DIPHTHERIA. A SetialM and Timely Letter from ft Doctor. This disensR is much more prevalent now than people are aware of. But the laot that a errat many have it under the nnme of coWa, sore throat, ulcerated Bore tbroat.sjnipiitlietic sore throntsand other simple names, proves that It need not he fatal or very serious to the un fortunate person sick with it. There i3 alwavs more or less danger attending it. But the danger is immeasurably less when it is known to he diphtheria and called by that name than when it is yot in the premonitory stage, while the pa tient just infected with it is lazy or stupid, poing about in a sort of shiver ing, dazed way, with no appetite and beieft of all animation In the season of miasmatic troubles it is safe always to have the possibility of diphtheria in mind, and to be constantly on the look out for throat affections, that it may not be so fully developed as to be beyond remedies before its presence is even sus pected. It is a blood poison, with more or less inflammation of the throat and membranous deposits on tonsils and palate. It is so si w in its early stages that tho patient is too frequently beyond human help before the friends are will ing to believe anything is the matter, and then too little self-possession is left to aid anybody in behalf of the sick one. A few suggestions, perhaps, will be ac ceptable in this very trying time. As long s tLe pulse is reeular in its beats, do not mind about counting it too fre quently. Even physicians can merely surmise what the number of beats is to the pulse per minute of a new patient in health. There is always danger while it is variable. For several davs the fever will be very hiah, and there is nothing so grateful as ice or water to orink, hot or cold. Baths are in order the sponge bath, or a fuil bath ol eight or ten minutes, once in two, three or four hours, preferably oJ pretty w.irm water; or a warm pack of from half to three-quarters ol k'q hour, repeated once or twice a day. A pack is very soothing, and will oiten reduce the pulse twenty to thirty beats per minute, and the temperature one or two degrees Hot water to hold in the mouth, or to use as a gargle is also very serviceable. A compress of hot water constantly about the thront is necessary, and a wide compress of hot water from the arm-pits to the hips oiten sends a very restless patient into a delightful sleep. The compresses should always be wrun? out very dry, and covered with thick, soft, and dry cloths. These should be retained, if agreeable to the patient, Irom one to five I curs, and re peated twoor three tioiesaday (tweuty four houis). Never give stimulants. Whatever tood is taken should be in liquid form, such ns beef tea, rich milk, gruel r.f Indian meal or oatmeal. 1 pre fer Indian meal gruel made to the taste; while it positively nourishes, it also acts mechanically on the many inflamed crevices of the throat, stretching, oiling (in a certnin sense) and cleaning as it descends to give the stomach the impres sion of a good meal. Food, medicine, and otler necessary attentions should be given regularly, promptly, ana with a spirit to humor t he delirium or obsti nacy of the patient. Strict attention should bo ;ivtn to the suggestions 01 the adviser in the case. The patient Bhtuiu he watched closely nieht and day, aad abundant fear should be had lor any sequelas that a serious case al ways develops, that no in discretions be committed bv nurse or uatientl Months are often required to recover from diphtheria, as scrofolous sores may follow, or paralysis, and affections of the kidneys. The throat and nose (if the Ktter is affected) should frequently be cleaned with a swab or douche; no secretion should be allowed to remain long enough to corjawJe and become an additional irritunfT I mention this last as a most important thing in diphtheria, because so few realize the necessity of cleaning the throat, or dare to do it. The suggestions given in this way must be incomplete so iar as medicine is concerned, but 1 presume to say that if one-half the ciues that die had had no other treatment but that given in this article, the patients would have been saved to life and their friends Odelii B'inn, M. D., in the Chicago Inter- Ocem. Words of Wisdom. The future of society is in the hands ol the mothers. A full slocuauh. is apt to be deaf to in struction. A fruit-bearing tree bends; all the virtues are lowly. Love, faith, patience these are the three essentials of' a happy life. Life is a long shipwreck of which the debris is friendship, g.'ory and love. Anger is blood, poured and perplexed intoafrotu; but malico is the wisdom of our wrath. We measure minds by their stature ; it wouid be better to esteem them by their beauty. The elephant is never won by anger; nor must tlit man who would reclaim a lion take him by the teeth. The intellect has only one failing, which, to be sure, is a very considerable one. It has no conscience. Napoleon is the rendiest instance of this. True dignity abides with Lim alone who, in the silent hour of inward thought, can still suspect, and still re vere hia.Bett in lowliness ot heart. Though the word and the spirit do the main work, yet suffering so unbolts the door of the heart that both the word and the spirit have easier entrance. Lover, daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother; in those six words lies what the hu iiun heart contains of the sweetest, the most ecstatic, the mo&t saci ed, the purest and the most ineffable. Danger from Stoves. Careless bundling of coal stoves has proved fatal in a great many cases, the escaping gas carrying its deadly poison to inmates of houses. A paper which appears to have given the matter con siderable research presents the follow ing valuable information : Some people through icnorance ot the principles upon which stoves are constructed, and equal ignorance of the process ot combustion, live in an atmosphere impregnated with coal gas. They become so accustomed to it that the peculiar smell of the gas does not attract attention. Ignorant, these people are also saving, and en deavor to keep a smoldering fire in or der to save coal. So with draughts closed, the coal is baked, nut burned, causing it to giv off its gases, which do not readily burn and ire not carried off by the usual channel. The only safety is in a fairly glowing fire and provisions for such draught as will carry off the gases, or such a tire as will consume tueni. But few furnaces have ever been constructed that do not throw into living rooms quantities of coal gas whenever the tire is stirred, or does not burn briskly. People who burn coal may save money by keeping a Bmoldering fire in a cheap and b idly constructed stove, with improper draught, but they shorten lite at the same time and run the risk of sudden death from suffocation. Those who use coal stoves should keep the draught free, and never employ dampers in the pipe that shut off more than three quarters of the hot air cur rent. A damper that shuts off the cur rent almost entirely is death. A Little One's Heigh Ride. "Oh, mammal Is it enowlngf" "Yes, darline-, it has just Deyun." "Isn't it nice, mamm; y:u know I wanted to live to hear the sleigh bells again." " Hush, my child ; mamtr a will not let you die. No, darling, you shall have mnnv sleigh rides yet before you die." "No, not many, u amma; if 1 could have just one, it would be so nice." It was last Tuesday, and a little girl who had seen the snow come and go nine times, lay dying in her humble home on St. Antoine street. Weeks and weeks the fever had burned within her and its fierce fire showed itself in the deep bine eyes and the lovely, innoo nt face. Tue mother, an ever-constant watcher at the sufferer's pillow, had never given up hope, but the child, with that knowledge which seems to come to all before death, knew that she would never join her merry playmates over on the school ground. Day by day as the fever burned she had wished for the enow to come, and when the white flakes fell the other day the loving mother changed the child's position that she might, unwarn ed, catch the first glimpse of the fleecy snow. The child gazed out into the flurried air long and earnestly, and then when the pain made her writhe, she turned an appealing look to the sad faced mother, and said : " But, mamma, I don't believe I shall ever have another sleigh ride. Now premise me if this snow is on thejground when 1 die you'll have my coffin carried to the grave on a sleigh." "Why, my sweet child, why do you make sjch a request? You shall not die you will grow better to-morrow." "But, mamma, promise me, will you? Please, mamma, pleaie." "Yes, darling, yes." "Oh, thank you, mamma that's so nice. See, it is growing dark outside. Full the bed nearer the window, mamma, so that I cm gee the street lamp. There, see the flakes thev glisten just like diamonds. It will be sleigh ing in tue morning, mamma, and I shall hear the bells." Like the snow flake that falls upon the warm earth she melted away, and no ore knows whether sne woke to hear music and bells on that morning we shall one day open our eyes upon. Yesterday passers-by turned to look nt a small luneral procession, and wnn- dered why the undertaker had put his iiearse upon runners. uaroxt tree fress Our Southern Italy. While we are waiting to see rail way communication opened with those rc gions oi flew Spain which Dr. Oswald truly celebrates as "the earthly Para dise," Florida, says a New York paper, does this dutv as tue Italv of America. Florida does this duty very creditably. too; for though the "antique charm" of si. Augustine is more in tlie Imagination of visitors than in the aualitv of tho Augustinian architecture, the climate of tue peninsula is delectable, aad thous ands of invalids, tourists and families of wealth from the North bear witness yearly to its claims. Fernandini tempts the traveler with its mile-end shell road leading to a twenty-mile seaside drive; St. Augustine with its beach trodden haif a century before Plymouth Rock, and its Minorcan and Majorcan culinary traditions in the matter offish and all sorts of "sea fruit;" Pilatka with its lruit and flower gardens; Tampa with its semi-tropical and dreamy quiet. In 1880, thanks to railway improvements, tue lourney southward, once a nurea- toriai process, has not only lost most of its terrors out necome itselt a measure. The rapid transition in comfortable cars from the snows and slops and chills oi t'ie North through zones of mellowing temperature has positive satisfactions of its own, ana as the country ripens and grows richer yearly, the day is not far off, perhaps, when it will be the correct thin? even for family men of moderate resources in New York to talk about their Florida cottages as people now sneak of their summer homes at Nahant, Newport, Long Branch or Atlantic City. Ostrich Feathers. The war in South Africa between the Basutos and the English is likely to di minish very materially the stock of OS' trich feathers of the world. Exactly over tho ground where the ostrich once stalked the unbreeched Basuto now hurls defiance at the English soldier. Hut what is curious about this strife. and its consequences, as far as feathers go, i3 that the Basuto country was the region from whence the larger portion ot tue ostrich eggs were obtained, ua trich farmers lurther south bought these eggs, hatched out the birds in more civilized region, and raised them for their plumage. The strangest thins, however, is where the Anglo-Basuto difficulty affects the New York tin-man As New York makes the most approved ostrich egg incubator, the demand was lame and increasing, because ostrich chicks refused to come into this world unless duly born in a New Pork patent incubator. Now that actual war exists no more incubators are wanted at the Cape, for there are no eggs coming to the ostrich raisers. What a Pig Picked Up. A pig belonging to a colored man liv inn in rise county, opposite sparrow bush, met with a singular adventure The youug rooter was doing some nasal plowing in a swampy part of a held, and came across a huge snapping turtle which was sleeping quietly on a log. l'iggy didn't know a turtle irom a tea. kettle, and he promptly put his nose unuer one side ot the turtle's shell and turned him over on bis back. The turtle was naturally indignant, and as the pig's nose came near his head he fastened on it and settled down to busi ness. The pig was frightened nearly to death and tried to run away, but, as the turtle was nearly as heavy as the pig, the running away was slow. The squealing of the pig finally brought help, and the turtle was captured and found to weigh twenty-eight pounds, That pig cannot be driven toward the spot where he first met the turtle. Port Jervts (iv. jr ; union. Drawing-room episode. Affable duchess, to amateur tenor, who has just been warbling .. Ai. Uounod's last "Charming! cuaraungl xou must realty get somebody to introduce you to me!" tuncn. John Bull will continue to send for American beef until he finds himself confronted with a hunk off the hind leg of a Tennessee steer. Then diplomatic relations between the two nations will cease. Atlanta Constitution. A tall story The'attic. During the last postal year 3,353,641 letters and packages went to the United States cead letter onice. Mine tnousand Had no address and 360,000 had the wrong address. In the money letters weretounaasi.eou.uuu. Boatmen are kept at each of the three bridges as Kjme, to rescue persons at tempting suicide, and occasionally some vigilant taxpayer nres mm sen into tue stream just to make the lazy fellows earn their wages. Boston Post. The Worcester dazette says i " Ashes and sand are almost as good as flour." This statement doesn't seem so absurd when you understand that it is referring to putting out a fire by throwing these artioies upon it. Mrs. Mary F. 8. Hopkins is the wealthiest woman in California. She ij worth $25,880,973. FOR THE FAIR SEX. Fashion IVolea. Changeable rlushes are used for bon nets and strings. Wide velvet collars, bordered with fur, are very stylishly worn. Plush and brocade coals are very stylish, and are worn with skirts of any material. Ladles now embroider deep flounces of black satin or cashmere for the ir petticoats. Shirred waists aro very much worn by quite young girls. Buttons of nearl. opal or Rhine pebble are used for fastenings for gloves. High standing ruches and f raises for the neck are more in vogue than ever. A new fringe of chenille is called spalskin frinee. from its resemblance to that fur. Larce hounuets of flowers are now placed in the center of the bodice, about the sixth button from the top. As dresses of old style are so fashion able, the hair will be elaborately dressed and powdered, after the ancient regime. Plaque buttons of pearl with grapes and leaves, cherries, currants and blackberries of enamel are among the new buttons. Jackets with short fronts which resemble gentlemen's dress coats are worn over very full skirts, absolutely without drapery. Broad velvet sashes are worn, tied at the left side in a careless knot. They are gayly lined and finished on the ends by shirring and tassels. Dow an Actrass Dniiei. The New York fashion correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer writes that, on entering the dressing room of an actress friend at a theater, she saw spread out on a chair an elaborate dress of satin and velvet, a peculiarity of which was that all the bows and other ornaments were already fastened in place, and the garment was open in front irom neck to hem. thousu so contrived that the junction would not be visible when worn. This arrangement was to avoid delay, and how the actress made complete change of costume in less than live minutes is described as follows : "First, she picked ud a pair of cloves and began to put them on. At the same time her maid unhooked her dress from top to bottom with Quick, deft fingers. and stripped off the wuole garment in a twinkling, sue seated herself and ex tended her feet for the maid to take off the sho' s and stockings. The latter being stripped down over the feet in 8 jiffy, diclosed clocked silk hose, so that the Iresh pair were already on. By the time the slippers were in place, the actress had got the last button of her gloves into its buttonhole. A minute and a half had elapsed. Then the maid took off several pull's and a bow from uer mistress' bead her nair in the previous act having been simp y dressed ana put on n more elaborate blonde wig, fastening it in place with hairoms, Next, the actress stood up, and the maid swiftly put her into the dress that had lain on the chair. Ever part of it lell admirably into place, plentiful hooks and eyes holding all together. Standing before a lull length mirror she nnallv surveyed herself critically, at just three minutes and a half from the start. Half a minute more was employed iu putting additional rouge and powder on the tace, and then she was ready to go on tue stage. Women and Ladies. In the days of our fathers, there wore such thinzs to be met with as men and women but now they are all gone, and in their place a race of gentlemen aud laaies, or, to be still more reuncd race of "ladies and gentlemen," has sprung up. Women and girls are among the things that were. But "ladies" are found everywhere. Miss Martineau wished to nee the women wards in prison in Tennessee, and was answered by the warden: "We have no ladies here at present, madam." Now, so far as the ladies were con cerned, it was very well that noue of them were in prison; but then it sounds a little odd ladies in prison! It would seem bad enough for women to go to sucn a place. A lecturer, discoursing upon tho characteristics of women, illustrated thus: ' Who were the last at the cross? Ladies. V ho were last at the sepul direr Liatues." un this moderm nn provement wo have heard of but one thing that beats the above. it whs tue nnisumg touch to a mar riaee ceremony, performed by an ex quisitc divine up to all modern refine ments. When he had thrown the chain of Hvmen round the hanrv couple, ho concludedjby saying : " 1 now pronounce you nusbana ana laay." '1 he audience stuffed their handker chiefs into their mouths and got out of tue room as quickly as possible to talio breath. Albany mpress. "Tell the Uentleman A Liondon newspaper tells a curious story about a gentleman who nropascd at a dinner party to the ladv who is now his wife. He had been a lower or some time, but never quite persuaded himself to tue point ot popping the Question During the eventful dinner he learned from the person sitting next him that a rival intended to make an attack upon his Dulcinea's heart. She was silting at some distance irom mm at the table and the rival was at her side. He was equal to the emergency, however, for tearing a half leaf from his note book, he wrote upon it: "Will you be my wifeP Write your answer, yes or no, upon this paper ana return it tome." (Jailing waiter, the ingenious lover sent the missive to " the lady in blue at the end of the table be very careful." The servant did as directed, but the lover in his anxiety forgot to send his pencil, The lady had presence of mind, however, ana tucking the note into her bosom said to the waiter, " Tell the gentleman, yes." k Desperado's End. The quarrel between Comanche Jim and Kete Uray, at Walnut Kidge, Kansas was over the division ot some caul which they had stolen. They agreed to fight a duel, and in the encounter which was conducted with an possible formal ity, Jim was killed. Gray was arrested When brought before a justice, he urged the chivalry of dueling, and the perttct fairness ol this particular tight but the magistrate refused to release him. "Then I'll release myself," he said, and shot the sheriff, dashed through the crowd, and escaped. This happened several years ago, and was only one among similar passages in the Hie ol a notorious border ruman. 11 1 reputation has at last brought him to death by a bullet. Being drunk, he jocosely struck Aleck Chenoweth. in Clay county barroom. Chenoweth did not stop to discriminate between real and pretended anger, but shot Gray aeau at once. It is said that Kate Claxton puts snow on her neck when she plays the " Two Orphans," to make her shiver. We always supposed that the other orphan touched Kate with her bare foot, to make her shiver. A woman's bare foot beats snow by thirty aegcew.PeclrsBun In a Bear's Clutches. Jeiry Greening, a noted Pike county, Pa., started out on a grand bear-hunt, taking provision far two days' sfy The first day out he kiiiea a fine four-pronged buck, which he dressed and hung up in a tree out of reach of wild animals. He built a fire short distance from where Iia Imrl hung the buck, and after eating a iieartv supper rolled himself up in his blanket. wuu uis ieet to ine nre, ana was soon asleep. In the middle of the night he was awakened bv a loud noise, and turning over noiselessly on his side he discovered alnree bear trvinir to pu 1 the buck out of the tree. Jerry grabbed his rifle, and, niter taking careful aim, tired. The bear eave a loud growl, and galloped off in the underbrush. In the morning Jerry saw blood-stains on the ground, and following the tracks some distance, he came to the entrance to a cave in some rocks. In front of this cave was a large pool of blood, and the nunter was convinced tnat nis game was wilnin. He procured a Pine knot, out of which he made a torch, and after the manner of Irsael Putnam, entered the cave. The entrance was small, and ho was obliged to creep in on his hands and knees; but as he advanced the opening grew larger, until finally, he could stand upon his feet. He was advancing cautiously when he heard a growl, and oeiore ne could draw his rifle the bear sprang upon from behind a huge nouider. knockinir him down, and in Aiding a severe wound in the shoulder witn her claws. The torch which Jerry carried was extinguished, and the old hunter was left to fight for his lifo in total darkness. He succeeded in reaching his hunting-knife, and dealt tue bear several vieorous blows in tne neck and sidewuh the weapon. The blood from tin animal's wounds spurted into Jerry's face, nearly blinding him. The bear relaxed her hold and made lor the mouth of the cave. Jerry followed, but in ;the darkness wns unable to find his rifle. He nursucd the bear, and just outside the cave another hand-to-hand conn.cttook place. The smuggle lasted nan an nour. and after tne bear naci nearly succeeded in stripping Greening of his clothing and had inflicted several more wounds, she was dispatched, Jerry procured another pine-knot and reentered the cave and procured Ms rifle. In tho farthest corner of the cave he found two little cubs, not larger than kittens, which he took home with him. The floor of the cave, Greening says, was literally covered with bones. A Surprised Dos. At a certain ciub house in Boston there was kept in tho billiard room a parrot which was so tame and such a favorite that it was not confined to its cage, but was allowed the liberty of the room, and was often se?n perched upon ne furniture, or wandering about on tne floor. On one occasion, when the bird was seated in the corner ot the room, a gentleman, a Mr. B., entered, followed by bis dog, whether a pointer or a set ter we do not know. The dog, after a few moments, winded the parrot, drew on it, and finally stood fast. The bird, which had been up to this time, appar ently oblivious of the presence of the ca nine, now turned its head slowly, and in tones pxoressive of the utmost contempt said, " Go home, you darned fool."" The dog started, looked, and then, turning tail, slunk out of the room. It is said, that although up to this time the animal bad been a splendid Hunter, ne would thenceforth never point a bird. Forest and iStream. A. tiood Account. To sum it up. six long years of bedridden sickness and sulti-ring, oostins ZUU per Tear, total, $1,200 all ot which wag stopped by three bottles ot lion Xtittora taken by my wile, who has done her own housework for a year since without the loss of a day, and I waut everybody to know it loi their benefit. " JOllM WEEKS. Butler, N. Y." A lecturer once prefaced his discourse upon the rhinoceros with: "I must beg you to give me your undivided attention. Indeed, it is absolutely impossible that you can form a true idea of the hideous animal of which we are about to epeak unless you keep your eves bxed on me! " Jk Pastor Matin Happy, t have been Greatly troubled with my kid. neyi and liver tor over twenty years, and during that entire time 1 was never tree Irom nam. Mv medical bills were enormous, and I visited both the Hot and White Springs, noted tor the curative dualities ot the water, lam hppy to say I am now well mun, r.nd en tirely as tho result ! Warner's Salo Kidney aud Liver Cure. With such glorious resalt lam only too g'od to testily regarding tho remedy which has mmte mo so happy. KEV. P. F. HAKKLEK. Coal Ron Crossing, Ark. Chickweed is an excellent barometer When the flower expands fully, we are not to expect ram lor several Hours; should it continue in that state, no rain will disturb the summer's day. When it half conceals its miniature flower the day is generally showery; but if it entirely shuts up, or veils the white flower with its green mantle, let tho traveler put on his great coat. lt.m.Hv li.r llnnl TltnftB. Stop spending bo naic i ou line clothes, rich tiod and style. B y good, healthy too l, cheaper and better cli.tliinuj get more real and substantial things of lile eveiyway, and -neciallv siod the looiish habit ol running alter expensive and quack doctors or using so much of the vile humbug medicine that docs yi.u only harm, and nukes tho proprietors r ch, but put your trust in the greatest ot all Hirai le, pure remedies, Hop Bitiers, that cures ftlwava at a trifling cot aini von will see bet. turtimesand eood beallh. Try it once. Bead ! it in another eolninn. The New York citv eye and ear in firmarv has iust completed the sixtietu year of its charitable work. In these sixty years nearly a quarter of a million suuerershave been treated gratuitously Iu the last year more than 12,000 cases were registered. The greatest effect have sometimes the amalieet cause. Lile Is const antly sacrificed by neglect of Coui'lia and Colds, when a 25- cent bottle ol Dr. BuU's Cough Byrup wouia save the sufferer. Miss Lisetta Reist left funds to keep Tower Street hill, London, per petually sprinkled with sand to ease the horses, and prevent them from lipping. Malarial levers can be pi evented, also other miasmatic, disease', by occasionally using Dr. Stinjbrd't Liver Invigorutor, the oldeot geueral Family Medioiue, which is reoom mended as a cure fnr till diseases caused by a disordered liver. Eighty-pao book sent tree, Address ilr, ciauloid, ltM Ioaoway, . x, ln..A In llnf Ihl HOUSCWlf. Mending ol all kinds ol ololbinK, table and bed liuen, etc, and elegant embroidery, is now done on tue Wilson Oscillating Shuttle Sewing Machine, without an attachment. Wonders will never cease in this age ot progress. Scientific Jfmt'ican. Get Lvon's Fatenl IIol Stifleners apnli to those new bouts b lure you run them over, Tne vorrAte Bert Co., marstiau, mien.. Will send their Elect ro-Volta o lol to th afflicted upon 30 days' trial. See their adver tisement in this paper headed, " On 80 Days' Trial." VxonTHa in Powder Form fs sold by all druggist and general stores. Il yon cannot buy it ol them, inolose fllty cents in postage stamps lor one packige, or one dollar lor two t ackagns, and I W'U send it by return mail. 11. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass. 49 RE AT HORSE) MEIICirsK. PR, TOnUS VRVKT1AN HOHSB t.TNIMRVT tn pint bottli tOcent! 82 yeanimUbtlalisd. Itlitns belt in the world for the cure ot nolle, Old Snrn, Rprnlni, BruUfli, Sore Thronu, etc. TOlllAS1 CONDITION POWUKRS r warranted to cure Distemper, Fevet Worms, It tin Rive fine cot Increase the appetite and cleans" the urinary or sain. Certified to t y O.l. l. McDanlel, owner or some of the tautest runnlni norsei In the world, and l.oti others, afioenls. Sold by drag, ftstl. Depot 19 Murray Street, New York. Dinrhtan. Wives and !tother. Ia. MAKiniiSrS UTKRI.-.KCAI1IOI.ICOM will Oft , j ...... V . 1 . Wailcn M )l a . p.ll'n, nf Utl lTlr our remals Wntn m, tu n as Fall tig of VTonia, w kites, Chronic Inflammation or Ulceration ol ai w l worn tfee wemo, Inotdental tiemoniiiKe ornoo, Boitsrund and Irraru ar Menshutloa, kc. r i remedy. Stud postal card for a pamphltt, wtl aimeat. cures sad cer:lfl -at, freia payslclaa; ant tier, 'a, to HOWARTH k BAIAiaD, Lfioa, H. I Id by aU DraasMa-Si M par koMie, t fi pallen Sold THE MARKETS. raw tobk Bast Cattle Med. Native, live wt . . 09 10 V Oalves Good to Prime Veals.. ...... 0fi JJ Hheep "'t 05 V um&..:::.:.:... Bogs Live. ................. uV " Dresaed OS 06 Floor Ex. State, good to fancy.... 5 90 0 (W Western, good to fanoy a 35 (a) 8 60 Wheat-No. a Ked 1 28 va.l MX No. 1 White I 24 1 a Rye State 1 06,a) 1 Wt Barter Two-Rowed State 1 OU Oom Ungraded Western Mixed .... 68 V 9 Homnern teuvw s Oats White State 48 (4 61 3914 48 Mixed westero Hay Prime Btruw Long Bye. per owt , 1 0,1 (4115 , 1 00 9 1 05 . 18 d 25 14 60 1415 00 . 8 60 (4 8 CO Hops Bute, 1UBU Pork Mess .... r..,a nit- Htftam ....... petroleum Ornde. 0807 Hcfined lux Butter State Dreamery is (4 B Dairy. 22 (4 28 Western Imitation Creamery 23 28 Factory.. ........... u zu flhuaa Btata Factorv 10 (4 31 Skims l" ix Western to u v E(t(rs State and Penn 28 9 29 'otatoes state, ddi ariy nose..,, a ou 191 d Buffalo. Extra Steer $5 10 ($$5 50 Western Lambs 5 OJ 5 'it Western Hheep 8 00 (S 3 75 Hogs, Good to Choice Yorkers 4 00 4 TO Flour (Jity uroana, no. 1 nurma.. o uj imo n Wheat No. 1 Hard Dululk 1 27X,4) 1 LTM Corn No. J Western 54 (a) 51 Oats State 87 9 tig Barley Two-rowed state 75 4 so Beef Cattle Live weight 04 (S 05 V Sheep 04X4 0"''i Lambs 04 tj vr Hoars lXI Floor Wisconsin ana uinn.rat.... 7 M id a su Oorn Mixed and Yellow t8XS 0 Oats Extra White, new 46 14 18 Eye State 1 07 & 1 07 Wool Washed Combing si Delaine,. 49 60 biwaahed. " 35 A SA WATERTOWH (KASS ) OATTLB If ABKKT Beef Oattls live weight 0314(e) Oii( Sheep...... UJ,v. Uix Lambs OMta) 05(4 Hoa MX BII.ADXI.rBLa. Floor Penn. good and fanoy S 6 81 wneai wo. d uea.......... ....... 1 raia) 1 'x itye state vts (4 vs Oorn Htate yellow..... 62 a Oats Mixed 41 (a) liutter Creamery Extra SO (4 Cheese New York Fall Cream 13 (4 Petroleum Crude MX6I07X Bonned Vegetine. The Barks, Eoots and Herbs FBOH WHICH VEGETLN'E IS UADI IN POWDER FORM, BOLD FOB 50 Cents a Package. VEGETINE. For Kidney Complaint and Nerrous ueuiiity. ItLxssoao. Us.. Dae. 23. 1877. Vs. DrlTin: Dear Se I Bad had a congh for eighteen Tears, when I commenced taking the Veu.'tlne. I was very lowt my 8rstem was debilitated by disease. I bad the Kidney omplalnt, and was very nervous oouKh bad, lunfrs sore. sryi bo When 1 had taken one bottle 1 louud it wns ocining met It has helped my cough, aud It strengthens me. 1 am unw able to uo my work. Never huve found anything like tue vegetma. 1 know It Is every thing it la reuouunended to oe. Has. A. J. PENDLETON, Dr. W. Ross Writes: Scrofula. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, Weakness. H. R. Stetkns, Boston: I hare been praotlcini; medicine for twenty-five year, and as a remedy for Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Dyupep ia. Rheumatism. Weakness, and all dtaeABi-s of the bUod, I have never found Us equal. I have sold Vecetine for seven years and have never had oue bottle returned. I would heartily recommend it to those la need of a blood purifier. Da W. R0S3 -Druggist, Wilton, Iowa. Sept 18, 1878. Vretlne in Powder Form Is told by all drnj- f lists and Keueral stores. If you cannot buy it of them, uclose flfty cents tn postage stamps for one puck sne, or oue dollar for two packages, aud I will seud it by return null. VEGETINE PREPARED BY H. R. STEVENS. Boston. Was3. For Catarrh, Ilav Ferer.Cold In the Head, etc., Insert with little ftneer a purtlc.eof the llultn into the nos trils; draw strong lireatbs through the nose. It will he ubsnrb- tSS( fU&2 ed, clean-lug and heal 0V.7s?oii iiw the diseased mem- ' IIEll 9 i3 For Dealness, I Occasionally anolr liwriiele Into and back if the ear. rubbing lu I thoroughly. There is Balm in Gilead. The success which ha marked the introduction here of Cream lialm, a Catarrh remedy, prepared by Kly Bros., w!L'o, S, Y., Is Indeed inaru'loiis. Aluny persons tn Pit talon are using It with nut n.it isfactory results. A l.idy down-town Is recoverinu the sense of smell, which hhe had not enjoyed for fifteen yeurs, through the use of the lialm. She lud givtn up her c.ise as Incurable. Mr. Barber, the druist, has used it hi his family, and com meods It very highly. In another column, a youufi Tunk hunnock lawyer, known to many of our readers, tesl.Ooa tlmt he was cured of partial deafness by the Balm. It is certainly a very efficacious remedy, From the Fitteton (Fa.) Guutte, August 15, 1S7'.. Price tO cents. On receipt of AO cents, will mail a package free. Send for circular, with full Information. KLY '8 CHE AM BALM CO.. Owego, N. V. BOLD BY ALL DHUGGISTS. A.t Wboleattle io New York. Philadelphia, Syracuse. Boaton, Chien?' and other cini- YOUNG MEN U!aR,a'iKlES3 grarluate guaranteed a paytnu situstlon. Address VALENTIN K UUuS., Maliaijers, Jane.vllle, Wla opiu;.i nornhln Ilmblt Tared In 10 lu UO daya. .Miy till Cured. Uu. 1. biau-HEaa, Ltsbunoa Olila. tan 3tr i.r-ra 8UPIRB DRAWING BOOM BTTLK3, MOO to MIO and op ward, FOB LA BOB OHDBOHBS, $6TO, MSO, iSBO and Uaai FOB SM AIXXB UMUKTHB8. SCHOOLS, BTC, IS4 to MOO, aad upward POPULAB 81TLES la peat varlaty.iaa to MOO tad npwad. OHO AH 8 FOB BABY PAYalKNTS. A sa aai ajoartar, or 3 par month aad upward. ILLU8TBAIKO 0ATALOGUKS and PBIOB LISTS, Iraa. THESE ORGANS ARE CERTAINLY fUNRIVAIED IN EXCELLENCE, WHTTiE THE PRICES ARE NOT MUCH HIOHJSH THAN IUOSK OP VERY IN FERIOR INSTRUMENTt? MASON ii Kremont St.. BOSTON t 4 ISie (Purest and Best Medicine erer Hade. AeolmblnaHon ot Hops), Buchu, Man Irakis and Dandelion, with all theTjeat end a.bl.ind nande Inn. mostcmaratlTepropernea ' nuier oitivra, tnakes the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Res U .B tor, and Life and Health Itestoriug Airaoa on nowdlily Ion erl-t where Hop Bitters are oXedotarted and perfect an th.tr opei aUons.BXa .... Iks; gin mw U f sl TSgorle til tplni intra. To all whose e Employments eanee lrremilarl' tyofthebowelsor11,'ln,r7 or5an?:J0I.,Wh? T autre an AmUerX.To'uo and mild StlmnUnt, HopBlttOTar.UiTOl,V".WItnout intOX' tcatlnu. Nomo.tterwhatyourfpW'tlngs or symptoms are what the disease or all wnent is use Hop r.it term. Don't wait until you re sick built you onlyfeelbad or mleerahle,ftunettiera at onvo. It roayaaYayourlife.lt haB'ared hundreds. tSOOwtUbepaldforacal-o they will not eura or help. Do not suffer ".oriel yoor friends uffer.but use and urire them oua Mop B Remember, flop Bitters la noV0- drugired drunken nostrum, but the llrwtk- n d U,.F Medicine erer made: the "WTALtnska. FRIBNB and non" and no person or family . a b : D.I. C.I" an absolute and irresistible cure 1 rorLnnKennew.u;.. ....-w.w narcotics. All sold br drueirNt. Send , nmkenness.ue of opium, tobacco and for Circular. Hop Blum Hf. Ca., CELLULOID EYE-GLASSES. Representing the choicest selected Tortoise Shell and Amber. The lightest, handsomest, and strongest known, So d by Opticians and iowelers. M.ide by SPKNCEll Ol'llC'Al. MFG. CO., 13 Maiden Lane, New York. SAPONI Is the "Original" Ooncenti itcd l.ye and Reliable Family Soap Maker. Direc tions n.-c liinin). each Can for maklna llfirrt. Ni,ff anil ltilt ,.Mi QUlckW. It IS full wcitht and strenrih. Ask your grocer for liroNI. FI Hit, and take no olherr. PENN SALT MANUFACTURING CO., Phlla, PENSIONS. ff ew TjSiw. Thousands of soldiers and faelrs entitled, Pensions dste back to discharge or deain. Time Umittd. Address, with stamp, GROltUK K. 1 riHOIV, P. O. Drawer Mb, Wathliigtos, D. C. Grand MeUl at Piitld'tfiphia ExpoBittou. TIiIb wonde-ful tulmtitnce ! acknoTvlefJgeU bj phjr ilcimii ttm uefhout tlie wor'd to be (he behtrvmt lv dl coveret for the cure of Wound, liurn-t, Kheutnatlim, Skin Discuses Piles, Catirrh. 7hlib ulna, c. In order that every une may ty It, It in put un Iu li hiv! cent buttles for household u-e. Obt.tlu tt from your d rune lit. and you wli. tiud It superior to anything you have Tr UKU. EI -CARD SODA Is the best In ths World. It Is ahsolntely pure, n Is tin best for Medicinal Purposes. It Is the Kst for Hatlrif aud ail raranr ilea 00m uy an tiumui auu urocera. PENN'A SALT MANUFACTURING CO., Phlla. 03 30 DAYS' TRIAL w in ' our Kiectro-Voltatc Kelts and ether llectric A pp; winces upon trUl lor 3i days to those afflicted with Arrvouj DfhiUty and dum of a pergonal natura A so ol thu l iver, M-luys. Kheuuiatlsm, Paralysis, etc. A sure cure guaranttea or no ray. Address Voltnlo Belt Co., Miusliall, Mich. WHISKERINE IS Tit OHI.T iMotlMTKin. r M (io BARK fa, m -A aULD ANT that (nil iJ tit ihej. i'l'l frNTS ASTHMA. Farnhamt old Established Asthnu Remedy etvlim instant relief In all cas.'S and wMcti la lndormm, hv thmiwiiKiH of HiirViers from tills distress lie disease, is maniu'iu-tured un-l told by Chut- Shuterut tl.4 Original I)ri.t, Spuria. Wircminm, and wiit per mail S y d rs on receipt or in ie uotiar pertx. 7AITi:u Aneuti everywhere to sell orjrfnwla 1 f ny samp e, to Imml hh,. we utve attractive prise utl ti'l ftrstlaas go vts to your mstmuprs; we irlve you koo1 ,trufl;s; we prcpiy a l express chargeai we furnish uiiUll iree. write nr pantcu irs. PKOl'LK S AKA CO., Box foag, St- Lopla, Mo. AirnttM W mi ted for the llandsnmest and PUt ADCCT Dlkl Pl Kvcr furnished Agents vn mi uvii w Kxtra Terms and .aie FORS11KK MrMAfclN, pftOU PREMIUM Choicest 111 the world Importers' lirlccs i tHVl nrtHk.-l'l 'iiuiliaiiy In Aineiica slap e llnii.i iy in, rt-iihu A.clils waired everywhere best O'JiM-s eeiyoooy iia.ie con- U'hi. .inrtits it ij t un-ite tune bcii-i for circu.ar. ItOU l' WKI.LS, i.l Veacy St., N. Y. P. O. Ilox 1287. EfTPtltn sbelUk and Haaoni booki, fnoda. bj to r. A. M. llluairaiva catalruc. ra. ill BraaUwar. weiin. "A soiin.l mid whnle'nie Dook.M 71 Evenina Pott. A BUNDLE OF PAPERS. Jly -Al.lll'.lil' .MA liil.W S. Price 1 postpaid. " The iiuihor aims t eiiamn!e tils readers to become wisp men Jin 1 true iri nth-itu n. ' Aew York Tribune, (i. 1. I'l T.NAil'S miSti, Vuhs., lx& 5tb ave.,NewYork. FaENCH DENTiST'S. lSZ, t.as administered. 50 c a. Gold fillina. 2 ud. ClenniDK. KK-ta. Ad the lat.-s Iniprovt-nifnts in dentistry neatly ex ecutl. Chure inodrn.te.Wort. wa ranted. Clip this out ana nr.ng with you to uuptuuc iim.b., itw l.owery.M.x. j CAUDh lu Bfts of one doien assorted styles. Price, 5 outs pers't. sent post-free. Address W. JliXXIMiS DKMO It KST. 17 Katd 11th Stu'tt, New York. nplIE UREATKST DIS(MtVKllY (tV TUB AOB. NIT 1 1 K i'lltR Foil It 'I Kill A ISM A complete cure guarant ed by uan one bottle, tient on receipt at price, Adlrt ss J. It. UUClvKR Jk GO., ABSOI.UTB DIVOItCKS without publicity for parties In any Htate, tor desertion. nou-BiipDort. aud In temperance. Advice and circulars for stamp. Address E-JUDG JIiuklow, 17 West Hth St. Sew York City. CtOr? Polished firaiilte Monuments from VDe&tJ k ree on board ahip to uy p.trt of Amer ica, uisc ipuonnffuiaie una a ut fm. Plans and nrlces free. JUU.N i.anor.. ocu pior, Auerueen, acoimnu. IJMMt -AI.R.or KX('1IAN(;P. FOH KRAL ESTATE . State and county rlL-lif s of two valuable Patenta. Address futentee, Sain'l It. i 'isuer. Pleasant Unity, Pa, DICiilC afllRfe?'01, Consumption Is also rl OU O K the best eolith medicine. irCNTQ Send Ut cents for article worth Bt. Jlir HUCK I a dl nice. 1., l.t tl, 717 Sansom St., Phlla Wanted (ieitlemau or l.aty toadilress envelupctln every town. Se 3d stamp. 1. Urinham Co., New York. ttnm9 RAA MV made by one acent. Address 3l OV ttl.V. S. T. lU C'K:, Lsaisburg, l'a. PAQPUrtrMP 1'he Isl-'.AK made to IIRAR, C HHrnUltr.J. Address S. .NOltlll, Syracnse, N Y. FHEE. A Musical Journal. Add'a P. Brehm. Krle. Ta. EKPLOYMENT-gflrrSa Also 6 A LA RV per month. All EXPENSES adTaaoe. WAtiE prowatly paid. SLOAN ACo.ltoa ticarit ht. Cinclnnatir. o. S350- MONTH I AUKXTS WANTEDI 5 liest SeiliiK Artic:es In the world, a sainpierw. Jay Hko.nson. Uetiolt, Mica, $777 xpen addn (lulllt I' ree. Address P. O VICKERY, Autmta, Maine. A M,K'N Hraiil I' Ooil-cu es Vervons Dfhllltj jtava n tumiieu ui iffnerumi ut;ui, s ail uiugaisia Beud for t;ir'l'r to Allen's PiiaruiSLy, ;t lit 1'lrst Avt.,N . Y. FIER PETROLEUIW YTAnlfTSTn JELLY NATRONA B fte'totlhil rifTTirn of thr toelvnt A 1,18 Mi-iie ftnMrmi ioddu unw te. & &cWtTre- f,r' ,l rMuellnn tn pnct of M K TmpUr outrttt. Send for kr RFtii 1 NO CO , Mawtnie Pubtuhr Jii w York. Dt.war ( pudous weiki & HAMLIN GpaGAN CO., Eaat 14th Ht. CTTaioa SunaaraV NSW A Lgtakii af i'laMiHnm arj tho Only Remedy f ITIIAT ACTS ATI HE oamk v. THE LIVEfft THE BOWELS and the KIDNEYS. Th eombimd action civea itwon- l der fill powr to are all disfiM. . iWhy Are VejycKY Uccaus we" allow these great organ beeom clogged or torjna, una ,poiwnou humeri are therefore forced Unto tht blood thai should be expelled natwallp. PILES. COXSIIPATIOS,! HI IU K I I'OHPI.alSTS, I ltlAUx DlSh'AKKS, PKJ1A1R WKAK liESSES, AND NKUTOLei DISORDERS. 1 eautinafree action of the oraaml land restoring their power to throw og idiseate. ...... Why Suffer Bllleas pains and artiest Why tormented with Piles. Const I pat Ion t I Why frightened OTeraisoruerea nioni ji. 1 Wlir endure nervous orsica iiranncucai It liY har sleepless nlchts I ' Vt KIDNEY WORT and rejoice ln health. It tea dry.vtgetabU compound and n ...l,.Mlll anakoalxotoof llodlctne. 1 ' . - .... . , ., Qet it of your Vrugqttt, ne trrit aiutr ti jar yuu. ..w. . WELLS, 11CHABD30H CO., Proprletwi, A ' (Wlllnnajxntpal.) Burlington, It t B H T N U- pflflER AXLE GREASE. t'UK S AT,K IT I.I, . lkfV..AT.ft4'.lttt, Ainmfcrf the MEDAL Of HONOR at the Onfermfcal ow4 Chicago FRZER LUBHICATOR CO. NewYarfc. llnlrOyelsthpSrVFESl :um UKSl'; It nets hislantiv tifMiusl.pruilucltiK the most imtural ciindesor ll.oeko, Itruwn; does NtT STAIN ' tin. KKIW ftn.l ! enttii RISTADORO'S n'-epa at Un and a favorite oneverv well appolnteu WH ' 1... ul.laTniM. S.'ld by Oiu '.'ls and up' plied bv Hair Dresses, i;eii.d.. M il lnmSt,N.T. C. N. CKlTTENTON.Agt S.OU Per Day Had Selling Our New PLATFORM FAMILY SCALE Weijjhs aicurnlely tip to Jl lln. Its hatiiTtioino nppcarance sells It at llRht. Itetail price, .!. I .tiler Family Scales weighing -a ll.s. cost $3.ix. A If (BUlar BOOM FOvt AGENTS. Exclusive terrllorjr given free. Tamil aud rapid sulcrt t.tt! prise old Aifenta. KOIIl TIC etC'AI.K CO., No. 1M7 V. Fifth St., Cincinnati, O. AOEJiTS I AGK.vi'S I AGF.NTS I JOSIAH ALLEN'S WIFE HAS "KOTK" A NEW BOOK. TIIR BEST AND FUNNIEST OP ALL. a FJIaf Af iiiif airl Dvelrtor ' ' it ainai u raiuiibi AOENTS WAKTEO in every Town. Don't mlas it, hilt I send for Circular at once, and secure territory. Address AatEHlCAN UllLISlllNU CO., Haatroao, voK. CNCYCL0PEDIA OP OI0UETTEIEUSINESS This la the cheapest and only cmpVte and reliable work on htlquette and Hustuei and Social Forms. U tells how to perform aU the various duties of life, and how to appeir to the lst advantage ou ail (H-utsUmv. A ice il- a Wanfi'tl. Send tor ciiculaih coiitiluins a full Ucsci iptum of the work and extra terms to Aizonts. Literary Revolution. 3PETMTC e-irh. formerly 1.00 to $i.2Seach; VBIV I 3) I. Mi.'anUy'g Mm of r'redelick the (ireat. II. Oirv'e's Llu vt Rohen Itunis. III. l,a martiue's I.lfe or M irv tjuTiior Scots. IV. TIioj. Hushes Manliness e? JT C IM tr1?; each, formerly $l.a of Christ. O WblM I O a.h: I. Artio d'g Light of Asia. II. UoluMintira Vliar of Wakcneld. III. Uaroa Iluniiiausen s Travels and Surprising Adventures tot MX CKl l'ti Uunyan'sPilririni'sProsress. Illustrated catalogue sent free. AMKltlCAN I'.IKIt EXCHANGK, John B. Alden, Manager, f ilbune Bnlldlni. New York. Dealness, Ear Diseases, Catarrh. Dr. C K. KnOKItfAliKIt, the well-known exrn- rieueed Aural Surfjeou, Author, and Writer on the above Diseases, may be consulted by mall or personally at his office, No. Walnut t . Keaclliitf, Vm,. llis small dook seni rree. Jim larne una complete work or !s7.i panes ou Deafness, Diseases of the Kar and Tonsils, and Oatairbi and their proper tveutmcuti price IM by mall. NtiTR. No one will question Dr. Shoemaker's stand ing orakllL ORGANSI 14 STOPS, SUB HASSbi)CT. COIPLBR ONLY $65. PIANOS S1UL DO up ' SesitOH Trial Warranted, Cataloiiue Free. ,3 II ''stY MltNO VOlt ' , I WHAT I SHALL I F"5icB a os rtui thisIJ y GREASER rrn , - tsasi MM Etcte-;-' air AJttflff -1---- - V W1 gl$ aaf;St3 aj A ldreaa DANIEL V. HEAT I V. Wni.tiliw.oli N. J. DOOK AGENTS WANTED ro SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW The f attest Selling book ever uned. An entirely Aew Work try John li. Gonqh. Jlili aran 1 work -now far the firit time inliithnt J I. over. Bj.winu with Umd.r uaihos, .pity humor, and eKl thin(rlor all' It i. outselling all otht-r tKMk, thr,f. ti Miuift,.rb wiv "Vwl V" Thomands are wailin for it, and Itiporti front sonu are Tj-74-l.l-(l,V''or. .I'.trort-, nc ...Id 96 In a Ji" mnrB aKPlir. wauled on s,.ernt Vr..i. oHre.. A. 1J. WOKTIUN'UTUN' a CO , 1'uMi.h.r.. Uatf..Wi. "o,. KRK A week in your own town. wW free. Address U Hiu-srit Terms and tt Outfit Co., Portland, Malua. S5 til S9fi y at homa. Samples wo lJ iU Address Sna.oa k Co.. Hortl worth $a fias ana. Ale (llfT KlCH se.llna our K..blrr tttuiui and kuala A Samples t ree. Look 4 JBimell. Cleveland. ). 8i72 A w"mtE. ii a day at horns easily made. Costly Outfit Ir,.. Addisat 'lauaA Co., AUaUata, Mama. WaJbaAss Aw CUIOAOO