punished Willi bis own weapons. They pinioned him, lUTamjvd pine s linli r.-satur.ilcd with chloroform around him an I set them on fire. DidUent search is being made for the o her uiurden r, who, if caught, will doubtless share the tame fate. Fractional ('urn ncv. Washington. Dec. In.-There will be several bills introhitvd this session, authorizing the issue of fractional cur rency. These bills call for various amounts. That o, Senator nualls au thorizes the issue of id" 0 '(t.Ui 0. Jl does not see to l.e understood at t he Capital that all this is uniiece.-.-aiy. All that is reiiiu(l to -ei iraciiou'al currency nlJi at is to make an appropriation for the printing of it. This met Inn been stated again ami air i in by Tre uiy I.ut does not te.m to L generally t nderstood. li ivvever, tile ile.naliil 'for l.H eui reiicy is an giva: tint its rei.-sue i-only a matter of time. The Treasury De partnunt is const mtly in rect'it of letters asking why liie public cannot be accommodate d by a' least a small allowanc- of this handy currency. The piiidi-iit is or weekly newspaper ami toe ilea eis in small .'.rtieh-s want it, as weil as ab others wi.o use tiic inuils for liie tr.msioi.-':ou oi sniail sums. It is not tunug'iii ili u elicap postal orders u ill till me hiil. (itxiil Lltcra lire. This is the appropri.Yu name of a weekly newsjiaper at oUcfiits a year, Which is certainly one or" the uiu.-i marvelous pro I ,ets f the no u nious '"liiier r Ue volution." (i five for this pltUmv .boat twiec u much malter n tlur of the i't.ihi mi.'uiiiies, uml Is tiHel with theiaitst ne '.?., tit kt is worth knotting uboni books mid auric r-, con lt-nstd, pointed opinions of tie best lit.TAry critics c M -crnin new it i I stand ir I books, wi.. choice readings from those ol If iv.,.e.-t iutere t, rejnintiitg some vaV U ilj. lioo'j I', It is just now t'i M i ( fi l. v L " i li maiiced' Anc.eot iiypt." a-i l;i-tor." ' novel in rciiiiiUibh iutir. Mid b-iwty, ;..e;( h i t jn I v W n nil . by tile ..iiif 01 Si l.t.'i. Ui.lihi.e.' t r "T'olu- jiuii," n t iiinr.:-.v's iivpi.riii." a jrtes o al'tieb on "Toe Clioiee o. liooks,'' by Mr. C.i is. F. ilichard-on. is woi til to any tlio:i,;::'ii! reader,- :ar more th.i:) Hie eo-t o." tiic papir A fptH'itllen copy will brt e!ii tree, o liie pa;i r will be eut t;iive moiit'i on trisl for tlie m iuiu .1 price of 10 ct-.. by the publishers', the American Book Fxcluuie, Tribune Duilding, 3w Yoik CHi' Cfiuj 4. Parians, Jr. Tlilrly Venrs in Jail. A peculiar otory of crime, romance, dissipation and a life spent for the most p.irt behind the gray walls nnd lieHvy bars of the Marvlund Peniten tiary lins been recalled to notice re cently by the pardon und release at Daltimoreof jlrtitl I'ricc, a con vlct ' who was lust cuninletiii'X a sentence of iV'tccn years, ills term ol impris onment had almost expired ami the par ion w is a-ked only that liie pris oner mliilit bp restored to the rights of citizenship, h lrvllesie lie would be oblige I to fonvo b:d he served Ids fill1 time. The iippiiciit ion was made on tlx- Mrcu 'th of Price's excellent behavior diiriu-r his eoillllii-meiit, Mild liie necessary papers lor Ids rele,i-e ( re received to-day from linveriior Handltoii. Thus is' liberated u man whose prime of life lias been spent, us a convict, serving two terms of fifteen years. He was lite son of respected citizen of II ill inioi'e. Wild. nil Price, but at all curly ae negail to lead a li of dissipation, and be now has the blood of tnrce men upon his bauds. The intimate connection two of these men 'id tlicir families had with the murderer tenders the history o' themau more than iutcre-liiig even Marlliug. Nearly forty years go I'rief s lamilv became l'liti'iuate with bis first victim. David Donald sons, ini his wife, i'ricc was visiting at the Donaldson", on the itelair Hoa l, near the city, one evening and li'c.ine involved in a quarrel with the husband, which rcsti ted iu the latter being shot mid killed, l-'or this otleuse I'ricc served n term sin! shortly niter his release his father, William i'ricc. a widowir. wooed und married .Mis. Doiii'iison, the wife of the man his son had killed. This alliance again threw i'riee in contract witli tne D..11 a sou lamily and with a bioth'er-iu-iaw of his slepuiot her named (Jeore ( 'amjiiiell. In May, lt,lie iju irreu d with t.'ampliell, it is Ihonglit ov r some family matters, in a saloon called Arbeiter iiall on high Street mar It i tiiuore Street, kept by "Med' Pctherhriiige, at present a prominent United St itcs ollleial tit Washington. In the melee Price drew his pistol and shot CampleM, inflicting a wiuud trom whicli death ensued. lie was convicted of murder in the second degree und was sentenced for fifteen years, which term he served, it 'leased iu li'l. Ills next victim was a ' niaii-aliout-town,'" ((iiite a sporting character, named Dewitt Clinton James or "t 'lint" James, ns he wa ailed. He also was shot in the "O.d Museum'' Theatre, long since des troyed by fire. i'ricc was sentence i for lift ecu more years In isoti, but lias shortened his term two moot lis every year since li"'i, when toe "tioo.l-be havior ' Law was e iaclid. lie h . 1 professed re igion :u tne prison aiei scarcely had ade-ir.- to lie free II 11 . s a wi.e his second one livui ii Wa-liin :t')ii, and he i, p oiidiy go there with tier. Ilis stt inn .1 i t )t. widow o his fir-t v.euin ami He ' sister-in-law of ui -in n 1. r!-i-t -. a; ' iid; iniorc. and are in i'vi le-p '.-Uo ' Price is tolerably weli-i. -.10, li.n l.-o. years of cuiillucincut and t be meiioi v I of a missieiit life iia .e liowed ills head ami liueJe a Very old n.un 01 bun at ij. List tif Jurors. List o' Jurors drawn for Januarv term 18sl: OttAXIl .Tt'IioKS. Deli.lllger .losetih lihe.ssfl. .I.coli sclmeidt r Ilalics. John P.reindlc, Jr , Joseph Helie.eife Simon P, ltomtg. K in Morey. Fox James Fanisworth. flcorge W. Iioycr. John Sul.ivan, Jacob Dot linger. Highland H. O. Ellilhorp. Jlortou James Phaleii, 1J. A. Dill. Nathan Hippie. Jay Mait'ii Clover. Wilbur Munn. ..'ones M icbael .Ii. er. Peter Myers. Didgw.iy A. II. I iead, John Wlinis Icy. Job 11 "assi rly. St. Marys J h'n ;rot, Jacob Kra'.ls, Anthony liii nii.iuer. Tit.vvKits,: ,n;i!(it;s. Heiiziiijcr John tiahn, l'hilip Kreel;il John ( it-it tier, George Kug ler.thoi je Decker, tieorge liauer, Jr., .lo.-cph Kioiincn wetter. Jr. l!enczellc-D. IS. Winslow T. J. Sball'er. Fox John Largey, Jr.. John Koch, Andrew Han, it. S. (iross, Lewis Id dings. .Michael Finlllngcr, C. A. liiown. Iter. nan Stne-sl.y, lvUgene Thump-on. Highland '1 heodore Vankirk. .lotus John Nisi. J. V. Ilimiieri, Mich. ui Dill Jr , J. L. Drown, T. L. MeKeaii IScniard Weidi I t. Jay Anion U. Koliinsou. S. M..-Moore, Jeremiah Hoover, Tlioinp-on Crow. liidjway L. A. Dri mlel, T. S. Hartley, Hugh McCeehin, Pld ip Lesser, Jolin It. K'mic, ticorge (iul uaek, Isaac Cox, lieu Lamoieux. D. S Luther, Peter Clark, John Flynn, Decker. Spring Creel; Hi uben Moliney. SI. Marys FiancU Keller. Lt'nard i.linmin. Woi gang Aumaii, Jr.. (iii rge Iiiihoi", L ii.tiarmr Tin mas Valentine, John Frank, Jen v Pnuiic. Dr. Day's Cure far Head-ache is theouly remedy known that will stop ah attack of sick or nervous head-ache in its commencement; it will always cure those headaches, coming on iu hot weather when riding or 011 a journey ; only three or four doses, half an hour apart, are necessary. PriceoO celltsa bottle, Dr. Day's Stomach and Dowel Tonic is tl.e best remedy in use for poor appetite, weakness and trembling in the stomach, pain after eating, heart burn, soreness and gnawing pains in the stomach, nervousness when tired, constipation and other diseases of the bowels arising from poor digestion. This medicine will positively cure col j vi-iicss iu every ease ; and no one who is trouhleC vt bh I bat complaint should fail to try it; a- it hot 011 y relieve-, but cures. Price Ask your druggist or-toivktcpt r for tb-e medicines. Manufactured by D. U. Day A Co., liid -wav, Pa. Scrap pictures, Authors, p n bo'd crs, note paper, envelopes ,'rmn size 1 to i.c i 1. A large am! elegant stock of fancy note paper iu boxes nt Tiik olllee. Also shelf paper, which is neat, ornamental aitd dura blc. No troub'e to show 1 h.cse goods even if you do not wish tojiurehase. f!et your bill-heads and note heads printed at Tun Advocate of flc. Ask your iicighimr to take The Advocate, and send us a birth, marriave. death, or other items of in tt rest that may occur in your lo cality. Drop us a postal with sny itfiti you nmy wish inserted and we will give it our earliest attention. Oct your rmte-licads, letter heads and rnve'iipt neatly printed at The Pciin. State Notes. All the mall routes iu Pennsyl vania are to be let the c lining winter for lour ycara from January I to June 3(1, 188o, Mnria, a fourteen xenr old datigh ,5r". ot V. W" V township, Fayette county, wasburned to death while trying to light a lamp. A juvenile couple were Joined In mnrriave by it mgist rate at Uie Fourt h Avenue Hotel iu I'ltlsburgh recently, they wew aged respectively seventeen and si teen yctirs. The boilh r in the paper mill of Morrison, it ire & Cs, inr Altooua exp oded a few li.i.vs 14 jo. eai-i'ig llo iiiense de-i ruci ion ol jnojierty, and fatally sesld:ll David Mclvee.' A mail bn thrown from train while goiii at fui I speed l t'hester, struck William Dowen, and sent liiui spinning a cou-iderable distance, but be wsuot seriously injured. A lad named Ulyssts S. Grant, aged is years, nnd residing near l''rau ;lin," Venango' county, was in stantly killed by the accidental dis charge of bis gun while hunting re cently John Miskiiumiiig, of Phueuix villc, was committed to the West Chester jail lor brutally assuming bis wife, a woman n ' il years, lie nrotte one o! her legs ami dislocated a thigil bone. Lewis ltockwell was supported by his relatives at Hoiiesdalc until lie was a hundred years oid; and tiicti deem ing Ids iongevily unreasonable tiny turned him over to tne poor master. He is now M!. A mail living iu the south side, city o, Put -burgh, was reeeiillv ten dolhiis .or erui .i to nh cnihiii ii in ic Using 10 purchase mi dlctnc c tili'iu ilui'lllg lie ir li.lle.s-. ;l I!nl.!l lie vas iK l ucliy i.b.e to do s;i Water n..s beeoiiie so scarce in We.-t W nitel.iiid, Coesier eouiny, some 01 the 1.. rulers n,e Ikcii lirt.-.s-ing tocir hog.-, iiy means ,i life. I'm poller is wr.ippeii 1.1 s.r.iJ', I ie .-tr.v si t on lire an i ine c-mie.s ml' in . jilty. Sarali Voting, of Osceola, aye. I fourteen years, .!.. been mi.-ssilig s.-oco i;-l January. She wrote 1.0. oe in luiy t.ial sue was nviu.j in HouiUiiys burg, l.eit a riceiit vi -u oi tier moioer to liiai place uued to reVea. lur wuelc aliouls. Two thieves were arrested ami sent tojaii in I'lUsourgli mr imri.y .ats. 1 oeli' mr tty, e-ou sist i .ig of v. .item'- uml Wei e 1 e tiillieU iy li;e . iCe, ..I. II inter liie e.vpli'..till.i ol I. 0.1 nee- IVi.l.ii.-l 1. 1 l.a'iii, .1- II. 1 .MVliCi' oe iifiiU.l. ill 11 -i iI;ei:i-o;iiii el. trom a lad il. r III l.ic liiiil siory o; a lielli i, Cl. IM"I 1:1 lieudlllg, ilni ilgilte 1 1.1 .tei.i.r ui.d cai'.'i'M oy ii.'ofy ja.i. I i.e, ucily k.ii.i'.iiii Nuii, 1 r-.oi 1 i.e, I. .11 ne Ik-i.i .iiio.y to 11 tin. I prevented ho.ll .ro.u ,!ii.iiu into tne William Deuvef.a laborer liviugat liin. .-latum, .Montgomery county, In a lieigiiOoring iar.ii lion.-e to oik Monday , 1.11.I sel il nvu ly liie stove mr a lc' minutes. 1 te suildi luy leil 10 the ilo.-r, ami wnell (.leKed tip was ion, el to be ilea l Heart is suj to nave oeeli iliecausjc. .1 man living near Morgaiistown, Kerns county, has Ids house exactly on tne line 01 Her.ts, Lancaster ami 1 hester t otmtics. and he can .ay ni liei.d down on his pillow iu one eouuly, kic.i ids icet own under tne covers 11110 allot her cou.ny, ami gl up cany in toe nun uiiig an.i liuild ine liies and put on the lea keitie ior his wne in si ill anoint r c.iiuty. -A ex p res ew iiiglits ago the Harrishurg on tne J't unsy IViiuia ma. I ran over .v i it - iirsi -a,, .tj.l l lie a w, lifi.r . . ii... ore sUi.e 11. 1 lie in.nii i.i;. 11 .v woisi.eii "tiovvii br.t.tis,' hut mil .-0011 ell, ugh to stop the Hani I.e. ore It oa.-iied upon lot .orm, mangling it beyond recognition, it wa-s a snow wo.uau some boys had coustruclcd tor their own eporl and tne engineer's delusion The wife of Owen Dougherty, of Chcsier, lircanieil tlial theie was gold under a rock at liaising Sun, near liiuiiigton. Act ording to the dream tliere was a covered brick on I lie rock. Mrs. Dougherty's liilher in-.nw i'l.omas Dmuliei ly , navnig l:i it It ill the dream, took Mrs. Dougherty to Kisiiig .sun, ami iney louml liie ioci; with the inick on it. On .MoniUy night llirec mill spent several bonis digging under the roeii. - lit tl.ey toiiud, or ratiier iti.luT li 11 it, the three inell probably Know. Cause uml ldViTt. The main cause of nervousness is indigestion, and wc.iaiicss of the can have so in. I that is Ciiu-ed by stomacli. No one nerves and goo 1 healiii without using 1 1 4 Strengthen the stomach, Hitters to purify the b 00 I, aud keep the liver ami kidneys active, to carry oil" an tne oi.onous and wa-le matte r of tl.e sy.-lein. Hee other column. Advance. The Coudersport Enterprise saj's: Frank Weltoti hardly knows whether it is best to carrj' a revolver in his coat pocket or not. 4. day or two since, iu helping about the logwaj, one of the horses newly sharpened, kicked him on the hip, the ca!!;s cut ting through Ids co:it, ; 1 iking t lie re volver, causing one clumber to ex plode. The ball tore ijiiite a bole in Frank's coat ami pants. Il l I it not been for tli.i revolver Frmk would have been crippled Ji the calk of the horse's shoes. So fur, W) teod, but whether it i best to run any more ri-l; with pi. lot ba'ls is another pn tio;i. Flunk nln 1 Jy b:s one ball in hi- bead, t.ud has 110 desire to si t him self up as a lead mine. GENTS V7AKTE0. Cy Tlx Ftrrryhrrla Ktifuol pro tective Assosiaiian 01 fiusujrn, ha. Hen. Jss. li.fla;, PictUcnt, This Life AssiH-ialion stands liish in point of character, and has eilected Ihe most iil-uraiiee tor tlie least inoiicv. '1 Lt ir plan is simple nnd plain, their iiiamivement economical Their OSicers and Directors nrc well .now n business nun of Pittshuru' Address the Company at No. 104 Fourth avenue, for Circulars, etc. New ear Card, at The Anto- cTr. t.Siee. These earls are used by vivitoi siiil Mtit by mid! where parties wish to prtsent tlie'coinpliuieutsof Hies ALWAYS GET TIIK BEST I m . The Chpistian at Work. A LA HOE QUARTO WEEKLY HKLIOIOUS, UTERAHY AND . NEWSPAPKK. FAMILY EVA NO EMC At,, NON-SECTARIAN, INDEPENDENT. Ttil Kimiuk Vi-:kki.T ontnprlncn n rnre roiiililiiiitlnii of IIUuli,iis. I,ltprnry. Solenll lli". l' sail I linel) T"'le. It employs the Hi t ri,Kr In nil ilepurttni'iiis, l ntiTs Ujiitu tin slvtei'iitli year with tnerensetl ihi'iois km. t f '.-liiiii's Mini tiio eii'Tuv uml ex perleacc r-nnlslie to perttirm every pleilje ml olillgiillini M Its leu.lois 1U1U tlio pub lic. 71 Ji 'christian a t work not only hollev In Worltlni Clirlsllnns, lint iiilviK-iitPH iIh. rluhls sail nocks to promote, the welfare nfsll winkers In avocations lie slL'iie.1 toolcviito the People Hint iiilviinee the prosperity r iho eonntry. II. helieves In Progress uml linproveiiient Moriil. .Menial nnil Pliysleal uml Unit while the worlil imivp the people shout. I lie mlviniebiK In the I iglit (lireetlon. AtniliiK to furnish the PEST WEEKLY OF ITS CLASS. II. 1 11 v H cs mi exiimlnnllon of Us eontcnts.nnd II eonipiirlso'i nf tin" tnerlts thereof Willi llinsM or fiiiitenipiirin v Journals. Iaile il It ehilnis Unit the Uesi Is mwiiys the Clienpest. l'OHM. STYLE AND T Hit MS. TIIK CIIItlsTI.VX AT WOKK Is n lienutl ful Weekly of twenty l.arjcu (iii irto Pajeit. OUR TERMS FOll IS SI: One Ktilxerlpt Ion, one year. In ailvmic.....1'! in I'or six mon I lis 1 .") inn" Hiiiiscrlptloii.t wo years. In mlvioiet' 'rl One subsi..-ia.n wltli one new snii-i-ri- li.-r. In Hilv;.ii.-t.ln one lemiltiiiii-e..,.', il i liie Mills.:- with Iwone-.v suhf.i- hers. ui: Uiree hi iitlviniee. I . one re- mlttroiee " 1 incsulisei ipll.m with three new suIim- I hers nil four in inlvnaee. la one r.-iu U. tain". Ml,.- .uh-IMipt. Ill Willi I'.IU.- IIC Mlhsi-ll- h- r :UI ri v.- in a. I vmie . In n 1 i-mi): lllllee I- Any milrili,-;- vi-.-liveet I !ti ..iiin' r..!. inv -i-l il.!v w ith ..a.- r, nilti irie. U'l-.el itie re.w :in-l .'I tlie Nov I'..' -, i lvr mm preiiilnins, unit resci vi- I'le 'u ..vith lmw oar iiiiei-.u ein') r iti;s ..I a y t;i after six inoiiilis. Suiiip es seiu fiee upon nppltcitioa. AtldresH J. N. IIA I.:.-. ! tih I !k i- '11 i iiro:e'.rny . N. V ne Note paper an I envelopes at .Mice. ti Ask jour neighbor to subscribe lor Tin-: Adviicatk only !.")0 n year when paid in advance. Note paper, envelopes, Tut-: Advocate cilice. cheap So; or i';-'! r -.i in i.-e to th...-e win. t..'i to Pi.fcnvi, In h). ui.isl 1.1-;. sill, I i.i il I ri. !, Ii, liie lin.-l.ies kn.i.t-ii. v.-i-v. tli'inr niw. I i mu n. i i,-, -,. w ill I"u: i.lh ymi ei.r.thnm. -in n ih-v toi.l lipwio ils is e:ii y iieiilr u lihnlll stilt lins'iiwit . I'ri'"n Inn iver niulit. No llslt whiucver. Many new w . r I : . i - wnuteil i. nnee. Mnnv me iinililiii; Imi-Iiiiics ui ihe Inislness. t.mli.:s lll'liie lis liinell us men, iitul viimm h,ivs ie, U nir s tun l (.lent pny. Nu who is tvi'liiej to w .1 k f.ibs to niiike more m -ney every ili.y Ihioi eiin In- jn tt Wi-i-H ;.t i.i-. ! i tin r'v lllptoynielit. . hose il ...'-i--.. i:l ons wluiln.lii sh.nt rnii, I I. fortune A.I I :- II. HA I, I, KTI" A CO.. i'.ll I. ..1 line, nt.t I 'Aliout liie nnest In the country." l'liil.-elei. ei. it- ! -I- TII'.: PHIL i)!"l,l'ili. WEEKLY PRESS: imjki'kxdk.nt! KMTi:i!iM:i.sixo!ri;rdT wott 111 v! Having irrcatly strcliL'then d its eiUiUiieul. this t'a vorile t'amily journal will enter n;ion the year 1XI ' eimivd I'or the nccn iation of a wider lield than ever be lore. In all that may contribute to Ihe edification or the' entertainment n!" the best class ot reader, it is ever foremost. Points about the. ' Treys Ivlitorial Department, Tin- pens of the best writers tire engaged in fearless discussion of all topics of living inter esls. political, social mid general. Tlie News of the Week, Covered not only bv associated press dis patches, hut hv special correspon dence from every point of interest, foreiun or domestic. Political Phases, Presented in the most attractive aud tru-lwortlij- form by the most brilliant letter-writers of tlie day. including start' corresponuents of national reputation. The Foreign Field. Pull nd ac curate cable di'patchc.s ii".m special agents of the Press in every Kuropeati capital. An Agricultural Page. Not re hash from the agricultural weekli's, lint fresh ami seasonable discussion, un der tin; supervision of practical men of acknowledged authorii j'. Home ami Society. A department invaluable to wiui. en for tithl'ul lsh- ion reports ami Lints to ht uscki ep ers The best stories o'tlie daj', from ad vanced sheets, bj1 arrangements with Kuglish juililishers. I'oetry, Tales of travels and adven ture, criticisms of art, literature ml the drama; wit and humor, values ;.nd puzzles, personal inlellk'enec, and leanings i mm evt ry part t the lields o; tacts and fiction. Ciin. ing In all that is good in its re cord, the Wceklj- Press means to keep I ice Wltli tlie mnrcll or blei.s hint events, and has uu opinion on t very subject touching the wet. are ol the people. It is aggressive lor tlie right but ever courteous; cnterpri.iiig, bin not sensational. There is nothin.' iu its that would make it unwel come in anj- family circle. tkhms: $1.25 a year; $1.(K) to clubs tl" ten or more. A Splendid Premium. Tlie Press lias made a peculiarly fav orable com ract by which is is enabled to oiler, in place 'or' Ihe club oliirs, a sp fiulid 1'it ilium, consisting of the Library of Universal Kuou itdje, a verbatim i t prii.t 01 I be London etli lon of t'baintitrs Imcyc!o iv Iia. ctiin p etc in fi.tceu volumes, lime than 7'll pi.fs tic b; it , biikts alt 's foin- plete wciks, 11 tl.ite M inn s, tm ac curate leprii.t of (lie laliious (iloln Kdit ion. wiili a copious vlos-ary. These pteiuiimis .re ofl't red In friends sending club, us follows: For club of In eoiiics, one copy free. For flub of "0 copies, frh.tUtspt are's Works For club of 2n copiis and t'i.M) ad tiitioiial. the Iiliiary f L'niveisa! Knowledge. For chib of .r:0 ci.iies, the Library o! Univeatitl KnoMdetie. For club of IO11 copies, t tie Daily Press for one j'ear ami tlio Library til Universal Knnwledcc. FORM A CLUH AT OXCEI There is no cliarge for a sample copy. Kend a postal card, and get one by return mail. Address, The Prkss, Philadelphia. "Tlie Philadelphia Pre grows con stantly fresher und stroiiifer.'' N. Y. Tribune. Fcr Tear you may forget we say once more don't fail to go iu aud see ii,e big stock of new goods at me CENTRAL Ct&ts ITcrml (Eiifith Nnnntil School Dixtrict ) LOCK IJAYEX, CI.IX10.N IU, PA. A. N. rtAUB, A.M..PU i). I'rinf.ijjx'. Thlsnchool 11s at present constituted rflers the very best facilities lor Pro fessional and classical learning. ltuildings spacious, Inviting nnd commodious, completely heated by steam, well ventilated and furnished wit It a boui tiful supplj' of pure, soft spring water Locution healthful and easy of ac-ie-s. Surrounding sccnerj ti 11-11 rptisscd. Teachers experienced, ellleiciit, 11ml alive to their work. Discipline firm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses moderate. Fil'tj' cents a week deduction to those preparing to teach. Stimenis admitted at any time. Courses of study prescribed hv the State; I. Model School. II Prepara torv. III. Elementary. IV. Seien tili'e. ADJUNCT COCHPKS: I. Acatleiuie. il. Commercial. III. Music. IV. Art. The Elementary nnd Scientific courses are Professional, and students graduating therein receive State Diplo mas, conferring the following corres ponding degrees: Master of tlie Ele ments and Master of theSciences tirnduates iu the othercourses receive Normal Certificates of their "attain ments signed h.V the Fncuitj The Professional courses libera', and are in thoroughness not imiriort. liio-e ;' .nr best eoHer.Cs. The State requires a tiikther order o. eilizi n-:dp. 'I lie times demand it. 1 is one o: the ( rime otetets of this --!- 1 ol ! help to cure il ii- Itntiisli- 1 ' !- i I -nt ' ...ho. 1 r-iiiis at. t it tit trMcber- fiiisi u i. it solicit ;i,o I abilities ami if-. M.,i onriio, -1 i,..-e ,10 (le.-ire to imp -evt-ti t it titoe stid their talents, n. r toil. i'-. Tialliich it promises ait 10 ,. v, opiti.;- tiieir powers ami abmiil.-itit opportunities for well-paid labor u iter leaving school Kor citaln-.ttic and terms Idress the I'liticijial, or tlie .'-ecretarv of the Board It() A UI OF TRUSTEES. Stockholder's Tru-tees. J. II. Par ton. M. D.. A. II. l-iest. Jacob nrowu. S. M. nickford, Samuel Christ, A. N. iiaiih. U. . Cook T. C. Hippie. Esip, ( 1. K. nilnif. V, P Mcl'ormick, Esii , V. W. Rankin, W. 11. Drown. State Trustees Hon. A. (i. Curlili. iiiiii. Vi!'.inii. Dij-tr. lion H L. ! lielivo : a cl;. ( ! II. .li s c Merrill, J. C. ' W'.ia fy. S. Millar MeCormick, Estp oiTTC'i:lts. Hmi. William ltigler, President, Clear lie, d. Pa. Ceii. .? sse Merrill, Vice Pr-ident. Lock I uvea. l'a. -. Millar Mcl'ormick, Sceictry. Lee!: Haven, Pa. Thomas Yardlev, Tr.urer, LoeU Haven, Pa.. ! J i i ! t t Yours'f l.y !iiiii money wlicn a iro'.l. 11 chime., is oltei'l. lli.sliy 'ways liceptntr p.'Vortv fn 111 yiitir -I.t'ir. 'i'h sw h.i iilwnys t:ike iitlviii.tnui. ol ttie un.ul eliiuiei'S tor iniikli i' im.ncy Unit ere "Iti-retl. L'i'iieiii-1,.' beeiiliie .veit.lhy. While Iticse U'li.i tl 1 tint ill! ii.'ii t'hnnees reiiiniti in ..veriy. V.'. WMtit ui.'Oiy men. wiiiueii. buys, nie I tltis In win k f r us rii;hl iu tiieir.nvn l..c:tlliies. lie business will pny iiiiu-t tli-.n ten t uii'-s ..r.I , nary wtiyos. e luriiish nil eNpensivt uur lit nnil nil thnt you tie.'tl, fi't-e. ,u one w Ie , cinrnue fulls to in-. k uiiiii y -ry r:ipt,i:tv 'ou can tl.'Vole yi.ur whole lime tu Ihe wi.i k i.r oii-y ytinr spare iiiutiientK, l-'ul'. Inl.itln-.i-tion anil u!l tteit is sent free. A' tlres sil'INS.lN t 1 U. r.irllioitl. Maine. -Call and so New Vir ert!s. lo prices. our specimens We print them at 1880-1. 1880-1. The Fatriot, Daily and Weekly, for the En suing Year. The subscription price of the Wkkki.y Path hit has been reduced lo $1 per cojey per annum. To clubs of tlfty and upwards the Wceklj- Patriot ill be furnished at (Tie extranrdifarilj' cheaj) rate 01 "0 cents per cop.y per annum. The Daily Pathiot will be sent to any address, during tlie sessions of Congress ami the Legislature r.t the rate of Tit) etnts per mouth. Umler the act of Congress the pub lisher prepays tlie postage and sub scribers are relieved from that ex pense. Every subscription nutft be accom panied bv the cash. Xow is the time lo subscribe. Tlie apiroaehing sessions of Congress and the Legislature will be of more than ordinary interest ami their proceed ings will be ful I v reported for tlie Daily and a complete synopsis of t hem will lie uivin iu tlie Weekly. Address P.VIKIOI" l'lTPLlSlilNO CO., j2 ) Market f-treit, Hal risb'.irg. Pa. Uu Extraordinary Offer. I'mil Januarv Ist.l&sl.we will send to any nailer of this paper a splendid Imitation (lold Watch ami Chain for A $10 .Seven Shot (iold Mounted Revolver for f.-;. A complete fcset of ShaUespenre's Works bamlsomely bouitd ami illiistiiited, for $'-'. Four sets of beautiiiil Ionian Jewelry (all ilillert nt) for t3 tents. Or we will stud nil four :or $12. This oiler will only last during the holidays, and is made lor the purpose of introducing our goods. Order tit once Address, U. .-. MAM.'FACrUltlXO COM PANY, 110 riiuithtield tet.,Piitsburgh, i'n. nilii4o One Exiiciieitee for Many. "I had been niu'i and miserable w long and had caused my husband so much tiouble ami expense, no one -eemed t know what ailed me, that 1 was completely tlisht arlt ncd ami tliseouragetl. In tliin frame of mind I got a bottle of Hop Hitlers and I used them unknown tc my family: 1 soon began to improve and gain so fast that my lnisbaml and family thought it strange and iiuualural bin when I told them what had helped me ihcv said "Hurrah for Hop Hit ter! long may they prosper, for they have Hindu mother well and us happy." The Mothers. Home Jaur nut Til" inndt enniplele liisliliillon In the Cnlle.l Slates lor Ihe thorough prnetl.-iil eilnenll ,n I or ynniiK uml inlihl e nitctt men. tstmleiilH inlmltteil nt any time. fl.-l-'nr t-l reu hi I' (ilvlnit full piirtleii'iirn ml Ires J. C. !S.M Tit. A. M., Pa. W LIVEUY STABLE IN RI DG WAY . DAN scmilNFn WTf-Iir.STn inform the citizens of Itidgwtij-, nnd Ihe public generally, that be has started a Livery Stable and will keep (iOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Hnd Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. CSiT-IIc will nlso do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left nt the Post. Olllee will receive prompt attention. AugJOlSTlti HAlrli V v v n. Has boon In constant ubo by tho public ior over twenty yean, and Is tho best preparation ovop Invented for KESTOll INQ CRAY HAIR TO ITS VOUTHFCIt COLOR AND Stato Assayor Ohcn:fs of Mac leadfrtfc LIFE. y It supplies tho natural food and color to tho Iial glands without stalulns tlio skin. It will increaso and thicken tho growth of tho hair, prevent Its blanching aal f illing off, and thus ftVlSUT BALDNESS. It euros Itching, Erup tions nnd Dandrutr. As a IIAIR DRCSSIMO it Is very tloslrablo, giving tho linlr a cllken softness which nil admire. It keeps tho head clean, sweet nnd healthy. SttCW WIS DyE WHISKERS will change tho brard to a UltOWN or BLACK at tliscrctldn. Being la ono preparation It is easily applied, and produce a permanent color that will not wanh off. R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. Sold by all Dealers in Medicina. TRY NEW YORK OBSERVE THIS YEA II. Tho Largest and Best Family Paper in tlie World. Send for Sample Free. Copy- XFW YOKIC On.SEUVEK, 37 Park Uow, New Y'orU 810 OnlfU fiii'Dlshc.l free, with full i. slriualoiiH lor coiitliit'tiiiu Hit! intist lll'Ollllllllt. IlllstllPSS lllilt IIIIVOIIU t'llll enuaife In. The IiusIiu-ks Is su easy tu it'iii n, uml 1,111' iiisli ii.-tiuiis iirt-so siiiipl',, uml plnln Unit any one van iniiku t'i'.'iil iriil!ts I111111 I lit' very stin l. No oat.' i-ini lull w in, in wlllinu to work. Woiiifii ine ns siici'.'sstnl as 111111. lin.vs uml tlirls fin 1 pai n liuue sains. Mii.iy have luiitle at the hasint'ss huiiilrt'il ilollios in a siniilo wt'ek. Nolliiim liku II ever known lifloru. All who ciiKiit-'f mu sur prised nt the ease nnd rapiillly w it li which they are nhle to innkc lunacy. Ymi can cn Uiikc ill lliis business iliirinu your spare time nt ttrcat iirollt. You tlo not have to Invest viipilal In it. V take nil tln risk. '1 Imse who need ready inoiiev. shmilil wrile lo us at once. All furnished free. Add. ess Till" K it I'D., Allgusm, Maine, niyl Scrap pictures, fdielf 1 per ma- cliine inaile, ami note 1 tr ami 11 vf'.opes a:T iik Advocate ofllee. THE (JHEAT ENGLISH II EM EI) Y UllAWS SI ECIFIC iilmi:dy. TRADE MARK Is especially TRADE w?i recomiuelid cd as an un failing cure for Scmiutil V e a k n ess S ne rniidor- r. r. V . 1'llPll I mint- l jtore iatinr ....i'..!! App t lit J Cltl.l till " " IM.lUg deseiist's that follow as a sciiiu-nc.v on Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni versal Lassitutle. Pain in the Pack, Dimness of vission, Premature old age, ami many other diseases that leads to I usanity. Consumption and a Prciiiiiturc fji'ave, all oi wiiich as a rule me liisl caused by deviating litim the path ol mdureaml over indulgence, flic Specillc Medicine is the result of a life study ami many years of experi ence in ireatiltg those special desiuses. l ull particulars iu our pamphlets, which we desire to send trie by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or fix pack ages lor , or will be sent I mail on receipt of tlie money by iiressing. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., N". I Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. fiQrSold in Kidgway by ail Druggists, everywhere. Harris & Ewinj, wholesale Agents, PlUttburtli- ulii-ly It y'Ar-1 t hop Utter.:.. !! -'" PTia-JUwi r mm v )i tr,. ;i?tj.'A, . r. mm. 1 n rJ iMin.iiM.iii -i iii nam ummmrn rf .THESUN FOE 1881. f-.llie t ( r.t Im.iIv 1 . tutu ... H.,,1 I. Al II,, -wet tl mm '.-. no I'les U t lit tin- iiiHlfi VII. k. I !' s'" t"t ' " . liuoiiniitlnti llli Ihe l nst un '"""V,1..1 V..M liedllUKii.f time mitl t J o-sltht. niiMiiKo tlitcovered I ho golden menu h lwe. il letlunilniil lu.riess nnd Itni'itlKliictory brevity. , , . II. uelinr that Fin t of news w lileh do peixls less tip.. u lis I ooi in Izeil linpoi tinu o limn ti-ti lis liitert-st t.. iino liltul. 1 M ill tiitii-nii.K lo iin.roiiiH 'i'liK M.M limits n eoii tliiuetl story of Hie lives ol lent men nnd women, niul of tliolr tleetts. pliins Itives.linles, nnil Irouliles. '1 his story Is more varied iind intiro InleieslliiB tluoi liny romance- test was ever tlt'Vlseil. . , III. tloo.l writing lit t-vory column, nnd freshness, t.riviniillly. iifcnrnt y. nnd dtcorum In the tniiln.eiit ol t vety FUliJeel. IV. lit. in st eeiiimei'l. '1 II I-. SIN S hittilt. Is to fn It t. iu lei.iliff.y nlitiut men nnd lhliii.s. V. I limit iniitlor In dentin!! with rnch po lltlenl ,i.ny, uml t.iiiil itntliiit s to com tnenil w hut is pi n in th v or to tehtike wlini Is luiuiuiOlc. In Diin.iernl or liopubli emi. VI. Absolute Inileppntlenooof pnrtlenn r itiinlziiil..ns. Inn uiiwiiveiiin: lovitlly to true lleluiieriilie pi ineiplis, '.; si'M helll'VOS Unit Hit- tiovt-iiimi'iit wliieh the t tinstlltitlon Hives us Is 11 p I niie in Ueep. lisle lloll of duly Is tu reist to lis ii!iiinst l-iiwer tlin ef loi'ls ol ini'ii in Hie llepul, Hi-nit , itv to set up iiiiiillier f.n iin.f u..vereineiit In 'plnee mt Hint which exists. 1 lie j(.,,t is , ,e y eiirs lininetliitlel.v fnlltiw lint will pioluilily decide ihls supremely imp., Hunt, cuntest.. '1 Hi: SU-N helievt-s Hint the victiiry w ill bo Willi tlio people as iignlnst thu Kings for Im perial power. Uur terms are ns follows: I'or tlio Daily srs, a fnur-pneo shoot of twenty-eii:lit etiltnnns, tlio pi lee by mnll, pest punt, is 5o ct it tiitiiiili, orill..,ia n your; nr. 1 1 1 e 1 n . 1 1 1 1 tr the (sunilny pnicr, 1111 elclit pnsio slieel of tilty-Rl. eoltimi s, thu price la ,." cents u liioutli, or si.Tu a year, posmgo paid. The Hiniilny edition of THE Pus Is nlso furntslietl M'puriitt ly nt 1.20 a j otir, pustnge piild. I no price tu ine icrKt.v M X. i'i(.nt pntros. r.fty-six t-tili inns, is 1 n , i nr. 1 s 1 t-j.- raid. ; ur cubs 1 f I. .. st 1 nl 1 1 : n i'l wo w lit stnd uu Mia eo. f. 1 . Ail 1 1 i's s I. V. l:scl.A. O. t'ul.tlslier of .11 M N, Ntw York City. .- , , -- "v " .-! . 'TT? .. , : 1 . . . i 1. t-1 . . '.,' .lf-y-r-" it; , it J - 1 : - !.- ;:1 J If yo-i r.royK: uiji.,o.t - 0 1 a tea c jvW- c-3, 11.: oa Ii o f. Whosrcr your. -s, f .1 I '-:.': jm:. 1 f nf?" die a- id I- I 1- ) '. B'CUS i;.'-;si.i- .1 ,.'.-- ;' -. - - , . , J ' i;W;:!---.V.!MiHP, .?;' l7 ' - ' -: - ts!:o ticp ----A hopiilttoro . - titters :- '-r,' r , 3 1 , .1' TTne yon f?:.' ' M 1, D. I. C. rr,.iai' ic iii.Tvi itv-t i. f Von Ttiir? ' " i'tt" Hop ti.ttcr; :,:; 1 1 I y. ii'.vriui-i;u i. -.! --' C'.C.T If Ton ply '-""-i Iil.V 1..1 i. . 11 i.iuy j . , . 1 1 1 f-n? r; s nv o 1 o a r, ; .. t El j ., no. it c-s; j I As L l c- - ncr r:r:r c:-. 1KNNSYLV v Philatlelp'.ih: vinti:i: I . '..All, l.OAt A Klie II II Div. T IM i. TABLE 11 tindal'lir M'Z-TDAY. Mi vcniLu I rains on the ri.ihniel adroad Ilivi: ion vill ;diia& Erie I -an as follows: WESTWARD. .'."iai.ara Ex havts I bi'ii !' I'd a, 111. " " Kciiovo..-"' 1" p. m. :Mt: MAM. leaves Phi a U IWi p. m. " " Heiiovo 1 1 05 a. ni. " ' Kiiiporiiiiu.l .'tup. in. " ' ' St. Ma rv V .".' L"3 ji. 111. " " Hide way.. ".MO p- m. " , " Kane " ' p. ni. " ' arr nt Erie . .. , V A:, . i-: EASTWAPi). ay Express leaves Hi novo ft! t ,r ti 11:. " " air. at Pbi'ii... ,: o . ni tin mail lct;vts I : ii.- 11 R5a. rn. Ki.iu- I in 1 . in. " ' Uii!et.iiy....-r) 1" p. ni. ' " f-'t. Alary's..5 f( p. m. " ' I'.m 5") p. m. " " Kenovo Si 00 p. m. " arr. at Pli ila Wm. A. IUldwix. General Sup't. llanhcod: Hov? lest, Hew Restored! .lust ptiiiiisiicd a new edition of Dr. Culver wcii'i Celebrated Es say on the ) adit-ul cure (without med icine) of .Speiiiiatorrhcpit or Seminal Weakness, 1 11 oluntary St 111 i mil Losses Impoteiicy, also, ct lisiimption, Epil epsy ami l-'its, imlucetl by selt'-indul-genee or sexual extra vug a nee, &c. The celebrated author, in flu's ad mirable Essay, clearly demonst rates from a thirty years' successful practice Unit the alarming consequcncea of sell'-abiise may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal mcilii-inc or tlie application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. CSyThis Lecture tdiotild be in tho hands of every youth anil every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envel ope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address tlie Publishers. Th? Culverwell Medical Co., 41 nnt New York, H. Y.; Post Office Bon, 4586. PilolTTABI.K aildPKIOl AXKTN iM EOll EITHER SEX. . EXCLUSIVE lEHKITOSY GIVEN t3 agsnts, djaierj paadlsrs. To siiow that our goods will iscll on tluir merits, we will allow any agent dealer or peddler to return any part of their lirsi order remaining unsold alter (.0 days to us, and will refund money lor same. There is no article like it in the United States, ami it will sell in nearly every family. Se cure the sale or agency of it at once, and i;o to work. Address for terms, WELCOME BURNER MANU FACTURING COMP Y., Box 15U2, PITTSBURGH. PA. Note paper and envelopes at olnce. this AGENTS WANTED. EMPLOYMENT EOll ALL. fl.MMi. madi: in :!' days. We want cvt ryUniy to write to us for full par ticulars o. a business in which money can be made easily, honestly and rap idly We are selling a Household ailK-le i hut needed by t very tamily in ibe woi'.d, The prolit to Agents are from Iiki t ono percent. Whether you want to c"K1';' in our business or not, wecan inil'"l vaiuab e linbrmu lioii tovoii. Kilher liulies or gen tie men can conduct the business success liilly. It will c"st youonly ONE cent o write lo us. Do I., neglect this opportunity; the bUsliuvs i- and pleasant. Vull purlieu free. Ad dress i t Bui lit ye M'F'o Co., Marimi.Oli o. u3 a6 ' f