HENRY A. PARSONS, Jr., Editor and Publisher- NIL DESPERANDTJM. Two Dollars per Annum. NO 44. EIDGWAY, ELK COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1880. VOL. X. lr Sleep. When the evening kbariows crrep Stealthily, Hiding every hill anil dale, Hiding all things with t'.ieir veil, When the Bhining day doth die, Sweet is sleep. When the evening shadows creep Stealthily, To the baby in her nest, Longing lor her quiet rest, Hushed by loving lullaby, Sweet is sleep. When the evening shadows creep Stealthily, To the weary heart and brain ' Bringing tranquil peace again; All our cares and sorrows fly Sweet is sleep. OVER THE SNOW, A CHRISTMAS 8TOKT. Hark the herald ! angels sing, Glory to the new-born King ! rang out from the choir, and the organ 1st. aslender. pale-faced girl, with grave. beautiful brown eyes, joined in the an thems, all ,her soul in the triumphal words : Joyful all your voices rise, Sing the anthems oi the skies; With the celestial hosts proclaim Christ is born in Bethlehem. It was the last of the rehearsal. The choristers threw down their books, only too glad to get away. The organist alone remained, to play over once more a new voluntary. Good night Miss Englehart." "Good night, Miss Katharine!'' "Good night, Katie, and a merry Christmas eve," were the cries, as, one by one, men and maids left the choir, and went down the stairs and out into the bright, white Christ ians night. Miss Englehart's sruilirj ' lips and gentle brown eyes answered them ail. A moment and she was alone, only the white, piercing moonlight streaming through the painted oriel over the altar, and the one dim light beiow. A flare of gas lit the organ loft, but this s tit lowered, and with rapt face and dreamy eyes she Dlayed over and over again the jubilant new voluntary. She might have gone on for hours she was quite capable of it but n piteous yawn from the boy at the bellows recalled her from heat-en to earth. "Oh!' she said, stopping suddenly, with a halt laugh, " I had forgotten you. Jiiumy. Well, 1 won't play sny more; and here take tut 3 lor your Christmas box." Jimmy jumped up and seixed the proiltrtU greenback with glistening eyes. ' Thank;, Miss Kate rr.erry Christ mas, p;(njiii ma nm," cried the boy, eeiz iiiif his en "ii.h!" she's a brick, slit is, ' said Jimn-y to bimse'f, as he clat trred (:n'n tl.e-Metp siairway. "No body itmoi.g ail Ibesingos ever tliinl-t of the l,o whnt blows the bellowses cept tier Di-n't I jutt hope she won't marry that hmg-K-gc'd rooster that 'scorts lif-r there sometimes, and leave the choir for good." Still a few moment longer lingered Miss Englehnrton lier knees; then she. too, l.uiried down the stairway and rut into the shining coldness of the starrj Deccmbi r night. High and white and cold Jay the Christmas snow. No " green ule" this to make fat the kirn yard. Cloudless and blue spread the sky, fillt-d with sparkling Christmas Btais. Could that other night, so long ago. wh-n the shepherd watched his flock in the great Galilee hills, " and the lory of the Lot d shone nround them," have hem one whit fairer than this P " Katie." With a greats tart the gitl came back over eighteen centuries, from Bethle hem to the town of Southport. A tall man iiad started up in her path, and spoke her name. "You, papa!" he girl said, in doubt and surprise, the color that had arisen to her face fading out. ' I Katie." He drew Iter hand under his arm with a luugh. "Did you think it whs Harry HattonP W ell, it is almo.-t as pood, for I Lave come to talk to you of hit.. " Miss Engielart looked up a sudden tw n hie in her brown, tender eyes. " I thought you had done talking of him, papa," she said, a tremble in her voice. "I thought yesterday had fin shf d the subject foiever." " Let me tee. What was it I did say, yesterday r" bays Mr. Englehart, bland ly. "Ah! In member I that my Btift-nicl-.c d, riotir.g old ciient, John Ilatton, hr.d made up his senile mind to forgive bis rut away daughter and disinherit Hairy. Under these circumstances, 1 very natuinlly to'd you that you were to met t Harry no more. You're a good girl, Katie a very good girl!" Mr. Endehnrt pats paternally the little hand on his arm" and at any saerilice to yoursel.' you would have obeyed me, I in sure. My dear, it affords me great pleasure to inform you the sacrifice will not be required." "Papa!" the girl cries, tier whole fare lighting up, " you will let me marr Hnny, roor a3 fcc is oh, papa! I am net afraid of poverty not afraid ol work ; neither is Harry, and " "Oh, pooh! my dear, pooh! nothing of the kind. My opinion on that point has never c'janged, and never will. No, no ; it is something infinitely better than that. Old Ilatton died suddenly last night, before making the proposed new will, and all is Harry's." Katherine Englehart uttered a faint, startled exclamation. "And the old will, leaving all to Harry, stands, and bis only daughter is disinherited and left out." " Left without a Btiver, my dear, and set ve3 her right, say I. She ran away with a worthless scamp, against her fatLor's will, and, like all fools, has paid the penalty of her lolly. She supports herself and her five children by sewing eo 1 have ben told, and you know what sort e l support tuat means. Serves her right, I say again. John Hat ton has done what it was his duty to do what I w;uld bave done in bis place cast her off and left her to' starve with the ta lner she ch vse." In the moonlight the face of Miss Eneiebatt grows white as the snow itself, but she walks on and does not iy a word. ' "However," cries her father, cheer fully, " that is not bat I want to eay. Rote Hatton's case need never be yours. All is Harrv's. and, excrrt bis poverty, I never bad any objectiru to Harry as a son-in-law, bo ween he cc mes to wish you merry Christmas, my dear Katie, I give you leave to name the day." A strange light comes into the brown ejes; a strangely resolute exptession sets the pretty, soft-cut mouth. " In be coming to-night, papaP" "You will find him. I have not the slightest doubt, at the house before you. It would be hypocrisy for him to pro fess any grief for that old skinflint uncle, and Harry is no hypocrite. " You have seen him since his uncle's death P" " Certainly, Kntie, and was the first to congratutate bim. ' 1 trust you with draw your objections to my suit now, sir ! lie says to me, in bis haughty way; 'lam John Hatton's heir after all! ' A trifle hot-headed is Harry, but a good fellow in the main oh ! a very good fellow! I have no doubt, Katie, he will make you an excellent husband." "Ho means to keep this fortune, thenP" bis daughter ays, and says it in so odd a voice that her father looks at her, puzzled. " Keep itP What do you meanP What should he do but keep it0 By George! I should think he did mean to keep it a cool hundred thousand, if a dollar! May I ask what you mean by the question? " " Not now, papa, please ; I will see Harry first," she answers, in the same Btrange voice a very quiet voice, though it startles her father. " Look here, my girl," he says, sternly, " I know you oi old know your high drawn Quixotic notions about things in general, and points cf honor and conscience in particular. I warn you, don't let us have any of them here, if you want to be Harry Hatton's wife. The lad has come fairly by his fortune let him keep it in peace." They are at the house with the last words words harshly and menacingly spoken. They go together into the pnrlor, and there, as Mr. Englehart lias predicted, they find young Hatton alone. A tall and proper fellow, this Harry Ilatton, with a handsome face, and c-naer, happy eyes. "At lust," he cries, coming forward, both hands outstretched, "just as pa tience was censing to be a virtue. Thank you for bringing her, Mr. Engle hart. Come to the register, Katie, and warm those cold little paws. Has our stately papa been telling you the good news?" He draws her forwarr1, eyes, smile, all alight with love and joy. Last night he was in despair last night this cozy parlor had been forbidden ground. Sorrow and weeping had endured for the night, but joy had come with the morning. This time yesterday he had been a beggar, and Katie had been re luscd hi ii to-night he was a rich man, and Kntie might be his for the asking. Papa Englehart, after a genial, father-in-law sort of a nod, had slipped away and left them together. "Why don't you speak, little girl P" cries jubilant Harry, "or has the power of speech been frozen within youP Wish mo merry Christmas, Katie, and con gratulate me on my capital fortune." Sue looks up Ki him with eyis f-j.ll of wistful love. "I wish you a merry Christmas with all my heart, Harry; but congratulate yoa on what?" " Why, hasn't the dear old dad been telling you P Then wonders will never cease. Oh, pliaw! Ot course he has told you that my uncle is deadP" " roor old JMr. Hatton yes, I know he is dead." "And all is mine, Katie, all. And next April the old house shall have a new mistress, and Harry Hatton shall have a new wife. why don't you speakP Why don't you smile? What is the matter witli you to-night?" " Harry, you mean to keep thi3 in heritance?" "Keep it?" Harry look3 at her in wonder. "By Jove, what a question! What should I do with it but keep it?" "Resign it to Rose Ilatton Mrs. Andrews now to whom it rightfuilv belongs ." " A most likely idea, and quite worthy of Katie Englehart. I have Had poverty and hard work for seven-and-twenty jears, and now when the golden shower falls in my arms 1 am to resign it to Rose Andrews and her drunken brute of a husband ! No. no, Katie ; in the nine teenth century men keep all thev est. and they ask tor more." "bo 1 perceive," she says, quietly, though she is trembling as she stands. She draws a ring off her finger and lays it on tue taDto neiore Mim. uur en gagement ends to-night, then, Mr. Hat ton. Here Is your ring." He standstazing at her, utterly be wildered. T "Katie," he exclaims, "vou don't mean thisP" I mean it, Harry. If papa had let me, I would have been your wife in your poverty oh, so gladly and woikedforyou and with you with all my heart : out now now that vou take the portion of that woman worse than widowea of those children, worse than fatherless I would die first." The gentle eyes flashed, into the Dale cheeks an irdignant glow leaped, and the soft, tender voice rung out as he had never heard it before. " But this is all nonsense, Katie." he cried, impatiently; "sheer nonsense! ask your father "a smile crossed Katie's lips " ask anybody if this money is not fairly mine. Raso Hatton, a headstrong, obstinate schoolgirl, elopes with scoundrel who only seeks her father's money, and Bhe is disinherited, as she deserved. I am his sister's son, and to me what she resigned has fallen." " Her father forgave her before he died, and would bave made another will if another day had been given him." JjOoic here, Katie," says Hatton, still impatiently: " I will seek out my cousin Roaie, and if she leaves her beast of a husband, I'll provide for her and the little ones. Will that satisfy you?" ' I knew Rose Hatton," Katie an swers. " She was proud and obstinate, and she would die of starvation sooner than accept as charity what is hers by light." He comes close and stands before her, his eyes flashing angrily. " I must either choose between re signing you or my uncle's fortune?" " You must." " If I resign it, I am a pauper as be fore, and your father vill order me lrom his doors. You will not disobey your father, so in either case I am to lose you." " I love you, Harry," she says, with a gasp . " 1 would wait- " " Thank you," he says with a short laugh ; " that is poor consolation. You are a woman, and waiting may be easv to you. I am a man and don't choose to wait. Since I must lose you in any rase, I'll not lose my money as well. Good night. Miss Englehart ; I wish you a very merry i-tmsimas." " Harry 1" she cries. But he is gone gone in a fine fury, banging the street door after him and it is her father, white with passion, who stands before her. Twice the Christmas ti'ie has come and gone twice the iovful anthem of "Peace on Earth, to Men Good Will," has pounded down the stately aisles of St. Philip's, and the time is here. Once more it is Christmas eve; once more altar and pulpit are wreathed with evergreens-, once more the voices of the choristers rise to the vaulted roof; once more the slender, pale-faced, brown eyed organist sits at her post, her white fingers "evoking wondrous music from those pearl keys. But the face has a graver beauty, the dark eyes a sadder light than of old, and for the silk and sables of other days her dress is deepest mourning, plain of make and poor of texture. The last piece i9 sung something grand and old, and triumphant; and "good night, Miss Englehart," one and all cry, as they flutter away and down the stairs. She smiles her farewell, but lingers after they have gone, as is her custom; and as her handy float over the keys, and her eyes rest on the music, she is thinking of an other Christmas eve, three years ago, and of her father and lover who stood by her side that night. She baa lost them both the lr. ver then, never to hear of or see since ; the father one year ago. A great 'financial crisis had come -had involved shrewd lawyer Englehart, and swamped him. He had broken down under the blow, and in less than three months after he was dead and buried. He had never forgiven Katie her refusal of Harry Hatton; he did not forgive her even on his death bed. " If you had not been a fool with your scruples nnd whims," he had said to her, uitterly, "you need not have been a beggar to-day. Harry Hatton is married long ago, no doubt, to some wiser wo man, and when I'm gone you may earn your living as best you may." They had buried him, and Katherine had earned her living bravely and well. For years she had played the organ ot St. Philip's as a labor of love. Now it became a labor of necessity. Her salary as organist and half a dozen piano pupils gave her all she needed, and lite went on, somehow, and Christmas had come again. She dreaded Christmas the old pain and struggle seemed to come back afresh. She did not regret what she had dons. Belter loneliness and pov erty than ill gotten gain better lose her lover forever ihan become the wife of a man capable of wronging the living and the dead. She bad lost him, but 9he had not ceased to love him. While she deplored his sins, her pure prayers followed him in his reckless wanderings over the world. She left the organ at last, and slowly quitted the church. Unlike that other Christmas, no moon nor stars shone. White, soft, ceaselessly, the snow fell. She put up her umbrella and Lurried home the home of a boarding-house took her belated and solitary supper, and ran up to her own little sitting room. A tire burned in a grate, and her piano sole relic of former splendor stood open with some new music upon tt. Kelore sitting down to tier long practice she went to the window and looked out. All the world was white nnd still and ghostly, and faster and taster the enow was falling. As sue stood the tall, dark figure of a man pened the gate and cmne plowing through the snow to the front door. " One ot the boarder," she thought, belated as I was. How cross Mrs White will be?" She left the window fnd went to the piano. i-etore sue commenced Iter prac tice, and half unconsciously, she began oltly to sing tlie old anthem i Hark the herald ! angels sing Glory to the new-born king." Peace on earth and mercy uiild, God and sinners reconciled. Thc-n she stopped, conscious that the door had opened, and that ;he intruder did not advance. "Come in," she said, "and shut the door, please; there is a drau " She stopped with a low cry. but ho took her at her word, shut the door, and came forward. " I have come back, Katie," he said. Will vou forgive me and shake hands ? " He took both hers without waiting for leave, nnd held them fast. " 1 only reached America yesterday." he went on. "All these years I have been in Europe, trying to forget you and be happy, and I had neither forgotten you nor been happv. You were right, and 1 was wrong. I have come back to tell you so, and to ask you if you have lorgotten me." "torgotten you r" sue repeats, al most with a sob. "Oh. my Harry! my Harry!" I am no longer rich, ho says. Rosie and the little ones are at the old homestead, and the drunken husband has drunk himself to death. I tried tD palter with my duty, Katie, before I went away I sought out Rose and proffered her a portion of her father's fortune. She was proud, aa you told me she would be, and refused it with scorn. '1 nm poor,' she said, almost .-tarvinc, bi t I will not take as a favor from you, Harry Hatton, that which is my right. Keep all. or give all.' Ikeot all, Kate, and, if I could have forgotten you, might have kept all to the end. But I love you so well, my Katie, that I ask nothing hut you for the rest of my lire, we will be poor, but we win be together. Say you forgive me. Katie; you have not said it yet." biio said it then, holding mm close, her happy tears moistening his already damp coat-collar. " 1 ou and I are to srjend Christmas with Rose," he says, presently, that first transport over. "She's a jolly little soul as ever lived, in spite of all her trouuies, ana right glad to have done wun matrimony torever. W ho knows but that, after eight years of it, you may echo her sentiment!" " I think I will risk it. though." Bald Miss Englehart. looking at him. hand some, and big. and brown, with adoring eyes. "Oh, Harry! to think I did not know you, striding through the snow up to the fate. I was just thinking. with ever so little of a pang, that no gift would be mine this year, while all the time the best and dearest of all Christmas boxes was coming to me ovei the snow." "ChriBtmas has brought you your lover, and New Year shall bring you your nusnana," saia Harry. And New Year did. "Usually Sleep. through by daylight" TIMELY TOPICS. An exchange complains that the asso ciated press telegraphs slang nvhen it says' a certain thiol " skipped out." There is no slang about that. Take your Bible nnd turn to Eselesiubtics, thirty ninth chapter nnd twenW-sixth verse. It tends: " Who will trust ft thief, well appointed, that skippeth from city to city?" There is one kind of matchmakers no body can reasonably nnd fault with. Thn kind that illuminates Christendom with matches not made in heaven the kind that pays the government $3,501 300 a year taxes, at a cent a box. This would indicate that the average of use is about seven boxes annually for every one of the 60,WX),000 of people in the republic. Dr. Cutter states' that the increase of nervous diseases, decaying teeth, prema ture baldness, and general lack of mus cular and bone strength, are greatly due to the impoverished quality of flour now in use, the gluten being thrown away in order to rnaka the flour white. He urges the iuse ot unbolted flour, and of eggs, milk and butter. He denies that fish is brain rood, or that Agassfz ever said that it was, and claims that butter, being nearly all fat, is a better kind ot brain food than any other . The Dassion play at Obcrammer.iu this year was not a great success pecuni arily. The receipts amounted to $60. 000, half of which was profit to be divi ded among a.l the performers. Mayer, who played the part of Jesus, received the largest dividend, but it amounted to only $250. while the lowest classes cf the performers receivsd only $16 for thirty-nine performances. They are greatly dissatisfied with their tains and complain that the innkeepers aDd ped dlers received the largest shai e of the pecuniary income of ihe festival. The hotel men nnd the venders ot trinkets and photographs are much more im pressed with the sacred influence of the play and are more anxious for its repeti tion than are the peiformers. Mean while the attempt to introduce the play in this country has proved a failure, the pulpit nnd the press being almost solid iy opposed to its representation. Although the vexed question about the site of the world's fair ot 1881 is set tied and the committee are therefore out of the woods,"- they are really in the woods, for "Inwood" is the site selected. Iawood is a level spot of 250 acres in extent, on the extreme north of Manhattan island, with the Harlem river on one side and the Hudson not far from the other. The plot is historical ground, too. an has the Black Horse tavern, ot Revolutionary lame, on it, which will be more ol; an object of in terest than the New E igland homestead was at the Centennial. The tavern was one ot Washington s headquarters, o! course. Inwood. in e.evcn miles from the city hall, and is reached by numer ous busses and steam :rs. two eievate-ct railroads and the Hu Json River railway. The suggestions advanced bv Mr. Edward Atkinson, of Boston, in regard to the establishment of an international cotton exposition at some prominent city in the South, has met with warm approval throughout the entire cotton beit, particularly at Atlanta, Ga. Jn that city a permanent organization has been effected and $50,000 was at once subscribed toward tho general fund. The association was formed under the title of the International Cotton Exposi tion Compnuy, an-.t the capital stock was limited to moo,uu . u mteo Mates ."sau alor Joseph E. Brown, of Atlanta, was chosen president. The other effioers are Samuel M.lnman, oi Atlanta, treas urer, and J . W. Ryckmau, of Philadel phia, secretary . I he board of directors includes many of the most' prominent otton manufacturers of Am- ru:a . 1 1 Is designed to give the exposition at At lanta during ttie months oi Eepte.Lbcr, October and November next, when :iU the improved appliances used in the culture. Drerjaration and manufacture of cotton in all parts of the world will be brought together lor tue purpose oi testing their merits. .ttorts will bi made to procure a charter from Congress before the holiday adjournment, and olans for the necessary buildings are already under consideration. The site selected is the City Hall Equare, which wul afford about three acres ol uoorhi;' for exhibition purposes. All kinds ot cotton machinery will be constantly in operation during the days of the exposi tion, including the gin, compress card, ring spinning ana looms, ot bom American and foreign maKe . ine raw fiber will be taken from the bale and carried through the various processes necessary in the manufacture ot the finest cloth. As this will take place under the eyes of experienced judge its is expected that the long disputed point as to the superiority of American or English methods will be definitely settled . A Strange Recover of Speech. The East Portland (Oregon) Tdearam civej the following account ot the man ner in whica one ot the mute inmates of the insane asylum near that city sud denly recovered his speech: hot years Mr. Armstrong, a aumo inmate oi the asylum, has plodded along, attending to his duties as a trusty, iaiiuiui man, being unable to speasa word, on bun day last the inmates weie given a romp in tho handsoiue grove, which is sur rounded bv a high wall, in order to sun themselves. One oi the inmates, a rather wild individual, imagined he was sauirrel. and away he went scampering up one oi trie tan ur trees eo us topmost branches, and would neither return to solid ground for pleadings or threats. As usual. Armstrong was near at hand and volunteered to go up and bring him back . He had climbed about t hh ty feet irom the ground when a limb broke and down came Armstrong bouncing among the branches, finally Sitting .down upon the ground like the hammer ot a pile driver. The wardens expected to see htm killed or knocked senseless, but they wpra ArmmnA to astonishment, as Arm. strong sprang to bis feet and burst out in a volley of profanity that would have put a trooper to blush. He kept up swearing without intermission tor at least ten minutes, while everybody was transfixed with astonishment. He had recovered his speech and to-day can talk as well as any person, and to sav that he is delighted in consequence of his tall is drawing it mi id iy. There are 800,000 fewer acres under wheat in England than in 1874, NECROLOGICAL RECORD, Prominent People who Passed Away In 1SS0. JANUARY. 3. Bishop Gilbert Haven, of the Methodist Episcopal church, Maiden, Mass., 59. ...10. Frank Les lie, wo 1-known ne wspnper publisher j New York; 69.... 14. Frederick Due; of Schloswig-IIolstein; Germany; 50 ; .... 18. Duke Antoine de Gramont, French diplomat; France: 63.. ..20; Jules Fa vre, eminent French states man nnd republican senator; Paris. 71.... 21. Commodore Homer C. BIhVa; Npw York; 51. FEBRUARY. 5. Adolph E Borie.Gen eral Grant's first secretary of the navy $ Washington ; 70 .... 10. Adolphe Crc mieux, life-senator of the French re public; Paris; 84. Major-General W. B. Tlbbitts, of the Federal army; Troy, N. Y.; 43. Constnntine Bru nidi, celebrated fresco painter; Wash ington, D.C.; 75. ...25 General Car los Butttrlield, veteran of the Mexi can war; Washington, D. C. ; 66.... 28. Hon. Charles D. Coffin, member of the Twenty fifth Congress; Cincin nati. Ohio: 70. MARCH. 1. Surgeon-General William Maxwell Wood, U. S. N.: O wing's Mills, Md.s 72.... 7. Judge W. H. Hayes, of Kentucky Federal court; Louisville; 59. ...17. Thomas Bell, English scientist; London; 87.. ..19. Muj jr-General Hector Tymlall; Phil adelphia; 59.... 21 Mis. May Agnes Fleming, novdist; Brooklyn....'.. A.R Corbin, General Grant's brotlnr-in-lasv and founder Sc. Louis Globf Democrat; Jersey City. N. J.; 71.... 31. Lavmi'i Goodeil, female lawyer; Janesviile, Wis. APR1L-5. R ar-Amir&l Henry K. Thatcher, letirod Un. ted States naval officer; Boston, M j ; 74.... 8. Mrs. Lydia Dickinson, widow of United Slates Senator D kinson: New York city; 71.... 11. Hou. William II. Howard, govern.tr of Dakota; Wasl - ington, D C 14. Rev. Dr. Samut 1 Osgood, dbitingui&ued American cler gyman and author; New York city; tW. . . . 16. Ed ward V. II. Kenealy, M. P. and counsel for Tich borne claimant ; England; 23. Charles Dd Young.seninr proprietor San Fianc's.o (j!n-ini( h ; S in F'-mtvsco-, 35 MAY. 3. M -jo -Gen'SamuelP. Heintz- ciiuan, retired Uuiiej States avmv oflieer: Washington, D. C. ; 75.... 9 Hon. George Brown, leading Cana dian politician and editor Toronto M.e; Toronto-. ..14. Hon. Sanford E. Church, chief j jstice New York court of appeals; Albany, N. Y. ; 65 ....It. Ex-Governor H-'mry S. Foote, superintendent United S.atcsmintat New Orleans, and at one time a prominent Southern politician; Nash ville, Tenn.; Bd. . . .30. Richard B. Connolly, cx-compUoil'i' of New York city, and member of Tweed ring; Marseille?. France: 70. JUNE. 3. Empress of Russia; St. Pe tersburg; o. uoionei J. o. Auden ried, United States army; Washing ton, D. C-...6. John Brougham, dra matic author and uctor; New York city; 70. .. .8. Charles W. Willard, ex-member of Congress; Montpelier, Vt. ; C3. . . . 1 1. Ex-United States Sena tor James Ashton Bavard; Wilming ton, Del. ; 61 15 Henry A. Board man, D. D., distinguished Presby terian minister and writer ; I'hilndt l phia; 72. . . .19. General John A. Sut ter, on whose farm in California gold was fir-1 found; Washington, D. C. ; 7 "....22. Geo. Merriam, well-known publisher; Springfield, Mass.; 78.... 23. J. B. Oaiohundro, better knovn as " Texas Jack,'' noted scout; lad viiln. (Jol. JULY.-4. Gco-'iO Ripley, L.L. D. irierary editor Njwiork uribmic Jsew York ci y, 78 ... .6. Genera! William L, K-.-rris, veteran of the v. a-- of I'sU B-rg.n Point, N. J , fO; Pierc; Kvm, Eiig-'sh aull ' nrii.it ali-i jiMiiiutli.-!,' L union, 10 8. W. T l'e-1'.on, m-j. !.' Mii'i private secre.ta'-v S:.ii!'i. 1 J. f iuli n, Mew York i-ily, 5.' ...12 Timi Taviur. Mn 'lisli lr matist, London. CS.... 11 Hon. John A. Campbell, third assistant se-cr"tary of state, Washington, 45 ... 21. .Lirob Brinkerhoff'.member of f (venU-eiilith Congress, MansltoUl, Oiito; H. Con stantine Herring, founder of h-imeo-pithio school of medicine in the United States. Phiht l- lphiu, 80. AUGUST-Goneral Willi. O. Butler. veteran of tho war of 1813, and once oaadidafo for vice president; of the United Stf.t s ; Carrel lion, Ky. ; 89. . . . 9. Wil:iam BiIcr, tx-goveruor of Pe-nnsv! vin-a ant tx-Uaitd StatfM Sciialoi ; l.'icsriic-ld, !'.,; CO. ...15. Adelaide Mriis- n, e!s': -rated English act.res- ; IV.-i? ; 3 t. L rd Stratford de Red;-! 11 .v. tit hi F."i:l:slidiploniati-t; Londot. ; 93 lo. E-Governor Her schel V. J -h -soa; JuUer.-ou t-oumv, Ga ; 63 18 O f Bill, famous vio- linhit; Bersen, Nrwaj 70. ...20. Judgj Henry M. Spo-ioin, Kel'ojg's opponent for a seat ia the Uni'td States Senate from Louisiana ; R d Sulphur Springs, W. Va ; 53 24 General Albert J. Myer. cliiet ot sig nal service department United States army; Uuualo. N. X. &3 oxn- lord R. Gilford, lead-nz American artist; New York city; 57.... 10. Ou ray, chief of the Colorado Ute In dians; Colorado. . ..31. R;v. Dr. Wil liam Adnm3, LL. D., eminent Ameri can minister: Ornnge, N. J.; 73. SEPTEMBER. 11. Marshall O. Rob- eit. well-known merchant; Saratoga, N.Y ; 66 ;. . . . 14. Major-General Bush rod, v. terau of tho Mexican war and an officer in th" Confederate nrmy ; Brighton. 111.; 63;.... 18. Ex -United States Senator Laf.iytte S. Foster, vice-president with Lincoln; Nor wich, Conn,; 74. ...19. Sir Fitzroy Kelly, lord chief baron of tho Eiglisii exchequer; Eagland; 81. OCTOBER -4. Jacquts OJenba-h, celebiawd composfrof opeivt boufles; Paris; 61... 0 Proiessor Benjamin Pierce, eminent mathematical profes sor of Harvard college; Boston; 71.... 13 Captain Hobsou, a well known Arctic explorer; England; ....13. Peleg Spvugue, ex-United Klntet Sonnr; Hwton: 87. ...14. Indian chief Victorio, noted Apacht; Mexico.. . .20. Mrs. Lydia Maria Child, prominent American writer; Wayland. Mas3.; 78.... 23. Harry B"ekett. English comedian: London NOVEMBER. 4. Solon Ribinson, well known writer on agricultural tonics Jacksonville. Fla 1 77. ... 10. Co'onel E. L Drake, piont er of the petroleum businesi in Pennsylvania ; New Hithlehem, Pa. Brigadier-General Richard S. Satterlee. Mexican war veteran: New York citv: 83.... 11. Ivieretia Mott. rtformer and Quaker preacher: Pht'adelphia: 87. ...18. ltrigadier-Gener&l Jacob Zeilin, cf United States marine corps, Wash ington, D. C ; 70 ... 20. J. D. Wil llim8, givernor of Indiana; Indian npolis: 7i. ...22. Sir Alexander Cock burn, Eng!f n i's lord chief justice; Lon don; 78. . . .23 James Craig Wat?on, 1 eminent astrjnomtr, Madison, Wis.; 4-2. . . .39. Lieutenant-Governor-elect G -org'.- B R binson. of Colorado; near Leidvi'le, EvarU W. Farr, member of C n?ress ; Little, N. H. ; 40. DECEMBER 10. Colonel Chapmnn Biddle, distinguished Philadelphia lawyer; Philadelphia; 59.... 15, Hon. David Christie, once speaker of the Canadian senate ; St. George, Ontario; 62. Senator Balthazar Buoacomoagni, eminent Italian scientist; Turin, Italy; 59. ' FOR THE FAIR SEX. New Tork Faittlon Matters. There is at present no indication of any change in ladies' bonnets and hats. Nearly all wear bonnets, although round hats of various shapes are worn by many to whom they are more becoming than the small bonnets, and also by young misses, who Iook better without the springs, which are often the only differ ence between a bonnet and a hat. The small capote now worn is a fashiona -le rival of the large bonnets which have been imported, a question of a few weeks whether tho larger or smaller styles will prevail th ough the winter. In the composition of bonnets the same combinations of richly blended satins and plushes prevail as during last month, and jet, steel, gold, cashmere and color ed beads are still used in profusion, with variously designed ornaments of gilt, steel and jet. The small Fanchon, com posed of a pulf of plush three inches wide, a beetle and feather or small os trich tip or occasionally a flower and bud at one side, with strings of silk or lace, is the extreme example of the small bonnet worn. As if to concentrate the warmth of the capotes they are being made of seal, tiger, t.nd otto fur Seal skin is also used in the composite. 'n of larger hats and bonnets in thepla eof plush. They are trimmed with birds and fancy feather ornaments and heavy pilk and chenille cords, with seal balls in place of tassels at the ends. Short English walking jackets of light cloth are found too convenient to dis card, and are made of light colored cloth. They are usually double breast ed and trimmed with plush or fur on the reverse, pockets and cull's. Buttons representing owls' heads, b:ars, etc., about as large as a quarter or half dol lar, are used for fastening and ornament. Fur buttons and bars with cords are also used. Sable and mink fur is occa sionally used with the rich brocades for linings, and the ends are combined with the rich fringes of some of the most ele gant nnd imported dolmans. Ermine und squirrel are, however, the principal linings of outside garments, where col ored quilted satin or plush is not t sed Marabout feather trimming is often tued where bands of fur are appropriate. Fur lined circulars of silk or cashmere are too convenient as an easily disposed of wrap when not needed not to be popular. Ti e ulster is also one of the morning cloaks which are as much worn ns they have been during former sea sons. They are sometimes made with dolman sleeves. hich extend to the back and form a cape. The half fitting e napes are as much worn ns those out lining the figure closely. Two or thrc small capes are warm, and are preferred by many to the revers or simple collar. Kilt plaited skirts are seen on some, but add greatly to the weigtit. Ihe loose ul ster of light cloth is made with Russian or Chinese sleeves. They nre worn in ah colors, lrom ecru tinted cloth trimmed on the couar and sleeves with beav;r fur, to the darkest mixed goods tind black . The dolman continues to bo the leading shape for the rich silk and vel vet materia's and for black cloth, and m tue latest importations the peii-eo is occasionally seen. TliDinbs. If anybody will look carefully at the end of his thumb, he will find that t V furface is ridged with little threadlike ranges of hills, wound round and round in tiny spirals. If he will take a mae- r.itying glass, nnd examine them closelv he will find that there is a gc.od deal cl individuality in the way which these are arranged. No two thumbs in all t e world are exactly alike. The miniature mountain ranges nre fixed and decided as the Alpsor the Sierras, the geography of the thumb as unmistakable. Now the Chinese I ave made use of this fact for establishing a rogue's galierv. When ever a criminal is examined by the law, an impression is taken of his thumb. Smeared with a little iamublnck, par tially wiped and then pressed down on a piece of white paper, an engraving of the thumb is made, and kept in the police records. It serves jus the same purpose which is served by our photo graphing our burglars and pickpockets The accused can be identified with great certainty. Nothing short of mutilut'ng r bnrnii g the thumb can obliterate iU features. Sometimes a ghastly proof of guilt is furnished, a murderer red handed with his crime, may touch his lingers' end upon a white wall, and so leave in the color of his guilt a photo graph on the accusing wall. II a signa lure is leit just as unmistakably as if h had signed the bond of his iniquity; and thus great crimes have been brought to light, and deeds of blood made to tell their own story. But this individuality in tho skin in the tip ot the thumb strongly marked tis it is, yet admits ot strong family likeness. Brothers and sisters who will take im pressions of their thumbs will find re semblances among each other that they will no, nnd when comparing them with the thumbs of strangers. Even thus minutely does th .t s range thing, family likeness, descend. What wonder is ir that faces look alike, voices sound alike ; l ow can it seem strange that members of the same family should have similar ities ot temper, ot mental aptitutes and hereditary diseases, when such minor peculiarities as the texture at the end of the thumb, and its ranges ot bills should also have family resemblances in the midst of their infinite diversities "The hairs oi our heads are all num bered," and not only so, but each Lair if examined with a powerful magnifving glass shows peculiarities as strong as the trees of a forest. No two are exactly alike. Everything, from the smallest to the greatest, is impressed with a specific cLarae-ter and individuality. The Ore ator's invention is exhaustless, and he no more repeats nimseit in the geog raphy of a thumb than in the geography of a continent. Now if anybody doubts this, let him take a little black, or anal ine color, and try. He will acquire an acquaintance with his thumb and a re spect for it that will be quite interesting. Baltimore Eoery Bitur day, . Ihe Will. ftlatne not the times in which we Mvg, Nor fortune frail and fugitive; Illame not your paten!, nor the rule Of vice or wrong once learned at tchoolj But blame thyself, Oh man! Although both heaven and earth combined To mold thy flesh and form thy mind, - though every thought, word, action, will, Was framed by powers beyond thee, stil! Thou art thyselt. Oh man! And sell to take or leave is free, Feoling its own EufBciency; In spite ot conscience, spite ot fate, The judge within thee, soon or late, Will blame bat thee, Ob man! Say not, "I would, but could not He Should bear the blame who fashioned me Call you more ohnnge ot motive clioioe? Scorning such pleas, the inner voice Cries, "Thine the deed, Oh man!" HUMOROUS. The candle-wick is up to snuff. Even dumb animals exhibit attach ment. The horse is always attached to the vehicle he draws. A physician gives directions "How to see the blood circulate." His method is not as simple as the o,d way of calling a prize-fighter a liar. Xurridown Eerald. We would inform "A Reader" that the term "Mind your p's and q's" originated wiuh the Chinese. It form erly stood : "Mind your teas and queues." A iitt'o girl had a penny given her to put in the collection box at church. When she dropped in the coin, she ex claimed: "That's the way tho money goes, pop goes the weasel !' The wise ones sav that nothinor is so hard to bear as prosperity; but most men would like to engage in some hard work of that r'escripvion, just to have a practical illustration of the adage. A man in Canton, Steuben county, has rai-ed a cabbage, nround the head of which thirtesn smaller heads were clustered. Exchange. Probably the cabbage was on the table. Syracuse Handard. "L had a mind to see you yesterday and pay that bill, but couldn't come," said a procrastinating debtor. "That was presence of mind that did me no good," replied the creditor. An effort is making to revive the spell ing match. We should like to see some thing original this year in orthography, anel herewith tender gratuitously the literary litter of our waste basket. A small biy went to see his grand mother. Alter looking eagerly around tho handsomely-furnished room where she sat, he exclaimed, admiringly: "Oh, grandmamma, where is the miserable table papa says you keapP'1 Cincinnati Conwurcial. There are some differences observable as we journey through life, which we ennnot help remarking upon. We find : The difference between a man nnd his dog when they go into a g!n shop to e ether is, that the dog never comes out drunk ; and the dille-rt'iice between a fash ionable young man nnd n dummy in front of a clothing &tcre is. thi.t the dummy docs cot swear and swagger and finoke cigarettes and put on more style than two would be able lo carry. SUti benville Eerald, "Old Grimes is dead that ctodold man, We ut-Vr shall see him tnori-; lie ustxl to weur a lung-tu led coat, All buttoned down to ore." Why mourn for Oiitnns? 1-is rt.iughtera H.e; tin I-'iishion's Htrt-et ' wo Hud 'em. And still tisey wear " Old tiiiuie-,' coal" All b-ittoncd dowu biihiud Vm. Puck. Several Celestials while fishing off Angel island, on thd Paeitie coast, a few iva ago, caught a Mute t'evil hsb in tl cir nets. As it came slowly to view on tho surface ot the water its arms grasped tho side of thn bont. With a sharp ax they succeedt-d in chopping off the huge feelers and thus treed their crift. Finally the whole- body was got into tho bost and the prize conveyed to Jliinatown, where it was cut, into pieces and sold to various restaurants Row a Boy yva Poisoned. In one of the public schools of Brook lyn, a boy thirteen years old, naturally very quick and bright, was found to be growing dull and fitful. His face was pale, ana ne had nervous twitcuinrs. He wa3 obliged to Quit school. Inquiry showed that he had become a confirmed smoker of cigarettes. When a3ked why he did not give it up, he bhed tear3, and said he had ofLen tried, but could cot. Tho growth of this habit is iusidious, and its elleeti luinous. The eyes, the brain, the nervous system, the memory, the power of application, are ail im paired by it. "It's nothing but a cigarette," is tcaliy; ' ii'o LoJiing but poison." uermati arid lene-n physicians have recently protested against it. Ana aconvtntion cf Sunday and secular teachers was recently held m England to check it. It as pi esided ovt-r by mi eminent surgeon of a royai eye inlirin- nry, who stated that many diseases oi the eyo were directly caused by it. Parents, save your children Irom this vice, it possible. Do not allow them to . deceive you. In futuie years they will rise up and biess you for restraining them. Christian A lvccalc. Music Bauds ouil Bridges. Bands of music are forbidden to play on most ot the large bridges ot t.ne world. A constant succession of sound waves, especially such as come irom the playing of a band, will excite the wires to vibrations. As first the vibra tions are very slight, but they will in crease as the sound waves continue to come. The principal reason why bands are not allowed to play when passing certain bridges, tho suspension bridge at Niagara falls, for instance, is that if followed by i recessions of any kind they will keep step with the music, end this regular step would cause the wires to vibrate. At suspension bridges mili tary companies are not allowed to march across in regular Btep, but break ranks. The regular trotting gait of a largo dog across a suspension bridge is more dan gerous to the bridge than a heavily loaded wagon drawn by a team ot larfco horses.