The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 09, 1880, Image 4

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Secretary Sherman 'In his annual
report says that the ordinary revenues
Of the sovernment for the year ending
June 31, 1880, were $333,628,610 03. and
the ordinary expenditures wore $267,.
642,957 78.
Leaving a surplus revenne ol . .$05,881,653 30
TTuiua, wnu hu murium arawu.
from cash balance in treasury,
8,043,434 21
Making 73 963,087 41
which m applied to tuoreJumptim:
Of bonds lor the sinking fund. . .$73,652,900 00
Ot lntctional cu.icnoy tor the
sinking land 251,717 42
Ot the loan of 1853 40,000 0 J
Of t-mporary loan 100 00
Of bounty land scrip 25 00
Of ooinponnd Into! cat notes .... 16,50000
Oi 7-30 notes ol 1SG4-6 2,6-50 00
Ot one and two-year note) 8,700 00
Of old demand notes .......... 495 0u
$73,908 087 41
The amount due the sinking fund fcr
thi8 year was $33,931 643 55. Til ere
was applied thereto, Irom tho redemp
tion ol bonds and fractional currency,
PS shown in the above statement, the
eum of 73 034,617 41, an excess ot
$ 35 972 973 8 ) over the amount actually
required for iho year.
The requirements of the sinking fund
law have been substantially observed,
and the principal of the public debt, less
cash in the treasury and exclusive of
accruing iu'ercst. has been reduced
from $1 750 431 571.43. its highest
point, wtiieii it r.Rhid on August 31,
1865 to $1 81)0 C25 740 8 ). on November
1, 1830-a reduction oi $t63,4()5,830.64
Compared wtli the previous year, tin
receipt for 1880 have increased $62,
6i9 433 21.
; Fr the present fiscal year the csti
mate is: , .
I IM'fcfil OEft jooonnroqao79
8 rS8 lOS'O!.' pun tat
-jjniB 9i wnp tanomi pajmnpsjj
01 roo'ooo'oc
00 OIO'OOO'' 9o ia.tniipnau'xe ibiot
00 000 Ono'(l?eft sidieoei jsioi
The secretary respectfully renews his
recommendations ol last year, with a
view to promote economy in the publio
service, a permanent organization of an
appropriation committee for each House
be established, who shall have leave to
sit during the recess of Congress, with
power to send for persons nnd papers,
and to examine all expenditures of the
government; that rules be adopted by
the respective Houses limiting appro
priation bids to items of appropriation
and excluding legislative provisions;
that appropriations, except for the in
terest on the public debt, be limited to a
period not exceeding two years, and
that the fxpenditure of appropriations
be eti icily confined to the period of time
for which they were appropriated.
: It is a question for dmeress to deter
mine whether any material reduction In
taxation should be ni.-tdt.' at a time when
the whole surplus revenue may be with
great advantage applied directly to the
payment of accruing dtbt, and when
such surp'us is an important element in
aid of refunding. If it should be deter
mined by Congress to reduce taxes it is
respectfully recommended that all the
taxes imposed by the internal revenue
law other t . an those on bank circulation
and on spirits, tobacco nnd fermented
liquors be repealed. The tax on the
circulation of national banks is levied
partly in the nature of a moderate charge
for a iranchise conferred by the govern
ment, and partly to furnish means to
pay the expense of printing and issuing
national banknotes. It is e isilv collected
by the treasurer of the United States,
and is a just and proper tax, whether
regarded as a charge for the franchise or
as a means of reimbursing the eovern
merit, the coBt of printing the notes. The
tax on State banks is of the gravest
importance, not for purposes of revenue,
but as a check upon the renewal ol a
system of local State paper money.
; The secretary recommends that pro
Vision be made for the issue cf an
amount not exceeding $1(10,0(10,000 of
treasury notes in denominations not less
than ten dollars, bcari.ig interest not ex
ceeding four per centum per annum, and
'gunning from one to ten years, to be sold
at not lffs than par, the amount ma
turing during any year not to ex
ceed the sinking fund for that year,
and the proceeds to be applied to
the payment of live and six per centum
bonds, maturing in 1891. It is believed
that, with the present state of the money
market, a sufficient amount of such
treasury notes bearing an annual inter
est of three per centum, can be soid tc
meet a considerable portion of the
maturing bonds ; but it is better to con
fer upon the department a discretionary
power to stipulate for a higher maxi
mum rate, to avoid tliepo-sibiiityol fail
ure. Such a discretion is not likely to
be abused, while a power too carefully
restricted may defeat the beneficial ob
ject of the law.
It is also recommended that authority
be given to seil at par an amount not
exceeding $ JtO.i.OO.OUO of bonds of the
character and descripti n of the four per
centum bonds of the United States now
outstanding, hut bearing a la'.e of inter
est not exceeding three and sixty-live
one hundredths per centum per annum,
and redeemable at the ple.isure of the
United States alter ti'ieea years, the
.proceeds to be applied to the payment
ot bonds rertecmable cn or before
July 1, 1881. T.,ough the amount
ot the two classes cf eg. unties
recommended exceeds the amount ol
bonds to be redeemed, no more can be
old than the bonds to he redeemed,
'while the alternative authorized will
permit a limited discreiion to sell the
securities mo t favorable to the govern
ment. With the authority thus recom
mended, it is believed that the depart
ment can within a year redeem all the
five and six per cent, bonds now out
standing, and thus rtriu e the interest
of the public debt $12,000,000 per an
num, and leave the debt in a form most
favorable for gradual payment by tne
application of the sinking lund, with
out cost or premium.
. Nothing has occurred since my last
'annual report to disturb or em bar ass tho
easy maintenance oi specie payments.
United States notes are regulnrly takes
at par with coin in all parti ot this coun
try and in the chief commercial marts of
the world. The balance ot coin in tho
treasury available for their reden ption
on the first el ay of November last was
$141,597 013 61, and the average during
the year has not materiully varied from
that sum. The only noticeable change
in the reserve is the gradual increase of
silver coin caused by the coinage o tho
silver dollar and the redemption of frac
tional diver coin, more ful y stated
All the r quit-' menta of the resump
tion act have thus farbeen executed, and
its wisdom has been fully demonstrated.
"There are places in the Atlantic
rteean," the lecturer impressively s.iid,
"in which the tallest mountain ranges
could be hid from view. "But bow are
jou going to movie the ranges ?"solemnly
raked a pale, dyspepticU oking man, in
the back of the h ill, anel then the j ini
tor put out the lights. Rock I md Cour
ier, At tb St. Louis council it was re
ported that there had been a net gain of
165 Congregational cuu relies and 17,
325 members during the last three years.
The whole number tl churches is now
8,674 with 382,020 members.
How to .Trim Them Most Effectively.
The poprlar custom of preparing
Christmas trees for the young and old
Increases yearly; and the question,
' How shall I trim one?" is often asked ;
so I shall try to answer it. If ynu can
obtain the tree from some pine woods
near at hand, select a finely-shaped fir
bal-am or spruce, with firm branches,
and about nine or ten feet liieb. Then
spread a large sheet over one end of the
parlor carpet and put a good-sized tea
chest in the center of it.
The lower limbs of the tree must be
sawn off se that it CMn he fixed firmly
into the box, anel small heavy article?,
like weights and flatironr, inn be put in
for bnllast, to keep the tree firmly in
place. Then fill up the box with hard
coal. The chest must be concealed with
some pretty material; old curtains will
answer the purpose, or the American
flit? ; and a white furry robe Is bIso Kuil
able. Drape these at tides cloc to the
tree, and let tliem trail a little on the
floor, to make a graceful sweep.
Now the tree is plaited, and we must
proceed to decorate it. Make chains of
popped corn, strung together with needle
and thread ; at least a dozen yards will
be none too much for a large-sized tree,
and the pure white festoons intwined
amid the dark grpen branches of the tree
produce a fine effect.
We must also have paper charms made
either of glazed scar et, gilt or silver;
cut the paper into small strips, four
inches long and cot half an inch in
width; fasten the two end3of each strip
together with Hour paste, and ma'ehal
of them into rines; then take the res
and make into similar rings, but first
slip each strip through two of the dried
rings before joining' the ends. In this
manner ail the slips of paper are inter
laced and we hare a chain of rings which
will gieatly adorn our tree. They must
be festooned in long, graceful loops lrom
limb to limb, and the effect is very
All this work the children can do, and
it ad els greatly to the entertainment, of
the long eve ninss at this se-ison. Tliev
can also assist in covering English wal
nuts with tinfoil or gilt pitper, and in
filling apples wir.h cloves, whiou will
serve to keep moths from the drawers of
our bureaus, and therefore make accept
able presents.
If wo possess a cracked mirror we
must take it to the glazier's and ask him
to cut it into two-inch squares. Around
the eelges and across 'tho backs oinred
paper must bo pasted, and long rib'ion
loops attached to the backs by which to
suspend them behind the tiny wax can
dle, where tiiry will do duty as reflec
tors Fancy glass balls of all colors can be
purchaser! for a few cents each; nnd
several dozen of wax candles, with tin
rests to nttnch them to the tree, can be
bo;i ilit Solt-balaneing enndlc-holders
can also be fou-d at must toy shops and
need only to i.e placed ou the branches.
If these cannot be obtained, common
copper wire ran be heated a little and
run up through the candle a little way,
and the other end can bo twisted firmly
about the branch. If the wicks are
brushed over with a little kerosene they
will light up very quickly.
The very light and showy gifts can be
suspended upon the tree, but the heavier
articles roust be laid upon the table, or
c.Ue wrapped in paper and hid around
the base of the tree. A pair of scisso' s
must be in readiness to cut the gite
from the branches. When such a tre e
is trimmed, filled with gifts and liahted
it is indeed a beautiful sight a graceful
gren pyramid, witii numberless little
jets of flame, trembling and flashing
mirrors, garlanr's of bright hues all
bright uess, sparkle and color. Try it,
fair friends, and see for yourselves how
lovely it is.
Pnnglenjt's Test,
Woman is by nature so erratic aad
inconsistent a creation that it doesn't elo
to bft on even her most marked charac
teristics. For illustration, the other
day old Mr. l'ungleup, ot Noh Hill, was
commenting cn the railroad velocity
with which young ladies jabber to each
other when they meet, without either in
tho least understanding or replying to
what inn other says.
" It's just a mean falsehood eott- n up
by you good-for-nothing men." said the
yminsest Pungleup girl, indignantly.
"All right," said her father, b-niei:v-tly;
"we"l try an experiment.
I ce your friend, Miss Cluckersor, com
ing up the street. Now, I'll wager tint
nnw walking suit you want so much
tint you can't say 'roast turkey and
cranberry stiuce' in response to the first
h.ii dezm remarks she makes
without her noticing the fa'Jt."
' I never heard anything so perfectly
absurd," replied Miss P. "However, I
mi-t.tns well have that suit it's ju-;t
too lovely for nnything so I'll just do
it to teach you a lesson."
" ftlind, now,'- said her father, as the
front do;r bfcll tang, "You mustn't
clmige your expression iu the least, and
you must repeat the sentence in year
usual voice and manner that U !o sy,
in a single breath all tuu together as it
Just then Miss Glucker.-on was shown
into the parlor, and through the library
door old P. could hear the usual oscu
lafory peck exchanged, and Miss G. ex
claim, without even the smallest comma
in the whole remark r
" Oh,' you lnz thing been hero a per
fect age don't look at this hat ptriect
fright going to have flowers set back
and bow changed why wasn't you i.t
matinee Harry was there."
" Roast turkey and cranberry sauce,"
rapidly inserted Miss P., accompanying
the words with liat preliminary and
concluding gur'e with which it 1
women, for some occult reason, invarir
bly adorn their conversation when de
sirous of being aarreeable.
"Going to Mrs. Blatlger's party '
continued Miss Giuckerson, with the
serene rattle ot a brook over the peb
bles. "Molly Smith is going they tell
me she paints pa's promised lao a
phaeton in the spring saw that hateful
Mrs. Gappery on the street buff over
skirt and green ruching just fancy."
" Roast turkey and cranberry"
"Oh, George Skidmore's mother's
dead bury her next Sunday did you get
that erging at Gimps' f"
" Roast turkey and cran "
" The girls at Clark's are to graduate
next Thursday Jennie Giggles is going
to be square cut with inside illusion and
white kid boots can't you come round
for dinner to-morrow and stay all"
" Roast turkey and"
"Night, and show Milly your new
basque ? That man with a light over
coat stared at me again yesterday Jim
O'Neill is going East this candy's fright
ful ftale."
" Roast turkey"
"Ma thinks Mrs. Brown ain't proper,
those ferns are just too lovely look at
these cuffs clean this moraine are my
O'imps coming out yours aint Litue
Skippen says you met Charlie Boggs the
other nigh', and he said something nice
abemt me tell me quick!"
" Roast turk "
" Why how perfectly absurd you are,
Linda," interrupted the visitor, angrily,
' You don't listen to a word I say I
was asking about Charles Boggs not
roast turkey George Shelly thinks you're
awfui nice now tell me what did be say
good gracious I what are you hugging
" And, Tilda." thoughtfully remarked
Miss Pungleup, atter the matter had
been explained and her father admitted
that he had lost bv a scrstoh, " I be.
lieve in my heart I bat if you hadn't
thought about Charlie just then,
shouldn't have had any new suit this
All of which goes to show that there
is at least one subject upon which ono
may hope to secure the temporary at
tention of the inscrutable female mind.
Sjt Franciico Pott.
Famishing a Hornet
If you wish to have your sui round ;
ings make a good impression, with
economy, there is but one short and easy
rule to follow: Buy everything ot the
simplestsort; get your stone china of the
plainest shapes, eschew aeorn tops for
your sugar-bowl, and scroll bandies for
your tureens, and figured borders for
plates. (Jet straight-legged chairs, with
as little molding as the makers albw,
buy your carpets and lounges of small
nnd modest ficurings. don't get that
vivid crimson carpet because it " looks
warm," or you " ha ve an eye for color,"
or that red and white, or tho green and
white panel pattern because it is the last
out. Take the oldest, cheapest thing in
the shop, if it is in taste and will look
well with the rest of your belongines.
So many old styles are coming up again
that yours will have a chaneeof being
modish any elay, and if they suit each
other, they will please, in spite of the
stylo of your immediate neiehborhood,
which may be tho remnans of a city
dealer's stock, out of date three years
ago Havo plain bevels to the wood
work oi your house, instead of beadines
p.nd groovines which onlv hold tho du-t
and swell the carpenter's bill. But in
sist on deep window seats and low ba-e-board
s,and don't allow any grain' d paint
about your house. Plain paint, well
varnished, looks better and keeps nice
longer nnd doesn't always repeat ' I'm n
sham, I'm a sham," like the pretended
oak and walnut. Buy at second-hand,
third-hand, restore paint and glue things
yourself, nnu don't be afraid of honesi
hand-finished pine without either paint
or varnish. The prettiest effects in sum
mer houses nre gained from yellow
Georgia pine, and the white pine, fin
ished with clear shellac. The simplest
forms prevail in some of the new furni
ture. An expensive oak dining table of
newest pattern is square, with turned
corners, nnd a support which is a square braces, plnin as the rudest
Saxon could desire, but beautiful in its
clear weiod, sand papered and hand fin
ished to almost marble smoothness.
Such a table sells for eighty dollars at
the most fashionable makers in the city.
A set of chairs with straight turned
maple uprights and leg-, with basket
seals nf the old pilgrim fashion, cush
ioned with Momie cloth and f. igned and
fni helowed arc pretty enough for any
silting room, and such s.mple. original
pieces give an air of taste ani research
to a room worth any mere fashion.
Shirley Dare.
(ire.tsiiig the Sea.
''ho expression "to pour oii on the
troubled waters" is generally regarded
as n metaphor or figure of spe?ch, iilus
fating the action of soma persuasive
peacemaker.softening the angry passions
ol tvontending disputants. On tho other
hand, the mollifying influence of oleagin
ous liquids upon the waves was long ago
demonstrated as a scientific fact, and the
equinoctial gales would probably have
been kept in subjectiem ere now, on the
high siv.s, but for theuncertain'y of ttic and the estimated expense of
oilinsr an area as limited even a-5 the bay
of Biscay. It would appear, however,
that a gentleman of Perth has solved
t'ln problem of economy aj applied to
greasing the se.i, nnd that in future
ships may carry with them, at n com
paratively trifling cost, a sufficient sup
ply of oil to nullify the rigors of the
thrce'st cyclone. A northern oemtem
porary states that a series of experi
ments have lately tak'n place in the
north harbor, Peterhead, with tho most
?ntisfaetory results. The experimental
ist filled some bottles full of t il and
sank them to the bottom of the harbor
while a gale was blowing. Presently
the oil was released, anel, tioatii g to the
top o: the raging billows, stilled them as
if by a miracle. A- a consequence ol
this experiment, it is thought in the
neighborhood of Perth that cil can be
laid m continuously by pipes to the
bars of all exposed harbors, so as to
enable vessels to gain port in sa'ety in
the midst of the" most violent hurri
canes. The invention would he invalu
able if applied to the channel passage
iu dirty A'oather. Day by day we are
tiut;!it that there are no bounds to the
conquest of science .ivr nature, and
now that we can oil out tho guy
wrinkles of the stormy ocean, we nceu
not despair of b ing able, sooner or
later, to -vai m the north pole with otlier
wise waste steam and fertilize the great
desert by artificial irrigation. London
Snake mid Frog. years ago, while in Ceylon, I
1: v il in a house in "Slave island,"
.aiscd on a high platform. The steps
up to the door had hiome loosened,
and bthiud them a cc;Lny of fro?s had
established themselves. One m .ruing
I wa'ched a snake (a. cobra) creep up,
uuert its head into a ciackand seize a
frog, which ho then and there swallowed
Bat tho crack tha. admitted the thin flat
head anet neck cf the ophidian would
not permit of the same being withdrawn
when the neck was swolleu with the
addition of the frog insido it. The
snake tugged and struggled, but in vain,
and after a series of futile attempts dis
g rged its prey and withdrew its head.
But the sight was too tantalizing. Again
the head was inscitcd in the crack ar d
the coveted morsel swallowed, and
ugain the vain struggles to withdraw
were renewed. I saw this repeated Sev
ern! times, till, gaining wisdom by ex
perience, the snake seized tho frog by
one leg, withdrew it lrom its coigne ol
vantage and swallowed it outside.
Length of the Human Step.
At a recent sitting of the French Acad
emy of Sciences, Monsieur Mrey read
a very interesting paper, giving the re
sult of his exneriments with a machine
for measuring the length and rapidity of
a man a stride in walking. Marty found
that a numb r of circumstances modi
fied the length of the step. The step is
longer going uo hill than going eiown;
longer for a man catrying a load than
for one unloaded; longer with low
heels i hau with high heels; and longer
lor a man wearing thick soles aid those
which preyed slightly beyond the toe
than lor one wearing short and flexib e
soles. It was found that while the lieel
might be lowered indefinitely without
detriment to the gait, the sole could nut
be made perfectly rigid nor prolonged
too far without interfering with the
speed and ease of the wearer. Experi
ence alone was able to determine the
exact length and thickness necessary to
produce the bust results.
In France many profe-urs of the art
of cooking feed a family for so much a
day and au additional sum for each gu st.
i ney Drmg tne provisions, submit a
mnu, which may be changed, and send
a :ook to live in the house. At a dinner
party they or their aids superintend.
Wendell Phillips is sixty-nine years
Mrs. Garfield has refused to let her
photograph be sold or her likeness be
Mrs. John Jacob Astor has sent a
font with basin of solid silver to a mis
sion chapel which she has established in
Mark Twain says there is something
very fascinating about science it gives
you such wholesale returns of conjec
ture for tuch trifling investments of
The fisherman of Great Britain have
renron to bo grateful to the Baroness
Uurdett-Coutts. for she is said to have
expended the snrg little sum of $500,000
in tuorts to improve the condition ol
the poor and deserving of this class.
Miss Louise McLaughlin, the discov
erer ol painting under the glaze ou pot-
L .... a. I . I. . 1. 1 I 1. 1 . , .
wjiy. causing tiian art, iikq neaitU, was
free to all, told her process to other
artists, explained it to reporters, and
even published a book giving directions
A man has now taken her process and
patented ill
M. Gambetla ten years ago was ono of
the handsomest men in France. His
face was a face of line lint s and spirit uel
contours : his figure was lithe anef grace
ful. He is still a man of striking pres
ence, but he has no more the almost
poetic good looks of his youthful da.:s.
Victor Hugo is described as still very
active, red-faced, at d with short, stubblv
gray ha'r. He is a great talker, and it
is related of him that once, when he
used tobeinllaiate with Louis Philltppp,
the two talked everybody to bed, anel
the king had to take a candle and light
the pet downstairs.
J. F. Russi and others, of San Antonio,
Texts, having p'otested against the
playing of 'he nrniy b:tnds at concerts,
General Sherman answers that as even
in despotic Rx-sia soldiers are allowed
to earn an extra penny by any craft they
may have, lie sees no reason why our
own soldiers should bo deprivsd of so
simple a privilege.
Mi's Edmcmia Lewis, the sculptor,
who is of mix3d African nnd Indian
pa-cntage, has had a more than com
mon measure of success iu her profes
sion. Tho pope long since visited her
studio and blessed her work; theMir
quis of Bute bought one of her gremps
for an ultar-piecc, and another, "The
Old Arrow-maker ani hii Daughter,"
was boil "lit by Lady Ashburton.
Daily Chicago Times.
Mr. George Barnes, of Bagua'l &
Barnes, South Water street, Baid thai
his wife had been a tcvere sufivrer with
neuralgia for years and has tried many
reineeli' s in vain. St.. Jacobs Oil is the
only thing that brought her relief.
empire for the year ending June 3d, 11:80.
were about $53,C00,(Ki0. The expendi
ture was equal tf the income. The
public debt is f25 ,ono,0iO, but very
neariv l'our-lifihs ot it partakes ol the
character of terminable annuities. The
interest nnd the debt average mx per
cent., whereas the ordinavy rates of in
terest iu Japan range from four percent.
ta nine per cent., arid the Chinese gov
ernment had to pay eiht per cent, on
us last loan.
ItalatnoEOO (Mich.) Daily dinette.
Tt is an unprecedented success sairi
Mr. Ohns. S. D'Arcambal, the wel.
knovn Burdick House druggist, when
asked for his views in regard to the St
Jaeo'js Oil; il is highly extolled, and h
giving general satisfaction.
Cotton eecd was first nl nutcd in the
United States in 1621, in "Virginia, as an
experiment. It was p.ancd in Georgia
:in-.l the Carolinns in 173-74, and in
Louisiana in 17-12.
ITnmbuitaed A earn.
I saw Bonuicu aid uouut Clio iucri'8 ol Hop
B. Iters, and my vile, who was nlwayi doctor
ing and never well, tonstd mo so mgen'ly to
gist her some, 1 ooitt-laded to lie luHi.buireed
flg'.in; and I am i lu l 1 did, lor in less than
two months' uso ol tho billers my w:lo wai
Giued ami she lias remained m lor eight. en
months nince. I hku iucli lnunbuggiDj;. II.
I'., St. Paul. Pioho r Pre.
There are over 5,0(K) well-know and
classified species of birds, fully defined,
and placed in the science of ornithol
ogy. The remedy that will enro the many dis
cus's ptculiar to women, is Warners Sale
Kidney and Liver Cure. Mothrt' Magixine.
Alligator's nests resemble haycocks
They are four feet hieh, and live in
diameter at their ba?es,being constructed
with crass and herbage.
Bret OnUle Med. Natives, live wt. . 10 V
Oslvoa Good Iu l'rliuu Vtulu 05 (4 OH
Rheep IU 05X
Lambs OS & M
Log Live..., OI7tt4 0S.'
Dressed 0.1 (4 I'TX
Flour Ki. State, Rood to fancy..,. S 15 (4 S 6u
Woatern, good to fancy A US g 8 DO
Wnct No. 2 lied 1 iP,V4 1 i-X
No. 1 White t 1UW'4 1 'H'
Itye State 1 I'i.'o .4 I
liarle Twu-Uowid Slate 1 Oi A 1 0
Uoru VTuRradci! WYbtt-ru Mixed.... (,7 ij CI
Fomueru Yellow 6")i fi4
Oatit White fetute ,rj iJ
lined Weeuru 43 41
Hay 1'iiiue 1 0) (4 1 1)
Btr.iw Long Bye. per cwt 1 00 1 Oi
Hops State, ltttO IS t4 i
fork Mens 14 60 nil 5 00
Lard City bteain..... 8 00 t t M
Pmroleu-u Orui-.e .. .... tti'07.'J ltc-flned t9!
Uatler State t'rtaajcry 21 :4
D.iry 2 J 58
Weatera l.uitutioa Creamery 23 (4 2S
lnotJry 13 u4 S'l
Oheeae State Factory 1(4
Hkiuis PS (4 08
Western 10 i4 12tf
Egfrs State and Ponn 8 J (4 St
I'uiatoes btate, bbl Kariy note.... 1 SO 0 2 00
Steere Extra S 10 (M 50
Limba Weatern 4 Oj (n 4 75
Kheeii Western 3 75 (.( 4 15
Hug. Good to Choice Yorkers 4 45 4 63
Flour City Orouuil, Mo. 1 8pruic.. 6 0J is 74
Wheat No. 1 H ir.t Uuluth. ........ 1 i5 irt 1 '.6
Corn No. i Woatern 54 (4 64
Outa Htato 87 (4 88
Barley Iwo-rowed State 1i 80
Bef Weatern Uees 9 63 (910 00
Hogs Live l'6.V4 OS
Hi)(! e-ity Dreaaed 07 (4 07)
Pork Ettra Prime per tibl 10 00 (4. 1 8 75
Flour Wisconsin aud Mluu.I'at.... 7 26 vt 8 60
Corn Mixed and Yellow...... d5 & ts
Oats Extra While 60 14 M
Bye State 1 07 (4 1 07
Wool Waahed Combing k Delaine,, it (4 60
Cnwaahed, " " 86 14 88
Beet Cattle live weight (W4 04 X
Bheep 034 04,'
lambs , 0:i4 4 05
Hon OCli'id 0i
Floor Penn. food aud fancy 6 60 (9 6 75
Wheat-No. i Ued 1 ' 1)414 1 ))
Bjs State 03 (41 0'
Corn State Yellow 61 (4 61
Data Mixed ill 41
Hotter Croa mery Kxtra 84 (4 84
Ohecao New York Full Cream 13 (4 l tu
Petroleum O rude Oil m(fH Banned Oil
On el Mm) most popular nwlioiiMtt nww Wa-
Ibrs ths Ataerlou puMts) It Hop Bitters. Ton
im it erery where. People tak ft with rood
fleet. It builds thm up. it Is not ss pleasant
to the taste as toine elks bitters as it is not a
rhiskv drink. It is mm like the old-lash-
loned bonaset tee that has done world oi
(rood. If 70a don't teal Just right try Hop
Bitters. ramrfa vsui.
"I once had in mv hand." savs Dr.
Mackenzie, "the printed report of a
trial for murder, and ths little book
was bound In a part of the tanned skin
of the murderer, who had been tried,
convicted and hanged."
The tinman role In Ha ewseta sss and
purity is delioionslr musical with throat
affection and coughs it loses all attractions.
Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup restores it wben lail
ing through ooiiubs, colds, eta.
In the public schools of Germany the
first hour is devoted to religious instruc
tion. ,
Trust Those Wtto nave Tried.
W. L. Hawkins, dmcgfctt, Princeton, If. J.l
Tho past vear is tba first ol many tlmt I have
been Iteo lrom Catarrh, which 1 a'tri ute
to tho use ot Ely's Cream li.ilm. I have
recommended it to many Iriends, and in
every case It hns worked like a eharm. Jareri
D. Wollo, Insurance agent. October 22 1630.
Messrs. El? Bios., druggists, Owegn, N. Y.I
1 have had Oatanh fr a nnmber tl jtars la
its worst form. Bo'ore I bad nod one buttle
ol yonr Cream Balm droppings inti my thioat
had entirely eeated, pnin and seMencss in my
bead wsa removed, ns well as thnti ess. I
hnve used treat tnnny remotUu!, b it nothing
that equals yoors. I', a'so .ie immediate
tuliel tor oold In the bend. Mrs J. I). Hug
dorn, Union, N. 1"., December 7, 1878.
Frice, 60 oents. Kly'a Ccm lli.lm Co.,
Owego, N. Y. Will mail it for 60 cents.
Mnliirl'il levers cn be p' evented, also other
minsmntio di&ORse, by occasionally tiatrg
Dr. SS.ivford't Liver lr.viforattr, the oldeat
goreral Family Me.lioino, which ii rcoom
mewled as a cure fur all di'eiaos ouscd by a
iienideied liver. Kilitv-pnuo book sent tree.
AdJrots Dr. Sanloid, 102 Uroadway, N. T.
The Voltalo Belt Co , Marshall, Mich.,
Will send their Kleoiro-Voliaie Uel s to the
iifflioted npoa 30 days trial. See their ndver-tisi-nieut
in this paper beaded, "On SO Days'
VBr.BTina is nourishing and strengthening ;
purities tho blood; regit lutes ihn biwwlsj
quiets the nervous aystein; ncls directly up
on the secretions, aud a'ounea tbe whole
system to aotion.
Gut Lyon's rahntlljcl BtiiTencrs appl'ee
to those aer boots bulote you run them over
(iitEiT noif.11 Mtnicints-
nn. toniAs' iioi:sk mximhxt in
phi l(itlU at 1141 urlltis: 32 v:i:a Pit h in'inl. It l. the
X'BI In llic world for tin- vll a jt 1 ''he, (V.d s n'. Sprain,
Sore Tlironia. etc. TolilAN' Condition
Pi At Drflis ae wtrr.inteil to rare Dtritcniiwr. F ver
R'orn.s. It ta; Rive a fine rofttf lni'ri n the njtf.iUte ..nil
:'r;iiig. the urinnry orpium. Cfrilfl.t to ly 01. 1).
ltd! ipl 1. owner or Hume of tht. runnln : borat'i
In the wor'.il, an1 I.OHI oilier. ttftiiTita. Hold by dru--Ih'i
Deoot 13 Uuimy strut. .iw York.
Kidney Complaints.
Tlie symptom b of an acnlc attack of inflammation
of tbe kiduoya are an follows: tVvrr, )ain iu tha
tru.iil of tbe back, and tb ncf abonthitf ilowuwmd ;
uinab:iCf of the tbigb, roiuitiuff, usually at first a
tlM p red color of toe uriuc, wbicb bo omt a pale mid
colorlt-ss aa the disease lucreao. aud la discharged
very often with in aud Uilticulty ; coeuveneen
and t-ome d gree of colic. Ia ohroidc d.i-oie-'sof
tbt kidueys the symptomx urc :iiu 1c (be bit k .tud
limbs, diyoesa of tbe akin, frrqwnt n tnutiou
pvrialiy at uiht), Kenerul dropsy, limdjchi', riizzi
utHsof tds'ht, IndiRt-atiou, and ia!pla iuu of tho
heart, gradual 1ob of ftn-nth, pileursa nnd puffl
ucp oi th f ace, conh , mid nbortnocs of breath.
Iu dmenPeH of tbe h dtnyi tho VrriKTinc Rive
1mtuedt:it relief. It has n.-vc-r fulled to euro whmi
it ia takan regularly aud directions followed. In
many citsea it may take several bottle, especially
cuHcH of lonjf standing. It uots din otly upon the
secretions, cleauwiui? and strength! Dlup. removing
all obstructions aud luipurltirH. A great many cun
testify to casus of lontf standing ba1i g been per
fectly cured by the Vfokiisl. cvea after trying
many of tbe kuown remedies which are :ild to b?
txpredfly for this diopane.
Kidney Complaints.
CnrciKKATi, O., March 10, 1877.
H. it. SlEVEKS I
Hoar 8ir I have umh! jour Vkuitikk for some
tn.;e, ami can truthfully ii y It h it brea a great
bruent to me; and to tlioie auff.-rlnff from dibeate
of the klduiya I cheerfully rciintnfiid It.
Kespeotfully, O. H. SMITH.
Attcated to by E. I). Anhfldd, druggist, corner
Eighth and Central avenuca.
CutciSNATI, O., April 19, 187T.
Mn. H. It. Stkvens :
I Lave suffered several years with Ihe kidney
ooin)'lnt, and waa luduort to try Veof.ti. I
hnve taken several bottle, of your prepHrntion, and
am convinced It la a valuable remedy. It has done
me more good than any olbr-r mtdlrlue. I can
heartily recotnmend It to ell Buffering from kidnej
couiilaiuts. Yours renpectf nliy,
3. 8. McSlILI.ES,
Flr't bookkeeper for Ntwhall. Gala st Co., Floru
Mt rcbaute, No. 86 Went Front tt., Cincinnati, O.
Vkoetinb has restored tlionaands to health whe
bad been long and paluful aufferen.
Vcgetine is So'd by all Drugg'sts.
Deafness, Ear Diseases, Catarrh
llr f. K. MIOIOSIAH Kit. tlie well-known eir
'U lufl AihaI Sur'i-on. Aulitu;-, ari'l Writer o tlie alxvt
I) (:M ludv t,e cuiiuilotl lv 11. a I ir r nw.nnllv at h!l
it;. . o. lil.'i fValmtl 't , IKnillne. I'a. lilt
.i::i ) book B"ltt fn-e. lha a iii-.'i un:piftc work nf
lu'i-s un Dentucaa, 1 at- ui the Kur ami Tuiisl'a,
u; 1 1 i;l.i 1I1, anl their pruiier tieuiiucuti phce S4 1
.NC i :. No one will qucctum Dr. Sboemaker'l itand
;nz or till.
WaEKTsl AOI'ifvrJ l" AOlcS'l'Si
.iAS "ItOTK" A
1 7' Hi nfafll
"Ty Wayward Pardner."
AliKXTS WAXVKD tn eery Town. I) n't alias It, till
i n I lor Circular at uru-e, an I m ih . le r:tiry. Ai.drvak
iJltltlCA.N I't ltUSIll.N'i (M.. II iiinoBD, Coax.
Best and Fastest Selling
' l'r;.'. reduced 2:1 rent. AH'Ireu 5i ATI AI,
. I1 Bf.ISIll. !M:-AY,1 Li.,
Ii j '- i '. tr M. i.o'.i ii. Mo.
1 1 O l H
siua up
Sent on Trlul AVut vti utetl. C..t-.luiii Free.
Alilnns DANIEL If. IIE.VTI'Y. Waalunaluu. N. J.
AKt iita Vautrcl tor tne nan la'imfst ana
is to $20 Kfis.'K s, raw.'S.fer
S79AWKEIC. e anl'y nmrte, Uoaliy
Oulflt lies. Addia J luus Co., Maine.
a. a V a ' "
fMi Ifw F?1 Prail
i lit! uA
80TKRB DRAWING BOOM 1TTXKS, Moots H I O sai upward! FOR LARGS CnCRCnKV$5TO,M0,ailto u4 m. rog UiUn trmVSWWL.
ODOOLS. ITO, S4 to no,aa4 npwardi POPULAR B7TI.M la greet variety, 139 to 3VU sod apward. Oliftasft FOat IAIT PATMKNTa. SAjaa aaa
eaariar, or IS per month sad apward. IU.I'1TB.ATID CATALOGUKfi sad PK1CK LISTS, free. r"
U Trcmont St.. BOSTON I 4S East 14tb St. fUnlon Sauara) NSW Wabaab Are. CHICAGO
a"aw 'tnimnnisai - af IB
Wi KaHl&iiili U iiac!uaaaa
,s&&& a am Aim
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest,
Cout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Smell'
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
17o Preparation on earth equala KT. Jtcets On
a a ne, a lire, tint pi f and rheap Bifenial
K'med.T A trial entaila but the comparaMrely
trlning outlay f 50 IVnfs, and every one Buffering
with pain can have cheap and poaiUve proof ef its
I'irectlont In EleTen Ingliages.
IJitltittiorr, JfTH.t XT. 8. A.,
JX5TEY& C2 Brattleboro VI
Iff Bin Bl-CARi)
Ia tlie be t In tba World. It la absolutely pure. It la tbe
best for MnlMnal Purposel. It U the Lost fur i'.ak!u alui
all Family Lava. Sold by all Drut,ttts and Uroctie.
Tha Crrat flomedv hot THE UVuRi
J Those jrreat orpaus nitj the h'fttuml clfutMrsof
PinoiijWfm. ii wii j wuiJi weti, iichiim v in l9 jxr
I f oct, If HirTjecoinerlipi:o(1, tlrrmiiul diwanoa nre
I ftorelpped uetniiB tho Ei'd la polrnned with the
i hMino: thttfhoni.i Imvo lif-rn expellril naturally.
ti.i i litnvr nir t'.,a Ahf--r IlionrnnJ hare been
! f?nron, ul all run 7 b i rr FAia trr:i lmcir!Tm.
Grrtinl Me.lnl
at Fiiilificiplila
Thl wontle-ful niV'stnnr? 1b Rckiinwle'lKoil by phy
tlcuiiei tur imh.iut the vvor 1 1.1 l.e the hebt dltv
ocvtT' I nr tin' aire f H'i.ini'ln, Ihhth. Hli(.-miift1sm,
Skin 1m nhcs Filcrt, Cutrrh Ci'i h itiiia. At:, in onler
tlmt evtTv oik' lrniy t it. It U put U' tn on l J tpnt
boitU'h f'r huiist-li"! il ii-?. oi't.iiu it from your ilnKptat,
an I uuwili Uiidlt fcui.erio; toauytiiiug you have tver
'iiiii (uic;iai,
EisTAUMSlIKU 1 1S05.
Thn Jr-nt IIil Iiirlllor.
In T'lrla?i-a to iu ike two jn.uiit. with dlrecttona, at
One Io iar, post.ip.'e fiee. Liberal discount to tbe
11 t: I'riiuvpil nnlv liv
.M.J UIUIA.'US. Ilvrnlim riiemlxt.
B4ikilt. VlHcnln.
n.OO Per liny Made Selling Onr New
Weintn amiratoly up to St lbs. It
hatnlfrime uprMaiaiK-e 11 tt at iutit
KetAil pi I if, t.t.. t -ther KaDilly iwviu
welutilug 11'. cost $6-UO. A ltftuiai
Raeluslve ti'rntory tlvon free. Tenua
and ruplil ivi'.os .op; iae old AeDts.
UOll M IC NClLti CO.,
No. 1V7 W. t ilth St., Cincinnati, O.
VPifi Mn,,p V"'t' MlM the best
laEl" i::lta on our New uooa,
I ft oviif.-H TA uvldt on Mother,
i J kme, nl llenvru, In
I'ioi. unit Poetrv. Lt Atil iu.
Ilioia. Illustrated. Pli'un i SJ 75. Alao,
I.'"1 "l ii' lo. illcs of iho itili.e," 1.7j. aiauetl
pa receipt or pnre.
V. It. JHIKAT, PMihditr, 757 Broadway. N. T.
ere jsu will Oisi sa. rl daw of caw
liae.aJ4r.. P,vf. MA 111 IN tLZ.ilVtmt.
tao sw.. sullen. Mas, i
Piutlfu1 fiiftnvltin of iho ancient XfTptlta sUllrk aa4
111. MniiC rmlli nit foil aid Unrlrr It laul t. V a M
fr.e. fir it r-luill.n tn r-nref f MimbIi boeka. srooda.
Bid Kt. T-nttlr cstilt.. Henri for illoeuntesi rautoni.
IU A- ill, MRtr 1'uLliebi-ra, 131 Br.WstesJ,
VtlrtKAtili U;,l y . .. a. .en ai-'SlI.SH-re.rUf,
HMt.a - .'.-If.
young men .itssi'rs;' gum. nttl a paying tittutlun. A14rM
VAI.i.N UNfe iwn., M.iiiKera, JanvtJie. W a.
r.T I I X. ii. fuii-rat, bouwht fwi
(V t4if4i; liitii.e i I'ntvfc s. n I fur Citcular, fi.ll pa
Uu ait, fc. C. IUm tiliioN. .i Howuru SU, Xew Yurk.
l.cM SdliiK Artie r il rM w.rTltl. a
am p . e frt. J a t liitoMo, DctioH U UJl,
A YRAlt and expend s to ftgeata.
P. O VtiiiCKHY, Aua,U,Maiae.
AI.l.KU'S Iti nln I'tioil nt'ea Nervona Debllltj
A V'o.iii,'U of Gt'i.rr.uve nii;iiiis, l a'l diuiata.
Bhki fur IJir'I'r to Aik-n'a Pliamiji.y, all! t'ltat Ae.,N . Y.
iliM iililne Habit Cured In 14
to iliira. N ia; till Cured,
Du.J.aiii'uwNb,lA)banon Oblu.
f'KKE. i Mualral Journal. Add't V. Brehm, Erie, Pa.
DlCn'C Olirjr?'"' Consumption la also
rlilU O vUKil thcb.ral couth uiedlclua.
CCR AWKK.Ktn your own town. Terma and $9 Oolftt
iree. aunn
II IUui.ett A Co., Portland. Maiue.
ha n b KiairBi-iJ an a
j aj x h r. i
a . 4 .. Sunhu. Mrm
ino(rtclortlviir I Purifier. Llvwf
2 ' tor "l " ""JUl ",orm
operaUo&s.eaa ...,v...Ja4Iiillra.
Tier rlrs IS U " '
ToallwhoM mPrrr or whe
w - m i.M.ntiMnM irrwoiHi
ty of the bowel or
tonlo said mild Stimulant,
quire an Appuwr
nop Bitten in
liable, wltnout mio-
No matter wtiatyour f e
or symptoms
are what tbe dJaeaxe or all
a tami await Mntll wntt I
kraent la use Bop Bir
ire elo a- out ii 70a
enly feel bad or miile.l them a one
It may eareyoor haal a no,"lreu
BOO wlU be palil for TVL S!
euriorhelp. Do not V ton- ilr. a? nnn tllttera l no.'9' "ruFf1
drunken aoatrum. but tbe Pure
atedlc ne erar made i tlie "MTll
and BOPS" and no peraon or family
ebould be without them. UI.JdlM aejiflt ib'(it
D. I.O.I' an abnbit.- rt! IfMitlble cure 8 S.Swi
lnrl)nmkennoi.u"eoror':iv:i. Tolracco fl.oniri"t"
nareoticn. A1J aolil by ili-u.lta. t
for Clreular. nop niltrr ntg. Oe.,
Fwwwnr s j aTyi imj.
HTNU -49
imM (Aa MKUA I. or IIOXOR at tlx UnUnnitd aad
Literary Revolution.
2 CENTS VM&m&tf.
lie tirent, 11. f ariy'e'a LU a r ltnlier. llama. III. 1
luinlui.'a Life o Mary yu -. not 3iot. IV. Tho. Hub.'
vunlanew e O KT P 2 tai foniioriy
01 Clnal. D lybFliO . a. Ii: I. Anio .Ve l.lntil
or Aula II. ael.isni'tk's Vkar of Wakelielrl. III. baraa
HuiK-lialiaon'e Travcla ami tfurprllns AilventU'ea Vur
I Th: lluny in'a I'ilirruu's Proe'em. Illiitraiel
raulomie aent trie. AMKItlCAN HIXIK KXt.'ll AISOB,
Juliu B. Aldtn, Atan iEer. Tllonne ItlllldiiK. New York.
Representing tho chi i p-t sc-ln-tej Tortnie.
Hi ell nnd Auibor. Ti c lichest, hnm's nnn-t,
nnd strongi st ki own. So .1 iiv O itic hub and
j wMcrs. SUiJh hv Sl'KN El! OPTICAL
,M FG. CO., 13 Maiden I.hho, Nw Yurk.
Ist!ie " (Vnr-i)tr.ttrl an1 nt'Mih'c rn,!jr
i"'.p MiikiT. IKre ttirt; h a-oiiijviii) li fm I r in iiciug
XI tide Nf ftii'l Toll I ! wi q'llcklv. It iP !ui!
v."inlit :uil ulritutli. Ax:. mui itrLxer fur H fcl1uaA
I I l: It. MiA Uktr iwi utnerr.
TUU Clulm-Ilouae ICstabliahril ISUS.
New Iaw. Ttaotuftnitt of foMIits tn.1 lietrn putHUtl.
P natoi.i tiitte back to dutcluii te ur Uvulti. Time UutU 4.
AJUreesa, with ifauip.
P. O. Drawer ;i4.t WanlituKton. I. O.
Hull lylilhiSKKSl
.m l UCSt ; ft rtt is niei-nt
uet'UBty.pmfhK'iiiL! t: n nman
" tnni, i.n.lco r It n. : t
iiri.wui -). N 1 ST A I y
tli SKIN, an I hi in-! v
'I'P twt. It B ft H- IttiXt
prtiaatloii nwi afitvoriM
in?ve:y wul i l-tluui tol-U-tior
La lyor Oi-iit tDian.
S..It by Dm i:. ant Hp-i:ii-.i
by ITnlr lrese a.
1 nti.t.u.l Wli liimSt ,S.Y.
V. S. CKITl KN'l o.V, Aft
sn.-a-Aaa.aamBi i.eca.
Fatent 8ihi k-Anestlno I n
eincs, mounted and on skirls.
Vertical lint'inns with wro'l
Ixiilers. Kiirukn Safety iow
ers with Sectional boilers
. ean't be exploded. All
iwith Auloinalio Cut-Oils.
r"iom$toO to (2,000.
Send for Circular. tafa
where jou saw this.
.4 D.isltlvely line I en.iileW caknea,aiieh nn Kali
ik of tbe Womb, t.lntea, rtironio liillumiiiat'on ot
iJk'eratlunof the Womb, InelUentul llomorrhtiue ot
r loodliift, 1'utnful, buniuvsaei ami liregulor ali na
tru.inon, Ac. An old uml roliuhlo i-eniotly. Kenii po.
1.1I runl for a iiainiibli't, wt- b troaliuent, cures anil
lertKlcHU'H from nliyalclujM ami liulieutH. to How
irtli & I, .llor.l, UUca, V. Huiii by adi UruutlaLe
11 rril im r bwwla.
7'kr tuMtat lima eirr Id entirely AVie Work k.
John JJ. Gouqh.
I rrl. . work " (V flrH !,, ,m,l,,,.l J U rwm
"'I'l-' in !. :1rr iaih,i, (,icy liuinor. uud r! Ihlnn t.r 1
II I. , ill ollirr ho..k. l,v,i i. ,mr. tlimiu r, u
m I ,1. I .i. k.uu U trr w.itliif l,.r II, .il H'- irli tr.
tl. TV .4 -,-JH., . ,.,. ;4
''Il l'i CO .V1,nti,,,,, Il.mioi.i, (.
We will sVJii oiir Kitvtnr-Vollaif? Helta auJ otLer
RUtiic App.uucea iiHn fur.-) ilajtio ttuiar nH'iu:l4-4
aih Aervom l)rii,Uty an-t tiiuw of a per coital no turn,
A of lUe 1 INtr, Kl-ln v. HiRUUiMliiUi, l'aittll:,clt
A urt urc guaraM ed or tw iuy.
AJJrtM Voltaic Belt Co. Mmlull, Mtch.
ATiNl,-l'iUio.:n,i old Kstabliuhed Asthma
Hametiy ulvtivi tnt.uit relief In all cj an ft wlucb
la luiloTfc d by thuuiuui-lb m mUcieia finui ih s littrraalug
diaoa1, is manufat-uiri'tt hu-i vM uy Chan, stiuter at tba
0it!tiiaJ UVt, Kpario, Viciiiu, anU u-it per Bull
to aujr a4drcaa on receipt of Que Dollar per Box. m
minrTPlf. AgDUWantel ere'ywh
Ml 1 111" I rflX tofte:itofi(iu)lit;a,bute.itaiKl
I aJ 1 1 k brlWIUrua fxjiittumem; 1'Tc-hI
ft ot k lit tlm county; aualnj au'i tennit Hie beat. C'cnn
trvitorckcsi(eiihoo 3cllor write TUB WKI.l.S TA
1 I I HO ul nd IS. 1
1 a a err aa til is 1 a a r or a cr